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katherinecrs · 5 months ago
@gianinab @tomikandrews
Quanto tempo falta pro brownie assar?
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Tipo assim, olhando daqui parece que tá a mesma coisa.
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joones-hestia · 2 years ago
Any brownies around here?
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bwicblog · 7 years ago
02-24-2018 [MAFIA-LIMBO: tomie+kuanfu]
CAC RIGHT NOW opened memo on 8oard BWIC LIMBO.CAB: Dude, okay so like
CAB: Now that we're alone
CAB: Let me say, from the deepest, most heartfelt place in my pumper
CAB: Fuck you
CAC: haha, wow!
CAB: It's the most sincerest fuck you you could ever get
CAC: no, sorry, i just don't think that that is exactly appropriate for this place and time.
CAC: no matter how sincere, i am going to have to politely reject that offer.
CAB: Dude you absolutely influenced that vote didn't you! 
CAB: Like what the fuck dude! 
CAC: wooow.
CAB: I wanted to play but nooooo, kill me off first! 
CAC: c'monnn.
CAC: i so did not!
CAC: do i look like the sort of person who cheats?
CAB: You absolutely bullied the poor mafia into killing me
CAB: Yes! 
CAC: wow!
CAC: absolutely not!
CAB: You absolutely do! 
CAC: why would i ever go and do that?
CAC: that'd be, like, super pitchy, and also, super lame
CAB: Because you're a terrible worm of a person? 
CAC: =;V
CAB: I'm like, pretty sure you're not even a person
CAB: Oh don't you wink at me
CAB: I fucking KNEWWWWW it
CAB: Pitchflirting in the middle of a game by bullying trolls into kill me
CAB: You absolute asshole
CAB: I'd be touched if I wasn't furious
CAB: And also like, doing three other things
CAB: Because guess who is absolutely totally got like a dozen wires up to his head right now
CAC: i am pretty sure i am totally more of a person than you, just saying. both, like, morally, physically, emotionally..
CAC: in terms of horns..
CAC: just, like, on basically every aspect that ever really matters, to be honest.
CAC: also, ew, what the fuck.
CAC: why the fuck do you have wires in your head?
CAB: Because I'm helming dude! 
CAC: also, wow, i'd say that i was totally pleased that you're touched, except you're the sort of chucklefuck who apparently cannot even pay attention to the person who is so artfully wasting his pitchflirting techniques on you.
CAC: like, great, now i'm offended.
CAC: maybe i'll go pitchflirt with a wall.
CAC: it'll be more attractive and more appreciative.
CAC: and probably also smarter, because it doesn't need wires to do its job.
CAC: how many wires do you NEED, anyway?
CAB: Dude, dude, if I was going to show my appreciativeness, we'd have to meet in person and also make sure fucking Vadaya isn't there because he'll come in like an ashen wet blanket and then shove us off to go count sand in some corner of a beach somewhere gross
CAB: And like, not even a nice beach
CAB: a bad one! 
CAB: Littered with trash
CAB: Big trash
CAB: Like you! 
CAB: It's you. You're the trash trashing up the beach. 
CAB: Please escort yourself off of it, we're trying to keep it nice and pretty
CAB: And dude, I need like, at least a dozen because it's TESTING
CAB: we're making sure I'm like, the best person to ever helm
CAB: Ever
CAC: ugh, fuck my entire life.
CAC: they're trying to kill vadaya!
CAC: i told them, like, kill hadean instead?
CAC: hadean would be fine.
CAB: I've got like three things going at any given time and I'm bumping it up so I can get even better than this and you know what maybe I'll even try to ping your ship and see if you fixed the other tiny things I fucked with it back when we were having those lovely lock throwing moments on your trash heap
CAC: but no, they totally want to kill vadaya, and ruin all of our fun, again.
CAC: like, come on.
CAC: right?
CAC: they're like "oh, tomie's really great friends with hadean!"
CAC: uh.
CAC: vadaya!
CAB: dude, no
CAB: Cmon dude strong arm them
CAB: I am busy revving up my pitchflirting engines over here
CAC: okay, okay. i am going to make this work.
CAC: let's see.
CAC: also, wow, meet in person? insert winking emoji here, i guess.
CAC: but first!
CAC: let me finagle these stupid pupas.
CAC: it's like being on wriggler duty all over again, god.
CAB: dude all over again? 
CAB: Isn't that like absolutely every single day of your life at this point
CAB: Since you have to supervise yourself and all of your wiggler tantrums? 
CAB: I thought you'd be an expert at this, jeez
CAB: But it makes sense if you can't even control yourself
CAB: Haha, fucking //nice//
CURRENT invertedDissident [CID] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CID: wtf, you damn dirty cheater!
CAC: wooow.
CAC: i'm not cheating!
CID: they just said you're cheating!
CID: cheater!
CAC: =:V
CAC: =>:V
CAB: Hey kua you're totally a dumbfuck
CAB: Just wanna say that before we get kicked out of this chat
CAB: 8)))
CID ceased responding to memo.
CAC: i'd just like to say you're a gross stringbean of a dude with more eye than horns, and, like, guess what?
CAC: you've only got one, so double slam.
CAC: and you're dumb.
CAC: so there.
CAC: =;V
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rvpeach · 7 years ago
@rvxifeng @rvtomi
“If I got my nipples pierced, do you think Kisu would think I stole his idea?”
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tonis-camera · 8 years ago
The little break/meeting area in the film room was completely empty, save for a mini-fridge, a microwave, a pantry, four office chairs, an L-desk, two Macs, and Toni. It wasn't actually "little", per se, just a bit cramped. Especially when compared with the rest of the film room. Toni sat with her knees hugged to her chest, a bag of unsalted saltines in her hand, her CREW letterman hung over her shoulders and her gray muscle tee. She didn't know where she got it from-there was a small chance it was her roommate's-but she'd been so tired this morning she'd just grabbed something off the floor and left. She hadn't really slept great last night. Her parents kept calling and waking her up, even though she didn't answer anymore. At least, not at two in the morning. She placed her feet on top of the desk and straightened out her copy of the script, looking over the areas she'd highlighted and scribbled notes on-changes to camera angles, music tracks, that kind of thing. She wasn't really nervous or fidgeting, just bored. Despite how late she'd woken up, she'd gotten here surprisingly early. But at this point, Tomie and Dalton would be here any minute. She had a lot of things on her mind. She had to submit a budget to the school board in a day or two, not to mention finalize the places they'd be going on their 'Grand Summer Adventure!!!' and decide which scenes to cut. Not to mention, she'd have to get ahold of the equipment for the summer, and the board could be really stubborn when it came to that. And on top of all that, she also had to find time to actually interact a bit with Tomie and Dalton, at least to the point where the communication on set could be steady and efficient, but she didn't know how she could do that when it felt like such a chore. She heard the door open and turned to the door. "Morning." She greeted, holding back a yawn as she bent her spine over the back of the chair, stretching out her arms and feeling her joints crack. God, she was tired. "There's breakfast sandwiches and some yogurt in the fridge. Help yourself."
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katherinecrs · 4 months ago
Eu chamei ele pra minha casa porque sabia que a irmã dele estava em casa e achei que poderia ser meio estranho também. E eu não sei gente, eu não sei de absolutamente nada. É meio estranho, sinto até uma palpitação, falta de ar, parece que vai explodir uma veia na minha testa daqui a pouco. Maybe we're just hanging around.
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Vocês não eram anda e agora são tudo, olha só que poético. Eu acho que você pode e deve se permitir viver, sabe? Tem muita coisa boa na vida, você saiu de um carcere privado com um pica murcha. O Icarus claramente gosta muito de você.
@gianinab @tomikandrews
Quanto tempo falta pro brownie assar?
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Tipo assim, olhando daqui parece que tá a mesma coisa.
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katherinecrs · 5 months ago
Beijou e eu beijei ele de volta. Ele me chamou pra entrar mas eu... Meio que chamei ele pra minha casa. Eu não sei que ponto estamos, o problema é esse. Eu só não sei.
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Acho um babado mesmo. Mas você é um babado ainda maior, já que foi uma mulher de iniciativa, botou o pau na mesa mesmo. Fodona. Já manda a mensagem perguntando o que ele vai fazer amanhã.
@gianinab @tomikandrews
Quanto tempo falta pro brownie assar?
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Tipo assim, olhando daqui parece que tá a mesma coisa.
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katherinecrs · 5 months ago
Ele saiu todo torto, sangrando... Porra, eu fiquei puta com ele. Por que ele deixou o Amycus encostar nele também?! E eu precisava entregar a camisa dele e a corrente que tinha ficado comigo. Enfim, eu fui até a casa dele, falei um monte pra ele, ai ele falou um monte pra mim, mas um monte tipo... Falando que eu tinha deixado ele doido, me chamando de doida e questionando o que eu tinha feito na noite passada, quando eu fui responder ele me beijou. Em resumo acho que foi isso.
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Em uma escala de 0 a 10, como foi? Eu espero que ele te chame pra sair logo, fazer uma coisinha legal esse final de semana, hmmmm.
@gianinab @tomikandrews
Quanto tempo falta pro brownie assar?
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Tipo assim, olhando daqui parece que tá a mesma coisa.
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katherinecrs · 5 months ago
Tá... Eu vi que depois da briga ele saiu sangrando e não vi pra onde ele foi. E, hm, eu fiquei preocupada porque ele entrou na briga do nada e, enfim. Eu fui até a casa dele.
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Gia saindo de um cativeiro com um broxa de pica mole pra um príncipe que ela sempre sonhou. Nossa diva merece, realmente. Ele te mandou mensagem depois disso?
@gianinab @tomikandrews
Quanto tempo falta pro brownie assar?
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Tipo assim, olhando daqui parece que tá a mesma coisa.
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katherinecrs · 5 months ago
Brownie ficou ótimo, Tomi. Babado.
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Esse filho da puta te mandou mensagem PRA QUE?!? Ah não. Pera aí que vou mandar uma mensagem pro meu pai e vou resolver isso rapidinho. Tomika estamos presenciando um momento histórico. Uau, Gianina Buchanan, você botou pra foder mesmo, né?! Caralho, que coisa linda. Finalmente! E aí, como foi tudo?
@gianinab @tomikandrews
Quanto tempo falta pro brownie assar?
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Tipo assim, olhando daqui parece que tá a mesma coisa.
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katherinecrs · 5 months ago
Você é a especialista, Tomi. Eu só sou a fiscal do forno.
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Pode falar, Gia.
@gianinab @tomikandrews
Quanto tempo falta pro brownie assar?
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Tipo assim, olhando daqui parece que tá a mesma coisa.
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katherinecrs · 5 months ago
Vai falando, Tomika, vai falando...
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Ah, você levou um fora da loira bonitona. De boa é, digo... ela tem o direito. Mas imagino que pra você não seja de boa, já que você parecia estar meio... envolvida. O que ela disse?
@gianinab @tomikandrews
Quanto tempo falta pro brownie assar?
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Tipo assim, olhando daqui parece que tá a mesma coisa.
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