#{ remind me to make a new verse for them fdshfjkdshjk }
mcltiples · 2 months
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send “OBSERVE”for a mini-drabble of how my muse sees and/or thinks about your muse while they do something completely ordinary. || accepting
@countlessrealities sent; “OBSERVE” [[ Rick V-79 for my Weird Rick xD ]]
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It's been a while now that Rick had submitted himself to this particular Rick. His Master. All because he found power in his alternate. A certain need for control and something about it made him want to bow down worshipfully. He was in the presence of a God. That much was clear now.
He now stood there on the side. Small distanced apart, only because he knew better than to get in the man's way. Especially when his Master was talking with someone. Conducting business propositions. For what? He wasn't sure. It wasn't his place to eavesdrop. He would ask about it when they got back into the ship.
For now, he would stare at the powerful Rick. He didn't even blink. Pale grey eyes unwavering at every single detail he could see.
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Certain quirks that he could tell that were there. As if the other were trying to hide any real thought or emotion. All replaced with something clever, witty, comebacks for everything. It was fascinating. No one could argue with that Rick, unless they wanted to be spun around in circles.
He would have to take note of that later. Not that he would do anything to upset his Master. Though, he could never be too careful.
And then there was that body language. Stiff, tense, yet also laid back in a way. As if his alternate was prepared for a fight at all times, while appearing to be oh-so friendly and suave. He found it to be sexy. Oh, how he could take away that tension, loosen the other up. In so many different ways than one.
He then flickered into those blue eyes. A tilt of his head where he found something so very mesmerizing. A storm, silent anger. Maybe it's something his Master always carried with him. Something that the other learned how to control. Whatever the case may be, he could stare into those eyes for eternity if he could.
Just to see how intense that storm could get.
It happened a bit too quickly for him to realize. That his Master stopped talking with the galactic being. Only now to be approached by him, closely standing in front of each other. That's when he let himself blink, eyes stinging but he was already used to that.
He looked down at the device that was being shown to him. Just for a brief moment before he glanced back up towards that face. His heart beat against his chest so loud and fast. It made him wonder if he was experiencing something unpleasant. He couldn't tell. So he would ignore it for now.
Instead, he would listen to the explanation that was being given to him. He would pay attention. It was his duty now. To act as a pet and also a part of the team. Whatever his Master needed him to do, he would do it. No questions asked.
"Y-Yes, Master," He agreed, fingers twitched at his side. Only if he could reach out to touch the side of that face. "I-I'll get right onto it."
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