#{ Ren Fleur tag pending. }
promiscxous · 2 months
@wizardshotel asked: The werewolf was never particularly a fan of humans... or other supernatural creatures.... or anyone really. The perfect stereotype of 'lone wolf,' that is until you take in to account the fierce love he had for his family.... and all things that were small and cute. Leave it to him to have nursed an injured rabbit back to health — and he was currently rereleasing it within the hotel's garden where it lived.
Ears twitched as he heard someone approaching, snarl forming on his lips as he whipped his head back towards the direction it was coming from. Koui... he hadn't spoken to him yet personally, in fact— he made it a point to avoid him. He was too much... social for Ren's taste. The rabbit unfortunately still in Ren's hands, though. He'd been caught in the middle of this particularly soft act— and now he needed to cover it somehow.
The second the creature hopped out of his hands and into the bushes nearby, the werewolf raised to his full 7 foot height to glare down at the other. "You didn't see shit. Don't say a word. Don't talk to anyone about this." / REN ||
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♡ — TEASING ONLY CAME NATURALLY FOR SOMEONE LIKE KOUI, especially when he managed to stumble upon something so... out of character for someone like Ren (or at least out of character for what many believed him to be like). Always acting as if he's so tough and cruel around the others within The Hotel, only for him to actually turn out to be someone with a big heart and gentle touch. That thought alone was enough to bring a rather mischievous looking smile to his face, slowly talking a few steps towards the werewolf until the two of them were only a few inches apart, lips parting as if he were going to say something to the other — at least until Ren stood up.
♡ — The large male's body completely towering over the blonde's, MANAGING TO PULL A SOMEWHAT STARTLED GASP FROM SLIGHTLY PARTED LIPS — uranian irises peering upward through strands of soft gold, slowly traveling over the expanse of Ren's body (quietly admiring the shape his muscles took against the fabric of his clothing) — prompting for the smaller male to lick his lips and avert his gaze away, after all... he hadn't come here to stare at Ren and all of his masculine glory (but that didn't stop the bright shade of color from taking over his features), even if he really wanted to. Curse his clear attraction to abnormally large men! Hence why he was going to do his best to address the other's demands to the best of his ability, "I certainly saw something going on here between you and that sweet little bunny. Do you handle all delicate creatures that way~? That bunny certainly is a lucky one indeed."
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♡ — "Oh, but what are you going to do about me telling people about this little situation, hm~? Are you going to make hollow threats like most of the people I've met or do you intend to follow through and if so... what exactly are you going to do to me?" HIS QUESTIONS DON'T SEEM TO REALLY IMPLY ANYTHING IN THE BEGINNING, but as he continues to speak, it's made clear just exactly where he's headed with all of this. "Are you going to yell at me? Perhaps pin me against something~? Maybe even bite me~? After all, it certainly wouldn't be very hard for someone like you to have their way with someone like me."
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♡ — Gaze once more lifts to stare the other directly in the eyes, THOUGH IT'S ONLY FOR A MOMENT BEFORE LARGE WHITE WINGS TRACED WITH PURPLE FEATHERS SPROUT FROM WITHIN HIS BACK (MAKING ONE SINGULAR FLAP TO LIFT HIM OFF OF THE GROUND SO HE WAS NOW ON THE SAME LEVEL AS REN), but he doesn't remain in front of the other... instead he flutters behind him; arms draping over the werewolf's shoulders as he leans his body against his, lowering his face just enough to be within the range of Ren's ear. "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to take all your aggression out on me, Wolfie. I can't say that I've been fucked by a werewolf as big as you are, so it would certainly be a new experience. We can make like little red and the big bad wolf, you can go ahead a devour me whole~." Words spoken in nothing more than a breathy moan before he gently bites down onto the tip of Ren's ear.
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