#[akira got the power to turn mean chrom to ok chrom thanks
convxction · 1 year
"Ah, Chrom..." they had been staring. Fiddling with their book and changing their weight to one foot and back again, repeating the process for an uncomfortable amount of time. They wanted to say something. Should say something. But what do you say to someone who lost someone dear to them so suddenly? So violently? If only they were better at speaking, if only they were someone who's words weighed heavy, if only... But Akira's none of that. And so the grip on the book tightens and the pain in their chest grows stronger. It wasn't supposed to be like this. "If you need something..." they start, slowly to not choke up again. They'd cry alongside Riquet and Nero instead, not in front of the man who so kindly took them in. "I'll do anything. So...even though it's out of line for me to ask, please lean on me."
This was NOT supposed to happen. He knows that his sister walked on a dangerous path there were people who didn't like what she was calling for. Peace for everyone? They scoffed at her dreams. He saw how people treated her at first but she proved that she can follow her words ... why... . . . why can't they trust her till the end? why can't they let her make it happen? Why must they ... kill her?
She didn't deserve that end ...
All she wanted was their peace ...
Why . . . ? . . . . why . . . . ?
Why did she leave them so early? Ylisse still needs her! Lissa still needs her! H-he .... he still needs her. A life without her is unimaginable! She was the mother and father and the big sister to him; she was everything. To be robbed of life that easily is unbearable.
Even though he steeled his heart when they managed to come back to the castle after the Exalt's demise, Chrom was still fighting to grasp what had happened. Gangrel's plan worked even though they tried to stop him, Emmeryn .... Emmeryn died, the Ylisseans are in shock, and his army is still in disbelief ... Lissa .... Lissa is still crying.
What should he do? . . . Someone please wake him up from this nightmare. Please!!
Chrom had been zoning off, spacing into the far distance when Akira came to find him. He didn't have the heart to stay in the castle after what happened so he remained in The Shepherds HQ. There is .... There is no way he would come back home without seeing, even a fraction of her dream true. He will be damned if he will let her sacrifice go to waste. She didn't choose that end for him to be a coward and not do anything. Still . . .he is still hurt. This wound would never seem to heal even as time goes by.
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The prince snapped out of his train of thought when he felt someone's presence around him. " . . . ? . . . Aki...ra?" Frederick had requested that Chrom would use this preparation time to rest for a bit. Anyone with good eyesight would see how tired and ...lifeless his eyes had become. Even his usual lighthearted smile had gone. There's nothing he could do about it when there is nothing but hatred brewing in his heart. He knows this is not what his sister wished for but ... WHAT ELSE IS HE SUPPOSED TO FEEL WHEN HIS FAMILY WAS KILLED RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM? HE IS A HUMAN, TOO DAMN IT! He ... He can't be ... He can't be like her .... He's not good at controlling his emotions like her ....sobs ... damn it ... damn it!
He .. misses her.
And he is tired . . .
Usually, he would ask if something is wrong but today he has no ... well, how to say it ... he is not ... conscious of the world around him.
To be honest, Akira's hesitation somewhat irritated him. What does he want? If he has something to say just say it already! A frown knitted his eyebrows but thankfully, he managed to quel his, unreasonable, anger and wait for the other to speak up.
Damn it ...! he is getting angry for petty reasons, too? ... Perhaps he is not fit for her ideals if he can't get himself together now? How ...stupid. Stupid ... Stupid!
Pressing a hand against his face, he took a deep breath and then looked back at the young man. An eyebrow raised at what Akira had said initially, "some ...thing?" if he need something? How about someone tells him this is all but a bad dream and he will wake up soon? ....as if. He can't be cruel to the guy who came to ... cheer him up. Akira is a good guy. He knows that it's just... the timing could not be more unfavorable for him.
Calm down ... He's trying his best, too. Can't you see his willed-up eyes? Ah..right. Everyone has ...lost her, too, right? He remembers Akira mentioning that Riquet only came back because of Emmeryn so did Akira and Nero with him. They are ... mourning, too. Everyone lost Emmeryn.. not just him.
Heh... she was everyone's big sister, wasn't she? How much he hated sharing her but you can't contain a light like that to yourself, can you? She was ... she....damn it.....damn it.....
"I'll do anything. So...even though it's out of line for me to ask, please lean on me."
To these words, Chrom was stunned for a moment. His face was paralyzed with confusion and shock before he lowers it to grit his teeth in the hope he stops his quivering lips.
He's an idiot, isn't he?
Ylisse might regret having him as the next in line of succession but damn it... He will not give up! for people like Akira in his life!! How else is he supposed to repay them back for standing with him all this way?
"Aaah!!! Damn it!!!" his hands run down his face to wipe away the tears and tiredness out of his face. He took another deep breath before looking back at Akira. Hopefully, he has not scared him away with that mood swing haha ....ahem.
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There is it ... the smile he missed for a while now. "Thank you ..." his voice though cracked a little bit. Oh, come on! It is not time to cry! "A-ahem, um .. Thank.. you. Thank you, Akira. I ... I don't know what I want now but ... I'll come to you if I needed it ... promise." there was a single teardrop escaping his right eye and before the dam lets loose he turns around. "I better .. check on everyone's preparations..."
"Akira... can you check on Riquet for me? I hope he's...doing well."
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unprompted | always accepting | @flovverworks
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