#[constellation bladework] cris sterrenbeld
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some.... icons, ig?
for something :]
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There is a knock of the Yukikara house. - ??? (ask-spw-mercenary)
A green-haired man with a long braid and an eyepatch answers.
"Can I help you?"
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top ten ocs i wish never fell into obscurity, number-
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What’s the plan, Cris?
"Well, first thing first, we have to figure a budget out. Something big is probably going to be pricy, so we'll have to brainstorm some ideas to make money... Maybe selling flowers, since I think Saino grows them. It's a work in progress, especially considering we haven't actually discussed anything yet. But still, it doesn't hurt to brainstorm before hand!"
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"Oh hey Saino! Just your usual, I can assume?"
"....Uh, yeah... Thanks..." He fiddled with his hands a bit as he waited that the cafe's counter, seemingly nervous, which was... Unusual, at least from what Cris knew.
He placed the new-finished drink on the counter. "Hey, are you doing alright? Wanna talk about anything, or...?"
Saino looked up, but averted his gaze a bit. "....Well, I'd hate to distract you from your work, but...."
"Oh, I was just about to go on break anyways, no worries. Besides, sometimes it helps to talk about something you're nervous about." He put his elbow on the counter, resting his face in his hand.
Saino placed 500 yen on the counter, taking his drink. "....Alright, um.... So my girlfriend and I's third anniversary is coming up.... And I... want it to be special, but.... I don't know what to do to make it that... Plus I don't have as much... money for it as I would like... I just.... I want to show her how much she means to me.... And I know that anything I do would be appreciated, and it's my feelings that matter most, and all that sappy stuff, but.... I still want to do something big for her....! She works really hard, and has to support herself and her sister, so.... So I want to treat her to something really nice...."
Cris nodded along as he spoke. "I see.... Well, I think I can help you with that!"
".....Huh...? Really....?"
He smiled. "Yeah! Before I moved here I had a girlfriend, and we had been together for around 5 years, so you could say I have so experience. I'll tell you what: Once I get off my shift, we can meet up and start on a game plan. That sound good?"
Saino gave a small smile. "....Yeah..... thank you, Cris...."
"Hey, it's no problem! See you then."
Side quest: All is Fair in the Game of Love; START!
Saino and his girlfriend's third anniversary is quickly approaching, and he wants to something really big for it. However, a lack of time and funds-as well as the general hecticness of recent events-are making things hard, and stressful. Will Cris's experience in the dating world be able to help him go big? Or in the end, will the simplest solution prove to be best?
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