Abandon all hope
57 posts
Who needs friends? They will stab you in the back and rip your heart out. Emotions? They will use it against you. My only purpose in life is now the Glorious Evolution
Last active 60 minutes ago
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midnightcatharsis · 22 days ago
"JaYvIk sHipPers aRe tOxiC" - don't make me laugh. Reed (Ekko's VA) tweeted "canon" about jayvik and the members of the "totally not problematic, totally not toxic" (extremely toxic) meljay fandom started calling him slurs as well as calling him a "coon" and "corny attention whore". All these over liking not their ship. I bet if it was their ship instead they would love it. It shouldn't have surprised me, considering Toks (Mel's VA) was also insulted numerous times for liking the ship, and real people have been harassed by them for pointing out parallels between Mel and Viktor that btw were later reblogged and confirmed by an official lol account or for hoping there will be some jayce and viktor (not even jayvik :p) content in the future series. Apparently pointing out obvious parallels is hate and racism but insulting and harassing a POC for liking a ship is not.
Anyway below are some examples. Unfortunately, there are way more on the Internet 😞 I must say I especially "loved" that one person "reminding people to be respectful" while calling Reed a weak, embarrassing disappointment for liking a ship...
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midnightcatharsis · 22 days ago
Look what I've found on Twitter... Ekko the Boy Saviour himself (Reed Shannon) supporting jayvik and tweeting that it's "canon".
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Unfortunately while most people loved it, similarly to Toks (Mel's VA) he is also getting insulted by some toxic people for making a tweet/liking a ship.
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midnightcatharsis · 1 month ago
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midnightcatharsis · 1 month ago
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midnightcatharsis · 1 month ago
I don't think that the meeting has even taken place yet. They may be waiting to hand him a cease and desist letter during the meeting. Would he listen though? He seems very committed. Can they legally even do it? It was just a cosplay 🙃
It was also pointed out to me that there is another option:
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I can't change the poll but let's pretend "jayvik will be canon" is instead "jayvik will be more canon than it's now". While canonising it so fast may seem implausible a collab with some hints is more likely. I wouldn't be so sure the last option is just a joke either XDD All possibilities seem very weird to me. Forcing somebody to stop cosplaying or talking about a ship would be wild. Them specifically going after a collab with nr 1 jayvik truether right after his stream but making sure it's not related in any shape or form to jayvik would be strange. Canonising jayvik so soon seems implausible. All things considered, I really think that "Linke is trying to murder bbno$" is somehow the most probable of all 4. Like that guy must be livid right now. 😂 Ok, it's a joke but it's still the most realistic option. 😂😂
Right after the famous jayvik stream there was an announcement:
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midnightcatharsis · 1 month ago
Right after the famous jayvik stream, there was an announcement:
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Edit: It has been pointed out to me that there is another possibility: collab with jayvik hints without them really doing anything to canonize it. Since I can't change the poll let's just pretend the "jayvik will be canon" option is "jayvik will be more canon than it is now" which would include collab with hints.
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midnightcatharsis · 1 month ago
I've checked twitter and there is no official update about the situation yet. I don't think the meeting has even taken place yet but I'm not sure cause different people tweet different things… For example, I've seen some tweets the meeting was already over yesterday but bbno$ asked what he should ask riot during the meeting 15 hours ago so that info can't be true 🤔 Anyway as for now he is still alive and if they have already given him cease and desist I don't think he's following it because he tweeted "jayvik is love, jayvik is life" 4 hours ago.
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He's also uploading professional photos made during the stream (?)
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Will Neff is doing the same thing
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There's also jayvik cosplay video on yt now https://www.youtube.com/watchv=1sQvRdCCeR8&feature=youtu.be
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I don't have other social media, has Bbno$ been released by Riot already? Or has he just been quiet about it? (Why would you cease and desist by a meeting and not by mail/letter if so??)
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midnightcatharsis · 1 month ago
Chat we are either so back or so cooked
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midnightcatharsis · 1 month ago
I'd like to know that too, but I'm optimistically betting on "it's because we think it's true". My personal opinion is that Linke has proven himself untrustworthy times and times again. Some examples:
He said in the interview that Vik was supposed to be the mage who saved Jayce from the beginning. Only the fans discovered some animation reels with Ryze, which means they started with him and later decided to make Vik the mage. From what I've seen most people in the fandom think what Linke said is bs.
He said that they planned to make Vik ace since the beginning yet it's obviously not true because other people in Forniche don't know about it and because for years nobody said anything about Vik being ace. Linke only said it as an argument against jayvik but when he got the same question 2 days earlier he didn't say anything like that. Regardless of whether somebody ships jayvik or not, the timeline says he only decided to make Vik ace after s2 finale and lied about planning to do that from the start.
He said they died and disintegrated then kinda took it back on Twitter.
It would be difficult to find a more untrustworthy person. Yet I've seen many people in the fandom still using his words as definitive proof while ignoring Amanda or other possibilities.
That being said considering that he kind of took it back and said the afterglow was cut out of context whether perhaps he didn't even mean it. Idk why he first had to say it only to later change his mind and not even specify what he meant but idk.
Then there are 2 other questions. If Linke can't be trusted, can Amanda? And finally, do the two of them even know themselves, and does their opinion matter or is Riot the one that will ultimately decide?
Arcane co-creators seem to contradict each other quite frequently. Who do you believe when it comes to Jayce and Viktor's ending?
Christian Linke - said they disintegrated in the afterglow which a big part of fandom took as a definitive proof of them being dead. When he was asked about that specific fragment of the interview on Twitter, he also said many things had been cut out of context and it had been edited without even showing him the final version. Technically he hasn't said anything else or confirmed any outcome in any other interview he has given later (to my knowledge).
Amanda Overton - said that they're eternally holding each other in the infinite embrace of the arcane, which implies that they're in some way alive or at least that they exist.
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midnightcatharsis · 2 months ago
Arcane co-creators seem to contradict each other quite frequently. Who do you believe when it comes to Jayce and Viktor's ending?
Christian Linke - said they disintegrated in the afterglow which a big part of fandom took as a definitive proof of them being dead. When he was asked about that specific fragment of the interview on Twitter, he also said many things had been cut out of context and it had been edited without even showing him the final version. Technically he hasn't said anything else or confirmed any outcome in any other interview he has given later (to my knowledge).
Amanda Overton - said that they're eternally holding each other in the infinite embrace of the arcane, which implies that they're in some way alive or at least that they exist.
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midnightcatharsis · 2 months ago
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midnightcatharsis · 2 months ago
pisses me off when I see people talking about how "jinx didn't want to be a symbol! she was hurt by piltover and zaun and wanted out of it entirely!" because they're completely ignoring who her character actually is in league. you can't just spend years building up a character as a batshit terrorist who takes the most joy in destroying the upper class and all forms of establishment, and even showing her do it in music videos set to a song that's basically "i'm a vigilante and love blowing shit up!!" and then chicken out at the last minute and decide she wants to "break the cycle" (🙄) because you realized what telling a story like that would actually entail
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midnightcatharsis · 2 months ago
Different usually dishonest claims with my commentary Lies exhibit 3. -Lying about canon game dialogue and Astarion's good hero epilogue
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Do you guys remember that line? You probably don't because it's not there. Tav is not the one who calls him a hero, he is describing what he's doing himself using the words "adventurer and hero". He doesn't scoff at his own words. And he doesn't say "I only help people who can help me".
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Yes, in another dialogue option, he says that he likes getting a reward. But then it's how most heroes live... Even playing a good playthrough you do quests to get money, potions, info and items... (a lot of good characters even steal) But suddenly when Astarion is helping and gets a reward it's bad. Insane double standards. They also say that Astarion saying that he "embraces" the darkness and shadows in the good epilogue is not literal and it means he embraces being evil... This is clearly maliciously taken out of context and misrepresented because he explicitly says that in every version of the dialogue about him dealing with not being able to walk in the sun anymore as it was a huge deal for him. It's also ironic that they have chosen this lie because a good ending contrasts with his bad one. AA doesn't embrace darkness. He rejects it and is willing to do anything to not be forced to live in the prison of darkness... By the same logic, it means that AA is clearly good and has never done anything bad in his life.
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Astarion has a lot of dialogue in his good epilogue, so I won't post every screenshot, but I always give my sources so if you don't remember you can check it here In every single version embracing darkness is clearly about the sun and him being cursed not to see it by the choices others made for him.., They also try to paint them bragging about murdering and hurting Astarion and saying he deserves it as a "joke" but it clearly wasn't one considering the screens I've added in the main post. Neither lying nor bragging about like they do is a joke.
Exhibit 4. lying about his spawn ruler ending and again taking things out of context
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So the first part is a lie in both good epilogues. There is simply not a line where he admits to having "only evil, baser instincts". I think this person is once again talking about "Astarion embracing the shadows" :P in the hero ones, he explicitly states that he "has been really well behaved" and that "it has made for a nice change, though inspiring hope in people instead of terror" and yet this person is claiming he has only baser evil instincts... As for the ruler ending he says "for the first time I've been thinking about people other than myself", he says he wants to give the spawn a place to be safe
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Yup, only evil, baser instincts. Of course, they try to also say that his implementing law as a ruler is evil. He should just let 7000 inexperienced, hungry vampires with weak control do whatever they want and kill whoever they want. It's not like rulers in medieval times or in fantasy had to implement law. And a society of spawn vampires needs it more than any other. All this proves is that Astarion as their ruler stops them from attacking each other and most humans, therefore he is doing something good.
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They stated he talks about "enjoying power" - it comes as no surprise if you've seen a source that there's not a single line like that. Astarion only says that "it's going surprisingly well" - guess that makes him evil now. Another thing that is "proof" is supposedly that he kills the right people and gets rewarded therefore he's evil - as if the entire good playthrough is not about the main character killing "right" people - Orin, Gortash, Ketheric etc. and getting a reward XD
As for the argument that Astarion is evil because he doesn't admit to being good which that person also has been saying: a) ruler Astarion - says he doesn't consider himself good JUST YET
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b) hero Astarion says: "Let's not get carried away, I'm still me. Perhaps more me than I've ever been" - which has practically the same meaning understandably as both are good endings obtained through similar stories. Later if asked "what's (...) next question he explains that he doesn't consider himself good because "good people don't spend so much time lurking in the dark as I do..." there's a pause and he starts talking about being cursed with having to leave in the dark and be defined by choices of others. So he doesn't consider himself good in a hero ending mostly because of his vampiric nature but it tells us what he thinks and considers not that it is an objective statement especially since other lines "not yet" would contradict it. He never admits to being evil and having only "baser, evil instincts". Btw he doesn't have to consider himself good to do good things, for someone who constantly talks about alignment they should have known (and I'm sure they know, they're just lying) that you don't have to even be good to not be evil.
Exhibit 5. Alignments and lying.
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So they think alignments are implemented in the game without an exception and special people were there to help create the alignment?? Hmnn I have not seen any alignment in my game. I also thought that bg3 is about change and growth that characters like Astarion, Shadowheart, Lae'zel or Gale can experience (I don't think the rest experience changes). Deciding that one character with one of the biggest and most impactful stories can't change because he's inherently evil as the result of his nature would be rather counterproductive... It would also go directly against his story and a good ending. The game shows that Amanita wasn't evil (at least at the beginning despite being a vampire) and that Cazador's prisoners are not evil either (well.. not all). The game treats killing them as evil and Astarion's most important development in a good ending is learning the life of a vampire spawn (including himself) is also valuable. If they were just evil monsters the "good" choice would be to kill them so they won't endanger the city. Even other companions recognize that all vampires are not evil by nature. Jaheira who was in the previous instalments of the game even says that perhaps the belief that are evil was just a result of ignorance. Very interesting choice to give this line to a companion that was in the games with alignment.
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Ok, I'm analyzing way too much. There is no alignment mechanic in the game. When you search for bg3 alignment all you get are threads theorizing what alignment party members have and articles about BG 3 having no alignment system at all.
Idk, his wiki doesn't show any alignment either. But what does Astarion's official character sheet say? If he is inherently evil there should be no problems finding that info right?
His official character sheet doesn't mention alignment
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Idk did larian implement the alignment system implemented in bg3? Did they specifically hire people to implement the alignment system in the game as that person thinks and then just forget to add it anywhere? Even on the official character sheets??
Btw: This person says that all vampires are evil because of "Monster's Manual" which says they have evil alignment in DnD. That being said, there's also something else that the SAME manual says. I don't know whether that person just heard from somewhere that "all vampires always have to be evil in DnD" and are mindlessly repeating it or they know the sources and are lying (All things considered I think it's possible), but here you are:
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And here's the source
Long story short, as you can see, even according to the official alignment rules the alignment specified in the book is not obligatory for every single individual. It's just a default option. According to that, there is also nothing that suggests an alignment can't be changed during the story or as a result of it. No, the "all vampire/vampires spawn are obligatory and inherently evil and can't ever change" is not true.
Exhibit 6 - Not lying but hypocrisy?
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That's so unfair to Shadowheart and Astarion. Lae'zel gets a pass because "she's just a product of her brainwashed culture". Shadowheart was also brainwashed since childhood and she's also the product of indoctrination, and Astarion doesn't remember anything but being a slave. His views can also be attributed to the circumstances that taught him that either you're weak and abused or heartless.
Exhibit 7
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Ok, so several things to say about that. First of all, killing a character while role-playing and playing a game is ok. The problem is when you as yourself - a real-life person who knows the entire story holds and share a belief that somebody - especially a traumatized person who was just freed from slavery and hasn't been given any chance to heal- deserves to suffer, be murdered and tortured not for actively doing anything evil themselves but for talking and disapproving of your choices. The problem starts when you purposefully go under the content of a character to spread lies and brag about murdering them or enjoying playing the slave-owner simulator the way that person did. That's not on your fictional Tav or Durge but on you. Even if what they said was true those had been true those people clearly did it playing their characters not to get emotional gratification out of it or because after knowing the entire story they believed Astarion deserved to be murdered. That being said.: 1. I've checked one of Neil's latest videos on yt. Gale is alive 2. I've checked Theo's latest video. He's in act 3. Astarion is alive. 3. I couldn't find Tim's playthrough but those who enjoy bloodweave know Tim likes the ship too. I believe there's a clip of him saying that. So no I don't think he loves murdering Astarion or playing a slave owner simulator with him. I also don't think Tim knowing Astarion's story thinks he deserves to die. 4. I've checked Devora's video with the bite and gandrel. She didn't stake him or sell him to gandrel. In act 3 she decided to have a girls-only party and killed all the guys XD She's role-playing and having fun from what I've seen. I haven't checked the rest but you get the idea. Even if they did it would be ok.
Exhibit 9 -soul coins
They said that according to DnD it's almost impossible to free a soul. That's not true. There are many ways to free them such as simply using the coin normally. So immediately they switched to "oh that's exactly what Karlach is doing" except it's not. Using coins as fuel for infernal engines such as Karlach's destroys the soul permanently.
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That's not true. Being used as a fuel for an infernal engine is not "expending all the charges". If used in infernal engines the soul ceases to exist.
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Exhibit 10 They said a 15 years old human is an adult woman in bg3... don't have the original screen but after I told them how creepy that sounded since humans develop the same way as in the real world and even if they're developed physically they're still children they once again said the same thing stating it's the case for dnd...
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Except no, it is not. The official dnd manual says explicitly:
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I really wanted to post some more screens of their lies but while I was writing and documenting that part about them being one twisted person to make many hate posts I received a message from them accusing me that I've reported their video. I have not. I didn't though a comment could be reported for simply lies but it seems like either they've recognized they were trashed and deleted it themselves and are lying or somebody else recognized them as toxic and deleted their comment before I was able to take more screens. So that particular piece of lies exists no more.
Liars- the worst kind of Astarion haters and fandom
I really didn't want to make my blog about Astarion haters and didn't want to make 3 long posts about them. Yet I've recently found such a contemptible individual I simply can't stay silent. I need to vent and paint a bigger picture. Especially since I can't properly do it in replies on yt as it's impossible to add images in yt replies and comments with links are usually either deleted or hidden. If you have read my 2 posts - yes this is the same person but I've obtained more pieces of information that create an alarming image of how this person thinks, operates and lies on purpose and blatant confirmation of my previous suspicions. I've also decided to share it because I believe we should be more aware of this new more malicious and vile type of haters. We all know how "normal" haters and stakebros continue to post hate, we mostly know their motivation. But I tell you this person is much more evil and sinister than them. I want to establish and confirm certain facts first because the singular comments of that person may seem innocent at first glance. It's only the bigger picture that shows how bad it is. If you prefer more chronological order that shows how they escalate: part 1 - Example of a lie. That individual claiming Astarion doesn't approve of saving the gnomes and me debunking it. part 2 - That individual admitting to liking torturing, murdering and using mods that make Astarion into a slave, yet claiming Astarion's fans are toxic ones
For those who haven't read it, I will try to make a brief summary in this paragraph (sorry, I've tried) : The story goes like that, for quite some time under various Astarion-related videos and threads I've been seeing one and the same username very often accompanied by the second one. Their modus operandi and comments were pretty similar - they've been saying things like "I'm not an Astarion hater but..." insert here a blatant lie made to paint Astarion as evil, that can be easily debunked by playing, looking at clips, videos or Wiki with Astarion approval... The fact that they were lying was confusing because... like Astarion's not an angel, you really don't have to lie about him... Besides why even lie about a fictional character? Why with such vitriol and obsession under so many videos about him 1 year after the release? Why target neutral fans (of course to make them hate this fictional character :( )? Why lie that "you're not an Astarion hater"? Not a hater wouldn't have reasons to lie... Under different videos, I've also seen the same user celebrating hurting Astarion... What was the most frustrating is that often normal people were being deceived only since they assumed that individual didn't have ill intentions and because they believed they weren't being lied to. After seeing one comment from that person under yet another Astarion video from several months back, about how Astarion deserved to be brutally abused and murdered because "he only ever approves of bad things" and also listed some things that weren't really even true (like the gnome at moonrise, or ascending), I finally decided to answer and correct them citing some of the good things he approves of (saving an abused hyena, saving the gnomes, saving Vanra etc. ) I also added that while sometimes Astarion talks shit he doesn't actually DO anything evil on his own free will until the ritual unlike some other companions that they consider "good" and that holding a belief that an escaped slave or basically a victim of human trafficking who doesn't remember any other life but constant torture deserves to be tortured and murdered only for talking and being angry is evil. And that is when the insanity started. They kept lying, saying that Astarion's canon approval is not real, that he doesn't approve of those things (gnomes, vanra etc) and made even more lies and taking things out of context. Maybe I shouldn't have engaged. I probably shouldn't have, but hey, I don't like the idea of them deceiving anyone... I tried to debunk their lies, but of course, they doubled down on it and made new ones, blatantly refusing to check the sources, saying that the abuse options are there because the devs too think Astarion should be abused, and even going as far as trying to vilify not only Astarion but also Neil. Of course, the same account that almost always keeps backing them up almost immediately after their post appeared again and started spewing similar bs with the same arguments. They even decided to harass me on my own channel for correcting them...
At least I managed to get indisputable proof that: 1. those two accounts belong to the same person. (Establishing this fact is important so I started with those screens) 2. they lie (it was obvious before (in part 2) but here's another proof, 3. They use those multiple accounts to create false narratives by talking to "each other" and trying to create an illusion that someone who disagrees with them is "outnumbered" and toxic.
Re: So I don't have any video or content on my channel on yt. Literally nothing. And somehow still got 2 subscribers, I made a post 2 weeks ago asking my subscribers why even subscribe? Not relevant? Yeah totally, but after I corrected some lies of that Astarion hater, they went on my channel for no reason to try to vilify Neil under that post... At that point, I was 100% sure those 2 were the same person so I called them out (btw I may seem a little harsh at first glance but this person: 1. keeps going under many Astarion videos-comment to shamelessly lie, 2. was insulting all astarion fans, 3. was bragging about playing slave-owner simulator by putting a collar on Astarion and murdering him which I find repulsive, 4. went under my post to harass me under an unrelated post, while despite everything I have NOT gone on their channel.) and they exposed how pathetic they are:
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This paragraph is basically the same thing as what I wrote to them. *btw they assumed I was a he, but whatever, I don't really care that's not the most important thing for me I've only 2 subscribers and I had them before interacting with that individual which meant they were not one of them. They were using one account to harass me but when I said I knew they were the same person who was behind the first account then even though I had not tagged the second account and even misspelt the username of the second account, despite getting no notification, it replied to a small channel with 2 subscribers barely 1 hour later, under the same post? That is NOT a coincidence. That's clearly one hater. Though they claim.
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Nice try, except that was my channel and the only comment under the post belonged to their second account so no notification for kiririkiri account. Besides as shown (part2) those "two" accounts keep commenting almost back-to-back, both are under the same comment/video that is ofter several months old and with barely 1 hour of break. They also share all opinions and have the same habit of sending the same message several times.
As you can see they also started talking with themselves to "outnumber me" again. They even left themselves a like because it definitely wasn't my subscriber. I have 2 and I bet they don't spend 24/7 waiting for me - somebody with no content to post or comment.
Since I think I have already established this is the same obsessed person. Let me go back a little and once again gives you some evidence and perspective why I called them evil twisted and pathetic.
2. Well for once as I stated before they frequently lie. Exhibit I And I have given some examples in part 2 (astarion is evil because he says he embraced the darkness in the epilogue when talking about missing the sun, canon in-game lines from the narrator that describe how companions are feeling in different situations are not canon because their hc should be believed instead, Astarion wants to kill not help Vanra despite giving approval for saving her and despite having a line " "be careful, if we kill the hag the girl might die", the nightmare doesn't happen and a vivid dreaming about being enslaved again by your abuser can't be a clear sign of ptsd, Astarion wants to murder PC even though in his origin canon lines say "you try to wrench your head but your jaw refuses to obey" and that the fact that he has to do checks for not killing the companion proves his story - that he just lost control and other lies). But for the purpose of this comment let me remind you of that specific one from part 1 the gnome one
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I've already debunked it, but as that person refused to check it and acknowledge it, and since they decided to come to my account to harass me I decided to use this opportunity and I posted the same screens from my part 1 to make that person see it and comment so that I can get further screens of them lying and denying canon. They did. They still said that the screens from the game and wiki are not canon.
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I got the screens :D. Also jokes on you hater, cause I already got more than 20 likes under the same post on tumblr (part1) Exhibit 2
They are doing the same things with ascension...
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Meanwhile reality:
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This guy is so confused and complicated he doesn't even know if he truly wants to ascend and his approval of you trying to persuade him depends on a roll. One thing is clear. He does NOT approve of ascending.
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This is also in a way not true. This comment itself is mild, next ones are worse still... before the crash, he was mind-controlled and even refers to it as being a puppet whose body is controlled by his master and after the nautiloid he immediately joins the players and follows his lead till the end of his quest. He doesn't actively DO anything of his own free will to "torment innocents" he just observes, talks and approves/disapproves. A belief that a victim of human trafficking or slavery who doesn't remember not being abused and who has been enslaved and tortured for decades (or centuries) deserves to be murdered, tortured and humiliated because they are not well-adjusted 1 day after being freed because they say things that you don't like, are angry at the world and disapproves of your actions is fundamentally evil. He has never even been given any chance to heal. But hey if you've read part 2 you know that this comment is very mild because they in fact love playing the slave-owner simulator, murdering Astarion and helping Cazador.
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As can be seen on the screens from the very beginning when they came to harass me after I've corrected them but accidentally exposed themselves for having 2 accounts they also made a special point to tell me how they'll enjoy hurting him and will "do their worst" specially for me in multiple messages.... It made me think about the comments they made under a different video
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Last time I cut only the part about the streamer, how they called Astarion fans toxic because some people disliked how he put him in a collar and made him crawl... I did this to show how implausible that is that it was done by accident and to show their hypocrisy because as you can see that person's 2 accounts were bragging about downloading the mod specifically for Astarion, knowing his history and were both proud of playing a slave-owner simulator. But it was point 1. However, there were also points 2 and 3:
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Interestingly: when said more was compared to male Aylin or whitewashing Wyll mod. That person failed to address Aylin at all and despite admitting that Wyll's is racist also said it's ok to play with this mod... But for the purpose of the post I think it's more important how they stated that "they're not an astarion hater" and that they never killed him and yet previous screens clearly show that they are a hater and LOVE to murder and torture him. They also were crying that a mystery streamer was "bullied" without showing any proof other than "trust me bro" but when I corrected some of their lies and told them their behaviour and reasoning is evil they immediately started to harass a channel with 2 subscribes... with 2 of their accounts, because they're so insecure they thought one account will not be enough... Yes, playing slave owner is ok, but being corrected is not. Them responding to an Astarion fan calling all Astarion fans toxic is ok, but somebody else telling them that their mod and ideas of "you disapprove therefore you deserve to die" is evil is not ok. etc.
I don't usually think that age should be brought up but this person is not young at all.
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One of their accounts is almost 19 years old. I created my yt account when I was a teen but that person has videos from 12+ years ago... All things considered. I think they're probably at least in their 30s. For such a person to behave like that is not normal. 30+ years person individual lying online about a fictional character, bragging about hurting them, thinking it's ok to murder for talking, and harassing people for correcting you is deeply concerning.
Also considering that several years ago that person was posting some videos with game fragments makes me think that the probability of them being a "mysterious streamer" who got backlash for doing exactly what they were bragging about doing is even higher.
I'm ending this post because it's already quite long and summarizes the most important points well.
P.S. It has been brought to my attention in a wise comment under part 2 that this individual seems to have some problems and that's not normal behaviour. Upon reflection, I still think that certain behaviours and opinions should be openly called out as twisted and evil regardless so they won't be normalized in society. That being said I agree from an objective point of view that I probably shouldn't have engaged in the conversation or insulted them by calling them "pathetic" or "a loser" to their faces despite them being that things (I still by an evil and twisted). Then again it's very frustrating seeing accounts of the same person under so many Astarion comments or videos celebrating hurting him, attacking the fans or trying to make people hate a fictional character by lying especially because their initial comments/replies under some threads sometimes seem innocent and because they state "they're not an Astarion hater" some people believe them (unless those are fake accounts too:/) It's even more frustrating that when corrected they double down, spam with more lies and go under your own channel to harass you. Despite that, I don't think they should be harassed themselves. I've decided to just erase all their comments on my page, ban them and stop engaging. But I'm not sure what should be done if I ever see them lying or trying to portray Astarion as toxic in public discourse under anything related to him :/ They spiral after being called out and things get nasty but the alternative is allowing them to deceive people... No matter what I still wanted to share this story as I think we should be aware there's a new kind of haters. If you ever see or encounter this person, their second account or somebody else who says "I'm not an Astarion hater" and then proceeds to say something insulting or suspicious be wary and check the sources instead of believing blindly because there are strong chances it's an obsessive hater. I'm going to reblog and add some new screens of their lies... Check the first reblog if you want to see them.
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midnightcatharsis · 2 months ago
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midnightcatharsis · 2 months ago
Liars- the worst kind of Astarion haters and fandom
I really didn't want to make my blog about Astarion haters and didn't want to make 3 long posts about them. Yet I've recently found such a contemptible individual I simply can't stay silent. I need to vent and paint a bigger picture. Especially since I can't properly do it in replies on yt as it's impossible to add images in yt replies and comments with links are usually either deleted or hidden. If you have read my 2 posts - yes this is the same person but I've obtained more pieces of information that create an alarming image of how this person thinks, operates and lies on purpose and blatant confirmation of my previous suspicions. I've also decided to share it because I believe we should be more aware of this new more malicious and vile type of haters. We all know how "normal" haters and stakebros continue to post hate, we mostly know their motivation. But I tell you this person is much more evil and sinister than them. I want to establish and confirm certain facts first because the singular comments of that person may seem innocent at first glance. It's only the bigger picture that shows how bad it is. If you prefer more chronological order that shows how they escalate: part 1 - Example of a lie. That individual claiming Astarion doesn't approve of saving the gnomes and me debunking it. part 2 - That individual admitting to liking torturing, murdering and using mods that make Astarion into a slave, yet claiming Astarion's fans are toxic ones
For those who haven't read it, I will try to make a brief summary in this paragraph (sorry, I've tried) : The story goes like that, for quite some time under various Astarion-related videos and threads I've been seeing one and the same username very often accompanied by the second one. Their modus operandi and comments were pretty similar - they've been saying things like "I'm not an Astarion hater but..." insert here a blatant lie made to paint Astarion as evil, that can be easily debunked by playing, looking at clips, videos or Wiki with Astarion approval... The fact that they were lying was confusing because... like Astarion's not an angel, you really don't have to lie about him... Besides why even lie about a fictional character? Why with such vitriol and obsession under so many videos about him 1 year after the release? Why target neutral fans (of course to make them hate this fictional character :( )? Why lie that "you're not an Astarion hater"? Not a hater wouldn't have reasons to lie... Under different videos, I've also seen the same user celebrating hurting Astarion... What was the most frustrating is that often normal people were being deceived only since they assumed that individual didn't have ill intentions and because they believed they weren't being lied to. After seeing one comment from that person under yet another Astarion video from several months back, about how Astarion deserved to be brutally abused and murdered because "he only ever approves of bad things" and also listed some things that weren't really even true (like the gnome at moonrise, or ascending), I finally decided to answer and correct them citing some of the good things he approves of (saving an abused hyena, saving the gnomes, saving Vanra etc. ) I also added that while sometimes Astarion talks shit he doesn't actually DO anything evil on his own free will until the ritual unlike some other companions that they consider "good" and that holding a belief that an escaped slave or basically a victim of human trafficking who doesn't remember any other life but constant torture deserves to be tortured and murdered only for talking and being angry is evil. And that is when the insanity started. They kept lying, saying that Astarion's canon approval is not real, that he doesn't approve of those things (gnomes, vanra etc) and made even more lies and taking things out of context. Maybe I shouldn't have engaged. I probably shouldn't have, but hey, I don't like the idea of them deceiving anyone... I tried to debunk their lies, but of course, they doubled down on it and made new ones, blatantly refusing to check the sources, saying that the abuse options are there because the devs too think Astarion should be abused, and even going as far as trying to vilify not only Astarion but also Neil. Of course, the same account that almost always keeps backing them up almost immediately after their post appeared again and started spewing similar bs with the same arguments. They even decided to harass me on my own channel for correcting them...
At least I managed to get indisputable proof that: 1. those two accounts belong to the same person. (Establishing this fact is important so I started with those screens) 2. they lie (it was obvious before (in part 2) but here's another proof, 3. They use those multiple accounts to create false narratives by talking to "each other" and trying to create an illusion that someone who disagrees with them is "outnumbered" and toxic.
Re: So I don't have any video or content on my channel on yt. Literally nothing. And somehow still got 2 subscribers, I made a post 2 weeks ago asking my subscribers why even subscribe? Not relevant? Yeah totally, but after I corrected some lies of that Astarion hater, they went on my channel for no reason to try to vilify Neil under that post... At that point, I was 100% sure those 2 were the same person so I called them out (btw I may seem a little harsh at first glance but this person: 1. keeps going under many Astarion videos-comment to shamelessly lie, 2. was insulting all astarion fans, 3. was bragging about playing slave-owner simulator by putting a collar on Astarion and murdering him which I find repulsive, 4. went under my post to harass me under an unrelated post, while despite everything I have NOT gone on their channel.) and they exposed how pathetic they are:
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This paragraph is basically the same thing as what I wrote to them. *btw they assumed I was a he, but whatever, I don't really care that's not the most important thing for me I've only 2 subscribers and I had them before interacting with that individual which meant they were not one of them. They were using one account to harass me but when I said I knew they were the same person who was behind the first account then even though I had not tagged the second account and even misspelt the username of the second account, despite getting no notification, it replied to a small channel with 2 subscribers barely 1 hour later, under the same post? That is NOT a coincidence. That's clearly one hater. Though they claim.
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Nice try, except that was my channel and the only comment under the post belonged to their second account so no notification for kiririkiri account. Besides as shown (part2) those "two" accounts keep commenting almost back-to-back, both are under the same comment/video that is ofter several months old and with barely 1 hour of break. They also share all opinions and have the same habit of sending the same message several times.
As you can see they also started talking with themselves to "outnumber me" again. They even left themselves a like because it definitely wasn't my subscriber. I have 2 and I bet they don't spend 24/7 waiting for me - somebody with no content to post or comment.
Since I think I have already established this is the same obsessed person. Let me go back a little and once again gives you some evidence and perspective why I called them evil twisted and pathetic.
2. Well for once as I stated before they frequently lie. Exhibit I And I have given some examples in part 2 (astarion is evil because he says he embraced the darkness in the epilogue when talking about missing the sun, canon in-game lines from the narrator that describe how companions are feeling in different situations are not canon because their hc should be believed instead, Astarion wants to kill not help Vanra despite giving approval for saving her and despite having a line " "be careful, if we kill the hag the girl might die", the nightmare doesn't happen and a vivid dreaming about being enslaved again by your abuser can't be a clear sign of ptsd, Astarion wants to murder PC even though in his origin canon lines say "you try to wrench your head but your jaw refuses to obey" and that the fact that he has to do checks for not killing the companion proves his story - that he just lost control and other lies). But for the purpose of this comment let me remind you of that specific one from part 1 the gnome one
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I've already debunked it, but as that person refused to check it and acknowledge it, and since they decided to come to my account to harass me I decided to use this opportunity and I posted the same screens from my part 1 to make that person see it and comment so that I can get further screens of them lying and denying canon. They did. They still said that the screens from the game and wiki are not canon.
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I got the screens :D. Also jokes on you hater, cause I already got more than 20 likes under the same post on tumblr (part1) Exhibit 2
They are doing the same things with ascension...
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Meanwhile reality:
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This guy is so confused and complicated he doesn't even know if he truly wants to ascend and his approval of you trying to persuade him depends on a roll. One thing is clear. He does NOT approve of ascending.
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This is also in a way not true. This comment itself is mild, next ones are worse still... before the crash, he was mind-controlled and even refers to it as being a puppet whose body is controlled by his master and after the nautiloid he immediately joins the players and follows his lead till the end of his quest. He doesn't actively DO anything of his own free will to "torment innocents" he just observes, talks and approves/disapproves. A belief that a victim of human trafficking or slavery who doesn't remember not being abused and who has been enslaved and tortured for decades (or centuries) deserves to be murdered, tortured and humiliated because they are not well-adjusted 1 day after being freed because they say things that you don't like, are angry at the world and disapproves of your actions is fundamentally evil. He has never even been given any chance to heal. But hey if you've read part 2 you know that this comment is very mild because they in fact love playing the slave-owner simulator, murdering Astarion and helping Cazador.
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As can be seen on the screens from the very beginning when they came to harass me after I've corrected them but accidentally exposed themselves for having 2 accounts they also made a special point to tell me how they'll enjoy hurting him and will "do their worst" specially for me in multiple messages.... It made me think about the comments they made under a different video
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Last time I cut only the part about the streamer, how they called Astarion fans toxic because some people disliked how he put him in a collar and made him crawl... I did this to show how implausible that is that it was done by accident and to show their hypocrisy because as you can see that person's 2 accounts were bragging about downloading the mod specifically for Astarion, knowing his history and were both proud of playing a slave-owner simulator. But it was point 1. However, there were also points 2 and 3:
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Interestingly: when said more was compared to male Aylin or whitewashing Wyll mod. That person failed to address Aylin at all and despite admitting that Wyll's is racist also said it's ok to play with this mod... But for the purpose of the post I think it's more important how they stated that "they're not an astarion hater" and that they never killed him and yet previous screens clearly show that they are a hater and LOVE to murder and torture him. They also were crying that a mystery streamer was "bullied" without showing any proof other than "trust me bro" but when I corrected some of their lies and told them their behaviour and reasoning is evil they immediately started to harass a channel with 2 subscribes... with 2 of their accounts, because they're so insecure they thought one account will not be enough... Yes, playing slave owner is ok, but being corrected is not. Them responding to an Astarion fan calling all Astarion fans toxic is ok, but somebody else telling them that their mod and ideas of "you disapprove therefore you deserve to die" is evil is not ok. etc.
I don't usually think that age should be brought up but this person is not young at all.
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One of their accounts is almost 19 years old. I created my yt account when I was a teen but that person has videos from 12+ years ago... All things considered. I think they're probably at least in their 30s. For such a person to behave like that is not normal. 30+ years person individual lying online about a fictional character, bragging about hurting them, thinking it's ok to murder for talking, and harassing people for correcting you is deeply concerning.
Also considering that several years ago that person was posting some videos with game fragments makes me think that the probability of them being a "mysterious streamer" who got backlash for doing exactly what they were bragging about doing is even higher.
I'm ending this post because it's already quite long and summarizes the most important points well.
P.S. It has been brought to my attention in a wise comment under part 2 that this individual seems to have some problems and that's not normal behaviour. Upon reflection, I still think that certain behaviours and opinions should be openly called out as twisted and evil regardless so they won't be normalized in society. That being said I agree from an objective point of view that I probably shouldn't have engaged in the conversation or insulted them by calling them "pathetic" or "a loser" to their faces despite them being that things (I still by an evil and twisted). Then again it's very frustrating seeing accounts of the same person under so many Astarion comments or videos celebrating hurting him, attacking the fans or trying to make people hate a fictional character by lying especially because their initial comments/replies under some threads sometimes seem innocent and because they state "they're not an Astarion hater" some people believe them (unless those are fake accounts too:/) It's even more frustrating that when corrected they double down, spam with more lies and go under your own channel to harass you. Despite that, I don't think they should be harassed themselves. I've decided to just erase all their comments on my page, ban them and stop engaging. But I'm not sure what should be done if I ever see them lying or trying to portray Astarion as toxic in public discourse under anything related to him :/ They spiral after being called out and things get nasty but the alternative is allowing them to deceive people... No matter what I still wanted to share this story as I think we should be aware there's a new kind of haters. If you ever see or encounter this person, their second account or somebody else who says "I'm not an Astarion hater" and then proceeds to say something insulting or suspicious be wary and check the sources instead of believing blindly because there are strong chances it's an obsessive hater. I'm going to reblog and add some new screens of their lies... Check the first reblog if you want to see them.
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midnightcatharsis · 2 months ago
Astarion haters are usually pathetic liars and the worst part of bg3 fandom. Here is a prime example of an absolutely pathetic individual (screen and context below, btw the first screens don't look that bad but the last one is important here and sheds a different light on them) : They go under every Astarion-related video and hate on him and his fans. They also almost always lie. They're the ones who said "AsTaRiOn DiSaProVes oF sAvInG thE GnOmEs at MoOnRiSe" and "AsTariON oNlY apPRoves oF sAviNg the HyEna and the OwlBeaR because he wants to eat them" I've debunked it with information from the game and wiki, but they continue to say that. You can find my post here. The same individual some time ago went under another Astarion video and made a comment hating on the entire Astarion fandom in a comment that at first glance can look innocent to neutral fans. They were enraged that some Astarion fans disliked people who purposefully downloaded a mod that allows you to put a collar on an escaped slave and makes him crawl. Of course, they failed to give any actual proof or link and expected everyone to blindly believe them which would be very unreasonable since I've already proven they often lie (the entire gnomes at moonrise situation I've mentioned) but they target neutral people in hope of deceiving them. Anyway here's the comment:
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While there's no evidence and the only proof is "trust me bro", the comment itself doesn't look that bad, right? After being told that playing slave-owner simulator and purposefully putting a collar on an escaped slave to "make him crawl" is bad and people pointing that out were not wrong they went on to explain that the mystery "streamer didn't know and has only been playing for 6 hours"
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Hmnn… They once again failed to provide ANY evidence. Which I wonder why? They seem to know the story and the streamer quite well, so why not even tell who the streamer was so people can check for themselves what he did, with what intentions and what was the real answer of Astarion fans? Perhaps the "evil Astarion fans" were just people telling him that playing the slave-owner simulator was disgusting. The story and justification itself sound extremely implausible. Why would the mystery streamer who had never played bg3 before, never had heard about it, and had not known the story before specifically look for and download a mod just to make one specific character (an escape, traumatized slave) into his own slave… Something doesn't seem right in their story. They explicitly stated that "the streamer " had only played 6 hours and hadn't been caring or paying attention to the story at all. Yet only after merely 6 hours, he searched for that particular mod to use it specifically on Astarion? I've played the game, and I've watched numerous playthroughs on twitch and youtube. Character creator alone takes almost 1 hour on your first time and the nautiloid tutorial takes another one. It leaves barely 4 hours of the game… Most people, even experienced gamers with gaming channels, are still learning basic mechanisms and are experimenting with them after 4 hours. They're exploring the vastness of the bg3 world and trying to grasp the story. You don't get a lot of companion interactions during the first few hours, and even Astarion's bite scene doesn't usually happen that early. After 4 hours of gameplay most gamers I've watched (and I, myself) were still getting around long/short rest mechanics and trying to learn how combat works… Most people try to understand how the main game works and what it has to offer before getting mods. And you're telling me this streamer who didn't care and didn't pay attention went out of his way to download such a specific mod for Astarion?? It sounds like a bad lie to me. Nobody can check it or verify it without a source, but the comment may sound innocuous on its own. Almost immediately in the same thread, another account started backing them up
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Again, it looks harmless, right? Neutral fans and even some Astarion fans may think it's a valid opinion as everybody can dislike different characters.
Imagine my surprise or rather lack of it when I found THE SAME two usernames under another Astarion video talking about how they enjoy putting a collar on Astarion, making him crawl, torturing him and helping Cazador:
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And they claim Astarion fans are the toxic ones XDD
There are several messed up things here:
Notice how they talk about enjoying torturing him and playing slave-owner simulator months after making comments defending the "streamer" on the basis that "the streamer didn't know about enslavement". Well, they surely know about Astarion's past and story because they both acknowledge it in their previous comments yet they both are proud of torturing a slave.
They think they're good for doing that
The sheer f* hypocrisy and audacity to say that they're bullied by "toxic fans" when people point out that messed up behavior
The dates. The "newer" comments were made under a video from several months ago, and the original comment had only a few likes and was one of the last ones under the video. You have to scroll a lot to see it. The fact that there is only one hour pause between them is strange. Additionally, the older comments made by those "two" accounts were also made back-to-back. Both are under the same comment/video, in both cases the original comment is not that easy to find because it's either hidden in replies or you really have to scroll the comments to see it, both made in the same very short period under a much older video/thread, both backing each other up and making THE SAME bs points. Interesting… very interesting indeed. XD
I have a strong suspicion that the "mystery streamer" was the second account (if the streamer wasn't made up) and I am practically certain those two accounts are the same individual. Which makes them one of the most pathetic characters I've ever met. They do similar things under other Astarion videos and comments too - purposefully lying making bs takes, and doubling down on it.
I'm too lazy to search or cite all of the bs I've seen them spew and I'm sure there's much more of it under different Astarion content but here are some examples that I find the most ridiculous:
Astarion doesn't approve of saving gnomes at Moonrise (proven to be a lie)
Astarion only approves of saving the hyena and the owlbear because he wants to eat them. (XD)
Astarion admits that he's evil in his good hero epilogue because he answers that he "embraced the darkness" when asked whether he misses walking in the sun
Astarion is evil because he disapproves if you forbid him from drinking animal blood (Don't tell them that other characters eat meat too, that meat is made of dead animals or Karlach knows how a dwarf tastes)
Playing the slave owner simulator is ok. (When said mod was compared to mods of Male Aylin or the mod whitewashing Wyll they said, playing with those mods is ok too)
Having nightmares is not a symptom of PTSD, and having nightmares of your abuser enslaving you again is also definitely not that. When asked to do some basic research they said they don't care what Wikipedia or the Internet says
The wiki and mods are lying and shouldn't be believed, only they're telling the truth and should be blindly believed
They also tried to decanonize the official in-game narrator lines and said origin runs are and events in them are not canon and don't offer companions' perspective. (Like they're arguing that Astarion nightmare doesn't happen despite it being in the game because their character can't see it XDD)
And many many others I don't even have energy to describe. How pathetic do you have to be to create numerous alternative accounts to go under all Astarion videos or threads and lie about fictional characters? They most surely have other fake accounts too. Do you know what's even funnier? They claim "they're not an Astarion hater" to convince neutral fans to believe them blindly. Yes, sure "they are not a hater". They just think Astarion is a disgusting evil monster who deserves to die and they brag about enjoying using slave collars on him and making him crawl. XDDD
I think it would be difficult to find a more hateful, dishonest, contemptible, and foul individual.
P.S. If you ever see a comment where somebody claims they're not an Astarion hater but then lies or tries to spread misinformation about him don't let them deceive you. It's their tactics. Please don't believe them or check every piece of information for yourself. Later, they go and brag about killing him, making him a slave as this individual here. Part 3
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midnightcatharsis · 2 months ago
You know what's the worst part of BG3 fandom? Astarion's haters. Truly, pathetic and disgusting individuals. Even now, more than 1 year after the release of the game they go under almost every single Astarion-related video, post, or thread only to spread their hatred often by straight-up lying and making ridiculous claims that can be easily debunked by simply playing the game. They do so in the hope of reaching people who either haven't played BG3, haven't played with Astarion in the party, or are neutral towards him and don't know his story and/or his approvals. Their goal is to make those neutral fans hate Astarion the same way they do. Just today I've seen somebody claiming that Astarion disapproves of saving the gnomes at Moonrise. I corrected them saying they can easily check this information themselves by just playing, playing with the mods that show approval, checking Astarion's wiki, or watching some Astarion approval-only playthroughs. Instead of checking the sources and the game that person said that I was the one lying and doubled on "Astarion doesn't want to save the gnomes and disapproves if you even try" because "he's evil and only approves of evil choices" which of course made me realize that person was purposefully lying through their teeth.
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Yeah? Does he?
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So Astarion approves of wanting to help with the plan to save both the gnomes and the tieflings? What does his wiki say?
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Tell me more about how "AsTaRiOn DisApProvEs of SaVinG gNoMeS at MoOnrIsE". Tell me ******* more. Please notice: 1. The lack of disapproval when choosing to help them 2. Disapproval when choosing telling them they should just die 3. Approval when agreeing to help in the plan to save the gnomes and the tieflings. 4. Disapproval when refusing to give Wulbren the tools - the key and the most important part of the plan. It takes 3 minutes to do some basic research.
I also think it goes without saying that the snack comment was a joke. I don't even want to grace this with an answer but Karlach has a line about knowing how a dwarf tastes and I don't see any outrage.
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Everybody is free to like or dislike different companions. That includes Astarion. There are other more legitimate reasons some people may have to dislike him. But to purposefully lie about a fictional character to make others hate him? It takes a really pathetic, miserable person to do something like that…
part 2 part 3
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