#[a wishlist addition]. give me now pls
nukaknight · 4 months
am I finally getting my Howard’s run a summer camp with horses and lucy and max are college aged counselors au? I sure hope I am. Fingers crossed.
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dr-drckken · 2 years
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Day 30: Character Wishlist
1. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: ALSO putting doof on my list because i think having him on multiple lists really speaks for how much his ass needs to BE HERE. begging, pleading, down on my knees. look people, what do I need to do to convince someone to get Doofenshmirtz!! He’s literally the best cartoon dead known to humanity AND he’s a mad scientist. We could be the best of friends, chopping it up on the block. Talking about lab safety! Complaining about how hard it is to find a good lab assistant! I’m not Anya, I don’t have his daughter to entice you with, but I do have his predecessor in funny little cartoon scientists in a beloved children’s show. The point of a disneyrp is for the crossovers and this could be THE crossover.  AND if you use nick cage his could be us: https://thyla.tumblr.com/post/702286691264872448/pedrohub-the-unbearable-weight-of-massive-talent
2. Jackson Storm: i know he was voiced by armie hammer and that’s weird, but like pls. Join that Cars hive! I think he could be a fun addition. We’ve seen the mean girl trope before but let’s talk about a mean GUY! which….yeah we have also seen before, but since it’s being done for my personal benefit i think that’s totally fine and welcome and im giving you permission. I know the mean jock boy has plagued the world, but I ALSO KNOW that with the world that has been created here at swynrp, that the cliche could actually be fun instead of annoying.
3. Mike and Sully: putting them back on here because they have not left my mind since last year kids and at this point they probably never will. Only thing keeping me from getting one is that fact that they wouldn’t have their buddy and thankfully my brain won’t allow one to live while the other is not there. 
4. Eda Clawthorne: The only thing keeping me from getting Eda at any given point is that I would love to write with her, but like I would also love to WRITE her and fjdskajfdksl it’s a very frustrating position to be in you know. She’s just such a good character!! I love her! She adopts people left and right! She’s funny! She’s powerful! She’s got a funny little demon deal to grapple with! Her sister is here!! AAGHH! Begging someone to get her before I give in besties. 
5. Cruella de Vil: I just think she’s neat. And by neat I mean unhinged and possibly one of the worst Disney villains out there lmfao. but that’s what I like about her. I think more women should be able to be mean and evil and commit atrocities. We’ve had our time with the Order Boys (and knife girl) in the hunting ring, but I just think it’s time that a new villain clan takes the spotlight. 
6. Arawn Prydain: ….that being said, I also think we need some less than nice sorcerers hanging around. There’s a few in the open characters tag, but since we’ve got Eilonwy and Taran hanging out I think Arawn would be a good addition to the ranks. Plus with all our #spooky gang characters, a baddie necromancer would be fun to see adding to the mix.
7. Granmamare: I think we should have more merfolk in GENERAL so I’m going to advocate for a QUEEN because, like, come on now, how fun is that. An ethereal lady wandering the town and trying to find like minded people to bring back home to run off the poachers? That’s a fun plot. I like it. I think she should be here, being everyone’s mom. 
8. Scuttle: We’ve got a lot of business owners around town! Some new, some old, but who we do NOT have is the antique shop owner with all his little merfolk friends. I SIMPLY THINK it would be fun to have the kinda kooky, very fun, very well meaning, very bad singer, Scuttle come join us down in Swynlake Town. both because that’s my boss! he could have some really cool stories/shit to say about the stuff he sells! and another business owner to spice things up! what’s his perspective on everything? if he EVEN HAS ONE
9. Winnie the Pooh: I just think this one is really funny. COULD BE TRAGIC IDK, there’s always something a bit tragic about winnie the pooh but still. let’s get this cutie in here! a guy who used to be a literal stuffed animal?? must give the best hugs in town. and this town could use them. and if he doesn’t wear crop tops then idk maybe you shouldn’t be playing him actually. just a thought.
10. The Recess Gang: doing a 5 in 1! I really like the recess kids’ skeletons and think they should all be here, having a grand old time. Whether that be in secondary or even in the uni. There’s nothing like a core group of friends just making their way through life together despite the different paths that they came from to this point. They’re all different but that’s what makes their dynamic work baby!! 
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notmuchofatail · 2 years
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Wednesday, November 30 -- SWYNRP Character Wishlist: A list of 10+ characters you’d like to see in the RP (for you to play or someone else!)
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1. Cash; I literally have his entire app written out (#Foxandthehound2foramerica - it’s been 2 years). I was going to pick this man up before he even had a skeleton. Cash has been a hovering entity for idk how long. It became an even deeper thought when someone mentioned b-coops as a perfect FC (and that’s my dude. I used to have a running joke of always having a Bcoops FC in my old RPs) However, I decided against Cash a) because I thought it would have been better to bring him in with a Reba and to link up their stories, and also because at the time, his story seemed a little too similar to Dodger’s. The second one...doesn’t exactly apply anymore. But.......I shouldn’t get another character. I LOVE HIM THOUGH. 
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I’m begging you. Take him from me. TAKE HIM. Look I even made a little banner to show how much u should take him. Adopt him. JUST TAKE HIM. 
LOOK AT HIS FACE. LOOK AT BRADLEY COOPER (A Star is Born, Bradley Cooper specifically). LOOK. GET HIM AWAY FROM ME. 
2. Fawn; Another one I have the basis of an app written for. But we know my track record with women (aka for some reason I have none) so therefor SOMEONE ELSE SHOULD BRING THEM YEAH? C’mon. She’d be fun. She’d be great. We need Chaotic-Good energies in the house. 
3. ....Look - I’m still 100% saying someone should pick up Roger Rabbit - I just think it would be incredibly funny and I don’t think (?) we have a skeleton for him yet so like. World is your oyster. But imagine him being some kind of weird magic that allows him to fuck with the world kind of like a cartoon so he can have those over-exaggerated, cartoony, over the top moments, you know? 
4. Piglet: This is just me selfishly wanting more of the Hundred Acre crew on board. There’s only 3 of us. I think that the series is full of wonderful characters and Piglet is a perfect diverse character who I think would be a wonderful addition and like... be friends with greg pls. 
5. On that same token - I stopped doing this either out of choice or simply because I forgot but when I first started writing Greg, I’d force him to answer starters/be places because I gave him an NPC friend who was outgoing and friendly and did everything and dragged Gregory with. That friend was ‘Chris’. This was always a super lowkey NPC variant of Christopher Robin and so I think it would be delightful if someone brought the real Christopher Robin too. Obviously it also doesn’t have to do anything with the previous mentioned tidbit - but I just think he’d be a neat character. 
6. Iago. I loved Iago. I love everything about Iago; his skeleton drew me to him the second it was posted and I ended up getting him twice but... He’s too big of a potential baddie for me. I lovingly accept the supporting artist category - and therefore big villains don’t work well with me. Now, technically Iago is a support/side character but - we know damn well he wants the world. He’s the true brains of the operation. He knows what he wants and he’s a powerhouse with SUPER COOL MAGIC. Someone please get him. 
7. Similarly - It’d be cool if someone got Camilo. I have nothing to do with the Madrigals but like Iago, I just think mimicry is some of the coolest magic. Camilo is actually like....... my compromise in theory because he’s everything I want in Iago (aka the cool powers) but without the big character energy that always knocks me with Iago. I also love a sarcastic fuck mama’s boy. I won’t do it though - no. 
8. Give me the baby; 
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9. Do we seriously not have any Lilo & Stitch characters?? What are we DOING. Doesn’t someone feel so inclined to get Stitch!? (okay I know some of you are traumatized but we can REBRAND. We can MOVE ON). Wouldn’t stitch be a fantastic little demon monster (not literally) to run around Swynlake? I mean please... imagine them vs most Swynlake disasters. 
10. Pascal - please. While I don’t have the trio of characters that all had tattoos and the two of them that were tattoo junkies that would have severely benefitted from this - Gregory still has tattoos (and may or may not be working towards an entire sleeve slowly but surely but you didn’t hear it from me) and c’mon. I have ONCE AGAIN BEEN ASKING FOR YEARS. 
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chaoparty · 6 years
animal crossing switch wishlist
everyone’s doing it so why not!! these aren’t necessarily things that can all realistically be in the game but things that would be enjoyed none the less!!!
 more villager species! in new leaf we got the hamster and the deer, let’s have some more! bats have been a popular request, maybe more sea animals & reptiles?
more personalities! likewise, we got 2 new personalities last game, smug and uchi. maybe we can have a always in the books type? keep to themselves but act like a know it all sometimes? could call it bookworm! they’d get along well with normal due to the more quiet side, and maybe snooty because of their superior attitude.
BRING IN EVERYTHING FROM HAPPY HOME DESIGNER this is a given really. they started to do that with the new leaf welcome amiibo update BUT IT WASN’T ENOUGH I TELL YOU!!! the absolute customizing was TOP NOTCH!!! so in addition to that...
character customization from the start they can still make it to change we have to go to shampoodle to get it changed afterwords, but being able to pick your eyes, hair and skin from the start is IMPERATIVE! i mean who doesn’t look up the guides to get exactly what they want anyway?
bring in aspects from pocket camp! they introduced so many great things with pocket camp, and though i know bringing that all into the switch version would ruin sales for the mobile game, the idea behind a camper, amenities, crafting, (will touch on that) fufilling requests, and all the events, it’d be nice to see some of these fun things brought into the main game. ...  ESPECIALLY THE FURNITURE HHHH;;;
crafting! now before you panic, in no way do i want what’s in pocket camp, but the idea of having materials to craft specific items or as an alternative to purchasing them or just incorporated in some way sounds like a lot of fun!
villager house decorating! not in the same way we could do it willy nilly and whenever in HHD, but say it’s a random event when you’re closer to a villager, or there’s a building where you can at least offer your services once a day maybe through nook. it’d be a nice inclusion and bring more customization to your experience!
better town customization i think by now they realize the absolute joy we get out of having control in customization! being able to have more public work projects and being able to have a proper interface like in HHD or pocket camp so that we know exactly where we’re putting something down. new leaf i believe was testing the waters of customization, and i think we’re really in for a treat as far as town decorating goes. THIS INCLUDES PATHS DFKJGDKFG
more activities! imagine if we had mining, a cave entrance in the map, similar to harvest moon/ story of seasons where everyday you can mine a certain amount and get random gems or materials! depending on your picaxe level, you can get better things! COOKING OR BAKING! LET ME MAKE FOOD god can you imagine a grocery store i just... oooh my godd dDDdd...
the ability to influence where a villager moves in this is pretty much a given...pls reggie..... pl  s.......................
FRIENDSHIP GIVE ME MORE FRIENDSHIP let us do more things with our little animal friends!!! invite them to coffee!!! invite them to the museum!!! invite them to go shopping!!! invite them to gO BUG CATCHING OR FISHING!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE A FRIGGIN SLEEP OVER, CALL AND TEXT THEM ON THE PHONE!!!! PLS GIVE ME FRIENDSHIP OH GOD
animal crossing amiibo compatibility! GIVE THESE GODFORSAKEN PIECES OF PAPER PURPOSE I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pls let me write mom back pls god i love her so much
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eludum-a · 7 years
500 follower follow forever!
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it happened. god knows why so many of you are here, but apparently you like what i do, so... well, thank you! to everyone! but this is a very informal follow forever meant specifically for people i speak to regularly/people i consider my friends/people i feel i owe something to. i haven’t done anything like this since the 100 follower mark, so please bear with me. 
i felt like i needed to do this because, in the wise words of taako the wizard, “it doesn’t always have to be goof goof dildo. i’m traveling around with the boner squad and i never get to say... what i’m feeling! i have emotions!”
if you’re not here, please don’t feel like i don’t appreciate you! i only have the energy for so much love here in my body. if you’ve been inactive/are on hiatus, i might have missed you, and if we haven’t really talked a lot ooc, same thing applies.
(i have been working on this on and off for weeks. im so tired pls just let me be finished with it)
anyway, call outs below the cut!
@unsuspicious: cou, you send me so many baffling and strange images at all hours of the day. i had to lead up with this because where do you even get all those. anyway, you’re definitely the person i talk to the most every day, and it’s weird as shit to think that the last thing in tumblr messenger was me sending you the link to the discord channel. you’re a fantastic roleplayer when you actually roleplay and you’re fun to have around!
@hismalice: raz you are one of my favorite people on this god forsaken hell site and don’t ever forget that. if you need a reminder you can come back here and look at this and see this seal of approval, and also the mental image of me saying “no, fuck you” to your negative thoughts and then punching them in the face heaven slaying dragon fist style. if you ever wanna talk you know where to find me and it’s also ok if you don’t want to!! i’ll still be here regardless.
@cantalazarus: god bless the hinatatas, may they grow strong and powerful this year. amen. on a more real note: this is my official notice that i really appreciate you just... in general, as a person, even if im an asshole who has trouble with, like, Feelings and shit. so there’s that. same as with raz above, you obviously know where to find me whenever you wanna talk. and take as long as you need to recharge your batteries!! no rush
@mxssias: ALEX MY MAN... BOY... GUY! DUDE, PAL, WHATEVER. your naegi is LIT. i love the good good egg boy so much and you do him justice!! you don’t just focus on the lighter aspects of his character, but you recognize his various struggles as well! you’re also just a fun person to talk to and i’d love to do more naenami in the future of COURSE
@ayatsurii the sparkliest of cats! yo, sparkle, thank u for turning me on to pekonami because it’s so good and pure, and thank you also for trying to keep things from burning down in the chat when we get too rowdy (even if you’re not successful... we can’t be tamed). i look forward to future pekonami interactions!
@snappshot: sarah is wonderful at everything she does, sorry i dont make the rules. you’ve been around this blog for what feels like forever now?? first as mahiru (and your mahiru rly captured my heart) but also sayaka and kaede and your persona muses are equally wonderful! idk what i’d have done if you weren’t there to reassure me i was doing a good job. god bless sarah
@anemoia-avenoir / @ongakuvoices: rrrrrrrrIO! you’re lovely and you should know it. i know we don’t really talk much ooc but you definitely deserved a spot in here! your passion for your muses is incredible! your love for them shows in the details of your writing, and i know it can be frustrating sometimes to feel like you’re not good enough (believe me... i have been there many times), but believe me... you’re gonna do amazing things, i just know it.
@malchancevilain YOU STILL OWE ME 15 DOLLARS AND I AIM TO COLLECT, GREG GRIMALDIS. NO MATTER WHERE IN THE MULTIVERSE YOU ARE. ahem. we share a lot of common interests, watchy, and i really do love your luckgami, like, a lot. i love how different his background is without changing who he is fundamentally as a person, aka a snob
@shpionaz: *insert obligatory ‘like a boss’ joke here* ok now that we’ve gotten that over with,,, im so grateful i got a chance to play out the oumanami brotp interactions with you because that was on my wishlist almost as soon as i found out about their sprite similarities and we didn’t even have to try, it just happened. you’re first ouma in my heart forever and i can’t wait to do some things with your oc too!!
@gambogeish: it’s kind of ironic how i didn’t finish twewy until we became friends, when it was first gifted to me by my boyfriend... it’s probably just the difference in maturity/gaming ability from then to now, but ANYWAY: i am so glad to have met you. you’re one of the first people in the community i’ve really connected with, and you’re an awesome person who i’d love to roleplay with regardless of muse. i’ve got a virtual high five right here waiting for you. o/
@pseudxcode syd, god bless your chihiro, honestly. he’s such a sweet little guy and i love his interactions with chiaki! of course i’ve always been a fan of these two together (even when she’s NOT an AI created by him), because their talents complement each other so well! they’re good for each other. i’d love to see more chiaki & chihiro action, especially if it involves chiaki encouraging him and reassuring him that he’s not as weak as he thinks he is.
@kibcu / @krclowa we only recently started talking but you’re such a welcome addition to thotchat, liz! take that as you will. this one’s probably gonna be a bit short but im looking forward to platonic naenami interactions and ur sonia too! aunty nanami’s gonna babysit the hell out of those naegi kids (aka give them all smartphones and sit back and relax)
@synthxsizxr GOOD IDOL, BEST SISTER, AKI LOVES HER HARU even if she really doesnt understand the idol lifestyle like, at all. chi, you yourself are very sweet and kind, it’s wonderful having you here in this community! i hope you’re having a lot of fun with your talentswap chiaki and i hope 
@relixum / @lxckyclovers: i hope you two don’t mind that i put you together here. i know you’ve been busy with school lately (good luck with that, by the way!!) but i didn’t want you to think i forgot about you! you guys make a mom/dad/parental unit so proud. you’re wonderful writers and i hope you find happiness wherever you go. *bob belcher voice* you’re my family and i love you but you’re terrible, you’re all terrible.
@tcndcrloins levi you’re the other constant presence in thotchat and you’re such a fun person to have around. you’re so welcoming and comfortable in a sense that i never feel like i’m bothering you, and thats a pretty incredibly accomplishment considering how often i convince myself im annoying. get those drafts done, i believe in you!!
@delinqueon avery, you were probably the first person within the community i talked to one on one, and thank god you approached me because at that point i never would have had the courage to speak up! your leon is such a delight to interact with and so are your other characters. one day you’ll get me back for making you read the bee movie script out loud for fifteen minutes.... one day
@betraycd last but not least, first i have to thank fin for my current editing software that i still have yet to figure out even 10% of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but i’ll get there! fin, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: i absolutely adore your souda, all of the time and effort you’ve put into his characterization and how you don’t ignore the uglier parts of his personality. he’s a lovely flawed boy and you really do him justice!
after word:
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like any community with more than a few people, there have been ups and downs in the path few months. i wanted to add here as a general shout out that i have never felt so welcome and loved in a community that i originally would have thought would be more disjointed than what you might find on a forum. like, i’ve changed a lot thanks to you guys! i’ve been able to get over some of the hurdles of my social anxiety (i didnt jump over them so much as drag myself across the ground and painfully crawl over them) and i just... i feel good? i feel like people like me? there are still times where my anxiety insists i’m nothing but a useless burden, but i actually... feel like people enjoy having me around? holy shit!
i made some really cool new friends and got to know a different kind of roleplay community. im overall incredibly grateful for this wild and weird journey i’ve been on, and the journey certainly isn’t over by any means! i hope to keep seeing you guys around!
these words really arent even enough to express my gratitude. i havent been to some really dark places, but there for a while i felt like i was almost completely alone. i simply wasn’t connecting with other people like i wanted to. about 3-4 years ago i lost contact with (long story) my roleplay partners of 4 years and it wasn’t an easy thing to recover from, but i’m here now and it’s just... really good! incredible, even!
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nukaknight · 4 months
give me vaultknightghoul but where they're willing to take a bullet for him like he isn't the himbo in the powersuit.
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nukaknight · 3 months
for your consideration, max’s rich uncle died leaving his title and wealth to his only nephew. To gain it, he has to marry someone who will love him as he is. No money and no title.
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