#[signal interference; dash commentary]
frznkingdom · 1 year
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sadaolim · 2 years
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Rules and About/Muse for Mobile!
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Hello hello! This is an remade/ovehauled(original blog Nov 2022, new one February 2023) indie rp/ask blog for Professor Sada (a darker take on her/ Lawful Evil Sada) from Pokemon Scarlet, I am Rain (they/them), older than 20, have been writing on tumblr for 10 years almost :D Blog is not spoiler free! Please know that I am anti-harassment and refuse to partake in fandom drama. I am a tad slow with my replies/threads atm, but feel free to IM me if you would like to plot! Thank you so much checking out my blog :D (Also on @emmetrain & @ingovercast )
RULES AND MUSE/VERSES for mobile users down below;
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IC =/= OOC. What she says or does are her actions, not mine. Our opinions differ. I’m not my muse. //Also, my portrayal of Sada is that she loves Arven truly, however, due to her issues and her “ends justify the means” approach, she left his side in his early teens to focus on the project that will achieve paradise for her family, resulting in neglect. Especially when… the accident happened and Professor Sada could not return to his side anymore. She can be “Lawful Evil” in which she follows her own rules to achieve her dream for her family, and will disregard other’s safety in return.
If you want me to tag something, please tell me. There will be no graphic images and such on here. Only fanart regarding Sada and Pokemon and my art (with occasional aesthetic pictures) will be reblogged from time to time.
Take all the time you need to reply! Really, real-life comes first so don’t stress out. I don’t care if it takes months for you to reply! I can wait!! (And I expect you to show me the same patience in return!
I will not remind you to reply. Ever. However, I will not assume it’s dropped permanently so I will give it time to be picked up. (So feel comfortable and reply at your own pace!)
Hate will not be tolerated. I am just here to write some fluff and angst and have fun! I do not wish to partake in fandom drama. I also will block people who participate in callout posts, vague posts or are on witch-hunts. Please, let’s keep this drama-free.
I do not condone harassment over someone writing fiction, AND I do not condone muns being subjected to heavy content without prior warnings/consent. RP is a community activity in  a way so please be mindful of what you are bringing regarding to triggering content. –Real people come first. For both writer side and reactor side. RP is two-person activity and triggering subjects should not be brought up without prior communication.
I will not roleplay incest. I will not ship Sada with any character under 20.
Crossovers and doubles are WELCOME!! OCs and Self-inserts as well!
I would love to have my mutuals have rules/about pages so I can understand their muse better and know how they conduct their blog. I may not follow if I cannot see your pages, and I prefer roleplaying with mutuals. However, asks are welcome!
I usually draw for my threads and if the post is originally mine, feel free to like it! :D However, please do not reblog rp/headcanons posts you are not part of, and check if a post is ‘ok to reblog’ before doing so. ALSO, since my rp partners might have different rules regarding liking their content (since it may clog their notifications), please check their rules before liking threads originally theirs/posted by someone other than me.
Please tell me if you are not comfortable with any elements which we may rp. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable with headcanons and plots which contain gore or heavy angst. //Also, I can’t rp some themes if my mood is down so please don’t rush me for replies.
This blog might contain a few heavy/dark themes but nothing darker than these (it will be tagged appropriately and be under read-more depending on the content): Mentioned childhood traumas (emotional/neglect) due to the backstory. Parental Abuse. Violence and emotional abuse might be explored. As a general precaution, you may blacklist the ‘ask to tag’ tag. 
My threads tend to get long, so, feel free to blacklist ‘long post’ tag! I do trim my posts and put my monstrous 3k replies under read-more, but sometimes it gets loooong.
The sins of roleplaying are not acceptable. (Godmodding and all that stuff.)
If I roleplay nsfw themes (torture, gore..that stuff)  It will be tagged with [insert here] tw and will be under read-more. (I do not think sexual nsfw will be present on the blog, however, if this changes, it will be tagged appropriately and be under read-more.)
Do not force sexual acts on my muse.
Tag me in your replies with my tracked tag ‘sadaolim’. It will make my life a lot easier. You can also mention me!
IM should stay out of character unless we talk about it. But I’m cool with IC IM. Just ask me first.
The icons and gifs I use are mine. Please do not use my icons, thank you.
I don’t mind how you format your reply! Everyone is unique in their own way so don’t worry about it.
Multi-verse. Every character has their own universe which is different from others if it’s not talked between muns or specified.
Sada’s backstory may reference canon muses, but these mentions will be disregarded unless we plot and agree on these points. Sada can also come in a blank state to match her family, Arven and Turo!
 I reserve the right to not answer a message or reply to a starter.. It does not mean I do notcherish your message or the starter, however, I may not have the right mindset or energy to reply back! 
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FULL NAME: Sada Olim ❒❒❒❒
AGE: 48
GENDER: Cis Woman
PRONOUNS: she/her, they/them
ORIENTATION: Bi (Biromantic Bisexual)
DATE OF BIRTH: November 18th (Scorpio)
HEIGHT: 6'8 (2 meters :) )
SPIRITUALITY: If she had to follow a higher being, she would choose Mewtwo (man-made, FAFO-mentality…)
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BASIC INFO: Sada is a dreamer and a hard-worker. She has sacrificed her time with her son to achieve the paradise for her family, where Pokemon of past and present can live in harmony. The destruction of the ecological balance is a risk she is willing to take, and as a Lawful Evil character, she is ready to take a stance against anyone who would try to stop her from achieving her dream.
Arven is her pride and joy, and she truly regrets the neglect of her son, yet, she has sacrificed too much to go back now. She has to achieve the paradise to make amends to her son, she cannot go back empty-handed.
Sada adores her Pokemon team of Paradox Pokemon, and her two Koraidons. However, she does baby the first Koraidon she had brought to the present, which is why the passive Koraidon will be called "baby" affectionately by her and this page. 
Sada, even after her separation from Turo, still loves him so, and respects him as the father of Arven. However, she is also hurt by his decision of being uninvolved with Arven's life.
Other than Arven, people Arven might care about, and her Pokemon, everyone else is on thin ice. If Turo could leave her, so could you. She will not make the same mistake again.
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[Unless agreed or clarified beforehand, your muse will face the real Sada. However, Arven, Penny, Nemona and the Protag interactions may default to the AI Sada, since the accident had already happened.]
[My potrayal of Sada is darker, as someone who lost the sight of what's important; she will not be afraid of making questionable choices.]
Sada has been the biggest history nerd Paldea has ever known. She was also fascinated with the idea of Pokémon from other ages, especially from the ancient past.
Professor Sada and Turo were the high-school sweethearts, who went to the Academy of Paldea together, and later become part of the team that explored the Greater Crater of Paldea.
With Director Clavell's support, she had solved the mystery behind the terastal phenomenon and named the crystallizing energy "Terastallizing". Her research contributed to the making of Tera Orb, which allowed Pokemon outside of the crater to terrastallize as well (which was also offered to the Academy).
Her contribution in making the protype Tera Orb helped her get the funding needed for further research, and she set up her second lab in a lighthouse near Cabo Poco.
After a breakthrough in her research she moved back to the Zero Lab in the Greater Crater of Paldea, though she would still work at Lighthouse as well. Sada succeeded in developing a time machine that would allow her to reach out to Paradox Pokémon, Pokémon from the ancient past, by transporting Poké Balls to different points on the timeline to catch them and bring them into modern time.
Arven, her dearest son, came to her life, and shortly after, Professor Turo had left their life. Sada still loves him so. In her pursuit of a paradise for her family, Sada continued her research.
After an incident where her first, precious Koraidon was seen by the others around the Lighthouse, Sada had to spend most of her time at the Zero lab, since she could not let Koraidon be seen by the others. (This did not stop her baby Koraidon from visiting Arven lots, though he would start to blame his mother's disappearance on the dragon and start to resent him.)
Sada was determined to make her paradise a reality, and had to achieve it fast without missing any more years she could have spend with Arven. To hasten the process and keep the secrecy, she made an artificial intelligence of herself.
Sada and her assistant, AI Sada would also bring the more powerful Koraidon to the present through the time machine. To her dismay, the Koraidons did not get along, and Sada found herself deescalating many fights between the two.
Sada also developed the Poké Ball Lock System, an ID-based defense mechanism for her lab. After the sacrifices she had made, she could not let anyone stand in her way. (This makes her unafraid to take some cruel actions if needed.)
Sada dreams of past and present Pokémon existing in harmony, however, she is ready to take the risk of ecological balance being disrupted. Destruction is a natural part of life. 
A territorial battle between the two Koraidon would take place, where Sada would misjudge the situation and her strength. She ended up taking a mortal blow from the stronger Koraidon while protecting the baby Koraidon from the other. This also led to the destruction of Research Station No. 4, and Sada eventually passed away.
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Pokemon team (Will match with the Pokemon RPer if needed**)
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Apate the Scream-Tail: Her favorite Pokemon for sure. Scream-Tail and Sada’s bond could rival her and the baby Koraidon’s bond, almost. Both tricksters, they had fun whenever Professor needed time to unwind. With her fairy and psychic abilities, Scream Tail would help Sada sleep when an intervention was inevitable. Apate was named for being a trickster, and the daughter of the night :)
Athena the Slither Wing: The fighter pokemon who is wise enough not to fight unless necessary. This also is why she was selected to be in Sada’s team, when she did not attack Sada but only defended herself.  Named Athena for being a goddess of wisdom and war. A pokemon of few words/cries, she is more fond of being present during Sada’s research. Due to Sada and Apate the Scream Tail being inseperablle, Athena ended up learning Zen Headbutt as well. (Apate’s bad influence.)
Janus the Brute Bonnet: The Pokemon from the ancient past who saw the future he never though he would end up being a part of. As a Brute Bonnet tied to nature and the dark forces, he was gifted with the power of Precognition. This gift meant that he knew what would become of Sada when he befriended her, and his resistance to being her friend to spare himself the heartache. However, even the pokemon of two faces (the red and white both foreseeing the Pokeballs of future and also symbolizing two faces that look into the past and the future) could not save himself or defy the fate.
Aglaea the Flutter Mane: Joining the professor out of boredom, Aglaea is the most competitive of them all: a pokemon of various moves, all a different type, except Fairy. Though the fae origin is not denied, Aglaea leans more into its ghost nature. She and the Professor enjoy each other’s company, and Sada’s fashion choices can be partly blamed on this Flutter Mane’s influence.
Aite the Sandy Shocks: This grumpy Pokemon has lived for thousands of years, before being snatched by Sada's time machine. He is known for his mischief, despite being grounded enough to control his impulses... for the most time. Enabler of Sada's most reckless plans, he got his name due to being a god of mischief, blind folly, rash action and reckless impulse. He is basically the shoulder devil of Sada.
Achlys the Roaring Moon: Perhaps the strongest pokemon and almost ace Pokemon of the professor, Achlys' and Sada's relationship is of respect and deep trust. Though not affectionate and outright cold toward each other, Sada loves the dragon more than anything, and can be found wrestling with the roaring moon as a part of her training regime. Achlys is indifferent toward humans, and acts almost like the leader of the team, keeping everyone in line. After Sada's accident, he barely accepted his position to remain as a part of the Paradise Protection Program. He had returned to the ancient past, but can be summoned by AI Sada into the present during the final battle.
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verse;; lighthouse and shattered mirrors
Before baby Koraidon was found out, Sada would spend her time equally between the Zero Lab and the Lighthouse where Arven stayed.
verse;; paradise: someday this pain will be useful
After she had to retreat to the Zero Lab to shelter the baby Koraidon, and focus solely o finishing up her project for her family /to return to Arven's side soon.
verse;; AI bad bad bad person
Because you love love love, when you know that she can't love. AI Sada's takeover after the professor's accident. Default verse for Nemona, Penny and protag interactions.
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silverlysilence · 4 years
Taliesin’s Apothecary & Bookery
Fairytales are often filled with mermaids and knights, dragons and pirates, all with happy endings.  But then there are the fairytales filled with curses...
The chime above the door jingled, signaling the arrival of a customer.  
Jack peaked up from the tome he was currently flipping through—ideally scanning the pages to past the time—to see a young teen no more than fourteen hesitantly walk into the dimly lit store. Huffing, blue eyes rolled before returning to the book before him. He needn’t bother with watching the newcomer to know the kid’s reaction.  The boy would hesitantly poke around their various knickknacks, picking a few up before hastily putting them back when he read their tags before shuffling around to the book section where he’d pick up a few books to flip through. If he had any money on him—which was a good probability in the current times—he’d buy one or two of the books before dashing out before any of his friends could find him in such a place.  
Nothing new there.
The clearing of a throat had blue eyes glancing up from his tome, a single white brow raising when the teenager in front of him fidgeted and wouldn’t meet his eyes.  Well, this was new.
“Can I help you?” Jack lazily asked, propping his chin on his hand.
“Umm, I—um, I’m looking for—for a book.  A specific one…on the occult,” the nasal voice mumbled lowly to the point Jack had to strain his ears to hear what the kid was saying.
“Kid, you got to be more specific than that, this is Taliesin’s Apothecary & Bookery, all we have are books on the occult," he pointed out in a bored tone, waving his free hand towards the two large bookcases filling the back half of the store.
“Ri-ight, um, Johnathan,” here green eyes darted to the nametag pinned to the grey waistcoat he decided to wear today and Jack tried not to flinch.  He really should have picked a better name than that, but it was easier to go with something similar to his real name than something too different that he would forget to answer to.  “I-I’m looking for ones about…dragons—”
“Straight back, at the very end, bookshelf to the right.  Rows three and four,” Jack waved him off and returned to his tome once more.  The boy hesitated but after a few awkward seconds, he walked off in the indicated direction. Only when his footsteps grew faint did blue eyes glance back up, a hidden longing shining in his blue eyes as he watched the teen search the rather limited selection of books.
A soft thump and the brush of fur against his hand had Jack looking down into acid green eyes.  “So, it begins again, eh, Toothless?”
The black cat meowed, tail swishing as the two looked down the aisle at the young—gods did he look young—auburn-haired teen. “He looks younger and younger each time.  And unusually whole. Think he’ll keep his leg this time around?”
A swat at his hand had Jack looking down at the growling cat.
“Yeah, I know, that was insensitive of me, but you can’t blame me.  He’s lost that damn leg every single life, I’m just not used to seeing him without his prosthetic.”  Toothless huffed at his pathetic commentary, turning his back to the white-haired youth. “Fed up with me, aren’t you? Sick of having only me for company for the last century, huh?  Well, I’m sick of you too, and I hope I don’t see your smug little furry—or scaly—face for another century.”
While the words were harsh, the tone was sad and wistful.  Something that seemed to piss off the cat as sharp little white teeth sank into pale flesh.  Jack yelped, yanking his hand back and glaring into acid green eyes which were glaring right back.  A yowl had the eternal teen wilting.
“You know what I meant. I want him to have a long and happy life this go around, dying of old—old—age this time.  Not because he was stopping some damn demented dragon trying to create a hoard of worker bee dragons to cater to her every whim else they be eaten or going up against an armada with only a handful of people at his back only for them to die a heroic, young death. If he doesn’t do anything stupid, you’ll get to be with Hiccup again for decades longer with how long humans live these day. Just, maybe keep the leg, yeah?”
Toothless drooping, before batting his head against the teen’s still throbbing hand.  Jack chuckled, giving the little purring demon a pet.
“Yeah, I’ll miss you too, you little black menace,” the eternal teen murmured, kissing the top of the cat’s head and picking him up to place on the floor moments before the sole customer staggered over to the register, two thick books clenched to his chest.
“All set?” Jack asked, taking the books from the boy. Being extra careful to prevent their fingers from brushing.  He knew from past experience that wasn’t a good idea.  It tended to trigger something in trigger something in the incarnation’s soul.
“Um, yeah…I found these books, but not the one I was looking for,” green eyes darted around, as if he was ashamed to be buying the equivalent of fairytales.  Because really that’s what the damn things were, fanciful fairytales not worth the paper they were written on.  No one believed in dragons and magic anymore and those authors who did were mere charlatans in it for the money.  Still, with the boy looking elsewhere, it gave Jack the opportunity to slip The Book of Dragons into the tote without him noticing, subtler than the time he had to accidently knock the tiny auburn-haired boy over so he could slip the book in with the rest of his scatter belongings.  
The eternal teen had learned from past experiences.
“Here you go.  I hope you have a nice day,” Jack put on his best customer service smile as the boy returned the platitudes before rushing out the door.  Never once did he look back, so he failed to notice the black cat slipping out with him and the broken smile.  “Bye Hiccup.”
Letting out a deep sigh, Jack decided he deserved the rest of the day for himself.  It was easy to flip the open sign to close and with a snap of his fingers, the lights were off and the door locked.  
“Maybe I should take a vacation?” Jack muttered to himself, watching as this incarnation of Astrid threw her arms around the boy failing horrible at trying to hid his purchases behind his back and laid a kiss on his cheek.  It would seem, in this life too, the shieldmaiden already had a claim on Hiccup’s heart.  She had for the last six—seven?—incarnations but that was more his fault than hers.  
Jack would never blame Astrid for loving Hiccup.  They were always best friends no matter the life. Hiccup perpetually falling for the shieldmaiden each time until Jack step into their new lives.  But as the more time past—the more lives they lived and he suffered watching them die one by one until the next cycle—the more Jack realized he was their curse.  Jack had been immortal long before he met them but they were the first to be reincarnated.
He didn’t know how, didn’t when exactly he’d their cursed their souls to find their way back to the mortal plan.  They couldn’t live in peace—die in peace and finally reach the Halls of Valhalla—because of what Jack had unknowingly done.  The eternal teen wished he could break their curse but nothing worked and without fail, he’d stumble upon Hiccup—always Hiccup first—and years after their death.
Jack had thought by staying away, allowing them to live their lives without his interference that they would finally get to move on.  It seemed to be working too.  They no longer recognized him as their past counterparts had.  Hiccup never had his memories, none of them did, but they always seemed to recognize him and over time, with some help from journals done in their own hand and his stories, they would remember.  But not anymore.  Now, he was just another face in the crowd.  
Soon, Jack hoped, soon, they would finally move on to where he couldn’t go.  An unreachable afterlife.   But they would finally be at peace.  They would finally be able to rest and he would continue on wondering the earth, alone.
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