#[herr paper] heisberg
poorly-drawn-akira · 1 year
Heisberg almost had a heart attack at the noises coming from the waiting room in the middle of the night during a very uneventful patrol. He was ready to shoot first and ask questions later as he turned the corner and-
Akira froze at the sight of Heisberg.
The guard let out his breath as he lowered his gun. He wasn't sure how to approach Akira, "... zhese zhings aren't good for my heart, Otoishi," the guard lowered his gun, "I take it you got your stand back?"
"... My what?"
"How did you get out?"
"... I just... Opened the door?"
Heisberg took Akira slightly forcefully by the arm, "Don't do zhat again, okay? Come on, back you go..."
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ask-a-guard-dog · 8 months
Well unfortunately he is... you can blame Darius for that.
"I know vho is to blame. I am vell avare. I am acutely, unfortunately avare zhat zhere is no one still here to enact revenge on for vhat vas done to zhat boy..."
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Heis you're gonna run that plan by Dr. Cross right? Or at least anybody? Cause I'm pretty sure assigning a Humam Pet to Uni is pretty Sus
"I vouldn't vorry about zhat."
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poorly-drawn-akira · 5 months
Umm... your hands are bandaged... I'm gonna be captain obvious and say that was from melting the bars
"Ja," Heisberg was trying to keep a closer eye on Jiro going forwards, "he has bone exposed. I like zhis one. Vhat zhe hell vas zhat."
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poorly-drawn-akira · 6 months
You seem eerily excited Hiesberg.
Excited was Heisberg's default state. Heisberg was a working breed, it was part of why he'd like Eijiro so much
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poorly-drawn-akira · 6 months
What do you intend to do with this lying ass ginger?
"I first need to establish of he had anyzhing to do vith vhat happened to Eijiro intentionally. If he does I vill find out if he knows vhere he is. If not zhen it's vhatever zhe ozher departments vant," the security head shrugged.
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ask-a-guard-dog · 8 months
Oh, you're visiting the boy Heisberg?
"I had heard zhat ve had found him. I vasn't sure vhat to expect. I knew ve had lost something his soul had been bound to a vhile ago, and I was expecting zhat. Or his ghost. Not," Heisberg brought his hand to his mouth again, "zhat. Zhat is depravity. He shouldn't have to be, he shouldn't have been forced to go on."
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ask-a-guard-dog · 8 months
"... nein..."
Eijiro perked up at the voice he didn't recognize. He was just hanging out in the common area near the rooms. He cocked his head in confusion at the old man. He was wearing a uniform, so clearly he was supposed, well maybe not supposed, but he was clearly allowed to be there.
The man took a few tentative steps towards Eijiro. He was mumbling something in... Eijiro couldn't place it, it wasn't Russian, that much he knew. He slowly tried to reach a hand towards Eijiro's ear, "huh-hey!"
The chimera jumped up immediately, "nuh-no!"
The man stood stunned for a while. Eijiro couldn't place anything about him aside from a vague feeling that he should be able to.
Heisberg pressed the fingers tips of his black gloved hand to his mouth as his fears were confirmed about what he was looking at, " Es tut mir leid, mein mäuschen..."
The little one didn't deserve such a thing. Death was better. It was better when he thought he was dead. This... Condemnation to outlive anyone who knew him? Never to reenter society again? Never to finally rest? Had he not been very certain every single miserable thing that had a hand in doing this was already dead, he would have worked tirelessly to make that the case.
Had he known how he would have worked to rip that rest and closure away from them as callously as they had to the little one.
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poorly-drawn-akira · 1 year
"Ah, you're going to help me."
"wha-?" Radar was startled out of his half-alseep state by Heisberg, carefully taking him out from under the pillar's arm and replacing him with a large stuffed bear, "hell no, go to hell old man. i thought you were busy fawning over that fucking devil child-"
Radar growled in response to being bopped on the head, "he's not a devil, he's just a very active boy. he is full of life!" Radar had to take a moment to think about if they were talking about the same person as Heisberg laughed as quietly as he could, "besides, if you help me figure out vhere he vent, it could be a vell deserved break-"
"he's missing?"
"ah... yes," Heisberg admitted. Radar let out a small harumph, "say no more, ill help. God knows he'll tear this place apart of we don't find him," and maybe he could slip Heisberg and show that creepy bastard what for...
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poorly-drawn-akira · 1 year
"... I don't care vhat she says. That vas funny. Horrifying, but funny," Heisberg plopped Eijiro's body down onto his bed, "Ah," he scooped up a paperback, "no vonder. This stuff rots your brain, you know..."
He lightly bapped Eijiro's body lightly on the forehead, "Now. Vhere are you..?"
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poorly-drawn-akira · 2 years
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Heis, buddy, what are you planning on doin with Radar?
"Keeping him. He's going to take up cell space regardless, so vhy not let zhe liebling keep her toy? I hope he vill help her learn to be a little more careful."
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poorly-drawn-akira · 2 years
Hows it feel to adopt an adorable chainsaw, doktor?
"I'm no doctor.
And I've adopted nobody. I am just fulfilling my duties as one of zhe security heads and making sure zhese children are tended to."
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poorly-drawn-akira · 2 years
Doc, if it makes you feel any better: Uni did a very good (if not scary) job.
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poorly-drawn-akira · 2 years
Heisberg pulled Eijiro to his feet from where he was sleeping in a random corner of the Foundation, "Nein. Go home."
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