#[scribbling in my notebook] like two cats who live together and hate each other but share a water dish and a bed even tho there are two beds
pacific-coast-hockey · 5 months
Appreciate the social media admin being like you get five seconds of content and it's a goalie hug.
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masked-mallards · 5 years
Masked Mallards, the Multiverse, and Everything else
Chapter 4 The Investigation of John Duck
A couple of Hours Earlier….
It was silent in the car as Elmo drove. He looked to the passenger seat, Negaduck seemed bored and lost in thought. They were no longer in their normal uniforms, didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb. Negaduck was in a sporting an unbuttoned expensive coat over a red dress shirt and a loose black tie and pair of torn black jeans. What really caught Megavolt's attention was the pin he wore on the collar of his jacket. It depicted a white rabbit with a frown on its face. He thought Negaduck hated the lagomorphs, then again Negaduck told him that this was his disguise. He never really had a life outside of his criminal activity.
If he didn’t know any better, he’d say that he looked like Drake’s slightly younger brother, but Drake had no siblings. Negaduck had said at one point that the Negaverse was 4 years behind Primeverse.  Oddly enough, Drake dressed that way before Gosalyn came into the picture. Megavolt looked in the rearview mirror. Gosalyn's eyes were still red from her fight she had with father as she looked through her school notes for her homework.
“So, squirt,” He started trying to break the silence. "Any chance you get to dissect a frog today?" Gosalyn continued to thumb through her notes. "No, the school won't let me, not after last time." She murmured. Negaduck snickered. Sputterspark ignored him and spoke again. "Look, kid, your dad just wants what is best for you, that's all." She looked up from what was she was doing. "That's what everyone says, he just wants Quiverquack out of the way so he can feed his ego." She responded.
Megavolt laughed for the first time since the night day before. “That does sound like Drake, but he was way worse during high school and his first few years as Darkwing Duck. He fought with our professors, got sent to the office for starting fights with other students who picked on any of his friends, which was mostly me. Remind you of anyone?” he asked, fully aware of the frequent phone calls Drake got from the school.
Gosalyn blushed but smile. ‘So, what changed?” she asked. Elmo smiled back. “The day he changed; was the day you came to live with him. He bought a house in the suburbs, a thing he swore he’d never do, he loved the city too much. Drake even swallowed his pride and got a stable job with me at Quackerwerks, until they closed down when the robots tried to take over.” They pulled in to the school parking lot. “He may not be perfect like me,’ he said jokingly.” But he does care about you, more than you’ll ever know.”. Gosalyn got out of the car and turned to her chauffeur.
“Thanks, Uncle Elmo," Gosalyn said as she swung her bag over her shoulders. "I needed that." Then she ran up the school steps and disappeared through the double doors. He turned his head to Negaduck, who had a smug toothy grin.” What so funny?’ he asked amused duck. “Oh, nothing,” Negaduck said with a pause trying not to laugh. “Uncle Elmo," he said in the sweetest tone he could muster. “Not a word of this to Bushroot and Liquidator!” Sputterspark said red in the face. “I've my own ego to maintain!”. Negaduck roared with laughter, as they spud off to the warehouse.
  St. Canard Bridge
Launchpad sat up from his chair and rubbed his eyes. He had been studying over Darkwing's case files for a couple of hours and cross-referenced then with Negaduck's ledger. Nothing came close as to the description of the clone. Nor, a way for it to have crossed dimensions without getting on the Magica's train. Due to the clone's age, Negaduck suggested that he was from an alternate future. He got from the chair and paced around. He stopped in his tracks.
After the Darkwing invasion, he and Scrooge McDuck had had a little disagree. McDuck had believed if Darkwing Duck were to continue as he is, he should reveal his identity to the world, be held accountable for his actions, and aid in bring the Darkwing doppelgängers to justice. Launchpad had defended his friend, by stating that Darkwing was not going to get involved in politics again after the Inkblot tried to corrupt him and that most of the clones were under the influence of foul magic from Magica, an enemy Scrooge McDuck was all too familiar with.  
Scrooge made it clear that was that the some that weren’t under her magic was what concerned him. He and his number one inventor Gyro Gearloose were already working on a way to make it possible to travel to different dimensions and timelines and had already begun to work on a prototype-like device. This was worth mentioning to D.W. once they met up again. Launchpad made his way to the elevator and took it down. Maybe Bushroot was having better luck than he was.
He entered the infirmary, the old Darkwing was on a hospital bed nailed to the floor and hooked up to various machines designed to keep him alive and monitor his progress. He was shackled by arms and ankles and had not wakened up. “If only he was this peace when he's awake.” A voice came from behind him. Launchpad turned to address it. "On that, we can agree" he responded. Bushroot came down a ramp in a wheelchair, his body had regrown expect for his legs.
It would be a little while longer before they would grow back. Until then he was wheelchair-bound. "How is he?" Launchpad asked. "He'll live," Bushroot answered, then proceed to make his way to sleeping mallard. "Come with me, I want to show you something,' He said. 'There may be more to the patient than we realized.”. Bushroot pulled out a notepad that he had been scribbling on. “What did ya learn doc?”
“The patient is around 50 years old, which puts him 20 years in the future of our own time.” Bushroot started. “Secondly, we brought him here for medical attention, yet when I was ready to operate on him, his bruises were gone, and the bleeding had stopped. Over the last two hours his stab wounds, given to him by Negaduck via broken shotgun, had cleared up with little medical interference, and bones that would have taken months to mend, have almost healed. There is also this.”
He put down the notebook he was reading from. Smack. Bushroot struck the clone across the face. "Normally," Bushroot said, waving his hand to hush Launchpad who was going to speak against the "doctor’s” treatment of the prisoner. "If a person has been knocked out cold, they would have awakened by now, or be awakened by an outside force or noise. However, as you can see…" Bushroot directed Launchpad to the still comatose duck. "So, what's your point," Launchpad asked trying piece it together.
" Last night, before the truce, Negaduck interrogated him in his way, via brutal beating." The plant scientist recalled. "He had escaped and forced open the door. I was surprised to see the tenacious mallard, in serious need of morphine, able to walk, much less able wield a weapon.” Bushroot grew quiet as remember to sounds that came from that room. “He escaped, but when we did find him this morning, his injuries were healed as if they were never there.” He continued. “The patient must have had time to sleep since then. My theory is, that he exhibits some sort of healing factor when sleeping or in a comatose state, whether or not it is connected to his inability to be made alert, I'm not sure." Bushroot wheeled around the bed near the clone’s head. “This may be why.”
During his time at the University, Reginald Bushroot was paving his way through the field of botany. He was trying to eliminate world hunger by finding a way to make animals photosynthesize like plants. Before he had tested his finding on himself, resulting in the plant duck he is today, he tested on plants and lab rats provided by the University of St. Canard. Each one had a barcode on them. Bushroot rolled the head of the John Duck to the side.
On the back nap of his neck was a barcode much like the ones he had used. “He was a victim of duck experimentation.,” Bushroot explained. Bushroot looked to Launchpad, the larger duck looked pained. Bushroot could also feel sympathy for the clone. It was a violently driven induvial, who tried to evade capture twice and had refused Darkwing’s help when he injured. Bushroot shook his head, the clone was their enemy, had killed Quackerjack in cold blood, and was hell-bent on killing Megavolt and anyone who got in his way. He couldn't afford to pity it.
  The Warehouse
  Negaduck and Megavolt appeared across the street from the warehouse. They had hidden the car at a nearby Hippo Burger, the same one Megavolt had visited last night. The Warehouse was deserted, not a single cop or reporter in sight. Negaduck had flipped through the radio after they had dropped off Gosalyn. The story was dead, not on a single station. He'd almost feel insulted if weren't considering the circumstances. "Looks like my counterpart made good on his end of the bargain,” he said. “Let’s not get shown up.”. He looked to Megavolt, who wasn’t paying attention. The rat was carrying a bouquet of brightly colored flowers he had "bought" from a local street vendor.
They entered through the broken window that the clone made when he had attacked. Negaduck landed on his feet like a cat, while as Megavolt landed on his stomach clumsily. The place was a mess of broken glass, bullet shells, and caution tape. Negaduck looked to the overturned table. Quackerjack was gone, all that was left was a white outline. The feeling came back strong, but after spending some time with Megavolt, he believed he finally placed it. “Remorse." He thought to himself. Did his time in this disgusting reality make him soft? The last thing he did to the clown was snap his arm two and failed to keep him out of harm’s way.
Megavolt made his way to the chalk outline. He stared at it somberly, his eyes were wide and red, but he was not about to cry in front of Negaduck. He placed the flowers near the overturned table. Silence filled the room. Negaduck grabbed his right arm with his left hand and shifted uncomfortably. He scowled. He was not about to let empathy, find its way to his corrupted soul, or ruin his reputation as a psychopath. “Once you’re done with your soapbox,” he said impatiently. “let’s get our gear and ditch this place.”. The electric rodent glared at the rude duck, yet this kind of behavior is what expected of him.
Negaduck scanned the area. There was nothing worthy of note, the police must have been thorough. It was a go thing the Fearsome 5 had stored backup gear in another part of the facility. The duck and the rat weaved their way through the maze of large empty containers, hallways, and stairs until they reach their destination. No one spoke. Negaduck stopped in his tracks forcing Megavolt to bump into him. The iron to their make shifted operational area had blown clear of its hinges, and left mangled on the ground. The pair entered the exposed room.
Everything was in disrepair. Negaduck's Dobermans were making a racket as they yanked against the chains that held them to a pole, Bushroot's lab had been destroyed, glass bottles and paper was everywhere. A trashcan fire was dying out, it was filled with notes, blueprints, etc., or what was left of them. Quackerjack's and Megavolt's equipment were smashed by a sledgehammer, which lay nearby. The mess, however, was organized and was sorted into piles of metal, glass, and plastic.
There was a warped piece of metal in the middle of the room. The piece of art was melted and tied in knots, but it was still a little recognizable. It was Megavolt’s Tron Splitter “What happened in here?” Megavolt blurted. Negaduck waved his hand at the dogs and they fell silent. He examined the trash fire. A crumpled paper that survived the blaze. He picked it up and brushed the ash off. Part of it had been burned off, but for the most part, readable.
 ---------- log.
Prime-verse: 2100 hours
Tron Splitter: destroyed
Eye of Quackzalcoatl: location unknown
Megavolt: at large
--------------lt: at large
Nega-Sc-----: at large
----------------: at large
 A green flash of movement came from under Bushroot's lab and wrapped itself around Megavolt's leg. “Spike!”. The pint-sized flytrap had been there the whole night. Megavolt pried him off his leg. It hissed at the sight of Negaduck, which Negaduck hissed back. Negaduck had gone about and beyond to make Spike hate him. From trying to make him into a salad, to "accidentally" setting his roots on fire. There was no particular reason Negaduck fought with the plant, he had no hatred toward Spike. It was just something he wanted to do. It was just the way things were. Negaduck gave himself a mental sigh of relief. Spike was a reminder that he was Negaduck, the biggest asshole in the freakin world. Nothing was going to change that.
The carnivorous plant slithered up and nestled Megavolt’s arms.” What happened boy?” Megavolt asked the plant. Spike’s vine-like arm pointed to a far wall on the other side of the room. Buckets of paint scattered the floor. On the wall was a symbol. It was a red circle outline with a purple stroke. A maroon duck head with one red eye and one blue. A slash of orange paint divided it in half diagonally. “Looks like the geezer clone, made a pitstop here before he attacked us.” Negaduck said, amused that the Darkwing clone took the time to paint this symbol. The clone, like his goody-two-shoes counterpart, shared the same attention-seeking ego.
He looked at the remains of the note he had found. “The fool also left a list of targets and items of interest.” he continued as he shoved the note into Megavolt’s hand. “Killing you is only part of his plan. He had succeeded in his first task in destroying your toy.” Negaduck point to the mangled tron splitter in the center of the room. “He’s also is looking for Eye of Quackzalcoatl, a magical artifact. Unfortunately, the rest of the list has been burned away, so we can’t learn much else.” Negaduck tucked the note into his coat. “Didn’t Drak-Darkwing already destroy the Eye?’ Megavolt asked. “Yeah, but the clone didn’t get the memo.” Negaduck answered.
Negaduck released his Dobermans. They bolted outside the door and disappeared down the hall, their barks echoing throughout the building then faded into silence. "Aw, look at them go," Negaduck said sounding like a proud parent. "I hope they bite pedestrians and maul a few children before they get shot down.”. Spike’s vines tightened around Megavolt’s arms and torso as he held him. The flytrap felt safer that way. “you, never gave them their shots, did you?” Megavolt said a little afraid for anyone that met those monsters. “Never even took them to see a vet.” Negaduck retorted. The trio salvaged what they could then headed back to the Mallard Residence.
  Mallard residence.
4:30 p.m.
  Gosalyn opened the door to her house. The only one there was the Liquidator. He was slumped on the couch in a sitting position, head tilted back and passed out. The wall was fixed and had a fresh coat of paint. “I thought he said he didn’t sleep?” she said aloud quietly. “No, but the mutt seems to like it as a pass time.” A deadpan voice came from behind her. She turned around to see the evil duck enter the house followed by Megavolt trying to free his arms from Spike. Negaduck stared at the child. The last time she saw him, he led a hostile takeover the St. Canard Penitentiary and turned it into his personal playground.
Negaduck eyed the broken device on the table. Gosalyn had shattered it when she had shot it with an arrow. She had a knack for causing chaos everywhere she went, such raw talent was wasted in the service of Darkwing Duck, who wouldn’t even let her fight. “I still stand by what I said at the penitentiary, you’ve always been a bad seed.” Negaduck said in a serious tone, as he put a burnt note on the table with the rest of the clone’s belongings. “You could reach your true potential if you came to work for me, and not have to be held back by your Dipwing father.” Gosalyn tossed her schoolbag the floor in anger and marched up to the Mallard twice her size.
“Thanks, but no thanks. In fact, you can take your offer and- “. She colorfully told where he could stick his proposal, causing Megavolt to put himself between the two if Negaduck tried to do anything, but to their astonishment, Negaduck smirked and shrugged. "My offer still stands." He said coolly. Negaduck turned his attention to table cover in the various item obtained from the clone. Gosalyn watch as Megavolt hurried after his leader. She could not understand why any of his men followed him at all. He treats them horribly, and the majority of them could easily tear him to shreds. The dog on the couch murmured something inaudible. “Was he dreaming?” she thought herself.
Negaduck picked up the trench coat. It was made of dark purple leather and the inside was lined with a yellow-orange fabric in its inside. The coat had no pockets and was rather plain, yet the otherworldly Darkwing was able to pull an arsenal from it. The night he captured him at the warehouse captured the first time, they had confiscated his weapons and armor, leaving him only with his clothes and his trench coat. He was able to procure two knives, tear gas, and a chainsaw. His eye flickered.
Negaduck recalled the time he had been reduced to atoms by Megavolt’s tron splitter. He had become an ink-like substance, that imposed his chaotic personality on anyone who touched it. Magica de Spell conducted experiments on it, which eventually led to Negaduck to returning body and soul. One of the experiments was giving an unstable ballplayer, a trench coat that had been tainted by the ink. “One-shot.” Negaduck thought.
Carmichael Q. Anthony was once a rising star in the sport of baseball as a pitcher. However, his fame caused him to down spiral. He developed a severe case O.C.D and felt compelled to never make the same pitch twice. It got to the point where he threw everything but the ball. The monkey was eventually suspended after throwing a puppy at the batter. De Spell gifted him a coat that acted as an endless supply of things to throw, some of which were deadly. From that point on, Anthony did her bidding under the influence of the ink, and gain a reputation under the name One-Shot.
Negaduck held the coat lengthwise and put his hand it, disappearing into the fabric. "I wonder," he said aloud. He searched around the fabric, until his hand wrapped around a metal handle. He pulled out a large claymore, it was way larger coat itself. Megavolt jumped at the sight of it. “So that’s how he did it,” said Negaduck mildly impressed. “He must have nicked this beauty off of One-Shot and used it as his personal arsenal”. Megavolt gave him a confused look. “I thought Darkwing burned it because of its dark magic.” He stated. Negaduck put the trench coat back on the table and tossed the sword aside. “True,” Negaduck responded. “We have to remember, that the geezer clone came from another dimension. He might have got it from another unfortunate baseball-playing monkey."
Megavolt turned his attention to the shattered device. "That is one mystery solve, but what about this," he said directing Negaduck's attention. Negaduck stared at the pile of loose wire and broken grey and green metal. He hadn't the foggiest idea of what to make of it. The John Duck lost its mind after Gosalyn shot it. Gosalyn made her way over to the table, her curiosity getting the better of her. “Hey, I think these wires go together.” Said Megavolt as he reached to put them together. “Uncle Elmo,” Gosalyn said sounding a little worried. “We don’t know what that thing does, we probably shouldn’t- “. It was too late. The small device sparked to life and the green metal began to glow.
Boom. The device of the leaped off the table with energy. Blue lighting came bursting out of it, items in the house were flung around with a violent force as it did so. The lightning formed a distorted circle above. Negaduck recognized immediately what it was, he had seen one since he got cut off from the Negaverse. It was a warp hole. The clone was carrying around technology that could rival S.H.U.S.H. It explained how the clone was able to follow the train undetected; he was jumping through warp holes.
The warp hole was growing unstable, it pulsed and cracked as it began to suck in everything in its proximity. Gosalyn was swept off her and was pulled toward the portal. To everyone's surprise, including his own, Negaduck grabbed the child and tucked her his arm. He used the other to hold on the couch, so he would get pulled in. “Sparky!” Negaduck roared. “Turn it off!!”. Megavolt, who was hugging the table leg, reached for the device to force it to shut done but instead knocked to further down the table by accident. "You idiot!" Negaduck roared in a rage.
A large icy mallet smashed the unstable device. It cracked and popped before it went dead. Smoke rose from under the Liquidator's hammer-like hand and the warp hole vanished. The disturbance had woken him up, the living area was a mess again, he was sure Darkwing was going blame him for it. The front door opened. Drake mallard enter, having had shed his purple uniform and spoke before he saw the living room. “Consider yourselves of the hook,” he said in a tired voice. “So please, for the sake of peace, don’t-“ his eyes fell on the scene that was once was his living room.
It was like a tornado had struck, walls were torn, furniture and appliances toppled over. Megavolt, and apparently Spike, were holding on the table leg as it were the safest place to be. Gosalyn was tucked protectively in Negaduck's arm, and Liquidator was on the table, his hand formed into a mallet. A part of the attic floor finally gave way and crashed on what was left of the coffee table. “Do I want to know who or what caused this?” Darkwing asked as calmly as he could.
The Liquidator reduced his hand to normal size to reveal the broken device, and then the lot of them pointed at Megavolt, who was still hugging the table. Darkwing took a moment to compose himself.” I got a call from Launchpad; the clone has woken up.” He said as he snatched Gosalyn from Negaduck and glowered at him. “Let’s see if he is more willing to talk now.”
 “No, I am not wearing it.” Negaduck said stubbornly when Darkwing handed him the blindfold. “I will not allow myself to guided like a blind man, by you especially." Negaduck and Darkwing have already gotten in back into their uniforms. 'It's bad enough you know where I live, the last thing I need is for you to learn where I work." Darkwing argued. They had been at it for the last 30 minutes. Gosalyn sat next to the Liquidator on the couch, both were growing impatient with the bickering doppelgängers. Megavolt and Liquidator had already agreed to be blindfolded, it didn't matter to them much, though it would be nice to know where Darkwing's hideout in the future. Megavolt and Spike had already left with Launchpad, who had come by to pick the evidence they had gathered.
"Look," Darkwing yelled, starting to lose his patience with his yellow clan double. "The only way for us to continue the case is to question the clone himself. We had to take him to the tower for treatment, thanks to you, and we are not going to risk removing him from there. So, you either put on the blindfold and go with us, or you can stay here, frankly, I'm hoping for the ladder." Negaduck went silent for a moment, then he snatched the blindfold out of Darkwing's hand and placed himself on the couch next to Liquidator, defeated.
Gosalyn watched her father rub his eyes. He seemed tired, more than usual. According to the Liquidator, he was the last one to get back to the house today. It had been a while since he went to S.H.U.S.H. on his own, and not because of J. Gander. Hooter summoned him for a job. Gosalyn turner her gaze to the Aquatic dog next to her. His eyes have been locked on Darkwing since he got here.
"Gosalyn," Darkwing said grabbing her attention. She faced her father; they had not spoken since this morning. "I want you to know, that what you did this morning was incredibly dangerous, he could have killed you and you are very lucky." His arms were crossed and he was waving his finger at her, it was an indication of an impending lecture. Gosalyn braced for the yelling. "Young lady….," He began. "That was the bravest and selfless thing I have ever seen, and I have never been so proud of you.".
Gosalyn opened her eyes, her father smiled warmly at her. Out of relief of gaining his approval, the red-haired girl jumped off the couch, and into her father's arms who hugged her back. "Now, don't get me wrong, you're still grounded till your 30!" he said in a fake stern tone. He handed her bow, he had confiscated it from her this morning, with its quiver full of arrows. "You can have this back, but you only if you're going to use it from a distance, as it was intended to be used. Right?” his tone turning serious. The little daredevil looked him dead in the eye. "You can count on me!" she said with determination, yet both father and daughter knew she made no promises.
"Aww…" the Liquidator said forgetting that he for a moment that he was ever angry with Darkwing. Negaduck pointed his finger to his mouth and made a gagging noise. There were times when the Liquidator swore Negaduck had the maturity of a 14-year-old boy. The pair ignored the peanut gallery on their couch. Nothing going to ruin the moment. Negaduck sat up and spoke so only his hound could hear.
“Truce states that we can’t harm the geezer clone and he is going to jail.” He stated. “But I beg a differ. That duck is going to die tonight, he has escaped death by my hand one too many times, I am not going to sit here and let him breathe for another day.” Negaduck was shaking slightly, he hated not leaving a job unfinished and transgressors unpunished. “When He has given what we want as far as answers, I gonna kill him,” he said in hostel tone. “However, Dorkwing is probably aware of my intentions and will be keeping a very close watch on me. “
If I can’t get near him, I want you to put him down. Darkwing can defend the geezer from me and the others, but not from you." The liquidator nodded in agreement. He may not always do so, but the clone still had to answer for the attack at the warehouse. Besides the hound never disobeyed an order from Negaduck and always came through. There were times, though he won't admit it, Negaduck considered the Liquidator to be his right hand. It has always been this way since the formation of the Fearsome 5. Since that day……...
  All he could see was him as his body sank to the bottom of the vat of contaminated water. Budd's body hit the bottom of the vial container of his own making. Darkwing was just standing there, just staring at him. The Masked Mallard disappeared from the water's edge and left the hound to his fate. Budd Flood watched the last of his oxygen leave him as it bubbled up to the surface, and he waited for oblivion. However, it wasn't the end of the hound. He found himself alive, somehow, but his body filled the container of his would-be grave.  
After a while, a liquid hand reached out of the vat. Flood pulled his aquatic body out of the vat and fell forming a puddle. “This is my life now.” He thought. Darkwing has no doubt had reported him to the police about his sabotage of competing water company. He was ruined, not to mention was no longer made of flesh. It was his fault, and he was going to make him pay. It took 3 days, but the determined hound learned to control his newfound power. He was no longer Budd Flood; he was the Liquidator.
  -----several weeks later.
  The Liquidator’s head plowed out of the water, and he rested his upper body on a ledge above the water. He was somewhere in the sewers of St. Canard. Darkwing had beaten him again, no matter how much stronger Liquidator was compared the duck. It infuriated him. "Sounds like you’re up shit creek…. Literally” a foul voice said a few feet away. Liquidator looked up to see a mallard. If it weren’t for his canine instinct, he would have thought it was Darkwing coming down to taunt him. However, this guy wore a yellow-orange version of the Masked Mallard’s uniform and his face was full of malice.
Negaduck knelt to the dog's eye level smirking a toothy grin. The liquidator snarled like a dog backed in a corner, he didn't know who this Darkwing look-alike was, but he sensed danger from his presence. "What's the matter?" the duck asked. 'Do l remind you of the one who did this to you? Did Darkwing beat you with a simple kitchen sponge?". The Liquidator extended his body and pinned Negaduck against a brick wall. Half his body was still in the water. "Who are you?" Liquidator demanded. "Names, Negaduck," he said. "I might look like the Purple Blunder, but besides that, we are nothing alike, morally anyway”. The Liquidator glowered at Negaduck, there was something not right. “What do you want?” the hound asked.
Negaduck was still smirking, not caring for the danger he was in. "You're, not the only one with a bone to pick with Darkwing Duck," he spoke in a calm tone. "What if I told you, I was putting together a team of like-minded individuals, who want nothing more to lay waste to St. Canard, robbing banks, burning down a building, etc., and kill Darkwing to boot." Liquidator loosened his grip but didn't let go. He was a crooked businessman, but he drew the line at terrorism. Negaduck continued. "I've heard reports of a monster in the waters of St. Canard. How he came to be." He laughed. "Yet is defeated by a clad purple duck, despite his power in hydrokinesis.". The liquidator growled. "Get to the point." The hound said, he hated long-winded pitches when someone was trying to sell him something.
"I offer you an opportunity," Negaduck answered. "Your power alone can only get you so far, it needs a guiding hand. I can provide that, especially against Darkwing Duck. All that I ask is that join me in my crew of misfits.". The Liquidator released his hold on duck and reformed to stand on the ledge. "I don't need your help to kill the Masked Mallard," Liquidator barked. "Oh really?" Negaduck responded sarcastically." How many times have you ended down here, because he forced you down a pipe? How many more times are you going to have to sit someone's yard, collecting pigeon shit, because he turned you into a statue? How long will it take for you to realize, that you can't beat him, at least not on your own." The Liquidator's body began to boil in rage.
“And what makes you think you can help me? What’s in it for you?” the hound demanded. He was from a world of commerce and dirty business, there was always a catch. Negaduck didn’t flinch a muscle as the Liquidator released him and flooded around him. “Simple really,” Negaduck said his smirk disappearing leaving his face without expression.” I want to make my goody-two-shoes clone suffer, then when I am bored with him, I’ll kill him.” Negaduck paused for a moment. “He is everything I hate in the world, then some. His mere existents makes my blood boil." Negaduck turned his attention to the hound. "However," he said as if he was forcing himself to talk. "I can't do it alone, just like you. So, I am assembling a team of people to raise hell on St. Canard, who has a personal vendetta against Darkwing Duck, and I require a hound."  
The Liquidator's body began cool off from its high temperature, and steam rose with a hiss. Once the steam dissipated, a normal size dog appeared in a watery form. The liquidator stood in front of the Mallard, easily towering him. "Do we have a deal?" Negaduck asked sticking his hand out. Ignoring every instinct that shouted at him to refuse the duck's offer, to stay behind the line he drew for himself, he shook the hand of a devil. He followed Negaduck into the darkness of the sewer and started his new life as a member of the soon to be Fearsome 5.
  Later that same day…...
  Negaduck pushed open an iron door. "Welcome to your new quarters." Negaduck said as he entered the building. He had explained that it was once a factory but was shut down because it failed inspection. It mostly made and sold candy. "Don't make yourself at home Mutty Water, we might move out soon if I can't the smell of chocolate out of the walls." Negaduck had come up with a list of insulting nicknames for the hound as they traveled to the factory. Liquidator wonder if the foul duck did this to everyone he met. No matter. The Liquidator didn't come along with him to be his friend. It was his new mission to kill Darkwing duck, even if it meant being loyal to a psychopath.
Something scurried across the floor and planted itself in front of Negaduck. It was a mutated venus flytrap about a couple of feet tall. It growled aggressively at Negaduck. Negaduck glowered at the bold house plant, then kicked square across the room. The plant hit a cabinet and bounced on to the floor. It pulled itself up whimpering. Negaduck continued on his way without a care. With one final hiss at Negaduck, it retreated down the hall. The Liquidator followed it out of curiosity. The flytrap led him to a small room with no windows and cover in plants. Due to the lack of sunlight, they were undernourished and turning brown, yet everything was in bloom.  
A hand reached out from under a nearby desk and grabbed his ankle. The sudden motion almost gave him a heart attack. "Is he out there?" asked a timid voice from under the table. The hound looked under the desk, and saw what he could only assume was the owner of the flytrap. It was duck/plant hybrid, cowering under the desk. Negaduck had said that he had already recruited someone else, who had suffered at Darkwing's hand. A botanist by the name of Bushroot. He like the Liquidator had gone under an untraversable mutation. Bushroot was in a fetal position, he had angered Negaduck that morning and was hiding from his chainsaw. The hound knelt so he was partly under the desk. He now had another mission in life, other than ridding of Darkwing. "No," the liquidator said calmly and reach out his paw. "But I am."
Negaduck and the Liquidator finally had been blindfolded. Gosalyn took the Liquidator and guided him to one of the chairs and sat him in one. She proceeded to sit in the next chair over and pressed the button on the mouse statue. They disappeared into the floor. Negaduck and Darkwing followed suit. His house was now empty, the only evidence that something was there was a destroyed ceiling and broken furniture.
Chapter 5
Chapter 3
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Some Assembly Required - Video #8 : That’s So Sad... F.R.I.D.A.Y. Play Despacito
The screen lights up and shows Sam, Bucky, and Peter sitting on the couch. All facing the camera, they wave in unison and all glance at each other because of it.
“So today’s video is a work of art. Not because it’s good, necessarily.” Sam said.
“Because god knows that our videos are never good. Not really. You guys just like them cuz we’re assholes.” Bucky said, shrugging when Sam frowned at him. Peter laughed and tried to turn it into a cough when Sam frowned at him.
“As I was saying, this video was… a lot of work. A lot of work went into getting all these shots together.” Sam said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yeah and by that he means I hacked into F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s video banks and then Peter cut and edited and did fancy shit to get them all together nicely.” Bucky explained, Peter snorted again and avoided Sam’s glare by glaring at Bucky too. Bucky raised his eyebrows at Peter and he looked into his lap.
“You just can’t let the magic of mystery be there can you? Just gotta tell everyone everything all the time huh?” Sam asked, shaking his head. Bucky smiled and shrugged again.
“It makes you grumpy. That’s why he does it.” Peter said, smiling at Sam and then flinching when Bucky elbowed him in the ribs.
“Oh I know. I am well aware of his assholish ways. Now, ” Sam said, his frown increasing as he glared at Bucky for a moment longer,
“Can we get on with this?” he asked, his hand motioning to the camera. Bucky lifted his hands in mock surrender and motioned for Sam to continue. Sam huffed and looked back to the camera, pouting.
“Oh forget it, this video took forever to make because we had to steal footage from F.R.I.D.A.Y. and mash it all together. Enjoy!” Sam said, and began reaching for the camera.
“All the footage was taken over a few months! Just so you know how long its been going on - aah!!!” Peter said in a rush, peaking over Sam’s shoulder, yelling when Bucky pulled him backwards off of Sam. Sam’s eyes rolled before the screen went black.
The camera angle is higher than normal, clearly taken from a camera in Tony’s lab. Tony is testing new parts for a suit, Peter is sitting at one of the desks, watching and taking notes. Tony attempts to power up one of the new thrusters and flies backwards. Peter jumps a little at the noise but only reacts by writing something in his notes. Tony stands up, unharmed, and brushes himself off. He huffs, says a few choice words and stomps back to the testing area.
“Okay. Next test. Half power.” He says. Peter nods and looks on expectantly.
Tony nods back and the thruster fires again, he almost has it, it’s stable for a good five seconds and then he spins quickly to the left and lands roughly on one of the safety mats Pepper had made him put in the lab. He groans loudly. Peter scribbles in his notebook.
“Aww Mr. Stark, that’s so sad, F.R.I.D.A.Y. play Despacito.” He says, no hesitation, it just comes out. His eyes go wide and he looks up at Tony as the song beings to play. Tony’s head pop’s up over the edge of the mat, eyes full of confusion.
“Peter what the fu-“ he starts to ask, but Peter is gone. A swirl of notes fluttering to the ground near the desk where he’d been sitting. Tony stares up at the ceiling speakers for a moment before shrugging and walking back to the test area, his hips swaying a little with the music before he fires the thruster, once again flying through the air and landing on a mat.
“I don’t know.” Steve says, hesitation coloring his features as the camera zooms in close and then pulls back.
“Un uh, none of that. Me and Buck and Pete did ours,” the camera moved to left to show Bucky with sharpie all over his face, a beautiful French mustache adorning his lip. And Peter, a chunk of hair missing from the side of his head like he’d been attacked by sheers. It had, in fact, been Bucky, with a pair of sheers, and it had been retribution for the sharpie. Both of them were smiling brightly, they waved at the camera and it moved back to Steve.
He was standing at the edge of a field, nothing in view but nature.
“Now it’s your turn.” Sam said.
“Why do I have to throw my shield though?” Steve asked, almost whined.
“Because that’s the dare man. That’s how dares work.” Sam explained.
“It wasn’t just a dare.” Bucky said, the camera moved back to him and Peter, both of them grinning mischievously.
“I think you’ll find it was a triple dog dare. Which means you have to.” Peter said, crossing his arms over his chest and clearly trying not to laugh.
“Oh I have to? Is that what it means?” Steve asked, mocking their tone.
“Yes.” They both said, straight faced. The camera moved from them, to Steve, back to them, back to Steve, back to them, and back to Steve again before he groaned and shook himself like he was psyching himself up.
“We’re good, right Pete?” Sam asked, moving the camera back to Peter. The boy put his hand above his eyes and squinted across the field.
“Yeah should be. I mean there’s a real old looking car way wayyyy out there. But like…what are the odds he hits that?” Peter asked, shrugging and smiling into the camera. Bucky raised his eyebrows and smiled too before the camera moved back to Steve, he was staring at the two of them.
“I hate you guys.” He said, the camera shook as all three of them laughed at him.
“Just do it ya big baby.” Sam said.
“I am. Give me some space.” Steve said, Bucky, Peter, and Sam moved to the side. Steve took a few steps back and then ran a few steps forward, putting all his weight behind his throw, yelling as he flung his shield into the field as hard as he could. Peter and Bucky moved to stand next to Steve, all of the staring out into the field.
“What if it does it the car?” Steve asked, sounding worried.
“Maybe it’ll hit it just right an bounce right back to you.” Peter said, his voice sounding so genuine until he and Bucky snorted with laughter. The camera shook as Sam laughed with them. Sam moved to the side again so he could see all three of their faces.
“What if it hits the car, and bounces somewhere else? And like…kills someone’s cat?” Bucky asked, his voice rough. Peter and Steve’s heads both turned to him slowly.
“That was so dark man.” Peter said, looking horrified. Steve just rolled his eyes and looked back out into the field.
“Can you see anything Peter?”
He squinted.
“Ummm, I can see the car still. You’re shields real hard to see when it’s flying through the air.”
“A lot of things are hard to see when they’re flying through the air.” Bucky said.
“Like?” Sam prompted.
“Golf balls.” Bucky said.
“Small birds.” Peter said.
“Peter, if you throw him hard enough.”
“Bucky’s arm, if you rip it off.”
“Peter’s di-“
“Well what WERE you gonna say??”
“I was gonna say your dignity when you’re talking to a girl.”
“Oh, well that’s better I guess but hey! Still not nice.” Peter frowned.
“Yeah. Sorry kid.” Bucky elbowed him gently in the ribs. Steve looked at them.
“Did you just apologize?”
“Yeah? I do that. Sometimes.” Bucky said, shrugging.
“You have never apologized to me the entire time I’ve known you!” Steve shouted, throwing his hands up.
“Maybe he’s turning over a new leaf.” Peter suggested.
“Maybe he likes the kid better than you.” Sam suggested, they all looked at him, Steve and Bucky burst out laughing, Peter huffed.
“Hey wait, did you hear that?” Peter asked, they all stared off into the field again.
“Uh oh.” Peter whispered.
There was loud metal clang, and then the sound of far off breaking glass. Peter turned to look at the camera, he mouthed, ‘he hit the car’, and then bit his lip to stop himself laughing. Sam snorted behind the camera and zoomed in on Bucky pulling his phone of his pocket. He brought the phone up to speaking range and looked Steve dead in the eye.
“That’s so sad… F.R.I.D.A.Y. play Despacito.”
The music started and Steve punched him in the face.
The living room is empty, the camera in the corner recording only an empty couch. Until Clint walks into view, hair sleep ruffled, feet dragging, he groans softly and rubs at his eyes.
“Mr. Barton.” F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice says.
“It appears you’ve forgotten something.”
Clint looks up at the sound of her voice and then back down at himself when her words register.
“Aw pants.”
“Would you like me to play Despacito for you sir?” F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice asks. Clint’s head snaps up.
“What the fuck? No. No I would not.” He says, his voice grumpy.
He shakes his head and turns back the way he’d come. His feet still dragging over the carpet.
“Fucking Parker.” He mutters as he walks off screen.
“Are you ready for this shit? It’s so fucking cool.” Bucky says, looking into the camera as he gets it sat down on the counter. The camera shakes as he sets it down and shows Thor waiting patiently for him.  
Thor nodded and Bucky handed him something.
“That’s a popcorn kernel for those of you who can’t see at home.” Bucky explained and moved to the side a bit so the camera was only on Thor.
The kernel sat in Thor’s palm, doing nothing, until lightning rolled over his skin. The beautiful white lines moving up and around his hand like waves on a stormy sea. The white lightning hit the kernel twice and then it popped up out of his hand. It flew into the air and Thor caught in his mouth, laughing heartily as Bucky looked on in awe.
“How fucking cool is that? You should see him do the jiffy pop thingies it’s so-“ Bucky cut off, his eyes looking over the camera at the kitchen doorway. Both Thor and Bucky were looking that way now, Bucky reached for the camera and turned it to show what they’d been looking at.
Peter was shuffling into the kitchen, his hair sticking up in all different directions, hello kitty pajama pants dragging the floor. He rubbed at his eyes and made his way to the freezer, he rummaged around until he found what he wanted. Then pulled a box of raspberry toaster strudels out and dropped it on the floor. He sighed sleepily and picked it up, tossing it onto the counter as he shuffled to the silverware drawer.
Peter dropped his knife twice before he made it back toward the toaster. It took him three tries to get the pastries out of the plastic and he finally got them into the toaster with a pleased little sound. As he stood waiting for them to pop back up the camera moved to look at Thor and Bucky, both of whom where standing silently, watching Peter struggled to get his breakfast together. The camera moved back to Peter, shaking a little as Bucky spun it on the counter.
Peter dropped his knife again when the toaster popped up. He then struggled for about a minute with the icing packet. Getting at least two pieces of plastic stuck on his tongue, apparently almost choking one if the sounds he was making where anything to go by. Bucky and Thor stood back silently. Peter finally managed to spread the frosting, set his knife gently in the sink, and pick up his plate to move to the table when Sam walked in.
“Do I smell toaster strudels?”
Peter’s entire body flinched. His hands flailed. His plate fell forward, the strudels falling to the floor with a sad flop. His hands fell to his sides as he stared down at them.
“That’s so sad,” Thor’s voice said from behind the camera, “F.R.I.D.A.Y., play Despacito.”
Peter gave the off-camera Thor a death glare as the song started. There was a strangled noise as Bucky dove for the camera, it spun so fast that it fell to the floor.
The screen flashed black for a moment and then came back with a static-y sound, the view blurry as it swung around in Bucky’s hand, Sam and Bucky’s laughter the only sound audible over the static. The crackling faded and the laughter increased. The camera finally settling on the counter again, showing Sam and Bucky doubled over, red faced. Sam reached out and moved the camera, turned it toward Thor, he was standing there looking at Peter, the biggest smile on his face. The camera turned again, to show Peter. He glared into the camera as Sam and Bucky’s howling laughter filled the air and the screen went black.
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pcyheartgirlx · 7 years
In The Bleak Midwinter [CH2]
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Genre ;; Angst/Smut/Fluff/Romance
Pairing ;; Chanyeol x Reader x Seokjin
Word Count ;; 7k
Summary ;; “We’re all whores, we just sell different parts of ourselves.”
You own a multi-billion dollar company, servicing the biggest names in kpop, in more ways than one. Under the name “Starlight Catering”, you, your best friends, Damon and Maya, and your hundreds of workers provide stress relief for idols.
You have partially retired, not because you didn’t want to, but because Chanyeol was your muse. He was all that you had time for and needed. Jin came along.
So what happens when you mix fire and ice?
You get smoke and all the lines are blurred.
A/N ;; This chapter was SO much fun to write. I really hope you enjoy the EXO interaction I incorporated in here. ALSO there is mention of your "exboyfriend" Jiyong (yes, G-Dragon) in this chapter, a flashback to be specific. It is rather violent so be prepared for that. Anyway, enough of my Drabble. On to the fic, happy reading!
The car came to a stop right in front of the SM condominium. You fixed yourself a bit before you got out of Damon’s car.
“Thanks, babes,” you said putting your hand on his shoulder. “Get some rest guys, okay?” Concern mirrored in your words. Maya turned back to you and blew you a kiss.
“We will, Eomma. Don’t worry!” She squeaked. You really hated when they called you that but you ignored it as you nodded at her and opened the car door to leave. With a final wave, the car drove away and you were left in front of yet another building. This time though, there was no tension and no nerves.
You had been seeing Chanyeol for a while now. For about two years to be precise. It wasn’t until this past year that he became the only regular you had. The company had expanded beyond your belief and you just didn’t have any time for anyone else. But you were lying to yourself if you said that was the only reason. Of course, the sex was amazing; he knew all your spots, kinks and triggers. He made you cum more than anyone had ever thought they could. The reality of it was that you enjoyed his company. You two had so much in common ranging from music, movies, sense of humor, style and even particular outlooks on life. You’ve had many sleepless nights with him getting lost in deep conversation until the sunlight found its way into his room. It wouldn’t stop there either, he’d stay on the phone with you until you got home and then you’d spend hours talking, laying on your bed until you both fell asleep on your phones. He was just as important to you as Maya or Damon. He made you believe in love again.
With the good comes the bad though. Chanyeol wasn’t self-conscious by any means. He knew that he was indeed one of the most handsome men on the scene. It was his pride. He wanted you to himself and no one else. It became apparent after the first few months. He would text you non stop when he thought you were with someone else. Sometimes he’d even show up to your apartment and wait in his car until you got home. At first, you thought it was because he worried. But as time passed, you saw the real problem. He had never had to share a woman before. And who could be upset over that? No one should have to share their beloved, you told yourself. But everything you worked for, you couldn’t throw it out for one person. You had done that before and look where it got you.
Even if you did, there were other factors. Because of his status, dating wasn’t an option. Neither was the possibility of going out together and venturing life in a setting beside his room. You were a dirty little secret. “That isn’t a relationship you deserve,” he would say. Not after what you have been through. Chanyeol loves you very much, he just has an alternative way of showing it.
As you approached the door, you flattened down your dress one more time before you knocked lightly.
“Chanyeooool!” You heard a voice whine loudly from the other side. That voice was none other than Jongdae’s. “I think your lady is here!” He called out.
You could hear Chanyeol’s deep voice inaudibly reply, followed by his footsteps scurrying closer to the door. When he opened for you were leaning against the door frame, looking up at him with pure seduction welling up in your eyes like tears. You couldn’t help but yearn for him more. He stood there in a black wife beater and his favorite pair of Adidas joggers.
“What was all that talk about you needing me now?” You hummed. He bit his lip and started for you.
“Come here, Baby,” he growled as he cupped your face with his large hands and started kissing you hungrily.  Your lips were fighting for dominance, with him sucking and nibbling on your bottom lip. Without breaking the kiss, he pulled you inside and turned your position around so he could close the door behind him with his back.
Immediately, he let his hands descend down from your face, traveling your body and finally ending at your bottom, grabbing it firmly. Each one of his hands was on either cheek and he pulled you close to him with force as he continued to devour you. Your breaths were heavy and your tongues danced together, interchanging between his mouth and yours. You let out a soft moan as he tightly held on to your ass before he bent his knees and placed his hands on your thighs. He moaned into your mouth and you felt yourself being lifted off the ground, he picked you up and you wrapped your arms around his defined shoulders, legs pushing his waist closer to you as you locked onto him. You broke free as he started kissing your cheek, traveling down to your neck. Resting your head on his shoulder, you let him suck and bite at the skin on your chest and neck. He began walking down the hallway, not stopping.
As you passed the living room, you quickly spotted Jongdae scribbling away at his notebook, Sehun indulged in this phone and Kyungsoo studying the script placed on his lap. Jongdae’s head snapped up as he hurt you pass.
“(Y/N)! Hi!” his voice was always so pleasant and sweet. Even with Chanyeol feasting away at your skin, you greeted him.
“Hi, Jongdae!” You said shakily. Also waving at Sehun who greeted you warmly. Kyungsoo on the other hand…
“Oh for fuck's sake, not again you two!” The semi-bald man glared at you two as you walked by in Chanyeol’s arms. He pushed his script aside and followed you guys. 
“AWAEEE! Leave them alone!” Jongdae whined. Kyungsoo simply ignored him. 
“Listen! I’m trying to fuckin’ practice!” He yelled but Chanyeol kept gnawing at you as you shot him an apologetic look that was mixed with ecstasy. “Can you please try to keep it down?!” Chanyeol responded by entering his room, with you grabbing onto him tightly and slammed his door.
“I guess not!” You heard Kyungsoo continue from the other room. You giggled to yourself at his expense and because Chanyeol was now lapping his tongue against the crook of your neck. You were pinned against the door. He let go of your ass and placed one hand firmly on your left breast while the other cupped the back of your head.You loosened your grip around him and let your limbs fall, your feet touching the floor and your hands traveling up and down his biceps, roaming his chiseled back. His tongue started traveling lower, down your chest, letting his lips kiss and suck every part of that path towards your breasts. Your head was thrown back in pleasure, allowing him to taste you. But suddenly he stopped. He put his arms on either side of your head as he gasped for air. He brought his head up so he was looking straight into your eyes.
“Where were you?” He panted, his voice was husky and low. You just blinked at him and bit your lip. “You smell like you’ve been with another man.”
You tried to quickly come up with an explanation but Chanyeol was an impatient man and you were hypnotized but him. Those full pouty lips were pink and swollen and his cat-like eyes reflected pure lust but you also saw a glint of anger. It turned you on so much.
“Ahhh…” he groaned as he brought one of his hands to his hair and ran his fingers through it, looking down. “Look what you do to me, aish.” He breathed out as he walked away. The guilt was starting to scratch away at you internally.
“Chanyeol,” you whispered as he turned away from you, walking toward his closet you trailed behind him. “Baby let me explain—“
“I thought that was it, (Y/N),” his voice trembling. He reached into the closet, grabbed a towel and handed it to you. “Wash him off you next time.” His words were cold like icicles digging into your conscious. You took the towel from him and watched him walk over to his desk, opening his laptop. “I’ll be waiting here for you.”
“You won’t even let me explain?” you pleaded with him. He simply ignored you as he started opening up the internet browser. “Fine,” you huffed and made your way out the door.
You continued down the hallway, passing a few more rooms before you made it to the kitchen. As you walked in, you saw Junmyeon, Baekhyun, and Jongin sitting on stools surrounding the long island. They looked as if they were just talking among themselves, with Jongin stuffing his hand into a box of fried chicken as usual.
“Isn’t it a little late, guys?” You said with a soft voice, concern laced in your words.
“(Y/N)!” Jongin mumbled, the chicken still being chewed in his mouth. Junmyeon shot him a disapproving look.
“Cmon, don’t talk with your mouthful,” he commented before he looked at you and motioned for you to come toward them. “Sit with us for a bit, (Y/N)!” He said sweetly. “Have some chicken!” Jongin glared at the leader, partially because he scolded him but also partially because he just offered up some of his precious chicken to you.
“Yea! Look!” Baekhyun piped as he reached his hand into the box and pulled out a drumstick. “There’s still one drumstick left. You loveeee drumsticks.” He wasn’t wrong. “Eat me, (Y/N)! Eat me!” The blonde’s voice went up 10 octaves as he tried bringing the piece of chicken that he was waving around to life. Junmyeon and Jongin just shot him a “what the fuck” face causing you to laugh more than you already were.
“You guys are so sweet, but I don’t think I can tonight,” you said as you approached them to hug each of them. Baekhyun just let out a child-like "awww" before dropping the chicken back in the box.
“Why not?” Jongin squeezed you with one arm as you greeted him.
“Chanyeol and I just need a little extra time together today. I might have pissed him off a bit,” you explained as you hugged Junmyeon last.
“Ahh he's such a hothead sometimes,” Baekhyun commented as he swatted his hand in the direction of Chanyeol’s room. “He ruined a perfectly good date for you with three of the most charming men in EXO!” He beamed.
“I know! What a jerk,” you muttered jokingly, agreeing with Baekhyun. You put your hand on Junmyeon’s back, resting it there as you spoke. “Did you guys get the sweets I sent last week?” You could see Jongin’s eyes light up in your peripheral.
“They were SO good, (Y/N)!” Jongin chirped as he took a bite of the drumstick that was previously offered to you.
“I saw that you had them shipped all the way from Argentina! You really didn’t have to go through all that trouble, (Y/N),” Junmyeon looked at you with such gratitude, it made your heart soft.
“Really! It was no problem. Let’s just say someone owed me a favor,” you assured him. “I just wanted to get my sweeties some sweeties!”
“Why are you so good to us?!” Baekhyun cried with joy as he pulled you into a hug almost dropping the towel Chanyeol had given you. “We don’t even sleep with you!” You and Jongin chuckled at him while Junmyeon playfully smacked his hand for being so vulgar.
“Because you guys take such good care of us! You’re always so kind and sweet whenever me, Damon or Maya are here. Plus, I knew you guys would like them,” you gushed. They all smiled their million dollar smiles at you. Deep down inside you melted into a puddle of liquid gold, shining because you were blessed to see this in person. God, they’re so fucking perfect, you thought to yourself.
“Did you need to shower?” said a voice coming from the other side of the room. You looked up and saw Minseok standing there, dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his torso. Fuck, Maya is so lucky to get to tap that.
“Yes! I do,” you cried out, lowering a sly seductive gaze at him. “Thanks for the show, Minseok.” You noticed his cheeks blushing violently.
“Uh...Y-you’re welcome,” he fumbled with his words causing Jongin to bust out laughing, sounding like he was gasping for air. Baekhyun and Junmyeon did a better job at holding in their laughter. Minseok started walking passed you with his head down.
“You would think the way he had Maya screaming he would get over his timid side in front of you guys,” Baekhyun declared. Junmyeon tried to shoot him one of his mom glares but couldn’t keep a chuckle from escaping his lips. Jongin still sounded like he was having an asthma attack.
“The speaker should still be in the bathroom, (Y/N),” Junmyeon called out as you walked away. You were there so much they remembered your habits. Well, at least Junmyeon did.
“Yea but keep the volume down because Kyungsoo is going to pop a vein if he can’t study his script,” Baekhyun added, he glanced at Jongin. “You need to dick him down a little bit more.”
“Byun Baekhyunnie!” Junmyeon and Jongin both screamed in unison. You just laughed, said thank you quickly and disappeared into the shower.
The floor was still wet and the mirror fogged your reflection. You turned the water on and began to strip. Once your phone was connected to the speaker by the sink and the water was at the right temperature, you put on a random radio station and jumped in. As The first song play, you lathered your body mindlessly, washing any traces of Jin away. Mentally scolding yourself for not spraying yourself earlier, you continued to put more soap on the special loofah they left for you in the bathroom. You smiled to yourself again thinking about how considerate these 9 men were. But the feeling quickly faded.
Yeah, I finally realize, that I’m nothing without you
I was so wrong, forgive me
That Voice.
You jumped out of the shower as fast as you could, darted for the phone and played the next song.
Even his voice made you sick. Suddenly, the scene played in your head.
You were walking into your old house. You remember it, right? The beautiful white and yellow Victorian home, all the detailing was designed intricately with you and your soon to be husband. Everything was perfect, right? You guys left NYC a year ago to start over in Korea together. What you left in NYC, cocaine, hooking, abuse, The Old (Y/N). The old Jiyoung. Well. they seemed to find their way back to you guys here.
As you walked into your beautiful house, loud music filled your ears. It was coming from the den. Battling with yourself, you sighed and decided to follow the music, walking across the beautiful linoleum floor. When you approached the den, you saw your fiance with his head crooked back in his chair, mouth agape panting slightly. On his desk was a mountain of coke as usual and poking out from under the desk were a pair of heels.
“How many fuckin’ times do I have to tell you,” you walked over to him and saw one of the girls you just employed slurping on his cock under the desk. You pushed his chair back, grabbed her by the hair and began to drag her to the front of the desk.
“I’m so sor--” her apologetic sob was cut short but the collision of your fist to the side of her temple. She fell to the floor, clutching her eye.
“Ah for fuck's sake (Y/N),” Jiyoung started. “You always have to be the bigger bitch right.” Your stomach boiled at his words. You walked over to his shelf where he proudly displayed his many music awards.
“You’re damn fucking right,” you spat at him, walking back over to the girl.
“Just stop, at this point, you look stupid,” he said as he buckled his pants and sat back down. He took the edge of his silver credit card and started cutting a small piece of the mountain of coke. With a fistful of the injured girl’s hair you shot him another look, holding the Daesang over your head
“So that’s what you’re gonna do?” you brought the trophy down and smashed it against the girl’s head. She let out a blood-curdling scream that both you and Jiyoung weren’t even phased by. It was a sound you both had grown accustomed to. He brought the edge of the credit card to his nose and desperately sniffed the contents until they disappeared.
“You’re just going--” One blow. “--fucking sit there--” Two blows. “--and snort--” Three blows. “--our--” Four blows. “--fucking--” Five blows. “--life--” Six blows. “--away!” Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten.
You always liked even numbers.
At this point, the girl’s face was unrecognizable. Blood dripping down your arm on his white fur rug. It was like someone had grabbed a bucket of paint and just attacked you from the side, staining your face, chest, dress, and legs. You dropped the girl’s lifeless body and his stupid fucking award on the floor. He just sat there, bored and uninterested. You shook some of the blood of you and started to break down crying.
“Stop fuckin crying,” Jiyoung said as he took another bump. You just couldn’t stop. All the things you left behind followed you here and it wasn’t you. It was him. He brought them back.
“W-we...we were so happy, Jiyoung...so happy,” you sobbed pathetically as you dropped down to the floor, the blood-soaked rug cushioning your knees from the fall.
“Fucking save it, (Y/N). Please? I don’t feel like dealing with this right now,” he replied coldly. You just cried harder and started hyperventilating.
“Why does it have to be this wa--”
“You fucking bitch!” he screamed slamming his fist on his desk. He shot up and darted toward you. You let out a painful yelp as he grabbed you by the shoulders and started shaking you violently. “Why can’t you listen?! Huh?!” with that he threw you on the floor again next to the girl’s dead body, towering over you.
“Stop please--”
“Oh NOW you want me to stop?” he let out a condescending laugh and crouched to your level. “Did you like this, (Y/N)? Do YOU?” His breath hitting your face like a hot wave from a freshly opened oven. He picked up the bloody Daesang beside you. “Is this what you WANT?” He screamed before flinging the trophy behind him. You watched it go through the window, glass landing everywhere.
“(Y/N)?” you heard on the other side of the door. The voice was followed by a knock. You quickly shook the thought from your head.
“Yeah, Sehun?” you replied.
“Are you almost done?” he called out. “I have to use the toilet!” You sighed heavily and tried to compose yourself.
“Just a few more minutes! I promise!” you replied sweetly, trying to coat the creeping sob that threatened to escape your throat. You jumped back in the shower and washed yourself, trying to scrub the blood off your body all over again.
After your shower, you wrapped yourself up in Chanyeol’s towel and walked out of the bathroom, finding Sehun waiting patiently.
“Ahhh about time!” he exclaimed. You shrugged your shoulders and looked at him apologetically.
“I’m sorry Sehunnie!” you said timidly.
“Nah it’s okay,” he teased. “By the way, is Da--”
“No Damon isn’t with me tonight, hun,” you cut him off knowing exactly what he was going to say. He slightly pouted and replied with a simple "oh" before he disappeared into the bathroom. You thought it was cute how Sehun had grown fond of Damon. Damon had a tough exterior but Sehun possessed a certain quality to break that down. That quality is a great dick and the ability to make him laugh endlessly.
You walked through the halls with clutching the towel with one hand and your dress in the other, hoping no one else would catch you in your towel. Making it safely to Chanyeol’s room, you walked in to find him still at his desk, scrolling the internet. The details from his room were much different than Jin’s. He had musical instruments everywhere, showcasing your favorite side of him. There was also his dresser which was adorned with cute toys that Chanyeol found fascinating. His bed was large and had the soft blue sheets draping over them. Right above the bed was a curtain that practically reached the ceiling. You were very fond of that curtain.
“Chanyeol,” you called out softly to him. No answer. You sighed and walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulder. “Chanyeol,” you repeated. “Talk to me, please?” He cleared his throat and nothing more. You got bored with his antics and started to take matters into your own hands. Bringing your lips to his neck, you started to kiss him softly. Before you could plant another one he broke free from your grasp and stood up. You took a step back but he got closer to you. His eyes filled with anger and hunger.
He brought a hand up to your face and caressed your cheek. You bit your lip as you put you placed your hand on his chest. In a blink of an eye, his hand moved swiftly behind your head and grabbed at the base of your neck, his other hand ripping the towel off of you, exposing your naked body. He forcefully pulled you into a kiss. His lips fighting yours for dominance. With his hand still gripping the back of your head, he pulled you away and grabbed on your right breast and sunk his fingers into your soft skin, causing you to wince in pleasure.
“Look at me,” he said and just like that, you brought your head up. Those eyes, his small sweet pout, the way his hair would cling to his forehead when it wasn't styled. You just admired these soft features as they hardened with authority. “Who do you belong to?” he breathed. He loosened the grip on your breast only to grab at your nipple, squeezing it tightly and tugging it. He knew this drove you insane and that you loved being played with. You didn’t take the bait. You just moaned and looked at him, yearning for more. He raised an eyebrow at you and cocked a half smile.
“No answer?” his voice sounded calm but dangerous. He gave your nipple one last squeeze, enjoying the sound you made afterward. His hand coasted lower, passing your stomach and arriving at the lips of your womanhood. His fingers teased your entrance and you just whimpered. He was feeding off it.
“I’m going to ask you again,” he said as he tightened the grip on the back your neck. With one quick movement, he forced his index and middle finger inside you, finding your spot immediately. A loud moan escaped your lips as he wiggled his fingers against your spot while running his thumb over your clit. His head lowered until you could feel his lips by your ear.
“Who do you belong to?” he hummed. Your whole body was overcome with euphoria and you gave in.
“Y--you, Chanyeol,” you whimpered, holding on to his bicep as his fingers moved swiftly inside you. “I belong to you.”
“That’s right, baby,” he praised. Releasing you from his grip, he extracted his fingers from you. He pushed you down so you were on your knees. At this moment you knew what he wanted. Your hands made their way to the waistband of his joggers and pulled them down to his knees. His head at eye level, you stuck your tongue out and swirled it around him.
“Ohhh (Y/N),” he moaned. “You know I love that but,” his hand crept its way to the back of your head again. You looked up and your eyes met. He loved that face you made. His cock twitched on your tongue. “Not today.” with that he pushed your head into his cock, forcing you to take it all in until you felt his head hitting the back of your throat. You choked and coughed on his member but he didn’t care. Your hands shot up to his waist, your knuckles turning white as your nails dug into him. His head fell back as he let out a long lingering moan. When he looked down, he saw the tears falling from your eyes, his thumb caught them before the could fall.
“I’m sorry baby,” he panted. “Go ahead and get some air,” he released his grip from your head, allowing you to be able to pull away. But you wanted to please him. Your (e/c) orbs pierced into him as you started to bob your head, slurping up all the drool that was threatening to escape your mouth. You felt his organ swell in your mouth at the sight of this. He ran his fingers gently through your hair, pushing back any strands that prevented him from seeing your face. Every slurp and suction increased the volume of his moans. Your tongue wrapping around his cock, licking and roaming every inch of it while it disappeared into your mouth every now and again. His hands grabbed the side of your face, he knew he was close. You stopped all movement and let him do what he loved to do before he came.
His hips thrusting forward into your mouth, you moaned into his dick, the humming vibration bringing him closer to his climax. His eyes closed tightly as he groaned, “Fuck I’m coming.”
He paced quickened as he fucked your mouth. Slurping and moaning into him as much as you could, just as he was about to release, you threw yourself back, watching the white string of cum shoot out of him and fall on your body. Your breasts and chin adorned with his cum. Knees knobbing he bent over, placing his hands over them to control the shakes. He raised his head and looked at you, naked on the floor, propping yourself up enough where he could see his cum on your body. He reached over and grabbed the towel he ripped off of you so you could clean yourself. You simply shook your head and smiled deviously. Using your finger, you scooped up the cum and brought it up to your lips, sucking your finger clean. Chanyeol’s eyes widened and he watched you in awe as you cleaned yourself up.
“You’re so hot,’ he breathed. You chuckled seductively as you finished lapping up the last of his cum. The way he bit his lip made your womanhood throb. You wanted him inside you so bad. It was like he read your mind. Chanyeol’s recovery time was that for the record books. The first thing he did was rip the rest of his clothes off as he got up. Then he walked over to you and picked you up bridal style, carrying you over to the bed. You wrapped his arms around him planted small kisses on his shoulders before he placed you on the bed. Making his way toward your favorite curtain, your instincts kicked in. He pulled them open, revealing a mirror that almost took up the whole wall. It was your favorite part of Chanyeol’s room. You loved watching the faces he made while he wall drilling into you. He made his way over to you and kissed you. You bit his bottom lip and ran your tongue along it. He pulled away and smiled, that handsome smile.
“Turn around,” he commanded. You crawled to the end of his bed and got on all fours, your hips propped up waiting for him. You looked up at the mirror and saw him making his way behind you. Your eyes locked, both of you exuding animalistic desire. Chanyeol didn’t wait. He always took what he wanted from you. Just as he had done so before, his whole cock penetrated you, leaving you no time to prepare yourself for his entrance. Your walls clung to him tightly, wanting to feel every inch of him inside you.
“Mmm...baby you’re so wet,” he said, savoring your warmth. Immediately, he started pumping into you. His pace quickened with every stroke, arching your back into him so you could fully feel him inside you. Endlessly crashing into your spot, your body tensed. Your knuckles turning white again as you grasped at the sheets under you. You snapped your neck up and looked at him in the mirror. It was like he was caught in a trance, hypnotized by the way your walls gripped onto his cock and how your breasts hung at your chest, moving perfectly with his pace. Sweat was dripping down his forehead, traveling down the tip of his pointed nose. His mouth hung open, revealing his bottom teeth doing so. You couldn’t hold it in anymore. You felt your climax approaching and so did he.
Chanyeol’s hammered into you violently as you threw your head back in ecstasy, letting orgasmic waves wash over you. You felt your cum drip down your thighs and onto his sheets. But this didn’t slow Chanyeol down at all. He kept plowing into you, every thrust more powerful than the other. You let out another breathy moan, indicating another orgasm taking over you. As more of your cum dripped down your thigh and on his, he continued his pace. He raised his hand and brought it down to your ass with force, leaving his handprint on you. The sound of his cock being suctioned in and out of you filled the room along with a symphony of groans and moans spilling out of both of you. Another orgasm was approaching and you didn’t know how much longer you could take. You screamed his name in ecstasy as you came all over him again. You felt the sheets beneath your knees become soaked with your liquid. Your walls were tighter than ever and Chanyeol was on the brink of his orgasm. He gripped onto your waist for support as he collided into you. Another one? Fuck, how? You thought to yourself, knowing you were coming to your final orgasm. His dick throbbed in you and his moans never ending, he started to quake.
“Ohhh, (Y/N)....fuck,” he exhaled as he reached his climax, pumping his hot liquid into you. You too were reaching your final orgasm, your bones racking in your body as the last shot of come dripped out of you.
There was no energy left in your body. You just collapsed on the bed, panting and shaking violently. Chanyeol walked over to you with a towel. He tapped on your bum slighting to motion you to lift yourself so he could clean you but you just didn’t have the energy.
“Can’t...move…” you croaked. He smirked at your statement and proceeded to wipe your thighs and pussy clean.
“You see babe?” he said confidently while he wiped himself down after. He flung the towel across the room letting it fall where ever it may and laid next to you. He was on his side, supporting his head with his hand. “I’m the only one you need.”
Using his free hand, he pushed the stray hairs behind your ear so he could see your face. Slowly and painfully, you turned and laid on your back, scooting as close as you could to him. He leaned in and kissed your forehead lovingly.
“Are you okay?” he asked, concern thickly coating his words. You just chuckled.
“I’m great,” you exclaimed, loving the feeling of his touch. He was running his hands through your hair, occasionally caressing your face gingerly. You couldn’t help but notice his expression was different than usual. After sex, he flashed that 1000 kilowatt smile and would bring you closer to him, digging his face into your (h/c) locks. But today, he studied you, his doe-like eyes boring into you.
“What’s wrong?” you asked him. He bit his lip and tried to look away.
“You know what’s wrong,” he said silently, pinching the tip of his nose. It was a habit of his that you always noticed. Finding whatever energy you had left, you turned to your side just as he did, mirroring his stance and propping your head on your arm. He never stopped caressing you.
“I know baby,” your words were gentle and soft. “But it was just a one-time thing...I didn’t even want to do it.” He didn’t try hiding the happiness you gave him when he heard you say that. But it only lasted a minute.
“Well then why did you do it if you didn’t want to?” he was scared of your answer before he even asked.
“New client,” you said flatly. It was really that simple. “We are expanding, Yeollie. You know I can’t give you any more details but--”
“So don’t,” he cut you off. His expression turned solemn. Even if you could share the details about your other client, he didn’t want to hear them truthfully. “Just answer these two questions for me and we can move on,”  He leaned in so his lips would meet yours. They lingered there for a while, the butterflies in your stomach started batting their wings violently.
“Do you love me?” he breathed into you before he kissed you again.
“With all my heart,” you replied between kisses.
"And,” he kissed you again. “Will you wait for me?” His lips colliding again with yours.
“Until the end of time,” you whispered. He smiled wildly while collapsing on his back stretching his long limbs.
“I have the most perfect girl in the woooooorld,” he screeched as limbs reached out for what seemed like nothing. He sighed and tucked his hand under his head. Perfect girl? You thought. How low are your standards, Chanyeol? He interrupted your thought by clearing his throat. He always knew you were mentally denouncing his compliments the very second he gave them to you. “Come,” he continued, patting his chest with his free hand. “Lay with me for a little before you go.”
“No, you know I’m not going to want to get up after--”
“So don’t leave,” he said it like it wasn’t a big deal. You scoffed at him and shook your head. “Why not?” he pleaded.
“Because, Junmyeon will murder me and hide the body,” you joked. He chuckled along with you.
“That’s not a good enough reason,” he twirled the ends of your hair in between his fingers, just examining your naked body adoringly.
“My life isn’t a good enough reason,” you asked shocked. His eyes trailed away, making a pensive face then looking back at you quickly.
“No!” he said with emphasis, his eyes widening at you. You gasped and slapped his hand away. He laughed at your expense and then tried again
“Pleaseeee, just lay with me!” he pouted at you and his eyes glistened. “I want to hold you.”
How could you say no to that man? You smiled and gave into him, letting your head rest on his chest. Chanyeol shifted so that he was on his side again but now he held you close to him. His chin resting on the crown of your head and your face buried into his clavicle. His embraced tightened as he nuzzled into your hair.
“I promise I won’t ever let anything hurt you again,” he whispered softly as he always did. There wasn’t a day that passed where he didn’t remind you.
“There is no way you possibly think that Korean food is spicier than Mexican food!” you screeched into the phone. You were trying not to make too much noise as you walked into your apartment. The last thing you wanted to do was wake up the beasts aka your roommates. But Chanyeol was making it difficult by spewing nonsense into the phone.
“Yes, it is! I’ve tried Mexican food and it’s not that spicy,” he said as a matter of factly. You walked into your kitchen and put your bags down. After leaving the EXO dorm, Chanyeol called you immediately as always. He stayed on the phone with the whole way home. On your way back, you bought some pastries and bread for Damon and Maya as a thank you for helping you with that BTS situation. You felt a bit of guilt when Chanyeol suggested all kinds of pastries for them as you were in the bakery.
“Where did you try this Mexican food?” you asked, supporting the phone with your shoulder as you took the boxes out of the bags.
“In America!”
“Okay, where in America?”
“Taco Bell,” he said proudly. You almost spat.
“That’s not real Mexican food, Chanyeol,” you said trying to stifle back laughter.
“Yes it is! They’re tacos and burritos! What’s the difference?”
“(Y/N), shut the fuck up. In this house, we sleep in the middle of the night into the goddamn morning,” Damon interjected from down the hall.
“Okay, my bad, I’m sorry,” you called out quietly.
“Who are you talking to?” Chanyeol asked, his voice stern.
“No one,” you replied simply.
“It didn’t sound like no one,” he retaliated. Here we go, you thought.
“Chanyeol, it was Damon. I just told you I was home,” your voice expressing your annoyance.
“You sure you went home and not to your new client’s house?” his attitude completely changing back into the Chanyeol that you least liked.
“Don’t be like that, the sun is out and it’s basically daytime already,” you whispered. “Who am I going to see now?” You pointed at the window as if he was there to see it.
“So why are you whispering?” he doubted.
“Because I don’t wanna wake up Damon and Maya,” you explained, hoping you two could go back to talking about food. But you knew it was over.
“I see, well...it is pretty early. I should get my day started,” he said flatly. You made your way to your room and closed the door behind you.
“Are you going to sleep?” you asked with concern. You heard him sigh on the other side of the phone.
“No I’ll be fine,” again, his tone was flat. You leaned against the wall and threw your hands up in frustration.
“You have to sleep. Even if it’s for a li--”
“I said, I’ll be fine. Don't worry about me,” there was a silence. Just as you were going to say something, he beat you to it. “Look, I’m gonna go. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”
Before you got to get a word in, he hung up on you. You let the phone fall to the ground as you stomped to your bed. You threw yourself on top, letting your face be suffocated by the many pillows that adorned your bed. Out of pure frustration, you let out a wailing scream, right into the pillow.
“Shut uuuuup!” you heard coming from Damon or Maya’s room. You couldn’t hear over your own screams, physically and mentally. Chanyeol always promised to protect you but he couldn’t protect you from the two things that hurt you the most, his jealousy and yourself. As you laid there, you thought about it more clearly.
It wasn’t like his jealousy wasn’t justified. Granted he didn’t know about Jin, but Jin was lovely. A very handsome man with a great sense of humor and a laugh that could fill you up with joy. At the end of the day, you didn’t love Jin. You loved Chanyeol. Or at least that’s what you were telling yourself.
The truth of it is, Jin fucked you up. He showed you a tenderness and passion that Chanyeol never showed. Chanyeol was fast sex, crazy rough sex accompanied by an intense and intimate cuddling after. But Jin was the opposite. Jin was slow and observant. He wanted to feel you every inch of you, indulge you and get drunk off your body. He was soft and gentle. Chanyeol is rugged and intoxicating.
But you were used to rugged and intoxicating. One could say that it was a type you had. But your mind was flooding back to Jin. The way his lips felt on your body, like a feather landing on the ground. His hands weren’t roaming your body, they were investigating. Memorizing your every curve and imperfection.
Suddenly, you felt yourself get hot. Thinking about Jin, even after Chanyeol fucked you into his mattress just a few hours ago, was exciting you. Your hand made its way down to the source of your heat. You pried your lips open and placed a finger on your clit, moving against it slowly.
Jin spilled into your mind again as you rubbed more vigorously. You thought about his lips engulfing your nipple, sucking and circling his tongue around it. The way he rubbed your pussy up and down, making you melt in his hand. You toyed your entrance with your fingertips as you thought back to his fingers in your mouth, tasting yourself.
“Oppa doesn’t like games.” His voice echoed in your head as you inserted a finger inside you, envisioning in your head that it was Jin pumping into you. You closed your eyes and saw him looking down at you. That glistening skin, those plush full lips. Faster and faster you pumped into yourself. Wanting Jin, needing him. Your hips bucked at the thought of his cock swelling in you. That gaze he shot at you before he came.
“Come for oppa, jagi. Come for me.”
It was like you could feel his breath on your face. His voice was so crisp in your head. You thrashed your head back and let that familiar wave of utter bliss run through you, and drip down all over your fingers. When you pulled out, you laid there with your eyes closed, your chest rising and falling rapidly.
The only thought you could think of was, What the fuck is wrong with me? You had just gotten dicked down but a man you were sure you loved and now you’re touching yourself at the thought of another. Strangely enough, the guilt you felt precious started to tear into you. But why? You thought. Why do I even fucking care?
As you let your sleep consume you, the last thing you were able to think of was Jin, cupping your face the way he did gazing at you like you were the only woman in the world.
A/N ;; Tell me what you think guys! I'm trying to post all my chapters as soon as I'm done with them. Like I said, the Chanyeol x (Y/N) x Seokjin interaction is coming soon. I promise!
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The Universe (Lin x Reader) Soulmate AU Platonic
WC: 4185 (I don’t think I’ve ever written a one shot this long before)
A/N: I’m basing this off of a fic I read a little bit ago that had this same AU. I thought the idea was great so I wrote my own fic with it. For clarification, Writing will always be italicized, and Lin’s will always be bolded. I’m really proud of this one!
When Lin turned 20, he received a notebook in the mail. It was red and spiral bound, looking pristine as notebooks of the same kind did when you first bought them. This notebook wasn't for the countless lectures left in Lin's college career. Instead, it gave him a form of communication with his soulmate. The pages were blank, meaning Lin had turned 20 first. There was no way of knowing who was on the other side until they were in possession of their own notebook.
Lin sat down with his nicest pen and wrote the first entry.
Dear Soulmate,
Looks like I'm the first to turn 20, though I can't wait to make your acquaintance. I don't know how this works, since I’ve never had a soulmate notebook before. Then again, neither have you so how are either of us to know what is the right or wrong way to do this? I guess I'll start by just telling you about myself.
My family is Puerto Rican, and consists of my sister, my parents, and myself. I've lived in the same neighborhood my whole life, and I love it so much I'm writing a musical about it. I guess I should mention that I write musicals. I also make mixtapes. When you finally see this, I’ll make you a mixtape if you want. I assume you like music, otherwise we wouldn’t be soulmates. Or would we? I don’t know how this works. Have I said that?
I can’t wait to learn more about you!
Lin knew the rules. You weren’t allowed to say your address, your phone number, or anything that would allow the other person to find you by looking you up. The only thing you were allowed to say was your first name, trusting The Universe would bring you together when the time was right. It always happened eventually. If you disobeyed the rules, the government would confiscate your notebook and burn it. Then you would never find your soulmate, so most people tried to avoid breaking the rules.
Every night, Lin would write an entry describing his day to his soulmate. After two years of entries ranging in length from a paragraph to a page, he finally got a response.
The note was in pencil, scribbled onto the page in unique handwriting, the handwriting of Lin's Soulmate.
Dear Lin.
I'd apologize for being 2 years behind, but I didn't control when I was born so tough luck. Thanks so much for the daily updates, I spent all afternoon reading them. Do you ever sleep? Seems like you're a workaholic, but maybe I'm just making assumptions. I don’t know how this works either, so I guess I’ll just tell you about myself.
My favorite color is green, I have a cat that’s so fat I can barely pick him up, I eat peanut butter like it’s my job. That would be a really cool job, I’m not gonna lie. It would pay for all the peanut butter I eat. My for real job is as a barista at a local coffeeshop, but I don’t like coffee. I really like Christmas an abnormal amount, but my family isn’t religious. I just like the commercial happiness of it. Gift giving is my jam. I’m currently in college and I have a fridge in my room but it’s always empty. Whether it’s because I eat all my food as soon as I buy it or because I don’t buy food that goes in the fridge, the world will never know. I’m sure we’ll get to know more about each other through this notebook, but I think this is good enough for now.
Lin was ecstatic. After two years of watching his friends communicate with who was destined to be the love of their life, Lin had finally communicated with his own. He wrote two whole pages of response that night, waiting for a reply.
Unfortunately, his reply didn't come until the morning. A simple Sorry I fell asleep graced the page. Lin watched in awe as letters appeared on the page next to the apology.
I stand by what I said before. You’re definitely a workaholic. I don’t really like writing, if I’m going to be completely honest. I’m going to draw you a picture of my facial expression instead. On an alien.
Lin laughed out loud as he watched the doodle appear, covering half of the page.
That was weird, sorry.
Lin scribbled his reply in a margin, where it would be out of the way of anything his soulmate was about to write.
It wasn’t weird, I promise.
What are you doing today Soulmate? You haven’t told me yet.
I have meetings this morning about my musical, they’re finally staging it!
You do realize we’re the only ones who see this? Lin added a winky-face drawing, hoping his teasing manner wouldn’t be lost in translation.
You’re my soulmate. You’re supposed to be “my whole world” or some crap like that. The only thing I know about this is what I’ve heard from my parents. They’re stupidly in love. I just don’t get how you can just be ok with falling in love with someone because The Universe says so. And who’s saying that it’s not just the government controlling this? They monitor everything to make sure we don’t mess with The Universe but what if they just randomly paired us together and we have nothing in common?
Well, I’ve learned a bit about Soulmates as I was waiting two years for you to show up. (Sorry I’m a baby appeared in the margin next to where Lin was writing) Even if we were randomly paired, have you ever heard about a Soulmate pair that hasn’t worked out? And everyone ends up meeting their soulmates, without fail. There’s no way the government could facilitate that. There’s too many people and humans are very unpredictable. But if you’re so worried about not knowing if we’re right for each other, let’s just take this slow.
You know what really pisses me off?
Please don’t hate me.
I won’t.
I hate the people who jump right into relationships with their soulmates. I have a friend who turned 20 four months ago and she and her soulmate have already planned their wedding. I’m invited, so are you.
Well I guess I need to find a tie. And I promise I’ll wait five months to plan our wedding. Lin paused for comedic effect. Just kidding, like I said, we can take it slow. We can wait until we meet in person, we could wait until after that even. Don’t worry, we have a lifetime together.
You say that like it’s a good thing, wait until you really get to know me. Lin could tell from (Y/N)’s joking manner that the serious conversation was over and they were all good.
They continued to write to each other every day, but unlike many people they both knew who wrote like pen-pals, Lin and (Y/N) wrote as if they were having a conversation over an instant messenger. The only exception to this would be late at night, when Lin was working on writing music. (Y/N) would usually be asleep (she did that a lot) so Lin would combat any writer’s block he had by writing about anything and everything for her to read in the morning.
Senioritis is hitting me hard this morning Lin scribbled on a fresh page, writing the date in large numbers at the top.
Same Lin laughed at (Y/N)’s response, glancing at the time on his phone and knowing she probably just woke up so her brain wasn’t functioning well yet.
When’s graduation, Grandpa?
26 days, not that I’m counting
I hope we don’t meet before then. I don’t think I’ll be able to sit through another graduation, not even my own. (Y/N) was the youngest of 7 children, all of whom had graduated both high school and college and in some cases, Grad school. She had definitely been to her fair share of graduations.
I don’t know what you’re talking about, Pomp and Circumstance is my favorite song!
You’ve given me too many mixtapes to claim that Pomp and Freaking Circumstance is your favorite song. Lin was about to write a reply when he noticed the time.
Gotta go, gonna be late.
Run Forrest, Run!
Lin heeded her advice, grabbing his backpack and dashing out of his dorm room. When he got to class he slid into his seat just as the professor was about to begin the lecture. Lin pulled out a pen, then unzipped his backpack. The only thing there was a piece of sheet music. Lin remembered taking his notebook for notes out at home, where it was probably sitting on his desk. The only thing Lin had with him at this moment in time was his Soulmate notebook on the table in front of him. Sighing, Lin clicked his pen.
Don’t hate me.
Too bad, I already do. What’s up?
I left my lecture notebook in my room. This is all I have with me.
What class are you in? The good one?
Ugh. How long is this class?
An hour and a half.
I’m going to take a nap. Good luck!
Enjoy your nap. I’ll be here suffering.
Don’t try to guilt me into staying
I’m not, just stating the facts.
Ok fine. I’ll stay and keep you company. You better take good notes though. I’m quizzing you after.
Lin had to stifle a laugh as he scrambled to catch up on the notes. As he wrote about the history of theater, (Y/N) would circle things he wrote with her pencil (always pencil for her, always pen for Lin) and add her own commentary. Sometimes she’d make jokes or puns, sometimes she’d draw a doodle. Sometimes she’d make up her own facts that were obviously untrue but much more entertaining than the monotonous lecturer in the front of the room.
Thanks for the help Lin scribbled in the margin as the professor wrapped up class.
Whatever helps my dear soulmate succeed in life
Heading to lunch now. I’ll talk to you later!
Smell ya later :)
You’re weird
It’s true though. When we finally meet, which constitutes as later, I will smell you.
I’m holding you to that. Lin closed his notebook and went to meet a friend for lunch, as planned.
“How are things with the soulmate going?” Chris asked as Lin sat down with his sandwich.
“She’s amazing. Witty, funny, takes a lot of naps.”
“So the opposite of you?” Chris asked with a grin.
“Nah man, like I said, she’s great,” Lin retorted.
“Are you in love with her yet?” Chris asked. Lin thought about it. He and (Y/N) had been communicating for almost a year now, but he wouldn't say he was in love with her. Sure he cared a lot about her, but it was never romantic love feelings. Lin festered over Chris’ question until he had time to write to (Y/N) later that afternoon.
Are we in love?
What answer do you want to hear?
Chris asked me if we were in love and I didn’t know what to tell him.
Because I said I didn’t want to rush into things or because you don’t think we’re in love but it’s abnormal for soulmates who have been in contact with each other for this long?
Get out of my head
If I’m going to be completely honest, I don’t think I’m in love with you. I love you, I know way more about you than any normal human being should, and I can’t wait to meet you because you are hands down my best friend, but I don’t think we’re in love. Like calling you my boyfriend would be weird because you’re just my Lin. You’re just my strange best friend. :)
Lin was relieved. He shouldn’t have worried so much about it, since he and (Y/N) were soulmates, obviously she’d feel the same way.
I’m glad we’re on the same page.
Do you think it’ll stay this way? Or will we one day realize that we’re pining for each other?
I would be ok with this being it. But I wonder if that’ll change once we meet in person.
I guess we’ll find out. Why don’t they write manuals about these things?
You may have not gotten a manual, but you got a Lin-Manuel ;)
Shut up you dork.
You love me
I do
The topic didn’t come up again until a few months later, a week before (Y/N)’s 21st birthday.
Can I tell you something?
I was just about to take a nap but sure go ahead, I’m awake now.
I met a girl today.
I met a girl today too. She’s my lab partner for the next two labs and she’s really annoying.
No I mean like a girl girl.
There are lots of girls, Lin. Be more specific please.
She asked me on a date.
Was she cute?
… yes
Did you say yes????
… yes
Wait you’re not mad?
How can I be? Some people date before they get their notebook. And you and I are weird since it’s been a year and a half without either of us drawing pictures of sexual fantasies of each other (my friend does that with her SM…. she showed me… it was gross.) I’m not surprised you found a girl attractive.
You’re not jealous?
Nope. Why did she ask you out though? Younger lady? You’re almost 24.
Don’t remind me how old I am. Her soulmate died in a car accident three years ago.
Oof. That’s rough. Please don’t die on me. I don’t think I would survive without a friend who is obligated to like me :)
I’ll try not to
When’s your date?
Next week, we’re going out for coffee.
With you yelling like that, it would be very awkward. I hope we don’t meet for the next two years.
How could you say such a thing?! I’m the one person who makes you “feel complete”, you said so yourself. You want to meet me as much as I want to meet you.
You don’t want to meet me, you said it like six times last week.
That’s because you were being a butt.
You’re always a butt
So are you, that’s why we’re soulmates
I gotta go to work now. Let me know if mystery girl texts you ;)
Her name’s Vanessa
That’s pretty! How does she feel about you having a soulmate?
She wanted to know if I was cheating on you by saying yes. I explained our situation and she went with it I guess.
Cool Beans
Don’t you have to go to work?
Yeah but my boss won’t fire me. I’m the only employee who doesn’t abuse the free coffee employee discount. Without me, he’d be bankrupt by now.
I’m glad you have such good job security
I won’t keep this job forever. Have I mentioned I hate coffee? I don’t wanna come home smelling like it every day, but I do.
Go to work, we’ll talk later
Love you loser
Love you too weirdo
Lin was up late working once again when the clock struck midnight, signifying (Y/N)’s birthday. Lin stopped what he was doing, turned to a fresh page, wrote the date at the top (and drew some balloons for good effect), then carefully penned the lyrics to Happy Birthday.
Happy Friendaversary Lin :)
Happy birthday, (Y/N). How does it feel being old now?
I’ll never be as old as you, so I don’t feel too old. Plus I wasn’t born until like 7PM, I’m technically still in my 20th sun rotation
Only you would call your age a “sun rotation”
That’s what it is, right?
Yes but it’s weird
I’m weird, you’re weird, we’re soulmates. How many times do we have to go over this Lin?
Many more times, since your weirdness always amazes me.
Cute. How did your date go?
It was fantastic. Vanessa is so smart and beautiful.
Lin and Vanessa sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G
Are you sure you’re turning 21 and not 12?
Of course!
Lin didn’t even notice the next few years passing by, with ‘Heights’ opening and his constant conversations with (Y/N).
How are things with Vanessa?
Fantastic, as always.
Good. If she hurts you, Imma find you and beat her up for you.
Wow, thanks
Anything for my soulmate, bro
Do you ever think we’re going to meet?
Wow, getting to the deep questions early today
I’m serious (Y/N). How many soulmates have taken over seven years to meet?
… none
Lin sighed. Vanessa, who had just finished washing the dishes in their shared apartment, came over to him and started rubbing his tense shoulders.
“What’s the matter, love?”
“I’m just talking with (Y/N) and we realized that we may never meet.”
“Soulmates always meet. The Universe has it all figured out,” Vanessa reassured him.
“But we’re not normal. It defies everything in The Universe that I’m in love with you and not her, yet here we are.” Vanessa was silent.
“Are you worried that I’ll leave you if I meet her?” Lin asked.
“Yes and no. I’m not worried if you continue your friendship with how things are now. I wouldn’t have stayed with you this long if I thought you were secretly in love with each other. But I am worried that once you meet a switch will flip and you’ll fall for her in an instant.”
Lin felt guilt wash over him, even though the scenario was just theoretical. He held Vanessa tight in his arms that night, his soulmate notebook abandoned on the counter.
When he returned to it the following morning, there was a list of messages from (Y/N)
Where’d you go?
Fine, ignore me, that’s ok
What if we never meet, Lin?
What if we go our whole lives with this messed up pen-pal relationship?
None of my friends use their books anymore Lin. They’ve all found someone. They’re all married with 2.5 kids. I get invited to weddings and baby showers and school fundraisers and every time I bring my stupid notebook along because it makes me feel like you’re there with me. Half the time I end up leaving early because I’m too encompassed by our notes to pay attention. I hate that we’re so far apart.
Lin didn’t realize he was holding his breath as he read (Y/N)’s note, absorbed in the shape of the words. Lin was so familiar with her handwriting that he could tell her hand was shaking as she wrote.
I still don’t want a relationship with you though. I don’t want a relationship with anyone, and that’s the problem. You’re so happy with Vanessa, I can tell. And I can’t picture myself kissing you or marrying you or having your babies. All I want is to take on the world with you as my best friend instead of just some words in a notebook.
Goodnight Lin
I love you.
Lin scribbled back a lengthy message, reassuring her that he loved her too and that The Universe had a plan for them. (Y/N) replied with a string of curse words about The Universe. Eventually she calmed down and things went back to normal.
You asked Vanessa to marry you.
The words came out of nowhere. Lin had been working on a new song so he had penned a quick hello to his soulmate. His pen stopped where he placed it on the page. He didn’t know how to respond to (Y/N)’s statement.
Cat got your pen Lin? I know you better than anyone in the world. We’ve told each other things that we’ve never told anyone else because we understand each other. I know you’re thinking about it, don’t even try to lie.
How did you know?
You were really nervous last night, I could tell. You said you were going out to dinner with her tonight, so I figured that was it.
Just one question
I was worried you’d think I was rushing things
You’ve known her almost as long as you’ve known me. I wouldn’t call that rushing.
I wanted to wait until we met so I could invite you.
So I could give the best toast and outdo your best man? I think you made the smart choice in getting married before you meet me.
You’re impossible
When haven’t I been?
Never :)
You’ll never guess what happened to me today.
I met this kid, he’s like 8 years old, and he had a soulmate notebook.
They starting them younger now?
No, I guess he just met his soulmate before he turned 20. The next day he got his notebook in the mail and his soulmate did too. Right now they just draw pictures of cars and potatoes to each other for fun, but why do eight year old boys get to have their soulmate 12 years early, while I have to wait eight years for mine?
Or The Universe screwed up again, like it did for us. It’s overcompensating. That’s why you met that kid.
Wow you’re so insightful. Marry me?
Ha Ha, very funny. Now you’re really not invited to my wedding.
Good, I’d probably get really wasted anyways.
Who says I’m not getting really wasted too?
That’s why we’re soulmates!
Even through all the wedding preparations, Lin always made time to write to (Y/N). He used his soulmate notebook to take notes about cakes, tuxes, and floral arrangements. (Y/N) would give him her input, which he would use to determine his own opinion.
I swear, if I have to eat another piece of cake I’m going to throw up.
Not on the notebook please! Remember that time I spilled juice and the stain ended up on your page too? I don’t wanna see what happens with vomit.
I’ll try to hit my shoes instead
By the way, it’s a good thing I’m not invited to your wedding.
Because I got invited to a wedding the same day. One of my guy friends’ wife has to work that day, so he’s bringing me as his plus one. He said I could get wasted if I wanted, since I wouldn’t know anyone there. Seemed like too good of an opportunity to pass up.
I’m glad you’ll have something to entertain yourself so I don’t end up with another essay about why Cheddar cheese is better than American cheese.
You enjoyed that essay, don’t lie. But I will write you a speech that you have to read on my behalf at your reception. Promise?
I promise.
The day of Lin’s wedding, he awoke to a 2 page speech from (Y/N). Lin gave it a once over, deeming it appropriate for the occasion.
Break a leg loser <3
Thanks weirdo. Don’t get alcohol poisoning <3
Lin and Vanessa’s wedding was everything he dreamed it would be. The only thing missing was (Y/N), further crushing Lin’s hopes of ever meeting her. The Universe couldn’t even be kind enough to let her be at his wedding? Lin tried to keep those thoughts aside as he enjoyed his day, but the time finally came for him to read (Y/N)’s speech.
“Hi everyone. In case you didn’t know, Vanessa isn’t actually my soulmate. Her soulmate tragically passed away, and I still haven’t met mine. (Y/N) has written a very lengthy speech for me to read on her behalf, and if I don’t she will know and probably murder me in my sleep if we ever meet. So here goes,” Lin took a breath and was about to start reading when he heard a “Wait!!” come from one of the back tables. He looked up, noticing a girl around his age walking towards him, bumping into chairs, tables, and people, apologizing to everything she accidentally hit. She was wearing a blue dress, and in her hands she was tightly clutching a tattered, thick, notebook.
“Since I’m here I think I can read the speech myself,” she said as she approached where Lin was standing, giving him a giant grin. He somehow found himself by her side and enveloped her in a hug.
“I thought you would never show up,” he said.
“Funny how The Universe can work things out. Now can I read my speech?” She asked, a twinkle in her eye that Lin recognized only from pictures of himself. Lin nodded, gazing at her in awe as she began.
“Lin is by far the strangest human being I have ever known. And that’s why I love him….”
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stilinski-jpeg · 8 years
The Night She Took (My Breath Away) SMUT (NSFW 18+)
A/N: Hi guys. I have no idea where is came from but here it is. The titles is from this song I Don't Know Her Name by Bad Boy Blue and I think the lyrics are perfect for this song. Also, idfc by Blackbear helped me with the smut. Thank you thank you thank you to @writing-obrien for helping with this. She's such a lifesaver, She’s always there to jump in and take over.
Warning: SMUTTT, Slight alcohol abuse(I mean their drunk so), mentions for drugs
Word Count: 5482
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I growled irritatedly at the coffee machine before me, holding the cup tightly in my hand and banging my forehead against it, loudly. My finger slammed down on the return button for what seemed like the twelfth time but my money didn't come rattling back out and I was stuck with a ‘shot of coffee’, black coffee, in place of the extra large mocha-latté I’d ordered. I choked down the drop of liquid, wincing at it's bitter taste and checking my phone, noticing I had just enough time to get from one side of the building to the other where my class was located, here's hoping it wasn't too crowded, and no time to buy food.
My stomach itself seemed to pick up on this, because it rumbled loudly and I smacked a hand over it, sucking in my abdominal muscles in attempts to silence it. My hands rooted through my bag, pushing between folders, sheets and notebooks in hopes of finding a cereal bar I was almost certain I had in there and I finally located it with a proud grin, peeling the wrapper back.
Just as I lifted it to my mouth, looking back up in front of me a boy texting at rapid fire and almost a foot taller than I was, built like a wrestler, crashed into me and sent the breakfast snack flying to the floor, my mouth still watering at the thought of it, but now it was ruined. To top of this fabulous morning, I was late to the class because apparently I was in the wrong, heading to the English Language Department instead of English Literature. Despite thinking these two departments would be placed together, in the same building, they were at opposite sides of campus and all eyes were on me as the stereotypically creaky door loudly announced my arrival.
I was ushered into a seat, the boy who had ruined my breakfast lifting his foot up to kick his bag from the only close by available desk and he smirked, nudging his friends. I bit my tongue, dropping into my seat and ripping equipment from my bag, anger bubbling to the surface and I began scrawling down notes at rapid paces, hoping not to miss anything in a new class.
The boy and his friends snickered often behind me, their low murmured whispers irritating me intently. I did my best to block them out, scribbling notes down furiously. But when they began their witch like cackles, I snapped. I spun around so fast in my seat I swear I saw their hair breeze backwards. They were startled at first, but then the middle one cracked a sly grin.
“As much fun as it sounds like you all are having, can you maybe crank the volume to less than a dull roar?” I smiled curtly. They were all smiling now, obnoxious cocky grins.
“I like you.” The middle one spoke again, leaning forward. His eyes greedy and dark.
“I'd like you more if your mouth didn’t move.” I sassed, but still maintained my syrupy sweet demeanor.
“She won't be saying that when she's riding your cock later, Jordan.” His friend snorts from the right.
“I won't be saying anything, because the several drugs he must be on to think that I’d be anywhere near his tiny dick will make it so flaccid that it'll just look like a shrivelled up raisin.”
He opened his mouth to retort but a snort grabbed all of our attention and a boy, lips pursed from trying to eat a smile and a little too engaged into this boring lecture caught my attention. We all faced each other at the same time and I cocked an eyebrow at them in warning before turning back around.
I loved frat parties. Not for the booze or the boys but for the lively atmosphere. Everyone was there to have a good time with no regard to what happen the next day. I was heavily intoxicated after my second round of beer pong. If I'm being frank, I was too drunk to know up from down or my room from the random one I stumbled in. I toed off my heels that I was sure about a quarter of the way through the night were giving me blisters, ripped the tiny black skirt from my body, the sparkly black crop top following that and finishing with chucking my bra somewhere into the darkness of the room.
I clumsily walked over to what I assumed was my dresser and pulled out the first shirt my fingers grazed. I could only tell it was grey, but disregarded this fact as I threw the piece of fabric over my head. The curls that lay delicately on my shoulders scratched the back of my neck irritatingly and I was desperate for anything to tie my hair up with something. Unfortunately, the room began spinning and I was lucky enough to make it the bed in time to collapse before subsequently fall asleep.
Somewhere later in the night, I vaguely remember the door opening a strip of light illuminating the room briefly. I could make out the outline of a shadowed stranger walking gracelessly through the room, bumping into anything possible before collapsing into the chair that was settled underneath the window. The low snores of the stranger, lulled me carefully back to sleep.
Although muffled, the repulsive sound my phones alarm wailed startling me away. I shot up, promptly regretting doing so. The room was still spinning reminding me that I hadn't completely slept off the nauseating effects of copious amount of beer and liquor I'd consumed. I felt the beginnings of a headache as the alarm continued to scream and frantically searched the bed (that I quickly realised wasn't mine) for it. I clicked it off as soon as I found it, quieting it for now. The time read 7:46am which meant I had roughly fourteen minutes before I was late to my first class.
“Who throws parties in the middle of the week?” I hissed, throwing the covers off my body and rooting about the room for my clothes.
The boy that I obscurely remembered entering last night, was still slouched lazily in the chair. His head tilted back and his mouth wide opened. I snatched my skirt off the lampshade and slipped it on my body as I squinted at the boy. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place him. My phone vibrated in my hand and I checked.
‘Class in ten. Where are you?’
It was my roommate, I gave up the search for the rest of my clothing opting to stick the shirt into my skirt. I caught sight of the shirt and groaned. Star Wars? Really? I rushed over to the door, braless and hungover, grabbing my heels and bolting out of the room.
“You need to eat something.” My roommate, Megan, scolded again.
I'd only made it to class by the skin of my teeth. Thankfully, Megan had had the sense to bring me a pair of white, low top converse so I didn't have to spend rest of the school day in too-high heels. I was sure my feet would hate me if I tried.
“Ugh! Everything smells disgusting.” I groaned, pushing away the soup and orange juice she'd gotten from the lunch line just for me.
“Yeah, well maybe you shouldn't go out partying on a school night.”
This was Megan’s thing, mom-ing me. She reminded me to do my laundry and brush my teeth. Woke me up if I overslept and brought me soup when I had too much to drink. I ignored her comment and tentatively sipped on the soup to pacify her. She smiled triumphantly, doing a little celebration dance in her seat.
“So, which boy’s shirt are you wearing this time?” She asked, taking a huge bite of her ham sandwich.
I'd almost forgotten I was wearing it. I pinched at the material pulling it from my body to examine it further. “I'm not sure.” I admitted.
She scrunched up her nose in disapproval. Megan hated my promiscuity more than she hated my drinking. She always acted like I was some whore that slept with any guy I pleased. She was partially right, I loved sex. So when I felt like it, I'd fuck any half decent person. She always lectured that sex would be so much better if I fell in love. But I don't do love. It was too messy to ever want to bother myself with. Sex was much easier.
“You'll be proud to know, I did not sleep with anyone last night.”
“Oh?” She said a little too surprised for my liking.
“Yes. Oh, well. I slept in someone's bed, but they weren't in it.”
“Then how do you explain the shirt?” She quizzed.
I rolled my eyes at her. “I don't know. I think I just threw it on when I was heavily intoxicated.”
“So,” she mumbled, mouth half full. “You didn't sleep with anyone, but you stole from someone and that's suppose to make me feel better?”
I chuckled, because there really was no winning with her. I took another sip of soup, pretending I thought the question was rhetorical. She shook her pretty blonde head, a smile curving her lips as we ate in a peaceful silence.
“Okay!” She said exasperated a few minutes later. She ducked her head so her face was directly in front of mine, grabbing my full attention.
“Do you know that guy over there?” She nodded over my shoulder with her head.
I frowned at her glancing behind me only to catch the eyes of a boy staring at me. At being caught, he snapped his head away now completely involved in his friends conversation. I furrowed my brows and turned back to her.
“No? Why?”
I was a partial lie, because I didn't know him. But I did recognise him. He was the guy that I saw in class yesterday. The one that was way into involved in the lecture. But if I told her that, she'd be all over my case.
“Because every damn time I look up, he's staring over here.”
“Maybe he's looking at you?” I offered.
“No, because I stared at him for a full minute and he didn't even notice. You turn your head and he's like a cat in water.”
“So?” I shrugged, growing bored.
“Soo, he's staring at you!” She implored.
“You're crazy, Mey. It's just a coincidence.”
“Oh yeah? Well, he's coincidentally looking over here… again.”
I was genuinely surprised by this and looked over my shoulder at him. His head turns to hide from being caught again, but his eyes catch mine and he halted. I lend him a small smile as a hello and the corner of his mouth hikes up returning it. He's cute, hair tousled and a jaw bone that could cut glass.
“Hello?” Megan snaps at me.
“He's not staring.” I say simply returning to my soup.
She growled with irritation.
How I made it to the afternoon, I'm not sure. I was surprised myself at the amazing amount of resiliency I'd developed from my many late nights. I still felt a bit nauseous, but it was manageable enough to allow me to study without having to run to the ladies room. The library was sparse with people today, just the way I liked it. I scooted from my seat and stood, stretching my legs. I still had a paper and a half to write, that thought alone made my nausea return. I shook it off, heading to the back of the library. There housed all the criminology books one could inquire about.
Turning down a row, I was startled to find someone already standing there. He was partially shadowed by the lack of lighting, in the back of the library. Even still, I could tell by the killer bone structure that this was the same guy from my criminology class and lunch earlier. It was strange how he kept popping up when I'd never even seen before. He didn't notice me approaching, just kept flipping lazily through the book in his hand. I scanned the titles of the book awkwardly. I was sure he was standing in the spot that my book was but I was too polite to ask him to move. I pulled something random from the shelf randomly opening a page. This caught his attention and he glanced up slightly, before doing a double take at me. I rolled my own eyes, turning the page of the book that I wasn't reading.
“Are you going to say something or you just going to keep staring at me?”
He jumped, fumbling with his book and almost dropping it. I chewed on my lip to stop myself from rewarding him with a smile. He recovered, standing up straight and turning slightly to face me.
“Stiles.” He blurted out.
“What?” I spun my head to look at him, my brow scrunched together in question.
“Stiles.” He repeated nervously.
“What the hell is a Stiles?”
He squinted his eyes at me, tilting his head slightly. “My name?”
“Ah. Is it now?” Returning to scan the pages of my book.
“Yeah, and that's my shirt.” He said matter of factly.
My eyes widen with recognition at his words. Shit, this is the boy's bed I slept in last night. That's why he was staring earlier, he was trying to see if that was his shirt. I decide to not mention how I'd come to acquire the shirt, saving us both from that awkward conversation.
“You would like Star Wars.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” His voice was offended, but not as offended as he actually, probably, was.
I did my best to resist the urge to smile. “It's just a simple statement Stiles.” I looked at him again, his hands were on his hips and he was bent over slightly.
“I'm going to need my shirt back if you're going to bad mouth arguably the best series of movies of all time.”
I pretend to mull this over thoughtfully. He wasn't serious, but I wanted to see how much I could make him squirm.
“Okay.” I repeated, placing the book back on the shelf and untucking his shirt from my skirt, grabbing at its hem and slowly pulling it over my head. Stiles eyes followed my fingers, his mouth parted slightly. I could feel the cold air as I reached the underside of breasts, sending Stiles into a frenzy.
“Okay, okay.” His words coming out in a rush as he grabbed my arms from going up any further. “You can just give it to me another time.”
“First you try and get my clothes off in a library, and now you're already arranging the next time. You work fast.” I winked, finally blessing him with a smile. I reached past him, his whole body tensing as I took the book I actually wanted. Our faces were close together, the colour of his eyes weakening me momentarily before pulling away. I watched his eyes as they fell to my lips, this time I couldn't help my smile.
“See you around Stiles.” I turned my back, walking away.
“Stilinski!” He spat out, just as I was around the corner.
“What?” I threw over my shoulder, halting.
“My last name, it's Stilinski, and I never got yours?” I simply chuckled at him, waving my hand and continuing my walk.
“Hey, wait.” He called after me louder than he’d meant to.
He was shushed by the librarian, who he waved off in annoyance. He went and sat at a table just to the right of mine. He peeled off his backpack, that I hadn't noticed earlier, and began studying. I found it hard to study after that, I caught myself glancing at him too often. Now in proper light, I could see him fully. He was gorgeous, the kind of gorgeous that had the power to make you fall in love in a library. I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat, trying to shake that thought from my brain. ‘Did you just say the L word?’ I asked myself. The boy was sitting only a few tables away and even from there I could feel his eyes on me. I huffed, standing from my seat and checking the time, knowing I had a party to be at soon anyway. I put the book in the returns box, waltzing through the door and towards my dorm.
The music was loud, the room stank of different alcohols and drugs and the floor was practically vibrating. I'd swapped the converse, skirt and Stiles' Star Wars top out for another crop top, shorts and heels that I’d been told made my legs look good. Because even though I'd never admit it was hoping to see a certain whiskey-eyed, mole-freckled Star Wars freak.
I had my third drink clutched in my hand and I was already tipsy. The air thick with smoke and I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't high too, just from everyone else. The room was dizzy with flashing lights, music and false fog curling through and making it hard to see. After several minutes, I finally saw the light shining from the kitchen and I headed towards the doorway.
I rounded the around the corner, doing my best to finish my drink so I could get more. I lifted it to my lips only for it to be knocked from my hand. The sticky liquid spilling across my body and the cup falling to the floor. I looked up to see what had hit me because at this rate I was tired of having things being knocked out of my hands today. But when his eyes caught mine, I forgot about my anger, allowing a smile to light up my face.
I hadn't noticed till he moved it, but his hand was on my waist trying to steady me. His eyes scanning my face as his tongue darted over his bottom lip.
“Hi.” I breathed
His lips twisted up in a soft smirk, that was more like a smile. My heart raced, but I didn't know why. He was wearing a maroon shirt that clung perfectly to his body and khakis that hung gracefully from his hips. I was so taken by him that I hadn't spoken since we collided. I felt like the tables were turned. I was the nervous wreck and he was the smooth confident smooth one.
“Hey, you.”
I tried to regain control, placing my hand on his chest and pushing him back gently. His fingers slid against my skin, setting my nerves aflame. We stood there a moment longer, eyes locked. A group of giggling girls rushing into the room broke us from out trance.
“So, what are you doing here?” I asked, clearing my throat.
“I live here.” He chuckled gesturing around vaguely.
I cursed myself for not remembering that fact. His frat house threw the best parties on campus. Usually these were the only ones I went to. I decide to blame the alcohol for the memory slip. I stood up a little taller, placing a hand on my hip, preparing to say something witty but the tacky substance coating my torso had transferred to my fingers effectively shutting me up. I peeled my hands away from my body and looked at them in disgust.
“Shit, your shirt. I'm sorry. I totally bumped into you.” He spouted, taking a step back, trying to inspect the damage.
“It's not a big deal. I just need to clean up.”
“Well I hope you're not intending on borrow another one of my shirts.” He said as he turned, leading the way.
“Well seeing how this is your fault, I think you owe me.” I countered as we headed up the steps, dodging rowdy boys and couples making out along the way.
He opened the door to his room, allowing me to walk in first. He flicked on the light once the door was closed, dowsing the room in irradiation. I couldn't say the room looked familiar, having been more drunk than I was now, but I did recognise the comfy arm chair under the window. A forgotten memory of Stiles slumped against it, mouth open, softly snoring made smile.
“What?” He asked walking over to me, a shirt in his hands.
“Nothing.” I lied, taking it from him.
It wasn't anything special, but a simple blue shirt. I was mildly disappointed and I told him so.
“That Star Wars shirt you have is a collector's item! I can't go around giving you all my good shirts.”
That made me laugh, because he was serious although he was trying very hard not to be. A smiled cracked on his face.
“What are you smiling about?” I teased, tapping his elbow.
“I made you laugh.”
“Yes, you did.” I nodded, trying to hard to stop myself from smiling any bigger.
He continued to smile down at me like his life goal had been accomplished. I bit my lip, looking around the room awkwardly. “Soo, bathroom?” I asked.
Stiles’ eyes widened and he scratched his head nervously as he pointed to a door near the dresser. I gave him a small smile before slipping into the small bathroom. I shut the door behind me, but barely noticed when it caught on something, leaving it cracked. I laid the shirt over the towel rack then pulled off my shirt. My breasts bounced at being released from their confinement. The drink had seeped through my shirt, leaving the sticky residue covering the upper half of my body. I sighed, turning on the facet. As I waited for it to warm up a bit, I checked my make up in the mirror, sure that something had smeared or smudged at some point in the night. As I did, I caught sight of Stiles through the mirror. He was sitting on his bed, twiddling fingers. He looked aimlessly around the room, patiently wait my return. As I splashed watched over myself, I wondered how I'd never seen him before. The those moles littered his face and neck, his slightly upturned nose, his ability to effortlessly combat my sarcasm all had me swooning. And I didn't swoon.
For the the millionth time since we met, our eyes found each other. He turned away quickly, like he was caught doing something he shouldn't have.
That's when I decided.
I twisted the faucet off, heading for the door leaving his behind. There was a quiet squeak as I pulled open. He looked over his shoulder, taking his body with him. He eyes faulted to me bare body for only a second, before snapping up to meet mine.
“Uhh, d-did you not like that shirt?” He stuttered. “I can get you another one.”
I smiled, a real smile. I couldn't believe that even with a pair of tits in his face, he was still being as gentlemanly as he could possibly be.
“Is that what you really want, Stiles? Me to have a shirt on?”
“No.” He answered honestly.
“Then stop standing there and show me what you really want.”
In two giant steps he was to me, our bodies colliding, lips meeting in a desperate, sloppy kiss. He kissed me like he needed this just as much as I did. His hands were on my hips, pressing them hard into his. I groaned, feeling his length against me. I bit down on his lip, releasing it achingly slow. He growled, bending down so he could wrap his long fingers around my thighs. He lifted me briefly, tossing me on the bed. My tits bounced in rhythm of my fall and Stiles’ eyes were drawn to them instantly, hungrily licking his lips as he eyed them.
I smirked seductively as him, popping the button of my shorts. He countered by pulling his shirt off him. His body was smooth and lean, with a happy trail that disappeared into his khakis. I felt my core dampen at the sight. I slipped off my shorts and his eyes widened further.
“You’re not - You’re not wearing…” He trailed off, making me giggle.
“Nope,” I smirked, dragging my hand down between my thighs. I hissed when I made contact with my clit. I swirled my fingers around, surprising myself with how wet I was. Stiles watched a second longer before grabbing my leg and pulling me to the edge of the bed. I felt a warm tingle in more abdomen as I watched him drop to his knees. He grabbed my hand from my pussy, promptly sticking the fingers into his mouth and sucking up all my juice. I felt my mouth fall open, no one had ever looked so sexy doing something so dirty. He let my hand drop to the mattress as he began placing soft kisses down both my thighs, until reaching the spot I needed him to be. He placed one last kiss on my clit before plunging in with his tongue, moving in circular patterns. I bucked my hips involuntarily, balling my fist into his comforter. The pleasure was enhanced by his long dexterous fingers sliding perfectly inside me. I couldn’t contain the unladylike noises I was making. Together the duo had me in a downward spiral, I didn't even have to focus on my orgasm to feel it coming. The spring was wound tight inside me, threatening to snap any moment. But he was good at this, too fucking good and I didn’t want it to stop. He added another finger and I came. My climax crashing down on me as my back arched and his name spilled out of my mouth.
I was breathless by the time he pulled away, my chest rising and falling. He stood, ridding himself of his pants and boxers (probably his socks and shoes too). His cock standing at attention, while he stood looking so perfect in front of me. I pushed myself up from the bed so I was still upright and eye level with his hardon. I wrapped a hand around it, pumping as he stepped closer to me. My mouth watered as I thought of me fucking it. I peeked up through my lashes at him, licking my lips. A sound escaped, that he hadn't meant too. I dragged my tongue over his tip, lapping up the precut that resided there.
“Fuck.” He whispered more to himself.
I pulled him into my mouth until I he tapped the back of my throat. I gagged slightly, eyes watering after seconds. I glanced up at Stiles, a look of pure pleasure on his face. I hummed around him and he surged his hips forward, roughly.
“Sorry, your mouth just feels so fucking good.”
“It’s all yours.” I said, pulling him out for a short second.
He growled, tangling his hands into my hair, pushing my head into him. I hollowed my cheeks as he started with easy motions. But the better it felt the fast and deeper he thrusted. The first time he hit the back of my throat, he grunted with such contentment that a few snaps of his hips later he did it again. God, it felt so good. From then on, each thrust was buried to the hilt in my mouth. So much so, it started to get sore. But all I wanted was to taste the salty surprise at the finish line.
“I gotta stop.” He breathed, pulling out of my mouth with a pop. I pouted, looking up at him with folded arms. He chuckled, bending down to give me a chaste kiss. He pressed me down to the mattress, before standing up straight again and wrapping his hands around my legs as he lined himself up with my entrance. His tip rubbed against my sensitive clit, causing me to mewl in response.
“Please.” I whispered, needing him to fill me.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” He smirked, teasing my clit again.
I swallowed thickly, not used to not being the one in control. All I wanted in that moment was from him to fuck me stupid, but instead he played the upper hand making me beg for what I wanted. And fuck, I liked it.
“Please, Stiles.” I whimpered.
“Tell me what you want.” He tsked, now running along my entrance.
He was so close, just centimeters away and if I said the word he’d do what I’d been wanting him to do since he was eyeing me in the room.
“Fuck me Stiles, please.”
He slammed into me the second the words left my mouth. We both groaned as he fit into me, stretching me. I could come just from this feeling alone. He wasn’t moving, but this thickness was so enticing that my core was responding at will. I hadn’t expected this from him. Not the spastic boy I was talking to earlier in the library. They could almost be two separate people. He drew back deliberately slow only to pound back into me and filling me all over again. I clenched around him, my body's own reaction. Then began the attack, his hips crashing into mine over and over. The almost pornographic sounds I was making only egged him on. So fast and so hard that this time I didn’t except my orgasm when it hit me. My core tightened as he continued to impale me, letting me ride out the best high I’d ever had.
“Stiles.” I cried and his name falling from my lips pushed him over as he pulled out, pumping himself until white hot cum spewed out of his tip and onto my belly. He fell beside me, both our hot panting breaths filling the air but they were drowned out by the muffled and loud sounds of the music, that I hadn't even noticed until now, vibrating through the floor. I felt around for something, but he beat me to it, using his top from the floor to wipe my skin clean. In the dim lighting, his eyes were more captivating. My thoughts wandered to late nights, and dates, and more of this. I smiled, but when he smiled back like he was thinking the same thing, I snapped out of it.
He lifted his hand lightly, preparing to touch my face but I stood, scooping my clothes from the floor and padding into the bathroom, kicking the door shut. I dropped my clothes to the floor and looking at myself in the mirror. My red lips and just fucked hair stood up against my complexion. Panicked, I leaned against the sink, splashing water on my face and patting it dry with a towel from the rack next to his shirt. A series of bangs sounded from the other side of the door.
“Are you okay? Did I- Did I do something wrong?” His voice was soft and concerned and I clenched my eyes shut, cursing. I didn't do boyfriends or crushes, it was just sex because being horny sucked but he was drawing me in and I didn't like it, I didn't want it.
But I did.
I quickly dressed, forced to wear the shirt he'd given me. I was planning to do what I usually did and just leave with a simple goodbye but when I opened the door he was still standing there. I tried to move past him, but he blocked my path each time I tried to dodge him. His eyebrows furrowed and his hands finally locking on my hips to keep me in one place. He'd pulled on his boxer briefs now, hands burning against my hips. He walked me out of the bathroom, only to force me against the wall by the door and pressing me against it.
His lips trailed over mine lightly and his hands traced up my sides underneath my shirt, eyes locked with mine and my heart fluttered slightly. All my usual tendencies flying out of the window, one by one. Scrapping it all, I let my hands fly up to his neck, pulling his lips against mine and he groaned, tongue licking into my mouth as his body flattened mine against the wall. He began pulling my shirt up again, his fingers gliding along my body. With just his touch, he had me mesmerised. My power and will diminishing rapidly.
“I have to go.” I spoke against his lips.
He hummed a sound of disapproval, making me weak again. But I had to go. I couldn't let him break me down this easily. I pushed back softly so I was off the wall, then as quick as I could manage I slipped away. I saw him turn toward the door just as I closed it. ‘Fuck.’ I whispered before heading back down stairs.
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