#{{ Thanks for sending in!
togrowoldinv · 2 years
omg omg can you do these with nat being an asshole teasing type flirt lol
❛ what, am i not allowed to look at you? ❜
❛ how about a kiss before i go? ❜
i fold for anyone who’s a teasing flirt it is just so UGH
“What, am I not allowed to look at you?” Natasha asks as you catch her staring and give her a look.
“Someone’s a little needy today, huh?” You ask her.
She chuckles and makes her way across the bedroom to wrap her arms around your waist from behind. You move out of her grasp and she pouts.
“I’ve gotta put this dress on, baby,” you say.
“Allow me,” comes Nat’s quick reply.
Natasha takes the dress and helps you step into it. She appreciates the way your body leans against hers as you do so.
Once it’s over your body, Natasha walks around you to zip up the back. With every inch she zips, she drops a kiss to your back.
“You’re going to be late for work, Nat,” you say, your head falling back onto her shoulder.
“How about a kiss before I go?”
“I love when you’re so flirty like this, baby. It reminds me of our early days,” you say.
Natasha smiles before she kisses you deeply. Her plump lips against yours makes you go weak in the knees. Luckily, she’s holding you up with her strong arms.
“I love you, Natasha.”
“I love you too, my beautiful wife. Have a good day,” she says before dropping one more long, slow kiss to your lips.
She leaves you there speechless and you can’t wait until you both get home from work tonight.
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muses-morii · 11 months
@fleurdudestin asked: 👄 2 (fleurdudestin -Riku?) (I'm guessing this is from Riku to Sora? That's what I went with, haha!) 2. A Hand Kiss
~ Sora ~
Riku was sad. Sora couldn't say for sure what was plaguing his friend, he didn't seem to want to talk about it, not yet anyway. So, as Riku leaned against one side of the window, looking out at the night sky, Sora leaned against the other side, giving silent comfort with his presence.
How long they stood there, watching the stars twinkle softly, he didn't know, but a glance at Riku, told Sora that the Master was thinking deep and heavy thoughts. The kind of thoughts that weighed heavily on the mind. He wondered what he was thinking about... “You know...” Sora began, looking down briefly and then reaching out, he stepped closer to Riku and gently took one of his hands, in his own. “Our hearts shine with light. They show us the way.” He smiled up at him, noticing that he had Riku's full attention, he gave his hand a soft squeeze. “But I've come to... To love the dark, too.” Looking to the side, Sora gazed out at the sky.
“Without it, we'd be blinded and we'd never see the stars.” And Sora felt his hand lifted in Riku's hold and a soft kiss was pressed to it and he smiled out at the night.
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summitclan-chronicles · 9 months
Hi!! I’m super excited for the results, will you be sending them all out on the same day?? Thank you for putting in this much effort in this project! It really seems like one of a kind ^^.
Most likely not, I'll be sending them periodiodically throughout the three days. Mainly to stagger people entering the server!
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
👫 foooor Jinana and Sam >:3c
[ 4 headcanons about our muses ]
Jinana won't say it to his face, but Sam's Prakran cooking is not only spicy enough to take your face off, it just fucking slaps and it's this that makes it suitable as a periodic peace-offering for him 🌶 (It's also regionally different from what Sneha and Jinana hirself know how to cook!)
They will literally bare their teeth at each other and possibly actually hiss... but they both know that if the biting ever started, it would not stop until one of them stopped moving. Call that Mutually Assured Destruction lmao
Still, he's important to Heron and that means if anyone fucks with that old man in the wrong way, they are also fucking with Heron and Jinana 💀
Boy may be a horrible little naked goblin creature, but Jinana loves her to bits and is physically incapable of resisting showering her with treats and other goodies xD
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brokeniisms · 6 months
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"I'm not sure my bingos count... You won't be mad at me, Cloud, right ?" She's teasing him, of course. She knows she did pretty well.
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His eyes blinked rapidly as he scanned the card. There was a lot he didn't expect that was filled in on here. Aerith has a lot of wonderful qualities but wasn't sure she would enjoy his quiet lifestyle, and accept the socially awkward man he really was. ❝ Teasing me again huh? For some reason, I didn't expect you to enjoy certain things I do. Maybe I can show off my skills sometime. I might surprise you. ❞
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fitscientist · 1 year
What’s your favourite videogame?
A reason to be on tumblr.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
all the aesthetic. also motivating! you can start to visualize the life you want. but also, pretty pictures:)
right now, i'd like to travel to somewhere warm. this winter has dragged on way too fucking long :(
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1, 7 and 11 🫶
1: A song you like with a color in the title — Lilac by IU 7: A song to drive to — Hype Boy by NewJeans (safety hazard though but I can't drive so it's okay) 11: A song that you never get tired of — As It Was by Harry Styles (I said this at the 1 year anniversary, the song is everywhere and I'm always delighted to listen to it
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
i know this isn't a request but what's the meaning of your username? Btw you don't have to answer
When I first started my blog, Wandavision had just came out and I thought Vision’s note to Wanda was just the sweetest 🥹 So, I named my blog after it!
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muses-morii · 1 year
@wayfaringnobody asked: 🎲 ( @ anti sora because you said i get bonus points for it ) 26. A kiss where one or both parties are crying.
~ Anti ~
Surrounded by steep cliffs, deep ravines and waterfalls, there lies a crumbling fortress. Once a bastion of great power and even greater evil, it stood. A hollow husk of what once was, a whispered promise to the dark, that light will wash over it and leave it broken and alone. The magic that once flourished here, was gone. Lifts had collapsed, doors yawned open, allowing only the bravest into the bleak corridors. A library, once a place of knowledge, lie collecting dust, its shelves heavy with the weight of black information and forgotten words.
Towers crumbled, their stones falling to lower levels and baring whole rooms to rot beneath the empty sky of Villain's Vale. What remained of the fortress was a bitter mockery of the grand castle in the far distance, the testament to Ansem the Wise's great feats. Most had forgotten this place of evil. Its Mistress long gone, onto different places and planes of existence. There was nothing left. No treasures behind its walls; just empty boxes, rusting with their hinges left open. All that would be found here, were the misshapen, black and wicked creatures of the dark void; the Heartless. Gathering here in some gross and futile attempt at killing the eternal loneliness. Some twisted, macabre caricature a friendship and love. In the garden, dead and grey at the fortress' centure, perched a top a weather worn tombstone, was a Heartless different from the rest. Intelligent, it smiled. Surrounded by its brethren, worshipped by the denizens of the dark. It chuckled, hearing a door open somewhere in the fortress. Claws scraped on the rough rock of the tombstone, scratching the surface, obscuring the name carved into it. It waited, unblinking in the waning light of day. More doors opened and banged shut, the sound of footsteps and fighting echoing around the garden as visitors raced through its empty halls. Leaping at some small sign from something greater, grasping at any lead, any whisper of their missing friend. Ink dripped down the tombstone, pooling around it in smokey puddles. The door in the gardens burst open. Sora!
They called. They called waiting for some cry, some sign that they'd found the true, hidden place. It chuckled again. They ran through the dead trees, tripping over wicked roots and upturned stones. They ran, coming to the centre. To the tombstone with its grinning reaper upon it. Around it, the shadows danced.
“T̻ͅo̗o̜̩͙̹̘̥̤.̴̯̱͈.̗̮.̩̘̫ ̫̘L̦̳̬ͅat̳̯̻̀e̸͕͓͓.̤̦͇̼͙̬.̗͚̼̣͠.͚̣̖̭ͅ ”
Nothing. There was nothing. Nothing but empty black and hateful, yellow eyes.
It grinned, a travesty of a smile. The visitors turned away, broken, broken, broken. But one walked forward. Reaching towards It with an outstretched hand. Tears shimmered in the light of the setting sun, running down his face in terrible, terrible sorrow. There was a longing in his eyes, a need for something that wasn't there. A want for something that never would be. The grin wavered. A hand cradled its ink and poison face. Sora...
A kiss in the empty fortress. A kiss in the forgotten garden.
A kiss in the hidden place. A kiss of love. A kiss of life. A kiss of goodbye...
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evilgoodguys · 24 days
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he’d forgotten how much he missed that smile.
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summitclan-chronicles · 9 months
on the topic of lgbtq+ kitties, i'm wondering if trans cats will be given the option to change their names (or at least prefixes)? :0 i know prefixes will be chosen for kits by their parent/s and aren't supposed to be changed - at least, not just changed due to the player wanting a different name - so i'm just wondering! on one hand it might not be necessary since i assume prefixes/names wouldn't really be gendered, but i know there can also just be associations with an old name that can make a person (or cat in this case!) want to change it anyway, so i feel like it could still make sense for a cat to want to change their name/prefix. it also wouldn't be ideal if people made their character trans /just/ to get the option to change the name though, but i doubt any people who'd do that sort of thing would join this roleplay in the first place, hopefully!
honestly, i'm curious on the policy for characters changing their names for in-character reasons in general - such as if a cat wanted to change their prefix or request a specific suffix to honour another cat or to reference something that happened to them, things like that! will those sorts of things be allowed, or no? :0
Luckily I answered a near-identical ask just before I saw this one, so I direct you to 1 post below this one!
But that being said, I'll say a short version:
- Cats can request a new prefix from the Council, but the Council gives it to them. (this is the same ceremony as loners joining! it's a unity thing)
- It's true that names are not gendered, but it's also true that names represent different sections of one's life! the suffix represents aging - but your prefix stays with you forever. you may be an adult with your permanent suffix, but if YOU have changed, so too has your prefix (if that is what you want).
- Being named after another cat is something that happens to you, and is a very high honor much like honor titles. It's a high compliment to say that you are so like those who came before! It's others that suggest a character be named after someone, not the one being named naming themselves, you know?
And their views on names don't go with the same flow as canon, necessarily. They find names like One-eye, Halftail and Deadfoot completely uncalled for! So names commemorating injuries and such are pretty taboo.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Evander ⬅🍑 to receive a pinch on the bottom from Jinana. (Why not, I'll allow it - it's funny.)
[ V-Day Asks ]
(Grab-ass time, time for grab-ass)
Jinana rests against the side of the tiled pool, watching as Evander glides across the water's surface with strong, efficient strokes of his arms. The muscles of his back flex and bunch under sun-browned skin, sparkling with water-drops. The sleek sharklike mer-tail he wears undulates behind him in a pleasing, realistic fashion; his costumers have outdone themselves with their latest creation.
As he goes by for another lap, Jinana finds hirself unable to resist the impulse to reach out and visit a sharp little pinch upon the nearest buttock. S/he feels him tense slightly in surprise before a single, powerful movement brings him round to face hir, one brow quirked questioningly.
Jinana grins, unrepentant. "Just checking the fit, my dear. You complained about the last one, erm, wedging itself right up there." S/he laughs. "This one seems to fit much better."
For an answer, s/he is abruptly dragged back into the water with a startled squeak, as Evander's newest mer-creature persona claims his first victim.
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abuadam86 · 20 days
Emergency: Help save my children's lives
Dear humanity,
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I am Habib from Gaza. I am married and have four children: Menna, 12 years old, Adam, 10 years old (suffering from quadriplegia), Maria, 6 years old, and Ezz, one year old. Although they are young, they have survived previous wars, but this current war is the most difficult of all. This is a war of genocide, and the difficulty of the war lies in the inability to meet the needs of my son Adam, who needs special care.
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Over the past ten months, we have been caught in the crossfire of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Our once peaceful home in Khan Yunis has been reduced to rubble, and now we find ourselves displaced in Deir al-Balah, living in squalid conditions in a makeshift tent on the streets. The devastation not only deprived us of our physical shelter, but also destroyed my livelihood - the once thriving business that supported our family's well-being, is now in ruins. The daily struggle for survival is exacerbated by the scarcity of basic necessities such as clean water, adequate sanitation and basic medical supplies
Our home was the place where we found hope and safety, and where we made precious memories. Losing him was like losing years of our lives.
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Not only that, they destroyed my source of livelihood, burned it, and demolished it with bulldozers, and today I am without a home and without a job. I was working in a store I owned that met the needs and expenses of my family
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Living in tents is miserable. There is a lack of drinking water, hot sun rays, and strange insects that have terrified my children. What hurts me most is my young son Ezz, who I see growing up in an unclean environment and with no healthy food for him. I believe he has not received his right to life.
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At this stage, my husband and I decided to go to you and create an account on the Go Fund Me website and ask you to help us in these difficult times until we get out of Gaza, from the land of war to the land of peace. All we need from you is to support us and help us to get out of the war, even if you cannot help. You should spread the word. This campaign is everywhere and among your friends. We thank you for your stance and support for us. Thank you, my friends
The amount that will be collected from this campaign :
We will spend it by paying the amount to coordinate entry through the Rafah land crossing, which connects Gaza to the State of Egypt, since, as I mentioned, they charge an adult $5,000, but depending on the pressures, crises, and waiting, the amount may reach $7,000 per person, and children $2,500 to $4,000.
We will also use it for the rest of the travel and safe transportation expenses to provide for all family members.
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A picture of my children's life before the war
A video of my children's lives living the war
May God reward you with all the best and may God bless you
Best wishes with sincere gratitude,
Habib's family
My Instagram account link
My account vetted by:
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cahootings · 10 months
“their relationship is too deep to be sexual” what’s deeper than dick in hole. please tell me
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theseance444 · 1 month
"Do you have nothing better to do?" ~ five
The question came seemingly out of the blue, as Klaus paced his brother's room, ranting about God knows what. Even he could barely keep up, just talking to talk out of boredom. The house was mostly empty today, and unfortunately for Five, Klaus didn't have anything better to do.
"Are you even listening, Five?" he sighed dramatically. "This is important! What if you have to impersonate me, and realize you never heard any of my life story?" Of course, he was just trying to get a rise out of Five. It was better to spend the day trailing behind the little guy, than alone in a house full of ghosts.
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yuubaehachi · 2 months
Lilac, fern! :)
Thanks so much Ms. Drach! I do my best to bring as much fun as I can on this blog, while, you know, being critical of all things in this world.
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