#{|⋄Meir ✧ ic⋄|}
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rain-filled-garden · 1 year ago
{ @cirquedenightmares as a lil starter for Ash~ }
✨} The morning was quite a peaceful one, with mostly only the songs of birds and the rustle of a breeze through the trees filling the forest… However, that didn't mean the forest animals were the only ones out and about. As a ways into the forest, near a clearing, a silvery haired man was carefully walking through the plants that surrounded him. Clothing brushing against leaves as he stopped to kneel down, carefully picking a few sections from the bundle of herbs that were growing almost underfoot.
As he prepared to move on, however… He caught the sense of something else in the area near by, and although he seemed to pay it no mind at first, trying to get a feel for just what it was… After gathering a couple more selections of herbs, the humanoid wyvern finally spoke up to whatever the presence was. "You needn't hide anymore, you know… Considering that I noticed you a short while ago." Regardless of if what he was speaking to understood him, Meir made sure his tone was gentle. As while he would defend his home if needed, whatever was near by didn't feel like a threat thus far.
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writtenonreceipts · 1 year ago
Rowaelin Month Day Twenty Two: Magic/Shifting Lessons with the Kids @rowaelinscourt
Month Masterlist
~1k words, another day of poor editing
Father and Son
The screams were what drew Rowan’s attention first.
He couldn’t scent any blood so he knew it wasn’t terribly urgent.  Nor could he scent any pain either.  But when his children were involved, it was best to put an end to screaming as soon as possible.  The last time he and Aelin had tried to let them scream it out the entire west wing of the palace had nearly been destroyed.
So, Rowan picked up his pace as he rounded the corner down to the practice yard where he knew his two oldest should have been working on their sword formations.  He came face to face with a young soldier instead, likely on his way to find him or Aelin.
“Ah, your highness,” the young fae said.  He bowed shortly, refusing to meet Rowan’s gaze. “The children--”
“Are causing problems again, aren’t they?” Rowan finished.  The soldier’s eyes only widened to a comical size. “I’ll see to them.”
Without saying anything else, he swept past the soldier and out to the yard.  It indeed was chaos.
Two of the practice dummies had been obliterated.  Hay streaked in every direction, barrels overturned, and Meiri stood center of it all.  Her blonde hair was, as always, in disarray, and her tunic mussed up.  She pointed her wooden practice sword at a crate where Rowan could just make out Finlay hiding behind.
Oh good.  They were getting along swimmingly.
“Come out, Finlay!” Meiri shouted. She was sixteen and well on her way to taking over the world. “You can’t hide behind that.”
“You’re cheating.”  Finlay, nearly fifteen, kept his position with his own practice sword clutched in his hands.  
Rowan could at least pride himself on the fact he insisted they not use real weapons on each other unless he, Lorcan, or Aedion were present.
“I’m not cheating!”
“Are too!”
“You can use magic too, if you actually tried!”
Meiri’s words were not meant to be cruel exactly, but she was young and confident and could be rather arrogant in her own abilities.  Exactly like her mother.  And Rowan knew how Finlay would take the words all the same.
He waited until Meiri finally noticed him.
“Da!” she exclaimed. “Would you please tell Fin this isn’t how you fight.  He’s embarrassing himself, really.”
“Stand down, Meir,” Rowan said.  He dipped his chin at his daughter who frowned, but lowered the wooden sword all the same.
Rowan nodded in approval before going to the crate where Fin was still hiding behind.  It wasn’t often that the lad acted like this.  He was indeed proud and hated displaying weakness of any sort.  But he was also still young and barely coming into maturity.  Rowan could only guess what was going on in his son’s head.  So he eased himself onto the ground right beside Fin, crossing his arms over his knees in a relaxed position.
Finlay groaned. “Oh, would you just leave me alone?”
He squeezed his eyes shut and banged his head against the crate.
“I’m the only one equipped to handle the two of you when you get like this,” Rowan reminded his son.
“Meiri’s insane,” Fin hissed.
“I heard that!” Meiri shouted from behind them.
Rowan rolled his eyes. “Not now, Meiri.”
His words were followed by a huff and stomping feet.  Rowan waited a bit longer until he knew Meiri had fully retreated to the weapons room.  He looked at his son.
Finlay was a near replica of Rowan himself.  Silver hair, tan skin, and green eyes.  Though…Rowan would swear Fin’s eyes changed on occasion.  No matter.  It was still a bit disconcerting at times to remember the fact that he, Rowan Whitethorn, had a son.  Even if he’d had over a decade to get used to the fact.  
“What happened?” Rowan asked. “Couldn’t summon ice or couldn’t aim?”
Fin said nothing as she stretched his long legs out before him.
“By the looks of it, you got a bit out of control?” Rowan pressed.
Fin banged his head against the crate again.
“It’s hard to control early on,” Rowan said, he tried to channel the way his own father trained him and not what he had learned trapped in Maeve’s oath. “Even harder when you’re still growing into yourself, maturing--”
“Stop talking da,” Fin said, finally looking at him.  It was more like a glare but Rowan would take it.
He smothered a grin and knocked his shoulder with Fin’s. “It’s alright to struggle with your magic.  But you can’t let your temper control you.”
Fin scowled. “I don’t let it control me.”
“Then why will we need to have the servants make new practice dummies?” Rowan asked.  He didn’t want to embarrass his son or make this situation worse than it could potentially be.  But sometimes you had to press and dig to get the answers you wanted. “Seems like something happened.”
Fin kept his eyes trained forward to an alcove across the practice yard.  It was left in afternoon shadows but was as innocuous a place as any to train your attention when avoiding confrontation.
For a moment, Rowan wondered if he should call Aelin here.  She’d struggled with controlling her magic and it hadn’t been centuries since that happened.  Unlike with Rowan.  He could still remember the vague sense of frustration, but it truly had been an age since he’d struggled so much.
“Finlay,” Rowan began as she stretched his legs out before him.  “Sometimes, getting better at something takes longer than we think it will, but that doesn’t mean we give up on it.”
Fin continued scowling. “Meiri teases me for losing control.  I’m trying, I’m trying really hard, da.”
It was true that Meiri’s magic had always come easily to her, that she didn’t struggle with it, that it was simply a natural extension of her being.  And even though Fin had displayed his magic early on--he’d always had a difficult time reigning it in.
“That’s just Meiri,” Rowan sighed.  “But she is your sister, and you do actually have to talk to her about things.  Or we can have one big family dinner and talk about what it’s like to grow up and change.”
“No!” Fin shouted, grabbing the front of Rowan’s shirt. “That’ll just make it worse.”
Rowan chuckled, unable to help it.  He stood and offered a hand to Fin.
“C’mon then,” he said. “I helped train your mother.  I can help train you too.”
not ready to try tagging again... but as always, thanks for reading friends
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ao3yennaia · 7 months ago
Let's Break the Ice
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6ZcE9x0 by Runaway_Writer Leaning heavily against a bale of stiff hay, Yennefer let her eyes drift shut. A small, weary smile played at the edges of her chapped lips. Time was up.   ---- Written for Whumptober Day 18, Prompt: "Just get it over with." | Treading Water| "Take my coat." Words: 11302, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 5 of Your Hope Torn Apart (My Heart On The Floor) Fandoms: The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Tissaia de Vries, Voleth Meir (The Witcher) (mentioned) Relationships: Tissaia de Vries/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Feels, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg Needs a Hug, Depression, Prompt Fill, Whumptober 2022, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Misunderstandings read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6ZcE9x0
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sofarfarout · 2 years ago
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Pokemon trainer oc
I really like him, he's cool
Doodle without his coat and hat: https://sta.sh/01l4q3xll33s
Name: Mori
Name Origin: Tagetes moorei, a Mexican species of marigolds, and memento mori
Gender: male
Age: 46
Height: 7', always slouching and sort of crumpled over himself, rarely stands up straight
Build: lean, stronger than he looks
Attire: tattered brown long coat and hat, olive green tank top, ragged beige pants, simple sandals, dark brown fingerless gloves
Occupation: gravedigger
Specialization: Ground types
Hometown: Anistar City
Personality(+): calm, earnest, open, selfless, shrewd
Personality(o): dry, earthy, gruff
Personality(-): crafty, graceless, lazy, stiff
Likes: naps, camping, antiques, cactus juice, jazz music
Dislikes: secrets, cockiness, mascot suits, rain, cutesy pokemon
Pokemon, nicknamed after necropoleis
*Meir(Sandaconda, male)
Shed Skin
Tera Ground
-Body Press
*Bougon(Gliscor, male)
Sand Veil
Tera Dark
-Swords Dance
-Knock Off
*Chellah(Houndstone, male)
Sand Rush
Tera Ground
-Last Respects
-Stomping Tantrum
*Jedars(Garganacl, male)
Purifying Salt
Tera Rock
-Salt Cure
*Erasmus(Donphan, male)
Tera Ground
-Knock Off
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Spinner
*Makli(Hippowdon, male)
Sand Stream
Tera Ground
-Slack Off
-Stealth Rock
Mori is a gravedigger by trade. He's not the most tactful or outgoing but then again, his job is digging holes, not talking. He tries not to think about life too hard and takes it as it comes, and as it goes.
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blacktvnews · 3 years ago
Africa-Israel: in Cameroon, Eran Moas, a very special “consultant”
“Israel Connection” (2/4). He does not appear on any official organization chart, but in Cameroon, everyone knows that he is the cornerstone of an Israeli system that he helped to establish, from Etoudi hill to the Kribi marina. Portrait of a man with sprawling networks. The alcohol is flowing freely. Behind the bar which runs alongside the restaurant, a cocktail professional handles his shakers with virtuosity, attracting attention. A few bottles of stronger alcohol await their new owner in a bucket filled with ice cubes which will soon melt. This evening, for the privileged (and wealthy) customers of Famous, the trendiest restaurant-cabaret in Yaoundé, the Cameroonian night keeps its promises. It has the amber color of whiskey and the sparkling flavor of champagne. In the heart of the Bastos district, the address has become essential. Samuel Eto'o recently spent the evening there with Fifa boss Gianni Infantino. The artists Charlotte Dipanda and Lady Ponce performed there, like Maître Gims and Wes Madiko.
Among the African and international stars, one man also has his habits: Eran Moas. The face of the advisor of the Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR, Cameroonian special forces) is well known to the most diligent. On November 3 this year, it is even very possible that the Israeli will come to celebrate his 45th birthday there, surrounded by his closest friends. His 23rd celebrated on Cameroonian lands. In the festive atmosphere, the shadow man of Paul Biya's elite troops  does not seem to cultivate secrecy. He feels at home. And for good reason: it is. Described as “the club of Israelis” in the upper echelons of Yaoundé, Famous is managed by the company Danaet. Its owner is not listed in the commercial register, but Moas is one of the main financiers.
From Kinshasa to Yaoundé
According to several of his contacts, the BIR advisor manages (or has managed) the participation of the Israeli community in Cameroon in numerous other companies, such as MegaHertz and Ringo (two communications companies), the Espresso House café-restaurant, or the Safari Club, which became the Trust Club less than a year ago.How did he acquire this central role? Flashback. Freshly released from compulsory military service in Israel, Eran Moas arrived in Cameroon in 1998. He was barely 22 years old. A communications technician, he was then employed by the Tadiran company, one of the Israeli flagships of surveillance and radar technologies. At the time, relations between Yaoundé and Tel Aviv were already in good shape. Since 1984 and the coup d'état that almost overthrew him, Paul Biya has trusted the Israelis to reform his security system. He wants to free himself from the French, who, according to him, are too close to his predecessor, Ahmadou Ahidjo. His Congolese neighbor, Mobutu Sese Seko, introduced him to a man, Meir Meyuhas. This Egyptian Jew knows Central Africa perfectly. A former spy in the service of the Israeli army (infiltrated into Egypt in the 1950s, he was arrested and imprisoned there), he already frequented Mobutist power circles in Kinshasa in the early 1970s. When Zaire broke off its relations with Israel following the Yom Kippur War in 1973, it was he who first informed the ambassador of the Hebrew State in Egypt, one of his close friends. And, in 1982, while he contributed to the training of the Zairian leader's bodyguard, it was still he who was in charge of promoting the reestablishment of relations between the two countries, serving as an intermediary between Mobutu, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Defense Minister Shimon Peres.
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felix-conlangs · 1 year ago
The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Meir Linjar part 11
Unus Glakietol Kramus Konus,
/ˈʊn.ʊz gla.ˈki:.tɔl ˈkʁa.mʊz ˈkɔ.nʊz/
one.F freeze.3SG.PST cream cone
One ice cream cone,
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human-antithesis · 1 year ago
Ék sé framtíð í ísa broti
Ék sé framtíð í ísa broti! Ék finn alfrǫðl rísa sem sendir engar kaldar fleygiǫ́rar yfir djúp ríki vǫll brimilsins. Ný kringla er loksins byrjuð. Þessi dimmi vandar jǫtunn ok stǫðug hættan á snjóskriðum hjaðnar meir ok meir ok gefr oss nýja von um að lifa af. Þessi úlfs nótt verðr ekki gleymd, þessi hvísluðu orð verða oss alltaf í minni. Enn ólgar byrmǫrk, enn hungrar braut dýrr dreka í vammlaust líf. En ungt jarðar hár læðist gegnum hvíta dauðann ok nýtt ljós frelsar fróns legg vætti frá ís ok snjó. Margir Draupnis niðjar hurfu til óþekkts útgarðs ǫrvar ássins, mikið fé var hirt af ǫrlǫgunum. Haukstalda gramr gaf svanteigs elda orð til að muna, orð sem binda líf mitt til að leiða þessa ætt. Við byggðum brandnór oss aftr, fundum nýjar slóðir til flóðs mana viðr sem voru eigi minna bitin af ylgjar verrs kalda kjafti. En sumir Viðblinda geltir fylgja eigin vegum inn í Ǫnundarfjǫrð, þetta jarðar skarð hafi slétt mitt. Sumir enda ferðalag lífsins á sanda grunni oss. Eins ok faðir sagði oss, þetta veldr alltaf reiði ok styrjǫld. Allar áttir Ingvifreys voru teknir til ríki Loka-dóttr, mǫrg líf bíða enn eftir að falla fyrir hendi þessarar ókunnugu ok þǫglu vætt. Fetum gamlan stíg aftr til Vatnsfjǫrðs ok endrnýjum kynni. Hátt er nú gjaldið ok hærra en áðr! Svo virðist sem goðorð sé ekki alltaf merki um frið ok auðæfi. Hjaldrs bálregns viðir voru jafnvel í fyrnd fjarðarjarðar endalausra skóga helteknir af hlýðni til veraldlegra goða, til að hlýða skínandi Freyju tór kaldra dreyra mæri. Ék man að mikið hrafns vín rann niðr véttrim þeirra. Ék man að Gungnis vǫ́fuðr var alltaf bakvið tjǫldin þegar ofsi leiddi Heljar sónþollr. En erum fǫst fyrir. Ísa brot færir alltaf nýja þekkingu til þeirra sem hafa hvarma skóga stjǫrnr til að sjá. Látum mána hauðrs hvéls geisla lýsa upp myrka afkima falskra orða.
[ENGLISH - I can see a future]
I can see a future! I can feel a Sun rising that spreads no cold staves over the deep kingdom of water. A new circle has finally started. The dark storms and the steady danger from snowslides more and more fades away and give us new hope to survive. This winter will be remembered, these whispered words will be remembered. Still the ocean boils, still hungry sisters crave for innocent life. But new grass lurks through the white death and new light sets stoned spirits free from snow and ice. Many a man faded away to the unknown outside of Ullr, many cattle were caught by destiny. My father gave my mother words to remember, words that bind my life to lead this family. We built up our homesteads again and found new paths to neighbors that were not less bitten by the wolf's cold mouth. But some whales follow their ways into Ǫnundarfjǫrðr. Some end their lifes journey on our beaches. As my father told us, this always starts anger and war. Many great families were taken to Hel's kingdom, many lives still wait for their end that is caused by this alien and silent soul. We find our way back to Vatnsfjǫrðr and renew words. High is now the amount of goods that we are obliged to transfer! It seems a Goðorð is not always a sign for peace and wealth. Good men were already in the old world of eternal woods taken by a false will to obey material gods. For obeying the shining gold of cold blades. I remember that much Blood ran down their fuller. I remember Óðinn was always at hand when fury led men. But we stay. Spring always brings new knowledge to those who have open eyes to see. Let the sun's rays illuminate the dark corners of false words.
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wall-eye · 1 year ago
faves under the cut actually. there be pet site dragons
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amara and oado, my progen and rangen
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Spork - he is the exalt machine in my clan <3 trebuchet them away spork. yeet. bonus bio:
You are welcomed into the clan with others from the Auction House. You see your companions grow and leave to train. You dont see them again. You are put on a nest. You watch your hatchlings grow and leave to train. You dont see them again. You welcome newcomers to the clan. You see them grow and leave to train. You dont worry about it. You are put on a nest.
You hear yelling and go back to work. What did they say? You dont know. You hear yelling and go back to work.
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pretty boy Asterisk, #42424241. Oracle who is *almost* always right
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UwUniverse- A cold, clear winter's night. / The whole night sky is visible. Aether- A dark desert, the imbetween time of the sky where it is light enough on the west to be blue / yet dark enough in the east to be pitch black with scattered stars Unnamed- Swift running stream, hidden under ice / reflecting the sun, moments from rising
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Meir- A cave where no light is found, / except for the pale luminescence glow from the walls. Nila- An underground cavern, containing a deep lake / that glows from it center / decorated by paper swans, hanging from the ceiling, their source unknown Unnamed- a fire at dusk / never lit, always crackling
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Oasis- A hidden spring, surrounded by miles of desert. / Few see its lush greens and blues, fewer live to tell the tale. Diana- Heat and haze growing rapidly, sun beating down / heart racing, close the tent flap and wait for it to come
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Mae <3 and Cloud climber <3
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POOHBEAR. he took me a YEAR to breed
others not mentioned and these guys AND their pets can be found here <3
Logged back into fr to look at my old guys and i love these guys so much yall. i love my landscape tab, i dont know how i forgot about poohbear or spork, i still adore cornsnake and asterisk and uwuniverse and ofc amara and oado and all of my lil dragon guys
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corrunuptia · 3 years ago
« don’t you think you should say sorry? » oh no
get mauled by the queen. ( accepting )
though meir speaks not particularly loudly, nor words of much notice, he sends forth a wave of silence through the crowd. the swaying of the ballroom slows to a crawl and even the orchestra quiets. when annalise replies her own voice is clear over hushed whispers and soft strings. at once commanding and daring, annalise turns to face the warlock, head tilted in curiosity.
‘ repeat thyself? ’
it appears on her way through the dancers she has disturbed some poor noble girl, whose cup spilled about her dress. the girl’s beautiful clothing is bright red with wine, and her face is stained much the same color. her small shriek may have caught meir’s attention, and perhaps some sense of honor bade him call to the careless offender. she stands now next to him, trying to hide behind his small frame, clutching at her clothes in quiet despair.
but fortune is not on the warlock’s side, and the queen ( mood already soured by some political nonsense ) does not take lightly to his reprisal. words that she would have normally ignored or laughed off today made her feel positively murderous. one of her guards speaks up, mentioning a precarious situation, and the uselessness of this altercation, but she hushes him with a raised hand.
‘ are we to accept such disrespect, spoken to our very face? we yet have pride. ’
the knight concedes, strands of white hair falling about his face. they do not conceal a growing smirk on his scarred features as he too turns his attention to meir. all eyes and ears, in fact, are turned to this petty scene.
annalise gives the young man no time to regret his actions. in a few strides she is before him, towering in silent fury. she grabs his chin, nails digging around his soft cheeks, and shifts it left and right, peering at his features.
‘ it is a shame to mar such a pretty face with this foul tongue. for thy sake, it would be our great pleasure to have it   r e m o v e d. ’
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rain-filled-garden · 1 year ago
{ @puxrlunae -gently slides over my boi- }
✨} Surprisingly gentle steps trod across the grass and plants underfoot, careful to try and not step upon said plants when he could avoid it… Moving about the forest in his wyvern form wasn't the easiest task, thanks mainly to his size, but even so-- It had been a good while since Meir last stretched his legs through the wood like this. And he'd been itching to do so in a way let him truly feel the forest around him.
His large form carefully weaving around through the trees, almost seeming to nudge them affectionately here or there with his shoulder… And while it seemed he was heading with no destination in mind, this wasn't quite true. As he recalled from a few past trips along this area of the forest that there should be a rich section of berries ripe just about now… Which, assuming animals hadn't beaten him there, sounded like a fine thing to harvest for later.
However… While growing near to the area he had in mind, the wyvern quickly realized that he wasn't so alone in this tucked away section of forest-- Sensing an unfamiliar presence, and soon enough catching a scent to go along with it, Meir stopped in his tracks for a moment. Still far enough away to have some coverage from the trees, but not exactly able to fully hide… Simply trying to gain a feel for whoever it was up ahead, whilst peering ahead past the trees.
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aonoitansha · 6 years ago
@curvispugnator liked for a starter
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“So....you want to play with magic?”
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mcnstros · 4 years ago
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@voidht​ said:    Eyes glimmer, shine almost. One would not see but he knows. Who they are. What they are. A rarity: finding and meeting one so much older than him. It filled the demon with a long lost excitement, somehow, despite both them wearing their guise walking the human world. So many questions he wanted to ask them. What had they lived through, what had they seen? Meir approached the taller, seemingly human, horns & tail hidden. A smile was on his face, awaiting their reaction to be met by their own kin.
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it only takes until the other is standing right in front of them to notice the demonic presence and that it comes from him, eyes widening and lips parting in surprise. well! sorun’s never actually met another demon outside of hell. oh, of course they’ve sensed their presence, but they never sought them out nor have any sought sorun out. it’s why they’re so shocked to see another standing here before them.
sorun’s eyes seem to sparkle as well as they begin to smile. it’ll be so nice to get to know another demon! although... neither of them can exactly admit to being such a thing out in the open, can they?    “ ah, i would introduce myself here, however there are a lot of people around. would you... care to chat elsewhere? perhaps the café at the end of the block? “
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wintervvaltz · 2 years ago
31) for sender to sensually bite receiver’s thighs. (A+M)
Death. Valkyrie. Slayer of Gods, Bringer of War. Saviour to the end, Sherphard to the stars. Of the fourteenth seat....
Aadhira had plenty of names, all holding weight behind them- a legend of fear, a story of a terrified glory. Tales to be not afraid rang true, revertabrating off of each other until, in the mixing pot regions, they melded together, into one long song of a beast, a siren. A maneater.
How odd for such a man to be brought to his knees by a lone Dragoon.
Menphine's spell was deadly; the Goddess of love knew no bounds when it came to her enchantments, a loyal dog following behind. Aadhira had not sought audience for a fight, but it had indeed turned into a spar. She had been vague about the prize, but he assumed some kind of relic; a weapon, or elsewise. Not to mention, he was fighting in his dancer gear- a rather suggestive pair of boots and tights to top it off, along with the heavenly amount of ass and thight.
He guessed Meir's own physical form was enough of a weapon in itself, if he thought about it- even without the film of Menphina's spell.
With a new team of adventurers seeking audience, Aadhira bustled them behind one of the pillars just outside her arena. His hair stuck to his forehead, his breath fogging into the air in front of him as he panted. The tails of the coat on his dancer outfit smooshed into the ice behind him as he felt Meir heave him by his thighs- he shifted, closing them tighter around the others shoulders mischveiously.
What he wasn't expecting was for Meir to turn his head, opening his jaws enough to take a near-bite. Aadhira gasped, reaching down to slip his fingers into Meir's hair and gripping it tightly. When the other pulled back, he could almost see the beginning's of a bruise- which he was more than happy about.
'20 minutes.' He reminded, gently pushing his hand further into Meir's hair. He intertwined his fingers tightly within the strands, tugging a little. His eyes flashed with a pink film, light aether wisping through them.
'Make it quicker, and we may even be able to sneak out of here,' Aadhira whispered, leaning back against the pillar to observe the mans reaction slowly.
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chillmachinebroke · 3 years ago
ooooo i have to see s2 jaskier seeing igni!! ~d-andilion
Okay so this concept has definitely been done before but I don't think there can ever be enough of it so I started writing my own version.
This is also probably the wip I've worked on the most recently.
The premise is Jaskier staying at Kaer Morhen after season 2. He's constantly cold because he's avoiding fire. Geralt notices and tries to be helpful but he ends up scaring Jaskier when he uses igni to light the fire place in Jaskier's room.
The plan is to have it end with them getting together.
I also threw in a bit of fix-it stuff for fun. Eskel is alive (it's also game Eskel because that's just my preferred version of the character), and none of the Witchers died because they organized themselves properly. So really, it's just Jaskier struggling while everyone else is celebrating.
Kaer Morhen became unbearably cold after sunset. Whatever warmth direct sunlight offered throughout the day disappeared and the ice and wind and cold seeped into the old keep like blood soaking through cloth.
Alas there was little to be done about the cold when one was actively avoiding fire. Instead, Jaskier opted to exist on the periphery, away from hearths and close to exits. He let the Witchers drink and celebrate to their hearts' content. After all, they had a great deal to celebrate.
When Voleth Meir had attempted to assassinate their first Witcher with Ciri's hands, by some twist of destiny, Eskel had arrived just in time. He'd been there to see his brother for an unrelated reason, but he'd stopped the massacre before it could begin. The wolves organized their forces and by the time Geralt arrived they were battle ready. A plan was made, Voleth Meir was dealt with, and they were left to figure out what her freedom would mean for the future.
A future, the wolves had decided, could wait for a day or two while they drank each other under the table 'as a family'.
Send me a wip title and I'll tell you about it!
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rosuia · 6 years ago
@voidfcks, Leans in to gently bite into one of those soft tiddies.
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unable to resist wincing some at the  inevitable  scratching  &.  scraping from his fangs,  &.  even  MORE  unable to hold back a little whine,  the vampiress gazes down  lovingly  to their sireé.      they know well he’ll be sure to leave behind  many  speckles of bruises from biting  &.  sucking the flesh of their breasts,  all while they  BASK  in the sensation of being possessed entirely by meir  ──  marking his property.
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rain-filled-garden · 1 year ago
{ @cuteteacakes -offers Owen one large lizard- }
✨} It had been quite a while since the wyvern last stretched his wings, and so… Meir felt tonight was a fine chance to do just that. Soaring overhead near the thing layer of clouds which fogged over the stars… Before playfully dipping upwards into siad layer.
Such was how the wyvern passed a few of the coming hours, before the need to rest made itself known. Slowly descending down toward the large patch of forest he could see below, his large form rustled the trees as he came down among their branches. Soon enough settling with grass under foot as he shook for a moment-- not unlike a large dog would do to rid themselves of water.
Now, despite the fact that he'd made some degree of noise when coming in to land, the large dragon didn't yet assume anyone had noticed… Given that the area seemed to be quite deserted of anything but wildlife. And so, Meir thought nothing of moving into a clearing he spotted in order to lie down across the grass. Massive form now loosely curled up while the wyvern rested his wings. Although, even in the darkness... Something large as he was, and with such pale coloring, would easily stand out should anything happen to notice him.
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