#[also I'm finally back to this blog! I have so many threads to reply to!!]
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
ask-prince-roman · 6 months ago
//Hey it's mod. So I saw the tag information, and I was wondering how you get those ideas? Like the out of crown for the mod speaking?//
[Hey!! It comes from tumblr RP etiquette of yesteryear. Everyone used to have OOC or Out of Character tags, some people just did OOC, but it was also pretty common to make fun ones that suited the character you wer RPing, especially if it fit with the OOC acronym. So, Out Of the Crown fits the acronym, and it fits Roman because ya know. Princey.
It's the same with me tagging quote posts and things with ";heavy is the head that wears the crown"--RP blogs used to reblog stuff like that and tag it with "musings" or "in [character name]'s head" to represent that these quotes are things that the character would think, or that would be reflective of them in some way, and I was originally gonna do "in Roman's head" but then I remembered that expression and it fit so well that I had to use it.
Same with why I use semi-colons in my tags and brackets for OOC posts and tags.
This RP culture isn't as prevalent as it used to be a decade ago, but I'm an Old so I still build my RP blogs like this. But I have adapted to say "mod" instead of "mun" like we used to!]
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midnightcatharsis · 2 months ago
Liars- the worst kind of Astarion haters and fandom
I really didn't want to make my blog about Astarion haters and didn't want to make 3 long posts about them. Yet I've recently found such a contemptible individual I simply can't stay silent. I need to vent and paint a bigger picture. Especially since I can't properly do it in replies on yt as it's impossible to add images in yt replies and comments with links are usually either deleted or hidden. If you have read my 2 posts - yes this is the same person but I've obtained more pieces of information that create an alarming image of how this person thinks, operates and lies on purpose and blatant confirmation of my previous suspicions. I've also decided to share it because I believe we should be more aware of this new more malicious and vile type of haters. We all know how "normal" haters and stakebros continue to post hate, we mostly know their motivation. But I tell you this person is much more evil and sinister than them. I want to establish and confirm certain facts first because the singular comments of that person may seem innocent at first glance. It's only the bigger picture that shows how bad it is. If you prefer more chronological order that shows how they escalate: part 1 - Example of a lie. That individual claiming Astarion doesn't approve of saving the gnomes and me debunking it. part 2 - That individual admitting to liking torturing, murdering and using mods that make Astarion into a slave, yet claiming Astarion's fans are toxic ones
For those who haven't read it, I will try to make a brief summary in this paragraph (sorry, I've tried) : The story goes like that, for quite some time under various Astarion-related videos and threads I've been seeing one and the same username very often accompanied by the second one. Their modus operandi and comments were pretty similar - they've been saying things like "I'm not an Astarion hater but..." insert here a blatant lie made to paint Astarion as evil, that can be easily debunked by playing, looking at clips, videos or Wiki with Astarion approval... The fact that they were lying was confusing because... like Astarion's not an angel, you really don't have to lie about him... Besides why even lie about a fictional character? Why with such vitriol and obsession under so many videos about him 1 year after the release? Why target neutral fans (of course to make them hate this fictional character :( )? Why lie that "you're not an Astarion hater"? Not a hater wouldn't have reasons to lie... Under different videos, I've also seen the same user celebrating hurting Astarion... What was the most frustrating is that often normal people were being deceived only since they assumed that individual didn't have ill intentions and because they believed they weren't being lied to. After seeing one comment from that person under yet another Astarion video from several months back, about how Astarion deserved to be brutally abused and murdered because "he only ever approves of bad things" and also listed some things that weren't really even true (like the gnome at moonrise, or ascending), I finally decided to answer and correct them citing some of the good things he approves of (saving an abused hyena, saving the gnomes, saving Vanra etc. ) I also added that while sometimes Astarion talks shit he doesn't actually DO anything evil on his own free will until the ritual unlike some other companions that they consider "good" and that holding a belief that an escaped slave or basically a victim of human trafficking who doesn't remember any other life but constant torture deserves to be tortured and murdered only for talking and being angry is evil. And that is when the insanity started. They kept lying, saying that Astarion's canon approval is not real, that he doesn't approve of those things (gnomes, vanra etc) and made even more lies and taking things out of context. Maybe I shouldn't have engaged. I probably shouldn't have, but hey, I don't like the idea of them deceiving anyone... I tried to debunk their lies, but of course, they doubled down on it and made new ones, blatantly refusing to check the sources, saying that the abuse options are there because the devs too think Astarion should be abused, and even going as far as trying to vilify not only Astarion but also Neil. Of course, the same account that almost always keeps backing them up almost immediately after their post appeared again and started spewing similar bs with the same arguments. They even decided to harass me on my own channel for correcting them...
At least I managed to get indisputable proof that: 1. those two accounts belong to the same person. (Establishing this fact is important so I started with those screens) 2. they lie (it was obvious before (in part 2) but here's another proof, 3. They use those multiple accounts to create false narratives by talking to "each other" and trying to create an illusion that someone who disagrees with them is "outnumbered" and toxic.
Re: So I don't have any video or content on my channel on yt. Literally nothing. And somehow still got 2 subscribers, I made a post 2 weeks ago asking my subscribers why even subscribe? Not relevant? Yeah totally, but after I corrected some lies of that Astarion hater, they went on my channel for no reason to try to vilify Neil under that post... At that point, I was 100% sure those 2 were the same person so I called them out (btw I may seem a little harsh at first glance but this person: 1. keeps going under many Astarion videos-comment to shamelessly lie, 2. was insulting all astarion fans, 3. was bragging about playing slave-owner simulator by putting a collar on Astarion and murdering him which I find repulsive, 4. went under my post to harass me under an unrelated post, while despite everything I have NOT gone on their channel.) and they exposed how pathetic they are:
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This paragraph is basically the same thing as what I wrote to them. *btw they assumed I was a he, but whatever, I don't really care that's not the most important thing for me I've only 2 subscribers and I had them before interacting with that individual which meant they were not one of them. They were using one account to harass me but when I said I knew they were the same person who was behind the first account then even though I had not tagged the second account and even misspelt the username of the second account, despite getting no notification, it replied to a small channel with 2 subscribers barely 1 hour later, under the same post? That is NOT a coincidence. That's clearly one hater. Though they claim.
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Nice try, except that was my channel and the only comment under the post belonged to their second account so no notification for kiririkiri account. Besides as shown (part2) those "two" accounts keep commenting almost back-to-back, both are under the same comment/video that is ofter several months old and with barely 1 hour of break. They also share all opinions and have the same habit of sending the same message several times.
As you can see they also started talking with themselves to "outnumber me" again. They even left themselves a like because it definitely wasn't my subscriber. I have 2 and I bet they don't spend 24/7 waiting for me - somebody with no content to post or comment.
Since I think I have already established this is the same obsessed person. Let me go back a little and once again gives you some evidence and perspective why I called them evil twisted and pathetic.
2. Well for once as I stated before they frequently lie. Exhibit I And I have given some examples in part 2 (astarion is evil because he says he embraced the darkness in the epilogue when talking about missing the sun, canon in-game lines from the narrator that describe how companions are feeling in different situations are not canon because their hc should be believed instead, Astarion wants to kill not help Vanra despite giving approval for saving her and despite having a line " "be careful, if we kill the hag the girl might die", the nightmare doesn't happen and a vivid dreaming about being enslaved again by your abuser can't be a clear sign of ptsd, Astarion wants to murder PC even though in his origin canon lines say "you try to wrench your head but your jaw refuses to obey" and that the fact that he has to do checks for not killing the companion proves his story - that he just lost control and other lies). But for the purpose of this comment let me remind you of that specific one from part 1 the gnome one
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I've already debunked it, but as that person refused to check it and acknowledge it, and since they decided to come to my account to harass me I decided to use this opportunity and I posted the same screens from my part 1 to make that person see it and comment so that I can get further screens of them lying and denying canon. They did. They still said that the screens from the game and wiki are not canon.
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I got the screens :D. Also jokes on you hater, cause I already got more than 20 likes under the same post on tumblr (part1) Exhibit 2
They are doing the same things with ascension...
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Meanwhile reality:
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This guy is so confused and complicated he doesn't even know if he truly wants to ascend and his approval of you trying to persuade him depends on a roll. One thing is clear. He does NOT approve of ascending.
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This is also in a way not true. This comment itself is mild, next ones are worse still... before the crash, he was mind-controlled and even refers to it as being a puppet whose body is controlled by his master and after the nautiloid he immediately joins the players and follows his lead till the end of his quest. He doesn't actively DO anything of his own free will to "torment innocents" he just observes, talks and approves/disapproves. A belief that a victim of human trafficking or slavery who doesn't remember not being abused and who has been enslaved and tortured for decades (or centuries) deserves to be murdered, tortured and humiliated because they are not well-adjusted 1 day after being freed because they say things that you don't like, are angry at the world and disapproves of your actions is fundamentally evil. He has never even been given any chance to heal. But hey if you've read part 2 you know that this comment is very mild because they in fact love playing the slave-owner simulator, murdering Astarion and helping Cazador.
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As can be seen on the screens from the very beginning when they came to harass me after I've corrected them but accidentally exposed themselves for having 2 accounts they also made a special point to tell me how they'll enjoy hurting him and will "do their worst" specially for me in multiple messages.... It made me think about the comments they made under a different video
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Last time I cut only the part about the streamer, how they called Astarion fans toxic because some people disliked how he put him in a collar and made him crawl... I did this to show how implausible that is that it was done by accident and to show their hypocrisy because as you can see that person's 2 accounts were bragging about downloading the mod specifically for Astarion, knowing his history and were both proud of playing a slave-owner simulator. But it was point 1. However, there were also points 2 and 3:
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Interestingly: when said more was compared to male Aylin or whitewashing Wyll mod. That person failed to address Aylin at all and despite admitting that Wyll's is racist also said it's ok to play with this mod... But for the purpose of the post I think it's more important how they stated that "they're not an astarion hater" and that they never killed him and yet previous screens clearly show that they are a hater and LOVE to murder and torture him. They also were crying that a mystery streamer was "bullied" without showing any proof other than "trust me bro" but when I corrected some of their lies and told them their behaviour and reasoning is evil they immediately started to harass a channel with 2 subscribes... with 2 of their accounts, because they're so insecure they thought one account will not be enough... Yes, playing slave owner is ok, but being corrected is not. Them responding to an Astarion fan calling all Astarion fans toxic is ok, but somebody else telling them that their mod and ideas of "you disapprove therefore you deserve to die" is evil is not ok. etc.
I don't usually think that age should be brought up but this person is not young at all.
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One of their accounts is almost 19 years old. I created my yt account when I was a teen but that person has videos from 12+ years ago... All things considered. I think they're probably at least in their 30s. For such a person to behave like that is not normal. 30+ years person individual lying online about a fictional character, bragging about hurting them, thinking it's ok to murder for talking, and harassing people for correcting you is deeply concerning.
Also considering that several years ago that person was posting some videos with game fragments makes me think that the probability of them being a "mysterious streamer" who got backlash for doing exactly what they were bragging about doing is even higher.
I'm ending this post because it's already quite long and summarizes the most important points well.
P.S. It has been brought to my attention in a wise comment under part 2 that this individual seems to have some problems and that's not normal behaviour. Upon reflection, I still think that certain behaviours and opinions should be openly called out as twisted and evil regardless so they won't be normalized in society. That being said I agree from an objective point of view that I probably shouldn't have engaged in the conversation or insulted them by calling them "pathetic" or "a loser" to their faces despite them being that things (I still by an evil and twisted). Then again it's very frustrating seeing accounts of the same person under so many Astarion comments or videos celebrating hurting him, attacking the fans or trying to make people hate a fictional character by lying especially because their initial comments/replies under some threads sometimes seem innocent and because they state "they're not an Astarion hater" some people believe them (unless those are fake accounts too:/) It's even more frustrating that when corrected they double down, spam with more lies and go under your own channel to harass you. Despite that, I don't think they should be harassed themselves. I've decided to just erase all their comments on my page, ban them and stop engaging. But I'm not sure what should be done if I ever see them lying or trying to portray Astarion as toxic in public discourse under anything related to him :/ They spiral after being called out and things get nasty but the alternative is allowing them to deceive people... No matter what I still wanted to share this story as I think we should be aware there's a new kind of haters. If you ever see or encounter this person, their second account or somebody else who says "I'm not an Astarion hater" and then proceeds to say something insulting or suspicious be wary and check the sources instead of believing blindly because there are strong chances it's an obsessive hater. I'm going to reblog and add some new screens of their lies... Check the first reblog if you want to see them.
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uravityxo · 7 months ago
𝘽𝙇𝙊𝙂 𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙎 ; important !!!
heyhey friends !! just dropping by to say a few things, a little update for all of you about my plans with this blog and some other ideas/blogs i wanna do !! so here is a lil list of my plans,, please read if you have the time just so you're aware !! i'll hide below cut as there's quite a bit to share !!
✩ ⸺ i am going to prioritise replies that i'm feeling the most at the time. this does not mean i won't reply to yours. i will get around to it at some point. but i've recently realised i found it easier to get back into writing and to write what im feeling over "what needs replies first" !! don't worry !! i will get to it- however if you think i missed a reply or something.. please message me and let me know !!
✩ ⸺ thread tracker has just been set up, however i'm still getting the hang of it and adding everything/figuring it out !! however i fully intend to try keep this constantly updated !! i'll slowly start getting to it though, so if there's a thread you want me to add to it- let me know and i'll add it on sooner rather than later !!
✩ ⸺ inbox and asks !! i have so many sitting in there and i promise i will get to them, but another thing im focusing on is current threads and getting the replies and starters i owe out first !! and then i'll eventually get around to my inbox !! im sorry for such a long delay with inbox stuff... i really do apologise for it taking a long time.
✩ ⸺ denki kaminari blog is actually going to be revived (for real this time), i have many plans for him and i'm super excited to finally get to writing him again. however it will either be low activity or inactive until i get replies on this blog under control !! if you want to follow the blog, let me know and i'll send it your way/follow you from there !!
✩ ⸺ multimuse and oc blog is also under the works, at first i was considering having a multimuse oc blog AND a multimuse canon blog however i feel that'd be TOO much to handle. so i'm going to combine the two blogs together. this will most likely always be low activity for whenever i'm feeling a certain muse !! ochako and denki are my main muses! which is why they're going to have their own blogs !!
✩ ⸺ headcanons and stuff , im considering starting to write headcanons and drabbles (is that what they're called?) !! just for when im not vibing with any replies and still want to let out some creativity !! so expect to see those more <33
thank you for giving this a lil read my friends !! i will reblog later for people who aren't online rn !! but yea... i thought i'd share all this stuff for people just so you all know whats going on 🩷🪱
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Hi Steph, lots of love from Germany! 🩵💙🧡 In your reply to the switch theory you wrote that you think switching will come up later in s3 (instead of having happened at the end of s2. and I totally agree with that, the seasons theme was love, pining and miscommunication, that had to culminate in something 😂)
But yeah, my theory is that Aziraphale and Crowley will join/celestial-marry/ "merge/fuse"(??) in some way and become very powerful that way. (Although if they fuse probably not permanently) Because
a) they're crazy strong together
b)when discorporated in s1e5 Aziraphale says sth like "I wish I could inhabit your body, but we'd probably burst into flames" and I don't think that was a set-up for the switch in s1e6, because I think they didnt actually swap bodies just made theyre own body look like the other (I think?) Azzi's physical body couldn't withstand hellfire, right? So that's not happened yet.
c) didn't you write they started out as one character in the book writing process? And in an interview for s2 David Tennant said that usually Michael Sheen and him would compete for the same part and now they're playing the same character split into two.
...Thanks for coming to my ted talk. 😂 What do you think? Wishing you a very lovely evening! I really love reading your blog! It's so... cosy on here. AZ Fell's Bookshop vibes 💛🩵💙🧡
(Referencing this post)
Hey Lovely!
Firstly I'm SO happy you enjoy my blog! :) That's high praise to be compared to Azzie's Bookshop, oh GOSHLES!! Thank you so much!! I'm having a blast being in this fandom, feels like the heyday of BBC Sherlock, hahahh. I'm hoping this blog turns into another "light" success and people just come here to feel "at home" you know? LOL.
Secondly, yeah, having another think on the Switch Theory, now that it's been a couple months and more of my own theories have formed about S2, I lean more on the "not a fan" side of it. For me it's the erasure of the emotional impact and the IMPORTANCE of their miscommunication that The Final Fifteen gave us, and honestly, there's too many loose threads that just... can't work with that theory. After sitting on it for some time, the big one for me is that Crowley-in-the-car-getting-upset-at-the-music at the end makes NO SENSE if it was A-As-C; No one would be watching him, why continue the act? And Aziraphale's gentle touch-and-cry reaction to the kiss makes NO SENSE if it was C-As-A. I dunno. I can totally see why people support the Theory, but it's not for me. I'm a creature of "I need things to make sense" and too much DOESN'T make sense with it, is all.
And you're right, S2's theme WAS about showing us the development of their relationship, how important they are together, so that the end of E6 would DEVASTATE US, having us wanting more than ever for them to get back together. It was meant to show how truly made for each other they are, just they're two idiots sharing a single braincell and that braincell is emotionally dumb lol.
That all said, I have a similar thought as yours that I've been hemming-and-hawing about for a couple weeks after rereading my own theories to possibly clean them up a bit. While I DON'T think they will "merge" into one being, I DO think that they will combine their powers together in the penultimate episode to "win" (I say penultimate because I have hopes that the final ep will be them moving in together, but I know realistically, a climax can't happen an hour before the end in a story LOL).
BUT I also like your theory as well, because story-wise, the hints have ALREADY been dropped for it since S1, as you mentioned in your points A and B. There was no need for a switch, and I DON'T think it will happen again. BUT the purpose of the switch was to show that Crowley and Azzie's powers are COMPATIBLE. THAT is what's important here, and it sets up their Together Miracle in S2. And if we're going on the idea that in S3 they'll finally be in-sync and that they only get MORE powerful the more comfortable and "on-the-same-page" they get, well, yeah, I think Heaven and Hell will be wise to leave them be.
As for your point C, yes I did mention that, I BELIEVE in my BIG roundup meta for S4, but it might also be in my 'Crowley’s Past: Was Crowley Archangel Camael?' meta, since I recall doing a LOT of research for that, including trawling through Neil's blog for quotes. But yes, I actually recently saw the gifset with that interview, I think it's in my queue LOL. Neil did confirm ages ago, way back in S1 that early drafts of the book did have them as one character, which is why I think it's MORE likely that their powers are going to be combined instead.
Either way, I think the ONLY theory I absolutely am 100% against is the "they're going to become human" one, because I hate that the condition to their love must be "to love like a human they must be human" and that's just... UGH not on for me. I remain hopeful that that's not the route that their gonna go, since Gabe and Beez didn't become human, and it was a CLEAR mirror for the AziraCrow relationship (a foreshadowing of sorts).
And because I'm thinking of it right now and don't want to forget to write it somewhere, another thing that CONSTANTLY brought up is Alpha Centauri; I hope that they honeymoon there at the end of S3, it'll be a nice payoff for its constant referencing, LOL. And they can't do that if they're human LOL. I want them to spend the next 6000 years and beyond together <3
Thank you again so much for your ask!! Sorry I took a bit to reply, just got home from a road trip and I finally had a bit of free time to reply <3
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arcplaysgames · 2 years ago
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outside the restaurant, there is
what if yosuke hanamura never realized he was an asshole and just grew up into a fucking Super Asshole and full blown sexist and thought wearing rose-tinted glasses was cool
i wonder if the rose-tinted glasses are purposeful, that seems like a very specific design choice, but I have no idea if that cultural touchpoint would exist in Japan as well. I'm going to continue eyeing is suspiciously.
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Bro, I think Haru exclusively reads horticultural books and horror novels. I don't think she is your target audience.
That said, this fucking move of getting down on a knee to proffer up a book is incredibly over the top and dramatique, what is with this guy.
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B R U H no. Haru will kill you. Don't do this. Trust me, I am doing you a solid, you don't wanna go through with this.
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This is very kind of the boys though. Don't stand by while a dude pulls this shit.
That said, Haru could def kill this guy. I mean, it might be a tiny scandal for Okumura Foods but what else is new.
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aaaaand we found our new Monarch clearly.
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THE INSIDE OF THE CAMPER.... is kinda cute, I see what they meant about the 50s diner vibes, that's..... kind of really cute and frankly WAY better than what I imagine when I think of campers, which tends to be shitty faux-wood and bad linoleum or carpeting.
Futaba squeezing herself up onto the storage rack is really just a vibe too.
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He's a light novelist, huh. I dunno how accurate it is, but I consider that a mix of manga and YA? Like, not necessarily written for younger audiences but written to be very digestible? And sometimes have interspersed illustrations? Good foundation for weird experimental shit but is very Genre.
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what the fuck don't touch fucking cosplayers /horror
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So there is tons of discussion and praise for Natsume online but it's all coming from Sendai.
Is he a local sensation? Like, there's already been ambient dialogue about people buying multiple copies of the book. How many of his million copies are the same people.... or is he going from city to city to spread the influence of his Jail?
HUH! Sidebar: If you have a Jail but you go to another location, does the Jail go with you or do you make another Jail? We've already established that once a Monarch is removed, the Jail remains in the Metaverse.
HMMMMM. That sounds like an interesting thread to pull but IDK if the game will play with it.
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are they really going to keep calling him Gramps, he doesn't even give old vibes like Sojiro
also he's a grown-ass man, it's rude to keep referring to him by a nickname like that! the audacity!
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are they serious
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hey yusuke have you considered therapy? not maruki but like actual therapy?
earlier before we left, i missed the cap, but Futaba was reminding Yusuke his snack budget was 500 yen and he was like "but my rock salt" and I continue to be, like, SO concerned about Yusuke Kitagawa.
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Sleep is great, I say as someone who is going to bed the moment I hit post on this blog entry.
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ANN FUCKING PUNCHES THE SIDE OF THE CAMPER AND TELLS THEM ALL okay ryuji bc ryuji was speaking in his normal volume which is outdoor voice for everyone else TO SHUT THE FUCK UP SO THEY CAN SLEEP.
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FINALLY i can look around Sendai without Morgana shooing me back to the camper to continue the plot. AT LAST.
but i got work tomorrow so i gotta sleep, alas.
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dxfiedfxte · 2 years ago
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I meant to do normal thread replies But was not expecting my dash commentary to catch so much attention at this hour. But it is not at all a bad thing, I'm actually very pleasantly surprised to see so many up still at 3 am (Over here anyway)
Thanks to everyone who participated (Anyone who missed I may type my reply to it tomorrow if I have time.) This was just the jump start I needed for my return tbh Crack posts or not, they definitely made my night. Feels great to be back, anyway as much as I'd love to keep doing crack shitposting, I really should at least try and queue a couple replies for tomorrow. I work a day shift 11 to 5:30 so I won't have much time before work.
I also made a proper rp schedule (Finally!) and I very much intend to put it to use at the start of next week. I'll make a follow-up post about that on Monday. That being said, this will probably be my last OOC post for the night. Depending on when I wake up, I'll see if I can add more to my queue. Have a great night everyone. Looking forward to being here again, on this blog and my other two active ones.
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whyscserious · 2 years ago
Hello and welcome. )))) I'm Penny.
I am not affiliated with Heath Ledger or his portrayal. I have high respect for this actor and everything he did when he was alive to give us this amazing portrayal-----When COVID hit I was bored out of my mind and watched a lot of HBO Max. (I still do) The Dark Knight was one of my got to's. Christopher Nolan's films became my favorite Batman adaptations. I thought I would give this muse a shot. I write for another fandom which is now sadly dead/dying. I also got absorbed by TDK/Joker fanfiction. This is my own interpretation based on that information.
I don't have many rules just one big one. Do not lie to me about your age. If you are underage. I'll block you. Final word.
Wanna know mine? Just ask. I am obviously over 21. I only write with those over 21. I do write what some would say is problematic & triggering material. I can tag most triggers if you like. ( I have triggers myself that I will not write. R*pe, i*cest, decapitations, some gore that is excessive. But I can still write in a mild censored fashion ) But This is obviously the Joker. (TDK) If you have a problem with that. DO NOT FOLLOW THIS BLOG.
I have no desire to use super small font, themes, the like. Maybe in the future that will change. For right now it is what it is. I am just here to write a homicidal clown. I do use icons and gifs ( occasionally ) credit to jokerous and fanpop.
I like to keep a clean dash. I will not always reblog things pertaining to the Joker on this blog. I like for the replies to show so others can see the writing. I will not reblog gore to his blog. I will probably reblog knives, weapons, things on fire, gifs and pictures of TDK Joker occasionally.
I CANNOT CUT POSTS. IDK WHY BUT TUMBLR DOES PUT THEM UNDER AN EXPAND AS THEY DO FOR LARGE GIFSETS. If this bothers you just tell me and I will do my best to copy and paste into a new thread. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I am very picky about who I write with. If I like your writing I will follow you. I don't expect a follow back but do know I am interested in plotting something with you in the future. If you don't follow back, my feelings will not be hurt.
This is not my only blog. I have a few others. If you are interested in writing with me on those, just ask.
I have no problem writing in other fandoms. (except for some Marvel characters which might be tricky considering the fact that Joker does not possess any magical powers. If you feel we can work out a thread possibly then come and discuss something with me. I am flexible.)
I am not always available. I do have a life outside of Tumblr. Please be patient with me in answering your replies and everyone will get along just fine.
I keep weird hours. If it says I am online, chances are I am not. I am probably by the computer but doing something else.
I promise I am friendly, I have just been on this website for a while and dealt with a lot of bullshit, witnessed a lot of bullshit, and roped into a lot of bullshit. I really do not have the time to get involved into Tumblr RP politics. Do not try to involve me in gossip or any of that malarkey, please and thanks.
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allieebobo · 3 years ago
i thought you might find it fun that i stumbled onto this tiktok and went "oh that's my Enby On The Men's Team!MC for College Tennis. their dance moves are their Big Guns of a weapon for flirting - Oooh Look At Me, You Know You Want Me And Nobody Can Blame You, Watch My Body, Wish Your Hands Were On It, WOOOH" like. imma multishipper so im just going. Dayum. Imagine Them And Tobin Showing Everyone Up And Their Teammates Fake-Gagging When They Dance Again On The Way Home. Imagine Them Dancing While Rayyan Watches Until Rayyan Finally Stands Up To Claim Their Partner. Imagine Them And Sam Giggling While They Dance Ridiculously. Imagine Them And G At Another Party And Then Again In Private. Just Imagine Their Team Going "OOOOOHH!!" During MC's Smug, Adrenaline-Fueled Victory Dance.. Bonus Points If They Can Get Their Doubles Partner To Do A (Far Easier) Little Coordinated Jive With Them
just. thanks for the ability to make the MC a dancer. i really like all the opportunities to show how much music means to MC (singing with their dad in the car, their mom's mix-tape, dancing at the resteraunt and the party, so on and so forth). it's a detail i really like and now have headcanons about how theyve learned and what music means to them (and, yes, their major is related haha). and, bRUH, you KNOW i am playing a Lead Singer (who got late bc of a work emergency as Nat sighes that they are a workaholic) and selecting Kareoke As The Family Tradition for Merry Crisis, and taking that Qiu Listening To MC Sing headcanon as canon. i cannot wait to see more of music playing a recurring role in both games, you know what ill be picking for my MC to be doing every time music/dancing is available, theyre both now experts forever and always haha sending you lots of love and inspiration, all the respect to you and your craft ❤️❤️❤️❤️ hope you enjoy the lil dancey tiktoks hahaaaa
OH MY GOD I forgot to actually reply to this!!
Sorry, I absolutely 100% LOVED this, because bruh, you've got a whole universe of CT:OS headcanons in the form of tiktok dances here. (How very, very '21st century modern art' of you).
I especially especially loved the idea of Tobin and MC dancing/jiving to music at Valentina's in public (or wherever, really, at a party, maybe during a random lunch stop as they drive to an away game etc.) just for fun, and just being ridiculously good at it and being cheered on by everyone watching, and then driving back from somewhere and finding some little pocket of time to dance for just themselves, with everything/everyone else melting away. Also that one with Sam dancing ridiculously with MC: I can 100% see that happening with those jokers.
I am also 1000% in love with the idea of a coordinated doubles partner victory dance, and it is absolutely canon that Tobin would do that with MC. In fact, it's so canon that I'll give you my word to write that in. Rayyan will be... far more difficult to persuade, though :P
Also - you are absolutely right (that was some high level literary analysis you did on Merry Crisis HAHA) I didn't even realise I'd jam-packed so many music-related scenes/concepts/choices into (both) IFs. Super cool how you've got so many threads linking Qiu and Nat and your family in one playthrough alone. You're going to think this is absurd but Shay is also (and this is canon) a drummer in a band? I'm SORRY I PLANNED IT ALREADY, BEFORE I READ YOUR ASK!!
I guess it just happened because for me, music has always been so intimately entwined with memories (both good and bad), and spending time with people I love (family, friends, romantic partners). I don't think there's been a big moment in my life that I don't associate with some song or music.
Thank you so much for sharing this :) Also, p.s. this is not helping my CT:OS/Merry crisis blog divorce, at all :P I don't even know how to tag this.
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mainichi-nihongoal · 2 years ago
📑日本語 Weekly Report 2023: Week 1 » 1/1/23 - 7/1/23
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The above picture was clicked by one of my close friends in our college cafeteria on the first day of our final semester (2nd Jan '23). We'd gone to the cafe after our classes ended and I decided to end the day with a cup of steaming hot chocolate (our college cafe's hot chocolate is DELICIOUS!) The book in the picture is Short Stories in Japanese: New Penguin Parallel Text.
🏮Highlights of the Week:
I joined the No Zero Days Langblr Challenge created by @chenopodiumlang and have been posting updates of what I've been doing daily in Japanese. I'm really enjoying the challenge so far as it is helping me be more mindful about how I'm studying Japanese and the time I'm actually spending on different skills. I hope to utilise what I've learnt from this week's challenge to make more realistic and mindful goals for the upcoming weeks.
I joined the Read Everyday & Listen Everyday 2023 challenges on the WaniKani forums for the first time! Participating in these challenges has probably been my biggest impetus in trying to build a daily habit in practising immersion in Japanese. It does take me a long time to catch up on the replies on both of the threads & I'm not regular with the logs there, but reading about everyone's daily progress inspires me a lot! If any of you are participating in the challenges, please feel free to let me know, I'll support you over there!
I participated in an online zoom session of a book club where we read a story on how New Year is celebrated in Japan. It was fun to read along with everyone and listening to people from both India and Japan share their experiences on how they celebrate New Year. (4th Jan '23)
I've been regularly listening to podcasts in Japanese! Podcasts are my current ideal resource for listening practice, as I can listen to them during my commute from uni and then later read through the transcripts, if they are available. I've also discovered many podcasts lately, and I hope to create a post sharing them for other Japanese learners here :)
💭Some Reflections
Participating in the No Zero Days Challenge, I realised that I tend to feel overwhelmed if I end up doing a lot in Japanese in one go. Because of that, I've decided to space out my study schedule throughout the day instead of doing everything all at once. On weekdays, for example, I plan to do listening practice during my commute, so that I can have enough time for reading practice once I get back home.
It's taking me quite some time to create the daily update posts, which is why I haven't been creating and posting much on my main blog. I'm thinking of scheduling a particular time each day for writing and posting the update for that day (maybe 11pm), so that I can keep some time for creating Japanese posts for Tumblr.
I'd initially planned to dedicate Saturdays to studying for the JLPT, but couldn't make it this week. I feel I'll have to get better at scheduling if I really want to include everything I'm working on at the moment.
👀Week At A Glance
• Reading:
2 Tadoku Graded Readers
1 story on Yomujp
1 NHK Easy News Article
1 fanfiction on ao3
Pgs 1-13 of Short Stories in Japanese: New Penguin Parallel Text
• Listening:
7x Podcast episodes
Jpop songs
• Speaking:
1.5 hours of interaction with fellow learners and native speakers over Zoom
• Writing:
None :(
✨Posts for this Week
Day 1 • Day 2 • Day 3 • Day 4 • Day 5 • Day 6 • Day 7
That's it for this week! Here's to another week of productive and mindful Japanese learning! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)✧
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cflight · 2 years ago
get to know the author!
it's been quite a while since i've done one of these so i figure i might as well get this out of the way (even tho i chose to do it like. lol. i just woke up from a nap, spare me)
name: evan
pronouns: they/them (he is also fine)
preference of communication: discord by far (starteas#6241)
most active muse: the only muse i currently have for this blog- ekira. i'd honestly love to add some of my other muses to this blog such as hemlock since he's incredibly prevalent in ekira's story, but i need to curb my own laziness and finally give him a page lmao. i'm also incredibly out of practice with writing villains so it's been quite a while. i definitely need to freshen up there.
experience / how many years: i've been roleplaying on tumblr since i was about 13 so i have about 8 or so years of experience. i only started taking it seriously fairly recently into my early teen years, and i've been trying to do so ever since. i don't keep up to date with my rp experience nowadays (considering thinking back on old things i did as a tween makes me cringe heavily.)
when i rebooted ekira's blog back in 2020 or so is when i started taking writing up as less of a hobby and more of an artistic pursuit. i've always enjoyed it for as long as i can remember, and have loved making up stories with my characters since i was little. i consider rping to be an extension of that, and it's always great to improve my writing and characters along the way.
platforms you use: tumblr and discord, but mainly this hellsite
best experience: my best experience has been meeting other muns and interacting with characters from all aspects- whether it be canon muses or ocs, or even heavily canon-divergent muses, i love them all and interacting with each muse has been so fun. i know i would like to interact with more muns one on one more often, but i don't mind the mini interactions we do get with replying to each other's posts or seeing each other in our notifs. hello friend!
rp pet peeves: punctuation. this might be me considering i am VERY finicky on correct punctuation and spelling, so it's incredibly hard for me to jive with characters that don't seem to have as much care in their writing presentation. that's just a me thing though, and i absolutely don't fault anyone who falls into this category! it just itches my brain in a way i really do not like
this is also directed at myself, but i dislike happy-go-lucky characters with little to no substance. when i first started writing ekira that's the only thing they tended to embody. they were sweet and kind and friendly and incredibly fucking boring. they could get emotional, sure, and could get angry sometimes, but they were completely sanded down and unfun to right and otherwise just boring. i wasn't having fun writing them and i wasn't having fun in threads because i wrote them all so... samey.
it's why i decided to revamp ekira's blog the way i did, and in the same vein change up how i wrote them completely. i won't get too much into it (because tbh i already stated my problems with it and we'd be here ALL DAY if i continued) but i'm much happier writing them now than i ever was before the reboot. sometimes i still find myself falling into the same patterns as i did when i first wrote them, and it's something i personally am striving to improve on the more i write them.
ekira's still friendly and kind but can get frustrated, sad, angry, and isn't much of a blank slate as they were before. i'm incredibly proud of how far they've come since then, and hope to avoid any of the same stuff i ran into before in the past.
fluff, angst, or smut: fluff and angst are both good in moderation. i'd personally love to get into more angst threads as it's the ones i surprisingly get the least of (understandable) but i'd also like to get into more smut. i don't write it much as i'm still very much a beginner to it, but it's something i'd like to explore more of in the future; same with angst. there's a lot to ekira i'm grateful i get to explore with my friend @modestmuses and i'd certainly love more of it whether it be in those two categories.
plots or memes: i have a lot of fun doing both, but i definitely want to get better with doing things that are much more planned out. i'm not the best at thinking of in depth plots on the spot, but i know it's something i want to do more of. memes are also great (again, shouting out teddy for this one) because he just knows how to craft plots around memes so expertly that makes me crave EXACTLY what he's writing.
long or short replies: i tend to do medium replies depending on length, but recently i've been feeling more drawn to long replies. it helps me improve my writing and i love testing the waters with longer replies; it gives me more opprotunity to flesh out ekira's thoughts and actions much more than two paragraphs ever could.
best time to write: whenever i feel like it. i'm sporadic when i use tumblr so i get bursts of inspiration randomly. usually it comes best to me either mid afternoon or very late at night.
are you like your muse(s): yes and no. i'd go more in depth about it but all i can say is we both need to learn to love ourselves a bit more. also i want goat horns and a tail, it'd be sick as hell
tagged by: @modestmuses (not actually i stole this lol)
tagging: steal it
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more-than-a-princess · 2 years ago
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@dcviated asked: 10 and 15!
Munday Writing Stuff - Accepting!
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Something that bothers you to read in RP specifically?
Two big ones would be muses with no discernible faults or weaknesses (the Mary Sue/Gary Stu sort of muse that should be appealing and attractive to everyone. I have chosen not to follow blogs for this very reason: decent writing quality, but too-perfect muses), and quiet/brooding/introspective muses whose threads don't leave much to interact with or respond to. Closely followed by replies that answer questions from your previous reply, but don't add anything else to the thread.
But a Danganron.pa-specific annoyance? DR muses whose talents never factor into their lives. Yes, they're written as being admitted to Hope's Peak Academy based on such-and-such talent, and then the muns...never show them engaging with that talent. Not even schoolwork.
As fun as high school stories can be, the whole point of Hope's Peak, at least in the Main Course, is to gather students who are incredibly skilled in specific talents while aiming to have them be wholly and completely defined by them, in order to obtain the brightest possible future. A secured career for life, money, fame, etc. That's a lot of pressure for a 16 to 18 year old! There's even canon characters who don't want to be defined by their specific talents, and some who want to pursue other interests but due to their status at Hope's Peak, they can't.
And I really wish more DR muns would explore those topics: how did their muse's talents end up shaping their muse? Did they peak in high school? Did they eventually go on to the success the school promised?
This is more of what bothers me not to read in RP, but I think it still qualifies.
How many times do you reread a reply?
I talked about how many times I read my own in another reply, but here I'll share how many times I reread someone else's starter to me/reply in a thread:
Around a dozen.
Especially if the reply is long and/or there's a Big Dramatic Moment going on.
This is mostly due to my own writing process which involves something like this:
get tagged in reply and/or starter
read said post
Immediately get a few dialogue options that I scribble down for later
think on it for a little while/overnight/while I do something else
sit down to write properly. Read through the post at least twice more.
Put the kettle on for pot of tea #1
Look at my earlier/immediate notes and either decide 'there's something here that might be okay' or 'well this is crap and I have no idea how to match my writing partner's quality and make them feel All The Things'
Decide I need to put on a playlist. Immediately get distracted by whatever random track Spotify thinks my Daily Mix needs.
"Well, I'll read this again and then do some google searches for thread ideas. For accuracy, you know."
This inevitably leads to a deep dive of: blogs, reddit, wikipedia, and/or YouTube
"Oh, this would be a great idea for another thread/a future thread! But wait, I was supposed to get inspo for -this- thread"
Goes back to read the reply a few more times
Right around here is when I try to write the first paragraph and yell about why I can't form words good. I'm an absolute imposter of a writer because why am I not turning around thousands of words per day.
Someone messages me on discord with something inevitably more appealing than trying to write this reply. I engage with it because that's a cute meme or great idea for muse shenanigans
Put on the kettle for pot of tea #2 while browsing the dash
Laugh at some dashcomm, send some memes, immediately forget where I was going with that thread reply
Read the reply once again while the tea steeps
...finally write and queue my reply to the reply, possibly while annoyed this took so long.
This is also why writing more than three replies or starters per day for me is a real achievement. Because each time, I go through this process. I'm sure there's a better way to focus and do things but I've yet to figure it out.
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crimson-mayhem-archive · 3 years ago
🧩 ✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great
❋ Your blog is one of my favs
✦ I like seeing you on my dash
❇ I love the way you write
Seeing you on my dash is always a joy, Whin, and your blog is definitely one of my favorites!! Once I get my shit together I'm totally going to go back to all the threads I want to reply to and drop those responses like Santa dropping his Christmas presents down the chimney 🏃‍♀️ but no for real though, I love seeing you post even if it's seemingly random stuff or brainrots, I appreciate being tagged very much so you never have to feel shy or intrusive about that kind of thing 😤✨ 🧩
「 send me a symbol for how you feel 」
✥ — I have roleplayed with you and it was great
❋ — Your blog is one of my favs
✦ — I like seeing you on my dash
❇ — I love the way you write
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nah but seriously i don’t think you understand how much of a joy it’s been to interact with you so far. :’). you’re always so fun, and so sweet, and your writing is GODLY?? like hello jas #1 author award when?
but also the santa comparison NANANSN. take your time with everything, really!! T-T. you already have so many things, and continue to get asks and stuff everyday. so ofc take your time with everything!! i’m sure no matter how long you take, the response will be worth it! (also the image of a tiny ruki or a tiny jas dressed as santa is hilarious 😭 this christmas everyone’s gettin’ roleplay replies.)
i’m also super glad that you’re not annoyed with any of my tags or anything!!! that’s always smth i’m super scared about ><. ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS SOMEONE I WANT TO INTERACT WITH. BC ITS LIKE “hhhhh what if this is annoying or not okayyyyyy” BUT TO HEAR THAT ITS NOT A PROBLEM IS A RELIEF. always feel free to tell be if it is though!!
ANYWAYS! ily 🗣 you’re one of the best moots i stg. and i hope we can talk more!!! and finally.
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low quality pikachu for good health . you deserve it. ily 🫵♥️ 🥀
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askrockandfriends · 2 years ago
🗡  name :  ZM aka the Munatar
🗡 pronouns :  He/Him
🗡  name of muse(s) :  Rock, Anzu, Ken, Goh, and way too many to name here.
🗡  preference of communication :  Tumblr or Discord
🗡  experience/how long (months/years?) :  About 6 to 8 years. One of my first RPs I remember was a Team Rocket RP on Miiverse (Anyone remember that?) before Rock was even conceived. Years later, looking back on that same RP would inspire me to create one Kayo for my growing OC roster.
🗡 best experience : I don't know if I can really say one moment I can describe as my "best experience". I suppose the Monika Invades event where she made her unofficial debut with her friends and the Infiltration of Goh's Castle on Discord were both fun to write.
🗡  platforms you’ve used :  Miiverse, Tumblr, Discord, and Amino.
🗡  rp pet peeves / dealbreakers :  Hoo boy... everybody strap in - you just opened Pandora's Box, bitch. So... when people disrespect my character, try to change them to suit their needs, try to shine them in a light they're not supposed to be shined in, or think they know how to write my character better than I do. You don't. I know the character best, what makes them tic, and their general story direction. End of story. I also extremely dislike people trying to find ways to get around my rules (like sending in numerous asks in a row like an rp-but-not-rp when we're not mutuals), and random people sliding into my dms just to ask "wanna rp?" Here's a thought: if I wanted to rp, don't you think I would have followed or tried to interact already? This goes doubly for someone who just up and asks "can we be mutuals"? How about... can you be interesting enough to warrant being mutuals first? Please and thank you. All of this is a reason why I make my blog so hard to reach for anyone who I'm not already following. (Apologies if this makes me sound like a dick, but this stuff just annoys me to no end.)
Also, the copious amounts of anon hate I've seen people send to others over the years, friends or otherwise, is why I never allow anon on my blog. Sorry, but I'm just fed up with it all and really not interested in people's so-called "first amendment rights" anymore. Shit's supposed to come out your ass, not your mouth. You wouldn’t say it with your blog visible, then shut the fuck up. Thank you very much. (Whew...)
🗡  plots or memes :  Both, really.
🗡  fluff, angst, or smut :  Fluff. I hate angst, and smut goes on my 18+ blog, @allelitelewds.
🗡  long or short replies :  Depends on what I'm given and how much of an idea I have for the thread.
🗡  best time to write : Whenever I have an idea of how to write something.
🗡  are you like your muse(s): Rock and Goh are basically my light and dark sides, respectively. Rock is my hopeful, optimistic side that's passionate about their hobbies and interests and just wants to do the right thing, mixed with some personal experiences like making music as a hobby and growing up in a small town, as well as the concept of a "protagonist" or "Player 1" in a video game. Goh is my meaner, angrier side that wants to get back at anyone who does me wrong even if it results in my own self-destruction, mixed with the concept of a "final boss" in a video game.
Tagged by: @cynthiaandsamus
Tagging: @astral-multiverse @ask-dark-monita @ask-ultimate-fashionista @bananabraiined @enigmaincrimson @hoshi-neko-hikari @stalkerkyoko @shootingxstardust @darkseraphscorner @rockingmusician
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panharmonium · 3 years ago
omg—so have you finished your teen wolf watch-through yet or is it still in progress alongside the naruto watching?
no spoilers at all in what i’m about to say, but i literally just watched teen wolf for the first time a couple months ago and i love your merlin meta, so the serendipity of you watching teen wolf right now is like ✨yes✨
anyway, i would love to hear your thoughts on s5&s6 bc basically everyone i know (who has seen the show) told me to just stop watching after s3 but i ended up finishing the whole thing anyway bc i grew too attached to many of the characters 😂 if you’re comfortable chatting in dms, i would be totally down to talk more detail there—but also i would be excited to see any teen wolf posts from you, if you feel inclined to make any, bc like i said, you always have such a wonderful way of talking through things and sharing your perspective on stuff and i always love reading your metas but also most of the people i’ve been talking to about teen wolf watched it so long ago (and only the first few seasons of the show besides) that it’s just not the same 😂
(i always sign these things as my merlin sideblog bc that’s where most people know me from, sorry if that’s weird) 🤣
*waves a big hello to you* HI!
Teen Wolf is still in progress alongside Naruto, but I'm getting closer to the end - we've got four episodes left in Season 5 (part 2), and then we're moving on to Season 6!
Everyone who told you to stop watching after Season 3 was probably right, or at least that's the impression I'm getting so far - I obviously haven't seen S6 yet, and I'm happy to be going into it not knowing anything about it, but I haven't enjoyed S4 and S5 the way I wish I could have, and that makes me doubtful about whether S6 can course-correct in a way that satisfies me. But hope springs eternal - I always go into new seasons optimistically; I was really enjoying the first couple episodes of S5 before it started to lose me, so I'll start S6 with the same open-mindedness.
My Teen Wolf watch actually started a looong time ago - I started watching back in 2015 (never as it was airing, though; I always just watched it on DVD) and got hooked partway through S1. I watched the first three seasons all in a row and was totally in love with it, but the very end of 3B (*cough*allison*cough*) made me so angry that I stopped watching for like two and a half years. Then I came back and watched S4...and it was so terrible that I stopped watching again for another three years. And now...I am finally finishing. XD
There is a LOT of Teen Wolf on my blog; it was my main fannish interest for years even when I wasn't actively watching new episodes, and it's still what I consider one of my "big" fandoms, despite the fact that I've been running around in Merlin and Naruto-land lately. My general Teen Wolf tag is (predictably) "teen wolf", and then I also use "pan watches teen wolf" for thoughts about episodes I'm in the process of watching (currently working on one of those posts right now).
There will likely be many more Teen Wolf posts here as I work my way through the end of S5 and all of S6, and I'd be totally happy to talk about it anytime! I do find it a lot easier to reply to asks or reblog conversation threads back and forth than use the tumblr messaging function - I don't have a problem with dms or anything like that, it's just that the messaging window is SO tiny and I have a much easier time with longer-form/asynchronous communication (things like Discord servers give me hives, and I have similar trouble with texting, so. I guess I am just Old. XD )
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bisexualamy · 4 years ago
hi. hello. i've only been following you for a short while, so apologies if there's already a post about it somewhere on your blog, but would you be willing to expand on duck newton a little bit? the thing is that i'm terribly stupid and i feel like i see your point but don't know. why exactly...
Hi! There’s not one comprehensive post about it but I’m more than happy to make this one it. And don’t beat yourself up!! I think some of this does come from “I am a trans man and his experience resonates with me” and personally, I think that being an argument for identifying someone as gay/trans/queer coded is valid. But that’s not, imo, the only reason why many folks (including myself) really see Duck as a trans man. So here are a few more. Spoilers for the ending of TAZ: Amnesty ahead.
Goes by a nickname & treats revealing his “actual”/proper/non-nickname name as a sign of intimacy - I think this is the most obvious one but the way that Justin plays it gives it a genuine quality that really fits with Duck being trans. I love the exchange between Duck and Aubrey where she asks for his name, he replies “Duck” and when she presses him he says “we’re not there yet” and she says “we’re not at names?!”
Names being an intimate symbol is not exclusive to trans folks, but for many of us, choosing our names is often a literal and symbolic first step towards redefining the lens through which the world sees us. This time, in a way we want to. Duck’s earnest insistence that no, he is Duck, and that’s enough, comes off as very trans. So much so, that I wasn’t sure initially how I felt about his name reveal to Minerva in the finale. But the more I sat with it, and after my Amnesty re-listen, I think it actually puts a really fine point on this.
Choosing a name for yourself is really vulnerable. From what we know about Duck’s past, it really sounds like Duck has gone by Duck since he was a kid. Juno has known Duck since they were both teens, at least, and she’s always called him Duck, even in flashbacks. Duck remarks in another flashback that his mom doesn’t like the name Duck, yet he still insists on using that name. To me, it’s very easy to take a trans reading of Duck here. Duck has had clear discomfort with his birth name since he was a kid, whether or not he realized it was for a trans reason. He starts going by a nickname very early on, and later chooses a more traditionally male name (Wayne) as his legal name when he transitions. But in a sense, he was Duck before he was anything else. Revealing the secret name he chose for himself to Minerva, in this reading, just makes that an even more intimate moment.
Part of an alternative subculture as a kid - this is somewhat anecdotally based, but we know Duck was a skater and kind of a punk as a teenager when he was going through his own period of self-discovery. Alternative subcultures are often refuges for lgbt and gnc folks as teens, because they can be safe spaces for alternate gender expression. For me, being part of the pop punk/emo subculture as a kid gave me a lot more freedom to experiment with gender neutral and masculine gender presentation. I see Duck’s past as a skater and a punk a good parallel for this. We also know that Duck had kind of a fraught adolescence, and this was an outlet for him. I think this reading is even stronger when you consider him as a trans character, trying on the identities of different subcultures in parallel to understanding his own gender identity. His character arc redefining his identity as the chosen one is a genuinely great parallel for the trans gender euphoria, self acceptance, and taking an active role in reshaping one’s identity - this is absolutely my favorite one. Duck’s literal journey as the chosen one works really well as a metaphorical trans narrative, and I honestly think it strengthens his character arc to read him as a trans character redefining what it means to be the chosen one. Duck is caught between who he is as part of the Kepler community and who he is as the chosen one in an interstellar war. And his character arc is finding what it means to be all of these things and also Duck. From a young age, Duck is told he’s the chosen one, and his whole life is redefined in front of him. He’s very resistant to accepting this fact. What will this mean for his family? What will this mean for him and his future? What if he doesn’t want this? Why him? Who picked him? What if I don’t want all this baggage? Can I please give this to someone else? His first scene with Minerva is very reminiscent of the first moment of “wait, am I trans? What does that mean? Who am I, actually? I don’t want this.” Many trans folks, myself included, sort of know they’re trans before they know they’re trans. In our transphobic society, it’s a lot easier to just not be trans. It sort of sits there in the back of your mind, and sometimes you can ignore it, sometimes you even forget about it, but it inevitably always comes back. Because to ignore you’re trans is to ignore the truth of your life. The same thing happens to Duck and his identity as the chosen one. Minerva literally reappears to him throughout his life to remind him that he can’t run from his destiny, as much as he tries to shut her out. Duck even goes through periods of accepting “hey, maybe this chosen one thing isn’t so bad” only for something to go a bit wrong and him to completely reject it again. Minerva gives Duck Beacon, and for a moment he’s like “hey, this is kind of cool” before his destiny scares him and he falls back into what the hell am I doing and eventually gives Beacon to Ned. He shuts away a symbol of the identity he’s running from, much like a trans person might hide objects or experiences that give them gender euphoria, because to accept them is to start to accept the truth of who you are. I also like this reading because it makes Leo Tarkesian a great parallel for older trans mentors. Leo lived the life of the chosen before Duck. He’s gone through this all before and now his role is to keep Duck safe and make sure he safely comes into his own identity as the chosen one. The found family? The generational mentorship? The fact that Leo and Duck talk about the emotional weight of being chosen in a way Duck can’t really express with others? Even Minerva? Very trans. When Duck stops running from who he is he realizes he might actually like being the chosen one. When he loses his abilities, he realizes he misses them. But the solution isn’t to just become what Minerva tells him. The solution isn’t to just abandon all of his principles and values, abandon everything that makes Duck Duck and transform into the model of a chosen one. Duck won’t kill anybody. Duck chooses to make decisions with arguably worse outcomes for himself to avoid killing anybody (like saving Billy the Goatman). Duck gets to define what it means to be Duck The Chosen. He won’t settle for anything less. This, to me, is a really awesome parallel for not just accepting one’s gender but accepting oneself and your experiences of gender, and making it your own until it feels euphoric. Two other quick things that are more my opinion than textual analysis:
Duck’s brand of a softer masculinity made me feel euphoric as a trans man and it’s a kind of masculinity I see a lot of trans men aspire to have. Yes, not all trans men are masculine in this way. However, I think the gentle streak in his masculinity codes him as this type of trans man. This great thread goes into more depth on that.
Duck is characterized quite strongly as a staple of the Kepler community. He knows everybody and they all know him and they all call him Duck. It’s just, “that’s our Duck.” That’s a wonderful thing for me as a trans person, to see a community come together around accepting a trans person they’ve known all his life, and certainly known since before his transition. That just makes me happy.

This was long but I hope it helped better understand why Duck is so important to me as a trans character! Thank you for the ask. I had a lot of fun writing this up.
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a-coldwordsburningheart · 5 years ago
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Age: I won't roleplay with anyone younger than fourteen. I have nothing against younger roleplayers but I am not going to plot anything with someone who shouldn't even have a phone or social media at least. (Yes, I am not an oldie, gen z here but this won't change anything.)
NSFW: Mun is over 18. That means this is a free NSFW blog and I am open to roleplay anything but with a discussed plot beforehand. There are some triggers I have (about NSFW roleplay or some NSFW verses) but I'll discuss this with you and ask about yours. I think there's no need to say that I won't roleplay anything sexual with minors. I'll have to ask your age if we do something like this, but only because I need to make sure that I am not doing anything illegal. Else, we can always stick to the romantic part and fade to black.
Shipping: By the way I portray Shoto, he is biromantic. That means that I will ship him with both males and females but I prefer to stick to male characters. As long as the female character is well written, there's always a chance to ship him with her. I have to admit I'm picky with female OCs because in my experience their portrayal is too swallow. Shoto is not just romantic. He needs to share a deeper bond with his partner.
Tagging: I will tag anything NSFW under the tag #|NSFW|. That's because I don't want Tumblr to track the tag and flag my posts. You have been warned. I'll also write NSFW stuff under the Read More tool. When it comes to triggers, I will try and tag some heavy matters under the tag: #|tw:yourwarninggoeshere|. You can tell me your triggers by sending me a message or an ask. Right now I tag those trigger warnings: suicide, mentalillness, torture, parentalabuse. I am a human being so I might forget to tag something, so remind me if I haven't.
Following: I follow back from my main blog @knightinsourarmor . I will follow most of my roleplay partners or those I want to roleplay with but if we don't interact for a long time (a few months) or have stopped roleplaying for various reasons, I will unfollow you. I don't mind not being followed back. This blog will include graphic images of pain and horror or NSFW content so I understand if someone doesn't want to have my posts on their dash.
Post length: My writing style is advanced literate. That means I need more than a paragraph to roleplay with. One paragraph is fine still, but as long as there's something interesting to reply. I don't mind how long your replies are. Just take notice that I will probably mirror you and my reply will be the same length.
Warning: I have written this again but I want to make sure that it's clear enough. I will probably roleplay some heavy matters like mental illness, suicide, torture etc. There are matters I will roleplay that might make some people sick. So either tell me your trigger warning to tag those, either don't follow me. That doesn't mean that if you request me to roleplay something soft or something canon I won't.
Selective: I am selective when it comes to writing. Like I said, I need a paragraph or more to reply. I need to roleplay in third person and I don't roleplay on DM.
Multiple Threads: I don't mind having multiple threads with the same person especially if I enjoy their writing.
Tracking: I used to track my threads with an app but it takes a lot of my time. Now I try to use a tagging system even if it doesn't work as well as I want it to. Don't be scared to remind me to reply on something I might have forgotten.
Reminders: Constant reminders make me lose my interest to the roleplay (if there's any). I understand and appreciate for someone to tell me I have forgotten something. Myself, I will remind someone our thread after a month or even more.
Replies: I am a med student and have to work at the same time. That means that I can be really slow when it comes to replies. I wish you understand and don't feel offended or lose your interest if I take some time to answer our thread. I believe in quality over quantity. Some days I might reply to specific people. That has nothing to do with you or your writing. I just might need to roleplay a specific matter or thread or enjoy someone's writing too much and need to focus on that for some time.
Asks: I will reply any asks. Sending me memes or starters makes me really happy, but I am someone who thinks of those as a chance to start something which has a well-built plot. Short time threads is not my thing.
Games: Tag me to any games and stuff. I love those and there's a chance to show more aspects of my muse. I'd prefer not to reply those as mun though.
Icons: I roleplay with icons but I don't expect you to do so. I edit and make all my icons, so I'd appreciate if you didn't use them/save them for future usage.
Cutting Posts: I have finally found out how to cut posts. Still I don't expect you to do so.
English: English is not my mother language. I have learnt English completely alone and it's something who had been hard for me. I understand telling me if I have made any mistakes or ask me if you didn't understand anything but I won't take any criticism.
Triggers: I don't have any triggers except some NSFW one's like age-play. Those can be discussed only if we go that far.
Time-skip: Well, I'm someone who can enjoy something that is slow. I am pleased with anything as long as there's some really good and inspiring writing (how many times have I said this?). If you start getting bored we can time-skip but I'd want to discuss about this first.
Thank you for reading my rumbling before messaging me first. Please check my Intro and my Basic Info page. Also you can check my Verses and Open Starters. Links are on my description for both computer or mobile users. You can message me and plot any time. Thanks for your time. Just FYI I am a lot like Shoto so I might not be talkative. This is not personal and doesn't mean I am not interested for our muses to interact.
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