#[rubs hands together] finally i get to write zhenya
shameofice · 2 years
"The files you need..." Ekaterina retrieves said documents with little fanfare, stacking them upon the desk. She's already arranged them in chronological order for easy reading. "The third on the list contains some redactions, though should you require clarification, I am only too happy to help. I hope this helps our Fair Lady in her mission. Was there anything else that you require?" [ to zhenya; a meeting better the 10th and 11th's right hands ]
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"thank you, ekaterina," zhenya says with a smile, standing up before collecting the documents into her arms with ease. she hadn't been waiting for too long, having only arrived at the northland bank only twenty or so minutes ago and had made a request for the files to be pulled due to lady signora's request. as to why lady signora wished for the files, well....it wasn't zhenya's place to question.
the elder woman pauses for a moment, pondering on if she needed anything from ekaterina at the moment. "and...no, i don't believe that i need anything else from the northland bank. but, as i have only arrived in liyue yesterday and have not had time to look around, and you have been stationed here for much longer, i have a question for you: does there happen to be a place where one could easily obtain over-the-counter pain medication? an old injury of mine started to severely act up while i was on the ship, and i am still looking for some kind of relief."
the old injury that zhenya was talking about is one she got about five years prior; a misplaced sword had nicked her spinal cord and several other vital nerves in her back, leading to her being taken off of active duty and merely working as a secretary. while still capable as a fighter, too much activity or stress caused her severe back pain, almost bad enough for her to have to lay down.
an afternoon of peeling through files at the desk of her temporary lodgings, accompanied by a nice glass of wine, sounds quite appealing to zhenya right now. but, her back feels like it's going to crumble, and it's a very unpleasant feeling.
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lovemeleo · 4 years
ok.... hear me out.... evgeni having to get his wisdom teeth taken out and being scared for the procedure and jackson comofrting him (also evgeni on anesthetics afterwards because I feel like that would be really funny)
(also I love your writing so much you're just amazing thx bye)
omg anon! I got so excited when I saw this prompt, I shared it with the whole SW discord server. Such a fantastic idea, and I hope I do it justice! I’m so glad you enjoy my writing, you’re so sweet! Hope you enjoy this fic xx
credit to @lumosinlove for the SW world and of course Nado & Zhenya 
if you’d like to check out my other nuny fics, here are the links:
- Cuddles with Love
- Remus finds out
- A New Dream Come True
- I’ve Got You
- The Same Brainwaves
- All You Need
cw: anesthesia, talking about medicine and dental work
“Zhenya, you’ve gotta get out of the car.” Nado said, his head resting on the steering wheel. The only answer he received was a lot of grumbled Russian that he didn’t understand. 
They had been sitting outside the oral surgeon’s office for 20 minutes. Luckily Jackson had planned in advance, getting them there an hour early. He knew Zhenya was nervous, it had been obvious since he made the appointment a month ago. Jackson could see the slight tremble in his boyfriend’s hands as he gripped at the sleeves of his hoodie.
Jackson reached over, resting a hand over Zhenya’s, “Baby, it’s going to be okay.” He murmured softly, rubbing his thumb over the frayed sleeve edge that covered Zhenya’s knuckles.
“Don’t want to go to sleep,” Zhenya whispered, turning his hand over to intertwine their fingers together. He had been putting it off for awhile now but the pain was getting too bad, struggling to sleep some nights.
Squeezing his hand, Jackson leaned over and resting his head on the taller man’s shoulder, “I know, babe. But it’ll be quick, they’ll sedate you and then when you wake up, it’ll all be over with and we can go home.”
Zhenya took a deep breath as he looked out the window, “Ok, let’s go. Before I lose confidence.” He said, quickly unbuckling his seatbelt and jumping out of the car. Jackson scrambled to follow him, grabbing his keys and phone before running to catch up to Zhenya who had already made it to the door.
After getting checked in, they sat down in the waiting room. The only sounds were Zhenya’s foot tapping nervously on the floor and the quiet music that played over the speaker. Jackson was thankful for that. If there were any type of dentist machine noises, Zhenya would’ve probably booked it right back out to the car.
Less than fifteen minutes later, a doctor came out the door, “Evgeni?” Zhenya’s hand tensed on the arm of the chair before he nodded.
“It’ll be okay, Zhenya. I’ll be waiting.” Jackson murmured, squeezing his hand before letting him go. He watched as Zhenya followed the doctor back, glancing back before the door closed behind them. 
And then he waited.
Around half an hour later, a nurse came out, “Hi, are you here for Evgeni?” She asked, glancing down at her clipboard.
Jackson was up and walking over to her before she finished, “Yeah, that’s me. Is everything okay? Is he okay?”
“Of course. Everything went very smoothly. He should be ready to go within the next couple minutes. We should get back there, he was already asking for you.” She explained, leading him back to one of the rooms.
Before she opened the door, Jackson could already hear Zhenya talking. He couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face.
The nurse opened the door, “Evgeni, I found your Nado for you, hun.” She said, leading Jackson into the room. 
Zhenya turned from where he had been rambling to the doctor in a wheelchair, his chubby cheeked face lighting up, “Котенок! You’re here.” He said. Or at least that’s what Jackson thought he said. He had ice packs strapped to either side of his face, gauze filling his mouth. And fuck, Jackson still thought he was cute as hell. 
“Of course I’m here, Zhenya. Told you I’d be waiting for you.” Jackson said with a smile.
Zhenya smiled, his head flopping slightly to look at the doctor, “видеть? я говорил тебе. I told you. He’s so good.” 
Chuckling softly, the doctor nodded, “Yes, I believe you, Evgeni.” He replied before looking at Nado. “I’ve prescribed him ibuprofen and Vicodin, which you can get from the pharmacy before you go. He can have one of each right away together, but after that it’s one pill of Motrin every six hours and one pill of Vicodin every 4 hours. It’s okay if you don’t remember all this, it’ll be on the bottles and the paperwork. Give us a call if he has any problems, okay?”
“Sounds good. Thanks so much for taking care of him.” Jackson said, shaking the doctor’s hand before he began pushing Zhenya down the hall.
Zhenya stared up at him the whole time, which was fairly comical as he couldn’t close his mouth, but he was still smiling, “Котенок. Hi.” Zhenya mumbled around the gauze.
Running a gentle hand through his hair, Jackson smiled as he made his way to the pharmacy, “Hi babe. You doing okay?” 
“So good. Took nap, now I see you. So good.” Zhenya said with a shrug, his head lolling to the side. Once they got to the pharmacy, Jackson parked Zhenya next to one of the chairs. A hand grabbed his wrist before he could walk away though.
Jackson turned to see Zhenya’s pouting face staring back at him, “I need to go get your medicine, Zhenya.”
To Jackson’s horror, tears started welling up in his boyfriend’s eyes, “You go? You leave me?” Zhenya said, his grip falling from Jackson’s arm.
Squatting down in front of Zhenya, Jackson took his boyfriend’s hand in his, “Hey, don’t cry, babe. I’m right here. Not going anywhere. I’ll bring you with, okay? Please don’t cry.” He blurted out, pressing a kiss to Zhenya’s knuckles.
Zhenya sniffled, his free hand coming to rub at his eyes, “Promise?” 
“Of course, I promise. I got you, Zhenya.” Jackson said quietly. He pushed the wheelchair up with him to the Pharmacy pick-up desk, parking Zhenya right behind him so he could get the medicine.
Just as he was about to hand the pharmacist his card, a large hand grabbed at his butt, making him let out what could only be called a squeak. Quickly whipping his head around, he gave Zhenya a dirty look, “Really?!” 
Zhenya looked completely nonplussed as he leaned back into his wheelchair with the approximate of what Jackson would call a smirk if his face wasn’t so swollen, “What? You put it in my face, how can I not?”
Letting out a sigh, Jackson handed the card to the pharmacist who was now trying to hide their smile. They handed over the bag and finally they were off towards the door, “Do you think you can walk to the car? Or do you want to use the chair?”
“Can I walk? Of course I can walk.” Zhenya said with a huff, carefully pushing himself off the chair. His legs wobbled a bit but after a second, he got his balance, giving Jackson a wide grin. “See? I’m strong. I did so good.”
Chuckling softly, Jackson put the chair back before wrapping an arm around Zhenya’s waist to lead him out, just in case, “Yeah, Zhenya. You did great.”
Zhenya seemed to take Jackson’s arm around his waist as a come-on because the other man felt a hand slowly creeping its way down to the back pocket of his jeans.
“Zhenya, not while we’re trying to walk.” Jackson said with a laugh, squeezing the taller man’s side.
Humming to himself, Zhenya rested his head on top of Jackson’s, “Nutty taught me word for this. Cake. You have nice cake.” He punctuated his statement with another squeeze.
At this point, Jackson was just trying to get them into the car, “Thanks, babe. That’s very nice of you to say.” He said, opening the passenger side door before helping Zhenya in, getting him buckled in. He quickly got in on the drivers side and they were finally heading home. 
Zhenya’s hand made its way over to Jackson’s leg as he drove, his fingers drawing shapes into the material of his pants, “I love you, you know, Котенок?”
A soft smile spread on Jackson’s face as he glanced over at his boyfriend, reaching down to squeeze his hand, “Yeah, Zhenya, I know. I love you too.”
The giant soppy grin was back on Zhenya’s face as he leaned onto the headrest, “I’m cuddle you when we get home. All day.” 
Well. How could Jackson argue with that?
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beggingwolf · 3 years
not to show the mess behind the curtain too much, but yes to show the mess behind the curtain:
I'm a little sad that sid is back to Person Mode in the LBW-verse because personally I enjoy lacking-filters-dog sid getting in geno's way. even though the story needs to move on and geno and sid need to interact person-to-person in order to start Resolving Things, I miss wolf!sid, so I'm about to indulge myself in a drabble that I'm literally writing in the tumblr post. will it be good? no promises. all I can promise is that it'll have grungy wolf sid and zhenya.
Zhenya wakes up to teeth pressing into his calf.
"Sid?" he asks hazily, tilting his head to see Sid with his jaws gently wrapped around Zhenya's skinny leg. The points of his teeth just barely dig into Zhenya's skin and muscle.
Sid gnaws a tad more before pulling away, and Zhenya makes a face as Sid's tongue scrapes against his Achilles tendon.
"Hi," Zhenya grouses. Sid peers at him, his large ears tilted in a clear emotional signal that Zhenya simply can't read.
Zhenya sits up with a groan, ducking out of the way of the bar and rolling his neck. He'd been taking a break between sets of bench presses and he'd closed his eyes, just for a second.
They'd gotten back from their California roadtrip a day ago. Zhenya had driven through the winding roads back to his house and Sid had been waiting for him on his front steps. He'd spent the week with Pascal's family—Zhenya had pestered him about needing somewhere to go during the roadie until Sid started growling at him, and eventually Carole-Lyne had called Zhenya and told him to kick Sid out.
Sid hadn't taken kindly to it, but all had been forgiven. Or, at least, he'd seemed happy enough to see Zhenya again, if his slowly-wagging tail had been any indication.
Zhenya is normally decent at recuperating from jetlag—he flies around too often not to be—but this time it had been harder. His hotel bed had started to feel entirely too empty, and he resented that he missed the warm touch of fur and Sid's stray limbs that twitched as he dreamed. Zhenya had slept poorly the last few nights in California, despite the saltwater air and the comfortable heat and the fucking amazing ability to stretch out in his hotel bed and jerk off shamelessly.
He'd slept like a rock last night, with Sid pressed warm and steady against his side.
"Just nap little bit," he murmurs to Sid, trying to wave him away, but Sid keeps his golden gaze trained on Zhenya.
Zhenya rubs his hands over his face and then into his hair with a sigh. He ducks down to grab his phone, and he's just past his lockscreen when he catches Sid leaning forward, his mouth starting to open again.
"No," Zhenya tells him, jerking his knee away from Sid's threatening mouth. "No more bite. You gonna hurt mouth."
Sid keeps leaning forward, though, and he gently snags the loose material of Zhenya's athletic shorts on his fang.
"Stop," Zhenya tells him, and Sid ever so lightly tugs.
Zhenya levels him with a flat, unimpressed look, and Sid's ears fold back against his skull in a displeased expression. He doesn't growl, just locks his teeth together and tugs once more.
"Outside?" Zhenya asks balefully. When he gets up, Sid relinquishes his hold and waits for Zhenya to take the first step.
He herds Zhenya away from the front door and up the stairs, and when he tries to butt Zhenya into his own bed, Zhenya puts on the breaks.
"I'm all sweaty, gross," he complains, and Sid snorts.
Zhenya narrows his eyes, because that sure sounded like an expression of disbelief, and he knows he hates doing weights and doesn't go that hard on them, but he'd had nothing better to do and Sid had just kept following him from room to room and his silent gaze had been making Zhenya's stomach do flips and Zhenya had needed a distraction better than the TV or CS:GO.
His wildly underused weight room had seemed like the best option at the time.
He could have gone out for dinner, but he doesn't want to leave Sid alone either, even if his pride won't let him admit it.
He successfully pushes past Sid to duck into the bathroom, shutting the door in Sid's face before Sid can dig his teeth into any other tender parts of Zhenya's body and heart.
His sweat has dried on his skin, and the part of his leg where Sid's mouth had been feels even grimier, like he'd been licking it. Zhenya showers himself off quickly, and when he emerges, Sid is waiting in bed.
Zhenya's heart lets out a pulse that's part pain and part pleasure, and he ducks into his closet to yank on a pair of sweats.
Sid lets out a few sounds of displeasure at Zhenya's still-damp skin, but it doesn't stop him from resting his muzzle against Zhenya.
He lets the full weight of his head settle onto Zhenya, his jaw pressing fully into Zhenya's skin. Zhenya can feel the clean line of his jawbone—it's healed now, at least in this form, he's sure of it. It makes complicated emotions flutter in his gut and he pushes them away, down, where they'll stay caged until Sid is gone and he'll finally let himself grieve over this.
For now, though, Zhenya pays attention to the gusting breaths against his skin, fluttering over his patchy body hair. Sid's lungs are smaller in this body than they are in his human one, and his breaths go in and out quicker than Zhenya's. Zhenya still tries to sync his inhales to Sid's when he can, and Sid rolls his head, pressing the side of his face into Zhenya as well. He's blood-hot. Zhenya wants to be wrapped around him. He wants Sid to swallow him whole.
Sid's put him to bed again, and Zhenya doesn't have the strength to pretend he doesn't want it.
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icebirdsmateforlife · 6 years
reach for the sky (part 4)
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Sid works a shitty job and uses his free time to put workout videos on the internet. Geno does the same, from the other side of the world.
A/N: You guys! I am SO SO SORRY for the long wait!! But here it is: Part 4! Things have calmed down around here too, and my motivation is back as well. So there will not be such a long wait for part 5, I can promise you that. Thanks so much to @sheepassisted for all the brainstorming and support and ideas. Thank you to all of you who are still here. Love you all! <3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4:
“So, I’ve been thinking we should get everyone together for hockey again next weekend,” Sid says, as soon as he and Kris have sat down for breakfast at the little coffee shop just around the corner from the gym. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah,” Kris agrees. “That would be great.”
“So you have time?”
Kris shrugs. “I’ll make time if I haven’t. But I think I can do all day Saturday, and on Sunday we just have dinner plans, so yeah. Whenever the others can do it is good with me.”
“Awesome.” Sid can’t hold back the delighted grin. He misses the ice every time he’s away from it for too long. “Do you know when we could have the rink?” Since Kris teaches a few skating classes a week, he usually has a schedule for the rink memorised, and he doesn’t disappoint this time either.
“Saturday 1pm until 3, or Sunday all morning. Figure skating class is cancelled because the coach sprained his ankle.”
“Sunday,” Sid says immediately, and Kris grins.
“Because it’s free for more hours on Sunday, right?”
“Of course.” Sid has no trouble admitting that. “Hey, I got a commenter on one of my videos who also likes hockey,” he says. Because dammit, he has to talk about Evgeni. He’s all he can think about anymore.
“Oh!” Kris seems pleased. “Does he live in the area? Does he maybe want to join us?”
“No.” Sid shakes his head. “He lives in Russia. But he coaches children there.”
“That’s pretty cool,” Kris says, and Sid agrees. Everything about Evgeni is pretty cool, really.
Sid comes home that day to an email that simply says “I have surprise,” followed by a YouTube link.
He toes off his shoes by the door, hangs up his jacket, and then sits down on his lumpy old couch, grabbing his laptop off the coffee table. His phone isn’t always super reliable about showing videos.
The link goes to a video on Evgeni’s channel, just over five minutes, and Sid hits play, curious to see what the big surprise could be.
Evgeni is waving into the camera, looking friendly as he does in all of his videos, but also a little shy.
“Hi,” he says, “my name Evgeni and I make this video for my friend Sid, because he not understand Russian.”
Sid feels his breath stop, and he absolutely cannot control the stupid grin that’s spreading across his face.
“Sorry English not good,” Evgeni continues. “But I make this challenge for me to practice. I upload video again with also Russian language, so no worry if you not speak English. I make short video for this, I’m think we do five minute squats today. Let’s go.”
Sid watches the entire video with the biggest smile on his face, listening to Evgeni’s broken English leading his viewers through five minutes of different variations of squats, and he is so impressed and so delighted he almost forgets to stare longingly at Evgeni’s impressive thighs. Almost.
“Thank you for watching,” Evgeni says after the five minutes are up. “Maybe this is not easy for you in beginning, but try this few time during week and it get more easy. If it get too easy, do video twice, or write me and ask for new video. Thank you.”
He smiles into the camera before the video cuts off, and Sid wastes absolutely no time opening up the email again and hitting reply.
“Evgeni!” he writes. “That was amazing! I’m so proud of you, that was such a brave thing to do. It’s a very nice workout that I’m sure people will like, and your English is so good!”
It’s almost like Evgeni has been waiting for Sid’s reply, because he answers within two minutes.
“I’m glad you like,” he writes. “Very nervous. I write down all text and read until I think I remember everything. I know it not sound good, but I like practice.”
Sid shakes his head as he types out his reply. “What are you talking about, your English sounds fine! Believe me, my French does not sound that good.”
“Thank you,” Evgeni writes. “Is not easy for me to practice here. No one who speak English with me. I’m so happy you like video.”
Sid doesn’t even think about it before he replies. Evgeni was so brave, he can be brave too. “If you want to, we could talk on Skype sometimes. So you could practice speaking. If you think that would help.”
“You mean this?” Evgeni writes back. “I think this very nice idea. It will help me.”
“Of course I mean it,” Sid answers, and adds his Skype handle to the email, followed by, “Let me know when it works best for you and we’ll figure out a time.”
Evgeni replies with his own Skype handle immediately, and then a minute later with “When you work tomorrow? I have all evening free.”
Sid thinks about it. He’s only working a half day tomorrow since he took over that shift for a coworker. If he skips the gym after work and goes later in the afternoon instead… “I could do 10pm your time,” he says. “If that isn’t too late for you.”
“That is perfect,” Evgeni replies, and Sid has to stop himself from squealing. He has a Skype date...well, not date. But he has an appointment to talk with Evgeni face to face. Tomorrow. He’s nervous, but more than that, he’s really, really excited.
He hurries home after his shift, not even taking the time to stop by the bakery. He still has cold pizza in the fridge for later. That’s good enough. He doesn’t want to make Evgeni wait.
He's a full half hour early when he boots up his laptop and logs onto Skype, but he is so excited and nervous his hands are shaking and he has to remind himself to take a few deep breaths and stop worrying. His palms are sweaty and he rubs them up and down his thighs over the rough fabric of his jeans. He's going to talk to Evgeni. After all those messages and emails, he's really going to talk to Evgeni.
Evgeni, who made him a video in English. Who wrote him that first message and started all of this and Sid is...he's just so nervous. Talking to people isn't really hard for him. He has a lot of friends. He gets along with everyone at work and always stops to chat with the people working at the local rink whenever he and his friends go to play hockey there. He likes people. It's just that he likes Evgeni in particular and he wants so much to make a good impression, as ridiculous as that may sound after all those messages they have already exchanged. Evgeni knows things about him that Sid needed months to tell Flower and Kris. It’s not like they’re strangers.
He contemplates getting up from the couch again to get himself a glass of water or something, but his phone buzzes with a message just then. It's an email. From Evgeni.
“Have time now,” it says. “You say when ready and we can speak.”
Sid hits reply. “I'm actually back early,” he says. “So. I guess I'm ready.” That last part, he thinks, is kind of a lie. He is very much not ready. But if he backs out now, he may never have the courage to ask Evgeni for another Skype...date. Appointment. Date. Whatever.
Evgeni calls him on Skype and Sid answers and there is Evgeni's lovely face right there on his laptop screen and Sid feels his heart stutter in his chest. “Hi,” he says. He feels a little ridiculous, getting all fluttery and nervous like this, but he just can’t help it.
“Hi,” Evgeni replies, and his voice is even better than it is in his videos.
Neither of them know what to say for a moment, and Sid bites his lip and fights the blush rising high on his cheeks. “It's really nice to see you,” he manages finally.
“Yes,” Evgeni says. “Is nice for me too. I'm glad – glad we speak.”
“You sound really good in English,” Sid tells him, and Evgeni laughs.
“Accent worst.”
“It is not,” Sid argues. “You should hear my French!”
“We speak, my English get better,” Evgeni says. “You teach me.”
“Of course,” Sid promises him. “But really, Evgeni. You sound really good already.”
“Zhenya,” Evgeni says, and Sid pauses.
“Zhenya,” Evgeni repeats, and then adds, “Is name. Um...For me. Like...you can call me. Name for Evgeni for good friend – Zhenya.”
“Oh,” Sid says. “Okay. Yeah. Zh-Zhenya?” He tries, and Evgeni smiles.
“Good, yes,” he says. “Is more easy, not so long name.”
Sid doesn't think it's easier to pronounce at all, but he's just going to avoid saying it as much as he can this time, and practice it later in private so he can have it down perfectly the next time they speak. “I'd offer you a nickname for me too, but Sid already is short for Sidney, so. It doesn't get any shorter than that, I guess.”
Zhenya laughs. He has a nice laugh. “Is good name,” he says. “Sid. I like.”
“It's okay,” Sid admits. He's honestly never given it that much thought. “Evgeni is a much more beautiful name, I think. And so is Zhenya.”
Zhenya looks happy. “You like?”
“Yeah,” Sid says, and it's the truth. He likes the sound of it. Of both names. There's something so pretty about them. “I think your whole language is beautiful.”
Zhenya rewards him with a wide smile and a sentence in Russian, and Sid smiles back. “What did you say?”
“I say Russia best, and one day I teach you maybe little bit in Russian. And then we can speak sometimes Russian too.”
Sid grins. “I'd like that,” he says. “That sounds great.”
They just smile at each other for a long moment and Sid feels something warm rise in his chest, something...comfortable. He can't remember what he was so nervous about earlier. Talking to Evgeni – Zhenya – is easy. It's fun. He thinks he could talk to him for hours and still want more. This feels no different than those messages they exchanged before.
“I teach you some words from sport first. Is how I start English. Is like when you learn words you are...interesting?”
“Interested,” Sid helps him, and Zhenya nods.
“Yes. When you interested, is easier for learning.”
“I guess that's true,” Sid says. “So what's hockey in Russian?”
Zhenya grins. “This is easy for you,” he says. “Khokkey.”
“Oh.” Sid laughs. “Yeah, no, I think I'll be able to remember that. What's puck?”
“Shayba,” Zhenya says, and Sid grimaces.
“Okay, I might forget that one again.”
“Is okay,” Zhenya says. “But you make start. You know two words now. We practice little bit more next time.”
“Yes, okay. That sounds good.” Sid tries not to grin too widely at the promise of a next time. “I promise to practice my two words until then.”
“Good.” Zhenya nods. “I'm practice more English too.”
“No, but seriously,” Sid tells him. “Your English is really good. Like, really good. It's impressive.”
Zhenya looks happy at the praise. “I'm watch very much video in English. Sometime talk, um, with me? Alone? When no one home. For practice.”
“That's awesome,” Sid says. “I should have done that with French. Maybe my friends wouldn't laugh at me so much now when I try it.”
Zhenya frowns. “Friends laugh?”
Sid quickly shakes his head. “Oh, not like that. I laugh at them, too, all the time. It's just kind of how we are with each other. They're all really great, though. I love them.”
“Is good to have friends,” Zhenya says. “Is good when you can make fun.”
“Yes,” Sid agrees.
“Is good that you my friend now.” Zhenya's smile is a little shy, and Sid feels a surge of affection for him.
“I'm really glad you wrote me that first message,” he says. “I'm glad we're friends, too.”
“When I'm come to Canada, maybe I meet your friends someday,” Zhenya asks, and Sid nods.
“For sure. You could come play hockey with us.”
Zhenya pauses. “Is one reason I'm practice so much my English. I dream maybe one day come there and work?”
“You want to find a job in Canada?” Sid asks, and he feels excitement bubbling up again even if he knows that it's rather unlikely that it would happen at all and even more unlikely that Zhenya would end up anywhere close to him. But still. That would simply be amazing, not just meeting him in person, but being able to keep him here.
“Is my dream,” Zhenya says, and Sid smiles.
“If I hear of anything around here that you could go for, I'll let you know for sure,” he says.
“Thank you,” Zhenya says. “Of course dream will be so much better if I’m live in your town.”
“Yeah,” Sid agrees. “That would be so awesome.”
For a moment they just smile at each other, and Sid wonders when the last time was he smiled this much. Probably during the last hockey game with his friends. Or over the weekend when David was visiting him. Zhenya just makes him feel like smiling, and he doesn't even want to analyse that feeling too much, but he likes it. A lot.
“So, how's your work in Russia right now, though?” Sid asks, mostly to break the silence before it even has a chance to become uncomfortable. “The coaching, I mean. How's that going?”
Zhena's eyes light up and he launches into a long recap of today's practice and how well those kids are doing and how great it is to see them grow and develop and know he helped them get there. Sid has a little trouble keeping up sometimes with Zhenya mixing up his words or being creative with his grammar, but he gets the gist of it and he can't stop being impressed with Zhenya.
By the time they're done talking about hockey, Zhenya's voice is starting to go a little hoarse from all the taking and when Sid looks at the time it's already a quarter past three.
“We talked for almost one and a half hours,” he says, surprised. It hadn't seemed that long to him at all.
Zhenya checks his watch and looks as surprised as Sid feels. “Yes, long time,” he says. “I don't think is that long when we speak. Is so much fun to talk with you.”
“I had a lot of fun talking with you, too,” Sid tells him honestly. “We should do this again. Soon.”
“Tomorrow?” Zhenya asks. “I can do same time.”
“Oh,” Sid says. “I can’t. I’m working. But not until 10am, so I guess...that would be, like, 6pm for you? So, I don’t know, when you are home?”
“I’m home at quarter past five,” Zhenya says. “And then home all evening. No practice tomorrow with kids.”
Sid does quick maths in his head, calculating the time difference. “So we could do half an hour at least,” he says. “If that’s okay?”
“That is okay,” Zhenya says, and Sid grins at him happily.
“Cool,” he says. “I’m looking forward to it!”
“Good.” Zhenya grins back at him. “I will talk to you tomorrow, Sid.”
“Yeah, talk tomorrow,” Sid says.
“Good night,” Zhenya tells him, then blushes. “Later, of course. Good night later. Is not night for you now.”
Sid waves at the camera like a giant dork. “Not yet, but yeah time zones are weird.” he says. “Sleep well!”
“I will,” Zhenya promises, and they need almost another minute to say a proper goodbye until finally Sid manages to make himself end the call.
He feels...he feels almost the same way he does after spending an entire afternoon on the ice. Happy and content and like he's done something actually worth his time.
He is so looking forward to tomorrow, and to speaking to Zhenya again.
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crosbymalkin871 · 7 years
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TITLE: Practice Makes Perfect…Except for this One Time AUTHOR: Alicia Erjavec (crosbymalkin871) RATING: PG WORD COUNT: 1,286
SIDGENO PROMPT: Week #8 - Proposal FIC SUMMARY: Sometimes the best way, isn’t the way you expected it. AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here’s my second story for the @sidgeno-fluff-fest. I already wrote a proposal fic with last week’s prompt, Puppy Love, but I couldn’t help myself and write another one. So two proposal pics from one author! You guys are lucky! In my last fic, I had Sid proposing in a romantic way that was all planned out, but this time I decided to write Geno doing the proposing, but it goes completely wrong, but still manages to be romantic. Like and reblog please!
Read on AO3
Zhenya rubbed his hands together, inhaling sharply, before daring to pick his head up and stare at himself in the mirror of his bedroom. He slowly ran his hands down his suit jacket before putting them in his pocket as a means of steadying his nerves, but it wasn't like what he was about to say was actually being said to a real person...at least not yet.
Not until he was sure he had his wording perfectly so he wouldn't end up a blabbering mess like when he was still learning English for the first time.
"Alright, Zhenya," he spoke, exhaling and rolling his shoulders one, "You can do this." With one last longing stare at his own reflection, his lips quirked upward as he began to imagine himself face-to-face with Sidney Crosby.
He brought his hand up to run his fingers through his hair as he changed that friendly smile to something more gentle, loving. He imagined Sid smiling back at him and he felt a burst of confidence within. He hadn’t even begun his lines yet!
“Sid,” he said softly, happily. “There something I want to tell…” he sighed, shaking his head. “No, that’s stupid. Need to be better than that. Need to impress him,” he was muttering under his breath as he tried thinking up different ways to say what he wanted to say.
Once it came to him, he snapped his fingers and looked back up, his smile returning. This time, he tried more of a smirk and gave a James Dean-like pose as he spoke, “So, marry me…fuck,” his posture relaxed and he rolled his eyes. “That’s horrible.”
Why was this even so difficult?
He straightened up when another idea came to mind and he cleared his throat. “Sid,” he said calmly. “You and I…we go good together, you agree with that.”
Zhenya screamed in frustration. Nope. That wasn’t going to work either!
Finally, he sighed quietly and just decided, hell with it.
“Sid,” he said finally, pouring all the love he had for Sid into this. “I love you. More than anything in world…” So far so good. “You my whole heart and I not want to be without you.” He looked at his reflection, tears were shining in his eyes as he started to get choked up. “Everything about you is beautiful. Your eyes, curly hair, sweet smile, silly laugh, everything. And…” he saw tears start to go down his face as he spoke. “Want to spend rest of life with you…Sidney Crosby…will you marry me?”
Without a second thought, he placed a kiss on the mirror. An uncontrollably huge grin was now across his face, because yes, he was getting there.
This was perfect.
When he and Sid go to the fancy restaurant for their date, they were going to sit down, have a romantic dinner, and at the end, he’ll tell Sid what he just practiced and Sid will look at him and say—
Zhenya’s eyes went wide at the answer coming from behind him. His entire face drained of color and his blood ran cold as he turned around to see who responded. Standing there in the doorway was Sid, who had tears running down his face and the loveliest smile his face.
“S-Sid,” Zhenya choked out. “H-How did you…” God, now words were completely against him. All he wished for was that the floor would swallow him up and pull him right out of this nightmare. “You not suppose to hear that,” he said, defeated.
Seeing the look on Zhenya’s face made Sid feel guilty, his expression softened. “Zhenya—”
“Can we go please? Have reservation to get to.” I just want night to be normal again.
“Wait, Zhenya. Please.”
Zhenya turned away from Sid’s touch, keeping his gaze downward so he couldn’t see the expression on Sid’s face. “Is fine,” he mumbled.
“No, it’s not. You were trying so hard to prepare yourself for tonight and I ruined it.” Silence. “I didn’t mean to, honestly. I was gonna come get you so we wouldn’t be late. But I heard my name and I couldn’t help but listen.”
“Is rude to listen in on people, Sid,” Zhenya hope he sounded a little offended, but the way his cheeks and ears were starting to redden, he knew his embarrassment was making his voice waver.
“I know, I’m sorry.” But he gently turned him around so he was looking at him with hopeful eyes. “Did you really mean all that though?”
Zhenya took a deep breath and let out a shaky smile. “Y-Yeah I…I did.” He breathed out a small laugh. “I really do love you Sid, more than you know.”
Sid’s lips twitched up. “More than anything the world apparently.”
“Yes, Sid. More than whole world. And I really do want to marry you.”
“So ask me.”
“Ask me to marry you.” Sid repeated, clearly amused, especially with that smile on his face.
“But you hear me ask,” Zhenya nodded towards the mirror. “Can’t use that again.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but do you want all that practice to go to waste?” he chirped lightly.
Again, Zhenya felt his cheeks and ears heat up, but he licked his lips and got down on one knee. He pulled the ring box out of his pocket, grabbing Sid’s hand gently. “Sidney Crosby?”
“Yes?” he asked, a sweet expression on his pretty face that would normally make Zhenya chicken out right then and there, but after being caught doing what he was doing, he felt like it would be pretty hard from now on to feel too timid about anything when it came to Sid.
“I’m love you like I’m never love anyone before. Can’t see my life without you. And all I want to do, all I ever want, is to spend the rest of life with you.” He started to get choked up again as he saw tears falling down Sid’s face. “Waking up net to you is best thing ever, want that everyday. Want to see you every day forever. Have family, kids, everything with you.” He softly kissed Sid’s hand. “So, my beautiful Sid…will you marry me?” He opened the box to reveal a silver engagement ring with a small diamond in the middle, it was simple but perfect for Sid.
“Yes,” Sid laughed happily, he feels like he’s floating. “Yes, Zhenya I’ll marry you.”
With happiness flowing inside him, Zhenya pushed himself up and he grabbed Sid’s face and their lips met in a long and passionate kiss. Sid sighed contently, eyes lingering shut as he savored the taste of being a newly engaged man. When they finally broke apart and Zhenya slipped the ring on his finger, he spoke.
“I love you so much.”
“Love you too, Sid.”
They kissed again before Sid started to slowly kiss up Zhenya’s jawline and whispered, “Cancel our reservation.”
Zhenya could feel his pants start to tighten as he managed to say, “Now?”
Sid let out a gentle laugh and winked, mirth sparkling in his eyes. “Why not? Besides, I’d rather stay in for the night.”
As soon as he grabbed Zhenya’s hands and slowly slid them down his hips, Zhenya knew he was a goner. He threw Sid down onto the bed and whipped his phone out to quickly cancel their original plans in lieu of something else.
After hours of intense celebrating, he pulled Sid into a tight embraced whispering as he kissed his hair, “I’m never let go of you, Sid. Promise you stay forever?”
“I promise,” Sid whispered as he kissed his fiancé gently. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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crosbymalkin871 · 6 years
#14 but for sidgeno involving mpreg?! I love your writing!
((Aww, thank you so much!!!
“I’ve got you. Breathe, okay? I’ve got you.”
Sid whimpered quietly as a contraction wracked through his body. He had been in labor for almost 7 hours and yet he was still at a measly four centimeters. If Zhenya weren’t with him right now, he’d be a sobbing mess.
“It hurts, Zhenya.” he cried.
“Shh, shh, is okay.” Zhenya soothed, rubbing at his back.
The contraction finally ended, but it left a dull throbbing. Sid chuckled, wrapping his arms around Zhenya’s neck. “He’s got your Russian blood, no doubt.”
“Hey now,” Zhenya smiled, his heart ached for his husband. He was in so much pain and there wasn’t anything that he could do for him except for rubbing his back, holding him, and whispering soft Russian. “He got Canadian blood too.”
“Maybe so, but if contractions are this strong at 4 centimeters, can’t imagine when I’m at 9.” Sid joked tiredly, shaking his head. “Face it Zhenya, he’s all Russian.”
Another contraction hit and Sid yelped. One of his hands clung to the back of Zhenya’s shirt while the other gripped at the back of his hair. No grunt came from Zhenya, he felt as though he didn’t have to right to in this moment.
“You can do this, my love.” he pressed a kiss to Sid’s sweaty temple. “I know you can. Almost over.”
The contraction dwindled until it was no more, Sid let out a long sigh and look at Zhenya with teary eyes. “I don’t know if I would get through this without you.”
Zhenya gently wiped the tears from his eyes with the backs of his fingers, smiling warmly at him. “You doing so wonderful, baby. I’m love you and our son so much, and he be here soon.”
Sid didn’t respond and just simply nuzzled into Zhenya’s neck, soaking up his husband’s sweet praises.
Finally, he lifted his head to look at Zhenya and smiled wearily, “We love you too, honey. Gonna meet him soon.”
“Can’t wait, Sidka.” he started to press kisses to any place that could bring Sid comfort: his hair, face, neck, and hands.
Sid sighed happily and melted at his husband’s affection. “You’re too good to me, Zhenya.”
“Deserve it, sweetheart.” Zhenya smiled and kissed him softly.
Sid chuckled and kissed him back, the baby stirring a little. He groaned at the movement, smiling down at his belly. “Patience, sweet boy. You’ll be welcomed into the world soon.”
Zhenya smiled. “Yes, little one, soon you be in our arms.”
Sid redirected his smile from his belly to his husband. “He already has Papa’s impatience.”
His husband couldn’t help but laugh at that one, like father like son he supposed.
“So, you ready to be a Papa?”
“You ready to be Daddy?”
“…If I’m allowed to be honest, no.” Sid admits quietly, chewing at his bottom lip. “But we can’t turn back now. And besides…I have you by my side, don’t I? You make it easier to be brave.”
“Oh Sidney,” Zhenya coos, holding his hands and squeezing them. “You make it easy to be brave. Not think I’m be good father, but watching you through pregnancy, make me see that I can do this. Especially with you, we be good parents together. We team, always will be.”
Sid gave Zhenya a loving smile but that quickly went away when more pain coursed through him. He started to do his breathing again, allowing himself to focus on his husband mumbling to him in Russian as he felt him rub his belly and back.
It’s going to be a long night, but it’ll be worth it when he finally gets to hold their baby boy in his arms.
Send me dialogue prompts! (or fic-specific questions! Please?)
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