#[the rules]
frenzyarts · 4 months
You can’t be meanies to me. You can only be nicies. Or elsies.
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The Rules
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A manifesto from William T. Vollmann/“Expelled from Eden”/1992.
[Follies of God]
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leafatlaw · 4 months
sorry it’s the middle of the night but do you think rolan deep was ever homesick ? If he couldn’t sleep at night in Chicago where the sounds of cars and trains and people kept him up. Where the lights outside his window were always too bright through his blinds, brighter than anything had been in Galloway.
If rolan couldn’t sleep without the cicadas song, missed the buzz of mosquitos and gnats. Missed the creaks of his old house and his parents snores. Do you think Rolan desperately cracks open the window only to real back in disgust. Everything in Chicago so foreign so wrong, even the air is different.
I think Rolan gets homesick for something more. For the smell of the bayou and something sickly sweet, for the smell of cheap cigarette and lighter fluid. He misses the smell of the earth and bright clear starry skies and the smell of weed and feel of rough denim. I think, late at night when Rolan in between exhaustion and anxiety, Rolan misses his friend more than anything. The feeling of exhilaration at climbing onto the Rands roof at 3 in the morning, tapping Rands window to wake him up. Sharing a cigarette that he hates the taste of, so their hands can touch his for a moment. The feeling of safety and home that he only ever felt there, sitting shoulder to shoulder with his best friend. I think Rolan gets homesick alot.
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book--brackets · 2 months
Star Wars: Jedi Quest by Jude Watson (2001-2004)
Fourteen-year-old Anakin Skywalker is strong in the ways of the Force. His lightsaber skills are exceptional, and his piloting is legendary. He should be an ideal Jedi apprentice, and yet there is so much he still has to learn. It is up to Obi-Wan Kenobi to teach him these things. But on a mission to a planet threatened by a toxic disaster, Obi-Wan and Anakin are separated. Anakin and three other apprentices must work together in order to survive.
Wiz by Rick Cook (1989-1996)
What Wiz Zumalt could do with computers was magic on Earth. Then, one day the master computer hacker is called to a different world to help fight an evil known as the Black League. Suddenly, the Wiz finds himself in a place governed by magic--and in league with a red-headed witch who despises him.
Brotherhood of the Conch by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni (2004-2009)
In a dingy shack in the less-than-desirable Indian neighborhood he calls home, twelve-year-old Anand is entrusted with a conch shell that possesses mystical powers. His task is to return the shell to its rightful home many hundreds of miles away. Accompanying him are Nisha, a headstrong but resourceful child of the streets, and a mysterious man of indeterminate age and surprising resources named Abadhyatta. His quest will take him farther from home than he's ever been and will teach him more than he ever imagined -- and it will force him to make a poignant decision that will change him forever.
The Rules by F. T. Lukens (2017-2019)
Desperate to pay for college, Bridger Whitt is willing to overlook the peculiarities of his new job--entering via the roof, the weird stacks of old books and even older scrolls, the seemingly incorporeal voices he hears from time to time--but it's pretty hard to ignore being pulled under Lake Michigan by... mermaids? Worse yet, this happens in front of his new crush, Leo, the dreamy football star who just moved to town.
When he discovers his eccentric employer Pavel Chudinov is an intermediary between the human world and its myths, Bridger is plunged into a world of pixies, werewolves, and Sasquatch. The realm of myths and magic is growing increasingly unstable, and it is up to Bridger to ascertain the cause of the chaos, eliminate the problem, and help his boss keep the real world from finding the world of myths.
Wishtress by Nadine Brandes (2022)
She didn't ask to be the Wishtress.
Myrthe was born with the ability to turn her tears into wishes. It's a big secret to keep. When a granted wish goes wrong, a curse is placed on her: the next tear she sheds will kill her. She needs to journey to the Well and break the curse before it claims her life--and before the king's militairen track her down. But in order to survive the journey, she must harden her heart to keep herself from crying even a single tear.
He can stop time with a snap of his fingers.
Bastiaan's powerful--and rare--Talent came in handy when he kidnapped the old king. Now the new king has a job for him: find and capture the Wishtress and deliver her to the schloss. But Bastiaan needs a wish of his own. When he locates Myrthe, he agrees to take her to the Well in exchange for a wish. Once she's fulfilled her end of the deal, he'll turn her in. As long as his growing feelings for the girl with a stone heart don't compromise his job.
They are on a journey that can only end one way: with her death.
Everyone seems to need a wish--the king, Myrthe's cousin, the boy she thinks she loves. And they're ready to bully, beg, and even betray her for it. No one knows that to grant even one of them, Myrthe would have to die. And if she tells them about her curse . . . they'll just kill her anyway.
In a Garden Burning Gold by Rory Power (2022)
Rhea and Lexos were born into a family unlike any other. Together with their siblings, they control the seasons, the tides, and the stars, and help their father rule their kingdom. Thanks to their magic, the family has ruled for an eternity, and plan to rule for an eternity more.
But Rhea and Lexos are special: They are twins, bonded down to the bone, and for the past hundred years, that bond has protected them as their father becomes an unpredictable tyrant—and his worsening temper threatens the family’s grip on power. 
Now, with rival nations ready to attack, and a rebel movement within their own borders, Rhea and Lexos must fight to keep the kingdom—and the family—together, even as treachery, deceit, and drama threaten to strand the twins on opposite sides of the battlefield.
The Berinfell Prophecies by Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper (2009-2012)
The Seven succeeding Elven Lords of Allyra were dead, lost in the Siege of Berinfell as babes. At least that's what everyone thought until tremors from a distant world known as Earth, revealed strange signs that Elven blood lived among its peoples. With a glimmer of hope in their hearts, sentinels are sent to see if the signs are true. But theirs is not a lone errand. The ruling warlord of Allyra, the Spider King, has sent his own scouts to hunt down the Seven and finish the job they failed to complete many ages ago.
Now 13-year-olds on the brink of the Age of Reckoning when their Elven gifts will be manifest, discover the unthinkable truth that their adoptive families are not their only kin. With mysterious Sentinels revealing breathtaking secrets of the past, and dark strangers haunting their every move, will the young Elf Lords find the way back to the home of their birth? Worlds and races collide as the forces of good and evil battle. Will anyone escape the Curse of the Spider King?
I'm in Love with the Villainess by Inori (2019-2021)
Ordinary office worker Oohashi Rei wakes up in the body of the protagonist of her favorite otome game, Revolution. To her delight, the first person to greet her is also her favorite character, Claire Francois—the main antagonist of the story! Now, Rei is determined to romance Claire instead of the game’s male leads. But how will her villainous ladylove react to this new courtship?!
The Buried and the Bound by Rochelle Hassan (2023-present)
As the only hedgewitch in Blackthorn, Massachusetts—an uncommonly magical place—Aziza El-Amin has bargained with wood nymphs, rescued palm-sized fairies from house cats, banished flesh-eating shadows from the local park. But when a dark entity awakens in the forest outside of town, eroding the invisible boundary between the human world and fairyland, run-of-the-mill fae mischief turns into outright aggression, and the danger—to herself and others—becomes too great for her to handle alone.
Leo Merritt is no stranger to magical catastrophes. On his sixteenth birthday, a dormant curse kicked in and ripped away all his memories of his true love. A miserable year has passed since then. He's road-tripped up and down the East Coast looking for a way to get his memories back and hit one dead end after another. He doesn't even know his true love's name, but he feels the absence in his life, and it's haunting.
Desperate for answers, he makes a pact with Aziza: he’ll provide much-needed backup on her nightly patrols, and in exchange, she’ll help him break the curse.
When the creature in the woods sets its sights on them, their survival depends on the aid of a mysterious young necromancer they’re not certain they can trust. But they’ll have to work together to eradicate the new threat and take back their hometown... even if it forces them to uncover deeply buried secrets and make devastating sacrifices.
Wildworld by L. J. Smith (1987-1990)
When Claudia Hodges-Bradley meets a fox, she knows it will be an extraordinary day. Not just any fox, this vixen is the magical familiar of the sorceress Morgana Shee. For years Morgana has guarded the solitary gate between Earth and the Wildworld, a shimmering parallel universe where legends still live. She alone holds the secret of the mirrors that serve as the last passage to enchantment. But Morgana has been betrayed and imprisoned in Wildworld, and the fox is determined to recruit the Hodges-Bradley kids for the rescue mission.
Armed only with courage and determination, Alys, Charles, Janie, and Claudia must save Morgana before the Winter Solstice when the evil sorcerer Cadal Forge plans to escape Wildworld and conquer Earth. And with December 21 only two weeks away, there is no time to lose....
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mintytremolite · 11 months
Some doodles before bed
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They're fun to draw :P
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vro0m · 3 months
inspired by the anon
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Awww thank you!
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yandere-romanticaa · 11 months
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-> this is a character x reader blog only. which means, no character x character. i'm alright with writing for multiple characters x reader though.
-> if you request a character that is a child (a la nahida from genshin impact) the relationship will immediately be a platonic one. don't be weird.
-> reader is usually gender neutral or female unless stated otherwise. i try my best to make the reader gender neutral though because i want it to be inclusive. please include in your request the gender of the reader that you want, if you don't i shall make it gender neutral by default.
-> yandere requests only. if you want fluff check out @romanticaacore.
-> please limit your request to five characters. anything other than that can get overwhelming.
-> when requesting please refer to this list.
-> i'm not very good when it comes to smut therefore i would not recommend you send me a detailed request in regards to that.
Rules may be updated in the future.
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kirbylives · 6 months
Randy's Trilogy Rules
“But here’s the critical thing. If you find yourself dealing with an unexpected backstory and a preponderance of exposition, then the sequel rules do not apply. Because you’re not dealing with the sequel. You are dealing with the concluding chapter of a trilogy. That’s right. It’s a rarity in the horror field but it does exist, and it is a force to be reckoned with. Because true trilogies are about going back to the beginning and discovering something that wasn’t true from the get-go.”
“Stabbing him won’t work; shooting him won’t work. Basically, in the third one, you gotta cryogenically freeze his head, decapitate him or blow him up.”
“This means you, Sid, I’m sorry. It’s the final chapter.”
“Whatever you think you know about the past, forget it; the past is not at rest. Any sins you think were committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you.”
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linskywords · 7 months
hi sorry, love your work, I just: that one tag that's like 'Wyatt hasn't read The Rules..'' what are the rules??
Hahaha what a great question! The Rules is a dating guide from the '90s that's notorious for the way it recommended that women seem unavailable to men so that the men would pursue them. It's...pretty problematic on a lot of levels, and while its approach probably works on some men, it's not the kind of thing that's designed to result in an equal relationship based on mutual trust and openness. In fact, by design: it suggests that you keep seeming unavailable even after you're together, so that the man doesn't lose interest. (I have not actually read it myself, but the podcast If Books Could Kill has an excellent episode on it if you're interested in hearing it mocked critiqued.)
Anyway, Wyatt has probably never heard of this book and he's not actually attempting to attract Roope by playing hard to get. Buuuut it turns out that avoiding someone because you don't want to get your heart broken by them is a pretty effective way to get their attention, at least if that person is Roope Hintz.
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theredquilt · 1 year
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I don’t know what this dynamic is but I’m enjoying it [X] [X]
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kirnet · 1 year
More often than not, Adam was not sure how Dorotea ended up at his side.
It was just natural, the way he would gravitate towards her. Of course it was, his duty was her protection. He would find her in the kitchen, or the lab, and before he knew it they would be outside, Dorotea pointing out the local flora as he padded behind, unsure when they had even left the building.
This was one such night. So many cicadas hummed that the very air felt like it was vibrating. Usually, Dorotea had informed him, summers in Wayhaven were muggy and oppressive, but tonight was different. Crisp. A full moon illuminated their path as they picked their way through the woods, Dorotea careful not to snag her loose-hanging flannel on any branches.
Her topic of the hour was moths, it seemed, though Adam had to admit he was not paying any attention to the content of her words. Had she asked him out for a walk, or had he simply followed? 
Frankly, he was just glad that she had even made it outside. Even without heightened senses, it was impossible to miss the growing bags under her lidded eyes, the way her bony shoulders hunched as she walked. What he could hear was her breathing in the twilight hours, shuddering and awake, night after night. 
“That boring, huh?” He blinked and suddenly they were in a clearing, Dorotea’s brows raised as she glanced back at him. “You know, you can tell me when-”
“You are not sleeping.”
“No.” The reply came a few seconds late, the swaying underbrush filling the silence. And then she chuckled, a bitter sound that had no right to be coming from her. “How can I, Adam? Every second is another-” She pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled hard. “I can’t stand feeling useless. And don’t tell me I’m not,” she added as he opened his mouth.
Her eyes almost seemed to drink in the moonlight, shimmering with emotion. How many had been taken now, he knew she was thinking, all because these bastards want me?
His hands were on her arms now, acting on their own accord, her flannel slipping off her shoulders. He frowned, his face taut. “Useless?”
Dorotea sighed. “Adam-”
“I envy you.”
He could feel her heart jump in surprise. “Excuse me?”
“I can feel your fear, you know. Every time we face danger.” Her adrenaline perfuming the air, her breath caught in her throat. “You have no abilities, only yourself and your determination. And yet you continue.”
His fingers trailed down her arms. Even through the fabric, he could feel the heat of her skin.
“You never falter, no matter the challenge. You never give into the fear. ‘Useless’ has no place in your mouth. Do you know how strong you are? How much I admire it?”
How much he wished he could be certain he was the same?
Dorotea swallowed hard. Adam could not pull his eyes away from her parted lips. Her flush was contagious, sending a feverish chill down his spine. God, the forest was full of her, made of her. He could almost taste her as his fingers circled her wrists. With the softness of a moth’s wing he pulled one hand up to his mouth.
“Do you know how much I crave you?”
Her pulse danced under his feather light kiss. Dorotea gasped, her other hand slipping from his grasp, but she made no effort to move away from his lips.
Oh, he could feel everything. The shockwaves down her arms, putting her hair on edge. The thumping of her heart drowned out the cicadas, so much so that Adam could not remember where he was standing. All that existed was him, her, and the blood in her veins.
“How much I wonder what you taste like?”
His fangs grew, poking against his bottom lip. So close to her skin. So close to euphoria.
None of his vampiric charms would ever work on her. No, he had no say over the blush that dusted her cheeks or the heat that wound through her very being. Her excitement filled his mouth.
She wanted him. Only him.
He glanced up through his eyelashes. Dorotea’s hand had settled on her collar bone left exposed by her low undershirt. It trailed higher, delicately, her fingers whispering over the scar on her neck. The full moon shone in her blown pupils.
Adam traced his fang with his tongue.
Her hand stilled, fully touching her scar now: two jagged lines down the length of her neck.
“I…” Adam jolted back, dropping her wrist as if it had burned him. Dorotea’s expression pinched, hurt flashing across her features. Disgust coiled in his stomach, physically pushing him back. “I am not him.”
“What are you- Adam?” But he was already storming away, the insect drone piercing his ears. Too close. A moment of weakness. Failure. 
Bile filled his mouth. Temptation could never win again. Dorotea’s protection was his sole concern, even if it was from himself.
And he would never scar her like that monster had.
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iicarused · 9 months
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i. will not write nsfw requests if you are anonymous // if you do not have an age indicator on your profile.
ii. minors do not interact // ageless do not interact // your asks will be deleted
iii. most comfortable writing for gender neutral or she/her ! no hate against my masc followers<3
iv. gore, yandere, etc, is okay with me
v. max. 3-5 people in req’s. the more people added, the less detail i will give
vi. i may not get to your request right away. i only write what i have motivation to do or what really sparks my interest! // smut/nsfw takes longer LOL
vii. i love to banter!! if you have a brain rot/thirst, feel free to send! that’s actually a better way to get a “request” out without requesting because i just get to reply and be silly with you!:)
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dni if
╰┈➤ you’re homophobic, racist, ableist, etc
╰┈➤ you’re a minor, go away!!! also applies if you’re 17, you’re still a minor.
╰┈➤ don’t like my writings, don’t follow
╰┈➤ taboo accs / proship
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celestialatlantis · 2 months
we will not write non-con, SA, domestic abuse, illegal age gaps and so on so forth
refrain from being too vague if you can 🤍
maximum 3 characters per request, less characters per request is ideal so that we can make it more detailed
No canon x canon, this is strictly a canon x reader blog!
No polyamory, no open relationship negotiations, this is merely personal preferences
No pregnancy / Birth requests
No cheating / infidelity
No character!readers (ex. Madoka!reader, June!reader)
No cross-overs
No Age Regression, No pet-play
if you don't specify pronouns/gender we will write whatever we feel like writing
Do not insult or rush us like we owe you money
Ignore the rules repeatedly and you will be blacklisted from requesting
🤍 here is a template you can use if you're unsure how to convey your request (character name) + genre [ie. fluff, hurt/comfort, angst] + situation [or whatever it is that your request revolves around] + anything else you'd like to clerify. examples v "Would (character) notice insantly if their S/O was sick? and would they be good at nursing S/O back to help? fluffy please, thanks!" "Can i have hurt/comfort with (character) feeling silently jealous? thanks!" "(character) & how theyd encouraging their s/o! also id like it if they recently began dating thank you!" "What would push (character) to confess their feelings? multiple scenarios if you could please! thank you!" "(character) + cuddling headcanons with female s/o ? thanks :D" "reuniting in dreambubbles with (character) please! thank you"
be polite and be kind, you'll live
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mintytremolite · 10 months
Farm-boy Jax????
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Corn farm checked out from the list, @putting-jax-in-places (partly inspired by; mostly by gooseworx)
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Relatable nightmare fuel + continuing "the rules"
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mirohs-aurora-society · 3 months
The Library Rules
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-Academy Rules-
✧.* This is a friendly network, any forms of harassment or hateful behavior are prohibited and will result in a block from the network.
✧.* This is a 18+ ONLY society, which mean YOU have to be 18 to become a initiate - Minors will be found and dealt with accordingly.
✧.* Hate speech, racism, sexism, political discourse or any form of hate towards other individuals are NOT tolerated and will be faced with a block and you being blacklisted.
✧.* Plagiarism and reposting other writers' works is strictly prohibited and results in a block and being blacklisted.
✧.* You must not shame others for any opinions they have and negative judgment about any opinion of other members is forbidden.
✧.* Be an active blog, and let us know when/if you go on hiatus so we can keep track of active members.
✧.* Please have at least one published work about either Stray Kids or Ateez before you apply to the network
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-Writers Rules- ✧.* Please format the fics so that the categories listed below are visible before the start of the fic. If they aren't, the society/net will not reblog your work
Pairing: Summary: WC: AU: Genre: Warning(s): Nets:
✧.* If your work has more than 2 images or 500 words, you must put it under a 'Read More' break, This applies to any Smut/NSFW works as well. ✧.* The society will not reblog things such as: Graphic SA, Pedophilia, Incest, Animal Abuse, Glamorizing any Mental illness or Physical Ailments, Graphic Violence or ANY material that could encourage saseang actions or rape. ✧.* Please at the very least, tag the network in any fic you want reblogged. Using the tag #Mirohsaurorasociety within the first 5 tags is nice but not neccessary! ✧.* Give credit where credit is due. Please credit those who helped you, whether it be beta-readers, help with banners or any other help you've received with a fic.
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