#[i'm alive on discord]
oneluckydragon · 5 months
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So I decided to spin the wheel by @onefey since I saw so many mutuals getting really cute PMD Teams.
Meet hero Lucky (Girafarig) and partner Biggs (Wimpod). Never in my life have I considered a Girafarig as my potential PMD-sona but here we are despite it all. Even though I was skeptical at first I am now in permanent love.
Gotta think of an Exploration Team name now... hm.
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Various jack-o'-lantern edits of various meme faces.
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annoying--moth · 24 days
Finally finished reading Gleanings (after 3000 years I know) and I have some thoughts on A Dark Curtain Rises.... Mainly being RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I KNEW WHAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN AND I'M STILL MAD 😭😭😭 Why couldn't Curie end up being with her hubby, or at least on the same planet as Citrowan, Neal I'm gonna fight you /hj
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Hey guys send this to your non WTTT friends to confuse them.
Also holy shit let's gOOOOOO BEN IS BACK FROM THE WAR
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datastate · 2 months
i keep finding reminders of how i used to act/type a few years ago and i shrivel up. and die.
#i am so so so glad that i'm still on friendly terms with a lot of you guys because i am not a strong enough person#if i was interacting with someone like my past self i think i'd keep a long distance before gently closing the door#drags my hands down my face. the masking was so much. too much.#i stumbled across drawings from 2016 or so and a lot of it was based on memes my friend* at the time liked#which i vividly recall thinking 'this seems really weird. but i think it'll make them laugh!' which. in fairness. it did#but i'm just not & have never been the sort of person who is wholly comfortable acting like that anyway#it always felt off. but i'd lean into it because it's all i really knew people expected of me & i was scared of making a jarring change#which. in a sense. losing my ''best friend*'' & primary discord server at the time somewhat helped w that transition period#into. well. what i am today!#i like to think i'm still silly enough but in a more authentic way to myself & my own humor...#it feels a lot more real - the ways in which i put myself out there. i don't have the weight of feeling like i 'must' close myself off#i get to be open. whether it's here or among friends. i feel more genuine and - ironically - alive; for better and for worse i suppose#jestersvaguely#*the same person. not very good for a multitude of reasons + they were twice my age at the time#which isn't inherently a bad thing to be clear. but combined w a lot of behavior they facilitated + topics of conversation it's... well.#but i digress#i'm glad that things have improved - generally speaking :]
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macadam · 10 months
If, in a couple weeks time, I streamed a watch through of the prime wars trilogy. Would anyone be interested in joining me
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letting this breach containment.
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mostdeviouswizard · 3 months
Need to be asleep but I can't stop thinking about my current favorite oc. She's the angriest most tragic broken bitch on the plane. There's a specific flavor of tragedy to her, and it's someone whose lived past her expiration point. Someone who never expected to make it past 19, or 20, or 25, but now she's 44 years old and she has to deal with the fact the only people she ever considered family are dead. The only reminder she has of them lives in her own memory, and in her nephews face. She's not even really related to him but what else does she call him?? His parents were the first people to accept this angry, burning 19 year old for who she was and show her unconditional kindness expecting nothing in return and they're gone. They're GONE and it should've been her, it should've been her haunting the narrative instead of them but it wasn't and she has to deal with that every single day. Her nephew should've had his parents, but instead he only has her, and she's as good as a ghost anyway, haunting herself. Anyway her name is Kate Lennox she is a butch lesbian and not even therapy would fix her at this point. She's like an abused dog who hasn't known anything other than being hit and biting in retaliation, she should've been a martyr but she lived and now she's burning up from the inside out like a dying star like a fever. Jesus christ.
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chounaifu · 4 months
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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . . .
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aeons-domain · 8 months
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#creator speaks#a funny i saw on my twitter thought i should insert my ship into it 👍👍👍#WHICH IS FUNNY BECAUSE THE ORIGINAL *IS* A TUMBLR POST but oh well#man the thoughts that simmered in my head in the past year and a half over them and how her inclusion kinda changes the story...#lol ik i always “speak” of it and discord besties would know a little more than those who aren't but i digress#i love it i love the thought of just...Madison putting so much of her faith and trust and love in them that she just becomes loyal to them#helping their cause and personal issues wanting to be a reliable friend and loved one to them#(probably the abandonment issues that's operating in that brain of hers lmao but) she just wants to stay by their side !!#and hope that they let her stay there in the years of them growing up together#somewhere in the messy notes in my brain and in my laptop's notepad did i think far in changing their overall fate to make the ending happy#but i just feel like that's just gonna stay there or be discussed in really tight circles IF i feel like sharing it hehu#i feel like madison and me inserting her into the jojo universe as a sort of “fix-it” tool is one that araki and many others wld surely hat#HAHAHAHAHA#when my notes and lore try to go against the biggest theme of fate in the series and how we're destined to go through it-#-that it can't be changed. how the joestars are cursed yadda yadda#i'm so normcore domestic life happy ending mary sue fix it canon divergence pilled okay !!!#i want both jotaro and kakyoin to be happy and alive !!! and making that possible by inserting my lame ass op oc 😎😎😎#HAHAHAH whatever i'll stop yapping <33
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roomofshitposts · 2 years
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made this when i heard the ros finale dropped and forgot to toss it here they call me a dumbass o(-(
hi hello, it's been a long while since i posted here and i think i'll call it quits about now for this blog
i'm not super active on any tumblr/twitter accounts these days but my handle is @aureminate if anyone wants to see art once in a blue moon
right now i don't know if i'll deactivate roomofshitposts or just leave it up, or i guess if anyone wants to have the handle they can send me a message?
and that's all from me, goodbye !!
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junonreactor · 1 month
just did all the party sidequests. that was really cute
#i think my favorites personally are bonnie's and beau's#bonnie's because they're such a good kid and it's so fun to see the 'reveal' for not just sif's eye but the awkward distance between them#and sif's heartfelt shouting when it comes to bonnie's safety and the unquestioning acceptance of any personal cost if it means#they can keep the kid safe and alive#and how that changes the nuance a bit specifically regarding their eye when it comes to the way they avoid their problems#and also how the ''i would do it again and again and again'' and ''what's the alternative? my friends getting hurt?''#vs bonnie's ''but i don't want you to get hurt for me''/''you think you're better than everyone and you jump in because you don't think#it matters that you get hurt'' reflects on the overall looping situation#and it's going to be fun to see that super duper promise broken because Bonnie Won't Know#and like with all of the quests but this one specifically it'll suck so bad for siffrin to do these over and be able to Zone Out#''you don't want to have to loop back to before you spent that time with them''#and loop's dialogue when i went back to talk to them before beau's + their ''isn't that nice?'' ohhh i want to be right about them being a#future/parallel sif so bad. i want the ''if i were you i would just spend all my time in the House getting stronger'' thing to have made#this sif's spending time with their friends and having them come out stronger for it hurt in a complicated way#especially with the ''i don't think about your friends. i don't look at them. i don't worry about that. how are YOU stardust'' like i am SO#anyway. and beau's GIRL HELP ME#I WAS PLAYING ON ANOTHER TAB. SIF WHEN I HIT ''ATTACK'' I THOUGHT MAYBE WE COULD HAVE A SNEAK ATTACK ONCE#START THE FIGHT EARLY SITUATION. NOT THAT.#oh neat that was like. a mini loop. can we do that on command now or was that scene like. not technically a loop ?#tristesse is distracted...i know the sadnesses appearing on new floors now is a thing. as remnants how are they affected by loops...#help. the new memory. is that a sif thing or a sadness thing. [remembers the 'ghosts'] could be both ! lmao#ein babbles#isat blogging#the last 10 of my drafts are screenshots and reactions because i want to go back and look at them#i really need to do that thing where you make your own discord channel#i will also say. it was really funny how they had siffrin sort of suggest that you take this party with you all the way to the end without#looping. because that's what i usually do anyway because i'm inefficient but enjoy the grind and looking for new dialogue#and then immediately the game was like. BUT. this time you gotta pay attention and make sure siffrin's not a freak who weirds out your part#like oh ! ok !#kicking my feet behind me twirling my hair calling loop heyyyyyyy bestie what the fuck
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sharkeaten · 7 months
omfg ,,, hey guys
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wundrousarts · 1 year
hi I hope this doesn’t sound like a demand lol but I love how you draw jupiter and I hope you draw him more
your art is so cool by the way I really like your character lineup 🥺
Thank you so much!! I literally never draw Jupiter, on account of my inability to draw 1. adult men and 2. beards, BUT it’s something I need to / want to get better at. The only other time I’ve drawn him was that lineup which I did super quick, so it was fun to try and think of an actual design so I can try to draw him more!
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[ID: Three half-colored digital sketches of Jupiter North from Nevermoor. They show him as a kid with messy hair, a young adult with a mullet and mustache, and an adult with longer hair and a fuller beard. End ID.]
Details on my Jupiter design / headcanons (?) for his life under the cut:
I started with the middle— in my layers, I dubbed him to be “teen” Jupiter, originally intending for him as a senior scholar, but as time went on I figured he was more like, early 20s young adult Jove. The Wunsoc sweater is just still there on the adults because I didn’t want to redraw <3
I feel like Wunsoc, especially with Dearborn and Murgatroyd prowling the halls, holds its student’s appearances to a certain standard. Sure, society members are representatives of the society for the rest of their lives once they graduate, but their time in school is their first introduction to that life. It's their debut as society members. We see this in a lot of stuff with Holliday, in Hollowpox and in the one Silverborn snippet, how she's manufacturing an image for Mog and co. and physical appearance plays a part in it.
Going with this: I feel like Wunsoc would expect their students to keep their appearance clean and approachable somewhat. Jupiter gives me a vibe of the kid who had a crazy growth spurt, and was able to grow a beard before graduating– BUT I don't know if Wunsoc (really just the Scholar Mistresses) would be crazy for that. So I imagine that he's relatively clean-shaven for the most part, nowhere near modern Jove, and then starts to grow out his facial hair a bit more as a senior scholar where I imagine things would lax a bit, and then just commit fully to growing a beard once he properly graduates.
So young adult Jupiter is perhaps in his early 20s, a somewhat recent Wunsoc graduate. I'm a mullet Jupiter truther, where his hair is longer in the back, and had to represent that. Younger Jove's is messier and more fun; he's not too concerned about his image as he hasn't quite reached that laundry list of titles and accolades yet.
Present-day adult Jupiter is still rocking the mullet style, just now it's longer and styled a bit more professionally. But let's be real– it doesn't stay this way. It totally gets easily messed up from his hats, and Jove loves to have fun and entertain people, Plus, he's a busy man, constantly stressed and running around. While the hair here might be great for say, a formal meeting or a magazine cover, the hair most folks end up seeing him with tends to be a bit more wild. He definitely starts to resemble his younger self's hair more after a rowdy night or a stressful endeavor.
Kid Jupiter– not much to say here, tbh. I figured I'd stick with the longer hair he has as an adult, kinda rowdy. Not a mullet yet, though! I was thinking of the part in Nevermoor where he starts talking about the rules he broke and stuff he got up to as a Wunsoc student, and how Hawthorne started taking notes, and made his hair similar to the rowdy hair of our favorite bestie. However, while Hawthorne's hair is curly, I'm of the belief that Jupiter's hair is definitely pretty straight. So no curlicues for him </3
Hopefully now that I've started to nail down a design for Jupiter, I can draw him more!! I always have soooo many Nevermoor ideas circling around in my brain. I love thinking about designs for various characters and the reasonings behind different aspects of their appearance.
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a-eo-iu · 14 days
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world's worst uncle <3
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ophthalmotropy · 2 months
You can barely tell because I'm still, you know, posting, but the amount of time I spend here has decreased massively. Most of it was just scrolling out of restlessness and not actually wanting to post something lmao.
#Tomorrow my break ends so I want to quit it entirely save for designated log-in times so I don't lose touch with the mutuals <3#I'm thinking every three days or so. We'll see.#Ok I'm going to cram as many little updates as I can in the tags so I don't get tempted to log in again after this.#I learned to prepare a new lunch (toast with cream cheese and guacamole) and it's good even with the pepper mill missing#(so only seasoned with salt and lemon). It must be even better with pepper.#I copied it from something I ordered at a cafe a few days ago--kind of proud of it.#I'm also kind of proud of the fact that even though I've never prepared vegetables before (bell pepper and onion)#I could do it just from remembering the years of watching my mum cook. Without even the intent of learning.#I just absorbed by osmosis which parts she cut off and could replicate it pretty well.#Overall even though the current situation re:life would look pretty grim from the outside for a couple of reasons#I feels miles better just from the fact that I'm not playing cards and opening Tumblr and Discord like the fridge all the time.#I'm on track to finish Midnight's Children soon and loving it. Idk what I'll read next but I'm excited for whatever it is.#And I'm almost done learning my lines. In the nick of time before our first rehearsal.#I'm also rekindling my love for classical music. And my love affair with ancient Rome is alive and well.#I also started playing chess again. I want to write... And I might pick up violin again this time just for me.#Still drawing a blank as to what I want to *do* for the next years but maybe I'll get there. I'm thinking of getting a job.#l33chsp34k
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