#[a rose blooms among jagged thorns : rxseguided]
artofdeviancy · 4 years
Connor did not expect her to be dressed so comfortably. His eyes followed the way the silk ran over her figure. A cascade of red liquid against her skin. He blinked. Then he leaned forward. “I am sure those at Cyberlife are still adamant about having you send them after me.” The android is a detective for a reason. He does his job well. As far as the company who created thousands of his kind is concerned, Connor would see them all convicted. 
There are some he would see destroyed. The AI program for one. Those who designed him for another. 
He stood in one fluid motion and stepped closer to her. Connor’s brown gaze lowered onto her. “Why haven’t you let them?” 
@rxseguided // cont x
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deviated-detective · 4 years
[Mains >>> Personalized Tags]
Aiden Barnes @soulxism | [we bleed different but we’re still comrades in arms // soulxism]
Connor-52 / Cameron @pathdiverted [all around me are familiar faces // pathdiverted]
Hana Dawkins @fearlessandchaotic [she is the shield in the night // fearlessandchaotic]
Daniela Knights @diivinerose | [all the sadness melted away to the fires of her resolve // diivinerose]
Lotus Koning @coffee-and-guns | [if there is darkness in soul she is a shining light // coffee-and-guns]
Markus Manfred @leaderawakened | [you were a voice that gave way to a new future // leaderawakened]
Nines / Cassius @lethalxarsenal | [thicker than water but bound by blood // lethalxarsenal > Nines]
Gavin Reed @lethalxarsenal | [certainly going to miss our bromance // lethalxarsenal > Gavin]
Ruby WR400 @thirum-stained | [scarlet sighs on synthetic breath // thirum-stained > Ruby]
Genevieve Scott  @stayhuman-genevieve | [she is holy full of grace & cunning ambition // stayhuman-genevieve]
Jesse Stern @rxseguided | [a rose blooms among jagged thorns // rxseguided]
Asuka Stronov @theyearningtofly | [fierce as a tiger gentle as a lamb // theyearningtofly]
>> If you want to discuss a potential main spot for Connor please dm me or comment here. Need to know the relationship type: family, friends, enemies. His romantic shipping is closed for now. 
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artofdeviancy · 4 years
Connor watched her intently since the moment she fell into a dose. Settled peaceful and quiet. Curious to see how she would behave while asleep. The android found a particular fascination in humans and their sleep patterns. REM sleep is a rather interesting subject for someone who does not sleep himself. Stasis will never be the same. Similar in the vein that he may mimic sleep, closing his eyelids to the world. His sight may fade then but his mind  continues to whir with information. At times a relapse in his software unlocks visual and audio. A repeat and reflection on what he experienced forms new images. He believes it is his way of dreaming in a sense. 
Last night he did neither. He cooled his systems after their physical connection. Sexual tendencies are not something he has a set trend on. Connor is still newly discovering himself post revolution. The urges and results of that were stimulating. He could feel it all. Cyberlife’s design initially had been for infiltration. He is glad to use his skills by choice. Further still he is surprised how much he enjoyed her moaning to his rhythm. It seems his performance was well liked.
“I am not most people,” he answers her statement with a furrow of his brow. The crease in his forehead is effective to show perplexity. Synthetic skin smoothed immediately after he relaxed his expression but the LED remained a hue of amber. “There is no reason for me to leave in the middle of the night. You appeared to favor sleeping next to me after our sexual relations.” The RK800 tilted his head on the pillow. Analytical to a fault. Blunt in another way. “I - have too many questions about Cyberlife. One I want to know the answer to now is about you. Did you know what they were planning to do with me?” 
@rxseguided // cont x
continuation of thread xxx
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artofdeviancy · 4 years
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deviated-detective · 5 years
| Stern Family Gathering | Flashback | College AU | Pre-Current Events
The orphanage was always a solemn place to be. As a child he simply knew the cold abandonment of his father. There was no rhyme or reasoning behind why. Their mother was gone. She died and suddenly taking care of several boys was just too much. Is it any excuse? None of it will be an excuse but at the time Connor saw nothing but that horrible dawning realization his siblings were unwanted. They were not good enough. 
In his eyes they were better than he could ever be. Even then he had to protect them. As the oldest, a twin to his brother Caleb born fifteen minutes after he, the role as eldest became a permanent fixture. 
Even then as they were looked over for possible homes, he felt the pang of potentially losing his siblings. Separation was his worst nightmare and even now as a young adult he keeps those fears close. Only one person he ever told the story to outside of his family. Genevieve knows more of him than anyone, even more than his ‘mother’ but Connor has a reason. Despite the fact Amanda favored him out of his brothers, the criminology major felt the sting of it especially with Richard.
His little brother was ignored. He almost didn’t come with them. Connor knew Amanda wanted him and his twin brother Caleb the most. Yet she had her eye mostly on him. The others were extra baggage. Amanda must have had a plan in mind when she took them all in. Showing off her reputation as a do-gooder who adopts orphans in need; Connor practically refused to go with her because she was about to leave Richard behind. He was just a boy then but he stood up. He never would have forgiven himself if he let Rich go. 
One thing he gained was a sister. Jesse was someone he grew close to when they first arrived at the Stern manor. They would play together all the time. Chasing each other, hide and seek; Jesse wasn’t like other girls at all. She would keep right up with him and his brothers. Their relationship seemed to grow apart the older they became but he still loved her just as much. These days she seemed to have more of a connection with Corvus. 
He mulled it over sitting in his car. Pulling up the street and leaving it parked across from the house, Connor took a breath. Having his own place would be a whole lot better and he’s already been looking. Just picturing having Gen all to himself there.
Connor cracked a smile. All dimples and perfect white teeth showing off how he feels. Leaning over to his date for this family dinner, his lips captured hers deeply. Huffing into her plump lips is a sound fueling his need to be with her. Each time he runs it over in his head wondering how he could be so damn lucky. “I hope you’re ready for the dinner from hell.” Joking a bit, he glanced over into his mirror to fix his tie. Just like his mother to be formal. He made sure to wear this light blue jacket, stylish and appropriate. “How do I look? Passable as your date... gorgeous?”  
@stayhuman-genevieve @creation-is-chaos​ @ninehartx​ @ruthlessnessisyourdesire​ @rxseguided​ 
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artofdeviancy · 3 years
[ @rxseguided dropped for Frankenstein au @ here ]
Packing up his supplies would only bring about questions. That is why he chose a time after courses. The university could not keep an eye on him forever. Choosing to pick up everything he put into this, turn away from building to a doctorate may be foolish. This is too important. Tonight he plans to remove any trace of his existence here but the laboratory on site is still in his access.
Connor had the key still. From the last he used it, entrusted as he is one of the top students here. It has nothing to do with his name. Only with his skills.
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Dropping things off in a trunk, he reached into the pocket of his long coat. Gray as the day has been; cloudy and restless the weather matches his mood. He knew the appropriate item would be there. He just has to get his hands on one of the fresh specimens. The human brain is after all the most integral to man's intelligence. Whether that can be replicated after death is a mystery he unlocks with each piece of paper he privately details, draws in diagram and scrawls in equation. Hopefully there will be no one here; he stops at the door to use the key but the door itself is already slightly ajar. Connor pushes it in, gazing around the supply shelves on entrance. Maybe no one is here after all but who leave this unlocked? The only other key belongs to the dean. He is not here. Either way, it hardly matters as the displayed brains in glass jars draw his attention.
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artofdeviancy · 4 years
Mains :: Personalized Tags
Aiden Barnes @soulxism | [we bleed different but we’re still comrades in arms :: soulxism]
Cassius RK900 @unitedxfront​ | [thicker than water but bound by blood :: unitedxfront :: Cassius] 
Chloe RT600 @thirum-stained | [seen your eyes a thousand times before :: thirum-stained :: Chloe]
Connor-51 @rob0badge | [mirror mirror on the wall :: rob0badge :: Connor]
Connor-53 @bluebloodstained | [we could be mirrors of one whole truth :: bluebloodstained]
Connor-52 / Cameron @pathdiverted | [all around me are familiar faces :: pathdiverted]
Riley Belize @unitedxfront | [sister of the hunt :: unitedxfront :: Riley]
Vanessa Clark @thirum-stained | [sharp as a knife and solid as steel :: thirum-stained :: Vanessa]
Connor Griffin  @lover-of-wolves | [you were born of a golden arrow :: loverofwolves]
Elijah Kamski @creatorofclay | [do you know what it feels to be god in the face of your creations :: creatorofclay]
Daniela Knights @diivinerose | [all the sadness melted away to the fires of her resolve :: diivinerose]
Lotus Koning @bloomingascension | [if there is darkness in soul she is a shining light :: bloomingascension]
Markus Manfred @leaderawakened | [you were a voice that gave way to a new future :: leaderawakened]
Gavin Reed @unitedxfront | [certainly going to miss our bromance :: unitedxfront :: Gavin]
Rohan RK900 @denicdlife | [embittered with code and loss of will  :: denicdlife]
Ruby WR400 @thirum-stained | [scarlet sighs on synthetic breath :: thirum-stained :: Ruby]
Genevieve Scott @lavishbylaw | [she is holy full of grace & cunning ambition :: lavishbylaw]
Amanda Stern @asternprotocol | [power and control by your iron fist :: asternprotocol]
Jesse Stern @rxseguided | [a rose blooms among jagged thorns :: rxseguided]
Asuka Stronov @theyearningtofly | [fierce as a tiger gentle as a lamb :: theyearningtofly]
Zed Tashiro @unitedxfront | [a killer for a higher purpose :: unitedxfront :: Zed]
Nikita Vasquez @imaginedbycyberlife | [the mind is powerful and full of  beauty :: imaginedbycyberlife]
Wei WuXian @untamedxfates | [even fate cannot be written on the wind :: untamedxfates :: WuXian]
Jiang Yanli  @untamedxfates | [no flower could bloom as strong and delicate :: untamedxfates :: Yanli]
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