#{ May the wind carry our stories. } drabble
steel--fairy · 8 months
drabble -- mermaid au part 5
on ao3. this is actually the last bit i have written for the mer au. so. may be a while until there's any more. also, more rambly notes for once at the end of this post : )
“So, how do mer keep Pokemon around? If you even do. I shouldn’t presume anything.”
Steven hummed as they headed deeper into Shoal Cave. While Darius was needed to allow Steven to get around, it did have the unfortunate side effect of scaring off most other Pokemon. His dear Swampert cut an intimidating figure, even if he was as friendly as could be. Wallace had seen a few Snorunt hiding as they made their way through. Not great, but Spheal were notoriously friendly. It was likely they wouldn’t run whenever they found a herd.
“As friends, you mean?”
“Yes, exactly.”
“Two just decide to be friends and stick to each other’s side.”
Not very exciting, but to be expected given Steven had never seen a Poke Ball before.
“That’s how it was for most of our history as well. Then Poke Balls came along, and you could suddenly have Pokemon anywhere you went, as well as far more than the previous norm of only one or two.”
Steven paused at that. “More than one or two? How many do you have?”
Wallace beamed, more than eager to boast about his darlings. “Five! Darius, of course, plus Elizabeth, Victoria, Alexander, and Theresa! A Luvdisc, Milotic, Gyarados, and Tentacruel,” he added when Steven started to look slightly confused at the list of names.
However, Wallace’s explanation turned that confusion into alarm.
“A Gyarados?” he yelped, nearly falling off of Darius. His voice had gone up several octaves. “You just… carry a Gyarados around in your pocket?”
Wallace tried not to grimace. Gyarados were feared by humans, and it only made sense for them to be just as feared by mer. Perhaps even more so by mer considering that water was the domain of Gyarados as opposed to the land.
“He’s a sweetheart,” Wallace assured Steven. Darius nodded along. Steven didn’t look particularly reassured, but his tail stopped twitching nervously. “And I’m not going to be bringing him out, so there’s no need to worry.”
That finally seemed to calm Steven down.
“How about you?” Wallace asked, trying to quickly change the subject. “Have you befriended any Pokemon?”
“I have!” For all their differences in biology, it was good to know their species had something in common. No one, human or mer, could resist the friendship of Pokemon. “He didn’t come with me today because I needed to meet up with a human and he’s shy, but Anorith and I usually go everywhere together.”
Wallace paused midstep. “An Anorith?” he asked, completely baffled.
“Yes!” The fondness in Steven’s voice was familiar. “He’s got the cutest little claws and teeth!”
“No, I mean—” How should Wallace phrase this? He couldn’t just say ‘Steven, your friend should be dead.’ “How did you two meet?”
Steven’s explanation was not much of an explanation. He’d dived deep into a cave and found a large troupe of Anorith and its evolution, Armaldo. This was interspersed with long winded details about the cave’s mineral make up and how it compared to other caves Steven had visited. Wallace had to pay close attention to figure out any concrete details.
Wallace could only assume this troupe had somehow survived everything that had killed the rest of its species over the millennia. Perhaps living deep in some unknown cave had helped. It wasn’t unheard of—Relicanth had a similar story. More than that, it sounded like these Anorith retained their speculated Water type as opposed to the Rock type that came with fossil revitalization. How interesting. Maybe if Wallace could get Steven on track, he could learn more about this cave and where it was.
just some stuff on the pokemon i picked for steven. i wanted to give him someone from his team, but none of them are really water-based. relicanth was a choice, but i didn't really vibe with it? armaldo and cradily however are implied to have been water dwelling before they died out and possibly had the water type instead of the rock type so one of them seemed like the best fit. makes anorith bug/water instead of bug/rock, meaning this steven isn't really a type specialist but oh well. also, i'm doing a playthrough of alpha sapphire right now and am using an anorith and that's my buggy boy : )
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kapisola · 4 years
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Yukaine is in a great place in his life. He is happy. He has grown confident: letting his horns finally peak out from his hair and the skin beneath this glamour show. He says he has found his place in life...
She couldn’t ruin that for him—couldn’t risk him falling in reverse and into a standstill by...overreacting to a situation that had already been fixed.
Besides...the truth about her and Hades...the prospect of it getting out no longer upset her. Or---she was too tired and worn about the situation to be so any longer.
It is Lyall’s confession that he had betrayed her in order to help the Underworld. It is Yukaine’s confession that he had willingly spread the story of her rape in to win a throne.
She understood that their actions had come from good intentions.....but to these boys she had mothered and raised---she had become nothing more than collateral damage for their goals.
Allisae sat at her vanity and stared into the mirror, brushing her fingers over where she had felt those extra eyes grow before. There was no stigma she held against the Underworld. And at first she had though that, maybe, occasionally having a second or third pair of eyes made her look more like Yukaine’s mother...
But Lyall coming to her...she had realized that she hadn’t chosen that. She hadn’t asked to have white hair or have her tree planted where it was. She didn’t ask for the scars that were reappearing on her body. 
Allisae had little problem with the fact that she had any of those things. It’s that, currently, all she could see in the mirror was a collection of things that had been done to her. Not of her own will. Out of her control.
Perhaps she would not feel so broken if it had only been Lyall. Lyall had believed he was left behind. Abandoned. Forgotten. But Yukaine...after everything...? 
Even to her own son, her suffering had simply become a means to an end...
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dearlawdimasimp · 2 years
heylo- Im sick and need comfort- have this short drabble/hc of the MK system + Khonshu taking care of reader when they're sick💞
if you saw typos, no you didn't :>
HC/drabble of MK system + Khonshu taking care of reader
when they notice the signs they would immediately stop you from whatever you are doing and gently pull you to the bed. 
no matter your protests they're not letting you off easy
work? call in sick
classes? fuck it, you're sick no class works for the day
it's a rest day for you and a day for them to take care of you so lay down and let them smother you with lots of love and care-
while also being careful, you told them, you didn't want them to get sick too bc of you
Steven would brew you up some tea but if you don't like it he'll cook you up some hot soup. 
"Here you go love- careful! It's hot."
He would stay by your side as you drink/eat, hell he would feed you your soup if you dont have the energy to do so and he is going to be patient with you.
"Say Raaaa~ There you go! It's good innit? God I hope it is-"
You stop him with a gentle hand and hoarsely reassure him that it was good. He would smile at your words and continue feeding you until you feel full. 
Once you're fed, he would lay down beside you(they're stubborn and would not care if they get sick- "We're Khonshu's Avatar, we don't get sick" - Jake) and keep you warm around his arms. He'll tell you stories from the Egyptian myth to help you relax and help you to fall asleep, he would mindlessly caress your hair as you lay your head on his chest while being curled up beside him.
Marc will keep on checking your temperature from time to time, and when you'll be drinking your medication next-
"This fever is stupidly stubborn babe, but don't worry,"  -kisses your forehead- "You'll heal from this, yeah? You'll have to drink your meds onnn…" he glances at the clock, " oh- two hours later. For now, rest those pretty eyes, baby."
- and Jake will make sure you're hydrated,
"Mi amor, wake up.." He would softly coax you out of your slumber, "Here's your water, querido." He'll make you sit up properly and carefully puts the glass on your mouth and gently tilting it, you would at first complain and tell him you got it, you're not completely helpless while in this state but he'll just give you a stern yet loving glare and say-
"You're sick- I know you can still move your arms and '' - he would mumble some Spanish giberrish- " but you're my- our amor, we'll make sure you'll get well from this lo mas pronto. And for that to happen, you'll have to be as stress-free as possible. So.. if you ever need to pee, just say the word and I won't hesitate to carry you to the bathroom, hm, mi tesoro?"
Khonshu would even not let a single cold London wind into the flat to make sure you won't get cold. You would notice this and as much as you could muster from your sleepy state, you'd thank the god with a soft whisper to the empty space. He may not be seen from your human eyes but you can feel his presence.
Khonshu will mutter under his breath, "It is no problem, my star. Get well soon."
lo mas pronto - As soon as possible
mi tesoro - my treasure
if the Spanish is wrong, I am so sorry i just translated that from internet
hope y'all enjoyed that ajhshshshs take care and have a good day /night!!💞💞
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saabbi · 3 years
Regret part 8
Genshin Impact Adeptus!au
warnings: -
notes: I definitely did NOT forget tumblr and posted this chapter on all other platforms except here. ao3 series link
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A wave of nausea hits you, as you sit up with a throbbing headache. Your pounding head feels like it’s about to crack open, and the bumpy searide is definitely not helping, disrupting you from your much needed rest.
Knock knock. You dragged your body to the door, opening it to find a crew member greeting you.
“Hey! Our crew has prepared some meals, the captain asked if you’d like to sit with us to eat as well?”
“It’s fine, I don’t-” rumble , your stomach rumbles like the storms in Inazuma. Oh, how embarrassed you are.
“Oh my, you must be starving! Come on out! It should be ready!” they drag you out, seating you by the round table with several dishes already served.
Adepti don’t need sustenance , you remember what Xiao always said. Which is, or was , true, as you never felt the need to consume food, eating was only an act to satisfy your own taste buds, not that you ate much except for occasional snacks Childe brings you. But archons do you finally understand the word famished .
The Crux’s crew members are all amiable towards you and lively; filling your bowl with rice to the brim, keeps on adding more meat and vegetables to your bowl after seeing you wolf down the food given like you haven’t eaten for days- you couldn’t even thank them fast enough with your mouth full. The captain, boisterous and energetic, would tell you stories of the crew’s sea journeys while you devoured the dishes. It’s the first time we’ve had a Snezhnayan onboard , she told you with her crew’s eyes sparkling and nodding in agreement.
“So...you’re what they call the harbingers, right? From the Fatui-gang thing? Why are you heading to Liyue?” The captain nonchalantly asked you, causing your hands to freeze on the spot.
Swallowing the mouthful of rice and putting down your chopsticks, you lowered your voice, “Um, I was one, until recently. For now I suppose I’m… meeting up with old friends back in Liyue.” You awkwardly rubbed your neck. The harbinger title may once mean everything to you, but not anymore.
“Oh... is that so?” Beidou sensed stiffness from you, deciding not to press any further, “well, starting off fresh doesn't always mean it’s bad, and meeting up with good old friends huh? That is quite nice, must be looking forward to it, huh?”
“Yes...i-it is quite nice…” Beidou chuckles at your slightly flustered response and lightly ruffles your hair, then continues to stuff your bowl with even more food to make sure you eat enough. She said that you looked pale and sickly, urging you to gobble down more food, with you unable to protest with your mouth full.
You’re definitely less agile compared to before. Your body doesn’t feel as light, no longer able to reach high grounds with a simple jump. Your sword is also a lot heavier than it was, or maybe you just lost strength.
“The clean strikes and experience hidden in the stance...impressive indeed, gozaru. ” a uniquely dressed crewmate who saw you practicing your swings clap at your demonstration. You remember Beidou calling him Kazuha, he seems to be impressed at your skills which are aged like fine wine. Your swings are less powerful and slower than before, but you still have your swordsmanship skills and techniques embedded in you.
“Yet you seem a bit… preoccupied. Is there something on your mind?”
You put your blade aside and lean on the railing of the ship, aimlessly tracing the waves that seem to chase after the ship, “I’m not sure what to say when I see him again.”
What should you say when you see Zhongli? Long time no see? I was fired by the Tsarista herself, so I came back? Everything just sounds incredibly wrong.
“There’s a lot of things I want to say, but I also don’t know what to tell him.”
The tingling excitement in you clashes with the anxiousness, uncertain of how to face Zhongli. You were once an adeptus of Liyue, then the twelve harbinger of the Fatui, and now… you lost both titles. You even lost your adeptal powers, could you even consider yourself an adeptus now? How would Zhongli respond when he hears all of this? You sigh, wishing the ship would give you more time for mental preparation before reaching Liyue.
“I’m sure that your feelings, just like the wind, will surely properly reach them. What’s important is that you convey them before everything’s too late.” Kazuha gazes distantly into the ocean. You overlook the lingering loneliness in his last sentence, deciding you’re not in the position to pry into it and put your focus onto the gentle rocking of the sea instead.
Zhongli paces back and forth continuously by the harbour, rubbing his fingers apprehensively with a stern expression on his face which made even Hutao, who was passing by the harbour, not dare to sneak up and pull a prank on him.
Zhongli, usually a calm and reserved man, well liked by people, now shooting up and flinching at the slightest noise of a ship’s horn and looking around with uneasiness, seemingly searching for something, received confused looks from passersby.
Zhongli, who received a letter not long ago, delivered in a hurry by one of Childe’s subordinates, spit his pu-erh tea out when he read the contents. The letter was short, with messy and almost unreadable handwriting which seemed to be written in a rush, and only included a very brief idea of what happened in Snezhnaya, something about you getting exiled and hurt, now returning to Liyue on Crux, telling him to wait at the harbour for Crux and to get you home safe.
That letter gave him no further useful information at all on your safety, or whatever craziness happened to you, which nowhere reassures him. He fumbles with the letter until it’s all crumbled and wrinkly, as if it would speed up Crux’s arrival.
The blast of a ship’s horn grabs his attention, eyes widen at the long awaited sight of the majestic ship.
Zhongli spots you effortlessly among the crewmates, mouth slightly parting as his golden amber eyes lock onto yours. You watch as his ponytail dances freely in the wind, his diamond pupils containing mixed swirls of emotions.
Suddenly, you feel like a guilty child who secretly ate candy before dinnertime and turned your head away at lightning speed as you waited for Beidou to park her ship by the docks.
“Excuse me.” Zhongli hurriedly makes his way to where you are, scuffling across the harbour and pushing the offboarding crewmates aside. He needs to confirm that you’re okay. He halts just before the boarding plank, your figure located at the other end of it, standing slightly above him. A wave of intense relief rushed up his head making his vision spin for a second. You’re alright, you’re safe.
“Zhongli,” the worries you held dissipate upon the presence of him, your quiet voice reaching his ears without getting carried away by the wind.
Time is never enough, everytime he sees you, he is reminded of this saying. Never enough time to make amendments, never enough time to love his children and his people the way they deserved it. Time is never enough, but for you, he’ll always make time, as long as he still has the chance to do so, as long as you’re still here, alive and well.
Zhongli is not a man of many desires. The waves brought you back to Liyue, to him. What more to that would he ask for? He has all the time for you.
“I’m back, Morax.” You muster up the courage and break the silence, your words concise and firm. Morax, the name you liked most, also the one you’re most familiar with. You take a step forward, so does he.
“Yes, my child,”A soft smile gently spreads across Zhongli’s face, one that radiates warmth and relief. “Welcome back.”
Zhongli takes another step, his arm reaching out to you and the gloved palms spread open right before you, awaiting.
“Let’s go home.”
This time, without reluctance, you respond by taking up his offered hand.
You’re home.
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for extra info/drabbles on this series: #adeptus reader asks please feel free to send some asks as well :)
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dreamrecorder · 4 years
Until then, we will find each other again. <||>
fluff & angst drabble, reincarnation au, modern au
| Xiao x Reader | Diluc x Reader |
Note: I'm sorry that I can't put the cut thingy bcos im writing in mobile. Once I get ahold of my laptop I'll put the cut thingy. Happy reading^^ i swear these were supposed to be short but welp
Notes: Immortal companion* - Just think of someone immortal from the game. This is also a different take from Venti's and Zhongli's because I honestly think Xiao is so done with immortality and its consequences.
Suicide implicitly mentioned.**
Xiao is mourning for the passing of his immortal companion*, making him the last immortal to walk the world. Now, it is he, who last remains from a time of gods and monsters. Each passing of a mutual, he witnessed. They deemed it was their time to move on, for humanity has succeeded to bring fate into their own two hands. The world no longer needed them.
Xiao has already suffered loss way before the Archon War. Yet, he never expressed the emotion of grief for he needed to be strong lest the world will eat him alive. However, this passing made his heart of glass, chip a little, then shattering the whole thing altogether. Or perhaps, it was already chipped away and too fragile because of the losses that has culminated in his immortal life.
Now, he lays on the roof of a building of what used to be Wangshu Inn. He was trying hard not to break down again. By doing so, he merely cursed fate over and over again. Yet, to no avail, the man exploded in tears once more, too tired from all the pain and loss suffered from millenias.
Then... there's you. You who uttered the words, "Until then, we will find each other again."
With all sincerity he can muster, he wanted to believe those words. He wanted to believe in you. That's why he stayed. Yet... the pain he feels heavily overweighs his faith in you.
He just wants to... end it all.
"I just want to disappear..."
No one heard him utter those words, only the wind. And the wind- just as once the Anemo Archon had said, carries the words one thinks no one can hear.
It came like a whisper, yet loud and clear. Then all of a sudden, the memories of your previous life flashed before your eyes. You dropped the book you were holding and held your temples at the incoming migraine.
"Are you alright?" You friends asked in worry, looking for any visible signs of pain aside from your clenched eyes and your frowning expression.
You could only groan as a reply and your friends waited for you to take your time to recollect yourself.
Who... Whose voice? You knew this voice... But who?
You finally removed your hands and opened your eyes.
"I- I have to go... Go without me." Was all you said before leaving your friends in the dust who looked at your way with confusion.
Who? Many questions riddled your mind. And with all these unanswered, worry and anxiety grew in your heart. Tears began to swell in your eyes, worsening your headache.
This is not about you! You have to look for... something! Someone! Just-
"Dear gods, please please don't you dare fucking take him..."
You sprinted around the area, following and listening to that now faint whisper under the night. The whispers only became clearer and louder when you approached a building which used to be an inn.
The moment you stepped foot within the building, the lone whisper became mixed with more words which did not lift your heart.
With pure adrenaline, you opted to use the stairs instead of the damn elevator. You have finally reached the door leading to the rooftop, and at that point, the whispers became screams. However, when your hand grasped the handle, the voice in the wind stopped. You opened the door at full to be met by the back of the man who stands at the railing.
At the call of his name by a familiar voice, his head whipped to its direction. But he shall not be fooled.
"You... you're not real."
The words along with lifeless eyes stabbed you.
"It's me, Xiao! Y/n! Don't do this! I'm sorry I took so long! But I'm here now! Just as I had promised!"
Your heart was beating against your ribcage. You had to prove you were real. But how?
"You're just an illusion made by my heart."
"Xiao, please! Fuck I'm really sorry! But please you don't have to do this... I... I remember everything, Xiao... All those times we battled in the war. Those times we shared almond tofu. The times we smiled, cried, laughed, and fought...
I remember everything..."
For each word you uttered, you grew confident in your memories. For each word, you took a step closer. For each word, you saw life coming back to the man you love.
"So please... Come back..."
At the final word, you released all your sincerity, genuity, and adoration for him. And finally, your hands took purchase in his (while trying so hard not to shed any tear for his sake).
"It's me."
You beamed at him and finally, Xiao's eyes were now shining in clarity, and of course, life and love.
Diluc has been reincarnated many times, yet still has not found you. Through his reincarnated forms, he alternated between travelling and staying in Mondstadt. The former done in order to find you. The latter done in the chance you would find him there.
For the first time in his many lifetimes, his current form surprised him. When he reached 'sixteen', his memories resurfaced and the realization sank in. His appearance ended just as how he looked in his first ever lifetime. The only difference was the length of his hair. He even ended up being reincarnated in the Ragnvindr Family along with inheriting the winery business.
To put it bluntly, walking within the old yet maintained Ragnvindr Mansion was a memory lane. However, the moment of reminiscence only gave him a heavy heart, for within these halls used to be filled with your laughter.
In this very same spot where he currently stands, is where you uttered your last words.
"Until then, we will find each other again."
Walking aimlessly around the mansion, he thinks about those long, long years without you. Must be fate so cruel? Making him search far and wide, when in the end fate does not want you to return to him? The man clenched his fists, and in anger, punched the nearby wall.
He expected a bursting kind of pain to come, yet what came was a dull throb on his knuckles. Yet this is not only what he had not expected. He did not expect for the wall to respond with a resounding hollowness.
A hidden corridor? Room? When had the family installed this?
Curiosity held him and began kicking the hollow wall without hesitation. What secrets does it hide from all these years, he shall know. Once the wall opened up for him to fit, he entered with a lit phone in hand at extreme brightness.
Again, what he saw, he had not expected. What he saw both filled and emptied his heart simultaneously. What he saw was a painting of you and him, together in a moment of shared happiness.
"Dilu-" His mother called which snapped out of his trance. His head snapped at her direction and saw her eyes fill with solemness.
"I didn't mean to-"
His mother hushed him with a gentle smile and entered the room to stand alongside him.
"You know," his mother began, "I always believed in the fantasy that had been once in our world. Lord Barbatos, the other Archons, the Twins that saved our world, Visions, and... reincarnation. I always believed in them.
The moment I saw your features when you were born, I knew you were the reincarnation of the Uncrowned King of Mondstadt... So I named you after him because I knew your memories would resurface someday. I knew the day would come when my son will no longer be my son. Because when that day comes, all I would see in your eyes is a long unspoken wisdom and pain that will replace your innocence free from battles and war."
Diluc was surprised, yet kept his emotions to himself. He understood what his mother was pointing at. "Is... Is this why this picture is hidden?"
His mother nodded solemnly. "Perhaps, I was afraid and scared about when the day I spoke of will take place. That's why I ordered this painting be hidden. I knew this painting of you and Lady Y/n will unlock your memories sooner, but I didn't want that."
For once in his lifetimes, his heart softened with love. The kind of love that assures you that someone cares for you. Never in his reincarnated lifetimes, had he experienced this feeling. All those years, he was just... lost in the feelings and thoughts of not being with you.
The man stepped towards his mother with hesitation to which he instantly erased. He hugged his mother with a soft spoken voice saying these words.
"I will always be your son and you will always be my mother. That will never change. I may be 'older' than you, but please do remember that I would not have grown to who am I today without your guidance. For that, I deeply thank you for taking care of me...
I love you, Mom."
With his words, his mother burst into light tears accompanied by a smile. "Don't make me cry, I'm going to wrinkle." Diluc laughed at the comment. After a loving moment, the two separated yet his mother still held onto his arms.
"You've grown so much... I guess little birds do leave the nest someday."
"It wouldn't be possible without you."
His mother looked at him with a proud gaze, "Go. Find her. If memory serves right, I might have seen someone like her dwell everyday in the local library."
The man released his breath he never knew he was holding. Diluc hugged his mom again with a peck on her cheek. He then let go and began to exit the room with haste.
"Once I come home, I will tell you everything. Venti, Morax, the Twin Travelers, the Archons, and Visions. I will tell you everything."
With a rush, Diluc was now out of sight. Yet, the Madam Ragnvindr was not saddened. Her heart swelled for her son whose eyes are finally, once more lit with happiness. However, who's Venti?
A/n: welp truth be told diluc's story took an unexpected turn lol. It's either I'm going to leave this like that or continue it. Take your pick by commenting because I'm actually fine with either options haha happy reading <3
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klarolinelibrary · 3 years
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Hi KC Readers,
We have reached the end of the week which means we have new weekly releases for you! The stories below were updated during the week of May 1st - May 7th.
Happy Reading!
Gods on High
Author: slstmaraudersjple
Rating: K+
Length: 1,257
Summary: "In ancient times, they called her Hera. But when she was born, she was named Caroline." Greek mythology AU featuring Klaus and Caroline as Zeus and Hera.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (Chapter 23)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: 91,722
Summary: The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try. 
Date of update: May 2 2021
Cinderella's Beast (Chapter 15)
Author: Sci-fi Christian
Rating: T
Length: 59,065
Summary: He was a beast. An arrogant beast who carried his comments a little too far one day. Now, he may just discover that she is not what she seems. She's a Cinderella in disguise and his heart is the glass slipper she may leave behind. 
Date of update: May 2 2021
Fortitude (Chapter 8)
Author: G.M.Portraepic
Rating: M
Length: 15,256
Summary: Post TO 5x13: Even in his death, the key to Klaus Mikaelson having everything he has ever wanted, all at once, lies buried somewhere in the world. Can Caroline Forbes find it?
Date of update: May 5 2021
Without Pause Without Doubt
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: M
Length: 3,679
Summary: 4x16, au. Part 9. Klaroline vs Damon.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Between Reality and Madness
Author: Eliliyah
Rating: G
Length: 8,395
Summary: When Caroline Forbes, Hogwart's resident Potions Mistress, is bitten by a werewolf, her father, the Minister of Magic, immediately orders she be taken away and imprisoned in a so-called "Rehabilitation Facility," mysterious camps from which no wolf has ever returned. Dodging curses, she runs for her life. Her only chance is to find the one person who seems to know a thing or two about wolves: Headmaster Klaus Mikaelson.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Our Time Now (Chapter 2)
Author: perfectpro
Rating: M
Length: 23,970
Summary: Caroline is going to spend her senior year getting into the law school of her choice, leading the cheerleading squad to a nationals title, and passing her sorority presidency to someone who will continue a legacy of excellence. She doesn't have time to take a bubble bath, much less to figure out what's happening with her relationship with Klaus. Not that it's much of a relationship to begin with.
Date of update: May 1 2021
no goodbyes (Chapter 11)
Author: deadofwrite (dead_of_write)
Rating: E
Length: 78,975
Summary: “Last night shouldn’t have happened,” Caroline whispered. Guilt. Shame. Regret. It was all the emotions he feared. And it was written all over her face. aka. a college/cheating au
Date of update: May 1 2021
All You Never Say (Chapter 6)
Author: misssophiachase
Rating: T
Length: 18,967
Summary: One wedding involving a best man and maid of honour who've grown up together but don't know quite how to reconcile their unresolved feelings.
Date of update: May 2 2021
A smutty anniversary (Chapter 8)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: E
Length: 5,414
Summary: Caroline and Klaus celebrate 3 months together with a day full of smut.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Darkness Becomes Thee (Chapter 3)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 12,317
Summary: Austria 1300s When Klaus met a young girl on a riverbank, he knew that he would one day come back for her. When he looked into her bright blue eyes, he could see a reflection of his own soul, a darkness that lingered inside both of them. When the young girl turned into a beautiful woman with a thirst for blood, his fascination with her turns into obsession. He wants not only her loyalty but her eternity, a possessiveness that is equally returned.
Date of update: May 2 2021
One of a Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers (Chapter 11)
Author: Phandancee74
Rating: T
Length: 24,114
Summary: Caroline recognizes how hard it is for Elena to be a doppelgänger, her fate predestined as well as her face. It's pretty tough being the last of your kind too though, and Caroline is determined to protect them both, with some very helpful Bennetts on their side.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Klaus’ Thousand Year Plan to be Her Last (Chapter 2)
Author: anncatherine
Rating: T
Length: 2,867
Summary: So these are some missing Klaroline scenes from my Elena/Elijah soulmate fic that I couldn’t include because they either didn’t fit or needed to be form Klaus or Caroline’s pov. I think it would be helpful to read at least the first couple chapters of that for background, but basically at twelve people’s soulmate’s birthday shows up on their wrist.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Cloud 9: A Collection of Klaroline Fusions and Crossovers (Chapter 11)
Author: klarolineagainnaturally
Rating: G
Length: 5,597
Summary: Various fusions and crossovers with Klaus and Caroline including Much Ado About Nothing, Ready or Not, and Tangled!
Date of update: May 2 2021
The Big Bad Wolf (Chapter 8)
Author: MorningStarGirl666
Rating: T
Length: 58,507
Summary: He was the Big, Bad Wolf of this story, there was no doubt about that. But Caroline? She was the light to his darkness, the moon that shone brighter than even the stars in a sky of endless void. Like every wolf, he fell in love with the moon, and every month, he was destined to cry for a love he would never touch.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Destination Wedding (Chapter 5)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: T
Length: 10,294
Summary: The first rule of going to your ex's wedding is 'make sure you look good,' but Caroline's seriously worried that this British Guy is going to make her late. And she cannot be late to Rebekah Mikaelson and Matt Donovan's wedding at a Virginia winery.
Date of update: May 3 2021
We are young (Chapter 14)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 16,153
Summary:  Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused.
Date of update: May 3 2021
Road to Ruin
Author: Cupcakemolotov
Rating: ?
Length: 2,122
Summary: Caroline comes home for Elena's funeral two years after she made out of Mystic Falls to NYU, and meets Klaus Mikaelson, one of the enigmatic brother's who claimed Elena as their own.
Date of update: May 3 2021
Time Heals All Wounds (Chapter 2)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: ?
Length: 4,393
Summary: Does time really heals all wounds? Deeply scarred by his past, he would beg to differ. Klaus never thought the midnight shift at the hospital would change his life and yet it did. When a certain blonde is brought in with severe injuries, Klaus will learn that sometimes doctors need healing as well. Will their inner wounds and scars help them grow together or just tear them apart?
Date of update: May 3 2021
Caroline in Wonderland
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 25,491
Summary: London, 1903 On the day of her wedding, a young boy collides into Caroline's legs, all but knocking her to the ground. Seeing that she is dreading walking down the aisle, any moment stalling her from heading to the church is welcome. However, when she follows the young boy down a London street, something impossible happens and Caroline finds herself in a magical world that she had been told about as a young child- Wonderland. She embarks on a journey through Wonderland to find out who she really is, where she belongs and towards a man who she had thought was nothing more than an imaginary friend.
Date of update: May 4 2021
A Bee A Tulip and a Meddlesome Sister
Author: KatherineBee1814
Rating: M
Length: 15,107
Summary: Newly arrived in London from Kent Lady Rebekah Mikaelson quickly catches the eye of infamous Rake and rouge Lord Anthony Bridgerton but Andromeda will be damned before she lets him marry her favourite sibling.
Date of update: May 4 2021
Soulmate visions (Chapter 6)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 11,445
Summary: On your soulmate's eighteenth birthday, you see through their eyes for an hour, but they don’t know. And if your soulmate turns eighteen before you are even born, you never get a vision. Klaus gets his soulmate vision right after he orders Tyler to bite Caroline on her birthday….
Date of update: May 4 2021
White Winds Blow (Chapter 2)
Author: perfectpro
Rating: T
Length: 17,704
Summary: Caroline Forbes waits anxiously in the Riverlands to hear of the return of her betrothed, Elijah Mikaelson, from the uprising against the mad King Silas. Instead, a letter arrives from his younger brother, Lord Niklaus, telling her of Elijah's death and offering to uphold the joining of their houses himself. She will become the Lady of Winterfell, but Lord Niklaus, waiting at the heart tree, is a stranger.
Date of update: May 4 2021
later on, we'll conspire (Chapter 3)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: 7,292
Summary: Caroline asks Klaus to choose her over revenge at the Winter Wonderland Party.
Date of update: May 5 2021
KC Drabbles 2021
Author: CandyCane1287
Rating: T
Length: 8,303
Summary: C1: Hybrid Klaus meets human Caroline earlier and they fall in love. But there’s more. Ps, Katherine didn’t turn Caroline and she’s still human. He used Elena for the sacrifice but Elijah revived her. He got Tyler to bite Caroline but Klaus healed her. Tyler and Caroline broke up cause he cheated on her and they weren’t that in love. A bit of talk of Damon, but doesn’t go into too much detail. I suck at summaries btw.
Date of update: May 5 2021
Revenge of the Fifth - TVD Edition
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 4,057
Summary: A star wars AU for vampire dairies for May the Fourth Be with You! Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena are padawan learners at Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi training academy, desperate to prove themselves by taking down some of the new Sith Lords that have popped up. The problem is, those Sith Lords are the Mikaelsons, and each girl has a Mikaelson brother obsessed with them, unwilling to let them come to harm. Will that make it harder or easier for them to triumph over the Dark Side?
Date of update: May 6 2021
The Beach House (Chapter 2)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 3,812
Summary: When Rebekah blackmails Klaus into pretending to be her friend Caroline’s boyfriend for the weekend, he expects sand, sun, and horrible people who never left high school. And while Caroline’s friends may ‘suck’ (her term, not his), he increasingly enjoys the time he spends with the bubbly blonde. But nothing can happen, even while sharing a bed. Caroline might feel bad for dragging Klaus away from his infant daughter for the weekend, but the little intimacies and kisses for their performance build up and start to feel very real. And now she wants him bad. If only Rebekah hadn’t warned him off.
Date of update: May 5 2021
Author: VintageLilac
Rating: T
Length: 156,908
Summary: New York was home to the richest families in the in world. They were the elite and spent their days traveling the world, making money, and earning power. Although Manhattan wasn't just their home, it was their kingdom. Left with little parental supervision, no rules, and copious amounts of money, the infamous teenagers ran the city and as people say, long may they reign.
Date of update: May 6 2021
That Kind Of Power
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: M
Length: 3,375
Summary: 4x16 au, Part 10. Caroline vs Elena.
Date of update: May 6 2021
Reasons Not to Date a Mikaelson (Chapter 5)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 9,517
Summary: Bonnie and Caroline gain a new roommate for their freshman dorm when a vision leads them to tracking down a pregnant Hayley in the Rockies. Also, Bonnie may or may not have raised a certain dead Original instead of Jeremy and Klaus takes a job at Whitmore teaching, to be annoying. He’s very good at it.
Date of update: May 7 2021
LITTLE TENSE (Chapter 3)
Author: wincefish16
Rating: T
Length: 3,592
Summary: Klaroline's life together as they work in Mikaelson and co. Different snippets of their life.
Date of update: May 7 2021
FFN: The Exclusivity Clause (Chapter 3)
AO3: The Exclusivity Clause (Chapter 3)
Author: slstmaraudersjple
Rating: M
Length: 12,529
Summary: When Klaus receives a call that his soulmate has been found after searching for her for almost a century, he sets off to claim her before his enemies can harm her. But his soulmate is human this time around, innocent and irresistible, and his wolf wants nothing more than to mark her. Soulmates Reincarnation AU.
Date of update: May 1st
FFN: Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 39)
AO3: Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 17)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: M
Length: 256,589
Summary: All Hell was about to break loose. After dying while protecting a grieving Klaus, Caroline finds herself sent back in time, and she's not who she once was. She's more. Back in Mystic Falls, something else is stirring. After the arrival of a mysterious figure from Klaus' past, it all comes to a head. It really is louder than thunder.
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: Caroline the Not So Teenage Witch
AO3: Caroline the Not So Teenage Witch (Chapter 15)
Author: klarolineagainnaturally
Rating: T
Length: 35,304
Summary: Continuing the drabble inspired by Sabrina the Teenage Witch, young witch Caroline Forbes must learn to live with her old flame turned cat. Antics ensue as they try to get along and fix what has been done.
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 155)
AO3: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 155)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: 419,840
Summary: A collection of random AU one-shots featuring Klaroline. Chapter 155: Part 2 — Fright Wedding. This is a sequel to Chapter 141: Fright Wedding. The alliance with the Mikaelson kingdom failed when they declared war, but Caroline was certain Klaus would be an excellent ally. Or hostage. Or possibly something more?
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: Royals of New York (Chapter 28)
AO3: Royals of New York (Chapter 27)
Author: VintageLilac
Rating: T
Length: 162,215
Summary: New York's royals spend their days traveling the world, making money, and earning power. With little parental supervision, no rules, and copious amounts of money, their children have New York as their own personal kingdom. May their reign be long and prosperous.
Date of update: May 6 2021
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
100 Followers Special
(And how to participate) you don't need to be a follower to vote ack
Hello AGAIN, with your back to back followers special! Exiled here, very tired, as I just closed the requests box for our 50 followers special. I asked for some recommendations and no one helped me so this is what I came up with!
Granted, it's nothing that special, I literally just dumped my notes into this so—
Please make sure to follow the guidelines and read this thoroughly to properly participate!
1. You will be given a long list of fic prompts specific to a character that I've come up with for weeks on end, please don't steal, as I will remove them after this event is done!
2. Voting! You now have the power to influence my writing schedule haha- what you need to do: is to pick three prompts from the list and send it to me; either through reblog tag, a reply, or in my ask box (not anon so we can count fairly, will not publish these answers tho so worry not)! Not in messages tho! It should be in this format:
1. Character - prompt or prompt title
2. Character - prompt or prompt title
3. Character - prompt or prompt title
1. Albedo - Citrinitas
2. Zhongli - Braid
3. Xingqui - Author!Reader
The top three most voted prompt and character will be the next fics I'll publish after I'm done with the current reqs. Speaking of: Voting ends when I finish the current reqs. You'll know it's done once the counter in my blog desc reaches 12/12.
3. In addition to the three prompts, you also get to add your own prompt to it! My prompts list does not include ALL the characters that's why I wanted to give you this option too! Add a fourth number and specify a character, a prompt/idea, and the format of the fic! Format it this way:
4. Character - Prompt/Idea (Format)
4. Kaeya - What's under that eyepatch? (Scenario)
After I pooled the answers, I'll randomly pick between the bonus answers and write them last! So give it your best shot!
4. Tags-list! I thought this would be necessary for this kind of a whim special, so if you wanna be tagged, just put Tag Me! at the end of your vote. Please make sure that you're actually able to be tagged because I just tried and some users are not in my orbit huhu, look here
5. If a pocket watch/series prompt gets chosen, I will only post the first chapter, not the whole damn fic pls. Have mercy,,,
I will post a counter of the top three in my blog description and will be updated as frequently as possible. Any questions, please direct to this post or my dms <3
Without further ado, here is your choice list!
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Xingqui - "My liege, would you care to accompany me on my reading break? I've picked up a romance novel and it reminded me of us."
-> Author!Reader: You met Xingqui at Wanwen Bookhouse when delivering a batch of your newly-published book. But as a ghost writer, no one knew it was you that authored such books. Safe to say it was cute watching the noble bookworm fanboy about you in front of you. [FLUFF] [FIC]
-> Headcanons with a reader older than Xingqui who's a close family friend of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. Fascinated after meeting you in a party, the noble boy aspires to become the best man for you despite the difference, promising to be the best suitable partner for you in the future. [FLUFF] [HEADCANON SCENARIO]
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Childe - "Hey there, comrade! What a coincidence that we had a break at the same time, care to accompany me for a walk? I promise I won’t lead you to a fight haha... hey, don’t look at me like that!”
-> Antinomy -  The 10th Harbinger (You) and the little shit they had to mentor (Childe), this fic enumerates the trials of the 11th before he became a Harbinger under your care. From strangers to mentor to friends to love- Childe made a grave mistake, now you’re once again strangers. [FLANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Albedo - "Ah, it's you. I've heard of fleeting rumors that you've been pestering a certain someone just to see me. Next time, just come directly to me, I wouldn't mind the assertiveness."
-> Refer to these three as well: Albedo Fic Ideas [FLUFF/FLANGST/FLANGST] [ONESHOT/ONESHOT/SERIES]
-> “You’re Enough”: A year into being the new Chief Alchemist of Mond, Albedo finds himself holed up in his room in the dead of night, haunted as he continuously comes out empty on his research to bring his master back, feeling inadequate. So you reminded him of what he’s capable of. [FLUFF?] [ONESHOT INSPIRED BY You Are Enough - Sleeping At Last]
-> Under the Artificial Sky: Michaelangelo Scenario focused on Albedo’s sketching aspect. Grand Master Varka and Acting Grand Master Jean figured Albedo needed a break and a change of scenery, and sent him off under the guise of a commission in Liyue. What he didn’t expect was another artist from Fontaine accompanying him in this big project.(Albedo and Reader are tasked to paint the new Jade Chamber within 7 days) [FLUFF] [SERIES - 7 CHAPTERS]
-> Albedo SMUT: I had this idea while laying wide awake at 3 AM. The alchemist had been trying all remedies to shake off the stress and fatigue in his system and they all seemed to fail, no amount of sketching or discoveries can pull him away from it. So when you offered a solution he hasn’t heard, he’d jump at it immediately. “You know, some people say having intercourse with someone is a good stress-reliever.” “Intercourse? If it’s true, then please, I wish to have intercourse with you.” “Wha- wait Albedo, do you not know what that is? It’s only done between lovers!” “Convenient, I love you, anything else?” (Two virgin dumbasses do the thing to relieve stress) [SMUT] [ONESHOT]
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Xiao - “I’ve taken care of every threat around this area, you can relax now, I made sure of that.”
-> What is it with you and Qingxin flowers? The Traveler had once heard of Xiao’s affinity for Qingxin flowers, and they’re flying companion boldly asked this lingering question to the adepti himself. His pupils dilate and sharpen before Paimon could finish her sentence. (An origin story about his favorite flower, and his favorite person) [SLIGHT FLANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> Just how harmful is adeptal energy to normal humans? You both found out in the worst way possible: silently, deadly. (Slight spoiler: you fucking die) [ANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> Nightmares Taste Horrible: He’s seen that look in your eyes and the ancient soul within it; you’ve lived long ago, and the only thing your soul carried now was the nightmares of a macabre timeline. Was it him or was it demons that brought you that fear? No matter, he’ll protect you even from yourself. (eating the nightmare of a dead soul reincarnated to you) [FLANGST?] [ONESHOT]
-> Go for the throat: The seal that marked you had made it all too late for him to remedy. Bleeding eyes, growing fangs, it’s just another demon to vanquish just like he’s done for centuries. What makes it different was it was sealed in you. (Inspired from Melanie Martinez’s song uhu) [ANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Zhongli - “Mortals are capable creatures that evolve and adapt for means of survival, but they advance in ways that changes the world around them. This retirement, may be harder to me than it is to them.”
 -> “In human history, there’s a certain noble and powerful connotation to rulers who braid their hair.” Convince to braid his hair using some historical braid trivia; that long hair behind his back should not be ignored for any longer. [PURE FLUFF] [DRABBLE]
-> History has its eyes on you: A traveling theatre hailing from the land of entertainment finds its way to Liyue for their last caravan. A certain Geo Vision man seems to resonate with your newest script: fighting and protecting your land, building up its nation, before being forced to let go of it. He resonates maybe a little too much. (Musical!Reader with heavy references to Hamilton hehe) [FLUFF] [ONESHOT]
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Venti - "Can you hear the symphonies of the wind as it sings to you? That's me, guiding you and protecting you! Whenever you hear it, know that you're safe and sound under my protection!"
-> the one the bard once loved: like actual bard, you are the archer or smth, loved by Venti and Barbatos. Yandere!Barbatos undertones, very unhealthy relationship. This hurts the kokoro. [PURE ANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> The Caravan: (related to the Zhongli and Musical!Reader up there) Your caravan stops at Mondstadt for a whole week before it reaches its final destination. This new fanfare pulled in a peculiar bard who now wants to tag along for the fun of it. "I have no more responsibilities in this free land!" Just what kind of responsibilities does a broke bard have in the first place? [FLUFF] [ONESHOT/HEADCANON]
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Diluc - "You look weary, and you still managed to pull yourself here. Here, a fresh and cold glass, on the house. A relieved smile should be enough payment."
-> Abandoned by The Altar: A timeline oriented story focused on your once perfect childhood relationship as Diluc's bride to be, soon becoming estranged after the death of his father and his neglect. You only wish now that he looks at you the same way he did when you heard you were supposed to be together forever when you were young. [FLANFF] (The ending gets better pls; Inspired by Still Into You - Paramore) [ONESHOT]
-> There are No Laws Against Homelessness in Mondstadt: My favorite title out of all of this ahahhaa- who says adventurers can't be broke? You're the living embodiment of that. (Good boi Diluc with a broke ass reader) [FLUFF] (Warning: homelessness) [ONESHOT]
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Scaramouche - "Let's go already, the sun is setting and we're nowhere near our destination. If you wanted to linger just to spend more time with me, I would have indulged you behind closed doors anyways."
-> Scaramouche Finally Does the Fandango: Have you ever wondered how Scaramouche is like working with other people? His first assignment was to accompany you in your main region and he sees you in your natural habitat, entranced. [I dunno how to tag this, NORMAL?] [ONESHOT/SHORT]
-> Skincare bitch, how I headcanon Scaramouche as someone actually conscious and always tending to their skin. Look at that smooth skin, cute cheeks, let me pinch, eyeliner glory— In which case, that hat has more purpose than being a frisbee. (May or may not include reader. (based from a reblog convo with chels-void) [GOOD VIBES] [HEADCANONS]
-> Once Supreme: Before Scaramouche, there was someone else higher than him. Before Balladeer there was just a young man fighting for his beliefs and her Majesty. Before Mondstadt, his smile wasn't just for deception. "Someday, someone would take advantage of that smile, Scaramouche. It's not appropriate in this work environment." The day you break a man. (Harbinger!Reader again, and lots of HCs for Scaramouche, same format as Antinomy) [I also do not know how to call this, eventual ANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Kaeya - "What are you doing out here in the dead of night? Citizens like you should be cozied up in bed and leaving the patrols to us Knights. Come, I'll accompany you back home."
-> Honey Whiskey: A mysterious band of dancers from Sumeru visits Mondstadt and its taverns to offer a night of alluring dances. What was supposed to be a night of drinking for Kaeya and his troops ended up becoming a tipsy surprise mission when the main dancer steps down from the stage— and ignores him?! How scandalous! (Slightly suggestive themes/You're a bad guy) [COOL?] [ONESHOT] [slightly inspired by song with the same name]
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-> A Musical!Reader but with a scenario with every other character, most probably headcanons master post.
-> Genshin Food prompts: From that one post, I ended up making a whole storyline of oneshots related to their special dishes. Oneshots connected to a bigger picture. By impulse you've ended up leaving your normal life behind to pursue your cooking career, starting from Mondstadt, to learn all the cuisines to establish the first ever international restaurant. With the implications of magic and peculiar customers, your simple dream turns into a harder goal. [GOOD SHIT] [SERIES] [CANON-COMPLIANT]
-> God of Time!Reader that hails from Fontaine. Do you wish to know more about their origins and their purpose in this world? [CANON-COMPLIANT] [HEADCANONS] (General since it deals with all the characters/interactions)
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Your drabbles of the OT3 are AMAZING and your lemon fics are so hot!! How about our lovely OT3 with Joe and Nicky fearing that Booker is mortal because Coppley is keeping taps on him after his exile and he sees Booker going to the hospital every other day and J+N rush to him but in reality Booker's just going there to read to sick kids
"It could be nothing," Nicky says, hands tight at the steering wheel as the navigate through the Friday afternoon traffic.
"Or it could be something," Joe reasons, thumb rubbing at his bottom lip as he listens to the radio switch from one jaunty advert for a new juice flavour to one that was advertising an upcoming concert.
Nicky doesn't reply. There really was nothing to say.
They had been in Amsterdam when Copley called them about what he had termed as Booker's unusual weekly activity. It had started as a irregular thing that quickly became something that happened every Tuesdays and Fridays, and always at the same hospital where Booker, Copley reports, would look tired and wan upon exiting the place. He would exit with plastic bags emblazoned with the hospital's logo and that was what triggered Joe and Nicky's six hour drive.
Because as complicated as their emotions are about how there is anger about Booker’s actions and inactions, there is still so much love that sits in their hearts for him and there exists regrets that coil deep with sadness and all the wishing for things to be different. 
They pull up to the parking lot just in time to spy a familiar messy head of blonde huddled in his coat against the wind and finishing up his cigarette before he enters the building.
They sit and watch as he calmly smokes. The wind carries the wisps away before they could cloud and for some strange reason, it calms them to see a sight so familiar to them that could almost smell it in the back of their throats.
Joe and Nicky miss him in the crowd before the elevators but not before catching him wave at the receptionist on duty.
"Excuse me," Joe starts in French and smiles charmingly at the receptionist. "That man. The one who just walked past. He looked very familiar and I think he may be an old family friend. Is his name Sebastien by any chance? It has been a few years and I don't want to startle him if I've got the wrong man."
"Oh? Monsieur, I think you may have the wrong man," The receptionist says with an apologetic tilt of her lips. "That was Monsieur Oliver. He comes every Tuesday and Fridays to read for the children."
"Yes. We have a ward for children who require long term care. Terminal cases, you see. Most of them have been here all their lives. Monsieur Oliver volunteers to read for them. He’s pretty popular too. We have kids from the pediatric wards come down just to listen sometimes."
A little thrown off kilter, Joe thanks her and tugs Nicky along with him as they move out of hearing shot.
"So, he is fine. There was nothing to worry about."
"But still," Joe looks up at the ceiling as if it could provide him with all the answers he needs. "We came all this way."
Nicky sighs, but the corners of his lips twitch is amusement. Joe feels his heart tug fondly and gives into the need to reach out a hand to take Nicky's.
It was easy work to slip amongst the crowd of people heading to the upper levels and even smoother to follow close behind two orderlies who were heading to the long term care ward.
For a beat, Joe wonders if they'd gone into this half cocked because they don't even know where Booker was. But that was easily solved by the happy laughter that carries from one of the rooms in the back. They follow the sound and are rewarded with the sight of Booker in scrubs and a mask, reading to a group of children barely older than 12. They can't tell what story is being read and it doesn't matter because Booker is doing the voices and the children are enraptured by his theatrics.
Nicky squeezes his hand and he squeezes back.
Booker looks so alive as he entertains his audience and their parents and nurses with his wild gesturing and imitation of sound effects. They laugh when Booker gets to a funny bit and cheer when he tells of the swashbuckling princess champion over her foe. Joe is mesmerised by this side of Booker that they haven't seen in years and he knows that Nicky is too.
Which is why they know they have to leave. At least for now. Booker was fine, they've established that. But this was not a good place to meet him for the first time again.
Nicky knocks their shoulders together and they linger to watch Booker's audience crowd closer to him to look at the pretty pictures in the book.
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pinkykitten · 4 years
are you bored yet?
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synopsis: with uncertainties in life you cant say for certain if you and fred being together is a good thing or bad thing. so many things are running through your mind as you spend watching the sunset with the love of your life, fred weasley. 
pairing: fred weasley x female! reader (i swear im like obsessed w him i need therapy fr) words: 1,503 genre: fluff omg so much, romance, song based, writing challenge, one-shot
a/n: so this is based on the song are you bored yet by wallows. and this is for the writing challenge of @lunalovecroft​. i had so much fun writing this and as u can tell im currently in a fred spiral and its out of control but idc tbh. he is so beautiful and yes he is invading my dreams every night. enjoy yall and hope u like also thnx for liking my recent fred drabble so much it means a lot to me and requests are open! ps i also tried to incorporate the words and meaning of the songs lyrics to the story hope that makes sense. 
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The ocean waves crashed against the soft, cool sand. It would simmer and relax, but then the pent up frustration mixed with wind would allow it to meet and kiss the earth. 
The future always scared you. Somedays you looked forward to it and other days just the unknown was filled with anxiety. It was the feeling of not being able to control loss and love, happiness and sadness. You would find yourself some nights thinking about it, almost losing your mind. 
The sun was setting so peacefully and beautifully. It was something so simple yet something so divine and of such importance. You had faith in the sun and space. Yes, everything around you may be changing and things might be going wrong but one thing was for certain was that the sun was going to rise and set every day, when the sun rises that will be your new chance at starting anew. 
It was so peaceful. The smell of sea was so inviting and comforting. What was more comforting was how Fred let your head rest against his chest. The feeling of worn out cotton against your cheek, as you heard his heart beat almost at the same rhythm as yours. It was if you two were in perfect sync. The faint smell of cologne that Fred always used to try to impress you made you feel at home, along with a small smell of something unknown to you but only Fred had that smell. Maybe it was gingers own scent. 
You sighed, relaxing. 
“So, love, what do you think about the muggle world?” Fred asked, wiggling his brows like he was the man.
You looked up at his freckled face, from his chest, giggling, “You know I’ve been here before.”
Fred laid back down and enjoyed the moment with you. But something was eating you up inside. It was starting to bug you that everyone had a someone. Ron to Hermione. Harry to Ginny. You were starting to feel left behind in the crowd. Again with the uncertainty. Everyone was with their soulmate and you felt lonely. 
You didn’t realize Fred was eyeing you this whole time you had this battle in your head. He could tell something was off. “What’s wrong?”
You very much disliked confrontation so you pretended to fall asleep. 
“I saw you were awake Y/N,” Fred sat up. He was patiently, quietly waiting for your answer. 
You sat up, kicking your feet against the peak you two were sitting on. The warmness from the sun making you smile just a bit. “I wish we didn’t have to leave. That we could sit here for the rest of our lives.”
Fred chuckled, scooting closer to you and resting his head against your shoulder. Something sparked within you at the contact. You could feel his breath on your neck, feeling the hair stand up on its own. You leaned your head against his and sighed once again. 
“I wish I could sit here with you forever too sweetheart. But unfortunately we’re really not supposed to be here and I bet some muggles would find us and we’d be toast.” Fred kissed your knuckles. 
You distanced yourself away from him, worrying Fred with wide eyes. You couldn’t bear the physical connection you two had and not have something from it. Yes, you and Fred were friends but you were wanting more than that. You yearned for more than that. “There is just so much on my mind,” you said quietly. You can tell you hurt Fred’s feelings but you needed to know what Fred was doing to you. Why did he kiss your hands? Why did he want to be with you daily? You needed support, something stable in your life. 
“Feels like I've known you my whole life I can see right through your lies,” Fred was worried seeing you so distant. 
He was right. He knew you in and out. He knew when you were okay and when you were not. You leaned back, “I like this guy and I’m afraid he doesn’t like me.”
“That’s bonkers! Who wouldn’t like you Y/N?” Fred tried not to grit his teeth at his jealousy. This man was so lucky. 
“I’m afraid Fred. I don’t know if he’ll feel the same way and when we get older will he still feel the same way about me? There is so much to think about. What if something happens to him? I would fall apart, I would be living in fear and paranoia.” You clenched your fists. 
“Wow, you do really love this man?”
You huffed as you looked into Fred’s eyes for a split second, hoping he would get the hint. “I do, I really do.”
Fred was silent. He was playing with his fingers. He usually had always something to say, seeing him like this was odd. 
“If you could tell me how you're feeling,” you held Fred’s hand. 
“I don't know where we're going But I'd like to be by your side,” Fred blurted out. You gasped as you took your hands away and held onto to your skirt, holding in your breath. “I can’t go on living knowing I didn’t at least try to stop you from being with that other guy. I know you love him Y/N but I love you. I can’t do this anymore. Kiss only your cheek when I want to kiss your lips so bad. I can’t make believe that every time you hold my hand I don’t feel a spark. Or when you come to my room every time you have a nightmare. When we cuddle, how I carry you on my back. I can’t make believe that those things don’t affect me. I can’t keep putting this wall between us and making believe we’re not something worth fighting for. Tell you the truth baby, I’m smitten with you. I’m so madly in love with you.”
Your lips trembled as tears fell down your cheeks. Fred couldn’t help himself and also found himself emotional, wiping his tears with his jumper sleeve. Nobody knew what to do. “Why are you crying love?” Fred whispered. 
“Because the man that I was referring to and talking about was you Fred,” you said with tear soaked lips. The wind carried your tears away. “I love you Fred Weasley.”
You both were knew in this territory of love. Love that you would sacrifice everything and risk more. Love that was unconditional. It was awkward the air funnily. 
“So are we more than friends then? Like boyfriend and girlfriend?” Fred was so shy. You both just confessed your loves for each other, nobody knew what to do. You both were just friends for so long. 
“When we get old, will we regret this?” You asked, bashfully. 
“I will never in my whole existence ever regret meeting you and being your love. No matter what tough trials come, I know I will always be by your side.”
“I will forever love you Fred. There is not one person on this world I love more than you. I’m so grateful I was sent to Hogwarts because you’re my favorite person.” You gave a small, genuine smile. “Maybe we'd get through this undefeated Holding on for so long.”
In one swift moment, Fred’s lips came crashing down against yours. It was with such passion and fire. Like Fred was preparing his whole life for this one spectacular moment. His lips moved against your and you couldn’t help but deepen the kiss by running your fingers through his orange locks and pushing him more towards you. You wanted everything he got. 
Fred pushed you back and wrapped his warm hands on the back of your neck. Your hands fell to his collar and you clutched onto it with all your might. You felt you might explode. Fred went from your lips to smothering you in kisses all over your face. You heard his laugh and saw his toothy smile but it was better because his freckled covered cheeks were such a cute pink. He was blushing the whole time. Fred kissed your nose and you and him laughed together, simply in love. He leaned his head against you for one moment and leaned back in his spot on the cliff. 
You were out of breath and stunned. Did that just happen? You were so happy it did. You sat there surprised by the amazing kiss, touching your lips and feeling them sting a little from the contact. It was incredible. The best sensation of your life. 
Fred saw you the whole time, smirking. He coughed to get your attention and your eyes traveled up to see the most amazing view. He was leaning back, his lean neck resting back against his shoulders as his adams apple bobbed. But what got you choked up was his lips were plump and wet from your twos make out session. His skin was flawless with his freckles and his eyes were bright and light from the sunsetting. The sun’s rays hit his face just perfectly to make him look like a prince. Like he came down from heaven. You were so dumbfounded at how a man could look this beautiful and handsome. 
Fred smirked as he bit his lip, winking, wanting to tease you, “I don’t know if you wanna get out of here or maybe go get a bite together as I’m your new boyfriend. I mean 'Cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset But I can't help from asking, Are you bored yet?"
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a/n: ive been listening to this song on repeat and know its in my head and i just want to make an edit of fred for this song cuz he is so bf material. thnx for all the love and support stay safe guys and tysm. 
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
A Drabble to Celebrate 100+ followers?!
I recently noticed that somehow this humble little dragon age blog managed to obtain one hundred followers. Which is just insane to me. I can’t believe y’all like me. I’m going to assume that most of you are here for the memes (as you should be - they’re hilarious) BUT I wanted to give you something to celebrate anyway. It’s not a meme, but it’s an adorable Papa!Varric piece that is pure fluff and domestic bliss. Enjoy!
I also posted this at AO3 cause I really like it
The Perks of Being the Viscount
Being Viscount had remarkably few perks. 
In fact, Varric thought, the perks were usually nearly as bad as the job duties itself. He wasn’t particularly interested in the choice society invitations, didn’t care for the gaudy gifts or sizable bribes that kept showing up, and if he had to accept one more honor at one more boring ceremony, he’d fall asleep into his overcooked chicken dinner. 
But moments like this, when he had a room full of shocked, pompous assholes who could do nothing but stare, agog, nearly made it all worth it. 
As usual, his daughter had started the whole debacle. 
Marguerite Cadash-Tethras sat beside him, book discarded. She told him she was reading one of Brother Genitivi’s histories for her tutors, but now that she’d abandoned the tome to satisfy her own curiosity, he could see she had a copy of the latest popular ballad shoved between the pages. She could be bored with Genetivi and her lessons, but Varric thought it was more likely she’d finished the damn thing a week ago and her tutor had been too daft to notice. 
Clearly, she needed something more challenging. And maybe a tiny lecture about not fleecing her tutors on the regular. 
But, first, he was going to sit back and enjoy the show. He let his eyes flick from his daughter’s profile to the redhead beside her who was suddenly very engrossed in her tea, cheerfully stirring it with far too much vigor. Varric couldn’t miss the mischievous glimmer in Maria’s eyes after all these years, though, and it only meant one thing.
They were both on the same page. This meeting was going to get a hell of a lot more interesting, and they were definitely both just going to let it happen. 
Their daughter stared down the merchant princes from Antiva on the other end of the table like she’d been doing it all of her twelve years on Thedas. And, really, that wasn’t too far off the mark. When Maria was gone, which was far too often for his taste, Mags hated to be separated from Varric. To be honest, he rested a bit easier with his daughter only an arm’s length away too. It became just one more of the Viscount’s eccentricities, that the daughter sat in on so many of his meetings, accompanied him on his duties, and was generally allowed to ask as many impertinent questions as she wished.
Clearly, nobody had warned the Antivans. 
“I’m sorry, milord?” One of the men turned his attention from Mags’s piercing gray eyes to Varric, clearly confused about who had asked the question. Varric fought back his chuckle. Barely.
“Sunshine.” He inclined his head towards Mags, indulgent and amused. “I don’t think the gentleman heard your question. Go ahead and ask again.” 
“If he doesn’t answer you this time, Magpie, we can write it down. Or do a dramatic reenactment. Maybe that’ll do the trick.” Maria whispered theatrically, the words carrying across the table. The ears on several of the merchants began to turn interesting shades of red. 
This, Varric thought fondly, was the only real perk of this job. Bringing one and a half unmanageable women to boring meetings just to see what trouble they stirred up. 
“I asked,” Mags raised her voice, young face quite serious and earnest. “Why are they so cheap?” 
The object of her question, a long broadsword, lay in front of one of the merchant princes. He pulled a practiced, false smile onto his face. One that managed to be just the right amount of patronizing. His daughter pulled her shoulders back immediately, seriousness becoming irritation. “Why, milady, what a clever question. I’d heard you had your father’s mind and your mother’s beauty. How pleased I am to find it so.” 
“But you’re not answering it.” She stated stubbornly, flicking her eyes uncertainly to Varric. He nodded, reassuring, and waved at her to continue. She did. “Why are they so cheap?” 
“We have recently been able to refine our smelting process, milady.” The man droned, eloquent and practiced. “With less waste, we…” 
“But Orzammar has the best smiths, and their blades cost twice as much.” Mags argued, her own color rising, looking helplessly to her mother. “How much is iron ore? Aveline said it was more expensive ‘cause of a flood.” 
“40 silvers per pound right now, love.” Maria answered deftly, lips twitching at the corners as she struggled to hide her own smile. 
“How much do you swords weigh?” Mags asked the merchant. 
The man sputtered, helpless. “Milady, I’m uncertain…” 
Mags sighed, impatient, twisting in her chair to pierce one of the guards at the door with her bright gaze. “Kallen? How much does your sword weigh?” 
Kallen tipped his head to the side, considering. “About three pounds, miss. Give or take.” 
“Thank you.” Mags said quickly, twisting back in her seat. “If a broadsword weighs three pounds, that sword costs over a sovereign alone in materials, assuming your smelting produces no waste. You’re only charging two sovereigns per piece. Why?” 
“As a special offer to the Viscount and his lady…” The merchant began nervously, pointing his eyes back at Varric in a silent plea to end the interrogation. 
“Oh, leave me out of this mess.” Maria muttered into her tea. “I don’t want your bleedin’ swords. The ones Aveline has are fine.” 
“Well, Sunshine.” Varric jumped in, resting his arm on the back of Mags’s chair. “I think you’ve pointed out a bit of a problem.” 
“Milord, you cannot seriously be considering allowing a child to…” The man stepped forward, face growing thunderous with anger. Maria shifted in her own chair, always alert for danger, gently setting her cup down on the saucer and sending a cold, commanding gaze across the room. 
“I think, perhaps.” Maria said pointedly. “You’ve overstayed your welcome.” 
“I couldn’t agree more, Princess. But it’s your call, Sunshine.” He winked down at his daughter’s pinkening face, her temper coloring her skin the same way Maria’s always did. “You wanna make him squirm a bit more?” 
“No.” Mags said petulantly, picking her book back up and curling into her chair. “He can go.” 
“You heard the lady.” Varric jerked his thumb over his chair. “I trust you can find the exit.” 
The merchant and his entourage stalked out of the room, complaining in Antivan the whole time. Maria caught some of it, most likely the curse words, because she laughed softly as the door slammed shut behind them. 
“Nicely done, Magpie.” Maria praised, winding one of their daughter’s curls around her finger. 
“What do you think the issue is with the swords?” Varric asked, curious. Mags scowled into her book moodily, wrenching away from Maria’s clever hand. 
“They’re not iron or they’re not payin’ anyone to forge them.” She grumbled. “Which you two knew before we even got in here, didn’t you?” 
“Guilty.” Varric admitted. “But we needed to give Aveline time to raid the warehouse.” 
“Why couldn’t I go with Aveline to raid the warehouse?” Mags asked, frowning. Maria and Varric shared a tender, amused look over her head. 
“Well.” Maria began, half-laughing. “You are only twelve and we’re trying to get you to eighteen with minimal bloodshed.” 
“And…” Varric quickly reached into the book, pulling the loose papers of the story from within and shaking them pointedly. “Someone has some apologizing to do to at least one tutor.” 
Mags’s sullen expression quickly lightened into something contrite. “I can explain.”
“Make it a good one, Sunshine.” Varric said, settling into his chair. “And I may let you off easy.”
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kapisola · 4 years
YEAR ???
It was a broken, enraged cry that preceded him, erupting from the corridor before the doors slammed open and he stormed in with blood down his front and crimson in his eyes.
“I did not spend the last 50 years being your bloody bitch just to have her die in my arms again!”
The Dominion stood from his desk, a tired grin on his face as he approached his poor, wrathful little pet and took him harshly by the chin. Black, claw-like nails grew and dug into cheek, piercing skin as the man was lifted with little effort.
And in less than a single breath, the demon who had entered so disrespectfully was barreling into the doors. Wood tore from hinges, splintering into pieces as he collided with them.
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“I have only given you what you have asked me for. And it is what you have asked for. Is it not, Damian...?”
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imagethat · 5 years
Kitsune | Vergil x Reader
Small story/drabble where the reader is a fox demon. Vergil x Reader.
(Writers note: Writing for Vergil is a bit of a challenge for me because I feel like Vergil is the kind of person who admires someone for their skill then gets to know them and fall in love. So my stories for Vergil are really long. I'm working on improving my writing, and if anyone has any tips or ideas for Vergil/writing Vergil better they'd be greatly appreciated!)
Fox demons are said to be cunning and elusive spirits. With playful intentions, even at the expense of others well being. You were no different. Red Grave was a bastion of unfortunate souls, all for you to toy with. You could visit them in their dreams, manipulate reality to their poor unfortunate brains. Trickery is what gave you power, it fed your abilities and each night you were growing stronger. As the disappearance number started to reach the double digits our favorite devil hunters took notice of your presence. Trish was the first to realize a tricky fox was running amuck through the town, simply because she herself was a full demon and she had a special connection to the pits of hell. Soon after though, Dante, Vergil, and Nero followed behind her. Only Trish knew of your true form though, while you still remained a mystery to the other three. A monsterous foe lurking in the cover of night. Morrision did his best to get information on you but the poor guy came up empty handed. It make you laugh. Each night your lavish dreams promising Eden lured in more souls every one of them coming to the same horrible realization that there was no leaving once you entered. This dream was a snare, a never ending labyrinth that consumed all. Dante was foolish enough to take the bait though. Vergil on the other hand saw the clear warning signs, and offered a plan of luring you out of your realm. They came to a consensus on that plan and thus it began. Always one step ahead, you thwarted whatever plan they came up with. If you were honest, you were starting to grow incredibly bored. So you decide to have some fun of your own. The human world made you weaker to a certain extent and that thought excited you. Never had you left your realm, your parents warning you against it when you were young. But above all, they warned you to never fall in love with someone from outside your realm. You were fine with that rule, it never bothered your cold coloused heart. Foxes carry a lot of karma you see, and for every life you've ruined. Every person you've tormented. That energy is said to come back at you ten times as hard. Many from your realm used that as reasoning for being so manipulative. See, karma can't cut you down if you slay it first. You sat perched on a tree branch, one leg pulled to your chest as you waited. In the human world your presence would be noticeable, uncloaked from your realm. Your tail flicked back and forth, ears perked. Listening for a sign of your soon to be 'captors'. A small smirk rose to your face as you heard an all but annoying tune getting ever closer. It was the Devil May Cry van. How Nico managed to jump it was beyond you. She tried her best to hit you but you were faster, aiming a precise strike to the middle of the van to catapult it into the earth. You could hear very loud cursing from both the vans passengers as you returned to your sitting position, in the same exact spot to tease them. "How nice of you to join me. The moon is lovely tonight." You hummed as a white haired punk jumped out of the passenger's seat. He shot at you and you just tilted your head to the side, bullet missing you by centimeters. "Now please don't be so rude, let's talk this out. Please~" You purred while making a soft pout. "Hell no! I've got a wage to earn." Nero yelled, thrusting his grappling hook at you. You allowed it to grab you, only so you'd be brought in close enough to trip him. He made a failed attempt to kick you from his spot on the ground. "God, I'm bored already." You hissed in an annoyed tone. "You're too predictable! Send someone interesting next time!" You demanded as a portal opened behind you. Nero placed both of his hands over his ears, trying to keep the soft delicate tunes from your realm out of his head. He yelled something at your back but you paid him no mind as you returned home. Nico quickly got out of the van after she was sure you were gone only to find Nero passed out. "Oh fuck no way!" She exclaimed while quickly kneeling besides nero. "Nero! Nero!!" She yelled, trying to wake him but he was like a sandbag in her arms. Nero was promptly returned to Devil May Cry. Nico doing her best to find any notes about your breed of demon while Lady tucked Nero in on the couch. Vergil seemed… vexed to say the least. He wouldn't admit it but he cared for his son. Dante tapped his finger on his desk impatiently. "Well, did it say anything to you?" Dante questioned, trying is best to figure out what happened. "Send someone interesting was all I caught. I was in the van so all I could really hear was the jukebox!" She exclaimed from her pile of papers. She didn't know how truly lucky she was. "Allow me to go next time." Vergil said, finally speaking up. "Let me go with you then." Trish added and Vergil nodded no. "We don't need two of us going down at once, if it should manage to best me…" Vergil replied. He had a point.
The next night, Vergil found himself in the same park Nero had fought you in. The ground still hadn't recovered from Nico's van tracks. The sky was clouded. The wind rustling through the trees, causing an eerie sound to creak from them. Every now and then, when a gust of wind came by, you'd shake a tree. Vergil couldn't be sure if it was you, but kept his composure. After an hour of toying with the environment with no avail to Vergil's mental state you decide he was fit for your presence. Worthy of having company with you. All at once the forest became a never ending expanse even though that shouldn't be possible. The park was in the middle of a dense city. Animals out of sight ran through the tall grass. The trees seemed to be ever shifting as you emerged from them. "What's your name?" You asked the tall white haired man. He didn't respond, but did not make a move to get into the proper stance to defend himself. Curious. "You know, I only do this to survive. I never asked to be born the way I was." You said, expressing sadness through your motions and eyes. "I know you've been consuming far more than you need to." He finally spoke. His voice surprised you, it wasn't what you expected him to sound like. Nonetheless, you continued on with your charades. "Oh well that is true, but to be weak is such a pitiful thing. Would you not agree?" You mused curiously, having already peaked into his mind. He seemed to contemplate his answer for a good deal of time before speaking. "That you are right, holding power feels good. But what is power without something to protect? In your endless pursuit, you will never feel satisfaction for you have no measure of what true strength is." He commented of your mentality. For some reason, it bothered you deeply. "You do not know what I seek or who I am to become." You snarled. He grimaced at your aggressive response. That's when the fighting began. If you weren't so angry, you would've been impressed with his skill. But your might was just as tempered and well trained. Through the battle, scattered back and forth conversation happened. "This world is mine! It shall taste of your blood! Feed on your innermost fears!" You yelled while swinging your blade. Vergil only ever seemed to parry your attacks. "I will not falter. Nor will I yield." A well timed attack from the calm man landed you off balance, causing you to retreat momentarily. "If you know not of what you search for, allow me to offer you something to strive for." He said, to which you bared your teeth at. Beginning your relentless assault again. "Quiet! You are part mortal! You are beneath me!" You demanded. He struck your side, you barely had time to realize it had happened. His incision was precise and wasn't deep enough to kill you, unless you left it untreated. "How? What are you mortal!" You demanded. You should've been untouchable in this world. He cleaned off his blade before sliding it into its case. "Your anger blinds you. What is it you fear that drives you to such extremes?" He questioned. "Fear of the unknown? Fear of failure?" He continued to question, taking slow steps towards you. You hissed loudly, hand cusping your side. "Leave! Never step foot here again!" You yelled before retreating into the grass. You didn't make it far, knees weak as you stumbled along. Still losing blood. Vergil's mental state was returned to normality as the trees faded and the familiar cityscape emerged before his eyes. He saw himself in you, but knew you would no longer bother Red Grave. By morning, all the people who had gone missing were returned. That included Nero, who woke up with the sun rising. Dante questioned his brother about what happened, but Vergil only let out sparse details.
Your breathing was ragged. Slow and shallow as you did your best to patch your wound. Never much of a medic since your wounds were always limited. You followed your familiar trail back to your home. It was grand and traditional. As you entered through the front door and staggered to your bed you collapsed onto the floor in the entryway. "Fate has found me, I wonder if my brothers and sisters will sing of this tale. Of how childish mothers eldest was. How my emotions got the best of me and made me vulnerable." You mused with a broken voice as you faded in and out of consciousness. You felt like you could hear them laughing at you. You came to a week later, sunlight leaking in through the windows. You were…. In your room? Maybe I am now trapped here, to feed another demon you thought as you slowly rose up onto your elbows. It felt like something one of your conniving siblings would do. Gingerly, you rested a hand on your side. Amazed to find it was completely covered with gauze. A kind you'd only find in the human world. Carefully you got onto your feet, warily searching the house while holding a blade close to your chest. The last place you check was your backside porch, which faced the gardens. You made a face of disgust as you found the white haired man sitting there, watching the cherry blossom trees sway in the wind. "What are you doing here? I told you never to return!" You said, clearly upset by his presence in your home. "Not feeling appreciative are we? I suppose I wouldn't be any kinder to someone who bested me in battle either." He remarked. Your skin boiled. "How long have you been here?" You demanded, feeling disturbed by knowing he had found your house so easily. "A week" he replied. "And what of your companions?" You questioned. "They know nothing." His answer made you feel a little better. You bit your lip before opening the door. "Come in." You begrudgingly said. Vergil got up and followed you to a library, stocked high with books. You sat him at a little table in the corner and told him to wait while you fetched some tea and snacks. You were too weak to fight, and he did save you after all. All you wanted to do at this point was convince him to leave. He accepted your offer for tea before complimenting you on the impressive amount of books you had. You replied with a sour thanks before taking your seat. Carefully, you traced the rim of your tea cup, trying to figure out how the hell you'll convince him to leave. "Your world is losing its strength." Vergil spoke out loud. "Your point?" You asked, unamused by his comment. "Well, if this world is to cave in on itself, I know of a place you could stay." He offered. Even the mere thought of it offended you. "I respect your…" You had to force out your next words. "Kindness, but I don't need help. Not from you. If this world is to falter, then so be it. I would die for it before dishonoring my lineage." You said, a certain air of dignity clinging to the words you spoke. He seemed displeased with your answer. "I'm surprised you would so willingly fall into deaths hands." He mused before taking a sip of his tea. "What does it matter to you?" You questioned, actually curious what the answer would be. "It doesn't." You were disappointed by his reply. "You can fib if you'd like, but if it didn't matter then why come here at all? Why patch my wounds? Or wait for me to awaken?" You questioned him more. He placed his teacup down. "If I may be honest, I'm bored myself. Your cunning ways has my interest piqued. Beyond that, I think you would make a great addition to Devil May Cry." He admitted. You were in no place to make demands. "If I returned with you, would you promise to provide me with the energy needed to sustain this world?" You asked. He nodded softly, but that wasn't enough reassurance. "Promise me my world will be safe…. This place… it means more to me than my own life. It has fostered and raised every generation of my family, my father left it to me. I will not see it perish." You said, your head tilted up slightly. You have always been proud and dignified. As the heir to a family should be. It was how you were raised. "I can assure you, you will be provided with enough energy to keep this world alive. But no more than needed." He said, his gaze piercing yours. He already knew well of your ways and desires. But you were both keepers of your word. "Then I will return with you." You finally gave in. He was satisfied with that, and after that you both made your way to Devil May Cry. You're lucky Nero isn't there when you arrive. It saves some hassle as you and Vergil explain the specifics of the situation to Dante. In true fashion, he seems unbothered by your presence. Trusting his brother to know who's good and who's not. That was the start of your devil hunting days. It's possible your family had hid it from you, that your kind held a deep seated grudge against humans, but ensnaring and killing demons provided you with the same energy as humans did. Your power began to rise again, but only time would tell if you returned to your tricky ways.
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I’m sorry I’m late, Levi. Here is my birthday Drabble for you
I’d heard the rumours. We all had. The stories one would tell a child to keep them from seeking the embrace of the night. Like a fool I’d signed my name to the contract. To hunt the unhuntable. The rid them all of the curse of the night. Yet such a fool I was. Young and ignorant of the future to pass. When I first met him, it was like a midsummer dream. A flitting presence in the corner of the eye, as one would expect from a young sparrow on a breeze. He held himself with such poise and grace, with a but a turn of the head he’d carried himself from my vision, if as if the sparrow had never been. I may say met, though we did not speak. But for me it was the truest form of meeting. A meeting of unknown fates that would bind us all the way to depths of our very soul. He knew me, from but a glance. Yet our true meeting was still some time off. Winter in all its bitter struggles came. The land swallowed by the thick blanketing of snow. The nights so cold and long that the darkness seemed forever infinite against our finite existence. With its rolling winds and dancing flakes, it came to us and stole our warmth. First one or two, then soon I was all but was left. Such lofty dreams we held when we started. Wishes that our names shall become recorded as the great heroes we believed we’d be. How foolish man is. Man who is but a drop in the great ocean in all the times since time began. How ignorant we were of the particulars of our foe. I’m sure if we had known this was how our story would end, none of us would have been so hasty to sign our lives away. No one would have called us cowards. For each man sought his own self preservation above all. Each of us thought ourselves the finest of specimens. Each with some unique trait or quirk that would ensure our victory against all odds. Yet, we are but flesh and bone, and he... he was manhood ascended into god form. For many nights passed in the bitterest of conditions. My stead, whom I had taken the pains to train painstakingly since foaldom, the most trusted of all my companions finally fell. His noble white hook taking through the ice, as a warm knife would slide through butter with ease. Thrown from the saddle, limbs so numb that the pain of the landing elicited the sensation of a thousand needles upon the soul, were useless as his struggled, sinking ever deeper into the frosted swamp the ice had hidden. To shoot him was as if to shoot ones self. In the arm or such, no, perhaps the removal and loss of such limb would truly be the better description. His black eyes half lidded as continued to struggle. Leg clearly broken, yet my noble friend still tried. With an almighty snort, resignation filled the beast’s features, death delivered swiftly so as to release my last true friend from the struggles of his mortal life. That night I ate the heart of my last friend. Taking upon the legends that his strength should reside in me if was to do as such. Following his death, it was as if God had condemned me for the murder of the most refined beast. The gunpowder I held fell damn and useless. My clothes torn to shreds by the biting winds. I sincerely hoped for death. I had not even raised a hand to my foe, yet he laughed at me from afar. He struck us all down without lifting a single finger against us. Such thinking’s brought a smile to my face, the weeks of isolation and seclusion has endowed me with a touch of lunacy it would seem. If my poor mother was to see me now, how she would weep for her foolish son. Perhaps it was better that she’d been taken into heaven’s embrace early, sparring her the horror of her son’s foolery. Oh, why had not listened to gentle Armin. His kind and soft nature so often seen in those of scholars and academics. He’d thrown himself at me, begging me to rethink, and how bitterly I wish I had. His warm embrace and that of my cousin were the selfish dreams left to a dying man. Those days we laughed as children might. Armin’s sweet nature naturally made him the target of those less than civilised, yet my sweet friend never raised a hand in his own defence. Not wishing to stoop to such levels, he held a defiant stance. Unlike myself and my dear sweet cousin Mikasa. How I longed to see them both. Would the recognise the wretched thing I became as their once dear friend, or cast me to the streets? Sweet Armin, so gentle and willing to help the most wretched would offer me a seat by his fire and soup to warm my empty stomach. Mikasa would glare, her slim arms crossed as she watched, waiting until the last dregs of the bowl were empty to then cast me back to the streets. It was by some amazement I had lasted as long as I had. My poor notebook had seen better days, it’s pages often stuck together from the snow melting through and chilling my breast. Each coming day I had tallied, each line a signal that my bleak existence had not been snuffed out while I huddled lost and cold. How many life times a man could live in those days condemned to be remember by such a small and trifle thing as a line. By my count a fortnight and then some had passed since the killing of my dear friend, and all that time I had wandered, sometimes until my body could no longer support my saddened frame. As I scrawl these few lines I am quite certain that tonight shall be the last for me. My refuge the ruins of a once might cathedral. A fitting place for one whom God Almighty has turned his back on. I never did meet him again, yet I am remarkably at peace with this outcome. I may be a young man, all of 21, yet I feel the cold chill upon me as if I were the most wisened of men. Let me sleep, and dream of the better days and the embrace of my mother awaiting me. It is by luck that I made it through the night. I felt sure that the small fire I kindled together has been dying as my eyes slid closed. It seems too happy to call it luck, though I know my dear sweet cousin would call it just so. Regrettably it is a sentiment I can no longer associate with one particular emotion I might call my own, for each day is yet another served in self loathing. It would have been far nobler to have passed with him comrades, for I have passed so far that there is nay chance of being recovered. If there was, such a grand and fine cathedral shall not have fallen into a sad state of disrepair. When I close my eyes, I can very nearly imagine the ladies of the parish in their fair white dresses, one perhaps two bells tolling. The familiar phrases of muchly repeated bible versus, that as a child I thumbed nose at. Again by luck, or some greater cosmic design, there was a dead rat not so far from where I’d bedded. Bedded. Ha! What a novel notion. The rags I sleep in barely hold a candle to soft downy bed I shared as a child. None the less, and as starved as I was, the companionship of the rat was short lived as I roasted him over my fire. Such a short and brief meal, my manners akin to ravenous wolves as I devoured my brief friend. Despite pretending the small thing some more appealing such as a quail, the gamey taste filled me with such revulsion I barely kept the meal down for a matter of moments before I threw up. Where he sits upon his throne, God is surely having a good laugh at this pitiful fool. It has now touched on dusk. I am taken by a peculiar sensation of eyes upon me. Rats scratch and mice scurry. Yet I have not the strength to pursue either. Through the shattered remains of a once grand window, the moons bright rays are yet to illuminate my little friends. My little friends who shall no doubt feast upon my bones, as I did their brother, upon my demise. Above me some bat looks down, the soft fluttering of the wings I at first mistook for death on the wind. To have come this far, I wish I had the strength to go all the way. To catch this fiend and hold him to account, for I have lost so much on this chase that he is all that is left for me. It is now we meet for a second time. His footsteps lighter than a feather as he flits just out of sight. His eyes as red as the flames of hell, yet all he has done is wait. I have pulled my blunderbusts on the devil, yet he does not know as I, that the powder too wet for even a final shot. Yet, perhaps if provoked, he would grant me my fondest wish of a swift death. With shaky aim, I raised my guns, pointing at the fiends red eyes, fingertips paused on the triggers. He speaks no words, nor makes any sound, yet I hear his laughter in his ears. My fingers squeeze the triggers but a millimetre and he is upon me. Great halberd in his grip. In the light of the mood he does not look like the devil of legend. He looks like my saviour. His soft short black hair flows so beautifully, his eyes now silver in the light. Plump bottom lip and thin upper of the most palest pinks. My fingers abandon the trigger. In a split second he’d changed the trajectory. The heavy silver blade that was to grant me my release embedded it’s self barely a breath from my ear. My wicked foe, nay, I cannot deny, for he is the most beautiful man I have set my eyes upon. He is quick to jump back, confusion clouding his charming face “Why do you not shoot?” His voice makes my heart leap, for having no one to talk to for so long has taxed me muchly “Why do you not behead me? Or is your thirst so great you think to drink from my neck?” He pulls a face, crossing his arms. Clad in the garb of all Prussian upper class, his riding coat black with the fanciest of gold trimmings. It charms and suits him muchly. He stands an inch or so beneath Armin, and perhaps a whole heads length beneath me. Yet, in his own way, it is so becoming upon him. It plays on the tip of my tongue to tease him over his height, but never have I beheld such a man who radiated such intelligence. Oh the conversations we could have had had we met under different circumstances “I’m not so hard up to feed upon any shitty brat before me” I cannot help myself as I laugh. His refined appearance held none such hint of such blunt conversation. Yet again, it suits him well “Alas, it is all I have to offer you. Had we met elsewhere, perhaps we could have feasted like kings. Yet, I am sure when the night ends, so shall my life” “This is true. You’re barely worth the rags you sit in. At first I was irritated, then confused as to why you did not turn back” “The foolish pride of man. For we are a gluttonous bunch” “Stubborn pride shall be your ruin” “I can not deny that. Nor you nor I, shall deny the words of a dying man” His voice excited my heart so. I’m quite certain he must have noticed as he came closer, removing his weapon from where it was lodged as if it weighed nothing more than a sheet of paper. The second the weapon disappeared into the shadows it ceased existence. If not for the gaping wound beside my head, I would have thought it all a figment of my imagination “Having pursued me for so long, I find myself curious as to what you are thinking” My heart fluttered, a sensation I thought gone “That the devil may just perhaps be my saviour. If I am to die tonight, might I look upon the moon’s grace one last time” “It is the act of an insincere man to swear on the full moon” Arranging my features into the best smile I could give him, I replied “Then it is a good thing that God has turned his back on me, though I’m sure I have nothing to swear” When he laughed it sounded like the first sweet bird songs once spring has sprung. Taking my hand as if I were not a filthy thing, he raised me to my feet. I felt sure he must hear the pounding of my heart. The delight of being touched again sent shivers through my body. His own held a warmth that was wholly unexpected. Supporting my frame, he led the short distance to the windowsill. The moon in all her grace shined so brightly tears formed in my eyes. In my hurry to thank my companion, I turned too fast. My cheek hitting his face as I gasped in horror. Again, my strange foe laughed. I noticed blood had beaded upon his lip where his sharpened fang had cut “I am sorry” “You are strange. You delight in though from he who you deem “devil”. Now you apologise to the face of your foe” My cheeks heated, he had noticed my excitement “The moment you stepped beneath her light, I have never seen a sweeter sight. Your countenance not at all like the villain my mind had made you into. The human mind is fit for flights of fancy. The first time you danced past my vision, I thought it a dream. If this is all a dream, I pray not to wake” “You’re a strange one, aren’t you?” Raising a soft hand, he thumbed over my cheek. The softest in his eyes so gentle my breath caught “Will you feed upon me when I die?” “If that is your desire. For the man who pursued me for so long, I shall grant you one last wish” The decision came easily. For if I never say another day, I did not wish to die with this regret “Then let me wish for a kiss” His lips were soft. The softest ever pressed against my own. Knowing my own perversions, no kiss bestowed upon me had ever sent my heart soaring as the soft meeting of his lips against mine. Not those of my sweet cousin, or those of friends offered in friendship. No. None of those kisses could compare to the thrill of no longer denying ones self. Feeling his teeth scrape against my lower lip, he pulled back to gaze at me in the moonlight “For many months I watched you. Your foolish struggles brought me no delight. I knew in my heart that I should be gladdened at the death of your friends, but let me tell you this, Eren Jäger, I was never the monster responsible for the crimes against my name. Your blood is the first to pass my lips in long over a decade. I do not wish for your death, yet I have nothing that which may sustain you” My heart skipped a beat as he said my name. It seemed all was well known by him “You know my name, but I not yours. They call you the devil, all manner of names as such” “I am Levi. Nothing more, nothing less. This curse forced upon me against my will. When you have passed, I shall continue to walk this world alone. Is there someone I should notify of your passing?” Brushing the hair from my face, I wondered how I could ever thought this man the worst kind of fiend “My sweet cousin. Though I fear her so fierce she shall instantly hold you to account. I have no blood family remaining. My father is gone and my sweet mother taken by the plague. Her own family was lost, and like a sister she has been to me” “With your boundless pride, I was sure you must be the rebellious son of a noble” Smiling softly, he wasn’t terribly wrong. My father had held a position of high standing as the saviour who’d stood against the initial plague upon our village “Perhaps in another lifetime... You have shown me much kindness, Levi. For that I am grateful. Never have I had such a sweet kiss placed upon my lips. I shall be gladdened if my life is of some use to you” With his arm around my waist, he led me back to the fire’s warmth. Before I could object, he sat beside me. His pretty coat upon the dust “You know what I am, yet you did not ask for my curse” It would be a lie to say that I was not envious of the thought of seeing another day, but it was his eyes that stilled the thought before it reached my tongue “Never have I seen eyes as sad as yours. Your curse is no great blessing. It has robbed you of even the simplest joy death brings. But you shall not have my pity, for I know you are strong enough to see this curse through. I sincerely hope from the depths of my heart you shall find someone to walk this long and dark road with you” “Would you?” My laughter turned to a harsh cough. Levi rubbing my back until my breathing had settled “I am hardly anyone’s first choice. I shall cherish our first and last kiss. It was more than I ever thought I shall receive” “I ask... I mean... You are right. It is hard and it is lonely. Yet it has been easier since I set eyes on you. Your boundless youth. The beast you hide within. I don’t think I would mind being bound by this curse if it was at your side” “You flatter me, yet you do not know me” “I know enough, Eren. If you ask of me this, I shall promise you shall never walk alone. We both house what they call “beastly” desire. You are the first and last human I shall ever offer this curse upon. For know it is a curse. And yet, I am selfish and a slave to my human desires of company” Staring at Levi’s face, he was earnest, if not looking somewhat constipated. How beautiful he was though. As if carved by the hands of the greats. His silver eyes held such hope that I found myself as his mercy. This man, who’d shown a wretch like me such kindness. How could I deny him his request when he’d asked me so honestly. The beast I’d thought to hunt was my saving grace in my darkest time “Will it hurt, terribly?” My tone was timid, Levi’s fine lips morphing into the saddest of smiles “Only to begin with. Then each time one you love passes before you eyes” “You, who have led the saddest of life’s have given me such joy. I can deny you this one wish you have of me. I ask that if anything is to go wrong, you shall destroy me by your own hand, for nothing shall give me greater joy” “For you, I shall. I shall give you the Earths and the heavens, all wonders shall lay before you feet” My cheeks reddened further, for his words spun like the finest of silks “If I am to have you, then I already hold all the wonders a man could ever need in one lifetime, or two. How does this... How do you...?” Levi stroked my hair so lovingly that I could not help but lean into his touch. For a man whose heart no longer beat, he’d shown such love and kindness “I will cut your lips upon my fangs, then do so my own. My curse is in my cursed blood. Yet know, I do not sup from those not of my kind. You shall meet them all in time. Until, my blood shall be your bread and wine. A whole new world will scare you. It will overwhelm you. And at times you will curse me. But for one as lovely as you, you are all I could ask for in a mate for this journey of life. I swear this to you” “Isn’t it the act of an insincere man to swear on the moon” “Our lives are not blessed by the warmth of their so called God. Insincerity is all I have, though I do believe I swore to you, and not on the clear moon of tonight’s sky” “Then you shall swear on your blood. The blood we shall share” “This is do readily. Are you prepared? I will take no offence if you decline me, or only accept my proposition so that you might return to your family some day” “I have stalked you this long. I might as well follow you until the end” “Then close your eyes, my gentle beast. Take my blood and be born new” The pain passed to pleasure. I am quite sure that I must have lost my mind. Never have I experienced such an unbounding pleasure as I found in that bloodied kiss. Levi’s blood rushed to meet mine. The feeling akin to having a million wasps released into ones bloodstream. Such descriptions would not normally be used in such tight conjunction, yet to those who have not tasted the sweetest of sins there is no easy way to express the overwhelming senses of... overwhelmingness. Hungrily I fed from his lips as a starved babe from mother’s teat. Levi undenying of my thirsts, holding my body to his as the last of my breath passed from my mouth to his. I could not tell you how long the embrace lasted. It felt to me as if all the seconds of all the minutes of all the hours of my meager life passed between us. Levi feeling my dizzying highs and bitter lows with such grace the last beat my heart gave was for him. When the moment passed and the kiss broke, his eyes flashed red “Tonight you will change. Your body will born anew. This place does nothing for one so fine” “It has its own charms” “It’s filthy, brat. So filthy that not even pigs should be subjected to disgusting environs. You, who walked so far, let me carry you the last of the way” “My heart. My soul. My blood. It is all for you” Spurred by my words, Levi was swift in lifting me from the floor. My arms looped around his neck, as I hid my giddiness. This life is already such a magical life. We have no breath, yet we form words. Our lungs expand from brain’s memory that breath is a necessity. He did not need to breathe, still, I felt the steady movement of his chest as he did... He was so very human, yet so very not. My blood dribbled down his chin and chest, staining his fine line shirt and cravat. My nose could smell his blood amongst the mix. Base hunger aroused, somewhat mortifyingly as I realised my desire to lap away the traces of our sealed pact. For his part, Levi raised an eyebrow, I’d temporarily forgotten he’d faced the same hunger before “Soon, my insatiable beast. Let us leave before the first rays of dawn” “Shall we ever gaze upon a sunrise again?” “We shall see so many that they will all become the same” “Still, this is our first sunrise. I feel remiss to not know the date” “It is Christmas. The first day you shall walk beside me. Nothing could thrill me more” Unable to suppress a little mischief, I laughed softly “And soon you shall see that I am the gift that keeps giving” “I have no of doubt that” Burying my face against his neck, Levi started towards the broken window, as he leapt with me in his hold, it occurred I’d been quite rude. I’d decided myself his gift, on this the holiest of days. But as God had turned his back on me, I turned my back on his son. The man whose arms held me, held more hope than I’d ever known “Happy Birthday, sweet Levi” “The sweetest one to date”
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worstaid · 5 years
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Send ’Fearmonger’ for a drabble about one of my muse’s worst fears.
💉  —— < LENA! >
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For a man as young as he, Ludwig was strong. The two men restraining him by either arm had trouble keeping him from tearing free, sometimes clinging to just fabric before they managed to get a firm hold again. He had worked with these men, broke bread with these men, drank with these men, laughed with these men, called these men his friends. The same voices that had shared stories with him nights before were speaking in hushed tones on how to dissemble all he’d worked so hard - so long - to create.
< You went against my direct orders, Ludwig. > he spoke, voice thick with malice. Ludwig could see it, the way he looked down with such passive eyes, his features stolid, never before has such a cruel act been carried out by someone looking so bored. < You’ve wasted enough resources and time. Not just ours, but yours as well. Your time has run out, Ludwig. >
< Ghnn— LENA! >
His voice was brittle, teeth grit while he lunged forward, thrashing like a wild animal to save this. It wasn’t just his time, it was hers! The things he’d done, the things he’d subjected her to, the things she’d asked him to subject her to, it couldn’t all be for nothing. This extreme measure he’d taken was supposed to be the final stage of the process, and it was being torn apart right in front of him.
Her time was running out.
If he could just pause the clock, if he could just—
< You cannot play god, Ludwig. You may be a doctor, but you are still a man. >
For some reason, those words had pulled such vicious strength from deep within him, Ludwig finally broke free. He stumbled, damn-near toppled over trying to get to her, but froze mere steps away. Everything around him was still, the men, the machine, the harsh wind of Germany’s winter, everything but the sound of a beating heart, and a ticking clock.
< ...Lena, >
Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick...
< Lena, please, >
Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick...
< Please forgive me for being just a man. >
And there, suspended in the air, outstretched hand so close to pulling the men away from his work, Ludwig bowed his head,
and listened to her heart, and the clock, stop.
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secretlymagneto · 4 years
Fic request thing from @princeasimdiya12 ! Gravity Falls and Aladdin crossover with mullet Stan :0
I totally got the timeline wrong with the ages but I thought it would be hilarious if Soos was following Stan around and getting him in trouble as like this little kid that Stan ends up taking under his wind (just like Aladdin has his group of street kids too!)
Stan was not the sort of man you would trust with a secret. Merchants rarely were those days, but there was something particularly fishy about setting up a booth and inviting customers to view strange beings from other worlds.
 Especially when he was barely old enough to own a business at all, and he sported an ungodly mane of hair.
Was stealing a chicken from the neighbors and painting its eggs gold bad form? Absolutely. Did he care? Not at all. Money was money, and for a poor kid out on the streets, becoming a shady entrepreneur was a talent. 
Besides, everyone liked the Golden Breakfast Chicken. 
So, when Soos came back to the shack one day holding a weird scroll, the first thing Stan thought about was business. Business and how useless a scrap of paper was compared to what Soos was supposed to buy.
“I thought I asked you to get some weird bones from the butcher,” Stan said, crossing his arms. “How are we supposed to make an unholy beast now?”
“You have to see this,” Soos replied, waving the paper around. He hopped over the market stand’s counter, finally out of the desert sun. 
That kid was like...seven. It was almost definitely illegal to hire him but, to be fair, Stan felt like he was doing a service by helping a fellow street kid. Like an orphanage worker or something. Except that Soos had a mother. And Stan was not old enough to be responsible for a child.
“It’s a map!” Soos exclaimed.
“A map,” Stan said flatly. “You spent all our money on a map.”
“A map to a place called the Cave of Wonders.”
“Soos.” Stan took the map, staring at the curving linework. “You got scammed by a scam artist. We’re supposed to be scam artists.”
“But the cave is real!” Soos protested. “I can take you there!”
The kid sent Stan one of his signature pleading looks. Stan sighed, rolling up the map. He couldn’t say no to that.
“If we find any bones in this supposed cave, you’re forgiven.”
Before Stan could say anything more, Soos hopped the counter again and began to run down the street. Stan clamored after him. If this trip took longer than ten minutes, he was using the map for kindling.
“This is. A pile. Of sand,” Stan said, gesturing to...a pile of sand.
In fact, in the blazing afternoon light, they were surrounded by dunes of nothing but sand. Sand and a clear blue sky that meant that it wasn’t raining any time soon.
“It was right here! It opened up for me and everything,” Soos insisted.
“You sure it wasn’t a mirage, kid?” Stan asked.
“Well, first I took this beetle thing,” said Soos, pulling something out of his pocket. “Then I put the pieces together.”
The two pieces gleamed in the sunlight. 
“You have gold that you didn’t tell m—” 
Soos smashed the pieces together before Stan could say anything more.
A ray of orange light burst from the pendant. Beams that split in two, laying on the dunes like eyes. 
Then the earth moved and the ground fell beneath them.
“Cool!” Soos exclaimed, staring in awe.
Stan pulled Soos away from the chaos as the desert swirled in rugged waves like an ocean. And then the dune rose. Like a golden tide, sculpting itself with every grain and particle shifting within.
“WHO DARES AWAKEN ME FROM MY SLUMBER?” asked the creature.
Stan let out a high-pitched scream (that he later would not admit to) and almost dropped the map. So it was real. 
“Me! Me!” Soos called.
“Shh!” Stan pulled him back again. “We don’t know what that thing is!”
“Worthy?” Stan wrinkled his nose.
If there was anything he hated more, it was proving his worth. He was a con artist. He took care of the people he cared about. That was that.
“Come on!” Soos called.
Stan watched Soos run off again, into the tiger’s maw. The decision was made for him, apparently. Stan sprinted after him, jumping the teeth and slipping down the stairs where Soos stumbled forward with glee. 
Stan watched him approach the threshold at the bottom of the stairs, wandering into the next room. He waited.
Nothing. Soos had passed. 
Of course, he was worthy. Young, naive, pure of heart and all that. A bit ignorant sometimes, but he was a seven-year-old. His voice echoed against the walls but every second that went by could end with danger. 
Stan scrambled to his feet. Worthy or not, he couldn’t let anything happen to Soos. 
He strode down the remaining stairs until he now stood at the doorway Soos had gone through. His jaw dropped. He had never seen so much gold. Mountains of it, piled on top of itself, shimmering. That wasn’t the vision that sent a chill down his spine. 
The walls told a far different story.
Skeletons littered the corners of the room. Skulls with hollowed stares, punished for their greed. Well, there were the bones he was looking for. 
“Get back here!” Stan called, not daring to go past the threshold.
“Aw, come on man! It’ll be okay!” Soos grabbed an object and ran back.
“There’s something wrong about this place!” 
“Oh! Wait!” Soos stooped down, ready to grab some of the coins off of the ground. “I owe you for spending all the money!”
Take what you’re worth. That was a one-per-person deal, right? Oh no. Soos.
“Don’t touch it!” Stan shouted.
Before he could think, he sped into the room, dodging scattered gold on the ground to reach Soos. 
“Aw hey, you’re worthy!” Soos exclaimed.
And his hand closed on a bunch of coins. And the cavern rumbled.
A large chunk of ceiling fell onto the gold with a crash. Soos almost dropped his handful. Stan shook his head. Might as well keep it at this point.
“Run!” He shouted. He grabbed Soos by the arm and dragged them both to the stairs as sand spilled from the ceiling, flooding the room below. 
“I’ve evaded plenty of court dates!” Stan shouted back, scooping up more coins just for the spite of it. “I can handle another one!”
They made it past the doorway just as a mass of ceiling sealed it off with a final thud.
“We made it,” said Soos.
“Not yet,” Stan replied, glancing up at the exit above.
Time for a climb.
The stairs sank into themselves, becoming a dissolving slide. Stan blinked the dirt from his eyes. His shoes slipped in the river of earth. Soos shouted something. Stan reached for the blue sky at the closing entrance. 
“Just a little… further…”
Stan opened his eyes to a dark, starry sky. 
“You made it!” Soos clamored with glee. 
Stan was surrounded by sand. He was beginning to hate the desert if he was going to be honest. 
“We’re alive?” Stan asked groggily.
“Yes! You are alive! And I believe you owe me,” a new voice chimed in.
Stan turned to see a floating creature hovering above him. Not quite real, not quite a vision. Its triangular body glowed gold, just like the lamp Soos was carrying. The creature did a little bow.
“Bill Cipher. Nice to meet you. I’m a genie. Lived in the lamp, yada yada. I’m out now, is the important part,” it said.
“I wished for us to escape!” Soos explained. “He granted me three wishes.”
The triangle creature’s eye squinted in what could almost be described as a smile. 
“You guys made it out of the cave of wonders, huh?” Said Bill. “No small feat there. We’re going to have a lot of fun together.”
Stan did not like Bill. 
Bill sent him a wave and tipped his hat.
Stan really did not like Bill.
Thank you so much for sending me a prompt! This was a TON of fun, I hope you enjoy :D
Feel free to send in drabble requests/drawing requests!
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rhodirachel · 7 years
Fray | Chapter 5 | The Gift | A BTS Fanfiction
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The 1st released work of the BTS Christmas Special. This is a short drabble, just a bit over 2k words. This drabble was inspired by the beautiful tale, "The Gift of the Magi", a short story by O. Henry. I do hope you enjoy!
Rating: M (for language only)
Words: 2107
Warnings: Explicit language, gang details, violence
I throw on my scarf and step into the fresh air from the house, bombarded with frilly snowflakes and gusts of wind.
Christmas is in less than a day, and yet again I haven’t been able to grab Jiminie his Christmas present. Every time I find something he might like, we're together, so I can't simply buy it for him right in front of him. And every time I'm alone, I simply can't find something that he would like.
The universe is out to get me.
Even if I have to spend all day out here in the cold, I'm getting his present today. Fortunately though, I know exactly what to get him.
The precious stone Jiminie had was a sunstone, or at least that’s what the curator said. Before we had run away together, Jimin would often steal from his parents. Sometimes to pay for the things they needed they refused to buy, like food, or clothes. Sometimes he’d do it in spite. We had our bags packed, ready to flee in the night, when Jiminie said he needed to go back for one last thing. I remember him coming out with a necklace, with small, coral crystals betwixt, shimmering with orange under the city lights.
The necklace was beautiful, as if it was a necklace adorned with crystals of fire. I remember I hadn’t said anything, knowing exactly what was going on. It was his way of assuring any money for us, in case we needed it. Even then, I knew of the things that would happen in his household. A thing to support us, just in case; and one last spiteful action, in a form of vengeance, or justice for all they had done.
What had been a last resort for money, though, soon turned into a symbol for the both of us. Once our relations with CHAN went sour, for a long time we were unable to leave. We were beaten down over time, especially Jiminie. I remember him trying to protect me; whether that be when I cried silently in the bathroom, or when the bad ones were trying to take me away. I remember the last time they kept us together before the exchange; I remember him trying to fight them off, and thrashing as the members were holding him back, letting the bad ones take me away to the grand suite.
He never told me really who the “bad ones” were. I guess he didn’t want me to know what was really going on, for our sake. Now, as time passes, sometimes it’s hard for me to remember what they did. I remember them giving me drink after drink, not exactly knowing what was in the glass at the time. All I remember is the shimmering of chandeliers and the soft touch of silk sheets, before waking up with a bad headache in the morning- not remember what happened the night before. I know, now, at least somewhat. I may not remember, but I can connect the pieces. I can guess why Jiminie shakes in fear from his nightmares when he sleeps.
The necklace, then, though, became a symbol of hope for us as we endured CHAN. It was a way to remember who we were, where we came from, what we left to do. I remember the countless time Jiminie would hide the necklace, making sure our former brothers would never be able to find it and take it away from us. When we were in our room the day before we were to escape with the rest of Bangtan, he told us how he wanted to make a ring out of one of the crystals. He wanted to be able to wear it as a ring every day, as a constant reminder. Since then, I’ve always tried to save the money to buy the best ring band, a ring he deserves, but I always come up short. The seven of us barely make enough money to eat, nonetheless buy a beautiful ring band. All we are are petty thieves, we can’t hold jobs in fear of CHAN finding us, or hurting the ones around us. It just isn’t plausible. So we steal, hoping to make ends meet for the group.
With my glasses in my coat pocket though, I know exactly what I’m going to do.
“Are you sure you want to sell these…? They’re not exactly things you sell, kid. And by the way you’re holdin’ that head of yours, I’m assumin’ you need these.”
The merchant held the glasses in the air, presumably checking for scratches, or complications with the pair of glasses.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” I chuckled, slightly rubbing my right temple with my palm. I guess I wasn’t as discreet as I thought I was.
“Alright, well, I’ll give you 163,458 won for these, since the casin’ seems to be high-end.”
“O-only 163 thousand? But those glasses were over-”
“Yeah, and do you know where you’re standing?” the man scoffed, putting the glasses back in its case. “You’re in the black market, kid. Don’t get over your head thinkin’ you’re gonna get rich or something with a pair of glasses. I’ll give you 170, max, but that’s it.”
I stare at the man’s stern face and sigh. “How much can I get for the case?”
The man looks at the leather case. “Well, I can tell where you got this case was the same place as you got the eye-glass casin’... 45,000.”
I contemplated what the man was offering. I knew that I would probably need more for what I was trying to get, but I also knew that this place was the best area to sell my glasses at such a price, let alone sell them at all. It’s not like tons of shops are willing to buy glasses that are years and years old.
“Okay,” I said. “I’ll take it.”
I tidied the money carefully into one of the zippered pockets of my jacket. The snow seemed to fall down at an even faster rate, and so I pulled my scarf closer to my face in an attempt to contain any last warmth. I sighed, knowing I wouldn’t be able to buy exactly what I wanted for Jiminie.
Walking down a mostly empty sidewalk, I threw my back against a brick wall in defeat as I slide down it to sit on the ground. The snow soon began to pile on my clothes in little white plains. Why couldn’t I simply do this one thing for Jiminie? Get him at least one thing he deserves?
I sat there for a while, in silence. I watched the people pass by me, carrying loads of bags, presumably for their own loved one’s Christmas gifts. I wondered, how many of them took for granted the things they could obtain, when I, Jiminie… all the boys, were granted so little?
I smiled. That’s what made them the best though. Especially Jiminie. I don’t remember one day he ever complained about our life in Bangtan. He never mumbled, or slacked. He was always happy, as if just the idea of being alive one more day was the greatest gift.
I swiftly got up, brushing the snow off of my clothes, and headed back to the market. I still had a present to buy, after all.
“Tae! You’re home! Where were you? We’ve missed you all day!”
I laughed as Jiminie ran up to hug me before I took off my scarf and jacket. I looked around in amazement, because even though we weren’t usually able to afford luxuries, Jiminie made sure that over time we’d at least have house decorations for Christmas. We even had a tree in the living room, with lights and ornaments we had collected over time.
“Wow,” I said in astonishment. “I can’t believe- did you do this all by yourself?”
“No, no,” Jiminie laughed. “(Y/N) helped me decorate the tree, but I was able to put up the other decorations on my own. Are you ready for midnight?” he asked in excitement.
“Yeah,” I said, smiling back at him. We always had a tradition, just the two of us, that on midnight of Christmas we’d exchange our gifts together. It was nice, just us two, sitting under the warm glow of the tree’s lights, opening each other’s presents in earnest. It always brought me back to a different time, when we were little kids again.
“I can’t wait to see what you got me!” he said, he smiling widening more. “I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you see what I got you, too.”
I couldn’t sleep at all during the night. I sat in bed, engaging in a staring contest with my clock until it struck twelve. Once it did, I jumped out of bed with my present in hand, eager to see his reaction once opening it.
“Tae! Come here!”
After rushing down the stairs, I could see the whispering figure barely as he waved his arm over towards the tree. As we walked closer, I could see more and more of him because of the familiar glow of the golden lights. The room looked extremely cozy, with all the greens and reds accenting perfectly with the light’s aura.
We both sat down next to the tree, before giggling out of excitement.
“Merry Christmas, Tae.”
“Merry Christmas, Jiminie.”
We exchanged gifts, and Jiminie signaled for me to open mine first. I eagerly nodded, ripping away at the gift wrap. Inside was an elongated black box.
“Well, open it!”
I smiled at his request, and slowly opened it. My face completely fell.
“Tae, what’s wrong? Don’t you like your gift?”
I closed the box that contained a new pair of glasses lenses and set them on the floor, covering my face with my hands.
“Tae, what’s wrong?”
I felt so horrible I let out a laugh. “The present… I can’t do anything with the present.”
“What,” worried Jiminie, “what do you mean you ‘can’t do anything with the present’?”
“Open your present, Jiminie.”
He looked at me with a puzzled expression, but I signaled him to open the gift again. Reluctantly, he opened the gift that held a golden ring, with a center prong left open to hold one of the sunstones.
“I sold my glasses to get you this ring. It was for the sunstone necklace you always had… I remember how much it meant to you. I wanted to get you a ring, so you could put one of the stones in there and be able to wear it every day. As a constant reminder, or a testament, of all the things we’ve been able to go through. Together.”
My words, seeing the ring, made Jiminie begin to tear up. However, what seemed like happy tears soon turned into sad ones as he began to sob.
“Hey, hey, why are you crying,” I worried, “what’s wrong?”
I moved over to his side and wrapped one arm around his shoulders. He kept crying for a few moments until he began to dry his eyes.
“I,” he croaked, laughing, “I sold the necklace to buy you the lenses. I knew how badly you needed new lenses, and I knew how expensive they were so I sold the necklace to be able to purchase you new ones.”
It was silent for a few moments, as we let the reality of the situation sink in. Those glasses were something I needed, yes, but I already had a pair. That necklace was Jiminie’s most prized possession.
I began to laugh. First a giggle, but more and more did my laugh turn into some I couldn’t control. Jiminie, with red eyes, looked over at me quizzically at first. Soon, though, he began to laugh along with me.
“You sold your glasses for me.”
“You sold your necklace for me.”
The laughing had died down eventually, and we sat together in silence as we looked down at the great, but most redundant gifts we had ever bought each other. Somehow, though, there was a greater gift amongst us.
“You know, it really is a merry Christmas,” I said, contemplative.
Jiminie looked at me and smiled before wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “Yeah. It really is.”
Copyright 2017 © rhodirachel. All rights reserved.
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