#//a lonnnng time ago anyways
orchidsangel · 7 months
okay okay okay ima have to explain a loooot then 😭😭 BIG SPOILER ALERT THO!!!!! (don’t put this in the jason tags or anything just in case bestie)
so first about this current hook up, i literally get you 100% i’m not a big fan of most jason ships like he’s most of the times written so ooc to fit in (also does not belong with anyone but me but that’s besides the point). overall there’s literally nothing going on with that girl (the comic is called red hood: the hill btw), they met minutes prior at jason’s housewarming party, they flirted like 2 lines, and in this preview they’re making out while jason’s best friend is in danger (so it’s basically not gonna end up being good for jason anyway),,, based on the sollicitations for the next issues of this mini comic, it’s mainly gonna be focused on jason’s and his best friend’s vigilantism activities, so like i said: big doubts on this hook up turning out to be anything more, and to further point out this, in the first issue of this mini, jason is clear that he does not plan to stay in that part of gotham and he’s just here to visit his friend and help. now i just want to let you know that based on the this mini’s writer’s latest interview, it sounds like he doesn’t know jason’s character very well, and plans to just make him another case of making him question all his morals for the sake of his relationship with bruce. so i’m not particularly hyped much for the rest of this story but we’ll just have to see.
now for artemis, and here’s when things get a bit messy, i already mentioned that this mini is set to be 3 years ago, and that’s because this is actually a direct follow up to the red hood and the outlaws comic. after joker war ended and the outlaws split up, red hood was supposed to continue solo and he got a new writer (the one currently writing this mini) who introduced brand new characters for him. why is it coming out now? well first of all, it was cancelled back in 2020 because dc had this big alternate universe event scheduled for the first months of 2021: future state. they basically put on hold allllll the comics that were on the main timeline. and so this comic (which at that time was called red hood issue #51 and #52) was put to a hold. after this event ended, practically all the comics were picked up again or new ones were made, except this one. why? well because it’s dc and if there’s one thing you should know about dc is that they absolutely hate jason todd at their worst, and at their best they just don’t care about him and shove him here and there. so that’s what happened, he was shoved into a batfamily event (as always) where his relationship with bruce was once again the topic and ended horribly for him (sparing the details because i chose to ignore most of this shit they put him through). and after that, a new comic came, and another one, and that “red hood” solo comic was completely forgotten about and left as an open arc with no closer. so i’m guessing that the writer had kept some pressure on dc to continue his story and was granted a 6 mini series to get it over with. so here we are now, getting this mini story that has happened right after jason and artemis fucked and decided to both take their own separate ways (they haven’t been together nor interacted in canon since 2020, yet they’re still the most popular jason ship 😭), and currently artemis is under the wonder woman editorial and had a little cameo in batman the brave and the bold, other than that we don’t see of her much :((( (yes, jason is hooking with this new girl literally days/weeks after he did with artemis with whom he had a lonnnng situationship 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 idk what to say i swear)
now to conclude this, if jason 3 years ago was hooking up with a stranger in his new apartments, where is he now? well he’s in main gotham with the batfamily, his last appearance was the gotham war (horrible horrible horrible event that served no purpose and just completely destroyed his character for no reason) where he basically got lobotomized by bruce so that everytime he gets a rush of adrenaline he gets so scared that he can’t do shit, and then he was “fixed” by joker toxin,,, and beast world (he was an adorable wolf yes it sounds really weird but he was adorable so that’s all that matters), the last look of him in the main canon is in batman #145 which came out earlier this week and he’s well, a punching bag as usual, no one but the batfam with him, still horrible characterization but that’s nothing new, dc does not care about jason enough to actually give him anything that’s good or anyone that will actually put effort into his story so we just have to take what we have and twist it into our own little thing ig,,,, this was a lonnnnng explanation but it was just to put everything into context sorry😭 some fans. got overly excited with the previews which ig good for them and everything but yeah she’s not his gf back then (so far) and certainly not currently,, anyway mwah much love and i love your writing 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
i read this ENTIRE thing the minute you sent it in nonnie i just got distracted by my mom and forgot to respond.
ig jason’s in his slut era, i guess he’s feeling a little whore-ish lately. good on him for rebounding after artemis (my eyes twitching and i’m on the floor sobbing)
thank u for this rundown of everything going on bc i haven’t gotten around to reading that outlaws run yet or gotham war. even tho i knew what happened in gotham war bc it was all over tumblr and. oh my god. WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO HIM 😭😭😭😭 just so sick like they’re genuinely out to get him it’s so nasty. free my man!!!!
it’s so crazy that dc treats him like this bc there’s so much they can do with his character and they just…choose not to? it’s so weird to me bc if his story was in my hands it would be so epic.
i’m so glad you enjoy my writing, sorry i haven’t been putting anything out tho 😖 i hope to start again soon!
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yeswevegotavideo · 8 months
hiiii omg! i just finished all of love and mobsters - i know you posted that a lonnnng time ago but i love it so much and i left a comment but wasn't sure if you were still active on that account. anyway, maybe pointless to ask but pleaseeee write more ryvyan stuff! ty for a great read :)
Hi hi! I answered over on AO3 but just wanted to say thank you so much for reading and commenting! And like I said over there, I don't have anything planned but I tend to revisit fandoms at a whim, so there's a decent chance I'll write more TYO someday. I've got to eventually finish Infinity, for example. It's one of my many "I promise this isn't abandoned, the rest is just off frolicking in a field and won't come home" WIPs.
I have a couple satellite TYO fics posted alongside the main series, if you haven't checked those out yet. I'm especially proud of Winter Holiday, I don't think anything else I've written in this fandom quite captures canon voice like that one. ^_^
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monsterxmuses-blog · 6 years
@electrifyingstitches liked for a random starter!
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🔪Aaravi, or better known as ‘the Slayer’ was off on their own. They knew better then to eat their lunch in the cafeteria, so they had chosen a spot outside by the field. They were technically enrolled but knew that they didn’t exactly fit in anywhere, which suited them just fine- they were better off alone anyway... That was until they noticed someone’s sneakers and blinked before glancing up. They had put their hood down because they had thought they were alone and now felt a bit exposed without it.
“...Uh... Can I help you?”
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ofcowardiceandkings · 5 years
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im finally trundling through my unfinished art mess lmao wow theres SOOO MUCH BotW and misc LoZ art in there help me
i dipped back into the pile of expanded worldbuilding whatever to do some brain fodder colouring or whatever and turfed up this nonsense 🤷 its still part of the previously mentioned other other other project i had an idea for forever ago now , so eh why not i guess lol 
again a similar route the last ones using the devs same principles plus ye olde Farme Wisdome ,, but like , bigger and a little more nitty gritty 
before i babble under the cut again; the canon doodles & the last exploring arts
right here we go lol … 
idk whether i even mentioned it before but the “””project””” loosely speaking is just filling in some worldbuilding holes and functionality for nerd reasons and for practice for other other things , mostly d&d related lol …….. anyway
goatsgoatsgoats ,, i figured there have to be like ?? small settlements or at least farmsteads for married gerudo/hylian couples right ?? probably ?? i dunno i just like the idea of lil villages or odd houses in gerudo highlands with mean goats jgfkdjfjkdsl , sandy coloured eat anything anger machines , no worries with wolves for these horrible babies theyre natures Fuck You
cows? cows, fluffy ones. im sooo , curious about how tabantha village Did Life .. the cows and to some extent the buffalo are for warmer weather though, yes theres sheep but what about !! the cows !! is it a musk ox or a highland cow we may never know lmfao ………  the idea of backbreeding them with water beefs for bigger fluffier friend beefs reminds me of the iron age pig escapades lol also [adjusts glasses] applying bergmann’s rule , cattle in hebra would be better off with bigger bodies, more fur, and shorter extremities :B
i just like sheep okay, theyre very good ,, again i just plonked my Cotswold Sheep Rule brand on this because theyre great and look really goofy , and they drove englands economy for a lonnnng time because their wool was just so damn good >:) .. in reality cotswold rams dont have horns either but for continuity i didnt see the point in polling them all
Right Lads … my ONLY big fat complaint about BotW is the lack of a defined ordon region or reference , so i made one , fuck yall ,, that island if you cant see is directly south of the horse god lake so i could pull the “oh the canyon between faron and ordon just got eaten by the sea” thing. but on to goats ………… 1) i love ordon goats, 2) cheese, 3) ordon was cute … i made them smaller than the others, i know link is short but the other goats in BotW are MASSIVE and insular dwarfism or something, theyre just cute. i took a little more liberty with colouring convention on them to match the original ordon goats on the same areas but idk i think it works ??
tadaaaa !! dorkosaurus out !!
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sureuncertainty · 5 years
The Silence Agenda: A reference post
revised/updated 2/7/20
(this is an updated version of the old post, I had to make a new one because it wasn’t letting me edit, but much of it is changed anyway) 
Well, it’s my original novel, The Silence Agenda, that’s completely taken over this blog to the point of me considering changing my url (don’t worry I won’t, I’m not planning on changing it anytime soon), and I figured it’d be good to have relevant info in one place for anyone interested in learning about it or about the characters!
Plot Synopsis: A trained assassin and Stressed(tm) grad student room together in a tiny apartment to make rent easier.  (oh my god they were roommates)The book centers around their relationship, growing from not quite enemies, but more like annoyances, to unlikely friends, and eventually of course, to lovers, because I’m predictable like that.
Nyx (they/them)-
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Nyx is the trained assassin half of the story. They’re 24 years old, genderfluid and use they/them pronouns, and they’re also intersex and identify as queer!
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They’re also ISTJ and an 8w9. They’re not really a people person, as they learned a lonnnng time ago not to trust others, and have a very hard time communicating and also showing or feeling any emotions at all.
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They had a rough life, grew up poor, were kicked out of their house when they were 17 by a homophobic/transphobic single mother, and ended up homeless for two years before they joined
The Silence Agenda, the name of the organization of assassins that Nyx is a part of. Their mission is basically to take out people that other people want dead. Technically, they’re hitmen, not assassins. The Boss is the highest up in the organization, and has no name other than The Boss. I have no drawings of him. Other Silence Agenda agents include:
Iris (she/her)-
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Nyx’s ex girlfriend, and recruiter of them to the silence agenda. She also saved their life. She’s impulsive, somewhat irrational, somewhat crazy, and also drop dead gorgeous so Nyx was wildly in love with her. She sacrificed herself to keep them alive, and they’ve never stopped blaming themself for that. Partially because of
Kat (she/her)-
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Another silence agenda agent, an extremely petty, jealous bitch who also happens to be the main antagonist of the story. Always jealous of Nyx because of Iris’s “favoritism”, she holds a deep grudge against them, and also manipulated them into thinking that Iris’s death was their fault, even though it wasn’t. She comes from a rich family, and grew up somewhat abandoned by her parents, and with some violent tendencies. Her parents were killed by Silence Agents when she was 20 years old, and she proceeded to then join Silence Agenda to become a ruthless killer. Power hungry, manipulative, and obsessive, wants nothing more than to take over the Silence Agenda herself one day
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And that’s pretty much it for backstory, Silence Agenda related things. Which is only HALF of the story I’m telling. The other half involves my wonderful boi
Avery Sharpe (they/them)-
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A 23 year old grad student studying history with a deep love of all things Irish. They’re agender, bisexual, and demisexual! They have green hair that they dye lavender halfway through the story (hence different hair colors when I draw them). They also have emetophobia, social anxiety, and ADHD.
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They work two separate jobs, at Starbucks, and the campus library in order to afford to live, as they were disowned by their conservative Christian parents their junior year of college,  They’re very passionate and feel things a lot, and are also incredibly messy, which drives Nyx up the wall.
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Sam (he/him)-
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Avery’s only real other friend at the time of the story’s writing, one of their coworkers at Starbucks. A Friend and Boy. Highly supportive, encouraging, and the Ultimate Wingman of Nyx and Avery’s relationship. Gay and in a long term committed relationship with his boyfriend, Carlos.
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The only other important character has no illustrations, but his name is Derek Bernard, and he’s Nyx’s target, who works at Avery’s university as does Nyx undercover. He’s the head of the department of economics and he sucks.
If you made it here, thank you so much for reading! As for the story itself, I have it in both novel and SCREENPLAY form, thanks to my beautiful and incredible girlfriend @drama-dick who you should check out bc she also writes amazing poetry! If you’re interested in reading, DM me! I have individual tags for each of the characters, as well as a main tag for my story, The Silence Agenda (https://sureuncertainty.tumblr.com/tagged/the-silence-agenda), if you’d like to check it out. I am planning on attempting to self publish, and will be posting more details about that as it comes out.
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Feel free, as always to DM me or send me asks with questions for, or about my characters! AND AND AND if you ever want to literally make my entire day, draw art of any of my OCs for me to love you forever!! I already love you forever for reading this!
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kelleyish · 5 years
long lonnnng post
Hello Tumblr.  What’s up.  It’s Thursday.  The first week of June is almost over.  Four days from now would have been Chip’s 48th birthday.  It’s about seven weeks until mine, but I’ll only be 42.  “Only” 42.  A spring chicken, right?
The gym wore me out today.  Some days you drag while you’re getting ready, and even on the walk into the building, but once you get on the warm-up machine you take off.  Today was the opposite of that day.  But it got done.
We’ve been on a three-day-a-week gym schedule for a long time.  We’ve made noises about going just for cardio on additional days, but it hasn’t happened.  Earlier this week I was motivated, and when Dad was feeling under the weather Monday I went on a bike ride.  Tuesday we did our regular gym day, and then yesterday I came *this* close to going on my own for some cardio, even got dressed and everything, and then I ended up skipping it and eating some Sonic mozzarella sticks instead.  They had more carbs than I thought too, oops.  I went over on calories for the day but I also think it’s good to go over every once in a while, to keep your body guessing so it doesn’t think you’re starving all the time.
I take selfies every so often from a straight-on angle, no flattering above-your-head stuff, just to try and judge weight loss.  I took one a couple days ago in the car, waiting to pick my mom up from the train, and I was surprised how thin my face looked.  I’m still not convinced it wasn’t just good lighting.  I had this app where you’re supposed to take a daily selfie and put them all in a stop motion video but I haven’t kept up with that very well.  It’s not that fun when you can’t see a difference day-to-day and they’re ugly pictures to boot.  Plus on the majority of days I haven’t made any effort with hair and makeup at all.
I am still thinking about the guy but my brain has chilled out a little and it’s more abstract now.  But I’ll admit it’s the reason I was a little more motivated this week.  I am ready to feel feelings like that about someone again, but I’ve got to get smaller to have any confidence that someone would return those feelings.  I was plenty chunky when I met Chip, but I was like 220 not 320.  Also I was 18, sigh.
If I ever When I get small enough that a tummy tuck or body lift would be appropriate, I am very ambivalent about whether I’d want to do anything to my boobs.  I am not interested in implants, but I honestly don’t know if I’d want to cut them up for a lift either.  If they didn’t look too different from how they look now, I wouldn’t.  However, drastic weight loss does terrible things to boobs usually, so who knows.  I am, however, prepared to get my upper arms done.  I’m one of those people who carries a lot of weight in their arms (thanks, grandmother!) and I’m going to have huge batwings.
I got called for a market research study this week, and one for next week.  When it rains, it pours - I haven’t had one in over a year, since the week after I got laid off from my job.  The one this week wasn’t super fun, it was about new ad campaigns for a wireless company.  We just answered questions using a keypad, and then a small percentage of people got invited to stay for a longer round-table, but I wasn’t one of them.  So I got my $125 visa gift card and and left.  Next’s week is about movies, so I’m hoping it will be more interesting.
I went shopping for a few new clothes last week.  I had intended to just get maybe one new shirt with my $20 off $20 coupon at Avenue, but of course that’s never how it works.  I ended up spending $100 for 5 shirts.  As is always the case with plus size stores, the larger sizes sell out first and you’re often left with a bunch of stuff in sizes 14-18, because the women who are small enough to fit those sizes are just buying XL’s at regular stores.  ANYway, two of the shirts were workout shirts, and all they had left in larger sizes were the super light pink and peach colors.  I didn’t realize until I got them home how see-thru they were.  I’d tried them on but I was wearing a nude bra that day and my sports bras that I wear to workout are darker.  I ended up calling around to some other locations until I found a store that had the shirts in black and purple.  It happened to be right near where I went for the market research study, and they put the shirts behind the counter for me to pick up.  They were already folded up when I got there, and i didn’t bother to check them.  You can probably see where this is going.  One of the shirts is wayyy too small. It’s mislabeled, even the label that’s printed directly on the fabric.  It says 26/28 but it’s got to be either 18/20 or even 14/16.  If I’d unfolded it and held it up, it would have been obvious.  I am very annoyed, but at this point I don’t want to return them again.  I’m going to continue shrinking anyway, right?  And I will still need a workout shirt when I get down there.
I have picked up writing my smutty stories again.  I only got four published when I fell off it last September.  It’s a lot of work, and it’s hard to be enthusiastic when you don’t see much return.  I was looking at my stats the other day and those four stories have earned me about $36 dollars to date.  The people that really make money at this put out one or two stories a week, and I just can’t write that fast.  But I feel like picking it up again for a while at least, what can it hurt?
This is turning into a marathon post.  Let’s finish up with a talk about my butt!
I’ve had iffy digestion for a few years now.  I’m prone to diarrhea a lot, and it sucks.  This week I’ve decided to try taking some psyllium husk.  It’s a type of fiber that unfortunately turns gelatinous if you don’t drink it quickly enough after mixing it with water.  It’s certainly having an effect, but I’m not sure if I’m fixed yet.  When I go, it’s not been super solid, but it’s been...cleaner?  Even when it’s not diarrhea, my poop can be soft and rather sticky and a mess to clean up after, and the psyllium has fixed the stickiness.  It’s something, I guess.  Every time I mix up a glass, I think about watching my grandfather take his Metamucil at night before bed.  That stuff is about 50% sugar though, and probably tasted a lot better.
(The title of my post is a reference to this series of Japanese candy commercials.  Do yourself a favor if you’ve never seen them.)
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joulethieves · 7 years
deep breath remember when i said this would take me 5mins nevermind i wrote for an hour
tl;dr burmecian dragoon frately and his adopted hume daughter kipcha are hunters that speak several languages but speak french to each other. there’s a dog and a falcon involved that are kipcha’s weird pets. burmecians are an extinct race aside from frately after they defended marginalized groups across ivalice and slowly died off. kipcha and reddas probably have a Thing. kipcha yells at al-cid in rozarrian bc he owes her money cuz she was hired to spy with her multilingual skills before getting thrown into prison and recently broken out by the time the xii-timeline is close to an end , pre-pharos.
ok wheremst do i start with these two i’ll try to. keep it short. 
kipcha is a hume in her late 20′s who is a huntress. she has a dog and a falcon has a pet. she lives in the mountains, i headcanon somewhere in rozarria, with her weird dad frately.
frately is , quite frankly, a ripoff of sir frately from ffix. like basically he is a burmecian. but in ivalice-verse, i headcanon burmecias/cleyrans as an extinct race. long long lonnnng ago, burmecians used to be protectors of sorts, of the downtrodden or endangered. they are dragoons so they slayed a lotta dragons threatening their land and the land of others. they were all around a super amazing good race of creatures. the viera, especially, consider themselves heavily indebted to them. many many years ago the burmecians defended eruyt from an attack from some force (i havent figured it out yet, either humes or wyrms) and thus helped build the barriers in golmore now. 
so in ffxii timeline, when fran sees frately, and frankly--when any viera sees frately, the only burmecian they’ve seen in many many many years (as they were rumored to be wiped out in some war)--she removes her helmet and bows her head in respect. bc even though the viera that he sees have left the wood, they still owe their lives to burmecians and there’s a deep respect for them as well as a quiet shock as to how he is alive. not sure if he’s the only burmecian who survived; i imagine there are others but perhaps he is looking for them
somewhere in the timeline after eruyt was defended long long ago, another attack on a village happened, a hume town in rozarria. savages were tearing through it, raping and pillaging and burning it to the ground. burmecians fought to eliminate the threat and save the people, but many were slain in their efforts. THE BURMECIANS WERE VERY BUSY FULL-TIME DEFENDERS OF ALL. they never slept. there was always shit to save. kipcha was a toddler at the time and her whole family was murdered, and frately saved her before hiding them both in the woods. maybe just about every burmecian was wiped out (idfk i really dont have it worked out in a timeline). basically, frately adopted kipcha, at a very young age. she was probably like 3. after that attack, they were both alone. he decided he’d take care of her.
fast forward and now kipcha is 20something and she hunts around ivalice with her weird dad. they have a giant big-ass cabin they both built on some lonely mountain and she doesnt get to talk to humans much. but she has her birb and her doggo and likes to kill shit with her dad. 
also frately speaks in a heavy french accent because i said so, and bc i headcanon burmecians as generally speaking french, also bc i created him as an OC in high school when i was learning french, also bc i do what i want and french is a language in ivalice altho it probably isnt called french it just sounds french. basically its a dead language its probably what the burmecians spoke.
 anyway they speak that to each other. she taught herself the main ivalician tongue and bugged him to learn it too. she doesnt speak with an accent but he’s lazy and old so he has a heavy one. also she speaks rozarrian and landisian and galtaean (what i headcanon as english i guess. she learned a lot of languages by books and travel and when she does meet other humes she loves to talk to them to test out her skills. she is very clever like that. languages come easily to her.
hmmm so anyway
reddas took over balfonheim 2 years pre-game. and there was an assassination attempt to get rid of him as he tried to make all these changes in balfonheim since he cleaned  a lot of it up. well, there was an attempt at an attempt for murder, at least.
 y’see, kipcha and frately were in balfonheim on a hunt and it was their first visit there. kipcha overheard two men talking in a foreign language no one could speak while in a bar, and understood they were trying to plot against reddas. she didnt know who reddas was but she’s literally so catty and didnt like how they looked at her so she snitched. basically she saved reddas’ life cuz it ended up being a huge plot to kill him. 
from then on kipcha got on reddas’ good side but was labeled a snitch by others. she doesn’t really care tho, but sometimes it grates her. lots of people call frately a rat bc of how he looks as a burmecian, and because of him partnering with kipcha to snitch, but i dont think the namecallers understand how tall he is cuz when he stands up from his barstool he is literally like almost seven feet tall he is so tall dude. 
kipcha is average like 5′6″ or something but frately is gigantic. he used to give her piggyback rides and jump around when she was a kid and she squealed in delight but he calls her too fat now (she isnt, but he teases her). kipcha is very sassy, outgoing, and mislabeled as “confident” when really she has no concept of how to act in public since she is never around people so she’s generally just a loud weirdo. she carries her dog around in her arms and ppl are like “omg is ur dog ok” and shes like “he’s fine i just like carrying him around like a baby” . she has a bird, a falcon named [redacted (im honestly so embarrassed by a lot of this)], she flies around sometimes and brings kipcha things like dead rats and random rings. kip has a bohemian sort of style about her and wears a bunch of shit the bird finds. 
because kipcha can speak a lot of languages she was then hired by al-cid to do some spying for something or other, shortly after the reddas stint, as word got out about her. she did the job, and got the info back to al-cid,  but she got caught and imprisoned. frately broke her out but it took over a year to figure it out. i also headcanon that the bird steals al-cid’s glasses in xii timeline during his brief stint in balfonheim. 
kipcha and frately are coined “fire ‘n ice” by most folks who are fond of them. kipcha is very hotheaded and loud. she is also a redhead. frately being of pallor skin and white hair and quiet temperament is therefore ice. whenever frately is embarrassed by her she likes to remind him he raised her and he likes to respond “i had nothing to do with this” in a very french accent.
 so reddas hasn’t seen her for over a year and a half before she shows up in the xii-timeline, broken out of prison, growing her hair out cuz they buzzed it off, and demanding money from al-cid bc he never paid her, but in his defense she was in prison. 
kip and frate show up late in-game and that’s the first time reddas sees her since she saved him, essentially i. sort of maybe ship her with reddas? but more like a “they totally banged once and she’s obviously nuts about him and clambers on his back and curls his sideburns around her finger while whispering in french in his ear” she’s honestly hilarious and frately facepalms a lot. frately and fran hang out. kipcha goes on a hunt with vaan and penelo and they becomes bff’s. hmmm. yeah anyway they show up late in-game to help with a hunt or an esper or like, they need kipcha and frately’s translating knowledge for something or other. idk kipcha is just happy to be out of prison and eating oysters and petting her dog. by the time she shows up in balfonheim ingame she’s probably been out of prison for a few months. oh no this got so long im sorry i think abt them every day they live in my head
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Online project | #05 Roef Gerbang & 108
Round #05
Roef Gerbang  : RG
Guido Bisagni : 108
Their conversation will be presented in ways like chat record of social network
RG: Hi! Mr.Guido.My name is Cheung. I’m Meiko’s friend, so nice to meet you! Meiko said we could can make this conversation together,  so where can we start? oh, by the way, I’m a skateboarder as well!
108: Hey Cheung! How are you? Nice to meet you! I was a skateboarder! now I have 42 years old, I still have my skateboards, but it's better if I walk or I use bike :)
If you want we can start with something about skateboarding and art/stuff related to it! Like when and why you started to skate or something like that! I'm always super interested about it
RG: Yes,Mr Guido!let‘s start talk to Sk8,good choice!By the way, I’will be 39 years old till June this year!So in fact I‘m not young neither!But I still skate 2 or 3times per week,sometime 4. So I think Sk8 is good for healthy, keep ur legs strong…I mean it can also keep you feel young,I feel like I’m sort of old monster try to grab the youth power in my hand!and that's why I keep skating.. I told Meiko:“thank you for introducing a Sk8 homie in Italy!I started to go skateboarding since 2016,at that time I worked as a illustrator in Ad company,one day a project which needed to look for some reference about surf,I thought surfing is cool,but I’m not living by the sea,then I noticed skateboard…I was just wanna a board that can cursing around,but when I step on it,I addicted into it,riding stuff can‘t satisfied me anymore,then Ollie,bs/fs 180,shuvit……and my Sk8 journey turn on?How about yours?
108:(Hey, sorry yesterday I uploaded too many stories and message section went out of control)
Heheh, nice to hear that I'm not "so old" so! Anyway, the past year I met two times my old friends, we went to visit a very nice place just out from our city called Skatefarm, it's like a DIY skatepak made by great skaters. Anyway, I'm not able to skate on a skatepark and I age made me very scared about it. I was a skater mainly in the 90's and we had just the street. I started to skate around 1990 with a plastic toy skatebord of my sister than I met new people. Some of them are still some of my best friends, It was not just about learning tricks, it was a weird way of life, I spent every day of my life on a supermarket parking for many years! Crazy, after the boom in the 80's during the early 90's skateboards became very underground and crazy, we dressed xxxl all the times and we were real misfits. For sure skateboard was one of the most important thing in my life, it changed everything.We were all coming from a low/mid class and it gave us the possibility to came out from our small city situation, through it I discovered all that kind of music I still like, graffiti, art, I became a vegetarian because I red a interview with Ed Templeton when I was 17 and still I'm, so for sure, skateboarding is part of me.
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Old photo from 108, the parking of supermarket, with his skate crew in 1992 in his spot in the city of Alessandria, Italy.
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Old photo from 108, the parking of supermarket, with his skate crew in 1993 in his spot in the city of Alessandria, Italy.
This photo is me in 1993 ? - So, I'm curious: for me skateboard was very important to know art and new kinds of culture: punk, graffiti, and than arts, video making and stuff! You came to skateboard through illustration is that right? It was a different process, let me know about that!
RG: Oh my god... ...the 90's ! The golden and glory 90's ! Mr Guido you’re the true legend ! Meiko told me before that you have been skated for very lonnnng time ! And so do you ! I really wish you can go skateboarding again in future even if only on flat ground ! I really admire that you can have awesome relationships with your guys in 90's ! Nowadays skaters in china , especially the Z generation don't connect with each other oftenly. Most of the time kids just put on ear phone and skate on their own . I do have a little friends who can skate together sometimes , but most of the time , I skate alone . But that's ok , I just yearn for the 90's and 90's people , that's all look at your photos seems like you can do flip trick... ... I still learning , to land my first Kickflip is so damn difficult..
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“See Saw” illustration by Roef Gerbang
Yeah, but actually I came to Sk8 through my last job , since then on I do put lots of illustration into it . And it is also my goal in future... I still need to make more skateboard art that can allow me to cooperate with skateboarding brands . 
I also want to make skateboarding film , this art form can also let me use my art to do something with it , I’m working my first skateboarding film in process , it’s cost me nearly 2 years...
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“Traffic Jam” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Chazslater” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Sad skater” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Cicollins no comply party” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Catch” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Lawson 2:00 am” illustration by Roef Gerbang
Hope my film can come out this year . last year I was planed it when I finish the film maybe take it to some skateboarding film festival but cause of coronavirus spreading to all over the world , now I don't know whether there's any skateboarding film festival will open this year?
I’m confusing now that should I save the film to next year when the world become normally and take it to festival ? or I just put it on internet this year...damn, so hard to decide!
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Roef Gerbang’s first skateboard
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Doodle on first board…
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Roef Gerbang’s first shoes for skate
This is when Cheung studied ollie,it torture a long time, and now still torturing he, so sometime he call himself ‘  “Ollie Patient”
And this is now,Cheung can only do some spin trick and basic rail/box trick
I make comic , cartoon and figural art a lot...sometimes I make animation as well, I think i don't have a abstract thinking brain,lol?
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"Three Posture People" Acrylic, Wall Post 2019
I can only feel what I see and transfer them into my art style...I found sometimes when I feel extremely tired while I still working in front of computer...my eyes already closed at that time…but my mouse still working on photoshop...and I will suddenly wake up and saw a abstract image…
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“Bear man” series product  by Roef Gerbang
I 'm very curious about your art , when you working on them what are you thinking?
And what lead you through all that pictures till finished ? Instinct ? or the result of practice yourself so many years?I really like this your work (the photo below) because they are looks like butterflies, very beautiful…but the rest of them are too abstract to me? I can only figure out they‘re shapes with texture…but still look fun and mystery!
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KU2 large pattern, by 108
I like this one… the patten line into a rule looks so coool!If it can be designed for shirts or trousers must be nice!Looks very high-class!
108: Wow, you are very good to skate! I'm not able to do anything anymore! hahaha, After 10 minutes my back is broken! I was able to do some filp tricks 20 years ago, I started during the "flat" times, so we were making a trick very low. The biggest problem is that in 97 I broke my wrist, and I went to the hospital after 3 months, hahah so, it's still broken. Sometimes it cause a lot of problems I can't do some kind of sports, I need the stick when I paint huge walls. I'm very very scared about it, if I fall on it I have to stop to work for months and I can't work. Anyway, I'm thinking about buying some bigger and softer wheels to ride a bit sometimes, we'll see! Here we are all inside home too.
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CORPOPARASSOTA Photography series by 108
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Maurilio Arcivescovo by 108, 2012
About your questions 
1) I 'm very curious about your art , when you working on them what are you thinking about ?
It's not easy to reply: I think about too many things, the core of my research is the form. I like forms, everywhere, in nature, old primitive art, design, everywhere. I love textures, colors, but mainly it's about forms and lines. there two parts: irrational/irrational, planned, random, geometrical/organic... I try to find a balance or a total contrast on the two parts.
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Large wall painted by 108 in Brescia, Italy, 2019
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The work of 108 at Bunker, Turin, Italy, 2013
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The work of 108 at Barcelona, Spain, 2014
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The work of 108 at Brooklyn area, New York, America
2) And what lead you through all that pictures till finished ? Instinct ? or the result of practice yourself so many years ?
Some works, usually canvases are made with a first sketch, than I start to work and I change it, I don't like to plan, process is important as the final product. Other works, for example the black and white lines/patterns on paper or sometimes on walls, are more like a meditation. I decide some rules and than I follow those rules, trying not to think about anything, just focus on the process. I got a lot of inspiration from eastern art and philosophy, both aesthetically and conceptually. In fact I really like the connection between west and east, not just in art.
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The work of 108 at Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2017
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The wall of 108 with nuns at Buenos Aires, Argentine.
Every year I buy the annual subscription for the museums in my region, I go maybe 7-8 times in a year to see the Eastern art museum in Torino (MAO) I'm crazy for it, there is a big Chinese section, I need to search pics and I'll show you some my favorite objects!
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Some of 108 favorite art works at the art museum in Turin (MAO)
So, skateboard is something that came from US basically, now it's a global thing, but for me too it was something exotic. What inspire you, I mean do you find inspiration inside Chinese culture too? how do you mix the two things?
RG: Sorry, Mr Guido!Reply lately…I was thinking about how to answer your question better…
Oh my god, not realize that you have been injured so badly..:(
My wrist and ankle have problems too,and I also don‘t jump stairs for years…flat ground and stage are better for me, hahaha....
For the question: to find inspiration inside Chinese culture too?
Yes, of course I am. I do inspired by Chinese culture , especially from traditional Chinese painting...the ancients they had have rich technique of expression : the line can be separated into many forms, such as dry , wet , heavy , light and so on and colors as well , for example , if you wanna painting a pine tree ,before you painting the pine needle you should paint a color first , then before the color dry , you draw line on that color can make the two parts mixed well..
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“The leader“ illustration by Roef Gerbang
I also learn how to compose and leave “white space”?or should I say“blank space”(don‘t know the description right or wrong,but in Chinese called“留白”)from Chinese traditional painting,and really help me a lot, I pay more attention on form too,learn lots of things from not only Chinese traditional painting but old asian art.
I study how to control the line‘s rhythm, draw a line when going fast or slow down;how to make your art looks more interesting, more art sense will always be the lessons.
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“Crow perched on willow tree in spring” , by Zhu Da (八大山人), Qing Dynasty
This work from famous painter of Ming Dynasty named:Zhu Da, aka. 八大山人(Ba Da Shan Ren)You can find that he got very special style to paint birds and another animals,and his art is too much different from other ancient Chinese artists
Look at these three unique tigers
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“Bee and tiger” painted by Hua Yan(1682-1756)
“Bee and tiger” this image is the detail of the painting, usually people can‘t see that bee,actually it’s on the right corner when you see the whole picture, and the tiger is not aggressive as usual, scared, the ears also fell down,bend the tail, afraid of bee‘s sting...
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Old Korean painting,unknown artist
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Painted by Yanagisawa Kien (柳泽建) Japanese painter, Edo period, 18 century
I found these art works they always pursue some kinds of weird feel,not only copy the truth but more expressive force.
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"After Party" acrylic, abandoned old skateboard, 2019
And this is also my goal, like I say more expression, more art scene. You noticed irrational, random, plan…I’m agree with you, I also like the process more than result, painting is more like adventure, like fishing, I like the view on the road more than arrival, enjoy more the fish bite the bait than cook them.
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Comic Exhibition, painting by Roef Gerbang, Hamburg, Germany 2018
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"Stranger" watercolor on paper, by Roef Gerbang, 2014 
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Yanshu book 48-hour comic production project, “Deja Vu” 2015
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"Some like it blue" Hong Kong 62 Independent Cartoonists Group Exhibition 2016
I like simple technique to describe a thing,but interesting,that‘s what I learn from the ancient artists,oh,nearly forgot,many outsider art teach me a lot as well
So let me ask one last question for you Mr Guido:how do you think about storytelling and abstract art relationship?Do you think is there any possibility to make storyline into abstract art?
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"Bs tailslide ignition" , acrylic on paper, 2017
So glad to talking with you, I‘m really enjoy the sk8 and art topic!Hope we can meet each other after coronavirus!maybe in future I‘m looking forward to that day,wish you keep pushing and have a long artistic life,Ciao!
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The "Puzzle" short story is included in the "GAME" comic compilation, published by Wild Things Press
108:Ciao Cheung! ￰ Thanks a lot for it, Chao is fine to me!!! And sorry for my late reply too!
I can say ni hao, it sounds not so different, but I'm not able to write it in chinese :(
Thanks a lot for your reply, for the artists and for the pics those tigers looks so "modern"! I'm very familiar with japanese art and culture, here, expecially my generation, we grew up with japanese cartoons on tv, manga, than music and stuff... I know that large part of japanese culture has roots in chinese culture, like zen buddhism or calligraphy, but for years it was very hard to be in contact with it., so I'm always trying to find out more about it and to understand it.
So..about your question: "Let me ask one last question for you Mr Guido:how do you think about storytelling and abstract art relationship?Do you think is there any possibility to make storyline into abstract art?"
First of all, I need to explain that I don't like labels. I mean, of course I use the word "abstract" to explain quickly what I usually do, but labels describes borders. I think in 2020 we have the possibility to explore many kinds of visual arts, many different medias... so yes, I think it's possible to tell stories with "abstract art".
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"Sogno Lucido" by 108, 2019
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"The key" by 108, 2019
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"Blue" by 108
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"the entrance of the dream" by 108
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"La Casa Park" by 108, 2019
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Tele exhibition in New York, La Casa Park.art, 2019
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The work of 108 in the Milan Triennale 2008, Italy
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Ceramic installation by 108
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Figurations, clay, by 108
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Complete figurations,  by 108
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Installation Museum of the incomprehensible Antonio Colombo 2019 Milan, Italy
I mean usually yes, my work is visually abstract but I love to put a lot of things in what I do. First of all I think that all my pieces are connected and there a lot of things inside them. Cinema (or video) is a very complete for of art: you have the image, a story, the sound... with pictures you have to put everything on a single image.
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Trollhattan Sweden 2016
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Saeio catanzaro, by 108
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Solo exhibition of 108 in Lyon, France, 2020
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Archaeological Museum books above, book made by 108, Palermo, Italy, 2019
But there is more: I work also with sounds for example and sometimes I made some videos, but what fascinates me the most about any kind of art, is when it gives you a lot (ideas, feelings) but it don't gives you everything. I need some un explained parts, some shadows where I can enter and I start to imagine and to build my own world. What I like about some "not figurative" art is this kind of mystery inside it. But it can be also a movie or a photo or a landscape or anything else! I hope you understand what I mean.
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"24 Tapes" series, made of 108
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Exr in Seoul, wall painted by 108, 2016
So, do you think is this enough? I'll search for some pictures to add to the text! 谢谢 Mr.Cheung! It was a real pleasure to talk with you! I hope, if the virus will let us travel again, to visit China in the next years finally and of course if you are around northern Italy I will be happy to meet you! Let’s keep in touch on Instagram!
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Painting on Etna Vulcano, 108
RG: Mr Guido. Those characters you showed me that from MAO are the Tomb Beast…??In Chinese called“镇墓兽”. They‘re the guardians of tomb. In Chinese culture,people think that when people died(their soul)go to the other side of the world,there’re countless ghosts,evil spirits will harm the soul. So the guardians (have human’s face,beast‘s body) they can protect the soul stay away from the demon, and keep them safety.
108: Yes exactly! There are many of them! Amazing, they looks so modern and I like so much these kind of stories.
RG: Mr Guido, I think about our last talk “labels describes borders” couple of days ago…and it make me sense,like,portrait painting,still-life painting with very realistic technique will boring for me, it’s lack of imagination, but in the other way, if the portrait, landscape painting with simple and refining technique can make me watch for a long time. it‘s super cool tho..
So in fact I’m the guy just like you who searching for the shadows as well..:)
108: I understand very well! I love portraits, landscapes and still lifes too. But I enjoy when you can find something interesting on the way they are made. I like eastern art and modern art because usually feelings are more important than hyper realistic technique.
RG: Yes, painting should involve not only technology but also emotion.
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108 (1978, Alessandria, Italy) he lives and works between Alessandria and Milan. Among the major exponents of post-graffiti in Italy, he began his artistic research with an approach to traditional graffiti. At the end of the nineties, after moving to Milan in 1997 and graduating in industrial design from the Politecnico Milan, his stylistic figure evolved formally and conceptually, so much so that he became one of the first artists to use numbers and not letters to sign his own. works. 
His abstract forms and mysterious figures begin to appear in the abandoned spaces of the streets of Milan, Berlin, London, New York and Paris. Not limiting his production, in addition to Muralism he also ventures with sculptures, sounds, paintings and installations in dozens of personal and collective exhibitions. Among the main ones are participation in 2007 at the Venice Biennale with the Walls Inside project.
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Roerf Gerbang a native of Chengdu, China, now lives and works in Shanghai and he is currently UID SH Senior Illustrator. 
A person who is a neighbor to art and skateboarding, usually like play skateboarding and painting, he love good stories, good weather, good coffee, and good wine.
108_108_108 & yiklui_cheung
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slut4mysme · 8 years
I sent in a request like a really lonnnng time ago (maybe November-ish), and it's fine if you don't get to it because you're sick, I was just wondering if you do all the requests you get or just the ones you want to do. Anyway feel better soon :) !!
Hello my lovely annoniee
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Bear with me, but I just have a lot of emotions right now and I think that I might explode if I try to keep them inside of me any longer. I really don’t even know how to express most of it– it just seems like a large internal mass of Intensity– but I figured that typing things out here might help me on some level. Like you can best believe that I’ve already written about it, but I generally try to keep that stuff a tad more eloquent (or at least I like to think so), but anything goes on this dumpster blog. 
The root of all this would be that I spend last Saturday/Sunday visiting this guy down in Stuttgart. And I’ve kinda had a tad bit of a crush on him for awhile now. But then like 6 or so weeks ago another friend told me that this guy was definitlyyyyyy into me too. And then I got Ideas in my head. (BAD IDEA) So I went down last weekend with the sole purpose of seeing him. And yeah long story short (I shall nOt be typing all of the details out on here some of that shall just stay solely mine until further notice) Saturday night (lol I guess it was technically Sunday morning by this point) ended with us making out and doing this and that for like a lonnnng time and then I kinda slept in his bed. So yeah I went down to Stuttgart with a goal and I made it happen. 
But the thing I didn’t consider is everything that I would have to feel after the fact. Like if I would have taken three minutes or whatever to actually think about things, none of this would have been a surprise but hey give a homegirl a break. My logical thinking process is not the hardest thing to override. 
And now I’m stuck here with him constantly echoing through my mind, along with an unbelievable number of doubts about the entire situation. I just have no way of knowing if he actually wants to give me a chance, or if Saturday night was just a casual convenience kind of thing, and he would have done that with literally any girl who happened to end up with him that night. I’m not trying to make this sound terribly tragic or whatever because really this is nothing new and I’ll get over it as I always do but anyways I think that I’ve just been through this too many times to genuinely believe that anything productive is going to come out of this. This would be far from the first time that I’ve been a casual holding pattern for some guy, and it probably won’t be the last. 
I don’t really have any grand dreams or Romance or whatever; I’ve never been one for flowers or fancy dates (one of the many things that drove poor R crazy whoops). I think at the end of the day the thing that I want the most is for someone to just see me completely for who I am, and let me know that they’d take every piece of that person every single time. Now that I’ve typed that out, that sounds even more unrealistic that Romance. 
mi casa es su casa, I guess. 
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