#\\ god i do hate writing any type of lap dance scenario
mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
[  LAPDANCE  ] (idol verse)
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[  LAPDANCE  ]  *  my muse gives your muse a lapdance.
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Mukuro couldn't say that she was an expert at lap dancing but she was rather skilled at dancing in general, so she was confident enough to feel like she'd do a good enough job。And here she was, her hips swaying and dipping to the music that she had playing for him, something slow and sensual。
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She honestly hadn't imagined that frequenting a cafe often enough and growing a little crush on one of the employees there would lead her to this。 But she also didn't not like it。
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【 sexual tension prompts 】                      ♡                      【 accepting 】
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cotccotc · 4 years
┈┈ 𝐬𝐤𝐳 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 *:・゚
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✩ ot8 reaction headcannon, 2.5k words (eek sorry)
✩ genre/s: **fluff**, humor, established relationship, ot8 x gender neutral!reader
✩ warning/s: MOBILE TUMBLR HATES ME (some gifs & author’s note might not appear),,,, my terrible sense of humor/commentary, a couple of them are suggestive if you  s q u i n t
✩ a/n: idk if the concept makes any sense but it does in my mind \_( ‘-’ )_/ also seungmin’s part is the exact same kinda similar to a brief scenario in my txt soobin “brightest blue” fic... but it’s fineee. also i’m sorry that some are longer than others! enjoy :))
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chan is definitely extremely interested in the music you listen to.
in fact, sometimes he’d probably insist that you show him your current playlist from start to finish lol.
i can imagine y’all hanging out at the dorms, maybe even mid-cuddle, listening to some of your recent favorites.
but there’s this ONE SONG--
your absolute JAM
you get up from your seat or the bed and start completely jamming out.
he stays where he is so he can watch you have the time of your life.
i guess nobody told him you’re a professional lip syncer… awk...
you grab a hairbrush and hold it up like it’s a microphone.
honestly you’re thriving,,
he’s kinda stunned. not in a bad way, but he’s just so mezmorized by how cute (and maybe a lil sexy) you are when you dance like no one’s watching.
there’s a particularly awesome beat drop toward the end of the song, which leads you to do some equally awesome head banging.
he’s cackling at this point, which drives you to act even sillier.
*ending pose*
once the song ends and you’re trying to catch your breath, he slowly starts clapping for you.
“the song was great, but the performance was even better,” he’d say, coming off a bit sarcastic. but he means well!
you start to get a bit self-conscious and shy as you put yourself together again.
he’ll try to comfort you, standing up to wrap you in a hug.
“don’t be embarrassed!” (cue soft chan),
“baby that was awesome”,
“you should join a rock band!”, etc.
overall, he’d love it when you share your music taste, and this event will probably set off a chain reaction of similar jam sessions in the future.
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ok so we all know minho’s a cat person, blah blah blah...
but what if you got super excited about a really cute dog?
let’s say you’re on a walk at a park, holding hands, and talking.
all of a sudden you see someone walking their dog…
and when i tell you this is the cutest, tiniest dog on the face of the earth,,,
you immediately stop walking and squeeze minho’s hand. you point to the dog and start freaking out because it’s so cute.
he’d say something silly like, “what are you talking about? it looks like a rat.”
you disregard it because you’re just so excited about this puppy!
“can we pet it?” you ask.
“... fine” he replies, smiling at you, despite his attempts to act uninterested.
y’all go over to the woman walking her dog and ask if you can pet the puppy. when she says you can pet him, you immediately sit on the ground, ready to have the best puppy playdate of your life.
minho’s still standing, watching you with loving eyes.
of course, you start talking to the puppy as if he’s a baby. minho laughs, trying to stifle all the uwus emanating from his heart
the puppy climbs onto your lap and licks your face just a little bit.
you look up at minho with wide eyes, saying “awww, isn’t he so cute!”
he’d playfully roll his eyes because why would he cheat on cats like that…
then you tug on his hand, motioning for him to sit with you. he does, reluctantly.
you place the puppy on his lap to see what happens.
the dog loves him! (of course, because what living thing wouldn’t love lee minho?)
the puppy is licking minho all over as he makes faces of disgust and struggles to pull him away.
you laugh out loud, happier than ever at the two very good boys in front of you.
he smiles again, completely endeared with your excitement despite being covered in puppy spit...
so, it doesn’t matter what kinds of animals you two prefer, since you’re the cutest thing he’s ever seen. (aww)
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i feel like changbin is the type to not be ashamed of/shy about showing you the songs he’s writing.
...except for right now.
he just got home from the studio, dropping his bag onto a table… but some papers fall out.
you attempt to grab the papers, but changbin stops you and grabs them himself instead with a subtle hint of nervousness.
pretty suspicious if you ask me.
“what’s up?” you ask, a bit confused about what just happened.
he’d try to play it off like nothing suspicious was going on, but you know his poker face.
it’s too cute not to notice.
he likes to play all tough but you (and everyone else tbh) know him better than that.
you go to grab the papers, but he steps away. you try again… and again, and again, and again.
you become increasingly more frustrated and impatient with each attempt, until changbin holds them up high in the air where you can’t reach them. he has a look on his face that says ‘haha! gotcha!’
you’ve never done this much jumping in your life.
but you’re not a quitter.
“okay… i give up,” you say, returning to a stationary position and placing your arms around his neck.
however, just as he lowers his hands to your waist, you snatch the papers!
“AHA!” you exclaim.
all he can say is “damn it!” as you scramble to the couch with the papers in your hand. you sit facing away from him, attempting to speed-read the lyrics sprawled across the pages.
he follows you to the couch, trying to take the papers back from behind.
“binnie, these are so good!!”
“thanks… but were they worth betraying your innocent boyfriend?”
“yes. every word.” you finally hand him back the papers with a smirk.
he’d curse under his breath, ditching the papers in favor of tickling you instead.
what a terrible punishment!
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we all know hyunjin is a drama queen,,
you can be a bit of a dramatic person yourself (who isn’t?).
so when you lose your favorite sweater, you’re immediately going on a wild goose chase around the dorms, because that’s where you had it last.
you’re practically talking to yourself. double checking everywhere you’d been. retracing your steps like a mad person.
you need this sweater!!
you let out a little “urgh!” as you begin getting frustrated.
hyunjin would ask what’s wrong, and when you tell him, he’d GASP.
he’d be like:
“have you checked under the bed?”
“the couch?”
“what about over here?”
“over there?”
this boy will not REST until the sweater is back in your possession, wasting no time in matching your level of concern/dramatics...
… if not exceeding it.
y’all have practically torn the whole room apart at this point.
until finally, you find it in a random drawer (of course smh)
“I FOUND IT!” you’d exclaim, flopping onto the bed and putting the sweater on,
to which you’d receive a “YAY!” in return
tired and leaning against a wall, he’d say something like, “thank GOD! now, why do you need it so bad?”
and you’d simply and softly respond, “... i got chilly~”
he wouldn’t give a verbal response, but his face would go from relaxed to ‘bruh’.
you knew he’d be shocked at your statement, but you choose to tease him instead with a smile.
he would then opt to tackle you in the bed, fumbling with the covers and vowing to make you as warm as humanly possible.
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jisung definitely loves showing you the music he’s been working on, just like changbin.
except… this time, the lyrics aren’t necessarily what you’re used to hearing.
you can tell jisung’s a bit nervous as he presses play, choosing to keep his eyes on the floor as he nods his head to the rap.
you’re listening intently, as curious and excited as you are every other time…
but then you realize that it’s about you……
the lyrics talk about letting someone into his life and his longing to be even closer to that person than he is now.
therefore,,,,   u w u
you giggle, which prompts him to look up at you almost immediately with anticipation about your reaction.
you decide to wait until the end of the song to react, but you can already feel the excitement bubbling up inside of you.
the song ends, and you’re sitting in silence alongside jisung. “so… what did you think?”
“well… i think…” you trail off, looking into jisung’s eyes.
with a bit of a squeal you leap up from your seat and essentially attack him.
you straddle his legs (don’t get any *ideas* this is FLUFF for goodness sake) and wrap your arms around his neck, locking him into a big hug.
“i love it, baby. so, so, so, much,” you respond quickly and genuinely.
he laughs, his arms wrapping around you.
he’d probably remark, “you scared me for a second!”
you laugh in response, apologizing for your delayed reaction.
deep down, he’d feel so relieved that you liked the song and its sentiment.
he’d also be so happy to have you, his overexcited sweetheart, in his arms.
however, at the surface, he’d prefer to tease you. “next time, don’t make me wait so long!”
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ok so y’all send memes and tik toks back and forth all day every day. it’s just protocal.
also,,, you could literally be in the same room, and he’d still just start sending you tik toks he’d saved just to send to you and see your reaction.
but there’s this   o n e
you can’t quite explain why but when you watch the tik tok that your boyfriend sent you from across the couch, you laugh harder than you’ve ever laughed before.
whatever humor you may have, this tik tok completely encompasses it in a beautiful, stupid way.
before you know it, you begin cackling.
felix knows that you’ve always been a bit embarrassed of your laugh (who isn’t, right?), so when you start letting loose he’s a bit caught off guard.
still, he joins in (at a smaller scale, of couse).
he always wants to see you happy, but this is a whole new level of cuteness in his eyes.
your laughter subsides a bit...
until you decide to watch the tik tok again.
believe it or not, it’s even funnier the second time!
you double over, laughing so hard that no sound is even coming out of your mouth.
“are you okay?!” he’d ask, laughing harder now at your actions.
he’d put his arms around you so he could hold you up.
you’d mouth out a “no” in response.
there are practically tears forming at the corners of your eyes.
he’d continue looking down at you with a beaming smile, holding you up until your laughter comes to a full stop.
“was it really that funny? i can’t even make you laugh like this.”
you’re almost dazed, your stomach hurting (in the best way possible). you try to steady your breathing.
after a few seconds of recovery, he’d whisper in your ear with a deep, silly voice...
“...wanna watch it again?”
it’s safe to say you won’t fully recover for a while.
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on days off, you watch dramas with seungmin to take both of your minds off of work/school/whatever’s been keeping you busy.
however… of course you can’t go a whole episode without laughing hysterically, and it’s all because of seungmin.
it could be the most dramatic, intense, or heartbreaking scene in the show but he would make it into a full blown impersonation comedy routine.
ESPECIALLY if the drama is in a foreign language.
this boy will reinact all of the subs in the stupidest way possible.
but, today he’s a bit exhausted, snuggling up against you and not saying much.
our boys work too hard :((   (but wbk)
...so you decide to take his place.
you start off kind of hesitantly, waiting to see if he’d even react. when the main characters start to have an argument, you begin reading the subtitles in a silly voice.
you hear a soft giggle from your boyfriend has be tightens his arm’s grip around your waist.
you begin to use different voices for each of the two characters, alternating between a nasly, high pitched one and a lower one with voice cracks. this makes seungmin laugh harder, going from a giggle to his usual open-mouthed chuckle.
he’s so cute >_< ,,anyways…
as the scene intensifies, so does the volume of your impersonations.
“yOu’Ve bEtRaYeD mE!”
“BuT yOu LiEd tO mE!”
at this point seungmin is cackling despite his heavy eyes and unwillingness to move. he’d be so caught up in your routine that he’d forget he was even tired.
you look up at him to see that big smile and those sparkly eyes you love so much, which motivates you to be even goofier!
you sit up, leaving seungmin’s grasp. you begin making hand gestures to match your overdramatic tone.
the scene comes to a climax, in which you recite the final line with more ferver and fake passion than ever before. you finish it off with a fist in the air for ~emphasis~.
as you hold this pose, you hear your loyal audience member begin to cheer for you. he claps, whisper-shouting “ahh” to create fake crowd noises.
“what a show!” he would commend you with an expression of sarcastic awe on his face.
you’re really glad you decided to cheer him up…
but not nearly as glad as he is to have you with him on a day like this.
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jeongin’s smile could literally melt anyone’s heart. everybody knows this.
i don’t care who you are, if you see jeongin smile, you either smile or cry and there are no other options.
i don’t make the rules.
so, when he shows you the ‘lovestay’ version of his latest dance practice, you’re bound to go insane with adoration.
as soon as his solo comes up and the camera zooms in on his sweet, smiling face, you give his cheek a little poke
you say, “that’s you!”
“shut up,” he’d respond, giggling.
“wait, i missed something,” you say with a sense of urgency. you take the phone from his hands, rewinding a few seconds.
he’d roll his eyes at you, getting a bit shy.
you resume the video until the boy in the video holds up a finger heart, at which point you press pause.
“look how cute!” you exclaim, looking up at jeongin and pointing back and forth between him and the screen.
“stop it!” he’s blushing (and you’re screaming internally at how cute he is) as he tries to refrain from making a big smile.
you poke his side, resulting in a small fit of laughter that forces his bright grin to peek out.
he swats your hand away, putting his arm around you
(partly to show his affection and partly to make you hold still)
you place your head onto his shoulder, resuming the video for the final time. “you’re too cute. i can’t help it.”
“but you’re the cutest...” he murmurs, almost inaudibly to someone who isn’t as close to him as you are now.
heat rises in your face.
you: “...stop…”
him: “hah!”
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©️ cotccotc 2020 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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doodles-arts · 4 years
Headcanon of the 2003 turtles aside from Raphael reaction to (i already asked a scenario for him) dating someone who acts opposite of them but in a complimentary way?
Hi, hon! @nesting-dreams Before I talk about an s/o that's the complete opposite of the boys, maybe I should talk about what the boys are like...
Calm, cool, and collected. Natural leader. He is confident and loving but dislikes excessive PDA. He would obviously go very well with someone who helpful and wise, but what about a bad b*tch? Your own leader.
His opposite s/o:
A complete baddie, b*tchhhh
loves fashion jewelry and horror movies
wants to be a model
loves anything with coffee. You're addicted 
loves showing off, not modest at all
Neva caught lacking
you're a diva, a female hustler, a complete boss
he looks up to you completely, he thinks your amazing
doesn’t hurt that your sexy with a-Rockin' bod
totally into reality shows and online shopping
you love TikTok, you're definitely always making up dances with Mikey
you online shop on Leo’s lap while he meditates
you hate it when people are slow
or when someone doesn’t have a sense of humor
you also hate when Leo doesn’t make time for you
you hold him accountable because you make tons of time for him
you don’t mind PDA
Leo likes holding hands and when you grab his arm
makes him flex, you notice but don’t care
but he better be spreading you like butta when ya alone!
your first fight is because he’s late to a date
he makes it up by spending the night, bringing you flowers and coffee the next day, it was 3 Am. you still squealed and accepted
you both stay up on the roof looking over the twinkling city lights and talk about everything and anything
Raphael: (my baby!)
Strong, stubborn, loyal, and competitive. The muscle. Raph, of course, is the type that would go for someone who was just as competitive and strong-willed to be able to handle his own temper. But what if he falls in love with someone he can take of instead? helps him grow a tender heart. 
His opposite s/o:
you are very shy
an introvert at best
you love books and a warm drink
you don’t like PDA, unlike Raph, because it makes you the center of attention
Raph respects it but warns you he can’t help himself sometimes
you both compromise and make PDA strictly SFW. Not sexual. At all
you're in school for journalism and you're writing a story based on the love between your and Raph. 
you always let Raph semi lay on you while you read on the bed. 
he also likes resting his head on your lap while you read and so do you
he falls asleep, daily naps
100% secret soft boi
he learns to work on his volume, he doesn’t have to be loud when it’s not necessary.
you always praise him when he does stop himself from yelling
you praise him during s*x too because it helps with his confidence. 
you always read to him after a night that he rants about something happening with his family. 
you always listen, you’re a great listener
you’re overprotective though
no one can boss your Red around
he loves that ^^ nickname
thanks to you he feels like he has someone to lean on that will relate or understand completely
the first fight happens because he yells at you when you first try helping him with his temper. Your hurt that he’d do the one thing that scares you
he apologizes and shows you his vulnerable side for the first time 
you accept his apology and cuddle him all night
reading him to sleep and you fall asleep in his arms
Donatello: (dadddyyy)
Obviously smart, but also a smartass. Basically the genius. He doesn’t enjoy PDA of any sort but loves physical contact when alone. He doesn’t like violence or ignorance. Usually, Donnie would benefit from a Mary Sue or a mom! friend. But what if he has a more calming and optimistic friend?
your probably a hippie by definition, but except your not he tie-dye tree-hugging type 
Your streetwise, a thick new york accent proves this. 
You’re very strong, stubborn but loving
Donnie loves this about you
you're not confrontational but your defense is always up
you actually try to understand his analytical ass, your own words
your rough around the edges but meeting Donnie has helped you with that
you crave physical touch from your partner, so when your alone you take advantage of him
he doesn’t mind, you're extremely touchy and even go as far as sitting on his lap in the lab. 
you lock the door because you know how he feels, but sometimes he likes seeing his brothers face when you're on his lap and they walk in.
your always in tight jeans and crop tops
it was obvious you had a perfect body, so he knew his brothers were a littleee jealous 
no one could prepare Donnie for the body you were hiding in those jeans and god, did he ravish you that night. 
you loved the long nights where he was too tired to take over in bed, you put your mouth to work...
He knew you enjoyed taking charge from time to time, he didn’t mind
you were a meme master
so Donnie had pretty much so many memes in his inbox
you're pretty funny and sarcastic too
“EW dude!! My mouth was open” your quick to play Mikey and “It’s always open”
Donnie likes how straight forward you are
first fight is because he was holding back in bed, you wanted to know everything he was into, all the freaky stuff
he complies and for the next week your a hot turned on mess but completely exhuasted 
Funny, laid back and hyper. The fun one! He loves PDA, literally doesn’t care where or how. He loves to cuddle and nap and his cartoons. Obviously, the youngest in the group would like to be with someone who would have the same chaotic energy as him or at least similar. But what happens if the baby in the group gets the mom energy he never got as a kid?
you're very sweet on Mikey 
though you wished he’d slow down on the PDA
he’d hound you if he could, you always push him away, with a laugh
he loves to pepper kisses at you and hold you, grope you, hug you. basically suffocate you
you secretly love it
you always make sure he doesn’t get to close to the tv
he loves how whenever you go to the kitchen for something you bring him some
he loves having you on his lap while he plays. Keeps him warm 
wants to marry you the first time you heat up pizza and bring him some while he’s gaming
you love when he falls asleep on you
you both cuddle when ever you can
you always make sure that before you leave, he’s eaten and taken a shower, so if he knocks on the couch you know he’s alright
when you sleep over he usually falls asleep first, your exhausted but always make sure that when he’s tuckered out you help him to his room and draw circles on his forehead and drag a warm, gentle finger down the bridge of his nose. 
it puts him to sleep in a heartbeat
he actually calls you mom once, but you don’t mind, your friends have done it before
you tell him it’s alright because you know that you mother him
your first fight is because you overreact when he gets hurt trying to fight a villain with his board.
you apologize when he cries cause you yell at him, quickly admitting you were overreacting
you were worried and knew he was more responsible than that!
but you promised not to yell anymore if he promised to use his board during serious fights. 
he promised and you put him to sleep with a good old massage on the forehead and tucked him in before giving his injuries the last look
Leo is always easy to write, and I love writing my bad boy all soft like but Donnie is really fun to write <3 but Mikey is proabably the hardest because of how I see him as my baby boy. But I like this pairing alot, mom kind of reader with Mikey’s overactive self lmao
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btsstankate-blog · 7 years
Busy Train Ride
Hello to who ever is actually reading this, so this is my first scenario and if you didn't know.. i only write smuts scenarios and reactions for Namjoon and Jin.
Summary- You meet Namjoon on the train and it leads into an exciting experience. 
Category: Scenario
Members- Namjoon and You
You were coming home from a late night dance practice and you worked so hard to fix any mistakes and got all the choreography perfected. You lived 10 minutes away from your dance studio so everyday when you came home you had to take the crowded train back home. It was 1am Tuesday night and that is the time you usually leave practice based on your Tuesday schedule. You particularly are new for 3 months in that dance studio as you transferred from another months ago. Dance was your passion and you had a dream to become a professional dancer one day. You loved hip hop dancing as you have been winning several dance competition awards with your dance group. 
You walked 2 blocks to the train station and saw your train was coming in 3-5 minutes. You exhausted from the hard work you put in for your hip hop solo. You just played on your phone for about 5 minutes checking your social media apps and playing games until you actually fell asleep on the bench waiting for your train to arrive. About 10 minutes later you woke up to an announcement that your train will be delayed for about 5 minutes extra because it was running late anyway while you were asleep. Your so glad you didn't miss it. You drunk the rest of your water and waited patiently for your train to arrive.
Once your train arrived your small self squished in between people who are pushing themselves into the train as there were no seats of course that you can sit in as you were very tired from your dance practice tonight. You held on the train pole firmly and tightly hoping not to fall since you were little stumbly and kind of dizzy from you being so fatigued.  You were also hungry and didn't eat dinner before you came home. All you had was a sandwich for lunch and a bottle of water. 
About 4 minutes unto the train ride it just got more and more crowded with a LOT of people. It has never been this packed at this time that you have been on this train. You wondered to yourself why it was. Suddenly when the train made a sharp turn the pressure and force of the people standing and holding the pole bars and such pushed you so hard that you lost balance and completely fell on top of the one and only Kim Namjoons lap.
You at the time didn't know who Kim Namjoon was and you weren't too familiar with the group: BTS
You: “Oh my god I'm so sorry about that!” You said as you and Namjoon are helping picking yourself up.
You: “You see the train turned and i lost balance and due to everyones pressure I fell but I'm so sorry..”
Namjoon- “Its okay, its totally fine i understand. Are you okay are you hurt”? he asked while all eyes of the other passengers were staring on you.
You: “Yeah I'm totally fine just might have a couple of bruises but besides that I'm ok” You said nervously and embarrassed trying to catch your breath.
Namjoon:” At least your okay ..it could've been worse!” Namjoon said trying to make the best out of the situation.
You: “Exactly” you said lastly.
Luckily, after seeing you fall a nice gentleman gave up his seat as you looked tired and overall because he felt bad you got embarrassed and fell in front of literally a whole train of people.
You: “Thank you” you said as you walked towards the seat. It was in front of Namjoons so basically you were facing eachother. The train started to get less packed by each stop.
For the rest of the 7 minutes train ride you couldn't stop thinking about how handsome Namjoon was. You kind of were glad that he was able to help you up and be all nice when you fell. You tried not to maintain eye contact and just sat there deep in your thoughts during the rest of the train ride back home.
In Namjoons Mind:- He actually was still very concerned for you after the fall but couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful you are. It was literally love at first sight. He stole little glances at you here and then to see if you were okay and to see if you got out the train finally and also because of how god damn gorgeous you are to him. 
On the other hand, Namjoon was going back to the dorm after a night out with his manager. His manager went home with his wife as they lived about  5 blocks away from the BTS dorm. That left Namjoon to take the train all the way back to his dorm as the night out was in a unpaticular area he never been to but his manager nicely told him where his stop was suppose to be.
Suddenly it was 1 minute until you got off the train as it was approaching your stop to go finally home and once you got off quickly to avoid anything else from happening and to just want to be home at last, you heard a voice particular to the man (Namjoon) who you fell on top of.
Namjoon- :”Exuse Me!” he said walking fast practically running trying to catch up to you as of how fast you were going home.
Namjoon- “Exuse Me Mrs!”
You turned around to the sound of his voice as your eyes came practically big at the sight of Namjoon that made your stomach flutter.
As soon as you turned back he finally watched up to you.
You were practically leaving the train station when he told you-
Namjoon; “Hi, *out of breath* i just wanted to say that your beautiful and we should be friends or hang out someday..”
You: *you were suddenly shocked at the words coming out of his mouth as you smiled shyly covering half of your smile.
You: Thank you! I actually not going to lie i think your very cute and handsome and sure maybe we can get to know each other more!” You said trying not to blush but failed miserably.
Namjoon- *Namjoon telling that you were kinda shy*
“Also, again don't worry about the fall i know how you feel its totally understandable.”
You: “Thanks i appreciate it, it was kinda embarrassing.. but I'm okay.”
Namjoon- Thats all that matters..Anywway my name is Rap Monster I'm the leader from the kpop group/boy band BTS I'm not sure if you have heard of it and basically we live in a dorm 5 blocks from here.
You: “Oh wow i live right here on Talé Street! It’s really not that far! I actually never heard of your  boy group but now i will find more about it for sure!”  you said.
Namjoon- “Im actually coming from a night out with my manager.. but without the boys”
You: “Oh cool i just came from my dance practice and I'm extremely tired.” You said.
Namjoon- Maybe we can meet up with each other and maybe the boys?
You: “Sure!I would love to it seems like fun!”
Namjoon- Trust me.. it will. Anyways do you mind if i get your number so ic an contact you?
You: “Oh yeah sure!” you said as you hurriedly told him your number.
Namjoon- I will text you when we can meet when I'm off at the dorm.
You: “Sounds Good!” you said satisfied. “Okay see you later” you said, walking away in amazed shock from what just happened.
Namjoon- “Goodbye!” said Namjoon as he turned the other way and headed back to board the train that was already there back to the next  2  blocks that the dorm was from your city.
In the meantime, you hurriedly went through the cold dark streets of Talé Stret you were scared if anything will happen as you always hated coming home late at this time from dance and you kept overthinking still and you mind hasn't yet still processed that your love at first sight crush just planned to be friends with you and that he liked you.
Namjoon, still on the train, couldn't wait to tell the BTS members back at the dorm about this exciting experience.
SO as you can see, this is such a long scenario.. i know but part 2 will be coming soon and this might have grammar or punctuation mistakes because it is late its 11pm and i kinda am in rush to fix it and yeah.
Im new to doing these types of things and this is my first fandom fan account on tumblr. Please follow and request any scenarios , smuts , fluffs, reactions, angsts, etc ONLY I REPEATN ONLY FOR NAMJOON OR JIN I DO NOT WRITE FOR OTHER MEMBER THIS INCLUDES SUGA, JUNGKOOK, V, JHOPE, OR JIMIN. SO BASICALLY NAMJIN THE COUPLE OF THE GROUP LMFAO.
Follow my fandom army twitter @BtstrashK & my 2 youtubes - cookies cookie and - hobis’ hope.
Don't forget to vote for bts for the bbmas and its tomorrow and voting ends depending on your time zone.
Bye & Stay AWsome!
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