#^ going to the city to see wela
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pinkfey · 2 years ago
not my white ass getting consumed by the fog 😂
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years ago
{Legitimately a crime to cut This, and it hurts my soul to do it} @kylo-wrecked
Knit two, purl two. An ever cascading rib stitch while she balances her phone between her ear and her jaw. Elizabeth Riley is no stranger to the small hours that permeate the human experience and people it with dread. With fears that were born with the earth or perhaps even long before it. It’s almost a shame that he can’t see the soft smile that blooms like certain varietals of pikake. A shame he isn’t laying across her couch with his head in her lap while she strokes his hair and occasionally forces small sips of herbal tea on him, promising to add a touch more honey next time.
“Hi,” she murmurs in his pause. “You up to somet’ing exciting?”
A fire-hazard of candles and dim lamp light bath her in flickering amber light. The colour reminds her of those moments sunlight shine directly into his eyes before he blinks himself and everything else away.
He isn’t really calling her so late because he wants to debate the sweeping expanse of ideals and realism. “It’s late,” she says. “And aren’t you small kine past cramming?” She hears movement, imagines the restless sprawl of uncoordinated limbs.
And maybe relief courses through her when he changes tack but doesn’t wholly furl his verbal sails. Good. She doesn’t think he wants to really know that medical humanities were more focused, or when she was in her approaching her residency she actively cared for a child with congenital heart disease as he died of multi-system organ failure and no poetry or philosophical argument could tell her how to let go, or help her soothe him. It was no mystery why she withdrew from the field much to her mentor’s disappointment and understanding entwined, though it isn’t something she’s talked to Ben about. He’d see her as weak. His anxiety shapes his words though and all of her rises up to try and comfort him despite being only a voice carried on the waves between cell towers. He makes her ache with that innocent honesty. And his voice, when it swells, swallows her wince. “Yeah, I s’pose so, but I like Brooklyn. Less scary t’ me dan da city, ya know? Buildings like mountains, blottin’ out da sky. Light pollution. But time..no cure for dat, I don’ t’ink.” It becomes her turn to falter before a little breath somewhere between sigh and gasp telegraphs that she’s stumbled something.
“So wha’ I wan ya do f’ me, okay? Unclench yaself, an’ cuddle up in wha’evah way make you mos’ comfortable, okay?”
Even when she commands, she makes it sound like a request.
“Now, want ya close ya eyes, an’ take deep brea’d in, deep brea’d out.” She imagines him on his side, arms and legs wrapped around a body pillow, the way he would sleep if he ever stayed a full night with her. She closes her eyes in solidarity. Breathes as she instructed. Then, very quietly at first, she reaches back to her childhood, her infancy. She reaches to the piece of herself she’s kept so far out of Ben’s reach, he likely doesn’t know it exists. At first he might hear the hesitation in her tone, she hasn’t chanted properly in what feels like aeons, nor is she a Mea oli, but while she never quite gains volume or speed, it would be almost impossible not to hear her bloom in her soft utterances. “...O ke au i kahuli wela ka honua “O ke au i kahuli lolo ka lani “O ke au i kuka’aika ka la “E ho’omalamalama i ka malama “O ke au o Makali’i ka po “O ka walewale ho’okumu honua ia “O ke kumu o ka lipo, i lipo ai “O ke kumu o ka Po, i po ai “O ka lipolipo, o ka lipolipo “O ka lipo o ka la, o ka lipo o ka po “Po wale ho--’i “Hanau ka po “Hanau Kumulipo i ka po, he kane “Hanau Po’ele i ka po, he wahine...”
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queenraikichi94 · 5 years ago
A song to heal a tired soul 1(Raikichi x Piers)
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Sooooo this is going to be a group of fics about Raikichi, my trainersona, in Galar.
Rated: Teen and mature
Warning: Bad language, I think?
Note: Raikichi is around 25 years old
------------PART 1-----------------------------
“Are you really going to leave?”
“Of course, Guzma”
“First of all, don’t yell at me! And second, I need a break. Being a Champion that holds the World Title and a famous coordinator brings a lot of problems handling with the press at the end and...”
“And you’re going to run like a coward?”
“I’m not a coward like you. You don’t know what it’s being on my shoes. Should I remind you when you yelled at me when you knew I saved one of your dammit grunts for being slashed by a Totem Salazzle?”
“You got very near of being charred in the Wela Volcano!!”
He went silent. I sighed and I took a deep breath “At least my wounds healed well and that boy is safe...”
“Do they hurt? The scars.”
“Since when you worry about that” I hissed. He glared at me. I would never forgive him about he had said to me when I was recovering “Nevermind, tomorrow I’m leaving to Galar. I have an uncle there and I hope for your own shake you won’t appear there”
“What if I do it?”
“Dare to do it and I’ll make sure you will be suffer a lot”
Guzma swallowed before sighing and giving me something “Take this with ya”
“Why are you giving me a Buginium Z?”
“Who knows, maybe you can use it”
He turned and walked away, and I did the same, with my loyal Glaceon at my side
The sound of my Glaceon calling me took me back to reality. I sighed as I ran a hand over the left side of my head, the one I nearly full shaved. I wanted a change and I got it. With another sigh I looked through the window of the airplane. Hours ago I was saying goodbye to my friends in Alola with the not-very-sure-promise of going back there to do something for the opening of the first Pokemon League in Alola. That would mean press. A LOT of press, and since I was getting tired of that, I decided to take a break. I’ve told Kukui that I would think on it, but I wasn’t sure. I removed my glasses and I stroked the scars on my face. They still hurted, but the thing that hurted me the most was Guzma’s words when I was recovering in the Pokecenter near the Wela Volcano Park after falling inside the volcano and getting too near of being charred. Why did you do that? he asked. I saved him, I said. But he didn’t listen. He was annoyed about me doing a thing like that, ignoring the fact about me saving the poor guy.
“Fuck you, Guzma...” I hissed closing my eyes and stroking my temple. Glaceon tilted her head and rubbed her head againts my arm “Ya know, I was a damn fool believing that I could help them. I was a fool thinking about having something with him” Glaceon made a sound that made me look at her “Hey, don’t say that. He treated me well...Well, once he saw I only wanted to help them” she made another sound and I sighed “Yeah, yeah, wathever. It seems that I can’t let anyone to have my heart” another sound she made and another sigh I let escape from my lips. Yeah, I could understand my Pokemon, it was something my family had through all the family lines, but not everybody developed it, not like my maternal grandmother and me.
“Excuse me, miss” one of the starwedesses said “Do you want something for drink or eat?”
“No, thanks” I said and the woman nodded and kept walking offering drinks and food
I took the Buginium Z from my pocket and I moved it on my fingers. I didn’t have time to put it on the box with the rest of the Z crystals, so I put it on my pocket. Glaceon licked my hand and after moving the crystal to my other hand, I stroked her head “Don’t worry, girl. Once we put our feet in Galar, I’ll be fine”
The airport in Motoske city was full of people, and that made me be worry. I knew that the Pokemon League in Galar was like a sportive event that a lot of people watched, and all the Gym Leaders were famous. That was the thing that worried me since my uncle was one of those Gym Leaders. I looked in both directions, trying to detect any hints that could tell me that there was press there, but failed.
“Glaceon,be aware of any press, ‘kay?” I said and she nodded
I took my bags and I walked, trying to find my uncle in the big crowd. It was then when I heard his voice that I rose my head and I saw him but then, a blue light appeared and now I had a very affectionate Centiskorch wrapped around her and waiting for being petted “Y-yeah, I missed you too, buddy, but please, I need breath, y’know?”
“Centiskorch was very affectionate with you since you were a kid” the trainer said as he made Centiskorch return to its pokeball
“Uncle Kabu!” I said once I recovered my breath and then, I ran to hug him “I missed you a lot, uncle”
“Me too” he laughed before putting his hands on my shoulders “You’ve changed a lot since the last time I saw you, kiddo”
“Uncle, please, I’m old enough to stop being called ‘kiddo’ “
“Maybe, but you’re still the Sweet Princess of the family”
“Uncle” I complained and he laughed, making me sigh. Glaceon rubbed her head on his leg asking for pets “Glaceon remembers you as well”
“I see” he said stroking her soft fur before standing up and looking at me “What happened to you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Those scars”
I sighed and I shook my head “Yeah, a lot of things happened...Let’s leave that topic once I got a proper rest”
Uncle Kabu rose an eyebrow before smiling and helping me with my bags “Alright. C’mon, let’s go”
“Uncle, tell me there isn’t any press outside” I said a bit nervous
“Don’t worry, if there is press, I’ll make sure they don’t disturb you”
“Thanks. The last thing I want is being disturbed by those fools”
We arrived at my uncle’s flat after taking a Flying Taxi. I got marvelled by that magestic Corviknight, something that made my uncle chuckle. Once inside the house, I dropped myself into the couch of the living room with a groan. “I hope you don’t mind having me around here for some time”
“I told you when you called me to tell me that you were coming here, Raikichi. I don’t mind if that helps you to get some peace”
“Thanks, uncle...” I said with a yawn before standing up and stretching a bit “I need to take a shower to refresh myself”
“The bathroom is next to the guests room” he said after exiting of the named room “I left your bags on the guests room”
“Alright” I said before removing my jacket, revealing the burn scars that covered my left shoulder and part of my back, with the scars that I hade on the left arm. My uncle got a worried expression on his face before sighing “I hope you don’t mind going to one of the most famous restaurants here in Mototoske”
“Wait, when?”
“Maybe after you get refreshed and accomodate yourself here” uncle Kabu said “And of course, the rest of the Gym Leaders will be there. It’s going to be a small welcome party. I thought it would be better to have it in the evening and...Raikichi?”
“You couldn’t wait to tell them, right?” I said. He nodded and I couldn’t help but chuckle “I was hopping to have a nap after taking a bath, but that can wait a bit” I added “I’m going to take a bath”
He nodded and then I went to the bathroom, with my Glaceon following me. Once I closed the door, I got naked, hissing due the small pain the scars produced me. Those weren’t the first scars I got. I touch the ones I got on my right shoulder; the first ones. I sighed and after filling the bathtub with warm water, I entered, enjoying the warm of the water as I started to feel all my tireness leaving me. Glaceon was cleaning her fur as I got my body and my hair washed. Once I was done, I got out of the bathtub and I removed the tap to let the water left the bathtub before getting dried and dressed. I pull my hair into a ponytail and then I looked myself into the mirror. I knew Galar had a colder weather than in Alola but I didn’t care a lot. The clothes I choosed were a black t-shirt with black short pants, as well with black shoes. Something simple but comfy. Of course, that revealled the scars and small burn scars that decorated my legs, something that maybe would make my uncle to ask me more about my scars.
“Let’s go, Glaceon” I said putting the dirty clothes into the chest destinated to those clothes before going to the living room, where my uncle was waiting, petting his Ninetales as his Arcanine layed down on the carpet, next to Centiskorch “I’m ready, uncle”
“Alright” he said taking his coat as I took mine, then he made his Pokemon go back to their pokeballs “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about them?”
“Not today” I said with a sigh as we exited the house in direction of the restaurant, with Glaceon at my side “Maybe tomorrow, ‘kay?”
“You know you can count with me, kiddo”
“I know” I smiled “You have been always very supportive with me, like mom, dad, and grandma”
“And I’m still being supportive” he said “You know, you’re the only kid your parents had after too many failed tries”
“Yeah, I know...” I said loosing my smile. My parents didn’t mention a lot about the previous children they had, that didn’t have the luck to enjoy life cause they died few hours after being born. “So...Me being the only kid my parents had was the reason you had to spoil me a lot?”
“Kind of” uncle Kabu said ruffling my hair “I know you are a young adult and a very well talented trainer and coordinator, but I can’t stop seeing that small kiddo that always wanted to pet Centiskorch when I see you”
“Oh, c’mon, uncle” I laughed and he joined me in the laugh
We arrived at the restaurant. Luckily, no press was there. I sighed as we entered inside, with my uncle guiding me and Glaceon to the table where the other Gym Leaders were. “Hey, Kabu! Right here!”
“I hope you’re not thinking on taking selfies during the evening, Raihan” Kabu said 
“Why not?”
“My niece wouldn’t like that”
All the gazes of the Gym Leaders were now on me. At first I tried to avoid them, but that wasn’t going to work, so I looked at them. Glaceon rubbed her head on my leg and I smiled softly. “This is Raikichi, my...” uncle Kabu started to say before being interrupted by a tan girl with black and blue hair “I can’t believe you’re here!” she said “When Kabu told us that his niece was coming to Galar and that she was the World Champion og the Pokemon League, everyone then wanted to meet you”
“Oh...That sounds nice...But don’t say that too loud, please” I said a bit overwhelmed
“Please, Nessa, she has just arrived today” my uncle said “I called all of you because I want you to know her and maybe once she’s acommodate you could taste what is being beated by her”
“That’s a challenge?” Gordie, the Rock type leader said with a smirk
“Aww, I can’t believe this little girl is actually the World Champion” Raihan said. Oh. By. Arceus. He was too tall, and being shorter wouldn’t help. I knew that something was going to happend, I was sure he would do jokes about my height, starting with that first one. I heard enough of those jokes and I wasn’t going to allow him to laugh at me, so when he tried to ruffled my hair, I took his wrist and I made him lean so low that he was nearly to lose his balance.
“Listen to me, Dragon Boy. I’m not a child. I’m around 25, and I’m sure that is more less your age, so if you dare again to make jokes about my heigh, be sure that you will know what is having yours balls frozen. Understood?” I said and he nodded, so I released his wrist and let him recover his balance 
“Whoa, she is strong-character, isn’t she?” Raihan said going back to his seat
“It runs in the family” Kabu said with a laugh “That would teach you not to mess with someone that can beat you despite of its small size”
That made the other Gym Leaders chuckle as Raihan’s cheeks turned red, embarrased. My uncle and me took seat as well, and after ordering the food, one of the waitresses brought some Pokemon food for my Glaceon. I smiled and then, I removed my jacket and put it on my chair. I ignored the few gazes that the leaders gave to me, examining my scars.
“So...You are also a coordinator, aren’t you?” someone asked
I rose my head and my hazel eyes met the light blue eyes of the Dark type Gym Leader. His name was Piers, and he was proud of being the first Dark type Gym Leader, at least for me, cause I didn’t meet another leader that managed that type before. I smiled softly and I nodded “Yeah, I’m a coordinator...Well, maybe I was”
“You were?”
“Yeah...I mean, I spent these last years without doing anything to practise my contest skills...And I don’t think I will be back on stage”
Piers rose an eyebrow as he looked at me before smiling softly. That smile made me smile as well. The evening turned to be quiet but also funny. Raihan tried to tease me using my heigh on his jokes but Glaceon made sure he didn’t get his jokes going along. Threating a dragon trainer with being frozen was enough to keep him in line.
Two hours later, the party reached its end cause Bea and Allister, the youngest of the leaders, had to go back soon to their homes. The Gym Leaders gave me their league cards, the last one was Piers who gave me a soft smile while he have me his card “I hope ya’ll go to Spikemouth for one of my concerts” he said and I smiled again, remembering that he told me he was a singer
“Sure, I’ll tell you if I go there”
He smiled again and left the restaurant. My uncle and me left the restaurant and went back to his flat. The night was arriving and that brought cold weather, but I didn’t mind that. Once in home, I went to the bedroom that would be mine for a time and I got changed into my sleeping clothes. Then, I went to the living room and sat down on the coach, with Glaceon taking her place on the couch.
“Did you enjoy this evening?” uncle Kabu asked was he gave me a cup of tea
“Yeah, I did...Uncle?”
“I promise I’ll tell you about the scars tomorrow”
He nodded and together, we watched the TV. Slowly, I started to feel my eyelids closing. I said goodnight to my uncle and then, I went to my bedroom, lying down on the soft bed and covering on the warm blankets. Glaceon jumped and curled next to me, ready to get a proper sleep. I took my phone and after searching Pier’s name on the music library that was online, I closed my eyes, smiling as I enjoyed his songs, the ones I choosed cause they were soft and slowly, and with a smile, I fell asleep.
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the-howling-wind · 6 years ago
Nuzlocke - Ultra Moon (Part 5)
Chapter 8 - This is the end, my only friend
<<Prev - Next>>
As I predicted, my team was desperately unbalanced and in the long run I payed it dearly. For the Electric Trial I had to recruit Cinzia to the team and evolved her in Dugtrio: she wasn’t my first choice, being a rather glass cannon Pokémon, but I had no choice and in the end I breezed through the Trial. It was the rest that screwed me up.
Back in Malie Town I met Guzma, the boss of Team Skull: it was my chance to take him down! The battle was fierce and in the end he got Soma with a Critical Sucker Punch, going over his defenses. As I mourned the fall of my comrade, the scum took the chance and ran away!
I collected my bearing and rushed in Guzma’s pursuit; a bloody battle ensued with a herd of wild Mudbray and I had to trade Cinzia and Ashido’s lives to catch Reinhardt. But I was exhausted and broken by the many, many losses. Never I could be prepared for what fate had planned for me.
An anonymous trainer, nobody important (although he believe he was the Kahuna of Route 12) wiped out my whole team with a Pinsir powered up by two Sword Dance and that outspeeded my whole team.
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It was the end.
Chapter 9 - I came up from the bottom and into the top
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I really thought about giving up. Many do at this point. But I had still Pokémon in my boxes and, more importantly, I could no let go to waste all the lost lives. I HAD to see it through, with a new team, carrying on an important legacy.
In those months that I trained, I was encouraged by words that Oliver once told me: 
I need to believe that no matter what happens in our lives, no matter how much darkness infects us, I need to believe that we can come back from that.
It was hard getting back on my feet, both physically and emotionally. Many had died. Sometimes it was my fault, sometimes it was an inavoidable tragedy. And it was bound to happen, hell as I was training the new team I had losses again.
But now it was my time to take back what my own stupidity and a cruel fate desperately tried to destroy.
In the months of my absence I still kept a line open with the Professor and I learned that Hau stopped the Challenge to protect people and Pokémon from Team Skull... Glad somebody picked up the mantle I left.
I therefore hoped to resume my Challenge without having him biting at my heels. I found Acerola and started the Ghost Trial: Mimikyu proved to be a formidable opponent, my initial plan of swooping in with Judith’s Steel Wing went to hell, as my opponent was stronger thant expected and to make things worse he summoned a Banette that burned and cursed my Pokémon. I swapped in with Ivan, gave him a Defense X; he was cursed as well, but at least that killed Banette. I played the long game with Mimikyu and he called a Jellicent; luckily Ivan had Discharge, so in the end I managed to take them both down.
I found my wat to Aether Tower, where I found Hau and Plumeria; so much for staying under the radar... I jumped into the battle, but once again she went down dragging one of my own with her: Ivan was hit by a Critical Sludge Bomb, leaving him with 1 HP and Poison in his body; his attack against Salazzle was not enough to KO her, so he died, poison burning in his veins. 
I later learned that Team Skull stole some Pokémon and retreated to their HQ, Po Town. It was time to pay them a visit.. They owned me three lives.
- - -
Info & Rules
Trainer: Howling Wind
Time: 41:47
Deaths: 23
Rules (I know I seem to be adding them as I go, but most of them I forgot to put there in the first place)
Random Starter
Double Clause
Battle Mode Set
No Exp Share
No Rotom Power Ups
TMs can be re-used, but there can be only one Pokémon that learned the move in the team at one time
No Pokémon Care (at least to the point of getting free crits and resisting the KO)
UltraNecrozma doesn’t count as Nuzlocke Battle (they told me you either over level and trample everything after that or you’re in for a team wipe, so I’m not to keen on these options)
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Cobblepot (Golduck ♂️ Lv 40; Ability: Cloud Nine; Nature: Impish ; Moveset: Water Pulse, Aqua Tail, Psychic, Disable)
Judith (Fearow ♀ Lv 42; Ability: ; Nature: Docile ; Moveset: Drill Peck, Steel Wing, U-Turn, Focus Energy)
Ada (Lurantis ♀ Lv 40; Ability: Leaf Guard; Nature: Jolly; Moveset: Leafblade, X Scissor, Brick Break, Petal Blossom)
Yuri (Absol ♂️ Lv 38; Ability: Super Luck; Nature: Gentle; Moveset: Nightslash, Psycho Cut, Sword Dance, Detect)
Paul (Scraggy ♂️ Lv 33; Ability: Moxie; Nature: Rash ; Moveset: Chip Away, Brick Break, Payback, High Jump Kick)
Pamela (Floette ♀ Lv 36; Ability: Flower Veil; Nature: Bashful; Moveset: Magical Leaf, Grassy Terrain, Petal Blizzard, Wish)
Pokémon Caught:
Route 1 - Dammek (Grubbin ♂️ Lv 4)
Route 1 (Outskirts) - Krillin (Wingull  ♂️ Lv 5)
Route 1 (School) - Lupin III (Zorua  ♂️ Lv 5)
Hau’oli City - Monoma (Mime Jr ♂️ Lv 6)  
Route 2 - N/A (Abra that got away)
Hau’oli Cemetery - Gabriel (Ghastly ♂️ Lv 8)
Sandy Cave - Cobbletpot (Psyduck ♂️ Lv 9)
Verdant Cave - Jiro (Noibat ♀ Lv 8)
Route 3 - Judith (Spearow ♀ Lv 9)
Melemele Meadow - Weiss (Petilil ♀ Lv 10)
Seaward Cave - Platinum (Delibird ♀ Lv 12)
Ten Carat Hill - Raiden (Mawile ♂️ Lv 12)
Ten Carat Hill (Meadow) - Bastion (Carbink Lv 13)
Route 4 - Akande (Pikipek ♂️ Lv 14)
Paniola Ranch - Ivan (Mareep ♂️ Lv 15)
Route 5 - Ada (Fomantis ♀ Lv 14)
Gift - Soma (Eevee ♂️ Lv1)
Brooklet Hill - Gwen (Dewpider ♀ Lv 15)
Route 6 - N/A
Diglett Cave - Cinzia (Diglett ♀ Lv 22)
Route 7 - Buttercup (Wishiwashi ♀ Lv 14)
Wela Volcano Park - Douglas (Fletchling ♂️ Lv 18)
Route 8 - N/A
Lush Jungle - Glimmer (Steenee ♀ Lv 19)
Memorial Hill - Garruk (Phantump ♂️ Lv 23)
Akala Outskirts - Raine (Natu ♀ Lv 22)
Hano Beach - Ashido (Tentacool ♀ Lv 24)
Malie Garden - Natasha (Ariados ♀ Lv 25)
Route 11 - Mako (Komala ♀ Lv 28)
Route 10 - Ribrienne (Raticate ♀ Lv 29)
Mount Hokulani: Elvis (Elgyem ♂️ Lv 28)
Route 12 - Reinhardt (Mudbray ♂️ Lv 32)
Route 13 - Mileena (Bruxish ♀ Lv 32)
Blush Mountain - N/A
Tapu Village - Yuri (Absol ♂️ Lv 32)
Mount Lanakila - Nora (Snorunt ♀ Lv 32)
Route 15 - Kami (Gumshoos ♂️ Lv31)
Route 16 - Paul (Scraggy ♂️ Lv 32)
Ula’Ula Meadow - Pamela (Floette ♀ Lv 36)
Pokémon Dead:
Gabriel (Ghastly, Lv 8->14, Route 2, Pursuit by wild Spearow)
Lupin III (Zorua, Lv 5->16, Route 3, Silver Wind by Ace Trainer’s Butterfly)
Krillin (Wingull, Lv 5->19, Totem Aquarinid)
Bastion (Karbink, Lv 13->21, Tomem Marowak)
Monoma (Mr Mime, Lv 6->24, Totem Marowak)
Raiden (Mawile, Lv 12->29, vs Plumeria)
Douglas (Fletchinder, Lv 18->30, Thunderbolt by Trainer’s Raichu)
Oliver (Dartrix, Lv 5->32, Aurora Beam by Trainer’s Octillery)
Mako (Komala, Lv 28->28, Mirror Move by wild Fearow)
Raine (Natu, Lv 22->24, Pursuit by wild Crabrawler)
Ribrienne (Raticate, Lv 29->30, Critical Slash by Trainer’s Absol)
Elvis (Elygem, Lv 28->31)
Soma (Vaporeon, Lv 1->37, Critical Sucker Punch by Guzma)
Cinzia (Dugtrio, Lv 22->33, Wild Mudbray)
Ashio (Tentacool, Lv 24->24, Wild Mudbray)
Dadmmek (Charjabug, Lv 4->37, double Sword Dance rampage by Trainer’s Pinsir)
Jiro (Noibat, Lv 8->37, double Sword Dance rampage by Trainer’s Pinsir)
Weiss (Petlil, Lv 10->27, double Sword Dance rampage by Trainer’s Pinsir)
Reinhardt (Mudsdale, 32->34, double Sword Dance rampage by Trainer’s Pinsir)
Gwen (Aquarinid, 15->35)
Natasha (Ariados, 25->31)
Akande (Trumbeak, 14->18)
Ivan (Ampharos, 15->41, Critical Sludge Bomb by Puleria’s Salazzle)
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pokeau · 3 years ago
Moon - hiker david for best pokeau 2020 (Ch.5)
Read from the start
Characters: Pearl, Hau, Lillie, Kukui, Kiawe
the shortest chapter so far, mostly filler :p
Pearl was still giddy over her win, even after the day had passed. She was sure to text her parents about it, and of course, Lillie. Pearl already told Hau all about her experience once he returned to the hotel, so she felt it was only appropriate to inform her other adventuring buddy as well.
Though, as Pearl would quickly realize, texting Lillie yielded no results. It seemed Lillie hadn’t even seen the texts, as no read receipt showed up. Hau got similar results, so the two concluded something must’ve been interfering. Pearl ended up calling the professor instead, to ask about Lillie and talk about her win.
Kukui told Pearl that Lillie had broken her phone - or more appropriately, Nebby had broken it. He also seemed content to listen to Pearl’s enthusiastic rambling about her adventures, and promised he’d tell Lillie about it.
After her call with Kukui, Pearl decided it’d be best to head back over to Heahea city and get details from the professor on what the next steps on the island trials would be.
While hiking back to the city with Hau, the two discussed the possibilities for the next trial. According to a preliminary internet search, there were two other trials on the island - the fire trial located at Wela Volcano park, and the grass trial located in the Lush jungle. Hau noted he’d prefer to take on the grass trial first, while Pearl said she’d prefer to take on the fire-type trial instead.
Pearl didn’t necessarily want to split up from her friend, but she knew she’d always have contact with Hau, so she let it go. The two bantered all the way back to the Dimensional Research Lab, and when they arrived, they were surprised to see Lillie was outside in the parking lot with Nebby.
“Alright Nebby! Use… uh… splash?” Lillie said, not realizing Hau and Pearl had arrived.
Nebby didn’t seem to follow her commands, and instead began teleporting around her playfully.
“C’mon Nebs-! At least humor me here!” she spoke in a frustrated tone, before turning around and jumping a bit when she saw Hau and Pearl watching.
“Gah-!! How long were you two watching…?”
Hau snickered a bit, and Pearl responded:
“We just got here! What were you doing, anyways?” she asked, cocking her head to the side a bit.
“Oh… well… it’s kind of embarrassing…”
“Come on, from what I saw it didn’t look too out of the ordinary.”
Lillie mumbled and wrung her hands a little bit.
“Well… da… the professor told me about everything you did! It was really exciting to hear about and I guess…” Lillie’s words started to trail off as she started mumbling even more.
“...I guess I just wanted to try being a cool trainer like you, Pearl.”
Pearl stared blankly at Lillie for a few seconds before smiling sweetly.
“Oh, haha, I’m not that cool of a trainer!” she chuckled, waving her hand in front of her face.
“But it’s uh, really flattering that you think that…”
There was an awkward moment of silence between the three as Pearl’s words trailed off. After that, Hau broke it.
“Well, we were here to see the professor to get info on what to do next.” he said in a matter-of-fact tone, propping his hands up behind his head.
“Right! That’s what we were doing. Is the professor here, Lillie?” Pearl asked.
“He’s inside working! But I’m sure he won’t mind a visit from you guys, he talks about you two a lot, after all…”
Lillie retrieved Nebby to her bag and motioned for the two friends to follow her inside the lab. They took the elevator up to the laboratory level, and found Kukui talking with his wife while eating lunch.
Kukui waved at the three and finished chewing before he spoke.
“Oi, champs in the making! Good to see you two after the trial!”
Pearl and Hau waved back and approached the professor to talk more.
Pearl was more than eager to discuss the next steps, but Kukui gestured to her to slow down as he took another bite of his sandwich.
“Woah there! I get you’re excited, but you don’t wanna burn yourself out!” he said, setting down his sub. “Why not take it easy for a little bit? Get to know Heahea, yea?”
Pearl huffed a bit, and ultimately sighed.
“I suppose so… I could always use more training time…”
Suddenly, Kukui’s phone buzzed. He picked it up to look, and with an exclamation of ‘Oh!’, he quickly sent a reply to the text before turning to Lillie.
“Phone’s fixed! Think you can head down there yourself? I was gonna be busy with Burnett after we finished eating.” he said.
Lillie thought for a moment.
“Yeah, I’m sure I’ll be fine!” she said, but Pearl quickly raised her hand to interject.
“Could I come? Maybe we could go shopping!”
Lillie looked a bit shocked and mumbled to herself a bit, before she spoke up, smiling in Pearl’s direction.
“That’d be wonderful!” Lillie then turned to Hau. “Hau, would you want to join?”
“Nah, I’m good. I wanted to look into some of the books here, you guys can have fun on your own!” he replied.
Lillie and Pearl said their goodbyes to the professors and Hau, before heading back out into the humid summer air of Heahea city. Pearl input the address of the store that had fixed Lillie’s phone. It wasn’t a very long walk, as the Dimensional Research Lab was located fairly close to the city’s big shopping center. Still, Pearl and Lillie chattered along the way - Pearl recounting her adventures, and Lillie listening attentively. A couple of times during the walk, Lillie had to wrangle Nebby from inside the bag, as it seemed they wanted out to see Pearl.
The two finally reached the shopping center, and air conditioning and smells of fountain water blasted over them as they entered. It was fairly busy, so Pearl released Poppy from it’s pokeball to act as a sort of ‘beacon’ in case she got separated from Lillie. They found the phone repair booth, and Lillie was able to get her phone back.
“...What now?” Lillie asked, cocking her head towards Pearl.
“We go… shopping? It’s a mall, after all! You don’t have to worry about money, my parents said they’d cover anything I spent in Alola!”
“I’ve never, uh… gone shopping before…” Lillie replied, her tone quiet and almost embarrassed.
“Huh what? Seriously? Well, I guess now’s a great time to have your first shopping spree!”
Lillie still looked a bit confused, but she gladly followed as Pearl grabbed her arm and the two went off to cruise the stores that the complex had to offer.
Lillie seemed fairly reserved when it came to shopping, as opposed to Pearl, who had practically constructed herself a new wardrobe. After some insistence from Pearl, Lillie chose a new outfit, but didn’t actually put it on.
“I’ve never… done this before…” Lillie said, holding her newly selected clothes in the checkout line.
“Done what? You’ve already told me you’ve never gone shopping before.” Pearl replied.
“...Chosen clothes for myself. My mother always chose my outfits…”
Pearl curiously tilted her head. She’d never heard of Lillie’s parents before, she had just assumed Kukui and Burnet acted as her parents, especially considering Lillie almost called Kukui ‘dad’.
“Your mom? What’s she like?” Pearl asked, hoping she wasn’t prying too close.
“Well… she’s…” the rest of Lillie’s words were mumbles, and the two’s conversation was interrupted by the clerk working at the cash register. Given her reaction, Pearl decided it was best to not try and find out more.
The two friends spent the rest of the day shopping, and at the end of the day, alongside new clothes, Pearl and Lillie had stopped by a bakery and gotten some sweets; as well as buying matching Hello Skitty and Cutie Clefairy plushies as a symbol of friendship.
Upon returning to the lab, Pearl was able to convince Kukui to sign her up for the next trial, as the next opening was a couple of weeks away, anyways.
For those following weeks, Pearl spent it with a mix of training, hanging out with Hau and Lillie, and exploring the city. She had the freedom to do whatever she wanted, so Pearl definitely made sure to take advantage of that. She also still made sure to keep in touch with her family, updating them on her adventures.
>>what is it hau -_____- i just woke up
>Guess what today is 👀
Pearl slammed down her phone and haphazardly flailed out of bed. Today was the day of her second trial on Akala! She had stayed up late the night previously out of anxious excitement, yet had totally forgotten when she woke up.
She got dressed and ready, and headed out of the hotel to catch a bus to Wela Volcano Park.
Once Pearl arrived, she started her trek up the hiking trail, and let out Azul to walk with her - as she figured he’d be particularly helpful during the coming battles. While Pearl had to mostly carry Azul, she didn’t mind.
Pearl and Azul battled their way up the trail, to eventually reach the ever-so-familiar gates that marked the entrance to the trial grounds. Standing just outside of them was a young man with fiery brown hair, practicing that appeared to be dance moves with an Alolan marowak.
Pearl called out to him, and he stopped, and turned around to wave.
“Hey! You must be the next challenger, right?” he said, shooing his marowak away in the direction of the trial gate. “Your name’s, uh… Pearl, right? I’m Kiawe!”
Kiawe extended his hand to Pearl, and she happily shook it.
“Yep, that’s me! Nice to meet you! So, should we get started?” Pearl asked.
“A fiery spirit! I like it! C’mon, if you’re ready, follow me!” Kiawe exclaimed, waving his arm in the direction his marowak had just run off to.
Pearl eagerly followed Kiawe up the hill beyond the gate, and once they reached the top, the two came upon a stage, where three marowak were waiting.
“This trial… is a test of your memory! My pokemon here will show you two versions of a dance… and it’s up to you to remember which one dances differently! Sound alright?”
“Yep! I’m ready!” Pearl said as she set Azul back down on the dusty earth.
Pearl took a seat on a nearby rock and watched as the marowak performed...
The pokemon did coordinated spins, jumps, and tossed around their flaming bone clubs. Pearl made sure to clap after the first performance, and after the second, she was prompted by Kiawe to choose which marowak had moved differently.
“The one on the right side,” Pearl said. “It turned to the left, not the right.”
“Correct! Now, marowak, come battle with Pearl as you make your exit from the stage!” Kiawe shouted, and as he did, the ride-side marowak ran towards Pearl and Azul.
Pearl and Azul quickly got into a battle stance, and Pearl called out her first attack.
The battle was short, as Pearl had been training a lot beforehand. After it was knocked out of battle, the marowak tiredly trudged to sit on a rock by Kiawe, who gave it a pat on the head.
The next dance continued - it was the same dance, just with 2 marowak instead of 3. At the very end of the second dance, a blonde hiker jumped out from behind the stage.
“HOO-YAH!” he yelled, catching Pearl completely off-guard. Before she could say anything about the hiker, Kiawe continued as normal, though it was evident he was trying to hide a laugh.
“So! What’s different about this dance?” he said, a silly smile on his face.
It took Pearl a second to realize it was a joke.
“Ohhhh!” she exclaimed. “It’d have to be the hiker!”
“Yes!! Now go, my hiker!” Kiawe shouted once more, and that was the hiker’s cue to send out his pokemon - a magmar.
The battle went about as smoothly as the battle with the marowak, with Pearl swiftly defeating it with Azul’s water-type moves. The hiker recalled his fainted pokemon and scratched the back of his head.
“Wow, kid’s strong!” he said, before walking over to sit on a rock by Kiawe.
“Thanks David!” Kiawe said with a laugh, before turning to Pearl with a serious expression. “So, you ready for the last dance?”
“Yes!!” Pearl exclaimed, bouncing her leg in anticipation.
So, the final dance began. As with the previous dances, it was the same - until the very end of the second variation. A toxicly sweet-smelling stench wafted through the area, and a hissing noise could be heard from behind the stage.
Pinching his nose shut, Kiawe tried to speak as best he could through the smell.
“Alright…! What’s, ack, different about this dance?”
“The-” Pearl began to say, but before she could finish, a massive salazzle hopped out from behind the stage.
“Too early! But good job!” Kiawe said to the pokemon, who looked a bit embarrassed. He motioned for the salazzle to go forwards, and it reared towards Pearl.
Once again, Pearl and Azul got into their battle stances, and the battle with the totem pokemon began.
“Azul, bubble beam!” Pearl shouted.
But the salazzle was slick, and managed to hit Azul with toxic first. Pearl knew she had to knock out the salazzle fast before the poison damage became too much. Pearl sifted around in her bag, but couldn’t find an antidote.
“Damnit!” she said under her breath, realizing she hadn’t considered the opposing pokemon would be a dual fire-poison type. She had to think fast - and her first instinct was to just keep using bubble beam, as it was Azul’s strongest move.
Pearl got the salazzle to about half health before it called out a salandit from the surrounding volcano. Pearl however, didn’t break a sweat. With just an aqua jet, Azul was able to one-shot the weaker male pokemon and focus on the salazzle more. It quickly became evident to Pearl that the salazze didn’t have any non-fire type attack move, so it wasn’t doing much damage to Azul.
It was getting down to the line - poison was whittling away at Azul, but Salazzle was about one hit away from fainting. Confidently, Pearl called out for Azul to use aqua jet, and before the salazzle could attack, Azul jetted towards it in a burst of water, knocking it out.
Pearl gained a huge smile and excitedly scampered towards Azul to give him a victory hug, but as she did, Azul finally succumbed to the poison and fainted. Pearl’s enthusiasm quickly turned to panic, but Kiawe swooped in.
“Whup, here we go! This should heal ‘em up!” he said, handing Pearl a revive and a few potions.
Though Pearl almost seemed like she was about to cry, she quickly perked up.
“Thank you-!” she said, healing Azul back up as fast as she could. Once Azul was perky again, Pearl made sure to give him a big, proper victory hug.
“No problem! You’ve got a strong pokemon on your hands, that was a fun battle to watch - right David?” Kiawe said as he turned to the hiker. David smiled and gave a silent thumbs up to Pearl as he healed the marowak sitting next to him. “Here, take out your trainer’s passport so I can stamp it to signify your win!”
Pearl nodded, and quickly located her passport from her bag. Kiawe took out an orange-red stamp, and placed a stamp right next to the blue one she had gotten from Lana’s trial.
“Oh, looks like you have one trial left! I should call Mallow and make arrangements, then…” Kiawe said, nodding and taking out his phone.
“Mallow? Are they another trial captain?” Pearl asked.
“You’re sharp - just as sharp as you were during the trial! She is indeed - the grass-type trial captain!” Kiawe paused and stared at his phone for a second. “Can I have your phone number? The way this final trial will work is a bit different, so I’ll need your contact info directly.”
Pearl gave Kiawe her contact information, and waved goodbye to him and David as she left the trial grounds. The sun was beginning to set over the island, and Pearl looked out the window of the bus back to Heahea in awe at the shimmering sea.
Suddenly, she got a text - from Lillie!
>Hello Pearl! Are you done with the trial?
>>yea!! went great :DDD what’s up?
>Oh wonderful! You’ll have to tell me about it when you next visit the lab.
>I wanted to ask something of you.
>>yea? what is it?
>It’s a long journey to the final trial ground. Can you please take me with you?
>>of course!!
0 notes
pokemagines · 7 years ago
another place, another time. (dulse x reader)
a/n: this is so Bad i’m so sorry. touko let me write one of these since she played ultra moon and i played ultra sun :’) i hope it’s up to your guys’ standards? it has a very obvious mod elesa flair to it, so i hope the change is alright...
  the clock ticks onwards, counting down the moments until forever ends.
  he’s from another place, another dimension, and you’ve fallen in love with him. a shock of purple hair under his shiny helmet, you come to know him as dulse, member of the ultra recon squad. 
  he’s here to explore alola with his partner, a spritely young girl named zossie. she’s all smiles and laughs, unlike her reserved and mechanical friend. you find yourself tuning out zossie and focusing on the man standing next to her, focused intently on you. when your eyes meet, his brows shoot up and he averts his eyes elsewhere, cheeks dusted pink. neither of you know why.
  the more you encounter dulse and zossie, the more time you spend with dulse. you beat kiawe’s trial a few hours ago and find dulse and zossie investigating the area around wela volcano park with small, twinkling devices. you’re curious.
  dulse whirls around and prepares to strike when you tap him on the shoulder; he stops just before his hand connects with your cheek. he frowns, thick brows settling above his lavender eyes. you take the opportunity to note the way his hair curls and frames his face. beautiful is the only word you come up with as dulse waves his hand in front of your eyes.
  “what are you doing? you are staring at me.” arceus, you’d forgotten how deep his voice is. now, you’re the one blushing. “y/n? please stop. i am trying to work.” so, you stop, and resort to watching him perched on the park sign.
  he takes you home that evening when you nearly tip off from your seat on the sign from exhaustion. in his arms you lay silently, the wind caressing your sleeping form as the two of you soar over alola. he drops you off with your mother without another word and takes off to return to zossie.
  he keeps going like this: tolerating your presence, yet still demonstrating his feelings for you. he saves a wild bewear from striking you from behind. he heals your pokemon after a battle with an ace trainer. he holds you when you cry in malie city overlooking the sea. 
  it becomes normal for him to wake up next to you and follow along your island challenge with zossie in tow. she knows not to bother the two of you, but still stays close behind, that same twinkling device shining in her hands. she’s tracing some sort of energy — “it may be related to your z-ring, y/n!” — to study back in her home dimension. 
  you don’t question it until the president of the aether foundation tears a hole in space with nebby, when you peer into what you believe is the void — yet, it glimmers with stars and pink and purple hues, is that really the abyss? — and watch as lusamine disappears into it. you don’t do anything until you and lillie play the flutes at the altar of the sunne and that same rip in time-space appears; you’re afraid, but with nebby — now solgaleo — at your side, you traverse the void with ease. 
  dulse calls it ultra space, you find out after you return. dulse is from a city in ultra space called ultra megalopolis, and he wants to take you there once all of this is solved. 
  you never get to see ultra megalopolis.
  you never get to see zossie, or dulse, or their lunala. necrozma took that from you the moment you disturbed its slumber at ten carat hill... it fled from the onslaught of ultra balls and headed straight towards the altar, where the tear remained untouched. the charizard you’re on can’t seem to fly fast enough, and there’s tears in your eyes when the altar comes into view.
  necrozma hovers ominously above the rip; dulse is yelling something to zossie, who’s got the shimmering device up to her ear. they look panicked. it’s a dangerous drop from the back of the charizard but you take it anyways, knowing nebby will pick up the slack and break your fall. nebby will come. nebby will—
  nebby isn’t here, you realize. oh, arceus, what have you done? your vision is swimming before your eyes and you’re falling and you’re going to die and bright light, flapping wings, you’re safe oh my arceus you’re safe and zossie is crying and dulse is yelling and necrozma
  “Y/N!” it’s dulse. he’s above you, a peculiar expression on his face. his mouth hangs open, eyes wide. 
  “...dulse?” you manage. “dulse, what—”
  blood spatters onto your face. on your neck. on you, on dulse; he’s hacking up blood and you don’t know why until you look down and see necrozma’s talons piercing through his chest. suddenly he’s ripped from his place above you and thrown into the purple void, sliding with a sickening sound off of necrozma’s now bloodstained claws. zossie is gone, her helmet the only thing remaining. it lay empty on the ground, a streak of blood tarnishing the white and blue.
  necrozma’s about to do away with you, too, but something stops it. it cries towards the heavens before disappearing into the void, the tear sewing itself back together as your vision fades.
  the last thought you have as the altar crumbles around you is dulse, and how you never got to tell him you loved him. you hope he hears you in the void.
  the clock ticks onwards, counting down the moments until forever ends.
  a new day, a new island challenge! you prance through akala island with your brionne by your side, straw hat keeping the sun from hitting your face. the first trial of today... who will it be? 
  “mallow!” you call to nobody, map in your hands. you squint in the direction of lush forest, and nod to your brionne before heading towards the entrance. 
  outside, two people in stark white and blue outfits wander through the grass. as you approach, you yell out a friendly, “alola!” the strangers look up at you, and a shiver goes down your spine. the one on the left, the girl, is smiling brightly as she parrots your “alola!”. the boy stares at you intently, almost as if he’s trying to decipher why you would approach them in the first place. after a moment, he gives you his linear alola greeting. the stiff motions have you chuckling as you pass by, taking one last look back as you parade into lush forest.
  he’s staring back at you, a pained expression on his face. there’s a strong feeling in your beating heart — recognition, you pinpoint. for a moment, you stop, contemplating your thoughts. words swirl in your head, and for some reason, your mother’s favorite dessert is what catches you off guard. dulce de leche. why am i thinking about dulce de leche? he looks nothing like it at all. “i really need to sleep more,” you muse aloud. to think someone would actually be named after a dessert...
  it’s funny, you think. you send a silent, smiling wave his direction before you traipse onward into the jungle. dulce de leche, huh? if i run into him again, i’ll have to tell him what i named him...
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countmohawk · 7 years ago
Pokemon Sun Postgame Recollections *2
The stage has been set and the exposition has been exposited. Now we begin the Ultra Beast conservation project in earnest!
With the Beast Balls from Wicke in hand, we can return to Interpol’s motel room to begin the mission proper. Anabel arrives ahead of us, with Looker showing up shortly afterwards.
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And what an arrival it is! Looker, you are too excitable. That said, he brings important news: the first of the Ultra Beasts, another Nihilego (or Symbiont, as the government knows it) has been spotted!
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This being a Pokemon game, we get to approach the Nihilego ourselves, rather than leave it to Anabel to subdue. After all, how else would we be able to catch one?
Anabel goes off to protect the “populated areas”, but so far as I am aware, she doesn’t show up anywhere on the overworld, so the exact location of the place she’s guarding is not known. Given Akala’s size and the possible locations of Nihilego, however, it’s probably Heahea City.
Looker, on the other hand, gets stuck with backup duty. In practical terms, this means we can ask him for some additional information about the mission. If we ask about the Ultra Beast, he’ll give us a brief summary of it, and the locations where it can be found.
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We can also ask about the Beast Balls. I think Wicke had enough to say about them when she was first giving them to us. That said, if you somehow run out during the mission (either because you have terrible luck with Nihilego or you throw them at other, non-Ultra Beast Pokemon), I believe Looker will give you a couple more.
I should say one more thing about Beast Balls: while they are supremely effective at catching Ultra Beasts (a 5x catch rate!), they are terrible at catching regular Pokemon, only 10% as effective as even the standard Poke Ball. On a related note, no type of Poke Ball other than the Beast Ball (and the Master Ball) is more effective than the standard type when thrown at an Ultra Beast. Thus, using Beast Balls on a regular Pokemon, or other Ball types on an Ultra Beast, is something that players only do for style points.
I managed to track down my Nihilego at Wela Volcano Park after about five minutes of walking back and forth in the grass waiting for it to appear. In retrospect, I probably should have used a Repel to speed up the process.
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Nihilego is not too hard a catch at Lv55, since its aura is +2 Defense and its ability raises its Sp. Def, which means it can’t do too much damage and it’s not easy to accidentally KO.
Once I caught the beast, the next step was to report back to Looker.
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Incidentally, Looker can tell if you try to lie to him about having caught Nihilego before actually doing so. I wonder how he knows, though; is it because he has Anabel on speed-dial to confirm it, or is he just really good at cold reading? (It’s probably not hard to read an 11-year-old, though)
So we all regroup back at the motel, and celebrations ensue. It turns out Looker has a thing for local restaurants. Anabel chides him for indulging on the job, but I can’t really fault him - there’s only so much work you can do while you’re “on-call” without actually going into the field.
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You know, Anabel, I’m OK with you going the extra mile and talking to the government and all that on my behalf, but I’d like to point out that I don’t need any special permissions to catch any other Pokemon, even legendary ones, so I’m not sure why the government would care about this one. I get that Ultra Beasts are not necessarily Pokemon, but since we’ve gone as far as catching them in balls the distinction between them is getting more and more moot.
(To be fair, the choice as laid out by Anabel in-game is between “leave UB with trainer” and “take UB to secret science labs where it will never see the light of day”, which is about as no-brainer a choice as it sounds. I doubt if she had to twist even a finger to win this one)
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And because Looker is nothing if not eccentric, his outburst of disaster is in a different language each time. Kudos for being a polyglot, I suppose.
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Boy, wouldn’t it suck if you got to the motel and they were fresh out of vacancies? Good thing that doesn’t actually happen. To Melemele we go!
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tyrannobro · 7 years ago
The World-Building behind the Pokeyman Sun/Moon/Violence comic 2nd-ing with Akala Island Everything is for fun and took a lot of thought and work from this Ty so pls Don’t steal, copy, claim as your own etc… Super rude. Its more creative if you make up your own stuff too ya know
Akala Island, the rugged island to find your strength Current Kahuna: Olivia Iona Former Kahuna: Tui Mahi'Ai Guardian Deity: Tapu Lele Capital: HeaHea City Main Export: Ranch produce, Fish Main Import: Fruit -Akala Island is a bit more workable rugged though Hapu will frequently attempt to dispute this. As a mass expanse of Paniola and the area near Wela volcano is ranch/farm land, the terrain is meant for raising animals in place of Melemele's terrain more for fruit and berry growth. As such they depend on imports of fruit and other things unable to be naturally produced. -Lush Jungle is not as explored as Olivia or Mallow let on. Which is why Mallow never leaves unless she's sure no one else is there and doesn't let a trial goer keep going unless they can utilize their search Pokemon. People die in that jungle and there is so rarely a definite cause of death. -Brooklet Hill is not so different either. Sharpedo and Gyarados get stuck here sometimes and an unfortunate trial goer or swimmer find this out the hard way. This usually falls on Olivia or Lana to deal with -Akala Island has quite literally the most vicious guardian deity out of all of them. It is not rare to see Tapu Lele hassling people and Pokemon with Olivia not far behind. Everyone knows and visitors are warned Tapu Lele is guiltlessly cruel and while she may giveth at times, she will taketh more. If you are injured or sick, its best not to stay home and go to the doctor so Tapu Lele can't find you -The island is extremely festive and active with the most monthly and yearly festivals in all of Alola. -Because Kiawe's ranch and Lana's fishing provide the main source of export, they're pretty prominent in the travel guide right next to Tapu Lele, the Dimension Research Lab, Aina Cafeteria and the most popular stores. -Akala has the biggest hospital in Alola as well quite possibly due to Tapu Lele mostly but also the very real danger in the trials. Its almost always busy since the other islands aren't equipped for everything. -Because the island itself is so big, there are places in the expanse of Lush Jungle, Brooklet Hill and even the area by the Ruins of Life that are very unexplored. Good for camping though ----------------------- -Akala doesn't have as prominent breeding facilities as Melemele or Ula'Ula but they do have records on the variants in Stufful, Mudbray, Eevee, Salandit, Wishiwashi and Bounsweet -Stufful variants include: standard, toy, competition and stunted --Standard Stufful are wild and controlled in their breeding to prevent any crossbreeding defects. They are actually easy to train and keep as pets. Though it is strongly recommended to tire them out with exercise and play so they won't destroy your belongings in an attempt to play. --Toy Stufful are bred to have near inhumane small stature and an unnecessary more docile temperament. They are so small and cute making them ideal family pets in place of other pet options. Toy Stuffuls are hard to obtain and its not unheard of to find out about one being stolen from a home. --Competition Stufful like competition Litten are extremely hard to gain license for and train. Should you risk illegally owning a competition Stufful/Bewear, you risk the Pokemon killing you since again they are hard to care for and potential bad breeding can make them aggressive --Stunted Stufful are wild as well and sometimes abandoned at birth. By comparison stunted Stufful could have a myriad of problems. Dwarfism, respiratory problems, bent ears or even a coat defect like albinism, leucism or piebald. The ones with coat defects are usually captured or picked off by predators -Mudbray variants include: standard, toy and competition --Standard Mudbray are usually wild and easily captured. Their care is typically minimal though feeding more then one is a bit costly and it is discouraged to keep one inside because they're messy --Toy Mudbray are small typically small enough to squeeze in through a pet door. Their coats are fluffy and much easier to clean then standard. Because of how small they are it is very illegal to use them in battle of any kind --Competition Mudbray though bred for battle are often bought for work like pulling a plow or a cart too heavy for Tauros. Despite their intended use, competition Mudbray/Mudsdale are friendly and patient -Eevee variants include: standard, toy, competition, show and stunted --Standard Eevee are often given to a native Akala child like Yungoos on Melemele, Meowth on Ula'Ula and Miltank calves on Poni to teach a semblance of responsibility with Pokemon. The Eevee is often kept as a lasting team and family member --Toy Eevee are very common on Akala. Most are bred with a fluffy coat and short legs to be a lap pet. Some pop up with a silky coat or without the signature fluffy collars. --Competition Eevee are bred with a large parent often Arcanine or Lycanroc. This does result in a larger Eevee but also horrendous aggression problems. These Eevee almost never become Umbreon, Espeon or Sylveon as they struggle in terms of forming bonds. --Show Eevee are often purebred or have a Primarina or Delcatty parent for extra flair in their coat or personality. Show Eevee are also reported stolen a lot as their breeding makes them weak in terms of defending themselves thus the perfect bait Pokemon --Stunted Eevee are usually ones rescued from extremely illegal fur farms or very defective from bad breeding. Stunted Eevees may have Snubbul snout causing respiratory problems or terrible social problems but they can make good pets if given proper care and love. Salandit variants include: standard, toy and show --Standard Salandits are always wild and most likely male as the females are hidden or protected by the males. It takes a great deal of baiting and trust to lure a female out from her gang. Once captured however the Salandit will ease up to her trainer. --Toy Salandits are bred with different reptilemons for a single parent. A toy Salandit can be bred to have toes but not claws, ridges on its head and jaw or even a longer noodle like body. The females are often always without scent abilities from birth. --Show Salandits so often are purebred as well since a Salazzle loves to be adored with attention. However more professional breeders will want to breed Garchomp or Haxorus to get a Salazzle that can stun the audience with impressive feats of strength. Wishwashi variants include: standard, toy, competition, show and stunted --Standard Wishwashi like Salandits are usually wild. Keeping a Wishwashi from others or where it can't get around is considered extremely cruel since being without a school causes it anxiety --Toy Wishwashi are bred small. Small enough that a school can fit in a tank. The Wishwashi seen at the Akala Aquarium are toy variant. --Competition Wishwashi are one of few competition Pokemon that are easy to obtain. But it is strongly discouraged you do not release them and simply surrender them to the nearest shelter. Competition Wishwashi will wreak absolute havoc on the ecosystem since they can bully out all of their natural predators --Show Wishwashi are sometimes bred from a Lanturn or Sharpedo relative to give them a more wider acceptance of learning. With it show Wishiwashi can be taught to school in different forms like Gyarados, Sharpedo or even Kyogre --Stunted Wishiwashi are the ones you see sad and alone in a bowl. They're often from a long line of Wishwashi kept secluded in a botched attempt at making them docile. Introducing them to a school though well-meaning is typically fatal since they won't have any way of knowing how to act in a school Bounsweet variants include: standard, toy and show --Standard Bounsweet are often a toss up between being wild or lightly domesticated. They are sweet and friendly usually having no problem being captured or adopted. --Toy Bounsweet are actually bigger then their standard selves. The largest being the size of a beach ball. Toy Bounsweet are meant to sit on laps and be played with by children without fear of hurting them --Show Bounsweet are bred to become models as Tsareena. As long as its within safe guidelines as there have been some Tsareena severely malnourished to appear smaller and more delicate. So often show Tsareena that are left or seized can't ever settle in a home since they fear being left again. --------------------------------------------------- HeaHea City -Akala Aquarium is here with hours from 10AM to 6PM. Their most well known attraction is an albino Sharpedo who's been there for many years. Its a pretty popular date site and one of the highest rated places to visit on Akala. -There are plenty of clothing shops and a single large grocery store. Super inconvenient that its the only grocery store on Akala making it a hassle for anyone in Paniola or Konikoni to buy food. They do make a killing in terms of delivering though -The Dimension Research Lab where Burnet works is also here. Sometimes its open for visitors but other times it isn't. Paniola Town -Kiawe and Baloo Mahi'Ai live here on the largest ranch in Alola. Everyone knows about the ranch and it provides most of Alola with dairy, eggs and the like. They've never been known to take sick days or be late on any delivery Royal Avenue -The Battle Royal Dome is what attracts most attention here. The Masked Royal battles here every Friday against his arch-nemesis of the week. Course the battles aren't fixed or anything but its hard to keep one person constantly coming back -The Thrifty Megamart and malasada shop attract a decent amount of attention. Usually people living in Paniola who don't want to go all the way to HeaHea to get simple things like bread or chips go to the Megamart. Route 8 -The Aether Foundation building has since been taken over by Milo and turned into his house where he lives with Mallow. Nothing suspicious here. Carry on -Before reaching the motel and trailer with questionable plans, there's a building surrounded by Stufful and the occasional Bewear. That's where Ty works taking care of the bears. The ones on the property are chipped to discourage theft Konikoni City -The market here is to make up for the lack of a store nearby. They sell fresh fish caught by Lana, delivered products from Kiawe's ranch and all kinds of things. Mallow frequents this place even making sure she's there first to get all the good stuff -Mallow's restaurant is across from the market and she makes the commute to get here everyday. There's a new "Mallow special" everyday too and its some unfortunate soul's luck to order it. Like the Akala Aquarium, it is a popular date spot. -Olivia's shop is beside Mallow's restaurant but her actual house is near the outskirts of the town. Her shop sells mostly accessories and evolution stones. It seems to be the only place in Alola that sells jewelry ------------------------------------------------ Akala Tourney -Every year the kahunas and trial captains gather to hold a sort of bragging rights style tournament overseen by the Champion. This sometimes takes over to please the tapus if no one is able to take the island challenge that year Comfey Festival -A specific week out of the year is dedicated to giving leis made by Comfey or yourself. However if a Comfey makes your lei, its only fair you make one to give back. The Comfey appreciates the gesture too Akala Derby -Once every season there's a pretty awesome race around Akala by land, sea, air and a sort of hybrid of the three. Local charities and fundraisers tend to use the races to raise money for good causes. Cooking Festival -Usually around summer, Olivia hosts a get together where everyone brings food and some people bring up something already cooked to see who's top tier chef. There's usually no prize but there is a lot of food to go around. Fish Festival -Hosted by Lana every year. Like most of the festivities there isn't a prize beside Lana saying "nice job" if you win Wela Fire Festival -A responsibility that bounces between Kiawe and Olivia but very often Olivia does it. Typically has to be stretched over several days as a lot of trainers visit even from other regions. The revenue generated is insane though
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atrytxne · 7 years ago
Athena’s Journal, Day 6 Entry 2
Alright, yesterday. I didn’t get a lot done, really, because I felt a little sick. Maybe I should’ve dried off more after the Trial...
I think I got going after noon. I went back down to Paniola Ranch where, after scaring away some Sudowoodo, I met Dulse and Zossie again. Dulse wanted to battle me again, but he told me he was going to use a Pokémon that wasn’t from Alola. I thought it might be a Girafarig or something (that seems like his kind of Pokémon).
It wasn’t. I’d never seen anything like it before.
He called it Poipole. It was kind of...it looked like how people described Sinnoh’s pixie trio to me? But not. And it was tough, too. All I really know is that it had Venoshock. So it’s a poison type...?
And then they were gone again. They didn’t...tell me anything about what’s going on.
I continued south. On the way, I ran into a girl with a HUGE Mudsdale! Like, I’d seen a few at the ranch, but they paled in comparison. It was big enough to be a Totem Pokémon! The girl, she was in a confrontation with a few Skull grunts, and she asked for my help. Between her Mudsdale and Silana, we didn’t have much of a problem. The grunts went running.
Afterwards, she introduced herself as Hapu, and thanked me for my help. I wonder if I’ll see her again...
The last thing that happened was I made it to Royal Avenue. It’s...a little city centered around a battle style called Battle Royal. I went to the stadium to go check it out, and I kinda got roped into a battle, my opponents were Hau, Gladion, and a really popular trainer called the Masked Royal. I feel like I’ve met him before...
It should have been an easy battle. I had Cha out. But I didn’t ‘win’; Hau did, because he knocked out a Pokémon before anyone else. Part of me feels like I should have done better, but...I was also really proud of Hau for winning.
But I guess he noticed I wasn’t at 100% either, and he got really worried. He insisted I should go rest the rest of the day at the Pokémon Center. The Masked Royal was very insistent about it, too.
On the way out, I met the next Trial Captain. His name is Kiawe, and he’s a dancer of sorts. He told me that he was impressed by how Hau and I battled, and he was excited for me to take on his trial at Wela Volcano Park...but he also stressed I should do it tomorrow.
 So... that ended my day. I called the lady I had been staying with back on Melemele Island, and she told me she was going to send me something in the morning.
It made it a little hard to sleep.
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chi-ill1 · 6 years ago
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The work is done. Now we celebrate. I cannot stress enough to all you beautiful people coming to join us today, to plan on being there early. Parking will be a problem. Aside from that, I wanna thank you amazing people for all the support & inspiration you personally gave me. To everyone that bought a ticket I THANK YOU. To everyone that shared the trailer & ticket info I THANK YOU. To all of the people in other states & cities that supported this from a distance I THANK YOU. I promise you will get to see this movie. To the crew, It was a pleasure braving long cold nights on set with you guys. You did an amazing job. #Salute To the cast, give yourselves a round of applause ...you killed it. It was a pleasure working with you all. To Duane Deering specifically, I THANK YOU. I'm no #Actor yet, I jumped in head first & if it wasn't for you I may have drowned. You are an extraordinary #Actor and I believe that the level of professionalism & #Acting skill you brought to the table FORCED me to step up. I am forever grateful. #Salute #TheWhiteWolf To Fady...step back, look in the mirror & declare to yourself you did something great. You wrote an amazing story,put together an exceptional crew & an inspired cast. You delivered. You started a fire. I THANK YOU To my Mother & Father, Siblings, Family & Loved ones...I THANK YOU for being my only reason. My greatest support. My only way out. I LOVE YOU. To my Tio Wito you helped make me whatever I will ultimately be. I LOVE YOU To my Wela, I Miss You, I know you can see this. I THANK YOU ,I LOVE YOU. That's all I got for now. Let's go laugh & celebrate new beginnings together. I THANK YOU. https://www.instagram.com/chi_ill/p/BxFm973F7u2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5u81jbglt80i
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thisisnothowidie · 8 years ago
can you write my a daredevil preference? I've had a really bad day and your work cheers me up :) I don't have anything in mind and I wouldn't mind having any ideas that you don't know where to put. Thank you.
How about a quick one shot about getting a flat tire (and its totally not cause I got a flat tire today and had to wait around for 4 hours for someone to come fix it for me. Not at all) Matt reajusted in his seat for the fifth time in the last 10 minutes. They had been in the back of this cab for two hours already and he was getting antsy. Foggy who was sitting beside him wasnt doing much better, and Matts constant wiggling around wasn't helping.Foggy leaned forward in his seat opening the partion in the cheap plastic partition in the cab. "Excuse me mr. Uhhh.." "Anatoly." The driver provided. "Right, Anatoly how mich longer doesnt the gps say?' Anatoly glanced at the gps, proped up on his radiator. "45 minutes.' "Thanks.' Foggy said falling back in his seat. Cursing his parents for moving out of the city. Matt groaned next to him. "Car sick?" Foggy asked hoping that wasnt the case. "Hey, he better not vomit in my car.' Anatoly said narrowing his eyes at Matt in the rearview mirror. "Im not going to throwup." Matt said grudgingly. "I just dont like driving so long." Anatoly watched him for a moment longer, still unsure before his eyes flicked back onto the road. Matt sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose. Just as he did, the cab drove over a bump, cauing Matt to fly a few inches off his seat and hit his head. Foggy cursed as the same thing happened to him. Antoly frowned. "That is not good." Toly muttered,listening to his car. "It was just a bump, no harm done." Foggy said before Matt could make a sarcastic comment. "No, I think... we have a flat.' Anatoly said pulling onto the side if the high way. "You have to be kidding me.' Matt deadpaned. "Is not problem, I have spare in trunk.' "Oh good, i'll help.' Foggy said. Anatoly nodded, turing the car off. Foggy moved to climb over Matt to get out so he didn't have to open the door into oncoming traffic. "What is happening?' Matt said confused, as Foggy climbed into his lap. "I dont want to step out into a car." Foggy said, rolling his eyes. "Thats a lie you make like six comments a day about how your going to walk in front of a miving car.' "For the money Matt, not for death.... naybe for a month off if work. But not death!" Matt rolled his eyes and shoved at Foggy to get off his lap, "just fix the tire." "Yes, your majesty.' Foggy said in a fake posh accent and got iut if the car. Anatoly was already standing at the trunk, staring down into it, eyebrows frowed. "What?' Foggy asked walking around seeing the empty trunk. "Этот сукин сын" "Sorry what?" Anatoly looked at him."someone took my tire." ".....shit.' "Very shit."Foggy placed his hands on the back of his head. "Well what now?" "I will call my brother, he will bring us spare.' "How long is that going to take." "Fatser than a tow truck, besides all the garages will be closed abd i can no drive all the way back on donut.' Foggy sighed "fine you call your brother, i'll tell Matt what is going on.'Anatoly nodded and Foggy went back into the car. The sun was starting to set over the tree tops. "Move over princess.' Foggy said. "What's going on?" Matt asked sliddibg over in the seat. "We have to wait for someone to bring a tire.' Foggy said taking his phone out to call his mom and tell her they were going to be a bit late. "What?" Matt groaned "how long is that going to take?""I dont know, another hours... two..." "What!? Come on can't your mom vome pick us up?" "The sun is setting, and she can't drive in the dark." "What about your dad?' Matt asked as Foggy put the phone to his ear. "He can't drive on the high wa-hey mom, we ran into som3le car troubles so we are gonna be a little late... yeah... yeah... i know... yeah... yeah... yeah... i love you too.... yeah... okay... yeah... bye.. love you too... bye.' Foggy hung up. "What did she say?' "Shes going to save some dinner for us and make up the guest room." Foggy flanced up as Anatoly slid into the front seat. "My идиот brother is on his way." Anatoly said. Matt and Foggy nodded. "So we wait.' "да. We wait.' The car fell to slince. The first 15 minutes: Anatoly was laying across the front seats, picking at his nails, the dlince filling the car welas defining. "....so... you two are uh... the gay?" He asked. Matt blushed brightly "what?!" Figgy laughed loudly. "да. We are the gay." "Hes kidding." Matt said. "Oh." Anatoly said sitting up to peak over at them "so you are not the gay?' "Hes totaly gay for me.' Foggy said.Matt blushed "im not." "He is." Foggy mouthed. Half an hour in: "It is not wrong to be gay." Anatoly said, h3 had somehow managed to flip his body all the way around. "I know i am Russian and people think Russian is very not the gay. But it us okay.' "I know its okay.' Matt said "but we are just friends.' "Okay." 45 minutes in: "Can we please turn the ac on." Foggy said "i am dying back here." Toly sighed "да. Fine.' He turned the car on."Thank you." Foggy breathed a sigh if relif.55 minutes in: Matts stomach growled loudly. Foggy chuckled "hungry?" "I was saving my appitate for your moms cooking." "Mom's always have the best cooking.' Anatoly confirmed from the front. "Especially my mom." Foggy said, with a smile. Anatoly sighed and muttered in russian about how he missed his mother. "You know you voukd always come in and have a bite once we get there." Foggy said "think you've earned that." "Is okay." Anatoly said. "I keep Cheetos in glove compartment.' "Ill give you 20 bucks for the chettos." "What do I need 20 deer for?" Anatoly asked confused. "He means dollars.' Said Foggy. "Oh.... well then yes, i will accept your dont 20 bucks.' Anatoly said opened the glove boc and pulled out a new bag of chettos tossing them into the back. "Foggy give me 20 bucks.' 1 hour in: "Matt your fingers are all orange.""Well i ate chettos foggy." "I know. Cause you slapped my hand when i tried to eat one." Matt shurgged, licking off his fingers. 1 hour 10 minutes in: "The stars are pretty.' Anatoly said. "Want to get out and look?' "Ill go." Matt said seriously. Foggy snorted. "What is funny?" Anatoly said. "Well i don't think Matt can really appreciate the stars.' Foggy said. "Oh." Anatoly blushed "sorry.' 1 hour 30 minutes in: Anatoly was pacing outside the car, on the phone. "VLADOMIR WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" he yelled at his brother, getting sick of waiting. "WEll i dont care.... dont you dare.... this is why mom loved me most... yes she did... she did... yeah well you sucked your thumb till you were 12!... oh yes I am going there!... just get here, already." Matt looked over at Foggy inside the car "russian is such a beautiful language.' 1 hour 45 in: "Do either of you have sibiling?" Anatoly asked. "No, only child.' Matt said. "I have a half sister but she is like 20 tears older.' Foggy said. Anatoly nodded. "Being the oldest sucks.' 1 hour 55 minutes in: Vlad pulled up behind his brothers car, still grumbling about their phone call. He jumped out of the car, walking over to the cab. "Is he here?' Matt said hearing tires stretch and a door slam. "Yup." Anatoly said. "Come help me." Anatopy shouted feom outside the car. "Ill be right back.' Anatoly said getting out. "Hello little brother.' He said getting out. "Hello piece of shit.' Vlad said. "Where is the tire?' "My backseat.' He said, getting on his knees to jack the car up. Anatoly nodded going over to his brother car. He paused seeing an empty caton of ice cream and spoon in the passenger seat. "....did you stop for ice cream?' "да." He grunted. "Why?" "I needed some emotional supposrt after you screamed at me.' "You are such a loser.' He laughed grabbing the tire. "I do all this to help you and this is how you treat me.' "You were sitting at home... probably eating ice cream." "I had things going on.' "Like what?' "Big things." Vlad said, holding his hand out for the tire. Anatoly handed it ovwr, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, thanks for coming i guess." Vlad bent down to finish up the tire. "You are welcome.' He muttered. "Got it?" "да. Is done.' Anatply grinned "thank fucking god." He walked around to tell the boys there were good to go."What do you want me to do?" Vlad asked him "... you can follow behind or go back whatever you want.' Vlad nodded, going to walk back to his car. Anatoly sat in thw drivers seat "and we are!" He went to start to car, only to freeze with his hand on the key " out of gas...." "What!?" Matt cried. "How!?" "I turned it on to use the air conditioning!" "So its your fault!" Matt axcused foggy. "What!? No its not!" Anaroly sighed and leabed out the window "VLAD!" He cried to his brother, who was looking ready to drive out. Vlad sighed and leaned out his window "what!?" Anatoly sighed and got out to get over to explain. "I hate you." Matt muttered to foggy. "Are we breaking up?" Foggy said deadpan. "After all the years i put into you. Please " matt scoffed. Foggy rolled his eyes. Anatoly walked back over. "My brother is giving us a ride.' He said. The two frowned "fine, whatever gets us there.' Matt said. Foggy nodded, getting out.Vlad was waiting in his car, a frown on his face. (His personal car Toly!) Matt and foggy got into the back "we really appreciate this." Foggy said. "Yeah. Yeah." Vlad grumbled "i pick the radio." "...okay.' Anatoly rolled his eyes. Giving him the address to Foggy's mothers house.
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cianstrauss-blog · 8 years ago
And so it began ||
Cian stretched out widely as he felt the warm air of the ocean brush against his face. He was really looking forward to getting some time off from his incredibly busy life back in Lilycove City. Glancing at the Pokéballs on his belt clip, he was relieved that his Pokémon would get a break from their intense contest training, and would just get a chance to play and relax. He had booked a suite at the Hano Grand Resort, which was quite expensive. Luckily, he never spent too much money in Lilycove City, and because it was the offseason for contests, he didn’t have to worry about those expenses at the moment. Cian leaned a bit on the railing of the front deck of the boat and took a deep breath. The air in Alola felt so much…fresher…it was hard to explain. It reminded him of growing up in the rural Dendemille Town back in Kalos. Hoenn was nice, but it just didn’t feel like home.
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Pulling into the port in Heahea City, on Akala Island, Cian was eager to get exploring. Some of his friends back in Lilycove had spoken so highly of the Alola region, and Cian wondered if it would hold up to the expectations. Plus, Blossom  would get to see her home region, which she had never seen before. Another benefit of vacationing far from Hoenn—he probably wouldn’t be recognized here in Alola. After his success in a variety of contests, Cian making a name for himself in the close-knit Contest community. Especially after his interview in the Vitalia magazine. Yes, he was very much looking forward to some quiet time.
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He was quite surprised to find out that there were no taxis on the island. How was he going to get to the resort? The Kalosian boy was definitely going to have a lot to get used to! Improvising, he called out his Onix , Stein. “We’re here, Stein!” He gave his Pokémon a tight hug “But we have to make our own way to the Hotel! Travel mode…engage!” Cian laughed. Stein looked rather pleased, and easily picked Cian up, and secured him onto his back. Cian had designed this for a contest, but it’d have to work!
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It was a process, but about an hour or so later, Cian arrived at the resort. It seemed quite lavish, and Cian was definitely not used to such accommodations. After checking in, and grabbing a quick bite to eat, Cian decided to check out Wela Volcano Park, as it wasn’t too far from the resort. He let out all of his Pokémon, except for his Dewgong, Aurore, who obviously wouldn’t enjoy walking about. The mountain looked a bit intimidating, so he was relieved to see a few trainers near the base of the meadow.
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Sprinting up to the base, he grinned widely
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“Hey! Are you guys thinking about checking out the mountain too? I saw it on a brochure and I haaaad to check it out!”
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pokemaniacal · 8 years ago
Pokémon Moon, Episode 7: In Which My Culinary Skills Are Pushed To Their Limit
Since the next Captain, Kiawe, is a Fire Pokémon specialist, he lives on a volcano. Because of course he does.  Fire trainers don’t really ‘do’ subtlety.  Wela Volcano, which is named for the Hawaiian word for heat or burning, and corresponds to Haleakala in the real world, looms over the northeast corner of Akala Island.  Although many of its basalt flows are still glowing red from the last eruption, the volcano is perfectly safe – or at least, this is the claim made by the Seismic Sisters, a set of Alolan triplets who maintain tunnels that provide surprisingly easy access up and down its slopes.  Among the hardy, fire-tolerant Pokémon that live there is a wily black lizard Pokémon called Salandit, a Fire/Poison-type, which nearly blows my Trumbeak out of the sky with Dragon Rage.  I decide to retire my Butterfree and recruit one in her place (a female, which I’m told is important); that Dragon Rage is sure to come in handy as long as we’re still low-level.
The bare-chested Fire Captain is already waiting for me in the middle of a circular platform within the volcano crater itself.  With him are three sinister-looking black Pokémon with bone staves, their tips glowing with spectral green fire.  Wait… are those Marowak?  As I stare quizzically at his Pokémon, Kiawe explains the terms of his trial.  He and his Marowak are fire dancers in the ancient Alolan tradition.  They will perform two dances for me, and my task is to discern the difference between them. “…that’s it?” I ask suspiciously.  “No battle? No Totem Pokémon?  What’s the catch?”  Kiawe returns a sober frown. “Alolan fire dance is no trifling entertainment.  It is a sophisticated union of art, worship and discipline, performed to honour Tapu Lele.  The slightest change in position or tempo can alter the meaning of the entire dance. My trial will tax your powers of observation to their limit.”  Duly chastened, I sit down cross-legged at the edge of the stage to watch.  Kiawe nods solemnly and turns to his three Marowak. “Begin!”  The Marowak march in a circle, spinning their flaming staves, then freeze in a set of coordinated poses.  They hold their positions for a moment, then at a nod from Kiawe, spring into action once more.  The motions and tempo seem identical, but when the dance stops, one of the Marowak is facing in a different direction than I remember from the first time.  I point to it. “That one. That one’s stance is different.” Kiawe gasps – and the Marowak leaps right at me, spinning its staff once again.  With a strangled, squawking yell, I summon my new Salandit and order her to open fire with Dragon Rage.  Scorched by the brilliant energy, the Marowak soon kneels in submission.  “Right,” I say, more than a little breathless. “Right, okay.  Wrong answer.  Do I get another try?” “No, no!” Kiawe stays hastily.  “Marowak was so pleased by your right answer that it simply had to battle you!”  The Marowak twirls its staff again and bows low. “Oh,” I say.  “Oh. Okay.  Sure.”  So presumably the other two Marowak will challenge me in turn. “Onward to the second dance!”  I watch the three Marowak closely as they run through their practiced motions.  When I think I have them memorised, I nod to Kiawe, who commands the Marowak to repeat their dance.  Again, I see no differences until the dance is almost ov- “BLAAAARGHAGHAH!” “AHHHH! What the-!” I flail my arms wildly and tumble backwards off the stage as a scruffy hiker leaps in front of me, shouting and making gruesome faces.  “What the HELL, dude!?  This is, like… a sacred quest thing, or… or something!”  I squint at the Marowak, frozen in their final poses, but my concentration has been broken.  Is… the one on the left holding its staff at a different angle?  “Damn it, I couldn’t see the end of the dance properly,” I complain to Kiawe.  “How am I supposed to-” The hiker, crouching on my right, starts chuckling.  “You stay out of this!” I snap at him.  “Just because you paid for the ‘authentic Alola experience’ doesn’t mean you get to be part of whatever- what- whatever…” I pause. Oh.  Ohhhhh.  Oh, this is ridiculous.  I turn back to Kiawe, then point at the hiker.  “It’s this idiot, isn’t it?  He’s what was different about the second dance.” Kiawe looks startled. “You… you are correct!  B-but how!?” I give him the most withering stare I can muster. “So… ‘ancient tradition’?  ‘Sophisticated union of art and worship’?  Really?” “Well…” Kiawe begins, slowly.  “Alola’s booming tourist industry has been very good for the region.  Tapu Lele looks kindly on visitors, and permits us to… uh… involve them in our rituals.” “…you know, this is gonna sound totally hypocritical of me… and it is… but I don’t even care: tourism has ruined this region,” I tell Kiawe flatly.  He does his best to ignore me. “Uh, Kiawe, m’dude,” the hiker says.  “Do I get to, uh…?”  Kiawe smacks his palm to his forehead. “Go ahead…” he mutters.“Radical, dude!” the hiker shouts, then jumps to the centre of the stage, faces me, and calls a Magmar from a Pokéball. “We’re doing this?  Really?” I sigh, and deploy my Salandit’s Dragon Rage once again to defeat the Magmar.  Kiawe coughs. “My… hiker friend was so pleased by your right answer that he… simply had to battle you,” he says, with no enthusiasm whatsoever.  “Onward to the final dance.”  This time, the hiker actually leaps in amongst the Marowak near the end and joins in their movements.  Kiawe lets me observe their final positions for a few moments, then commands the dance to begin again.  Once more, I watch closely for any change.  Then, moments from the end… “SALAAAA!” A huge black and pink lizard springs over the opposite edge of the volcano crater, lands in the middle of the dance, and flings its arms wide, with a grin and a wink.  I half expect it to pull out a cane and a straw hat and start tap-dancing.  I stare at the lizard, then at Kiawe, then back at the lizard. “…okay I’m just gonna fight this thing now.” 
My opponent is a Salazzle, a weirdly salacious-looking evolved Salandit.  My own Salandit is clearly outclassed, but she knows Dragon Rage and the Totem Salazzle seems not to; nor does the Salazzle minion that it summons.  Unfortunately, the second Salazzle hits mine with a Torment to keep her from blasting the Totem Pokémon repeatedly, and we are forced to retreat.  This thing is actually quite nasty.  Well, desperate times call for desperate measures.  I send in my Slowpoke and perform the wave-like dance motion that Lana taught me to activate her Z-Crystal.  Slowpoke summons a terrible Hydro Vortex that sweeps up the Salazzle, batters it around, and throws it off the top of the mountain, wailing piteously as it falls.  The little Salandit still has some tricks, though, hitting my Slowpoke with a cloud of Poison Gas and following up with a devastating Venoshock that knocks her out. I briefly pause to applaud its bravery, then send in my own Salandit to finish the job.   Kiawe salutes me, and presents me with his Z-Crystal, known as the Firium-Z, several Quick Balls, and the ability to summon a new Pokémon with my ride pager: his Charizard.  Charizard, like Latias and Latios in Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby, replaces the Fly HM, and can take us to a variety of locations both inside and outside of towns and cities, including between Alola’s four islands… and beyond.
On the outskirts of Alola lies a chain of small islands known as the Poké Pelago. They are beyond the reach of any regular ferry routes (but not Charizard’s wings), and only one human appears to live there: a fellow with the uninspiring name of Mohn, who acts as their caretaker.  Mohn is a cheerful hermit who seems to have gotten just a little too much sun over the years.  He suffers from a crippling addiction to Pokébeans, and lives in a leaky, run-down wooden hut perched precariously atop a distressed-looking raft tethered just off the coast of Isle Abeens.  Thanks to some suspicious technology of Mohn’s, trainers’ Pokémon can visit the islands whenever they like, warping directly there from… wherever it is Pokémon go while in a PC box.  On my first visit to the Poké Pelago, Mohn promises that, if I help feed his Pokébean habit, he’ll get off his butt for an afternoon and develop some of the islands to make them more pleasant for Pokémon to visit.  Mohn describes five islands to me, all with stupid names, and each suited for different activities: harvesting Pokébeans, growing berries, searching for treasure, training, and relaxing.  Despite my… suspicions of Mohn, I find it hard not to love the Poké Pelago, because it embodies something I’ve wanted these games to have for a long time, namely some way of giving meaning to the 90% of your Pokémon who aren’t with you at any given moment.  The notion that we’ve been leaving most of our Pokémon in internet limbo for weeks or months on end this whole time is easily one of the most troubling things about the series, and extremely difficult to reconcile with either the anime’s portrayal of Ash’s off-duty Pokémon or the games’ own attitude to Pokémon as friends and partners.  This is a major item ticked off my long-term wishlist – and it does a bunch of useful stuff too. 
Once my first visit to the Poké Pelago is finished and all my B-team Pokémon are getting settled in, I strike out along the northern coastal road for the location of Captain Mallow’s trial: the Lush Jungle.  The road itself is unremarkable, but many of the people and Pokémon I meet give me pause for thought.  The first is a truly odd creature called a Stufful.  It… seems to be literally a soft toy.  Its type is Normal/Fighting, it looks like a teddy bear with a smiling pink face, and its ability grants it damage reduction against contact moves but makes it weak to Fire, because it is made of stuffing.  I am not sure whether I should be disturbed by it.  Not far along the road, a sterile-looking white prefabricated structure houses some researchers from an organisation called the Aether Foundation, a syndicate of scientists and conservationists working to protect Pokémon from evildoers like Team Skull.  I can’t argue with that, and it sounds like they do good work.  Only… their uniforms… they look exactly like the people I saw chasing Lillie when I first came to Alola, whom I’d assumed were airport security apprehending a dangerous terrorist.  Why would they have been after her and Nebby?  There can only be one conclusion…
Lillie is definitely a member of Team Skull.  Her professed fear of them is merely a smokescreen, to keep me from realising the truth about her.  Her wickedness is without limit and beyond comprehension.
Down near the western end of the road is the entrance to a secluded valley, where a self-professed scientist is trying to begin the construction of a theme park filled with prehistoric Pokémon reanimated from fossil remains.  Because that’s a project that’s never gone horribly wrong before and is guaranteed to have no negative consequences. “So… just out of curiosity, did Jurassic Poképark ever get released here in Alola?” I ask him casually. “Oh, absolutely!  It’s one of my favourite movies of all time!” he enthuses. “Huh. Really?” “Yes indeed!  I had to leave after the first half-hour, unfortunately, but it was truly inspiring! One of these days I’ll find the time to watch it the whole way through.” If I find any fossils, this guy should be able to resurrect them for me… although, to be honest, I’d almost prefer to brave the customs desk and take them back to Kanto to be examined by an actual scientist.  The last stop before Mallow’s jungle is a motel with an attached Pokémon Centre. That weird, angsty Gladion kid appears to be staying here, but he is in no mood to talk, refusing to say anything but “get out.”  I try to explain to him that, where I come from, wandering Pokémon trainers are usually allowed to enter any building or room freely, as a matter of simple courtesy, but he is unmoved.  I divert my attention to the rocky shore below.  Here, on the northwest coast of Akala Island, is the habitat of a weak and cowardly Pokémon called Wimpod, a Bug/Water-type with poor stats in everything but speed, no moves but Struggle Bug and Sand Attack, an ability that causes it to flee in terror from any battle when its health is low, and a propensity for eating rotten food.  If I know Pokémon – which I do – Wimpod is bound to evolve into something downright terrifying, and who better to make it happen than me?  Wimpod itself, unfortunately, has other ideas, and won’t battle me at all until I loop around to the far end of the beach to cut off its retreat from its burrow.  I’m going to turn this Pokémon into an all-powerful terror whether it likes it or not!
We’ve made a full circle around the volcano: the Lush Jungle where Captain Mallow makes her lair is just north of Brooklet Hill.  The jungle and its mistress promise Grass-types, and that promise is music to my ears.  It’s about time Alola gave me something worth bragging about when I get back to Kanto. We’ll just see whose Grass Pokémon are stronger when I blow a hole in your ceiling with my Grass-type Z-Crystal, won’t we, Erika?  Next year’s Flower Power Grand Prix is mine, you smug, condescending little- “Oh, hello! Thanks for stopping by!”  Mallow’s voice jolts me out of my reverie as she welcomes me to the jungle.  She looks me up and down, smiles approvingly.  “I knew it the first time I saw you and your team… You’ve chosen only the finest ingredients!  That’s why I’m gonna make you help me- er, no!  I mean, that’s why you should try my trial!”  I sigh and try to give her a friendly smile. “Listen, if the trial is just, like, doing your laundry or whatever, I don’t mind. I’m sure you’re a busy girl, and I just want to tick all the boxes so Tapu Koko will get off my back.” “What? Oh, not at all!  I hope I didn’t make you think- oh, dear.  No, I just get a little overexcited sometimes.  Trust me, my trial will be just as challenging as any of the others you’ve faced so far.”  Mallow closes her eyes for a moment, breathes deeply, and then flings her arms wide and looks up into the lush canopy as though searching for inspiration.  “Ah… the breath of the jungle…” she sighs rapturously, then suddenly turns her attention back to me and snaps her fingers. “I can tell just what today’s special should be!  My personal specialty: the Mallow Special!  I’m gonna need you to find four ingredients for me!”  I blink a couple of times. “Wait… your trial is a cooking challenge?” “Yep!” She grins at me.  “What were you expecting?  Hope that’s not gonna be too tough for you!” “Oh… I think I’ll manage.”  I’ve studied the local cuisines of every region I’ve visited (well, except Kalos… bunch of stuck-up food snobs refused to teach me a single thing after I dared to question whether a boiled bone was an acceptable restaurant dish, but Kalosian cooking is overrated anyway).  This should be a piece of cake.  Perhaps literally. “I’ll need… Mago Berries, Tiny Mushrooms, some Revival Herb, and a Miracle Seed!” Mallow continues, counting off on her fingers.  I nod sagely as I consider the ingredients she’s specified.  It’s an interesting combination of flavours.  The odd sweet-and-bitter combination of the Mago Berry and Revival Herb has something in common with some old central Hoenn dishes I’m familiar with, while mushrooms are basically alien to the traditional Hoenn diet, but should ground the other flavours quite nicely.  My guess is we’re going to boil it all into a sort of stew or broth.  Mallow gives me a final piece of advice before I take off into the jungle: her Stoutland will be invaluable in finding the best ingredients. 
Stoutland first leads me to a cluster of mushrooms, guarded by a slender mushroom Pokémon, Shiinotic, the evolved form of Morelull.  My Trumbeak deals with it swiftly; then, as I rummage through the assorted fungi, Mallow shows up.  “Ooh, a Tiny Mushroom!  That’s great! There’s a secret to why they’re so popular with some people.  You’ll have to try one to find out what it is!”  Is… is she trying to get me into drugs?  But actually, that gives me an idea.  Mallow’s request for “Tiny Mushrooms” was pretty vague; there are a lot of different species in this small patch alone… I mean, she was probably talking about the Alolan shiitake, but there’s also some azure chanterelle, Pyroar’s mane, urchin Shaymin, and… oooohh… I spot a single pinkish, black-spotted toadstool on the edge of the patch.  Could it be? The legendarily delicious Milktank’s glory cap, said to produce a soup so rich it would make a king weep? Hmm.  Well.  Unless it’s the equally rare lookalike, destroying Snubbull, in which case eating it would cause catastrophic organ failure.
…eh. What’s life without a little risk, right?
Continuing to follow Stoutland’s nose, I head into the northwest part of the jungle and come upon a grove of fruit trees.  My Salandit dispatches the Fomantis guarding the trees, and I start picking Mago Berries.  Then I keep going.  Mago is nice, but we could get a more complex flavour by adding some Persim Berries too, and… oh my god are those Spelon Berries?  I f&%#ing love Spelon Berries, and they’re a classic central Hoenn flavour; let’s take a handful of those… A few more Fomantis lurk in the grassy northern area where Stoutland and I go to search for Revival Herb.  We should only need a tiny bit; the intense bitter flavour is what makes the dish, but even slightly too much could just as easily wreck it.  I pull up a fistful of the rare herbs and sniff deeply.  Wow this stuff is pungent.  No wonder it wakes up fainted Pokémon.  There’s an old family legend that my great-grandmother used so much Revival Herb in her cooking that the smell of her stew could actually raise the dead. Probably apocryphal, of course, but there must be some reason my family got kicked out of Lavender Town.  One ingredient left… Miracle Seeds are packed with a veritable rainbow of nutrients, so they tend to get dug up and eaten by wild Pokémon unless they’re buried in spots that are very hard to get to – like under piles of crumbling boulders. Stoutland confirms the presence of something interesting under one such pile in the eastern part of the jungle, and with a little help from Hala’s Tauros, we’re able to smash it out of the way and dig up the precious seed hidden beneath.  Time to get cooking. 
“Great!” Mallow enthuses, when I confirm that I have everything.  “Now that we’ve got all the ingredients, we just need…” “Sorry to keep you waiting,” calls out a voice from the entrance to the jungle.  It’s the other Captains, Kiawe and Lana, who have brought their own… contributions to Mallow’s little culinary experiment. Kiawe’s Thick Club and Rare Bone, used to crush and mix the ingredients, should theoretically impart a little of their own flavour to the stew, and the Fresh Water that Lana has brought from Brooklet Hill is the purest around.  Lana’s also brought a Rocky Helmet to mix it all in, which… y’know what, I feel like this is some kind of weird inside joke between the Captains that I’m never going to get, so I’ll just drop that one.  I light a small fire, heat the water, and start grinding up my ingredients.  As the stew begins to cook, a tantalising smell wafts through the jungle, and Mallow mentions, casually, that this should summon her Totem Pokémon. “…wait what?”  I suddenly feel distinctly and disturbingly watched, and slowly turn around. “Luuuu-RAAAAAAAAN!” screams the huge orchid mantis behind me. “OH SWEET MOTHER OF MEW!” I scream back at it, frantically grabbing my Pikachu’s Pokéball. She knows Hidden Power: Ice, and this thing – Lurantis, the evolved form of Fomantis, as the Rotomdex unhelpfully explains while I continue screaming – is a Grass-type, so- “LU-RAAAN!” the Lurantis screeches, igniting a massive blade of radiant solar energy from the tip of its claw and slamming it down on my poor Pikachu’s head. Another screech summons a wild Trumbeak to its side. “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!” I keep screaming, in hopes of confusing the Lurantis, as I call on my Salandit and perform the motions Kiawe taught me to activate the Fire-type Z-move, Inferno Overdrive.  The Lurantis is injured, but not critically, and quickly heals itself with Synthesis… then keeps healing itself as its Trumbeak grinds down my Salandit.  “THAT’S IT; NOW I’M MAD,” I shout, sending my Raticate to crush the Trumbeak.  The Lurantis, more bemused than concerned, X-Scissors my Raticate, and then calls out again, summoning… a Castform.  “…ohhhhhh $#!t,” I say to myself quietly.  If that thing can take control of the weather, the Lurantis will be able to start spamming Solar Blade, and then I’m dead for sure.  I back away from the Lurantis, grab Lana’s stew-filled helmet, and hold it out in front of me. “Lu-ran?” the Totem Pokémon asks. “Uh… here! Take it!” I shout, putting the helmet down on the ground and then diving for cover behind a boulder.  The Lurantis sniffs cautiously at the stew, then begins gorging itself.  I watch, heart pounding and fingers crossed.  A few moments later, the Lurantis’ eyes widen, it stands bolt upright, turns bright red, begins venting steam from its ears, and starts running around in circles wailing.  Moments after that, it stops abruptly, as though it had run into a glass wall, exhales a cloud of smoke, and then keels over, twitching.  Mallow stares in abject shock. “…um… are you quite sure you got all those ingredients right?”  I give her a nervous smile. “…you know, my great-grandmother always used to say cooking is more of an art than a science… and, uh… well, sometimes more of a gamble than an art…” 
Ridiculous quote log:
“I want to make my Kadabra evolve!  Friends! I need friends!” Listen, man, if that’s your only reason for wanting friends, you’re going to have a hard time making any. 
“I guess I wasn’t able to make use of the potential energy of being in a high place.” Is this the Pokémon equivalent of “it’s over, Anakin; I have the high ground”? 
“Research! Research!  I will research the Pokémon!” …calm down, dude. 
“So! What do you think of the largeness of my area?” …it’s great.  Really great. 
The team: 
Tane the Dartrix Male, Timid nature, Overgrow ability Level 25 Tackle, Razor Leaf, Astonish, Pluck 
Rhea the Trumbeak Female, Lax nature, Keen Eye ability Level 25 Pluck, Roost, Fury Attack, Rock Smash 
Ashley the Pikachu Female, Timid nature, Static ability Level 24 Thundershock, Hidden Power (Ice), Nasty Plot, Thunder Wave 
Hypatia the Slowpoke Female, Hardy nature, Own Tempo ability Level 24 Confusion, Yawn, Headbutt, Scald 
Soot the Raticate Female, Hardy nature, Hustle ability Level 25 Crunch, Tail Whip, Hyper Fang, Focus Energy 
Joanna the Salandit Female, Timid nature, Corrosion ability Level 24 Flame Burst, Sweet Scent, Dragon Rage, Smog
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phgq · 5 years ago
Young CDO entrepreneurs join hands to help medical front-liners
#PHnews: Young CDO entrepreneurs join hands to help medical front-liners
CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – A group of young entrepreneurs is stepping up to the plate by using their time and resources to help medical front-liners here battle the 2019 coronavirus disease (Covid-19). On Wednesday, donors distributed hundreds of face shields to the health personnel of the government-run Northern Mindanao Medical Center (NMMC)--the designated medical facility in the region to accommodate persons under investigations and those suspected of being infected with Covid-19. One of the donors, Raven Duran, a 25-year-old entrepreneur who founded the information technology firm XDevs based here, contributing to the effort to combat Covid-19 was a sensible thing to do when small businesses like him are on temporary shutdown. Duran said and a group of young business owners organized themselves online to produce face shields and other personal protective equipment (PPE) after seeing the need. At first, Duran said they wanted to manufacture 3D-printed ventilators but opted to go into face shield production as these are easier and faster to make.   “We have seen how hard our front liners are working to stop the Covid-19 pandemic. At least they will have something to use to keep them safe,” he said. Duran partnered up with the CDO Makers Response Group, a loose group of mostly young entrepreneurs to produce face shields and other PPE using four 3D printers. The production began in his home mid-March. It takes an hour and a half to make a face shield frame using plastic filament, he said. The face shield is made up of a plastic frame and acetate. “There are different designs, but our design is easy to make and it is also sturdy,” he said. Duran said some of the materials for the face shield are provided by the Department of Trade and Industry. “We got a request from the NMMC for more than a thousand face shields. We aim to deliver that number,” Duran said. On its Facebook page, CDO Makers Response Team said Wednesday they have delivered 348 face shields to NMMC as of March 26. “We are still fast-tracking our production speeds with the help of more 3D printing volunteers,” the group said. The team said they are currently prioritizing NMMC for the production of face shield “as it is now the center of Covid-19 response in the region.” John Vincent Fiel, 27, co-founder of Wela School Systems--a company that makes radio frequency identification system in learning institutions--said they are making sure that the finished face shields are sanitized before turning these over to the DTI. Fiel appealed to businesses and schools that have the necessary equipment to pitch in and help them produce face shields and other PPE for the health personnel. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Young CDO entrepreneurs join hands to help medical front-liners." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1098469 (accessed April 02, 2020 at 09:25PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Young CDO entrepreneurs join hands to help medical front-liners." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1098469 (archived).
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platanoswithsoul-blog · 6 years ago
El Mana Restaurant
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It was a rainy late afternoon, when I decided to drive up to 114 North Union Street, in Wilmington, Delaware, just to see if El Mana Restaurant was really worth their four star rating on Yelp. My first thought driving to El Mana Restaurant, was that I was going to have a hard time finding parking, being as though the restaurant is located in the city of Wilmington; surprisingly there was plenty of parking right in front. The restaurant is located on a fairly busy city of Wilmington street, neighboring a car repair shop, taco bell, and KFC. 
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Already impressed with how quickly I was able to find parking, it was satisfying to find that El Mana Restaurant is a small, colorful and cozy; your typically, friendly neighborhood, mom and pop shop that sells Puerto Rican Cuisine. Walking in, I first notice the bright vibrant walls all different colors: yellow, orange, red; the tables as well. I was greeted by a extremely friendly man, whose smile makes you feel at home and his Spanish accent made me feel as though my food will be authentic. A novela (Spanish soap operas) was playing on the television screens mounted on opposite corners of the restaurant, with pothos vines hanging besides them; instantly giving warm welcoming vibes. Initially, I thought the restaurant should be playing bachata, meringue or salsa on a speaker, but, for me I thought of my deceased wela (abuela/grandmother). She would watch her novelas every day and had pothos vines growing all around her apartment. Quick story and secret is that, I did not start to miss my grandmother until I no longer had her; growing up I strongly dislike the pothos vines that grew around her apartment, now that she gone the same vines I use to hate I want within my home. The decor of El Mana Restaurant gave me a sense of warmth and home because it was able make me miss my Wela and for those reasons I was anxious to try their food. 
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Their menu was to familiar, all dishes that I grew up eating and cooking; I ordered  Mofongo Relleno de Pernil, Rellenos de Platano, Pastelitos de Carne con Queso and Arroz Blanco con Habichulas. I was first served the Relleno de Platano, which is a dough made with manduros (sweet plantain) stuffed with ground beef and fried, along with the Pastelito de Carne con Queso, which is a flour dough stuffed with ground beef, cheese and fried. The Relleno de Platano was made to perfection; the sweet plantain was the perfect amount of sweetness and the beef was seasoned just right. The Pastelito de Carne con Queso was absolutely delicious; my only disappointment was that I wanted it to be stuffed with just a teaspoon of more ground beef. I was then served the Mofongo Relleno de Pernil, which is mashed green plantain with chicharrones (fried pork skins) and garlic, molded around roasted pork shoulder, served with a gravy usually from a carne guisado (beef stew). The Monfongo and Pernil was both season extremely well; this was when I realize that the female Chef at El Mana is a force to be reckon with. Last, I was served the Arroz Blanco con Habichulas, which is white rice and beans; just like everything else I was served, this to was very enjoyable to eat.
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My experience at El Mana from start to finish was memorable, satisfying and extremely enjoyable. My goal with El Mana Restaurant is to be able to taste everything its menu has to offer, so I will definitely be returning in the near future.
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latinolaughter · 8 years ago
LATINO LAUGHTER Brings you today's top American Latino/Latina talent from across the country. It's time to tell our story of diversity laughter is universal and so are we. Latino Laughter follows in the footsteps of the Greats Desi Arnaz, Sr., was a Cuban-born American actor, musician, and television producer. Freddie Prinze actor and stand-up comedian. The First Rican to Panel Johnny Carson. Rick Aviles was a stand-up comedian and actor of Puerto Rican descent First Rican to Rock Def Comedy Jam! & The living legend Paul Rodriguez.... 2017 Latino Laughter introduced Joselito the First Puerto Rican Standup Puppet celebrity to the Stand-up scene in NYC and now to the Country with Catch The Wave comedy Tour for States, Dates, time and tickets go to www.latinolaughter.com. "We are Mobile FRIENDLY " Come see how Latino Laughter, Joselito and all our comedic partners change the way people see Latino American Comedy.... Yonkers Comedy Club (formally know as HA!) 257 Market St Yonkers, NY 10710 United States Come celebrate A Birthday, Anniversary, Dates and get ready to Laugh! Club is close to the Bronx! giving you a choice other than a bar Show! Come experience the magic of LAUGHTER! Club Reservations 1-914-358-9260 June 23 2017 Come Catch The Wave tour! Two Shows 8pm & 10pm Get your Tickets early we sell out Quick! Two shows 8pm & 10pm purchase tickets online www.latinolaughter.com. Or 347-581-3528 for ticket delivery and VIP Seating... Your host Rachel Loca Strauss-Munizle of Room 28 Comedy bring her style of Great Vibes Comedy will keep you laughing and excited for more! James Camacho Brings a different dynamics than most comedians, mainly because he is half Chinese and half Puerto Rican. His uniqueness is priceless so get your orders in James will be delivering the Joke! JC Best Bringing the controversy He will keep you on the edge and you will laugh till it hurts! Kenny Ortega The Big Man A New York City Rican from Spanish Harlem JUST KNOWS HOW TO KEEP YOU LAUGHING HARD! Closing the show Your Favorite celebrity @dpuppetjoselito #puppetwave🏄 and he's bringing the Family #WELA & #litos_Papi Get Ready To Catch The Wave! (at HA Comedy Club)
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