#{ aaaaah my heart
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labyrinthinefeline · 3 months ago
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"With all my love for ya, bonnie."
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It came today and it is beautiful!💍🥰
I ordered this a while back, but when I saw @lay-z post of her fictional engagement ring, I couldn't resist jumping on the bandwagon to show off mine. I wanted to write a little snippet of a letter from Johnny about the ring, but I figured subtlety fit best. (We'll say he had the ring sent to me just before he was deployed on another mission. My lazy ass is so rusty with writing, I'm scared it wouldn't turn out the way I envisioned)
Can we please make this a trend? Just us showin' off our engagement rings from our fictional fiances/spouses? This is fun as hell.🤣
(My photo! Please do NOT copy, use, repost, etc, etc. Thank you kindly!)
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robinparravel · 2 months ago
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you will look at them
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vellichorius · 1 year ago
i love u so much /p
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hes-a-plant · 3 months ago
In the Good Omens TV adaptation, Crowley says that Aziraphale was “Just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing”.
But in the BOOK?
the line is “just enough of a bastard to be worth LIKING”
oh my god
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kaluwa-del-conte · 1 month ago
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godfrey-the-chaos-duck · 2 years ago
Look at the lighting! The wine glasses! THE SUMMARY????????
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A naked archangel turns up at the door to renegade angel Aziraphale's bookshop, with no memory of who he is or how he got there, and Aziraphale and retired demon Crowley's lives become extremely complicated. Heaven and Hell are both desperate to find the runaway. As Crowley and Aziraphale attempt to fix a human romance, things become increasingly unsafe for them, in the past and the present.
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dramagifs · 1 year ago
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Since you came back. why didn't you tell us?
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4rackn0 · 7 months ago
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itsmistyeyedbi · 8 months ago
For everyone who's had access to patreon... there was a Valentines Day short with Falk and the Detective. I'm pretty sure the villain calls the detective the same thing he does, so if you remember what that Echolian term means 👀👀👀👀👀
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It's such an intense and romantic term guys oh my gooosh!
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hazbinsillynight · 1 year ago
Wow , I do not have enough words to say how amazing this is! Look at their expressions, the pain in Vox’s eyes, the angst of the whole art! I love it!!
You guys really seemed to like the last one, so I decided to torture Vox again 🥲👍
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kyuoki · 1 year ago
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Human Davy Jones with his daughter, Scylla, from @teejay-kaye fanfiction "Nighean A' Chuain". It was so angsty and so beautiful, it completely destroyed me in all ways possible and now I need more content with dad Jones ahdsadksjgf. 😭🥺
If you have not read the fic yet, go and check it out especially if you like Davy Jones angst/wholesome content.
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kaciidubs · 2 years ago
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I'm about to enter work but I just had a thought.
That convo about poly minsung where MC was in love with Jisung but he was dating Minho but also has feelings for her, while Minho is aware of this and despises MC initially because of it? MC can't stand him either but tries her best for Jisung's sake, who's her beloved friends first.
Hate fucking between MC and Minho?
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Fight so dirty, but you love so sweet
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Sugar Content: Spicy Sweet (SMUT), Sour Sweet (Angst)
Allergy Warning: Female Pronouns, Enemies to lovers, verbal fighting, sexual scenes, hate sex, scratching, slight choking, mixed emotions, and poly! Minsung (Han only mentioned)
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This fight was the biggest blowup either of you had ever experienced. Both of you were red in the face and your lungs screaming for air. Neither of you would ever get physical with each other but cutting one another down with words and guilt was completely on the table. As you two went back and forth, spewing absolute filth in each other's faces, poor Hannie was left to sit and watch.
Han and Minho have been the partners in crime for years now. The two met back in university when Han was a freshman in Minho's hall. They knew the relationship was scandalous, but they couldn't deny the attraction. It started one night when everyone was out partying, Minho wasn't looking forward to the paperwork the next morning. As he did his nightly walk, he saw a lone figure sitting in the living room under a single blue light. He knew the student was Han, he would never forget a face like that.
"Why are you out here all alone?" The poor boy jumped out of his body when Minho spoke. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!"
"It's fine" Han held a hand over his heart. "Everyone is gone so I thought I'd visit the community living room…when there is no community"
The two laughed at Han's slight joke. Minho decided to join the boy for the remainder of the night until he decided to go to bed. Ever since that day the two spent every night together, and soon every day.
Han taught Minho a lot about himself. For starters, Minho was very much attracted to Han. He never really aligned with any sexual orientation, it wasn't something that concerned him but when Han asked who he had a crush on, he said the first thing that came to his mind. Han, he wanted Han.
There began their relationship, who was Minho to question it? Around 2 years later, just before Minho's graduation, Han confessed he had been attracted to some women around campus. Not that he was going to cheat but maybe he was more Bi than he thought. Again, Minho didn't give it any thought and kissed the sweet boy to stop his babbling. That was until you came along.
Han met you during a mandatory art class in your final year. Instead of paying attention to how art had evolved over the years you two focused on evolving your friendship. Class conversations turned into text messages and partner projects bled into late-night pizza parties. Every time you two hung out, it was always at the Minsung apartment. Minho couldn't stand it; he couldn't stand you.
At first, he didn't really mind you, thinking it was nice for Han to have a new friend. As time went on, however, the emotions in him grew. It wasn't until Han came to him, expressing the idea of taking you out on a date, did Minho boil over. He had never felt so strongly about anyone as he felt towards Han and you. Where he loved Han, he had to hate you. That was the only logical explanation for why he couldn't get you out of his mind late at night.
The fight only broke out because Han slipped up. He wanted this to work out so badly. Jisung saw the way Minho looked at you and the smile that graced his face when you were half asleep on their couch. Han knows Minho didn't want him to see how he gave you the nice blanket off their bed when you spent the night. Minho swore he hated you, but Han knew better.
"y/n! Shut up, you picked the movie last time!" Han yelled out as he dodged your popcorn assault on him.
"Last time was like 3 weeks ago, I say we start over" You went to snuggle up into your blanket more.
"Can we completely start over? Han didn't need that art class anyways" Minho spoke under his breath next to Han. You were blissfully unaware but Han heard everything.
"Minho stop. I needed an elective you know that" Your head perked up at the old couple bickering.
"But you had to choose the same one that the pretty girl from the cafe picked?"
"Well maybe it wasn't you, maybe she did it to follow you. She seems to want to be in every aspect of our lives." Minho was quick to quip back.
"Did you guys forget I'm here? I would apricate if you two would acknowledge me if you are going to talk about me" Both boys jumped a bit at your announcement. Minho wasn't fazed long.
"Admit it! You wanted to be a home wrecker, you want Han all to yourself! You are so sad about your own life, you need to destroy someone else's."
"LEAVE ALREADY! WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE!" Minho was red from his head to his feet.
That is when the yelling broke out. No one was sure when this turned into a standing argument. Han had given up on butting in, he would fix it later. Right now he was focused on how your hand reached for the front door.
"Minho…like I told you last night…Let Han make his own choices." With that final statement, you left.
Han looked up at Minho, heart visibly broken in his eyes. What did you mean by last night?
"Don't start baby boy, I don't want to get into it"
"Min, what was she talking about"
"I was just protecting us"
"What was she talking about, Lee Minho" Han never used his name like that.
There was a beat of silence as Han took in what Minho was saying. He had had enough of this bullshit. Why couldn't Minho see he was self-destructing?
"Last night she asked me something about trying to make this work for your sake. I told her if she cared for you, she should leave you alone"
"You" Han broke the silence. Minho's eyes shot up in fear. "You, if she cared about you! You can't handle the fact your emotions are mixed again. You are pushing her away like you did me! You like to think our love story was perfect but it wasn't, it was messy. I had to keep breaking down your walls until you finally let me in. We have a good thing with her Minho, don't lose that"
Minho was left alone in the living room as Han had called it a night. It was unspoken but clear that Minho could make this right or sleep on the couch. He didn't know what else to do but go find you. He grabbed his keys and hoped you were home.
He knocked on your door with a shaky stutter, contemplating if he should just leave. He was so sure about his feelings for you, this was stupid. Han was just being a bleeding heart again, wanting everyone to be happy. But you were the reason this was all wrong! He never had issues with Han until there was you. You were the issue.
"Y/n" he let out a heavy sigh. "can I come in"
"Minho?" A questioning voice sounded from the slightly open door. A quick motion wiped away the wet streaks from your puffy eyes before
Minho could see.
"Why, so you can call me desperate and depressed again? No, thank you."
"Y/n wait! For Han, can we talk for Han" It took a moment but the door finally opened.
The conversation was off and on for at least an hour if not more. You sipped on your drink as Minho picked at the skin around his fingers.
"For Han" you agreed.
"You shouldn't do that. It could get infected" The change of tone alarmed Minho.
"Why do you even care? I can't stand you and you still care about my hands?"
"You say you hate me but yet you came here to apologize."
"Talk, I'm not apologizing."
"Whatever you came here for" You sat down next to him on the couch and scooted a little closer. "I am here for you"
Minho looked deep into your eyes. He never noticed how he could read your emotions like a book in them. You wore your heart exposed to the world, like Han. Everything he loved about Han he could see in you. Why did he hate you? That was a question that he was never able to answer. He just knew he had to, you wanted his lover. But when he looked in deeper, maybe you wanted him too. Overwhelmed with his own emotions, Minho did the only thing he knew to quiet them. He kissed you.
You jumped back but didn't pull away. When it felt safe you moved back in. It started slow and cautious but quickly became heated. Minho wasn't sure if he wanted to make love to you or fuck you back into your place. He just knew right now; he was lusting for you.
Minho pushed on the small of your back, indicating he wanted you on him. You straddled his legs and settled into his lap. It was evident what was about to happen by his growing hard-on. You pulled away from his lips to catch your breath. His expression looked lost.
"Minho, we don't have to. We can just forg--"
"No, I want to, fuck I want you so bad. I don't know why I want you I just feel so--"
"Pent up?" He nodded as you were the one to now finish his sentence.
"Let it out. Fuck me the way all of your thoughts want you to. After we will pretend nothing happened. But right now, I need you just as much as you need me."
No words were said, none were needed. Lips smash into lips. It didn't matter who made the first move what mattered now was that it was beginning to heat up. Long slender hands wrapped around your waist. The fingers on those hands played with the edge of your shirt.
Minho needed to be in control. He needed to cloud out his thoughts with lust. The image of you whining under him gave him a rush of relief. You had to be trapped in his arms.
His first attempt at control left him empty-handed. Your tongues fought for dominance, and he could quickly see himself losing the battle. Like the sly cat he was, Minho played dirty. With a bite to your bottom lip and a tug, you moaned out. This was when he attacked. He took over the hungry kiss and slipped his hands under your shirt, one on your lower back and another inching its way to your chest.
"Cat got your tongue, baby girl?" Minho found his confidence when he saw nothing behind your pretty glass eyes. "You were all bark earlier tonight, yet I'm the one who had to bite."
His adventurous hand thumbed the underside of your chest. He was pleasantly surprised by the missing article of clothing.
"OH look at this baby, you were expecting me weren't you"
"No! I was going to bed. You just showed up looking for---hmm!"
"I think the kitten liked that didn't she" Minho rolled your hardening bud between his thumb and index finger. "I think that bed you mentioned might be a better place to continue, seeing how I'm already losing you."
You were tossed onto your plush bed, and both of you let out a small laugh as you bounced back. Your shirt and pj shorts were discarded somewhere in the hall along with Minho's black tank top. He was currently trying to tear off his sweats while you reach down for your panties.
"Don't." You looked up and were met with deep and dark lustful eyes.
"What?" You asked in honest confusion.
"Always doing things your way. That's what I can't stand! You always get what you want like a princess. Not tonight kitten, your listening to me." He stepped out of his sweats and lowered down to your eye level. "Dont. Touch. What's. Mine"
Before you knew it, two hands circled your ankles and anchored your feet to the bed. With your knees perfectly bent and legs opened, Minho laid a fat wet lick to the cotton of your panties. The gesture was more possessive than anything else. He did it a few more times waiting until you bucked up with impatience. When you did just that his hands grabbed the waistband of your underwear. You lifted your hips to help him but the sound of tearing fabric caught you off guard.
"Minho! What the fu-"
"Shhhhhh, always complaining. I'll buy you a new pair, a thousand pairs even! I just need you"
In that moment he sounded so desperate. You were so clouded by his dom persona. You forgot the man he was battling in his mind. He wasn't doing this out of pure lust and anger. There was a third element at play and he needed to be in control to figure it all out. You submitted to him.
Starved for you, Minho attacked your exposed sex. His mouth took purchase on your clit while his fingers explored your cunt. Just the tip of his middle finger poked in and out while he sucked on your bud with full force. It was like the two sides were fighting each other. It didn't matter to you as you were fighting for your life up on the mattress.
When your tense guard softened to an open state Minho's position stood tall. There was a silent understanding that floated through the room. Minho was allowed to do whatever he needed to. Right now, that was tasting you.
"Fuck, look at you. You taste better than your attitude would lead on. All you needed was some attention, right? Mhm, just admit it. You wanted my attention all along" You were about to answer but were cut off by your crying moan. "Oh, it looks like I found it. Good girl, just feel it. Feel the man you hate making you feel better than anyone has before. Oh, so good baby. Atta girl, just cum"
Your hands found their way into Minho's hair and took hold, the extra length helped you stable yourself. With a slight pull out of pure pleasure, Minho sat back and moaned. Before you could say anything he shoved two fingers into you.
And cum you did. You never knew you could finish so hard from someone's fingers alone but the way he spoke to you sent you over the edge. He seemed hesitant to degrade you but praise didn't come easily either. Whatever the intoxicating mix was, you were drunk on it.
So gone in fact, you didn't notice Minho looking around like he had lost something.
"I can't find my wallet" he seemed stressed and panicked. It was nice getting little glimpses of the man underneath the monster.
"Condoms left drawer. No no, the one under the light. There you go" Your response should have been comical but the heavy breathing showed its true desperate intention.
Minho opened the drawer and reached in for the familiar foil packet when his eyes found something far more interesting. A teal rabbit vibe that was worn from use. He brought the toy to life and you were immediately embarrassed by the buzz.
"This? Do you use this? This pathetic little thing. Please tell me you can take more than this, or baby I'm about to break you." Minho turned the toy to the highest setting and laid it down on your bare clit. "See, I bet I could make you moan so much louder if I just did this--" Minho replaced the toy with two rough finger pads and slightly pinched your clit. You yelled out in both pain and pleasure. "Ha, thought so"
Minho threw the toy behind him, not caring if it hit the wall and shattered. You didn't need it anyways when he is about to give you the real thing. After adjusting the condom, Minho lined up with you and slowly began to push in. The voices yelled at him to shove it in fully, to claim you, to make you pay for the words you so eagerly spewed in his direction. Then he saw the squinted look of pain in your eyes and his heart screamed for him to comfort you. For once he was going to listen to his heart.
Sweet lips found the side of your face and left little lingering kisses. A hand distracted you by toying with your previously abused bud. Your voice hitched and was overtaken by unsteady breathing as he further pushed into you.
"Shhhhh, it's okay. You are doing so well baby, taking me like a good girl. Shhhhh no no it's okay, you are okay, I got you." He was able to fully seat himself inside of you. "Pretty girl? Mark me all you want, got it?" With that Minho placed your hands on his shoulders and wrapped your bent legs around his waist.
His pace was slow and steady. He fought back the need to ruin you, especially as your claws dug into his skin. It felt like a heavenly sin to him. You were an angel, he couldn't see your halo until just now as the light illuminated your blissed-out features. Maybe he was the devil in the situation?
"What?" Your whine brought him back to reality.
"More Minho, fuck more please" you begged. Who was he to deny you?
Minho set a rough and steady pace. Pulling all the way back to the tip and then forcefully resetting his position. Over and over until you tightened around his cock. He took both of your hands in one of his and pinned them above your head. Your legs were removed from his waist and pressed into your chest. Minho took a moment to slowly test out the new angle. When a slight thrust made tears of ecstasy pool in your eyes, he set the pace.
It wasn't long before his groans and moans mixed with yours. His were laced with the smallest of whimpers, he was getting close. His free hand caged your neck and ghosted pressure to the sides. Looking deep into your eyes, Minho spoke.
You all but screamed out as you came on Minho. Your thighs were drenched and his torso glistened to match. You whined as you felt yourself become empty. A small chuckle left Mimho's lips are you frantically searched for him. He appeared at the side of your bed, a hand slipping into your hair. Holding the roots tightly, Minho positioned you how he wanted you.
"Eyes on me, mouth open" You were too far gone to question him. "Good girl"
Minho's eyes fought to stay open and he yanked on his still-hard cock, using your wetness as lube. He threw his head back in pleasure and bit his lip at his last few feverish tugs. Minho came all over your face, missing your mouth almost entirely.
He caught his breath quickly before running over to grab his shirt and clean you off. You pulled away as the fabric smeared the drying cum into your skin. He found a half-full bottle of water and wetted the unsoiled side of the tee. He cooed and shushed as he cleaned you.
Once you two were back to the world of the living the room fell silent. There was an unanswered question that choked you both. It was obvious the night wouldn't move on until it was addressed.
"Look" Minho spoke softly, unsure of what he wanted to say. "I didn't know I could feel this way about someone…well, I guess about two people. I took my confusion out on you, I'm sorry." A small sniffle followed.
"Minho, it's okay. I understand how confusing it can all be. To be honest I think Han might be the only one who is sure of himself here." That got Minho to crack a smile.
"If you wanted, we could make this a thing. Us, the three of us. I think we could really do it this time." Minho's eyes shined with a thousand hopeful stars.
"Minho…" and those stars burned out at your dishearted tone. "I'd like to but I can't forget everything you've said to me in the past. They hurt and I know I hurt you too. You can't deny that. I'm not saying no, but I think we need to work on it"
"How does a date sound" Minho placed a gentle hand on your bare thigh.
"A date sounds nice"
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Sweetest Tags: @goblinracha, @xx3rachaslutxx, @j-onedrabbles, @lixiesweetbrownie,@marrivmel, @lyramundana, @channieandhisgoonsquad, @2chopsticks2eyes
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thiziri · 2 years ago
Princess Anne speaking in German at the opening of the CHIO Aachen in Germany, on 27 June 2023.
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scottishoctopus · 1 year ago
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gloryride · 2 years ago
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Love me tender, Love me sweet
Love me tender Oh, love me true All my dreams fulfill For my darling, I love you And I always will
📸 by @breezypunk | commission detes
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feng-huli · 8 months ago
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A game between an emperor and his eunuch
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