#` ☆ study. ⁞ azuma. ◞
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nobuyukikakigi · 2 years
ここ福岡ではようやく秋の深まりが肌で感じられるようになってきましたが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。来たる11月24日(木)の19:00より、七月に上梓した拙著『燃エガラからの思考──記憶の交差路としての広島へ』(インパクト出版会)をめぐって、中国文芸研究会──その読書会のことは、拙著第二部の「残余の文芸のために」に書かれています──の行友太郎さんとオンラインで対談します。広島/ヒロシマの現在を「軍都」の歴史を踏まえながら問い、「破局の残骸を継ぎ合わせ、核の普遍史に抵抗する連帯の場を開く」(帯文)ことを追究する思考を芸術論を中心にまとめた拙著を紹介する機会を設けてくださった誠品生活日本橋の神谷康宏さんに心より感謝申し上げます。 一緒に観たテント芝居──『図書新聞』第3564号に行友さんが寄稿された今夏の野戦之月の公演「TOKIOネシア荒屋敷予想《鯨のデーモス》」の劇評「分解は止まらない」は…
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 3 - One Step Up
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*Door opens*
Kumon: We’re back~!
Juza: We’re home.
Taichi: I’m starving~.
Tenma: Looks like Omi-san’s in charge of dinner tonight.
Tsuzuru: Smells like it’s something with a demi-glace sauce…
Omi: The beef stew will be ready soon.
Kumon: Woo~! I was hoping to eat some meat~!
Kazunari: The Yosei Uni Gang’s really building up their forces~.
Muku: Kyu-chan’s the only new one, though.
Yuki: But he’s got the presence of about two or three people.
Tsumugi: How’s college life been going, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: It’s super interesting! Unlike with my classes in high school, I actually feel motivated to study on my own.
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Kumon: Plus I get to be with Nii-chan!
Banri: I figured you had had that planned from the start, but you actually didn’t decide on where you were gonna go for school until much later, right?
Kumon: Hey, I thought about it a lot, y’know.
Kumon: And I didn’t just think about Nii-chan, I also made sure to think about the best college for me to go to.
Azami: The growth of someone with a brother complex.
Yuki: They still ended up at the same college, though.
Kumon: That’s ‘cause Nii-chan and Tenma-san seemed like they really liked it there!
Tenma: Well, you are right about that.
Juza: Glad ya got accepted in.
Taichi: You’ve been doing great with writing essays and doing job interview prep~.
Kumon: Hehe. That’s thanks to you, Nii-chan, and Tenma-san for teaching me so much!
Chikage: It’s so touching to see Tenma becoming the tutor.
Tenma: Thanks for that.
Kazunari: Yawn~…
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Tsuzuru: You seem tired, Miyoshi-san.
Kazunari: I had a deadline for some urgent work yesterday. Hardly got any sleep~.
Tsuzuru: Good work.
Muku: You suddenly seem like much more of an adult, Kazu-kun.
Kazunari: What I do is kinda just an extension of what I did in college, but once that label of “student” is gone, it makes you a little more conscious of it.
Omi: It’s a lot of work and responsibility, but it’s also a lot of fun.
Tsuzuru: Is that so…
Kazunari: You’ll get what we’re talking about in a year, Tsuzurun~.
Izumi: Omi-kun’s right, your impression of things changes once you graduate from college.
Azuma: I enjoy seeing these changes every year once spring comes.
Homare: Yes, however, there are still some of us that haven’t changed much at all.
Azuma: It’s thanks to everyone that spring is nice like this.
Tasuku: Well, even though some of us haven’t been through any major changes, I’m sure we’re all busy with something, right?
Guy: It appears that you’ve been getting more and more requests to do guest appearances, Takato.
Sakuya: Ah, actually, I’m about to get an offer to perform on a slightly bigger stage too--.
Tsumugi: Really? That’s great.
Tasuku: That’s probably the result of steadily building up your experience. Shows how much you’ve become recognized as an actor.
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Sakuya: Thank you so much!
Citron: I have started getting pressured to do arts and culture-related work from all over the place~.
Itaru: And I’m still annoyed that I’m stuck being treated like some mid-level NPC…
Chikage: That’s normal for having worked there for five years.
Guy: Speaking of that, I’ve been entrusting Mikage with more work, too.
Hisoka: I know how to make a few appetizers now…
Tasuku: What, like toasted marshmallows and marshmallow pizza?
Hisoka: Well, yeah, but there’s other stuff too.
Homare: To be dabbling in dishes other than ones with marshmallows… that’s quite remarkable progress!
Misumi: Speaking of new things, my friend Mii-chan just had a litter of kitties~.
Muku: Congratulations!
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Yuki: Why are you congratulating the Trianglien for it?
Izumi: Seems like everything’s going smoothly for the company while each of you is moving forward and changing in your own ways.
Izumi: That reminds me, the kid we met today also said he was going to be a new high school student starting in the spring.
Kumon: Huh~, what was he like?
Tsuzuru: He was an interesting one, for sure.
Masumi: He wasn’t interesting, he was annoying.
Itaru: He was an avid Masumi fan.
Izumi: He said he used to live in a rural area and that he’s been supporting us for quite some time via our streams.
Sakyo: Is that the power of MIZUNO Enterprises…?
Sakyo: We’ll have to keep up our efforts to reach an even wider audience.
Izumi: He said he was really looking forward to seeing one of our performances live.
Tasuku: There is just something different about seeing a play in person.
Sakuya: There really is. He was really looking forward to seeing it, so we’ll have to do our best not to disappoint.
Izumi: Ah, right! The idea came to me when we were talking to that kid, but--.
Izumi: How does a workshop aimed at beginners sound for the upcoming event?
Izumi: When I realized that people were interested in theater because of MANKAI Company’s performances, I thought that maybe promoting theater as a concept could be necessary too.
Izumi: And I think it’d be a good experience for us to share the joy of plays with them more directly and to have fun together.
Sakuya: That’s true, that could be a really good idea!
Citron: It sounds very fun!
Chikage: But wouldn’t people who have more experience with theater, like Tenma, Tasuku, or Tsumugi, be more suitable for teaching people than us Spring Troupe members?
Tsuzuru: He’s got a point, most of us are still pretty inexperienced actors. I mean, almost all of us were complete amateurs until a few years ago.
Masumi: I can do it.
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Itaru: You’re probably the least qualified to teach.
Izumi: That’s the point. You all still feel like amateurs and remember how you felt when you first stepped on stage just a few years ago.
Izumi: I’m confident that you guys will be able to convey theater from a perspective that’s closer to a beginner’s.
Izumi: It’s not a workshop for actors, and it’s definitely not just for teaching like Yuzo-san’s workshops…
Izumi: I think it should be about just trying to enjoy theater together, just like if you were reminiscing about your old selves. That’s the best we can do, I think.
Izumi: And it could be an opportunity to expand our fan base too…
Izumi: I think it’s only because of how everyone is now that we can try to make people more aware of theater.
Sakuya: Yeah… I get it. Up until now, we’ve just been doing our best in regards to ourselves, but now…
Itaru: Exactly. Maybe we’ll be able to have some fun together.
Chikage: We could be our own motivation.
Tsuzuru: Maybe I’ll even be able to get a hint for our next play.
Citron: I will take on any challenge!
Izumi: Alright, it’s decided!
Izumi: Once the date is decided on, can you take care of the flier design, Kazunari-kun?
Kazunari: You betcha!
Izumi: I’ll take care of the printing and distributing myself then.
Masumi: I’ll help.
Itaru: We’ll also need an announcement on our social media, right? Leave it to me.
Chikage: It’d be a good idea to also put something on the theater noticeboard, right?
Izumi: Alright, I’ll leave all the announcement-related stuff to you two, and then… Sakuya-kun and Citron-kun, can I leave outlining the workshop to you guys?
Sakuya: Roger that!
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Citron: We will think of an eggciting workshop that will eggcite everyone~!
Manager: Ah, everyo~ne, it’s almost time~!
Kumon: We gotta turn on the TV!
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flowerakatsuka · 1 month
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kuroba isn't the only person on staff at yotsubana florals, say hello to the other employees of the store!
[ txt transcription + more info under the cut! ]
NANA MIDORIYO ( meant to sound similar to " nanmo da yo, " a phrase meaning " don't worry about it " in the Hokkaido dialect )
~ 26 years old • she / her • 5'1" ( 154.9 cm )
One of the employees at Yotsubana Florals and a college friend of Kuroba's. Originally from Furano, Hokkaido. Dreams of starting a flower farm, works at Kuroba's shop to save towards that goal. Has a fiance back in her hometown named Azuma Shiraki, ( meant to sound similar to " azumashi, " an adjective from the Hokkaido dialect that describes something as comfortable or calming. ) Very sweet and care-free, a bit air-headed at times. Was one of Kuroba's fans back in college, but after a certain " karaoke incident, " she befriended them once she realized they were pretty down-to-earth and easy to talk to. A bit of a busybody when it comes to others' romantic lives, especially Kuroba's
Comes from a big family that runs an osen in Furano, youngest of 5 kids and grew up around a lot of her extended family.
Azuma was a friend of hers since middle school, but didn't confess his feelings to her until she came back from college. They've been engaged for a little over a year, he plans to move to Tokyo once they're officially married and go to school for agricultural economics, ( he wants to be helpful with Nana's dream. )
Kuroba calls her " Nanamo. "
HISOKA KIBATSU ( meaning " secret " & " unusual " respectively )
~ 17 years old • he / him • 5'8" ( 172.7 cm )
Another employee of Yotsubana Florals, a 2nd year student at Akatsuka Highschool and a friend of Kuroba's younger brother, Keshiki. He's a member of the school's Beautification Committee and idolizes Kuroba after finding a hydrangea care guide they wrote up for the incoming underclassmen years ago. Hopes to study botany in college. Comes across as a reserved and serious kid, ( if not a bit of a hardass, ) but is actually on the strange side and only really cares about plants. This extends to his grades, with Science being the only subject he does well in. Collects floral-themed socks and wears them according to the flower's blooming period.
Only child, raised by a single working mother. Grew up in Tokyo, but lives outside of Akatsuka so he commutes to school by train, ( usually with Keshiki. )
He met Keshiki in their first year of highschool, when the latter stopped by the Beautification Committee to check it out despite not wanting to join. Hisoka told him to get lost since he was wasting their time, but switched up real quick once he heard someone call him " Yotsubana. " Despite that rough first meeting, they actually ended up getting along pretty well and became close since then.
Popular with girls, but is extremely indifferent about it and shrugs them off. This kinda pisses Keshiki off, ( like be grateful, damn it, ) but he usually shuts up once Hisoka tells him he'd rather hang out with him.
Kuroba usually calls him " Hisoka-kun " or " Hiso-kun. " Hisoka is very keen on calling them " Sensei " in return, even though they'd prefer he'd not. Also, has called them dad at least once and is forever embarrassed about it.
AAAAND, for a little bonus : here's what they think of the shop's most loyal loiter and temp employee.
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A3! Mikage Hisoka | SSR - Aiming to keep you in check | Translation
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The Role of the Novice King / 1
Izumi: (I’m pretty sure those materials were here—) 
Hisoka: Zzz… Izumi: Whoa?!  Izumi: T-That was scary…  Hisoka: …Director?  Izumi: Good morning. It’s surprising to find you sleeping in this place.  Hisoka: …It was chilly in the courtyard and attic because of the cloudy weather, and Arisu was so noisy in our room.  Hisoka: Azuma is not in the dorms either. The only place where I could sleep peacefully was here.  Izumi: That makes sense. But, why don’t you just stay awake?  Hisoka: …The winter troupe will drink together and have a chess tournament tonight.  Hisoka: I’m sleeping now because of that.  Izumi: (But you’re always sleeping, Hisoka-san.)  Izumi: Is the chess tournament for your role study? Your role in the event was… Hisoka: The… king… Hisoka: Zzz… Izumi: Fufu, he fell asleep in mid-sentence. Have a nice dream. 
Izumi: (I interrupted Hisoka’s nap, but, on the bright side, I got the materials I needed—) 
- Doorbell sound - 
Izumi: (...A guest?)  Izumi: Yes? Member of a troupe: Hello~.  Izumi: Ah, hello. Thank you for the other day.  Member of a troupe: I should say that. You did a lot for us that day.  Izumi: It was nothing, really. But… how can I help you today?  Member of a troupe: Oh, I’m sorry to show up without notice. But we were sorting some props and found some useful ones. So I brought them to you.  Izumi: Props…  Member of a troupe: You mentioned you wanted these props we didn’t use and were about to throw away if there was something still useful. Remember?   Izumi: Oh, yeah…!  Izumi: Thank you, and sorry to make you bring them.  Member of a troupe: Don’t worry. I was near here.  Member of a troupe: I’ll leave them here, then. See you some other time.  Izumi: Of course, thank you! 
- The member left - 
Citron: Was that a friend, director?  Sakuya: Whoa, there are so many props!  Izumi: Nice timing. Can you two help me carry these props? 
The Role of the Novice King / 2
Citron: –Phew~. And that’s all!  Izumi: Thanks.  Masumi: What’s that?  Izumi: Someone from a troupe I helped before gave me these props they no longer use.  Itaru: Again…?  Chikage: Don’t you think we start to look like a junk removal place?  Izumi: A junk removal… Hey! Many things there can still be used!  Tsuzuru: In any case, we should sort out what we can use in performances or practices and what we cannot.  Hisoka: Yawn… Good morning.  Izumi: Hm? Are you awake now?  Hisoka: I wanted to eat marshmallows.  Citron: Help us organize these blobs, Hisoka! Tsuzuru: Organize these props.  Hisoka: …Sounds like a lot of work. Chikage: Your luck ran out when you woke up. Quit complaining and come help us.  Hisoka: Sigh…  Sakuya: There are many things here.  Masumi: Everything is trash.  Itaru: I’d agree, but one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.  Tsuzuru: Ah, we can use this pot in the dorms… wait, where is the bottom?!  Tsuzuru: What play could have needed this…? Itaru: That’s quite intriguing. Look, over here are bending chopsticks.  Izumi: Fufu, that comes from a company that does some surreal comedy. This box feels light. Maybe there are costumes inside… Izumi: …A crown?  Sakuya: Ah, there seems to be a cape underneath!  Izumi: (A crown and cape… Ah!) Izumi: Don’t you want to use them, Hisoka-san? Your role for the next event is a king, after all.  Citron: Oh! It could help in his role study if he wears it!  Hisoka: Role study… But it’s not a very complicated role…  Citron: Hisoka, you can’t become a king poltergeist. Hisoka: …I wasn’t planning to.  Tsuzuru: He means overnight.  Itaru: A strong statement from a former crown prince despite his broken Japanese.  Chikage: Indeed, one can’t acquire a regal aura immediately. Hisoka: When you say it like that… I feel like I have to do a role study for it.  Citron: Then me and Itaru will help!  Itaru: Eh, me too? Sure, I guess…  Hisoka: This became more problematic…  Chikage: Good luck.  Citron: Let’s start right away!  Izumi: But first, let’s tidy all this up. 
Itaru: Okay, now that we finished tidying up everything, may the role study begin.  Hisoka: … Citron: In the first place, it’s the flavor of a king. Itaru: Behavior.  Citron: I’m pretty sure the costume for the performance will have a fancy cape. So try to make the cape flutter smoothly.  Hisoka: …Okay.  Hisoka: Like this? Itaru: Exaggerate it some more. It would look cooler if you lift it higher.  Hisoka: …Like this? Itaru: No, it’s more like… this!  Hisoka: …Is this okay?  Itaru: Hmm…  Citron: Non, non. That makes it look like you have chuunibyou instead of a king. It needs more elegance.   Itaru: Severely criticized by the royalty.  Hisoka: Elegance…  Hisoka: Like this?  Citron: Yes, yes! Perfect!  Hisoka: …I could use this as a reference. Maybe. Hisoka: Then, I’ll take my leave…  Citron: Moving on to the next one!  Hisoka: …There’s more?
The Role of the Novice King / 3
Hisoka: …Marsh… mallow…  Izumi: You’ve worked hard, Hisoka-san. Here, take a marshmallow. Izumi: How was the practice for your role study?  Hisoka: …It was useful at the beginning.  Izumi: What do you mean?  Izumi: —Wait, that black rod thing isn’t…  Hisoka: Ah, I brought the whip with me. I’ll give it back to Citron later.  Izumi: A whip!? Why would you need that?! Hisoka: “What insolence! What disrespect! You, lick my boots!”  Izumi: HUH?!  Hisoka: …And we had a whipping lesson.  Izumi: So it was the King of Hearts becoming the King of Harm… Hisoka: It happened during Arisu’s performance too.  Izumi: (Right, it did happen something like that…) Izumi: But Hisoka-san’s role doesn’t have that personality, right…?  Hisoka: No. That’s why I said it was only useful at the beginning. It was a behavior lesson.  Izumi: (I was the one who suggested it… I’m feeling a bit guilty about this…)  Hisoka: Yawn… So sleepy… Hisoka: I finished my king role study. That’s why… director, lower your head for a moment.  Izumi: Eh? L-Like this?  Hisoka: “I bestow this upon you. Consider yourself honored.” Izumi: …The crown?  Hisoka: This is also part of the king’s role. 
Choice 1: You’re right. 
Izumi: Fufu, you’re right.  Izumi: So, this is how it feels to receive the crown from the king.  Hisoka: How do you feel?  Izumi: Hmm… a bit nervous, but excited? Something like that…  Izumi: Like if you receive a special gift.  Hisoka: …I see. 
Choice 2: You were like a real king. 
Izumi: It felt like you were a real king.  Hisoka: Do you mean I acted like Citron? Izumi: Hmm… It was a little different… But I could feel a royal aura coming from you.  Hisoka: Even if I didn’t move the cape?  Izumi: Cape…?  Hisoka: …I was talking to me. I’m glad you felt I was like a king. 
Izumi: Then your role study seemed to work well.  Hisoka: That’s why I gave the crown and cape to you, director.  Izumi: It’s an honor, but… someone else needs it more than me. So I’ll have to decline.  Hisoka: Someone else needs it…?  Hisoka: …I think I know who it is. Then, I’ll give it to him later.  Hisoka: I’m tired. I’ll sleep until the winter troupe comes. Director, please… wake me up…  Hisoka: Zzz…Zzz… Izumi: Good night, your Highness.
---------------- Translation notes: 
-> Citron's mistakes
Original: お豆腐の整理 (otofu no seiri) → 小道具整理 (kodougu seiri) Adaptation: Organize these blobs → Organize these props. 
Original: 胃腸炎と咳 (ichouen to seki) → 一朝一夕 (icchoisseki) Adaptation: Poltergeist → Overnight
Original: 立ち飲みシュウマイ (tachinomi shuumai) → 一立ち居振る舞い (tachiifurumai) Adaptation: Flavor → Behavior
Notes:  When Hisoka says “It happened during Arisu’s performance too”, he might be talking about receiving Citron’s help in the Witness From the Past backstage (MLAM Hisoka’s SSR). 
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Izumida Azami - Translation [N] MY WORST WEDDING
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Azuma: Say, Azami. Have you ever used this face mask that’s posted on this website?
Azami: Ah… that one? That one caught my eye, but I haven’t checked it out yet. Why’re you askin’?
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Azuma: I actually have a connection with an acquaintance. I asked them to send me a few. I think they’re going to arrive tomorrow, so I’m going to share some with you.
Azami: Seriously? Thanks.
Azuma: By the way, isn’t Autumn troupe coming up with date plans for their role study?
Azami: …How do you know about that?
Azuma: Fufu. I heard from a little birdie.
Azami: Taichi-san blurted it, didn’t he? …They basically forced it to work though.
Azuma: I see. Have you gone on any dates recently, Azami?
Azami: T-the hell!? Of course I haven’t!
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Azuma: Fufu. Judging from that reaction, I assume you haven’t been able to come up with a plan yet. You can talk to me anytime if you’re having trouble.
Azami: …I’m not gonna talk to you.
Azuma: My, my. That’s too bad.
Kumon: And then today, a friend in my class…
Azami: They did?
*notification sound*
Azami: Hm? …I got a LIME from Azuma-san.
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Kumon: What’d he say?
Azami: The face masks he mentioned yesterday arrived. He promised to share some with me. I should go get them from Azuma-san’s room once I get home.
Kumon: I see! I’ll go and hang out with you then!
Azuma: Welcome.
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Kumon: We’re here!
Guy: Please take your take.
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Azuma: Here they are. The face masks we talked about.
Azami: Thanks. I’ll use ‘em right away.
Azuma: By the way, have you come up with a date plan?
Azami: …You’re bringin’ that up again?
Guy: Autumn troupe was coming up with date plans in order to prepare for their roles. Was that right?
Kumon: Ah! I heard about that too! You haven’t finished yours yet, Azami? I don’t think you need to think that hard, though~.
Azami: …What would you do then, Kumon?
Kumon: Hm~. I mean, it changes from time to time. But, for how I’m feeling right now~… First, we’ll meet up at a baseball field early in the morning to play catch. We’ll go to a ramen shop, eat our fill, and then we’ll burn it off at a batting cage! After that, we’ll eat a special combo meal at a diner~…
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Guy: That certainly sounds like a plan Kumon would do.
Azuma: It sounds more like a high school boy’s afterschool hang out than a date plan.
Azami: I think it’ll turn out a bit different if you consider your partner.
Kumon: Ehh! What do you suggest then?
Azami: I’m not sure… but you can’t go wrong with shoppin’ together or goin’ to a planetarium, right?
Kumon: …
Azami: …What?
Kumon: Aw, look~. So you can think about it properly too!
Azami: …Shut up.
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Azuma: Fufu. The date plans the two of you came up with are nice and fresh. I think going on an evening date and gazing at the stars sounds wonderful. Then we’d head to a bar. And after a long night, naturally, we’d…
Azami: I-I don’t wanna hear what you’re gonna say!
Kumon: Azuma-san looks like he’s enjoying himself…
Guy: Don’t tease him too much.
Azuma: Fufu. Sorry, sorry.
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asordinaryppl · 4 months
A3! Seasonal Event - Anniversary Game: Episode 3
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Sakyo: If you’re that fired up… Do you happen to like chess, Hyodo Jr.?
Kumon: I’ve never played properly, but I’ve always thought it’s really cool!
Sakyo: Ain’t that nice. This’ll also be a good opportunity for you to learn how to play.
Izumi: Then, we can say Kumon-kun will definitely participate.
Kumon: Yay! Thanks!
Kumon: Hey, hey, Azami. Wanna join me? You said you know the rules yesterday!
Azami: Ah… Well, sure. I don’t really know chess either, but I’m interested.
Izumi: Okay! Then, we’ll be counting on you too, Azami-kun.
Azami: (What happened at school and this request might’ve just been a coincidence, but it’s seriously eating at me.)
Azami: (Obviously, I’m also honestly interested in chess, but…)
Azami: … *sigh*
Sakyo: Oi, what’s gotten into you all of a sudden? You’re looking at me and sighing.
Azami: I ain’t looking at you!
Azami: (He got it wrong ‘cause I sighed at a weird time. But telling Sakyo about this won’t lead anywhere…)
Azami: I just remembered back when you were playing the role of a tyrant king, you were a pain in the ass with your role building.
Sakyo: Ah, that did happen. Were you thinking about the Chess Garden event?
Azami: I’m not really familiar with the theme… I gotta make sure I won’t struggle with my role building.
Sakyo: ... 
[Paper rustling] 
Sakyo: Oi, Bon. 
Azami: Huh? What’s that? 
Sakyo: It’s a strategy book written by a chess champion. If you know how the pieces move, you’ll understand the contents of this book. 
Sakyo: It might not be directly related to the contents of the play, but it’ll be helpful to some extent. 
Azami: I didn’t ask for it, though. ... Well, I’ll take it just in case. 
Sakyo: Just be honest about your feelings and take it, seriously... 
Izumi: So, the members who have been decided to participate in Anniversary Game are... 
Izumi: Azami-kun, Kumon-kun, Hisoka-san, Azuma-san, Tsuzuru-kun and Chikage-san. 
Azami: I’ll be in your care. 
Azuma: Yes, likewise. 
Chikage: By the way, was it a conscious decision not to include any members who participated in past events? 
Izumi: It was. The other times, we played the roles based on profile sheets given to us by the other party... 
Izumi: But this time, the script will be written entirely by Tsuzuru-kun, so the new members won’t have to feel bound by the roles that were played previously. 
Tsuzuru: But I still want to keep the same setting, so I’m thinkin’ the roles will be based on chess pieces. 
Tsuzuru: I’ll also be in touch with the other party while deciding the setting and the characters. 
Izumi: Once the script is a bit more fleshed out, we’ll discuss everyone’s roles. 
Chikage: Understood. 
Azuma: Since the theme is chess, Homare said he’d have loved to participate had it fit his schedule. 
Hisoka: He asked me to join in his place, so I made him pay me in chocolate marshmallows for it. 
Kumon: Ahaha, I see. We have to work hard for Homare-san's sake too, then! 
Azami: By the way, does everyone here know how to play chess? 
Azuma: I play here and there, as a hobby.
Chikage: I’m at about that level, too. 
Hisoka: Me too... 
Kumon: Is that so? I still don’t understand the first thing about chess... 
Azami: Same here. That's why we gotta put some effort into studying. 
Tsuzuru: I also don’t know anything further than the rules. Let’s do our best together. 
Azuma: In that case... How about we start a chess crash course? 
Azuma: I think I can teach you the basics of chess, such as the rules and how the pieces move. 
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izumi-fanclub · 11 months
A3! Event Story Translation “Ah, My Dearly Beloved” [ Chapter 3 ]
We have a very special guest star for today's episode.
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Yo, hope I’m not intruding.
RNG must be crazy for you to show up.
I was just passing by when I ran into this guy and he invited me in for a drink.
I heard from Azuma that we have some good local sake, so I took the liberty of inviting him over.
I came for the sake, but I also need to talk to you about something so it all ties in together.
What about?
Ever heard of an inn called Sayuru Pavilion?
It’s a famous long-established ryokan. The foliage there during autumn is popular so it’s hard to make a reservation…
We were just talking about it earlier.
Talk about good timing. So you must’ve heard there’s a Noh stage there.
Yeah, we saw the pictures.
It’s basically just decoration now since it’s barely used, actors are only onstage once per year.
Are you referring to the “Night Party” by any chance?
Hohh… So you know. That’s not typical information you’d see out in the open.
Just learned some things brought up in work conversations.
There’s a group of influential people called the “Scarlet Poet Society”, they have an evening party where they gather in secret annually…
That’s as far as my knowledge goes about it.
It’s like something out of a drama or movie.
That’s so IRL animecore.
Here’s the kicker.
Those night party performances that are performed on the Noh stage? Our troupe’s in charge of that every year.
No way!?
How impressive.
We got asked to do it again this year, and the theme was “Four Seasons.”
I figured the MANKAI Company is a better match for the theme than us.
They got interested in the company since it was my old troupe and you guys won the Fleur Award.
So Syu-san, what you needed to talk about was…?
How about you put on a play at that party instead of us?
We’d love t—.
There’s one condition, however.
A condition?
The lead has to be a teenage boy. Don’t got a clue why it has to be different this time around.
Well, whatever’s up, the story’s not half bad.
To be honest, I’m not sure if it’s alright to hold a soiree there, but if Syu-san recommends us personally then it shouldn’t be risky…
If Syu-san partners up with them every year, then they must be influential and not just some name.
It’s a great story too, it should be fine to take it up.
Then it’s decided. …We’ll gladly take up your offer.
As you should.
And the script?
I’ll get it prepared for you. I know your style anyway.
Thank you so much!
…Well, now that all the work talk is over with.
Yeah, sorry for taking up so much of your time. Now that negotiations are in order, let’s get to stuffing our faces.
I shall get us some snacks.
I’ll go help!
…Hey, Sakyo.
That ryokan, Sayuru Pavilion… it feels familiar, have I been there when I was a kid?
…No, I don’t recall anything. Maybe it was before I joined, go ask the boss.
(That’s such a pain though.)
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I’m home.
Welcome back.
Studying ancient literature?
Yeah, Itaru-san just went out ‘cause of a work call.
I see. Sorry for disrupting your studying.
Whatever. It’s fine, I could use a break.
…Are you having a hard time with it? Azami
It doesn’t look like you’re making much progress from the number of pages.
I mean…
…Now what are you reeling back for?
It’s like a defense mechanism thing.
Well, go take your time. I’m gonna eat dinner.
Sigh… I’ll never get what’s up with that guy…
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spadeselfshipcorner · 6 months
🩷The Milluki Masterlist!🩷
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Yes, this is once again my inner list maniac wanting to group things together aaa idek why I'm making this because this is what tagging is for but making lists is too much fun, soooo here's where I'll group all my Milluki content! Yippeee!
Milluki Body Study
Milluki Hand Study (Sorta Milluki x S/I)
Together (Milluki x S/I)
Sleepy (Milluki x S/I)
Dragon Ball Z (Milluki x S/I)
Gazillion kisses (Ask)
Valentine's Day 2024 (Milluki x S/I)
Dumpling (Ask)
Cow Onesie
Milluki as a Pokemon NPC
Hiccups (Ask)
Scary dog Privileges
Bear hug
Milluki Doodle
PMD Team Dango (Milluki x S/I)
Glasses Milluki (Milluki x S/I)
Pick me Up (Milluki x S/I)
Feel (Milluki x S/I)
He's already perfect! (Milluki x S/I)
The Prefect (Milluki x Weston)
Karaoke! (Collab Millu x Kika & Mikki x S/I)
Milluki Daily:
Day 1 (Theme: Bored)
Day 2 (Theme: Doll)
Day 3 (Theme: Windy)
Day 4 (Theme: Stretching)
Day 5 (Theme: Clumsy)
Day 6 (Theme: Kitty)
Day 7 (Theme: Trauma)
Day 8 (Theme: Grateful)
Day 9 (Theme: Bangs)
Day 10 (Theme: Street Fighter)
Day 11 (Theme: Jojo)
Day 12 (Theme: Beach)
Day 13 (Theme: Good burger)
Day 14 (Theme: Cuddles)
Day 15 (Theme: Nekomimi)
Day 16 (Theme: Loops)
Day 17 (Theme: Spring)
Day 18 (Theme: Ken)
Day 19 (Theme: Suit & Tie)
Day 20 (Theme: Bold)
Nerdy Milluki HCs
Every Manga Milluki
Milluki's silly manga faces
About Milluki's eyes
Milluki's hairstyles
Boyfriend shaped (Ask)
Nervous (Ask)
Hamster cheeks (Ask)
240p Musical Millukis
Milluki's hands
Azuma Koki as Milluki
HxH MTD Milluki Sprites
Broad shoulders (Ask)
Monkey phone!
York Shin auction (Ask)
Every 1999 Milluki
Milluki being excited
HxH The Stage moment
Killua attacks Milluki
Milluki Moodboard
🍡Danger Dango Playlist🍡
1999 Milluki Gush Post
Lil Hama bead fella!!
The Sims 4 Selfie (Milluki x S/I)
Milluki Stimboard
Small Merch collection
Milluki merch Printable sheet
Milluki clay figure (self-made)
Milluki Pinterest Collection
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Proship/Comship & Kink blogs DNI
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linkspooky · 1 year
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Choujin X, Chapter 39: As You Sleep
Holy character development Batman! We are in this latest chapter seeing the results of Tokio’s year of training and learning to be more independent, not only in just questioning the established authority around him but actually taking responsibility for himself in the investigations. On the other side it seems like Azuma is stagnating or at least not progressing as fast as he wants to which is causing a rift between him and Tokio once again. More on my two favorite boys underneath the cut: 
While Tokio seems to have improved by leaps and bounds, I don’t believe this is as shocking of a change in his personality as it seems to be. In the first volume extras there was a character profile for both Tokio and Azuma, where it mentiosn that Tokio despite not seeing himself as smart or talented was able to get into the same high school as Azuma just by studying hard for it. 
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Tokio always had the potential to be just as smart of Azuma, but often self-sabotaged and gave up too quickly because he didn’t believe in himself. This is also something Azuma observes in his own flashbacks of Tokio and resents him for. 
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While Tokio’s self sabotage and failing to live up to his potential just comes from regular old lack of self confidence, Azuma has secretly harbored a fear that Tokio thought he was better than Azuma from the beginning and only pretended to be weak around him because he was looking down on him. 
While it reeks of Azuma’s own insecurity, it is at times understandable why he’d feel that way, Tokio is naturally talented and capable and for a long time doesn’t make use of those talents and when it seems he finally does he starts far outstripping Azuma. Though, a lot of that may just be Azuma’s perception, Tokio is improving by leaps and bounds but he started off much less skilled so his improvement is more obvious. Azuma is doing the same thing he always does, but he’s been at this for years, his improvement is going to seem more gradual because he’s already that skilled. 
One big way that Azuma’s insecurity towards Tokio comes from Azuma’s warped perception rather than the truth is the first event after the time skip, Azuma fails to stop a plane crash that results in the deaths of many people while Tokio seems to have succeeded and become a hero of a nearby district. Of course the truth is they both failed, Tokio’s battle ended in a victory yes but it was at the cost of basically every friend he made during the year timeskip a pyrrhic victory. 
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Whereas Azuma’s regrets bout the plane crash are so strong, he’s literally searching the shore for corpses so he can return them to their dead families. Azuma’s perception of Tokio as a hero that’s suprassed him is a false one, based on both his own insecurities and the inability of the two boys to properly communicate with each other. On top of that, the way Tokio left is most likely a big issue, because despite all the problems in their relationship Azuma wanted to be someone that Tokio admired, and Tokio just separating himself from Azuma probably led to Azuma’s fear that Tokio didn’t need him anymore coming true.
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As the fledgling vulture takes flight, Azuma realizes that their relationship is no longer what it once was, and there’s no going back for the both of them. I elaborate on this because while we’re shown a lot of progress for Tokio in this chapter (that’s mostly just investigation and exposition scenes which I’ll be skipping over) there’s several indications that Azuma is stagnating. 
Azuma doesn’t speak out against Tokio in the meeting, but at the same time we’re shown him in the background drawn in a pretty shadowy way. 
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Azuma also does the opposite of Tokio in this regard, while Tokio disliked the plan but openly spoke out about it, Azuma keeps his head down and does the work anyway despite disagreeing. Which is likely due to a lot of things, including his cop father being his main influence. In his character profile it says “to see what is right and not to do it is want of courage”. 
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Azuma’s a character obsessed with justice, ideology and doing the right thing, but he’s also someone who tends to be blind to his repressed feelings and darker traits. Which is why as mentioned in the panel above, lately his prescription is getting worse from both stress and overwork. His glasses and dwindling eyesight are both a sign that there is something he’s not seeing. 
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There’s also the mounting Batista and Azuma parallels, Batista is a character never depicted with their eyes shown. Even when we see their unmasked face, their eyes are sewn in the wrong place all over their face. Batista also seems to have been driven to villainry by the falling out between their brother and themselves. 
This chapter also draws focus to the fact that despite Tokio has made leaps and bounds in his growth, he’s repeating some Kaneki lines here in regards to his fear of losing others. 
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Tokio’s desire to separate himself from Azuma was not entirely about his need to be independent, because he could have just said goodbye to Azuma and been like “I need my space for a year, it’s nothing you did to me I’m just taking this time for myself” but chose the cowards route of just cutting off all contact from him without a proper goodbye. Which reeks of Kaneki the protagonist of Ishida’s previous work Tokyo Ghoul, who also made a decision in the midpoint of the story to abandon all of the friends he made so far at Anteiku out of fear of losing them. 
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In this case Tokio is more self confident, but he’s being driven by his fear of losing people. That fear is probably made worse by the fact that friends he made over the year he was gone, all died right in front of him and he became the lone survivor. All of this to say, I think the dysfunction in Tokio and Azuma’s relatoinship is a two way street. Azuma is secretly jealous of Tokio and tends to stew in his resentment, but it’s a problem that could be fixed with better communication which won’t happen because Tokio cut him off. 
Tokio chose the easier way of just cutting his friends off out of fear of losing them, and now that he’s back he’s basically making no attempts to talk to Azuma even after Ely directly told him to. 
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Azuma’s growing more and more distant from Tokio, and Tokio won’t try to bridge the distance because he’s too fearful of losing him so might as well keep him at a distance to start, and so these two things hand in hand are likely to play a role in the dwindling of their relationship real soon. 
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taruchisguide · 8 months
A3! 7th Anniversary: Revival Token Choices
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A visual and text chart of all the cards available in this year's anniversary revival token pool. Earned tokens can be used up until February 14 13:59 JST. Thank you and shout out to An, who helped translate Chikage's SR, Tenma's R, and Reni's SSR titles for me!
Twitter Version Here
↓↓↓ Text version below!  ↓↓↓    
🌸 Spring Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌸
Sakuya Sakuma: The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons (Act 12 Advancement Campaign), Packing Crimson Tomatoes (YABATAN VEGETABLE), Gentle Oni's Weapon (ONISAN KOCHIRA)
Masumi Usui: Sweet Ripe ☆ Spring Fruit (SUMMER VACATION Collection), Rumored Lady (La Vie En Rose), Promising Young Employee (SPRING SUIT COLLECTION)
Tsuzuru Minagi: Captive Fairy (Fairy in the Bottle), Huggy Bear (Welcome to the Bear Shop), Oriental Note (MY FAVORITE FRAGRANCE)
Itaru Chigasaki: Delinquent Upperclassman Behind the School (Nostalgic Gymnasium zwei), Puppet of Uro (ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTION), Night's Farewell (All aboard!)
Citron: Childhood Friend's Caretaker (SCHOOL UNIFORM COLLECTION), Accessorized with Flowering Dogwood (SUMMER YUKATA COLLECTION), Spirited Arrow (Thus Begins the Horseback Archery)
Chikage Utsuki: Tailor-made (Graceful tailor), One Hundred Gazes (Summer Hyakki Yagyo), Hit the Target! Perfect (Hat Trick)
🌻 Summer Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌻
Tenma Sumeragi: Determined Move-in Day (The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition), Happy and Joyful Mariachi (To the Person I Want to See, but Can’t), Your Magnificent Self in the Endless Summer (Thinking of You Under the Light Crimson)
Yuki Rurikawa: Audacious×Rocker (69'n' Roll 4ever!), Stockings and Stilettos (FAVORITE SHOES COLLECTION), Rose Quartz Palette (Beautiful eyes)
Muku Sakisaka: Makeup: Ice (Yummy☆Cosmetics), Aquamarine Dream (Beautiful eyes), Curiosity Guide (Jurassic Memoir)
Misumi Ikaruga: Prodigy Top Dancer (Welcome to BURLESQUE), Exhilarating Back Shot (Kiss Shot), The Floral Prince (fairy-tale kingdom)
Kazunari Miyoshi: The Cat's and My Secret (Sunday With a Cat), Wink When the Rain Pauses (In the Sky After the Rain), Dance of Prayer (Dancer of Rituals)
Kumon Hyodo: Jump In! Parkour (3,2,1, START!), Mischievous Fairy (Fairy in the Bottle), Underclassman's Assignment (Nostalgic Gymnasium)
🍁 Autumn Troupe Revival Token Cards 🍁
Banri Settsu: The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons (Act 11 Advancement Campaign), Gaze of the Taiko Player (World's No. 1 Ohina-sama), Delicious Assortment (BOUQUET CREPE)
Juza Hyodo: Novice Photographer (June Tuxedo), Elated Cigar Box (Hyakka Ryouran), A Single Breakthrough Skill (Majestic Magic Teacher)
Taichi Nanao: Smile☆Decoration (Toppings of Your Choice), My Ideal Way to Soak (Midsummer Paradise), Emperor Penguin's Invitation (WHITE WINTER COLLECTION)
Omi Fushimi: Grateful to This Once-In-a-Lifetime Experience (Farewell!), Kitsune Waiter (The Ayakashi Ryokan is Open), Run around the field. (Us Back Then)
Sakyo Furuichi: Seize Your Fate (EnDgame StuDy), Master of the Royal Palace (Beautiful Country), Magical☆Keemun (Magical Toys)
Azami Izumida: The Pleasure of Battle (SURVIVAL STRATEGY), Tub-Washed Laundry Method (WASH & DRY), Unique Sole (FAVORITE SHOES COLLECTION)
❄️ Winter Troupe Revival Token Cards ❄️
Tsumugi Tsukioka: Renewed Move-in Day (The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Autumn-Winter Edition), Blessed Ribbon Wands (June Promise), The Shirt's a Perfect Match (VELUDO WINTER COLLECTION)
Tasuku Takato: Astride a Noble Steed (Thus Begins the Horseback Archery), Focusing on a Single Point (Hat Trick), Hunter of Justice (Many Many Candy)
Hisoka Mikage: Admired by All the Students in School (Nostalgic Gymnasium), KING・OF・PUMPKIN (AUTUMN HALLOWEEN COLLECTION), Yappy Ventriloquist Pillow (Hyakka Ryouran)
Homare Arisugawa: Sense Ruler (Tarot of Fate), The ABC of a Man who Can (Night Walker), Bubbly and Jittery (NOSTALGIA)
Azuma Yukishiro: Empress Beauty (Heaven's Arcana), Tempting Chocolate (99% CACAO:HOLIC), Sexy×Rocker (69'n' Roll 4ever!)
Guy: Roses et chocolat (Moment of Bliss), The Ultimate Pair (Graceful tailor), Smart LIVE! (Our 2nd LIVE)
🎭 Other Revival Token Cards 🎭
Isuke Matsukawa: No SSR, No SR, The Prince of April 1st (April Fool's 2017)
Ken Sakoda: The Newcomer Host of April 1st (April Fool's 2018), No SR, No R
Yuzo Kashima: The Champion of April 1st (April Fool's 2019), No SR, No R
Tetsuro Iwai: April Fool's Carpenter (April Fool's 2020), No SR, No R
Kaya Mizuno: The Company President of April 1st (April Fool's 2021), No SR, No R
Madoka Ikaruga: Wizard of April First (April Fool's 2022), No SR, No R
Reni Kamikizaka: Us on April 1st (April Fool's 2023), No SR, No R
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nagalias-mindscape · 21 days
First time in a few weeks that I've had to myself without having to work or study... and I watched the Nintendo Direct. At request of my sister and dad.
Both of whom were insistent that was something there that I would love.
Yes. Yes there was.
Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma. Not sure how to feel about 'Earth Dancers' instead of Earth Mates, but who knows.
I am now very ecstatic for something that isn't the upcoming Pokemon game.
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jujumin-translates · 11 months
Event | Ayakashi Summer Festival | Chapter 6
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Izumi: The summer festival has finally begun. Fufu, the atmosphere combined with everyone’s outfits is incredible.
Hisoka: It’s not just us, the people from the shopping district are wearing ayakashi costumes and accessories too…
Omi: I saw a couple I usually see at the grocery store earlier and they were wearing ayakashi masks and looked happy while getting ready for the event.
Azuma: Your costumes are very fitting and cute on you, Haruto and Shift.
Shift: Hehe, thanks!
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Haruto: Thanks.
Shift: By the way, is Omi-san the only one not wearing any makeup?
Haruto: It’s because of his role, isn’t it?
Omi: Yeah, it’s because I’m a tsuchigumo. Plus my character has a lot of human qualities in the play.
Shift: Makes sense!
Masumi: Seems like the festive is really popular because of the ayakashi theme.
Misumi: Kazu said that too~!
Guy: I’m sure we’ll get lots of visitors then.
Shopping District Chairman: Thank you, everyone, for your help with the preparation so far. Today’s finally the day for the summer festival.
Shopping District Chairman: Let’s make sure to do our best so there will be no injuries and everyone who comes will leave with a smile on their face. Do your best, everyone.
Izumi: Well then, Misumi-kun, Azuma-san, and Guy-san can start by patrolling around and Hisoka-san, Omi-kun, and Masumi-kun can help out at the stalls.
Izumi: I’ll go around the whole festival and help out wherever people need it.
Masumi: I want to help with you. I’m coming with you.
Izumi: I’ll come and check on you and the others when I’m free, Masumi-kun. For now, make sure you help with the stalls so that all the attendees can have fun.
Masumi: Got it. I’ll do my best.
Haruto: Ugh… Usui really never changes, huh…
Shift: Well, we’ve got a contest to get ready for, so we’re headin’ to the stage.
Haruto: You all better be ready to bring it.
Misumi: Kaaay!
Izumi: Good luck, guys!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Azuma: Seems like no one is injured or unwell.
Guy: Yes, it does appear that way.
Misumi: Ah! Omi and the others are helping out at the chocolate-covered banana stall!
Masumi: Welcome. We’ve got ayakashi chocolate-covered bananas.
Hisoka: Would you like a sweet and cute ayakashi chocolate-covered banana?
Attendee A: Waah, cute! They’re decorated to look like youkai!
Attendee B: This one even has marshmallows on it! That’s so Inste-able~!
Attendee C: Mama! I wanna eat a chocolate-covered banana!
Omi: Here you go, two chocolate-covered bananas. Thank you for your patronage.
Azuma: Looks like they’re getting lots of business.
Guy: It’s started to get crowded. Perhaps we should help organize the line.
Misumi: Right! Anyone who’s getting a chocolate-covered banana, please line up over he~re.
Azuma: The line for the chocolate-covered bananas starts here.
Guy: We will inform you where to get into line.
Attendee D: I’ll take one ayakashi chocolate-covered banana, please!
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Omi: Thank you so much! Here you are.
Azuma: Now the line has been rearranged and the walkway is easier to get through.
Guy: Yes, there should be no problems with things like this.
Misumi: This shop is really popular, so Masumi and the others are gonna have to work super hard~.
Azuma: They are. They look quite busy now, so we can talk to them later.
Guy: Yes. For now, let’s try and head over by the stage.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Waah, there’s a lotta people~!
Azuma: The contest is about to start and it seems to be getting people excited.
Madoka: Ah, Nii-san.
Misumi: Madoka~!
Madoka: Your costume is amazing.
Misumi: It’s a daidarabotchi costume. Yuki made it~!
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Madoka: I see. It really fits you, Nii-san.
Misumi: Ehehe, I’m glad you think so~!
Guy: I thought your promise to meet up with Ikaruga was later, but you’re already at the stage.
Madoka: It was. But watching plays is also a good way to study for scriptwriting, so I decided to watch some of the plays.
Azuma: You’re quite studious, Madoka.
Misumi: I’ll give you a reward for being so hardworking, Madoka!
Madoka: Eh, a reward…?
Guy: I see, that’s a good idea.
Azuma: Fufu, I think so too.
Misumi: Ah, it’s almost time to go and help out at the stalls.
Misumi: Madoka, I’ll send you a LIME later, so come to the place I send you on LIME when you get hungry!
Madoka: ? O-Okay, got it.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Hmhmhm~m ♪
Azuma: You seem to be having fun helping out, Misumi.
Misumi: Yeah, I am! And it makes me even more happy seeing other people go around the festival looking happy too~.
Azuma: I feel that way too. I hope Guy is having fun going around the festival on his break.
Madoka: There you are, Nii-san.
Misumi: Madoka! Welcome~.
Madoka: This is the stall you told me to come to on LIME and this is… A donut stall?
Madoka: A donut stall at a festival…
Azuma: Unusual, isn’t it?
Misumi: They’re decorated to look like ayakashi~. Here’s one for you, Madoka!
Madoka: Thank you, Nii-san. Umm… How much do I owe?
Misumi: It’s on me!
Madoka: Eh, are you sure?
Misumi: It’s okay, I wanna do this!
Madoka: But…
Azuma: I think Misumi would be happier if you let him spoil you, Madoka.
Misumi: Yeah, yeah!
Madoka: …I’ll take your word for it, then. Thank you, it looks good.
Misumi: Ehehe, you’re welcome!
Attendee A: Excuse me, I’d like three ayakashi donuts!
Misumi: Welcome, coming right up!
Madoka: Well then, I’ll go back to my seat by the stage…
Azuma: Ah, wait a moment.
Azuma: I thought you should know that this stall was actually Misumi’s idea.
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Madoka: Eh, it was Nii-san’s idea…?
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polycule-playoff · 1 year
Last Edited: 15 September 2024
Polycules that are in the running:
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy
Stephen King's It
Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Stan Uris, Mike Hanlon, Kay McCall, Audra Phillips and Patty Blum
Sherlock Holmes
Irene Adler, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mary Morstan, and Godfrey Norton
Doki Doki Precure
Cure Heart, Cure Diamond, Cure Rosetta, Cure Sword and Regina
Tsumugi Tsukioka, Tasuku Takato, Hisoka Mikage, Homare Arisugawa, Azuma Yukishiro and Guy
Persona 5
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Niijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Goro Akechi, Sumire Yoshizawa, Morgana and Yuuki Mishima
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya, Hifumi Togo, Chihaya Mifune, and Lavenza
Witch's Heart
Claire Elford, Noel Levine, Ashe Bradley, Wilardo Adler and Sirius Gibson
Ensemble Stars!!
Leo Tsukinaga, Tsukasa Suou, Arashi Narukami, Izumi Sena, Ritsu Sakuma, Mao Isara, Hokuto Hidaka, Subaru Akehoshi and Makoto Yuuki
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Argyle, Chrissy Cunningham, Eden Bingham, and Vickie.
Star Trek DS9
Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Miles O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax, Odo Ital, Quark, Worf, Ezri, Sisko, Lwaxana Troi, Kasidy Yates-Sisko, and Lenara Kahn
The Owl House
Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Willow Park, Hunter, and Gus Porter
Jonathan Harker, Mina Harker, Lucy Westenra, Quincey Morris, Jack Seward, Arthur Holmwood, and Abraham Van Helsing
The Breakfast Club
Brian Johnson, Andrew Clark, Allison Reynolds, Claire Standish, and John Bender
Winx Club
Bloom, Stella, Tecna, Musa, Flora, Aisha, Sky, Brandon, Timmy, Riven, Helia, Nex and Nabu
Resident Evil
Leon S Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Ada Wong and Helena Harper
The Case Study of Vanitas
Vanitas, Noe Archiviste, Dominique de Sade and Jeanne
Scooby Doo
Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Shaggy Rogers, Velma Dinkley, Hot Dog Water, and Crystal.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Darla, Angel(us), Drusilla, and Spike/William
The Legend of Zelda
Revali, Zelda, Link, Mipha, Sidon, Yona, Paya and Tauro
The Magicians
Fen, Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson, Josh Hoberman, Quentin Coldwater, and Arielle
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A3! Mikage Hisoka | SR - SUNNY WINTER | Translation
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Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me. By  the way, Director’s name will be Izumi.
Winter Troupe Fan Service Study ~Hisoka Mikage / 1
Tasuku: Aah, Tsumugi. Did you already finish tidying up the storage room?  Tsumugi: Mhm, I finished it.  Guy: You were tidying it up?  Tsumugi: The manager asked me and the other troupe leaders to tidy up and sweep the storage room.  Azuma: So that’s the reason. I’m sure you did a great job.  Tsumugi: Thank you.  Tsumugi: Ah, right. In the storage room is the uchiwa that the autumn troupe made for their fan service study.  Hisoka: …Uchiwa?  Izumi: Oh, so there’s where it is! Tsumugi: Banri-kun said they put it in the storage room because we could use it if we have another live concert.  Tasuku: The storage room will get cluttered if you keep all kinds of things there.  Homare: But there’s the possibility of finding another use for it, don’t you think?  Hisoka: I’ve seen Omi using an uchiwa to fan the rice.  Azuma: He uses it when making vinegared rice, right?  Tasuku: That’s not how you would use a fan service uchiwa. Tsumugi: So I was asked if the winter troupe would do a fan service study… should we do it?  Tasuku: Fan service study…? I helped Citron with his back then.  Guy: Since the other troupes are doing it, we could also do it.  Izumi: I agree. There’s no telling when we will have another live concert. Tsumugi: Speaking of which, the other troupes seemed to search for how to make good of their individual characteristics in their fan service.  Azuma: Then, should we do the same and search for a fan service that could make good use of our individual characteristics?  Homare: Indeed, fan service is truly important, after all. Then let’s try it out promptly!  Homare: Come on, Hisoka-kun. Think up as well!  Hisoka: …Think up what?  Homare: Fan service. Didn’t you hear our conversation?  Hisoka: Fan service…  Hisoka: What could be like that? Azuma: A wink and pointing to the fans are the most common, aren’t they? Tsumugi: Those things might make fans happy.  Hisoka: … Guy: Something came to your mind? Hisoka: …Nothing.  Tasuku: Think about it some more.  Tsumugi: But Hisoka-kun might still make them happy even if it isn’t some direct fanservice like a wink or pointing at them.  Hisoka: What do you mean?  Tsumugi: I thought there might be fans who would appreciate you even if they just saw you zoned out…  Azuma: In that case, purposely refusing the fan service requests could work too, don’t you think?  Azuma: I’ve heard that type of fan service has been in vogue recently.  Homare: I see… so Hisoka-kun’s selfish personality can be fan service, too!  Hisoka: …I don’t want to hear that from Arisu.
Winter Troupe Fan Service Study ~Hisoka Mikage / 2
Tsumugi: Very well. Now that we defined that, we can work on Hisoka’s fan service. Azuma: Then, why don’t we make preparations for it? Tasuku: What do you mean by preparations?  Azuma: Fufu, you’ll see.  Hisoka: Hm?
Taichi: And I finished the uchiwa~!  Azuma: Thank you, doggie.  Tsumugi: By preparations… You meant making uchiwas, didn’t you?  Guy: They are of high quality.  Taichi: Since I had many chances to make uchiwas lately, I feel like my skills have been improving!  Taichi: But for these, Azuma-san gave me a hand.  Azuma: It was fun making them together.  Azuma: Now the winter troupe will hold the uchiwas made by doggie, and Hisoka will reject all the fan service requests.  Hisoka: How troublesome…  Tasuku: You only have to reject them.  Homare: Hisoka-kun, this is a genuine study!  Guy: Yukishiro and Nanao made preparations for this. Would you give it a try?  Tsumugi: Please, Hisoka-kun.  Hisoka: …Okay.  Azuma: Then, choose the uchiwa you like the most, everyone.  Guy: Understood.  Tasuku: We hold them…? Azuma: It’s for the fan service study. Let’s give our support to Hisoka.  Tsumugi: Then, I will go first.  Tsumugi: “Give us a wink.” Hisoka: …I don’t wanna.  Taichi: Woah! I don’t know why, but that went straight to my heart!  Guy: “Send a kiss.” Hisoka: …I won’t. Taichi: Ooh! He’s making an x with his hands for it. That’s so cute~. Tsumugi: Yes, his gestures are on point.  Azuma: This might be very lovable for the fans.  Tasuku: …I’m next?  Tasuku: “Point at me.”  Hisoka: No.  Homare: Hm? That was a quick answer compared to the other two.  Tasuku: Hey.  Hisoka: …From time to time.  Azuma: Fufu. Then, how about this one?  Azuma: “Do you want a futon?” Hisoka: I…  Taichi: You can do it, Hisoka-san!  Hisoka: I… don’t… want it.  Guy: He could endure it.  Homare: Very good, Hisoka-kun!  Homare: Then… for the last one. What would you do with this one?  Homare: “Do you want marshmallows?”  Hisoka: Yes, please.  Taichi: Hisoka-san!  Tasuku: Default answer, huh?  Tsumugi: He was so close…  Azuma: But Hisoka had a great run, don’t you think?  Hisoka: …Having self-restraint with things I like is nothing like me.  Hisoka: And with that say, Arisu, give me a marshmallow.  Homare: You really never change…  Guy: That’s how Mikage is.
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shukufuyu · 2 months
[Twitter Birthday Post TL] 6/21 Tenma Sumeragi (2024)
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Tenma: Citron gave me study materials from Zafra... he told me he wanted me to act in a play in Zafra's language, it's definitely a harder challange compared to acting in English but... I'll have to study more so I can answer to more offers like this one.
Citron: the lecture also includes introduction to Zafra's culture! When I give him the rest of the materials do you think Tenma will deliver an great Zafran stageplay?
Azuma: In any case, learning the authentic Zafra also requires an good source material, what about this "Daily conversations / Zafra Edition"? I also would like to see Tenma acting in a play speaking Zafran language someday.
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