#{ ur the sweetest !!! }
sugar-coat-it · 30 days
just read the new teenage dream fic and ahh! you don’t understand how much i love those babies!! u never miss belle 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Cristinaaaa 🥺
Thank you!!!!! Means so so much, I'm so happy you liked it!! Ugh I love them too so much, cuties.
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metallicaislife · 10 months
We missed you Isa!! So glad ur feeling better ❤️❤️❤️
Aww tysm💚
I missed you all too!!
Hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself!
Have a great day/night💚💚
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shadessallow · 7 months
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classicallyyours · 1 year
All I Need - m.o
I ache for domesticity dawg. I am projecting. Zach Bryan is my favorite artist. My comfort artist. Don’t have enough words in the English language to describe how much I love him. Almost cried at work literally just listening to his music. ( ✌︎'3')✌︎ He means so much to me. Osamu is one of my comfort characters. I love him. Not a song fic but a song lyric:  “I’m a simple man, I don’t need much. Just my simple songs and some human touch. I’m tired now, so I’m bringing my ass home.” - Burn, Burn, Burn - Z. Bryan.  Itty bitty angst//hurt/comfort. Workaholic!Newlywed!Samu  GN, but there are pet names! Doll, gorgeous, baby, sugar… I think that’s it…  He is doing his best but not really ehehehheeh love u haven’t written in a while wasn’t originally gonna post but a friend inspired me to! LITERALLY SO SORRY THAT I BUTCHERED THE ENDING w.c: 2226
It wasn’t that you didn’t love his heart for his work. Quite the contrary, actually. Osamu’s ambition and work ethic to create a kind and homey atmosphere was something that attracted you to him to begin with. He cared so intentionally about everyone that walked into his shop. He cared so intentionally about you. Even amidst the chaos of his day, opening new restaurants, and dealing with administration - (‘I swear I’ll hire someone to do it for me eventually.’) - he always took the time to hear about your day and set aside some evenings and mornings for you. He seemed to balance it all so well. You noticed the exhaustion, of course, but Osamu reassured you every morning with a kiss or hug that he was okay. You tried where you could to help ease his load: you helped out at the shop on your days off, ran deliveries if needed, stayed late to clean. You hoped, now, married as of only a month, that you’d be able to do more. You were his spouse, there wasn’t much he could really hide from you anymore, right? 
As a general rule of thumb, Osamu tried to take off at least one day a week, and leave early on another. They didn’t have to be the same every week, but so long as he took care of his body and mind, you were okay with it. Not to mention, he still made time for date night, to continue to grow and foster the marriage the two of you were now building. It was Sunday, and since Osamu hadn’t taken any other time off that week, you figured that when you turned to bury your face into your husband’s chest, he’d be there to block out the morning sunrise that painted your room in glittery gold. You cracked open your bleary eyes, trying to formulate a thought in spite of your neurons firing at the speed of molasses. 
Did you go to bed together? Yes. It was too early to be breakfast time and there were no smells from the kitchen. Shower was silent alongside the rest of the bathroom. In fact, it seemed like the only sound in the whole house was your quiet breathing.
You creaked out of bed, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders to fight the crisp winter air that invaded your home. Need to get that stupid heater fixed too. You made your way around the small layout of your apartment. Osamu couldn’t have gone far, unless he left, but you figured that you would have woken up if he was getting ready to leave. You furrowed your brow when you saw him working at his laptop, scribbling and throwing crumpled paper behind him. You cleared your throat to get his attention, and he seemed to be unbothered by your presence. Your frown deepened, and you gently called his name. No response. He didn’t have earbuds in, so you approached closer and tapped his shoulder. His daze finally interrupted, he whipped his head around to face you. His eyes were tired but his smile was as knockout as always. He kissed the back of your hand.  “Mornin’ gorgeous. Want some breakfast?”  You ignored his question. “Samu, why aren’t you in bed with me right now? It’s six am.”  He turned his eyes back to his laptop, taking a long, slow sip of coffee. “It’s admin day, sugar. S’the end of the month.” 
Osamu had figured out a way to avoid touching all things that screamed ‘I’m a business owner’ until the end of every month. Any nonsensical paperwork or updates that read “nothing’s changed” could all be dealt with in one long grueling day. It did mean his eyes would go blurry from staring at a screen, but it couldn’t be avoided (until he hired someone else to deal with it). You were fully aware of admin day, and you mentally kicked yourself for not remembering. But you still reserved the right to be a little pissed because he hadn’t taken any more time off this week. You examined his face closer, and a wave of sadness washed over you.  “Samu… when was the last time you slept?”  He snorted. “Last night. What, forgetting that you practically squeezed me t’a death?” He chuckled. You reached your hand out and cupped his cheek, stroking your thumb over his dark circles. He made eye contact with you, holding your gaze as he kissed the inside of your wrist. “M’fine Doll. Honest.”  You raked your fingers through his hair, and pecked his hairline. He slithered his hands around your waist, savoring your body close to his. “I’m not gonna convince you to come back to bed and rest for the day, am I?”  He shook his head. “Sorry love.”  You sighed, pulling away. The cold washed over you again. “Will you be free for date night tonight?”  Surprise flicked over his features. “Yeah, of course.”  “If you forgot, or you feel like you’re going to be too busy, we don’t have to. I’d rather you sleep anyway,” you said slowly, testing the waters. He shook his head, his cheeks painted in a rosy hue.  “I’ll be free baby, honest. I can finish this before dinner.” “Take care of yourself, hun,” you yawned before shuffling back to bed. You took comfort in his side, inhaling his scent and ignoring the pang in your chest that he wasn’t there.  When you woke up at a more reasonable hour, the biting cold led you to slipping on one of Osamu’s sweatshirts. The soft material and the hint of his cologne washed over you, and a fuzzy feeling pooled in your gut. You adored your husband. Smiling, you stretched and went to find him and something to eat. 
Upon entering the kitchen you realized two things: that the house was quiet, and that breakfast was waiting for you on the counter. A note was left beside a still warm bowl of food, the condensation building beneath the plastic wrap. You took to eating, savoring the flavors that melted over your tongue while you read what he left for you.  Good morning Sugar (or should I say afternoon?) Had to go out and inspect the building for the Kyoto branch. Will be back by dinner! Love you - samu You sighed and finished your breakfast in silence. 
The rest of the day proceeded easily, if not at the expense of your routine. Things you planned on doing with Osamu - what you always did on your shared days off - felt weird to do alone. You wandered the stalls of the farmer’s market without him, made yourself a small bouquet of flowers, and found a cafe to eat lunch at. You took the time to enjoy the solitude; to plan out the rest of your evening for when Osamu returned for dinner. Once satisfied, you took your goods from the market and made your way back home. 
You hummed a tune while you put up your flowers, and prepped ingredients for dinner. You knew that today was a busy day for him, so you figured that beginning dinner wouldn’t be a bad idea. While the two of you enjoyed cooking together for date night, you wanted to put in a little extra effort to take care of him. 
What you anticipated being just a handful of minutes for his return, turned into an hour, and dinner was getting cold. The pit from the morning returned louder than ever. You picked up your phone and dialed the number you knew by heart. It rang once. Twice. And on the third he picked up.  “Hey Sugar, caught me at a good time. What’s up?”  You swallowed the lump in your throat. “Samu… it’s dinner time.”  “Yeah, I know. I’m headed to a meeting with a client right now.” 
The pang beat louder in your stomach. You didn’t want to sound whiny, but Osamu never forgot date night. He never forgot dinners with you in the many years of your relationship. He never forgot you amidst the growth of his business. Why now, of all times?  “A client? For what?”  “Owner of this mall in Tokyo wanted to talk about opening a stall for Onigiri Miya. Sounded like a great idea.”  “Y-you’re in Tokyo? I thought you were just going to Kyoto today…”  “Oh! Sorry I forgot to text y’a. After I looked at the new building - it’s stunning by the way baby, I gotta show y’a sometime soon- the owner’s wife’s dad owns the mall, and put us in contact for today.” 
You decided to finally air out your needs. “Osamu, tonight was our night. To be together and catch up after a long few weeks of not seeing each other. I… I miss you.” The line went silent. You wondered where the line was between being a supportive and sacrificial spouse. You supported his work to the fullest extent, but you didn’t want to have to put your own needs aside either. You needed to nurture your relationship with him; being married didn’t excuse him from investing in you. You needed to see him rest. “S-Samu?”  “Y-yeah baby. I know. I know. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to y’a. I’m doin’ this for us y’a know.”  You sighed angrily. The bubble that was trapped in your chest releasing in a burst of frustration. “I gave you an out this morning. If you had just told me that you were going to be busy today I would have made other plans instead of spending the day alone and-” you cut yourself off and took another deep breath. “Just… get home safe. Love you.” You hung up before he could respond. It wasn’t worth arguing over the phone. You ate the meal you made in silence and opted to shower once you finished. You let the steam clear your senses and the hot water roll down your back. You wiped angry tears amidst washing your face. You’d feel better going back to work in the morning. You put on your comfiest pajamas and returned to the kitchen for tea when you saw that familiar dark head of hair in the living room. You sighed and walked over to the couch.  “Didn’t expect you to be home yet. What about your meeting?”  He looked up at you, eyes tired. “Rescheduled it. Told him I had a previous engagement.”  “Good to know I’m on your schedule,” you grumbled. He turned his gaze down to the ground.  “Look, I know I screwed up today. But it’s one day and this was really important, not that you aren’t but-” “Samu, it’s been three weeks since I’ve spent time with you. As in, really spent time with you beyond a meal. It’s like, we got married and now you forgot I exist. You barely make time for me in the routine that we made while we were dating, but I miss you Osamu. And I’m sorry for yelling earlier, I was just upset. Not an excuse, but an explanation.”  “Baby, I’m doing all this for us! For you!” “‘Samu, I know. Onigiri Miya is your pride and joy, for me and us and I’m proud of you! I’m so proud of you it makes me ache and you’re all I talk about to anyone I know. Yes, of course I want you to be successful and share your food with the world. But please, all I’m asking is that you don’t forget me and the rest of us along the way while you relish in your -well earned- riches and splendor. I loved you before, and I’ll love you after. When the world falls apart I’ll still love you.”  You crumpled into the couch, closing your eyes. You felt his warm hand on yours, tugging you into him.  “I’m sorry. I know I’ve let the busy overwhelm me, and us. You’ve always been patient with me, and the least I can do is give you the attention you so well deserve. That I want to give you. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you, y’a know that right? You are my pride and joy - Onigiri Miya is important but you’re the heart and soul of it. I really don’t need anything except you.”  The two of you locked eyes, exhausted and brimmed with tears. You both laughed wet laughs, and you adjusted so he was laying on your chest. You threaded your fingers through his hair and he wrapped his arms around you tightly. “It’s not about money or fame or anything, Baby. It never was. Just about sharing food with the people I love.” “I know honey.”  He yawned and snuggled deeper into your collarbone. “I’m the richest man in the world because I’ve got you. Right here. Nothing else.”  You ran your fingers up and down his back, and whispered words of affirmation into his ear. His big hands held firmly to your back, clutching you like letting go would mean the end of the world. You noticed the tiny tufts of grey that sprinkled in his dark hair. You kissed his hairline over and over again.   “I’ll be better for y’a, honest. We’ll…” he yawned again. “Learn to be us… again… thanks for being patient with me baby… I love you…” You pressed a final kiss to his forehead. “I love you forever.”
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cranberrv · 4 months
hehehehehe i love ur writing style and format, i’m obssesed 🤭
and i love YOU!
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irndad · 6 months
Aaaaaa, I’m literally screaming and crying from happiness, because your 2nd part to Maeve story is a masterpiece! I’m also speechless, because how could I not be, they’re so sweet and wholesome and they’re finally together 😭❤️ That is the best present one can receive, thank you thank you thank you so, so much for this ❤️
hi lovie!!!! thank you so much for reading, you are the absolute sweetest!!! im so lucky you read my stuff and chose to repsond to it so generously, i hope you have a lovely rest of your day!!! MWAH
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kxttqi · 7 months
why is your work so yummi 🌚 i am eating it up like a 5 course meal btw 😔
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my doors wide open for u bae
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toruro · 10 months
Hi Mika you're amazing!
thank u ilu😿
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onlyseokmins · 6 months
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
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tommos · 11 months
did you get the things from your wishlist? i think i signed it with my username, said they were delivered & want to make sure
BABY I DID!!!! thank u so much i love u 🤍
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metallicaislife · 6 months
Sending love to you my dear
you are so amazing Isa❤️
I love you!💙
Aww thank you Dars 🥺
You are so sweet and incredible!! I hope you’re doing well!!
Love you!!💚
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butchdiaz · 1 year
dude u have no idea how excited i am for the secret admirer fic i want to unhinge my jaw and swallow it whole like a snake already because this line ("exactly," chimney snaps his fingers at her, "i love hen, but i don't sound like i want to have her babies when i tell her that.") has me in a fucking chokehold its sooooo chimney ilyyyy
SCREAM ILY!!!!!!!!! (and i loveeee chim<3)
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caelesjjk · 1 year
Hello love of my life I am here to ask QUESTIONS for the ask game hehehe. They are: van Allsburg, ng and kim! Tell me all your secrets to writing
Ur so cuuute stop it 🥺
van Allsburg: how many WIPs do you have?
Right now it’s 5 and it’s making me insane lol.
ng: what time of day do you usually write the most?
It’s kind of weird, but usually during my down time at work or on my lunch breaks lol. Im always so busy in the evenings after work, but somehow manage to pump out way more on my lunch lol.
kim: what AUs do you want to try and/or write more of?
Honestly I get so excited about anything fantasy and supernatural. I’d really like to delve deeper into the less popular ones. Ones with weird lore and stuff. But super excited to get into fae writing. I also thought up this fic the other day about curses and I’ll have to message you about it cuz it’s 😳😳😳
Thanks for sending me these angel ❤️
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jamminvroomvroom · 2 years
blue and lavender🫶🏻
i’m not funny i’m mentally ill 🥹🥹🥹
we can be friends! ily!!! <333
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