#{ Living undead lives and being unafraid (Main Verse) }
monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@icedvoid reblogged for a random starter!
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🔮;; The other members of the Coven had made other plans today, which suited Faith just fine since that meant she would be able to focus on herself; she had gone to the music room for a bit of peace and quiet, since not many monsters came to the music room during lunch which is where Faith often came to hide away. 
Taking a seat, they unplugged their headphones as they scrolled on their phone as they looked for their playlist before hitting play. It was silent at first before the first keys of the piano began to play as she opened up one of her books to read. 
Unbeknownst to her, there was someone else who knew about the silence of the music room too.
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@quamxmulti liked for a random starter!
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💸“Look... all I’m saying is that if things go wrong- I’m not going to be taking the fall for it... You will be. After all, you have no proof or receipts that we were ever in business together-”
The gorgon paused briefly as she noticed the shadow being casted on her.
“...We won’t be in touch- Can I help you with something?”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@alquatil || 👁
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👾;; Zoë hummed softly, clearly pleased by this. She immediately saddled up to the slayer, leaning against them. They tilted their head towards Aaravi, her eye that was there fluttered its lashes lightly. Her tentacles reached out towards them lightly in anticipation.
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
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⚖️Omar smirked a bit, bringing a hand up to wipe away the golden blood that dribbled from their lip. After all they weren’t exactly human but also weren’t completely undead. They stepped over the body as they made their way towards where their water bottle was sitting. They had just finished training so they were pretty feeling good. They looked over when they noticed someone watching them and gave a wink.
“Hey... You should see the other guy.”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
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🗡;; It wasn’t common for Aaravi to give herself a day off, after all being a slayer was difficult. So to celebrate their day off, they were wearing casual clothes for once and were hanging out at a new cafe in the mall. They were dressed in a turtleneck with jeans, they had their weapons on them of course but they were hidden. They were waiting for their drink when someone bumped into them.
“Hey watch it- Uh... Sorry... Force of habit...”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@electrifyingstitches liked for a random starter!
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🔪Aaravi, or better known as ‘the Slayer’ was off on their own. They knew better then to eat their lunch in the cafeteria, so they had chosen a spot outside by the field. They were technically enrolled but knew that they didn’t exactly fit in anywhere, which suited them just fine- they were better off alone anyway... That was until they noticed someone’s sneakers and blinked before glancing up. They had put their hood down because they had thought they were alone and now felt a bit exposed without it.
“...Uh... Can I help you?”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@starscattered || 🧠
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💀;; Brian didn’t answer for a moment, simply listened and watching the other. They didn’t see anything wrong Finn, they saw them as a wonderfully horrible and interesting monster to be around. A deep sigh left the zombie before they approached the other, hands in their pockets as they looked down at Finn before putting a hand on their shoulder.
“Finn... You’re not broken. There isn’t anything wrong with you... There’s nothing wrong with not being interested in sex... even if your an incubus... Everything has things that they are interested in and what they aren’t... so so what if you just happen to fall into that category? You’re still you...”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@starscattered || 👁
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👾;; Zoë’s various eyes widened, the bioluminescence on her body flickered and glowed. Her cheeks became a dark purple as she looked at Brian, who wasn’t looking at her but their feet. Her tentacle moved slightly, wiggling lightly as it stood out in Brian’s perspective. She waited until the other was pay attention before speaking up. A small rumble mixed with a shudder left her as she rubbed her arm along her tentacle arm.
“...That’s... the first time anyone has... well ever said something like that to me... After all, not a lot of people really, uhm well- liked me before... or gave me a chance- not like you... 
       I- Really like hanging out with you too Brian... You- you make everything brighter.”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@starscattered || 👁
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👾;; Zoe smiled, the eyes on her body blinking faintly as she lightly drew Brian’s jacket closer around her small frame. Of course they were being playful, and considering they were it showed how much she trusted and had opened up around the other. Since normally she was a lot more quieter and shy around others. But with Brian... it had been easier to open up.
“Aw! Thanks Brian... That’s so nice of you. It’s super cozy and warm too!”
It also smelt like Brian... which may have been another reason for the eldritch deity to have taken it.
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@c-alcu-lester || ⚡️
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🔩;; Vicky seemed very excited by this, quickly grabbing the box and pulling it closer to her. She wore a bright smile and her eyes seemed to shine vibrantly as they looked at the other. They put the box to the side before taking the other’s hands in theirs and giving them a squeeze.
“Thank you so much Cal! I love it! I can’t wait to use these for my next project!”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@zgords || 👻
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💀The zombie merely grunted softly in response, taking the fact that she was all but leaning against him as an okay to fully bring her against his chest. A small quirk of his rotted lips would have been noticed if the other had been looking at him. But since she wasn’t it would go unseen for the time being as the other finally spoke up in their slow yet deep drawl.
“...Hey Zo...”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@starscattered || 🧠
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💀;; Brian’s eyes slowly widen- after all sometimes the information takes a moment to fully register. So when Finn tells them that they like him more than a friend- it’s almost as if they had been shocked back to life. Which is sort of impossible since they’ve been ‘dead’ for sometime. Even though they can’t fully feel properly, they feel a warmth bloom in their chest and along their cheeks. Honestly they had never really believed that anyone like Finn would like them...
But here we were.
“You... you don’t have to thank me Finn- That’s what friends... well boyfriends are for... To help each other through tough times...”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@zombfear liked for a random starter!
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🔥The fire elemental made a noise of surprise, her hands clenching her controller tightly as a game over sign flashed on her screen while it said congratulations player 2 on the other side. She put down her controller as she took a handful of popcorn as she sat back.
“How did you do that! That was awesome Brian!”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@loveyourfears liked for a random starter!
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✨It was rare that Faith was on her own, much less on school grounds. The witch was busy on her phone, while hiding out in the library. She had been looking for something but had come up empty handed, so now she was just messing away at this point until they heard someone approach the table she was it. Quiet, light foot steps; which ruled out a lot of their classmates- which could only leave a few students. Instead of chancing fate, she simply did what anyone would do.
“...Hello, is there something you needed?”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
“Those are the most hideous shoes I’ve ever seen.” Tate's judging one of the models in his fancy living magazines again. (the-preppiest-yeti)
The School meme I can’t find || No Longer Accepting || @the-preppiest-yeti
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💸;; Vera had been on her phone as the two of them were sitting together. She glanced up briefly from her phone to look over at what Tate was talking about before recoiling- her snakes hissing in distaste at what they saw. It was an atrocity on the eyes.
“…You’re absolutely right… those are hideous…”
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@the-preppiest-yeti reblogged for a random starter!
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📱;; Liam was sitting at his usual table with Vera when the yeti made their way over. He didn’t even glance up from his book as he gave a small nod of acknowledgement. After all, if he gave the other his attention when greeting them it would be way too mainstream. 
“Not that I care or anything, but what is up with you Tate?”
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