#{{ but gosh it's the 'aren't you' for me folks. **fans self** }}
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frozenambiguity · 1 year ago
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And when I tell you Kaeya loves to mock and tease his s.o. with this suggestive, defiant tone of voice during naughty times —
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ribbondee · 3 months ago
dumb vent thingy under the cut
Yeah. it's a pretty trivial matter in my eyes but it still bugs me a ton. I'm putting it under read more as to not bother too many people...
I know the PMATGA fandom is small, but there are still several artists for it that are well known and beloved in it.
...and then there's me on the side spewing out my nonsense and barely getting noticed.
It really shouldn't bother me that I'm not as well known or loved as others in the PMATGA fanbase, but it does. I often struggle with feeling like my content isn't and never will be good enough, and this doesn't help. I'm not trying to solicit likes and reblogs by any means, as I know folks should only do so if they actually like the content.
Yes my PMATGA AU fic has at least 2k views on ao3, but that's probably the only thing I'm known for and even then I feel like it's undeserved.
It just makes me feel like no matter what I make or how hard I try I'll never be good enough to get as much love as others.
I WANT to make content for fun, I WANT to do it because it's something I enjoy doing. That's how it used to be. Now my low self-esteem and depression are draining my creative juices big time. I've felt this way before, and sometimes it makes me want to stop creating content altogether because it's not fun anymore.
Gosh why must I be such an attention craver? Attention and fans aren't everything, but why is it bothering me so much?! I really don't know what to do at this point. I could try taking a break from the web like I've done before, but it doesn't always help. I guess for now I'll just take it easy and cease the negative self-talk for now.
Don't worry I'll be fine. I just gotta figure this all out. See you guys next time.
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sporadic-writer · 6 years ago
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Ask and you shall recieve!
Straight out of the movies pt. 2 (or the sequel if you will)
Part 1 here
Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: sometimes the sequel is worse than the original, but not this time
You walked into the place you and the girls shared. After closing the door behind you, you leaned against it and looked in a spaced manner towards nothing. "Shhiit.. Did that really just happen?" You whispered to yourself.
Walking up the stairs, heels in hand, you entered the room you and Sam were sharing. She was on her phone in bed and under the covers. When you came back in she looked at you with a smirk. "How was the goodnight kiss with your movie star? He text you yet?"
"Amazing..! But he isn't my movie star Sam." You chuckled at everything. "And no he hasn't texted or anything. I don't expect him to right away. He's in a cab with the others. I texted him after he gave me his number and that is it. Probably won't til after he sleeps." While you spoke you changed and removed your earrings and put them away. Following that you plugged your phone in and laid down next to your friend. "What time you waking up?"
"I have no clue. Let's just sleep enough so we have no form of hangover."
You agreed with her and you both turned the lights off and soon fell into a peaceful sleep.
Time Skip
You awoke to the door downstairs shutting. Next thing you heard was Liv saying to those awake that she had the food. Knowing you didn't want to miss anything, you pushed yourself out of bed, grabbed your phone, saw it was only 11ish, and headed down the steps.
Making a bee line for the kitchen, you grabbed some water and downed it due to being dehydrated.
"Liv if you got me my Dunkin order I will love you forever." You were on your phone and you looked up to a shock. Tom, Harrison, Mark, and Greg were all in the living room connected to the kitchen. Suddenly aware that you had your big Coca Cola shirt, rainbow cat sleep pants, and last night's makeup, which luckily held somewhat well, on make you a tad self-concious. "Uh.. sup guys!" You waved awkwardly, they laughed with your friends at your surprised face.
"Morning Y/N/N. They guys and Liv brought breakfast. Harrison texted me and suggested it. I said they could all swing by." Sam tossed you a breakfast sandwich and you luckily caught it and sat on the counter in front of them.
Taking a bite you glared at her. "Would have liked some notice.. I look like shit."
Tom spoke and looked at you sweetly. "Nonsense love. I love the pants actually. Suits you." Biting into the sandwich, you blushed and he winked at you. Smooth bastard. "Plus I wanted to come by and see if you are still interested in that date today."
"Oh she is! Aren't you Y/N?" Whitney sat next to Greg at the couch. She smiled, "We don't have any serious plans. She is all yours Tom." He smiled at her and back to you eagerly.
Looking to her you spoke. "I can answer for myself Whitney thank you. But yeah of course. When did you want to leave?"
Checking his watch, his TAG Heuer more like it, he shrugged and said, "Whenever works for you really. I didn't have any fancy shit planned."
"Don't worry, we will keep your friends occupied while your away." Mark's words and arms leaning on Harrison and Liv did leave you assured and not guilty for leaving.
Taking the last bite, you smiled and hopped down. "Awesome. Uh Tom I will go change and get ready then we can roll out. That sound good?" His eyes met yours and he smiled lightly.
"Perfect love." You kissed his cheek, surprising yourself a tad, and rushed upstairs. Once in your room you fixed your makeup, put on a casual and cute outfit, sprayed some perfume, then headed back downstairs. You smiled seeing Tom was waiting for you at the door. "Ready to head out?"
"Absolutely love." He opened the door for you and you both headed out and walked in the sun lit sidewalk of NYC. Grabbing your hand he smiled and said, "You look cute as hell. Don't get me wrong, that dress last night was really, really something, but jeans and a black tank top is a nice contrast. Plus, I love the bling."
"Thank you. I gotta keep up with your nice shit. That watch is incredible, and could cover my tuition I think." He laughed at this and thanked you. Next thing you knew you both slowed down and stopped in front of a horse and carriage ride. "Oh my gosh! How did you know? The girls told you didn't they?"
"Yeah I asked for ideas and they told me how your folks took one of these together." His hamd squeezed yours as he helped you in. After sitting you got closer to his side and his arm went around you. Peacefully, you and Tom strolled around the edge of the park and eventually through it until you reached the other side of the city. People watching while getting to know each other was fun. Luckily, Tom's thick sunglasses kept fans away.
The carriage slowed down near the south end of the Upper East Side. Tom tipped the driver, generously, you noticed and went back to your side.
"You hungry?" He looked at you as you took in the view of the city.
Facing him while you walk you said, "Yeah I could eat. Anywhere in mind?" As you spoke you scanned around. Not being from the area, you were a tad unsure of the local cusine.
"There's a place off 5th Ave. I like that I've been to before if that works?" Nodding eagerly he pulled you along and before you knew it, you were out of the bustling steets and in a little cafe. "This place has awesome lattes and stuff. And get whatever you want. My treat." You tried protesting, saying you would get it or split, but he refused.
You both ordered and awaited your food. There was a peaceful still in the conversation but he broke it. Not that you were complaining though. "So what are you studying at school?"
"Biology. Um mainly concentrating in ecology, conservation stuff. I also have a double minor in marine biology and history." You smiled as you spoke. You were always proud of your studies.
"Why history? It's still cool but kind of an odd ball to the other stuff." He sipped his Pepsi as he spoke.
Chuckling, you agreed. "Yeah I know but I took more courses than I realized and thought, what the hell, it won't hurt anything and it's interesting." Finishing the sentence you shrugged. The smile he gave you looked impressed, it made you blush and made pride swell inside you.
"That's very cool Y/N. Really it is."
"Oh I know!" You smirked at him. "But come on, you are the film star. Plus I do know how to use Wikipedia. Dance, gymnast, all that, very cool as well." Now it was his turn to blush.
"Let's call us even shall we love? Now don't let my hard earned money go to waste. That sandwich looks amazing. If you don't eat it I will." While you ate the getting to know each other continued. He told you about his younger years and you the same. He was something else. The feeling was quite mutual. The Brit was enamoured with your smile, charm, and intelligence. Plus, you didn't make a big deal of him being famous. It was a merely a bonus to him. He was already planning ways to treat you.
Eventually the night ended with you strolling the streets of New York. The 2 of you found yourselves watching a street show in Time's Square. Never before had you both taken in the little things, like a street performer, before. You were busy with school, he was busy with a demanding career. Despite that, together life was simple and it was just the 2 of you. Arms were around each other, everything was just like a movie.
"You know Y/N, I haven't had this much fun on a date in a while. Was this up to par with the movie-like moments we had last night?" The shine in his eyes from the bright lights surrounding you made them dazzle.
Genuinely, you replied. "Absolutely movie star. Also, quick note, I like when you call me 'love' it's very classic Brit of you." Your arms went around his neck while people around you on the side street continued on.
"Anything I can do to top it off... love?" The smile he gave was teasing. He knew just what he was doing and how he made you feel.
"Well. A kiss in Time's Square wouldn't hurt if that's what you mean?" With a smirk, he saw the same lights in your eyes as you did his. His one hand moved from your waist to your jaw. As his other held your waist, lips met in the middle and sparks flew. It wasn't altered by any alcohol or late of the night. His tongue grazing your lip signalled you to let him in for more. You smiled and moaned as the kiss deepened. It was pure movie bliss until someone walking bumped into Tom. Separating, suddenly you gasped in shock but laughed as you remembered all that was happening.
"Got caught up in that moment didn't we? Well, did that make the sequel good enough for you?"
"Oh absolutely. Now, why don't we get some ice cream and walk back? Tomorrow I need to pack a bit and we can discuss the continuation of this franchise."
"Oh so this will continue further? Mmm I like the sound of that." He lightly kissed you again. Together you ate a cup of ice cream as you walked back. As Tom and you laughed at a joke you made about the walk back being the credits rolling, he knew you were too special to let slip out of his grasp. This was probably going to be his favorite part for quite a while. Even in his own head he laughed at how corney that sounded, but the feeling was real regardless.
I hope you enjoyed! As always like and reblog!
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dms-saggicorn · 3 years ago
Not an ask but let me tell you that I feel the jealousy with my f/o. I love them so much, but then I see other people shipping with them in different ways and I think to myself, "wow, my f/o definitely would leave me instantly for any one of their s/o in a heartbeat."
And unfortunately, I get these negative thoughts a lot, almost to the point of wanting to leave the fandom/community. Self-shipping should be fun, but sometimes, it's not the greatest.
Yeah I get cha I feel the same sometimes...it's real odd to feel this way I think... maybe not since it is natural to feel attached to someone especially after long time of getting to know them. Creating bonds with them and others around them...So naturally and understandably you could feel jealous when that one special person is with someone else...But we need to stop, really think of the scenario we're really in. It's of one our own design and isn't real or moreover the character isn't...no matter how much we might want them to be...We gotta stop and remind ourselves that this stuff isn't real, these characters are just that characters. They are not real and in many MANY cases it's best that they aren't real. Especially with characters like YB, Jack, Doe, Alan, Pedro etc. Think about it, if any of one them were real we'd be in TERRIBLE danger not to mention the people around us. Make no mistake they'd hurt us whether emotionally mentally or arguably worse, physically...hell some of us might not even survive if these people were real...The dangers might not end with them either....I think it's fine to indulge into the "what if" and create scenarios that support it through art writing cosplay or just a simple day dream or 2 etc. but we should always remember and remind ourselves that this is all fictional and try our best not to get too lost into this fantasy that was given to us and we created.
This world, the REAL world is so full of SO many people that are ready and willing to provide love REAL love; we just gotta be ready and willing for them. Doesn't have to be romantic it doesn't even need to be face to face, hell it could just be our own selves (and should be at least at 1st before ever delving into a committed relationship to an extent and in certain situations ie romantic kinds), All and all it's just gotta be genuine, healthy, and real.
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I hope this made sense, and I REALLY hope this doesn't make anyone upset. Shipping, f/o (which I never knew was a thing until reading this), relationships overall can be very touchy and personal for folks, especially in regards to comfort characters but maybe I'm just making assumptions now. Either way I hope this offers up some clarity and ease? Discomfort is never my intention, I just want to have a good time, send good vibes, Do some fan shenanigans,make and share art, make a dollar or two if I ever get my Kofi to work (to the Anony that asked about commissions that's why I haven't answered yet, please don't worry or be too upset that i didn't answer your question yet!) and I guess give advice??? Advice mind you no one has to take. I just wanted to put in my 2 cents and food for thought since ya know it was brought up in this ask. Fandom should be fun and safe after all, I would hate to damage that for anyone...If I have I am very sorry and i hope you can find something that lifts your spirits :(
But enough rambling; gosh this was a long one. Take care and be good Anony 💜
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