#[herr paper] heisberg
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Oh? What names have you gotten already?
"Not counting the children, zhere are Jiro and Eddie here being held, Radar in zhe basement. Stand users being actively monitored, Sigmund, Sota, Otoishi, Presley's girl, and some ozher girls I've never heard of. In terms of stand users zhat are regularly coming to zhe foundation for doctors, take your pick. Any ability, any age you could possibly vant."
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Well unfortunately he is... you can blame Darius for that.
"I know vho is to blame. I am vell avare. I am acutely, unfortunately avare zhat zhere is no one still here to enact revenge on for vhat vas done to zhat boy..."
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Heis you're gonna run that plan by Dr. Cross right? Or at least anybody? Cause I'm pretty sure assigning a Humam Pet to Uni is pretty Sus
"I vouldn't vorry about zhat."
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"Nein. You may not."
“Alright! Roll call! Who the hell is available? Whoever is willing to go find what the hell is causing this will follow me. I got reports about it starting in South America, still we need people at this facility and in our facilities in Europe to keep an eye on things, BEFORE they get possibly worse. Aside from that, would 8 people like to join me and Dr Aranea on the our quest to stop this.”
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Heisberg had found himself shuffled quietly back into his work minding the occupants of the basement sublevels, although he was still relieved of his security duties until further notice.
Not that this mattered, he supposed. The children were beneath the notice of Steppenwolf. He'd slaughter them indiscriminately to prove a point to the Foundation, and it would be a tremendous waste. He felt no need to report them, but he had other names, useable names.
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Karito was as careful as he could be, having made up his mind to go bother Steppenwolf anyways. It wasn't a direct disobedience, the chimera had rationalized, if Steppenwolf was a threat to what he was supposed to guard.
"mauschen," Karito jumped at the voice, "you need to leave, it's not time yet," Heisberg was so uncertain of what he was saying to this vague shape he could almost make out through his mental fog and the dark. He certainly felt like it was time, but, "it's not time yet."
The poor chimera sprinted back to the safety of where he was supposed to be, scared out of his mind at Heisberg seemingly expecting him.
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Heisberg almost had a heart attack at the noises coming from the waiting room in the middle of the night during a very uneventful patrol. He was ready to shoot first and ask questions later as he turned the corner and-
Akira froze at the sight of Heisberg.
The guard let out his breath as he lowered his gun. He wasn't sure how to approach Akira, "... zhese zhings aren't good for my heart, Otoishi," the guard lowered his gun, "I take it you got your stand back?"
"... My what?"
"How did you get out?"
"... I just... Opened the door?"
Heisberg took Akira slightly forcefully by the arm, "Don't do zhat again, okay? Come on, back you go..."
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".... Augh, scheiße.
... It can vait, Radar isn't going anyvhere."
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Well, you'll figure something out
"I am trying"
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You'll figure it out. Just say you were patched up at another facility or somethin'
"Zhat is vhat zhey expect, as if zhat vouldnt have zhem trying to figure out which"
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Well, either way you've been told to lie about who patched you up
"yea, zhats zhe problem"
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Oh shitbricks...
"zhey should have made an effort to make zhese look more natural if zhey vere going to make me vait so long.."
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"ach..." Heisberg winced as he managed to finally drag himself to the cell door. He shook it with all the strength he had left, "Feigling! Töte mi oder lass mi frei!"
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Umm... your hands are bandaged... I'm gonna be captain obvious and say that was from melting the bars
"Ja," Heisberg was trying to keep a closer eye on Jiro going forwards, "he has bone exposed. I like zhis one. Vhat zhe hell vas zhat."
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You seem eerily excited Hiesberg.
Excited was Heisberg's default state. Heisberg was a working breed, it was part of why he'd like Eijiro so much
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What do you intend to do with this lying ass ginger?
"I first need to establish of he had anyzhing to do vith vhat happened to Eijiro intentionally. If he does I vill find out if he knows vhere he is. If not zhen it's vhatever zhe ozher departments vant," the security head shrugged.
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