#{/cause granted; it's shitty as hell what's happened to him but I don't want to turn it into a fucking edgefest lmao}
blindedguilt · 2 years
1.3 Verse (Lukhege) - By the Union’s Will
Smoke clogged my lungs. Through fading vision, I saw Riversal’s lifeless body curled up on the floor, the fear frozen in his dull, wide-open eyes. ...Where was Laum? Where was Leonard? Why weren’t they here? I had dreaded, knew that they were the ones responsible for this: This warfare among those under the same banner. Our camp and home set ablaze. My death. And for what? The whims of a dying dragon? How awful. Awful, awful, awful. The Union had undoubtedly already done off with the two of them; I was certain, but I didn’t feel glad as I thought I would have, in the past. As much as the hate coursed and burned through my veins with increasing furor the more my vision grew dark, I had always thought we’d die together. As a family. Laum, who I had grown strong enough to teach wisdom and lift on my shoulders, who’s bright smile I had looked forward to at the end of each day of trial and exhaustion, and Leonard, who would always welcome me back with a warm voice after our disagreements no matter how bad they were, as if nothing had ever happened. I had thought that disagreements were all they would ever remain, and yet- My eyes close. The sharp, jabbing pains of the blackened blood that coated my hand and side fall into numbed nothingness. Faintly, a soldier yells something undecipherable in the distance and steel against gravel sounds beside me in the dark. They killed us all. Even if I hate them, I still wish... ...Riversal’s body, still warm, bumps under my limp heels as I feel myself being lifted and dragged through the war-torn inferno. My throat grows tight for a different reason as I grow more distant from what I knew was the last sight I would ever have of him. “Stay strong, boy. We can still save you yet!” ... Looking back, I wish I could have died there.
An alternative off-shoot of the Drakengard 1.3 Verse in which Lukhege, the sole survivor of the massacre on Leonard’s brothers, grows and works as a soldier of Union. Though his beliefs are firm in their philosophy and his blade merciless, that fear of following in his brother’s footsteps looms over him like a shadow under his new family’s watchful eye...
Unlike all other verses where Lukhege is 12-13, he will be 15-17 in this verse.
Lukhege is unaware that his older brother, Leonard, is still alive. He does not regard nor speak of him kindly.
Despite his hidden fear of the Union, Lukhege is a genuine supporter of the enslavement of the dragon race and “punishment” of those deemed heretics and traitors to the Union (No matter whether or not he falters or shows any form of reluctance to carry this out by his own hands). No matter what, he regards the Union as his home and family.
He carries deep scars following the events of Leonard’s betrayal that resulted in the deaths of his younger brothers, Laum and Riversal, and the abuse from the Union that had followed in both “testing his loyalty” and training shortly after. Lukhege will not admit to this, and will deny the cause of his brother’s deaths if not avoid talking about them altogether.
If there are any questions regarding Lukhege, 1.3, or this verse, please let me know via asks or DMs (Either Tumblr or Discord, if you have mine!)
Thanks to @voicelesshatred for the brainstorm! This verse wouldn’t be here without them <3 
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
God, watched "Sins of the Father" last night and I. Just. Love. How the writers were like, "Ah, yes, let's finish out this episode with the most violent upheaval of Arthur's relationship with Uther. There is no need to mention this again."
Like, yeah, I get it, Merlin lied and stopped Arthur from killing King Cunt, but STILL. It happened. Arthur and Uther have had disagreements before, but those were small potatoes. Arthur challenged his father, the King, to a fight to the death. He was actively trying to kill his father. And that....had no effect on him? Or Uther?
Arthur doesn't always agree with Uther, and he does disobey him when he has to, but I don't think he ever would imagine himself capable of hurting his father, let alone killing him.
And Uther, being the manipulative, abusive piece of shit he is, was probably 100% certain Arthur would never turn on him, the same way any abusive parent is confident in their power over their victim.
But it happened.
And that's just........not important?
bestie.....are you sure you want to open that can of worms with me
imma holler @nextstopparis because they have bombass posts and meta about exactly this
yes bestie so true, we have seen in s1 and s2 that arthur is capable of having a little rebellious streak but not enough to truly slight his father because (despite his shitty and abusive uther is) arthur still loves him. arthur has craved uther's approval since day one. all he gets from uther is stunted shoulder pats and "you're my son" kind of affection. which, you know, explains SO MUCH about why arthur is emotionally constipated, compensates his emotions into hyper-masculinity, and a grade A jock.
we know arthur seeks uther's approval and just wants uther to be proud of him. motherfucker (uther) literally in episode 2 of s1 "stops by Arthur on his way to the stands and speaks to him in a low voice" about he "trust [Arthur] will make [him] proud" like bitch???? way to stress out your child.
tips on how to emotionally abuse/keep your child wanting you love
always makes sure you pressure them into making you proud
place conditions on your love (trust = love = pride for son = no longer disappointed = no longer sees arthur as the cause of ygraine's death oop did i type that)
move them away and speak in a low threatening voice because self image matters and your child would never risk that
undermine your child's worth to exterior factors, aka things your child never had a say in (being a captain/high ranking knight at 15, being the son of your dead wife, telling them to grow up when they literally are acting their age)
enforcing patriarcal ideals such as only encouraging stoicism for arthur because feelings are for weaklings and dismissing morgana's opinions for 'outbursts'
howdy folks! welcome to the uther sucks club and why the hell did bbc just ignore arthur's very understandable anger towards uther in s2 ep8
we will not touch arthur's self loathing blame for his mother's death because i will derail from this post
what happened in s2 ep8???? i'm so glad you asked
it is revealed that uther pendragon's reason for committing genocide for over 20 years boils down to a highly dangerous spell that he forced the high priestess nimueh to cast on his wife (who wasn't aware of the spell in the first place) so she could become pregnant and grant him an heir.
uther, the caricature of the british empire himself, caused the death of his queen then turned around and blamed a whole community of innocent people because "magic is evil and shouldn't be trusted" and "when you know one sorcerer, you know them all"
arthur, daddy issues galore, is understandably pissed and enraged. why, you ask? because for years he believed it was his birth that led to his mother's death
ARTHUR I'm so sorry. YGRAINE You have nothing to be sorry for. ARTHUR It was my birth that caused you to die.
ok so we are actually gonna discuss this
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and then arthur learns the truth. arthur learns that ygraine's death was never his fault. ygraine's death was all because uther pendragon "was so desperate for an heir". that was all uther cared about.
ARTHUR This is what fuels your hatred for those who practice magic. Rather than blame yourself for what you did, you blame them.
ARTHUR How many hundreds have you condemned to death to ease your guilt?
ARTHUR You speak of honour and nobility! You're nothing but a hypocrite and a liar!
do you think....after arthur learned the truth, he remembered all of morgana's old arguments that went ignored by uther? he could hear her voice, filled with self-righteousness and selfless anger about how uther always placed the blame on others, projected fear and hatred to those who were innocent. do you wonder if arthur thought of morgana as he spewed those words to uther?
and then he is told that morgause lied to him. that the ygraine he saw was actually an illusion meant to divide camelot. arthur is told that the ygraine he saw who told him that holding him was "the most precious" moments of her life was nothing more than a lie.
so, what does mean for arthur? does that mean that it truly was his fault that ygraine died? does he go back to blaming himself?
is there still that doubt of his father's ruling that lays restless inside of him? does he watch his father more closely and how he reacts to magic crimes compared to non-magical? does he begin to confide in morgana more because she, too, understand this kind of anger he feels nestled inside of him?
but we don't get that
what we get after this is a week or maybe more of a time skip where gwen is kidnapped and the show tries to further the arwencelot love triangle (and i mean, i'm not against the love triangle, it's just...timing my dude)
it just goes ignored by the show like it wasn't a big deal that arthur was ready to commit regicide (unlike morgana), like it wasn't a big deal that merlin lied to arthur like that and didn't feel conflicted, like it wasn't a big deal that uther's Purge began because of misplaced anger.
no, instead, arthur is back as his snarky and uptight self who never again thinks back to what happened when some big plot is heading his way. and so the show never dives back into that. mentions of arthur's mother don't come back until s4 but that's with agravaine and i do not have the time for that man.
this episode really seemed like it was supposed to lead to a shift in arthur's character, and yet it didn't. it was just...never touched on again and i will never forgive them for that
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kiankiwi · 2 years
Oopsie Daisy:
Summary: You were pretty wobbly in your headspace today and you fall causing Jerry to have to take you to the ER. Cue a worried and piss Elvis
*Littles Are Known AU*
"Good job, lovie. Go go go!" You were in the headspace today that walking was hard for you so as you were happening to walk a little bit, granted it was wobbly and clumsy steps, Jerry was still trying to encourage you.
Jerry was babysitting you today as Elvis was at the studio for what the Colonel called an "emergency session". So Jerry was there to watch you and keep you company during the day while Elvis was out.
One minute Jerry was watching you stumbling around as you were practicing walking and the next second, he had just blinked and you were screaming and on the floor as he watched blood pool from your face
You had tripped over your own two feet and banged your face on the corner of Elvis's coffee table. "Oh, shit, shit, shit, baby, c'mere let Jer see." Jerry turned you over onto your back and saw a big gash on your chin where what seemed like buckets of blood was leaking from. "Shit, that's pretty deep lovie." Jerry grabbed you up, setting you on his hip and took to the kitchen, grabbing a dishtowel (the first thing he could see to grab) and pressing it to the gash in your chin as you continued to scream and cry. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry that happened." Jerry said as he pressed the dishtowel with some pressure to your face.
"DADDY! OWIE! WANT DADDY!" You screamed as you tried to grab the dishtowel off your face and throw it askew. "No, no, leave it there, bub. We gotta get your owie to stop bleeding." Jerry paced with you on his hip as he pressed the towel to your face and giving your hair kisses to try to soothe you.
Ten minutes later, it was still bleeding. "Shit," Jerry cursed under his breath. He only hoped you wouldn't repeat any of his expletives to your caregiver "Alright baby, I think it's time to go to the hospital baby, you need some stitches." You tried to fight Jerry away, wanting nothing but your daddy to make everything better. "No, no. Want daddy! Daddy make it better!" Jerry shushed you, hugging you closer not caring that your blood was getting all over both your clothes.
"I'll call daddy on the way, sweetheart. He'll meet us there okay? Now hold this on your face and don't take it off. Okay? Good job! Now let's get in the car." You whimpered, doing as you were told and making sure the towel didn't move on your face.
"What do you mean you're going to the hospital, Jer? What the hell happened?" Elvis was furious. He was having a shitty day to begin with because he felt bad that he had to leave you in headspace and now you and Jerry were headed to the hospital and he could hear you crying on the other end as Jerry explained you two were on the way to the ER.
"She was walking around the living room and you know she's wobbly today. So she tripped and banged her face on your coffee table and has a pretty big gash on her chin." Then Elvis could hear you whimpering and Jerry talking to you, "Oh I know, baby, it's okay." "Want Daddy!" You whimpered, screeching. You just wanted your daddy to fix everything with one of his infamous bear hugs. "I know sweetheart, I know. Talking to him now, okay?" Elvis had enough of this, he just wanted to get to you and comfort you. "Tell her I'm coming." Elvis slams the phone down and Scotty eyes him.
"Okay boss?" He shakes his head, grabbing his jacket and glasses. "No, Y/N is on the way to the ER!" Scotty's eyes widened. "Well is she okay?" Elvis groaned, angrily not wanting to sit around and explain. "She needs stitches. I need to go." Scotty nodded. "Go, I'll handle the Colonel. You just take care of your baby."
Not even twenty minutes later, you were cowering on the corner of the hospital bed as you watched the door for Elvis. Jerry was trying to comfort you and hold your hand but you wanted nobody but your daddy right now. "It'll be alright sweetheart. Daddy's on his way. He'll be here so soon."
And just then, Elvis burst into the room and looked for you, expecting you to be covered in blood. You burst into a new round of tears as you see your daddy's finally here and you can finally be comforted. "What happened darlin'?" Elvis asked as he sat beside you on the bed.
"I got an owie daddy. Jerry said I gotta get 'ditches'." Elvis and Jerry chuckled at your mispronunciation of the word. "Yeah I see you got an owie. Did you fall?" You nodded, still pressing the dishtowel, now gross with semi dried blood to your cut as you waited for a doctor to look at it. "Yeah, I falled." Elvis nodded, taking you into his lap. "Yeah, I'm sorry baby, you're being super brave though. I'm proud of you." You flashed Elvis a small smile squeaking out a small "tank'oo." Elvis wrapped his arms around you protectively as you sat in his lap, squeezing tight. Despite the circumstances and where you were, Elvis was just happy to have you in his arms again. He had missed you all day and now he had to watch you get stitches? He was not ready for that.
"Hi all, I'm doctor Ramsey and I hear someone needs stitches." You raise your hand a little bit, still holding the towel to your face. "Oh hello. Can I just take a look real quick?" You looked at your daddy for confirmation that it was okay. Elvis nodded. "It's okay baby, let them help you, okay?" Elvis helped you gently take the dishtowel off your face and you eyed the doctor nervously. You noticed as the crisp hospital air hit the fresh gash in your face. The doctor gently examined your bloodied face and tsk'd at you. "Yeah, that's gonna need some stitches sweetie. How'd this happen?" Elvis looked over to Jerry to explain.
"She's been practicing walking in her headspace in the living room and she tripped over her own feet and banged her face on the corner of the coffee table." "Ouch! I bet that hurt." You nodded, shrinking back against Elvis as you continued to get nervous.
The doctor turned her attention to Elvis as she removed her gloves and washed her hands. "Okay since the injury is to her face and since we also need her to not move during the stitches, I think it's best we give her a bit of anesthesia to make her sleepy. We usually use some lidocaine to numb the area but since it's to her face, I think it'd be better to let her have a little sleep instead of getting a needle to the face." Elvis nods. "That sounds like the better option. Will she scar?" Elvis asks, placing his chin on the top of your head. "Based on how big the wound is, I bet she'll only have a little scar." Elvis nodded. "Okay so I'm going to go get all my tools I need and we'll get to it." Elvis and Jerry nodded as she left the room.
Now it was time to explain everything to you. "Baby, Doctor Ramsey is going you some medicine that's going to make you super sleepy before we fix your cut okay? And then when you wake up, your chin will be all better, alright?" You didn't really understand but you nodded anyway. You were just glad your daddy was here.
A nurse came into the room, hiding her IV supplies so that you wouldn't be scared of the needles. "Alright, Dr. Ramsey asked me to start an IV on Y/N here so that they'll be nice and sleepy by the time she'll be back to do the stitches."
You were getting nervous now, not knowing what they were going to do to you. "Daaaddy?" You whimpered as you turned your face toward Elvis's chest. Elvis didn't care that you were still bleeding all over his shirt. He just wanted to comfort you. "It's okay sweet girl. It'll be over so quick and you can take a little nap." You squeaked at the feel of the alcohol pad on the back of your hand. Elvis quickly took off his rings, so that they wouldn't hurt your fingers when you grabbed his hand. "Here baby, squeeze daddy's hand. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze." You squeezed Elvis's hand as hard as you could, squeezing your eyes shut as you pressed your face into Elvis's chest. "Ouch baby, that's a good squeeze!" Elvis said trying to distract you.
"Real quick pinch." The nurse warned as the needle entered your skin. It was a pinch and a burn and you immediately screamed into Elvis's shirt as he shushed you. "Doing so good baby, it's almost over. You're being so brave, lovie." It took five minutes for the needle to be out of your hand and for the IV to be taped to your skin, giving you a drip of medicine to make you sleep.
"Good job!" The nurse exclaimed as she threw her opened supplies away. "Now we just need to wait about 10-15 minutes for her to get drowsy and I'll tell Dr. Ramsey she's good to get her stitches." Elvis nodded as you situated yourself a little bit to curl up in his lap more, laying your head on his arm. Elvis kissed your head as you got comfortable. "Daddy, we go home?" Elvis shook his head. "No baby, we gotta fix your ouchie before we can go home." You were not the type to be able to fall asleep anywhere, unfortunately. So Elvis expected a tantrum about you having to sleep here even for 30-45 minutes to do your stitches. "Wan' go bed." Elvis chuckled as he watched your eyes get sleepier and sleepier. "You want to go to bed? You never want to go to bed, silly."
The IV caught your eye and you sleepily held your hand in front of your face studying it. "What is that baby?" Elvis chuckled as you got more and more loopy, studying your hand. You reached your other hand up to pick at the tape around your IV but Elvis pulled your hand back and put it into your lap. "No, no, leave it be. It needs to be there." You started to whine and cry, wanting to be at Graceland in your bed more than anything. "I know baby, I know. Just close your eyes and let yourself sleep okay?"
Elvis was rocking you gently as he shushed you and finally Jerry spoke up from the corner of the room as he sat, waiting with you and E, not wanting to leave you there. He felt responsible for this despite it being an accident. "Sing to her, E. Your singing always works." He looked back at you. "Do you want me to sing you a song, baby? Would that make you feel better?" You wiggle in his arms, wanting out, out, out. And to feel clear headed again. But Elvis was calm and him singing to you would help a bit. "Y-yeah." You nodded. Elvis nodded, rocking you as you pushed against him, not liking the numbness and warm feeling spreading all over your body.
Wise men say
only fools rush in
But i can't help falling in love with you
Shall i stay? Would it be a sin
If i can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes somethings are meant to
You only got that far into the song before you finally slipped off to sleep and passed out in Elvis's arms and the doctor came in to finally stitch up the nasty gash on your face.
You were afraid when you woke up. "Daddy? Daddy?" You whimpered, disoriented. The doctor had finished your stitches about forty five minutes ago and Elvis had decided to just sit with Jerry and talk a bit while they waited for your anesthesia to wear off. But you woke up with a start, disoriented.
Seeing you sit up, looking around for him, Elvis rushed to your side, sitting you in his lap and hugging you to him. "It's okay baby, it's okay. It's all over. I'm still here." You reached up and touched the big white bandage sitting on top of your stitches. "Yeah, we made your owie better, huh?" You nodded, still a bit sleepy.
Jerry waved at you as you tried to get your bearings and calm your heart a little bit. "Hi sweetie. How do you feel?" You reached out and placed your tiny hand in Jerry's. "My owie's better." Jerry smiled. "Your owie feels better? Good. Now we can go home okay?"
Half an hour later, Elvis had just finished buckling you in your carseat in the car and you were dozing off again. "E, I'm sorry this all happened." Jerry spoke up and Elvis was turning out of the ER parking lot, toward home. "Jer, don't say another word about it. I trust you with her and you said it yourself, she was wobbly today. It was just an accident. There was nothing you did wrong. That shit just happens." Jerry nods and checked on you in the mirror and smiled when he noticed you had fallen asleep again.
There's my ER fic! I got inspired by @mooodyblue who published their doctor fic before me. I hope this was good <3 Time to answer some asks!
@plasticfantasticl0ver @ellie-24 @arianatheangel-girl
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nelllover · 2 years
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This is all so true! Logan constantly gaslights Rory, makes her doubt herself, talks her out of her feelings and ends up making her feel unsure of herself, he literally toys with her and plays mind games with her at first and ghosts her leaving her wondering what she has done wrong. He makes her feel so bad about herself while at the same time not being able to leave him even when he does. Exactly like Dean is shitty but Logan is so so shitty and people overlook his red flags so often and pretend he's perfect. Like yeah they had a few cute moments and where he wasn't a total ass but the overall time of there relationship he was horrible to her and he did cause her to start changing herself for him to the point where she started to feel lost! He cheats on her then gaslights her and invalidates her feelings for it! Like some people may or may not view it as cheating but the fact of the matter is Rory felt cheated and he completely invalidated her! He blame shifts all the time. The conversation where he starts yelling at her in the pub about "I didn't tell her to quit Yale you did that" like she wasn't even talking about him but he made it all about himself flipped it around to make it like "don't you dare blame me" she wasn't even blaming him. I could go on and on about all the reasons Logan makes me so mad! It's so cathartic that you feel the same! Sorry about my long rant I saw your tags and yeah it's all so true!
First of all, never apologize for ranting it's my favorite thing and second I agree 100% with you!!
The scene with Rory crying on the bathroom floor will always make me sad and the fact that I've seen so many of the Rogan shippers talk about that scene like it's proof that he's the bf that Rory loved the most (no I'm not kidding they really count that scene as a win) when personally I think it's the start of the toxic cycle that is their relationship.
The cycle is: They get together something happens they fight instead of dealing with it Logan ghosts her and then he shows up out of nowhere and expects everything to go back to normal (and sadly most of the time Rory lets it slide :( )
My biggest problem with Dean is that he gives me the vibe that at any second he could get physically abusive but at least in canon he doesn't do anything as bad as Logan (altho he definitely manipulated the hell out of Rory and Lindsey in the S4 arc) and like I get why he's the most hated but at the same time, I really think that title should go to Logan (Dean's biggest crime in canon is having absolutely no personality).
Honestly to me, any cute Rogan moment gets overshadowed by the fact that Logan treats Rory like a rug 99% of the time (also most of those moments are so cringy like the 'workdork' thing were the S7 writers trying so badly to make them have a 'booktease' scene I'm sure of it)
On the Rory changing thing I agree 100%. Rory in S5 was trying to play a role she was trying so badly to be what she thought Logan wanted that she lost herself (which I think contributed to the breakdown that she had in S6) and Logan didn't even realize because let's be honest he doesn't know her! The man didn't even know her birthday!!
And yes people need to understand that if to Rory it felt like cheating then it was cheating (granted I don't think there is any way to not make it sound like cheating but don't ask them to make sense) and his weird Ross Geller like speech doesn't change that!!!
The scene in the pub is so funny to me in the sense that she didn't say shit about him she was talking about herself but he got so butthurt! like damn you called yourself out! she didn't have to say anything!
The thing is that yes, Rory is an adult and she made a choice but that does not change the fact that Logan was more than happy about it he didn't try to talk to her about it. I'm not saying that he should have dragged her back to Yale but he didn't try and as her boyfriend, he needs to be real with her and call her out when she's doing something stupid! (and guess who actually does that)
See no reason to apologize about the length of your rant I did worst!!
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bi-bard · 2 years
Theoretical - Nigel Imagine (Charlie Countryman)
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Title: Theoretical
Pairing: Nigel X Reader
Word Count: 787 words
Warning(s): mentions of violence
Summary: (Y/n) and Nigel had an interesting habit of running into each other. Nigel thinks it's some kind of a sign. (Y/n) has other theories.
Author's Note: I found an excuse to ramble about psychology! Hell yeah! (Oh, if you didn't know, I'm a psych student)
Also, I don't know if I captured his character at all.
"We need to stop meeting like this, my dear."
I would've rolled my eyes at Nigel's comment if it wasn't for the wound in my arm.
"I've got you," he promised, helping me off the ground. "There you go. Let's get that taken care of."
We did have a tendency to meet like this. Somehow in a mess of action, Nigel and I would be found face-to-face. One of us usually hurt. I would help him get better. He would help me get better.
Over the course of our meetings, we grew closer.
I knew how I felt about him. His flirting seemed to make it very clear how he felt about me.
But there was enough happening. Our lives were much easier without relying on each other. No one needs a weak point. Why volunteer for it?
I kept my distance. I would shut him down whenever I needed to. Not harshly. Just firmly.
It all seemed to take a turn this time. It was different. I could tell.
I was sitting on a sink counter in a shitty motel room. Nigel was grabbing the first aid kit that I carried everywhere.
"Your commitment to this little first aid kit is almost admirable," he said as he walked into the bathroom.
"You say that like it doesn't get the job done," I muttered.
He grinned, chuckling at me, "I'm shocked you haven't run out of supplies."
"I keep it stocked just for our run-ins."
"How sweet," he replied. I rolled my eyes at him. "Maybe we could get better supplies if we just stayed together."
I scoffed.
"Move your shirt off of the wound," he instructed before I could respond with something sarcastic.
"There's this effect," I said as Nigel cleaned the wound on my arm. "Misattribution of arousal. Our bodies are sent into aroused states and then we see someone. Our brains associate that aroused state with the person, essentially ignoring the other cause."
"So, my attraction isn't attraction..."
"It's because we were just in a high-stress situation."
He hummed, "You're wrong."
"How so?"
"I feel the same emotions for you when we're not in 'high-stress' situations."
"Have we interacted outside of a high-stress situation," I chuckled.
"Have we not?"
I shook my head.
"Well, that's just no good then."
I scoffed as he finished wrapping my arm.
"Nothing, nothing," I shrugged it off before looking down at my arm. "Thank you for your help. I'm gonna head home."
"Wait," he asked as I made my way to the door. "Do you really think all of this is just that misattribution thing?"
I paused, grinning, "I didn't say that."
He raised an eyebrow at me, a small smirk sitting on his face.
I sighed, "Humans are... horrendously complex. Every rule or effect has exceptions. Every social effect, every theory surrounding personality, all of it has gaps. Giving finite answers is almost impossible. I... I just simply can't give you a complete answer."
"I don't think it is."
Nigel walked over to me and grabbed my hand.
"What are the other causes of attraction?"
"Reward theory," I said. "We are usually more attracted to people we associate with good things. Rewarding experiences. We tend to go for people similar to us. There's actually very little evidence to support the 'opposites attract' thing. There are obvious like physical attractiveness. There's the mere exposure effect, granted that has exceptions- what are you doing?"
Nigel had stepped closer. He was close. Far too close. It made my heartbeat speed up.
"You son of a bitch," I scoffed, trying to play off any nervousness. "Try to make me ramble so you could get closer."
"I would never," he replied sarcastically. "Just wanted to find something to use against your misattribution of arousal theory."
"I did just say that I couldn't claim that's all there was."
"You are attracted to me."
I sighed, "Nigel-"
He cupped the sides of my face. Any comment or argument I had died on my tongue.
"I don't want any explanations or reasons or excuses," he muttered. "I want a chance."
"A chance?"
"A real chance."
I leaned in and kissed him gently. It was brief. Hesitant. Nigel seemed okay with that. At least that's the impression I got from his smile as I leaned back.
"I never thought you'd be a romantic," I muttered.
"Maybe you should let me prove you wrong."
I bit the inside of my cheek, "Maybe."
With that, I pulled the door to the room open and walked out. He didn't follow me or try to stop. He respected the 'maybe' because he knew that it meant he had a far better chance than he did a while ago.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Part 5
For once in your life, your eyes slowly open, only having been disturbed by warm morning sunlight. The soft comforter trapping your body heat and essentially you, as it pinned you to the soft mattress. You snuggle deeper into the sheets, breathing in the smell of clean linen and caramel.
Wait. Caramel?
With a jolt you jump from the bed, eyes wide as you look for the source of the scent. Patting down your jeans and shirt for at least one knife. You hardly remember what happened after dinner with his family. You remember booze, light conversation while feeling warm and floaty. Oh shit what was that passive that activated again? Rest assured?
"Info on rest assured." You grumble, voice soft from disuse. Your quirk happily pulls up a little informational box that you can see. Too sleepy to make the box private as it reads aloud to you.
"PASSIVE BUFF REST ASSURED. A newly unlocked buff that increases sleep quality and can only be activated around trusted individuals and safe places. Would you like a list?"
You stare at the question box with a flashing yes or no before you point with the tip of your knife to yes.
"Currently there is only one thing listed. Type : Individual Name: Bakugou Ka…."
"Oi." Someone calls from the front door of the apartment as you dismiss the information with a wave of your hand. He discards his boots at the door before making his way to his bedroom.
"You talking to yourself dumbass?" He says, blocking your only exit by leaning on the door jamb. He holds an iced coffee towards you, his eyes sharp as he adds.
"We need to talk about your file."
Crossing his arms you ignore his offer of iced appeasement, he sets it on the low dresser as you speak.
"It's not up for discussion."
"I'm your boss, I deserve to know."
"What you deserve to know is what's in that file. My whole life doesn't fit into a manila fucking folder. Quit asking questions."
"I'll ask what I want." He growls, "Because it's suspicious that you have this unbelievably complex quirk and yet I'm sure your top skills have nothing to do with stealing."
"If you're that concerned then ask the director of the program. I'm not the only secret 'reform'." You throw your hands into the air is exasperation
"He showed up dead shortly after you were inducted. Plus no one has any real record of what you've done. Not a single thing listed on what you've stolen."
"Talk to Deku then, he's next in line for that program, he ain't dead."
"He said he doesn't remember approving your file." He bites back and before you can retort strong fingers wrap around your wrist. His calloused pads brush over the cool metal of your bracelet.
"RECOGNIZED, BAKUGOU KATSUKI : NEW LIMITED ACCESS GRANTED. 1. Health and Condition status, upon request 2. Top five skills 3. Buffs that would benefit Bakugou Katuski. 4. Pending buffs to be activated by host. Please state a number."
"Two." "Cancel!" You try to shout over him but he beats you to it. The bracelet opens up a little box displaying your top five skills as of late.
"Stab resistance, poison resistance, what would a thief need those for? Stealth is number three and slight of hand is number five. Shit don't add up Princess." He glares while your nostrils flare, ripping your wrist away from his grip.
"You're really fucking pushing it…" He takes a step towards you while you step back as if it were part of a dance as you try so hard to keep your wrath in check.
"Am I? Like I said, shit ain't adding up. You have this bracelet that still has limited information to your quirk, support knows nothing of the recordings or god damn blocks you've placed on it and lastly…" Your knees hit the back of the back of the bed causing you to sit on the mattress. His rough palms come to lie flat against the fabric next to your thighs as he leans in. You fight to shrink back.
"Lastly, I deserve to know how an unnamed woman, who obviously knew you, turns up dead moments after I arrive on scene and then her body is gone in a matter of minutes. She poisoned you with a complex concoction that the lab in the agency has yet to figure out the formula to it and yet you knew the fucking antidote? What did you really do?"
Rage boils in your blood as you stare into his vermilion eyes. Like flipping a switch you turn ice cold, your breath mingles with his.
"You know what's funny? You don't see me asking how you became a manager with your shitty attitude. Nor do you see me asking how you manipulated and gaslit your way to the number one spot." You press your cheek against his as your lips graze his ear, "And you sure as hell don't see me asking how you're considered a hero at all after you told Izuku to kill himself in middle school."
The scars in his chest and stomach roar to life, demanding attention as his shirt scrapes against the sensitive skin. He takes a step back as if struck while the room begins to smell of smokey spiced caramel. His bones groan as his knuckles bloom white.
You smile as you stand, collecting your bag and the jacket he lent. Even grabbing the iced coffee he got you. Because why let it go to waste?
Cruelty slips onto your shoulders as nicely as his borrowed jacket while you pause at his bedroom door wanting nothing more than to leave him with terrible thoughts.
"Did you ever even apologize for that?"
Silence is your answer as you chuckle to yourself.
"Didn't think so."
You leave him with those nasty thoughts. Long gone as he still pants, pain shooting through his gut and lungs as it did all those fucking years ago.
As he moved without a second thought and placed himself in front of a stupid, dopey mop top boy who tried to hold up the weight of the world by himself.
With a guttural growl he looks over his destroyed room, as if a bomb went off.
He reaches for his phone dialing the number he never bothered to save.
"Meet me at our usual when you get off your stupid fucking shift. I know you've forgotten to eat you useless hero." The other line chimes in with a deep laugh as he adds.
"Okay Kaachan. I'll be there."
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Izuku doesn't get invited out often and especially not by Bakugou. So the emerald haired boy decides to keep an eye on his oldest friend. Silently watching and not glancing too long as hot head huffs and puffs, taking another shot. The ash blonde's favorite spicy ramen goes untouched as the large man across from him slurps up his fourth bowl, covered in sweat and dirt from the day's work.
"You better get my fucking money's worth of this endless ramen bowl shit." He bites, slamming down another shot, fingers subconsciously finding the old scar on his chest. The action does not go unnoticed by his more docile friend. Izuku thanks the waiter as he starts on his fifth bowl.
"I'm starting to think you're mad about more than the endless ramen you ordered me." Bright emerald meet dark garnet eyes that glare, Bakugou's cheeks burn in his buzz.
"Fuck you. Nothin's wrong." Another deadly shot.
"That's your seventh. Kaachan you can't fool me. Your body language gives it away." Bakugou follows Izuku's eyes to his fingers. Quickly he removes his calloused pads from the divot. Angrily staring at the wall like a child who's been caught.
"Fuck you." He murmurs, silence settles over the pair in the far back corner of the restaurant. Bakugou's eyes glance over to Izuku who continues to eat, crimson bore into the scars on his arms from where the dumbass had broken them time and time again. His scars burn with your words, with the memory of what he's said in the past.
Too cruel and for what?
"You know I'm-" Bakugou starts but Izuku holds up a hand, wanting to spare his friend.
"I know, you've shown me everyday, even before you jumped in front of me, Kaachan. I've always known." He leaves it at that, in his heart he knows that Bakugou is sorry. He's seen it in every action since their first year at UA, he doesn't need to hear him say it.
What good are words when actions spoke louder?
"So what's bothering you? Worried over someone? You're dating Rogue now right?" Izuku asks, holding his chopsticks at a point while Bakugou takes another shot.
"Her file is what's bothering me. Deku, she doesn't have a fucking thing of her past. Not to mention you don't even remember signing off on her. Real responsible." Bakugou watches with a dull snarl as Izuku goes back to slurping his noodles.
"Ka...Kaachan." Izuku chokes, "Not fair. They put a lot of your desk too and I bet you don't remember half of it."
"I'd remember something like that. Just makes it that much more suspicious. Probably foraged by someone but the question is who…." Katsuki sets his head in his hand, staring at his orange broth.
"Well, did you ask her yourself?" Bakugou scoffs in response.
"Yea, and it didn't fucking turn out well." His finger finds his stomach this time, the ghastly white crater suddenly irritated by the fabric of his shirt. Izuku stops eating, he isn't stupid and easily connects the dots. The soft man thinks back a decade of his friend is the worst condition but more worried about him.
"Kaachan…" Deep jade eyes water a bit but Bakugou puts up a hand
"Don't." He barks, sighing.
"So you must really care about her if whatever she said affected you that much. You weren't even bothered when they were trying to 'cancel' you." Izuku taps Bakugou's bowl with his chopsticks, silently begging the blonde to eat. Hopping he'll take at least a bite to soak up some of that alcohol. Reluctantly deadly fingers pick up the sticks, gathering ramen between them but still undecided if he should eat.
His silence is answer enough for Izuku.
"I know my agency started the program. I'll look into it some more tomorrow. I'll be mostly office duty since I have so much paperwork anyway. But even if her past is dark Katsuki, what are you going to do? She may not have had any say in the matter, she doesn't give me that evil vibe."
Bakugou thinks back to you. How you fight, how you hold yourself.
How cute you were sleeping on his shoulder before he eased you onto his lap. How softly you snored in his bed. His stomach twists, Izuku's words and yours floating around his head.
"I guess I'll decide once I have more answers." With that the blonde decides to bring the spicy noodles to his lips.
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artbyrivaille · 4 years
Hair ☕
Okay, so at the outset, I would like to emphasize that English is not my mother tongue and I am still learning. But writing is my hobby and I decided that I will try my skills here too, in English, I invite you to write requests, I hope you will like it!
3,5k words!
She was strong. She was a good soldier, commander, companion.
But she was also a beautiful woman with an amazing figure who was envied by many. Despite being quite short, because she was only five feet three, she had long slender legs. Overall, she was considered a beautiful woman. However, she had short hair.
Her hairstyle was practically identical to Levi's, but no one accused her of trying to look like him, as she was cutting her hair that way long before Ackerman joined the survey corps.
Oh, she and Levi. It was quite a sneaky topic, let alone the rumors around the body. They were often seen in each other's company, people interpreted it differently.
Some said it was just a friendship and a bond they established when Ackermann was part of her branch at the beginning of his career. And the others insinuated the supposed romance of the two. Well the versions were really different, but the truth was that y/n and good captain Levi were just two great friends. The woman was one of the few people who knew the man's past, and shared with him some facts about her. Because they both came from the Underground, however, and managed to get out of there on their own, and not with the help of scouts, as was the case with Levi.
At first they were not very sympathetic, quite the opposite. They had very similar characters, which theoretically should indicate that they will get along well, but that was only theoretically. In practice, they got on their nerves terribly.
But despite this aversion to a man, it was precisely this that helped him the most after the death of Farlan and Izabel. She provided him with comfort, help and warmth.  Something no one else could give him. It was thanks to her that he recovered so quickly, and he was in the place where he was at the moment.
At some point their relationship began to take a less formal path. More and more often they stayed at each other's offices, helped each other with Erwin's sentences, that is, documentation. They drank tea together, despite the fact that the brunette was a coffee advocate, she made an exception for Levi and almost completely gave it up. They had similar problems, especially those with sleep, may both of them suffer from insomnia, so when the entire corps was asleep, they sat in the two of them over documents, or simply spent their free time together.
Y/n did not even know the exact moment when she began to care in this other, more intimate way on the short captain. It came overnight. Of course, she was behaving the same as before, after all, she was not some horny teen, but a mature woman, but at the moment when she was going to the black-haired's office, or she just knew that he would see him, her body was flooded with heat. And maybe she wouldn't care so much if it wasn't for the fact that she had short hair.
She loved the short haircut, the long hair simply irritated her and disturbed the soldier's everyday life, but she was afraid that they might be an obstacle to any closer relationship with Ackerman.
She sat quietly in her office filling out paperwork for Erwin. She nervously tweaked her hair, which was longer than usual, because every time she tried to cut it, something was getting in the way and that was how it was already quite long.
The silence in the office was broken by the sudden opening of the door through which entered a black-haired man with pliers and a towel in his hand. He closed the door with a bang and set the items on the coffee table, then looked at the woman poring over reports and other documents.
"You have long hair." He said suddenly and walked closer to her chair, and when he was next to him, he entangled his hand in her dark strands. She breathed a breath and leaned against the back of the armchair, massaging her temples at the same time giving herself to the caress.
"I didn't have time to cut them off because of the last expedition, and with all the crap Erwin did, I have more work to do than ever. And Hanji keeps following me all the time and asks if I managed to convince Bushbread to do experiments on titans." She explained in frustration then exhaled her mouth with a whistle.
"Tch, fucking shitty glasses. Come on, rest a little, cut off your hair, and you will give me a haircut." He replied then pulled the woman's chair back and, grabbing her hand, led her to the bathroom. She was so tired of it all that she didn't care, and the presence of a cobalt-eyed woman was calming, so she didn't resist. "Get your hair wet." He gave the order, which she followed by putting her head in the shower and then she wet her hair with a stream of water. Ackermann handed her a towel, which she grabbed and dried her hair.
Let the two go back to the brunette's office, meanwhile she took off her jacket and threw it on the couch, which Ackermann only huffed, but said nothing. She sat down without a word on the low stool that the man had prepared at that time. He ran a hand through her hair a few times and began carefully trimming it.
"Can I ask you a question?" She finally gave up y/n, unable to withstand the silence in the room
"You ask them anyway, so why do you ask me for permission." The bored man replied by which l/n raised the corner of her mouth in a small smile.
"What do you think about women with short hair?" She asked, and black hair stopped breathing for a moment. What the hell was that about? Is this some kind of provocation?
"What am I supposed to think. They are no less feminine because they do not have long hair, their appearance does not define a person." He replied quite neutral, not realizing that he had just kindled a little ray of hope in his friend's heart. "And why do you ask?"
"Because I care about someone, and all in all, I wanted to know your opinion." Ah yes. His heart leapt into his throat, and his stomach seemed to have a 3D maneuvering device.  Someone did she like? But who the hell. After all, the only men with whom she spent time was himself, Erwin, sometimes he encountered Moblit in the company of Hanji and Mike. Who could steal her heart enough to make her care about her hairstyle? Probably Erwin. That fucking perfect general.
Maybe Levi didn't have complexes as such, but he was always a little jealous of Smith. He had a perfect body, he was tall, intelligent, had a high position in the military, and he came from a non-poor family. He was nothing compared to the blonde, he had nothing to offer. And he would like so much to have her with him.
"I'm done." He muttered softly brushing single hairs from the woman's clothes. She got up from the stool and unintentionally combed her dark hair. She looked beautiful, but he wouldn't tell her that.
"Your turn." She said and took the pliers from his hand. This time it was he who sat on the stool. He involuntarily smiled under his breath and closed his eyes at the woman's gentle touch. He was literally like a docile kitten. Why couldn't she be his?
He had been avoiding her like plague for about two weeks. He was irritated by the lack of a black-haired woman around him, but he knew that if it was like before, he would take the blow even worse.
A blow that would never come.
Y/n really didn't know what she could do wrong. After all, everything was fine, and then overnight Ackerman began to avoid her. Maybe he just got bored?
At first she explained his ignorance with overwork, in the end everyone in the command had their heads off. But when one day in a row she saw him sitting quietly with Petra, she knew it was not it. By the way, seeing a redhead in his company, something broke in her. What did this teenager have that she did not have? Did their relationship really mean nothing to him? So many questions, so few answers.
And this way almost every evening she landed in Erwin's office with Hanji with a bottle of whiskey or vodka, depending on what Smith had in the bar. Erwin and Hange really couldn't comprehend the change in brunet's behavior, and the sight of a really hurt l/n was so pathetic as to be nasty.
And so the next evening the three gathered in Smith's office where they once again debated about the captain's behavior.
"I do not feel it completely, so change the attitude towards people overnight. 
I know that our curly pedantic has its own rules, but without exaggeration." Hanji announced, finishing the rest of the whiskey from her glass.
"Maybe something made him do it?" Smith replied, then grabbed his chin.
"Tch, and this thing is called Petra Ral, really fascinating." Black-haired girl summed up pouring herself and Zoe whiskey.
Their conversations were so loud that they interested Ackerman who was just about to make himself a cup of tea. But when he heard three familiar voices, he stood at the door of Smith's office, listening to what was being said.
"Don't take it for granted." Erwin said and frowned by the high concentration of alcohol in his glass.
"So what could be the reason Levi is ignoring me then? Just like logic Erwin, there are two options, or he has something to me and he distorts what is unfortunately but impossible because he always treated me only as a friend. Or he just shoots with Petra, and that's what I believe more. "Did they talk about him? What romance with Petra? And y/n cared for him the way he wanted it, but he's just an idiot and he broke it? He held his breath for a moment and tried to enter the room, but stopped himself and continued to stand still.
"Like it or not, I have to agree with the above.  Although I keep my fingers crossed for the first version." Squeaked at the end of the woman, which caused a loud sigh of disapproval from y/n.
"Shut up Hanji, I don't want to hope again for something that will never happen." She growled angry and hurt. She really cared about him. Not on any Erwin, Moblit or Mike, but on him. On a goddamn Underground thief with a hard character and misophobic aspirations. Damn it, don't let this be a dream.
He walked away from the door and headed for his office. He has even forgotten why he left it at all. He sat down at the desk and stared blankly at the sky until the very morning, trying to put everything in his head. He must try to fix what he broke.
Like a day like every other day. There was no expedition, no surprises, just an ordinary day in the recon. Well, maybe almost. Because Ackerman had been nervous and a little stressed since the morning. And it wasn't just because he wanted to talk to y/n seriously, but largely because he couldn't find her anywhere. As to spite that day, she sank underground, his only salvation could be Erwin. Which office was on his way to. The evening and dinner time was approaching, so he wanted to come to him before her, to look for the presence of a woman at the last meal, if necessary.
He entered the office without knocking, Smith merely looked up from the mountain of documents he had probably been studying since this morning, then turned him back to the sheets of paper.
"What you want Levi?" He asked breaking the silence prevailing in the room. He was pretty sure why this one had come to him, but preferred not to reveal all the cards at once.
"Where is y/n"?  Erwin sighed and then put down his quill and straightened up in his chair. He was afraid of Levi's reaction, but what could he do if the milk had already spilled?
"She went on a mission. She should be back in two or three days at the most." He replied with a straight face in the middle being a bit irritated by the reaction of the black-haired man.
"What mission? And why the hell didn't I know anything about this." Ackerman asked, very angry with the news once again.
"Maybe because you've been avoiding her for a long time? Maybe because it's a secret mission, I'm not obligated to tell you everything, Levi. I respect you and treat you as a friend, so I will give you some friendly advice. Think about what you really want and don't screw it up. I don't think I need to tell you what I'll do to you if you hurt her, not to mention Hanji." A faint smile affected his lips at the end of his speech.
"It's none of your business anymore. Thank you for the information." He replied coolly and, not worried about the threat of his friend, left his office.
So he was supposed to wait? He hated waiting. Uncertainty burst him from the inside, these few days will probably be a real nightmare for him.
It was well past nine o'clock, so most of the Corps' soldiers were resting in their quarters. Only a few officers were still in the courtyard. And Levi was watching them from his office.
Week. She has been gone since fucking week.
And he was consumed not only by uncertainty, but also by fear. Because they didn't know anything, not even Erwin, who entrusted the woman with this mission. Through it all, the captain was irritated and angry from day to night. Everyone wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Even Petra must have found out about his bad mood when some two days after y/n's departure, she felt bad for the fact that she smiled at him instead of focusing on cleaning. The last time he was afraid was when he first left for exeption.
Suddenly, a horse ran into the courtyard, on the back of which was a scout, but he was clearly unconscious, barely clinging to his mount. At first, Ackerman did not move from his place, but when he heard the screams about the return of squad leader l/n and summoning the medics, he sprinted out of the office.
When he was already leaving, he saw only a brunette, which two cadets were carrying on a stretcher to the infirmary. There was blood everywhere, and the worst case scenario flashed through his mind. She might have died.
He knew that they would not let him into the infirmary anyway, and the cadets didn't know anything, the only option was once again Erwin. What a mission it was to make her come back like this.
He hurried to Smith's office and threw open the door. He did not care about the surprised face of Hanji, who was sitting on the blonde's couch, but he walked over to the man and grabbed him tightly by the collar of a white shirt.
"What was that mission? And why did you send her over there alone, don't you care that she's just fighting for her life?" He was screaming at the top of his throat, he didn't care what everyone thought of him right now, he didn't care about the consequences, he only cared that he could lose her before he actually possessed her.
"In Stohess there is a man who leads the gang. It interfered with various shipments and the like. They are also active in the Underground. The task was to diversify into their ranks, apparently she did not quite succeed." He replied with stoic calm which made the black-haired man even more angry.
"Have you been really fucked up? Such a mission is not a job for one person, it is for the rest. Such matters should be handled by the MP's, not us!" He shouted and pushed the blonde back so that he almost fell from his chair.
"Only that they interfered mainly with transports to our corps. Mostly those not entirely legal. You know very well that a large amount of drugs and medical equipment we have is not entirely legal, but it is needed. I wanted to send the two of you on this mission, because both of you know the Underground, but she did not agree to you taking part in this mission. Probably because you were not getting along at that point." The man explained succinctly, and Ackerman said nothing. It was his fault, his goddamn fault. If only he wasn't such an asshole, nothing bad would have happened.
Until now, a silent Hanji came up to the shorter man and put her hand on his shoulder, the latter turned towards her, close to crying. Holy shit what she did with him.
"You'll finish later, for now, go to her." She ordered, and he nodded and without a word headed for the infirmary.
"When will she wake up?" He asked one of the medics, who was just finishing treating single wounds on the body of an unconscious woman.
"She should wake up in the morning. But probably not for long, he has to rest a lot now. She lost a lot of blood, it is surprising that she was even going here alive." She replied and got up from the small stool, putting the remnants of bandages and other medicaments on a silver tray. "But take it easy, she will get out of this, squad leader l/n is a damn tough woman, not just character.  She will lick it." She added after a moment with a slight smile on her face trying to cheer the man up.
"I know she's strong." He replied quietly, his head bowed and his hands folded.
"So just be patient. I think she survived because she had someone to return to." She laughed softly and just left the room, leaving the slightly confused captain with the unconscious woman.
He slowly walked over to her bed and sat down next to it on the wooden chair. He grabbed her chilled hand and pressed it to his lips, giving it a tender kiss. He had to wait.
And so the hours went by, and Levi spent them thinking about his feelings for the woman and simply gazing at her adoringly.
She was so beautiful, he loved everything about her. From a smile that could not be seen too often, ending with short hair. He was lazily combing them almost all the time, not being surprised how pleasant they are.  He did not even notice that it was starting to dawn, and the soldiers of the corps were slowly waking up to start another day of service. He also did not notice that Erwin accompanied by Hanji arrived in the room in the meantime, but when they saw the man sitting next to the y/n, they only smiled at each other and left, leaving them alone, of course they gave each other high five for fruitful cooperation.
"Wake up now, because these feelings will blow me up soon." The words were coming out of his mouth involuntarily. His eyes were closed, he tried to focus, to be patient. "I overheard your, Hanji and Erwin conversation about me. I really was an idiot. I shouldn't be away from you, that's why you're here at all. If I hadn't, you wouldn't be lying here, I wouldn't have allowed it. I have plans to blame Erwin for letting you go on this mission alone. But you don't know how much I was bursting from the inside by the thought that you care about someone, and that someone is not me. I was so fucking jealous. Ugh, feelings are a pain in the ass. You don't even know what you're doing with me. I just love you, and I love everything about you." There was a silence in the room, and the man breathed a sigh of relief, finally blurted out into the crowd of thoughts.
"Even my short hair?" Silence, a hoarse voice broke the silence in the room. The man immediately opened his eyes and straightened in his chair, a smile spread across his face at the sight of the woman's open eyes.
"Even short hair." He replied and once again ran his hand through it, and placed the other on her cheek.
"I heard everything, you idiot. Love you too." She said and smiled broadly as he reciprocated.
"I love you too." He replied and pressed their lips together in a kiss.
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neenahnah21 · 4 years
Find my Way Back Home VI
Summary: Bucky Buchanan Barnes is smitten to a four insignia military officer—you. How do you think things will unfold?
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
 Word Count: 2,145
 Warning: Swearing?
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Earlier, Bucky's stuttering mess were amusing you but now his straightforwardness were flattering you and sending you in a flustered mess. How come a table could turn around this fast.
You couldn't let him know that now, can you.
You looked at him with feign shock and his brows just knitted.
"Wow, look at that Barnes, you know how to follow" you joked and Bucky just send you a playful glare then grew embarrass right after. At the corner if your eye you saw him rubbing the back of his neck showing the discomfort he was in. You didn't dare to mention it though, not wanting to further perturb him.
"Uh-yeah, about that...anyway" he started. You looked at him and grant him your full attention indicating that you are all ears now.
"Uhh— one of the reason why I came" you just hum and waited for him to continue further.
"Just wanna apologise for how I behave, just yeah, tense I guess? But that shouldn't cover it so yah I'm sorry?"
"Are you apologising or asking?" you said solemnly and your deadpan voice caused Bucky to bring his face fort— his face visibly contorted by panic; again. You would of have laugh but then that would be too rude.
"I-Im apolo-" your laughter halted him and looked at you confuse as if you have gone mad.
"I'm just messing around Buck, no need to be so perturb, apology accepted. I don't take lashing out personally, trust me it happens— a lot." you retorted to ease his worry state, Bucky seems to relax at your nonchalantness about the whole situation. Maybe Steve were right, he was just overthinking the whole thing.
"You however does"
"Huh?" he asked confusedly.
"The whole thing, you're taking it too personal" you've commented while giving half of your attention again to your firearms.
"It's personal" he replied shortly and you hummed indicating that you understood. Bucky's story with HYDRA wasn't a secret tale.
"Hmm, why were you up this late anyway" you said trying to change the topic noticing how the ambiance of the room suddenly changed.
"I don't supposed you usually do your apologising during this shitty hours" you joked and Bucky just laughs.
"Can't sleep" and you laugh, well geez fucking obviously, you thought.
"Hmm definitely didn't thought of that" you've commented sarcastically.
"You surely do make a lot of sarcastic remarks don't you?" he told you, state the fucking obvious Sergeant.
"Hmm, would you like having me all solemn and uptight? I can do that too" amused dancing on your face and Bucky could only smile at your cheekiness, definitely didn't took you to be this playful and at ease. You were always professional during the combat training, strict and uptight at employing orders, keen in field and authoritative during meetings. He's blessed to be granted by this side of you in close doors.
"Hmm, definitely not. Got a fair share of that already" and you send him a playful glare telling him to watch his mouth.
"Seriously though, shouldn't you be already in bed? Grandpas need a good night sleep" you teased and you see how Bucky's face was contorted with feign hurt and anger.
"Oh so I'm a grandpa now" he scoffed "tsk, no grandpa looked this great" he boast and you would of have spit your drink when he retorted that, luckily you weren't drinking anything.
"Well aren't we hubristic now" you fired back and he just laughed it off.
"Uh-huh, have all the right to be" well, damn hell he was right. You didn't tell it out loud though, not wanting to further inflate his growing ego. His head might grow too big to fit in the room.
"Tsk" you scoffed.
"Nightmare" he suddenly burst out at the middle of the growing comfortable silence. For a moment you were confuse but then you realize he was answering your question earlier. You nodded and didn't dare to ask about what it was, not wanting to pry his privacy although you already knew too well what was those horrifying dreams all about .
"H'bout you?" he asked way too quickly luckily you were able to grasp it just fine.
"Hmm bad habit I guess, when you're in the military for so long it can fuck your body clock tremendously" you answered nonchalantly.
Bucky knew you were a busy person, never staying still, but knowing first hand that indeed you were always restless somewhat it clenches his heart.
"Uh do want any help?" referring to your still half cleaned roscoes.
You were hesitant at first, you were really sensitive when it comes to your gun, they just feel like personal belongings to you, which they really do. But for some reason you feel no worry at letting Bucky get his hand at those so you followed your guts and let him.
"Uh- yeah sure" Bucky could trace the hesitance that lingers in your voice.
"Don't worry I'm good at guns" he re assured.
"I can tell" you smiled.
"Back in the days" he started reminiscing the memories back in the 40's; the time where he usually do belong, when he's still a whole man despite of the war, when he could feel that he's in control of hisself— and his life.
Just like you he was slightly hesitant at opening up, not knowing if he wanted to burden you with his story but for an unknown reason of pull, he was comfortable at being vulnerable under your sight.
"When I was still in the Army, I usually clean my guns— a lot" he chuckled and you smile. You can see that he's that type of guy.
"Quite the sharpshooter of the troop" he said.
"That I've heard" you smile sadly. You knew the story of the great Sergeant Barnes who've been in an arm with arm combat with the great Captain Roger. When his story were told Bucky's was part of the package.
"Quite owe you and your team America's liberty" you smiled, your praises warms his heart, he knows he's in deep trouble for feeling such.
"Yeah" Bucky muttered suddenly his mood were changing thinking how different he is from that man now. How different of a person he is now compare to the old Bucky back in those days.
"Not quite the same man now though" he admitted. You brought your gazed up to him but his eyes were focus at the revolver on his grip, looking at anything but you.
Bucky was silently contemplating and thinking, if he would say out loud what he feels for you, would there be a chance of you accepting him?would you detest him? would you really accept a broken man? someone who's tainted and in deep trouble with hisself?
He highly doubt. He stand no chance. You were the type of girl who would fall at the arms of men like his friend—Steve, he's the type of man you would go for. He couldn't blame you though. You were everything that he's not, and he can no longer be someone like you are. And Steve could be a perfect match for you, he couldn't bring hisself to the hate the idea specially it was anything but a logical fact.
But were you really?
" No one's remains the same anyway" you said and that brought his attention up to you, can't help but keep his eyes gazing intently at yours. You smile at him reassuringly, intangibly comforting his by your presence alone. Like your beaming smile were suddenly emitting a light to the dark he was in.
"After a war, no soldier remains the same" you added.
"And we're in different wars, some are not necessarily can be seen by the eye nor can be written in history books. We fight our own battles and I think that's quite ok. It's ok not to be the same, I think we all are. Been in the military or not . No one was, nor really is" you reassured him.
Bucky were grateful for your words, it sounds so promising that he couldn't help but trust them.
"Thanks" was all he could say, not really knowing how to equal your words. You just smile at him, a soft one, contrasting the thin line of your lips that he was quite accustomed to. A softness that contrast your hard demeanour outside this four corner of the room.  A softness that he can't help but feel greedy and wish it was all for his eyes only.
For a moment no one really talked, indulged at the current task you were attending. Once in a while your arms would bump or touch each other accidentally—or is it.
You can't help but notice the often talked about prosthetic arm of his. You saw it of course, more often than not. You would glance at it once in a while during a combat training, would still glances at it during dining, would look at it discreetly from afar when he's unaware doing mundane things.
You don't want to pry, really. But as of the moment your curiosity were getting the best of you and you absentmindedly put the calibre you were holding and touch his arm. You knew it was inappropriate, breaking boundaries and impolite of you—you couldn't care less now though.
Bucky stiffens at the sudden action not really expecting it, but when he remembers it was just you, he slightly relax but still perplex at the sudden attention you were giving him. He just looked at you intently, letting you examine his metal arm, if it was anyone he would of have already grip their throat for touching him, but this was you and your touch were sending him comfort, something he didn't anticipate could ever happen.
When your eyes met, you didn't shy out, you just look back at him intently, shamelessly studying him—well that was for a good few second, because after that realisation dawns to you he saw how something snap at you and you were quickly called out of your trance. You quickly withdraw your hands from his, to his dismay. He quite like how your hands dance at his metal one, he couldn't literally feel it but the sensation was still there and he like how your soft one lingers to it.
When you realise what you were doing you couldn't help but curse out loud on your self.
"Fuck" you exclaimed and that seems to brought out Bucky as well. You gathered your courage and looked at him again.
"I'm sorry" you apologise, Bucky doesn't know for what really. "I-I don't know what I was thinking, I-uh I got distracted, shit! I shouldn't of have done that fuck" you stuttered and Bucky just quickly dismissed you off telling you that it was all fine, that he doesn't mind and it was no big deal.
You didn't mind what he was saying, too embarrassed by your action, so you just distract yourself again by finishing your task. You were still unsettled though. Bucky could see the inner turmoil growing within you, he's quite aware at the silent battle you were having with yourself but he didn't dare to call you out of it.
But not a minute past and he saw you finally giving in, you were once again giving in to your urge.
"Buck?" you said a little hesitant and too low to be heard but Bucky's enhanced hearing enables him to catch on it.
"Does it hurt?" you asked and following your natural tendency again, your hands found its way to his metal one. Bucky savours the sensation of your hand touching his. He could get use to it. It took every ounce of self-control he has not to moan under your touch. The things you could do to him.
"Hmm?" he said haphazardly too distracted at the moment but he was quick to collect hisself, luckily.
"Uh no" he answered " not anymore" and you just hum at his answer.
Maybe that was just want you wanted to hear. That after all the trouble he's been into, after every havoc that came in his way, he way ok. He's broken but ok. Tainted but ok. Troubled but ok. He was alive despite all of it. Maybe that was all the reassurance that you need. He's ok.
Bucky looked at your exquisite face, witnessing how you render him a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes, despite of it he can still see that it was a genuine one.
Bucky's answer satisfies you, finally put you at ease and you could only give a smile as a reply to it. You know it wasn't a happy one but it was a smile that bears contentment and satisfaction.
He was ok, and that what matters the most.
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vole-mon-amour · 4 years
OTP tag game.
Tagged by @captainjowl. You know for sure than I'm struggling to pick only 10 & fit them in here. But hell, that’s fun, thank you <3
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Rules: Choose 10 OTPs BEFORE reading the questions, and then get to answering
1) Harry James Potter & Sirius Orion Black
2) Daniel Le Domas & Grace (Ready or Not 2019)
3) Samuel & Nathan Drake (Uncharted 4)
4) Corvo Attano & The Outsider (+probably Emily Kaldwin; Dishonored series)
5) Steve Grant Rogers & Bucky Buchanan Barnes (Marvel)
6) Tony Edward Stark & Peter Benjamin Parker (Marvel)
7) Handsome Jack & Rhys (Borderlands video game series)
8) Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert (TVD Books & a tv show)
9) Batman & Joker (in every universe, really)
10) Adam Jensen x Francis Pritchard (Deus Ex video game series)
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
I believe it didn't hit me before Spider-Man: Homecoming. Civil War was about Steve & Bucky for me, but when I saw that growing up Peter with Tony, their dynamic, chemistry. Tom & Robert are really just like that.
2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2?
Lmao. I've read like 50% of the tag on AO3, I wrote my own & started a few wips on them. They are amazing. Plus, with that shitty canon? We didn't get enough of them & they deserved better, so it's only logical to save yourself with fanfiction.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr screen saver?
I was living with The Outsider icon on my twitter & tumblr. That one is still my Google profile picture I believe. Don't remember about having an icon with the two of them. Also had The Outsider as my lockscreen on my smartphone for a while.
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
Funny how it fits canon, lmao. Rhys literally tried to erase Jack's AI in TFTBL, so I guess another day on Pandora, nothing new. They torture each other, they kiss each other, they kill other people in the process. It'll be fiiine.
5. Why is 1 so important?
I love them since the first time I met them, which was much more than 10 years ago, I don't even remember when. At some point they were the reason I was waking up & forcing myself to eat just to read more fanfiction & feel something. Even if I was drowning in pain (I was extremely depressed), it was still something. I read every fic I could find at that time. The depression that Harry went through, all these feelings, his love for Sirius. I was living through it, I could relate.
I'm currently drowning in these two again, though in a much healthier & happier state. I see their flaws & I know as much as I can. I see them differently as an adult. They saved me, they keep being my number one, I still consider making a tattoo of Padfoot/Sirius or of both Harry & Sirius together. I have many headcanons, ideas, I write fics about them. They are everything, you see? They were my choice when there was nothing, no one. They are HOME.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Both. There goes the dynamic of Jack & Rhys: torture, fighting, flirting, a lot of trauma. I'd definitely say that they are wild and comical sometimes, but they are definitely serious. With the Asylum, the mental health issues. There is so much more to it, the complexity of their relationship. The struggle of loving who you probably shouldn't (but hey, when does it work like that?) Thinking about Tettlate's Batman, about Batman: Europa & how Joker was: "You must be crazy, putting me in charge of the plan, letting me decide. Okay, well..."
Nah, they are entertaining, but this is a serious ship.
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Are you kidding me? They are all the definition of CHEMISTRY. I'd say 5, but then go 2, 6, 7, 8. Come on. I'm not choosing. Most of they are WILD.
9. How many times have you read/watched the 10’s fandom?
The fandom itself? Idk. I found one of my favourite artists through this fandom. If it's about the characters themselves, I played the first game with the DLC from start to beginning, looking around every corner. Spent more than 60 hours in there. Watched a second game (my laptop can't run the game) and the DLC (obviously), since Francis is in the DLC & not in the main game. I have a tag for them on tumblr, I read fanfiction, I tried to write my own. I still follow Elias & want a third game. Elias liked my tweets about Adam and Jensen being an actual couple a few times. I'd say I interacted with all of this a lot? Still do, actually.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
5. Best friends since childhood, fought & died for each other, still found their way back to each other. "It would break your Captain's heart, to see what they did to you." That only the MENTION of Steve can pull Bucky out of this brain washing(ed?) state, distract him in the middle of a fight. When Steve died in the comics because of Sharon & Tony sent Natasha to take Steve's shield from Bucky because even Tony knew how much Steve means to Bucky. And Bucky was like: "Oh, I see what he did. Not happening!" Fought Natasha (that is his ex in the comics) & kept going for Steve's sake.
Well, you see the point, I can go on and on.
11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
They're not actually canon so none? They had a few fights: In Civil war (the comics), in Homecoming (the movie).  That only means that they’ve got history & love each other.
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
As fierce Grace is, they wouldn't stand a chance against Damon & Elena. Those two had to deal with worst thing than brainless stupid zombies. On the other hand, if there were no alive humans to drink their blood... It's either an animal diet that Damon hates so much or I don't know? Still, they're faster & more powerful. Their bodies have advantage of healing the wounds as well.
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
From some people, yeah. Don't tell Athena, don't tell Vaughn, don't tell Fiona. Though Rhys wasn't very subtle about it & Jack just doesn't give a fuck. You will probably end up dead if you disagree or bore him, or if you're useless.
"I can take you to the top, but you gotta know where the top is" & Rhys doesn't tell anybody until Jack makes him the President for like whole 20 minutes lol.
Fiona & Sasha: "This can't be happening." Sure it can, darling.
14. Is 4 still together?
I have a headcanon about The Outsider finding Emily & Corvo after Billie frees him from the Void. He doesn't have anybody & they are his only friends aside from a potential friendship with Billie. And if we don't consider TOTO dlc, they definitely are! The Outsider visits them both when they sleep & takes them to the void sometimes. How could he not?
15. Is 10 canon?
Not really but also sort of? Let's say that they really care about each other in canon, despite Adam pushing Francis away because of his trauma & fear that Megan caused him. :/
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Can you imagine wizards fighting extremely powerful vampires? Superheroes with venom in their bodies that make them super strong with people that made a deal with the Devil himself (hi Le Bail)? 5000 y.o. God and his lover that share his powers and an augmented human protecting his tired IT guy? Combine mental health issues to that, Jack and Rhys with Batman and Joker. Corvo & The Outsider would probably slay them all as Corvo and Emily did in both games with entire islands, though it will still be a slaughter anyway.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?
All the fucking time, lmaooo. I’m not even talking about it.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
I feel like I already did with Steve & Bucky after many Marvel movies (we're not even mentioning Endg*me, I fucking died & was dead for full 4-5 months).
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?
I used to do that a few years back, but not anymore. There is not much content since the trilogy is finished.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
1 already went through it & fandom lives, so I'd say maybe 7? Rhys will find a way to bring Jack back & they are both so wild. It’s what happened in canon anyway. Jack kidnapped Lilith & forced her to do Angel's job, so I'd like to see that witch try at first. Jack is an immortal bastard. <3
Now that I think about it, Corvo would also deal with her in seconds as she waits to curse them.
As a conclusion: no one breaks up forever, we're killing the witch.
I tag: @ianmillkovichgallagher​ & @aledbr​
Whoever else wants to join the game, please do.
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scandeniall · 4 years
mirrors for friends //ch.5
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| prev | next | masterlist
wc: 1741
pairing: TBD x reader
notes *this is the version of the song they cover 
chapter 5: We drive, We Film
The music is blaring when Atsumu pulls up. He's bobbing his head along to the guitar, hardly sparing you a glance as you slide into the passenger seat. Despite that, you offer a quick greeting as the car speeds off before you even finish putting your seatbelt on. You nod along to the familiar song as the two of you shoot through the street, 
“And I don't care if you're sick, I don't care if you're contagious,” you begin Atsumu chiming in matching your pitch.  
“I would kiss you even if you were dead” “Would somebody make me go blind for the rest of my life, cause I’d do anything to hold your hand.” 
You find your hand hanging out the window as you two sing along to the rest of the song. Once it ends, Atsumu lowers the volume, enough to have a conversation. “I see ya changed from a sweaty slob and are now looking better.” You roll your eyes at the bassist, and had he not been driving you probably would’ve resorted to slapping the back of his head. “Why do I willingly hang out with you. And, where are we going anyways?” You question, remembering your promise to Iwaizumi
 You ignore his comment about you clearly not having any other friends as you send a message to Iwaizumi confirming your location. You let out a little laugh at Iwaizumi’s complaint about the blonde always running his plans, before locking your phone. “Who ya texting?” Atsumu takes his first real look at you for the night as he slows at the red light. “Iwa, just telling him if I die tonight it's all your fault.Your driving fucking sucks” You follow up the sentence flicking off your friend who looks unbothered. 
“Speaking of our dear Iwa, you know something that me and Kuroo don't.” Your eyes widen just the tiniest bit as he grants you a knowing smirk. “But I’ll let that go for now. How's the tattoo healing?” Just like that Atsumu’s voice shifts into a more serious tone and you groan loudly. You instantly catch on to the real meaning of the question. How are you doing?  “Not you too”. 
“C’mon, I’m just checking on ya (Y/N). Making sure you’re ok. Took me a minute but then I remembered you showed me the picture a few months ago.” His gaze focuses back on the road giving you at least the relief from his stare down. “First Iwa, now you. And I know Kuroo is gonna pick my brain the second he gets the chance,” your words come out in a huff of annoyance. “What can we say, we care about ya. The band would flop without our front man.” His tease is enough to lighten the tension that began to grow as you rolled your eyes again. “Our combined hotness would drop by like 90% without me.” 
“More like 5%” He could only laugh as you promptly told him to go to hell, as you turned the music back up some. The rest of the drive was void of any conversation. The only noises coming from the radio and any time either of you would sing along to what was playing out. Atsumu would only shoot you annoyed looks, whenever you’d skip one of the songs he had to which you'd just shrug without a care.  
“Hey Samu.” You and Atsumu spoke at the same time as you slid into the booth. “What are you two sharing a single brain cell now?” Your look of disgust is enough to cause the gray haired twin to laugh. “The only thing I’d ever share with Atsumu is my foot up his ass.” 
“That’s a real cute way of saying you’re the dumb one of us.” The blonde catches the wrist of your arm that aims a punch at his shoulder easily. “Take you and your shitty dye job over there next to your brother,” you mutter pushing your bandmate out of the booth next to you. He obliges, moving so that him and Osamu are both sitting across from you. 
“Now Tsumu’s stupidity is gonna seep into my head.”
“Hello boys, and piss head,” you greet cheerily as you enter the unlocked door of Iwaizumi’s place. You shift the drink carrier in your hand as you remove your bag, lightly placing it on the floor. The owner only raises his eyebrows at you while your guitarist just laughs.”What’d he do now,” You make your rounds handing off the coffee drinks you’d bought for your bandmates. You stop by Iwaizumi first who accepts it with a grateful smile. Next is Kuroo, who raises the cup in thanks. “Every time I hang out with him, I wonder why I do. He sucks,” you speak before handing Atsumu his drink. “Osamu really is the better twin, not by much though.” 
“You claim to hate me, yet you bring me food. Thanks mom,” the bassist mocks. You mutter something about it being the only thing that gets him to shut up before shifting your attention towards Kuroo. “Hey, can you go get our instruments, couldn’t hold them cause of the drinks.” He only nods, you asking him to please lock your door after. 
“We’re filming that song today right?” You nod at Atsumu’s question. While he goes back to typing away on his phone you settle onto the couch next to Iwaizumi. He looks at you and you raise your eyebrows in excitement. He shoots you a small smile and a thumbs up, and you struggle to contain your excitement. You shoot him a knowing look that the two of you have to talk later as Kuroo enters carrying both your guitar cases. “Bring my drink down would you,” is the only thing he says before making his way towards the basement. The three of you wordlessly follow.  
“Why are we doing this song again,”
“Come on old man, it’ll be fun, plus our dear (Y/N) gets to show off that growl today. Doesn't happen very much,” Kuroo smirks at Iwaizumi, shooting you a quick look from where you are tuning your guitar. “Plus, the viewers wanted us to do Gaga.” 
“Oh, you're just happy ya get to be heard more with this song,” Atsumu chimes in before fiddling with his bass. “Maybe,” is Kuroos response as he sits on a stool to tune his own instrument. “Besides, Judas is a pretty badass song. And our arrangement is pretty sick.” Iwaizumi can’t help but agree with you, opting to get the video equipment set up. After he finished you all ran through the song a few times before you were ready to go.  
“Hey guys, we’re Mirrors For Friends,” the four of you said in unison. Before introducing yourselves as individuals. “So, you guys asked, and we answered. You all wanted us to do Lady Gaga so bad,” Kuroo started before pausing for his self-proclaimed dramatic effect. “So, Judas here we are.”
 “Judas- Gaga” You practically screamed out the last words of the songs, before bursting out into laughter. The entirety of the song both Kuroo and Atsumu were making ridiculous facial expressions at one another, and with you being in the middle of the two, you saw it all. That, paired with post singing adrenaline and the fact that you all were even singing it in the first place seemed absolutely comical You had been so caught in laughter that you didn’t even notice Iwaizumi come up from behind his drums to nudge at camera perched on the tripod in front of you. 
“Fuck- do you guys see what I have to go through with these guys. Iwa is the only normal one,” you joked out after your laughter died down. You ignored the said members exclamations about not being that bad. “Alright that's it for us today, we hope you enjoyed, and we’ll see you when we see you.” You stuck up a peace sign heading towards the camera and picking it up. “Say bye you idiots.  
You first pointed the camera at Kuroo who was the closest to you. “I feel like (Y/N) is catching my double chin at this angle. Stream our songs and we love you.” With that Kuroo just walked off the frame, and you turned towards Atsumu. “Say bye to the video fake blondie.” 
“I just want to say that I’m the hottest member of the band and-hey” Atsumu exclaimed as you just cut his segment short, before walking to Iwaizumi.  
“You know the drill Iwa. Your turn” This time you moved the camera up and down as if you were giving the audience a chance to check him out. “Now this is the real hottest member of this band,” you teased before aimling back towards his face. You stifled your laugh at Atsumu and Kuroo in the background yelling for him to take his shirt off. “I hate this band. See you all in the next video.” With your drummers closing you stopped the recording before letting out a sigh of relief.  
“Well that was exhausting,” you automatically made your way to the couch where you had your laptop resting. “I can probably get this edited and uploaded by tomorrow guys.” You felt the couch dip next to you and the voice of the band’s guitarist. “I can do it. I know it's been an interesting week for you,” he gestures towards your ribcage, where your new tattoo rests under your tshirt. The tone of his voice lets you know there’s no point in countering. When Iwaizumi gets into his band labeled ‘dad’ mode, you won't win. “You're acting as if I have a choice,” you huff handing him the camera’s memory card.  
“Shit- guys, I gotta go. I forgot the team got a last-minute practice match with another school,” Atsumu’s panicked voice cut through the room. “Were done here right?” He looked between the three of you sighing in relief as he quickly started putting up his instrument. “Hey, don’t forget next week we’re at Bauhaus.” He only nodded mindlessly, before making his way to the stairs, before stopping halfway. “That's the 3rd, right?” 
Kuroo’s thumbs out caused him to practically run up the stairs and out the door. Once the bassist leaves, he plopped himself next to you on the other side of the couch. “So lovely band members of mine, what secret are you two keeping from me and Tsumu.”
⤿taglist: @o51oc​ @suna-allie​
a/n: yall know that one tiktok audio from what bgc? wheres like awkwardly quiet then its like “hey guys”--- thats how I feel after coming back to this fic after a month. But yeah life and then more LIFE. So with that, sorry this chapter is kinda awkward writing bc i literally havent written for this in that month at all. Anyways, now that we’ve gotten our band dynamics established we are kicking off the real plot starting next chapter. I still don’t know which boy to do so pls help a loser out. I think I’m gonna take out the possibility of Iwa though ????
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mothcrwitch · 4 years
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the  character  .
      𝚒'𝚍  𝚋𝚎  𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚢  𝚘𝚏  𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖  ,  𝚖𝚢  𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍  ;   that  there  is  DELILAH  VANDERBUILT  ,  notorious  for  being  (  vengeful  )  and  (  ruthless  )  ,  but  there  are  times  when  she  can  be  (  reliable  )  and  (  decisive  )  .   i've  heard  that  she  could  pass  as  a  LANA PARRILLA  doppelganger  ,  but  i  don't  see  it  .   the  (  unknown  )  year - old  cisfemale  (  original  witch  )  has  been  in  town  for  (  over  a  thousand  years  )  and  they  are  a  (  headmistress  of  solis  academy  )  affiliated  with  (  the  vanderbuilts  first  /  lucifer  second  )  .   they  tend  to  spark  images  of  shamelessly  selling  your  soul  to  the  devil  for  everything  you  so  clearly  deserved  ,  venom  in  her  veins  and  hellfire  in  her  eyes  ,  high  heels  clicking  down  academy  halls  sounds  a  lot  like  power  to  me  .
additional  information  .  (  tw  :  death  ,  poverty  ,  murder  )
there’s a saying: chaos doesn’t come without cause. in this case, delilah’s chaos brewed from pitiful days, ill weeks, and sorrowful years. she had so much potential, and she was spending it wasting away. simple lives led to simple deaths, and she wanted to avoid her family’s downfall. they left her ALONE. they ceased. and no one mourned them. no one but her. and she promised herself, with each burial, she’d refuse death the minute he came to claim her. she’d barter anything to do it. 
so when death came in the visage of a beautiful angel, of LUCIFER themself, delilah said fuck it. sure, she had become a wife, a mother, and she found some things enjoyable. but that could all be taken away, couldn’t it? and delilah always wanted more. so she signed the contract in blood, and she did so without hesitation.
delilah doesn’t believe she sacrificed anything to get what she has now. she had a shitty, impoverished life before and it just wasn’t cutting it for the greedy, power-hungry woman. if one could cheat death and despair, one simply should. 
naturally, she was the one to ask lucifer for everything the vanderbuilts have now. her husband was more hesitant and 'logical' about these matters. delilah, with the rage of a woman who has lost and felt like nothing, swore it off to fear and stupidity. she got what she wanted, in the end, never considering what it meant for the family as a whole. they'd thank her later, anyways. she had given them LIFE, she had given them ALL a mother could possibly give. and if it hurt? it hurt fucking less than dying a poor man’s death. 
as for her powers - oh lucifer did treat her. they are terrifying and powerful and darker than one could ever expect. she can turn the room into a PRISON with the simple snap of her fingers, and she feeds off of that power / control. and the fear / respect. that little, insignificant girl is gone. in her place, a true born witch. 
and the witch, she takes. she takes, takes, takes. but everything requires something in return; magic especially. delilah has done her sacrifices, blood magic, and her damning spells / curses before. 
oh, but she's a bit less 'extra' and more 'refined' about all that now. modern times predict progression. but if someone pushes her buttons? delilah can return to her old ways.
it's not wise to cross the woman. she's revenge in the flesh. she'll make your life a living hell, or at least she will try. cursing the marquez family had its BACKFIRE and her pride burns hot and fierce because of it. one day, she'll fix that mistake. when it hurts them the most. when it guts them like her child’s death had. how could she have let that happen? hadn’t she traded it all for their lives to live on, at the mercy of none? apparently, only at the mercy of her own damn creation. guilt resides somewhere in her heart. 
despite being selfish, she loves her family. she wants them to grow and become GODS in their own right. after all, they are like gods, aren't they? where god made man, she made vampire. or so her line of thought exists. and like god once, she wants to see her creation extinct. 
she is dedicated to serving lucifer. she doesn't bite the hand that feeds her, after all. but she isn't some PAWN and she makes this known in their relationship. theirs is a mutual benefit. with lucifer granting her power, and delilah wielding it to do the damage. but should lucifer cross her family, delilah will redirect the blow. no one crosses her family. 
her and her husband have a 'unique' version of love. when you've been together with someone for so long, that tends to happen. they've an open marriage, but at the end of the day, delilah will choose him over anyone else. call it familiarity or understanding or the fact that her husband puts up with her shit. she enjoys giving him hell, especially since she thinks he's a little softer than her (which balances her madness well, but she'll never admit that).
her and her kids are sometimes at odds because of how she runs the household. but at the end of the day, they can always expect mother dearest to FIX a problem should they need one fixing. she's reliable in that regard. 
miss power, miss control, she finds herself in heaven as headmistress of solis academy. it’s something she’s very adamant about getting right. lest they have a bunch of rebellious supernatural brats running about. 
delilah vanderbuilt inspiration:  zelda spellman / madam satan / regina mills / winifred sanderson / maleficent / mother gothel / narcissa malfoy.
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j0ebay · 4 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 7
Warning(s): swearing,  this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 3891
A/N: At long long last this chapter is hecking done!!! I’m really super duper sorry this took 5ever to come out. BUT I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙
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chapter 6     chapter 8
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don’t know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie.” -Nancy Sinatra
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The following morning, Lindsey wakes up with arms wrapped around her. She looks down and smiles to see the same bandaged hands from last night meeting together at her hip. She lightly chuckles- Harrison was always a cuddler. Lindsey slowly pries his hands off her and makes her way down the stairs to the kitchen. Treks over to the fridge, passing a distracted Harry Holland, sitting at the kitchen table, typing away on his laptop.
“Did you eat?” She asks, breaking the brunette from his trance.
“Nah,” He mumbles, still deep in concentration.
“Well I’m gonna make some eggs ‘n toast. Should I add you to the order?” She asks in a soft tone.
Harry scoffs.
“You really are a fuckin waitress aren’t you?” He looks up from his laptop. “Sounds great, Linds. Thank you,” He adds sincerely.
Lindsey lets out a breathy chuckle.
“Gimme a break, Holland. You guys stole me from my job,” Earning another laugh from Harry.
There's a few minutes of comfortable silence before Lindsey walks over to him with another cup of tea and the plate of food.
“Am I allowed to know what you’re so diligently searching?” She asks.
Harry lets out a sigh before taking a sip of tea and shoveling eggs into his mouth.
“How long have you been up anyway?” She questions, softly.
“Too long” He responds, mouth full of food.
Harry swallows and takes another sip of tea.
“And to answer your first question, it's nothing too drastic. But, if it’s one thing Gideon Fuller made me promise him, it’s not to involve you in anything until you’re ready for it.”
Lindsey lets out a heavy sigh and nods.
“If it's one thing my dad was, it’s stubborn.”
Harry scowls at the image on his computer. Chad Powell. He recognized the picture as the man who dropped you off last night. No criminal record, no blatant mafia affiliation, squeaky clean but still acting suspicious based on what he heard about the date the night prior.
“Lindsey?” Harry asks, closing his laptop slightly, shielding Lindsey from the screen.
The woman raises her eyebrows with a mouth full of eggs and toast, prompting Harry to go on.
“Do you think you’re going to keep seeing Chad?” He asks her, voice dropping a few octaves and decibels.
“Your tone concerns me, Mr. Holland,” She responds, “Please continue”
Harry sighs.
“I mean, what ever happened with Harrison? Last time I checked, you were, like, madly in love with him. And, granted the last time I checked was high school but it still seems like it.”
“I wouldn’t call it madly in love with him. And what? You don’t like him?” She asks, eyebrow quirked.
She wasn’t about to admit to someone she saw as her younger brother and also one of Harrison’s best friends, that seeing her old flame of sorts, especially now, ignited a fire in her that she hadn’t felt with anyone else. Now, thinking about it, that feeling seemed to fill the gap in her life she didn’t know she wanted filled. But, she wasn’t about to admit that.
Harry opens up.
“To be honest Lindsey, I don't. I don’t know what it is but something doesn’t seem right. He seemed kind of sketchy when I met him,”
Lindsey scoffs.
“Did you maybe think that he seemed sketchy when you met him because he was, I don’t know, nervous?”
Harry clenches his jaw.
“You said he checked his phone every 30 minutes or so to send updates right? Lindsey, we do that when we’re doing meetings and things with other bosses. I can’t imagine why he would do that other than that reason”
“Harry, I don’t know if it’s because he’s making me happy for the first time in a while, or because it’s not Haz. But, I like this guy a lot and it’s really shitty of you to not only dictate who I go out with but try to justify it by him being shady, WHICH HE IS NOT BY THE WAY”
Lindsey sighs and pinches her nose.
“I-I just don’t know. Everything is just too much right now”
Harry meets her gaze.
“Do you still love him?” He murmurs, barely above earshot.
“What’s too much?” Asks the gravelly, sleep ridden voice of Harrison Osterfield.
Lindsey and Harry whip their heads around. There they see the sweatshirt clad, wispy haired man, standing at the open refrigerator.
“Juice?” He turns around and asks the two at the table.
“I’m good- I thought you were still sleeping?” Lindsey deflects.
Harrison sighs, sets down his glass of orange juice to the right of Lindsey and wraps his arms around her sitting figure.
“The bed got cold” He mutters into her neck.
Harry raises his eyebrows at the girl and she rolls her eyes at him.
 “So complete 180” Lindsey starts as Harrison sits down.
Tom struts into the room already dressed and makes himself a cup of tea.
“180 from what, darling?”” He asks. 
“Okay great you’re all here cause I’ve been sitting on something ever since,” She pauses to gesticulate in the air.
“Since I found out about your, uh-”
“-Business?” Tom asks, playfully.
Lindsey stifles her laughter.
“So um, you guys are saying I’m in danger and I have no clue what the hell my dad made you promise to him for you guys to swoop back into my life and play knights in shining armor. Which I’m grateful for, don't get me wrong, thank you so much for all of this. To put it bluntly, do you guys have any idea how long I’ll be staying here?”
All the boys smiles’ drop. Harrison reaches for her hand.
“I dunno Linds,” Tom sighs.
Harry chimes in.
“We’ve started to narrow things down, but it’s just been the usual suspects in the pool” He mutters, running his fingers through his curly hair.
“Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing” Harrison chimes in.
“How?” Lindsey scoffs.
Harrison bites the inside of his cheek, contemplating if he should go on or not.
“Please someone tell me how this isn’t terrible?” She asks barely above a whisper, rubbing her thumb across his hand.
Harrison squeezes her hand in response.
“I-It’s just, we haven’t heard anything about you in our, well, work community. So it’s not a bad thing that no one’s actively targeting you. But it’s also a matter of ‘Are people keeping their plans about you under wraps? Do they really not know about you? Was whoever was following you that night just some John who liked what they saw and we’re all just being paranoid?’ Y’know?”
Lindsey nods, thoughtfully.
“So it’s going to be a while isn’t it?” Lindsey asks, feeling everything in her chest sink to her feet.
“Probably” Tom responds somberly.
He tries to find the glimmer of hope he always finds in her eyes, but he just can’t.
“W-What about my job? Do I at least get to call them and say ‘Hey something’s come up and I can’t be coming in for a while’? Do I get to say goodbye to my kids? Do I get to wish them luck on the show they’re working so diligently on? Or am I just gonna have someone from your “mob” following me constantly like a protective detail?” Lindsey questions on the brink of tears.
“We’ll take care of it, darling. Don’t worry everything will be taken care of” Harrison soothes, squeezing her hand again.
“Well can I at least go get the rest of my stuff? I only have stuff for the week that you guys got” Lindsey asks.
Maybe if she could just go home she could feel more at peace with the situation.
“That Chris guy knew exactly where you lived. It's a public record. The last thing any of us needs is some guy surprising you when you’re alone in your room” Tom exhales, rubbing his temples.
Lindsey’s heart drops as she feels tears well in her eyes.
“Linds I’ll take you shopping or something. It’ll be great. We could talk about literally anything. Plus, you always talked about the joys of retail therapy” Harry adds, trying to take her mind off of things.
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While Harry and Lindsey leave to go shopping, Harrison is tasked with making sure everyone’s paying up on time, everything is in order and that his best mob boss friend isn’t carrying too much work on his shoulders. He knocks on the door with the gold plate reading “Tom Holland” and enters.
“How’s it going man?” Harrison asks the brown eyed mobster.
Tom nods and responds.
“Pretty good, I guess. Nothing is outright troublesome other than the stuff we already know about. Everything in your field normal?”
Harrison nods.
“Good, good,” Tom mutters.
“Maybe all the douchebags and lowlifes decided to take the day off” Harrison suggests, prompting the two men to laugh.
“So,” Tom starts, breaking the silence.
“So?” Harrison asks in response.
“You’re getting pretty close with Lindsey, there” 
Harrison raises his eyebrows “And?”
Tom runs a hand through his hair.
“Is this going to be a repeat of high school?”
Harrison eyebrows snap together.
“What do you mean?” “Mate, you wouldn’t shut up about her. Both of you wouldn’t shut up about each other, in fact. And none of you would make real moves on each other” Tom chuckles. 
“Anyway,” Harrison says just a little too quickly. “Any headway on who was trying to get into your parents’ stuff?”
Tom lets out a heavy sigh and shakes his head
“Ten bucks says it’s one of Harding’s guys. But, there’s nothing to actually back that up so until then...,” he trails off and shrugs.
Harrison nods as Tom continues.
“I mean, my main concern is Lindsey. Like don’t get me wrong, my parents are fine, my dad’s still got some tricks up his sleeve and they’re the ones with the dog. But Linds on the other hand-”
“She only has us and no knowledge of protocol whatsoever” Harrison interjects.
“I mean don’t get me wrong she has all the self defense stuff she learned from Gideon. But, my main concern is, will it be enough to keep her all safe ‘n feisty if and when she gets affiliated with us?” Tom asks.
Harrison’s eyebrows knit together.
“Do you think she’ll be a long term partner?” Harrison asks, directing his gaze upwards at Tom.
He sighs and shrugs his shoulders
“I honestly don’t know. She seemed pretty horrified when she found out about us. But now, she seems to be warming up to it. She just seemed more concerned about our safety than anything else. I guess it all depends on when you get a ring on that girl’s finger” Tom chuckles at his own joke.
Harrison shoots Tom a knowing glance and flips him off.
“So, nothing else on your end you need help with?”
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Harry and Lindsey sit in the food court of the crowded mall, indulging in their lunches.
“So what kinda shit do you need anyway?” Harry yells to Lindsey, trying to speak over the loads of people surrounding them.
“It depends,” Lindsey responds following a heavy sigh.
Harry has a puzzled look written all over his face. Anyone can read that man like a book. “On what?” He questions.
“Well,” Lindsey trails off, trying to contain her laughter.
“How comfortable are you going into Victoria’s Secret?”
Harry chokes on his food.
“What could you possibly need from Victoria’s Secret?”
Lindsey finally cracks up in hysterical laughter.
“Lingerie for Harrison, duh” Lindsey jokes between laughs.
Harry covers his ears.
“TMI TMI TMI lalalalala I can’t hear you” Harry partially yells.
Lindsey laughs even harder than before.
“Harry, you know I’m kidding. I just need the basic bras, panties, that kinda thing. Which, in all honesty if you’re not cool with going in there or if we get kicked out, I’m one million percent okay with going somewhere else” She explains.
Harry lets out a small chuckle. He can’t believe he forgot how conscious and caring for other people Lindsey is.
“I’m fine going in there but I can’t promise we’ll be in there for very long. But, then again, I have no idea- You alright, Linds?”
That last sentence was a blur. All Lindsey could feel was tingles in the back of her neck while only hearing the nagging of her subconscious.
“Turn around. Someone’s watching you”
“Turn over your right shoulder. There’s someone watching you. You’re in danger. Danger. Danger”
“Lindsey?” Harry asks.
Lindsey whips her head back around to face her friend.
“What?” She questioned, clearly zoned out of the conversation.
Harry sighs.
“You know he can’t hurt you anymore”
Lindsey nods, still distant.
“Linds, repeat after me. Chris Maxwell is dead. He can’t get to you anymore” Harry insists.
He hates seeing his friend like this. “Then why do I still feel eyes on me?” She mutters taking a look around the food court once more.
Harry scans the room, trying to see if anyone is being blatant about watching her. 
“I don’t see anyone, Lindsey. C’mon let's go grab some more things you need, yeah? I know Tom said no apartment but maybe I can run and grab some things for ya if you want” He encourages.
Lindsey’s eyes light up.
“Really? Cause there was this super cute silver bodycon dress that I totally left there and if this whole thing clears up or maybe if I end up going out with Chad again I could wear that”
Harry chuckles. 
“You’re really into this Chad guy huh?” 
Lindsey sighs and clears her burgundy hair out of her face.
“I dunno, Har. Like I love Haz ‘n all but there’s no real moves made y’know. It’s all sweet words and cuddles with him. But it’s hard to gauge if he actually feels, or I guess felt, things for me or if that’s just how he expresses friendship. Chad on the other hand, is actually making moves and expressing things, y’know?.”
Harry nods, understanding. She pauses and checks her phone.
“Especially now,” She adds, “Because he just asked me to dinner tonight”
Harry’s eyes widen.
He pulls out his phone and writes out a text to Harrison.
Harry Holland() Mate, I have no idea wtf is going on between you and Linds. But if you still feel things for her you gotta make real moves and fast cause she just thinks its friendly shit
“Alright. Where next m’lady?”
Harry asks, offering his hand to a giggling Lindsey.
Harry was a good distraction for her. That was obvious. But somehow somewhere, Lindsey was still hearing her subconscious whisper
“Look over your left shoulder. Someone’s got their eyes on you. Just turn, turn, turn” And once again, she obliges to her thoughts. 
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Harrison looks at his phone and sighs. Harry has just confirmed what has been nagging in the back of his mind ever since he saw her for the first time in the diner. He turns his head around when he heard the front door open and shut.
“Hello?” He hears the angelic voice of Lindsey grace the household. 
“What did you get, love?” Harrison asks, looking at the bags in her hand.
“I think I have successfully traumatized the big, scary mobster, Harry Holland” She giggles as his cheeks turn a bright crimson.
Harrison’s eyebrows snap together in confusion.
“Whadya mean?”
Lindsey says nothing and holds up the square Victoria’s Secret bag. Harrison mouth forms into a silent “Oh” 
She giggles and runs upstairs with her things.
“How is she?” Harrison asks with a quirked eyebrow.
“As expected, I guess” Harry murmurs.
“What do you mean?” Harrison asks, voice full of concern.
“She still keeps looking over her shoulder. She’s convinced that someone’s following her” Harry sighs.
“Well, this isn't necessarily cause she ‘has me in her pocket’,” Harrison starts, making air quotes.
“But, is it really that irrational of a thing to think of? I mean, need I remind you that someone tried to find information on Gideon Fuller’s whole family? Not just Gideon but Denise and Lindsey as well”
Harry’s eyebrows raise.
“You think it’s the same person?”
“It could very much be” Harrison responds, eyes wide like saucers in realization that he was onto something.
“You go take care of her, I’ll fill Tom in,” Harry says and speeds off to his brother’s office.
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The unidentified brunette man sits in his hotel room, fresh out of the shower. Hair wet, towel on his waist, he decides to get himself into some clothes. Now clad in a black v neck, fitting his muscles perfectly and some plaid pajama pants, the man haphazardly dries his hair and looks over the files sitting on the polished table. He’s pulled out of his concentrated state by the familiar sound of his ringtone.
“Yeah,” he answers, voice raspy as he hadn't had much to say.
“Yeah I have eyes on her,” He confirms, smirking at the master plan.
“No, boss, they have no idea,” The man reassures with whoever is on the other line.
“The only one posing a somewhat threat to the plan is the right hand, Osterfeld” He briefs the person as well as going through it for himself.
“Problem? No. Definitely not. I can easily neutralize him,” He boasts
“Yeah,” He confirms.
“The second he gets in my way he’s getting taken out. This information on Fuller is too good to pass up”
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As Lindsey goes on her date, Harrison is in Tom’s office, plotting. Tom glances over at his right hand man to see him gazing off into the distance. Harrison can’t stop thinking of Lindsey, his Lindsey, looking absolutely stunning on the dress Harry brought for her. Her burgundy hair was straight, her makeup was done, she looked flawless as per usual. But, she’s always flawless. Chad probably doesn’t see that. Chad doesn’t deserve a beauty like her. Who does he even think he is?
“Harrison,” Tom says, snapping him out of his trance.
Harrison trains his bright blue eyes on his best friend and right away Tom knows something’s up. “Alright, man. Spill. Where’s your head at?”
Harrison sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy she’s happy. But what did this Chad guy even do to deserve to go out with her? She’s so gorgeous and funny and perfect. And Harry texted me earlier and basically said I needed to make my move because she was teetering between me and him. Tom, what if I’m too late?” He pauses as he starts to feel himself choke up.
“W-what if this is the man she’s gonna marry and I’m left high and dry? I know there have been girls in the past and like you always say there’s women throwing themselves at us being ‘dangerous sexy mobsters’ or whatever. But I don’t want anyone else. I want her” 
In all the years of friendship and partnership between Harrison and Tom, Tom has never seen Harrison get choked up like this. Tom lets out a sigh, breaking the silence.
“I mean,” He begins, pausing to wet his lips and find the correct words to console his friend with.
“It’s clear she loves you. Whether it's seen as platonic love or more than that, that’s up to you two. However, as much as it hurts, it’s not up to you to decide who she dates and this Chad guy seems to make her pretty happy. But, then again, so do you. It’s kind of a rough process trying to decipher this, man. Try not to think about it too much,”
Harrison nods and sniffles.
“What do I do?” He inquires his best friend.
“If it were me, I would come clean to her. Tell her everything you just told me. Because, if it’s one thing I know about Lindsey Fuller’s feelings about you, it’s confusion. She doesn’t know if all the PDA you guys do is platonic or something else. But, it’s not me, it’s you. So, it’s not my place to tell you how to go about this,”
The blue eyed man nods to Tom.
“But,” Tom continues, “Right now, we can’t change that she’s on her date. So, good that we got all her feeling out but let's figure out who’s meddling in our crime family”
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Harrison makes his way up to his bedroom. He had heard Lindsey enter the house, but, he was so caught up in the work he and Tom had started. This is it. Harrison is going to confess what has been eating at him since he first saw her. As he walks up the stairs to his room, he gives himself a small pep talk.
“You got this, Osterfield,” He thinks to himself.
“Tom said she’s into you, Harry insists she’s into you. Why would she not be into you?”
He opens the door to his bedroom, the gateway of so many sweet and caring memories between the two of them, only to see Lindsey... packing her things?
“Hey” He greets her, voice unintentionally giving hints of confusion and startling her from her mind.
“Oh! Hey” Lindsey gasps.
“You scared me!” She giggles brushing stray hairs out of her face.
“How was the date?” Harrison asks gently, not wanting to startle her any more.
Lindsey smiles that sweet smile making Harrson’s knees weak every single time.
“It was really good actually,” She beams before continuing “How’s everything here?” Lindsey asks him.
“Ugh it’s full of work. But, it’s good work, y’know? We do the shit law enforcement won’t- What are you doing?” Harrison asks as she continues to pack her things.
“Oh sorry, I’m still listening, don't worry! I’m just packing up” She answers pausing to bashfully scratch the back of her neck.
“Why, darling?” Harrison queries, walking over to grab both her hands
“I’m-uh, I think I’m gonna stay in the guest room from now on, Haz” Lindsey mumbles, finding a new fascination with the floor.
“Any reason why you’re moving out of here?” Harrison questions, trying and failing to find her gaze.
“Yeah I just- I just don’t want to be weighing you down by staying in your room and um...” She trails off.
Harrison brings his index finger to her chin and lifts her head up to meet his gaze.
“And what, love?” He asks, ocean eyes full of concern.
“Haz,” She whispers, while moving away from him and shaking her head.
“We can’t do this anymore, Harrison” She murmurs, shakily.
Harrison feels a hard pang in his chest like his heart is causing him physical pain. His head feels like it’s spinning and all he wants to do is wake up with his girl next to him “W-Why?” He asks, barely above a whisper.
“Harrison, Chad and I are a thing now. And, all the PDA stuff we do, I-I just I don’t wanna piss him off or offend him y’know?” She explains.
All Harrison can do is nod as Lindsey continues.
“You know I love you, Hazza and everything we do for each other. But, that stuff can be easily misinterpreted”
Harrison nods again.
“I hope he makes you happy” He chokes out, voice cracking just a little.
And with that, the girl of his dreams leaves his bedroom, confirming his worst nightmare has become a reality.
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@were-all-gay-down-here @saturn-aka-six @theasexualbunny@marvelismylifffe @Spiderdudeparker @summertime-acoustic  @39-seas-of-rhye
Hollands & Haz
@sincerelygmg @nishanki1 @babyplutoszx2
Kiss Me Goodbye
@lamptracker @girl-in-the-chair @casualprincess77  @musiclover1263 @sendspidermanpics​ @babiexarmy​
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Feeling a bit alone tbh..
The other day, my husband slapped me. He has never hit me before. It wasn't hard, but it still pissed me off. He hit me because I insinuated that his late pet rat may have died from getting sick from the cold because he didn't keep up with the cage enough. I said this to drive home my point that he isn't taking care of cleaning the pet rat cage for his current pet rats. He doesn't clean it until it gets so bad that the entire upstairs smells like piss and I complain about it. He should be getting this chore done way before the smell starts creeping into other rooms of the fucking house. He hit me because he was outraged that I would essentially blame him for the death of his pet.
Then, he refused to apologize and told me to get out. I doubled down and told him, I am taking this fucking house. If he wants to leave me, he can get out and I am taking what we have. He also made comments about how he will kill himself so I can't get anything out of him anyway... He told me I can go back to living with my abusive mother because I don't make enough money on my own to afford a house like the one we rent together.
Since he was threatening to leave me, I decided I should call the police and make sure there is a record that he hit me so if he tries to divorce me then I will likely get alimony without a problem. I do not want to press charges or have him get fined heavily or jailed, because that will ultimately affect me as well... But since I called them now he is facing a court date for it and they may decide to take action regardless of me wanting to drop the charges.
He seems to be taking this as a reality check, it put his career and marriage at risk. I wanted to make sure he actually has to face some sort of serious consequence for hitting me. He has gotten away with other things to treat me shitty like cheating or borderline cheating on me... And there was no real consequence because I did not leave him for it. I do not want to leave him, despite everything, because I know he does love me and these shitty things he does are a side effect of him going untreated for mental illness and trauma. I am making the decision to stay, once again, but this time I wanted to make sure he knows I am fucking dead serious. The charges will likely be dropped as it is his first offense, but now that he has been reported for hitting me he will definitely face consequences if it happens again.
I am worried that this legal trouble will hinder some things for our upcoming move, and worse case scenario he will lose his job. I believe he still will qualify for disability payment if he is separated from the military, so we will be able to get by I think as long as we downsize and he gets some sort of employment to cover what the disability payments don't cover for his share of income.
I think despite the legal hiccup, we will find a way to get by but I do not regret making that call. Like hell is he going to send me back to live with my abusive mother. He made a promise to take care of me and he is going to do it right. I'm not putting up with being taken for granted or hit for any reason.
It sucks because for his fucking sake, I haven't told a soul about what happened or what he did (besides police). His reputation would be ruined if anyone found out he hit me. It would cause problems for me, because I prefer that my friends also befriend and be close to my husband... So telling anyone would alienate me from my own friends if they chose to distance themselves from him. I have no one to talk about this to except my therapist and to this blog anonymously. I do have therapy this afternoon, so hopefully I can speak to her about what is going on.
We have an image to others that we are a relationship to envy and strive for, but people don't know how difficult a marriage really is between 2 mentally ill people. We always have so much to improve and fix... He is cooperating and taking responsibility for his mistake, so I can only hope he learns from all this. I just hope I don't have to suffer financially because of whatever punishment he may receive legally.
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afuerterosa · 3 years
Lydia Danell Stone
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|Checking my wrist, eyeing the thread that barely held together there I knew it was going to be any day now. I hadn't taken it off since @AFuerteRosa had tied it on my arm and worry had already taken up residence in my gut at the uncertainty of the last few days but if I knew anything, it was that fate would not get me this far only to take you from me now. Granted you weren't exactly human. You had been gifted certain abilities and skills, such as myself, that had carried you so far in this life, your purpose prior to me was laced up tight until the day I walked down that street. Mama Stone had told me the stories of Boston and how she almost lost him, how at the last minute Papa had called a second midwife in. A regular human hospital had been out in their case too and while Papa could soothe her heart from breaking, taking on a majority of her pain, there was something entirely different about this kind.
As I would come to find out, there were some pains you could protect a person from but others you could not. “Hijo de mi luz.” I could hear my mama like she was still here. The cadence in which her voice carried the name she would call us when we were kids had a way of wrapping us up in that blanket of warm comfort whenever we were scared. And while the memory was one of joy, that feeling of something horrible possibly happening or going wrong never went away fully. Not until it was over and Papa knew Mama Stone was okay, that Boston was going to be okay.
The percentage of death in mothers during childbirth didn't discriminate because you helped finalize one's passage to the other side. We all had a number, some were just called home sooner rather than later and while some comforts were bestowed upon us, there was still a chance that destiny could fuck it all up.
One bad decision could snowball from there and then you're left with the pieces trying to fit them back together into this new normal. Running my fingers through my hair, I blew out a calming breath trying to center myself long enough to get us through this next part, thinking about the first time I took your hand.
You had been so timid, so shy and not so trusting of me until that light from the street lamp burst, pitching us both into that same darkness. In that moment, I knew it was going to be okay.
That no matter what, we were going to be okay and just like with the lyrics from our song, we waited for that hint of a spark. It was that very second all hesitation left your body and you slipped your hand in mine, taking that chance. It felt like it was always meant to be this way.
And as with the natural progression of things, we found ourselves here. We were about to have a baby.
Suddenly, I was transported back, the memories of us always played on my personal station of repeat, however the present song playing was definitely a new release as I watched @AFuerteRosa make that face to keep from swearing. Again.|
Cara Mia, I already called and they are on their way. |We had everyone on standby and I wasn't taking any chances. No matter how much I channeled to soothe, something else was fueling our little nina and it wasn't the habaneros you had with breakfast.|
•I had read about Braxton Hicks in that What to Expect When You're Expecting book. I also had researched everything under the moon about what to expect. To the point where you had taken my phone from me on a few occasions and "jokingly" threatened to disable Google from my phone.
Some women described it as strong period cramps. I could handle that. The word strong though. That was a tricky one. What wasn't bad to one might be earth shattering to another. Luckily, I had a high pain tolerance.
When that first Braxton Hicks contraction set in, I knew what it was immediately. I even boasted to you that all my research had been a good thing. Because now I was prepared. They were only mildly annoying, and passed pretty quickly. This, however, was not mildly annoying. This was MUCHO annoying. It felt like our little jalapeno was attempting to break free of my womb directly through my stomach. Unfortunately, I was now on another of those before mentioned time outs because I Googled...again. And under normal circumstances, I might have laughed at the images that popped up from the movies of aliens and other clearly fake things bursting from women's bellies. Today, was not a normal day and instead it sent me into a round of tears.
But now, whatever it was had let up. I think? Putting my hand on my belly, I did a check in. Everything felt normal. Or as normal as you could feel when you're doing your best impression of an overstuffed Walrus. My bras didn't fit. Under boob sweat did nothing for feeling sexy. My feet looked like tamales. Then there was the sharp pains down there. Sitting comfortably was out. Because just as she had run out of room, so had I. Shaking my head with a sigh I mumbled• Definitely not normal... •Refocusing, I attempted another check in. Si, everything felt similar to how it had been last night. Before she attempted to rip free of my belly. Offering you a smile, I spoke a little louder this time for you to hear• Maybe they don't need to come after all. •running my hand over mybelly and still smiling• I think it was just a... •On cue she did it again. This time I gripped the back of the couch with a sharp gasp that cut off my sentence as I whimpered out• Ay yi yi. No more habaneros.
Take my hand. |Having said that, I didn't wait for you to loosen your grip on the couch. The cushion, hell the whole damn thing could be replaced but you and our daughter could not.
One palm was flat against your belly, guiding over the thin soft material of your dress, pressing just enough to feel our baby kick against my hand as if to let me know "Hey! I'm still in here but I want the fuck out!" while my other took yours and laced our fingers together. No amount of smooth talk I did toward our little girl was working and the more she ignored my voice when I asked her to take it easy, the more uneasy I got in return.| Did you want to try a bath? I could even turn on the jets for us. She likes it, remember?
|Your face instantly fell, turning into the poster child of guilt and when you offered me that sheepish grin through gritted teeth, I couldn't help the words that left my lips next.| Or maybe you liked it and just told me that seeing how we have practically lived in the tub the last month. |Trying to make light of it now was probably not the greatest idea considering when you tried to give me that signature laugh of yours it quickly took a sharp turn into dark corners. In other words, major labor pains had hit their stride in this race.
The small bouts of rebound from the recovery of them seemed to go from long periods to short ones fast and when I finally saw those tears spring to your eyes again, that was it. My decision was made and we were getting up.| I'll carry you, Cara Mia. Bed or tub?
•Me and my expressive face. It seemed to have gotten worse during this experience. Because as soon as you mentioned the bath, I gave myself away. And I couldn’t help but give a guilty laugh when you pointed it out. Only laughing was not something our little jalapeño appreciated at this moment. Maybe it was the tightening of my muscles when I did it? The slight jiggle of my stomach? Before I could think much more on that I was crying out• Dios mio! Period cramps, mi culo. Que locos. •My grip on your hand like a vice, and I probably left some nail marks too. But this… Another wave of nope was trying to rip through my lower abdomen and hoohah. I didn’t even register your question when you scooped me up• I changed my mind, mi amor. I don’t wanna do this anymore.
Hold on tight, baby.. |Where the fuck were they? Just as I was going to curse them to high heavens, I was swatted back down from the top by Mama Stone herself, when the cell in my pocket went off. The text alerting us that our midwife and company had arrived came through just as we reached the special room I had set up. Opting to help you sit on the bed for a moment, I was trying to be careful with my words as I punched the code to get in, to let them inside. Starting the bath was next and as I took my place right back before you, I tried my bestto use my gift to sooth you both, placing a kiss to your forehead when I do.| They are on their way inside and soon this will be all over. I promise you. Just breathe..
|It even sounded cliché and I don't know, shitty maybe? Just breathe but in that moment my eyes were pleading, begging you to understand that I was doing everything within my power that I knew to do to keep you safe, healthy but most of all, alive.|
•I tried that breathing thing you see everyone do. But all it did was make me lightheaded. So that went out the window. Instead I opted for a series of whimpers and colorful words in both languages as I watched you begin filling the tub. And when you returned to stand in front of me I reached out and gripped the front of your shirt tightly. You weren’t getting away again any time soon. Not if I could help it. Shaking my head at your words, I was ready to tell you again I didn’t want to do this anymore. But the look in your eyes caused me to stop• Do you think they can knock me out? I don’t have to be awake for this right? That lady on the news gave birth in a coma.
I don't think that's how this works. |Actually, I was almost sure of it. The death grip that you had on my shirt was no match for the series of kicks our daughter gave you just then. Barely up on the bed, my arms circled around you to keep you steady even as I heard the shuffle of feet behind us.| Baby, I'm not going anywhere but I have to move in order for them to look at you. |I kissed your forehead again, reassuring you that I wasn't leaving and held our laced fingers up to prove my point.| I promise to hold your hand the whole time. I haven't broken a promise to you yet and I'm not starting tonight. So these lovely people are going to make sure of that. Isn't that right? |I looked at the audience that now surrounded us, sealing my fate with them all or rather theirs with us when my gaze reinforced my words pointedly at each one before turning back to you. With a collective "Oh yes! Absolutely!" officially behind us now, our personalized medical team got underway, checking your vitals and prepping you for possible delivery. And just like with the movies, it was like time stood still for only us the second your water broke. There was you and me, holding hands while the whirlwind of chaos ensued around us with machines beeping and daggers for scalpels being tossed in the air and caught. A signal from my brain that this was really about to happen when our first of two midwifes called out to direct you to give one good push..|
|11.52 pm.. That was the time @AFuerteRosa brought our little girl into the world. The night of the 13th had its highs and lows but I had managed to soothe some of the pain just not all. And chaos be damned, our daughter wasn't taking no for an answer in making her appearance known. There was a time or five where I was sure my hand wasn't going to make it out alive by the death grip you had on it.
Remembering that pain from my arm being nearly ripped from its socket, I grinned thinking I would take that pain ten times over again if it meant I would be sitting here with you today. Watching you with our baby left me completely speechless at times and others, all I could do was grin ear to ear when she would start to coo.
The phrase a kid at Christmas came to mind then and if anybody was holding that title, it was me right now. I had already been fighting the reenactment of the Lion King. That desire to hold our daughter to the sky and demand that our kingdom bow before her had been great but with a light chuckle, I knew that was me being biased. Quietly opening the door to the room now, I entered with the box I had picked up during one of our numerous store trips. The boutiques and shops along the strip were no match for either of us when it came to decorating for our Lydia's arrival. With the plush Lulu The Lamb being no exception, I spoke low just to be sure as my feet carried me swiftly to you. Grinning wider when I see @AFuerteRosa holding our little one to her chest.| You want me to take her?
•I had never been so thankful for my ability to heal quickly than I was now. It had been a handy thing when a target was extra spunky. Or that time I had been captured. But now, when an entire being had made its way into the world by way of my hoohah, I was thanking all that was holy that I would not be like the women on the baby shows I had been watching the last few months. It also made up for the fact that I didn't have any of the interventions available to me that regular human women did at the hospital.
Luckily, I had you by my side. My own personal pain killer. I shuddered to even try to guess how much worse it might've been without you there. And as if on cue, my thoughts seemed to summon you to the room. My whole face lighting up with a bright smile when I spotted you. That stuffed lamb in your hands earning a soft laugh that had Lydia commenting in baby noises• Si. She needs to spend some time with her Papa too.
|Setting the box down immediately and off to the side, I was quick to grab up Lulu and the soft plush blanket to match, placing them both on the bed beside you.| I don't know if you'll get her back once I take her, Cara Mia.
|I had been teasing just a bit as I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it too. Having read about the skin to skin contact further solidifying the bond between father and child, I gave you a wink first before slipping into the king size bed with you, offering a tender kiss to the top of her head after placing a meaningful one to your lips. Carefully taking Lydia when you hand her over and cradling her to my chest now.| You did you so good with her, baby. You really did. You feeling good?
•Hormones were definitely raging. Because you taking off your shirt already had a lot of thoughts going through my mind that I had to suppress. Meeting your lips with a happy hum, I lifted her carefully from my chest and handed her over before turning on my side to face you. My smile so wide it almost made my cheeks hurt as I watch you with our little Lydia• Thank you, mi amor. I feel pretty good right now.
|Making faces at our little one was a first for me too. So many firsts I thought as I bumped her cute little nose with my own, whispering to her.| I promise to always protect you, mija. Sometimes that's not always going to be how you like it but it will be because your Mamá and I love you so very much. |Glancing over to you when I hear that familiar sniffle, I lean in to kiss away your tears, happy ones that they were and enjoy this time with you snuggled up with our baby.|
My heart is so full because of you. Both of you. My stomach on the other hand..|Just then, Lydia started to put up a fuss and I let out a chuckle.| Apparently, she is hungry again. Would you like something, Cara Mia? |I had the fridge stocked with anything we could want preparing for not just Lydia but @MindYourPanties and @LaLolaDelores too.|
•Watching you with our little nina had my heart swelling and tears filling my eyes. Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly fall any deeper in love with you, here we were. Laughing at myself when you kiss my tears away• You are already such a good papa. •Smiles as I continue to watch you. Only faltering when she starts to fuss• Oh, pobrecita. Tienes hambre? •Moves to sit up before finally answering your question• I could eat too. Si.
Si, she is. |Giving Lydia another huge grin and a kiss to her forehead before gently handing her over, I watched to make sure you were comfortable with her before grabbing up the soft blanket to cover around you both.| You can have anything you want. What sounds good? |Already feeling reluctant to leave you, I laughed more to myself with a shake of my head. I was just going to the kitchen not into town.| Name the first three things that come to mind. |Opting to leave my shirt off, I slide out of bed and head for the door, opening it as I waited to see what was on the menu for tonight and looked over my shoulder back to you.| I will be bringing back some dessert I know that. So main course only please. |grins|
•Takes Lydia from you and gets us situated, smiling at you when you put the blanked over us• Hmm… •My mind going blank now that I don’t have her inside me to call the shots• I think my mind went blank. •cracks up• Rice? •nods slowly• Si. I want Spanish rice. Wait, it’s Tuesday isn’t it? Tacos. I want tacos and rice.
For two more hours or so.. |Smirks when I pause right outside the door and turn back, poking my head back into the room to see you loving on our baby girl once more.| That was two things. What is the third? Throw something random in there. |laughs|
•brushes my fingers over Lydia’s head, humming softly before looking up at you in the doorway again• Um… •chews my bottom lip• Garlic bread. •laughs at the look on your face and shrugs a shoulder• It sounds good.
Garlic bread. |Laughing, I give a salute with a wink and head off for the kitchen. Taking a moment to check on the furry kids before I do. Gizmo hadn't left your side for most the day but there were others that had been acquired in the short time we had been here. Once I made those rounds, letting everyone out and back in, my sights finally landed on the industrial size fridge I had put in. Our family had grown into a family of five overnight with my brother's arrival and as I set the oven on to cook and got to work on the rice first, my thoughts drifted to the fact that they were really here. The story of their courtship was something even Papá would have been proud of I thought as I assembled the tacos next while the garlic bread finished baking. Finally plating up once it was all done and I loaded it up on a tray for us to enjoy together. My final destination for the night, our bedroom.| I hope this is to your liking, Cara Mia. |Grins proudly at the spread I sit out for you after I entered the room, seeing our Lydia fast asleep.| Has she been out long?
•Once you left the room, I went back to humming to our little nina. The song I was humming oddly familiar as I wracked my brain to try and figure out where I had heard it from. It was Gizmo who reminded me when he nuzzled her little leg• You are just like Lady in that Disney movie… •pauses mid sentence and laughs• That’s it. Amor, you’re not the only one channeling that movie it seems. •laughs a little more before Lydia lets out a cranky fuss and I hush myself, beginning to rock her gently and hum again until she falls asleep, and looking up at you with a smile when you re-enter the room• She just drifted off. She has a full belly, a dry booty, and we had our own little Disney moment. •laughs softly as I carefully climb from the bed and lay her down in the bassinet•
She seems to be adjusting well to the sleep schedule so far. |Speaking of which, I gestured you closer before grabbing up your hand, pulling you over to sit beside me so we could dig into our food.| I suppose I might have jinxed us then so maybe we should eat while we can. |Chuckles low, trying not to wake the baby while she sleeps and I slide the plate with the rice on it before you. Grabbing up a taco for myself from the other.| Just in case she does wake up.
•my eyes going wide when you say that before laughing when you say exactly what I was thinking• Si. Don’t jinx it. •slides back into the bed next to you, pulling the plate into my lap• I am starving. •scoops some of the rice up then pauses, turning to look at you with a wide smile• Thank you, amor. For making this so I can still eat good food instead of just some cereal or something.
You're not just feeding yourself but the baby too. |Takes another bite of my taco, finishing it off with another bite soon after and I wipe my mouth with a napkin.| Some cereal can be good for dessert but not the main course. No matter what others might think. |laughs again, grabbing up a bite of rice this time then promptly chowing down on another taco, dipping it into the sauce first.|
•It was as if time froze at that moment, my mind capturing every detail of this moment. My handsome husband eating in the bed next to me, enjoying the feast he had just spoiled me with. Our first baby, Gizmo, dutifully watching everything at the foot of the bed. And our sweet little nina fast asleep in her bassinet. My heart was so full. And I was grateful for everything that had happened in my life up until this point. The good and the bad. Because it all brought me to this perfect moment in time that I wouldn't trade for the world•
0 notes
i'll throw a prompt in because i love ur writing (obviously u don't have to take it if u don't want to) uhhh..... jug w/ a messy/sneezy cold living in the school & retreating back to his spot halfway through the day because he doesn't have the energy or patience to deal with his symptoms in public or people staring, so he just sulks & tries to be quiet until school's over. either archie walking by the door & hearing him cough/sneeze while looking for him or archie calling his phone & hearing it?
(I hope u like snz bc this is a snzfic lmao..sorry if ur not into that and I seriously misjudged the prompt!! and also thank you for being nice!! mess warning!!)
Jughead had always felt a bit like a social outcast, never feeling like he was a part of society, more on the outside peering in. Over time he began to accept his place, accepting himself as an individual. He lived in a comfortable isolation, content with a small, but loving group of people to surround himself with.
He didn’t like the spotlight, preferring to be behind the scenes and observe, and made an effort to keep it that way. However, the way of life couldn’t always pander to what Jughead wanted (he knew this very well), and being in the spotlight was out of his control.
That loss of control was caused due to his own body, and a virus breaking through his weak immune system that showed itself as a messy, sneezy cold.
“HhrrITTSCHHiewww!” Jughead sneezed for what had to be the 10th time that hour, pitching his head forward into his locker. He cringed as he pulled his hand away, revealing a layer of mist on top. He groaned in annoyance; annoyed although he knew that this was going to happen, considering his living situation.
He kept his head down as he felt stares burning holes onto his back, loathing how much attention he was receiving from this cold. He rubbed a finger underneath his nostrils in irritation, sniffing hard.
Suddenly, a strong arm grabbed him and wrapped around his shoulder, “Morning Jug! How’s it crack-a-lacking?”
Jughead rolled his eyes at his best friend, “Doing jusdt fide, I feel fresh, revitalised, ready to kick sobe ass.”
Archie raised an eyebrow, about to comment on his friend’s deepened voice and the congestion lacing his words but before he could, Jughead was pushing away and pitching forward into his hands, “hhhtTTSCHOO! Hahh..eeeHHTSCHHOO! Excuse me.”
“Bless you, are you catching a cold?” Archie frowned, pulling Jughead back into his bro embrace.
Jughead groaned softly, rubbing at the side of his nose, hand covering his face as he sniffled to keep his nose from running, “I’ve got one alright, and it’s shitty.”
He pulled a tissue out of his pocket and blew his nose, considering that Archie was the only person he felt comfortable being gross with and being doted on with. As he finished, he began to cough chestily into his fist.
“Jesus Jug, that doesn’t sound too good. What happened?”
’Well I’m living in a closet under the stairs like Harry fucking Potter and its cold as shit so I’m sick, naturally,’ Jughead wanted to say, but shrugged instead.
“Shit happens, dude,” Jughead said casually, scrunching his nose to ward off a sneeze.
“Well if it gets worse you should go see the nurse and maybe go home,” Archie suggested.
Jughead wanted to laugh.
‘Archie, I am home, you doof,’ Jughead thought, glancing behind him towards the closet. In his slight haze he seemed to have forgotten to respond to Archie because Archie was sighing.
“..You..aren’t gonna do that..right, you’re a stubborn prick so I’m going to have to be checking on you constantly, you little shit.”
Jughead could only smirk at that, grinning as he headed towards his first class’s door, one he didn’t share with Archie, “I live to make your life hell, pal.”
Archie rolled his eyes fondly as he trekked on, his gaze lingering until the door of the Maths room shut, his friend disappearing from his sight. He then looked ahead, swallowing as the feeling of worry wouldn’t quite leave him.
No one was having a good time.
Jughead certainly wasn’t, his nose constantly dripping as Jughead frantically tried to mop up his mess before it left his nostrils, and one time a string of clear liquid began to droop down his left nostril and he had cleaned it up as quickly as possible, but one of his classmates had noticed. Jughead could only blush and look straight ahead, pretending like this wasn’t the most awkward situation ever.
His classmates certainly weren’t enjoying this either, the sound of constant sniffling not exactly their opinion of quality learning backdrops. Jughead absolutely despised the judging looks he got, staring holes into him, eye rolls and side eyes, small frustrated groans..His mind had wandered off to a slightly dark place, wishing he could just disappear.
Granted some of the stares were of concern and pity, but they weren’t much better. Jughead just wished he was invisible, not wanting any attention and wanting to be by himself. He wanted to be gross and not having to keep up a somewhat passable image of himself by himself. He wanted to be in a safe environment in a warm, comfy bed he could call his own. None of those could happen for him, so sat in self loathing, seething.
To make matters worse, his oblivious teacher in his History class made him read out a long ass document about the French Revolution. He tried his best to be understandable, his voice croaky and horribly congested, and constantly having to sniffle through his sentences. It was turning out to be a lesson about Jughead’s sniffles rather than history.
“..The king’s trial was ode of udfair circubstadces..snff..mady of the trialgoers..snff..biased in their opidiods..snff...of the king..snff..”
Jughead’s reading was interrupted as a irresistible tickle suddenly began to brew intensely within his sinuses, the tickle quickly escalating down to the tip of his nose where it rampaged, the sneeze completely unavoidable. For some reason, Jughead decided to fight it.
His nostrils twitched, Jughead scrunching up his nose to attempt and suppress the tickle, but only succeeded in worsening it, his nostrils now flaring widely as the whole class began to look over at him to watch this spectacle.
“..mady were angered..b..by..hhehh!!hh..the king..hh!!heehh…hhhhihh!!”
Jughead gave in, aggressively pressing a tissue against his nose and pitching forward violently with a series of progressive sneezes, “hhhAATTSCHHH! hhrrSSTCHHHH! hepptttSSCHOO!! hahhrrSSCHHHH!!….hhhhRRSHHHOOOO!”
Jughead blushed a deep red hue, clearing his throat as he pressed another tissue against his nose as the previous tissue was on its last legs, clearly soaking. He cleared his throat, “Excuse mbe, sorry.”
“Blow your nose, Mr Jones, we want to learn about the French Revolution rather than about your cold,” His teacher said boredly, a couple of people chuckling.
Jughead blushed further, anxiety blaring as he nodded and awkwardly did so, looking around wildly as all eyes were on him. He took in a panicked breath, but met the eyes of a sympathetic and kind Kevin Keller and managed to finish the rest of the passage before he began to sulk in his self loathing once more.
Jughead dragged his sickly ass into his middle of the day class and flopped in his usual seat, slouched and resting his head on his arms, headache beginning. He was so done with today, and wished it would just end.
Archie had already been in the class, completely shocked to see Jughead’s condition worsen that severely in just a few classes. Jughead wouldn’t meet his gaze and just slumped, not even seeing Archie.
The whole class he could only stare at Jughead, not able to concentrate on whatever novel they were reading now, watching as Jughead sniffled or pinched his nose to stop a sneeze or cough repeatedly.
Suddenly Jughead stopped reading the novel, hand shooting up to his face and covering his nose as an unexpected fit took over him, taking one sharp and large inhale.
“hhATSSCHH! hhrrrRRTTSCHHH!” Jughead sneezed harshly, obviously very wetly, his eyes widening as he realised that mess was now on his hand. He reached for his pocket, digging around and panicking as he realised he had none left.
To his despair everyone was watching him, in disgust, in concern, pity..whatever. As Jughead pathetically rummaged around naively his breath once again suddenly caught, “hhEETSCHOOO!”
He blushed furiously as even more mucus leaked out, knowing he would have to face his fate. Jughead cleared his throat, raising his free hand very awkwardly.
The English teacher who was kind to Jughead, and clearly admired his talents, was the one saving grace who only gave him a sweet and comforting smile as she nodded towards the door.
Jughead got up and tried to get out as quickly as he could, rushing towards the bathroom and pulling at some toilet roll and mopping up his mess, cringing at the strings clinging onto his hands. He washed his hands thoroughly, trying to waste time as to avoid walking back into that classroom.
As he walked out to the hall, he glanced up at a clock that said he had two minutes before his next class. Jughead thought about it for a second, and he was completely done. He was done with today, this enough, he couldn’t do this anymore.
He stomped towards the closet, closing the door behind him and collapsing against his sleeping bag, pulling the covers over him as he shivered, wallowing and sulking, willing today to just go away.
When Jughead didn’t return before the bell, Archie became extremely worried.
Archie scanned and searched the halls, but couldn’t find any trace of a grey beanie or blue denim jacket. As the hustle bustle of people walking to their next class died down, Archie found himself alone and Jughead-less. He frowned, figuring he could miss out on Study Hall and went to find him.
Archie walked down the corridor, getting frustrated. He sighed, pulling his phone out and pulling out Jughead’s name on his recents, and the second he pressed his name he heard something coming from the closet under the stairs.
“hhNGHHXTT! hahh..nnggXXHTT-shIEW! ugh..hehhNNGGHXTTchIEWW!”
Archie blinked, stunned, and then heard a vibrating coming from the closet. The vibrating stopped, and his call was declined. Was Jughead..?
Archie rushed to the closet and swung the door open, to find Jughead curled up in a sleeping bag, looking pale and exhausted. The younger boy jolted in shock, looking stunned and even a little afraid, but his mouth curved into an uneasy grin.
“..uh..'Yer a wizard Harry..,” Jughead joked, scrunching his nose up in irritation as he scrubbed a finger underneath his nostrils.
“..Jug?? What the heck is happening here??” Archie asked, extremely confused.
“You gotta go home, Jug! Not here!”
“This is my home!” Jughead snapped.
Archie became silent, words escaping from his brain, not knowing what to say. He was shocked, a plethora of emotions flooding his senses as he looked around, realising what this was.
Jughead grumbled and rolled over so he didn’t have to face Archie, “..you don’t have to say anything.”
“..Jug..I..” Archie’s voice cracked.
Jughead sniffled, trembling slightly, and Archie wondered if this was a result of Jughead’s illness or if he was crying.
Archie’s gaze softened as he kneeled down, a gentle hand resting on Jughead’s back, “Jug, are you crying or just really sick..?”
Jughead sniffled, letting out a shaky breath. “Both,” He choked.
Archie’s heart broke as he slowly picked his best friend up, bringing him into a hug, holding him close in his comforting embrace. Jughead melted into it, wrapping arms around Archie’s built frame and burying his face into his shoulder, beginning to sob softly.
“You’re okay, Jug,” Archie whispered comfortingly.
“..I-its just been a really s-shitty day, A-Archie,” Jughead sobbed, holding him tighter.
“I can make this better,” Archie mumbled.
“Come home with me,” Archie whispered, pulling Jughead away so he could meet his eyes. He looked sick, and miserable with tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Archie, what? I can’t do that.”
“Yeah you can. I’ll figure this out with my dad, he’ll let you stay, I know it. When he..fired your dad he told me how worried he was about you..and if anything went wrong..he’d do all he could to help you,” Archie explained.
“Archie, I don’t doubt your dad would–but I can’t. I can’t possibly..”
“Please, Jug. At least until you get better.”
Jughead sighed, about to pick up his bag of belongings when another tickle had him bending at the waist, “hhETTSCHOOO! hahhTSSSCHH!” He cringed at the spray that he caught dangling down the air.
Archie shot him a sympathetic glance and put a hand on his shoulder, hoisting up his bag, surprised at how heavy it was.
“Damn, Jug..” Archie commented.
“I’ll carry it,” Jughead protested, reaching for it but Archie already had it firmly hoisted on his shoulder.
“No, you’re sick, and we’re checking you out of school,” Archie insisted.
“It’s not a hotel, Andrews,” Jughead huffed. Archie could only smile at that, knowing that if Jughead was still joking, he hadn’t lost him quite yet.One look at Jughead and the nurse was handing off an excuse slip to go home. Archie explained that Jughead’s father was out of town and was staying with him, and a slip for Archie was also issued. They handed the slips to the receptionist and the two were heading over to his house.
As they approached the door, Jughead stopped suddenly.
“What’s wrong?”
“Archie, I can’t–”
“Nonsense!” Archie exclaimed as he pulled Jughead closer to him, and unlocked the door.
Jughead’s nose began to twitch as he entered the house, breath hitching as Archie quickly plucked a tissue of the tissue box they kept by the entrance and quickly pressed the tissue against his friend’s nose.
“Huh–Arch..archie wha..what’re..hh..hehh..hhITSSSCHOO! hehhTTSCHIEWWW! hahhTTSCHOO! Ugh..”
Archie laughed and threw away the tissue, looking sodden and wet, leaving Jughead completely mortified.
“What?” Archie teased.
“Bless you Jughead!” Came Fred’s voice, walking out of the kitchen.
“Huh–thank you, but how did you..”
“Archie texted me telling me that he was bringing you home because you’re sick,” Fred smiled.
Archie cleared his throat and tossed Jughead a blanket, “Go sit by the couch Jug, im just going to make you some tea.”
Jughead blinked as Archie made his way to the kitchen, noticing how Archie slightly gestured Fred to follow him. He sighed softly, not wanting to burden the Andrews but made his way to the couch all the same, wrapping himself in an actual warm blanket, in a soft, comfy couch. He found himself nodding off.
Then a gentle hand was prodding him awake, and as he regained consciousness, a nice warm mug of tea was being placed into his hands. He couldn’t smell very well, but it was clearing his sinuses. Archie took a seat next to him and Fred sat on the pouffe across from him.
Archie cleared his throat, “..So I told my dad about your situation.”
Jughead looked anxious, wringing his hands and sniffled softly.
Fred gave him a warm, kind smile, “..Jughead, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you want. I don’t know the full story, and you don’t have to tell me, but I encourage it, if you want someone to talk to the Andrews men are here. You have been a part of the family since you were born.”
Archie grinned, “So what do you say, bud? It’ll be a lot of fun, you and I sharing a room..”
Jughead smirked, “..Well..I will have to share a room with Archie Andrews which is horrendous..but..I’ll take it.”
Archie laughed and pulled Jughead into a hug, before Jughead pushed him off and retreated into his sleeve, “hehhTSSCHH! hahhAAATSCHH!!” He went to lift his face to find mess clinging on, and he went bright red.
“Uhh..Archie..tissue?” He said awkwardly.
Archie could only laugh and pass him one, watching him wipe up his mess.
“I hope you don’t mind me..mess and all,” Jughead chuckled.
“We’re happy to have you just the way you are, Jughead,” Fred chuckled.
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