#\|/ the many minds think alike (memes)
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idk-i-want-mcl-content ¡ 5 months ago
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i don't think it's readable but my candy's shirt says "1-800-HOTTOGO" (luv u chappell) this would be her everyday style and i wanted for it to contrast her more formal look for work.
I considered making her everyday the outfit she wears to ballet but then I heard chappell and I totally forgot about it lol. Her color palette as for now has been really soft and pink, but it's because i feel like these first parts of the story take place in spring? for some reason? but when the story progresses I'll give her different fits.
i wanted to share all the looks in one post but i thought this one looks really cute and i'm staring at it like this:
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devils-little-sistaaa ¡ 29 days ago
ok soooooo. I was originally going to make a statement about how Nico and Regulus are totally different and should never be associated with each other. But ended up going on a whole rant. But anyway look at these memes and if you don’t want to see the rant just scroll past it. But please look at these memes. Especially those of you still into Harry Potter and especially those of you who think Nico and Regulus have anything common.
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katyspersonal ¡ 5 months ago
Alright Suspiciously Cheerful Katy, for that ask meme, I want THOTS on MARIKA plzzzzzz
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Look at her fabulous hair ffs
THOTS on Marika, you say......
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( Asks from this ( x ) meme)
Favorite thing about them:
It is really hard to point out something concrete! She is a very complex and well-written character, who has done a lot of bad and a lot of good, not to mention grandiose presence in the lore and worldbuilding! She appeared very cold and cruel through her words passed along and actions that we've learned about, but then there has also always been fixation on life, light, bounty and prosperity! I struggle to find a compromise between her war criminal oppressor side and her striving to create a warm heaven for self and others side! But maybe that's the point; big, strong, legendary, impactful figures in history always did BOTH bad and good, but become immortalised in history as just one of these dualities! When shaping history is always both creating and destroying! This is how 'shaping' works!
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^^^ I like that she gives people a choice! Just like an actual idea of 'God' without being distorted; you have safety, love and purpose if you cooperate and you can choose struggle without any guidance if you want to! That some people can interpret as that "serve in heaven rule in hell" shit
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^^^ I also like that she encouraged people that put faith in her to actually think! This is basically encouraging Fundamentalism which is "scholarship in all but name", but she doesn't want people to just blindly follow; she wants them to understand WHY they'd follow!
But I think above all, I like her tragedy of failing to build this perfect world and how it ends. I talked just recently about it in the post ( x ) about what was it that Gideon saw in "her will" that made him turn against everything prior, but in short: she wanted to keep the world in the state of permanent disarray, just as long as it doesn't recover and perpetuate the Golden Order.
The thing about a new Lord coming to her to be her consort and thus fixing everything? That's what Two Fingers had everyone believe and wanted, not her. :p She probably knew that she can't die by Shattering nor by a hand of a human, though maybe left a hope someone will find a way by urging Hewg to keep striving for a god-slaying weapon. But if she, and thus, Elden Ring, can't be killed, people can just stay away from it forever. That Gideon understood and we didn't and he deserves more credit for it fdshfdh
I compare her with Gwyn often, as they are the same trope of Fromsoft character: a divinity that tried to build a better world yet did a lot of evil to accomplish it and it was, tragically, corrupt by good intentions! But she did one thing he didn't: she was smart enough to know where it was going and oppose perpetuating cycle! Gwyn sacrificed himself to reignite what he gave to the world, Marika sacrificed herself to undo it! I know many people dislike this trope, as "the bad guy gets redeemed by sacrifice instead of doing a harder thing of staying alive and FIXING things they've done!", which is valid! But here it is not necessarily given as a noble act that "redeems" her, nor exposed as "cowardly" act! The narration allows us to interpret it however we want, but the real thing here: it is a human act. It was not rational or wise, but it sure was full of remorse
Basically I think I want to say, for a human, she made a pretty great God all things considered, because she was thinking about world and future and people, not just self.
Least favorite thing about them:
Her playing karma ping-pong with Hornsent and alike, for the lack of better term. 🙄 I believe that Omen curse was a direct result of the Crusade! Not even just because Grandam mentions it, it can always be a localisation error! But because it is logical: wraits, who are spirits of the dead mind you, haunting Omens, are horned! Like, yes, sure, her cruelty to the last Fire Giant and all blahblahblah, but girl what is this Omen Twins situation? They are your own children! They, and other Omens, already suffer with horrifying nightmares paying for YOUR sins, don't make it worse by either isolating them or encouraging "healing" them with heavy lethal rate procedure!
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Betrayal means she was a trusted figure for them! As in, she held the power and influence enough to potentially help to gradually rid Hornsent culture of dangerous beliefs and practices! Like integrate them a bit more in the population under Erdtree that is largerly hornless, help them to see nobody is more or less divine, all that.. The cycle could have ended with HER! But she chose the grief and pain over healing (and Messmer probably amplified it, Crow I know you're dying to post that serpent theme is not incidental, you are not slick!!!)
She could have ended all this, she had the power! Why Ancient Dragons could have it but not them? We all know why: personal trauma. And yes, this is so sad, and so realistic, and I love this WRITING, but I can ALSO judge a character! Though, her actions ricocheting into whole Vengeance-Seeking Hornsent NPC's character was ALSO a good writing... argh
Favorite line:
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"Hear me, Demigods. My children beloved. Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord. Be it a God. But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken. Amounting only to sacrifices..."
I am still not sure what is the context! Was it something she said upon already deciding on the Shattering, as foreshadowing for what infights will unravel? Or her mother skills were Just Like That, as she viewed her children first of all as tools of building a better world and being helpful powers to it, not as those living just for the heck of it? Silly, but the latter interpretation is basically a problem that existed in Disney's movie Encanto, where Alma would find a use for community in all family members with special powers but neglected the one born without any xD Anyways, badass quote no matter what was the context for it!
Does..... does Marika have friends? Many are either her family in one way or another or her lovers. xD I think Hewg qualifies the best, as wild as it sounds; Misbegotten are viewed as impure within her order and he speaks of her from obvious imbalanced position of reverence, but despite everything, she confided in him! It feels like a tragedy of people who were meant to be close friends but too much time was gone because of circumstances, decisions of the past which aftermaths lasted for centuries to taint everything, mistakes and absence of one of the sides (oh I wonder who... 🙄) or simply meeting too late in life. You can't tell me they didn't wish they'd met sooner / they could go back in time / whatever your interpretation is!
I think she and Godfrey definitely deserved each other! They are a fun pair of war criminals! Marika trusts him a lot for sure! I think it was not just by being impressed by his power and fierceness as it is, but maybe something sadder, though? After learning the Shaman Village lore, I can't help but feel that she'd seek a very big and strong person capable of crashing her enemies FOR her on instinctive level. Because that terrified, defenceless girl is still somewhere deep inside.. Even past the point she herself can wield a hammer JUST fine! SHE was the one who killed Fell God, not him! :p I think he understood that and saw it not as being a tool, but on the contrary, felt honored that he could be of support.
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^^^ At the same time, this line made me wonder whether Marika divested him and his warriors of grace for his sake, sort of? Even with Serosh on his back, he still values a good battle and power! I think their relationship were held on battles! When there is no enemy for them to defeat, or in most cases, for him to defeat for her sake, he would just start to wither. Passion between them likely was low when he hadn't defeated anyone recently! :p She was bitter about it, maybe thought a bit lower of him seeing that he is physically incapable of enjoying life without a good battle and her love is not enough, but knew it would be better for him and group he created to at least fight elsewhere rather than just be Standing There while things are alright!
It feels to me like relationship that can only blossom under certain circumstances, even if for an unhappy reason! They might even have conflicts; her being appalled at a person that doesn't wish peace, as someone who went through hell and wished nothing more than that, and him being weirded out at how someone wishes to stagnate when to live is to ever assert yourself. And this is valid! Conflict is healthy! Their issues meet one another the right way!
Again: I will know it when I see it! She makes every ship interesting and fun, it seems! ....all 3.5 ships with her that even exist lol fdhjfhd
Random headcanon:
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I know that Radagon studied incantations, but I do not think these are actually his! Marika is a NERD! Her bedchamber is FULL of scrolls and scripted stone plates! She likes to study... and to preserve!
These plates and scrolls are the same that are found in Specimen Storehouse. I do not think that they are strictly connected with the research on how to recover Shamans from the jars; if anything, you'd think she gave up on it long ago, especially since Shadow Realm was severed from the Lands Between. But they are valuable knowledge and history!
I am just trying to say, she is the type to keep remnants of culture and history, including which she was responsible for destruction of. There are tanks and shields modelled after Fire Giants so people still remember the fear that evaded them, but I also think that Stormveil had Godskins' Prayerbook in it because Godrick stole it from Leyendell! Marika still preserves history, Messmer' Fire Knights still preserve history.... yeahhh, Messmer is an odd one out wishing to just burn everything down. -_-
Unpopular opinion:
I do love to compare her with Gwyn, however? The takes like "Marika is so complex and morally grey and well-written whereas Gwyn just likes genocide" AND the takes like "it is funny how Marika is just Gwyn but so much more evil and worse in every way" irritate me a bit! When they're not in a joke way! They are both very well-written, both wished for a better world yet built it on blood, both feared fire/darkness respectively, both ended up doing more harm than good despite noble intentions, and although with different purpose, both sacrificed themselves!
....and both fall for either idealisation or demonisation. As well as one being hyped above another. "Oh Gwyn was such a great character, Marika is just a bleak copy, Fromslop can never repeat the former success" vs "Oh Marika is such a huge improvement in writing, Gwyn was really bland in comparison, really just a draft for actually good character in the future".... 🤦‍♂️ Let's NOT pit the bad bitches against each other any more!!
Song I associate with them:
(It is on German, so version with English lyrics!)
Favorite picture of them:
Aside of @val-of-the-north absolutely horrible drawn memes featuring her that had me floored and screaming like a seagull ( x ) ( x ), it is this image??
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I don't know who made this meme, I just had it saved somewhere and it makes me laugh so much because yes, this is exactly what playing ER is like hfdhfdshdfs
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moistvonlipwig ¡ 4 months ago
reverse unpopular opinion: xander harris
lol i literally sent someone else this very question today!! great minds think alike...
first of all i must remark upon this boy's fashion sense. it is unparalleled. i unironically love his fits. my 2 faves are his "earshot" fit with the christmas-colored shirt and his "i <3 dirt" shirt which is simply excellent beyond measure.
secondly i will say that, while xander can certainly be a jerk, he also does demonstrate growth and the ability to recognize his behavior and try to do better and make up for his mistakes. in "prophecy girl" he reaches out to angel for help to save buffy even though he's still in the midst of a jealous snit about buffy liking angel more. in "amends" he shows up to help buffy and giles figure out what's wrong with angel because he acknowledges he's been unfair to buffy about angel. in "the prom" he buys cordelia's dress for her (which is not a minor thing given his financial situation) without expectation that she will dance with him or go to prom with him because he is able to overcome his bitterness about her not forgiving him to see that she's a human person who has been hurting for some time. in "seeing red" he acknowledges that buffy had good reasons to not come to him about spike and says that he wants to be a better friend to her. and in s7 he is actually very non-judgmental about spike & her relationship with him, and in general is very supportive. granted in s7 he does not get much screentime lol. but still.
thirdly, although the theme of this ask meme is 'reverse unpopular opinions', i am going to take an unpopular stance and defend the Lie. i certainly understand why people take umbrage with xander, a boy who has repeatedly made sexist comments and shown jealousy over buffy preferring angel to him, deciding that buffy cannot be trusted with the knowledge that willow is trying to return angel's soul to him and telling her that willow simply told her to kick his ass instead. i don't think it's the best or most selfless or most morally correct decision ever, and there is an undertone of sexism and possessiveness in the decision to withhold this information from her.
HOWEVER. if buffy DOES falter in her fight against angel. and i cannot stress this enough. literally the entire world goes to hell. and honestly, as much as we the audience sympathize with buffy's emotional struggle to kill angel, the reality is that she has not yet demonstrated that she can. for all that xander's Lie comes across to many as paternalistic and condescending in its assumption that she would hold back and endanger the world if she knew willow was trying to save him, the truth is that xander has good reasons, based in experience and buffy's past actions, to make this assumption. i also just frankly think that the Lie did not change the outcome of the buffy/angel fight for the worse; it either did not change the outcome at all, or xander was right and it helped buffy cement her decision to fight angel as hard as she could.
now that said i do think the Lie made it much harder for buffy emotionally to kill angel since she was not prepared for his soul to return, and i do think it probably contributed to her leaving town because she felt like her friends were all pro-killing angel and wouldn't sympathize with her. and also just in general it's not super kosher to lie to your friends about what your other friends said! so i'm not saying it was a good or heroic thing. but i do think it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. and the writers bringing it up in 7x05 (a full 4 years later) to make xander look worse in an argument where he is 100% correct was pure ridiculous nonsense.
fourthly i think his struggle with his abusive father, and particularly his fear of becoming his abusive father, is very sad and poignant. his dream in "restless" is maybe my favorite; the way he keeps ending up back in his parents' basement no matter where he turns, with his father at the top of the stairs looming threateningly over him, is so. raaaagh. can we get him out of there!!! and i think of all his missteps, his choice in "hell's bells" is by far the most sympathetic, because they do a really fantastic job of showing us just how deep-seated his fear of turning into his father is. (and unfortunately, "entropy" demonstrates that this fear is not entirely baseless.) the fact that he ends up hurting anya so profoundly anyway in his quest to not hurt her is also deeply sad and speaks to the cycle he's trapped in and how difficult it is for him to get out of it.
fifthly he is extremely brave. he challenges angel to his face in "killed by death." he plays a game of chicken with a zombie who wants to blow up the school in "the zeppo" and he wins. he stands in between willow and the statue she needs to destroy the world and fully invites her to kill him, just to show her he's there for her. xander claims in s1 that he "laugh[s] in the face of danger" and then "hide[s] until it goes away" but in actuality he is one of the consistently bravest characters in the buffyverse.
sixthly he did NOT mooch off buffy in s6. that man was EMPLOYED and he did his best to help her, with getting discounts for her through his connections to plumbers, etc. the same cannot be said for everyone that season !
lastly i admire his commitment to being a hater. like in that one episode where he's at the bronze complaining about angel like "angel, angel, angel! why is everyone always talking about that FREAK who i HATE" and then angel shows up behind his shoulder and clearly heard him and xander says, completely confidently, "hey man :)" with absolutely no shame. i love angel but one must respect a committed hater and xander's haterism is unparalleled. just like his love of dirt <3
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joys-of-everyday ¡ 2 years ago
The more I think about it, the cultivation world and academia are similar. High drop out rates? Reverence towards the people who 'make it to the end'? Meritocracy but not really? Age old 'talent' vs 'hard work' vs 'privilege'? Possibly just side effects of being learning institutions but yeah. Anyway, headcanons for peak lords as professors.
SQQ (SY) The chill professor everyone loves. Is often absent for months at a time doing field studies but comes back with loads of cool stories. Has a tendency to veer off course and everyone's grades may suffer because of how little time is actually spent on examinable material, but at least you'll enjoy yourself. He says he's only there for the fun and doesn't do much research, but you've spied a number of very big names going to him for advice. If you manage to make him drunk, his personality does a 180 and he complains extensively about everything, including his latest webnovel obsession.
og!SQQ (SJ) The salty professor everyone hates. Obsessed with rankings and citation counts, has a constant rivalry with LQG, and does the absolute minimum when it comes to undergrad teaching because he thinks it's a waste of time. He's convinced there's an agenda against him because he didn't get funding for the third time in a row and takes it out on the students. But damn does he know what he's talking about, and you've heard he's actually a genius, albeit one with complicated background. The few phd students he has are utterly enamored with him.
SQH Everyone forgets that he's not a student, including himself. When he teaches, it feels like he's giving a presentation and waiting for feedback. He answers questions with questions. Nobody knows what research he's doing, including the other members of department. Both Shens and LQG alike think he's a waste of space. But he seems to have some mysterious connections to a very fancy research facility up north.
LQG Absent professor. Literally cannot teach. Reads off last year's notes (written by other people) and calls it a lecture. But he's got many fancy awards under his belt for his research and the rest of the department talk about him with awe in their voice. If you take work to him, he will undoubtedly rip it to shreds, but not in a mean way. Half the students hate him. Half the students make him a meme. A few of them worship him like a god.
YQY The nice one. He teaches amazingly, heads a healthy research team, and has some banging papers under his name. The students know him as the best teacher, but behind the scenes he is literally keeping the department together. Wrangles with management and does a lot of outreach stuff on top of all of this. The students are convinced he literally lives on site because they keep seeing him at weird hours of the day. This is half true.
MQF The Professor. When you say 'professor', MQF is the person who comes to mind. The students think he is actually a robot, because they've never seen him do anything other than his job. His teaching is adequate but without personality, and he is extremely mild mannered. Unbeknownst to them, he is known as the 'mad scientist' of the department - he has a bizarre attitude to safety and often goes utterly crazy with experiments which are only just toeing regulations. A pioneer of his (somewhat niche) field.
QQQ Social justice warrior. The one who actually strikes when there's a strike on, and organises all of the diversity events. The student have mixed views on her. She struggled against a very sexist department back in her day and still gets a lot of hateful feedback, so she's learnt to take zero fucks. Which is cool but also means a lot of valid criticism gets taken as personal attacks. With all the drama, everyone seems to forget that she's actually a really big name in the field, receiving some fancy awards around the same time as LQG. Her phd group is surprisingly chill.
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transmutationisms ¡ 9 months ago
as someone in recovery for like. just did the math four years now wow that's crazy. the idea of maudsley FBT working at all for someone like me has always been laughable. bc combined with starting at a higher weight and being neglected as a child straight up no one, especially not my family, even noticed i had an eating disorder for the 3 or so years i was restricting. to the extent that they did notice calorie restriction, my parents were my biggest fucking cheerleaders. "refeeding" stage wouldn't have even worked on me because BMI wise despite losing like 20% of my bodyweight in a year i literally never even made it out of the "overweight" category (another reason that i had clinicians literally laugh away the idea that i had a restrictive eating disorder). when i went into recovery there were a few months of false starts and relapses, but at the end of the day the reason it stuck at all for me is because 1. it was for myself and on my own initiative and 2. because i learned to stop caring as much about what my family thought about my weight and health
yepppp the family part of FBT has always been extremely morbidly funny to me having emerged from a family environment in which weight loss is always and inherently a good thing. like extremely hilarious to even imagine my parents encouraging weight gain or refeeding in any sense ajsaksjak i think maudsley method really only makes sense if you consider restrictive eating as a kind of individual and biological intrusive pathology, decontextualised from both food in/security and from dominant attitudes toward bodies and weight. and then consequently you get this really fucked idea that the sufferer is just this singularly bizarre freak who needs to be taught Normal Eating as though socially normal eating isn't precisely what led to the restriction in the first place lmao. and i mean, even outside of FBT proper so many treatment facilities basically work the same way where they're just subbing in the clinician in the same paternalistic role, acting like the problem is just that you need to be forced to eat until you agree to do it yourself and ignoring the fact that clinicians and parents alike will in fact actually punish you for eating if you are anything besides normatively thin and often even then. like lmao. it's very [eric andre meme shoots you and then blames you for having gotten shot and declares that the only way to cure you is for them to take total control over your body and mind]
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ginger-grimm ¡ 6 months ago
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Another year around the sun has passed for me, almost. I did a poll, and the results were overwhelmingly a big yes. I've had a very attentive follower who's been asking me to post the form, so here we go. Please note that you can take your time with the gifts, my birthday is not until the near end of September. Whether you post the gifts now or a bit later is up to you, just remember please that I won't post your gifts until mine have been posted, I've been burned one too many times.
Otherwise, I'm really looking forward to this, I remember last year's exchange turned out great and I always appreciate doing these things. So, as always, come one come all, and have fun with this, I know I will be!
The Rules and regulations are simple, but they exist nonetheless, so here they are:
The exchange, for now, is open until September 25th, though I may extend it who knows *Kevin James meme*
You may make 1-2 requests, but hey, I will probably reblog it saying you can make more once no one requests anything *Kevin James meme intensifies*
Please reblog this post to spread some awareness, please. You can like for remembrance but just a like doesn't count (you already know this, I know my 5 regulars who come here every time)!
As aforementioned, this is open to my regular drunks and new patrons alike, so please do not be shy. Think of me as I think of birds, I am more scared of you than you are of me.
Fill out the form linked below and find the password in the form!
Please only send me faceclaims with good quality and plenty of material to use. Also, no cartoon characters. Video game characters are all right if it's motion capture. I'm not trying to discriminate, it can just be really tough for me to find material for cartoons, animes, video games, etc. as I edit by making little video clips first blah blah blah. However, if you slide in my DMs we might be able to discuss some stuff.
Please, please, please fill out all the columns I need and choose at least two gift options. It makes it infinitely easier for me to make something for you. Just remember I can't read minds and it's worse when I can't find anything in your blogs.
Remember the pleases and thank you's, pleases and thank you's make my heart grow fond.
I don't do Harry Potter OCs or Stranger Things OCs and while I don't have a specific list of FCs I don't use, I ask that you do not request anything for overtly problematic actors, thank you!
I accept pretty much any gift in return, it can even be story reviews or playlists for people who don't/can't edit themselves. If it's a story review, please let me know in the form so I know you did as I don't check my accounts every day.
I'm fine with gifts for any of my OCs - my master list as well as the link to my Pinterest is in my pinned post.
TAGLIST: @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @stelstellakidd @andromedalestrange @far-shores @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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ughmerlin ¡ 1 year ago
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hi besties! it feels so surreal to type but somehow, by some weird twist of fate, i hit 30k followers. it's an insane amount and one i really can't visualize, let alone believe that so many people decided to follow silly old me (that's like... half a stadium during a tswift show?? unreal). but still, i am so so grateful for every single one of you — for interacting with me, reblogging my sets, leaving kind words in the tags, sending me memes and being silly and delusional with me. even a single message can light up a girl's day like nothing else and all of you have truly brought me more bright days than i can count. and so now it's time to celebrate you!
i am a diy enthusiast, if nothing else, and what is a gifset if not a little handcrafted gift? so to take part in this celebration send me one of the following:
love letter: send me a 💌 with a character/dynamic and a color/color combo of your choice for a gifset focused on your beloved characters
personalised mixtape: send me a 📼 with a character/dynamic and an singer/band of your choice for a gifset inspired by song lyrics (you can also send me a couple of songs to choose from!)
friendship bracelet: send me a ✨ with a cast of characters from a show of your choice for a gifset celebrating the whole group (think the six of crows gang, merlin core four etc.)
i'm taking requests for pretty much everything i blog about! if you're not sure if i've seen/liked a certain show, you can use the search function on my blog to look for it or just ask directly! and please keep in mind that this is a followers only event.
gonna end this by tagging some of my dear mutuals under the cut. you guys bring so much joy into my life, inspire me endlessly and never fail to amaze me – with your kindness, humor and talent alike. thank you so much for making my dash such an amazing space, i love you all a lot!
@pedrocillian, @yenvengerberg, @seance, @lamberts, @anya-chalotra, @ivashkovadrian, @taiturner, @morgana-pendragon, @alinaastarkov, @meliorn, @zoya-nazyalenskys, @camelotsheart​, @courtjestermerlin, @nextstopparis, @thebookluvrr1816, @witchmd13, @theedorksinlove​, @nicolasnelson​, @nick-nelson, @withered-rose-with-thorns, @southfarthing, @crowley-anthony, @capinejghafa, @nikolaislanstovs, @genyazafin, @dadralt, @jakeyp, @aramblingjay, @pandalikeelf, @henwilsons, @padme-amidala, @christophernolan
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meirimerens ¡ 1 year ago
hii, one quastion, I was wondering if you had any pieces of canon lore attached to your vision of Andrey (and Peter I guess too) as bisexual? I remember you talked about what parts of canon made you consider Dankovsky as gay, Burakh as gay, etc but what about Andrey my friend Andrey… Is there lore or is it just pure vibes (which is good too) SORRY if it's already been asked lol
hiiii okay i probally already talked about this but doesn't hurt to talk more we love to talk Ok the two crucial points for me are
his line "You do look like a hero - from the front. But what about the other end? Bend over." addressed at a man was written to be sexually forward [source]. while many men will use sexual forwardness/bluntness not through the lenses of desire but through those of power/threat, a heterosexual man will refrain from sexual forwardness towards another man as homosexual acts are still The Great Heterosexual Male Taboo and in the heterosexual male mind, degrading in itself. tldr i think he means it this time
design documents say of him "Based on Benvenuto Cellini" and while it is pretty hard to find a Renaissance artist who did not go to bed with at the very least the Leg Of Bicuriosity, Cellini was arrested and charged Multiple Times for sexual affairs with men. called a sodomite by another sculptor to his face and all. had to be there in those times. other things appear to link Cellini & Andrey, such as the killing of the brother's killer in an act of blood revenge (which Andrey doesn't canonically do, but that sounds enough like something he would do). but the "multiple times arrested for gaysexing" is a pretty hefty thing in that lore.
tldr I see it for real.
as for peter I think it's funny. andrey hammers your head with "he and i are perfect twins" & since it's not uncommon for multiple siblings to be gay or bi That's Funny to me. also because i like to explore how fundamentally alike & fundamentally different they are, both bi & both living their bisexualities in very different ways. in my mind's eye peter got that "oh he's... 😬 sensitive 😬....." treatment as a kid but discovered himself bi later in life. andrey has lived his bisexuality openly loudly and amorously for longer, having more (multiple at once) lovers. not really a bi thing he'd be like that if he were straight regardless; i just think it contrasts with the In My Mind's Eye of peter getting no bitches before age 29. peter tried to get laid Once and it went so bad they had to kill the guy. women don't really want to deal with him. andrey insisted he come to the all-male gatherings of the capital's students to mingle with Like-Minded Men If You Know What I Mean and he just stood in the corner like that one meme. sensitive white bi boy scaring the hoes at the club. etc
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ironaparrot ¡ 11 months ago
i wanted to bring this up because i know i make memes and jokes about the shadowtale characters and such.
Shaster (Gaster) is a genuinely horrible person. he's manipulative, mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive and manipulative. he's an egotistical narcissist who views other living and non living things and creatures as objects to be toyed with and experimented on.
Shadow has never been in a great state of mind. he's been pessimistic and nihilistic, and has reached the point of truly believing nothing matter before. part of the reason he's doing good now is both because he has friends he know cares and because he was fucking tired of being so sad, and moping all the time. he hated feeling down and like nothing all the time. the numbness almost felt worse then when he was actually crying and it was much more overbearing. he got tired of it. he forced himself out there. and he's actually doing better because of it.
Ash (Papyrus) tries his best to make people happy as much as drains him. he just wants to keep hope alive and keep people smiling. Papyrus is arguably at one of his lowest points currently. He feels hatred for his brother, uncertainty for his father, and is drained beyond belief. The only person he feels like he can truly vent to and just collect himself about is Mettaton. He hates Shadow for abandoning everybody, he has existential dread due to the existance of the multiverse, and doesnt understand why Gaster is making him keep it a secret, as well as the augmentations related to the void.
Raspberry (Mettaton) Is trying his hardest along with Papyrus to keep moral high, and people happy. he knows how much people really rely on him and need him to be at tip top best. its draining, but he knows it has to be this way. Him and Papyrus are very close and he thinks Papyrus is his closest friend, and is concerned for his sudden change in appearence, attitude, and he can just tell theres something building up thats going to boil over at some point.
Flowey is constently afraid. he's afraid of the infected and uninfected alike. he doesnt know where chara is and he doesnt remember chara being the one who killed him initially. the only time he gains some semblance of comfort is when frisk falls, and when he eventaually finds chara again.
Chara lives with the guilt of being the one who killed Asriel. she hates herself for it but knows it had to be done or else she would have died. she tries over and over to convince herself it was okay but she cant help but hate herself for it. the fact she ran away weighs heavily on her mind because she knows that to the dreemurr family they lost two children in one night. chara was eventaully found and kidnapped by gaster for a while. she was experimented on, abused and treated like a labrat. now that gaster has her with the rest of the survivors she's being blackmailed to stay quiet about what gasters real motives are to the people or else flowey will find out how he really died.
Plasma (Grillby) has almost given up completely. his daughter is infected and is slowly turning, its hard to keep people fed. he knows things are slowly going down hill and he's just waiting for the snowball to speed up at this point. the only reason he still gets out of bed in the morning is that way he can keep people fed, do his part, and because the somehow still alive burgerpants is too mentally unstable to do it himself. He's also being blackmailed by muffet.
Muffet is a crime boss essentially. she blackmails, threatens and harasses. she knows she's important because she can grab whatever remaining supplies are left from places the actual people assigned as guards cant thanks to her many many spiders. she views people as a means to get rich, and thats it. she, if anything, enjoys the apocalypse because it causes people to be reliant on her.
The AU is really screwed. Especially with the characters. Some are trying their best and losing, others have given up. Some aren’t even good people and are just using the apocalypse to achieve what they want because they can. So, enjoy. It’s less telling new info, and more putting things into perspective!
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stickytm ¡ 6 months ago
carrd || playlist || pinterest || headcanon || art || memes
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a study in: intention vs. attention, always getting back up , guilt, processing grief, life behind a mask, self-identity, the weight of responsibility, living a double life, learning how to share that weight & how the person you become affects the people around you.
under co. very duplicate friendly. minors dni.
**MINORS DNI** if you are under 18, i dont want to talk to you! i do not want to talk to children on the internet. if you hide your age & i find out about it, i will block you immediately.
hi! i'm xan, i'm 25 & i never learned how to fucking read. jokes aside, i've been writing peter on & off since 2018. i was formerly at spiderwebbed & boywebbed, but i thought it was time for a fresh start. i've built a mixed canon timeline that cherry picks from my favorite peters & headcanons alike. there is a lot of information to take in & i don't expect anyone to know all of it! I will be highlighting the most important parts of his story on his timeline when i am done reworking it. the last time it was updated was 2022 & there is a lot to add & rearrange. i do ask that if you have any questions about the progression of his story, feel free to ask. i prefer to talk things out than leave any questions hanging.
on that note, tumblr rp is a social hobby as much as it is a creative one to me & i love keeping in contact with my mutuals. however, on this blog it is especially vital to building long-lasting relationships ic & ooc. my availability it not always consistent because i am Literally Insane & need to be away from tumblr sometimes, but that doesn't mean i value the friendships & relationships i make here any less.
i do not practice exclusivity. nothing against anyone who does, it's just not for me! i do, however, have mains. what are mains on this blog? they're characters written by friends who i will go to first for plot ideas. my mains will usually be woven into blog canon, one way or another whether or not that character is written in tumblr! if that is not something that appeals you, that's okay!
i have notoriously spotty activity. it's part of my flavor . it stems from a mix of mental illness & blanacing life, but this is just a hobby to me & it utilizes any energy i have leftover from everything else i have to do to live. this being said, if i don't respond to you ooc right away, again, it is nothing personal. i prefer having friendships & building them up over time, but it does take time & it is not always easy. active on the dash = / = active ooc& if you try to guilt me about this, i will block you <3
i do not have any triggers. i have a few icks, but nothing that triggers a huge emotional reaction from me. i will do my best to be mindful of any triggers that might appear on this blog, but if there is anything i fail to tag please feel free to point it out to me. i would like to maintain a safe space i can share with my friends!
if i'm following you, i absolutely want to interact with you. i want to write with you. i want to plot with you. i reblog a lot of memes & try to send a lot as well. this being said, i do not expect you to respond to everything i send you & vice versa.
i prefer to plot & send memes over starter calls starter calls are fine & dandy, i just become overwhelmed by them quicker than i care to admit & usually do not finish them. i prefer plotted starters & memes with a place we can start already defined.
if we have any problems, i would rather talk about them than leave them hanging between us. if it's worth unfollowing me over, please block me instead. i hate softblocking, I've never understood it & would rather just be blocked. i know this is not always possible because there are sooo many reasons someone might softblock me, but if you don't hardblock me i will probably refollow you without thinking about it.
don't be an asshole. it's easy, it's simple. treat people the way you would like to be treated. if you vague, i will block you. if you bring drama onto my blog, i will block you. i am here to play barbies not mean girls.
i do make art for peter, but it will always be tagged as my art. whether i post it here or on a personal blog, it will be tagged as something i made. if anyone wants to use my art for any reason, just make sure to dredit one of my blogs!
i am so duplicate friendly. i am so thrilled for the opportunity to discuss & share thoughts on peter parker with anyone willing to do so. i do understand, however, that not everyone shares this sentiment. do what you need to do to keep your space safe if you write peter & need to avoid other peter blogs, but if you ever want to talk shop i am sooo super game.
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haematophiliac ¡ 1 year ago
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NAME: Jax. Or Jax-mun if needed lmao.
PRONOUNS : He/him.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Jax... It wasn't my intention to share his name smh.
BEST EXPERIENCE : So, so many. Aside from meeting so many awesome people, there's been the great RP! Like imprisoning Silver and then John, and the RP leading to those moments (Imagine thinking you can arrest Jax-muse :)). And hurting John. And Silver. ... I'm gonna back away rn I must sound insane lmao.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : God-emoting and pressure. I've said it before but I HAVE been through it. Someone on here decided Jax 'had to die' because their muse would kill him. Even when asking if we could come to another conclusion so I don't lose all my hard work and inevitably my best muse, they said no. Then they vagued me on the dash with some BS about me trying to use their muse and bend it to what I wanted, and well... That's not how RP should work, bro. It's a collaborative experience where we work things out and come to a conclusion we can both enjoy. I ain't killing off my muse. So if anybody does that to me, they're perma-blocked. Again. And yea, pressure in that sense and any other sense. Don't pressure me into anything and it's ok. (I've been pressured into some... Awkward RP and now it haunts me) so I've now learned to put my foot down.
PLOTS OR MEMES : I've yet to properly plot, ever lmao. I just go with the flow. So either works for me.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Either, or. I don't mind. Things can depend on brainpower on both sides, so I don't mind matching length or anything else.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : UK evening because that's when the juices flow.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : WELL FUNNY STORY. I made Jax-muse from a blank canvas of just 'I want a scientist' and what was it, four years later?? Me: Haha we're nothing alike, just sharing a few disorders so I can write them well enough :) Friend: Yea but *lists a million things how we are somehow similar*. Me: ... Oh fuck oh shit oh no. We share a lot in common!!!??? Otherwise, I'm not like Jax-muse because I'm not an asshole, a manwhore, I'm not cocky and confident, and I'm not tall and handsome! Or wanting to hurt people. Yea. Kinda similar but not.
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pentuppen ¡ 1 year ago
Writing Patterns Tag Game!
Never done one of these before but I got Tagged by @dustdeepsea so I figured I would give it a go! Also @dustdeepsea i snagged your formatting because I am lazy!
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
The Devil You Don't (BG3 unfinished series. Rapahel/Tav. explicit)
The library was a place in which a thousand journeys waited.
2. Unleashed (BG3 Unfinished series. Book two of The Game series. Tav / Astarion spawn. Explicit)
Warner Gould half stumbled out of the Blushing Mermaid, weaving on the threshold for a few seconds before he bounced gently off the doorframe and half floated down the wooden stairs.
3. Bitter Suns (BG3 one shot. Gortash / Durge. Explicit)
Her mind was a spiral of revelation, coming undone at the seams she had roughly tied into place over the last few months, the urge once again circling her body like a shark, waiting for the first drop of her weakening will to fall like blood in the water.
4. Loose The Arrow (BG3 finished series, book one in The Game series. Astarion ascended / tav, i think at this point you can assume they are all explicit lol)
It was a perfect twilight by the time she’d finished setting up the camp.
5. Mid Winter In Moonrise (BG3 One shot. Astarion ascended/tav/halsin. Created as a xmas special for all the people who got me through 50 chapters of Loose the Arrow)
Twas the night before Deadwinter and all through the woods, not a creature was stirring…aside from the druid who sailed through the air and hit the trunk of a tree.
6. The Things We Must Do (DA:I Solas/lavellan angst fluff and smut, old fic)
The old wolf roamed across the Exalted plains and a trembling silence followed, broken only by the sound of dry grass beneath weary feet.
7. See Her Run (DA:I Solas / Lavallen angst fluff and basically unfinished because I ran out of steam)
When he had once sat within the painted rotunda of Skyhold and idly imagined her stepping amongst the ancient shelves of the shattered library, it had not been like this.
8. The Lady Doth Protest (DA:I One shot. Pure Blackwall/trevelyan smut)
He watched her mingle with the sycophantic ranks of nobles and dignitaries alike, a glittering array of strutting peacocks and bejewelled swans, all of them speaking from behind masks, whether they wore them on their faces or behind their lying eyes.
9. In Red (DA:I One shot. Pure Iron Bull / Trevelyan smut )
They meet on the battlefield again, and this time they are on the same side.
10. What You Owe (DA:I 3 parter. My very first fic, a Solas / lavellan angst smut sobfest! I made a lot of people cry)
“It was cruel of you to seek me in my dreams”
Not sure what any of that says about me other than I am a bit long winded lol
Don't actually know many other authors I can tag because im old and mostly shitpost stupid memes! But I will ask @nusaran and @chewchewman to take a stab at it!!
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lacystar ¡ 2 years ago
there is an apartment somewhere. and there are 3 people who live inside but rarely at the same time.
technically 4-- George doesn't pay rent though and stays on the couch. its supposed to be a "temporary solution" but he just sleeps the days away or plays video games or watches tv but nobody really has the heart to kick him out.
its not very fancy or anything bc well half of them are in school and don't make a lot of money. there are some custom pieces of furniture from their friend foolish who's a builder of many trades and gave them side tables as housewarming gifts. there are cute posters of cartoons on the wall (from Karl) mixed with dumb anime (from sapnap) and unflattering pictures of them and their friends and family guy memes (from George and quackity alike). the furniture is passed down, thrifted, dumpster-dived and completely mismatches and there is an air mattress on the ground of the bedroom without a frame-- theyre trying to get a proper mattress by Christmas . its usually dirty with unwashed dishes and sheets used as curtains and empty cans over the floor but its home.
karl is finishing his last year of college for journalism with a minor in history. he wants to own a library or bookstore someday. most of the crammed books in the apartment are his, and even fewer have been read. he likes to buy novels and not read them. he wants to seem like he reads. he wants to do a lot of things. Between classes he sits at the college library desk for 7 hours and does nothing since students don't know how to use the library, and gets his minimum wage.
the books that aren't Karls are law books and they're quackity's, and they /are/ read and thoroughly dog eared and tabbed and written in. q is a law student and a dedicated one at that. disciplined mentally but not emotionally. he's either silent and focused and pissed off or laughing. he will become a lawyer some day and will buy Karl his library, and they'll own a second home in Vegas for vacationing.
sapnap wakes up earlier than he'd like to goes to the gym for hours. he isn't in college. he likes to protect people and he likes to fight. he doesn't want to go into the military or the police force because that sounds dumb and like hell, and it's too late for a sports scholarship. he's not sure what he wants to do with his life yet, but he wants to stay with Karl and quackity and maybe even George. he works out, breaks at the nearby subway for a disappointing lunch, then goes back and works as a hired personal trainer and gets flirted with a lot. he flirts back but only to get paid more. He does other odd-labor jobs for cash when he can. and when he's not there, he's the homebody motivating George to do anything and doing the dishes when it gets to be too much and forcing himself to make the bed for them and cooking and cooking and COOKING which he doesn't mind because he's good at that. he'd become a chef but he doesn't want to cook for random people-- only for his family.
quackitys classes take him deep into the evening- studying takes him longer into the night (he can't study in the apartment-- too many distractions and too many arguments about distractions). Karl goes to classes too, and then work, but then shops around and spends all the money he just earned on whatever sparkly thing catches his eye, he doesn't come back until sunset. sapnap is up and out the earliest, but back around 3 to meal prep. they miss each other most of the day and Karl comes back ready to chatter and eat and doesn't see how poorly George is doing because sapnap's convinced him to get dressed right before Karl comes home, and Karl shows off all the new things he's bought and sapnap smiles and nods and tries not to think about rent coming up. and they eat in front of the tv and Karl stays up way too late because he's put off homework while sapnap sets aside a portion of dinner for quackity because he knows he won't be back until after everyone else is asleep. and quackity comes back around 12 AM exhausted and Karl, who's about to go to bed after finally forcing himself through a paper, asks him how his day was and offers to keep him company while he eats, and quackity says for him to go to bed-- he's already not gonna get enough sleep before class at this rate-- and Karl promises him he'll drink a monster and that he's fine. and Karl snacks and they have a second dinner, quiet while George sleeps on the couch (not that they'd wake them if they shouted, though, to be honest). and then either Karl or q will nod off at the table and the other will usher them to bed, depending on the night. and then for a few hours the house will be empty until sap nap's up early enough to prepare everyone breakfast before he leaves for the gym again.
and there are weekends where they laugh and stay up all night and play games and watch movies and invite Tina from a few units down over to chill with them and they have fun and it isn't until Sunday that they start to Dread again. the monotony of not knowing when the future will finally decide to happen.
but for a few hours each night on their shitty airmatress and covered in blankets, they all get to be together every day, asleep on sapnaps chest, hand in Karl's hair, lips against quackity's cold fingers. because no matter what happens, the future will always always be each other. and thats enough
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theamberskychild ¡ 4 months ago
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It's crazy how, even after a month of playing, I'm still pleasantly surprised by gorgeous new scenery. I found a manta ray spirit, which phased through me and taught me to dive, and then I found this beautiful place. The music really elevated the wondrous atmosphere.
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I also had a "Spiderman meme" moment today! Me and this sky child almost had the exact same outfit! Great minds must think alike.
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I also finally saved up enough hearts to unlock the Manta Ray plushie! It took a long time to save up, but thanks to my friends (a lot of them are veterans), they helped speed up this process quite a lot. I still don't have many funiture items or cosmetics, but it felt really nice finally getting a back accessory for Amber.
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realmsprotector ¡ 5 months ago
♡ teehee
One of their many kids! (based on your own reply for the meme that is-)
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-Meet Aldrin, meaning old and wise ruler, Crimea.
-One of those lucky kids who did not inherit the Geoffrey Genes (TM), he got all of Elincia's! People who knew Renning at the same age (so like very young) often say they look alike!
-Average size, average build (because I can only draw twinks anyway), he does not really care for it because he fell in love with stars.
-He wants to be an astronomer, he discovers his passion for it at a very young age. One day he was talking about knights and mercenaries and dragons and the morning after he just ran to his parents, literal stars in his eyes and babbles "STAWS!!" and it never left him since then.
-Of course he now has to get matching outfits with his One True Love.
-He has a strong affinity with light magic but sucks with staves and healing, which, he's okay with too. The guy's super chill about everything actually.
-But his affinity with light magic does help his studies of space and stars and stuff, so, he's winning.
-He's calm, polite and always behaves. Until Bastian appears, he loves teasing uncle Bastian (who HATES the name) because it's so easy to (he's the only one able to surprisingly).
-Doesn't mind if he ends up the heir to the throne, but he's not sure if he'd be a good ruler, but he still studies for it, just in case. Hoever, he'll never become a knight, he feels like he Does Not have what it takes for such a role!
-He does admire Geoffrey a lot for that. Elincia too, he wishes he can become like her as he grows up. He wishes she'd take him on her pegasus to get closer to the sky one day!!
-He's very affectionate with his siblings and parents, I think Geoffrey never had that many hugs in life until Aldrin was born. But, does not really let strangers close, especially since he's often lost in thoughts about what's up there!
-Best babysitter in the Kingdom.
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