#{ Correct this is sh*t posting time. }
argentarrogance · 3 months
How regular Wanda & Pietro day looks like.
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I saw your hc post with Nathan with a feminine s/o and the part where he liked listening to her talk and that got me thinking about this. He would love it if his s/o played piano. Like, he puts a piano in places like the living room and his office just so when he's there he can listen to them play. Sh maybe you could make a small hc post based on that idea
Ahh, I love this! Sorry it took me so long to post!
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Nathan Bateman GN!Reader • Rating: T•Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | requestinfo• ko-fi •
Warnings: Soft!Nathan , swearing, over use of italics, typos, not beta read, railroad sentences, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 455
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Oh my gosh, literally pianos everywhere. You have to tell him to calm the fuck down. 
“Do you want a new piano?” “No, you bought me five already.” “Do you need one in a different colour?” “No.” “What about another grand piano for the-” “Nathan.” 
Doesn’t pester you to play for him, but is very happy whenever you play. Even if you’re trying out a new piece and feel like you're constantly messing up, he’s just 100% heart eyes at all times.
Will, however, act like he isn’t if you call him on it. 
If you’re playing and it isn’t within his earshot you’re gonna get a series of, ‘why aren’t you playing near me so I can listen?’ type messages.
You end up just practising near him so he doesn’t complain. 
You call him a baby (affectionate) about it. 
He says he isn’t and sulks for 3 hours. 
When you find him you show him a little song you’ve written for him. 
He gets a little over emotional that you made something for him. And tries to hide it. (He does a bad job.)
Asks you to teach him how to play.
He understands the theory really well, but gets annoyed when he can’t play perfectly after 30 seconds. 
“You’re really good Nathan!”
“I’m shit.”
“You can’t expect to play it perfectly the first time.”
You roll your eyes. “Because you have to learn the muscle memory, you couldn’t box amazingly the first time you tried could you?” 
“I could.” 
“Fuck off.” 
You give him little lessons every day, which he adores. He progresses well, he’s obviously trying really hard, but after a couple of weeks, you realise he’s doing it more to spend time with you and to share in something you enjoy than to become a master at it. (Which surprises you.) 
He likes calling you ‘bossy’ when you tell him to practise or play something. This morphs a little and sticks into a nickname, ‘boss’. 
Whenever he’s on a conference call and someone asks him to do something he doesn’t want to, instead of saying a flat ‘no.’ he just starts shrugging and saying ‘you better ask the boss.’ 
He does not explain this to anyone, causing a lot of confusion (which he loves). 
No one has any idea that you’re ‘the boss’ until a rare in-person event when Nathan isn’t being his hermit self and he refers to you by the nickname in front of a couple of staff. 
What you expect to be the end of the joke turns into people asking and emailing you for permission and sign offs. (And to get Nathan to do things.) 
Nathan finds this all hilarious and will not correct the situation.
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extremelyexh4usted · 2 years
scenario reversal based my previous shiggy fic (what if the reader was playing a game instead of shiggy?)
NSFW, chubby!reader coded, no race implied? reader has a vag but other than saying good girl and princess once, gendered terms aren’t used, praise kink, fingering, previous mentions of sex, getting hickies, unrealistic fingering since no lube will be used, reader already provided more than enough lubricant, squirting implied
correct me if i’m wrong/missed anything in the above description 🙏☺️
dont read if under 17
if y’all saw my accidental posting of an earlier draft, no you didn’t🤠 and sorry if this is ass😬
you just wanted to take your mind off the ache from yesterday. tenko had a long day and took it out on you, which you thoroughly enjoyed but the both of you did t realize that aftercare should’ve been a little bit more gently handled. it had been a good 7 hours of restless sleep
you were playing animal crossing for a good 30 min already before your favorite person woke up and crawled on the couch, still yawning. you sat up when he scooted over and put his head on your lap. his eyes were shut, exhausted too. a whimper was heard “morning handsome,” you shot him a soft smile. “mmmmgh..how you feel?,” his face still in between your legs, voice muffled. he flipped over to see your face smiling warmly down at him. even after spending so much time with him you never got sick of how good you felt around him.
the faintest whimper emerged out of your mouth. you held your breath, hoping he didn’t hear it; after all, you were still achy from the night before.
“hey lover?” “yeah babe?,” you replied on edge he knew the state you were in.
he started kissing your neck, leaving kitten licks and bites wherever he could, causing your whimpers to go to full on moaning.
“fuck baby you’re soaking your pants,” you mewled at the feel of his fingers prodding at your overstimmed cunt over your clothes.
he pulled down your pants, and went back to kissing your neck while teasing your hole. “no panties? you were so ready for this weren’t ‘cha? my good girl,” he purred softly.
you preened at the praise, you loved when shiggy made you feel like this. you tried to put down the switch to give tomura some relief but his hand on your wrist gave you a pause. “keep playing, and if i see you pause before you cum, you have no idea how much more sore you’ll be.”
the way your back arched at that was crazy. “tomuraaaa,” you moaned out.
he started to actually touch you instead of the previous ghosting of you like before. you started off to timmy and tommy to sell your peaches and dragonflies, trying to focus on the game instead of the sensations downstairs.
by the time you exited the shop, shigaraki already had 2 fingers inside with another on your clit and your focus wavering.
you started off to water your garden when you felt your orgasm coming. “sh-shit tomuraaa,” “i know baby, i can feel it too, just hold on a little longer yeah? go to blathers and give him your fossils then i’ll let you.”
you don’t think you’ve wished your villager had the ability to sprint more than you did then. after a good minute of running, your orgasm was getting harder to hold back “shiggyyyyyy.. please baby please please can i cum?,” you begged. “just a little longer alright? you’re almost there,” his tone sounded so sweet but you knew he probably had the smile of the cheshire cat if you looked up at him.
as soon as you ran into the museum, you moaned out “please baby i don’t know if i can hold it anymore.” “alright princess let it out. cum for me.”
the single finger on your clit kept stroking as you mewled, coaxing you through your orgasm.
“shit baby you made a mess of the couch. you okay?” “yeah, yeah.. it just felt really good,” you giggled out.
“soooo.. back to bed?” “nah, let’s just stay here for a sec, i gotta plug the switch in.” “clean it off first alright, gotta make sure none of your juices ended up in it.”
(a/n; tysm for reading🫶 i’ve been going through it with school and being sick but i’m trying to get back into posting again. thanks for the love)
[image found on rule 34, pretty sure it’s lewdfroggo’s work]
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boydepartment · 3 months
i have something to say and idk if it’s controversial or not. noncon/dubcon mentioned
i’ve had to block a few ppl in the enhypen tag like just #enhypen or #riki or #riki x reader . because of how much
noncon/dubcon riki stuff is in the predominately sfw tags.
i do not personally agree with that little community who writes sm-t for him bc all of them have this ego complex of “i’m just better bc i don’t care >:(“ no, you have a really irresponsible and immature mindset when it comes to conflict. just because you “don’t care” doesn’t make you a good person or better than people who tell you to c-t yourself or d-e. it’s even worse if you’re like “i know i’m not a good person >:)” like okaaaay joker go rob a bank or something then.
back to the point- it’s to the grey area of time now where you can’t really stop them now anyways because it’s down to personal preference and their comfort of writing for him that way whether it’s “morally correct” to me or anyone reading this or not.
the one hill i will die on though, is i do not fw dubcon or noncon. even if its written as a trauma response sharing it and pushing your idols or celebrities(riki or other idols) into that is extremely horrible. if you write it because of trauma- keep it to yourself, and that’s none of my business. people cope in different ways whether i agree with it or not. writing your favorite idols as r-pists or manipulators to get what they want s-ually is extremely messed up especially when posted onto a public platform in regular #(insert idol group) and predominantly not nsfw tags. it’s irresponsible and subjects a younger audience(especially on tumblr. ao3 is another mess but at least ao3 is primarily used by an older crowd) to being exposed to thinking intimate acts like that is normal, when its absolutely not. and you might think “who would think that? it’s writing!” the amount of times people have openly stated in the fanfiction community admitting that they have never had s-x but will just write what they’ve picked up on is insane. same argument that p—n ruins mental health and mental image of healthy relationships if exposed to watching and consuming that content for too long.
this is coming from someone who was r—ed. i think it’s extremely insensitive to push idols onto that whether it’s written as a trauma response to the action or not. you’re putting innocent people and writing them as r-pists. fiction or not that’s weird.
and if it’s not written as a trauma response, i don’t understand the smut dubcon/noncon community’s fascination of getting r-ped. it’s a terrible thing to happen and i don’t wish it on anyone. the ptsd from it and how unclean you feel is so gut wrenching and there’s nothing you can do about it. part of your life gets taken from you and you can never get it back. there is lifelong trauma after that. almost everyday i wish after it happened to me he just killed me so i wouldn’t have to live with it. i still get nightmares and it’s led to sh and other mental issues that i just have to deal with now. why is that a fantasy to people?
back to the topic of people writing noncon/dubcon for riki (or any other idol but i’ve been seeing WAY too much for riki)
i might get comments saying “it’s not that serious it’s fanfiction it’s not real”
you’re writing about an 18 year old boy r-ping someone (the READER)
it’s the same argument of nsfw drawings of characters who are children. just bc it’s not real doesn’t mean it’s not fucked up and weird.
it is that serious and it’s weird and gross and mentally deranged. i will die on that hill.
i wont attack these people or start fights like i used to, i have a life outside of tumblr. but on my downtime i do check the #enhypen tag. and to see this shit sometimes floating around or even on the #riki tag. is just fucked.
idk it just upsets me, i obviously block these people and move on from my life bc i have goldfish memory but there’s like five accounts that just kept popping up in the past week that i’ve had to block. i know some people might be like “oh you really showed them!!1!!1!” in an annoying way, but either way i stand by my point that it’s fucked up and i’m human so i’m allowed to get upset by it.
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nattikay · 1 year
stumbled across this post and hoooooooooo boy as someone who studies the Na’vi language as a hobby it was painfully obvious that 95% of the “Na’vi names” were straight-up pulled out of the author’s rear; most of those words do not actually exist in the language and aren’t even valid within its phonology system...so I’m gonna correct it before I implode :P
Small note on why certain things are wrong before we go to the specific words because the author makes all these mistakes a lot:
I’ve mentioned before that tìftang (the apostrophe thing) cannot go between two consonants, so any time you see, for example, t’s or k’n etc, that’s invalid.
You will also never see tìftang as the second letter of a word, as it is only allowed to come at the start or end of a syllable, never in the middle. So a word starting with p’a is also invalid even though there’s a vowel. (you can fix this by adding a second vowel, which creates a second syllable: ap’a which would break down into [ap][’a], or pa’a which could break down into either [pa’][a] or [pa][’a] (doesn’t really matter which, I don’t think)).
The sounds b, g, d, ch, and sh do not exist in the forest dialect of Na’vi. These sounds do technically exist in the reef dialect; however, since this book long predates the existence of the reef dialect and is clearly focused on the forest people, any time you see any of these letters, that is also incorrect. J also does not currently exist in any dialect. 
Lastly, the sound h does exist, BUT it can only begin a syllable, never end one. So you will never see a Na’vi word ending in h such as the English “meh”.
Alrighty, on to the specific debunking:
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English term: Baby carrier Fake Na’vi term: “Iveh k’nivi s’dir” Problems: h at the end of a word, tìtang as second letter, tìftang between consonants, D Actual Na’vi term: Prrsmung (derived from prrnen “baby” and sämunge “transportation tool”)
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English term: Bladder Lantern Fake Na’vi term: “Tmi nat’sey” Problems: invalid consonant cluster (tm), tìftang between consonants Actual Na’vi term: Tsmisnrr (“food here” would also actually be “syuve fìtseng”)
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English term: Blue Flute Fake Na’vi term: “omati s’ampta” Problems: tìftang as second letter, invalid consonant cluster (either mp or pt) Actual Na’vi term: There is currently no canon name for this instrument; however, it cannot be this because s’ampta is phonetically invalid
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English term: Hammock Fake Na’vi term: “Eywa k’sey nivi’bri’sta” Problems: tìftang as second letter, tìftang between consonants, B Actual Na’vi term: Nivi (“Eywa cradles everyone” would actually be “Eywal frapot meyam”)
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English term: Loom Fake Na’vi term: “Ulivi mari’tsey mak’dini’to” Problems: tìftang between consonants, D Actual Na’vi term: ‘ewrang (regular looms), sa’ewrang (giant “mother” loom)
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English term: Fire Pit Fake Na’vi term: “mreki u’lito” Problems: invalid consonant cluster (mr) Actual Na’vi term: There’s not an exact one really, but txep means fire and merki is a ground rack for cooking meats I almost wonder if this one’s mostly just a typo since mreki and merki are so similar...but u’lito is not a real word regardless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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English term: Leaf Plate Fake Na’vi term: “sumin jilt’luy” or “ulu’tah inlb’sey muisi” Problems: tìftang between consonants, invalid consonant clusters (not even sure how to properly break these down it’s such a mess), h at the end of a word, J, B Actual Na’vi term: Yomyo lerìk (colloquially shortened to just rìk (“leaf”)) this one’s kinda hard to read in the photo so the transcription may be off by a letter or two but I assure you it’s still a mess regardless lol
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English term: Personal Belongings Rack Fake Na’vi term: “p’ah s’ivil chey” Problems: tìftang as second letter, h at the end of a word, Ch Actual Na’vi term: Snokfyan (derived from sno “one’s self (reflexive pronoun)” and kurfyan “suspended rack”)
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Ok this one is actually really close! Just needs a small grammar fix: Kelutralä tìrol (“song of Hometree” or “Hometree’s song”) (plural version: Kelutralä sìrol)
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crystalsnow95z · 2 months
This was a request for Jimin to have a sneezy allergic reaction that turned into a cold that he tried to cover up, but the original question post won't let me save any edits 😔
I’m so sorry it took so long..I kept rewriting it because it just seemed awful to me and it got to the point where I pulled out my laptop so I could freely move paragraphs and delete scenes more easily. I'm sorry if in the process it got messed up, I'm going to edit it after posting because if i don't, it'll never leave my drafts.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Taehyung asks Jimin for the fourth time since they started their journey to their next filming location.
"Yes Taehyung-Ah, I'll be fine. I spoke to a doctor about it and got a special medication and air filtering mask to use when we aren't filming. I can handle a few cats.." Jimin speaks confidently, reaching over to take Taehyung's hand. "Will you be okay with how humid it's going to be?"
"I'll be uncomfortable, but I'll be okay. I'll just be sure to drink a lot of water." Taehyung squeezes Jimin's hand. "Don't worry about me. Just worry about yourself."
"Alright, as long as you're sure. Oh! Jimin-ah the place we're staying has a pool so we can cool off after shooting, and staff say we'll be free to do whatever we want at night." Taehyung switches subject to a brighter one.
"A nice night swim sounds amazing.." Jungkook joins in with a yawn, lifting his head from Jimin's shoulder. "What time is it?"
"Ah youre awake Gukkie. Did you sleep well?" Jimin asks, trying to re-fluff Jungkook's hair from where he was lying on it, smiling fondly. "It looks like it.."
"Yeah...I was listening to that audiobook Namjoonie-hyung recommended but I ended up falling asleep." Jungkook says rubbing his eyes, checking the time on his phone. "Oh we're gonna be landing soon..our arrival time is 9:15, it's already nine! Did you take the medicine already Jimin-sii?"
"Aish..I almost forgot.. thanks Jungkook-ah.." Jimin digs in his carry-on bag, eyes widening when he realizes he had the wrong bottle in his hands. Sh*t.. I grabbed my usual allergy medicine out of habit instead of the new one I went to the doctor for..
"What's wrong Jimin-ah?" Taehyung asks, concerned when he sees Jimin's face fall into a frown. "Do you not have it?"
"No, no I have medicine..I just noticed I forgot something at home, but it's fine." Jimin takes one of the pills, swallowing it down with a grimace.
"Here, have some water Jiminie." Taehyung offers his water to Jimin a bottle of water. Who takes a drink.
"Thanks, Tete.." Jimin washed the pill down, passing it to Jungkook who was reaching with eager hands. I hope it'll be enough.. I don't want to be the one to ruin the music video. Maybe there won't be as many cats around...
"Oh wow..this place really does have as any many cats as it people here!" Jungkook exclaims, watching the cats wandering the market.
"There's actually more cats than people here.." Yoongi corrects him, stepping closer to Jimin. "I'm worried about it."
"Will you be okay Jiminie?" Hoseok asks sharing Yoongi's concern, looking at Jimin with uncertainty. "I didn't think wild cats would be this close to people."
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I took medicine earlier, I just have to be cautious and take breaks between filming with them…" Jimin says, trying to sound confident. One cat was okay, especially because cats normally stay for a few minutes and then leave, but he counted eight cats watching them with curiosity or fleeing out of sight as they went to the filming location.
"We'll try to film as quickly as possible." Namjoon felt uneasy filming here, feeling the same concern for Jimin. Still, the song was a collaboration with another artist to fundraise to help the animal population that plagued the small country, giving them more animals than they could take care of and the members couldn't turn it down.
"I can do this. I feel fine." Jimin promises to reassure his team, ensuring his mask completely covers his face, silently apologizing to the makeup artist who recently finished it for the shoot. "It's just a few days of being uncomfortable to help save hundreds of little lives."
"Just keep your hands clean as much as you can. We brought hand sanitizer." Yoongi tells Jimin, afraid that he might accidentally make his eyes red and puffy if he touched them after touching the felines.
"I know, I know. I'll be careful." Jimin felt a cat rub against his leg, looking down at the calico by his feet, resisting his urge to stroke her, bending down to take a closer look with his hands firmly in his pockets. "Oh wow.. you look a lot like the cat I filmed with in Serendipity.. but you have more orange patches.."
"We have work to do. Ignore the kitty, you can play with him later." Jin gently scolds him, not wanting him to take extra risks when they haven't even started filming.
"Calicos are usually female.." Jimin states with a small pout when the cat meows for attention, Yoongi bending down to pet the calico instead.
"Yoongi-yah don't encourage him.." Jin sighs, watching Yoongi scratch behind the calico's ear on Jimin's behalf, getting a smile out of the other members.
" Come on, Yoongi-hyung, you gotta leave the kitty too." He pulls Yoongi back to his feet, fighting off the urge to rub at his eyes. There's cat fur in the wind, I can feel my eyes watering every time a breeze rolls through
"I'm coming, I'm coming." Yoongi leaves his new furry friend, following them to a park they set up for the music video. "Maybe I'll adopt a cat from here one day.."
"Oh wow.. there are several cats here, too.. are they all tame?" Jin asks when he heard a hissing cat from near the fountain where they were going to be working.
"[Do they bite or scratch or are they like.. all friendly?Or is just certain ones?]" Namjoon asks for Jin, watching two cats fighting underneath the fountain.
"[They aren't all friendly because of some bad people making them lose trust, but none of them will attack you unless you corner them or if they are protecting their young. Just let them come to you instead of you approaching them, and you'll have no issues.]" The man explains to Namjoon in English. "[Those two won't hurt you. it's just mating time, and they have their eyes on the same female..]" The man shoos off the cats, the two males darting towards the treelines.
"They aren't really aggressive, some just don't trust people..if we let them come to us he says we'll be fine. It doesn't sound any different than normal neighborhood cats, just larger numbers." Namjoon explains to his members. "Still be careful.. Don't try to come to them let them come to you."
"[Is everyone ready then? No more questions? We need to film before the sun sets behind the mountains, and we lose the natural light.]" The director asks.
"[We're ready..]" Namjoon answers in English, gathering his team close together."we need to do our best. We're racing against time and we only have three days here.."
Jimin removes his face mask to start filming, giving it to a staff member to hold while they start the opening scene, the seven of them making a wish at the fountain on by one, surrounding it in a half circle. The shot was nearly perfect until it got to Jungkook, who threw the coin too hard, landing outside of the camera shot with a sploosh.
"Aish I'm sorry!" Jungkook apologizes, ears reddening in embarrassment to be the first member to make a mistake, his heart pounding in his ears. "[I'm sorry..]"
"It's okay, it could've happened to any of us. I'm surprised i did it correctly." Namjoon puts an arm around Jungkook. "We'll just film it again. No big deal, we have plenty of spare coins."
"I'll get it in the center frame this time." Jungkook pouts at the realization they don't speak Korean. "[Sorry..please..try again?]"
"[Its okay, you got this. Its just a bit of nerves Jungkook just be gentle. Just toss it in front of you so it falls nicely, don't throw it..]" The director tells him calmly, Jungkook nodding. "[Good.. let's start over.]"
The director wanted the scene to be a one shot, panning through each member so the members started from the top, Jimin fighting off the urge to sneeze until the director called cut, failing miserably.
"heh' hejish'Heh'vchi!" Jimin covers his face the sneeze escaping right when it was Jin's turn to drop his coin, making Jin jump. "Aish'm sorry hyung.."
"It's okay. Are you okay?" Jin didn't care about jumpscare, only about his little brother. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah, something just tickled my nose. I can do this.." Jimin answers with a sniffle, staff quickly bringing him a tissue. "Let's try it once more. They do say third time is a charm right?" Jimin tries to keep a cheery attitude, despite the uncomfortable nasal pressure building up. He tries to blow his nose to ease it away, but it did nothing but ruin his make up, staff needing to touch it up once more.
"If you need a break, please don't hesistate to ask okay?" The woman fixing his make up tells him with concern, noticing how red his nose as already gotten in such a short time.
"We only just started. I'm okay, really." Jimin says with a gentle smile.
The members get through the first scene without any issues for the third take, Jimin sighing with relief when the looked over the footage, being sure his eyes weren't red on camera.. I look fine for now, but how long will it be before we have to stop filming because of me?
"Jimin-ah.." Yoongi gently nudges him when he notices Jimin wasn't paying attention. "He's talking to you..he wants you to do your up close shot first."
"['m sorry. Please say again.]"Jimin bows, blushing in embarrassment. How unprofessional.. spacing out like that in the middle of a shoot. I need to focus.. The longer we have to perform, the worse I'll feel... we just need to get through this.
Jimin was given a cat to be his filming partner for the shoot, gently stroking her glossy patch work coat to try to earn hers trust for the shot, smiling brightly when she headbutts his cheek. "[She's so soft and pretty.]"
"[Her name is maple. This is your cat in the storyline. She actually belongs to someone.. We specifically found a hypoallergenic cat for you just as requested.]" The animal handler tells him.
"[Thank you..I'm sorry for being trouble..]" Jimin bows gratefully, giving a sweet apologetic smile. They found me a special cat for close up shots?I didn't request that..I thought it was strange i didn't feel worse when Maple brushed my cheek. They're so kind..I can't back out over some sniffles..
"[Alright..put Maple into position in the light square and get into your position, you made a wish and a cat appeared. Act surprised and pick her up. They'll click the clicker to give Maple the sign to touch your face. We might have to do it a few times if her paw isn't in a good position.]"
A translator repeats it in Korean when she notices that he didn't process anything, explaining that they planned for Jimin to do his solo shots first.
"[I understand..]" Jimin places Maple down on the fountain ledge, taking a deep breath before walking out of frame, walking towards the calico. I can do this.. it's just three days..
Jimin tried to hold back a sneeze while the director gave them their directions for the second day, rubbing the tip of his nose to try to ease the itch building up. We did all the close up acting scenes yesterday, now we just have to do the chero and film the scenes with our guest. I can do this.. "Hehtichih!" Jimin tries to muffle his sneeze, only Taehyung hearing it.
"You okay?" Taehyung whispers with concern when he sees Jimin trying to wipe his nose without ruining his makeup. He removes his bandanna, using it to gently dab the mucus from Jimin's face.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine..It's a manageable inconvenience.." Jimin sniffles, giving him a smile. "Thanks Tete.."
"If this is too much for you, just say something okay?" Taehyung frets over him gently removing a white cat hair from Jimin's shoulder. "Your eyes are getting starting to get red and you're sneezing much more.."
"What? my eyes are red?" Jimin frowns, turning to the fountain to see his reflection. He saw the red lines spiking from his irises."It looks worse than it feels, im fine.. I have eye drops in my bag." Jimin lies. Why do I feel worse than yesterday? I even took as strong as a dosage as possible, and Taehyungie and Jungkook came here early to scare off some cats..
"I'll get them for you." Taehyung leaves, briskly walking to get to Jimin's bag, digging through it.
"What's the rush? Is Jimin okay?" Namjoon asks, pulling on his shirt for the second wardrobe change.
"I don't know..his eyes are so red right now and he seems to be getting out of breath quicker than usual.. do you think we should ask for a break? I tried to make it have less cats with Jungkookie, but they came back.."
"I'll ask, but we're racing a storm right now..the weather was supposed to be clear this week. We just need to do the choreography, and we'll be finished today.." Namjoon quickly finished changing to check on Jimin.
"Heh'itcgi!" Jimin sneezes into a tissue, blowing his nose and sanitizing his hands for the umpteenth time that day.
Taehyung trails behind him, his heart clenching when he hears another wet sneeze come from his soulmate. Jiminie will only keep feeling worse as the day continues.."Jimin-ah, I brought the eye drops. Here. Tilt your head. I'll help you put them in.."
"Thanks, Tete that'd be great.." Jimin let's Taehyung gently place his hand on the back of his head, trusting him to support him as he leans back. Another sneeze was building, but with Taehyung so close to him, he forced the sneeze back."heh..heh.."
"Do you need a second?" Taehyung asks when he hears Jimin's breath hitching, pulling his hands away. "It's okay if you need to sneeze."
"No..no I'm okay.." Jimin lies, not wanting to worry Taehyung more than he already is.
"Okay..one..two and.. one-two…" Taehyung squeezes the drops into Jimin's eyes. "There.. all done.. slowly.." he guides Jimin to sit up again, hugging him close. "I wish I could do more to help.. Namjoon is going to see if we can do a break for you.."
"No, no I just want to get it over with..we can have a break when it rains. We're on a time limit and I won't be able to rest stressing about it." Jimin holds back a sneeze, the pressure building up making his eyes water.
They get through the chorus, before the wind started to pick up, carrying cat fur with it, irritating Jimin's sinuses further. Jimin pushes through the itch building in his nostrils,making it difficult to not ruin the shot by changing his facial expression. The director calls cut, releasing the members to monitor the shot.
"Aish, I messed up the shot.." Jimin frowns when he sees his facial expression in the back when him, Jungkook and Hoseok were center. "[Please can we redo?]"
"I saw that too. We'll need another cut.." Namjoon says apologetically.
"Are you okay to do it again Jimin-ah?" Hoseok whispers when he hears Jimin's breath hitching, no longer interested in the choreography.
"I'm fine..I just..heh..Heh'hehitchi!" Jimin sneezes into his hands to avoid sneezing on Hoseok, another sneeze following right after. "Hehtichih! Heyitcyh! Heh..heh..uiyxheu!" He sniffles, not moving his hands from his face.
"Here Jimin-ah.." Taehyung holds a tissue box out to him"I think you need to sit away from the cats for a bit.."
Jimin pulls a couple out gratefully, trying to clean up his face. "Ugh.. this is so annoying.. I should be able to handle this better.. no.. "
"It's okay, Jiminie. we all have our strengths and weaknesses." Yoongi reassures Jimin, pushing his hair behind his ear. "Are you crying?" He asks with concern when he sees the tears in his eyes, grabbing a tissue to lightly dab them away, not wanting the chance of his hands making his allergies worse.
"No, no. I'm not, it's just from the sneezing. I'm okay hyung.." Jimin smiles, surprised to see Yoongi be the one to dry his eyes when Hoseok and Taehyung were right there. "Thank you.. I think..I'm okay now.."
"Are you sure?" Hoseok asks, hugging Jimin from behind. "You're still breathing heavy.."
"It's just because of my nose being stuffed up. I'll have enough of a break when they fix my makeup." Jimin sniffles, letting the make up noona redo his make up around his eyes and nose. "I'm sorry..but i.. ah..aeh'tichi!" Jimin sneezes. "Heh'heh..itsth! Heh' x'shiugh.." Jimin sneezes a few more times, closing his eyes tightly.
"It's okay. It's not your fault. I used something more waterproof this time. Come back to me so i can help you get it off okay?" She speaks kindly.
"Thank you." Jimin sniffles, returning to the group, taking a deep breath. "I'm okay now, let's go back to filming.. Maybe we should do the group acting scenes first.."
The seven go back to acting out their scenes taking a break from the chreography, Jimin grateful that he did all his close ups first. I have to get it right this time, the longer i stay out here the harder it'll be to control my sneezes and on top of it the clouds are getting darker..
Stress knotted Jimin's stomach, only adding another layer of discomfort to his list. He ignored the pain, going back into his position, holding his breath every time he was near the front, making him feel lightheaded as he switched positions.
"Cut!" The cameraman yells, the members relaxing. Jimin falls to his knees, trying to catch his breath,gasping for air.
Jungkook and Taehyung rush to his side, the two looking at him with matching concerned expressions. Taehyung gently rubs Jimin's back, trying to do something to ease his suffering. "You okay Jiminie? Is there anything I can do to help? Do you want some water? A tissue?"
Jimin wants to answer Taehyung. Wants to tell him he just needs to sit away from the island's feline friends for a bit, but the loathed feeling of needing to sneeze returned, unable to get any words out, sniffling to try to ease the pressure, only triggering more sneezes. "Heh'thchi! Hey'Heh'heyhvhi!"
"Jimin you're done for today, this is too much for you to handle. We need to stop for today.." Namjoon speaks sternly, Jimin shaking his head.
"No, please.. Namjoon-sii we're almost finished… I can do this." Jimin begs, clasping Namjoon's hands. "It's only going..to be another hour.. of filming. I'll rest after."
"Jimin, you're pushing youself too hard, you're shaky on your feet and you're struggling to breathe. You need to listen to your body. We can extend our trip if needed. You need rest.."
"Then just give me ten minutes to recover..Please?" Jimin begs, ignoring the urge to sneeze. "I don't want to..be the reason we don't finish on time.."
"Alright, but if you feel even an ounce worse, you have to tell me." Namjoon frowns, knowing full well Jimin would end up crying in the rental house. He's going to get worse either way, the storm will force him to stop soon enough..
The seven boys went through the cherography three times before they got a shot Jimin and the others were happy with. Relief washed over Jimin when the director praised them, him falling to his knees, struggling to catch his breath.
"I did it..We just need to do one wardorbe change and we'll be finished.." Jimin coughs, trying to catch his breath.
"I don't think we can do that Jiminie, the clouds are getting so dark.." Taehyung says looking up at the clouds, trying to hide his relieved smile that the weather was going to force Jimin to take a break. "We need to find-"
The clouds that threatened rain finally burst drowning out the rest of Taehyung's words, a heavy rainfall drenching the members as Jungkook quickly scoops up Jimin, running towards the safety of the rental car, the others following.
"Jungkook-ah… I..I can walk on eh..heh..heudhichi!" Jimin sneezes into Jungkook chest, not able to let go of Jungkook's neck to sneeze into his hands fast enough. "Heh'itchii!" Another one follows right after.
"My poor hyungie.." Jungkook coos, putting Jimin in the car, sliding in right after. "You okay Jiminie?"
Jimin tried to answer, but another few sneezes stopped him, sniffling miserbly. "Heh'thih..hEH'ITCHI.."
"I don't think we'll be able to film tomorrow, with it raining this hard the ground is going to turn to mud.." Namjoon says when he gets in, drying his face with a towel he left in the car earlier, and passing it to the member next to him.
"I think we got enough usable footage to make the music video still." The staff tells them, the boys visibly relaxing.
"What about filming for Samatha's verse?" Namjoon frets about their guest artist that was coming tomorrow. "Will she not be able to perform her verse with us?"
"We'll film it in an inside location, we'll see what type of set we can make. Don't worry, we'll handle it." Their manager tells them. "Just focus on resting for the rest of the day."
"Jimin you'll shower first when we get to the house okay?" Jin orders, trying to get Jimin's wet hair out of his eyes.
"You're the oldest, you should get the first shower." Jimin sniffles, trying to fight off another sneeze.
"No, Jimin-ah, you need it more than me. You'll feel better once you get washed up." Jin declined. "I'll shower after you. It's no big deal. Just shower and rest up. Okay?"
Jimin wakes up to the sound of Jungkook accidently rolling out of bed, his head pounding with a sinus headache. It hurt to open his eyes to find the source, calling to Jungkook softly. "Are you okay Kook-ah?" Jimin's eyes widen when he hears how hoarse his voice became overnight, coughing right after.
"Yeah, I'm okay..my pillow fell with me. Are you okay hyung? You sound awful."
"I need some water." Jimin ignores his question, sitting up, resisting the urge to sneeze. I haven't been outside and all the windows have been shut since we arrived, why do I feel so awful?
"I'll go get you some. Wait here." Jungkook stretches, getting off the floor and leaving to the kitchen.
Jimin reaches for a tissue, noticing the mucus coming from his nose was no longer clear and runny. It became thick yellow mucus, indicating it wasn't just allergies anymore. Jimin swears underneath his breath when he feels another sneeze coming,
"Jimin-sii I brought you-"
"Heh'heh itchisg!" Jimin sneezes into his hands.
"Bless you Jiminie hyung.." Jungkook hands him a tissue.
Jimin blows his nose again, crumbling up the tissue and taking the water from Jungkook. "Thanks Jaykay.. my nose is driving me crazy..I can't wait to get off this island."
"It's the last day of filming, will you be okay?" Jungkook asks. "You're breathing heavy.."
"My nose is just stuffy, I'm okay. We're filming inside today so it won't be too hard." Jimin down plays how he feels, leaving out the sore throat and pounding headache.
"I'll make you some tea. Maybe that can help you feel a bit better. Don't forget to take your medicine before we go out." Jungkook tells Jimin leaving the room.
Jimin waits until he feels Jungkook is out of earshot to cough into his arm, trying to muffle the sound.
We're filming with Samantha today.. I can't let a cold ruin this..
Jimin takes another allergy pill and a painkiller for his headache before joining the others, Jungkook handing him a tea cup.
"Here jimin-sil, drink up. I added a tiny bit of ice so you won't burn your tongue." Jungkook says, taking a sip just to be sure it was at a drinkable temperature.
"Thanks Jaykay.." Jimin smiles, taking a big gulp from the cup. Please, work to soothe my throat and stomach.. I have too much to do today..
"1,2,3..hello.. we are..BTS." Namjoon starts their greeting, the members echoing 'bts right after him.
"[Im Samantha. It's so nice to meet everyone in person. Thank you so much for agreeing to help my passion project, it means so much to me.]" Samatha bows.
Jimin tries to hold back another sneeze while the translator speaks, translating Samantha's heart felt wish to help the animals she loves so much, holding his breath with his eyes squeezes shut, the pressure becoming more uncomfortable as the members introduced themselves.
"Are you okay Jimin?" Taehyung whispers.
Jimin nods, not wanting to worry him. Before Taehyung could question him further, he hears Samantha say his name.
"[Is it okay if I call you Tae hyung and not V?]" Samatha asks shyly. "[Im not a fan of using stage names while working. It feels distancing..]
"[Ah. No problem... it's nice to meet you.]" Taehyung takes her out reached hands to shake them.
Samatha turns to Jimin giving him a cheery smile. "[Hi, it's really nice to-]"
Jimin opened his eyes to greet her, but as soon as he stopped concentrating on keeping his sneeze back, a wet sneeze escaped him. "Heh'hehitfchi!"
He tried to turn on his heels to avoid sneezing in Samantha's direction,but his body gave him no time to react.
"[Oh it's you that was allergic to cats. I'm so sorry about all this. I really wanted to feature the animals we were trying to save and didn't think to look up if any of you were allergic..]" Samatha bows the whole time she's talking, Jimin matching her bow for bow despite how it made his head pound.
"[No, no big deal..I'm okay.. I love cat..no bow, no worry.. no sorry needed.]" Jimin tries to speak English to her, relaxing when she stops apologizing.
"[We only have this natural light for so long so I'd like to film right away..]" the director pulls the artists back into work
"[Right. I'm sorry.. I just wanted us to be a bit more comfortable working together. I got the choreography for the chorus down, but I want to run through it with the boys once before filming..]"
Jimin only felt worse as the time passed, the medicine doing nothing to ease his pain. Jimin was happy that they were doing a quick photo shoot with the set staff made.
"Jiminie looks exhausted.." Hoseok frowns, watching Jimin pose for the camera, laying on his back. Hoseok rushes over to help him to as soon as the photographer was pleased with his work, feeling the back of Jimin's neck. "You're warm Jiminie."
"It's just hot with those ring lights. I'm okay.." jimin trying to convince both Hoseok and himself.
"I'll go get you some water then.." Hoseok goes to get a water bottle, his worry increasing when he hears another sneeze come from the oldest of the mankae line.
"[Bless you.]" Samatha says sincerely, bringing over a bottle. "[I thought this might help you. It's a tea that helps my boyfriend when he's super congested. It's a bit spicy..]"
Jimins mind blanked on processing most of what she said, only understanding the drink she passed to him was to help him feel better.
At this point, he was willing to try anything, almost spitting out the tea when the spice hits him, swallowing it down.
"[I know, the thyme and ginger makes it have a strong taste, but it's really good for you." Samatha stifled a laugh seeing Jimins reaction.
"[It's okay, thank you for making for me..]" jimin takes another drink, surprised to feel the mucus loosen, causing a wet sneeze. "Heh'hehi'Itchi!"
"Here, blow your nose Jiminie.. Jungkook just finished the last photo so we're going to film soon." Namjoon bows his head to Samatha. "[Sorry to interrupt..]"
"[No, no. You guys take your work seriously and i really admire that about him Many artists would straight up refuse to film if they don't feel well]" Samatha says looking at Jimin sympathetically as he goes away from everyone to try to clear his nose.
"[I'll tell him that for you. It'll make him happy.]" Namjoons smiles, calling the members back to work.
I can't breathe.. my lungs are burning...
Jimin stumbled into Jungkook, ruining the shot for the third time. "I'm sorry..I'm sorry. I'll get it right this time...i..I just stepped to..far.."
"Are you okay Hyung? You're panting.." jungkook puts his arms around Jimin, holding his weight.
"I..I just got a bit dizzy..I just need..need..Heh'hehitfchi!" Jimin sneezes without giving him time to cover, sneezing on Jungkook.
"Ah, jimin-sii.." Jungkookie frowns, using a towel to wash off the snot from his shirt the best he could. "I think you caught a cold.. i think we should take a break."
"No..no we're almost finished filming I'll rest after. Everyone is tired..the sooner we finish the sooner we can go home..." Jimin sniffles, taking the tissue staff offered him.
"[If you aren't feeling well you should rest. Don't push yourself. I'm really tired too. I'm not used to heavy choreography like this..]" Samatha takes a seat on the ground dramatically. "[I was afraid to ask for a break when you boys were so focused..]"
Jimin looks to the translator, who explains it to him. "She's only saying that for my sake.." he says with a smile. The seven boys join her on the floor, Jimin leaning on Jungkook.
"You're so heavy.." jungkook teases, his smile dropping when he hears Jimin coughing into his fist. "Hyung. Hyung do you need some water?" He asks with panic, taking the waterbottle that Jin pushes towards them.
"No..no.. I'll..I'll throw up if..if I do.." Jimin pushed the water Jungkook offered away, trying to talk through the fit of coughs.
Jungkook frowns, trying to ease Jimin's suffering by rubbing his back. "Poor hyung..you really aren't well.."
"[I think we're done shooting for today..we'll just use the footage we have. I don't care if I look good in the shots. Let's use the first take.]" Samatha says putting up a finger when the boys go to argue. "[No, no compromising. I don't care about how i look, as long as it helps the cats. Everyone else looked good. I can live with my face looking too serious.]"
"She says she doesn't want to do anymore takes.. she wants to use the first take.." Namjoon translates for his members. "We're finished filming.."
Jimin's stomach knots with guilt, knowing how disappointed she was with the first take, but if she refused to film another take, he was in no condition to argue. "[I'm sorry..]" Jimin bows his head, forcing himself not to cough so he could properly apologize. "[We can work together again.. and I'll be sure everyone looks perfect...]"
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barca complaining about the referee, they simply can’t accept they played like sh*t and their rivals played better, jesus. they did the same in the 2022’s final against Lyon
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hey, multiple things can be correct at once. this was probably the worst match that i've seen barça play in years. 1 shot on target for the entire match isn't something we are used to seeing. no one had a stellar match, period. and i can freely admit that.
at the same time, the ref was shit, and chelsea spent a lot of energy time wasting instead of playing. but look, that's a tactic that worked, and at the end of the day, emma hayes had jona beat.
bottom line, we need to do better and we can do better. chelsea need to be scared next week because barça will be flying to london hungry for redemption. it'll be tough but we absolutely have what it takes to come out on top after the second leg!
listen as irene is saying in her post match comments: "we are hurt by losing the game, but at the same time calm because we know that we can do it!"
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spider-beetle-bee · 22 days
Partners In crime.
LMK Various x Demon!Reader
GN Reader; Not romance based; This takes place in season 3, Not too long after they are officially running from LBD. So MK has no abilities, correct me if I'm wrong. 
Reader is a demon of sorts, In short you can temporarily raise the dead. In order to gain more power you must either kill and absorb a living things living essence or a creature you "Revived" kills something. Whatever you raise has some form of chains on them, Usually the cuff(?) of the chains are centered around the creatures neck, arms, and legs. 
You chose what you look like but you do have chains hanging from your arms with the cuffs being around your wrists. You carry around a staff with a lantern hanging on the end of it. You chose what you and the staff/lantern look like. As long as something has died you can summon it, Doing so does physically and energy wise weaken you. As for who's side you're on? The winning side.
Type:No specifics
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You looked down from the building at the large Mech, Barely keeping to the shadows. Eyes widening at the sight, watching as the boy had lost the Monkey King's staff to the The Lady Bone Demon herself.  You had been trying to keep up on the news of her, But ever since she had been released from DBK you hadn't been able to keep up with any news. Although it is very hard to ignore the giant mech destroying half the city.
During your thought process the staff had been encased in stone and the boy had fled, The spider queen giving him time to do so. Of course you were intrigued but who would you help? If you wanted to help the Ivory Lady then you could just sit here and have a unfortunate ending, Or you could help the people that seem to be failing very miserably now....Yeah that seemed to be the best option. You stood up, Allowing yourself to be quickly surrounded by green souls to get out of the overall area, The lantern swinging slightly as you arrived at your destination. 
You were falling.
"OH SH*T!!" You held tightly onto your staff, Surrounding yourself with souls again, This time landing onto a flying drone thing. Making a loud clanking sound. You unfortunately having landed on your face, Interrupting the speech The Monkey King was giving. Everyone turning to look at you, Everyone being clearly on edge, You stood up fixing your (H/L) (H/C) hair, Looking over the group you let out a whistle.
"Bad time to drop in?" You barely had time to get that out before the Pig man started yelling at you. The very beat up Monkey King standing infront of the group, dispite his obvious lack of power, "Who Are you?! How did you get here?!!" The pig man was holding the boy with spikey hair behind him. While the green dragon girl stood beside the pig and Monkey. The Monk standing next to the map protectively. Infact it all looked like they were. 
You raised your hands in defense, A nervous smile curving onto onto your features. Your staff had long gone into a "Sentient" mode, The lantern hanging on your hip with the staff itself positioning itself infront of you protectively. "Woah! Gettin' a little uhhmm...Jumpy aren't we?" your voice didn't come out half as scared as you thought it was going to be, "You never answered, The question. Who. Are. You." Monkey king narrowed his eyes at you, "Glad you asked, I am [Name]! The Ruler of necromancy!! and I want to help." 
First oneshot done! Obviously I will make a part 2 at some point, Tell me what you think of this! And I'll see you next time! Thanks for reading! I ended up cross-posting this from my Quotev.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I'm a jikooker and I'm done with the narrative change few bloggers here are doing remarks bday because somehow Jimin couldn't meet JK on his bday and they don't wanna accept that.
bc nowhere has jm or jk said that "jm didn't see jk" anon...
jk said he was going to be very busy, jm said he called jk on Aug 31st and jk was busy and he hopes jk maintains his health, jm said for fans to wish jk happy birthday
said JK was busy ON THE day of his bday and Mingyu may have met him at company..now that JK already confirmed he didn't went to work and was lying all day, they are changing their narrative to JK being busy on 31st, which he was and Mingyu went to meet him at home.
bc the boy (jk) did a nine minute long live just to go lie down all day??
also as it has been said many times, jk said he was going to busy, so that's not a crazy assumption to make, mingyu works at hybe (seventeen) so that was an option for them to see eo
also changing/correcting your opinion after coming across new information isn't inherently wrong, it's normal lol
we knew nothing about what jk did on his actual birthday, now we know he at least was lying down for most of it
In both cases according to what Jimin said its crystal clear he didn't saw JK on his bday and WHY ARE WE NOT ACCEPTING IT ???? ok, he used to meet JK for all his previous bdays and ? Does that make Jimin not meeting JK for his 2023 bdah impossible? NOPE.
no it's not??
it's a little confusing if before no matter how far away or busy jm was, he saw jk on his (jk's) birthday
getting mad a people bc (1) we don't have all the facts and people are making assumptions or spreading lies (2) we're adjusting to a possible first time for jm and jk, is actually insane anon...
"like he said he couldn't meet nj" exactly, jm didn't say sh*t about whether he saw jk or not on the day of jk's birthday
and he has no problem saying if he didn't so...
But that didn't happened, He spoke to JK on 31st night and that's it, accept it already.
that's not it... tf are you actually talking about??
Now if one day JK come live and say he didn't saw Jimin, then what ? Will they change their narratives again????
well yes... we'll have all the information and one of jkk would have actually said "jm did not see jk on jk's birthday" for the first time
Can I ask why tf this is so important?
(1) it's doesn't make sense (a first, both in skr, lying down all day)
(2) debunking lies (jm never said he didn't meet jk)
I haven't seen Jkkrs being this invested in what JK does for Jimin's bday.
why are you lying???
(1) before jk posted the iconic "it's not over yet" selca before tokyo, jkkrs were being downright vile to jk... and when jm posted his tokyo vlogs and jk hadn't posted gcft, jkkrs were acting like jk didn't have fun on the trip and only jm cares in their relationship
(2) bts were in amsterdam on tour (2018) and jk hadn't yet posted for jm's bday, jm's birthday ended in SOUTH KOREA but it was STILL JM'S BDAY WHERE BTS WERE and jkkrs were being weird as hell to jk, then jk did post on jm's birthday in the time zone they were in
(3) jk didn't post for jm and was crucified, not only by jkkrs but army
(4) before the thirst trap video dropped, jkkrs were once again being weird to jk, joking about dropping him and jikook bc hobi was spamming about jm
Some years he didn't even wished jimin on sm let alone seeing or giving him gifts..so why is it only Jimin held to a high standards?
jk was attacked so many times for that... tf are you talking about?
Please stop this clownery when we don't have any evidence in Jimin meeting JK on 1st. If anything, as of now it seems like all Jimin did was to call JK on 31st. And that's OK
no it doesn't??
y'all making snap judgements either way is weird, just wait if you are doubtful, bc this is verging on calling jm and/or jk a liar
Louder anon, for those haters in the back!
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sophietv · 1 year
Hey! Sorry if this sounds as a silly question but I've always seen the "blind items" going around the gaylor narrative but I don't really get them (?? I mean, what are those things, are they posted by an insider kind of thing?
This is not silly at all!
Blind items are soooo confusing when you are first introduced to the gaylor world.
So basically blind intems are "gossip" that people give on celebrities.
They are called blind, because people don't give celebrities actual names when delivering the gossips. Like Taylor is almost always called "A+ List Singer". Karlie is always "The Alliterate Model Who Codes" (becaus of her initials being two Ks).
Some comes from insiders (source somewhat close to the celebrity).
Some comes from the public and are called "readers blind".
The most popular person to do blinds in the Gaylor universe is Enty Lawer. Here's his website (X).
It is believed that he is somewhat close to Tree Paine.
The least trustable in my opinion is Deuxmoi, I don't recall the last time they said something that was actually correct concerning Taylor. So I take what they say with a sh*t ton of salt...
BUT. Those are ALWAYS to be taken with a grain of salt.
Because they are not always true, nor always well intended.
Taylor give soooo much clues willingly on what is going on in her life, that you don't really need to use Blind Items to be clued in.
So it's always funny to read them, but they should not be your main source of evidence.
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team-heavenly · 11 months
And Now, An Interlude
I did coast through Blizzard Island pretty quick, but my next week or so is kind of insane. I'm out of state from 11/6-11/9 and I'm honestly not sure I can get the arc posted before then :(
But for every cloud, there's a silver lining. I definitely have time to share the nonsense I got into while I was stitching together the Sky Peak post. I really wanted to keep playing the game but without advancing the plot and getting ahead of the blog, so... I improvised.
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This picture is basically the theme of the post so enjoy lol
(No, we did not recruit her unfortunately 😔)
First, I want to share some teammates I snagged... and some I lost.
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LOOK AT THIS GOD TIER STARAPTOR. Literally the GOAT. I was so, so upset when our client Pidgeotto later got destroyed by a Monster House. I suppose I could have gone through with the defeat, but the risk of losing more than a few exclusive items just wasn't worth it.
But we did get to keep someone I'm pretty sure is Young Guildmaster Wigglytuff:
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It's not a practical set of moves by any means (confusion from Petal Dance (which missed a whole ton anyway), 30% accuracy on Fissure, low PP and stall after using Roar of Time), but definitely fun to play with.
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Andrea also tried learning Vine Whip upon level up, but... It wasn't very strong, so I passed on it. Honestly, unless she gets something incredible, I'm thinking her current move set is final.
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...Yeah, I told you this was gonna be a common thread. Thankfully we dodged an encounter with the ancient god of the land because... *gestures to the stairs Being Right There*
After a few days of odd jobs, I realized I didn't want our duo getting too far along the experience curve. But how else could I satisfy my itch to keep playing this game? I could play as other Pokémon, sure, but most of them were far too weak for the average Bulletin Board request.
...And then I remembered: I hadn't tried a single dungeon from Poliwhirl's Dojo yet.
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(Okay yeah I took these photos after completing all of them but shhhh)
This was our menu of offerings (loaded with affluence and laughter, apparently). Some were conquered on the first try. Some required a little bit of elbow grease. And some... well, they certainly put my patience to the test. I remember Affluent Turn, Hilarious Court, Prosperous Outback, and Hilarious Abyss being particularly troublesome.
"Wait, but aren't the dojo mazes only five floors-" Correct! But these dungeons are randomized like any other, meaning they have three things the mazes typically don't: traps, monster houses, and a whole lot of sticky items.
Granted, this was the squad:
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But the traditional starters are well-boosted in the stats to begin with, so it wasn't too bad. And this is a randomizer, so...
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(I now want to watch an anime episode where a tiny Igglybuff and Charmander wreck Dialga's sh*t with Roar of Time.)
After enough tries, we were able to nudge the three starters towards evolution. And hilariously, they all insisted on learning OHKO moves (and Dig for some reason):
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G-Grovyle, my beloved...
You Do Not See The Palkia, Grovyle Is Clearly Fighting Primal Dialga Here.
Yet the one thing that was consistent across these dungeons to the point of skepticism... was the sheer abundance of legendaries.
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Like I honestly think it would be easier for me to list the legendaries NOT included. That's how many there were. Take a gander at this list (bold indicates the Pokémon sighted):
Kanto: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew
Johto: Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi
Hoenn: Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys (multiple forms, all mirage)
Sinnoh: Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina (both forms), Cresselia, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin (both forms)
Most of these were in the Final Maze, too. No wonder it was called this instead:
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In total, we only recruited two of these legends, which is pretty impressive when you remember you're forced into these places with an empty bag (so no items to help increase the recruitment rate). The first, as you can see above, was Uxie, one of the True Time Gear Guardians.
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Not bad! Not bad at all.
And the second... the second is pretty special. I'm still giddy about it even all these days later:
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I SCREECHED when I saw her in the dungeon to begin with, so you can imagine the commotion I made when she wanted to join the team!! When you talked to her in a dungeon, she even said the phrases. You know, stuff like hating the decay brought about by the world of darkness, and there being no need to worry because she can't ever be caught, of course!
I suppose she's a little confused by her displacement in time and space, but you know what? This really makes it feel like her... so I wouldn't have it any other way <3
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She originally joined us at Level 38. I already knew, without a doubt, that she was gonna become a permanent fixture of the team. So I loaded her up with 3 Golden Seeds, every Gummi I had leftover from the mazes, and some Proteins.
Why Protein? Well, she originally knew... Tackle, Endeavor, Strength, and Meteor Mash lol. Her attack stat was also dreadfully low, so why not catch that up to the others when I happen to be swimming in Proteins?
I did also feed her some TMs to diversify the move set a little:
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This shot is actually outdated already: presently she knows Super Fang instead of Rock Climb and Hidden Power instead of Defend Order.
There is one slightly unfortunate caveat to my sheer excitement:
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Yeah... Normalize. So she can't benefit from the STAB on Giga Drain. But I suppose there are worse things.
Here's something I doubt many people have seen! You're technically not supposed to be able to speak with her in Rotom's Cafe, right? So of course I was dying to know what she said when you spoke to her there, and:
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Forgive the desaturation and such, as you can see by the reflection I snapped this one with my phone 💀
Interesting, no? Read that again: Magneton. If you recall, that Pokémon was her replacement in the story! Funny to see it show up here, in what I can only presume is the title of her idle pose. For reasons unknown to me, sometimes she said "standby 2" instead.
Anyway, she and the Gabite you saw earlier were our tried and true teammates during our many, many attempts to conquer Massive Tomb. To skirt around the excess EXP problem, I simply reset whenever things went awry.
The thing with Massive Tomb is... It has 48 floors, right? (Which I found odd, why not make it 50 at that point?) And you're not allowed any items upon entry. So either you miraculously find a string of Secret Bazaars to replenish your belly until you find an Apple of some kind (lol) or you starved to death by floor 11. Oh, and basically every other floor was a Monster House. So it really came down to sheer luck.
There was one attempt where I got as far as 43F. But my string of good fortune turned sour: back-to-back Monster Houses slowly picked off my teammates and made Andrea run out of PP for Blizzard. So when we ran into yet another Monster House (this time mandatory), all it took was one Triple Kick from Persian before it's all over. That loss felt particularly devastating.
The one attempt that finally succeeded was the one where we didn't run into a single MH until we were over 2/3s of the way through. Although the one that did finally show up nearly ended me.
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But finally... Finally!
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On the one hand: Can you imagine if the aura you got at the beginning was Brown? I would be so mad if I had two of the same color lol. Though on the other hand, aura color doesn't really matter? It only shows up in the flavor text and item sprite - the latter of which you only see if the item gets knocked off of you.
But hey, I'll take it. I'm just glad I finally got through the darn place!
Oh geez, this "mini update" was very close to 30 images somehow 😬 But I hope you enjoyed seeing this not-insignificant, optional part of the main world!
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...Okay I guess I lied, we recruited three legends.
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
What Mercury in Virgo Means for YOU
What: Mercury in Virgo
When: July 25 - Aug. 14, then Sept. 9 - Sept. 26, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but esp. Mutable Signs (Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius), and Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) Sun / Rising.
Takeaway: A two-for-one opportunity to get clear and get your sh*t together.
     It’s audit time! On July 25, mind planet Mercury glides into analytical Virgo, urging YOU to dive into the details of your daily grind and fact-check your own thoughts. That’s not to say that Mercury in Virgo will see you gaslighting yourself; no, this transit is just obsessed with fine-tuning your ideas and plans, clarifying your writing, and organizing your daily activities. At least, that’s the best way you can work with the transit. 
     Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect, and reasoning, so its movements through the zodiac can bring noticeable shifts in mental energy and cognitive patterns. These subtle shifts can significantly help or hinder the way you think, communicate, and process information—should you let it. And tbh, you should absolutely let Mercury in Virgo help you out. 
Mercury in Virgo Meaning in Astrology
     Since Mercury rules Virgo—which means the planet not only loves being in the sign, but it also functions at its highest level— communication thrives during this time, as does clarity, logic, practicality, organization, criticism, categorization, assimilation, annnd efficiency.
     You can think of this transit as having the ultimate editor at your disposal. Getting into the nitty-gritty details with precision and accuracy is 10 times easier. So, this time is optimal time for:
Line-editing your writing (be it novel, memoir, social media post, email, etc.);
Clarifying your conversations;
Streamlining your daily to-dos, and wishing you had more time in the day to tackle everything on your to-do list;
Organizing your thoughts, plans and ideas;
Developing a keen interest in the economy of language (i.e.: using abbreviations and/or bullet points in your communications.)
Getting critical about what is / isn’t working in your life, your writing, your communications.
     With Mercury in Virgo, communication is clear and methodical, but there is a risk of overthinking and perfectionism. Categorizing and correcting information is the name of the game, but can quickly become an obsession. Mercury in Virgo is critical to a fault, sometimes hyper-focusing on the tiniest of details. Seeing the forest from the trees is a challenge. And then there’s Mercury Retrograde. 
2024 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
     Come Aug. 4, Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, backtracking through the sign until Aug. 14, and eventually re-entering Virgo on Sept. 9. (From there, it stays in Virgo until Sept. 26.) Mercury is currently in its pre-retrograde shadow phase, so you may have already begun seeing some of the mishaps that will dominate the month of August. (That Crowdstrike Outage? Classic Mercury Retrograde.) In Virgo, these mishaps lean towards the persnickety. 
     Virgo has a lot of great traits—logical, analytical, practical, methodical—but sometimes the sign’s love of precision can slide into perfectionism territory. During 2024 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, it’s easy to get caught up in the tiniest details, and let them wreak havoc on your nervous system. Learning to adapt and go with the flow of these imperfect mishaps will help you navigate the chaos that occasionally swoops in, and not feel overwhelmed by it. (I’ll have your Mercury Retrograde in horoscopes in the coming weeks!
YOUR Mercury in Virgo HOROSCOPE:
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kfanopinions · 1 month
hi everyone… sorry it’s been quite around here but i have still been wrapping my head around the news regarding taeil. however, lately i have seen so many people relaying rumors, doing tarot in regards to 127 and the rumor about a fake kpop list going around… like y’all my head and mind are so jumbled…🤦🏽‍♀️ so i wanted to just let some of these opinions i have out because bottling shit up isn’t healthy 😅
1.) the information about the victim has not been released by any official sources. the rumor about the victim at the time being 12 and him threatening their mom was never stated by proper authorities. the police i believe (and correct me if i’m wrong) said they would be limiting the information because it could risk the victim’s safety (aka crazy fans trying to hurt them). so why are people jumping on the bandwagon all of a sudden and believing a twitter post of an instagram that someone screenshotted?
if all of that turns out to be true, okay, but we need to wait to see what the facts are first before spreading misinformation…
2.) i can’t believe someone actually did a freaking tarot reading to see how the 127 members are feeling. of course i will not be mentioning the username because i don’t even remember the account but as some of you who have been around here for a minute you know i love tarot, i believe in it but that persons reading pissed me off. no one and i repeat no one knows what any of those young men are thinking and feeling right now aside from themselves and to even try to infringe on them using tarot right now is beyond comprehension! yes, i have an astrology blog i infringe on idols private lives too but i make damn sure i don’t cross the line — hence why i will never look into their dating life or even who they will marry cuz honey that sh*t is complicated and none of my business or anyone else’s.
this is just my personal feelings but that action was crossing the lines. i mean if taeil were one of my friends i wouldn’t know how to think or feel and i would probably go through all the stages of grief + rage multiple times before my emotions were clear enough to understand the situation at hand… but man that was just a low move (again in my opinion, of course)
3.) this whole situation with a fake list of male kpop idols names has me so confused and disgusted. i get it, a lot of fans feel a sense of ick because of taeil and because of what’s going on with the 2nd rising of the nth room, me too, and despite the fact that it appears there are more men then women in s. korea that doesn’t mean every man is a disgusting creep. plus, idk if people even realize how fucked up their own countries are/can be/have been. babes it’s not a s. korean men problem it’s an all over the world problem but right now the light is shining brightly on s. korea. but back to the subject at hand… i saw a fake list going around and it made me sick to think someone is so disturbed that they would try to bring down people who may be innocent and have no freaking idea of what is actually going on. like 2 of the names are of group leaders and i know both of those leaders fans and fans of those groups are going to contact the companies like crazy. as they should… because how sick in the head do you have to be to pull this off? i hope the companies take action because spreading stuff like that as a joke is not funny especially with the current atmosphere over there right now…. and idk about korean law but it can be seen as defamation which is no joking matter…
4.) and as a bonus i can’t believe that people are making ai deepfakes of kpop idols. it was bad enough with t. swift and the mess that came out of that…
as an artist, myself and many others have tried to get the public to know and understand how dangerous these generators can be. i knew how bad and disgusting and dangerous it was from those twitch streamers having their likeness used in p**n videos. the amount of tears those women shed broke my heart… like how much more pain needs to go around before people (big corporations) put an end to the every day man using this shit 🤦🏽‍♀️ my heart sank when jype announced they would take legal action because it shouldn’t have been done in the first place…
but how do you guys feel about all this stuff? did you hear about the rumored kpop male idol list? and like i’ve seen lately, are any 127 fans thinking of no longer listening to the group? let me know
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burning-thistles-bt · 2 years
Who Knows Pawspeak?
A little random post here because I have Feathercloud brainrot always <3
So, who in BT knows pawspeak (sign language), and how well do they know it?
ThunderClan: All cats in ThunderClan know some level of pawspeak, even if they refuse to learn it, just from constant exposure to Feathercloud and Snowpaw. Hard not to pick stuff up when you see it every day! The young kits are the only ones who don't know anything/much, and the apprentices are all still learning, but learning quick.
RiverClan: They don't know sh*t! The only cats who know anything would likely by Leopardfur's group, and even then it would only be basic stuff likely used on patrols (ex.: "over there," "prey," "wait," etc.), and they likely wouldn't remember how to sign it themselves anyway, and are quickly forgetting.
WindClan: Most cats in WindClan know some level of pawspeak! They aren't as exposed as ThunderClan, but many have actively dedicated themselves to learning for Ravenwing's sake, plus, they're smart enough to realize it makes for good communication in attacks/ambushes! That doesn't mean everyone's willing to learn, though.
ShadowClan: A few cats know pawspeak! Nothing drastic, but some cats like Badgerfang and Blossomtail have learned from being interclan friends with Ravenwing and the likes! A few others have picked up some sign briefly, but not enough to really understand much.
BloodClan: What's pawspeak?
Bluestar - Very little. Used to know more but actively lost it during her descent
Fireheart - Master at it! Doesn't use it frequently outside of talking with Feathercloud and Snowpaw, though
Spottedleaf - Master at it! Very dedicated to learning it and practices whenever she has time
Cinderpelt - Master at it but it took her a long time, especially post-Cricketheart death, and she has to relearn words a lot
Goldenflower - Knows a good chunk of the basics. Could theoretically hold a conversation, though stunted
Whitestorm - Forgetful at first but relearns quickly; able to hold a conversation
Frostfur - Actively refuses to "listen" to pawspeak (but she does know the basic words anyway, simply pretends she doesn't)
Brindleface - Finds it confusing, but she's starting to try and learn
Runningwind - Master at it! Learns every new word Feathercloud or Snowpaw makes immediately
Redtail - Formerly a master of sorts at it, but only got to know the basic/beginning of the language, and is now pretty rusty in StarClan, but is absolutely willing to learn when Cricketheart teaches him
Mousefur - Knows a lot but doesn't actively practice it or use it
Darkstripe - Knows the basics but also pretends he doesn't know (but more because he feels stupid for not remembering some signs)
Creekflower - Master at it! Struggles over some signs, though, and takes a moment to register pawspeak
Longtail - Knows a few of the basics, hasn't desired to learn it ever, but doesn't protest when he unintentionally learns some
Cherryfur - Master at it! Literally dedicated herself to learning it out of spite
Feathercloud - Master at it. Obviously. So what of spoken speech? He's a master at lip reading, and also a master at verbally speaking and keeping his volume, etc. Often will still speak even when signing
Cricketheart - Master at it, even in death! Refuses to let herself become shabby.
Graystripe - Formerly a master at it, became really rusty in RiverClan, and now has to relearn it
Dustpelt - Knows the basic stuff and more, especially patrol-focused, and is professional about it except when he decides to be mean
Brackenfur - Master at it! Actively corrects people when they get something wrong
Cloudtail - Knows a decent amount but absolutely sucks at actually signing any of it
Missingheart - Knew a decent amount and would try to hold conversations with Feathercloud, but ultimately give up and whine about it being to hard; needs to relearn
Lynxpaw - Knew a good amount so she could understand Feathercloud but would mockingly pretend not to know; is now violently being forced to learn it by Cricketheart in StarClan
Lostface - Like her mother, absolutely refused to learn, and genuinely doesn't know a lot past the minimal
Thornpaw - Knows some, but never understands anyway
Cliffpaw - Decently good at it, more due to being good at guessing the context than genuinely knowing some gestures
Ashpaw - Actually weirdly knows a lot of pawspeak. Never uses it, but he understands it fluently
Fernpaw - Struggling to learn, but is trying
Elderpaw - Pretty good at it, but still has some hiccups
Tulippaw - Currently knows nothing and is constantly confused; will learn a lot soon ;)
Mistlepaw - Master at it! Translates for Snowpaw all the time
Snowpaw - Once more, master at it, obviously. He's still learning words from Feathercloud, but he picks them up with ease. As for spoken speech, he isn't the best at lip reading and often relies on Mistlepaw to translate for him. He also rarely ever speaks and thinks everyone knows/should know pawspeak. When he does speak, his words are often slurred from lack of practice
Bramblepaw - Not the brightest, but is super eager to learn! Just often forgets a lot. Good at it regardless!
Tawnypaw - Decently good at it, but also still learning and does the context-clue thing like Cliffpaw
Willowpelt - Good at it! Feels embarrassed when she doesn't know words, which can prevent her from asking/learning
Sandstorm - Master at it! Feathercloud was her apprentice. There's some words she's missing, but she's honestly more fluent than Fireheart
Sorrelkit - Knows nothing, head empty
Rainkit - Knows nothing, head empty
Sootkit - Knows nothing, head a little less empty
Speckletail - Used to be like Frostfur, now learns for Snowpaw's sake, and gets really upset (at herself) when she can't understand something/get a signal right
Smallear - Genuinely probably the only cat who doesn't know anything, and uses the excuse of being old
Halftail - Knows a good amount, though can't hold a conversation
One-eye - Doesn't know too much but is good at what she does know
Dappletail - Master at it! But not perfect and often confuses signs
Lizardflight - Knows a lot but quickly forgetting due to lack of use
Mistyfoot - Learned a few signs when Graystripe accidentally used to do them, and remembers them
Leopardfur - Knew a little and mocked it but actually thinks some signs are useful and has remembered those ones
Reedpaw - Learned some! Doesn't remember any of it though
Copperleaf - Has learned some in passing! Knows greetings and such.
Dawncloud - Learned in passing/from her family, only remembers random words that feel useless to her, but thinks it's cool
Blossomtail - Knows a good amount! Can understand when others pawspeak
Badgerfang - Knows a good amount! Struggles more, but understands it
Swampfur, Oakfur, Littlecloud, Wetfoot, etc. - Learned random signs that they mostly forgot from family/friends. Oakfur has poor memory while Swampfur has a sharper one
Turtlepaw - Has learned some it through her family/WindClan friends; good memory for it
Tallstar - Knows it very well, uses many of the signs for orders, can forget the "casual conversation" words
Deadfoot - Master at reading it, struggles to sign words using his left front paw
Barkface - Knows most of it; just like memorizing herbs to him
Larksplash, Meadowsplash, Pigeonflight, Mistmouse, Ryestalk - Know some, especially what Tallstar's reinforced they learn, but can't hold conversation much, willing to learn
Sorrelshine, Webfoot, Crowfur, Stagleap - Know what Tallstar enforced but are hesitant to learn more
Tornear - Has a quick memory for it
Mudclaw - Finds it weird/confusing, only knows what Tallstar forced him to learn, doesn't like Ravenwing
Morningflower, Ashfoot, Onewhisker, Whitetail - Decently good at it
Airleap - Master at it, but fumbles over his signs a lot and doubts himself
Runningbrook - Master at it! Very dedicated to learning it and thinks it's really cool
Ravenwing - Master at it! Got rusty from his time as a barncat, but pick it back up easily
Barley - Master at it! Not used to having to learn so quickly, but did it for Ravenwing's sake
Gorsepaw, Storkpaw, Quailpaw - Learning and/or know the basics well
Tawnypaw II, Robinpaw, Rushpaw - Learning the basics only and hesitant
Gremlin, Scraps - Both have forgotten what little they learned at this point, but Gremlin would be incredibly happen to relearn and wants to while Scraps doesn't care as much but would still relearn
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lamelycool · 2 years
I'm So Sorry
A/n: Love some family dynamics man. Anyays Uh this got really long. If you want the slightly extended ending I can post that too just ask! I hope you guys like it. Oh and if you see any errors/typos feel free to let me know:)
Warnings: mental issues, paranoia, character injury, character death?, blood/injury, self harm?
Summary: Data is worried he is broken. Is it all in his head or is there something seriously wrong with him? Can the crew save him from seemingly himself?
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I'm sorry Commander, but that's wrong." Wesley speaks up timidly.
"What do you mean?" Commander Data asks with a tilt of his head.
"Well, you said quadrant 4,5 yes?" Wesley asks nervously.
"I said quadrant 4.9,5.6 correct. Have I misspoken?" He asks. From anyone else the question may seem defensive or condescending, but not him. He asks like he asks any other question, with an earnest child-like curiosity.
"Yes sir. It's in quadrant 7,8 not 4,5." Wesley says, looking over at Data. He can't help but feel nervous at calling him out. He knows he's right, but him being right means Data is wrong. And that doesn't sit right with Wesley.
"You're only off by 3! But..." Wesley trails off.
Data looks down at the console and rechecks his calculations. "Indeed, you are correct Wesley. I am unsure as to how I thought it was 4.9,5.6 it is clearly 7.9,8.6." Data tilts his head. "Intriguing... When I run self-diagnostics I am functioning within normal parameters? But that is obviously untrue."
Wesley smiles sheepishly. His cheeks are lightly flushed from embarrassment. "It's alright! Mistakes happen sometimes sir." He soothes emptily thinnly veiling his concern. Data doesn't make mistakes unless something's wrong.
"But usually I do not make mistakes." Data replies. "I apologize for my error."
Wesley shakes his head. "Don't worry about it Mr. Data." He turns back to his console and tries slow his racing thoughts.
Why was Data off?
Is he alright?
Was it a simple mistake?
A minor error? System fluke?
Or is it something more serious?
Wesley takes a shaky breath. Panicking won't help anything. Data is fine. Data is always fine. He takes a deep breath and refocuses his attention to work.
"Captain?" Data speaks up, turning his seat to face him.
"Yes Data?" Picard looks up from his pad.
"May I be excused sir?" Data asks. He politely continues, "I would like to go to engineering so that Geordi can run further diagnostics on me. I fear that I may be malfunctioning."
"Of course Data take your time." Picard says kindly with a nod.
Data stands then looks down at Wesley. "Would you like to take over for me while I am away?"
Wesley nods quickly. "Yes sir, thank you." He slides over and takes Data's place.
Once Data is relieved of his duty he exists the bridge and enters the turbolift. After selecting his floor he hits his com, "Geordi, do you have time to meet with me in engineering?"
"Of course I do Data! You know I always have time for you. And besides, things are pretty slow down here anyways. Is everything all right?"
"I am unsure Geordi. I believe I may be malfunctioning." Data says with an off tone. Almost anxious. Hearing this rings alarms bells in Geordi's head but he brushes it off. Too soon to worry, it could just be a false alarm.
"Like the last time you thought you were malfunctioning because you tripped?" Geordi jokes trying to keep the mood light.
"My optical sensors were off." Data shoots back.
"Very minutely my friend. Veryy minutely." Data can practically hear Geordi's 100 watt smile through the com. It also isn't hard for him to imagine Geordi shaking his head at his antics.
"Anyways I'll meet up with you and see what I can do about your lil problem. See you soon, Geordi out."
"I'm sorry Data I just don't see a problem. I've checked everything. And I mean e v e r y t h i n g. You are functioning just fine. Heck, you're functioning better than the last time you came in." Geordi says exasperated.
"Perhaps we sh-"
"Data." Geoedi grabs him by the shoulders gentle but firm. Looking into Data's eyes he says, "You're fine. Really don't worry so much. Maybe you should just rest for the day? Take your mind off things."
"Perhaps...Perhaps that is a good idea. Thank you Geordi." Data says sincerely.
"Of course Data. Anytime. Now then, go rest!" Geordi sends him away with a pat on the back and shoos him out of engineering.
Deanna's therapy sessions with Data were usually quite normal. She would listen to his observations and inquiries about the human condition. And about his journey of becoming, what he already is in her opinion, a person and more human like. She would only interrupt occationally to give her imput and advice when needed. While some might find his rambling annoying and monotonous, she finds it quite enjoyable. His unending stream of spoken consciousness is soothing, curious, and pure. Not to mention the lack of intense and intrusive emotions attacking her psyche is also pleasant.
But today was different. It was anything but a normal session. The moment he walked through the door she could sense something was off. He didn't speak nearly as much and even requested that she lead the session today. And when he did speak he responded breif and monotone. He seemed to be more interested in looking at the table or at his hands than at her. He avoided her eye contact like the plague.
While Deanna didn't want to push him to talk to her, she still wanted to know what was bothering him. She tried to give him time to process and open up on his own. But soon they were already halfway through the session and he still hadn't even hinted as to what was bothering him. So she decided it was time to be direct and just ask.
"Data...is everything alright? What is bothering you?" She asks him softly. But as he had been doing alot this session, he simply sits unresponsive. His eyes staring down at his hands unblinking. It was as if he was in another world, in a trance.
"Data?" She tries again to gain his attention. This time she even snaps her fingers in front of him trying to bring him back to the real world.
"..." He still didn't respond. That's it....
Data jolts his head up and looks at her eyes wide open. A second passes until he blinks slowly and fully snaps out of his daze. As if his processors just now decided to begin working.
"I am sorry counselor...what were you saying?" He tilts his head slightly, he still sounds far off and untethered but at least he's responding now.
"Are you alright? You were spaced out for quite some time." Deanna inquires brows furrowed. She could quite literally feel that something was off with him now. It was subdued but definitely present.
"Yes." Data responds automatically. Then after a beat of silence he shakes his head. "Actually no...I am not 'all right'. I worry that I am broken."
"Broken? Oh data." She croons and grabs his hands. "Why would you ever think you are broken?"
"Everything is...wrong" he looks down at their joined hands. He opens his mouth to speak again but no words come out.
"What do you mean Data? What's wrong? Are you feeling...off?" She offers.
"I cannot feel." He states robotically like he has many times before.
"Data..." She gives him a gentle yet pointed look.
"Sorry. Yes, I fee.... I am off. I am having calculation errors, I am unable to focus, and I always have the sensation of being watched although I know I am not. I feel as though I am not safe..." Data says anxiously now fidgeting with his and Deanna's hands.
"Oh my Data. I could see how that would make you feel off! When did this all start?" Her mind begins to race is someone stalking him or is it paranoia? Is it possible for him to be paranoid?
"I believe a week ago? Not long after we arrived in the Lohrn Cluster." Data answers quietly after some thought.
"Data... that was 2 weeks ago not one." She says eyeing him more concerned now. He doesn't make simple mistakes like that ever. Maybe he isn't being stalked and it is more than just paranoia.
"This is odd. Maybe you are suffering a malfunction? Have you spoke to Geordi?"
"I am not malfunctioning, Geordi already checked and said there was nothing wrong with me. He checked multiple times quite meticulously. But he still found no abnormalities."
"What about Beverly? Perhaps she would be able to help." Deanna says hopefully. "Maybe she could find something that was overlooked or have an idea of how to help?"
"Perhaps...thank you Counselor." Data stands and begins walking to the door. Deanna trails closely behind him hand on his lower back.
"Of course Data. Oh! How about in the meantine we start meeting more often. I'd say at least twice a week? Is that alright with you?" She asks gently. She wants to keep an eye in him. To make sure this isn't as serious as she feels it is.
Data nods stiffly, "That seems to be a good idea. Thank you again Counselor."
"Not a problem Data if you have any more concerns contact me." She gives Data a soft hug. It is brief and soon after he leaves out the door.
'I hope that it will help him. It pains me seeing him so out of sorts.' She thinks to herself watching him leave.
"I'm sorry Data I ju-
"Can not find anything? There is nothing wrong with me? I am in perfect condition right?" Data interrupts shooting up from his seat in frustration.
"Data!" Beverly looks at him in shock. Its not as though he yelled or even snapped at her. Its just so out of character for him to behave this way. Data sinks back down onto the medbed.
"I apologize Dr. It is just disheartening that no one can find what is wrong with me. And it seems as though no one believes me." Data speaks softly. Sounding like a scolded child, a sad, scared and scolded child.
"Data...I believe you! It's just I can't find the problem, you seem perfectly healthy! But that's obviously not the case...You are acting out of character and seem to be experiencing severe discomfort. I'm very concerned Data." She admits. Bev rubs Data's back in support and to comfort. It pains her to see her normally energetic and kind Data....so broken and sad. He may deny all emotions but times like this proves otherwise.
"Dr? Am...am I crazy?" Data chokes out.
"No! No, you're not crazy!" She tilts his chin up making him look her in the eye. She lets out a gasp when their eyes meet. His eyes are brimming with golden tears. "Oh my poor Data..." She mummurs to him.
That's what finally broke the dam. Golden tears begin pouring down his face and sobs wrack his body making him tremble like a leaf. Beverly pulls Data into her embrace, holding him tightly. She speaks gently trying to soothe him and whispers sweet nothings in his ear. She pats his back and rocks him gently. All the same as she would to Wesley when he was just a boy. And in an odd way she does see Data like a son and holds a lot of love for him. So to see him cry well... basically every cry he lets out is another stab to her poor maternal heart.
Beverly decides the best course of action is to get the captain. She knows how much Data looks to him for support. And he ought to be able to calm himself down. So she taps her com badge. "Captain I need your assistance down in medbay. It's Data. Bring the counselor aswell if possible."
"Is he alright? What's going on?"
"You will have to see for yourself, please just hurry." Bev says exasperated.
"On my way now."
"Beverly?" Picard calls out entering sickbay.
"Back here." She calls softly to him just from the other room.
The captain makes his way back following her voice. When he steps into the doorway he freezes in shock at what he sees. Data, sobbing in Beverly's arms. Him whimpering and whining in a small wavering voice.
"Where's Deanna?" She mouths.
"Busy." He breathes out.
"Talk to him" Bev mouths. Picard looks at her wide eyed and shakes his head. The captain doesn't do well with tears. And with mushy sentiments.
"I don't know how." he whispers panicked. He honestly has no clue how to deal with emotions. Much less an androids. She gives him a pointed glare then rolls her eyes.
"Hey, Data? I have to go for a moment alright? Talk to the captain for now. I will be right back." She carefully untangles herself from him. Then goes to leave before the captain can protest. And she leaves Jean-Luc with the sniffling android to fend for himself. She knows the stubborn man can handle it.
Seconds pass until Picard gathers himself and his courage. And then he quietly crosses the room and takes a seat beside Data.
"Data...what is the matter?" The Captain asks rubbing Data's back.
"Eeverything...I am broken...aand now mmy chest hurts. I hurt. I should not hurt. My eyes are leaking. I aam broken. I do not waant to be broken." Data stutters out his lips quivering barely holding back his cries. Seeing Data so distressed breaks through Captains tough exterior and right into his heart nearly bringing himself to tears. Picard struggles to stay composed.
"Data you...you are not broken. It's normal to cry when overwhelmed. Just take some deep breaths with me. Then we can talk more." Picard orders. And so they sit there together simply breathing in and out. In and out. Until Data calms down. While he is alot calmer, his breath is still shaky and tears stain his alabaster cheeks gold.
"Now Data. How are you feeling?"
"I...I am unsure. I am conflicted. I was unaware I could cry." He sniffles sniffles.
"I was too Data...I was too. Would you like to talk about it?"
"Nno sir, if I may I would like to go to my room." Data requests, seemingly more composed than before. But he avoids looking into the Captain's eyes. Because he'd surely see right through him otherwise. And he'd burst back into tears. Data can't handle it he can barely think straight.
"That's fine Data. But I think you should go to engineering first to talk to Geordi. Then after you may have the day off."
"Yes sir...thank you. I'm sorry for crying." Data quips ready to leave as soon as possible.
"Don't worry about that Data." Picard shakes his head and gives Data a pat on the shoulder. "I'm just glad you're alright."
'I do not feel "alright"' Data thinks to himself as he leaves the medbay. He forgoes going to engineering and goes straight to his room instead. It is pointless to bother Geordi he thinks. He already knows what he will be told. He can't stand to hear it again. All he wants is to go home and hold Spot.
"I'm sorry I couldn't come with you captain what is it that you needed?" Deanna asks.
"Data he had an outburst."
"An outburst?"
"He was crying...he was sobbing."
"I- I didn't know he could cry." Deanna says in shock.
Picard laughs ruefully. "Neither did I."
"Is he alright?" She asks.
"No...No I don't think so. Deanna, you've spoken to him what do you think is going on?"
"I'm not certain captain but perhaps he is going through a break through of sorts? He has been seeming more and more emotional lately. Maybe the newly developing emotions are overwhelming him? Leaving him in a vulnerable state, much like a child still learning how to regulate emotions."
"If that's the case then what should we do?" Picard questions.
"For now I'd say it's best to just let him know we are here for him and give him guidance when he needs it." She sighs. "Other than that there's not much else I know to do...I wish I could be of more help."
"You are doing all you can Deanna. You're doing a great job."
"I know but I just don't feel like I'm doing enough." She sighs.
Worf turns on his barstool to face Data. "Yes Lt. Data?"
"May I join you?" He asks.
Worf looks at him for a second then nods turning back the bar with a grunt. Data slides into the barstool beside him as Worf sips his cranberry juice. He waits for Data to speak first and observes him from the corner of his eye in the meanwhile. Worf's trained eyes quickly notice Data's on edge and fidgety behavior opposed to his usual calm and collected self.
"Worf may I ask you a question?" Data speaks up.
"You may." Worf turns to give him his full attention.
"I am uncertain as to how I should word this so I will not 'beat around the bush'." Data pauses and then speaks meakly, "I feel unsafe."
This catches Worf's attention as cheif of security. "What do you mean? Is someone giving you trouble? You just have to name them and I will see it handled, you need not worry!" Worf states fiercly sincere. He would do everything in his power to keep his family safe and Data is no exception.
"No, that will not be necessary. No one is giving me trouble. I simply feel unsafe in my mind... I seek your advice Worf. I do not know what to do."
Data avoids eye contact with Worf. He's not even sure why he felt the need to reach out to Worf. What could he do about the fact that Data is losing his mind? Not even the Dr or Counselor could help him.
"I see..." Worf pauses a moment to think. "You are a strong warrior you need not worry. But I will still keep an eye out for you just in case. If you would like you are welcome to join my Mok'bar class. It would help you to clear your mind."
"Thank you Worf. I will keep that in mind." Data states standing up from the bar.
"No need for thanks. Your safety is my duty." Worf grunts. He gives Data a strong pat on the back and then watches him leave.
"Data? Are you there?" Geordi calls from the hall. Geordi, Will, Deanna, and Worf have been waiting for quite awhile. They all decided to come to Data's room when he failed to show for their scheduled poker game. He also failed to respond to any of their messages.
When they get no answer Will decides to call this time. "Data are you there? Its Will." This time a faint buzz like hum can be heard from inside the room.
"Do you hear that noise?" Will asks. The group all agrees to hearing it and unease grows amongst them. This is such an odd situation and unlike Data. Although he has been acting stranger and stranger lately.
"That's it! Data if you do not respond now I will be forced to use my emergency override!" Worf barks out. After a moment of waiting he overrides the lock and storms into Data's room. His hand over his phaser ready to draw if necessary. The others enter behind him more cautiously.
A scan of the room the quickly reveals the cause of the ominous buzz. Data on the floor. Laying sprawled out on his stomach twitching. His face turned at an odd angle looking at them eyes open and unblinking. In a pool of his blood.
"Data?" Geordi calls urgently and rushes over to him. "Data!"
Geordi quickly kneels over Data who's breath is coming out in short sputtered gasps.
The others all stand in their own forms of shock and grief. Deanna cries as Will holds her against him. He is unable to look away from his friend's seizing body. Worf is comming Dr. Crusher, his eyes look anywhere but Data.
Geordi reaches down and rolls Data onto his back. His eyes spasm unfocused as his body continues to twitch. The buzzing hum coming from Data's slightly parted lips becomes more audible.
Geordi's quickly scans his friend and immediately notices the problem. There is damage to Data's bioplast in multiple areas, but mainly his throat which is ripped out. There is further damage across his temple with sparks flying from it. And finally in Data's steel clutch there are several wires and chunks of his bioplast.
"Data...what have you done?" Geordi looks down at him. His pale skin glistens with sweat and yellow blood that pours from him. "G-Geor-i" he spurtters out garbled by his blood. Geordi's eyes widen in surprise.
"Data! Stay with me buddy! You're gonna be okay. I gotcha...its okay." Geordi mummurs out while trying to stop the bleeding. He presses his trembling hands up against Data's throat. The room is so silent yet so loud. Deanna's soft cries with Will doing his best to soothe her. Worf's foot fall as he paces restlessly. And the hum from Data which is steadily growing more faint and quiet by the minute. Until finally the sound of loud voices and running can be heard from the hall.
"I'm here move out of the way!" Dr. Crusher commands as she rushes through the door. A couple other nurses rush in behind her silently awaiting her orders. Dr. Crusher comes to a stop and crouches beside Geordi and Data. With trained eyes she assesses the damage and has to hold back a gasp at the sight. It's worse than she was expecting. How could she expect this? Data soaked in his golden blood, eyes unfocused as if he was already dead. Lifeless. She shudders at the thought. She pushes her own feelings down with a deep breath and lets the doctor within her take over.
Beverly orders her nurses to prepare the gurney and to gently load him onto it. She turns back to Geordi. "Are you coming? We will need your help. You know his body best." She asks Geordi urgently.
"Y-Yes. I will. We should get him to engineering. Quickly." He stutters out to her trying to stay strong for Data. She nods and they all sprint to engineering.
"How are you buddy?" Geordi asks.
"I-I am bbrok...n." Data garbles out.
"I can tell." He chuckles mirthlessly. "I'm going to shut you off to prevent any further damage to your circuits is that okay?" He asks wanting Data's consent. He hates having to shut Data off as is. Much less without explicit consent. Feels wrong like killing his friend. Even though he knows he'll spring back to life the second he switches him back on.
Data tries to respond but chokes on blood and sputters. He instead responds with a small twitch of a nod with honeyed tear streaming down his face. Geordi tears up at the sight and reluctantly shuts him off watching his body go limp. Geordi flinches at the sight and calls the Dr. It's time.
"Worf how are you holding up?" Will asks worriedly. Worf has been silent doing nothing but stiffly standing by the door for over an hour now. And while Will may not be able to help Data, he can and will help Worf.
"Fine." Worf growls out in response.
Will approaches him slowly. "Worf, its okay to n-
"I said I'm fine!" Worf shouts punching the wall beside him. Will flinches in his spot not moving any closer.
"I- I am sorry...It's just..." He stammers struggling to find the right words. Will nods encouragingly and waits for Worf to continue.
"It was shocking to see Data like that. So hurt and fragile...I forgot he is capable of being hurt... Of dying" Worf lets out a shaky sigh. "But more so I'm angry! I'm angry that this could happen! That he would do this! That...That I didn't stop him."
"Worf none of us knew this would happen. Its not your fault."
"He came to me! For advice... for help! He needed me and I couldn't help him. When has he ever failed me? Never, he has always been there for me. And this is how I repay him? Leaving him for death..." Worf vents his anger his pain. Raging and raving to Will. When hes done he's left out of breath, sitting against the wall with Will beside him.
"Feel better?" Will asks with a weak smile.
"Yes...thank you"
"How is he doing?" The Captain asks Geordi.
Geordi sighs pinching the bridge of his nose. "He is is fully repaired and is rebooting now. But I won't be able to tell if there is any permanent damage to his neural net until he wakes up."
"What happened to him Geordi?"
Geordi stands silently then sighs. "He...It looks like he did it to himself. But why?" Geordi sighs defeated and begins pacing.
"Why would he do that? Why hurt himself? Was it a suicide attempt? I don't think he would try to kill himself. He's never even mentioned having suicidal thoughts! At least not since he was first activated. When he was dealing with neural pathway developments. But not now. It doesn't make sense," Geordi rambles hands shaking.
The Captain walks over and puts a hand on Geordi's shoulder. "Look I understand you're upset. I'm worried too. But there is nothing we can do about it right now. So let's focus on getting him back to full functionality and stable. Then we can discuss with him and try to get some answers."
"Okay yah. Yah... you're right." Geordi shakily nods.
"And to be safe we'll have Counselor Troi run an evaluation him. The Captain pulls him into a tight hug. "It's going to be okay Geordi."
"II know its just...I thought we lost him! Thatthat I lost him..." Geordi mummers in Picard embrace. Even though he tried to hold it in some tears fall. It's just too much for him to bear. Spending hours piecing together his friend's broken bloody body like some sick jigsaw puzzle. It took a huge toll on him.
"He's still alive thanks to you and Dr. Crusher's hard work. All thats left is figuring out the root of the problem and helping Data out." Picard rubs Geordi's back soothingly.
"Why did you do it?" Geordi asks in a trembling voice. "Why?"
Data looks around at the faces of his friends. He feels a sense of embarrassment and guilt. "I-I am not sure. It was like I was not in control of my body. I was just trying to get it out."
"Get what out Data?" Deanna asks gently. She moves to soothe Data.
"I do not know." He goes silent. He drowns in shame. He does not want them to think he is crazy. Seeing this Will quickly stops Data's spiraling thoughts.
"It's okay. We're going to figure it out Data don't worry." Will pats Data's shoulder. Deanna nods in agreement and grabs ahold of Data's hand shooting him a supportive smile.
"Geordi, have you looked into the circuitry that Data pulled? Maybe that has something to with it." Dr. Crusher asks.
"I did but there was nothing wrong with any of it... other than the damage from being pulled." Geordi trails off.
"Have you tried using a different setting on your scanner?" Worf speaks up. Everyone turns to look at him. Worf flushes at all the attention. "What?"
"Thats a great idea...why haven't I thought of that? Maybe there is something but it is not being picked up!" Geordi exclaims and starts adjusting his scanner. He scans and adjusts until finally he picks something up.
Geordi gasps and drops his scanner. "Oh my god..." He covers his mouth with his hand.
"What is it? What have you found Geordi?" The captain urges. The room is tense as everyone waits for Geordi to explain what is wrong with their Data.
"There is some type of parasite attached to his circuitry...and this whole time...I never noticed." Geordi mumbles nearly in tears again.
"We have to remove it, destroy it!" Worf growls out breaking the silence.
"Hold on hold on!" Riker says holding up his hand. "What exactly is it and where did it come from? Have we ever seen anything like this before?"
"No, not that I can think of," Geordi replies.
"This is not good news." The captain sighs. "All right, I want you to take Data to sickbay and see if you and Dr. Crusher can find a way to remove whatever it is that's attached to him."
"Yes sir." Geordi and Dr. Crusher leave with Data in tow.
Riker turns to the captain, "Do you think this might be related to our arrival in the Lohrn Cluster?"
" It does seem too coincidental that all this begins happening to Data at the same time we arrive here." Worf adds.
"Actually, you two might be right! I just remembered that Data mentioned he first started having issues shortly after we arrived." Deanna exclaims.
"Maybe we have an answer then," Riker replies.
Picard nods. "Well, let's hope so."
The next two days were busy ones for everyone. Dr. Crusher and La Forge working hard to find a way to remove the parasite from Data. And the rest of the crew is busy checking all of the systems on the Enterprise to make sure they were not infected. So far they have spotted only spotted a group of parasites attached to one of the navigational systems.
Weasley is also busy trying to figure out exactly where the parasites came from. And he's running experiments to see what affects them. And when he finally finds something he reports it back to Picard.
"Captain, I may have a lead for you."
"Excellent, tell me about it. Anything at this point would help us figure out how to get rid of these things." Picard says happy to have any answers.
"It seems that the parasites are attracted to specific frequencies. They will not attach to any of the lower frequency settings." He holds up a screen that shows two different settings on a transporter system.
"If we could somehow change the setting, they might not attach to it." Wesley says hopefully.
"This is a great lead thank you Wesley. Please share your findings with Mr. La Forge immediately." The captain orders.
"Yes sir!" Wesley runs off to med bay to speak with his mother and Geordi.
"That's genius Wesley! And I believe we already have proof to support your theory! I was able to find damage from other parasites that were present in Data's system. But when I found them they were already dead. The humming that Data was making when we first found him might have been what killed them!" Geordi says excited to finally have some solutions. He is ready to finally solve this problem once and for all.
"Happy to help." Wesley says bashfully then he turns to Data, "Data would you be able to do the humming again?" Wesley asks.
"I can try but I do not remember humming." Data says quietly. He is extremely worn down and drained. The parasite is physically and mentally exhausting him.
"That's alright just try. It was a deeper buzz like hum." Geordi describes. "I will be scanning the parasite I will let you know when there is a change. Alright?"
Data nods and starts to produce a hum noise progressively getting lower until. "Data there perfect! It is reacting."
Data continues the hum and the parasite struggles against the frequency until it dies. "Its dead Data! Good job." Geordi exclaims relieved.
"I am glad." Data sighs tired but happy it's finally over. "Thank you all. I am sorry for all the trouble."
"Of course Data! And you're no trouble! It's my fault! I should have taken you more seriously. I'm so sorry..." Geordi apologizes disappointed in himself. He should have believed his friend from the start, he shouldn't have brushed him off. This could have gone much worse. He would never have forgiven himself if Data had permanent damage or worse...died because of his negligence. Hech he can't forgive himself for anything right now as is.
"Geordi it is not your fault." Data gently brushes Geordi's cheek with his finger tips. "You could not have known. Besides everything is all right now."
Geordi laughes, "I'm supposed to be comforting you right now not the other way around." Data's lip twitches into a slight soft smile.
"It's good to have you back Data." Dr. Crusher pats Data on the back interrupting their moment.
"I missed you Data!" Wesley exclaims jumping between them and pulling Data and Geordi into a big hug. Beverly laughs watching them. She can't wait to tell the others that Data is well again. After all its good to have the family back together again.
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payidaresque · 1 year
(un)happy anniversary to aziz being cancelled aka a year since i last felt truly excited about a piece of media. or anything at all for that matter.
ngl, i think that the show ended and part of my soul kinda died with it too. for some reason, not fully lnown to myself yet either, i can't look forward to any media and/or event anymore. not really. "curious" would be the correct word, and that's as far as i can get at this time, honestly. will i ever move on? no, probably not. am i being annoying? (for which i sincerely apologize — first and foremost — to my mutuals and the people i follow, because sometimes i can be.. a lot, and please know that you never, absolutely never should feel in any way oblgated to reblog anything i post. it's your blog, you own it, and you decide what other people should and should not see. and me posting so much is just a result of.... a very intense and profound love for the show, which i think, i personally didn't have enough time to express. please, remember that, and do not feel in anyway pressed — if i tagged you (and i always try to tag people according to their interests, or if i want to show that i was inpired by them) that is because i love seeing your tags in my activity feed very much!) yes, and i am very well aware of that but honestly? also don't care. kinda. anyway, enough of my pathetic rambling, lol. i made this post to let y'all know something very important —
and i know i said this numerous times before, but —
thank you.
thank you to everyone who watched the show, shared their thoughts, or expressed their interest in any way. and thank you to everyone who continues doing it now, a year later — know that i see you all, and i love you all 💜 and i will continue doing my thing (both on my main and over at @azizcentral) as long as there's a posibility that one more person will see this wonderful, deep, emotional, and magical story that's important to me on so many levels i can't even begin to tell you about. And i thank the cast, the crew, each and everyone who worked on the show to bring it to life. I am now and i will look forward to seeing what you do in the future, and i wish nothing but the best for all of you! And i know they won't see it, but i don't really care. THANK YOU for the gift you gave us. And i call it a gift because that's what it is to me — i met wonderful people thanks to the show, i build my own little community, and we're having fun, and i'll keep and cherish every minute of it. I may be mad that much of the show's potential was wasted due to some questionable choices certain people made (ahem looking at you angrily eda t*zcan and sh*wtv executives), i'm very grateful that i can return to the show anytime i want and experience emotions which, i'll be honest, none of the other shows (or media in general) gave me since.
and of course, this journey wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for my peeps @burningblake @rosehathawhey @thatsonehellofabird @theatricaldynamite — you rock and i'm so lucky to share it with you, you made it incredibly special ❤
and to all the people who started watching the show because of my edits, or consider watching it, and those who reblogged my aziz stuff even if it isn't your thing, and those who keep coming to the fandom – i am HONORED. When i started posting Aziz back in November '21, i couldn't even DREAM that it''ll become a thing for me to build a community around, or (can you imagine?) become my sort of a brand, not to mention that to think that people wil start watching it because of WHAT I DO. If we're honest, all i did was making gifs – YOU ALL made it work. made it A FANDOM. It's your reblogs, your messages, your tags. And i cannot thank you enough for that.
And to all my non-aziz followers — my sincerest apologies. believe me, i didn't mean to spam your dash like that, it's really out of my control, agdfgugfdu 🫠 this show rewired my brain chemistry forever and it cannot be undone. whatever the thing is you followed me for, and chose to stay despite my everyday madness — thank u so very much, and i hope you're enjoying it here ❤ As for me personally, i'm gonna continue sitting here quietly in my little corner and hope that someday, somehow, some way, the casts reunites, cause ngl. it will make me very, VERY happy. and bc a girl just gotta dream about somethin, ya know? (says the girl who literally spent an ENTIRE YEAR in denial and successfully continues being delusional still. well, we all have hobbies i guess 🤷🏻‍♀️)
As i said above, i'm not gonna stop. Because it brings me joy AND because well, show must go on (and also bc it's my only mission on this hellsite lmao), i am so very grateful for all your support (It is truly SO MUCH) and i am certain that we will do SO MANY wonderful things together ❤
peace ✌🏻✨
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