#[thinks about spamton so hard my head explodes]
oughhhh i’m having a hyperfixation moment
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bigshotautos · 3 years
need 2 get words out of my head or my head will explode like a confetti party popper. thinking about potential jevil / spamton meetings based on the scraps we know in canon
so the way i see it, there’s a couple of paths ways their previous canon interactions can go. since we know spamton has at least SOME knowledge of jevil, we can think about to what extent he knows about jevil, and how they were involved. like obviously im a biased party and a Win scenario for me is them being aggressively married in such a sickeningly loving way that people around them cant stand them, but even non-romantcially there’s plenty to think about
1) Spamton and Jevil knew each other mutually in some form. Can postulate just HOW, maybe as Jevil acting as a physical intermediary for their mutual contact. At some point, Jevil gets imprisoned and Spamton sees Jevil’s spiral into his warped worldview as something he wants to avoid at all costs, maybe even envies Jevil for the power he has but isn’t using ‘properly’. This one makes sense since Jevil alludes to Queen, and Tasque Manager comments on the Jevilstail / Devilsknife, implying she knows him (potentially, Jevil being in contact with Spamton while he was at the peak of his career in the mansion). In this scenario, Jevil probably likes to fuck with Spamton because he’s an easy target and has an ego the size of the mansion, and Spamton can’t stand Jevil but can’t do anything about it because he’s the only real physical contact he has with his mystery benefactor, and on a one to one fight he’d get curbstomped. Further evidence for this is the fact that its hinted at that Spamton lobbied against merry go rounds as public transportation because he doesn’t like clowns, lines up pretty well that exposure to a certain clown would bring that on.
The events of Deltarune go down like usual, and they’re forced to be around each other after Spamton gets turned into the Dealmaker or Puppet Scarf.
2) OFFSHOOT of the first one, except instead of being catty with each other, they’re actually pretty good palz. Spamton and Jevil knew each other previous to the events of the game, but were allies rather than enemies. Partners in crime. Menaces. In cahoots. Since the Dark Worlds are implied to have been way different before the events of the game (with free travel between kingdoms somewhat hinted at with Queen able to the King, Dark World characters in general knowing each other between chapters), they could have been brought together in the same way as scenario 1. EXCEPT shit goes down on Jevil’s front, like, say, him taking his games too far for the liking of the kings, and then getting put in the slammer. Likewise, things start to rapidly go downhill for Spamton, and he makes a bunch of calls that no one answers. Definitely not Jevil, who’s been locked up by his closest friend in his native Dark World. (In my personal headcanon, thinking of the outside world as a prison is something he cozied up to some time into his confinement as a coping mechanism that he bought into HARD).
At that point he could develop the grudge against Jevil, and as his life continues to spiral, twist that into hatred born from abandonment, especially right as shit hits the fan and he’s uniformly left by everyone important to him in his life. Game happens as usual, when they reunite in Kris’ inventory they’re both much worse off than when they had last seen each other and Spamton has to reconcile the years of feeling discarded with the reality of Jevil going through their own shit and not being able to see him anymore.
3) Jevil does not know Spamton physically and they’ve never met, though Spamton has heard a lot about Jevil. Basically, in this situation Jevil is living rent free in Spamton’s head and Spamton is so fucking mad about it and builds up a complex around it that’s twisted as his life goes to shit. It could be kind of a scenario 1 thing, where Jevil is an example of being corrupted and something to be avoided, being jealous of the praises people sing to him, etc. This idea of Jevil being this lesser, underachieving failure of a person could come from him being locked up and Spamton hearing about it.
Game goes on, they meet up in Kris’ inventory and Spamton has SO much baggage involving him and Jevil literally does not know him at all, or if he had known of him he’s long since forgotten because he just wasn’t remotely on their radar and wasn’t worth the brain space. Looney Tunes antics here, where Jevil has a TON of fun fucking with him and Spamton basically gives him the reaction he wants every time because he hates the shit out of him and is also scared of clowns. Canon backup is Spamton alluding to Jevil, Jevil not mentioning Spamton once.
OK. i think that about does it. the hardest one for them to become friends in would probably be the third scenario, where jevil doesn’t see common ground between himself and spamton at first. easiest is obviously 2, where they were pals beforehand. REALISTICALLY its probably something along the lines of 1 but who knowz, when ch 3 and on come out all of this speculation could be for Naught. happy to let this shit stew in my head though. so basically they go from rocky acquaintances to friends to besties to Married.
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