#{ Stop poking me; Headcannon }
takingthefastlane · 1 year
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
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{ Quickie likes to bird watching. She's usually out in the field for long periods of time, so she pulls out bird bingo and watches for birds in her spare time. If you ask her what type of bird something is she'd probably know. Boulder has yet to find out. }
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nyankochan · 19 days
Cloudcalling on the Savannah
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Synopsis: It’s time for the yearly Cloud Calling Festival in the Sunset Savannah. It’s Leona’s first time home in years and there’s more than one reason why he’s avoided visiting.
Pairings: Leona Kingscholar x lioness!reader (she/her pronouns)
Content: fluff turn smut at the end, vanilla sex, virginity loss
Word Count: 4.2K
A/n: bonus points for catching all the Lion King references.
I headcannon that Leona speaks another language at home, like Swahili or something that he speaks when he doesn’t want people to understand his conversations.
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15 years ago
Leona grunted in pain, trying not to bite his tongue as you pinned his frame to the mat. Even though you were way smaller than him, you managed to overpower him with ease and flip him on his backside.
“Pinned ya’,” you say with a toothy grin, your baby canines poking out cutely.
“Get offa me,” Leona grumbled, trying to push you off so that you wouldn’t see the ways his cheeks started warming from embarrassment, not even from losing but rather, your close proximity made him uncomfortable for some reason.
You gleefully let him go, Leona rubbing his shoulder that was now achy from the way your nails dug into them. “That’s two wins for me, and none for you~”you tease.
Leona growls and while you weren’t paying attention, lunges for you. The two of you tumble to the ground once more, but you swiftly manage to roll the two of you over. You sit on top of his chest, keeping his arms pinned to his side.
“Pinned ya again.”
Your hands feel warm against his. Your ears twitch slightly in excitement, something so small that most people don’t notice, yet Leona has developed a subtle knack for picking up the littlest things about you. From the way you style your bangs slightly to the left and how you prefer your meat grilled when the two of you visit Raintree Market. However, when it just comes to fighting, your senses outshine his. But with your mother being a renowned veteran amongst the Palace Guards, Leona believes you came out of the womb fighting.
“Tch whatever. I’m done.” Leona shoved you off, standing to leave the training room.
“Ehh? But I want to spar more! Isn’t it fun!?”
“No,” Leona answers flatly. “I’m gonna go take a nap.” Your ears flatten in disappointment.
“Boo you’re no fun.” Nonetheless, you follow the young prince along like a guard, yet you ramble away about anything and nothing at the same time, immune to his annoyance.
If Leona were to be honest, he found you highly annoying. The only reason why you two were forced to spend any time together was because of your parents. If he had it his way, he’d rather spend his day napping or perhaps playing chess. Nope. Because of you, he gets dragged along with your shenanigans most of the time, and he can’t say no without you running off crying to your mother or Neji scolding him about being nice.
You were a real thorn in his side.
“Heyyy Leona…Leona…Leona! Are you listening to me?”
“Not one bit,” Leona responded, making you huff in annoyance.
“You know what! When we get married, you’re gonna finally listen to me!” You suddenly proclaim, making Leona stop abruptly. More like, he ended up stumbling over his feet. You not paying attention walk right into him.
“Huh?! W-why in the world would I marry you!?” Leona yelled, trying not to stammer over his words due to the fact that he was so caught off guard by your statement. Marriage?! You two were 5. That kind of stuff was disgusting! He’s seen how his parents act and he wanted no part in it.
“Neji said we will,” You say as if it were the most obvious thing. “So, when that day comes you’re going to listen to me, Leona Kingscholar!”
Leona, despite his efforts, found himself grinning. Then laughing. You continue to huff and pout, not liking being made fun of.
“Sure,” Leona said in between laughs. “And when that day comes, I’m all ears.”
Present Day
Leona was annoyed, more than usual. He had just arrived home for the Bead Brawl and the Cloudcalling festival, and things weren’t already going to plan. Well, nothing had gone to plan from the moment Neji called and so graciously reminded him to come home this year, so he couldn’t skip out like he originally planned. Then, not even 10 minutes into arriving at Sunset Savannah, Jack suffers from heat stroke and they have to detour to Sunset Villa for him to get proper medical treatment.
While at the Villa, they find Kalim, who was a guest on behalf of the Scalding Sands Al-Asim family, to which Leona makes him a substitute on the team in lieu of Jack.
“Whatddya say, Kalim? Your ‘friends’ need your help?” Leona says, without a hint of sincerity.
“Leo having friends? Never would’ve seen the day.” The new voice makes Leona stiffen. Suddenly a pair of hands cover his eyes. Though his vision becomes obscured, he doesn’t have to look to know who the grating voice belonged to. “Guess who~”
“I despise guessing games,” Leona retorts.
“Boo~” The person lets him go. “You’re no fun.”
Leona sighs, rubbing his temple in annoyance. “I shouldn’t be surprised you’re here, Y/n. I’m sure your mother’s stationed here for the festival.”
It’s been maybe a couple years since he’d seen you. He actively avoids coming home for many reasons, her included. When he does come home for the holidays, he does everything he can to avoid you. In recent years, with your training for the palace guards, you’re too busy to even harass him.
Since the last time he saw you, you’ve slimmed out more and gained more muscle. The uniform doesn’t look baggy on you now. You’re still short as ever though.
“Neji told me you were finally coming home,” you say, somewhat coldly. A complete change from your earlier bubblier persona. “You enrolled in a prestigious school and now you’re too good for us back at home, huh? I can’t even get you to respond to a text nowadays.”
Leona rolled his eyes. “You still like picking fights over dumb stuff.” Now, he’s gathered an audience, his classmates staring in confusion and wonder at the lioness that suddenly appeared. “Everyone, this is Y/n L/n. She’s the daughter of the palace guard’s head commander. We grew up together.”
“It’s nice to meet Leo’s school friends,” you say, teasingly. Leona just clicks his tongue in annoyance while the Night Raven College students go around introducing themselves.
“Miss Y/n and Prince Leona are betrothed, set to be married by the time they’re 25,” Neji interjected. He gives Leona the side eye. “You’d best use proper titles when referring to your future bride.”
Hearing that Leona Kingscholar was engaged, set to marry in only a few short years surprised Grim, Yuu, Kalim, Vil and Lilia nonetheless. Even more strange, Leona and Y/n seemed more like annoyed roommates than what one would expect a future husband and wife to be.
After everyone gets changed into their liongarb (no one comments on the fact, though it’s noticeable, how the color of Leona’s clothing complements Y/n’s), the group goes down to the Raintree Market to explore some of the city.
You and Leona play tour guide, all while bickering between yourselves. If Leona suggested something that you didn’t agree with, you counter with your own. You also throw no shortage of sly comments Leona’s way whenever he complained about his brother, his leadership skills, or how the country would benefit to actually harvest their resources instead of leaving them be. Not that you didn’t agree, but if Leona were actually home more often, he could implement some of the good ideas you know he has.
It’s a mixture of uncomfortable and entertaining for Grim, Yuu, Kalim, Vil and Lilia.
“It’s hard to believe they’re actually going to be getting married,” Vil deadpanned. “It may be a good thing they aren’t taking the throne.”
They watch in amusement as Leona approaches what looks like some sort of kabob stand. You had been standing there staring wide eyed, mouth slightly agape with drool. Without asking, Leona bought two and gave them to you. Your face warms, and you mutter something along the lines of a thank you as you take the food.
“I don’t know,” Lilia laughs. “I think they have their own strange way of showing their affection.”
“Miss Y/n and Prince Leona may not look like it, but they’ve always been close,” Neji explains, watching the couple with an amused look. You tug on his sleeve, pointing at another stand while nibbling on the food he had just bought. Leona seemed to sigh, rolling his eyes as he lets you tug him along. “The L/n family has protected the royal family for generations. Prince Leona and Miss Y/n did in fact grow up together, but she was always trained to be able to protect him and his brother, Farena.”
“How did they end up being betrothed?” Yuu wonders.
“Prince Leona’s parents and Miss Y/n’s mother thought it would be a great way to unite the families. After all, why not if relations between the two have always been good?” Neji then sighs. “Unfortunately, those two have always had a knack for causing trouble. They both slack off on their duties, Prince Leona more so. However, Miss Y/n’s seemed to focused more on her duties as of late because it keeps her distracted from Leona’s absence.”
“Aw it sounds like she misses Leona-senpai,” Kalim commented.
“Though she never will admit it, it does bother Miss Y/n when he doesn’t come home,” Neji confirms. “She keeps a stubborn guard up, but I think she truly loves Prince Leona. As for Prince Leona-“
The influx of patrons makes the Raintree Market all the more crowded. Leona doesn’t even seem to realize what he does. He’s just being a gentleman (for once) in his eyes when he guides a hand at the small of your back to keep you close. His tail swishes back and forth, ears standing on alert while you order a dessert. You offer a spoonful of the custard treat to Leona, who boredly takes a bite.
Who would dare mess with the fiancée of the Prince of the Afterglow Savannah? Especially when he was around.
“He’s quite overprotective, you see,” Neji says. “Although Y/n’s trained her whole life to protect the royal family, I’m sure Leona would lay down his life to ensure her safety.”
At the end of the day, the Night Raven College team returns back to Sunset Villa after several practice rounds for the bean brawl where a feast had been prepared to welcome all of the esteemed guests. The current strategy Leona had come up with was to have Kalim as vanguard, Vil as the middle, and for Lilia to compete in the final bout as the anchor. Though practice went well, to say that he wasn’t worried still was an understatement.
“You look more annoyed than usual,” you say, plopping down beside him on the couch. “All your friends are enjoying the music and the barbecue and you’re sitting over here like a bug on a log.
“It’s nothing,” Leona responds, taking a bit of food off your plate. You huff in annoyance. You eye the stage where Kalim, Grim and Lilia joined dancing with the performers. You stand, putting your plate to the side.
“Come on.”
“Come dance with me,” you say holding out your hand.
“What? No way,” Leona rolls his eyes.
“Please Leo? Humor me?”
At your plea, Leona sighs. He stands, grabs your arm and pulls you to a rather obscure corner where there aren’t many onlookers. You two were forced to practice this traditional dance so many times as kids, you both could do it in your sleep. Even though he may not look it, Leona is a great dance partner who guides your movements in tangent with the rhythm of the music.
“You really don’t want to do those lessons, don’t you,” you finally speak, switching to the native language of the Afterglow Savannah so that your conversation is relatively private. “Dragging along your classmates in this little scheme of yours. You can be a pain in the ass sometimes, ya know.”
“What can I say,” Leona answers back in the same language. “I don’t want to waste my time on something so pointless and boring.”
You roll your eyes as he whirls you around. Leona’s eyebrow quips when he notices something strange as your hair flutters up. Did you always have that scar on your collarbone? “If you actually did your job, then maybe we could see some real changes here. You sell your ideas short.”
“Doesn’t matter. In the end, I will never be king. And you will never be queen.” The way he says it, it’s almost like he’s disappointed. Sad he’d never be able to give you the title or the throne if married to him.
“I don’t care about being Queen,” you say quietly. “Things like that don’t bother me. I just want to stand with you as your equal.”
When the song concludes, the two you stare at each other for a beat too long before separating. A small audience, much to your embarrassment, had gathered to watch the two of you dance.
“Never thought I’d see the day where Leona would dance,” Vil mused.
“Ohh! You should join the pop music club!” Kalim excitedly suggested.
“What a great idea,” Lilia agreed. “The night’s just started! Let’s continue the party!”
“I’m surrounded by idiots.”Leona sighed, rubbing his temple, though only you picked up on it. You snicker under your breath. “We’re calling it a night. The tournament is early tomorrow and we all need our rest. So off to your rooms.”
Kalim and Lilia seem defeated, like kids told they couldn’t have dessert. Nonetheless you all disperse and start heading towards your own separate rooms.
“Y/n, where’s your room?” Leona asked. His classmates’ ears perk up at the sudden language switch. They didn’t know Leona was bilingual.
“Fourth floor. Why?”
“Come with me real quick to my room.”
Of course, as the second Prince of the Afterglow Savannah, Leona has a private suite that’s honestly like a mini apartment. His room overlooks the city which seems to glow as the sun sets. Though you’ve grown up here all your life, the sunset never ceases to amaze you.
“What did you need from me?” You ask, taking a seat on the king sized bed.
“That scar on your collarbone. That wasn’t there last time.”
You stiffen. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Leona clicked his tongue. “You think I was born yesterday?” He grabs the shawl you had been wearing and tore it from your grasp before you could protest. There it was, the deep scar that ran from your collarbone, disappearing down your shirt and creeping up part of your neck. Your hair usually covered it, but he thought he was imagining something when he saw it back at the dinner. “Gods Y/n…what did you do?”
“Why does it matter to you?” You snap back. “I got it a several months ago. You wouldn’t have come home anyway.”
“If you were hurt that bad of course I would have! Y/n, that’s not just a minor scratch. Now tell me what happened or I’ll find Neiji.”
You sigh. “It was just an accident during training. We were out in the Savannah on the cliffside and I fell trying to protect one of the other lionesses. I think I fell about twenty feet they said. Banged up pretty bad. It happened around your midterms time, so I opted not to bother you during your studies.”
Though you treat it like a lighthearted manner, you fractured several bones and cut yourself pretty deep on a jagged rock. It was just a freak accident. No fault on either party. But it did take months to recover and by the time Leona came home for winter break, you were out of a cast.
“It’s fine! You always tell me I’m more clumsy than a newborn gazelle, so don’t worry so much-“
Leona stares at you with an unreadable expression. But you can tell from his tenseness, that he’s pissed. He then suddenly pulls you into his chest.
“Don’t hide stuff like that from me. In fact, no secrets period. I don’t care how small. Got it?”
“I…uh…mmh…” you bury your face into his chest, inhaling his scent. He smells like mango and cedar. “Leo…I missed you…”
“Yeah yeah…I missed ya too.”
Omake-sexual content ahead
“I should go back to my room,” you sigh. Leona’s scent was so comforting, if you weren’t careful you’d fall asleep.
“Just stay here,” Leona said nonchalantly.
“Eh? We can’t?!”
“Hah? Why not?” Leona seemed almost insulted. “We used to share beds all the time as kids.”
“B-but that’s different!” By now your face was feeling hot from embarrassment. Your ears twitching skittishly.
“You’re my fiancée, are you not?”
Now you scoff. “This coming from the same guy who at five complained about marrying me.”
“If I do recall,” Leona said, closing the proximity between you two. “You were the one so insistent about it, going as far to say I better listen to you when we do. Well, you got what you asked for,” Leona taunted, his breath ticking your neck, making you whimper quietly. His hands snake around your waist, pulling you closer against his chest, preventing any escape. “I’m all ears kitten. You gotta use your words and tell me what you want.”
“L-Leona, please…”
“Mmm? Please what?” He tilts your chin up, his piercing green eyes staring into yours. “You’ve been yapping and pissing me off all these years only for you to decide to be quiet the moment I decide to listen?”
The embarrassment’s too great, so defiantly, you bite your tongue and refuse to say anything. Leona grins at this. “Fine then.” He undos your belt, pushing you to the bed as he pulls your pants to your ankles. “I’ll get it out of you one way or another.”
Leona sheds his cloak and in one swoop, takes off his shirt. His muscles flex with each movement. Your face flushes. It’s not like you’ve never seen Leona without a shirt or anything. But was his body always this attractive?
Kissing him isn’t what you expected. He’s gentle, almost hesitant, when he cups your cheek to press his lips against yours. The tenderness is so endearing you miss the way his hands wander up your sides to grope at your breasts. You whimper quietly.
“My pretty fiancée,” Leona mumbles against your lips. “Your heart’s racin’. You nervous? I’ll stop if you want.”
“No… don’t,” you plea, keening into Leona’s touch.
Leona is surprisingly attentive to you, prioritizing your needs over his own pleasure. He sits back on his heels to slide your underwear down your legs (pocketing it for later). He could feel his dick twitch in his pants as he takes in the sight of your pretty pussy, dripping wet from arousal. With a tight grip on your thighs, Leona takes an experimental lick at your core. The first wave of pleasure shoots through you which has you trembling.
“Now, I can get used to this,” Leona grumbles. He eats you out aggressively, his tongue weaving through your folds. Actually if he were honest, it brings him great satisfaction in taking care of you. Perhaps maybe even turns him on a bit. He could feel himself getting hard just from your taste alone, his stiffening cock beginning to press uncomfortably against his boxers.
Your back arches off the bed. Your fingers find their way into his long hair which you pull roughly. A throaty growl resonates from the back of Leona's throat. You feel something else prod down there, soon realizing Leona inserted one of his slender fingers, moving it in tangent with his tongue to stretch you out further.
"W-wait. Please," you whimper. "M-my stomach feels weird." With a loud cry, you feel your orgasm wash over you. A gush of slick coats Leona's tongue. He greedily laps up your essence, savoring the taste of you. He delivers one last harsh suck on your clit before pulling back.
“Let me know if it hurts, m’kay? Leona almost sighs in relief as he finally releases his cock from the confines of his boxers. His stiff erection oozes pre from the tip and twitches in his hand as Leona gives himself a few slow pumps to ease the pain.
Your heart’s hammering in your chest, still coming down from your orgasm and the anticipation of Leona claiming you. He aligns himself at your entrance, leaning down to claim your lips in a kiss again. Leona groans, spreading your legs wider as he slowly inches his cock deeper into your cunt. You whimper, a little too loudly, making Leona quick to cover your mouth.
“If you don’t want any of my annoying classmates to hear, you might want to keep it down.” His hands fall back to your hips as he feels your walls squeeze snuggly around him. His mind feels hazy and it takes everything in him not to ram into you right then and there. “Fuck. I’m going to cum at this rate if you don’t relax f’me.”
You on the other hand, cover your flushed face with your hands. Your body trembles with pleasure, heart racing in your chest. It feels so good. And your stubbornness makes you hate to admit that. You want more but Leona makes no effort to move, just holding your legs around his hips. His finger gently and teasingly tracing your clit.
“Look at me, Y/n,” Leona pants. You shake your head, keeping your hands over your face. He clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Stop being difficult and look at-“ When he pulls your hands back, Leona’s shocked to see tears in your eyes. “Oi. Why didn’t you say anything if it hurt?!”
You shake your head mumbling, “I-it doesn’t hurt-“
Leona’s ears twitch. “Huh?”
Your face burns. “It doesn’t hurt! Fuck. Leona. Please!”
A laugh rumbles through Leona’s chest. “Tell me what you want, Y/n. Look me in the eyes when you do.”
His striking green eyes bore into your own, not taunting you like usual. Almost begging for you to say what he wants as his restraint wavers.
“Leona, please fuck me.”
Leona grins. “Whatever you say.”
Your breath hitches as he moves. Leona growls lowly, fighting the urge to fuck you hard and fast. He rocks his hips, slowly dragging his cock through your walls making your shiver. Maybe you’re just sensitive from your last orgasm, but his lax pace makes you feel every vein on his cock as he reaches your cervix.
“Fuck, this feels good,” Leona grunts. You just squeeze around him so snuggly. Your walls flutter each time he moves, bringing him closer and closer to his release. He truly didn’t want it to end too soon. Especially cause he wanted to draw another climax out of you.
“M-move faster please,” you gasp as he hits your cervix again making tears trickle down your cheeks. Leona is quick to wipe them away, peppering your face with kisses. Your hips involuntarily buck up to meet his, desperately searching for more relief.
“Next time. Next time I will. I don’t wanna…fuck, cum yet.” He pulls your legs over his waist so that he could hit deeper. Your breath hitches from the penetration.
"T-there! A-again!" You beg. You wrap your arms around Leona’s shoulders to hold him close. Capturing your lips again, Leona sucked hard on them in order to bruise, his canines grazing them. His thumb jabbed against your clit, providing additional stimulation that ultimately threw you over the edge.
You come with a low whine, nails digging into Leona’s shoulders. Your clit pulsated, feeling like it was still vibrating. Tingles raced through veins, rocking your entire body.
"F-fuck, I'm close!" Leona pants.
Leona felt his own high reaching. His thrusts became less rhythmic and more sloppy. Low grunts and moans left his lips. The feeling of You tightening around his dick even more was enough to send him over the edge.
He comes with a low groan, pulling out at the last second, painting your stomach with his seed. His body rocks and he collapses on top of you, burrying his head into the crook of your neck.
There's silence between the two of your for a few moments as you both recover from your orgasms. Leona’s first to move, grabbing a tissue to wipe you down and check to make sure you’re not hurt. Other than the darkening hickies on your neck and chest (which he’s proud of), the fucked out bliss expression on your face says you’re otherwise content.
He tucks you into his chest, tail winding around yours. You relax against him, your hips aching slightly.
“Hn? Go to sleep,” Leona muttered.
“But it’s really important.” You shift so that you’re facing him. “So please listen to me?”
He sighs. “Okay. I’m all ears.”
You crane your head up so that you’re able to press a soft kiss against his lips. Leona blinks somewhat in surprise. “I love you,” you say, before sinking again into his arms.
You feel him press a kiss against your temple, and he squeezes you closer to him. His chest rumbles, almost like a purring cat that’s content. “I love you too.”
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devoureddreaa · 9 months
bros the type too.. ryomen sukuna boyfriend headcannons
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okay…ik i disappeared for a few days (a month is not a few) but i’m back now, so yay!! and i’ve got sukuna headcannons cause he’s been growing on me lately, so hope you enjoy!! >.<
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— bro is a menace to society and would most likely kill someone if they were to look at him for too long. but when it comes to you, sukuna can be a bit a softy. (a softy is an understatement, the curse is totally whipped).
for instance, he won’t let anyone touch him. touch him and you’ll end up with your head off of your shoulders. but when it comes to you..the literal love of his (overly long) life; you could touch him wherever and sukuna wouldn’t mind at all.
“why’d you stop?”
your gaze moved from your phone to the face that sat comfortably in between each of your thighs. you tilted your head to side and furrowed your eyebrows, “stopped what?”
sukuna looked puzzled, possibly looking for a way to explain it without sounded corny.
“the things you do with my hair.”
“oh, play with you hair?” a warm smiled appeared on your face first, then a breathless giggle. “thought you did like people touching you.”
“i don’t care with you do, woman.”
“whatever you want..”
he ended up getting his spiky pink locks played with again, and he ended up falling asleep like a new-born.
— bros the type to deny to everybody that he is head over heels for you. everyone sees it and everyone knows it..but if they were to ever mention it, sukuna would deny deny deny.
especially to his good friend, uraume. he’ll rant and rave about how good you are and how much he loves you any chance he gets with her.
“if you wanna marry her, just do it already!”
sukuna paused, “what?”
“you’ve been telling me about the girl for the past five minutes.” uraume laughed under her breath, “she really has you wrapped around her finger.”
— on top of that, bros the type to give you praise more than anything. he dosent know much about love languages, or affection in general. he’ll try when he feels it’s right, trust, he will cringe the first few times, having a hard time going anything in general. but he’ll get used to it.. (but he hates when you tease him about it)
“you say something?” you looked at the man through the mirror, he was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed as his gaze laid somewhere on the floor.
you were so busy with trying to line your lips, you didn’t hear what sukuna had said..
“i said you look good. really..beautiful.” it was a sight to see someone who could murder someone with the blink of an eye act so..timid.
“awe.” you turned you head and peered over your shoulder, “you shy, ‘kuna?”
“i take it back.” he grumbled, turning to leave the bathroom. you quickly ran after him and tugged onto his arm.
“i was juuust kidding!” you smiled innocently, “thank you, sukuna.”
he didn’t say anything back, but the look on his face was enough.
— bros the type to not use pet names that often. sukuna has never seen the point of them, and sees them as pointless. he uses them rarely, and whenever he does..it catches you off guard.
“bae..!” sukuna called out, he expected a quick response and was confused when he didn’t get one.
no response, “y/n!”
“huh?!” you finally responded and poked your head from around the corner with concern, “why are you yelling?”
“you weren’t responding.”
you took a second then realized, “oooh! you were calling me? thought that was something else..”
— bros the type to love you in his own weird way, even though he’s a sadistic psycho.
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i finally uploaded… also! mb for disappearing, school and life got in the way. but im back! promise, im not a coryxkenshin 2.0 ;-;. ive got more things coming so i hope you enjoy..and remember, you can always request something! love you, baaaiii!!! (if you saw any typos, no you didn’t)
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bywons · 7 months
୨୧ NERD!CLASSMATE! — lee heesung ( headcannons )
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pairing. nerd!classmate! lee heesung x f!reader w.c. 0.7k tw/cw. kissing genre. non idol au, highschool/college au, fluff
sru's note. find me a boy like this cause I NEED HIM!🗣️ kinda long fic lolol feedbacks and reblogs are always appreciated!
requested by this sweet anon ☆
m.list ⏐ requests are open! ⏐ navi
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nerd!classmate! heesung who is oblivious to all the girls' infatuated eyes around him, whispering and giggling about him whenever he passes by.
nerd!classmate! heesung who is always seen with his books and projects almost every time.
nerd!classmate! heesung who rejects to tutor all the popular girls or even go on a date with them, coming up with the unchanging excuse that he's always occupied with studies. but he knows they're all infatuations.
nerd!classmate! heesung who only has his eyes on you, secretly admiring you from afar for god knows how long, he's just drowning in your beauty, your kindness, your smile, just you.
nerd!classmate! heesung who's heart is beating out of chest everytime the group projects or lab practicals are around, afterall he wants to be partners with only you :(
nerd!classmate! heesung who hides secret love notes throughout your spent time in the project together, which are obvious yet opaque.
nerd!classmate! heesung who proposes to tutor you in maths cause you're weak at it :( but obviously he has his own motives.
nerd!classmate! heesung who gives you tough and long numericals deliberately just so he can admire your pretty face, so he can brush your hair back softly or even pinch your cheeks in the meanwhile, just to see your flushed and embarrassed face which makes his pupils dilate.
"you know, i really wondered how your cheeks are always so flushed," "oh? i'm using a new blush---!", "i hope it's because of me one day,"
nerd!classmate! heesung who has you folding and fawning over his genius pick up lines, he has you blushing the most!! the other bois can't compete!!
your friends often make fun and poke at you for spending too much time with nerd!classmate! heesung nowadays, but you can't help it! he's too wholesome with his rants about his fav movie the toy story, about buzz lightyear! you could listen to him for hours!
not a second spent with nerd!classmate! heesung is boring or flat. he's always got you occupied with his antics, whether it's movies or deep talks with you.
nerd!classmate! heesung who sends you all the class notes you missed when you were sick, drawing a heart on each page <3 but he also gives you his own notes too tho >.<
nerd!classmate! heesung who lets you draw over his notebooks anytime, sometimes he also cuts them up and saves them!
nerd!classmate! heesung who writes you cute letters and drops them in your locker whenever you're feeling down or insecure, he appreciates every feature of you in those letter :( sometimes he also drops chocolates :(
nerd!classmate! heesung who offers to carry your bag around school and back home, saying it's too heavy for you.
nerd!classmate! heesung who attends your extra classes for you when you're not feeling well, he also offers his shoulder for you to sleep on :(
nerd!classmate! heesung who buys your favourite snacks and stationeries for you, and no matter how much you tell him not to he won't stop! he just wants to spoil you :(
nerd!classmate! heesung who pulls you aside from the booming music at the party, and takes you to quiet place of fresh air and tranquility, so he can confess to you >.<
nerd!classmate! heesung who can't help but be all reddened up when he's proposing to you, stuttering and mumbling in his own words as he keeps looking down, yet holding your hands in his.
"y/n, i don't know for h-how long but, I've always been in love with you."
and when you flush back and whisper your mutual love back to him, nerd!classmate! heesung cant help but smile in glee and pick you up in his strong arms, twirling you around while you two laugh like idiots in love <3
nerd!classmate! heesung who takes your breathe by pushing you against the wall and stealing your first kiss. it was so sweet, yet it made your heart beat like crazy!
nerd!classmate! heesung who's not a green flag, but the whole green forest <3 he makes you believe in love, in soulmates and destiny.
nerd!classmate! heesung is your one and only <3
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© bywons, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
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adabird · 2 months
HEADCANNONS + Prefrences
All characters aged up, readers 16+
this should also be gender neutral, but if there are some parts that aren’t let me know! I’m working on all audiences, so that will be appreciated! And if you want any other characters let me know!
!!!!(sorry if my spelling isn’t correct, english is not my first language)!!!
Hitoshi Shinsou-
Let’s be real, this man is a total thigh guy. The type of person to love any type of thighs no matter the shape and size. He loves thunder thighs, he loves the stretch marks on them, that mark the growth of his s/o’s body. He loves the way they jiggle when his s/o walks, and the way they expand when they sit down. All he wants to do is place his hand on his s/o’s thigh and squeeze. He even ops out of using his pillows, just to use his s/o’s thighs.(he has to use every bone, every muscle, every ounce of power not to pounce on you and stick his head in between your thighs). Don’t get me wrong he also loves smaller thighs too, the way he can wrap his hand around them, makes him release an internal sigh.
Monoma Neito-
CHEEKS (I won’t specify..)
Let’s be real, Monoma is all about himself but when it comes to his s/o, he’s all about them. Like literally obsessed, to the point you two will have weekly (daily) talks.. ANYWAYS! Monoma is really all about your cheeks, he loves grabbing them to pull you into a kiss, and he loves poking them to make you angry. Staring at you with the utmost admiration while he watches your cute face scrunch with agitation. And once he makes you mad he’ll kiss your cheek, only to sit back and watch you get all red..
Denki Kaminari-
AHHHH. I love this man, even though he’s a little bit of a pervert.. But ever since you became his s/o he’s only a pervert for you. He loves all different kinds of chests, big, medium, small, Xsmall, lopsided ANY KIND. He loves sticking his face between them, grabbing them, and even massaging them. Just like Shinsou, he’ll op out a pillow for yo mm chest ANY. TIME. He loves being your baby.
Tenya Iida-
MAN. MMM MMM MM. Iida is really all about foreheads, he loves your forehead no matter what. If you’re insecure about it, he’s definitely the one to make you more confident about it. No matter how big or small he’ll always, CONSTANTLY be placing kisses on your forehead. Especially after a long day of work he loves coming home to you, covering you in kisses. And don’t try to block your forehead!! this man is crazy for you, like really!
Eijiro Kirishima-
This man will love every. single. part of your body, he is quite literally your biggest fan. Whether you are the kind of person to love the outdoors, and daylight, or the kind of person to love the indoors and night sky. He literally adores your stomach, it doesn’t matter if your fit, or not. He loves giving you back and stomach massages. He loves cuddles too, he loves to cup your stomach and give you kisses trailing down from your throat not stopping until he feels like it. And even if you’re insecure he’ll make sure you feel loved, and love yourself no matter what. In his light, you’re incredibly important!
Hanta Sero-
BOYYYYYY. This man loves your neck, he loves wrapping his hands around it, kissing it, sucking it, anything.
He loves it when you’re out in public he’ll grab the back of your neck and lead you around, whispering in your ear. AHHH. He especially loves backing you up to a wall or cornering you just to suck and mark your neck to make sure you, and anybody else knows who you belong to. So hot.
Tokoyami Fumikage-
EAR MAN (trust trust)
THIS BOY BRO. He’s a little insecure that his face isn’t like others, so it’s not like he can use his face the same way others can. So he loves pulling you in tight, weather your cuddling, or standing together just to nip and whisper nothings in your ear. He loves the way he drops his voice, watching as your blush crawls up your neck landing on your beautiful bashful face.
Mirio Togata-
STRETCH MARKS!!!!!!! 🙇🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️
THIS MAN. THIS MAN IS A GOD. He loves your stretch marks, no matter what. No matter how deep or long, his love for you does not change. He loves the stretch marks on your chest, thighs-whether it’s on the outside or inside of them, he loves your tummy marks, even the tiny marks on your back and arms. HE. LOVES. THEM. When you two get intimate he makes sure to kiss and caress them!
I HOPE YOU ENJOYED! Please, comment or message me if you have any preferred people you want me to write about! And feedback is really appreciated! Don’t be shy, Ask!
ALSOOO I was thinking about writing this but for the female characters? What do you guys think?
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satorusdiary · 1 year
bkg headcannons ❤︎︎
Katsuki Bakugou who is harsh with you when you first meet. But once he notices how you don’t push him away, he starts warming up to you more.
Katsuki Bakugou who doesn’t consider you as an extra, instead he considers you has a close friend with a lot of potential for themselves and their future.
Katsuki Bakugou who pays for your food, or brings you home made food he prepared before he left home.
Katsuki Bakugou who secretly blushes and clenches his jaw when you make a silly joke, he shoves you off acting like he’s annoyed. In reality, he is hoping you make more jokes to lighten up his day.
Katsuki Bakugou who welcomes you with open arms when you come to his house late at night, complaining how you were lonely and had a nightmare. He doesn’t a notice how much his heart is beating until he falls asleep with you cuddled against him like a koala.
Katsuki Bakugou who cries in your arms after getting kidnapped, and blaming himself for being the reason for Allmights failure.
Katsuki Bakugou who kisses you on the forehead, and on your nose after you comfort him, noticing your teary eyes after watching him break down.
Katsuki Bakugou who helps you move into your dorm room.
Katsuki Bakugou who confesses to you first. It happened during valentine’s day when you gave him homemade chocolate covered strawberry’s, with small doodles of his hero costume.
Katsuki Bakugou who keeps your relationship a secret for a few weeks, but then gets caught when his classmates see him kissing you on your lips on the couch. You both had thought everyone was gone and made their own plans.
Katsuki Bakugou who threatens anyone who tries to interfere with his relationship.
Katsuki Bakugou who isn’t a fan of PDA, but is willing to have his arm around your waist just for you. And so boys would stop eye-fucking you from a distance.
Katsuki Bakugou who has you pinned on his phone.
Katsuki Bakugou who ruins his sleep schedule, just to help you understand a problem you didn’t understand during class.
Katsuki Bakugou who lets out genuine smiles around you.
Katsuki Bakugou who has hundreds of poloroids of you and him, mainly you in his wallet, behind his phone case, and on his home bedroom walls.
Katsuki Bakugou who is annoyed when his friends tease him about how he acts around you, denying it. Only for you to walk into the room with a cheeky smile, making his annoyed expression soften.
“Bakugou. just admit it! You’re hooked towards y/n.” The blonde boy’s closest friend Kirishima coo’s, poking at his side only for Katsuki to not have a reaction towards it.
After many pokes, Katsuki gets fed up and harshly smacks away Kirishimas finger.
“Shut the fuck up! ‘m not hooked, and stay out me and my girls buisness.” Katsuki grits his teeth, turning away from his group of friends to continue doing homework.
Denki rolls his eyes, letting out an sigh. He puts his hand on his friends shoulder with a bored expression.
“That’s a lie! You were just all up on her a few hours ago in the study room!” Denki exclaims, recalling the memory of him and his friends walking in on you on Katsukis lap whilst reading a book.
This time Katsuki ignores both of his nosey friends, only rolling his eyes and solving the problems in-front of him with no problems.
The group thinks about leaving their angry headed friend alone for the day, until you step in the room with a big smile and a bag full of clothing. Eyes are on you waiting on your move as you walk towards your boyfriend who notices your presence almost immediately.
“Katsuu, what’cha doin?” You coo’ed wrapping your arms around your boyfriend who stops paying attention to his homework for once. His group of friends watching the couple in shock, and in awe. Long forgetton towards him.
“Hey sweets. ‘m doin homework, do ya need help with it?” He questions, the kiss he leaves on your cheek not being hesitantly placed.
You nodded your head. Honestly, you didn’t really need help with homework. The thought of just being around him was what really mattered to you the most.
“mhmm, can you help me now? if it’s okay with you.” You muttered, eyeing the elevator signaling to him that you wanted to go into his dorm room.
Even if it wasn’t allowed, he always made sure you would end up in his dorm room by the end of the day. He is a good boyfriend, isn’t he?
“Yeah, sure baby.” He slightly mumbled the pet name, packing up his stuff and ignoring the protests coming from his friends.
As soon as you both leave and make your way into Katsuki’s dorm room, the group begins giggling and mocking Katsukis past words.
“Oh-Oh! I’m not hooked on y/n! Lay off my relationship blah blah blah!” Mina mimicked , making the other guys laugh at her expressions.
What they didn’t know was that you both didn’t take the elevator, instead you took the stares and was able to hear his friends just before you made it to the second floor.
Katsuki was furious and embarrassed, but with a simple move that you made with holding his hand and rubbing the sole of his fist made him calm down.
“..Fuckers. Never mind them, y’want give me a haul of your clothes first before we do homework n/n?” His expression calmed down and his hand made his way to carry your bags.
Your smile increases and you begin nodding your head furiously from excitement, katsuki chuckles and kisses you on the lips before dragging you to his dorm room.
You never remembered the last time you actually spent a full night in your own dorm without sneaking out to go into Katsukis.
Katsuki Bakugou who spars with you, simply kissing you sweetly if you ever lose to him. Kissing him is better than winning anyways.
Katsuki Bakugou who gets annoyed by his mother who keeps begging him to invite you over to their home again. Mitsuki and Masaru are very excited to meet the angel who is bringing out the softness from their son.
Katsuki Bakugou who cuddles your nightmares away, having a hand tightly wrapped around your waist while the other cradles your cheek. His usually rough voice whispering sweet words into your ears, hoping it is enough to soothe away your nightmares.
Katsuki Bakugou whose life goal was to be the number 1 hero, but also has another goal in marrying you, having kids with you, and growing old with you until forever.
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the-traveling-poet · 10 months
In appreciation of hitting 200 followers, here’s another mindless Levi drabble~
Sleepy!Levi being needy, because who doesn’t love a little OOC Levi from time to time :)
By the time you’d made it to bed that evening, you were absolutely flabbergasted to see your lover already tucked in under the quilt adorning your shared bed; covers draped over his shoulders in such a way that you could only make out his raven hair poking up and splaying across the pillow behind him.
You nearly did a double take at the uncanny scene laid out before you, the urgency of slight concern creeping into the back of your mind. Was he ill? Did something happen?
The need to check up on him blended easily with the need to join him, so you hastily slipped out of your work attire and donned something more comfortable to sleep in; one of his tee shirts, of course.
Pulling back the covers gently so as not to wake him, you crept into bed and attempted to lie down near his relaxed figure. Before your head even hit the pillow, his eyes were peering up at you from under the quilt that covered every part of him from the bridge of his nose down. Staring back into his eyes in surprise, you lowered yourself down onto the pillow.
“Levi darling, is everything okay?” you whispered.
“Is now,” his raspy whisper came out muffled from the cover. “Thought I’d beat you here so I could have more time with you.”
Smiling at his answer, you shuffled closer; only to have his arm drape over your hip and tug you the rest of the way across the bed to him. Wasting no time, he wrapped the quilt across your shoulders and tucked it around the two of you. Being eye to eye with him, and only being able to see his eyes, you chuckled softly.
“Look at you, looking so needy for cuddles,” you teased him, but the both of you knew the jest was all in good fun. His eyes crinkled around the corners, a hint that he was smiling under the quilt.
“Yeah? And what if I am? What are you gonna do about that?” Came his muffled and husky reply. Despite yourself you blushed, and brought your arms up to hold onto him as tightly as he held you.
“I suppose I’ll just have to comply with my needy Captain and hold him.” You giggled.
With a sigh of contentment he closed his eyes and hummed in satisfaction, nuzzling closer to rest his forehead against your exposed collar bone. After placing a couple soft kisses to the skin there, he stilled and began to breath deeply.
Realizing he was drifting off to sleep, you smiled to yourself and rested your cheek stop his head and kissed his brow.
“Goodnight, my love~”
taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe
If you’d like to be added to the taglist for oneshots, drabbles, and headcannons, just DM me~
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ihave-atummyache · 11 months
Stray Kids Imagine
Summary: what i think the boys would call their lovers.
sfw. cute little fluffy headcannons(?)
2k words
p.s. lmk if you want a 18+ version (:
Chan- I want to be a babygirl advocate for Chan but whenever he says it, it just sounds too foreign coming out of his mouth. I think he's a simple baby, babe, sweetheart kind of guy. PROBABLY PRINCESS TOO.
You and Chan haven’t been together long. Matter of fact, you technically aren’t together at all. It’s kind of that weird you are dating but you aren’t kind of thing.
You two had started getting more and more comfortable around each other and the other day you let a term of endearment leave your lips, which was something that hadn’t happened in the relationship yet.
The two of you were on the phone and you were about to be on the way to his place to hang out.
“Yeah. I’ll text you when I’m outside. See you, baby,” you hung up before he could even process what you said. You honestly didn’t even notice you said it but you had the poor boy a flustered mess and all he could think about was how to get you back.
He thought the perfect opportunity was a few days later when he had invited you to hang out with him and Changbin in the recording studio.
"Baby, can you pass me my phone?" Chan's voice speaks up and you freeze for a moment next to Changbin. He had never called you that before but the way it slipped off his tongue so easily has butterflies in your belly.
You grab his phone and walk it over to him in his studio chair.
"Thank you, sweetheart," he presses a kiss to your hand, never taking his eyes off the computer. You smile down at him and lean down, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
You walk back over to the couch and Changbin looks over at you.
“I was so confused. I thought he was talking to me at first,” He mumbles to you and you laugh, nodding your head.
“Me too,”
Lee Know- Def calls you something annoying to get on your nerves. He would be the type to call you something that may seem nice but has an underlying jab at you. Like you had a nip slip at the beach one time and he called you peek-a-boo for the rest of the trip.
"Hi, cupcake," you feel Minho's lips on your cheek and turn to face him. You stare at him blankly for a few seconds before turning back to your laptop.
He adopted this nickname after you dropped a cupcake on his new shoes at friend’s dinner party. You had too much in your hands and the cupcake kind of just flipped, landing icing down on your boyfriend’s foot.
"Damn. Tough crowd," he mumbles and plops down next to you, making a laugh fall from your lips.
"You're ridiculous. You know that?" you ask and turn to face him, a cheesy grin on his face.
"You love me," he replies and you shake your head softly at him.
"Unfortunately," you mumble under your breath, earning yourself a poke in the ribs from your boyfriend.
Changbin- CALLS HIS S/O BUN OR BUNNY. I will die on this hill. Idk what it is about Changbin but its just so right. I'm imagining you at the gym with him and he's just like "that's it bun, there you go," akshsksls butterflies. hollon lemme write this down.
"One more. There you go, bun. You're doing great," Changbin praises you as you finish your last rep. You let the machine fall back to resting position and your entire body collapses into the seat.
Your boyfriend leans down and presses a quick kiss to your sweaty forehead. You scrunch your nose up at him, knowing that he feels your sweat on his lips.
"You're so cute. Especially when you scrunch your nose up like that. You're really living up to the nickname," he comments and you feel a blush cover your cheeks.
"Stop. You're making me shy, Binnie," you mumble and stand from the machine. He takes your place and gives your ass a soft tap.
"Binnie and his bunny. Cute," he replies instead and you fight the smile off your face as you start to stretch in front of him.
Hyunjin- I see him as a little bit possessive so like all of your nicknames are relatively normal besides him adding a "my" in front of it. My love,  my baby, my muse, my princess, my sweetheart, my angel.
You rustle a bit in bed. You can feel your boyfriend's arms wrapped tightly around your waist and the morning sun from the window is warming up your face. Your eyes slowly open and you expect to see a still sleeping Hyunjin.
Instead, you see your stunning boyfriend with his eyes already open and trained on your face. You smile and let your eyes fall back closed again.
"You're staring, Jinnie," you mumble, voice raspy from sleep and he hums in response, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
"I can't help it. You are so beautiful in the mornings, my love," his voice is deep and sleepy and you open your eyes again when he brushes a strand of hair away from your face.
"My angel," he speaks softly before leaning in to lock lips again.
Han- I'm giggling n kicking my feet rn. Jisung is SO the type to call his s/o wife or husband like fr. ALSO, I'm sorry I have to say it, he uses honey. It may not be serious usually but he for sure says it. He also definitely uses baby but I don't really see him using babe.
"I'll have to ask the wife," you hear Jisung on the phone as you enter the bedroom. You plop your purse down before making your way over to him. He leans up from the chair and you lean down, meeting in the middle and pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Ask me what?" You inquire and he spins the chair, patting his thighs. You obey and sit yourself down in his lap, wrapping an arm around his neck.
"Minho wants to know if we'll cat sit. He's going out of town this weekend," he replies. His hand that isn't holding his phone to his ear wraps around your waist, rubbing shapes into the flesh.
"Duh! I love those cats like they're my own!" You exclaim and you hear Minho laugh on the other side of the line.
"I know, honey. You heard her. Sounds like you can bring them over tomorrow," he turns his attention to Minho for a few more seconds and talks about a few things you don't really care about before he hangs up and turns his attention back to you.
"How was shopping, baby?" he asks quietly, nuzzling into your side and pulling you closer, making a giggle fall from your lips.
Felix- Felix probably gives you a custom cute nickname that he came up with just for you. Besides that, I think he would also use love, lovey, sweetheart, angel, the real cute stuff. The type of things that like send butterflies throughout your whole body.
"Hi, lovey! What's the matter?" Felix's voice sounds over the phone and you can't help the smile that absolutely takes over your face, despite your terrible mood. He is the embodiment of sunshine and just hearing his voice immediately makes your day a million times better.
"Hi, baby," you reply, you know the smile is evident in your voice but you really don't care. Everyone knows the effect that this man has on you.
"You don't sound that upset. You okay?" he has genuine concern in his voice and it's making you want to burst out into tears. It is making your feeling of missing him so much worse and better at the same time. You had texted Felix a simple "):" and not even 30 seconds later, you were getting an incoming call.
"I just miss you, Lix. That's all," you mumble out over the phone and hear him let out a sigh. You also let out a sigh before he starts talking again.
"I know, angel. But there's only two more weeks! Then I'm all yours and you're all mine," he tries to make you feel better and it does work a little bit. A small chuckle leaves your lips but a sniffle also follows. You can practically see Felix's frown at the thought of you crying.
"I love you so much, baby. It won't be long. I swear it," he promises you and you sniffle again before nodding, although he can't see you.
"I love you. I can't wait to have you in my arms again, sunshine," you reply and now it's Felix's turn to sniffle, making you sit up in the chair.
"Are you crying, Lixie?"
"I'm an empath,"
"You're a goof," you reply before you both start laughing on either side of the phone, and the world.
Seungmin- One thing about Seungmin is that I feel like he wouldn't often use nicknames around others. If he does, it is an accidental slip of the tongue and he gets embarrassed by being caught. He would probably keep it simple with baby, sweetheart, love. I could also see him using something like bub or bubby. I think he would also use princess for some reason but it would be more to tease you if you were acting extra needy.
“Yes, of course, princess. I’ll give you the world on a silver platter if you want me to, princess,” Seungmim rolls his eyes at you but stands anyways. He adjusts the blanket to the way you like it and Felix lets out a chuckle on the other couch.
“I don’t know why he’s acting like he wouldn’t actually give you the world on a silver platter if he could,” he chuckles and makes a whipping motion with his hand.
“Shut up,” Seungmin mumbles under his breath and sits back down next to you, never denying the accusation.
“What, baby? Don’t wanna deny it?” You tease, poking him in his cheek and he pulls away, scrunching his face at you.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I don’t like you that much, bub,” the nickname slips from his lips before he can stop it and he snaps his mouth shut, ears and neck immediately turning red.
“The Kim Seungmin has been caught lacking!” Felix suddenly yells and lets out a deep laugh, making you laugh as well. Seungmin pulls the blanket over his head and slouches down until he can bury his head against your stomach.
“You aren’t helping your case, ya big simp,” you tease him again and you feel his teeth latch down on your stomach, making you jump.
“Hey! No biting! You damn dog,” you scold him but you still can’t help the laugh that’s leaving your lips and Felix can’t stop laughing either. Seungmin really got caught being the biggest simp for you and Felix will make sure he never lives it down.
I.N- BABE. BABE. BABE. idc he's so babe coded. Idk if I have ever actually heard him say this before but I can imagine his voice so perfectly in my head rn saying babe. I think if he wants to be extra cute and make you blush, he would use something like lover. Just to get a rise out of you.
“Babe! Hurry up! We’ll be late!” You hear your boyfriend’s voice and try your best to finish doing your hair but it just doesn’t look right. You take it out again, frustration starting to take over.
“Y/N!” Jeongin yells from downstairs and you freeze in your spot. You don’t know the last time that he called you by your real name and it made your blood literally run cold. Your palms clam up and now it’ll be impossible to finish your hair if your hands are sweaty.
You stare at yourself in the mirror for a few more seconds until you see Jeongin out your peripheral vision, entering the bathroom.
“You look good. The car is almost here. Come on,” He has impatience laced in his voice and you feel your palms get even more sweaty.
“I-I’m trying. You’re stressing me out,” you try to defend yourself and take a deep breath. Jeongin’s face drops and he quickly walks over to you, pressing a quick kiss to your jaw.
“Is it because I’m rushing you? The company will yell at both of us if we’re late again,” he tries to reason and rubs up and down your arm soothingly. You shake your head at him.
“No, I’m used to you rushing me. You called me by my name,” you reply and a small pout forms on your lips. Jeongin’s eyebrows drop in confusion and he tilts his head at you.
“You didn’t call me babe. I don’t know the last time I heard my name leave your mouth. It feels like when you’re in trouble and your mom uses your full name,” you nod at him and a smile takes over his face.
“Mm. I’m sorry, lover. We really do have to leave though. Leave your hair down. It looks good,” he wraps his arms around you from behind and places another kiss to your neck. You feel a blush rise at the nickname and he smiles at you through the mirror.
“Okay okay. Let’s go,” you roll your eyes, knowing he only used the nickname to make you putty in his hands.
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phrandallanton · 5 months
ranfren headcannons
I've done everything but posted headcannons and a fanfiction. This won't do. Here's some headcannons of mine! All of them aren't serious so don't take them that way d(>_・ ). Feel free to ask me about any other headcannons I'll definitely give more!
• if he has any pimples on his face he definitely picks at them untill they pop
• either is really good at math or sucks at math and hates it. (No in-between)(leaning towrds sucking at math more)
• has tear stains on his homework sometimes
• he bathes everyday dispite what people think. (Luther forces him too)
• his hair gets really oily. He has tried to cook with the oil his hair produced once. Nobody ate dinner that night.
• if he's frustrated and you go to poke him he'll scream on top of his lungs, but like the scream that goes from normal yelling to banshee screeching. "stop touCHING MEEEEĚĘƏƏ!!!!"
• gets in a lot of internet arguments about things that don't matter at all ("I think you'll find it's 'whom'.")
• he'd get so mad if he ask you to hold his glasses, and you proceed to carelessly get your fingerprints all over them.
• draws with those "how to draw anime" guid books.
• if he ever took a driving test, he would have already failed the moment he opens the car door.
• loves kraft mac and cheese, double points if it's in shapes of popular marketable characters.
• now thinking of it, if he was a pasta dish he would be kraft mac and cheese.
• bites his toe nails off (gross) Luther tried to get him to stop but he probably does the same thing when no one is around.
• sneezes weirdly. Like..."ah...ah...AH CHOOwoowoowoowoo..." and shakes his head. Or if he's covering it in his elbow it'll sound like a trumpet horn.
• he can dance but it's weird.
• if you tell him a joke he'll turn it into a life lesson.
• he wins every staring contest. However if your eyes start watering he'll get worried and start begging you to blink.
• treats women (and everyone) with so much respect, but he won't hesitate to punch a women if he really has to.
• *shakes his indext finger* "no no no"
• Randal probably tried to set him up on a blind date, he didn't like that. It was very awkward to say the least.
• genuinely gets happy when there are bagels at the function.
• when asked for advice, it'll sound like he's going to say something really meaningful and life changing, but then does a complete 180. "Oh, you think your ugly? Well people will have their opinions about you and ...well... you aren't the best thing to look at. But there's worst out there ♡."
• I can see him gobbling up some cheese and broccoli.
• has a walk in closet filled with clothes and accessories he doesn't wear.
• he 100% definitely has the goofiest giggle in the planet.
• eats ice cream with his front teeth.
• I will stand by this till the day I die, he's really funny. He has a really good sense of humor. But I could also seem him not understanding jokes too. But at the same TIIIMMEE I feel like he'd be naturally funny.
• he knows lots of slang and pop culture due to watching TV a lot and probably quotes stuff in his head. (Maybe out loud if he was talking to you)
• has a lot of opinions, will never say them out loud, even when asked.
• he's the smartest out of everyone, including Luther.
• easily amused. please give him one of those little fishy nightlights. He'd enjoy looking at it so much.
• he's good at card games and Nyen doesn't like that. (Nyen has stabbed him over games of uno)
• has a really funny looking smile. (There's that one drawing in the Christmas comic where he's smiling weird after he saw Luther's reaction to the fire place tape he made for him)
• listens to death metal but then listens to a jpop song right after. ("Can't let gang know I fw this")
• good at math, sucks at reading.
• loves hearing about drama and will be nosy.(come on man he loves Judge Judy and romance novels)
• sounds like Tom from Tom and Jerry when he yells.
• he calls himself "The Tom Cat" and (canonically) "Top of the pets in the house hold" which is practically the same as "I'm the alpha" so he's probably has said that.
• sucks at card games. Will legit end up with half of the pack of cards in his hands in the middle of an uno game.
• actually the weakest of them all. (I won't go into all that right now. But I can definitely beat him up in a fight, just sayin.)
•him and Nyon probably have times where they stay up and chit chat for a bit before they sleep, Example (from my old notes I had):
Nyon high on weed:...why do we call oranges..oranges...but we don't call apples...reds..??..
Nyen:....sh*t...you got a point... does that mean we would call lemons: short yellows and bananas: long yellows so it doesn't get confusing?...
*they then discuss this for an hour or so*
• Snores really really LOUD. Sounds like a car.
• oddly very ticklish I bet.
That's all I have now. It's 2 in the morning and I'm falling asleep. I might write other characters headcannons later.
"I'm going to sleep" -bop it
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takingthefastlane · 1 year
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{ Quickshadow has Knight/bodyguard vibes no I will not be taking any criticism. }
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inmyheaddd · 1 month
ravi singh boyfriend headcannons
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a/n: omg this has been sitting in my drafts for agesss sorry 😭 need to write for ravi more he’s so bf wc: 1k taglist: @heartwithsimplenotes @anintellectualintellectual @thecircularlibrary masterlist
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your parents literally like him more than you now, and boy does he know it. 
you’d come back home to find him in your room sitting on your bed.
“oh, you’re back! was waiting for you for hours— i started to think something terribly awful happened to you.” he got up from the bed in an instant, wrapping his arm around your side and giving you a quick peck on your head.
“hi ravi, um who-“ you furrowed your brows as you looked back to your door then back at him. “who let you in?” 
“oh, your brother did.” he stated matter of factly as you both went to sit down on the bed. “then your parents asked me to stay for lunch, then your dog started playing with me, then i started to miss you so i came up to your room. it smells just like you in here.” 
one thing caught your attention. “then you started to miss me? wow, i see how it is…” you shook your head dramatically and frowned in faux disdain. 
he shot you a smile, “what can i say? the whole family likes me, it’s not my fault.” 
“well i don’t like you.” you crossed your arms over your chest. sarcastic bits like this with ravi happened constantly. 
“oh, you especially like me.” his lips turned up into a slow grin and he poked your shoulder, breaking your annoyed facade and making you laugh. 
ravi makes new nicknames for you all the time.
you were talking a walk, telling him about your day when you paused abruptly and turned away from him, ravi looking at you confusedly and raising a brow.
then you sneezed, and then you sneezed again.
“woah, bless you.” he said through a chuckle, “and bless you again.”
after you tried to resume talking only to be interrupted by a sneeze for the third time, he spoke up.
“sweetheart, you’re going to be holy by the end of the day with how many blesses you’re getting.” he bent down slightly to get a better look at your face. “are you alright?”
you sniffled slightly, “yeah i’m—“ sneeze “i’m fine.” you said as your cleared your throat.
“okay sneezy,” he said as he slung an arm around your shoulder, not caring about getting sick himself, “how about we get you home, you take some medicine while i make you some soup, and you tell me what a spectacular cook i am?” 
“but you’re a horrible cook.” you muttered with a light laugh.
“i’m sorry, what was that?” he bent down slightly with a large grin on his face, “you’re so excited and can’t wait? oh, you’re too sweet to me, sneezy. what did i ever do to deserve you?” he quipped back as kissed the top of your head, before steering you two back to walk back to your house.
he kept calling you ‘sneezy’ the rest of the night and for days after that.
“would you stop calling me that?” you asked.
he took a second before answering, putting a finger on his chin and looking up, before shrugging and simply saying, “no.”
a week later he was the sick one, (he hates being sick. “this is what i get for spending time with my beautiful, amazing, but incredibly ill girlfriend?”) and he would still call you sneezy. 
as much as you wouldn’t like to admit it, you were missing the other cuter nicknames he would call you like crazy. but to be fair sneezy did grow on you. 
his sneezes could make a deaf man hear again. 
you were both sitting in silence, focus only on the horror movie playing on the tv and his sneeze literally made you scream and jump off the couch in fear. you thought you were about to meet your end.
“oh my- ravi!” you said breathlessly as you put a hand over your heart, catching your breath.
he was an absolute laughing wreck at your reaction, and all he had to say was, “what, no bless me?” 
speaking of scaring you, his favorite ways to greet you unexpectedly is hugs from behind, telling you how much he missed you and kissing your head. 
that, or placing his hands on either your shoulders or waist, jolting you and yelling at the same time. you always know it’s him but you get nightmarishly scared every single time. there’s no in between. 
you two have a playlist together and when you’re away, he’d randomly send you a screenshot of a song on it with something along the lines of, “this song reminds me of you.”
when he has to go on a long car ride alone he sends you updates by the hour. literally.
your texts:
ravishingly handsome — Hour one, all is good. Some bastard cut me off and another nearly rear ended me, but still, all is good 👍 
you — oh my god ravi 
you — are you okay?!?!
you — pls call me when u can 
ravishingly handsome — I’m actually perfectly fine
ravishingly handsome — Felt a strong urge to curse them out and hit something, then I thought about your face and oddly enough I felt perfectly peachy, if not a little happy 😃🙂
you — no you did not 😭 possibly giggling and kicking my feet rn
you — ur emojis make me laugh out loud 
ravishingly handsome — I think I’M the one making you laugh out loud, not my emoji choices
ravishingly handsome — Also, call me any time. Always free for you.
he texts like an old man honestly, but you love it. 
he’s the type to not be on social media too much, so when you say a reference/ joke he just thinks you’re insanely funny. 
you don’t have the heart to tell him it’s not your joke.
you start to influence him though, and he has little pieces of your slang/ way of talking in his everyday talking.
obvious but, he is a proud member of the sassy man apocalypse. 
all of your parents are now best friends because you and ravi spend so much time together and are always at eachothers houses.
it’s gotten to the point when sometimes your mom texts ravi’s mom to ask you to clean your room when you get back, because you aren’t answering your phone. 
sleepovers that last days are very common occurrences. 
you’re always wearing his sweaters, and he secretly loves seeing them on you so much. 
forehead kisses are 24/7, along with interlinked hands and his thumb running circles on your knuckles.
he doesn’t believe in all that toxic masculinity BS, but when you hold his bicep when walking, his heart flutters a little.
he’s always mentioning you, and your friends harmlessly poke fun at him for the way he can’t stop smiling whenever your name is mentioned, or how he can’t stop talking about you.
you both adore the small quiet moments, like him putting a necklace he bought you on you, or running your fingers through his hair after he’s had a stressful day. 
sometimes he cuts himself off when talking to you, or forgets what he’s saying simply because he thinks you’re so gorgeous. you act annoyed and tell him to “stop that,” but the flush on your face and the way you bite back a smile says otherwise.
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haunted4kent · 5 days
" access denied " t. todoroki
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✧˚ · . 𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀 ; bf touya! headcannons >.<
a/n ; promise ill have supa cool posts coming soon i js thought this was cute for now :)
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is extremely gullible, like facebook mother gullible. “no way, that cant be real.” goes into a deep spiral how he could ever fall for whatever it was he fell for.
pokes you without poking you and when you say “stop touching me” he’ll say “i'm not touching you” ( he’d also restrain your wrists, hit you with them, and says “why you hittin yourself” 
will sit outside a coffee shop with a PUMPKIN chai gossiping about everyone who walks by like a high school bimbo. 
cringes at every romantic act he performs. tries bringing you flowers? accidentally does too much and cringes himself out. still, will laugh at himself before treating you like a princess.
LOVES to club-style dance with you. put on that club music and his hands will be BELOW THE WAIST. 
literally a middle-aged mother at heart, goes to sleep early, constantly checks up on you when you go out, does have insomnia at times, might open your eyes and find him staring at you in the abyss of your room.
 literal dreams of sitting in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with you on his knee playing a guitar. 
“my lady said no, sorry.” as an excuse anytime someone invites him out just to sit outside gossiping and smoking together. 
d1 motherfucking yapper holy moly, a cigarette and a pretty face to look at, he’ll never stop. “nono, you gotta know because it just pissed. me. off.” *cigarette drag, leg cross.* “so”
© haunted4kent 2024.
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kazuko-stuff · 7 months
Escape Room
Young Justice x reader
* there is fic in making so a headcannon would be a sneak pic and reader is Black Canary’s protege
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You were bored out of your mind since there is no training today at the cave
You didn’t have to do anymore florist work at Sherwood Florist Shop
You decided to invite the team to do an escape room at downtown, that your friend’s grandparents own
Roy being too busy doing Red Arrow stuff
You met up at the place for the escape room and most vote for horror (expect for Wally)
The game master happen to be your friend’s funny uncle
The goal of the escape is to escape and stop the demonic curse
You and the team enter the horror theme room and instantly find external clues
You managed to decide the Latin code to get one of the next clue
Robin decipher the number codes in the coffin
Megan manages to find cross that scares the demon fiends
Wally ends up getting the group trap when the group enter the next stage
Robin and Artemis tries to sacrifice him, much to Wally’s no whelmed reaction
“ Please don’t sacrifice your friend” after the game master saw this
You three weren’t feeling the aster but Superboy and M’gann did found this funny
Super boy found a mirror and reveals a message which leads to a diary
Artemis and you decided to read it and found a clue by understanding the riddle
But then the lights went out
“Umm robin stop poking me” Wally shivered
“But I’m in the front”
You all you behind Wally and saw a demonic nun actor
Wally, Conner, M’gann and Dick freak out but you were amused and Artemis is just shaking her head
Wally uses the cross decoration to ward of the actor while screaming for his life
You guys managed to get out the escape room within ten seconds
You guys decided to do this again but Robin wants to do one in Gotham with him as game master.
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jinnxedy · 9 months
Do you take requests for your writings?
If not, just ignore this...
I read one of your headcannons about Abby that says that she treats the stuff animals she gifted to her s/o like if they were their children.
One day, she comes home in a bad mood after a stressful day and takes out her anger in reader and make a comment about it.
"Stop treating them like that. They're not real"
But of course, she apologized and had a happy ending.
Take your time and take care 🫶
Hii, this is such a good request, thank you for suggesting this 💕 I hope you like it and I hope it meets your expectations!
Disclaimer: not much, just some cursing, mentions of clickers and such? Don't know If this is considered angst with happy ending, but I doubt it. English not being my first language, idk lmao I think that's it.
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Abby wasn't having it today. Everything and everyone irritated her, the patrols, clickers, Isaac being on her ass every second, could people be more annoying today?
She doesn't know what's going on with her, she couldn't talk to anyone without making a snarky, backhanded comment. Don't get her wrong, she feels so bad for it, but she doesn't have time for apologies. It's too much for her, she says.
Walking back to her shared room with you, she could feel her own body giving up. Her legs weak, head pounding, shoulders tense, jaw clenched, you get the gist.
She just wants, no, needs some rest.
As soon as she opens the door, she's met with the sight of you laying in bed, plushies all around you. You were reading one of Abby's books, and honestly they were too boring for your taste. It's not like you had other things to focus on. You had one of your favorite stuffed animals in hand, holding it for some sort of comfort. Truth is, you've missed Abby, not being able to see her all day was torture.
You diverted your gaze away from the book to Abby, a genuine smile quickly painted onto your face. Dropping the book back at the nightstand and rushing to her side, you hug her.
And listen, Abby loves your hugs, but she's had a long day. The sudden and unexpected contact made her grunt in pain, pulling back from the hug unintentionally. Her eyebrows scrunching a bit as she closed her eyes and sighed in slight annoyance.
You were hurt to say the least, she's never reacted like this to your touch, you've never seen her so hostile towards you.
"Abby... is everything okay, did I do something wrong?" Your voice soft, gentle, and careful. You were scared of getting a bad reaction out of her.
It was so weird, the way she just dismissed your question and went right to bed. You hummed quietly to yourself, almost in disbelief of this girl's behavior.
I mean, the fuck?
Abby huffed at the feeling of one of your stuffed animals poking her back as she laid down back in the bed, rolling her eyes and throwing it across the room. You stare at her wide eyed, a scolding look on your face
"What the hell was that for?" You didn't raise your voice, but you were assertive, you needed to know what was going on with her today. "Why did you throw the poor guy? He didn't deserve that" You said jokingly, hoping she knew you wanted to light the mood up a little.
Still, Abby failed to get the small joke. "Stop treating them like that. They're not real" You didn't fail to notice her bitter tone, taken aback by it.
You weren't offended by the words, after all they weren't directed towards you, but the way she spoke and treated you earlier, that made it for you.
"I don't know what the fuck's wrong with you today? You're being such an asshole to me, I didn't do anything. Apologize, talk to me, do something... anything." You sounded hurt, your face filled with worry.
Just then, Abby realized how she treated you. You didn't deserve this, what was she thinking?
She sat on the bed, thinking of what to say, only inaudible and incomprehensible apologies coming out. She was rambling, fumbling over her own words, only making her more frustrated.
You sighed and sat down beside her, putting your head on her shoulder and holding her hand, offering comfort and support. Abby took a moment before talking again, enjoying your soft touches here and there, not failing to calm her down. This is just what she needed, your soft fingers running up and down her arms and hands, you were her own personal haven.
"I'm so, so sorry. Please, forgive me" Her voice sounded meek, vulnerable, her hands looking for your own, needing you to make her feel better.
You saw the desperate look on her eyes, and you felt so bad for the poor girl.
You just held her all night, running your fingers through her hair, kissing all over her face, anything to lift her spirits up. Abby loved it, the way you caressed her, held her with such care and love, your delicate fingers tenderly grazing all over her skin.
Abby doesn't know what she would do without you, you complete her perfectly.
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starrayblogs · 2 months
I would love e to request Wukong and Reader's first kiss (I've always headcannoned Wukong as being new to love and awkward on that department lol)
aww yea, a prompt about my favorite boy!
this is so fun, i kinda agree with you on that hc because honestly– he was too busy on the journey to even indulge in that And then he's busy again trying to keep his successor form repeating his mistakes
so, i hope you enjoy this short oneshot on a first kiss with wukong! likes and reblogs are always appreciated :3
pairing: lmk sun wukong x reader (gender neutral)
will include: fluff
You and Wukong were in Flower Fruit Mountain on New Year's Eve.
After the hectic events of what happened with Spider Queen, Wukong offered to spend time at his place once he found the opportunity to sneak away MK's friends. After a while of being awed at, their attention was brought to DBK. That's when you and the Monkey King made your great escape.
"The skies in the mortal realm are always so dynamic. One minute they're just a plain regular blue, the next they're littered with colors." Wukong says as he takes a seat next to you on the ledge of some part in the mountain.
You chuckle and open the basket you asked Wukong to drop past by before leaving the city. "I'm sure you've seen plenty of skies in your time, Wukong." You poke at him before pulling out a piece of mochi and popping it in your mouth.
"Perks of being immortal, yes," he sways his head, "but it's the first sky I'm sharing with you." He follows up quietly and catches you off guard with his words.
You turn to look at him, and there's a slight tint on his cheeks. Sure, you were also flustered, but you smile nonetheless. You finished the piece of food in your mouth and chuckle nervously.
"Can't be that special." You shrug your shoulders.
"Nope!" He pops the 'p' while he shuffles closer beside you. He leans in with a grin and your cheeks can't help but get hotter with the closing distance. "It's very special." He says softly.
The genuineness in his voice relaxes your body and you lean into him as well. "I'm honored, Wukong." You tell him gently, placing your hand on top of his.
You two stay in that position for a while until you think to pull away but Wukong closes his eyes and purses his lips. You're confused for a moment and then a thought pops into your head, which you think to ask first instead of reciprocating the monkey.
"Wukong, is this your first time kissing someone?" You ask, trying to bite back a giggle.
His eyes shoot open, his tail stands straight up, and his entire face goes red to the point it reaches his ears. "What!" He exclaims, leaning slightly away from your face. "O-Of course, not! I'm the Monkey King, I have experiences that go way back! I-In fact-"
He stammers up a story, but you can feel his hand shaking underneath yours. You giggle and your head dips for a while.
When you look up, you stop laughing as your eyebrows slightly raise in surprise. Wukong was frowning and looking away from you. You sigh and shuffle into a different sitting position, where you could face him. You grab his hands and interlock it with yours as you inhale deeply.
"Sorry, that was really rude of me." You start, fiddling your thumb on his. "I just thought to ask because," you pause as you feel your cheeks flush again. "you would be my first kiss... too." You confess, glancing away so he wouldn't see your reaction.
He doesn't reply for a while until he says, "hey." He unlocks one hand to bring it to your cheek, guiding back your eyes to him. Once your eyes meet, his shoulders slack and his tail sways behind him. "There's no harm in trying." He says, caressing his thumb on your cheek.
You two lean in closer to each other. You hum, nodding your head slowly. You think for a second before softly asking, "can we try?"
"A king kissing his spouse before marriage?" He chuckles, and you quirk a brow. He chuckles. "Y-Yeah, yeah... I want to try."
You two share a smile. You lower your gaze to his lips first and tilt your head, slowly leaning in. He does the same.
Your lips connect and you both feel the pressure of each other's lips against your own. It felt nice. It felt warm and reassuring. You two pull away after a few seconds, both with widened eyes and flushed cheeks.
Wukong was the first to speak up. "Can we do that again?" He asks, his tail rapidly swaying behind him.
You nod your head and let out a squeak when he pulls you in for another kiss by his hand on your jawline. You smile and giggle into the kiss a little before kissing him back.
Your grip with his other hand tightens as the two you find each other through the kiss. Feeling the way it makes your chests warm and full of care, feeling the way it makes your hearts pound with excitement.
It's your first kiss with Sun Wukong, and his with yours. It's not perfect, but it's beautiful.
So, you kiss him again.
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bada lee fic recs (1)
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you are responsible for the content you consume‼️
✧*:·˚ hi everyone!! here is a list of all the fics that are my favs with tagged writers/authors ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ remember to like and reblog the works you enjoy in order to support each writer!! ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ however, make sure you read the information on each story themselves such as triggers & warnings ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ also, if you'd like me to remove your fic from this list, message me! ✧*:·˚
𓆩𑁍𓆪 into you by @jihyoruri bada lee x reader | y/n is apart of jam republic, bada is older than yn, fluff, one sided enemies to potential lovers, fluff, yn is lowkey insane but it’s okay
-y/n poked her tongue into the side of cheek as her gaze hardens on the tall dancer, of course she just had to be here and look the way she does, so annoyingly attractive.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 moments like this by @miyoii bada lee x fem!reader | fluff
-moments with bada are the best ones
𓆩𑁍𓆪 obvious by @jihyoruri bada lee x reader | y/n is a member of twice, everybody is out here embarrassing yn, fluff
-y/n leaned into her seat as she watched the dancers, she was so focused that she didn’t even realize monika lean over to her.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 i won't stop until that girl is mine by @gezelligs-world bada lee x jam republic!reader
-"she is just so- argh!" i said while pacing back and forth frustratedly. ling and audrey just watched me with amused expressions.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 all mine by @urlovebot bada lee x reader | smut(dumbification. throat fucking with a strap-on. EXTREMELY possessive bada. reader is a brat, bada is a brat tamer)
-“put it on for me.”
𓆩𑁍𓆪 working hard to please you by @nimxie mechanic!bada lee x reader | smut and angst
-bada saves you ass and fixes your car and then is like a whimpery mess later
𓆩𑁍𓆪 style by @mikachacha bada lee x actress!idol!reader | language, a very jealous bada and lots of steam from this one
-you and bada are always the hottest talk of the town. with your seemingly on and off relationship stirring up the internet constantly. but then what happens when you visit street woman fighter 2 to give them a challenge to choreograph your new single?
𓆩𑁍𓆪 tell your friends by @urlovebot bada lee x reader | smut(full on. cunnilingus. strap/harness. possessive bada hitting it from the back)
-the universe really had it out for you today.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 garden kisses by @urlovebot bada lee x reader | friends to lovers. a bit of angst in the beginning. cunnilingus. jealous bada. bada is bad at communicating feelings. some texts thrown in there. possessive bada. pussy drunk bada.
-"how do i look?’
“just fine?”
“what do you want me to say?”
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𓆩𑁍𓆪 headcannons by @maraudersmyloves bada lee× fem idol reader
-their relationship would be like off and in front of the camera
𓆩𑁍𓆪 trophy by @scarletaqua g!p!bada lee x jam republic!reader
-“i’m so nervous. everyone is so intimidating”
𓆩𑁍𓆪 loving in secret by @badasgirlfriend bada lee x fem!reader
-y/n was holding bada's hand as they were watching their teams group evaluation. bada had told her she had nothing to worry about but she still cared, despite trying to put up a tough front.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 "oh hush, bada lee" by @nimxie bada lee x idol!reader
-being an idol means always being busy, but everyone always has time for surprises
𓆩𑁍𓆪 i'm sorry that i hurt you by @gezelligs-world bada lee x jam republic!reader
-"why does y/n's team suddenly become viral?" mina myoung said while looking at the performance on her phone, along with her crew members.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 winner takes it all by @badagf bada lee x swf2!f!reader | SMUT!! it’s intense + not for the faint hearted. you’re responsible for what you read
-it all comes down to this: bada’s just won street woman fighter, and needs someone to celebrate with
𓆩𑁍𓆪 hope we make it to the cloud by @dallaji bada lee x idol!reader | eventual smut, bada is 100% a giver and not a receiver in this jsyk (it makes sense in context), hinted voyeurism
-amidst an identity crisis, you try to adequately prepare for your solo comeback. the lyrics have already been perfected, the song recorded and the visuals pinpointed. however, your creative team is not fully convinced by the choreography you came up with. they decide to send over one bada lee to help you finetune your jumbled ideas and bring harmony to your vision. you just have one specific request: the routine must include a trampoline.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 wallflower by @sydnerss bada lee x reader | 18+ (MDNI), language, penetration, bottom!reader, top!bada, idol!reader good girl gone bad type beat, reader is a lowkey slut?
-you’ve always been such a cutesy person. you’re tired of it.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 bada brabble by @lexpupz g!pbada lee x reader | pure filth, dom!bada, G!P BADA (sorry to all the g!p haters), facefucking, sweaty sex, very very lowkey dubcon, spitting (also just a tiny bit), facials, bdsm, slapping, bruises and overall marking, dacryphilia, bondage
-i dont care how smiley she always gets i did NOT come here to fuck around.
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𓆩𑁍𓆪 bada drabble by @fanfiction4sooya bada lee x reader
-I think she would be the protective type.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 bada fic by @dallaji bada lee x idol!reader | established relationship, porn without plot, once again giver!bada, filming (consensually)
-living alone wasn’t so bad.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 forever yours by @ssivinee bebe!bada lee x dancer!fem reader
-you and bada were quite a well-known duo within the dance world. you two grew up together and have been inseparable ever since, but as you drifted apart, you met again on street woman fighter 2.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 black and white by @bountycancelled bada lee x fem!reader | jealous! bada(she lowkey gives possesive alpha vibes in this and im sorry, but its still hot cuz its her), kind of smut? like they don't smash but close enough, HOWL
-"how do I look?"
𓆩𑁍𓆪 takeout (on me) by @urlovebot gf!bada lee x reader | pussy whipped bada lee taking you in several different positions. cannot get enough of the noises you make and how good she makes you feel. good god.
-your back arched as bada's hands ran down your sides, stopping to squeeze at your waist.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 water by @urlovebot bada lee x reader | bath time with bada. aftercare but bada is h word on main still. smut(fingering, praise, soft dom!bada)
-"-fuck" you try and stretch out your legs but to no avail. you might die in this position.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 kissin' and hope they caught us by @urlovebot bada lee x reader
-reader gets into their head alot, but bada is always there to reassure you
𓆩𑁍𓆪 bada as your tall sexy dancer gf by @urlovebot bada lee x reader
𓆩𑁍𓆪 smut headcannons by @urlovebot bada lee x reader
-experiment bada and innocent reader where bada start trying out what kind of kinks turn on reader
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𓆩𑁍𓆪 smut drabble by @westwoodsvivi bada lee x reader | smut (consensual somnophilia)
-like, bada just returned from a extremely busy day and she’s really wanting some hugs and kisses from you but she finds you in a deep sleep at your shared apartment’s couch.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 nasty thoughts hour by @westwoodsvivi bada lee x reader | smut
𓆩𑁍𓆪 ocean eyes pt:1 by @currentfications bada lee x producer!reader | swearing
-you’re the newest member to jam republic agency’s south korean branch, starting next week as a music producer. you’ve arrived a few weeks in advance to settle into the area, and was advised by the agency to stop by justjerk to greet another fellow member, famous choreographer bada lee.
𓆩𑁍𓆪 drunk and possessive pt:2 by @sydnerss drunk!top!bada lee x bottom!reader | 18+ (MDNI), language, lowercase intended, oral sex, fingering, car sex, praise, fluff ending, implied round 2
-bada shows you that you’re hers
𓆩𑁍𓆪 even the sun hides by @sydnerss bada lee x reader | pure fluff, upset bada, lowercase intended
-bada was having a bad day so you took care of her
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