#{ length and verse will vary~ }
mcltiples · 26 days
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{ STARTER CALL } Give this a like / reply for a starter featuring Evil Morti -- you can read her bio on the google doc~ Multis, specify muse pls !!
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florencc · 4 months
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i'm doing memes and rlly finding flo's voice in different verses so perhaps give this a lil like and throw something at ya !
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steavia · 1 year
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HELLO beloved mutuals. it’s time for a starter call. like this and i will deliver to you one (1) lydia rodarte-quayle <3
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impurc-moved · 1 year
Starter Call!
Please like or reblog for one!
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fearlessisabella · 2 years
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Like for a starter? 
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nanlanmoarchived · 1 year
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New followers! Besties! Like this for me to either pick something off of your wishlist (if you wanna drop the tag in the replies I'd love you forever) or get something random up for us!
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manidottir · 1 year
lets do a starter call!
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eileithyiia · 2 years
Starter Call!
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mightyendx · 2 years
starter call.
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willowdied · 1 year
you know what? fuck it. who wants a stephanie lauter starter? hit that heart!
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weregonnagetyou · 2 years
Starter Call
Like for a starter!
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thankskenpenders · 1 year
And now for something new
So, here's something I was never planning on doing, but I just couldn't shake the idea... Thanks Ken Penders is gaining a sister blog featuring an entirely different comic franchise!
Introducing... Thanks Steve Ditko, a blog where I read the Earth-616 Spider-Man comics, starting all the way back in the '60s! It's gonna be much more casual and less thorough than how I run things here on TKP, though, which I'll explain in a sec.
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If seeing me post weird bits from old Spider-Man comics sounds fun and you need no further info, then just head right on over to Thanks Steve Ditko. But for longtime TKP readers, I know you probably have questions...
Number one: Why?
Spider-Man's always been my favorite superhero, and with the Spider-Verse movies kicking ass and my excitement building for the new Insomniac game, I've been in a Spidey mood. Inevitably, a thought occurred to me: Maybe I should actually read the comics that everything else is built off of and see the wildly varying contributions of all the original creators, rather than filtering them through big budget adaptations. If I can power through One Piece and all these other manga with hundreds of chapters, it can't be that hard... right?
And, well, after a few issues I quickly realized that my options were to either clog up my other accounts with random Spider-Man panels for years, or to just make a side blog. And so the side blog was born.
Two: Will this blog replace Thanks Ken Penders?
Okay but prove it
To allow the two to exist side-by-side, Thanks Steve Ditko will have a different format than what Thanks Ken Penders developed. Rather than an in-depth guided tour that critically analyzes every story beat of every issue, TSD will just be a place for amusing panels and brief thoughts as I casually read the comics at my own pace.
If you've seen me make a few tweets about reading Spider-Man recently, I'm basically just moving that to a dedicated Tumblr. It's a place for me to dump these things so that it doesn't fill up my media tab on Twitter for the next decade. (You know, assuming Twitter is still around in a decade.) There will be many issues where I only post two panels that I thought were funny. There will be issues where I don't have anything to say at all. Maybe I'll reach a run that I just cannot get into, and I start skipping around more. Who knows!
This may sound similar to what I thought this blog would be before it blew up. Aside from the simple fact that there's already mountains of Spider-Man commentary out there and therefore less of a void for me to fill, one of the main steps I'll be taking to avoid repeating the past is not enabling an ask box on TSD. I do not need people to ask me to go into ten times more detail on everything. I do not need to write seven essay-length responses to questions about Spider-Man minutiae every day. I do not need a place for people to chide me for not covering certain scenes, issues, or ancillary series.
It also won't have any kind of update schedule. I'm trying to keep it very casual. I'm reading these comics at my own pace, and if I feel like sharing a moment or commenting on something while doing so? It goes there. That's it.
(On the subject of format changes, I'm also listing the issue, writer, and penciller in the body of every post. This is a thing I wish I'd done on TKP so that people didn't misattribute every weird Archie Sonic panel I post to Penders.)
Three: So when will TKP come back from hiatus? You said it'd come back after you finished SLARPG!
I don't know! Sorry. I have a couple things on the backburner right now for TKP, but I'm not sure when I'll get back to proper updates where I read more comics.
I wanted to bring TKP back this year, and that's still possible. The main hurdle is that I want to reread my own archive (again) as a refresher, which is, uh. A lot of posts. I've developed a high standard for myself on here, and I feel like I wouldn't be doing my job right if I forgot half the ongoing subplots and character arcs and didn't bring them up in my analysis. Especially when I'm discussing the work of an author as obsessed with continuity as Ian Flynn. Unfortunately, the nature of this blog means that every time I go on another long hiatus for Life Reasons I have even more comic continuity to catch up on than last time.
(This is a big part of why I'm making Thanks Steve Ditko an extremely casual blog instead of promising to become a Lore Expert on 60+ years of Marvel.)
Mostly I've just been very burnt out this year after having finally finished a video game that took almost eight years to make. I haven't really had the energy for any creative projects, including TKP. But I feel a little bit of a spark here with Spider-Man, so I'm chasing that feeling to try to get back into the swing of blogging about comics - no pun intended.
So, basically, bear with me on this as I start this low-energy side project. But hopefully folks will enjoy Thanks Steve Ditko as its own thing, too.
Look forward to goofy shit like this
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chocodile · 6 months
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Answering this in TWO PARTS because I have a lot of thoughts! CLICK HERE FOR PART 2.
PART 1: AMARANTHINE 'VERSE (Hyden's default setting)
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Interesting question! Kwillow and I have, of course, contemplated such things at length. The problem is that Frank is so far below Hyden, status-wise, that he may as well be completely invisible. A dopey dirt-farming peasant slurring his words while he mucks out the cow pens would basically be furniture as far as Hyden is concerned. He'd hardly ever come in contact with someone of that social class, especially in his later years. Even when he was younger and did visit small towns and farming villages regularly, he was far more concerned with the mayors and innkeepers (or, even better, the mayors' and innkeepers' starstruck daughters and wives) than with grubby average Joes like Frank. Hyden's only interested in relationships that are "useful" and it would be hard to imagine what "use" he'd have for someone like Frank.
Frank's opinion of Hyden would vary depending on what he'd heard about him. If he was a humble, rural peasant who had heard great things about Hyden's benevolence and great magical skill (as many humble peasants did during his Royal Mage years), he might be view him as cool celebrity here to save the day. Frank tends toward hero-worship and loves to build wildly inaccurate, idealized versions of those heroes in his head. A powerful wizard who he only ever saw once from a distance would be perfect fodder for that. He has an impressive capability to self-delude, rationalizing away any evidence that his chosen hero might not be as great as he thinks they are.
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However, an actual one on one conversation with Hyden would probably dissolve that impression pretty fast. Frank doesn't like people who are promiscuous, who lie, and who drink heavily. Hyden has all those vices and many, many more. He'd find Hyden's intense personality and loose morals deeply uncomfortable, once he got to know him.
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A (Partial, Hypothetical) Map of the
Arachno-Humanoid PolyMultiverse
[A slightly MEDIUM length post where I mapped out and explain the positions of the different universes we see in ATSV -
and how those distances can effect everything to travel time - to the reason why Miles got bitten (maybe..based on my charting and data)]
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Did I use common grouping and graphing to make a connectivity map of the universes within the Arachno-Humanoid-PolyMultiverse based on common attributes and similarities?
Why no - I didn't. Lyla gave me this map this morning. So there. _______________________________________
You know what pisses me off? ATSV showing us amazing ass things and then not stopping to explain them at all. Lucky for them, I have autism, a keyboard, and way too much time. So allow me.
'This is Everything': Okay but what is it?
The Spider-verse series is like an expert at going 'this is super interesting but i also I refuse to explain'
But one thing I've always found this SUPER interesting - The Portals. Because LOOK AT THEM. Like... the watch is creating a channel along a set path! It has velocity! How fast are they going? How far?!!
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In lots of other Marvel movies like Doctor Strange, teleportation between universes is instantaneous. This is true for a lot of sci-fi.
However, for Spider-verse, they chose something different.
We see them flying and falling through portals, many of them twisting and turning. And it got me thinking -
If they're flying from point A to point B - Doesn't that imply that the universes have set locations - with measurable, varying distance between them?
And if so - how close are they together? Does it always take the same amount of time? Are some too far to get to without jumping to a closer location first?
So many possibilities! I was so curious to make sense of this. How does the watch KNOW where to go? Where every universe is?
The Solution:
I realized that each universe has similarities - and if similarity = proximity, there could be a way to map the universes by asking three simple questions:
Are they in the modern era? Are they in New York - or something like it? Are they stylized?
And what I got was a map that actually explains some very interesting things in the movie! (If you play by my logic, lol)
Graph Breakdown : How to read
[Explainer and breakdown below the cut PLUS a clearer version - so you can map out your sona!]
The graph is made up of two different points - Cluster Centers & Universes:
The Three Clusters: Location, Time, & Style
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Cluster Centers are specific attributes that universes share, and these attributes clump similar universes together, shortening the distance between them.
There are 3 cluster centers, based on the three questions:
The Time Desynchronization Cluster: For universes that exist outside of the modern era The Stylization Cluster: For universes with artistic stylization The New York Cluster: For universes in which the Spider-person is based in New York, or a rendition of it.
These clusters are arranged in a triangle with sides of equal length.
Then, a universe is placed on the map based on whether they fit the criteria and how much they fit the criteria.
How much they fit each criteria determines each universe's proximity to each other, and the pathways the watches will take to get from location to location as quick as possible.
For example:
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Plotting Universes: Distances & Changes
Using these three Clusters, we can plot almost any Spider-person or Spidersona on the map!
Universes that share attributes and clusters are closer together, shortening the distance and time it takes to complete jumps.
In addition, universes with lots of cluster connections and nearby universes are considered more stable, the strands of the web closer together, and quicker in general.
And just for reference:
The places in which the universes' lines cross are common canon events they share.
Looking at the plotted Universes, we can see some cool things about how they work:
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[My lovely OC's, DiscoSpider Diane and Inca-Spider Moche plotted as examples]
The proximity matters in context too! And it seems to effect a lot of things - like observably in the movie.
The closeness of two universes, can possibly explain the time it takes to get there, why some people fall into other universes, and how easy it is to assimilate into another's universe.
Some cool things to note:
Gwen and Miles' universes are next to each other. Which could explain how she fell into his world. Gwen is way more stylized than Miles, so she's closer to that Cluster than he is.
Peter's universe (not charted..lol) would be next to Miles' & Pavitrs - which also explains his involvement in ITSV.
Noir, Spider-Ham, and Peni Parker would all be close-by as well.
Miles and Pavi's universes are next to each other. Miles & Pavi share all three attributes. Because of this, Miles and Pavi's universes are right next to each other. Which could be why Gwen & Miles' jump to Mumbattan is very short and quick.
Pavi's universe is next to HQ. Pavi is modern, low-stylization, and based in a New York adjacent city. This is true for Miguel too, however, he's in 2099, desynchronized from time. Them being right next to each other could explain how so many members of the Spider Society arrived to Mumbattan quickly to contain the anomaly - as all they would need to do is traverse the time difference.
The stylized characters are charted 'most stylized' to least - left to right, based on medium/inspo: Gwen being first (watercolor), then Hobie (collages of prints, text, and real people), and then Noir (completely shaded with no color, but based off of live-action films), then Patrick a.k.a Webslinger (based on live-action Westerns).
Because of this layout, Hobie's universe borders Gwen's. This could explain how Gwen stayed at his place without being noticed for her differing style (which - as we see with Miles and Spider-Ham, would be obvious). But Gwen universe being nearby, could be why she didn't stand out too much.
Hobie's universe borders Noir's. This is very cute. I love them. Happy feelings.
Noir's universe borders Diane's. Because they both live in New York, and are desynchronized from time (Noir being 1933, and Diane 1982) - Noir and Diane's universe sit next to each other. This makes a lot of sense - Noir's world is perpetually white and black - literally 'noir', while Diane's world lacks a day-cycle, making it always night-time.
Because they share these attributes with Miguel as well - Nueva York, 2099 - Noir and Diane actually live 'closest' to campus, along with Pavitr third.
Despite both being O'hara's, Patrick's universe is REALLY far from Miguel's. This is because WebSlinger's universe is time desynchronized in the opposite direction, very far in the past. He's also stylized - and he lives in the Wild West, not New York. Hence the distance.
As is Moche's - Miguel's wife. Like Miguel, Moche lives in a time desynchronized universe (his 2099, hers 1992) - however Moche is from Peru, hence why her and Patrick are the farthest from the New York Cluster. Moche's world is stylized as photorealistic, moreso than Miles, so she's the farthest from that cluster as well.
Miles' and Wiles' universes would be almost directly next to each other - which explains the spider-bite and the fact Miles' DNA changed so easily. Not all variants are next to each other though - Hobie's 616 Prowler variant is actually pretty far from his.
Uhhh...yeah, I think that's everything. But mind you - that's only a two dimensional slice of THIS
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Hopefully I was able to decode like 0.0001% of it.
This is all speculation and my imagination, But what came out of it is INTERESTING AS HELL TO ME. Writers...pleasee...feed me more random stills in which I can consume.
Also Miguel if you're reading this please hire me I have a degree in Archnohumanoid Poly-Multiversal Research that's good for nothing and I desperately need a job-
I hope you liked this and this made sense! It was just a fun little experiment to do that turned out to be REALLY interesting to chart out/decipher.
Lemme know what you think about how it all works and stuff and what you think of this!
If you made it this far! Thank you so much!! SERIOUSLY THANK YOU
Here's a copy of the map with smaller universes, so you can slot in your own sonas! Plus, a pic of Hobie for your troubles.
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His eyes are so pretty. Can you believe he's in love with my Spidersona thats crazzzyy
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
Decadent chapter 3
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prev || Fic Masterlist || My Masterlist || next
Summary: You and Miguel can't keep your hands off each other. Will he be able to tell you the truth about himself?
Pairings: Miguel O'Hara from the film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse x female reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings/notables: NSFW 18+, cursing, p in v, masturbation, oral -m and f receiving, mention of a period, but just a mention. (non period) Blood, violence, numbness: reader is partially paralyzed and not in control of the situation for a bit. sex is consensual but the paralytic is not. nor is the biting/feeding. Miguel is a bad boy. You've been warned. not beta'd
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PREVIOUSLY on Decadent...
"Talk to me, Miguel," you softly ordered, halting your motions. You needed some feedback.
"Fuck, don't - don't stop," he husked, his hand joining yours to jerk him off. It took him a little bit longer than the first time, but as his warmth coated your hand, running down your wrist, you realized that working with Miguel could end up being a lot of fun.
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Every day at your new job was an adventure - a mind-expanding, challenging, thrilling, orgasm-inducing adventure.
Miguel did not sacrifice one moment of work in the lab, nor behave in any way as if he'd been inside you on a daily basis.
But just like the first time, once you were back in his office...
Pretty much every day for the last two weeks, he needed you to "come over here and look at something," - which would inevitably end up with you on his lap. He really did have things to show you, but they varied in range, from deep, scientific hypotheses, to deep, frantic thrusts of his cock inside you.
Miguel loved for you to ride him, sitting on his lap, at his desk. Seeing how he appreciated your legs so much, you made sure to wear a skirt and the sexiest possible panties. He had a shredded collection of them in his desk drawer, and he'd already gifted you several new pairs.
So you were this girl now: working a challenging, fullfulling job in your dream field, while also letting your boss fuck your brains out.
Lucky you.
"Fuck, Miguel, fuck!" You gasped as he gripped your hips, roughly dragging you back and forth on his lap. Gripping the edge of his desk, you pushed your ass back to meet him thrust for thrust, bouncing and moaning the way he loved.
While he lived to work you up slowly and get you all needy and begging beneath him, when you were on top, he knew you liked it fast.
He had, a time or two, added the slightest bit of super speed to his hips rabbiting up into you, drawing the most obscene little noises out of your pretty mouth. He hoped you hadn't noticed the odd things about him yet - how he would never finger you, fearing his talons would slice you. How he would fuck you so fast that he might as well be your personal vibrating fuck toy.
Or how he never kissed you.
God, how he wanted to. But no. You had clearly seen his fangs by now since they weren't retractable like his talons, but he couldn't risk hurting you. And if he cut your tongue - fuck - he couldn't even dwell on how the mixture of your tongue and your blood would taste inside his mouth.
He had to control himself. But, with each day that passed, with each time he spread you across his desk and worshipped your gorgeous body - he wondered if he had the strength to keep his fangs out of your supple skin.
You came suddenly, your cries of pleasure shamefully loud. Feeling Miguel slowing inside you, you managed to lift up off his lap and turn around, kneeling in front of him.
"Baby, what are you--oh shit..." he gasped as you took his slick, coated length into your hot mouth. You had been on your knees for him before, sucking him relentlessly until he came.
Then it evolved. Instead of quick fucks on his lap, with your skirt bunched up around your waist, Miguel started asking you to strip for him. You found that the slower and more deliberately your pulled your clothes from your body, the more desperately he fucked you.
Being stark naked in his office became this unexpected thrill for you. Sometimes you would work that way -not in the lab -never there. But you would arrive in the morning, give Miguel a little striptease and promptly sit down at your desk wearing nothing but high heels.
His newest thing was to give you instructions. He would coyly mix questions about work with sexual requests and commands.
"Tell me what you think of this article..." blurred with, "spread your legs for me."
Miguel liked to give you instructions while you were naked. "Show me your pussy... touch yourself... play with your nipples..." and one day he folded his massive arms over his chest, leaned back in his chair and said, "Crawl to me."
Without hesitation, you eased out of your chair, completely naked, and slowly started crawling toward your boss on your hands and knees. You thought he would demand that you suck him off, but instead, he rewarded you.
Spreading your naked body across his desk, he kept his fangs safely behind his lips - and with no sucking whatsoever, he used his tongue to wring two orgasms in a row from your soaking wet cunt.
You could die happy - really, you could. Miguel O'Hara - genius, sex god - had fucked you with his tongue.
You were fully aware that a "relationship" like this was probably a bit supernova, and would likely run its course. Miguel would eventually get bored of all the sexy games and move on to his next source of entertainment. It might even get weird, but you felt like you would be able to keep your professional relationship in tact.
And in the meantime, you were having the time of your life with the most gorgeous man you had ever laid eyes on.
Sure enough, one day, Miguel was different. As soon as you walked into his office, ready to lift up your skirt and show him the royal blue, cheeky panties he'd given you - he held up his hand and told you to stop.
"Don't - not today." He never explained himself, except to say he wasn't really feeling well. The two of you remained fully clothed and then headed to the lab for a completely normal day of work. At the end of the day, he offered a weak apology.
"Don't come in tomorrow," he ordered, avoiding looking at you. "Actually...take a few days off. I need some time to think."
Okay, that offended you.
"Miguel, if you want to get more work done, I understand that," you explained, wondering if he thought all the fooling around was interrupting the research. "You don't have to send me home."
"I don't recall asking for your input," he all but snapped. "I don't care what you do. Work from home. Just don't come in the rest of the week."
Narrowing your eyes, you decided to keep your mouth shut. You were not going to get emotional in front of him, even if he was being rude. You left without another word.
Miguel had never felt more like a monster, nor more disgusted with himself. He was growing rather attached to you, and you still didn't know what he was. The problem was...he smelled you. Your monthly cycle was imminent. He'd never had a problem like this around other women, but it had been a while since he worked so closely with one.
Repulsed by his own anatomy and thoughts, he slammed his fist into the nearest wall, leaving a gaping hole. How was he supposed to get any work done with a brilliant mind like yours if he couldn't even handle your womanly body doing normal things? He knew the answer. You were the perfect one - he was the monster.
This wasn't going to work. He couldn't send you away for a few days a month. What kind of misogynistic asshole would he be? Apparently, the kind who would do what he just did!
Reaching for his phone, he sent you a message.
'Hey, I'm really sorry about today. I was an asshole. I wasn't feeling very well. You can come in to the office if you want to get your work done. I'll be out of town for a couple days. We can talk then, if it's okay. Sorry again.'
He was both relieved and nervous to read your reply.
'Thanks for letting me know. If I did something wrong, please just tell me. I can handle it. Are you sure you're okay?'
It took him an hour to figure out a response.
'It's not you. You're doing amazing work. And I love the time we spend together. Can I make it up to you when I get back? Have dinner with me.'
You freaked the hell out. Was Miguel asking you out? And where was he going for the next few days? If it was a work trip, why didn't he tell you about it? You supposed he might explain a little more when he returned.
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The big night arrived. Miguel actually sent a car for you - to bring you to his home. You were expecting dinner in a nice restaurant, but as the car pulled up to a posh skyscraper not too far from the office, you realized Miguel lived here.
To your delight and surprise, he met you in the lobby, smiling warmly as you entered the building.
"Hi, you look incredible," he sweetly complimented, taking your hands and kissing your cheek. "Come on, I'm on the top floor."
Of course he was.
The two of you took an elevator up a few floors - then got out and switched to a private elevator which was operated by a key. An attendant greeted Miguel and was promptly dismissed so the two of you could ride up to the top floor alone.
"This is all very you," you commented, feeling your stomach flip-flop as the elevator zinged upward.
"Is that a good or a bad thing?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes playfully.
"I'm still deciding." Shrugging one shoulder, you winked at him.
Dragging his bottom lip between his teeth, he inched closer to you. "You still mad at me?" He stared down into your eyes.
Batting your eyelashes, your nose wrinkled with a cute smile. "I'll let you know."
The elevator doors gave way to the penthouse, and Miguel offered his hand to lead you into his home.
If this were another man, you would have felt this momentum - this film-style, rush-off-the-elevator and fall into one another, kissing wildly thing. But Miguel never kissed you. And he didn't now.
You were tempted to yank on his arm and pull his lips down to yours, but something made you stop, feeling hesitant to be rejected this early in the evening.
"I hope you like Mexican food," he chirped, leading you to his gourmet kitchen.
"You know I do," you grinned, "considering how many empanadas and tamales we've eaten."
You paused, taking in the incredible spread before you, "Holy shit, Miguel, did you make all this?"
"No," he laughed, "it's mostly catered, but I did make the empanadas," he opened the fridge and produced a clear, crystal pitcher, "and - the margaritas."
"Oh my god - if these are any good, I just might have to marry you," you teased, as he reached for a glass with salt around the rim.
The two of you ended up eating at the kitchen island, sitting on bar stools, making a mess of the spread of Mexican food and enjoying a few margaritas each.
"How did things go while you were out of town?" You politely asked, and you could have sworn he stared at you for minute as if he had no clue what you meant.
"Oh, yeah...uh...it went fine," he finally answered, taking a long drink as if needing a moment to think. "Sorry again about that. It was...unexpected."
He was totally lying. He didn't go out of town, he was just avoiding you. He felt like an idiot. But that's what tonight was for. He was going to try to tell you the truth. Or maybe break it off with you? He wasn't sure, but he couldn't do that to you again - punish you for being a woman and having bodily functions.
"It happens," you shrugged, reaching for your drink for a little more liquid courage. You had a lovely buzz going and you were honestly ready to jump on top of Miguel. "I missed you though."
Your eyes dipped down as you waited for his reaction.
"Me too," he quietly admitted, reaching for your hand. "That's why I wanted you here tonight."
You thought he would elaborate. Or if he had no intention of talking, it was the perfect opportunity for him to kiss you, especially with the way he was staring adoringly into your eyes.
Maybe you mistook adoringly for hungrily - because he slid his long fingers under your dress, up your inner thigh. Okay, maybe he missed your body more than your actual company. Either way, you weren't going to complain if you could spend the night with this gorgeous man inside you.
"You're wet," he murmured, brushing his knuckles over the lace of your panties, beginning to rub up and down deliciously. "You're always wet and ready for me."
"Yes," you panted, arching into his touch. He teased you for a moment longer, then abruptly pulled his hand away, pulling a whine of protest from deep in your chest.
"This way, baby," he softly instructed, reaching for your hand and leading you up a winding staircase. Your heartbeat quickened as he led you into a luxurious den - spacious and decadent, with a roaring fire.
"Holy shit," you marveled, taking in the half dozen shelves filled with books, the expensive-looking paintings and antiques scattered around the room. "If this is one of your moves - it's a good one."
Miguel chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling in delight. "I don't bring anyone here, sweetheart. Just you."
A thrill zipped through your body. Even if he was lying - even he brought other women here - you were more than happy to be the focus of his attention for the night.
"Now, why don't I get comfortable," he chimed, easing down into an oversized leather chair. Leaning back, he spread his legs, thrusting up slightly as if putting himself on display.
Wondering if he wanted you to join him, he gestured to your body. "Take your clothes off."
Biting your lip, you eased into your office routine, thrilled at the thought of a private striptease for Miguel, in his home.
Deciding to stretch it out a bit, you pulled one thick strap of your dress off one shoulder, pausing to lock eyes with him, making him wait just a moment before pulling down the opposite strap. Your dress had no zipper - it was pretty form-fitting. So you started to push it down over your breasts, pausing as the material pooled around your hips.
Shifting his own hips, Miguel stretched one arm out on the back of the chair, his eyes fixed on your lace-covered tits.
Pausing just a moment longer - just to feel like you had a little bit of power - you finally turned around, giving Miguel a generous view of your ass as you pushed the dress over the swell of your hips. It dropped to the floor and you leaned all the way over, showing off your lace thong as you pulled the dress off your feet.
"Stay," he ordered, wetting his lips at the sight in front of him. The thin slip of lace barely covered your pussy and left your round ass bare for him.
Bracing yourself on your fingertips, you obeyed, your body folded in half - ass on display.
"Get on your hands and knees."
You thought he would join you - maybe fuck you like this, but he wasn't done giving orders.
"Turn around and crawl."
Fuck. Something about his new crawling command made your pussy quiver. You quickly complied, slowly crawling toward him in your lace bra and thong, noticing the huge bulge in his black pants.
"Good girl," he purred, his eyes flashing wildly at you on your hands and knees for him.
After ordering you to stop, he asked you to take off your bra. "Want to see those pretty tits," he almost growled. "Play with them for me."
You did as he asked, grabbing two handfuls of your breasts and kneading them, putting on a show for him, before rolling your nipples tantalizingly.
"That's it, baby," he panted, reaching to stroke his hard length over his pants. "Look so pretty for me."
"Don't you want to touch me, Miguel?" You pleaded, working your breasts and rolling your hips downward temptingly.
Damn you were breathtaking. Miguel unfastened his pants and slid his hand inside to pull out his cock, needing some friction.
He ignored your question, instead demanding that you get your panties nice and wet for him. You rubbed your panties up into your center before removing them and making sure they were sopping. Reaching for them, Miguel draped the soaked lace over his cock and began to jack himself off.
A really embarrassing sound left your mouth at the sight. This brilliant man was filthy and you could not get enough of it.
"Show me your pussy," he commanded, his voice strangled as he pumped his cock with your panties around it.
Leaning back on your elbows, still on the floor, you spread your naked legs wide for him.
"Use your fingers," he panted, "and fuck yourself."
"Miguel, I want you," you begged. "I'm so wet, baby. I need you so bad."
Disobeying his command, you closed your legs and got on all fours again, crawling toward him.
He almost came at the sight. But you weren't listening to him.
"I told you what to do," he warned, halting the motion of his hand on his cock.
"I don't want to," you pouted, reaching up from the floor to place your hands on his thighs. "We're not at work - you can't tell me what to do."
Growling, he tossed your panties aside and grabbed the nape of your neck, yanking your head forward. "I'm nice to you at work, muñeca, but this is different."
"Prove it," you challenged, a little on the bratty side. "Because I'm getting bored over here by myself."
His crimson irises flashed angrily. "Bored? And what is it that will keep you from being bored?"
Reaching for his cock, you used both hands to twist it almost painfully, causing him to hiss in pleasure. "I want you to fuck me."
Pushing your hands away from him, he kept his grip on your neck with one hand. Standing up, he used his free hand to push his pants and underwear down to his knees.
"Oh, I'm going to fuck you," he darkly whispered, using one hand rub the tip of his cock along your cheek and then over your lips. "Show me your tongue."
Peering up at him expectantly, you complied, the heat between your legs pooling and beginning to drip as he laid his thick, heavy length on your waiting tongue.
"I'm going to give you what you want, baby," he lowly purred. "I'm going to fuck your face until you cry for me."
Snapping his hips forward, he thrust his cock to the back of your throat, making you instantly gag on his tip, which made him groan in pleasure.
"You're gonna take me - all of me - and show me you're my good girl," he ordered, fucking your mouth deeply...steadily.
Ignoring the plush rug burning your knees, you struggled to breathe in through your nose, hollowing your cheeks to make it good for him. Tears burned your eyes as he hit the back of your throat again.
He growled at the mess he was making of you, but there was a small part of him that wondered if he would push you too far. You hadn't been quite this rough with one another in the office. Loosening his grip on your hair, he slightly slowed his thrusting when he felt your soft hands reaching around to grasp the round curve of his ass. Then you pulled him hard down your throat, sucking and swallowing so deliciously that he almost came from that one motion.
If Miguel wanted to be rough with you, then you would be rough right back. He was going to fucking pay for it later though. You wanted some things from him too.
Ramming him back into your face, you worked him fast and deep, moaning against his cock until you felt him wet and hot on your tongue. You drank him down, your pussy fluttering at the animalistic noises you'd managed to pull from him while he finished.
Pulling off his softening cock, you wiped your messy mouth with the back of your hand, taking a moment to catch your breath.
Your eyes flickered up to his fucked out expression and you held his gaze, standing up, ready for the next round.
"My turn," you purred, taking his hand and pulling him toward the plush leather chair he'd first sat in. Easing down, you spread your legs. "Get on your knees."
Still reeling from the life-changing things you'd just done with your mouth, Miguel huffed out a laugh. "Funny."
Narrowing your eyes, you closed your legs and crossed your arms over your tits. If he was going to deny you, then he wouldn't get to gawk.
"You fucking heard me, Miguel," you warned. "It's my turn."
Feeling a little apprehensive about eating you out, he decided to remind you, "I thought you wanted me to fuck you."
"Yeah, I do," you teased, "with your tongue."
You spent the next several minutes in absolute heaven. Miguel wasn't about to deny you. Something about you bossing him right back had him hardening again, quickly.
Being careful with his fangs, he dragged his tongue up and down your slit, toying with every fold and crevice, teasing you, tasting and relishing you. You had expected Miguel to eat pussy like a demon, but this slow sampling thing was making you feral.
What started as begging words descended into the most desperate, filthy sounds that had ever emanated from your throat, ever. Flattening his tongue, Miguel pressed hard on your clit, moving side to side before rapidly fluttering the tip. The change of motion and the faster pace made you come instantly.
Somehow, your first orgasm only made you hungrier for him. It hardly relieved any of your desire for him to completely ruin you all night long.
Sliding your fingers into his dark waves, you turned his head up to face you. "I want more," you desperately whispered, easing off the chair and shoving him down onto the rug. Pushing his shirt up his ripped abdomen, you stopped as your fingers toyed with his nipples.
"Get out of these clothes and fuck me."
"So bossy," he smirked, rolling you over and laying you on the soft carpet. Ripping his shirt over his head, he enjoyed the sight of you licking your lips at his rippling muscles. Shedding the rest of his clothes, he eased back onto the chair, preparing to pull you backward onto his lap like usual.
Safer that way.
He could tell you wanted him to kiss you, but maybe you could go a couple rounds and blow off some steam before he tried to confess to you why he hadn't.
"Come down here," you purred, stretching your hand out to him. "Lie down with me."
"You like giving the orders, don't you?" He smiled at you and decided to join you on the floor.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you inched your body underneath his, allowing your legs to fall open. "I want to see your eyes while you fuck me," you admitted to him, your gaze flickering to his mouth.
His tongue darted out to wet his lips before he could even think about trying to control the signals he was giving you.
Easing up just a little, you pressed your lips to his, reaching to ease his stiff cock inside you.
"F-fuck," he whispered against your mouth, shifting his hips to sink into you fully. "Always feel so good around me, baby."
"Kiss me," you begged, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him deeper.
This was such a bad idea. But he kissed you. Just your lips. Slowly fucking into you, he pressed his mouth gently to yours. Then he nibbled your top lip before switching to your bottom. It all went to hell when you slid your tongue inside his mouth.
His first instinct was to roughly push you away, but he managed to sit up, his back hitting the chair and his cock still inside you. You eagerly shifted to this new position, easing down in his lap to ride him, letting out a soft whine as the two of you rocked back and forth.
"Feels so good, Miguel," you gasped, twisting your beautiful body, your tits bouncing as you moved a little faster.
Strong hands slid up the curve of your back as he took a nipple into his mouth, careful to lick rather than suck. You moaned, gripping his hair and fucking yourself down on him harder.
He switched nipples, pulling the most deliciously desperate sounds from your mouth. But once he eased back to look at you, you pounced. You kissed him hard, gripping the sides of his face, slowing your thrusts as your tongue plunged into his mouth.
Then the tip of your tongue ran across his fang and sliced open.
His eyes shot open as the warm, metallic taste of your blood filled his mouth. Gripping your hair, he sucked hard on your tongue, his hips fucking up into you at a rapid, bruising pace.
Everything he was doing had turned suddenly rough, but you were into it, moaning into his mouth as he sucked your tongue. Then you felt his other fang slice into your tongue and Miguel growled like an animal into your mouth.
Letting out a little whimper at the sting, you thought maybe he'd just gotten carried away, when he ripped his mouth away from yours and buried his face into the crook of your neck.
"Taste so fucking good," he darkly growled, fucking you so hard and so fast you could barely think straight.
You started to say his name when you realized he was licking your throat. Your brain short-circuited when he kissed you there. You felt like a limp rag doll, unable to keep up with his wild bucking.
A sudden pain zipped through your body as you realized Miguel had bit you. Hard. You had noticed his sharp teeth before. They looked like fangs, but you just assumed they were very prominent canines.
You were wrong. They were definitely fangs because now, Miguel was drinking your blood. He was actually sucking blood out of you.
You should have been afraid. You should have been disgusted. But your body simultaneously ascended to a euphoric bliss and began to go strangely numb. You were coming - it was the strangest, wildest, best orgasm of your life. But at the same time, you felt as though you had been drugged.
Miguel was sucking and sucking and growling and fucking - he finished inside you, and by then, you couldn't even feel his warmth. When he pulled away, his eyes were wild and glowing bright red, matching the blood - your blood drenching his chin.
You felt so weak, so limp in his arms - strangely safe but never more vulnerable. You wanted to reach up to touch his face, to somehow connect with him in some way, or to calm his eyes, which were franticly scanning over your body. But you couldn't move your arm.
Realizing you were somewhat paralyzed, you let out a little whine of desperation, and started to feel afraid.
"Shhh, shh, it's okay," Miguel soothed, cradling you close and rocking you in his arms. "It's okay, you're okay."
Your eyes burned with tears but you could barely feel them roll down your cheeks.
Miguel should have felt awful.
But as you laid there, limp in his arms, crying for him, numb and bleeding from your throat - he'd never seen a more perfect sight. What he wouldn't give to fuck you again, just like this.
He knew he was a monster, and that he was never going to see you again after this night. But just for a moment, he allowed the beast to revel in the madness.
Scooping you up in his arms, he carried you down the hall to his bedroom, a thrill spiking through him as you whimpered in fear.
"You were such a good girl for me," he whispered, laying you down and brushing his fingers across your cheek. "I'm going to take care of you now."
He left the room just long enough to get a couple of damp cloths - one to wipe up the mess between your legs and one to clean the bloody wound on your throat. Just the sight of his spend leaking out of you and your blood dripping from the punctures in your neck made him hard - again.
That was the thing about regenerative powers and superhuman stamina. He was always ready to fuck.
The animal in him wanted to climb on top of you and take your limp body, listening to your sweet whimpers and drinking and drinking until he'd had his fill. His gaze roved over you hungrily as he reached to brush one hand over your breast.
But as your beautiful, desperate eyes flickered up to his, he wanted to be more for you. He wanted to be human again. "I'll get you some clothes," he said softly.
When he returned, he was dressed in a pair of black joggers, his mouth clean of blood. Lifting your body up, he slid a soft t-shirt over your head. Then he slid a pair of his boxer shorts over your legs. They were hilariously big, but it would signal to you that nothing more was going to happen between your legs.
Lifting you up a little, he pulled the covers out from under you before tucking you in gently. He eased down beside you and reached for your hand.
"The numbness you feel will wear off soon. I'm going to get your things. If you feel tired, you can sleep. I won't bother you." He sighed, realizing how badly he'd fucked everything up. Nodding to the bedside table, he added, "There's a phone if you want to call for a car. Whatever you want to do is fine."
Giving your hand a final squeeze, he stood and turned to leave the room. Hearing a distressed whimper, he turned back. "It'll wear off, I promise."
He was right. In a few minutes, you could start to feel your fingers and toes and your tongue didn't feel like sandpaper. But with the returned feeling, you distinctly felt the sharp stab wounds in your neck.
Miguel returned with your dress, handbag and shoes and set them on a nearby chair, before placing your phone on the bedside table.
"M-Miguel," you managed to whisper, your fingers twitching as you tried to reach for him.
Seeing your distress, and hearing his name on your lips, brought him back to reality. The guilt he felt was crushing, but he deserved it. He was an animal and he had hurt you.
"I won't bother you again, sweetheart. Just rest, okay?" Then he turned to leave.
You said his name again, making him halt.
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pjmsneverland · 10 months
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Notes: This fic is in the growing pain collaboration with the awesome @napofamoon. Haven’t written this much in a long time and this really inspired me so thank you.
Warnings: shy!reader, rockstar!gyu, musician!reader, vocalist!reader, unprotected sex(don’t.), public sex, implied squirting, dom!gyu, light choking, mention of trauma.
Summary: When Beomgyu and his band meet yn at auditions in his hometown for an opener he finds he’s attracted to more than just her voice and insane guitar skills. Beomgyu makes it his mission to get her alone while on tour and really give her something to sing about. He fears she’s already his new favorite.
Sometimes you think you do a little too much trying to justify your hopes and dreams. Maybe it’s the trauma, the copious amounts of coffee or the fact that you have not shut the fuck up since you discovered your ability to talk and sing. You pant as you wipe down the tables of the diner in preparation to close shop as your coworker, Mark, laughs at the way you hastily switch from table to table.
You had an audition to get to early in the morning and after classes you only had a thirty minute gap to rehearse your song before you had to clock in for the lunch rush.
“Excited for auditions tomorrow?” You crack a smile at him and give a shrug.
“I hope it goes well. Apparently the lead singer, Beomgyu, is super picky so there’s a chance I won’t make it past the first note.” Your stomach plummets at the thought but you chuckle to alleviate your apprehension. Mark rolls his eyes as he pulls out a chair to sit on to give you his undivided attention.
“You release good music and people listen. You’re gonna kick ass yn.” He encourages sincerely.
You smile at the boy shyly and nod.
“Thank you. That means a lot.”
“Of course. Don’t forget me when you're famous.” He quips, rising up from the chair before he pushes it back in.
“Forget you? Never that.”
Mark’s stomach drops at your words but he shakes it off, playfully shoving you before urging you to go home. You insist on staying to close with him but he denies you the pleasure when he snatches the rag from your hands.
You carefully cross the busy street of the city as you look around constantly, anxious that you might be in the wrong place but your doubts are put to rest when you see the line outside of the exact building you suspected. The people in the line converse while fans are occasionally getting escorted out for showing up in hopes to meet their heart throb of a boy band. You are wide eyed and curious at the things happening in front of you. Reality starts to set in as you realize you can’t mess this up.
Taking deep breaths is the way you choose to ground yourself as the line gets shorter and shorter until it is your turn to walk on the stage where a table is set up with three of the members sitting with varying expressions. You make a note to yourself to not make eye contact or hold it too long but before you can take your own advice your eyes lock with one of them in particular. He’s dark eyed and his hair is cut to a length that frames his face so beautifully. He smirks as his eyes examine you from head to toe.
“Contestant 7Z please set up your equipment and introduce yourself when you are done.”
You are brought back from your trance at the sound of the man who sits next to the one you were shamelessly drooling over before you begin setting up your electric guitar swiftly. You strum a few times to ensure it is in tune. When that is done with , you put your soundboard on the stand before standing up straight in front of the mic with a wide smile decorating your beautiful face.
“Hi, my name is yn. Hope you enjoy my sound.”
Your fingers begin picking at your strings as you nod your head to the sound before moving over to your soundboard and picking the bass option and singing your first note confidently into the mic. Your performance is not yet interrupted so you continue singing verse to verse and chorus to chorus until you get to the last line and stop your soundboard before playing the last chord.
“Thank you.” You say softly before stepping back and letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Disconnecting your equipment from the jack hastily you zip your guitar back into its case.
“Yn please make your way to one of the seats in the auditorium.” Beomgyu speaks loudly. Your eyes meet his again when he smiles promptly and leans in to whisper something in his bandmates ear, all while keeping eye contact with you. Your stomach turns as you walk down the steps and find a seat. Keeping an eye on the fact that no one else has made an appearance on the stage for the past thirty minutes has you gaslighting yourself into believing that you passed the audition. That or the lead singer is fucking with you and not in the way you would prefer. You stare down at your feet and pout at your anxious state before a shadow looms over your figure and you look up to be greeted with Beomgyu. He startled you and there’s no way you were subtle about the fact.
He chuckles, “ I really liked your song. Best one we’ve heard all day.”
“T-thank you.”
I am going to go home and bury myself in the deepest hole ever.
You think to yourself but if anything it draws Beomgyu in. Who would have thought the girl that can shred on the guitar is so modest with the way she carries herself. You know you’re good but you don’t gloat about it. You seem a little shy too but he doesn’t want to assume since he hasn't gotten the chance to know you yet.
“That being said. It’ll be a pleasure to have you on the road with us.” He leans in closer as his voice lowers to a whisper. Your eyes drop to his lips that he bites down on, attempting to hide his smirk. He’s flirting. He has to be. Your thighs squeeze together at how close he is to you. His skin shines in the auditorium light and you’re quickly realizing you would peel back all your morals if he asked you to.
“Is that a yes, darling?”
“Yeah I’d like that.” You nod and answer softly.
“Good.” He leans in more, making your lips slightly graze his and your pussy jumps at the gesture and Beomgyu’s rationale has flown out the window at this point as he presses his lips to yours gently. He’s testing the waters by trying to be gentle although he wants to bend you over the auditorium chair and make a mess of it. Your body responds late as you didn’t expect to have him on you this soon. Your hand has a mind of it’s own when it finds the way to his long tendrils to tug on them slightly, eliciting a groan from him that vibrates through your whole being.
“Hey! Beomgyu stop eating our opener please?” A voice booms. Beomgyu looks back at his bandmate and smiles mischievously.
“Can’t make any promises!” He shouts back with a wink before turning to face you again.
“Come with me will you?” Beomgyu asks, holds out a tempting hand
All while flustered you nod and take his hand before you are dragged to god-knows-where.
You swear your skin is hot as asphalt as Beomgyu kisses every inch of exposed skin he can find before his lips meet yours again and your hands are finding their way under his shirt. His skin is as soft as you imagined and the thought makes you moan into his mouth before you can stop it.
“Fuck. I love your pretty noises.” His hands palm at your tits and your body is leaning into his touch and your questioning what has gotten into you to make you act this way.
“I don-I don’t usually do this.” You say between each of his lustful kisses that fall onto your lips.
“Do what, Pretty?” His voice has your panties soaked and you can’t help but let out a giggle.
“We just met and I’m considering letting you- ya know.” You shy away from saying the term and his eyes that burn holes into you. You know after tonight you won’t be able to mix business with pleasure so the pros seem to be outweighing the cons.
“Stop thinking so much. Do what you think is right. We can stop whenever. Do you want me to stop, Darling?” He tilts his head. You shake your head. Not trusting your voice to not waver.
“You're so quiet. Let’s fix that.” He says lowering himself onto the floor of the bathroom stall, letting his head disappear beneath your skirt. Your teeth gnaw at your bottom lip in anticipation and you feel the rough pads of his fingers move your dampened panties to the side.
“You are soaked, pretty.”
You squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment, maybe if you pray hard enough you’ll disappear into thin air. He blows onto your wet folds before wrapping his lips around your clit without warning causing your breath to hitch before your mouth falls open in pleasure. Your hands bunch up the frills of your skirt to give you a better view of the beautiful man devouring you like you're his last meal that he will ever have. Audible squeals are leaving your mouth as you try to force yourself to be quiet but Beomgyu finds entertainment in the fact that because of him you are struggling to keep your quiet and shy act going much longer.
“Want you so bad.” You moan out.
His eyes meet yours as he his mouth makes out with your clit and your hands frantically search for something to hold on to and before you have time to solve the issue yourself Beomgyu is lacing his fingers through yours as he sucks on your clit in the most perfect way. So perfect that it has your mouth falling open and your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Ungh yes right there! Mm-”
Your body is on the edge of finishing when he breaks away from your center and kisses your lips with your essence glistening on his lips and chin. It’s messy and in any other case you’d find it gross but here in this bathroom stall you want him to take his dick out and ravish you mercilessly.
“Taste so fucking good.” He whispers against your lips.
“Please.” You say, looking into his eyes.
“Please, what baby?” He smirks cockily.
“Fuck me, Gyu.”
He’s shocked at your words as you stare at him all docile and doe-eyed while speaking such vulgar words. Your hands trail down to the button of his ripped jeans and undo them slowly before following up with his zipper. You keep eye contact with him as the plush of your pink lips are gnawed on by his teeth. Your movements are slow and cautious as you stare at his face to gauge hiseaction.
You’re taken aback when he smacks your hand away and turns you around so your ass is facing him and your cheek is pressed to the cold wall of the stall.
“If that’s what you want.” He breathes out as he palms at his hard length. Letting his other hand touch your center slowly. You’re soaked and with every touch he’s becoming more and more full of pride that it’s because of him. His tip grazes you, testing the waters as he lets his length rub your clit as you hiss, sensitive from all his ministrations and you release a breath you didn't know you were holding when he enters you. Your whole body shivers in content as he starts thrusting into you at a brutal pace.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. Taking me so good.” His hand finds the back of your neck ,pushing you further into the cool wall, keeping a firm hold on you. You know you’re not gonna last long at this rate. You’re struggling to keep quiet as moans tumble out of your mouth.
“Does it feel good, baby?” He whispers, warm breath hitting your scorching skin.
“Yes-please right there-”
He gives a particularly rough thrust, eliciting a gasp from you as he leans forward to place a gentle kiss on your cheek. The gesture is quite romantic, out of bounds for the image you created for Beomgyu but you’re too far gone to dwell on it.
“Gyu, I’m gonna cum-” You whimper out, feeling tears form in your eyes.
Beomgyu tuts at your words, pulling out of you and flipping you around so you’re facing him now. His lips capture yours in a rough kiss as he lifts you on the ground, guiding your legs to sit around his waist.
“Wanna see that pretty face when you cum.” He says, keeping intense eye contact that you attempt to stray away from but he realizes and he’s having none of it. His hand grabs your face firmly, getting the timing just right as he thrusts into you once again.
“Look at me. Or I’ll stop.” He’s stoic although he’s enjoying this more than you are. You, wet as can be as you hang around his neck like the finest diamond. Finer than any Cuban link that’s ever adorned his neck. You’re a moaning, squelching mess and he knows you're close as you struggle to keep your eyes open.
“T-too much-fuck,Gyu don’t stop.” Your eyes roll back in ecstasy and his thrusts become more brutal as he’s determined to give you what you’ve been waiting for.
“Nuh-uh eyes on me, he adjusts your gaze with his hand again. Your fucked put face bringing him to his end as he puts his fingers in your mouth and fucks you roughly.
“I’m-right there, yeah.” You mumble around his fingers, body shivering.
“There?” He teases, knowing the answer.
“There!” You clench around him so beautifully as he watches moisture fall out of you onto the ground.
“Fuck baby.”
His hand that isn’t occupied toys with your clit as he pulls out of you to let his hand bring you to another dimension and that it does as you scream in pleasure and push his hand away from your center.
“Want me to stop?” He asks, searching your face.
“Yes-no-fuck. S’ just a lot.” You speak clearly when he removes his fingers from between your pretty lips. He smiles, drunk on you and your body. His new favorite. You.
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