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yuri-is-online ¡ 10 months ago
Hello hello! Anon here. First of all, congratulations on getting accepted for your courses! Don't worry about trying to balance work and the blog, we will always be here waiting for you. Second of all, your whole Yutu AU has been really fascinating to look through. (Though that may be because of my bias toward Fire Emblem Awakening, as it was what got me into the series) Sorry for the incoming wall of text, but it's been giving me THOUGHTS.
So imagine this: whoever Yutu's dad is (I'll pick Azul for this example because I headcannon his English voice somewhere between Matt Mercer's Chrom and Olivert from The Legend of Heroes games) finds out who Yutu really is. You remember that cutscene after Chapter 13 in Awakening, with the Lucina reveal and Chrom has this: "You deserved better than a sword and a world full of troubles. I'm sorry."? Imagine Yutu hearing something like that: the acknowledgement of everything he's gone through, the pain of knowing his dad couldn't do anything and can't do anything more than offer words, and the reality that it might now be really possible to change the future? I imagine Azul breaking down after hearing all that because the last thing he wants to do is hurt Yuu or his son after everything he's been through. Oh goodness, the two of them both need hugs.
Second: did Crowley tip off the Magic Marshalls (because I think he would) and force Yuu to take the blame for his negligence (because he absolutely would)? Now imagine Yutu finding this out and telling his dad. Now his dad knows Crowley is a cheapskate who fobs his work onto everyone else without a second thought. And now he's responsible for having Yuu taken away and starting all this? Knowing the boys and how far they would go for Yuu I'd imagine they don't take that well. In other words, to slightly alter a quote from Regina in Once Upon A Time: "I guess killing a crow suddenly made the top of my to-do list."
Sorry for the wall of text but that's been rattling around in my head for a few days (so make of it all what you will). Hope you're doing well and looking forward to what's next!
-The anon who loves Riddle & Azul
AHHHHH (i feel like I always take forever to answer your asks I am sosososososososososo sorry, this one just drove me crazy in a good good way)
Listen fire emblem awakening was my entire personality for like all of middle school.  The only thing i wanted to talk about was chrobin.  I celebrated Morgan and Lucina's birthdays by drawing them. I think I still have a Cherche x Libra fan art thing I drew on some sheet of paper somewhere in my things because I was SO MAD that no one shipped them and I couldn't find fan art of them anywhere and I just oooooooooooh.  THE WAY CHROM GETS A NEW CRIT LINE ABOUT HOW ANYTHING CAN CHANGE AFTER THE REVEAL???? BECAUSE OF HOW DETERMINED HE IS TO KEEP THAT PROMISE AND GIVE LUCINA A BETTER WORLD???? i just cant be normal about them i am so sorry.  R+A annon I love you, I love you so much for this you made my entire month and possibly my year.  Awakening is also what got me into the series and made me so many friends I just love her so much.  She's an icon and I hope she gets remastered with Sumia either deleted or with a fucking personality.
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I should probably sit down and actually write a timeline for myself of events, but since I am free to lean in to the fire emblem pacing, I want to say that monsters from Yutu's timeline start showing up (similar to how the Risen do in Awakening) in the past and stirring up trouble, which leads to an event where Yutu panics and forgets himself in his desperation to protect his dad.  The main way the future kids always proved themselves was by showing their mother's wedding ring, but Yutu doesn't have that so really it's just up to his dad to see someone who looks like him and Yuu blended together, supposedly from Yuu's world using magic and above all else crying out and driving up his own blot levels to protect him calling him dad. For Azul! Yutu it's especially painful, he feels like he already knows what his dad is going to say. That he's disappointed in him. That he has no idea how they could possibly be related. That he hopes in this future he turns out to be different. But that's not what happens.
Before Azul overblotted he was quiet. There's a similar quiet over him now, a similar look of tense surprise, but Yutu- no- his child doesn't know that. His child is looking at him in fear, in worry for his reaction or his safety he doesn't know but he knows the way those tears start to form. Azul knows the quiver of the lip and the shriek, of all the things he could have passed on to such a treasure.
"You deserved better from me." Because it's true. He might think of himself as a work in progress but he still thinks he has quality; he would have done research, read every book he could get his hands on, taken classes, anything he would need to do to be a good father, a worthy partner. Anything. "You deserved to have the world within your grasp, not whatever shadow of a future and a father I left you with. I am so sorry." He does not expect Yutu to grab him and hold him like he's still somehow worthy of his love, but Azul can't fight the urge to grab back, to stroke his son's hair and let the tears fall on his suit without any care at all. I'm here. It's ok, daddy's here, daddy's got you, he won't let anything happen to you.
As for your second question, I did not really write Crowley like that no. It was more like he was the first person mysteriously arrested after the Magical Marshall's decided to finally do their job. I was writing it like they wanted to ship Yuu away to cover up for their own incompetence in preventing seven overblots instead of properly investigating what might have caused that. He's not completely innocent though, so yes. The boys do not take it well at all. And please do not apologize for sending in your thoughts, I am so so slow but I love hearing from you.
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convxction ¡ 11 months ago
ooc. breaking news, i will rant. *fixes glasses & eyebrow raises for seriousness*
first of all, how... THE FULCUK DARE YOU INTELSYS NOT GIVE ME CHROM AND EMMERYN DUO HUH??????? I HAVE BEEN BEGGING FOR YEARS... JUST GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT LEAST LISSA!!!!!! OR WITH FREDERICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT THIS POINT YOU'ER MAKING ME RENEW MY PASSPORT JUST TO COME AND START A STRIKE INFRONT OF YOUR COMPANY! ...just give me chrom with someone else beside robin ;;a;; lucinaaa????? VAAAAAAAAAIKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sobs....uuughhh.....someone else please..........chrom has many supports....please....i beg of you.... i love c/hrobin but cooommeee oonnnn ;;a;; on my spaghettis knees.....
*fixes the problem*
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jokes aside. i like the arts. everyone is adorable and makes you think about how a four years old is going to murderize you with that big ass axe she got.
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respect the liz. respect the toads and frogs she leaves in your tents.
now let me look at the lines and whatever curve lore balls they have for us. and ofc i will be checking jp, too because i always say this my krumb and my awakening muses in general are mix of both.
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already with pain.
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in jp robin is a bit...clueless to why she on reflex hide her hand. or the vibe i get. like is the brand visible at that age? does she know what it means? did the grimleal tell her or her mom or dad??? aaa...the brand topic is just the chef kiss to make my brain go brrr lets think. also this is a child, not the older version avatar. obviously, she got baggage she still does not fully understand--why her brand gives that bad vibe and everyone is always EYES EMOJI at it. not the greatest pressure to grow up with sobs.
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listen my dude. you need to tone down how 'idiotic' chrom looks. please. intelsys we get the whole idiots can be adorable but sometimes u push it a little bit too far and it gets repetitive and boring. in jp it is clearly he is more interested in the fact there are different kinds of 'girls'. meanwhile, in english hes like 'wow cant believe girls exist ugh' this is why i dont trust localization easily. tbh his jp line can be idiotic too but if you think about chrom and his circle of 'girls friends/ associate' are limited to his sisters then you can understand why he says something like "there are different kinds of girls huh' also i love that he is saying that to a girl.
chrom: wow so there are different kind of girls, huh, robin
robin: .... haha ... yeah
tldr: chrom is idiot. i can say this. you can't. it is the law here. dont break it.
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you mean your sisters-in-la---*shot/stabbed* ...tiny tear because in JP she calls chrom...Chrom-san......... CHROM SAN...............................CROM SAN........... OLDER CHROM HAS SUSTAINED CRITICAL DAMAGE. A FRIEND SHOULDNT USE SAN WITH HIM WHYYYY TINY ROBIN NOOOOOOOOOOO DONT KILL CHROMMMMMMM!!! DONTTTTTTTTT its a nice detail ngl because they are not 'friends' their bond is still on the work and she knows he is a prince so she is being polite...waaa.....
chrom: chrom is ok
robin: ...............chrom......................san.
chrom: ;A; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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insert your training generic line.
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chrom panic mode. gotta stick with his sisters!!!! GOTTA PROTECT THEM!!!!!!
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lays on the ground ........ cry. why are you making this child suffer? please.
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the fact in jp she is not 100% sure if he is 'good person' is super funny to me LOL listen. with that scowl and big sword she can freely press A to doubt lololol also she is throwing shades at him asking if his sisters are suffering because of him ...--GIRL............listen................we................dont have a defense. true. it is all true. also this actually makes me go ooooooo because i always thought he was rebel when he was a kid. this confirms he is pretty much a troublemaker (to some extent ofc) and robin is already on his BS lol hear me out. a little boy who suddenly saw his country turn upside down in mere months and not only that but people chanting curses and vindication at your father who started a war and lost it; and by default doomed everyone with him. yeah. 'cheerful' chrom was a hard earned phase after that hurt and confusion phase he went through.
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still a bakaptain. once a reckless idiot, will always be reckless idiot.
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chrom got that 'mature' vibe to him when he speaks no? guess it does not help when you are forced to grow faster after your stupid father fucks things up. ... add him so we can punch the daylight out of him but make him ugly so i dont go IF HE BAD WHY HE HOT HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM cough
oh no...
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oh noo.....pain...
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聖痕...seiko..stigmata ...stigma huh. if you consider the fell dragon brand a bad omen, then calling it a stigma is not farm off, you know?
禍々しく不吉な… sobs stop.... stop hurting heeeerrrrrrrrr. a child saying they have something on their body that is sinister and ominous is not fun guys ;a;
also confirmed chrom is idiot.
robin: i have something sinister on my body...
robin: km pls
deep fried sigh ... let👏her👏be👏happy👏damnit!!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏
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hmm ... i prefer chrom's line in jp because it does fit his mindset of wanting to help emmeryn and not just 'have to'.
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cries. robin's love for books is adorable waaaaa.
unknown footage of chrom reading some books she recommended. help me they are cute.
also chrom wanting to be a strong man .. hehehehe buddy let me tell you that you will be the stronkest of them all--WALL CRUSHER!!!!!
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i told konkon that what if they did meet (in a parallel world) when they were kids and chrom's dad finds about chrom's new friend and perhaps wanted to use that in his favor etc etc etc ... FATHER WHY MUST YOU BE AN ASSHOLE???????????????????????????????????
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what if.... they actually meet .... but naga is like nah too soon. erase their memories because of the previous idea^^^ dad might abuse this friendship sobs ...
i mean naga already intervened a couple of times but not to the extent that she can 'change' things directly so perhaps the use of the brand or someone she can ....uuuh communicate with???? i might want to think about this hmm ~ i feel like naga does have more 'power' or like ...uhhh... things going on but we don't see all her plans.
oh and emmy and frederick convo ;u;
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i love my awakening children ;u;
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lovelyfeh ¡ 5 years ago
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Comin right up my dear! Hope you enjoyed this prompt, angst is still one of my favorite things to write! I used gender neutral pronouns for Grima since you didn’t specify which one! Hope that’s alright!! Hopefully this came out ok or how you wanted it to, if not rewrites are always open!! (I’m so so sorry this is so late but hey!! I’m back everyone :)
➼Grima had never been the friendliest hero in the Askrian castle (if you could even call them a hero). Cold, rude, and constantly spouting threats at anyone who even looked at them the wrong way. They were the fell dragon after all, so you were never very surprised when Chrom or Lucina came to you with another complaint about them.
➼But for some odd reason they seemed very... attached to you. At first they had been distant, the same with you as everyone else, but it had barely taken them any time at all before they grew quite accustomed to you. (And it’s not as if you were complaining, while Grima wasn’t exactly friendly their overprotective nature was cute!) You often found yourself spending the day with them, making friendly small talk considering they tried to ignore you or called your talk ‘pointless’ most of the time.
➼As for Grima themselves, they weren’t sure why they were like this towards you. You were nothing, a mere worm in their presence. But the more they listened to your useless chatter, the more you practically glued yourself to their side , they found an odd feeling growing in their chest. Something they couldn’t explain, which was on the verge of driving them mad. Maybe someone had hexed them? They’d be sure to find out who.
➼Grima was one of your strongest heroes, always joining you and your main team to dispatch enemies. They were more than happy to kill, and sometimes even seemed even more eager when killing for you. They showed off the many soldiers that they practically shredded to you, and although it was disgusting, you’d smile sweetly and congratulate them.
➼But even evil gods needed breaks, according to Anna. Today was Grima’s off duty day, and you could tell they were a little more than irritated with this. They followed you around and complained about it all day, repeating the same mantra of how ‘you’d never win without them there’ and ‘they were the strongest god in the entire castle’. You could only roll your eyes playfully at their childish whining.
➼You assured them you would be fine,
➼An hour or two passes before the crackle of magic filled the air, and a burning portal opened between the magic stones. The healer tents and backup heroes that had camped nearby all snapped to alert, but no one came through for a good while.
➼And then their replacement stumbled through, someone slumped over on her back. Her clothes were filthy and smeared with blood, but she didn’t seem injured whatsoever, rather the person crudely bandaged up in stained white cloth on her back was. She called out for healers, shifting the lifeless figure into her arms, and Grima managed to get a good look at the wounded person. And then their heart stopped.
➼That was you. You had been practically ripped open, your cloak in tatters and wrapped around your middle in a desperate attempt to stop your open wound. You weakly writhed in pain as healers frantically rushed to your side and placed hands on your injuries to stop the blood, and the cry you made finally spurred Grima into action.
➼They shove others out of the way, hissing and growling at anyone who challenged them. They pushed their replacement away, cradling your head in their hands and not failing to notice the way your eyes stare blankly ahead.
➼“You idiot! You damned fool! Who did this to you? This wouldn’t have happened if I were there! And now...”
➼You were to weak to argue, instead letting out a small whine and grasping their cloak. They stopped themselves from yelling at you any further, instead redirecting their anger to the rest of the heroes finally retreating through the portal and the woman that went instead of them.
➼While you were whisked away, Grima screeched and yelled at Alfonse until he finally spilled the story. You had been unguarded, left in the open while trying to catch up with your personal guard. An axe wielder had easily cornered you, and before any of them knew it, Mareeta had spotted you stumbling towards them desperately with major injuries and soldiers hot on your heels to finish the job.
➼Grima was angry. Beyond furious. They wanted to find those miserable creatures that hurt you and make them pay. They wanted them to feel exactly what you felt. They wanted them to die.
➼But they waited, worry they would never admit to feeling gnawing at Grima’s cold heart. They ripped flowers to shreds from a nearby field to release the fury building for what seemed like ages until a healer shot a flare to alert any worried heroes that you were in stable condition.
➼The morning sun had disappeared, replaced with purple skies and twinkling stars. You had been in healing for so long that Grima wondered they’d even be allowed to see you, but Lissa fearfully allowed them inside when they arrived.
➼Their heart skipped a beat at the sight of you. You were still, eyes closed. You would’ve looked peaceful if it weren’t for the bloody bandages wrapped around you and your unnaturally pale cheeks. Silently, Grima stood by your bedside, glaring at the spots of blood covering the bedsheets. They would find who did this to you. Even if it killed them, they would put that worm through hell.
➼They returned their gaze to you, surprised to see you awake at all. Your eyes were tired. They felt another spout of anger rise in their chest, but quickly stuffed it down in favor of gently taking your hand.
➼“You are an idiot. You should have let me come with you. I would have never let this happen to you.”
➼You said nothing, closing your eyes again. They felt you squeeze their hand gently, as if in confirmation of their words. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, “it was my fault I was injured. Please don’t blame Mareeta or the Order.”
➼And of course they did. They were inadequate. Useless pests that could do nothing but panic at the sight of you covered in your own blood. But they did not respond to your words, instead placing their forehead against your hand.
➼“It matters not. For now, rest. I will deal with the vermin who did this to you in the morning. I will be protecting you from now on.”
➼The weak smile you gave them was enough to make Grima’s heart flutter. This was uncharacteristic of them, to be as nice and doting as they were right now, but for some odd reason they didn’t mind you seeing this side of them (that truthfully they didn’t even know they had).
➼As you drifted off back to sleep, hand still in theirs, they thought they heard you say something. It was so quiet, barely even a whisper, but Grima managed to catch the end of it. ‘Love you’.
➼And the Fell Dragon would never admit to you that as you slept, they left a small kiss on your forehead in response to yours words.
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stargazer-balladeer ¡ 5 years ago
Their S/o Saving Them [FE: Awakening]
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Characters Included: Male! Robin & Chrom
Note: No one requested this but I thought it would be a good idea :) I think I accidentally made this like a Oneshot in a hc form. whOOPS-- Hope ya’ll enjoy this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warning: none
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-He’s horrified as he watch you get slice by the sword, the steel blade slicing your abdomen. He watches as you slowly descend to the ground, before snapping out of trance to kill the one who hurt you, his s/o. He calls the nearby healers as he picks you up, bridal-style, and hurried to Lissa. 
-He’s downright panicking as you continued to lose blood. He practically yells at Lissa with tears in his eyes, “Heal them! Please!” This is the first time that the young Ylisse princess see their Tactician cry. She quickly gather some more healers and began healing you.
-He stares at you being healed while begging to every God and Goddesses to save you, hell, he’ll be begging Grima to save you. The people around him could sense his worry from a mile away. Robin flinch when someone placed their hand on his shoulder, he look over to see the comforting face of his comrade, Chrom.
-He didn’t notice but the battle has ended with them being victorious. He looks at Chrom while holding back his tears. Chrom tightens his hold on his shoulder, comforting his fellow friend. “Don’t panic so much, Robin. They’ll be fine. They are strong, after all.”
-Robin managed to calm down, before his mind started making up different scenarios. What will happen if only he payed attention? Would he be in your same place then? Wouldn’t that be better? Why was he so distracted in the first place? If only--
-”None of this is your fault, Robin. So stop beating yourself up.” Chrom’s voice made Robin snap out of his thought. Chrom offered him a tired yet reassuring smile. “Go to sleep. You need rest.” Robin shakes his head. “No. I’ll wait until [Y/N] wakes up.” Chrom hesitated before nodding his head and left to go to his tent.
-Robin stayed outside of the Healer’s Tent, waiting for their news about you. Until the healers started pouring out of the tent, this made Robin flinch a bit. They all offered him a smile before going past him. Then, Lissa came out of the tent and beckoned for Robin to enter. “They’re stable. They should be waking up any moment now.”
-Robin quickly muttered a, “thank you”, and hurried past her and into the tent. Lissa heard and just giggle at his reaction before going on her way. Robin saw you, still sleeping peacefully on the makeshift bed. His eyes started to tear up once more as the memory of you getting hurt flash in his mind, he slowly walks up to your unconscious body and his knees buckles underneath him which resulted him on his knees. 
-He sob as he holds your hand and held it near his lips, muttering “sorry” and kissing it. He wasn’t being himself, he knew that, but what would you expect from him? He saw the love of his life getting hit just in front of his eyes, and it’s all his fault. That’s why he closed his heart towards the possibility of love, afraid of getting his s/o hurt and killed. But you manage to wiggle to his caged heart and love unconditionally.
-He continued to sob until he felt your hand twitch against his cheeks, he opens his eyes (slightly blurred from the tears) to see you slowly waking up. Robin practically lunges himself to your now conscious body and held you tightly in his arms while still sobbing and mumbling “sorry” over and over again. You gasp in surprise at the sudden action but you slowly hug him back.
-Please comfort him ;-; This bby boi was so worried for you. He would forever blame himself if you died at that moment (thank God you didn’t though). From now on, he would be more cautious of his surroundings and more protective of you in battlefield, he doesn’t want to risk losing you. 
-Chrom watch as you were hit by a arrow on the side while fighting some Plegian’s. He watch as you fall down to the ground and started to bleed out, his mind was blank, not being able to register what had happened. He was only snapped out of it by Frederick screaming at him and killing the soldiers who dare to hurt the Prince. 
-His eyes trailed to your figure, being surrounded by their Healers. Lissa, his younger sister, look at him with worry. He knew what that meant though. He watch as the Healers pick your bleeding-figure up and rush you to the Medical Tent. So much anger filled him inside as he screams out in frustration and began slicing everyone left and right, the people in his Army started to get worried about their Leader. 
-Frederick knows that Chrom needs to be left alone but he doesn’t want for him to get hurt by it. Robin screamed at him to stop already, the battle has already ended by Chrom’s frantic killing. Chrom stops as he stood there, not moving at all. Robin slowly walks up to him and crouch in front of him. “Letting out your frustration is good, yes. But there’s a limit to it. And you getting angry isn’t bringing [Y/N] back.”
-This made Chrom realize what he was doing. Both Robin and Frederick help him up and drag him to the Tent you were in. He let them drag him away, and they push him into it. Lissa jump in surprise at the sudden appearance of her brother but decided to let him stay. 
-The Healers were able to pull out the arrow and heal your wound. Chrom was there beside you, holding your hand. You were conscious throughout it all, but decided to remain silent. You knew that Chrom is beating himself up for being reckless and leave his defense open for the arrow, and how you almost die out there. 
-Soon, the Healers were done and bid goodnight to the both of them. Lissa pats her brother’s shoulder in a comforting way and flashing him a reassuring smile before going away.
-The two of you bask in silence as he continues to hold your hand. You look at him in the corner of your eyes, “You know it’s never your fault that I got hit, right?” Chrom flinch before looking away, ashamed of yourself. “No. If only I wasn’t being reckless out there.. if only I didn’t leave my defense open, then you wouldn’t get hit by it. I wasn’t responsible enough. I’m a failure of the future king of Ylisse..” Tears were already prickling in his eyes.
-You let out a sigh as you tighten your hold in his hands. “No, that’s not it. You are reckless, yes. You left your defense open, yes. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t responsible enough. You’ve proven yourself over and over again, you have the right to rule Ylisse. It’s just a mistake we all do, so don’t beat yourself up.”
-You two then bask in silence as you pull Chrom into a hug. Please comfort him as well ;-; He’s stress as it is. He doesn’t want you to die, please live and don’t leave him yet. He might get even more protective of you and might not let you fight in the frontlines, and this’ll result into you two fighting while the rest is sweatdropping at the background.
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[x] Main Page || [x] Fire Emblem: Awakening Page
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ladyideal ¡ 5 years ago
Piece of Cake
Pairing: McKirk x Reader
Word Count: 2335
Requested by: @cuddlememerrick​ “Alright so idea since you said you need some! Mckirk/reader one of them has been having a bad week and the other two plan  a relaxing night for them, cook their favorite meal, ready their favorite movies etc. Just need some fluff with my two boys.”
Warnings: Cursing (still), mention of explosions and sickness, mostly fluff really
Summary: An explosion happens down in Engineering. You almost cry as your day off disappears into a week of hell and fixing up the ship. Worried, Jim and Leonard convinces threatens you to take the day off after several days have past since the accident. At the end, you spent your night with your two best boyfriends.
A/n: so yay first request. I’ll probably just keep requests open for an indefinite time and finish them slowly. Also giving McKirk x reader some good lovin at 4am. I should get to bed. 
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(credit gif to owner)
Placing you comm on your nightstand, you snuggled under the covers. It was only 10 at night, but Scotty had let you go early. There weren't many work orders, and the ensigns could cover what was left on the list. You weren’t going to say no at the prospect of leaving work early, especially when you finally had a day off the next day. 
Some of the Engineers were off sick, but you and Scotty still made it work. As Scotty’s unofficial second, you covered Beta and the occasional Gamma shift, but you were proud of how far you’ve come. In just two years abroad the Enterprise, you’d not only make it to Lieutenant Commander, but somehow had two loving boyfriends and a wonderful job on the flagship of the fleet. You had the dream of what many yearned for.
You knew that both Len and Jim were still at their offices, finishing up their reports. Granted you had your fair share of reports to catch up on, but for now, you could care less. You’d thought of waiting up for them, but you’d figured you could get some early shut eye. Hopefully now, Jim could stop complaining about your lack of sleep. A day off was a day off. On that note, you drifted off into a nap.
You groaned, reluctantly sticking your hand out from under the covers to blindly search around for your comm. Once finding it, you flipped it open.
“Y/L/N,” You slurred groggily, eyeing blearily at the chrom.
It was midnight.
“Lassie! Where are you?” Scotty’s voice answered. The urgency and panic in his voice instantly raised your concern, and you grudgingly sat up. 
“Scotty, I’m in bed. What happened?”
“Lass, are ya dead to the world? Ensign Reol snapped the wrong wire, the consoles blew, and the right turbine is in pieces. I cannae get this done myself. Get down here.”
“Shit,” you cursed, scrambling out of bed. “I’m on my way.”
Swiftly, you put on your uniform and tied your boots up. In a last attempt to make yourself decent for work, you threw your hair into a messy ponytail. Without another glance, you hurriedly grabbed your kit and comm, and rushed out of the door. 
You hurried into a turbolift, forcefully keying in your destination. As you waited, you tapped your foot while sorting through your kit full of tools. You’d gotten only two hours of sleep, and you were already back to work again. Grabbing your comm out, you blinked your eyes at the amount of messages you received.
Thirty messages from three panicking people. Jim, Len, and Scotty, of course.
You skimmed through them, noticing that Jim’s last message was a threat saying that if you didn’t reply back on your whereabouts, he was going to send a search party. That message was sent ten minutes ago. With a frown, you sent both Len and the Captain saying that you were fine, and on the way down to Engineering to see what was going on.
Almost immediately, both replied.
“For god’s sake, you red shirts just love danger.” - L
“No search party this time, Y/N.” - J
You grinned, but clipped your comm back. When the doors open, you hurried out.
“What the hell,” You slid beside to Scotty’s side, watching the billows of inky jet black smoke obscuring the rest of the engine room. There were pieces of shrapnel littering the ground in front, and plenty of black soot to go around. An unpleasant smell of burnt plastic wafted up from the lower levels to the top. If you squinted your eyes hard enough, you could make out the charred remains of what was left of several consoles laying couple yards away. 
“Turbine flew off when the consoles blew, lass,” Scotty pointed. “Had to manually drop her out of warp.”
“Everyone okay?” You rubbed your eyes tiredly with the back of your hand. “It looks pretty bad.”
You knew from past experiences that Leonard was going to have yet another fit towards the incompetence of engineers. At least this time, you weren’t the one hurt. 
“I’m afraid not, lassie,” Scotty grimaced. “Medical got them out after the sprinklers started.”
“Who’s left?”
“Not many.”
You glanced at him, and turned back to the chaos in front of you. Squeezing your eyes shut briefly, you pinched the bridge of your nose. This could not be happening right now, right on the eve of your day off. You let out a resigned sigh, and opened your eyes again. 
“I go take a look at the wires, and you go see what’s left of that right turbine?” You suggested, looking over at your superior grimly.
“Aye, lass.”
Unfortunately, that was how your week started. It was going to be one long horrible week for sure. 
With a good portion of your engineers injured or still sick, you and Scotty were spread thin across all three shifts. Leaving you with no other choice, each day you spent working with the Chief Engineer on the Beta and Gamma shift. You directed the other Engineers to leave the non immediate work orders for later, and to jimmy together what was left of the consoles in order for the ship to be able to reach the next Federation outpost.
You waved to Scotty on your way down from the stairs to sign in, which he only acknowledged with a nod from up above. Sixteen hour work days were starting to take a toll on your already exhausted mind and body. However, you had a feeling that Scotty didn’t get too sleep much either.
Hell, at this rate you could probably twine wires and solder them together in your sleep now.
Both Jim and Leonard had both tried to get to you to get more sleep, but you shook them off, saying that there weren’t enough hands to fix the damn ship. The latter had already threatened his usual medical leave on you, but this time you’d thanked him and shook your head. The Captain didn’t dare try forcing you to take a day off. He knew better, as eventually you would just sneak back to Engineering and continue working.
“Bones, have you seen Y/N at all this week?” Jim frowned into his glass of bourbon. 
“Only when Y/N and I passed by in our room. Y/N went to sleep, and I went in for Alpha,” Leonard didn’t bother looking up from his PADD, doing his best to ignore the blonde putting his feet up on the armrest. “Feet off the furniture, Jim.”
Jim pouted, but pressed on. “Do you think we should cheer Y/N up? You cook dinner, and I’ll find some holos to watch? You know that Y/N loves it when you cook. No replicator can do your cooking justice.”
The doctor grunted, eyeing his captain as though he was weighing the odds of cheering you up with his food. “If you find another musical, Jim, I swear I’ll put you in for another physical.”
“Afternoon, Scotty,” You shouted, half as a greeting and the other half as a homing beacon. You could never really know where the Chief Engineer could be lurking around at any given time. He was almost everywhere, and nowhere at the same time. 
“Afternoon, Y/N,” Your superior called tiredly from above, hanging from a rope to fix the tubes. “What number are ya on?”
“Six,” You answered, sipping your coffee as you signed in with one hand. It was your sixth back to back Beta and Gamma shifts, and you were really feeling the exhaustion creeping in. 
“Six?! For god’s sake, you shoulda take a break, lass,” Scotty continued. “Ya know that, McCoy ain’t happy with me keeping you here all day long.”
You snorted loudly, sifting through the work orders. As many were still down in Medbay, you had taken up a couple of ensign jobs to help lighten up the load. “He will live. Where do you need me?”
It was three hours in when your communicator buzzed.
Setting your screwdriver on a nearby Jefferies tube, you flipped it open.
“Y/N. Jim and I are worried about you, sweetheart. You can use the break, and come eat with us over dinner. Jim has a surprise for you,” Leonard’s voice came through.
“Len, I appreciate it, but right now-,” You paused, swearing when your screwdriver teetered and fell. “Scotty, be nice and throw me your wrench? I can’t seem to find mine.”
“Throwing wrenches?” Came a now very concerned doctor. “Why the hell are you throwing wrenches around?”
“Aye, swing over and I’ll hand it over.”
You pushed off from the tube that you were stationed above and gently swung down to meet Scotty. 
“Y/N , why do I hear wind? Are you above the Jefferies again?” Leonard continued. “Dammit women, what did I say about going up there?”
“That I’ll one day fall to my death,” You smirked, thanking Scotty with a nod.
“I’m coming down there to fetch you,” The doctor decided for you. “Don’t get into anymore trouble.”
“No promises, love.”
Regardless, you continued working. Oh no, you couldn’t leave Scotty here on his own to fix the rest of the damage from the earlier blast. With the amount of work still to be done, there was no way you would be retiring for the night. 
“Y/N, did you even hear a word of what I just said?” A familiar southern accent drew your attention from down below you.
“Yes, but-.”
“ Sweetheart, you’re exhausted. Both Scotty and Jim have said it was alright for you to take the rest of the day off.” 
Despite the earlier protest that you were fine, you yawned. It was true that the lack of sleep and food and even water was getting to you. Occasionally, you’d caught yourself nodding off. If it weren’t for the fact that you were safely suspended on a length of rope, you’d probably fall and hit your head on the way down. 
“I’m fine, Len. Just save me some food?” You ventured a glance downward in time to watch his brows furrow.
“Don’t make me do it, darlin’. Jim and I are just looking out for you.You can’t be a good engineer if you keep messing up, and dropping things. You’re tired, let us take care of you.”
‘It��� was the medical leave. Leonard had threatened the usage earlier, but you didn’t, as per usual, paid any attention. 
“Get some sleep, lass,” Scotty’s voice carried from a couple yards away. “I’ll see ya tomorrow.”
With three people up your ass, you finally relented. 
“Fine, fine,” You grumbled reluctantly, sticking the rest of your tools into your kit, and slowly lowering yourself back down onto solid ground. 
When your feet made contact with the floor, you unbuckled yourself from the rope, and turned to Leonard.
“Happy now?” You huffed out, wobbling unsteadily towards him.
“Getting there,” The doctor responded, enveloping you in a hug and placing a light kiss on your lips. “I’ve cooked us some dinner, Jim has a surprise, and then we can snuggle up together on the couch. What do you say to that?”
You hummed in content, kissing him back as your eyes closed. With the promise of more concerted kisses, you were looking forward to the dinner. “I would like that. It would make up for the hell that was this week.”
“JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH. WILL YA TWO FIND ANOTHER PLACE TO KISS!?” A very irritated sounding Scotty shouted from above. 
“We should leave, sweetheart,” Leonard grinned, his trademark smirk back again. You nodded in agreement.
With a chuckle, the two of you made your way back towards your quarters.
After some homemade fried chicken, green beans, and a generous heaping of mashed potatoes and gravy, you had to grudgingly admit that Leonard was right in coercing you to take a break. The food and the company really brightened your spirits up after a long hell of a week. 
“You were right, Leonard. The food was what I really needed,” You leaned back into your chair.
“That’s not all!” Jim hurried out of his chair, almost knocking the poor thing over in his hurry to reach the kitchen.
You glanced over at the doctor for some context, but only received a shrug in return. You deduced that this was going to be Jim’s surprise.
“Ta da da da,” Jim emerged back with a cake in his hands. 
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. Jim wasn’t a baker after all.
“How did you-?” You couldn’t find the words to finish your question.
“I might have had some help in taste testing and baking it,” Jim replied with a sheepish grin. 
You laughed, appreciating the work from both your boyfriends. “Thank you.”
“Come, darlin’” Leonard stood up. “We can eat it while we watch some holos that Jim picked out for you. He also swore that there wouldn’t be any musicals.”
You beamed at both Jim and Leonard, and nodded.
While Jim went off in search of plates and forks, you and Leonard settled comfortably on the couch, leaving a space for Jim to later sit in. 
“Feet up,” The doctor requested, and you obliged with a grin.
“How about some Western? Nyota said this one was a classic,” Jim grabbed the remote as he sat on your left after planting an affectionate kiss on your cheek.
“Sure,” You smiled, purring happily on his shoulder as Leonard idly stroked your shins and ankles. With the holo on, Jim slightly maneuvered you around till your back was to him. You groaned out loud as he started massaging your shoulders, and kneading out the knots with expert hands. 
While the week might have been beyond hellish, you could always count on both Leonard and Jim to make even the worst of days better. For that, you were forever grateful for your two very loving boyfriends.
ST Tags: @mournthewicked​ (if you want to be tagged in future star trek fics, let me know)
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writtingfiction ¡ 5 years ago
May I request Robin getting severely injured in battle and chrom is thinking he's going to lose her?
Of course, you can! I will say I got a bit carried away, when writing this. I just can’t help it when it comes to Chrobin. (ノ≧∀≦)ノ Also, I may or may not have made my sister cry while she read this to correct it.
pairing: Chrom x Robin
words: 1.9k
Robin had always made it a point to keep him within eyesight and within the range she could help him; if things got too overwhelming for him. And thankfully it never did, Frederick was usually by his side but this battle, things had gone differently. Frederick wasn’t by Chroms side, and instead with Lissa on the other side of the battle, trying to pull a pincer attack.
Robin gritted her teeth as she slashed at another enemy soldier, there wasn’t much use left of her Levin sword. She might have another few uses before it was useless. She gnawed at her bottom lip, eyes raising to survey the battle field, grasping the situation at hand. The other half of the army was doing well, she mused, moving the enemy closing towards them. Her eyes managed to spot Chrom, and the too many enemies heading his way.
She grumbled, feet picking up and making her way towards Chrom. She remembers making a passing comment in the past how he never looks behind him, but he deflects the comment saying she has his back. However, there’s always a bad taste left in her mouth every time he says so. He’s so used to the protection.
Robin slows her pace a little, wrangling a tome from out of her coat. Casting Thoron and effectively killing an enemy. However, there’s still more to cut down. Casting a couple more spells as she made it closer to the prince, the enemies were dwindling, and the rest of her group were going to start the pincer movement without them.
Robin lets out a small yell as she swings her sword through the enemy. She breathes heavily, spotting a shadow in the corner of her eye. She turns, half expecting to be Chrom approaching her but instead it’s her worst fear coming alive. Chrom was busy dealing with a soldier in front of him, not noticing the assassin coming up behind him. She yelled out his name, but it wasn’t enough. Her feet were moving on their own before she could even think.
She gripped the Levin sword tighter in her hand, whispering a spell as the sword began to spark to life. The smell of ozone filling the air, as the lightning on the sword began to crackle through the air. Bright yellow sparks flashed off the sword, making it hard to look at and a slight hum emitted from the sword. Robin stopped running, raising the sword above her head and calling out the spell. It was only split second later that lightning came crashing down right in front of the assassin’s path, much to Robin’s chagrin for it not hitting him but she could see the terrified look on the enemy’s face
Her feet moved again, drawing her closer to Chrom. The spell had slowed the assassin down just long enough for her to catch up and be able to protect Chrom. Her eyes solely focused on the assassin as he pulled out a dagger from his belt, preparing to stab the prince. Scenarios flashed through her mind, and she could only come to one conclusion. She had only hoped she would live through the situation.
She slid in between Chrom and the assassin, dirt kicking up and creating dust as she slid in front of the dagger meant for Chrom. She let out a growl, sword crackling in air as she rose it and plunged it into the assassin’s torso, leaving no room for the ugly bastard to survive.
She could only hear her heavy breathing and heartbeat pounding loudly in her ear drums. Before she even knows it, her knees give out underneath her and she’s feeling sick. Her eyes travel down towards her gut, seeing the dagger’s hilt. Her hands shook, touching the already blood-soaked shirt. It’s poisoned.She thinks, as she feels the need to puke her insides.
Fear. It made his blood go ice cold. He heard the footsteps of someone approaching him, no, a pair of footsteps. In his peripheral, he could see Robin coming towards him. He heard her shout his name, but it wasn’t loud enough over the screaming enemies.
He could hear rather than see what had happened behind him. The drag of feet against the ground, growls and gasps before hearing the sickening sound of metal slicing through flesh. There was a loud thud and for a moment he feared it was her. His wife, the one person her loved so dearly, falling to the ground. He pushes his sword forward, thrusting it through the enemy’s chest before he turns on his heels.
“Robin!!” Chrom screamed. Having slayed the enemies in front of him, only to turn and see his wife on her knees. He scrambled and kneeled down in front of her. He sees the dagger plainly and reaches to pull it out, but Robin stops him.
“It’s poisoned. Don’t touch it.” She grunts, swatting his hand away. His eyes widened.
“What?! Robin, you’ll die if we don’t pull it out.” He says, panic clear in his voice. Robin looks much paler than before, Chrom notes. He needs her, she can’t leave him.
“It’s better than you… touching it…” Robin coughs, leaning away from him as blood appeared on the ground.
“I don’t care for your reasoning; I’m not losing you too.” Chrom says firmly, hands reaching for the dagger. His gloved hands gripping the hilt before pulling.
“I would rather have the army lose one tactician, than the tactician and it’s general. Especially, if that General is the Exalt.” Robin says weakly, obviously trying her best to stay awake. Chrom freezes, and then turns and yells for a healer.
Chrom’s eyes go wide at the sight of the dagger in his palm. It’s a Grimleal insignia on the pommel. There’s a sickening feeling pooling in his stomach thinking that they were so close to killing him, and now, it’s Robin’s life on the line. Anger boils inside of him, burning away the sick feeling and plunges the dagger completely into the ground. That way no one else can hurt themselves.
His attention quickly goes back to Robin though. A hand catching her shoulder as she sways and tries to stay on her knees. A hand comes up to hold her face. His brow furrowed as his heart races against his rib cage.
“Robin,” Chrom breathes, his panic coming back in full swing. “what are you feeling? Tell me.” He could see Robin blink slowly as she tries keep her eyes locked on him. Another cough comes from her, blood dripping from her lips.
“My stomach…” Robin gasps, hand tightly gripping his arm. “or is it my lungs…” The comment doesn’t make him feel any better.
“Stay with me, Robin. Tell me what your feeling, we can identify the poison before it’s too late.” Chrom tries to keep a calm voice, but the way her head falls toward his chest, makes his heart leap.
She doesn’t respond to him. Chrom pulls her back, enough to then cradle her in his arms. Her eyes are closed, chest pulling and pushing in deep movements. He calls her name, again, again and again. He doesn’t notice when Maribelle had appeared by his side, he doesn’t realize Frederick is pulling him away from her until Frederick pulls him up and away from her. He doesn’t realize the hot tears streaming down his face either.
— — -
Chrom stared blankly ahead of him. Robin had been in the healing tent for hours now, he hasn’t heard a word of her condition. Is she stable? Is she going to make it with a wound like that? Of course, she is, but that poison. It was meant to kill, and how quickly was the question. He feared that they were now discussing a way to tell him that they had lost her. He feared they would come out of that tent to tell him that it was all his fault for being so careless. He was the reason that they lost their friend and queen.
“Chrom?” It was Lissa’s voice. He blinked before focusing his attention on her.
“It’s Robin, she’s…” Lissa pauses and his heart drops. He wasn’t ready. “she’s recovered from her wound but it’s the poison. The poison is making it very hard to… stabilize her. But, she’s fighting off the poison, Chrom.”
“Can I see her?” The words tumble out faster than he can register what he’s said. A sad look appears on her face. She looks to the ground before muttering.
“We don’t know if she’ll make it through the night, so it would be best for you to see her.” Lissa says, refusing to look at her own brother.
“But if she makes it through the night?” There’s a hope, and he’s trying to focus on that instead of the grim fate that could possibly swallow them all.
“She’ll recover.” Lissa says firmly, hope on the edge of her voice. They both want her to survive.
Chrom then leaves Lissa to her own devices, making a straight path towards the healing tent where Robin was. The moment he enters, he can see just how deathly pale she was. Her skin was almost as pale as her hair. He can feel his heart drop to the ground as he drags his feet towards her bedside. Pulling a chair close, so he can sit.
He gently takes her hand, scared that he might hurt her. She seemed so delicate and in pain. Her face was scrunched up, breathing heavily as she worked up a sweat. His chest ached seeing her like this, and then the added guilt.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers, caressing her hand carefully. Like she was a piece of glass. “If I had only heeded your advice we wouldn’t in the predicament. We could have avoided the whole thing.” He feels small, so very small in this very large world. His wife laying on the bed as she struggles to keep her body awake and all he can do is wait and watch over her. Never had he felt so useless and defeated.
But there was always a hope, a silver lining of hope in him. That she would pull through and awake the next morning. That she would wake up and scold him as he trembles and holds her tightly. It pained him that this was only a hope, but all he could do is believe. He rested his head against the bed, muttering his regrets. He feared so much, he wasn’t prepared to face the world again alone. And, before he knew it, he fell asleep; a black blanket covering him as slept a dreamless sleep.
— — –
He awoke to the feeling of fingers threading themselves through his hair. There was a moment, that he had forgotten that Robin wasn’t injured and that they were back at home. The sun rising and giving them a warm embrace. What would normally follow next would be a gentle kiss to his hair before a raspy, good morning, would grace his ears.
His eyes open wide as his memory catches up to him. He raises and turns to face Robin, ignoring the screaming muscles from his awkward sleeping position. He can see her brown eyes shimmering just barely as they see him. Her hand that as in his hair, shifts to gently caress his face.
“Good Morning…” She whispers, her voice rough like sand; but he couldn’t care less. He gives her a wobbly smile, eyes shimmering with tears.
“Good morning.” His voice wobbles before he crumbles forward and holds her close.
He spills his heart and he send his praises to Naga. He’s eternally grateful, and happy that she was able to pull through. It may not be the mornings back at home, but this was good enough.
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joyfulpiefactory ¡ 5 years ago
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(The only explaination I have for this is simple: I built both of them around tanking mages since they both have the ability to but Itsuki has a looooot more res than poor Seliph. Now they’re friends 👀)
As the door to the tenth stratum closed, Seliph felt a sigh snag itself in his throat. Lava glowed beneath the cracks in the earthen floor, heat sweltering around him as his gaze shot through a sea of red and brown.
Ahead were five faceless soldiers, poised and ready to strike at the sound of the summoner’s voice.
“Hm.” Shifting his stance, Seliph’s hand fell against the hilt of his blade on instinct as a careful voice shot through his focus.
“Excuse me-“
Turning to see a boy that looked to be near his age, his surprise melts to guide his nearly-drawn blade back down. “Apologies.”
“I’m not gonna hurt you! I just wanted to ask if you were okay. You sighed.”
“Ah yes. I’m quite alright, thank you.”
Fixing his gaze on the boy now, a polite smile was born as he noticed peculiar marks lining his cheeks. “You are one of the new arrivals, yes? I am Seliph.”
Surprise took the boy’s face, sudden sheepishness blooming. “I’m Itsuki Aoi. Nice to meet you.”
Their meeting abruptly grew cut under the blade of the summoner’s tongue, each soldier seeming to spring to life as Seliph darted to the center of the room. “I shall draw their fire.”
True to his word, Seliph’s sword seemed to sparkle against the darkness of the room, twirling its light in his hands as an incoming spell was cleft between its metal. Fire split under the blow, singing past and hooking into his his clothes with a yelp of pain.
“-Itsuki, stay behind me!”
Itsuki instinctively turned to the summoner at Seliph’s words in a panic, seeing a smile spread across their lips after shaking their head. Another spell flew out, heading directly for the divine tyrfing.
“I don’t think so!” Racing out to crash with the spell head on, Itsuki’s rapier shimmered as he stepped in front of the lord, a cry of determination sailing out as the spell forked against the strength of his blade.
“That won’t work on me!”
Wide-eyed, Seliph watched as the magic seemed to melt upon touching his clothes as if barely registering any contact.
“Chrom, let’s do this!”
“We fight as one!” Chrom’s voice poured forth from the sword, loud and resounding.
Itsuki’s rapier shone all the brighter as the magic was dispelled, a smile forming on his lips. It was their turn.
“Alright. Seliph! Are you okay?” Turning to face the lord, Itsuki’s expression dripped with concern. “You’re not hurt too badly?”
“No...” Surprise hovered over him like a shroud. “...Did I just hear lord Chrom?”
“We can talk about that later.” Walking back over to stand shoulder to shoulder, amusement bloomed. “Come on, it’s our turn! Let’s strike them down!”
“...” Surprise morphed to resolve, Seliph gave a firm nod as he took a step forward. “As you wish!”
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poetryandnightmaress ¡ 5 years ago
Are there ever situations in which one of your f/os needs your comfort?
I’ll try to answer this question with all of my romantic F/O’s, because I can ;w;
And before you ask: Of course there are situations like those. Some might not show it, but they all have feelings and their own problems, so I’m trying to not be that self centered, helping them.
Toma: He’s a true sunshine, but he actually needs comfort when I do as well. The only thing that truly drags him down is knowning that I’m in a bad state and he couldn’t help or protect me. This ends up in both of us cuddling close to each other.
Trevor Belmont: This poor men gets so much hate, it’s insane. People are always whispering about him, I really know how much of a burden that is. And so, when he comes home stressed out and grumpy, I often make him some hot chocolate, while laying a carpet onto him and telling him to rant about everything. We both rant about all the dudes hurting him and we feel way better after.
Louis Amamiya: Louis is already a worried men, but he also has experiences in panic attacks, sadly. The things who totally throw him offguard are insults of strangers and huge stress hitting at once. Since we both have our problems with panic attacks and similar stuff, we teached each other how to react in such situations. I will hold his hand, leave him room to breathe and calm him down with some words. 
Dante: Dante would never show he’s upset or done openly. Not even when he’s with me. But I recognize the small details, when he needs some comfort. He knawing on his down lip, the nervous looks, he talks a bit less... Then, I cuddle against his breast and look at him as cute as I can. Mostly, he melts away and tells what happened, while I listen to him, still cuddling.
V: V often feels guilt for things he has done in his past. His sad expression is sometimes too much for me. And so, when I see him in this state, I ran towards him hugging him tightly while crying. I know, he’s uncomfortable with showing his weakness and I know, he hates when I notice him being sad and upset, but after a while of hugging, he slowly relaxes and takes me in his arms. We’re silent for the whole time, just sitting there and hugging it out. 
Aymeric de Borel: Even a commander can be sad at times. And so, when he falls stressed out in his bed, I careful go into his room and sit beside him to stroke his hair. He will ask if it’s ok he’s venting now, and I always tell him it’s ok. And so, he tells everything that happened, while I just look into his eyes, holding his hand.
Noctis Lucis Caelum: Noct can barely keep his problems hidden. If something big is bothering him, he will go into his room and cry it out. Usually, he wants something to hug afterwards, but while he cries, he wants to be alone. After he calmed down a bit, I sneak into his room with my Mogry plush and some pillows. I try to make some jokes with him as well, but when it’s something serious, I keep silent and just try to make everything as comfortable as possible.
Lon’Qu: Another candidate for the topic “Rather not talk about it”. Lon’Qu actually needs a lot of comfort, even tho he would never ever admit it. He is a bit scared of touches, and so, when he’s upset, I’ll just look at him and tell him it’s ok. It’s not his fault. He did what he could. And I’m proud of him.
Chrom: Chrom is, like Noctis, pretty emotional. But different then the nerd prince, Chrom isn’t afraid to show his emotions. He will talk openly when he had a bad day, and I give him comfort by telling him about my day or just hugging. and a bit of massaging his shoulders.
Jakob: And another one, who hates to show his problems around me. He gets more rude around everybody else, but tries to smile around me while shivering. Then, I ask him to calm down and to drop his butler facade for a while. He then unties his ponytail and starts to scream out his anger, while I leave him for a while. After that, I come in with some tea, and we talk about some other stuff.
Shiro: Another sunshine, who can get sad rarely. If he does, he cuddles up in his bed and silently cries. I often ask him then what’s wrong, and while he tells everything, I take him in my arms while trying to dry his tears.
Angel: Angel? Needing Comfort? She would never say she needs it, but when she needs it, she gets aggressive and defensive. Then, she doesn’t want any hugs or kisses. She just wants to smash something down, while I’m sitting in her room listening to her.
Kusuriuri: He’s pretty honest over his emotions, so when he needs comfort, he will just say it. Then, I’ll take care of him by making both of us some tea and giving him drawing ideas. And sometimes, I feed him some cookies, while we talk about it.
2B: On the outside, 2B has her troubles showing emotions. But when she’s alone with me, she will often ask me to stay with her for a while. It often ends up in her taking of her eyebound to reveal sad shiny eyes, and her hugging me suddenly while slowly calming down.
A2: Why do I have so many f/o’s having trouble to tell when they need help? anyways, A2 is similar to Angel. She will smash things down and rampage in her room, after that I come in and she rants about all her anger, while I just listen.
N: Like me, N is a crybaby and often cries about his past. I understand him so well, and so, I often visit him when he’s in a bad state. I bring my pokemon plushies with me, so he can cuddle some while he ends his crying. I wish I could help him more...
Raihan: Dragon Boi is passive-aggressive when being in a bad state. He gives himself the guilt for how things have happened and him not being strong enough. Then, I try to sneak underneath his hoodie, looking him in the eyes and telling him how awesome he is. Also, he stays away from social media, so he doesn’t trigger someone.
Leon: Since he’s a champion since he’s pretty young, he’s often stressed out. He always calms down when I come in and treat him like an ordinary men instead of a godlike champion everybody looks up to. We also often play with his pokemon, it distracts him as well!
Kogami Shinya: You will never notice when Kogami is having a bad day and needing comfort. So, it’s really hard for me to recognize when he needs my help. I often talk to him, but Idk what else could help him.
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exaltborne ¡ 5 years ago
“you almost died.”  [[ :3c
@breidabllk – kiran. │ after effect.► accepting
     Mind is buzzing, thoughts swarming, as images repeat in his head. His body is in shock. Complete and total shock. Panic that had built up in his chest now escaped him in a sudden gasp, a heavy groan. He had forgotten how to breathe – still has – and his breaths are unsettling. Still, he was there. Once hanging, clinging, onto mere threads, he’s awoken in bed. There, his summoner stands beside him, voice seemingly filled with worry but there is also reprimand that he hears, senses, yet barely fathoms.
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young exalt , you were in battle .w h e r e  are you now ?
     A sudden jerk, he moves. Pain shoots up from his side, his bones scream at him to stop. Distressed gasps for air sounds as he reaches for the summoner. One hand clutches as their shoulder while the other naturally wraps itself at his wound.
     Visions once again, extremely vivid in nature, come at him in a single collective wave. Chrom is desperate as he stares forward. In seconds, he is gasping, wheezing, for air while scenes of a battlefield begin to present themselves before him. Battles of his distant past merge together with recent. He’s seeing a mix of colour.
     First, there’s a deep, terrifying purple mixed with bloodthirsty hues of red. A demonic beast, the fell dragon, glares at him with hatred. Only a split of a second before those shades become chilling tones of blue. The young Exalt is cold, shivers from the feeling. He’s only able stare, rigid in place, as the vision pierces his soul.
     Then a sound. It brings him back, but not before he turns to witness one more hallucination.
His beloved.      His partner.
     Hand pulls, tugs, and with a shaken voice a murmur from him. Panic once more takes a hold of him in that moment.
          “ R-Robin.. ”
     Just like that, his gaze focuses. Who stood before him was not Robin, but, in fact, the very summoner he mistook him for. Once more, he’s gasping for air, and its short breaths that seem to overtake him. He’s started to relax, but he’s overwhelmed with an array of emotion.
     Adrenaline was fading, now pain seared throughout his whole body. What hits him the most, is his head. It is as though somebody has swung pounds at him. A soft cry as he lets go of clothing and reaches to touch his temple. Fingers have slightly turned numb but not so much that he cannot feel the bandages. He begins to feel a warmth in his other hand. Right where his wound had been.
     Chrom looks down, and sees the wrap around him slow change from white to red. He’s torn stitches, most definitely. He should find it in himself to calm down, to relax, and to lay back. But just as adrenaline was fading – a tsunami of other emotions begin to fuel him.
     What once was fear, now is anger as he glares at his summoner. Life comes back to him instantly as he goes back once more to grab at their cloak.   “ You could have. ”
     Venom spits at them bitterly. The young king of Ylisse was vexed. There was no doubt about it. Kiran was correct. He almost had. He remembers now. Between mixed visions and blurred memories, he still remembers what happened.
reckless . reckless .  r e c k l e s s  !!
     He has enough strength to pull them closer, to make them lean over. He’s so angry, and yet he is so…
     Grip releases as Chrom lets his hand fall. He attempts to re-position, though its all for naught. His hand tightens around newly opened wound. Though it seems now he no longer has the energy to sit up. He falls back against pillows for support as he sighs. His head is still throbbing, and his vision is slightly failing, it hurts to see, so he just lets his eyes rest.
          “ You’re here to reprimand me. ”   Head turns so he’s facing Kiran. Eyes slowly open halfway to look at the other. He waits for an answer, yet, instead, he’s given silence towards his words. His summoner seems only focused on his reopened wound.   “Stop. Look at – ah! ”
     He grimaces at the foreign touch. They’re already started at grabbing new bandages and holding his own hand in place for pressure. But he’s not used to it. Not from them.
          “ !!! ”   Cry is louder, and it’s followed by a weak snarl. But, again, Chrom has no energy.   “ Kiran, please… ”   He’s just wanting them to look at him. To say something. anything but this silence.   “ Please. ”   Once more he’s ignored. And he has to find it in himself to move.
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          “ Summoner! ”
     Loud, firm, is his voice. As he reaches over with his other hand to grab their arm. That look in him is almost desperate. But he’s just wanting answers. At least an single answer.   “ Why did you do that? ”
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fe-fictions ¡ 2 years ago
Baby train baby train baby train!!!! I heard we have a baby train. You know who needs to be in is vaike. But he needs to be with robin when it happens
(Vaike is such an underrated husband,,, he's a big sweetheart of a himbo and he deserves a little appreciation ;; _ ;; )
It’s not so much that Vaike was allowed to be in the room, but rather he forced his way in, managed to get his hand around yours, and when they tried to make him leave you all but screamed at them to let him stay.
He’d already spent most of the day and night of your labor outside, pounding on the doors every time he heard you cry out.
They had posted a guard outside, even, and Chrom had been there with a few other Shepherds to try and keep him outside with some emotional support, but in the end, there was no stopping the blonde brute.
You certainly weren’t complaining. It was clear as day that you were scared. He was just as terrified as you were.
The only difference was, he wasn’t the one pushing.
“Gods, Vaike--!!” You threw your head back, squeezing his hand for all you were worth. 
For a second, he wasn’t sure if you’d switched to a warrior class when he wasn’t looking; something cracked in his hand and it did not feel right.
“I-it’s okay, babe- you’re doin’ great!!” He tried to encourage you, glad you weren’t looking at him lest you realize he was incredibly pale and anxious. “It’s not much longer, just a few more pushes!"
“He’s crowning, Robin!!” Maribelle announced from the bed, “Give us another big push!!”
“Are you kidding?!” You all but wailed. Vaike grasped your hand as tight as he could, the other soaking the cloth in the bucket of cold water on the bedside, wiping your face and neck urgently.
“It’s okay, Robin! You’ve done it so many times- you can do it again!! Morgan’s almost here, y’know? He’s so close!
“B-but I can’t…I can’t do it again, I-I can’t do it!” Tears were streaming down your face. It floored him. He’d never seen you in such despair and panic. Not even when facing down the harbinger of doomsday, herself.
“You can! I know you can, we all know you can! Just give us a couple more. I’m right here, okay? I’m not gonna let anything happen to you!”
“Vaike, I-I…I’m so…!”“Do you trust me?” 
You managed to crack an eye open, looking up at him to find a fiercely determined (if not slightly frightened) expression on his face.
“Do you trust me, Robin?”
“O-of course I…I trust you!”
“Then trust me when I tell you that you can do this!! You can bring Morgan home! I know you can, you hear me?”
“Do you believe me?”
You swallowed thickly before you nodded, and Vaike grinned. 
“You got this, sweetheart. Give us a big push!” He kissed your forehead, looking back to Maribelle. She turned her head to you.
“All right Robin, on the count of three! One, two, three! Push!!”
The sound that ripped from your mouth was worse than the time an axe lodged in your back. He grunted in pain, feeling your hand reach all new levels of strength. 
It was agonizing, but it brought progress.
“The shoulders, Robin! We’re almost there. Give us another push! One, two…!”
Another push, another cry. Vaike was frantically trying to wipe away the sweat and whisper encouraging words, doing his absolute best to keep you together.
It was so close.
The final push came. 
One last exclamation, one last encouraging cheer, and then…a child’s cry.
The sound pierced the air, announcing that, at last…at lasta, it was over.
Morgan made it.
“Robin!!” Vaike gasped, rocketing to his feet. He stared at the edge of the bed, seeing a very red-faced boy held up in Maribelle’s arms.
You were utterly exhausted next to him, all but sunken into the bed and limp. 
Your chest heaved with breath, and your eyes remained open, staring up at the ceiling. You were still with them.
“Robin, y-you did it!” Vaike said breathlessly, almost unable to believe the words, himself. You looked at him, tears welling in your eyes. 
“I-is he…?”
“He’s healthy as a babe can be.” Maribelle said over her shoulder, having gone to the medical table across from the pair of you. “Can’t you hear him cry? I’ve never heard such lungs on a little one before!”
The laugh was something mangled between a sob and pure joy, drawing Vaike’s attention fully back to you.
“Gods, you did fantastic, Robin! You really, really did! I-I’m so proud of you!” He fawned over you, gently brushing the hair away from your face and rubbing away the tears with calloused fingers. “I knew you could do it.”
“How were y-you so sure?” You didn’t take your eyes off him, despite having trouble keeping them open. He laughed, beaming at you with such joy.
“Well, Morgan remembered you from the future, so I figured you had to have been okay after deliverin’ him, y’know? And you’ve always fought like hell, so I knew you wouldn’t stop tryin’ until it was all over. You’re the toughest person I know- you wouldn’t lose to this!”
“I’m touched y-you…have so much faith in me.”
“‘Course I do. You’re my wife!” He laughed softer, kissing your forehead one more time. “Enough about you and me, though. I think we have somebody new to meet.”
“I was wondering when you’d let me introduce him.” Maribelle huffed, looking rather strained herself. But even in the messiness of delivering a child, she maintained that glorious air of dignity and elegance.
Most importantly to the husband and wife, however, was the squirming, angry swaddle of blankets that she held tightly to her chest.
“May I present to you, the newborn Mr. Morgan.”
She laid him into your arms with such care, guiding your hands to support the little boy while he sobbed into your chest.
But the moment you laughed, the moment you cooed his name, his tears came to a pause. He knew that voice very well.
“Morgan…o-our Morgan…!” You gasped softly, hugging his naked little self to your chest, letting him feel the warmth of your skin and hear the familiar heartbeat.
“Wow…wow, look at’im! That’s our boy!” Vaike could barely contain his excitement, all but brimming with it as Morgan’s crying stopped altogether. He knew that voice, too. “Hiya, Morgan! You remember us? It’s your ole’ mom and dad!”
“Sweetheart, I don’t think it’s the same Morgan.” You giggled, “I doubt he’d remember us beyond what he heard before he was born.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s what I meant!” He quickly corrected himself, “I guess I just miss our future Morgan a little too much.”
“I guess this one will have to do ‘til he comes back home, hm?” You beamed at your little blond baby, whose squirming had settled into a snoozing breath. “What a handsome boy you are…a little smaller than I would’ve thought, considering who your father is, but…that’s not bad.”
“He’s just a little squirt, ain’t he?” He snickered, “Aw, but just wait ‘til he hits puberty! He’ll shoot up like a tree! Won’t’cha, bud?"
“I don’t want him getting too big, I mean…he just got here.” You petted his little head, your fingers running along the soft skin of a newborn babe. Your newborn, no less.
“I guess you’re right; we got plenty of time before he gets to that.” He crouched down beside the bed, resting his head on the blankets and tucking his pinky into the blankets. 
Morgan’s tiny hand suddenly closed around it, grasping the finger that he could barely wrap his own around.
Vaike all but melted.
“Naga, ain’t he perfect?” He was practically glowing with the pride of a new father, feeling the strong grip that Morgan’s bitty hand could have. “There’s not a single thing I’d change about’im. Especially not that hair. Look how yellow it is! Just like his old man!”
He was grinning like a child at Yuletide, you thought fondly. You gently shifted Morgan closer, so that he could be properly shared between his parents. 
Vaike wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off that baby for the rest of the day; the rest of the week, really.
While he couldn’t quite squeeze onto the bed with you, he was more than happy to take floor duty next to you until the two of you could go home.
And of course, when you were much too tired to hold onto Morgan any longer (which would take a minimum of six hours), Vaike was right there, ready to take that teeny little green bean into his arms and cuddle that baby boy until it was time for Mama to take him back.
When the three of you made it home, Vaike stayed right next to you in bed, snuggling his new, sweet little family as close as could be.
You couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful, blonde pair of boys.
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convxction ¡ 2 years ago
You came. For Rebecca and Chrom
Like the King, the Queen had obligations she must attend to. This time, the hospitality was extended from Chon'sin, to welcome the new year with new plans involving the two countries. The Chon'sin princess invited Ylisse's Queen to a banquet to discuss some matters. Chrom would have been invited if the meeting was not ... women exclusive. The trip itself would take at least two days or a day and a half depending on how kind the tides are. Then the whole stay should be a week or so, which means she will be away for at least two weeks or more. A lot of time but Rebecca cannot possibly refuse such a great invite because it will take her a long time to come back home. The kids understand, somehow, and besides, they are busy with their classes (and are bribed with the promise of Rebecca bringing them some Chon'sin sweets and souvenirs.)
Chrom, however, was sulking because she was going to be away for a long time. He tried to show he was okay, but it was obvious to Rebecca he was sad. True that they barely see each other due to their work but he still gets to sneak a kiss or two every now and then. But he cannot possibly tell her not to go, right? Say'ri was kind enough to invite her to this meeting--well, it is called a meeting but it is more like a hang-out for the ladies to let their hair down for a bit.
The very next morning, Rebecca was on the ship and sailed to Valm. The castle was quiet for the entire morning. Everyone felt the void that was left when Rebecca was gone. For only one person to create such a joyful atmosphere, having her away for a long time will certainly lower the morals. However, the kids did not let that get them down. Their pranks and shenanigans continued around the castle, sending life back around its corridors.
A couple of days passed and a letter arrived to notify Chrom that Rebecca had arrived safely and is in Say'ri's care now. At the same time, Ylisse had some fickle weather, one day it is cold due to the winds coming from Ferox's direction and the next day it is hot. That did not mush up with Chrom, who was out most of the time, joining the knights in their training sessions, and out in the patrols, and had more matters to attend to in the Slums and the lower areas in order to talk to the people face to face. All that outside work made him fall ill but you know Chrom, it took him a full week before the blow of the illness could kick him off his feet. Usually, it takes a longer time but you know, he is not getting younger.
By much persuasion, he was finally sleeping on his bed. Lucina, Chloe, and Maria made sure to make surprise rounds on their father to make sure he is resting in his room, otherwise, they will call their grandfather on him. and uh, they did it once and Spartan was not um...happy... let's say he uh ... showed him what could happen to him if he kept dodging this up.
Tossing and turning in his bed, he hated how wide and big it is now. It's empty ... hand reached to caress the pillow beside him. Was it selfish that he wanted Rebecca beside him? Mm ... yeah, maybe. It's his fault for getting sick. Sigh ... but he really wants her... aaarrgh!!!
Between feeling bored out of his mind and feeling sick and not forgetting his longing for his wife, he finally fell asleep. It was some time when he felt a hand press against his forehead. It was soft ...warm... gently caressing his face. " ... Emm ...?" she always snuck in the night whenever he was sick to check up on him.
Eyes fluttered open to see who it was and surprised he was, "Becca ...? ... but ..." oh, jeez that's embarrassing. Now he is hallucinating with his wife. Well, at least no one is around to hear him babble to thin air. "I missed you ... at least you came in my dream." a giggle was heard from this 'hallucination' before she leaned to kiss him and asked if she is not real now. "Beh--! But! What? That's.. !" he tried to push himself up when she pushed him back to rest, tutting at him.
"I-- but your--the meeting?!" she placed an index to shush him then explained it had been a week already, but he was in and out because of his fever. So, she came a bit early just for him. It was Frederick who sent her a letter to come if she can, otherwise, stay to not cause any unnecessary problems.
"... you ... I was not going to die ... such dramatic way of bringing you back," he says this, but he is smiling sheepishly knowing his wife left an important invite for him.
"Hey ... can I ... " without the need for him to finish, she already lay beside him and hugged him close. "Thank you ... Have I told you that I love you so much? ... I love you, Rebecca."
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Send "You came." for me to write drabble where my muse finds themselves in a moment where they feel lost, scared etc, all while eventually noticing that your muse came for them. | accepting | @pieman1112
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luna-paradoxz ¡ 6 years ago
Morgan's Truth
Summary - When Morgan was called to another world he received hope again but only to fall into the despair once again. Maybe he was not destined to have a happy ending.
A/N - If you want to support me buy me a Ko-fi or you can commission me. 
He felt a very weird feeling as he was suddenly pulled in by a greater force in a portal connecting to someplace. He first felt panic overcome him but then when he saw only white light around him he wondered if the gods had finally shown mercy on him and sent him to the heaven. His monster laughed in his head, 'There is no ways we are going to heaven.' He snided snickering and he felt familiar hatred rising in his heart. He hated it for being so truthful for making him unable to even for a sec to look away, to live in a blissful lie. He so hated it. And the worst part it kind of sounded like his mother, no that was not his mother anymore, Grima that's right the fell dragon that was what that body was now. Years later and finally he was able to understand, accept that that thing was not his mother, she could never have been, she would have never done such horrible things, never would have said him to do such horrible things. That was Grima, both body and soul was now of that wretched dragon. But even after accepting the truth he still couldn't stop listening to her. He had proven true to his wretched blood, he had become a grimelal too, willingly. How he hated himself, how he would always hate himself for that.
The white light was slowly fading and some kind of ancient altar was appearing and he could see figures of some people around it. He squinted his eyes trying to make them out, trying to recognize them. He closed his eyes as he felt some kind of powerful push and then poof he was standing in front of a person wearing a golden robe which eerily looked similar to his mothers, actually the person themselves reminded him of his mother a lot. If it was not for the fact that their face, built and every physical aspect was different he might have started crying and hugging the person. They smiled kind of warm and welcoming, it kind of reminded him of his father, the valiant king of Ylisse and Naga's son. The smile he wore when he recruited people for his cause. Without thinking he felt calmer and more trustful around them. The robbed person offered their hand and in a smooth but experienced voice said.
"Hello, I am the summoner of this world, Kingdom of Askr. You a brave hero has been called upon to help our cause, to help us save our kingdom. Do you wish to join us?" His voice was soothing and so blissful that without even doubting for a sec, he took his hand and agreed smiling wide and then a blonde girl, holding a silver lance bounded to him and excitedly asked him about himself and for the first time in years he felt his excitement coming back.
He grinned wide and boastfully introduced himself, "I am Morgan, son of the genius taction Robin!" He said it so proudly that his heart hurt in happiness, after so many years he could say it so cheerfully, so pridefully to someone. The people eyes widen and flickered in recognization and at that Morgan at once realized if he, someone like him, was called to this world as a hero then his mother would definitely be here.
"Is my mother here by any chance?" He asked calmly but on the inside, his heart was thumping as he prayed to every god and especially naga that they would mercy him this and just let him once, just once, again see his mother. It seemed they did mercy on him as all of them excitedly nodded and then the girl took his hand and started pulling.
"Come on I will take you to her." She said grinning quite excited, almost as excited as him. He smiled back gratefully.
"Thank you um.." He finally realized he had not gotten any of their names. They seem to notice this too and then chuckling introduced themselves as they walked back to their castle. The blue haired was the prince Alfonse, the blonde girl was Princess Sharena and the redhead Anna was Anna but of this world and their commander. He was slightly surprised to see an Anna as something else other than mercenary, but with some talk he realised quickly on the inside she was the same money loving sister as her all other sisters. Which made him slightly relieved. He silently chuckled at that.
They reached and the princess loudly in front of all kinds of people called out for his mother, and his heart thumped in both excitement and fear. And the monster reared his head, 'What is she was actually Grima, what if she hates you after knowing who you are, what if she is disappointed you?' The last one hurt a lot, just the thought of his mother to be disappointed in him made his heart lurch deep into the dark abyss of his. He shook his head and tried to bring out the once lost positivity he used to be famous for. 'This is the mother I know she would never do any of that.' Still, his heart was thumping loud and finally, after what seemed like ages a person called back. And that voice, just hearing that voice was enough to bring him to tears.
"Yes, Shareena?" She called out from somewhere on the inside, he stifled silently as he tried to find her but to his disappointment, he couldn't locate her silhouette anywhere. He still felt so happy that voice just like the one he always loved, just like the one he always heard in his dreams. Finally, he could hear it again. He won't mind being thrown in hell anymore.
"I have a wonderful surprise for you." She giggled as she replied.
"Ok. I'll be there in a min." The woman called out obviously confused but the same old gentle one who went along with all of her friend's whims. He loved that part of her and he wished how he could have had that then maybe he would not have made that terrible mistake at that time. He heard some shuffling and the summoner went in front of him and called out,
"Everyone," He asked for their attention calm but authoritative, just like her again, "We have a new hero today. Let's welcome him." As he announced Robin had finally appeared and instantly their eyes met and he felt frozen. And his first thought was would she recognize him? He had changed his appearance as Grima didn't like seeing his striking resemblance to the late Chrom. It hated seeing his hair which belonged to only Naga's sons. On its order, he had turned his hair purple just like his eyes.
He stopped breathing as they stared at each other. It almost seemed like time had stopped and then the spell broke as a deep voice called out his name.
"Morgan?" Chrom, his father asked surprised and he had to gulp hard as tears started forming in the corner of his eyes. It cant be father, his father was alive, and smiling and calling him out once again. He must have actually done something good in his pitiful life to have deserved such a gift. But then another feminine serious voice called his name too and he actually cried this time, this was definitely a miracle. If he was sleeping please let him sleep forever.
"Morgan? Is that really you?" He understood Lucina's question but he was frozen too overcome with happiness that he couldn't even move a muscle save for crying and then finally the one thing he had wished every single waking moment of his pitiful life. He finally felt her warm again. Robin threw her arms around him and squeezed him tight. He chocked no longer able to hold his tears and they feel freely on her purple coat. That coat oh how he so wished to see it again, the smell, the aged smell of papers, ink and a sweet one all mixed in, his favourite smell. Oh how much he wished to smell that again.
A big warm hand came and ruffled his hair and he just buried his head fully giving in he didn't care anymore what happened to him this was more than enough for him. Lucina stood on their side smiling warmly and then their father grinningly pulled them all in a family hug and the three laughed. And Morgan had never heard more beautiful voice ever. From somewhere he could hear people chattering, saying something to each other, explanations and such but he listened to none. Right now he forgot about everything even himself and just enjoyed the warmth of his family. 'The warmth you don't deserve.' He even ignored his monster he could care less. Only the warmth mattered.
But they separated and the loss felt too heavy but his mother had pulled him back and stared into his eyes, smiling that gently motherly smile which made his heart clench and tears flowed more. She wiped them away and gently said,
"Morgan its ok. We all are again together." Oh, she understood him so well it was a pain, a wonderful pain. He felt his throat constricting and the tears flowed fast she, finally she had called his name and he promised that from now no matter what happened he was going to protect this.
He didn't deserve all this but he would be damned to let it go once again.
After few months he had finally gotten used to Askr and all the people around. The weirdest thing getting used to was meeting the male version of his mother and the female version of himself but now he saw them as his uncle and sister so it had become easier. It seemed Lucina did the same but unlike him, she didn't outright call him uncle or her sis. Well calling them Robin and Morgan was way too weird for him and it didn't seem they minded instead it seemed they were quite happy to be called that. He got along well with his now second sister. She was just like him, well that was kinda expected but one thing was different she didn't remember anything about her past but she remembered the future she had gone to and helped her father and others save. It made him realize that she unlike him was from another timeline the time where she had not made the choice he had made and hearing that had given him some kind of peace. He hoped that he himself had one timeline where he also had made the right choice.
According to his family and friends, it seemed he had and he was never more glad to know about the future. They had asked if he remembered their time but he feigned his amnesia which he seemed to have in that timeline. They all seemed disappointed but he didn't care he would never tell them the truth. They all will forever hate him if he did that.
But then one day the heroes from the arena had returned home battered tired but on a look at them and he felt his heart stop. Grima, Grima it was Grima. Why? Why? Why? Why? No no, it cant be he had finally found peace, not again, never again. He seemed to have started shaking without noticing but his family noticed and they immediately stood in front of him protective, glaring at him in warning. He had failed to notice that this grima was his (self-proclaimed)uncle not his mother.
"Morgan it's ok, he will never do anything. I won't let him lay a single hand on you." His mother told him soft, protective and assuring. The voice of a mother lioness and he instantly felt calm and safety enveloping him even though his mind raced he just couldn't feel any danger anymore. He also noticed that his father and sister with hands on their falchion silently promising that too. And he felt like a child again being protected by them but this time instead of feeling annoyance he felt thankfulness.
Grima glared back but he looked confused as their eyes meet and he finally could see that this Grima was not it and he felt relief flooding him. As his body relaxed instantly his family's relaxed too but they still remained protective. But then his mind started thinking for another reason, if his master was his mother Grima then his uncle's Grima would be; His mind made the connections and he immediately searched for his sis. In front of her uncle and the Christmas outfit wearing Chrom stood same way protective but they seemed more fierce. Almost as if one move and they were ready to fight him to death. That gave him slightly relief that she was being protected. He then looked at her and to not his surprise actually she just remained confused but still slightly diligent and their eyes meet and he understood the silent question
'Why was everyone so scared?' He slightly wondered too and then remembered his mother words. In his world also no matter how much mentally torturing it was it had never laid a hand on him. So he also didn't understand and that made him think maybe in one world Grima had hurt him and her in some way. And that made him slightly shudder but he shrugged at her. Trying to not give anything away, even though it had been few months he had grown quite protective of her. Maybe it was because she still had that innocence he had lost years ago or maybe it was simply his brotherly instincts. Maybe it was both. No matter what he had vowed to protect both her and his uncle. 
The tension though dissolved as summoner came and gave meaningful glances to all of them. They all started calming down and Grima looked away clicking tongue glaring at a wall.
After that day he made sure to always stand between sis and Grima. He was not going to let it corrupt anyone ever again. One victim, him was more than enough.
"Everyone," The summoner called their attention again but this time they all seemed tense and warry and they kept glancing at their family's side. He had a very bad feeling.
"As you know a new Legendary hero has arrived and I was able to call them in our world but," that but was the worst but ever, the suspense was making his blood rush, his heart thumping in anxiety and he without noticing had tensed up everywhere. His family had tensed up slightly too as the summoner was looking at them with pity in their eyes.
"I am sorry. It seems just like Robin. Grima also had two different genders." And his heart stopped as the words registered in his brain. His monster laughed in his mind and he felt his finally repairing heart dying again. Ah! Really he never was going to get his happy ending, was he?
A woman came flowing in surrounded by that purple dreaded aura, smirking she looked down on all of them as she located his mother, her smirk widen but her mother glared back tightly holding her tome. Chrom and Lucina though moved forward and like last time stood protectively in front of her, hands tightly holding their falchions. He should do the same thing but he was frozen it the place. Every muscle of his refusing his command and he felt that absolute control of it surging through his body again. He hated it but he was a coward nothing like his parents or sister, he couldn't fight it. He never could.
Their eyes met finally and she smirked wide. "Oh!" Her deep voice said and he was falling into the abyss again.
They stood in the hall again, he surrounded with his family but again his eyes involuntarily went to it no her. And then his mother asked him what was wrong as without noticing he had tensed up again and he was going to open his mouth just to remove it all just to finally confess his sins and get the cleansing he so wished for, desperately. But she was one step ahead of him like always, she put her index on her lips and smirked and he got the silent order.
And like always he obeyed. A good son he was.
A/N- Omg! I have fallen in Fe hell especially FeA. The only game I have played fully till now. I have started fates but it's only halfway done. But FeA was too amazing so I had downloaded FeH anything to get more of my beloved F!Chrobin family. Yes, I ship them too much actually. And after I had started playing I saw the headcanon in the fandom about how Morgan maybe from the DLC future past and cue my writing impulse overflowing and I wrote this fic full in one shot. Not the best one indeed but its a start and you can dan bet I'm writing more for FE fandom. It has too many otps of mine.
I am not a big fan of angst, I have always loved good endings but this one was too sweet to not write. I just love my blueberry son and writing him agnostic is way more fun than I imagined. I also maybe you noticed made sure to not mention any gender or name for the summoner because everyone has their own image of summoner so I wanted to let everyone just imagine them as theirs. The other is I didn't make any pairing for Male Robin. I actually slightly ship him with Cordelia and Tiki but since this fic is all about the whole Grima and Naga drama I decided keeping only Chrom and Robin and Lucina was enough and obviously slightly Askr noble because well they need to be there. So you are free to imagine him with any girl you ship him with. And I know I changed some game elements but they are just my own interpretations of the game world you are free to interpret it however you like.
Well, that's that hope you like this fic and look forward to my other Fe fics which will come well, someday. Hehe.
Thank you for reading this and like always if you like it favourite and/or review.
Xoxoxo, Luna.
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kalimarsdreamlog ¡ 7 years ago
Dream 239: Morgan and the Magic Bomb
There were a few elements of Fire Emblem: Awakening in this one, but it took place in modern times. Namely, I was Robin (don’t know which one as I was gender-confused, as is becoming more and more common in my dreams), Morgan was my child who came back from the future to fix the past, and the event(s) he was trying to prevent were at least indirectly my fault. 
I don't really remember how it began. Thor was there. Then Loki appeared and I had to pretend I didn't know him, lest I make him my enemy. I did quietly whisper to Thor that Loki was there though. Thor, of all people, needed to know that he had escaped from Asgardian prison. I don't remember what happened next. Eventually Loki and I became acquainted. He had a /little/ bit of respect for me because of Grima's soul inside me. He could tell that I was powerful. Despite my power, it's not as if I could release and control Grima on command, so I really only had my regular dream powers plus a little dark magic that I didn't really know how to use.​
Suddenly I was teleported to a place a few miles away. It was completely devoid of people, which was strange. It was the kind of place that should be bustling. It had an eerie feeling, so I started flying to find a place with people to get away. I spotted a small group of people meeting in a small grove of trees, and went towards them, only the bad feeling increased tenfold. I changed direction, going as fast as I could in the hopes that they wouldn't notice me.​
Unfortunately, they did. Turns out they had set off some kind of magic bomb that would instantly vaporize any fauna it touched. Flora was fine, inanimate objects were fine. Clothes connected to people disappeared too, oddly enough. After setting off the bomb they returned to where they set it off to see the results; it was likely an experiment. This is when I was unfortunate enough to pass within the vicinity.​
Because I had seen the damage and could connect them to the scene, I was a witness. They couldn't leave any witnesses. So they captured me and brought me to their base. Loki was also there, but he did not appear to be there against his will. Upon learning of my status as tactician and ability to use magic, they forced me to build them another magic bomb, this one bigger. It was dangerous magic I was working with, and I did not know a way to sabotage it that wouldn't result in massive death anyway. I had hoped to talk to Loki, (if anyone could help me escape, it was him, what with his craftiness and magic) but couldn't find him after initially seeing him at the base.​
I asked them if there was any way I could contact even a single loved one and tell them to get out of town. I wouldn't say why or incriminate my captors in any way. But they said no. Well, that gave me even more reason to escape; if they wouldn't let me protect my family willingly, I'd have to do it by force.​
I eventually escaped on my own. I was a master strategist after all. When I finally got out I had three goals: find Loki, get home, and get my family out of harm's way. I figured Loki could help me go into hiding, maybe even teach me some illusion spells. But there was more than just that to worry about.
The outside world was in chaos. As I was running away from the base and towards home, people were running the opposite direction in desperation. Then they stopped in horror. "There's another one!" One of them said, pointing at the sky behind me.​
I turned around. In the sky was the giant face of Zeus. He threw down a massive lighting bolt from the overcast sky, setting a sizable section of the ground on fire. From where the running people came from, I saw Hermes angrily creating tornadoes and whirlwinds. All around gods started appearing in the sky, each raining down their fury in their own ways. I wondered if Thor or Loki would be among them. But I could worry about finding them later. In the face of destruction such as this, all that mattered was getting home and protecting my family.​
My family consisted of Morgan, Randy, my mom, my grandma, and maybe a couple of other people? Like Randy's in-dream girlfriend. Chrom was there at the early stages of the dream, but by the time the dream took shape he didn't seem to exist. The dream's continuity had a little trouble with Morgan; at the beginning of the dream, he was about fifteen years old. At the end of the dream she was six. The gender-switch was likely in response to my own confusion, since in the game their gender depends on the player character's. I'm just going to stick to "he" to make this easier to read. Regardless, Morgan was my whole world.​
I ran inside the next building I came across for shelter from the gods' ire. It was a very large superstore. I was still running and hiding from my captors, (trying to stay on the ground so as not to draw attention) so I was constantly on the move in an effort to not get caught. Two randomly moving objects are less likely to run into each other than one moving object and one standing still. I ran into one of my coworkers right as one of my captors burst into the store.​
I had only planned on telling my family my plight, perhaps even only Morgan, as he was the most important. I'd calculated that if I was far enough ahead of the people after me, I could tell one single person without my captors finding out. If I could get just one person, just Morgan safe, it would be okay. However, with my captors hot on my tail and still being nowhere near home, I needed help. I hurriedly whispered to my coworker that I was trying to escape my kidnappers and that I needed a way out, NOW. He showed me the back door to the store that was only to be used for emergencies. I took it, but didn't get far. The girl who had followed me caught up to me in no time flat, cornered between her and several other people from what I'm going to say was the cult.​
I realized I'd ruined my chances of protecting my family. The cult members had seen my coworker trying to help me; they knew I'd told someone the situation. Now I could no longer be trusted, and I had likely put him in danger as well.
Back in their clutches, I was forced to finish preparing the magic bomb. It was small in comparison to the devastation it would cause, small enough to fit in a backpack. The first bomb that they'd tested had taken out an area maybe a bit bigger than harmony park. My best guess was that this one would take out at least a square mile, maybe two.​
At last it was finished. They prepped it to detonate, right there in their base. They basically said, "If you can get your family out of the blast zone, we'll let them live. Good luck!" And then Loki teleported them all away.
I was determined to save my family. I knew I was being selfish, but there was no way I'd be able to save everyone else. If I told the entire area that we were all in danger, the mass exodus would likely clog every way out of the vicinity and our chances of escape would plummet.​
I took a motorcycle down the highway I had run down before. I finally made it home, telling my family to get in the car and drive like hell. There were two problems: one, everyone kept going back in the house to grab one last thing, wasting way too much of our precious time, and two, Morgan was nowhere to be found. Stressing how important it was to leave post haste, I abandoned the rest of my family in favor of finding him. I flew up and down the streets shouting his name, annoying a lot of people and making a scene in general. I didn't care though. There was a bomb about to go off and I needed to save my son.​
I finally found him with his legs in splints. Apparently he had gone looking for me and had tried climbing something, likely a tree, for a better perspective and fallen. Someone else had helped him with the splints since he had insisted on continuing to look for me instead of going to the hospital. I thanked the guy who'd helped him and scooped him up, flying as fast as I could away from the cult's base.​
Many miles later, I stopped at a convention center to rest. I was pretty sure We'd made it far enough.
There was a boom in the distance.
People screamed. I saw a wall of white headed towards the glass doors and began to panic. I'd underestimated the power of the magic I'd put into the bomb, the magic that came from Grima himself. I'd forgotten that I wielded the magic of a god. Desperate, I held onto Morgan and tried teleporting like Loki had. It was the worst-case scenario; I had to believe that I had the potential to pull it off. There was no other way. The explosion traveled faster than I could fly, and at the speed it was going I doubted it was going to subside anytime soon.​
We warped five feet to the side. In any other situation I would be excited to see progress in a new kind of magic, but considering what was going on it was understandable that I had no such feelings.
There was no time to be disappointed. Out of options, I made sure Morgan was secure and flew at top speed to the other side of the convention center, fully intending to make it outside and fly for it as a last-ditch effort.
Unfortunately, it was a dead end.
I started to cry. I had failed. I dragged Morgan into the closest room and closed the door behind us. It was just us two in the room about as big as a donut shop. Morgan was scared; he didn't understand what was going on. I told him over and over that I was sorry and that I loved him so much. I couldn't make myself say anything else. Nothing else was important.
Then the room was filled with white, and I woke up.​
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The end of the dream was pretty upsetting. Parents are supposed to protect their kids, you know? And it was likely that the bomb was the whole reason Morgan came back to the past in the first place. Not to mention that we were both killed by the bomb I made! And I know that it's a dream and doesn't matter, but I feel like if I had just looked for Morgan in the first place instead of waiting around to make sure the rest of my family left the house, we would have made it. I'm pretty sure the rest of my family died anyway, so it wouldn't have made a difference for them.​ 
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writtingfiction ¡ 6 years ago
*G A S P* Is it alright if you could write another Chrom x Robin, with an angst? Robin has feelings for Chrom yet believe her love is unrequited because: 1) he has been avoiding her and 2) the close relationship between Chrom and Sumia. It ends with Chrom wanting to speak with Robin in private. However once they're alone, Robin saw Chrom making a hurt expression. She assumed to be Emmeryn's death however noticed he's eyeing on her wedding ring. This implied Chrom has feelings for her.
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You’re killing me here. Making me write this with my own two hands. Making Chrom and Robin suffer, as they sort through their feelings but not quick enough. Just, oof. Although, I did enjoy writing the ending for this. 
pairing: Chrom x Robin
words: 2k
Robin sighed as she played with the griffin feather in her hand. Was it truly alright for her to have feelings for Chrom? Doubts clouded her mind. She was amnesiac, yet she still knew that a tactician and general during the time of war wasn’t a good mix.
The army needed support and moral high, not having their commanders canoodling during the middle of the war. But Stahl’s words come to her; ‘Take the chance, there will always be time after the war.’ Maybe she could take a leap of faith, but what if he rejects her? What if his feelings are truly reserved for Sumia? Robin breaths in deeply, she could at least try.
So, here she was, hands shaking as she tries to steel her nerves. Letting out a deep exhale, as she runs through her plan. Go inside, talk to Chrom about the battle plans and then, voice your feelings.
“Chrom?” Robin called out, holding the extra map in her hands as she swallows the nervous feeling.
“Come on in.” Chrom replies. Robin moves the tent flap open, seeing Chrom smile gently towards her, but her eyes quickly catch Sumia and the pie in her hands. “Ah, Robin! Come here, have a piece of Sumia’s rhubarb pie! It’s absolutely divine.”
She takes confident steps towards the pair, trying to write off that meeting the two here was a coincidence. Trying to convince herself, that there was an inkling of hope. She takes hold of an extra fork and takes a piece of the pie.
“Hmm!!” Robin’s eyes widen. “You’re right, the pie is delicious.” Sumia’s smile brightens considerably.
“Thank you, Robin!” Sumia says happily. “I can always bake one for you!” The words hit Robin hard, always choking on her next bite.
“Hmm, would you? I would really appreciate that, Sumia.” Robin says, swallowing her piece with slight difficulty.
“Of course! Now, I better go wrap this up. I’ll talk with you all later.” Sumia bids them goodbye as Chrom and Robin waved to her as she leaves the tent.
“So, what did you need Robin?” Chrom then asks her. Robin blinks quickly, remembering her mission.
“Right! So, could you take a look at this for me. I drew up another path, a way to get us to Ylisse perhaps faster this way then the way we arrived to Regna Ferox.” Robin says plainly, trying not to show how nervous she was. Chrom peers over her shoulder as she rolls the map out.
“Looks good, you know I trust your judgment.” Chrom bears a wide smile, Robin in return, smiles back. She could do this.
“Um, Chrom…” Robin trails off, eyes connecting with his and suddenly her minds draws a blank. Her hearts racing, heartbeat loud in her ears, as her hands shake.
“Robin?” He says, confused. His head tilts slightly, making him look beautiful in the dim lighting. She had wishes where he would embrace her on cold nights, whispering sweet nothings as they fell asleep-
“Chrom, I—“
“Captain! I may need your help! The horses are loose!” Sumia’s voice cuts in, loud and in panic. Chrom sends Robin an apologetic smile, moving towards the entrance of the tent.
“I’m sorry, Robin. We shall speak soon, is the matter urgent?” Chrom says, as he pauses by the entrance. Everything in her tells her, that this is important. That the matters of the heart, are important, that it’s okay to be selfish.
“No, we can speak tomorrow as we march back to Ylisse.” Robin said. Chrom sends her another smile, before he calls out to Sumia that he’s on his way.
They didn’t speak the next day, marching back to Ylisse. Instead, his attention was focused on the Pegasus knight. Of course, she shouldn’t expect anything new. She let out another heavy sigh.
“That’s the fourth heavy sigh I’ve heard within the last five minutes.” Stahl speaks up beside her, on his horse. Matching her pace as she walks. She turns her head from Chrom to Stahl. The look she gives him, tells Stahl everything. He sighs in return. “Buckle up, and tell him, Robin. You’ve only got to so long.”
“I know, Stahl, but it’s not easy. I freeze, and my feelings all get caught in my throat.” Robin said, eyes filled with worry as she looks to Stahl; missing the longing gaze from Chrom. “I want to tell him, but I can never seem to get the right atmosphere.”
“Hang in there, Robin.” Stahl reassures. “I know you’ll figure something out.” He smiles, but it’s almost bittersweet. She can’t place why but doesn’t linger on it for too long.
That night at camp, Robin tries to start a conversation with Chrom. Keyword, tries. It was as if he had gone up in smoke. She saw him at dinner, eating with Sumia much to her disappointment. But he just, disappeared from there. She had even asked around, receiving nothing in return of his whereabouts.
Robin sighed, perhaps Stahl would enjoy her company for the evening before bed. Taking her only a couple steps before she saw Stahl, working on his lance. She gently made her presence known before Stahl greeted her happily.
The two enjoyed their evening together as they talked, not noticing any wandering eyes that may have fallen upon them.
They had arrived back in Ylisse, within a couple days. And to say Robin was frustrated, would be an understatement. Chrom was avoiding her. He couldn’t even seem to look her in the eye when they were talking about important affairs. Even to just stop and spare a moment, he would flee. It wouldn’t help if he was with Sumia either. In fact, it had almost seemed as if those two were attached by the hip.
“Robin, you’re scowling again.” Stahl reminds her, not even sparing a glance from the soup he was making. Robin let out a frustrated cry.
“I just do not understand. Have I done something to offend him lately?” Robin said, a grumble on her lips. “Doesn’t help Sumia is constantly with him.” There was a light sigh that came from Stahl. She heard the soup ladle being placed down before she saw Stahl in her line of vision.
“Robin, I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times.” Stahl stares her straight in the eye. “Confess, even if you get rejected. You won’t feel such a heavy weight on your shoulders anymore.” Robin sighs after a moment. Eyes closed, as his words sink in.
“…Alright.” Robin opens her eyes once again, mentally preparing herself. Stahl smiles brightly. He placed a hand on her hair, ruffing it up a bit.
“Good, I’m sure half of the army is getting sick and tired of the puppy eyed look.”
After coming back to Ylisse, barely a full day has passed before they hear of Maribelle’s kidnapping. The Shepherds were quick to move, night was falling though, they had to rest and Robin couldn’t hold it in any longer. Her feelings had to be made known by the prince.
Her feet, drawing her closer to where Chrom was this late at night. Wherever it might be, but to stumble across this. Her heart shattered to pieces.
“…I love you!!” It was clearly Chrom’s voice that echoed in her ears. Her entire body froze. It couldn’t be true. She felt her heart sink to her feet.
“Of course…I love you too…” By the Gods, that was Sumia. Robin felt sick, stomach turning. She was right in the first place, her love was unrequited. Tears stung in her eyes, biting her lip as she turned on her feet.
She didn’t know where she was going, but away. She needed to be away from him, everything. So, the best spot was obviously, just outside of camp, behind a tree.
She sobbed, as she folded herself into a ball. Back against the rough bark of the tree. Her chest was heavy, heart aching as her mind became fuzzy. How could she have let herself hope? How could she think there was a chance, to be with him?
“…Hello…? Are you alright..?” A voice came from behind. The footsteps came closer. She wasn’t ready, she couldn’t figure out an excuse quick enough as the figure came around the tree. It was Stahl. “Oh, Robin, I’m so sorry.”
He immediately apologizes seeing Robin’s red eyes, tear stained cheeks and heavy heart. He kneels down and opens his arms, to which Robin falls into, only to sob louder. Stahl, just holds her, not asking anything of her, just holding and waiting.
Stahl didn’t notice exactly when she had fallen asleep, but she had. It must have taken a lot of out of her. With some trial, Stahl picked up Robin, carrying her back to her tent. Only to run into the main problem of her troubles lately.
“Stahl? Is Robin alright?” Chrom’s voice was quiet but filled with worry.
“She’s fine, Captain, perhaps little tired.” Stahl responds. Chrom only nods, and he looks to her. Brows furrowing upon noticing her still wet cheek. Chrom is tempted to say something, anything over the concern of her well-being, but he can’t grab enough courage.
“Take good care of her.” There’s more meaning to it, as he says it. Stahl knows, he understands. He just wishes it didn’t have to be like this, to hear him say that.
Days, months pass by and the events unfurl quickly. Robin’s head is a mess, trying to think of a plan to rescue the Exalt from the Mad King’s clutches. As they march towards them with a fierce determination. She breathes in deeply, trying to clear her mind. However, a quick call from Chrom, tears her away.
“Are you ready?” He says, although he doesn’t sound very convinced. She sends him a reassuring smile, hand placed against his arm.
“We will get her back, alive.” Robin says confidently. “I’ve got an idea.” And she truly does. Chrom means a lot to her, he’s the one who found her in the dirt in the first place.
Robin had only ended up eating her words. Emmeryn sacrifices herself for the good and better, and so Chrom wouldn’t hand over the fire emblem. Her hesitant steps took her close to Chrom, hands shaking.
There were shouts in the distance. Things were going so wrong, they needed to retreat. Fingers brushing against him as she tries to pull him up and away.
“We need to go… we can’t stay here…” Robin says, trying to keep herself from breaking down. She needed to stay strong. Chrom shrugged her off. “Chrom!” His head spun towards her. Tears streaming down his face. Pain clearly etched on his face. Robin’s brows furrowed; sadness evident as she gently pulled him to his feet before ordering a retreat.
The grief process was slow, but their anger was swiftly turned into a blade for Gangrel. Recovering in Regna Ferox, as they also armed themselves. The Mad King’s rule was going to end by their hands. So, when she had approached Chrom, she cautiously offered the idea to come up with a plan that could work.
Chrom agreed, although his body language said the complete opposite. Robin still brought the map in, laying it across the table for him to see, but his eyes catch the small silver band on her ring finger. He can’t hear anything she says from then on. When did she get the ring? Who gave it to her? His heart picked up the pace.
“Where did you get the ring?” He blurts out. Robin stops, blinks and gives him a questioning look. “Your ring.” He repeats, almost tempted to point at the band hugging her finger.
“Oh, you mean this?” Robin holds up her left hand, bringing it close to him. “It’s my engagement ring.” Robin doesn’t feel or hear it when his heart breaks in pieces. But she does see the heartbreak in his eyes as he stares at the ring. His thumb running over it carefully. There was a brief moment, that she thought it was over Emmeryn, but she knew the look in his eyes were very different. She had seen it before.
“Who’s the lucky man?” He asks, and Robin’s heart aches. She couldn’t believe it.
Chrom was in love with her.
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bardiicinspiration ¡ 7 years ago
an old thread with @lionhxrts that i edited into something a little more readable. all chrom content is theirs, and all robin content is mine. 
fandom: fire emblem: awakening
word count: 1969
warnings: death, blood, injury
If one were to ask Chrom who he least expected to fall in battle, his answer would be easy: Frederick. He's a one-man army all on his own, and while it is quite impressive (and a bit terrifying), Chrom had come to find a second answer to the query, one not as obvious—not as easy to see. She was a force of nature, all on her own. With lips pressed into a grim line, sword in one hand and tome in the other, she withstood every attack with strength that was very different from that of Chrom's retainer. He never saw her fall, not once. He never believed he would. He should have known better than to tempt fate as he did.
He didn't see it. She had placed him far from her on the battlefield, paired with their son. Morgan was good at ranged combat, while Chrom was more suited to close-quarters: a good pair, Robin insisted, and he believed her, even if having her so far from him was terrifying. She fought alongside Inigo. He forced himself to trust that the young man could keep his wife safe.
Gods, please. A cry from the man ( not even more than a boy, really ) awakened his deepest nightmares. Falchion at the ready, he spun fast enough to see one of Virion's arrows impale a soldier as Inigo was stooping to catch Robin as she fell, white-platinum hair fanning around her. He caught sight of red staining pale strands, and he was running, Falchion falling from a gloved hand and a scream tearing itself from his chest. “ROBIN!”
Stupid, stupid, stupid. The single thought repeated like a mantra in the tactician's head. It was all she could manage to think for a moment or two, what with most of her focus on the sudden pain piercing her chest. Her knees buckled, and a pair of arms caught her: Inigo. The panic on his face prompted her to steal a glance downward at blood soaked tips of pigtails and the protruding end of an arrow. Strong arms were replaced with grass once she had been relocated from the direct line of fire, and then arms were back under her, hoisting her to rest her back against a tree.  Her fingers curled around blades of grass, ripping some free from the ground as she audibly gasped at the agony searing every nerve when she tried to breathe. The pain was dizzying, but through the onslaught of disorientation, she could make out the unmistakable sound of Chrom's voice.  Stupid, stupid, stupid, she thought to herself again. She had been careless. A tactician of her caliber ought to be able to avoid things like this. It was her fault for being ignorant, and now everything was going to fall apart. Chrom was vital to their success, but Robin hadn't had the strength necessary to force the sentimental fool back out onto the battlefield where he was so desperately needed. That didn't mean she wouldn't try.  "What do you think you're doing? Get back out there!" She coughed, blood dripping from the corner of pallid lips. "They need you!"
She was right, and he knew it. but he couldn't allow himself to just leave her there. “No!” he cut her off sharply, gathering her in his arms, one hand supporting the back of her head so their eyes met directly. “Damn you, Robin, I'm not leaving you here. Not you. Not now.” He cried for a medic, offered a prayer to whatever god was listening. He could hear the shouts for Lissa over the sounds of battle and the screams of dying men. One hand fought to grab Robin's, gripping it tightly, so tight that he might have feared it would be painful, if it were any other circumstance. “I'm not—I'm not leaving you.” He forced the words out, hand gripping hers tight as he clung to her, as if that alone could fight off the hand of death that he knew—as clearly as he'd known with Emmeryn—was coming. “Open your eyes, Robin. Open your eyes! I'm not— I'm not letting you go, not now! ” Fate was cruel, and while he'd defied it for so long, it was impossible to defy such fate as this. He could hear Lucina working to rally the troops, to form a barrier between Robin, Chrom, and the enemy, while their allies cut a path to get Lissa to them. He prayed that she wouldn't be too late. “I'm not leaving you. I can’t.”
"Listen to me," she rasped as firmly as she could manage, "you're an idiot. I love you, but you're an idiot."  She willed herself not to cry, for she knew if she did, any attempts to convince him to let go would be in vain. "You—you're the exalt now. You have to be there for your people. This is war. You and I both know that. When someone falls, you step over the bodies and keep going until you can't fight anymore. You don't waste precious time weeping over them."  He was becoming blurry in her vision, and she wasn't sure if it was from impending tears or blood loss. It was most likely both.  "Chrom, our children are out there. You must go. You can't—" she paused, choking on the lump in her throat along with the coppery taste that washed over her tongue, "you can't stay with me."
 A ragged sob tore at Chrom's throat, tears rolling down his cheeks as Robin spoke. The words struck him to the core, and — gods help him — they were true. He could hear Lucina and Morgan in the fray, his daughter's shouts of forced bravery and his son's cries of fear and rage; his children, fighting a war that they should not have to. Hadn't he told Lucina that she deserved more!? More than a father's legacy and a heavy blade, a war-torn world, but Robin's words tore at him like knives, opening bloody gashes in his soul. “Damnation—” he choked out, pulling robin against his chest. With his body curled around her, he let tears fall all the more. And then he heard it: a singular phrase, spoken in a low, stern rumble over the cacophony of war. ‘”Milord, you must leave her.” He yelped as gauntleted hands tore him from his wife, pulling him away, and he watched her fall, watched her be taken away by one of the archers, pale hair falling over a crimson-stained chest, hands white and limp at her sides. She was dying as they took her from them. His soul screamed and his heart cried for her, even as he was torn away. He needed to stay with her. She couldn't die, she couldn't, he needed her too much. They all knew who really led the army, and it wasn't him, it never was him, and he wondered why they couldn’t have killed him instead. He shouted and fought, because gods be damned, FATE BE DAMNED, he would NOT LEAVE HER— Reality struck hard as the blow Frederick delivered to his cheek. It was an open-palmed slap, one that shocked him to his very core. Tt reminded him of something, but what, he couldn't remember wholly, only flashes — Sumia's face, a gauntleted fist, Emmeryn... Emmeryn was missing. Frederick stood above him, speaking. He barely heard, but he heard enough of his harsh, clipped words. “You are the exalt. You cannot afford to lose yourself to sentimentality.” He wanted to snap back, to snarl. That was his heart that had an arrow protruding from her chest, not some other unknown soldier, but he knew it was useless — Frederick was right. Robin was right.
He was the exalt. Morgan, Lucina, Inigo, Owain—all the children, and their families, and his soldiers depended on him. He wasn't Emmeryn, but he needed to try to be. Falchion was pressed into his hand, and he clung to it like a lifeline as he trudged to where robin was laid out. “Alright...” he murmured, kneeling and pressing a kiss to her forehead. He stilled, brows furrowing as he struggled against tears again.
For Robin, his outburst hurt a thousand times more than an arrow to the chest ever could have. Her clouded vision and muffled hearing caused impairment, but not to the point where she hadn't known what transpired, and she recalled her unspoken sort of agreement she shared with Frederick. They knew the reality of war and what it took to emerge victorious. Neither of them would allow Chrom to fall victim to his own sentimentality.  Spending the last few moments of life in Chrom’s arms would have been ideal, certainly, but the reassurance that he would continue to fight and protect those dear to her brought a sense of peace. She even found it within herself to smile when she felt a sense of deja-vu.  "This is just like the first time I saw you." The remark was hushed, a mere whisper from the tactician peering up at him from the ground with fluttering eyes. "I suppose there are better places to take a nap."  When soft laughter shook her chest, the accompanying shudder was evident and the cry, pitiful. How she longed to grasp his hand or cup his face, but her hands were limp in the grass beside her. She supposed she'd have to make do with what she had.  "You know, even after writing dozens of battle plans, you were the only thing I've really ever been sure of, and I still am. Go, be extraordinary. I expect nothing less of you."  Salt mingled with the taste of blood as tears cut tracks in the grime on her face. "If you ever feel alone, remember what you said when you proposed to me. You called me the wind at your back, remember? I thought it was awfully cliché at the time." She drew a shallow breath, giving up the struggle against her heavy eyelids and allowing them to close. “I’ll be the wind. You may not see me, but I’ll always be there.”
 He couldn’t help the ragged sound that slipped from his lips, through gritted teeth. Gods, but she had to tear him apart, didn’t she? Her cry had one of his hands gripping hers tightly, pulling it so that he could clasp it to his chest; one final show of affection, perhaps, but he needed it more than he needed air. Listening to her last words, kneeling over her, forcing himself not to shed more tears even though he desperately wanted to. This was more than he could bear. But he bore it, as she wanted. “There are better places,” he agreed, giving her a half-hearted smile, faked for her benefit. “but I’ll let you get away with napping here just this once. ” A call from Frederick roused him from their small moment, and he lifted his head, catching a report of the battlefield and a request for him to rally the troops. He wanted to break. There wasn’t enough time, it seemed, to tell his love what all she’d done for him. She probably already knew. She always did. She was scary that way. Blue eyes shifted back to the woman, and he lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the odd pattern on the back of it for a lasting moment. “Goodbye, Robin,” he whispered, before he was pulling away, dropping her hand and standing, weapon held in a clenched grip and a shout rousing in his lungs.
 He would do this. He would do this for her, for their children, their friends, and their people. And gods be willing, he’d see her again when his own fate decided his time was done.
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spicyscholar ¡ 8 years ago
20 Questions
I was tagged by my wife @elliecollins
Rules are simple: Answer 20 questions and tag someone
Name: ...at this point I trust the fandom so I’ll just go by my real name now. Kaya!
Nickname: Kaya (it’s really a nickname but it’s what I go by), Bitch/Salt/Queen
Birthday: August 28th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: Taller than Sofi *insert lenny face*
Orientation: hey did you know i almost had a panic attack the other day when one of my friends came out and afterwards my other friend tried to figure out if i knew my sexuality yet and now i feel like puking if i talk about my sexuality which hasn’t happened in months yeah well now you know
Nationality: My mother is from the Philippines, and my father is caucasian.
Favorite fruit: ...Watermelon.
Favorite flowers: Roses.
Favorite book: I can’t list a favorite series...so I’ll give you my favorite book when I was smaller. Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke.
Coffee/tea/hot cocoa: Hot Cocoa.
Average sleep: Now that I’m on summer break, I’m getting more sleep, but my sleep schedule is like, 50 times worse. Anywhere from 5 to 9 hours depending on when I fall asleep, and waking up around ten.
Cat or dog: death. Honestly, I love both, but cats fit my personality more.
Favorite fictional characters: Shit. I have so many? I guess I’ll give you my favorites right now, Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu), Chrom/Owain or Odin/Inigo or Laslow/Selena or Severa/Morgan/Robin  from Fire Emblem-long story short basically any playable character in FE Awakening or Fates, Olivia from my webcomic, Simon Lewis from Shadowhunters, Kaz from SOC, Lucien from ACOTOR...I could go on for years
Blog created: FuCk. I honestly forget, but I feel like I joined in the fall about one or two years ago.
Hobbies: Writing, Angst, BEING A GODDAMN THERAPIST TO MY IRL FRIENDS, Sass, Reading, V I D E O  G A M E S
Top 3 favorite otome: Why? Too many. Mystic Messenger and Sweet Elite top the list but ummm fuck. I don’t play a lot of phone anime games but I have a lot on steam. I would have to say Cinderella Phenomenon-which I totally recommend if you like fairytale spinoffs and sarcastic mcs and crying when someone dies I MEAN. Yeah, you know what I mean...no seriously it’s super good.
Fictional place you want to visit: ...Hogwarts.
Top 3 countries you want to visit:
Top 3 favorite songs: Currently? I have the hardest times picking favorite songs, but these are some the songs I’ve been listening to on repeat the past few days. (not in any particular order)
Habits of My Heart by Jaymes Young
Tired of Talking by LĒON
What We Live For by American Authors
I tag my partner in crime @sweetelitecinnamonrole @se-serena @crystxlrxses @cresswellvaneck and @hiraethmaiden! Sorry if you already did this or have already been tagged lmao, I just got permission to be on the computer for the first time in a day or two so
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