#{ i’m a gambling boogie man although i don’t play fair; about }
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ooxiebooxie · 7 years ago
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     “ What's this? What's this? There's chaos everywhere !! What's this? EW !! There's a bug in the air !! What's this? I can't believe my eyes, I must be dreaming; wake up !! heck, this isn't fair !! What's this? “
at the edge of new holland, surrounded by dead trees, the sparse graves which had been dug a little further away from the over-filled cemetries and a whole lot of nothing lies one more dilapidated shack — oogie boogie’s shack. now, the ordinary stories say he moved there for the quiet ( to flee perhaps from the extravagance that jack skellington is? ), that he obviously prefered living away everyone else when he spend all of his nights in a casino surrounded by noise and people, that it fit to him to live away from all of the others. the ‘ fun ‘ stories however, go a little different: oogie boogie has secrets and whatever or whoever he’s hiding in his shack it doesn’t mean anything good.
from the moment you walk into his beloved shack, you can tell that he is not taking good care of it. it’s a mess, filled to the brim with things he might or might not need. his cupboards and cabinets spill over, his clothes are scattered across the ground, and in the kitchen there’s an ever growing tower of fast food containers. of course, he cleans it every once in a while, but he’s barely ever home anyway, so why bother too much?
his shack is literally his quiet place ( the first floor anyway ). it’s the place he relaxes in, where he lets the chaos he’s created unfold and just waits patiently for its impact. it’s sacred to him, no matter how many people find it looks dangerous or disgusting or too much a mess to concentrate on anything. it’s his home. it’s the one place oogie boogie can relax and lazily lay down ( like a potato sack, one might say ) and not move from his comfortable coach.
now, you might wonder is that a second floor? and if so, why on earth would oogie boogie need one? the answer is easy: he doesn’t but he has it anyway, and even though he himself never uses it there are a few things up there still — one could almost think someone else had been living there or that there was the chance at least for one or two or you know, three to spend a while if need be.
the chance you’ll ever be invited to oogie boogie’s cabin are limited to none, but if you’ve gotten an invitation it’s probably for this: a poker game. the center of his shack is the poker desk, just another sign how much the gambling addiction has gotten to him; his entire life surrounding around the games. this however is the place only the closest to him will ever see and to gain a seat at that table — well, let’s just say your poker face has to be impeccable if you want to play with oogie and his best men.
oogie boogie has a basement, and that’s all you’re allowed to know. it’s his private casino, built in the beginning just because he’d had to learn all of his tricks somewhere ( didn’t he? ), but over time it changed, like all things do, and if you’re a gambling man who’s learned every way to cheat there is, you don’t use it as much for practice anymore.
how could it be an different? oogie boogie has his own bar at home, and it might just be the most organised place in his entire shack. i mean, what’s a poker match without something to drink and cigars to smoke? it’s a cliché, but he sure does not feel shame admitting to it.
a rather scary sight is the shack at night: there’s just something about it that makes it seem darker than the places before, abandoned almost if it was not for the fiery light flickering in the windows like the grimace of a monster. it throws shadows, and there have been a many people passing alone at night and returning in the early mornings with the police by their side because they have seen something; silhouette of pure evil, but with all the stuff that’s flying around in and outside’s oogie’s place how do you even know what’s real and what’s no more than a trick to the eye?
let’s talk about oogie’s favourite thing in the world ( besides, winning, of course ): bugs. they are everywhere in his shack, and there’s one thing you’ve got to know about them: bugs are better than you. that’s a fact. oogie has always had a fascination with them, because it seems there’s nothing they cannot do. his favourite thing about them? their brutality. they seem like small insignificant beings, but as soon as they build a colony they’re as destructive as it gets. oogie could talk forever about them, all too fascinated by the things they can do, so let’s ask him about his collection.
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snake-eyes-11 · 5 years ago
8 Year Anniversary! || Monologue
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The waxing moon cast bars of golden light, dimly creeping between the shadows to allow fleeting rays of light into the desolate underground Lair. A few of the chains that hung from the ceiling creaked in the breeze, the bats chattering among themselves from high above. 
Oogie had been wandering the graveyard in order to gather his thoughts and find inspiration for scares. The ghosts, despite how irritating some residents found them, could provide decent company and certainly helped when awry intruders came wandering through. During his banishment, they had served as important informants for the burlap creature that couldn’t escape his dark, dank prison on the edge of the moors. But, that was a long time ago.
Pushing the door to the elevator cage open, Oogie stepped across the metal floor and ran a hand through his curls. No doubt the children would be asking about dinner by the time he made it back into the concealed living quarters. If he had it his way, he’d make them all a nice bowl of Snake and Spider stew, but only two of his children seemed to inherit his love of the food; then again, he thought, the twins would eat just about anything.
Tugging the door to the Iron Maiden open, he skidded to a halt. Pointed spikes had almost poked his eye out. There was no corridor on the other side of the door. Slowly backing away from the Iron Maiden, he listened carefully to the sounds in the room, able to detect a soft scuttling from somewhere in the room.
“Well, well, well...” A familiar voice drawled, echoing against the metal walls. 
Oogie whirled around, looking into the dark to see a pair of bright green eyes glaring back at him through the gloom. “You gotta be jokin’ me.” he whispered.
“...what have we here, then?” the voice continued, emerging from the darkness to stand in the moonlight. Another Oogie was spotlighted in the middle of the room, a paw on his hip. “Not every day I get a human in my Lair.” 
Oogie looked over his shoulder, as if he anticipated seeing someone else behind him, only to remember what form he was currently standing in.
“Oh, right...” he muttered through gritted teeth. “Listen, man-”
“You got some guts comin’ down here...” the other Oogie continued, flipping his hessian hair to one side and eyeing Oogie devilishly. “...unless ya fell down here or sumthin’.”
“Actually, I just used the elevator.” admitted Oogie, folding his arms.
“HA!” the other Oogie clapped his paws together. “You’re a funny guy!” Seconds later, his eyes narrowed and his upper lip curled. “Real funny.”
Oogie raised a sceptical eyebrow. An almost textbook attempt to try and intimidate him, although it was a decent attempt. If he was fully human, he might have felt a shiver between his shoulder blades at that one. 
“Do you even know who I am, human?” spat the other Oogie. 
Oogie considered giving some sort of flippant remark, but was genuinely curious to see what sort of response the other Oogie gave. “Alright, who are you?” he sighed.
The other Oogie smirked, tilting his head. “I go by many names.”
That confirmed Oogie’s prior suspicions. This other Oogie was another version of him from several years ago. He remembered introducing himself in such a way, although hearing it out loud made his face crumple. 
“Alright, hit me with a coupla them.” challenged Oogie, curving his hand in a semicircle against the air.
The other Oogie raised his chin. “The Boogieman, the shadow on the moon at night, the Lord of Flies, Bugs an’ Slugs-”
Oogie cringed. “Never did like that last one. Who decided that was a good idea?”
The other Oogie furrowed his brow in confusion. “What you talkin’ ‘bout?” 
Oogie stepped around to one of the metal walls, leaning his back against it. “Alright, Mr Boogieman. What is it you’re supposed to do?”
The other Oogie blinked, shaking his head as if snapping out of a trance. In seconds, a warped smile carved against his burlap face. Oogie had to stop himself from bursting into laughter at the sudden change in expression. 
“You ever wondered where your darkest nightmares come from? All those lil’ fears an’ scares you get? Well, that’s me. I create ‘em all.” the other Oogie admitted this with pride, prompting him to stand straighter. 
Oogie had to smile at his confidence. “It’s great, ain’t it? No matter how many times you watch somebody jump or cower in fright, it never gets old."
"Yeah…" The other Oogie folded his arms, the look of confusion resurfacing. "Just who are you, anyway? Don't think I got your name, human."
Oogie hesitated, considering what sort of calamities might happen if he admitted he was a future version of him, but something told him that the Boogieman standing before him was beginning to become accustomed to meeting a whole host of peculiar, bizarre and fantastical people. Meeting himself shouldn't have been too strange.
"I'm you." replied Oogie simply. “From the future, if ya like.”
The other Oogie paused, blinking at him for a few moments before he burst into a rolling guffaw. He bent double, wheezing in hysteria. Oogie remained still, watching him laugh. It was only when the other Oogie noticed this that he came to an abrupt stop.
“Y’all serious?” he asked with a deadpan expression. “Do I look like I’m jokin’ you?” sighed Oogie.
The other Oogie took a couple of hesitant steps forward, squinting at Oogie as if he was studying him. “Why am I a human in the future?” he spat the word as though it was a bad taste.
“Accident with one of Shock’s potions,” he admitted with half a shrug. “Kinda worked in our favour, though. This form’s real handy for a lot of things.”
The other Oogie ran a paw over his chin. “Handsome fella, ain’t I? Not that there was ever any doubt, huh?” He let out a lilting cackle. “Wait...you ain’t stuck like this, are ya?”
Without a word, Oogie snapped his fingers. The shadows drew up from the floor, spiralling around his body and engulfing him in darkness. When the shadows receded, he was standing in a patchwork burlap form. The other Oogie visibly cringed.
“Man, what happened to you?” he squeaked, his face the epitome of disgust. “What’s with all these-” He gestured to a spot where Oogie had been patched up. “-patches?”
Oogie looked down at the spots in his hessian. “You try livin’ for one hundred an’ twenty years without gettin’ into a coupla scrapes!” he huffed, folding his arms.
The other Oogie shook his head. “Don’t care. Ain’t a good look, man. People’ll think we’ve gone soft if we go ‘round lookin’ like a pin cushion!” He paused, tapping his paw against the air. “Speakin’ of soft...what’s ol’ Bone Man up to in the future? Did we crush his skull to dust?”
The revenge years. Years of isolation eating away at him, twisting his mind into a depraved, violent madness which made him murder, cheat and lie over and over again. It had been a vicious cycle; whoever entered the Lair would be subjected to his torturous games, forced to gamble for their lives. Oogie would make the rules up as he went along, never playing fair. He drove everyone away, making so many enemies.
“That’d be tellin’, wouldn’t it?” Oogie remarked, deciding it was likely best not to admit that Jack was one of his truest friends in the future. If his memory was anything to go by, the past version of himself may have just pulled his seams apart knowing that.
The other Oogie grumbled under his breath. “Take it that means no, then.” 
Oogie hesitated a moment, looking at the slumped burlap creature opposite him. He was so full of hatred for the life he had been forced into, yet, beneath all of his pent up rage, he was utterly lost. The Boogieman before him had only known Halloween Town and the life of a ruler, he had no memory of anything that came before that and he wouldn’t for a very long time. He’d make hundreds of plans, scheme countless attacks and fail every time, but refuse to give up no matter how many times his seams were split. 
While he made enemies of most, he’d find friends in time; both with fellow villains and even with a few heroes. He’d find the love of his life all over again and have four children. He’d become King again, leading the citizens of Halloween Town into successful celebrations and, over time, gaining their trust. All of this still lay ahead of the other Oogie, and the present Oogie could say none of it to him.
“You got a lot to look forward to, though.” was all Oogie could say. “Trust me.”
The other Oogie’s brow furrowed. “Like what?” Before Oogie could answer, he held up a paw. “Lemme guess, you can’t tell me?” Oogie shook his head and the other Oogie scoffed. “Figures. Well, if ya can’t tell me squat, you can get outta my Lair.”
“‘Bout time I was gettin’ back to my place, anyway.” admitted Oogie, drawing away from the corner of the Lair he had been standing in and heading towards the back of the room. “But, you gotta believe me when I say the next eight years are gonna be the best years of your life.”
The other Oogie hesitated a moment, seemingly taking in what Oogie had said before shaking his head. “Don’t go gettin’ all sappy on me, ya big dupe. Go on! Scram!”
Oogie snapped his fingers, switching back into his human form. “So long, Mr Oogie Boogie.” And with that, he ran to the edge of the Lair and ducked into the shadows, disappearing from the Lair.
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Oogie Boogie Kills People
So, you all may have heard me mention this in various other posts. And I never go into detail about it when I mention it. You’re probably thinking, “What!? Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas KILLS people? What kind of nonsense IS this? Where is your proof, tnbc-thoughtsandheadcanons!?”
Well, here it is.
If you pay very close attention to the details of Oogie Boogie’s Lair/Casino during Oogie Boogie’s Song, you can spot very subliminal themes of murder and death. For example, there are hanging skeletons attached to chains and there are various torture devices scattered around his Casino, in which we get a few closeups of some as well as the victims.
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Now, you may be thinking: “But those are props! They’re skeletons! Skeletons can be props!” This actually isn’t true. The beings in Halloween Town are all dead, hence they are sentient. And we get insight that these skeletons are all actually alive, as they sing “Ooh” along when Oogie comes to them, and they move their torsos/heads when they do so.
You also may be wondering, “If they’re dead, then how come they don’t look like the other skeletons in the movie?”  Well, that’s a tricky one that doesn’t really have an answer. Jack Skellington is a skeleton, but he looks awfully different than the Hanging Men. Taking that into account, the skeletons in Halloween Town may all be diverse and/or modified after their death. So these skeletons are legitimate. And they’re real.
As for Oogie Boogie killing? He mentions and confesses it in his own song. He admits to gambling on people’s lives and cheating so he can kill them. He doesn’t ever bet on his own because he puts himself at risk, but he finds satisfaction on betting on other’s for his own sadistic game.
Oh, the sound of rollin' dice To me is music in the air 'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man Although I don't play fair
It's much more fun, I must confess When lives are on the line Not mine, of course, but yours, old boy Now that'd be just fine
We see, later on in the movie, that he offers Santa Claus a betting game(most likely for his life). And his threats with Santa don’t fall empty because Oogie actually tries to kill him. He puts Santa and Sally on a platform that’ll fall right into a pit of stew that was hidden in his Lair. Right before he dives them in, Oogie plays a little bet himself to see if the odds go in his favor. And, spoiler, they don’t, so he cheats so he can fairly kill them in his own game.
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Not to mention that those shooting robots have real guns? With actual bullets? They aren’t blanks and pose as real threats, as Santa is pulled from them briefly and Jack Skellington dodges them instantly. This, as well as the various torture machines, may have been the methods Oogie used to kill his victims. Should I also mention that big fire pit he has? And that platform/lever specifically designed to dump victims in??? And the swords/knives????
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Oh, and, uh...HE HAS LITERAL BODY BAGS HANGING AROUND IN HIS CASINO???? My guess is that he keeps the bodies of his victims in these bags until they decompose down to skeletons, and that’s when he arranges them around his place. But that’s my own theory - I can’t back that up with anything. But he does have body bags, and body bags are used for dead bodies. And these are in the shape of humans.
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Oogie Boogie wasn’t just a villain for trying to kill Santa Claus and Sally. He had a record going far before the movie shows. This guy legitimately murders people, and he finds it fun because we see him laugh when he thought Santa and Sally were going to be dumped into the stew. Not to mention how genuine he acts with killing them(”bye-bye”).
You guys can literally not convince me otherwise.
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ooxiebooxie · 7 years ago
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“ 'Twas a long time ago, longer now than it seems in a place perhaps you've seen in your dreams. For the story you're about to be told began with the holiday worlds of auld. Now you've probably wondered where [ nightmares ] come from. If you haven't I'd say it's time you begun. “
What is your character’s full name?
Tim Page
How is it pronounced?
Is there a meaning behind it?
Tim is derived from the Greek Τιμοθεος ( Timotheos ) which translates into “ honouring God “. His parents chose the name for their son, naming him after his great grandfather who was known for his compassion heart. Page is also derived from a Greek word παιδιον ( paidion ) with the meaning “ little boy “. The name is an occupational name meaning " servant / page " — and thus we do not need to ask question why Oogie chose to change his name.
Does your character have any nicknames?
Oogie Boogie. Oogie. Mr Oogie Boogie Man. Meanest Guy.
When and where were they born?
Tim Page was born on the nineteenth of april in nineteen-seventytwo in the town of Carthay.
What’s their zodiac sign and what traits do they most relate to?
Aries rules the head and leads with the head, often literally walking head first, leaning forwards for speed and focus. Its representatives are naturally brave and rarely afraid of trial and risk. They possess youthful strength and energy, regardless of their age and quickly perform any given tasks. Aries is one of the most active zodiac signs. It is in their nature to take action, sometimes before they think about it well. Their challenges show when they get impatient, aggressive and vent anger pointing it to other people.
What’s their nationality?
American – but that depends entirely on which paper he chooses to show authority to identify himself. He has several. Sometimes you just need to be a different person, when your name and the stories strung to it travel faster than you.
What’s their occupation?
Being a winning gambler. 
What gender do they identify themselves as?
What’s their eye color?
Dark brown, appearing to be black.
Do they wear glasses or contacts?
Hair color?
Black, although depending on the light it can appear to have a hint of dark brown in them.
Have they ever dyed their hair or wanted to?
In the young age of seven Tim has been obsessed with the colour green and wanted to dye his hair a bright neon colour ( maybe add some purple streaks for additional fun ) but fortunately, it was one of the things his parents did not allow their son to do. 
179cm ( back at it again, being European and this time lazy )
Body build?
Surprisingly slim considering his messed up lifestyle. 
Do they have any birthmarks?
Do they have any piercings or tattoos?
It is no secret Oogie is as much a gambler at heart as a person could be, and thus it should not come as a surprise that his obsession has gone under his skin too. He has a tattoo ( that keeps getting added onto ) which proudly display his undying love for games, gambling and most importantly, winning. His tattoos tell a story and if you understand the language, you might just learn what ( or who? ) he has won too.
If not, do they want to get some?
Now let me tell you something about Oogie Boogie: He’ll never stop playing, and as long as there’s the chance to win he will take it, and thus more tattoos are to come.
Do they have a healthy life style?
No. His life is about as healthy as his shack is clean — his nights are too long, gambling always combined with alcohol and cigars, his days survived on coffee and cigarettes, his kitchen is used but only to stock the take-out containers in and literally lives among bugs — but honestly what do you expect? Oogie doesn’t have the time to have a healthy life. He is a busy man.
How easy do they get sick?
Let’s just say Oogie is lucky that he spends most of his time at the casino, because if he was to spend it in his shack between all the filth and his beloved bug collection he sure would get sick a lot more often.
Any marks on their body ( injuries, … )?
If you mess with the wrong people, you are bound to have some nasty scars. Oogie has several faint ones scattered across his knuckles though they are barely visible. The worst ones are those who needed stitches — if he takes off his jacket you can still see the messily stitched ( because there were times he just hadn’t been able to go to the hospital, knowing they would ask tooo man question ) scars on his arms especially, but his back and chest too.
What’s their personal style/how do they like to dress?
Comfortable but fitting clothing. His trusted black leather jacket is something he basically does not leave the house without, and the rest of his clothing is too rather dark in colour ( the only bit of colour he owns is in form of plaids ). Important to notice is that every piece of clothing is ridiculously expensive — that white t-shirt you see him wearing? Yeah, that was about 400 bucks. Now, you might wonder why Oogie of all people would waste so much money on ordinary looking clothing, but what can I say other than that he just really hates loose threads.
What is their favorite and least favorite feature about themselves?
His skills, and though this might not be a physical feature, it’s the one answer you will get from Oogie about his favourite thing about himself: He is proud to call himself a winner, one who does not need to rely on ‘ luck ‘ but can rely entirely on himself. His least favourite is a weakness and thus shall never be revealed — after all, a gambler never lets his pokerface slip.
Positive traits?
Ambitious, Analytical, Attantive, Bold, Brilliant, Cautious, Confident, Determined, Devote, Efficient, Eloquent, Hard-Working, Intelligent, Inventive, Logical, Mature, Observant, Persistent, Proud, Punctual, Reliable, Strategic, Strong, Succesful, Tough
Negative traits?
Angr, Annoyed, Argumentative, Bad, Bossy, Cold-Hearted, Critical, Cruel, Cunning, Dangerous, Dark, Devious, Dishonest, Facetious, Greedy, Harssh, Hot-Tempered, Ignorant, Impatient, Lackadaisical, Lazy, Manipulative, Sadistic, Scheming, Self-Centered, Unforgiving, Violent
What do they consider to be the best and the worst part of their personality?
The best part is hands down his determination. For all the ‘ evil ‘ character traits Oogie’s determination is actually the most dangerous one, because the moment he sets his mind onto something, he doesn’t let go off it until it is his. He strongly believes there’s always a way — it has been proven to him nurmerous time by himself, and if that’s not trustworthy, what is? — to get what he want; you just have to set the stakes straight. His worst trait is the inconsideration, or rather, it has the worst impact on others ( which needless to say, makes Oogie fine with this trait too. Why would he care about others, right? ) but while he thinks everything through on a logical level, the lack of considering he does of the effect on others can get him into trouble. 
Are they more extroverted or introverted?
Any talents?
Winning, and if you say that it is no talent, ( Oogie would first of all like you to know you are wrong, but fine ) it’s knowing how not to take chances when gambling. He can read other people’s face, can figure out if they are bluffing, can make the maths in his head to know what his, his opponent’s and the cards still remaining in the deck say — and if he can’t, he always knows how to turn the game so he’s the one to win with a little cheat or two. 
What are their fears?
Unravelling — not his clothes, of course, but the web of lies and cheats and crimes he’s built over the years of gambling with the worst of people. They are all secret, and though he is known to be a gambler across town and there are horror stories being shared at night in the darkest of alleys, they are all just that: stories. There’s no proof, his slate is still clean — unless, of course, the carefully crafted web starts to unravel and truth begins to spill.
Do they have any phobias?
What is their soft spot?
Hidden behind a pokerface.
List 3 pet-peeves they can’t stand?
People believing in luck, talkativeness and optimism.
How far did they go in school? Are they still studying?
Tim successfully graduated from college with one hell of a good degree, always having given his best at any sort of school. He could’ve easily gone further and he’d already scored a solid and high-paying job, but unfortunately, he won a game in the casino then and everything changed.
Did they like school?
Tim was thrilled about school, glad to have the opportunity to learn new things ( admittedly, some of them were boring, but you have to do what you have to do, right? ) and even on the most annoying days, he had his group of long time friends to make any situation a billion times better.
What type of student are/were they?
In every school there are these type of students who somehow manage to get good grades no matter what, and Tim Page was one of them. One might call it luck ( even Tim did back then ), but the truth is that in his case anyway, Tim was just attentive. He listened in class, worked on the tasks which were given to him and though he did not sit down with a book and learn after school, he was focused enough inside of class to understand and remember what he’d been taught later during an exam. 
What was their favorite subject?
Math. It was the one class which made the most sense to Tim, which made sense everywhere around the world too. For that reason alone it came easy to him, and thank god that it did, because card counting is a lot easier if you know what the fuck you’re doing.
And their least favorite?
English, because he always found writing interpretation was stupid, because how would anyone ever know what the author of some long-outdated literature piece tried to say when they were long dead? It’s not like lying on paper is hard. The only way Tim survived the endless hours he wasted on writing essays was by making his interpretations as ridiculous as one could get. 
What were they/would they have been voted as “ most likely to… ” in the yearbook?
Most likely to suceed.
Who are your character’s parents?
Belinda and Dunstan Page.
How would your character describe them?
Oogie Boogie would not waste a single breath on them, but they had always been kind and in the time Oogie was still their son, when he was still Tim Page they were the best parents he could’ve ever wished for, supportive and kind, loving him with all of their heart and without any conditions. 
Do they have any siblings?
Are they close with their family?
Tim has always been close to his family, his heart staying close at home wherever he went and if he ever left them for long he made sure give them a call and check up on them. However, time changes everything and when Tim changed into Oogie Boogie so did his relationship with his parents. He didn’t give a shit about them anymore, too distracted by the constant need to win, and when they moved away he barely noticed and did not hear of them again until he found the invitation to their funeral in his letter boy. Needless to say, he did not go. 
What’s their romantic and sexual orientation?
Bisexual with a preference towards females, and he’s Oogie Boogie, he doesn’t have romantic emotions ( that we know of, anyway ).
Are they seeing anyone right now?
Have they ever been in an relationship?
Yes, there have been several relationships in the course of his life, but none of them were particularly seriouss.
Have they ever been in love?
Yes. He was seventeen when he met her, and it took him not more than a few spoken words until he was head over heels in love with her. There just was something special about her, something that no one had ever had. After going on a couple of dates, their relationship began and their love has been growing ever since — until it ended, of course, like all of his connections did when Tim turned into Oogie.
How easy do they fall for someone?
It’s the toughest task in the world to get through to him and have him even notice you as a potential love interest, therefore not easy at all.
What do they look for in someone?
He doesn’t look for anyone. However, if he did he’d want someone who supports him, who joins his gambling and who he can rely on when they learn what exactly he has been gambling with.
Do they believe in love at first sight? or fate?
Definitely not. Neither exists. You’ve got to take matters into your own hands.
What’s their views on romance? Do they go after it or avoid it?
Oogie doesn’t care. In fact, he’s convinced romance in that sense doesn’t even exist. 
Did they have their first time already? How was it in their point of view?
Yes, and truth be told, it’s been so long Oogie hardly remembers it, but it was with the girl he was in love with... so probably awkward and sweet? who cares?
What is their view on sex?
It's the best part of any relationship he ever had and the only reason why he pities not having a significant other, because it means he can’t just come home to someone and share the joy and enthusiasm that comes with winning with someone... in his bed. 
What are their turn ons and turn offs?
Power is the biggest turn on. One might say winners like the companies of winners, and it could not be truer for Oogie. There’s just something about a person being able to meet you on a similiar level that makes them attractive. On the other side, he hates stuidity and he finds it comes in the most various of traits, making most people nothing but exhausting to him. 
Were they ever cheated on or have they cheated on someone?
He has never been cheated on, but he has definitely cheated. He is Oogie Boogie. The real question is who he hasn’t cheated on.
Do they want to get married in the future?
Hell to the no.
Have kids?
The greatest joy in the world is to have children, and let me tell you a little secret about Oogie: He absolutely does not agree. He has three little minions and they are already enough to handle, plus he can actually hate them and mistreat them without having to feel upset about ruining his own flesh and blood. The real joy in life is winning.
Are they right or left handed?
Right Handed.
What’s a word that’s always on their lips?
The name Lock, Shock or Barrel angrily being yelled.
Is there a saying they keep on repeating?
Not a phrase, but he does hum his ‘ Oogie Boogie Song ‘ all the time — that being said, make sure he never sings the lyrics around you for it’s never a good omen if he gets to the line ‘ this may be the last time you hear the oogie boogie song ‘.
Do they curse?
He definitely does. There are times which just need a little bit ( or a lot ) of cursing.
What’s their worst habit?
Spending his money. No matter how often you see him walk out of the casino with a thousand of dollars in his bags, you’ll never see him keep it for longer than a day. Either he pays his debts to the Fates, he spends it on his beloved bugs or he walks right back into the casino to wager it all again.
Do they drink or smoke? How frequently?
He drinks and he smokes cigarettes and cigars at least every week, if not every day.
Are they an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl, because the unfortunate thing about casinos is that they are rarely opened in the normal day to day hours. Oogie wastes his night completely in there, spends his early mornings in a coffee shop of his choice and sleeps the rest of the day away until he can finally go gambling again.
How tidy is their room?
His entire shack is a complete mess and though Oogie recnogises it as one, he does not give a care in the world about it. His belongings are piling all over the floor, his kitchen is filled with the containers of the many take-outs he’s ordered in and is that... a bone? Honestly, at this point you can find almost anything in there.
How long do they usually take getting ready in the morning?
Fifteen minutes tops. His mornings usually include him going into the shower, brushing his teeth and leaving the house a moment later. That being said, his mornings are rarely happening in the morning and more so in the late evenings.
What’s their favorite color?
Now, you might think his favourite colour is black because everything he owns and loves seems to be black, but while everything about Tim Page changed when he became Oogie Boogie one thing didn’t: His favourite colour is green, always has and always will be.
Favorite movie?
' Fight Club ‘ because it’s kind of a fucked up movie, isn’t it? and at the same time it is really interesting, allowing a look into the minds of others and how a group ( a colony, one might say ) can work together and create something purely brutal. Oogie always thought in a way they are gambling too.
Music Genre?
Anything that comes per delivery.
' It ‘ by Stephen King.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Ground black Coffee.
Ice Cream Flavor?
Dark Chocolate.
Indoors or outdoors?
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