#{{ grassy feilds and ancient trees. }}
redysetdare · 2 years
They should add different backdrops into kingdom. I think the fact there's only one makes it v boring and kind of ruins the theme if u try to do any other kind of kingdom that isn't supposed to be grassy green and foresty. Where are the snow backdrops? Desert? Mountains? Beach?
I'm currently making a snowy cold kingdom but the fact that some places don't allow me to place snow is very annoying and leaves weird grass patches. Not to mention the backdrop is free feilds and trees 😩
Idk I think it should be something you can unlock via completing parts of the story (maybe we unlock certain backdrops based around the ancients kingdoms?) Or that you can buy similar to castle design? Special events could even release special backdrops (like cherry blossom backdrop or Halloween spooky forest backdrop)
Idk I think it'd make kingdom customization a lot nicer and will help fit people's kingdom themes better.
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Closed starter for @laetaxlarvis
Wandering out of the forest was always a treat for the boy. He never really did so often, though he knew it to be more out of habit than real necessity. And every time he came, the adults stared at him incessantly, pity in their eyes. It’s not like he’d asked to be a skull kid, and certainly not to be oggled at by a bunch of wealth obsessed Hylians. No, he was simply here to have a look at the new mask shop that had popped up quite literally overnight.
From the moment he entered the gate, all eyes seemed on him, which wasn’t exactly a change. He wasn’t a stunner when it came to appearances. ‘Still, it would be nice if they would just stop staring!’ Anger flared, but he knew it was no use getting himself worked up over something so small. After all, they always did this. It isn’t like anything would change.
Skull Kid had little trouble finding the shop. Castle Town boasted a bustling economy, but the marketplace was rather small. He knew not who the owner was, though if it was to follow the trend of the others, some weirdo with an odd obsession with masks.
He pushed the door open quietly, struggling under the weight of heavy wood and dusted himself off, trying to establish some sense of confidence and self importance. He marched assuredly up to the counter and announced loudly, “Hello sir, I am here to purchase a mask. Which might you suggest?”
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