#[To make floors super shiny with new wax.]
imperiuminfinitus · 5 years
-slams front door- WHY DO I FIND SO MANY DOODLES OF LOTOR ON/AROUND MY DESK!? And WHY didn’t I finish any of these doodles?!
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renaerys · 4 years
PPG One-Shot: Mall Santa (Boomer/Mike and Brick/Blossom)
Summary: To earn a little extra cash over the holidays, Brick, Mike, and Boomer agree to help out their buddy Todd at a Mall Santa gig. Shenanigans ensue.
This one is for @snailbutters, @genovah, and @hanaokm. Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Enjoy some Boomike, Blossick, and Capri Sus on me. 
[Cross-posted to AO3]
There were a lot of things Todd needed: a haircut, for one. His black hair was getting too long for gel and it was really pushing the boundary between greaser sexy and sad trash hobo. Money, for another. But like any other 21-year-old townie with a high school education and two restaurant jobs, he always needed money.
A new best friend, for yet another.
“I’m not your best friend,” Brick snapped as he tied a black tie around his neck. He needed to leave in ten minutes if he was going to be early for his dinner meeting with Oliver Morbucks.
Todd put a hand over his heart like it might fall out of the wound Brick’s words had stabbed there. “Dude, of course you are. I’m totally sorry if I ever gave you the wrong idea.”
Brick grimaced so hard he was sure he’d end up constipated. “No, you idiot. I know you think I’m your best friend. You’ve never shut up about it, even after we graduated high school. I’m pretty sure the whole fucking Peninsula knows it the way you go around shouting it when you’re blasted.”
Todd looked like he’d just received news that his favorite nana wasn’t dying of cancer after all. “Oh, cool. For a second there I thought I really hurt your feelings. You know you’re kinda sensitive, right?”
Oh god.
“What do you want, Todd? I have a really important meeting and I’m not missing it for your bullshit.”
Brick checked his reflection in the bathroom mirror in his one-bedroom apartment in downtown Townsville. It was a shitty hole-in-the-wall kind of place, but Brick was used to squalor. His break was coming, he could feel it. If tonight’s meeting went over well, he’d have a more steady revenue stream and, more importantly, the connections and clout the Morbucks name brought to open doors. All the long days at Red’s Auto Shop saving and scraping by would finally pay off, and just in time for Blossom to graduate from college. It was perfectly planned, meticulously manipulated, all down to this last pivotal dinner.
“Cool, no big deal! I just need to know if you’re free this weekend.”
“Free to do what?” Brick indulged him, because Todd was one of the few people on this planet who wasn’t 100% intimidated by his very presence.
“To help me with this Mall Santa gig I got. Harry Pitt was supposed to be my number two elf, but he ate some bad prawns and they had to, like, airlift him to Citiesville General.”
Brick stopped everything he was doing and glared at his second-to-best friend, which was a key fact because second was not the same as first. “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
“I know, right?” Todd knew his way around Brick’s embarrassingly small bathroom, opened up the hair wax, and fixed Brick’s styling job. “Dude always had a weak stomach, you remember. But you don’t fuck with bad prawns. I mean, obviously.”
Brick swatted Todd’s hands away and checked his reflection. It was definitely an improvement. “Not that; the Mall Santa thing, obviously!”
“Oh, yeah. So you’ll help me out?”
“Fuck no.”
“Aw, Briiiiiiick,” Todd whined.
Brick grabbed his dinner jacket from the closet barely big enough to fit a small, starving child. Todd, who had latched onto Brick in the seventh grade like a goddamned barnacle and never let go no matter how hard Brick tried to push him away, followed. “Not if you paid me.”
“You’ll get paid! It’s $20 an hour!”
Brick hesitated over the threshold. “That’s higher than minimum wage.” It was higher than his hourly rate at the garage too.
“Seasonal gigs, man. That’s how you win.”
“It’s seriously fucking not.”
Todd, one of three people in the universe who actually cared about Brick on a personal level even though he wasn’t obligated by blood, made his blue eyes big and wide in a way that reminded Brick of Puss-n-Boots from Shrek, Todd’s favorite movie. “C’mon, bruh. Do your bestie a solid? Just this once? I really need the money and they won’t let me keep the gig without two elves to fill in. So please? Pleeeeeeease?”
And Brick, former scourge of Townsville, a Super with the power to literally raze the planet if it so much as tickled his fancy, and the dictionary definition of the boy every father dreads his perfect, pretty little girl falling for against her better judgment, cracked like an egg.
“For fuck’s sake,” he groused. “Just text me the time and place and get out of my face already.”
Todd punched the air with both fists. “Yes!! Oh, hell yes! I love you so much, dude.”
“Blow me.” Brick checked his watch. Shit, now he was merely on time.
“I’d consider it an honor,” Todd said, probably literally serious.
Boomer rolled glitter on his cheeks and around the edges of his dark blue eyes with the help of a compact as he huddled behind the North Pole set on the first floor of the Townsville Mall. When he was satisfied that he sparkled like the tinsel-festooned Christmas trees in Santa’s twelve-by-fifteen-foot “forest” themselves, he discreetly re-emerged just as the latest child slid off Santa’s lap.
“Merry Christmas, Dan!” bellowed a red and white-clad Todd behind an enormous, curly beard. “Remember to brush your teeth!”
The little boy ran back to his parents, who were having a word with the photographer about purchasing a picture of their son on Santa’s lap. Before Boomer could follow them, Brick was quick to cut him off.
“Where the hell were you?” he demanded. Sour as an un-sugared plum in his festive, candy-striped elf costume, Brick may have absolutely intimidated the seven-year-olds waiting in line with their parents for a turn on Santa’s lap, but Boomer only allowed him a bemused smile.
“Why, I was making toys for the good little boys and girls who came to visit us here at the North Pole,” Boomer said in a raised voice. He looped his arm through his brother’s and let his power surge with enough force to turn Brick around and face the crowd that was definitely within hearing range. “Isn’t that right, Elf Mursten?”
Brick pushed back with inhuman force, but Boomer held his ground with a smile as bright as the glitter on his cheeks as a little girl in overalls trotted forward.
She giggled. “I like your hat.”
“Thank you!” Boomer gushed, and he tipped his pom-pom-topped cap. “And what’s your name?”
The little girl giggled again. “My name’s Alynn.”
“Well, Alynn, why don’t you step right up and take a seat on Santa’s lap? I’m sure he has a great present for a cool girl like you. Right, Elf Mursten?”
Brick glared medieval torture at him, and he managed a smile that showed too many teeth to be anything other than life-threatening. “Of course, Elf Buller.”
Boomer’s smile tightened.
“Ho ho ho! Come on over, Santa doesn’t bite,” Todd said.
“What a psychotic reassurance,” Brick said soft enough for only the Super brothers to hear.
“Hey, Brick?” Boomer said, just as softly. “Cheer the fuck up.” He gave his brother a bone-crushing squeeze around the arm and broke from him. Brick could be a sourpuss when he wanted to be (all the time), but he wouldn’t mess up Todd’s Mall Santa gig when he’d bothered to show up and actually put in the effort at all. Complain as he might about Todd’s exuberance, Brick had always come through for his best friend since the seventh grade.
Boomer, on the other hand, had been very happy to accept Todd’s offer to work the two weeks leading up to Christmas. The hours were reasonable, the pay was good, and Boomer loved children. It was easy money in between local shows he and his garage band had booked over the holidays.
Plus, the photographer had a nice rack.
“Okay, Santa, Alynn. Look over here and say ‘jingle bells’!” A flash went off, and Mike Believe stood to his full height behind the tripod he’d set up for the day’s pictures. Even in reindeer antlers and a bright, red-painted nose, Mike filled out every fold of his brown Rudolph outfit almost to the point of popping a button. His broad chest puffed out when he put his strong hands on his hips and grinned brightly like he wouldn’t pick anywhere else to be right now.
Their eyes met, and Boomer flushed and smiled like a fool.
When Mike winked back at him coyly, his heart leaped into his throat. Mike had gotten home from college just two days ago, but the three weeks he had off for Winter Break would surely fly by like they did every year, and Boomer was determined to spend every moment together.
A tug on Boomer’s green tunic drew his attention. “Can I take a picture with you? Please?” the little girl asked.
Boomer beamed and scooped her up onto his hip. “Of course you can. Hey, Mike? Can you take one of us, please?”
“You bet! Get in close, now.” Mike readied his camera.
“Oh, wait a sec. Why don’t you take this too?” Boomer removed his festive hat and put it on Alynn’s head. It was big on her, but she laughed happily.
They posed for the picture, and Boomer hugged her cheek to cheek.
“Thanks!” The little girl tried to give him his hat back, but he pressed it to her chest.
“You keep it. Merry Christmas. Remember to be good, okay?”
Alynn’s father was waiting with a hand for her to take when she ran back to him, yammering about how she’d met Santa and his super cool elf friend, and Boomer watched them go.
“You know you’ll have to pay for that hat,” Brick said.
Boomer sighed and ran a hand through his cornflower hair. “You know I look better without it.”
Brick frowned deeply. “Uh-huh.”
“If you keep frowning, your face will stick like that.”
He always had to have the last word. Brick went to stack the empty boxes wrapped in bright, shiny paper, which was probably more productive than blowing up the entire display. Boomer left him to it. It was time for their mid-morning break, anyway.
Todd got up to stretch. “Man, who knew sitting could be so tiring, huh? Whack.” His phone buzzed, and he grinned when he saw the caller ID.
Boomer, however, had eyes only for Mike as the latter turned off his camera and put a sheet over the tripod to protect it. “Working hard, I see.”
When Mike smiled, his dark eyes crinkled in the corners. He had a face made for smiling. “Oh, you know. Just helping out some friends.”
Like Brick, Todd had asked Mike to help out behind the camera for this gig. Mike didn’t exactly need the extra cash given his lacrosse scholarship that covered his college expenses, but the three of them had been as thick as thieves all through high school no matter what Brick said when he was annoyed. No way was Mike going to bail on the chance to help out a bro.
“This is cute,” Mike said, running a thumb over Boomer’s sparkly cheek.
“If only I could convince Brick to wear some,” Boomer said, lacing his fingers in Mike’s as they shuffled to the side of the exhibit behind a blinking Christmas tree for a bit of privacy.
Mike chuckled. “That’ll take a Christmas miracle. But anyway, I don’t want to talk about Brick right now.”
Their kiss was soft and mostly chaste, considering the venue, but Boomer didn’t mind at all. He rose up on his toes to lean into his boyfriend’s superior height and smiled into their kiss. Even in the middle of the Townsville Mall with shoppers mere yards away, for a few seconds Boomer got lost in the fantasy of the forest and the snow drifts, bright lights and magic that came around only once a year and had always touched his heart in a way nothing else quite could.
“Babe! You got here quick!” Todd’s excitement and a small commotion around Santa’s throne drew the lovers’ attention, and Boomer reluctantly broke the kiss. His Super hearing quickly picked up on what was going on.
“What is it?” Mike asked.
Boomer smiled wryly. “That Christmas miracle you wished for. Come on.” He took Mike’s larger hand in his and pulled him back toward the front of the display, where Todd had scooped up a very small, very fashionable Asian woman in his arms.
“Oh my god, don’t do shits in front of the innocent children, Toddy.” Hana patted her high bun and smoothed out her oversized black jacket once Todd released her.
“Hey, I just missed you is all,” Todd said with a genuine smile like he had really, truly missed his girlfriend since this morning when they had last seen each other.
“You guys are too cute,” said Bubbles with a giggle. As usual, she was adorable in blonde twin tails and a holiday-appropriate sweater dress. Shopping bags hung from both her arms, also as usual.
“Right?” Hana said, her deadpan façade melting completely as she beamed at her closest friend.
“No contest.” Bubbles set down her small nation of shopping bags. “Oh! Hi, Boomer!” She dashed to hug him in a flash of blue, and he caught her easily. “Oh my gosh, I love your glitter. You look like a supermodel!”
Boomer laughed and hugged her back. “Thanks for letting me borrow it. I really owe you.”
“Don’t worry about it. Oh, but you definitely need some touching up. Here, let me just…”
Mike had wandered over to Todd and Hana. “Hey, Hana. Are you staying for the holiday?”
Hana shrugged. “Yeah, my art show isn’t until after New Year’s. You know, I’m always looking for more models.” She raised her eyebrows suggestively.
Mike laughed. “I’m honored, but I’m really nothing special, honestly. You might try Butch.”
Todd guffawed. “Oh man, Butch is, like, one of her top models! She painted him for what, six weeks last summer, babe?”
“Seven,” Hana said, dead serious.
Mike smiled nervously. “That’s a lot of inspiration.”
“He is very inspiring,” Hana said, deader and more serious.
“That dude is goals,” Todd said, totally unironically.
“I guess I can’t argue with that,” Mike said.
“Aaaaand done.” Bubbles stepped back to admire her handiwork. “Honestly? You’re the most beautiful elf the North Pole ever employed.”
Boomer snickered. “Don’t tell Brick that.”
“Don’t tell me what, now?” Brick emerged from his useless empty box stacking task, glitter-less and severely lacking in Christmas cheer.
Bubbles gasped, right on cue. “Brick! Where is your glitter? Get over here.”
Brick made a weird face. “What are you talk—hey!”
Bubbles all but accosted him with the glitter pen. Hana cheered and applauded, and Todd joined in because he liked to cheer and applaud in general.
“What are you—get off!” Brick shoved Bubbles hard, but a flash of pink caught her before she could crash into anything.
Blossom peered around her totally unfazed sister, a tray of lattes in one hand and her perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised. “Brick,” she said.
Brick swallowed. “Blossom.”
She looked nice in leggings and a sweater dress that matched Bubbles’ style, except where Bubbles’ was white, Blossom’s was a scarlet that rivaled the shade of Brick’s eyes.
“I brought you guys coffee,” Blossom said, her eyes trained on Brick even as she held out the tray.
Mike took the tray before it could become collateral damage in whatever was going on between the two of them.
“Here you go.” Mike offered one to Boomer, who gratefully accepted it.
“I thought you weren’t getting home until tomorrow,” Brick said, as if he and Blossom were the only two people there.
“Change of plans,” Blossom said. “Problem?”
Brick seemed to remember what he was wearing and snatched his elf hat from his head. He bunched it up between his hands like that would hide his imagined shame. “It’s fine.”
It wasn’t fine, clearly. But it wasn’t Boomer’s place to intrude. He would have been extremely happy for it to end there, but sadly Blossom, like his brother, had a flair for the dramatic and an affinity for the center of attention.
She sauntered up to him and smeared the bit of glitter Bubbles had managed to draw on his cheek before he’d shoved her off. “Good,” she said, half an invitation and half a challenge.
Brick didn’t bend easily. Boomer knew his brother as well as he knew himself, and he knew Brick didn’t relent, never gave in unless he was well and truly beaten, which was rare. But he slackened now, lips parting and eyes falling. Even though his arms stayed stubbornly at his sides and he didn’t do something as scandalous as hold his girlfriend’s hand in public, he melted under her touch and attention.
“All right! Bloss, you’re back early! This is massive, like, supernova massive,” Todd said. “Hey, I know! Let’s throw a party at mine tonight! Brick said you weren’t coming back for another couple of days, so this is like a cool early Christmas present to all of us.”
Bubbles gasped. “Oh my gosh, yes! Let’s all go to Todd’s tonight, just like we used to. I’m calling Robin right now.”
“We can make it a real Christmas party,” Blossom said. Somehow, she’d gotten ahold of Bubbles’ glitter pen and now smeared a generous amount on Brick’s cheeks until he gleamed without suffering a nuclear meltdown. A Christmas miracle, indeed.
“You’ll wear the Santa suit,” Hana said. Demanded.
“Ho ho ho! You got it, babe.”
“That thing’s a rental,” Brick said. “And it’s, like, 75 degrees outside.”
“If he gets too hot, I’ll hose him down,” Hana said.
Brick smartly decided not to press her on that one.
“I like your elf costume, Brick,” Blossom teased. Maybe.
“I’m burning it as soon as I get paid,” Brick said.
“I thought it was a rental like Todd’s?”
He hesitated, trapped by his own logic, and she laughed softly and kissed the side of his mouth. Brick froze and played it off like it didn’t affect him, but his eyes were drawn to Blossom’s lips for the next six whole minutes. Boomer really didn’t get why he had to make everything so damn complicated.
“Hey, hombres, our break is up and I see a super cute kid waiting to sit on the softest lap in Townsville,” Todd said, sinking back onto his candy cane throne and patting his lap.
Brick visibly cringed.
“It could be worse,” Mike whispered to Brick. “At least this time we get to keep our shirts on.”
Boomer smiled at the memory of Todd’s last seasonal gig he’d roped Brick and Mike into over the summer. The shirtless carwash had admittedly been one of his more rewarding part-time jobs, and Boomer had the photo evidence to cherish the memory extremely fondly.
Blossom and Hana retreated behind Mike while Bubbles finished up her phone call with Robin and Brick admitted the next child on set.
“Welcome to the North Pole,” he said with all the cheer of an old tire. Nonetheless, his cheeks dazzled. “What’s your name, kid?”
She looked up at him but didn’t say anything. Boomer noticed her shyness and decided he better intervene.
“Hey there,” he said, taking a knee so he could be on her eye-level. “Merry Christmas.”
That alarmed her even more, and she hugged Brick’s leg.
“What the—” Brick put his hands up like he didn’t know what to do with them. “Great.”
The girl’s parents were busy talking to Mike about the picture packages and didn’t seem to notice what was going on.
“Uh,” Boomer said, ready to flag them down before the little girl got scared or started to cry. They’d been lucky this morning with only one child throwing a temper tantrum out of the tens they’d seen.
“All right, kid. I hope you have a good grip.” Brick floated off the ground with the little girl clinging to his leg and flew over to Todd’s throne.
Boomer was so flabbergasted by his brother’s gross disregard for this child’s safety in front of her parents that he was momentarily stunned where he kneeled. It was over in about two and a half seconds, with her parents none the wiser and the little girl still in one piece, miraculously. Brick peeled her off him and dropped her on Todd’s lap.
“Name,” Brick demanded. And then, reluctantly: “…To check you off the Nice List.”
The little girl looked up at him with wide-eyed wonderment, or maybe fear. “Morana.”
“Morana. Super. Tell Todd—I mean, Santa—what you want. And smile for the camera.”
Todd didn’t miss a beat and wrapped his arms loosely around her to hold her safely in place. “Morana, that’s a pretty name. Wanna tell me what you want for Christmas?”
Morana pointed at Brick. “That one.”
Brick turned as red as his messy man bun. Todd wheezed.
“Oh, yeah? Well, that one’s taken, but I bet I can get you a picture together. How ‘bout it?” Todd asked.
Boomer was up and moving in a blue flash. “That can be arranged.” He shoved his brother with a healthy burst of Super strength, and Brick all but fell on his knee next to Todd’s throne. Boomer waved back at Mike for the picture.
“Big smile now!” Mike said cheerfully, and snapped the picture.
“What the hell is up with these kids?” Brick asked when Morana skipped back to her parents and started chattering at them in a language Boomer didn’t recognize but assumed must be all good things from the way she grinned from ear to ear. “They get bolder every year.”
“Or you’re just getting softer,” Boomer teased.
“Yeah, right.”
Blossom laughed at something Hana said on a nearby bench, drawing both their eyes.
“Whatever you say, man,” Boomer said.
Todd’s party was a nostalgic and long-overdue affair later that evening. Unlike Boomer, who had to make do in a small studio apartment on the outskirts of Citiesville where the rent was more manageable and his commute didn’t matter when flying anywhere took only minutes, Todd lived in a big house he took care of for his often absent, globe-trotting parents. Blossom, Bubbles, and Robin had taken the initiative and strung up Christmas lights, while Boomer created and managed the playlist for the night. They had a good crowd with old friends from high school and new ones from work and college gathered for no excuse other than to have a good time.
Butch, Buttercup, Mike, and Todd had set up beer pong in the basement, where most of the festivities were taking place. As usual, the shit talking and macho bravado had soared to ludicrous heights.
“Come on, BC,” Todd goaded. “Money shot, right here.” He fluffed his Santa beard, the ends of which were damp with beer. Buttercup had one cup left to hit.
“I’m about to straight-up tea bag you with this ping pong ball, Todd, I swear to god.” Buttercup tried to focus on her aim after too many beers and the distraction of Todd’s stupid Santa beard.
“Do it, fucking do it,” Butch said, bobbing on the balls of his feet and slightly manic with the competition and holiday cheer, probably.
“I’m gonna fucking do it!”
“I don’t think you can fucking do it,” Mike said.
“Ohhhhh!” Butch hollered when Buttercup lost her temper and threw the ball too hard. It bounced off Todd’s beard and fell on the floor, leaving the last cup untouched.
“Mike, you cheater!” Buttercup shouted.
Mike burst out laughing.
“All riiiiight, the Toddster’s final shot. You filming, babe?” Todd asked.
Hana, across the table from Boomer, had her phone out and poised. “Kick their asses, Toddy.”
“Yeah, bring it on, Toddy,” Butch jeered.
“Oh, it’s about to be brought.”
“Oh god, please, you peaked in high school,” Buttercup said.
“Hey, he plateaued,” Mike said. “There’s a difference.”
“Just take the damn shot!”
Todd shot, hit the rim of the solo cup, and missed. Buttercup and Butch threw up their hands and whooped. They were still in the game, and the stakes were even higher now.
Boomer squeezed Mike’s arm in a silent excuse and went to change the music…only to find Brick and Blossom making out in the hallway like it was their last night on Earth.
The music was fine, he decided. No need to interrupt Brick and Blossom trying to fuse with the wall and face his brother’s cock blocked wrath. Discreetly, Boomer snapped a picture on his phone and texted it to Bubbles.
[Boomer: Shooketh]
Bubbles’ reply was lightning fast.
[Bubbles: More like shattered!!]
[Bubbles: Better get out of there before they catch you lol 💀]
After another hour (and Brick and Blossom’s reemergence from the wall in one piece with not a hair out of place because god forbid), Boomer and Mike decided to head out early. They went back to Boomer’s apartment, where a very excited Pomeranian welcomed them home.
“Hi, Pumpkin!” Mike brightened like the sun and scooped up his favorite girl, left in Boomer’s care while he was away at college. “Who’s ready for a walk?”
They walked Pumpkin and let her tire herself out running around the suburban neighborhood where it was too late at night for any cars to be out. A half hour later, they were curled up on the loveseat with Pumpkin snoozing in her fuzzy bed at their feet and an old black-and-white Christmas movie playing on low volume on the television.
“Hey,” Boomer said, lifting his head from Mike’s chest to look at him properly.
Mike set aside the hot chocolate he’d been drinking and pulled Boomer up by his waist. “Hey, you. What is it?”
Boomer smiled. It was silly, really. “It’s nothing.”
“Oh?” Mike returned his smile and leaned closer. He smelled like soap, a hint of chocolate, and something else that made Boomer want to bury his face in his neck.
“Just happy,” Boomer said.
“Really? I can’t tell.”
Boomer sat up a little higher. The neck of Mike’s old lacrosse jersey he wore dipped down his shoulder, too big on him and softer than a cloud. He pressed a chaste kiss to the underside of Mike’s jaw. “How about now?”
“Hm, nope, I don’t think I quite got that.”
Boomer threaded his fingers though Mike’s short, dark hair at the nape of his neck. Feeling coquettish, he gave his ear a nip. “How about now?”
Mike shifted on the couch and pulled Boomer’s bent legs onto his lap. His voice was as warm as the hot chocolate he’d been drinking. “I think I’m starting to get a vague understanding.”
Boomer laughed and painted a trail of kisses along Mike’s jaw, up his chin. He pressed a strong hand to his chest and put a little power behind it. Centimeters apart, he could taste the lingering heat of the hot chocolate on Mike’s breath. “And now?”
Mike’s eyes drooped and darkened. His hands slipped around Boomer’s waist, under the jersey, a silent entreaty. “I think you can do a little better than that, Angel.”
The secret nickname broke Boomer’s resolve, and he kissed his boyfriend full on the mouth with all the confidence and shamelessness he couldn’t give him that morning at the mall surrounded by children and their parents. Mike’s shirt soon found its way to the floor along with Boomer’s borrowed jersey. The loveseat was too short to accommodate Mike’s height comfortably, and after a few moments Boomer held him close and flew them to the bed in a flash.
“I’ll never get over how hot that is,” Mike said, breathless.
Boomer blushed, unable to help it. He was careful with his strength around Mike, but sometimes the X bonded to his bones pushed him to the raw, carnal boundaries of humanity. Mike’s hand on his cheek drew him out of those spiraling thoughts.
“I mean it,” Mike said. “I love that part of you. And I trust you completely.”
Words did not come easily, nor did they seem appropriate in that moment. Boomer bent to kiss Mike again and pull him as close as he could get. Wrapped up in the warm sheets and each other, Boomer’s silly little thought that he had never been happier grew and swelled to heights he never could have imagined before Mike. They lay there together, lazy and sleepy, as the credits of their forgotten holiday movie played on the television.
“One more semester,” Mike said, “and then I graduate.”
“I can’t believe you’re almost a college graduate,” Boomer said. “It feels like you left ages ago.”
“Four years is a long time, but it’s not forever. And you should get ready.”
Boomer looked up at him. “Ready for what?”
“To move, of course.”
“Hey, I love how cozy your apartment is, but I’m pretty sure Pumpkin would appreciate her own room once we’re living together full time.”
Boomer sat up properly. “You… You want to move in together? With me?”
“Of course! The only question is, where do you want to go?”
Boomer covered his mouth. Of course he had thought about getting a place with Mike, but that always seemed like the distant future. What if they didn’t stay together? What if the long distance was too hard? What if Mike met someone else at college? Brick didn’t talk about it much, but after a few too many drinks one night the year Blossom and Mike both left for college, he’d confessed how afraid he was that he would lose her forever. How can the old be exciting and fun compared to the amazing, new adventures she would be having?
But from the way Boomer had caught them all but absorbing each other at Todd’s tonight, Blossom seemed perfectly happy to keep him. And Mike…
“You’re serious,” Boomer said.
“I’ve never been more serious.” Mike took his hand and kissed his knuckles carefully. “I can’t wait to start our lives together.”
Boomer could have cried. He almost did. Life was hard, even for a Super like him. With endless bills to pay and the occasional monster to dispose of, sometimes he felt like he was being pulled in too many directions without anyone there to help pick up the slack. But this… This was his.
“Me too,” Boomer said. “And I don’t care where we go, as long as it’s together.”
“Well, cool. In that case, if you’re not opposed to it, was thinking farther north, like Metroville. There are some great photography jobs there that I want to apply for, and the music scene is bigger than it is here—”
“Yes! A hundred percent yes, let’s do it. When do we leave?”
Mike laughed. “June 1st, as soon as they hand me my diploma.”
Six months. It had a date now. Unthinking, Boomer threw his arms around Mike’s broad shoulders and hugged him tight. “I’ll mark my calendar.”
“It’s a date.”
Incidentally, they did not get much sleep the rest of that night.
I told myself I wasn’t going to do a ton of fluff, but damnit all, Boomike is SUPER CUTE and I couldn’t help myself. Let them have the happy ending they deserve. Thanks for reading!
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The Witch’s Mystic Attic (Part 2)
🕯 This month showcasing me isn’t complete without all of those shiny Costumes…!
🪶 And who are you?
🕯 I’m Candlelight Cookie! And who are you?!
🪶 Black Raisin Cookie. What are you doing here?!
🕯 I could be saying the same for you, what with all of your crows lining the place! That Chestnut Cookie fellow in the break room let me have this news slot, so SCOOT! *blows several raspberries to get Black Raisin to leave the room*
🪶 *leaves the room in confusion*
🌰 It’s alright, Black Raisin. Treasures are their forte, after all…
🕯 Now that more wax has hit the floor, I must continue with what I came here for. First off, costumes.
New Costumes
Firecracker Cookie’s “Witch’s Treasure Party” (+25,000 Arcade Points)
“A party filled with the Witch’s treasures! No matter the risks, it’s no true party without Firecracker Cookie! This time, the Cookie brought a large vial, filled with something unknown, claiming it would fit the theme of the party. Who would’ve guessed there was a huge firecracker inside? …But wouldn’t setting it off alert the Witch?!”
Editor’s Note: Firecracker Cookie was stated by Mic Mac and Rose as “she” in the teaser video. Until further evidence is brought to my attention either somewhere else on the internet or in the ask box, we will refer to Firecracker as she/her in terms of pronouns.
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Birthday Cake Cookie’s “Dazzling Candle Party” (+900 points for Confetti Jellies)
“A party for viewing the treasures of the Witch’s attic is being held! Birthday Cake Cookie prepared candles in every color possible for this special day that may be the last. It’s great she brightened up the dark Witch’s attic, but… What if she gets found by the Witch…?”
Editor’s Note: The English captions for the teaser video stated that this costume was Epic when it is actually Super Epic in-game.
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Candlelight Cookie’s “Illustrious Scholar” (+50,000 points for Wax Treasure Items)
“Candlelight Cookie, after countless hours of research and studying, has finally become a scholar! With a renowned name, even across the Temple of the Sky, the Cookie is fascinated in writing papers. The only problem is that the Cookie refuses to hold lectures! Is it so hard to let everyone know what you’ve found out? Come on, just teach us!”
Buy it in the Champions League during the Candlelight Season for 2,400 Season Points! Season Points accumulated during the Eggnog Season have disappeared!
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Chili Pepper Cookie’s “Black Tiger Bandit Leader” will be released later alongside a Lunar New Year costume gacha banner.
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UI & Treasure Updates
🕯 The user interface menus for browsing your Cookies, Pets, Treasues, and Invocation Cards by category have been updated. Most Cookies have gained a combi bonus with one or more Treasures, buffing the effects of the Treasure while equipped with the highlighted Cookie.
Editor’s Note: Some combi bonuses between Cookies and Treasures are based on the update that they were both added, while others are most likely based on hidden parts of their own lore. Some combis will not make sense in certain instances of Cookie Run lore (EX: Pirate Cookie and Ion Microchip), and instead function based on how their combi Cookie’s abilities can help them gain the most benefits from their Treasure (EX: Pirate’s ability creates coins that can upgrade the Ion Microchip). Carrot Pudding Trampoline is currently the only usable Treasure that does not have a partner.
Some Treasures are compatible with more than one Cookie. Common and Legendary Cookies do not have a Treasure Combi Bonus, while Rare and Epic Cookies will have a Combi Bonus with one Treasure of their matching rarity.
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Whenever you view a Cookie, Pet, or Treasure, you will see their important statistics on the right side. This includes their name, level and upgrade progress, ability points and timers, their specialties (such as flight, special controls, jellies, destruction, and recovery), and Energy count. Click on the text boxes on the right to access additional information on how their abilities work.
The icons above the selected Cookie indicate achievements you have gained with them, such as reaching a unit’s max level, reaching 1,000 Affection Points with a Cookie, reaching max level with that Cookie’s Magic Candy, and gaining a +6 Enhancement with a Treasure. Also around the center of the screen you can find information about their Story, Cookie Relationships (accessible through the button listing their Affection Points), a Cookie’s Magic Candy, and their costumes. If the unit has a Trial or packages, then you can access their Trial and/or packages through the lower-left buttons.
Click the “Bonus” box on the left side to open a list of Combi Bonuses that are compatible with that Cookie/Pet/Treasure. Some Cookies, Pets, and Treasures may not have a combi bonus, in which case the lefthand box will not appear.
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A New Item is now accessible through events and packages: Guaranteed Enhancement Oil. To use the Oil, highlight the checkbox next the the “Enhance” button before attempting an enhancement (if you have enough) to ensure that the attempt is successful, 100% guaranteed! Leaving the box unchecked will attempt the enhancement with the same preset success/fail percentages before the update. The number of Oil bottles required for each enhancement level are as follows:
+1: 1 Oil
+2: 2 Oil
+3: 3 Oil
+4: 5 Oil
+5: 10 Oil
+6: 15 Oil
🕰 One more thing before we wrap it up in this part: if you did not find Continuum Cog in the Time Rift maze like the Editor never did, you are going to have to wait until that clock spins round and round again and I put it into the mileage bin! If you do not want to wait, then you’re surrendering fifteen American dollars for that package…!
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Continuum Cog is now behind a new paywall for those that did not complete the event. You can still get it for $15 USD if you still want it, but there is currently no F2P way to unlock it for now… and I thought the legendary max level passes were $30 problems…
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slashermom · 5 years
How do the Sinclair bros celebrate their birthdays with their s/o? And what if there s/o is like super into birthdays and wants to make it special for them?
Truth be told, birthdays never really mattered to Bo.
Why should they when they were never truly about him? Attention was always fixated on Vincent and how it was Vincent’s special day.
He only kept track of them as he got older so he could know when he could legally buy his own smokes and beer.
But even now they’re not particularly a big deal to him.
You: It’s your birthday Bo! :D
Bo: *ducks head out from under the hood of his truck with a cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth* Well ain’t that sumthin’. You think I can get a free meal at Hooters?
He’s pretty adamant about keeping the celebration down to a minimum.
A drink and some birthday sex will suit him just fine.
But if you’re hellbent on giving him the birthday he deserves he’s not gonna stop you.
Not like he could if he tried.
Just as you suspected, Bo woke up completely forgetting that today was his birthday and went about his normal routine.
This gave you more than enough time to decorate the kitchen and part of the living room with birthday decorations and bake a good-sized cake.
You actually commissioned Vincent to make some little candles for the cake. You reminded yourself to make sure he came up and enjoyed himself and give him the gift you picked up for him. It was his birthday too after all.
You laid everything out neatly and triple checked all your little decorations and placements before the sound of the front door opening pulled your attention.
Bo went to let out a noise of question but you didn’t let him process the thought and shouted a joyful ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’
Raised eyebrows and wide eyes scan the Sinclair house with disbelief. You really went out of your way to do this for him?
Believe it or not, Bo may be prideful and confident but he also considers himself more trouble than he’s worth and knows he doesn’t deserve good things.
So this sentiment leaves the quick-witted man speechless for a moment.
You push him into the kitchen where all the gifts and cake are while you mention something about Lester stopping by.
You shove three presents toward him with a smile. You felt bad that you had to wrap them in old newspaper, completely forgetting about wrapping paper but it’s what in the wrapping right?
Bo will protest he doesn’t need anything. That you’re already making a man blush but you shake your head and tell him to open the damn presents already. So he does.
A pair of new work boots, a cap, and a shiny new lighter. Nothing too extravagant but all things he could use. Practical, you reasoned with yourself. You wanted to get him more but your budget was already stretched thin as it was and-
Bo didn’t allow much time for you to feel guilty about what you couldn’t give him. Quick to show his appreciation with a kiss and a genuine smile.
You make his heart feel so full.
You’ve done more for him in these few moments than anyone has his whole life and if this is how all birthdays are he’s gonna have to start paying attention to them more closely.
Birthdays slipped away from Vincent after he left Ambrose.
With nobody there to wish him happy birthday or show any sort of appreciation for his day of birth he just let them slip away.
He knew how old he was or had a rough idea, but just hadn’t truly celebrated since he was a young boy.
Vincent wasn’t oblivious to his twin’s dismay at the day and wondered if he could ever make it up to him for all the years Bo was swept under the rug.
Most of the time, he spent his birthday hiding away in the basement from Bo. Vincent knew Bo probably didn’t know it was their birthday but he didn’t want to risk it and piss him off.
But you weren’t as weary about Bo as he was.
You were gonna give Vincent (and by extension Bo) a fantastic birthday!
You started off his birthday by waking up the sleeping artist with some breakfast in bed. A meal he often skipped or grabbed the bare minimum.
He was startled at first.
Didn’t know why you were being so generous to him before you explained that it was his birthday and he felt heat spread throughout his cheeks.
You remembered. You knew.
He wanted to jump right up and snatch ahold of you and never let go.
But Vincent settled on a lovely kiss.
You tried to convince him to take the day off but he reasoned that he had to get another wax figure in the museum. You eventually gave in and told him to take it easy today. It was his birthday after all.
It gave you some time to make sure you had everything.
As Vincent sat in his workshop long after your surprise this morning, he could still feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest. Vincent considers himself a very stoic person, but you are able to pull emotions from him almost effortlessly.
You checked on him multiple times that day.
Each time you would wish him a happy birthday and leave him with a kiss or a nice back/shoulder rub.
You did most of these things on a normal day but they felt more special today.
As the day came to a close and the night crept in, you began to get restless.
To kill some time, you ran down to the service station to drop off a piece of cake and Bo’s gift but he seemed to be preoccupied in the basement and there was no way in hell you were going down there.
Once you returned to the house and puttered around a bit more you grew tired of waiting and decided to bring the party down to Vincent.
Balancing his presents in one hand and his piece of cake in another you thumped your way down the stairs into his work space.
Vincent just stands there in shock for a few seconds as he asses the situation before him.
You mean to tell him you did more for him?
Vincent’s heart is beating so loud in his chest that he’s pretty sure he’s just gonna keel over.
Placing everything on a clean space on his workbench you usher him over to sit at the stool and open his gifts.
Vincent tells you that you didn’t have to do this, that he’s more than happy with the breakfast and all the birthday wishes.
You only shake your head and push the gifts closer.
He’s careful unwrapping each gift and each gift he pulls free of its wrapping he feels his breath gets caught in his throat.
A few sticks of charcoal, some nice new color pencils, two hardcover sketchbooks, and some paints.
A bunch of small items that made it seem bigger than it really was.
Vincent could only stare at the gifts.
He’s pretty sure that even if he was a big talker he would still have trouble finding the right words to express his appreciation and love for you.
He plucks your hand from his shoulder and presses it to the lips of his mask.
Vincent quickly decides that this contact is not nearly enough and stands from his seat to pull you closer.
You might not be able to tell but he’s got the biggest grin on his face. Even though it stings and aches he can’t help it. You make him so happy.
Much like the harsher of the two twins, birthdays were tricky for Lester.
He didn’t get to have too many at home before Trudy got sick and the ones he could remember were very brief and cold.
He had a few birthdays here and there in the system that were somewhat memorable but nothing special.
Lester did see other kids at birthday parties with their friends and family and did always wonder what that was like. But he knew better than to stare for too long.
As he got older, he would maybe treat himself to a meal out but besides that, it was just another day.
He spent many of them alone but that was gonna change this time around.
You knew Lester would get up early and be at work for most of the day if not till early evening.
Giving you the opportunity to go out and get everything. You had waited to pick up what you needed until now because you knew that Lester would be inclined to snoop. He always did during Christmas.
But you did make sure to slip his birthday card into the front seat of his truck for him to find sometime during the day.
You were left the rest of the just wait for the scrawny man to return and you couldn’t wait for him to see his reaction.
You had thrown up a few decorations but nothing too extravagant. You understood that simplicity was key.
After spending the day impatiently waiting for Lester to return, you finally heard the telltale squeak of the front door and his boots hitting the floor.
You rounded the corner to see Lester staring in awe at the decorations as well as the cake and gifts laid out in front of him.
He had the birthday card held tightly in his grasp.
“You do all this for me?”
You chuckled and nodded, going to pull him closer into the room but he instead pulled you closer and pressed a kiss to your cheek before grabbing your hand and tugging you toward the gifts.
Lester raised his eyebrows as if asking permission to open his own gifts. You told him to get on with it and he did frantically.
First, he unwrapped the new long sleeve shirts.
He definitely needed some new shirts. His old ones were forever stained with his work. Not to mention, they reeked even after you washed them more times you could count on both of your hands.
Lester was so excited he was already trying them all on.
Making comments about they’re so soft and you got just the right size and how he’ll never take them off.
But he was most excited about the new Bowie knife you had presented to him after he got done trying on all the shirts.
His old one was getting dull and although you found it comical watching him struggle against the hide of some poor dead critter it was time for a new one.
He cries.
Wraps his arms around you and whispers thank yous and I love yous into your neck. He really, truly, absolutely means it.
The moment was broken up by the sound of Bo kicking open the front door with a loud: “Happy Birthday you smelly son of a bitch!”
Lester pulled away to go meet his brothers and you laughed watching the three men converse in the entryway.
Lester spends the rest of the night glued to you. Every once and awhile turning to get a look at you and smiling to himself about how lucky he is.
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@polyfacetious big ass Christmas Drabble Extravagaza: Day Twenty
“Did you know that there’s not any real appreciable difference between salt water taffy and regular taffy?” The guy in the nice suit browsing the bins of taffy looks up at Barry, cocking a brow at him. He’s been in the store for a couple of minutes now, and after a brief ‘hi, how are you’ exchange, Barry had said nothing else. Until now.
“So salt water taffy was invented in 1883 in Atlantic City, on the boardwalk. It was invented by this guy named David Bradley, I think that’s what his name is. And anyway, so he had a taffy shop out on the boardwalk. Because, tourists.”
Barry gestures around himself, to the small shop and its pristine white walls and white tile floors, to the barrels holding the candy all made of rich, dark wood. The only real pops of color in the place were the pieces of candy themselves, almost pastel behind their white wrapping paper. 
This whole street was a tourist attraction. A collection of immigrants who set up shop here right next to each other, selling a little bit of everything. Barry had seen the article about it in some tourist magazine, solely because Diego had it framed and on the wall in the front of his shop. 
And Diego’s tacos were definitely worth waiting in line for. So Barry waited like everyone else, and it meant he had plenty of time to do things like read the article that was framed on the wall that talked about ‘found family’ and ‘eclectic tastes’. Barry was pretty sure that last little bit was because of Klaus, but he wasn’t sure.
“So. Atlantic City, right? Right off the water on the pier, big ferris wheel, super cool place, even back then. But it flooded.” Barry stops, cocking his head. “I don’t think the ferris wheel was there in the 1880s.” But he can’t look right now, because he’s pulling taffy. 
That was the allure of the place. All of the taffy was hand pulled. No machines here. Barry did all the pulling, cutting and wrapping. Super boring work, but it gave him time to think when it wasn’t busy, and his biceps looked pretty sweet. 
Even right now, he’s grateful that his work t-shirt is a little tight around the sleeves as he takes the long strand of shiny white taffy and folds it back over the hook on the wall. From there, he pulls it down towards him again, lengthening the strand before he folds it back over the hook again. 
“I look it up later. Anyway. Atlantic City.” This story was all over the place, but the guy in his probably expensive and very nicely cut suit, wow he looked good, he was just watching Barry with his arms crossed, expression amused. “It flooded. Soaked the guy’s entire stock of candy. Once everything dried out, he took a bite of it on a whim.”
Barry glances over his shoulder and grins at the guy. Looks like the taffy wasn’t the only one on the hook today. “Said it tasted pretty good. So from then on, he sold it as salt water taffy. Made it tourist-y.”
He takes the white taffy from the hook and slaps it down onto the marble slab he’d cut it on. But first, he needed to roll it into something like a log. Barry always liked the way the taffy looked at this stage, with its bright sheen and its pliable nature. Like solid snow, or something. 
“But the thing is when you’re making taffy, when you’re making any kind of candy really, you’re going to boil the water with the sugar to get your base. And when you boil the water, it takes the salt right out of it. Seriously, it’ll crust the bottom of the big brass pot we use. I have to scrape it out sometimes.”
Barry folds the taffy in on itself like a big, soft pretzel and gives it a squeeze. He was going to need to punch it out a little before it would be ready to be cut. 
“So salt water taffy doesn’t actually taste any different than regular taffy. It’s just-”
“Tourists.” The guy answers, his voice low and rough, like sandpaper at the bottom of the well. “Do you tell all your customers about the history of ripping off tourists, or am I just special?” The smile, which really couldn’t be called a smile, tugs at just one corner of the guy’s lips. 
“I’m bored.” Barry grins right back at him. “But if you need someone to tell you that you’re special, I’ll be your man.” 
That earns him a small huff of laughter, and Barry finds himself proud of the sound. Yeah, he did that. “Oliver.” The guy, Oliver, holds a hand out to shake over the top of the glass separating the open part of the shop from Barry’s work area. 
“Barry.” He peels the glove off of his hand and tosses it into the trash can he keeps beneath the counter before he shakes Oliver’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Oliver.” Oliver has nice, strong hands. Callused, too. Not what Barry would expect from a guy wearing a suit that looked like it cost more than what Barry made in a month. “You read the article, huh?”
There’s a split second that Oliver looks sheepish before he settles into the conversation. “You guys get that much foot traffic in here from the New Yorker article?” Wow. Diego just had the article up, not the rest of the magazine. Barry didn’t know it was such a high end magazine that spoke so highly of their little street. Maybe that’s why they were getting so many people browsing up and down the street.
“Yeah.” It’s Barry’s turn to huff out a laugh, pulling a fresh glove out of the box and slipping it on before he gets back to the roll of taffy in front of him, punching it down before he rolls it out again into a little shiny log. “They tend to hit all the ‘greatest hits’, that’s what Tony calls them. The places in the article. But it works out for the other spots, like the book store, because then the tourists think that they’ve found some great hole in the wall that a reporter didn’t even find.”
Oliver glances down at the briefcase sitting at his feet, emblazoned with his initials and gleaming in the afternoon sun. “Guilty as charged.”
The taffy is a nice, long log now. Ready to be cut. Barry grabs the rounded cutter and starts on the far edge, his cuts swift and precise, a long practiced movement. As close to muscle memory as a person could get with something sharp in their hands.
Or at least as close as Barry Allen could get with a knife in his hand. Because the tip of his left thumb would beg to differ. 
It was fine, they sewed it right back on. It wasn’t really that big of a deal anyway. Though Felicity didn’t think it was funny when Barry suggested that the next big thing would be blood taffy. No one ever tapped into the goth market with candy.
“That’s cool, though. You came because of the article but you still adventured outside of your routine and maybe your comfort zone. I’d be proud of that if I were you.” Also, if Barry were Oliver he’d probably never wear a shirt and spend the rest of his life looking at himself in front of a mirror, Narcissus style. 
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re too nice?” Oliver reaches up to adjust the knot of his tie and Barry’s thumb almost makes a repeat performance. Luckily, it’s just a really thin piece of taffy and not a piece of thumb that rolls across the cool marble. 
“Oh yeah.” Barry laughs, and gives up on cutting anything else while Oliver was still here. He could go ahead and get these pieces wrapped and ready to do, and then no one was at risk of a bloodbath. “All the time. Felicity, she’s the other owner of this place, we split it fifty-fifty, she always tells me that I’m too nice for my own good.”
Then again, Barry thought Fels was way too nice for her own good. But he was too nice to say something about it, so maybe she had a leg up on him. 
“Doesn’t it bother you? Knowing that people might take advantage of you? Or scam you? Or hurt you?”
Barry is pretty sure this isn’t the kind of conversation you have with the guy who runs the taffy shop on your vacation if you have anyone else to talk to. That makes it all the more important that Barry listens. “Well yeah. No one wants to be hurt. But I think about it like this. If I keep the windows closed all the time because I’m worried about rain, then I miss out on all the good breezes I could get, too.”
It’s a weird, mixed metaphor but it seems to sink in, because Oliver is watching him very closely, and with something like respect in his eyes. Nailed it. 
Barry shrugs and reaches across the space between them, holding his hand out to Oliver, palm up. In it, a single wrapped piece of white salt water taffy, rolled up neatly in wax paper, the ends twisted inwards and fanning out, like the candy you would see in a cartoon. “Here, have a free sample.”
He had a bad habit about free samples. Barry just couldn’t help it, he liked seeing kids light up and laugh when they had their first bite. And it’s no different watching Oliver carefully unwrap the piece and pop it into his mouth, his eyes widening briefly in surprise. 
“I know, right?” Barry shifts eagerly from foot to foot, and gives in, popping that thin, misshapen piece from the end of the roll into his mouth. Taffy wasn’t complicated, when it came to ingredients. It was just a few things, and most everyone had them at home. It was the process that made something special out of the ingredients. “You’d think I’d be sick of this stuff, being around it all day. But I’m really not. I love it.”
‘It’ meant more than just the candy. It meant the shop, the street, the crazy dream that he and Felicity jetted off to follow right out of college. Barry’s life was kind of crazy and he wouldn’t trade that for anything. 
“I can see that.” Oliver doesn’t speak until he finishes chewing and swallowing his piece of candy, unlike Barry who had no problem speaking behind his hand with his mouth full. Oliver takes the candy wrapper and smooths it out flat in his palm before he places it on the top of the glass case, sliding it back towards Barry with the tip of his index finger. “And I’d like to see you again.”
Wow. That was smooth as hell. Barry needs a second to parse the fact that the very attractive businessman was looking at him like that. Like Barry was another piece of candy that he wanted to unwrap. “Barry.” Oliver’s voice cuts through all those wild, tumbling thoughts. “I want you to write your number on here.” Oliver taps the piece of wrapper.
“Oh!” Yeah, Barry was not picking up on that. He laughs nervously, ducking behind the counter and nearly braining himself on the glass before he’s able to find a permanent marker on a low shelf. Barry scribbles his name across the square, and his phone number underneath it. 
Even if Oliver changed his mind and never called, even if Barry never saw him again, this whole afternoon would be worth it to see Felicity’s face when he told her the story about getting hit on by the suave businessman in the middle of the afternoon on a Monday. 
Definitely worth it.
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rahirah · 5 years
Restoring A Mid-Century Modern Dining Chair
What you will need:
A Chair 4 Rubber Chair Feet Upholstery Material, approx 18x18 " About a dozen short nails (about ½ " long -- roofing nails or carpet tacks will do) OR a heavy-duty staple gun & staples.
3-4 ½" screws A Hammer A Saw A Screwdriver
Optional Extras:
Padding A Drill 8-12 medium nails 1 ½ to 2 " long depending on depth of seat (you will only need these if you are using cross pieces.)
Where to Get Supplies:
Very often, places like Lowes or Home Depot will have a scrap lumber bin, where you can get boards super cheap.  You have to check carefully before you buy, because very often the reason a board gets chucked into the scrap bin is that it’s warped.  And it’s a grab bag as to what will be there at any given time.  Still, you can get decent wood for small projects there at reasonable prices if you keep an eye out.
For padding and upholstery, if you don’t want to buy outrageously expensive new fabric, check for places near you that sell mill-end fabric and scrap leather.  Or you can repurpose old coats, quilts, comforters, etc.
For hardware, your local hardware store should have everything you need.    Don’t be intimidated by rows of specialty nails and screws.  A nail is pretty much a nail.  There’s a flat end and a pointy end.  All you need to know is, what’s the combined thickness of the things you’re going to be nailing or screwing together?  Then pick nails or screws that are long enough to go past the half-way point of that thickness, but not longer than the total thickness.  Heavier things need heavier nails, and lighter things need lighter nails.  Simple!
Step 1: Find A Chair
This is a chair that's been knocking around since I was a kid. It sat in my Mom’s back yard for about fifty years, and looks it.  However, I think it looks kind of cool, and I wanted to fix it up.
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I cleaned the iron frame up with a damp cloth to remove surface dirt and debris, but I decided that I wanted to leave the weathered, rustic look of the iron as it was.  If you do want to clean minor rust like this and make it look black and shiny again, you can use either a commercial rust cleaner, or you can use a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water.  Once the rust has been removed, and the iron is dry, you can wipe it down with liquid car wax and buff it with a rag to make it more rust-resistant.
Step 2: Replace Rubber Feet
The old feet on this chair had worn completely through.  Since it's iron, you don't want the bare legs scratching up your floors, or making nails-on-chalkboard screeches every time you move the chair.  Replacing the rubber feet is easy: just measure the diameter of the legs, go to your local hardware store, and buy new ones.
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Step 3: Check the integrity of the seat.
If you're lucky, whatever the base of your seat is will be in good condition, and you can just strip off the old upholstery and padding, and re-cover it.  (You may even be able to keep the padding.)  In this case, that wasn't an option.  This chair has been rained on a million times, and the plywood was disintegrating.  I took it off and threw the whole seat away.  (The web is old.  No spiders were harmed in the restoration of this chair.)
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Step 4:  Replace the Seat (if necessary)
I did not have any plywood on hand, and the local hardware place does not sell plywood, and I didn't feel like running all the way across town to Lowe's.  So I bought a 3′ length of 2x8 lumber instead.  I cut it down into two 15-inch lengths.  Put together, this made a 15x15" square.  (Because 2x8s are actually 2x 7.5s.  It's confusing.)  This was slightly smaller than the original plywood seat, which was 15x16″, but that was no big deal.  
I have a table saw, so that's what I used to cut the wood.  However, you can also use a hand-held circular saw, or even a manual hand saw.  If you are using a hand saw, manual or electric, unless you have an inhumanly good eye and steady hand, you will probably want to use a straight-edge and a pencil to mark your cutting lines first.  It is also a good idea to have either A) someone to hold the wood still for you, or B) a working surface to which you can clamp the wood.  If you can't keep your wood steady, you WILL end up with a crooked, ragged cut.  And if you're using a circular saw, you could seriously injure yourself if your wood wobbles and causes kickback.  
If you're using any kind of power tools, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST and follow them.  You don't want to fight with a power tool; it will win.
If I had wanted to get fancy, I could have used wood glue and a couple of clamps to glue the two pieces together.  But I was being impatient, and didn't want to wait for the glue to dry.  So instead, I used the new upholstery to hold the two pieces together until I could nail on supporting crossbars.  (See Step 6.)
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Select and Trim New Upholstery
You can use anything you like here – fabric, leather, vinyl.  The only caveat is that thin fabrics will wear out more quickly, and very heavy fabric or leather can be more difficult to fold nicely at the corners.  I'm using mid-weight leather for this particular piece.  
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Whatever you use, invest in a good pair of sewing shears to cut it.  Trying to use craft scissors to cut cloth or leather will drive you nuts.  If you are using very heavy leather, an Xacto knife (one of the big ones) might work even better.  If you're using an Xacto, make sure that you have a surface to cut on that you don't mind scratching up.  (And of course, be careful and use good knife safety.)
Cut your upholstery AT LEAST 2 inches larger than your seat all around.  Remember to account for the depth of the seat and any padding as well as the breadth.  If you're using fabric that frays easily, you will probably want to turn the edge under, so add extra for that.   You can always trim extra length off, but you can't untrim a piece that's too short.
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Step 6: Attach New Padding/Upholstery
If you are replacing or adding more padding, then place it between your seat base and the upholstery material before you attach the upholstery material. I decided that since my primary purpose for the chair was to put it next to my closet to throw clothes on, and this was never going to be a Comfy Chair no matter what I did, that I didn't need to bother with padding.
Since I was using moderately heavy leather, I trimmed away some excess at each corner of the seat so that it would fold more easily.  Again, be careful and don't trim off too much.  I used a mixture of carpet tacks and roofing nails to attach the leather to the wood (the roofing nails were for the corners, where I wanted something sharper to get through the multiple layers of leather.)  Basically any short, sturdy nail will do.  OR if you have a heavy-duty staple gun, that would also work well.  Make sure you stretch your material evenly.  It can be helpful to have a partner at this stage to hold the material even while you tack it on.
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Once the leather was attached, I nailed cross bars (two 13″ 2x4s) onto each of the sides to keep the two seat pieces together.  As you can probably tell, the 2x4 was just an old one I happened to have in my scrap lumber supplies.   Since the frame of the chair is screwed directly to the two seat pieces, I suppose I COULD have left the crossbars off, but I wanted the extra stability.  Ideally I would have used framing nails to attach the crossbars, but I was out of framing nails, so I used finishing nails instead.  (Like I said, for a project this small, nails is nails.)  I made sure to measure the iron seat frame first, and attach the crossbars so that there would be room enough between them to screw the frame of the chair to the seat.
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There are four nails per cross bar -- because they’re finishing nails, they’re hard to see.
Step 7: Reattach Seat
Once the seat was put together, I screwed the metal frame of the chair onto the seat, right between the cross pieces.  Weirdly, this particular chair only has three screws holding the seat to the frame; most chairs of this general type use four.  I re-used the original screws.  Optionally, you can use a drill to start your screw holes.  Be sure to pick a drill bit a little smaller than the diameter of your screws.
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And voila, one restored Mid-Century Modern chair!  
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spacingmoon7 · 2 years
How To Clean Brake Calipers Without Removing Them
Generated via cloudfront (CloudFront) Request identity: Motomuck motorbike cleaner review It simplifies your bike washing system, but at a price.
I appreciate deep cleansing my motorcycle and a quite pleasing a part of that manner contains the use of a large number of specialised cleansing items. I these days got to are trying a new one from a new Zealand-based business called Motomuck. It become despatched over via its Indian retailer, Mumbai-primarily based Baycity velocity store.
The thought with this product is How To Clean Brake Calipers Without Removing Themessential. Spray it onto the dirt, wait for 5 to 10 minutes after which vigor wash it off. I don’t have a power washer, so I used a great ol’ bucket of water and frivolously agitated the dirty areas with a brush.
base line, these things works well. It got pretty much the entire hardened grime off the motorbike and it even eliminated most of the gunk and grease from the rear wheel. It easily resulted in the lowest effort bike wash I’ve performed, as a result of getting this muck off continually takes time and work.
That incontrovertible fact that it works so neatly means that here is a very powerful chemical. The enterprise states that it is secure to use on aluminium, anodised surfaces, seals, plastic, chrome, brakes and tyres, however you’ve received to be added cautious. The bottle warns in two separate locations that it may trigger streaking, both on surfaces like displays, or in case you apply it to a floor that has been pre-treated with another care product. That’s why I used it most effective on the reduce part of the bike because my painted and black panels have both been ceramic covered or acquire the occasional spray wax medication.
here is anything you should be very careful with, and don’t let it dry on either. Motomuck advises that you simply are attempting a small check area first and state that they gained’t be in charge if issues go wrong.
It charges Rs 999 and i ended up the use of rather less than 1 / 4 of the one-litre bottle in a single go, which skill I should get four, probably 5 washes out of it. this is most under no circumstances low priced. youngsters, I don’t wash my bike like this often and this product helped speed up the boring grunge work of getting the muck off, earlier than letting me get to the gratifying bit of deep cleaning the bike and making it all shiny.
if you’re in the same condition, or in case you just need a super handy technique to get muck off your motorbike with out much of a take care of VFM, this product is value trying out. I’d be happy to buy one other bottle when this one gets over.
where: www.baycityspeedshop.com
fee: Rs 999
bike ingredients and accessories motorcycle components and add-ons allow you to maintain a motorbike running safely, to convey out untapped performance, and to be prepared for a rough street ahead. including a replacement half or upgrading to a more robust edition is an outstanding strategy to get to grasp your bike, and that’s vital so you can also be aware of the strengths and capabilities weaknesses of your computing device.
elements and add-ons make it possible to do the pursuits renovation you want also, frequently slicing down the charge of taking your bike to the shop for a tune-up. Of direction, in case you’re rocking a company-new experience, you may have much less want for tweaks right here or there, but when you’ve bought used, there’s a fair possibility you’ll need to do some wrenching down the road.
Motorcyclist gives the newest news and in-depth experiences of the most prevalent and constructive materials and add-ons available on the market. We desire you to know how every tool, replacement part, accent bolt-on, and upgrade works, and whether it’s respectable sufficient for your garage and your desktop.
bike protection is basic. excessive-wear gadgets just like the chain, sprockets, brakes, tires, and fluid degrees need to be checked frequently to be certain a safe trip. Most bike manuals deliver lists of simple motorbike maintenance initiatives to be achieved, and it’s vital to dwell on agenda. The advantage to keeping up-to-date on your upkeep calendar is a accurately functioning, safe, and authentic motorcycle.
Motorcyclist has a wealth of suggestions to aid be certain you’re in a position to get the job achieved right. MC garage is an ever-increasing useful resource that covers a broad range of issues. deserve to know extra about motorcycle chain protection or suspension adjustment? We’ve acquired you lined, after which some. We additionally present a large selection of how-to articles and video clips, taking you step by step through a number of general upkeep projects.
equipment for motorcycles are once in a while the identical as these you’d locate in any ironmongery store, and infrequently they’re notably designed for a particular intention. bike chain tools, carb sync motorcycle tools, tire changing equipment for bikes are sometimes made for a unique job. whereas a collection of metric sockets, screwdrivers, torque wrenches, and pliers can also already be on your storage or, improved yet, to your bike device bag.
if you don’t have any of these, many bike device kits will get you the fundamentals. but having the relevant device for the job at hand is critical to getting the work accomplished safely and simply. That’s why Motorcyclist gives insights and stories on tools for any job in our many how-tos, product studies, and MC garage installments.
Ask the Mechanic should still I change MY BRAKE device constituents?
hey Paul, these days, my Toyota Prado brake master cylinder and brake calipers had been found leaking and jamming because of rust damage and leaking seals. What am i able to do to resolve this and the way am i able to evade this condition in future?
hi there Allan, sorry about your trouble. You may wish to exchange the corrosion damaged or leaking brake master cylinder and brake calipers. I imply you additionally check up on the brake fluid strains in case they have also been littered with the corrosion damage. considering the fact that the circumstance of a brake equipment is a vital security concern, you should pull all of the stops.
The master cylinder and calipers support to build hydraulic power within the brake device, which in flip determines the braking distance or how quickly you are capable of cease the automobile during emergency braking. In a worst case state of affairs, a severe leak within the brake fluid gadget may cause complete and catastrophic failure of the brakes.
Jamming brake calipers can also cause an accident as a result of sudden sudden failure to disengage the brakes whereas rushing on the dual carriageway. Going forward, that you may avoid this by way of inspecting and servicing the brake device and brake fluid all through advised periodic renovation. Brake fluid should still get replaced every two to a few years or 30,000 to forty,000 kilometres, reckoning on the car and brake fluid company ideas.
Brake fluid is designed to inhibit or evade corrosion construct up, cool the brake gadget to protect seals and metallic accessories as well as build hydraulic power for respectable efficiency.
Over time, brake fluid turns into soiled as it carries away soot from the distinctive metallic accessories.
Brake fluid is additionally hygroscopic and tends to absorb moisture. This affects its means to give protection to the brake device from corrosion hurt. be counted of reality, the aged brake fluid now helps to accelerate corrosion harm of expensive brake system components. growing older brake fluid tends to have a lower boiling point than it's designed to have. This reduces its capacity to act as a warmth transfer agent, which is designed to cool the brake equipment.
hey Paul, I personal a Toyota Noah which stops all at once when attempting to negotiate a corner. What may well be the cause?
good day Tukei, you may additionally have a leakage of unmetred air from the air intake pipe between the air mass sensor after the air cleaner and the engine throttle. Unmetred air intake will distort the gas air ratio as regulated by way of the engine administration system.
this will trigger erratic running or engine stalling (stopping all at once) if you load it all through steerage or switching on other add-ons akin to air con. another reason for engine stalling in the event you load it can be due to loss of vigor brought about by means of a dirty air cleaner element, worn-out spark plugs or a clogged dirty fuel filter.
hardly does a dirty throttle assembly bog down free move of the throttle valve and air intake, causing a drop of engine vigor which results in stalling.
HOW a great deal TYRE drive DO i need FOR MY motorcycle?
howdy Paul, i am a scientific work and that i experience a bike (TVS HLX a hundred twenty five) to and from hospital. What tyre pressure is respectable for preserving my measurement 17 tyres in decent shape for security whereas riding? The consumer guide recommends 25psi (front) and 28 psi (rear tyre). despite the fact, as a result of our terrible street conditions, I suppose the advised tyre drive is too low.
hey Quraish, motorcycles continually have bigger size tyres with diverse aspect ratios at the rear as a result of they are rear pushed and it helps with balance and rideability when the rear tyre has more advantageous traction and street grip. for this reason, the tyre force should still no longer be the identical. similarly, it's counseled that you just ride on the company counseled tyre pressures in your own safety, experience comfort and tyre existence span.
The TVS motorcycle online catalogue for the HLX 125 motorbike publicizes the entrance tyre size as 2.seventy five x 17 and the rear tyre measurement as ninety/90 x 17. The counseled tyre power for the front tyre is 1.seventy five kg/cm (25 psi). The suggested tyre drive for the rear tyre with one passenger is 2.25 kg/cm (32 psi). With two passengers the informed rear tyre passenger is 2.53kg/cm (36psi).
The manufacturer informed tyre pressures are essential because they are because of the rigorous testing. unsuitable tyre pressure will have an effect on your tyres’ street grip and commonplace performance as you ride. Over inflated tyres may also compromise your safeguard as the tyres are at risk of bursting, which can also endanger you or your passenger.
Your tyres’ lifespan will be decreased with beneath inflation or over inflation because the tyre partitions are inclined to get broken or undergo uneven put on. handiest alter the rear tyre drive in the event you are riding solo or carrying a passenger in accordance to manufacturer’s instructions.
WHY IS MY car no longer PUMPING gas?
My Mercedes Benz 230E doesn't pump fuel safely. although there is sufficient fuel, it behaves as notwithstanding the tank is empty. What could be the difficulty?
good day nameless, it is always positive to delivery with the fundamentals. have you ever changed your gasoline filter since your car’s gasoline device began failing? if you haven't, it could possibly have damaged your gas pump. however, earlier than you change the gasoline pump, make certain the gasoline strains from the pump aren't broken or leaking gas force. lastly, a computer will assist confirm that an engine administration sensor such because the crank attitude sensor is not erroneous.
The crank attitude sensor keeps the engine manage module up-to-date with the operating popularity and speed of the engine. When this sensor fails, the engine control module will withhold fuel deliver on the assumption that the engine is not running. this may create a misunderstanding that the fuel pump is erroneous.
ship sms: mycar (house) your feedback and inquiries to 6933 or email themx to: [email protected]
6 huge Two-wheeler Launches This Month Some of those bikes on this checklist, like the monsoons, are operating somewhat late. sure, regardless of the optimistic climate document, bike launches during the last month were all thunder and no rain. nonetheless it seems like it's about to alternate. here are the appropriate motorbike launches anticipated in July.
TVS Zeppelin
sure, we did say that the Zeppelin would arrive in June, however TVS’s first ever cruiser looks to be in no rush. but, we've an legitimate invite from TVS for an unveiling of a brand new motorbike on the sixth of July. Our gut says, or not it's the Zeppelin and not the urban scrambler, Retron, that’s additionally in the pipeline.
We are expecting the production version of the Zepper to deviate just a little from the theory we’ve seen at Auto Expo lower back in 2018. however, it’s likely to continue the big-bore 223cc, single-cylinder engine derived from the Apache RTR 2004V. The engine will be greater torquey to go well with the cruiser character and should also have a gentle-hybrid equipment tucked away.
ultimately, let’s now not be stunned if TVS decides to call this the Ronin and not the Zeppelin. It’s an historic addiction in any case – considering the Akula grew to become the Apache RR 310, and Draken went on to be the RTR200. predict it to be priced around Rs 1.60 lakh(ex-showroom).
Ducati Streetfighter V4 SP
The SP badge on any Ducati effectively means dialing the lunacy as much as 11, and the Streetfighter V4SP are usually not any distinct. It’s slated to launch pretty quickly and may get a physique soaked in carbon fibre, while sporting its iconic winter examine livery. The hardware is additionally probably the most top-quality accessible, reminiscent of BST carbon fibre wheels, Brembo Stylema R brake calipers, dry STM slipper clutch, and smart 2.0 EC suspension from Ohlins. This lighter and more top rate streetfighter is coming quickly, and we cannot wait to taste the lunacy once again. The expected pricing for one of these is Rs 28 lakh(ex-showroom).
Harley-Davidson Nightster
The Nightster could be Harley Davidson’s lightest cruiser. Take that in for a second, Harley making mild motorcycles; abnormal but now not miraculous. What’s more special is that this cruiser will get the all-new Revolution Max 975T, a 975cc, liquid-cooled, 60-diploma V-twin engine. With 90PS and 95Nm on faucet, this is one of the vital refined engines in Harley’s lineup. With a fresh teaser hinting at an impending launch, you may expect a cost tag of Rs 14 lakh(ex-showroom) for the Harley Nightster.
Suzuki Katana
Cool bikes are cool, but cool bikes with cool names are cooler. And what can be a cooler identify than katana? The weapon of the Samurai! The Suzuki Katana is arguably probably the most prettiest bikes at the moment obtainable, and it’s coming to India very quickly.
For 2022, the streetfighter receives a cleaner BS6 compliant 999cc, inline-four engine, making 152PS and 106Nm (2PS greater however 2Nm below before). This sword will reduce deep. You’ll additionally get journey-via-wire throttle, three driving modes, a five-stage traction manage system and a bi-directional quickshifter as regular. The underpinnings on the India bound bike will no longer fluctuate from the international spec. That referred to, while the streetfighter packs good machine, its 215kg kerb weight and low 140mm floor clearance could be somewhat cumbersome to live with on our shoddy roads. We’re hoping it should be priced at Rs 14 lakh (ex-showroom).
Royal Enfield Hunter 350 and special mentions
This record can not conclusion with out the Royal Enfield Hunter 350. we've an legit invite from Royal Enfield for a launch in August. hence, we are expecting extra on the Hunter this month. So make sure to watchout for the video on our YouTube channel.
Keeway is yet to exhibit the costs of its ok-gentle 250V cruiser, and we accept as true with that it is going to announce the fee and delivery timelines for the bike in July.
image for representation best A recent classification filing document submitted via Hero suggests the XPulse 200 4V is all set to welcome domestic a new sibling. Hero is looking it the XPulse 200 4V Rally edition. one which’s more harcore, impressed by using Hero MotoCorp’s love for rallying.
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rapidovencleaning · 2 years
Top Rated 7 Oven Cleansing Hacks You Should Try Out
Scrubbing the oven is probably going you're the very least favorite domestic chore, and yet it's something that should be carried out. It should not only be done as part of your spring cleansing plan, but additionally regularly. Whenever you begin to see the oven in the dirty point out, you'll want to acquire enough cleaning motion. oven cleaners near me can become quick when you stick to some confirmed tips. Employ them all into your regime and you'll discover out just how straightforward this task is often. Mix your own private cleaner - you don't really want to resort to high priced industrial methods In relation to cleansing the oven. As an alternative, you can also make your personal cleaner in your house, which can be low-priced and very successful. White vinegar and baking soda has normally been called a Performing cleansing duo, nevertheless it does miracles on cleansing ovens. Rub the combination on to the area you need to take care of and go away it there for thirty minutes prior to wiping off. Clear shelves - a lot of people don't love to eliminate the oven racks to scrub them. You should not be like these individuals. If you'd like your oven interior for being as clear as is possible, you'll want to take out the racks and place them in a large sealable bag. Fill it with the oven cleaner of one's selecting and after that leave it for thirty minutes. Following that, rinse with drinking water and scrub any stubborn burnt-on meals particles. Use the proper tool - cleansing the oven by having an previous toothbrush can save you loads of effort and time. The delicate bristles are ideal for cleansing foods residue and also the small sizing allows for easy maneuvering In the oven. You can even get An electrical toothbrush. You need to use a glass scraper around the oven ground and door. It will help quite a bit if you can clear away the oven door to wash it correctly. Struggle oil with oil - the greasy Construct-up In the oven could be conveniently cleaned with oil. What you must do is add a number of drops of vegetable oil to a paper towel and run it around the greasy places. You can be surprised with the cleansing outcome. Take care of smells - if You're not eager on the idea of tolerating cooking smells days immediately after the particular cooking is done, you should acquire motion against smells. By way of example, fish, though scrumptious, might be Primarily pungent. What you need to do is get two drops of citrus or vanilla essence. Include them in an ovenproof bowl and leave it inside the oven till it cools off soon after cooking. Banish grease with car or truck wax - if crafted-up grease on the hob is supplying you with trouble, You should use automobile wax. Just use it on a particularly greasy area and wipe absent. Use product of tartar to polish - making use of cream of tartar to shine may perhaps seem Peculiar, but you should know it is very good for maintaining chrome steel shiny and new. Increase on a skinny cloth, utilize to the floor then wipe. Making use of the following tips inside your oven cleansing regime need to make items super easy for yourself. Remember to give them a test the following time you need to manage the oven cleaners near me.
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ecoat123 · 4 years
What are the benefits of Concrete Coating and Polishing?
For most of the floors especially, concrete floors Coating and Polishing is a popular option depending on their requirements. Concrete is very strong molecular structure makes it appropriate for business and industrial flooring applications, mainly if heavy equipment like forklifts will be driven across it. The techniques of Concrete Floor Coating and Polishing have come a long way and the output of the existing options is quite remarkable. It comes with lots of advantages that are enticing people to get it done. Hence, some benefits of Concrete Polishing and Concrete Coating are as follows:
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●   Floor is protected
In commercial setups, floors experience high traffic like heavy machines and more traffic. Due to this many times, the floor wears off in the areas where movement is abundant. So, to prevent this from occurring, the floor Coating and Polishing is a great resolution. By coating the floor, the floor is protected from damage by heavy equipment being moved across the flooring, which is to be likely in a commercial or an industrial setup. Additionally, the polished concrete simply transforms any type of porous concrete floor into a floor that is fairly tightened and dense enough to repel water, oil, and other contaminants.
●   Remove Dusting from Efflorescence
In an ordinarily polished concrete, minute dust particles are usually pushed to the surface through an upward force. This upward force is hydrostatic pressure and results in efflorescence. It mostly results in dusting that forces the epoxies off from their surface that is of the concrete floor. This is a surface contaminant that needs to be eliminated. Hence, this can make the whole process of maintenance fairly costly. So, the best solution for these types of issues is Polishing.
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 ●   Attractive and Light Reflective flooring
Commercial floor coatings are not only strong but look attractive. Shiny coated floors reflect 100% more light as compared to the bare concrete. This makes it a perfect choice for expressing the creative side of the business by forming impressive floors. Apart from this, because of polishing, even the smallest rooms can appear grand, cleaner, and more organized. Whether the concrete polishing is done inside the office or a house, visitors will definitely feel welcome and step in without any hesitations. Thus, you can contact to Concrete Coating Specialist in Sydney who is experienced in this job and can provide you the best work.
 ●   Easy to Maintain
One more useful advantage of Concrete Floor Coating and Polishing is that it is easy to maintain. Polishing makes the floor resistant to unpolished concrete’s some serious troubles. The need for repair, replacement, and re-polishing is unusual and reducible to nil. It only requires dusting and moping and they are as good as new. The polished concrete surfaces are generally tightly compacted and help in reducing stains. The unwanted marks and scratches on the floor are also reduced. At the same time, they do not need any stripping treatments to maintain their shine.
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 ●   Increased Slip Resistance
Polished concrete is super shiny however it does not lead to a slippery floor. On the contrary, it is loaded with the advantages of flattening the floor by automatically grinding it. So, all this increases the overall coefficient of friction as in any other normal concrete.
 ●   Price Effective
Concrete Floor Coating and Polishing is also best because it helps in reducing energy and the maintenance costs connected with it considerably. This is done via ambient illumination and reflectivity; reduced tire wear and reduction as well in upkeep such as waxing and stripping. Besides, a Concrete Coating Specialist in Sydney can offer this service at industry leading prices.
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 ●   LEED Friendly
For eliminating the need for additional materials polished concrete uses existing concrete surfaces such as coverings or coatings and move on the way to sustainable building. It also usually contains no VOCs (volatile organic compounds), making it friendly for any USBG LEED project.
 ●   Resistance to chemicals
Concrete Polishing and Concrete Coating would be a perfect choice in commercial environments that may experience spillage of chemicals during operations. The coating is resistant to chemicals, unlike the case of concrete or other types of floor. While the risk of such chemicals is almost there in almost any company and floor Coating and Polishing is quite helpful. One more benefit is that resistance to corrosion gives the floor a long life.
 Final Words:
After the polishing is complete the Concrete polishing specialists can also easily dye or stain the concrete. There is a large choice of colors for concrete so you can choose according to your choice. For extra elegance, engravings can also be added to the coated or polished concrete floor. Additionally, for a unique advertising plan, many businesses prefer this option so that their logo can be permanently imprinted into the concrete. 
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tysonrunningfox · 7 years
Tired, Hungry, and Chiefly
This chapter is my pride and joy.  You think you’ve seen Eret be bad at women?  No you haven’t, he peaks here.  Wait, no he doesn’t, there’s that time he’s gonna super awkwardly bring up marriage at a bad time but whatever. And the poor boy can’t be trusted with his little mini stoick thing he’s got going on.  Someone help him.  The baby boy.  
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“Is it broken?”  I feel stupid asking the question as I stare at the dam Sven wants help with.  I’ve never looked at a dam for this long before, of course I understand the basic idea of it, that it stops water from flowing and makes a pool that we can draw from more easily, as evidenced by the channel taking water down the hill to the fire suppression system.  But there’s also water trickling through the front of it, a smaller stream than the one uphill, sure, but isn’t it supposed to stop the water?  
“No,” Sven shakes his head, “we just need a bigger reservoir behind it, the chief gave permission for a secondary channel down by the hanger in case of fire and when we try to fill both,” he shrugs, “it doesn’t work.”  
“Ok…” I sigh, “dumb question, but why don’t we just stop all of the water coming through it?  Can’t we grab this water.”  I dip my toe in the trickle through the front of the rocks and Sven looks at me like I’m stupid.  
“If we fully dam the creek and get more rain than we expect, that’s a flood for sure.”  
“But wouldn’t it just go the new way you tell it to?”  I point at the diverted channel and Sven shakes his head, obviously frustrated.  
“Well, no, it’d flood the dry riverbed and eventually the North fields and the village itself, most likely.”  
“So we can’t do that.”
“What exactly do you need again?”  I rub my forehead like that’ll make it think faster or de-clutter the thoughts that are already there.  I’ve been on my own with this stuff for a week and a half now but it feels like a lifetime, or at least like I have a lifetime worth of everyone else’s problems jamming up my brain.  Bang nudges my hand and I pat his nose.  
“You ok, chief?”  
“Acting Chief,” I correct, because the opposite of what people say almost always sounds better. Acting Chief sounds ineffective when I don’t know what to do but Chief sounds like I should know what to do. There’s no winning with it really. “Just a headache.  I’m fine.  It’ll be better when we figure this out, so what exactly do you need? Again?  Again again?  Sorry.”
“We need the pool behind the dam to be bigger.”  Sven speaks slowly in a way that would usually offend me, but it’s about all I can keep up with right now.  “So conventionally, that means we need to make the dam wider and taller, but I don’t know what rock to use and we can’t spare the dragons to go off island for it.”
“Right,” I look around like I keep forgetting to, the absence of wild gronckles fluttering around more ominous than it should be.  “What kind of rock do you need?”  
“Any of the bedrock around here works best.  Big pieces,” he holds his arms out wide to tell me how big, “are good, but I’ve used them all.”  
“Big pieces…”  I think to myself for a minute, but I’m apparently too tired to be contented in thinking about a list of places I’ve seen the biggest, hardest rocks and my mind tries to wander.  The chief would know the answer, if he were saying anything other than the blandest small talk I’ve ever had to suffer through. Fishlegs might know, Hel, Rolf might now and I should probably check in on the dragon catalog anyway.  That’s just another thing that got pushed aside in all of this, that and the fact I haven’t talked to Fuse about our plan in weeks. Fuse…Fuse!  “Oh!  Fuse Thorston is about to blow out that wall at the edge of the wood bin, by the new dock, I wonder if there’s a way to make it crumble into big enough pieces for this.”
“That’s an idea,” Sven shrugs, and in some ways I like talking to him more than other people, because he tells me when my ideas are stupid instead of just taking pity on the young, frazzled Acting Chief and letting me get away with being wrong. “I’ve used a lot of her rubble before, it’s usually a little small but it’ll do.”  
“I’ll ask her if there’s any way to make it bigger.”  I swing onto Bang, “and I’ll let you know what she says.”  
“We need this by the end of summer!”  He calls the deadline after me like I’m not stressed enough about it and I steer Bang a little higher than is really necessary, closing my eyes as we cut through a cloud and cold water condenses on my face.  My beard’s getting long again, just on the cusp of annoying, and I make a note to shave it later, you know, if I have a single instant at home and awake enough to remember.  
The easiest way to avoid Aurelia and the chief’s sad, dead eyes is to get home late and wake up early. Unfortunately, there’s more than enough to do to fill pretty much all of that time, so that means I don’t see Stoick or Mom either.  And maybe that’s something I’m avoiding too, because at this point I’ve left her alone with this far too long if she isn’t as ok as she’s been acting.  I hate that somehow, I’m at this point where I’m in a position to doubt what my mom tells me, to read into it more than she might want me to.  
But she’s been ok. She’s been keeping up with the house, Stormfly’s saddle is shiny and her axe found its way back inside after spending a couple days in the demolished trunk out front.  Maybe she’s doing what I’m doing and keeping busy to avoid thinking about anything and maybe that’s all anyone can do sometimes.  
I land at the edge of the square, pointed towards the Thorston house and walking quickly enough to avoid any reasonable interruption, but when someone grabs my hand with an irrationally strong grip and crows in my ear, I know it’s not reasonable.  
“Oh, Eret, I just need to ask you for the quickest favor!”  It’s Mrs. Ack, her wrinkled arms almost mystically strong as she hooks her elbow through mine and reaches up to pinch me on the cheek.  Or she tries, I think she gets mostly beard because of her height and slumped back and the fact that there’s not much unbearded cheek at the moment.  It hurts anyway and I rub my face when she lets go.  
“I’m a little busy right now, Mrs. Ack.”  
“It’s really the smallest favor,” she drags me towards the farm stand on the other side of the square and I look almost wistfully over my shoulder at the barely visible roof line of Fuse’s shed.  It’s quiet there.  I bet if I asked, she’d let me hide for half an hour.  I wonder if she’d mind if I took a nap, honestly.  “I was just thinking to myself how I’d bought too much heavy food when I saw you landing just nearby.”  She squeezes my arm the way she pinched my face, “you just remind me so much of your grandfather.”  
“Stoick the Vast was known for his food carrying abilities?”  I laugh and try to loosen her grip on my arm, but it’s pointless. I’ve learned that in the last couple of weeks.  Vikings are stubborn and cutthroat and can’t fathom being wrong, but when it comes to Viking women, that’s all a horrible understatement.  And it gets worse with age, for me to tell a woman over eighty that I don’t want my cheek pinched at this exact instant is essentially an act of war.  
“He was always so ready to help.”  Mrs. Ack has no visible problem picking up a basket and setting it in my arms and before I can start walking towards her house, her arm is back through mine even though she’s dragging me more than she appears to need help walking.  
This is the part of being even acting chief that I wasn’t prepared for.  When I was helping the chief out, I usually had a directive, I was doing one small thing to completion to the best of my abilities.  But when I’m alone out here, I’m always being pulled a million ways at once, and it seems like the strongest pulls, literally when considering Mrs. Ack’s fingers digging into my arm, come from the least important places.  
But I don’t exactly resent the few smaller errands I end up with a day, the grocery carrying is new but there’s always a terror in Mrs. Ericson’s tree or a yak in Mrs. Jorgenson’s house that they end up wanting help with.  And they usually feed me and try to coerce me to stay for tea and even though they’re pushier than most of their husbands, they’re generally more complimentary on the kind of job I’m doing and at this point, I’ll take what I can get. If my praise is coming in the form of Mrs. Hoarkson shoving her homemade apple bread into my mouth and commenting on how I can’t keep growing if I’m running myself into the ground, at least I’m both full and tired.  
“I’ll take that back,” Mrs. Ack drops my arm and nimbly plucks the basket from my hands with one arm, setting it inside her house on the floor and shushing an old Nadder that whines when disrupted from its nap in front of the fire.  “Do you have time to come in for a cup of tea?  I have leftover pie from last night and if I may say, you’re looking too skinny, chief.  You can’t spend so much time taking care of all of us that you forget to eat.”  She pats my face again and I laugh.  
“I’m just skinny, Mrs. Ack, unfortunately no amount of pie is going to change that.”  I take a step back and avoid another cheek pinch, if only narrowly.  “And maybe some other time.  I’ve got a lot to do today—”
“Can I at least send it with you?”  She walks further into her house and starts wrapping up something in waxed parchment. Her husband grunts about giving away all the food and she shushes him.  “It’s just Eret, Sigurd, if he doesn’t slow down and have some pie he’s going to blow away the next time he takes off!”  
“I’m really fine.”  I take a step back from the door but she practically sprints after me, shoving the food into my hand and patting my arm.
“Come by any time, chief, we’ve always got an extra seat at the table since our Burpa moved in with her son last year.”  
“Thanks.”  I’m probably not going to take her up on that, but at the same time it’s nice to know I have some option to be very well fed even if tensions get too high at home.  “Have a good rest of your day.”  
She squeezes my arm before letting go and I hear her chewing out her husband interspersed with brief seconds of praise that I try and take in while they last, because if I let them sink in maybe it’ll be a cushion the next time someone directly calls me stupid or naïve or laughs when I try to tell them to do something.  I unwrap the pie almost immediately, eating it as I walk back across the square towards the Thorston house.  
“I thought Mrs. Ack was going to lock you up inside her house and never let you out.”  Someone appears beside me fast enough to startle and I drop my pie, barely catching it in the other hand and crushing it slightly.
It’s Ruffnut and when she looks at my clumsiness with vague disgust, it makes her look more like Fuse and less at the same time.  Mostly it makes me miss Fuse’s fond annoyance at my antics, even though it’s only been a few days since I’ve seen her.  
“She seems convinced she can feed me out of my skinny phase,” I look down at myself, the bony lines of my ribs practically visible through the shirt that’s somehow tight on my shoulders and loose everywhere else.  Maybe it’s a holdover from when Mom was…incapacitated and the chief was getting someone else to do all the laundry.  It must have shrunk and then stretched funny.  “I told her it’s not a phase.  What can I do for you, Mrs. Ingerman?”  
“Oh come off of that,” she rolls her eyes, “I wiped your butt.  It’s Ruffnut, whether you’re some fancy chief or not.”  
“Acting Chief.”  
“Yeah, you are acting like a chief but I’m not going to hold it against you.”  
“Do you need something?” I shove the slightly crushed pie in my mouth and almost choke on a crumb, coughing after I manage to force it down.  
“I was just checking that you’re actually that clueless,” she shakes her head, “and not letting yaks into the Jorgenson house just to check up on the misses.”  
“That was so weird,” I laugh, “it left really willingly too.  Which was good because I know about as much about livestock as I do about—”
“Women?”  She raises an eyebrow and everything about the way she’s looking at me makes me uncomfortable.  It’s like she’s both on my side and against it and I have no way of knowing which way she’s facing at any exact instant.  “Yeah, I’ll bet.”  
“I was going to say being chief but, I mean—”
“Women works better.” She rolls her eyes and shifts her basket to her other hip. She looks young like Mom, but in a different way, like she stole it from other people’s youth by teasing them until they willingly handed it over.  “Don’t let some grandma pinch your arm off before my niece comes to terms with how clueless she is, alright?”  
“I uh…” I frown, “I’m going to go talk to Fuse now if she needs help with something.  Not that I usually have more clues than she does, but—”
“That’s gotta be the Astrid part, right?”  She’s talking through me more than at me and I get that all too familiar feeling that everyone knows something I don’t.  “Hiccup figured it out eventually and it wasn’t as obvious.”  
“You’re being super cryptic and not helpful at all…”  
“Odin, that’s always weird,” she shakes her head and sighs at me like I’ve caused her great personal distress.  “When you do the…the talking thing, like that.  Ugh.  Anyway, I’m not going to ruin the surprise for anyone, so I’ll see you around. Also, just in case you didn’t know, Terrors don’t actually get stuck in trees.  They can fly, just, by the way.”  
“I know terrors can fly,” I call after her but she doesn’t stop, a fact I’m frankly glad about because I wasn’t enjoying that conversation.  “But I did think that one was weird,” I mutter to myself, licking a spot of filling off of my thumb and feeling oddly like I’m being watched. It’s probably Mom, probably ready to jump out and tell me off for my manners, because even chiefs can’t escape those.  
Right before I turn to walk up to the Thorston place, I spot Hotgut out of the corner of  my eye, landing hard in front of the forge, belly probably full of something heavy and explosive.  Fuse slides off of her and I change direction, clicking when Bang doesn’t follow immediately.  He’s been sluggish too, well, that and clingy to Mom any second I let him out of my sight.
Smitelout drops whatever she’s doing, literally, and leans over the window to talk to Fuse.  Fuse has one of those wrinkled drawings and Smitelout frowns at it, trying to smooth it on the windowsill.  
“Ok, but how does blowing up an island help anything?”  Smitelout asks at full volume right as I get there and I shush her, earning a spectacularly dirty look.  
“There’s a thermal vent under the island that it seems like the dragons are trying to get to.”  Fuse explains casually, voice low, and I hope she’s not still dwelling over Aurelia.  I hope this isn’t fake confidence, because that’s not something she’s ever supposed to have.  
“How could you know that?” Smitelout scoffs at an appropriate volume and I lean in slightly like my back could possibly shelter anything we’re doing.  The drawing is just a shell, thankfully, nothing that’d give it away as anything out of the ordinary.  
“We found some old drawings that said that island wasn’t there a few hundred years ago and now the sick dragons keep diving into the volcano—”
“Ok, ok, I get it. Let’s blow the bitch then.”  
“We’re trying,” Fuse rubs her temple, dirty bandage on her first finger stretching halfway up her nail. Her fingertip leaves a dot of soot behind next to a freckle and I don’t believe she’s ever been clueless in her life. “That’s what that baffle you worked on is for, it’s a directional amplifier and I can’t get it quite right yet. We need something really big to get a vertical fracture that’ll actually opens something up—”
“And that’s your shit,” Smitelout cuts her off and I glare at her, “and the twerp likes hearing about it, apparently, weird flirting, again—”
“Can you just help without all the commentary?”  The arm closest to Fuse feels hot, like I can tell she’s uncomfortable, like bringing up flirting makes it worse for no reason that makes sense.  Maybe it’s because it’s Smitelout and because Aurelia just did what she did, maybe Fuse feels weird trusting someone who’s clearly delusional.  
I can’t say I don’t share that fear.  
“You need six of these?” Smitelout looks at the drawing again, “I assume you can’t pay, given that this is some kind of secret…”  
“How much do you want?” Fuse rolls her eyes and I shake my head, leaning my elbow on the counter.  
“It’s Smitelout,” I scoff, “the answer is probably your house, your shed, everything in your shed—”
“I’ll do it for free if you go away, Twerp.”  Smitelout looks smug, like she pulled one over on me and I sigh.  
“I think I might be able to manage that,” I push off of the counter and look at Fuse, half frozen for a second as I dig for something in the mess of my short term memory.  “I had to talk to you about something.”  
“What is it?”  
“I don’t remember,” I laugh, “it’s been a day.  I think your aunt might have threatened me.”  
“Which Aunt?”  She frowns and I didn’t know she had more than one.
“Which do you think?”
“Oh my gods, go flirt somewhere else,” Smitelout bellows, smacking her hammer against her anvil like she can spook us away like wild Terrors, “you’re scaring away customers.”
“Nope, just your personality, Lout.”  I start walking with Fuse anyway, unsure if I should address the flirt comments or not. “I don’t know why she finds the idea of me flirting so funny. Like yeah, it would probably be a disaster, but that seems to be the only thing she can find to make fun of.  Which…come on,” I gesture to myself and wish I hadn’t said anything.  She glances at me like I’m crazy, cheeks suddenly red like she’s thinking about making the quietest escape possible and I scratch the back of my neck, “uhh, that thing I had to talk to you about though.  What was it?  I know this…”
“How would I know what it is?”  She frowns, eyebrows knit together and how did Smitelout think we were flirting? She’s looking at me like I’m the dumbest thing she’s ever seen.  
“I know you don’t know.” I smack my forehead a couple of times with the heel of my hand, “I swear, I get why the chief carries a notebook around all the time now, how am I supposed to keep everything straight?”  
“Maybe get a notebook.”
“Super helpful, Fuse, I hadn’t thought of that.”  I gripe, and I keep going back to the flirting comment, because it’s so stupid and disruptive because I know I have something real to talk to her about and now I can’t think of it.  “Wait! I remember.  Sven needs rocks to shore up a dam and I asked you to go ahead and column the corner of that wall and I was wondering if there’s any way you could like…leave bigger sized rubble when you take it down so that we don’t have to find dragons that can search for stone off island.”  
“How big?”  She slows down, dragging her feet slightly as that practical engine lights up behind her eyes.  I hold my arms out and accidentally bump her in the arm but she doesn’t notice or if she does, she doesn’t care because Smitelout is an idiot above all things.  
Some things remain the same, at least.  
“About like…eh, maybe? I think a bit bigger or smaller would be fine, but we don’t want like…pebbles.”  I sigh, “I’m not being descriptive enough, am I?”  
“No, I get what you’re saying.”  She bites her lip, snaggletooth peeking out slightly as she narrows her eyes, counting something only she can see.  “Maybe some smaller charges at the top and bottom spaced a little wider than that. There’s always going to be that vaporization bubble but if I could try and get sort of a grid on it…”  
“Vaporization bubble?”
“Some of the rock vaporizes if it’s close enough to the bomb.”  She grins, her eyes lighting up like I just told her she could blow something entirely new up.  I’m glad she’s looking better, like she’s not dwelling on Aurelia, and I’m really hoping the Mrs. Ack’s of the island hold off long enough that I can ask her about it.
“That’s awesome.”  
“Right?”  She laughs before falling serious for just another moment, “and I can try it, I mean, no promises.  I’ve never tried to control rubble size before except, you know, making it smaller than could fall on someone and kill them but…I’ll try it. I’ll let you know when he could expect it to be done when I figure that out.”  
“Thanks,” I laugh, “did you know that you make things really easy?  There’s more arguing in carrying old Mrs. Ack’s groceries than in getting you to do something crazy and impossible.”  
“It’s not impossible,” she shakes her head, “I don’t know if I’ll get it right the first time but if building materials are a thing we’re looking to optimize—”
“Something crazy then.”
“They’re not very big charges—”
“Ok, there we go, there’s the Viking stubbornness.”  I laugh and she doesn’t seem sure if she should laugh with me.  It’s frustrating, because I can’t tell if that’s just Fuse being Fuse or if she’s still upset and I wish I were funny enough to draw that line a little more clearly because all that’s left for me to do is ask, and that feels like ruining probably the only pleasant conversation I might get to have today.  But it’s the right thing to do and as I’m becoming a boring slave to that idea, I sigh and try to figure out how I can best get this over with quickly.  “Also, just…how are you doing?”  
“Why are you saying that so significantly?”  
“Because I should have just asked how you’re feeling about the whole Aurelia thing and I’m an idiot.” I sigh, trying to read her face as the question sinks in.  
She thinks about it a little longer than she usually does and shrugs, “I’m not happy.”  
“I’ll talk to her again when I see her, alright?”  
“If you’ve already talked to her, I doubt you’d have anything new to say for trying it again.”
“Not everyone’s brain works as fast as yours, Fuse, I’m frequently left coming up with excellent come backs days to weeks after a conversation actually ends, so I’d be willing to bet I’d surprise myself.”  I can feel myself talking funny, not funny like I’m trying to sound like someone else, just…odd.  It’s like I want her to correct me, to tell me that I’m smart or something, which is kind of a failed attempt from the start in a conversation where I couldn’t remember an important conversation from three hours ago.  “I won’t though, if you don’t want me to or—”
“You’re checking in on me.” She stops and cocks her head, braid falling over her shoulder.  It’s tangled and only holding onto what seems like about half her hair at this point, the rest tucked behind her ear and sticking to the front of her vest.  
“You were upset.”  
“But it wasn’t your fault.”
“Well, not directly, but…I still care when you’re upset.  You’re my friend.  One of my best friends, really.”  
She halfway smiles, brows still furrowed like she’s waiting for me to say something else and unlock a last, mystery piece of some puzzle.  
“What?”  I wipe my beard, “do I have pie on my face?”
“Thanks,” she grins, slow and quiet like her smiles ever are and I feel better for opening my mouth, for once.  I don’t have to worry how she’s feeling because I know.  “And no pie, you’re clean.”  
“Thanks,” I say because that feels like a compliment even though it’s not, really, unless I’m someone who doesn’t believe in myself to get food into my mouth without messing it up. Which, fair, but not necessarily encouraging.  
“Eret,” my mom appears beside me and rests her hand on my shoulder and I jump like she just caught me doing something wrong.  I turn to look at her and she’s giving Fuse a pointed look and I step out from under her hand.  
“What?  What’s up?”  
She raises her eyebrows at me and looks at Fuse again like it’s something she can’t say in front of her and I almost blurt out that I tell Fuse everything anyway, but that’s volunteering her for something without asking first and with my family involved? Well, it could be bad.  
“Can I come find you later?” I ask her and she looks between me and my mom, shrugging.  
“Sure, I’ll let you know what I come up with.”  
“Yeah,” I nod, “good. Thanks for, you know, making it easy and stuff.”  
“Sure…” She lingers for a second, glancing at my mom before deciding not to say anything else.  
“What?”  I turn back to my mom, trying not to let a sudden flash of irritation creep its way into my voice.  “Is something wrong?”  
“Don’t you have some work to be doing?”  She raises an eyebrow like she knows something I haven’t told her and I look over my shoulder like Arvid or Aurelia is going to be lurking there, armed with something they promised not to share when we were on better terms.  
“Like what?  Do you need something?”  
“You volunteered for this, Eret—”
“What are you talking about?”  I gesture after Fuse, “I was just talking to her about the wood bin, she’s doing something the chief asked her to before—well, he asked her to and then Sven needs rock for some dam and I was asking if she could, I don’t know, help me out with that and she said she could.”  
“And Smitelout—”
“She was overcharging Fuse for the special thing I’m asking her to do,” I half lie, “I fixed it.”  
“And Mrs. Ack—”
“Come on, Mom, you’re going to say I’ve been goofing off with Mrs. Ack?”  I roll my eyes, “she asked for my help with carrying something, I’m just trying to help people which, last time I checked, is the gist of my job.”  
She stares at me for a second like she’s looking for a lie and I scratch my face, taking a step back and looking over my shoulder for Fuse.  Maybe I should have asked about that nap in her shed, because I’m about that exhausted at this point.  
“Can Fuse do it?”  
“Can Fuse do what?”  
“Whatever you asked her to do.”  Mom raises an eyebrow, “because you were asking her to do something, right?”  
“Oh, yeah, she’s going to try.  Apparently it’s going to vaporize some rock but—”
“That’s encouraging.” She sounds angry in a way that almost means something and I wonder what I’ve missed at home while avoiding it as much as possible.  
“I thought it was kind of cool, honestly.”  I mime my hands blowing apart and make a sound like what I’d imagine vaporizing rock would sound like.  Kind of a whoosh.  “Just…as a concept.  Just…boom and the rock is gone.  And the crowd goes wild…”  
She’s unimpressed.  
She purses her lips at me and crosses her arms.  
“Have you told Sven that Fuse is working on it?”  
“Well, no, because she just finished telling me that she could do it.”  I gesture up the hill where Fuse went, “and then you interrupted the end of our conversation and that brings us up to the present.”  
“Is that an attitude?”
“Is trying really hard to be cooperative even though you’re interrogating me for no reason an attitude?” My voice cracks slightly and I clear my throat.  “Because if so, yes, this is an attitude.”  
“I like this attitude. It’s good.  Keep it up.”  She nods at me and I fidget slightly under the odd weight of her gaze, like she’s trying to scan my brain for something I missed.  
“I’m just trying to keep things together.”  I shrug, “I’m probably messing everything up but…”  
“Go talk to Sven, maybe make sure he has a secondary plan in case Fuse can’t do what she thinks she can.”
I cross my arms, “the secondary plan is send dragons off island to search for stone.”  That’s a challenge I hate posing, I hate wanting her to say something other than I know she will.  
“Well, what’s wrong with that plan?”  
“Lack of dragons, Mom. That’s one question I do know the answer to.”  
She frowns but I’ve hit the one subject she won’t argue with me about because like everyone else I’ve tried to talk to, she’s not willing to admit I have a point because somehow, that magically might make it right.  I don’t think it works that way but Hel, I could be wrong.  Maybe if I found some optimism I could turn this whole thing around. Maybe Acting Chief means the kind of power everyone wants it to be.  
“Fine.  Are you going to be home for dinner tonight?”  
I shrug, “I don’t know, Mrs. Ack did invite me—”
“You should come home for dinner.  Stoick hasn’t seen you in days.”  
“He hasn’t seen Bang in days, you mean.”  
“Well,” she tugs on the tight shoulder seam of my shirt and frowns, “you two are kind of a package deal so…”  
“I’ll be home.”  I barely resist the urge to roll my eyes.  
“Good.  I’ve got new clothes for you.”  
“Fine.”  I take a step back and she looks almost hurt, “I mean thanks. I’m sure they’re good.”  
“See you at home.”  
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princessparadoxical · 7 years
first of all, thank you so much for posting about your melted wax!verse because I am in LOVE. Second, what's the blackwing aesthetic for that verse? all super serious military, black uniforms, grey jumpsuits, sterile white rooms, concrete corridors, dark underground bunker feel like in the show? or different somehow? Thanks!
The Blackwing aesthetic for the melted wax!verse is visually very similar to the show, but the subjects act like it’s an acceptable way to live because they no longer have anything to compare it to. Outwardly it’s practically identical but the facility is still their home regardless of all the unpleasantness experiments torture that occured because it’s all they’ve ever known.
The building itself is situated in the desert but none of them find this out until they start doing missions years after they join Blackwing. It’s very much the same underground bunker that we see in the television show: the technology is state-of-the-art but the corridors always remain unnecessarily dark for some unknown reason they’re always insanely curious about as children (the most likely answer they can come up with is that the CIA blew their budget on security cameras and couldn’t afford enough lightbulbs).
The actual experiments all take place in exactly the kind of sterile white rooms that you’d expect a shady government facility to use (some are complete with ominous drainage systems on the floors and no-one wants to discover what they’re for). Armed guards in serious black uniforms escort them to and from their rooms. Guns are fully visible at all times but never actually used on any of the core five (none of them entered the program with serious offensive capabilities so Riggins deems it a waste of firepower unless it’s a clear emergency), but all of them still end up getting tasered at various points for minor misdemeanours.In the early years, the rooms where they’re forced to answer questions look like they were designed by someone who’d only ever seen children on cheesy made-for-television Hallmark movies and who’d assumed as a result that soft sickly pastels would somehow distract from the electronic locks on the doors and two-way observation mirrors. At one point someone in power comes up with the theory that imitating the outside world might help them connect better with the universe so some rooms end up looking like they did in the comics (it doesn’t help them connect to the universe in the slightest and they all end up cheerfully mocking Riggins mercilessly about it when they’re older). After a few years, the kitschy decorations disappear. No-one misses them.
They were allowed to keep the clothes they’d bought in with them (even if they were provided with jumpsuits that they had to wear whenever they left their rooms) but their personal clothes vanished as they got worn out or too small. Even their pyjamas were embroidered with their project symbols. They’re given identical grey sweatpants and t-shirts when they start training that they all collectively agree are ugly as all hell, but they’re still a lot more comfortable than the jumpsuits so they take to wearing them outside of the gym (it’s a small victory but they’ll take what they can get). Eventually Pandora convinces Riggins that their test results are good enough to earn them proper CIA uniforms, but Riggins makes it very clear that it’s still a privilege that can get revoked at any stage and this results in the subjects clinging to it even more desperately. It feels like they’re negotiating from a position of power because at that point they’re all too heavily conditioned to realize that this is what Riggins had planned all along.
(Riggins wonders why anyone would bother trying to force the subjects unwillingly into a role when it’s been so damn easy for him to manipulate them into embracing it?)
Pandora was allowed to retain the books he’d purchased with the money he stole from his parents so long as he kept cooperating with their requests (he occasionally starts volunteering for more tests if he thinks he’s disappointed them too much) and he assumes for a long time that this was true for everyone. The closest thing to a personal possession that any of them had for years was their school equipment, which was predominantly self-directed learning but they all performed well due to the painful combination an overwhelming desire to please, a crippling fear of failure, and sheer bloody boredom. Even after they’re given more communal lodgings, the only non-training resources they’re really supplied with are board games and playing cards (it’s very clear that this is another way for the CIA to monitor their abilities but they’re all eager enough for something new that they don’t mind). It’s all fun and games until they discover how impossible it is to play poker with a range of fellow psychics who can tell when someone is bluffing, who get hunches about when to fold, and who can secretly transfer cards from the pack into their hand.
Individually they all put their personal stamp on what little they’re given (Ariadne kicks dents into the wall at the head of her bed out of frustration, Pandora anxiously picks apart the edges of his bedsheets, Banshee flat-out fries the loudspeaker in his room on multiple occasions) but otherwise they’re treated identically outside of the testing rooms and it eventually becomes a badge of honour.
Everything else in their lives remains blank and impersonal until they’re successful enough in the field that they can get away with bringing things back like dumb murderous magpies trying to decorate their nests with shiny trinkets. Riggins tells them that real agents don’t steal things and Vesta is like yes Sir, next time I’ll legally purchase this bright and cheerful rug with the salary you’re presumably going to start paying me and Riggins is like …you’ve still technically committed a crime but we’ll let it slide for now. Pandora picks up an old 35mm camera when he’s in the field and there are scattered photographs pinned to the wall in the kitchen above the microwave (unbeknownst to them Riggins has a framed photo of the five of them in his office, his assistants all think it’s a bit strange but no-one says anything to his face). One time Icarus manages to not only eliminate his assigned target but also two other targets that hadn’t yet been identified and argues that a 300% success rate surely deserves something more than just a pat on the back. They all return from the training gym one day to find a pool table in the common room, which seems like a lovely gesture until they realise that no-one has any real idea how to play.
Vesta continues to teleport the balls into more accessible positions if she thinks she can get away with it.
Icarus calls her a bloody nuisance.
Blackwing is home and they’re family. But there are still armed guards in the corridors and cameras in every room, and the only splashes of colour in an otherwise sterile environment are things they know they’re only allowed to keep so long as they keep delivering what the CIA wants.
Riggins is forever grateful that he listened to the child psychologist when she said that collectively they’d respond better to tiny and carefully-planned acts of kindness. Even on their best days they’re a mess of high-functioning anxiety and depression wrapped in sharp black uniforms, but they’re absolutely lethal in the field and they all trust him implicitly.
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hetalia-giant-tiny · 7 years
The Flutist’s Roommate - Part II
A/N: Pfft, so much for this being just two parts.
Gil couldn’t believe his eyes as he stared at the spot where the tiny figure had vanished. Had he really seen what he thought he had seen? It was impossible! And yet… He looked down at the syrup cup in his hand, and the string attached to its handle. 
He’d been reaching for the tiny jacket hooked on the other end when something caught his eye. On the floor, there was a line of sticky, shiny spots traveling from the spilled puddle of syrup across the floor in the direction the tiny figure had run.
Leaving the rest of the evidence on the floor, Gil slowly crept along after the trail, holding his breath as he imagined what he might find. Or, really, who. But the little guy had to have been amazingly fast, because he’d hidden completely out of sight even when Gil turned the corner to the living room. And the footprints were becoming harder to make out as the syrup wore off the bottoms of tiny boots, meaning the guy could have gone anywhere. (At least, he thought it was a guy. Gil hadn’t exactly gotten a good look at him.)
Letting out a sigh of disappointment, the German got up to go back to the kitchen. He had a mess to clean up and a lot to think about. One thing he knew without a doubt was that he wanted to see his surprise guest again. The idea to set out traps to catch him flittered in and back out that his brain just as quickly, immediately discarded. The guy had been scared enough just being spotted, and that was just not awesome. Maybe he could lure him out instead?
Gil picked up the abandoned bag, carefully opening it up to try and guess what he’s been up to in the first place.
The blueberries were not what he’d expected. He wasn’t quite sure what was, just that it wasn’t blueberries. 
Thinking it over, Gil looked over at the messy counter and the open container of the things. He’d been getting food? Food that he hadn’t been able to take with him. The little trickle of guilt that snuck in for being the reason behind that just firmed up Gilbert’s resolve. He was going to find the tiny guy and help him out. Starting with putting some even better food out. But where to put it? He didn’t know where he’d gone!
Frustrated, he grabbed a rag to wipe the spilled powdered sugar off the counter and onto the floor. It will be easier to just sweep it up with the rest. In the floor needed a good mopping up anyway, with the sticky syrup mass, now made even more obvious with the sugar cookie to it. Like little snowy prints he could see even from standing up.
Stopping as it struck him, he looked at the sugar, and the floor, and then the sugar again. It couldn’t be that easy, could it? Delicately, he removed the extra sugar and stared at the clear prints left behind.
That was awesome. Just like a regular detective.
Giddy, Gil followed the powder coated footprints, gently dusting the trail and blowing away the excess every foot or so until he got to the bookcase that’d been screwed to the wall to keep it from being moved. He twisted himself to lean down more, half expecting to find the tiny person hiding beneath it.  But there was nothing.
Well, almost nothing. The German man blinked and moved down for a closer look. For a baseboard under a bookcase, it was really clean down there… Gil reached and ran a finger along the top, gasping as a little piece swung open. There was a door there?!
His heart pounded and he just didn’t know what to do at first. There was actually a tiny door in the wall. Even if he couldn’t see anything inside other than a hole to the space between the walls, it was so awesome!
“Are you still there, little guy?” Gil called quietly. He didn’t really know where he could have gone, but surely if there was a door, then there was more than he could see from out here. “Sorry if I scared you. I’m not going through hurt you, I promise.”
The fact that there was no response didn’t come as a surprise, but it was still disappointing. Gil waited a while longer, holding his breath in hopes of hearing something before giving up and straightening his back with a groan. Poor thing was probably scared, but he really wanted to see him again. Just had to figure out how to coax him out.
Pondering it over, Gil’s mind wandered back over to the little pack full of food. Even if the guy could obviously scavenge up his own food (Gil didn’t mind enough to call it stealing), maybe he could offer better stuff. Starting with the syrup he’d been trying to take when he’d been interrupted. Something that Gil had to feel a little guilty about. Especially with how freaked out that little guy had been.
Making a decision, Gil pushed himself onto his feet and headed right for the kitchen. First, he had a mess to clean up, but after that, he was going to put together the best supply kit that a tiny person like that could have ever seen. And he was going to wash the stuff that’d gotten left behind, because it was all sticky from the syrup puddle. 
One hour and a search through the entire apartment later, Gil was satisfied with the care package he’d put together. If it were bigger, it’d be something even Ludwig would be part of, he was sure. Flour, sugar, a bit of wurst he’d wrapped in wax paper, two little containers with syrup and beer sealed up tightly so they wouldn’t spill. And, of course, some of those blueberries that the little guy has been trying to take with him. And they were small enough for someone that size to bite into. It all made sense to him. At least as much sense as a man the size of his hand did. 
He set the whole thing up under the bookcase, along with a letter written in the smallest handwriting he could manage and be sure it was actually legible. Gil was really tempted to set up a hidden camera to watch for him, but surely that would be a huge breach of the trust he was hoping to earn from the little guy. And there was also the trouble of not owning a miniature camera in the first place. So, he would just have to wait and check back every so often. 
He really, really hated waiting. 
To distract himself, Gilbert went back to his practice for at least a little while, since he’d been pulled away from it before. Back to routine as usual, except for the fact that he made himself go and practice in his bedroom instead of the living room where he’d be tempted to just keep walking over to see if anyone showed up for the gift. Meaning that other than to glance at it before he went to bed, he left it alone for the rest of the night. Clearly, it was too early to expect his guest to come back out after his scare.
Of course, thinking about his discovery all night meant that Gil hardly got any sleep and, as a result, slept through his first alarm. In the mad rush to get ready and out the door in time, he completely forgot about the tiny man hiding in his balls and the care package he’d left for him. In fact, neither even entered his mind and tell he gotten home again that afternoon and saw the letter left out for the tiny man, in a different spot than he’d left it, and open.
Heart in his throat, Gil bent down to pick up the little piece paper, proof that there had been SOMEONE getting into his care package. Mice didn’t carefully open letters. And then something caught his eye. There was new writing on the back, in a different handwriting, those sort of awkwardly shaped letters you made when you were trying to write big. 
’Thank you.’
Gil’s face split into a huge grin at the simple little message. He’d liked the package! Enough to write back, at least. Looking around frantically to see if he was still around, he didn’t spot anyone. But still, he couldn’t be too upset. He’d gotten a response!
The German student scrambled for another piece of paper to write again, trying to hold back from flooding the paper with questions, but he just had to ask some. What was his name? How long had he been tiny like that? How long had he been living there? Did he need anything else? It would be easy for Gil put together another care package. He tucked the newest letter into the crack where the hidden door opened, along with a piece of chocolate set right outside. Did tiny people even have chocolate? He didn’t imagine they could make it on their own. Well, hopefully, the man would enjoy it anyway. Even his super serious baby brother liked chocolate. 
Letter in place, he headed to the kitchen to make himself dinner, heating up a frozen meal on the stove. Once he’d plated it up, he turned to the table to eat. And froze. 
The tiny blonde man stood on the table, not moving a muscle except a fidget with the letter in his hands. Eyes meeting, he visibly gulped before speaking up.
“Matthew. My name is Matthew.”
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writerzmagazine · 5 years
The 11 Best RV Roof Cleaner Reviews, Guide & FAQs
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  Disclaimer- This article contains affiliate links so when you purchase a product through these links we get a small commission, without any extra cost to you, (the money is used to run this site and to give salaries to the team) But, this did not affect our reviewing decision. We have selected what is best in the market to help you out in buying the best product.   You have to use the best roof cleaner for your recreational vehicle roof (and exterior) so, that it keeps the RV roof looking brand new and can also extend its lifespan. You will also save money on its maintenance and repairs, as roof cleaners also provide a UV light barrier to protect the roof from damage. We know that it is not so easy to come out with the best products, that's why we have come up with this best RV roof cleaner review and guide. This will help you to compare, select and ease the buying process.  
1. Bugs N All - Multi-Surface Vehicle Cleaner - Bug Remover
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Brand- Prosol Weight- 2.5 pounds Product dimensions- 8 x 8 x 12 inches Pros: It can remove odors, food stains, and brakes Safe to use on many types of exterior surfaces One quart is needed to make 8 quarts of cleaner Easy to use Economical 30 days money-back guarantee Cons: It is expensive than other cleaners of the same category Review Smart technology- Bug N All is a multi-surface cleaner. It uses a smart technology in which first it neutralizes the acid and then softens as it penetrates. This makes it easier to remove grease, dried bug splatter, and even grime. It uses two method techniques in which after cleaning it leaves a waxed and polished surface. Bug N All can remove bug guts, grime, grease, bird poop, food stains, rust stains, dirt, tree sap, mildew, brake dust, oxidation, and black streaks in an effective manner. Removing oxidation stains from the painted aluminum surface is now easy, just spray on the stain and after 1 or 2 minutes wipe it out by a cloth. Easy to use- easy cleaning is one of the plus points of this product. Bug guts are turned to mush in 60 seconds max. like the exterior, it can clean the interior too things like leather, vinyl, carpet, wood trim, plastic, rubber, upholstery, metal, painted and polished surfaces and many others can be cleaned. Simple cleaning and no gloss- it contains no added polish or waxes which can degrade its quality, like inferior products that can leave a cloudy, tacky or greasy film or coating on the surface. Saves money- it is a highly concentrated product by which you can make 8 quarts of cleaner out of 1 quat of Bug N All. You can use it on other vehicles such as cars, pickups, semi-trucks, motorcycles, airplanes, campers, RVs, trailers, boats, ATVs, heavy equipment, shop tools, painted surfaces, driveways, rubber roofs, fiberglass, awnings and other kinds of machines. Other features- it is non-toxic, biodegradable, non-petroleum distillates, non-flammable, no harsh chemical, no strong odors, non-abrasive and non-corrosive cleaner. It’s safe to use around children and plants life. 30 Days Money back guarantee a refund- if you find this product ineffective then they have 30 days money-back guarantee refund, which makes this product trustworthy. Frequently Asked Questions About This Product Q1- Is it ok to use it on a hot surface? A1- yes, you can use it but be safe if the surface is too hot. Q2- Can it remove water spots? A2- yes, it can remove water spots especially if they are fresh and not too old. Q3. How is it at removing bird droppings off the car paint? A3. It can remove bird dropping, just spray it, wait for 5 minutes and clean it with a soft scrubber. Q4. Can this product be used to clean engine bays? A4. Yes, it can clean engine bays but be careful as the grease and the cleaner solution can be slippery if it spills on the floor.
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2. Dometic Blue D1202001 D Line Roof Cleaner
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Brand- Dometic Weight- 7.6 pounds Product dimension- 6.8 x 4.2 x 10.2 inches Pros: You can use it on any kind of roof Can also clean RV exterior Gets rid of waste tank odors Remove dirt, oxidation and black streak easily Cons: No protection from UV rays Review Easy to use- apply cleaner on the dirty surface and mop it to clean, it's easy, effective and versatile products. Remove nearly all types of stains including dirt, oxidation, black streaks and odor too. Versatility- you can use it on any type of roof whether it is metal, wood, fiberglass or rubber. It works on all types without damaging the surface of the material. It can remove the odor from the waste tank which is a unique feature of this product found in none on this list. Other features- other than cleaning this one is biodegradable which makes it safe for the environment. Point to remember- In one thing where this product lacks effectiveness is its ability to save from UV rays. It won’t be good options if you buy a roof cleaner without some kind of UV protection, after all, it stands most of the time under the sun.   Frequently Asked Questions About This Product Q1. Can this product clean the fiberglass without damaging it? A1. Yes, this product will not damage the fiberglass while or after cleaning.
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3. Gel-Gloss RV Wash and Wax - 128 oz. - WW-128
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Brand- TR Industries Weight- 4 pounds Product dimension- 8.9 x 7.8 x 4.2 inches Included- 1-gallon wash and wax Pros: Easy to apply Does not leave water streaks or spots on the surface Cleans, polishes and protects the RV roof and exterior Economical Cons: It may not be useful against heavy grime Review The Gel-Gloss RV Wash Wax is a very useful cleaner as it can clean any type of surface it is applied, RV roof to the awning. It cleans and waxes at the same time saving your time and money too. It is extremely convenient if a cleaner can be used to clean the entire RV. You do not need any other product after this. Gel-Gloss RV Wash & Wax do not remove previously applied wax. It not only cleans the RV but also waxes it. This product contains carnauba wax which leaves you with a shiny new RV. It is useful in cleaning other types of vehicles such as cars, boats, and ATVs. This product does not leave any water spots or streaks which makes it an effective cleaning product. The product is low in cost, biodegradable and economical due to its large 128 oz bottle. We also see a con in this product as a lot of customers said that it is not so good for heavy grime. So, have a look at it before purchasing it. The customer also complained about the product leaking in the shipping box, which sounds weird. Frequently Asked Questions About This Product Q1. Do you need a brush to remove dirt? A1. Yes, you have to use a brush to remove dirt. Q2. What is the best way to apply this product? A2. You can apply this product as you do it in your car.
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4. RV Rubber Roof Treatment - 1 gallon - anti-static, dirt repelling, and UV protectant - Protect All 68128
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Brand- Thetford Weight- 7 pound Product Dimensions- 10.8 x 7.4 x 3.6 inches Review This product is to protect the RV roof from damage and becoming an issue after some time. Remember, it is a protectant, not a cleaner. Versatility- it can be used on any type of EPDM rubber roof, which makes it versatile in use. Performance- it coats the EPDM roof with a tough polymer that creates an anti-static barrier that reduces the chalking and also repels dirt. One treatment will last for 3 to 6 months depending upon the climate. The treatment will last longer in cooler and drier climates than the climate with excessive moisture, heat, and sun. Convenience- it reduces the maintenance cost by 75% due to less cleaning required and more protection it gives. Utility- it is useful as it protects the RV from UV rays and also repels dirt. How to Use- first, clean the roof and allow it to dry for some time. Second, apply this product on a 2 to 3 sq. feet area and then use a mop to spread the treatment evenly. Third, lease it to air dry at least for 24 hours. Point to remember- It is costly as it is a highly effective product specially designed to protect the RV roof. Frequently Asked Questions About This Product Q1. Will it work on a metal roof? A1. No, it does not work well for metal surfaces. Q2. Can this product be used with a sprayer? A2. Yes, you can use it with a sprayer.
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5. EternaBond 14 Ounce EC-1 EternaClean Cleaner-14 oz. Spray Can
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Brand- EternaBond Weight- 1 pound Product dimension- 2.7 x 2.7 x 9.5 inches Pros: Removes grime and road film Non-toxic No harmful chemicals Easy to apply Cleans RV roof and exterior Cons: Small size cleaner Review Very effective and handy product due to its small 14-oz spray bottle size. It is as good as other cleaners on this list. It is very effective in cleaning grime, oxidation, grease and road film and it does not require a special tool to clean the surface. EternaBond is specially designed with proprietary solvents meant for opening single-ply roof metals and membranes. You can also use it while preparing the surface for applying sealant. It is made of non-toxic and biodegradable ingredients that would not harm the environment or damage the RV exterior and roof. One thing to keep in mind is that this product is small in size which makes it useful for occasional cleaning. Frequently Asked Questions About This Product Q1. Will it work on a fiberglass roof? A1. Yes, it will work on the fiberglass surface as it can stick to it. Q2. Can this product be used for 35 feet RV roof? A2. You can use it but it is especially to remove spots, otherwise, it is advisable to try other cleaners that comes in large quantity. Q3. Can I remove the old chalk and add a new one. Would I need to super clean before adding the caulk? A3. Yes, you can use it. But be careful as you may have to use more elbow grease than the spray.
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6. Dicor Corporation RP-RG-1GL Rubber Roof Protectant Gallon
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Brand- Dicor                                                             Weight- 8.33 pounds Product dimensions- 2 x 0.1 x 0.1 inches Pros: Useful on any type of surfaces such as rubber, fiberglass, and vinyl Protection from grime and other things It prevents oxidation, drying or cracking of the roof Protection against UV rays Do not allow oil or residue build-up Not expensive Cons: May not withstand all-day exposure to the sun Review This is the second protectant on our list. It is a wonderful product that is useful for any kind of roof surfaces such as rubber, fiberglass, and vinyl. It protects the exterior from dirt, grime, bird droppings, and other harmful things. Even more, it does not allow oil or residue-build up which makes RV look cleaner. This product does not contain any petroleum distillates such as waxes, silicone or glycerin. As, these solvents can cause cracking, bubbling or tearing of the rubber roof. This product does not leave any powdery residue as you may know that it is not good for the roof if you leave a powdery residue on it as it might degrade the roof. Remember, some customer’s complaint that this product is not so good to do under constant exposure to the sun. If you do not keep or are not able to find a good shade for your RV then it can be a trouble. Another thing we noticed is that some customer complaint that it takes a longer time to apply than expected. Frequently Asked Questions About This Product Q1. Does it leave a sticky or oily residue? A1. No, it does not leaves any sticky or oily residue. Q2. Can it remove tan from the RV roof/ A2. Yes, it will remove tan and make it brighter.
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7. B.E.S.T. 55048 Rubber Roof CleanerProtectant - 48 oz
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Brand- B.E.S.T Weight- 15.8 ounces Product Dimension- 8.5 x 4.8 x 3.5 inches Pros: Prevents fungal growth Protects against UV Rays Easy to apply Prevents mold and mildew formation on the roof Low in price Cleans oxidation and steaks effectively Cons: Smaller in size Non-biodegradable Review B.E.S.T Rubber Roof Cleaner/Protectant is a unique product in this list as it is a cleaner as well as a protectant in one. This product does protect the RV from molds and also prevents further growth. It also cleans oxidation, grimes, road film and streaks in one cleaning, it extends the RV life. Due to its protecting properties, it will keep providing a clean and protective coating on your RV for a longer time. It also protects the RV from UV rays which increases the roof life in exposure to the sun. It is also a non-petroleum formula that will not damage the roof membrane. Points to remember- this product, is not biodegradable which means it can harm the environment and it is smaller in size. Other than this it is a good product, overall. Frequently Asked Questions About This Product Q1. Can I use this product on fiberglass resin? A1. No, this product is meant for rubber so it works best with rubber surface. Q2. Can I use it prior to progard liquid roof EPDM? A2. Yes, you can use it on rubber, EPDM, TOP and membrane roofs. Q3. How many times it is recommended to use this product? A3. You should use it twice a year, every 6 months. Q4. Can I use it to clean awning? A4. It is not recommended to use this on the awning as it can be too aggressive for it.
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8. Bio-Kleen M00307 Amazing Cleaner Multipurpose RV and Boat Vinyl Cleaner - 32 oz
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Brand- Biokleen Weight- 1 pound Product Dimension- 3 x 3 x 12 inches Pros: Removes mildew, mold, and stains very effectively Best for other types of the vehicle too Good for surfaces such as canvas and vinyl Removes grimes, bug/insect deposits and dirt Easy to apply and use Cons: A bit expensive Review It is a boat and RV cleaner and it is known for its powerful cleaning. It cleans the roof of the RV and exterior very easily and effectively. This product comes in a small size but is effective and economical in use. It does not contain any harsh or abrasive ingredients that might leave a powdery residue on the roof surface. You can easily remove mold, mildew, and stains from surface material such as canvas and vinyl. It is also good at getting rid of insects and bug debris. Bio-Kleen can remove chalk residue from the RV roof very easily. Point to remember- this product is a bit costly but is a highly recommended product. So it is up to you, whether you look at price or quality.
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9. Camco Pro-Tec RV Rubber Roof Care System - Two-Step Treatment Rids Dirt and Grime
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Brand- Camco Weight- 17.98 pounds Product Dimension- 10.9 x 10 x 7.6 inches Pros: Reduce maintenance Effective cleaning UV protection Prevents build-up of grime and road film inexpensive Cons: May not be useful in removing heavy road grime Non-biodegradable Review This product is from Camco. Camco Pro-Tec RV Rubber Roof product is a cleaner and a protectant. It not only cleans but also protects your RV, thus saving your energy and money. Forget the traditional way of cleaning RV all you need is this product, mop and you are done. This one is made up of a non-static formula that resists dirt and grime buildup. If your RV remains under the sun most of the time then do not worry this product protects it from UV rays that can cause damage to it. This product helps you to clean the roof from the dirt, grime, tree sap, bird droppings, etc. It can also remove the streaks which do not look good on the RV. comes at an affordable price with two-step treatment for your RV. Point to remember- it is not biodegradable and can be harmful to the environment and some customers said it was not able to remove deep-seated heavy grime. Frequently Asked Questions About This Product Q1. Can I use this product on all rubber roofs? A1. You can use it on EPDE but not on TPO roofs. The protection part is not required for TPO roofs. You only need to clean the TPO roofs. Q2. Can this product be used on others part of the RV or only the roof? A2. It's only for the roof.
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10. Dicor Corporation RP-RC-1GL Rubber Roof Cleaner Gallon
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Brand- Dicor Weight- 1.12 pounds Product Dimensions- 12 x 7.5 x 4 inches Pros: Removes dirt and debris Easy to use Environment-friendly Contains no abrasive ingredients Protection from UV rays Anti-static formula Cons: You have to rinse off after cleaning Review This one is a very good cleaner for your RV roof and exterior. It won’t harm your RV because it contains no abrasive ingredients. Cleaning is easy as you have to spray it on the roof, remember to wet the roof before spraying. Use a brush or mop and scrub the surface before rinsing off. It does not require too much effort to remove dirt, road film, oxidation, and grime, just apply, rub and wash. If your RV remains outside and is effected from mildew and molds then use this cleaner to remove them. It does not contain any petroleum solvents that could damage your RV roof. This product can clean and condition which keeps the RV looking new. It is also effective in protecting your RV from UV rays. This product is specially made for the rubber roof so be sure it will not cause any tear, bubble or cracks in it. Point to remember- as you need to rinse after cleaning, it can take more time than other cleaners on this list. This product is not environment-friendly as it is not biodegradable. Frequently Asked Questions About This Product Q1. How much coverage does a gallon provide? A1. I have a 19’ trailer and can wash it 3 to 4 times with one bottle. Q2. Do you rinse off with a hose after cleaning? A2. It is best to tarp the exterior if you do not want to wash the entire RV. If you are going to wash the entire RV then there is no need to cover.
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11. Premium RV Rubber Roof Cleaner - Non-Toxic, Non-Abrasive RV roof detergent 64 oz - Thetford 96016
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Brand- Thetford Weight- 4.5 pounds Product dimensions- 17 x 10.5 x 8.3 inches Pros: Clean any type of roofs such as of rubber, fiberglass, aluminum or vinyl Protects from UV rays Removes bird droppings and dirt Build up Environment-friendly Cons: Some customer did not see much difference in results form this product and other cleaners Review This one is another product from Thetford, it cleans the RV roof effectively. It is safe to use on surfaces such as fiberglass, rubber, vinyl, and aluminum. This product protects the RV from harmful UV rays that can cause irreversible damage to the roof. You can easily remove dirt, grease and grimes build-up which causes damage to the roof. Point to remember- some customers said it was like any other cleaner on the list. Frequently Asked Questions With This Product Q1- Is this cleaner and a protectant or just a clean? A1- It is both cleaner and a protectant. Q2- Can it make white rubber roof white again? A2- No, it cannot make it white but cleaner than it is.
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Why You Should Trust Us?
You should trust us while finding the best RV roof cleaner and protectant because our reviewer has picked and compared the best RV roof cleaners featured in this review. They have gone through hours of research to compile the list of best RV roof cleaner for you. The reviewer team has gone through customer reviews and comments on online sites. After long research, they selected the best RV roof cleaner and protectant. The team picked up those products which are easy to apply and also won't harm the surface of the RV. These products are non-toxic and safe declared by their manufacturers. These RV roof cleaners are the best in the market and are top-selling products on online sites, which have satisfied many customers until now. We hope that this review will help you to make the best buying decision.  
What Is An Roof Cleaner Or Protectant?
Roof cleaner are specially designed products that can clean and protect the roof of the recreation vehicle (RV). You need this product to protect the roof of the RV from many harmful things that can damage the roof. Things like dirt, pollutants, roof chalk, grime, road film, and bug deposits can buildup and can damage the roof. The roof can also have oxidation and other issues which are solved by the roof cleaner. The roof of the RVs is generally made up of rubber (EPMD or TPO) or fiberglass. So, it is better to opt for a good product so the RV lasts for a long time and return a better resell value. It is very easy to use these roof cleaner as you only need a sponge mop to clean the roof. No need to bend and clean the roof in an old fashioned way. Yes, for the tight areas such as tough grime you have to use a soft-bristle or a narrow brush. These products are also rinsed free which means no need to rinse after the cleaning which keeps the roof dry. Avoiding water also means your RV roof stays away from the water spots and streaks due to hard water. The roof cleaner protects the surface from any further accumulation of airborne pollutants and road film. These products are good conditioners of the surface, it prevents its degradation due to outside exposure of UV rays, rain, and snow. Some of these products also have water-repelling properties that will protect the roof exterior from water damage in the long run.  
How Does A Roof Cleaner Work?
So, how does the roof clean work and helps you to protect the RV roof for a long time? It all depends upon the cleaner you are using, some have two coat systems where the first coat removes things like dirt, grease, and strains and the second one reduces the risk of returning of these harmful things. While most of the roof cleaners are simple where you apply it on the surface and clean it by a mop. It is like cleaning your floor but the products are different, where you cannot use the floor cleaner on the roof of an RV.  
Types Of RV Roof Cleaners
1. RV Roof Cleaner In Spray Bottle The most common material for many RVs is rubber because it can withstand changing weather and temperatures. It also works well in sun exposure. Rubber is easier to maintain but should be cleaned by an RV rubber roof cleaner. Spray bottle RV roof cleaners are usually soft cleaner and do not contain any abrasive ingredient. Many of them also do not contain any citrus or petroleum solvents. As you know it is not good for rubber as it can cause cracking, tearing and bubbling. If you don’t frequently clean the RV roof and exterior then you should not need them. It is very easy to use them where you just spray and mop. 2. RV Roof Cleaner In a Container RV roof cleaner in a container is the same as the one in spray bottles. It is for those RV owners who regularly clean the RV roof and exterior. These cleaners do not contain any abrasive ingredient or harsh chemicals and are biodegradable and environment-friendly.  
Why Do You Need An RV Roof Cleaner?
There may be many reasons as to why you need an RV roof cleaner, some of them are as below: 1. Easiness Now it is very easy to clean the exterior of an RV with these RV roof cleaners. You do not need a bucket of water, soap or detergent to clean the roof. Roof cleaner also works as a degreaser which makes the surface smooth and dust-free. 2. Easy on money RV roof cleaner come is a wide variety of size to choose from. So, if you clean the roof frequently then use gallon containers and if you clean it less often then spray bottle is good for you. These products are highly concentrated that’s why you save a lot. 3. No harmful chemicals These products do not contain any harsh or harmful chemicals such as petroleum and glycerin which can degrade your roof surface. These solvents can damage the roof surface which can cause bubbling, cracking and tearing. 4. Protects the RV roof and the exterior The roof protectant is also a conditioner that saves the roof from the building up of airborne pollutants, dirt, and grime. It leaves a protective layer on the roof which is anti-static that keeps the roof protected from road film and dirt. It also has a water-repelling property. 5. Easy to apply Due to the no-rinse formula, you do not need water to wash it. You only need a mop or sponge and a roof cleaner, it keeps the roof dry. 6. Safe to use (non-toxic) These camper roof cleaners do not contain harmful chemicals. 7. Biodegradable Some RV roof cleaners are biodegradable which means they do not harm the environment. 8. Less Maintenance Maintenance time and the cost are reduced due to the protection and easy to clean method. The cleaning process of the RV is done in a short time. 9. Protection from sun Some of these products have special UV rays protection properties that protect the roof from degradation, discoloration, and deterioration.  
What You Should Look For When Buying An RV Roof Cleaner? & What We Looked For?
Before buying an RV roof cleaner you must look at some points. This will make sure you are buying the right product for your RV. Here are some points which you should consider to buy the best RV roof cleaner and protectant. 1. Type of Roof RV roofs are made up of different materials but nowadays two materials are used in general, rubber and fiberglass. Two different types of rubbers are used to make the RV roof: EPMD (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) TPO (Thermal Poly Olefin) So, make sure which type of rubber was used to make your RV roof. After knowing the roof type you can decide to buy the right roof cleaner. 2. Features There are not many features in a roof cleaner but you should know them well. Like for example, there are roof cleaners that have two-step treatments. These cleaners clean and also protect the surface from further damages. Some come in separate pairs and others are all in one, so there is no chance of confusion. Another thing which you should look at is that the cleaner should protect the RV from sun, heat, rain, snow and other weather damages. 3. Size of your RV This will give you an idea of how much cleaner you need to clean the roof and exterior. Like for example, a spray bottle will not work for the 30-40 feet long RV, you will need a gallon container. 4. How often you clean Your RV Like the point above, this will also give you an idea of how much roof cleaner you need. 5. Ease of application There are many types of roof cleaners but choose which cleans the surface quickly and you don’t have to waste a lot of time on it. No-rinse formula ones are great as they save the time and also the roof from water. 6. Price Price always matters, here we have selected those products which are low in cost without affecting the quality. The list contains cleaners of different price ranges which will easily fit in your budget. 7. Brand Top-quality products are made from top brands. Selecting products from good brands means quality assurance and safety. 8. Effectiveness You should consider the effectiveness of the product as this will decide whether it is good or not. It should be able to eliminate stains, dirt, grime, road film, oxidation, and other airborne pollutants. 9. Safety Safety is the prime factor in deciding the best product. We took special attention while creating this list to find the safest product available in the market.  
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I clean the rubber seal on my RV roof? at least clean the roof 3 to 4 times per year inspect often use a commercial RV roof cleaner mop the roof so that all the grime is gone always use a gentle brush to clean repeat the previous steps if needed 2. Can you use bleach on a rubber RV roof? Yes, you can use household bleach on the rubber RV roof to clean the difficult strains only, but be careful. First, try to clean it with a roof cleaner and if strain remains then apply bleach. You will need a brush and clean it thoroughly, leave the bleach for some time so that it can react. But do not leave for more than 15 minutes. Never use a cleaner that contains petroleum solvents or harsh abrasives as they may damage the roof permanently. 3. Can you pressure wash RV roof? No, do not use pressure wash on the RV roof. It can damage it permanently. A power washer is harsh for your RVs paint. It can wear out the seal and chalking of your RV. The best way to clean your roof is to use a garden hose, the pressure is quite good to remove any dirt. You can pressure wash the RV tires, but keep in mind to avoid the body of the RV. 4. Do you need to use a protectant after cleaning? Yes, you should use a protectant after cleaning as it can provide your roof the best protection from dirt, road film, and many other harmful things. You can also use products that provide two-step treatment. First, it removes black streaks and oxidation and second, it conditions and protects the roof because of the anti-static and UV rays protecting property. 5. What is the best way to clean the RV roof? The best way to clean the RV roof is to use the RV roof cleaner. We suggest this because they are specifically made for it. It does not harm the roof as the petroleum-based cleaner can do. Especially, rubber roof needs special care as you cannot use petroleum solvents that can damage the roof. Roof cleaner is easy to use with no-rinse formula. 6. How often do you use these products?   The answer depends upon how often the roof gets dirty and how many times you wash the RV. If you use the roof cleaner often then also it will not damage the roof. It is the dirt and other harmful things that can damage the roof. Make a habit to clean the RV often as it keeps it new and you can also get a good resell value if ever you need to sell it. Watch This Youtube Video: RV Roof Inspection and Cleaning
So, now you know the best RV roof cleaners in the market. We tried our best to find the best for you. It took hours of research, analysis, and comparison to find the top RV roof cleaners. If you have any question then you can contact us from our contact page, feel free to contact us if you want to know anything else, we shall try our best to resolve it. If you have any query regarding the product and use, it is best to contact the manufacturers, we have provided a link from which you can contact them. (links are in the brand names) Happy Cleaning!   If You Think Your Friends/Network Would Find This Useful, Please Share It With Them Or You Can Give Us 5 Star, Down Below – We’d Really Appreciate It...Thanks!  Read the full article
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thedetailingmafia · 6 years
Here’s Car Care Tips to protect your car from Hard Colour Stain this Holi
Holi, the festival of colours!
So, one day of fun wrapped with a touch of tradition!!
As everyone is known about the fact that Holi is very near or say just knocking at the door. Every Indian are super excited about this huge fest cum festival. It is that part of the year when the colours and water balloons are the instruments of fun. But what if you need to go somewhere on your love, here comes the tension part of Holi. Taking the car on road is always a nightmare for the car owners and they are sure enough to get ugly green, blue, pink and red stains all over the car. In short, its time when your love is at risk of getting abundant of colour stains. No matter how good you are in car care, these colours hamper your car anyways. Water and dry colours are not the real problems, it’s the chemically composed liquid colours that are not only pain to scrub off but can even end up in damaging the car coating along with the paintwork.
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Not just your car exterior is prone to hard Holi colour stains, but even your car upholstery, steering, wheels and everything that you come in contact with after getting coloured. Nevertheless, you still have time to take precautions to ensure car safety as you enjoy your festival of colour. So, this The Detailing Mafia Blog bring few basic car care tips that you can go for to protect your prised asset.
Pre-Holi Car Care Activity:
•    The first car care tips start from sorting out the parking space for your car. if you are lucky to have closed parking for your beloved, then your tension automatically lessens. However, if you are sharing the parking in the building, complexes, apartments or on road, then you need to act bit smart. It will be a wise idea to get a quality car cover for your car that covers up all segment of your car. Properly use the cover from roof to the car wheels and ensure that you tie up the knots tight so as to firmly maintain the cover over the car. this is the basic and fundamental and thumb rule to protect the car body from any Holi colour torture.
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Isn’t it so easy, so waiting for what?
Go and have one good quality of car cover to protect your car. Avoid using fabricated cover, in place go for plastic or water-resistant one so as to repel coloured water from the sheet. Fabricated cover absorbs the water and down it will make coloured patches over your car coatings.
•    Next, what if you need to take your car on the road and everyone around is playing Holi. So, it is always a wise decision to prepare your car and kick up the car care before you hit the road. You might be thinking about what you can include in car care preparations to tackle colour bombardment over your car. the answer is car wax. You can easily get car wax in local auto stores or even online so getting car wax is not a tension but how to apply is bit issue and you need to think over it. You can easily apply car wax yourself by going through the instructions described in the manual provided. If you have doubt on yourself that you cannot apply yourself then don’t experiment. take your car to the hub of detailers and get your car professionally waxed. The idea of going for car wax is simply to ensure that the colour irrespective of tags like chemical free or eco-friendly, don’t end up causing harm to car paint or interiors.
You might invest in car waxing to protect your car from Holi colours, but this investment will protect your car even after till 6 to 7 months. So, it is a long run preparation to protect your car from Holi colours for now and environmentally caused damages like swirl marks, marks and other for long terms. Remember, summer heats are just around the corners and is about to pop up so this wax will protect your car from harsh sun rays that comprise even UV rays.
•    No doubt, a fresh coated wax over your vehicle goes long way, but ceramic coating; part of car care can make things better for your love. If your car is new then, the professionals of The Detailing Mafia recommends you to get Teflon coating immediately for your factory shinning car paint. Yes, no doubt it will increasingly weigh on your pocket but being a car owner, you will thank us in the long run. Remember this. We are providing you temporarily to permanent car care options for your love.
•    While preventing the exterior of the car which seems to be the first action line for Holi, most of the car owners forget about the interior cleaning. Interior cleaning is an equally important part of car care like exterior car cleaning. The common mistake is overlooking the interiors that go dirty as kids, family or friends gets into the car with coloured hands and clothes, leaving nasty stains making car cleaning tough. So, cover the ever part of interiors with plastic as a protective measure. Not just seats, or carpets, you need to cover up the door handles, switches and infotainment systems. You can easily protect your car from the exterior by getting ceramic coating all over but you need to be conscious about interior even more in Holi.
Coloured patches over seats destroy the complete look of the car no matter how shiny your car is from outside.
•    It is recommended to rub less quantity of wax or protective oil lubrication over the dashboard or other plastic segments of the car. So, in case if you get colour marks over them, you can easily wipe them off using a clean microfiber cloth or if stains are bit tough, you can use a mild shampoo and a soft bristle cleaning brush and clean off the colour mark.
It is an easy car care tips, don’t you think so?
•    Keep the windows and door locked and glass should be raised. Right from colourful clouds to balloons filled with colourful water can get into your car through lower down glass sheet of the window. So, to avoid staining, better to lock up your windows.
Taken all precautions, but still, got marks over your car? Don’t worry.
•    That’s why there exist professionals and you should be heading to them. It’s always advisable to take your vehicle either it be car or bike to detailing outlets to get deep cleaning service after Holi. This recommendation is important as professionals exactly knows what to clean and how to clean the tough stains using the proper quantity of car cleaning products. From cleaning floor mats to cleaning car exhaust, they know exactly what treatment your car needs to remove stains from the car immediately after Holi. It’s always appreciated to get a prior booking so as to save your time and effort.
Post-Holi Car Care Activity:
The first thing that you need to consider as the post-Holi clean-up is to not allow the colour sit over the car for too long. Immediately wash the car using suitable car shampoo and then vacuum and dry-cleaning the interiors. For cleaning the interior, you can use household stain remover but avoid using to leather part.
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If the colour stains get embedded in the car painted surface, don’t try to wash it off yourself. Get the car professionally detailed. They will start the process from preparing the car from preparing it by washing it thoroughly. Then moving down to the next step of rubbing and polishing. Your stains will be removed by this process but to get proper protection to your car, you can invest your money in getting a ceramic coating. The car wash is the initial process of getting your car completely cleaned.
No matter how hard you try to protect your car in Holi from getting patches, you will always end up having a few minors to major marks. So, enjoy your Holi to fullest and leave the tension of the car to our professionals. The detailing Mafia is there to be the doctor of your car after Holi and consultant before Holi.
If you have better options to protect your car this Holi, we will be happy to know the suggestions.
Do share with us!
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ezatluba · 6 years
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Thousands Of Dog Owners Swear By These 37 Genius Products 
The world is full of cool dog toys and handy canine accessories — but some of them are simply better than others. 
1 A Simple Tool That Picks Up Shedding Fur And Releases With A Button
FURminator, Deshedding Tool For Dogs
If your pooch loves to leave clumps of hair throughout the house, this amazing deshedding tool will change your life. With a firm, stainless steel edge, the efficient tool is able to penetrate the topcoat and gently but thoroughly remove loose hair. It's easy to use — just comb through the hair to grab your dog's fur and then press the easy FURejector button to release it.
2 A Fantastically Bright LED Collar That Will Keep Your Dog Safe In The Dark
Illumiseen LED Dog Collar
You'll never lose your pup in the dark again with this awesome LED dog collar that Amazon customers are obsessed with. The light-up collar has over 3,400 glowingreviews (see what I did there?), with thousands of customers praising its ability to shine brightly and keep your dog safe from vehicles and other hazards. The fully adjustable collar can be worn as one solid light, or it can be set to blinking mode with two speed options. The LEDs are rechargeable via USB so you don't have to worry about them burning out, and each charge lasts about five hours. It comes in five glowing color options including neon green, orange, pink, blue, and red.
3 A Cooling Mesh Dog Bed That's Elevated Off The Ground So They Don't Get Hot
Elevated Cooling Dog Bed
Constructed with breathable mesh fabric and set 7 inches off the ground, this elevated dog bed will keep your pup cool all night long. The cot-style bed allows air to circulate underneath so that dogs who tend to overheat can sleep comfortably. It's lightweight yet ultra-sturdy and is capable of holding up to 150 pounds. Plus, it's super compact, so you can bring it with you when you camp, travel, or visit friends. The bed comes in small, medium, and large sizes, so it's compatible with every breed.
4 A Powerful Odor Spray That Makes The Carpet Smell Fresh After Accidents
Rocco & Roxie Supply Co, Stain And Odor Eliminator
There are tons of stain and odor removers out there, but few blast away puppy smells as instantly and thoroughly as this Rocco & Roxie pet spray. The powerful, fast-acting stain remover is formulated especially for the less glamorous parts of puppy ownership ( aka pee on the carpet and vomit on the floor). It features enzymatic bacteria that's activated upon contact with odors, feeding on ammonia crystals and organic matter to completely remove the smell. It's chlorine-free and safe for both kids and other pets, too.
5 The Little Shoes That Protect Paws From Gravel, Snow, And More
My Busy Dog, Water Resistant Shoes
Whether it's thorns and brambles, hot asphalt, glass shards, rusty nails, or salt used for de-icing, sidewalks and trails present a lot of hazards for little paws. These thick dog booties are built with rugged, anti-slip soles to protect them from the elements and keep their feet secure. They're also fully waterproof so their paws will stay clean and dry — and that means you can go play in a muddy park and come home without spending 20 minutes wiping their paws down with a towel. They are available in four colors and eight sizes for every breed.
6 A Soothing Pressure Coat That Helps Anxious Dogs Feel More Peaceful
Thundershirt, Classic Dog Anxiety Jacket
If your little guy gets nervous easily, this doggy anxiety jacket will feel like a soothing friend. The patented design works to calm canine anxiety by applying gentle, constant pressure throughout the day. The result is a feeling of safety and security whether they're stressed out due to fireworks, thunder, separation, travel, vet visits, or other anxiety-inducing scenarios. It's a great way to soothe your pup's worries without the use of sedatives or other drugs.
7 The Feeder That's Perfect For The Dog Who Eats A Little Too Fast
Outward Hound, Slow Feed Dog Bowl
Does your dog wolf the entire bowl of food down within seconds of it being placed on the ground? If so, this slow feed dog bowl will help your overzealous pooch take it easy around mealtime and learn to eat slowly, improving digestion and reducing bloating in the process. In addition to offering portion control, it provides a little puzzle to solve, keeping his or her brain engaged while they chow down.
8 A Rugged Seat Cover That Will Save Your Car Interior From Destruction
BarksBar, Original Pet Seat Cover
Imagine, a car that wasn't covered in dog hair and muddy paw prints?This clever pet seat cover is made from a durable waterproof material that protects your vehicle from fur and shedding, mud, dirt, scratches, and chewing. You can use it as a regular bench-style seat cover or convert it into a hammock that protects both sides of the seats and gives Fido a cradled area to sit in. It has built-in Velcro openings for seat belts and is fully machine-washable.
9 A Warm, Heated Stuffed Animal That Has A Real Heartbeat
Smart Pet Love, Snuggle Puppy Behavioral Aid Toy
Dogs are pack animals who need to cuddle up with others to feel safe. Although this little creature looks like a basic stuffed animal, it's actually a behavioral aid toydesigned to reduce anxiety and offer your puppy a warm body to sleep next to. Meant to imitate the nurturing feel of a mama dog, they toy comes with a heart-shaped ticker that heats up and emits a pulsating beat that mimics a beating heart. The comforting toy is perfect for thunderstorms, fireworks, and other occasions where your puppy gets scared.
10 A Protective Balm That Keeps Their Paws From Drying And Cracking
Mushers, Musher's Secret Paw Protection Wax
Made with soothing vitamin E, this paw wax cream protects their feet from cuts and scrapes without any scent or odor. The wax-based balm goes on the pads of their paws like a cream and dries instantly, creating a protective layer to shield them from the elements. It also helps prevent abrasions, burning, drying, and cracking. "Living in the Northeast, I deal with snow, salt, ice, and blistering pavement in the summers, and this product is an absolute miracle," said one happy Amazon customer. "I purchased three more containers today for my dog to give out as Christmas presents to her friends. It is that good."
11 An Ultra-Convenient Collapsible Dog Bowl For Life On-The-Go
COMSUN, Collapsible Dog Bowl
Constructed with tough silicone, this collapsible dog bowl is the best thing ever for folks on the go. Fill the ample bowl with 12 ounces of water or a 1.5 cups of food, then press it together when you're done for easy storage. It comes with a clip-on carabiner you can use to attach it to a backpack while hiking, or to put on a crate when you travel.
12 A Fake Patch Of Grass To Help With Potty Training
PAW, Artificial Grass Bathroom Mat
Whether you've got a puppy who's still potty training or you live in an apartment where it's tough to get outside quickly to train your dog, this artificial grass matprovides a place for your pooch to do their business inside — without giving them the idea that they're allowed to pee indoors. The three-layer pad features an odor-resistant, anti-microbial mat on top with a plastic insert that traps liquid and drains it into a collection tray on the bottom. To clean it the mat, simply rinse it with soapy water.
13 A Natural Shampoo That Smells Great And Won't Irritate Skin
Earthbath, All Natural Pet Shampoo
Made with delicious natural scents such as eucalyptus and peppermint, oatmeal and aloe, mango, rosemary, tea tree, and sweet orange oil, this doggie shampoo cleans their fur while leaving them smelling fresh and aromatic. It is formulated with 100 percent biodegradable products and detangles in addition to cleansing. On top of that, it is suitable for sensitive skin. "I absolutely love this dog shampoo!" said one Amazon customer. "It makes all my dogs so soft and shiny."
14 A Set Of Rubber Fetch Balls That Whistle When You Throw Them
Chuckit! Whistler Balls 
The only thing dogs find more outrageously fun than chasing balls is chasing balls that make wild noises. This whistling dog ball is just the ticket, offering a chewy rubber fetch toy that whistles in flight, stimulating their hunting instinct and keeping their mind engaged. The balls, which come in a pack of two, are aerodynamic and easy to grip. They are available in small, medium, and large sizes, and one reviewer writes: "Chuck-it makes the best balls for retrievers. They are very durable. Far better than tennis balls. Good value as these last for years not days or weeks. The whistle balls are great for dogs who retrieve by sight AND sound. The whistling gives them better feedback in case they miss seeing the ball launch."
15 A Set Of Fantastically Compact Poop Bags That Fit In Your Pocket
Pogi's Pet Supplies, Pogi's Poop Bags 
If you're sick of searching the house for plastic grocery bags every time you go on a walk, you'll love these eco-friendly poop bags from Pogi's. The baggies come in easy, compact rolls you can fit in your pocket so you don't have to worry about looking like a jerk to the neighbors when your dog goes a second time — you'll always have a back-up. The eco-friendly bags are powder-scented and ultra-thick, so they won't leak even if you have a large dog. Plus, they're big enough to reverse over your hand for easy scooping.
16 An Easy Walk Harness That Keeps Your Dog Protected
Petsafe, Easy Walk Harness
If your dog tends to choke himself with excitement every time a squirrel darts by or a new dog walks up, you need this easy walk harness. The fully adjustable strap system steers your dog to your side to help reduce leash pulling — while also preventing them from gagging on their collar when they lunge. It comes in eight custom sizes and seven colors including green, black, purple, brown, raspberry, red, and blue.
17 A No-Foam Toothpaste That Fights Bad Breath And Controls Tartar
CET Enzymatic Toothpaste
Formulated with an extra-strong, enzymatic solution, this high-quality doggie toothpaste prevents tartar build-up and reduces bad breath. The toothpaste is designed for pups who form plaque rapidly, showcasing an enzyme system that is more abrasive than your typical toothpaste. It won't foam up, is safe for them to swallow, and comes in five flavors including beef, malt, poultry, seafood, and vanilla-mint.
18 A Pack Of Squeaky Toys That Don't Have Stuffing To Shred
ZippyPaws, Skinny Peltz No Stiffing Squeaky Toy 
All dog owners know that stuffing is the bane of their existence. This stuffing-free squeaky toy, however, lets your dog chew to their heart's content without covering the living room in shreds of white puffs. The value pack comes with three toys for a low price — including a fox, raccoon, and squirrel. "Bought these for my Pomeranian and she loves them!" said one Amazon user. "I wanted something that squeaked, was light weight, and came in a package of more than one.. and this was EXACTLY what I was looking for!"
19 A Set Of Training Bells That Your Dog Can Ring To Go Outside
BLUETREE Dog Doorbells Potty Training Bells
These dog training bells provide an innovative way to communicate with your dog during potty training — it teaches them to ring the bell when they're ready to go. That means you'll never have to worry about them scratching at the door, whimpering, or barking when they need to relieve themselves. The adjustable design makes it easy to change the height to cater to your dog's specific size, and the soft jingle is pleasant and easy on your ears.
20 An Interactive Toy That Dispenses Treats While It Rolls Around
Our Pets, IQ Treat Ball Interactive Toy
Keep your dog sharp and on its toes — literally — with this interactive treat ball that dispenses goodies as it moves across your floor. The toy features adjustable difficulty levels so you can start easy and work your way up to harder challenges as your dog gets better at the game. The device, which twists apart easily to fill or wash, can be used for exercise, brain training, or to encourage slow feeding for pups who eat too fast.
21 A Cool Fountain That Provides Filtered Water For Your Dog All Day Long
PetSafe, Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain
Rather than refilling your dog's bowl several times a day and letting the water get warm and dirty, this clever pet fountain filters their water, keeps it cold, and ensures that it flows all day long. With a 168-ounce capacity, the fountain will fit dogs of all sizes — so it's an awesome choice whether you have a Pomeranian or a Great Dane. Lots of dogs are drawn to free-falling water streams, and the replaceable carbon filter makes the water taste better, so it's likely the apparatus will make your pup drink more frequently.
22 A Toy With Little Sliders You Can Hide Treats In To Stimulate Their Brain
Spot Interactive Seek-A-Treat Shuffle Bone Toy
Featuring ten compartments and six sliding disks, this interactive dog treat toy gives dogs a way to fight off boredom while increasing their mental aptitude. Use the wooden, bone-shaped puzzle board to hide treats and watch them try to get them out. On top of strengthening cognitive abilities, the toy increases their positive behavioral habits.
23 A Mat To Put Under Their Food Dishes To Keep The Floors Clean
PetFusion, Waterproof Pet Mat
If the area around your dog's dishes is always covered stray dog food and splashes of water, this waterproof pet mat will help you keep the floors clean. Constructed with durable, top-quality silicone material, the mat is flexible and able to sustain paw scratches and other doggie-induced wear and tear. It has a raised lip around the edge so water won't spill over, and textured bumps to prevent the bowls from sliding around.
24 A Food Storage Container That Looks Good And Keeps The Odor In
Gamma2 Vittles Vault Plus Food Storage Container
This food storage container helps keep dog food fresh with an airtight seal, and it's definitely more aesthetically pleasing than an overflowing paper bag. It prevents odors around the food bag because the pet food smell stays contained in the vault, the container comes in three different sizes (and the largest can hold 35 pounds of kibble) with a free measuring cup, and one reviewer writes: "My dog is happier with consistently fresh food, and I'm happy with the perfectly sized and easy-to-use design. No more fumbling with dog food bags. This has been a great investment."
25 A Plush Toy You Can Hide Squeaky Squirrels In To Keep Your Dog Entertained
Outward Hound, Hide-A-Squirrel Puzzle Plush Toy
This cool interactive dog toy features five squeaky squirrels and a plush, tree-shaped container. The idea is that you hide the squirrels inside the trees (aka "Hide and Squeak") and let your dog dig them out with its snout. The toy helps dogs stay engaged, fends off boredom, and strengthens their mental capacities. You can also use the toy, which is available in different sizes for varying breeds, to play fetch and add some bonding time.
26 A Hyper-Absorbent Towel To Dry Them Off After Baths
Bone Dry, Microfiber Pet Bath Towel
When you dry your pooch off after a bath or a wet trip to the park, you don't want to use your nice terry cloth towels. This fantastic microfiber pet towel is made especially for canines with ultra-soft, hyper-absorbent material that lifts moisture from their fur and soaks it up quickly. As a bonus, the cozy towel makes a great blanket for kennels and dog beds, too.
27 A Super Effective Detangling Brush To Remove Mats Of Clumped Fur
GoPets, Dematting Comb
Brushing your dog can be a Herculean task when their fur is covered in mats and little doggie knots. Fortunately, this brilliantly designed de-matting comb offers a way to get a brush through their hair, detangling and un-matting as you go. The double-sided comb offers a low-density rake on one side for de-matting extra stubborn tangles, while the other side is higher density for de-shedding and detangling.
28 A Genius Paw Cleaner That Removes Caked Mud From Their Fee
Dexas Mudbuster Portable Dog Paw Cleaner
You can wipe your dog's paws over and over, but when they've got mud between their footpads and claws, they're going to track it all over the floor. This completely genius dog paw cleaner is built with squishy silicone bristles in the middle that get in between the pads on their feet, claws, and nails. Just add water to the device, stick your dog's paw inside, and gently twist back and forth — voilá, instantly clean paws.
29 An 'Adidog' Track Suit To Make Your Pup Look Adorably Cool While Staying Warm
Adidog Pet Clothes
Not only will this athleisure-style doggie track suit keep your pup warm, it will also make them look cool AF. With an easy-snap button closure design, the suit is a breeze to put on and take off, while the soft cotton feels cozy against their fur. The jumper is available in twelve different sizes and nine colors including black, blue, green, gray, orange, pink, red, yellow, and white.
30 A Pair Of Grooming Gloves That Massage Your Dog While You Work
DELOMO, Pet Grooming Gloves
Constructed with 255 silicone grooming tips, these grooming gloves give your dog a massage while you sweep their fur for loose hair and dander. The sticky material grabs shedding hairs, picking up dirt and clumps of fur as you swipe through. You can also use the gloves at bath time, soaping up the soft rubber to scrub your pooch clean in a gentle manner.
31 An Extra Thick Toy That's Nearly Impossible To Chew Through
KONG Extreme Dog Toy
The KONG is a classic interactive dog toy that stimulates the mind while it entertains. You can stuff it with peanut butter or shove it full of dog treats to give them extra inspiration, and when you're not using it for mental stimulation, it can also be used to play fetch. The thick, durable rubber is almost impossible to chew through, making this one of the longest lasting dog toys out there.
32 A Pack Of Chew Sticks That Act Like Mini Toothbrushes
Greenies, Original Dog Dental Chews
If your dog's breath scares away the neighbors, these doggie dental chews are just the antidote. Made with vitamins and minerals that promote optimal canine oral health, the ingredients are highly soluble so you dog won't have a hard time digesting them. The bumpy texture cleans their teeth and gums while they chew, and it's an easy way to get many of the same benefits of brushing when you don't have time to sit down and stick a toothbrush in their mouth.
33 A Handy Bag To Store Their Treats And Accessories In
Paw Lifestyles Dog Treat Training Pouch
Store your dog's beefy kibbles and treats in this handy training pouch that you can sling around your shoulder when you head for the park. It features an easy-to-use drawstring top and a main compartment that can hold dog toys in addition to treats. It has a built-in poop bag holder and two rings to hang training clickers, and if you don't want to wear it over your shoulder, it also has a removable waistband and strong metal belt clip.
34 A Black Light That Can Detect Where Your Dog Peed While You Were Away
ESCO LITE, UV Flashlight Black Light Urine Detector
Next time your dog gives you that guilty look but you can't figure out why, use this clever black light to scour the house. The special UV rays are able to detect urine so you can determine where the smell is coming from and get it up as quickly as possible. "This thing is so good," said one Amazon user. "It shows every single stain over the years where our dog peed when he was a puppy and still having accidents on the carpet."
35 A Super Effective Flea And Tick Collar That Lasts Eight Months
Bayer Animal Health, Seresto Flea And Tick Collar
Instead of treating your dog every month, use this flea and tick collar to keep the bugs away. The grease-free, odorless collar kills fleas and ticks upon contact, allowing you to save all the money you spend every month on other flea treatments. The collar, which features a low concentration, continuous release design, lasts for eight months.
36 A Convenient Pooper Scooper That Picks Up Waste Without You Bending Over
Dogit Jawz Waste Scoop
Never again bend over to scoop up dog poop with a thin little baggy — this brilliant waste scooper lets you do everything while standing upright, and you'll avoid sticking your hands in the mess. The spring-loaded scooper is easy to use and collects the waste in one simple motion. Store it in your backyard to keep the grass clean, or even take it with you on walks to ditch the scoop bags.
37 This Unique Shower Attachment For An Easy Bath
Waterpik, Pet Wand Pro Shower Attachment
Whether your dog loves baths or goes running every time he hears the faucet turn, this shower attachment will make the experience more pleasant for everyone. With a curved shape, the device delivers a powerful spray that you can use like a water comb, running it up and down the length of their body. It feels like a gentle massage and is immensely helpful for getting soap out of thick fur. The attachment has an 8-foot flexible hose for extended reach and can also be attached to your garden hose for outdoor baths.
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inklingleesquidly · 8 years
Lee Squidly is a good kid who rarely ever screws up or gets into trouble, but when he’s with his good friend and fellow rich squid, Vincent, things almost always go awry. See what mischief these two miscreant little nerds get into whenever they’re together!
Featuring the squids of @askvincent
Word count: 2,720
               There was always something big happening in the city of Shee-Booyah and at the city’s very own Arrowana Mall there was something extraordinary. Squid Squad was releasing their brand new album before anywhere else in the world. Twelve never before heard songs could be purchased and heard by 10,000 lucky creatures before anyone else. There was just a small issue for two particular squids.
       “Gyaaaaah,” Vincent Mist screamed as he raked his nails down his temples. “What are we gonna do; we’re never gonna make it to the mall in time!”
       With him as ever was Lee Squidly who was confounded by his friend’s words. “Hmm, what’s there to worry about, I mean we both got preorders,” he said, being the ever-sensible one.
       “Well yeah,” Vincent couldn’t help but agree.
Lee questioned, “Did you manage to get the super preorder that comes with a limited edition pennant?”
Hearing that, Vincent’s eyebrows raised and his jaw hung open. He couldn’t answer the inquiry so he quickly sought to change the subject. “Anyway,” he began, “We gotta get there as soon as the doors open, and the train doesn’t get there at the right time.”
Lee didn’t understand so he asked, “What for?”
All Vincent had to reply was, “Reasons.”
He understood even less now but he sought to go along with whatever scheme his friend was cooking up. “So if you don’t want to take the train than how are we going to get there?”
That question seemed to spark an idea in Vincent, “I got it,” he chirped, slapping his fist down upon his open palm. His face completely lit up with a laughing smile as he chuckled, “Hue hue hue, I know how we’re gonna get there!”
 “Are you out of your mind,” Vincent’s mother, Coco dryly said; turning away from her neatly organized work desk to acknowledge her son. “No you can’t borrow my car,” she declared, spinning around in her chair to return to her work.
Vincent gasped; his mouth agape and his arms dropping at his sides as he whined, “But Mama, please!” All the while Lee could only give his friend the most disbelieving look. He said nothing but he knew this was a bad idea, such a bad idea.
Coco swiveled back around in her seat to question, “Are you seriously asking me this? I just got that windshield replaced after what you two blockheads did with that phone; I don’t want you within 10 feet of that car.”
Vincent continued to beg, “Come on Mama, I learned my lesson, I promise.” He clasped his hands together in a pleading gesture, “I just need it for this one thing, please, pretty please, with sugar and sprinkles on top?” He looked directly at his cynical mother with his bottom lip trembling and his eyes twinkling, “I’ll guard it with my life; I promise nothing will happen to it so please!”
The jaded mother just rolled her eyes, I hate when he gives me that look, she thought as he gave her that stare of childish begging. Normally she hadn’t any problems resisting it unlike her wife but for some odd reason—she found herself softened.
With a sigh, she submitted, “You know what, sure thing; I’ll let you borrow the car.”
“What, really,” this took both boys by surprise, even Vincent who didn’t believe his plea would actually work.
Coco restated, “Sure.”
With what, she escorted them to her car but didn’t immediately relinquish use of it to them.
“Mama, do you really need to do this,” Vincent queried, “I said I would take good care of it. I mean, Lee’s gonna be with me after all,” he gestured to his friend, who confirmed with a smile and a nod.
Much to their dismay, Coco wryly replied, “That’s what I’m afraid of,” as she circled around the shiny vehicle. She touched her hand against the body and took pictures with her smart phone; both of the exterior and the interior. Finally, she seemed to complete her inspection and returned back to them. “Well it seems like everything’s perfect,” she said, “Be sure it comes back that way,” and she deposited the ignition key into Vincent’s hand.
With their faces lighting up, Vincent cheered, “Thanks Mama,” and he excitedly stepped inside while Lee ran around to sit in the passenger’s seat.
As Vincent pressed the vehicle’s start button, wound down the driver side window, and the two secured their seatbelts, Lee said, “You won’t regret this Mrs. Mist!”
She said, “I’m sure I won’t.” Placing her hand on the open window, she summoned their attention, “But if I see a scratch, even a smudge on this car—I’LL CUT YOUR TENTACLES OFF AND HANG THEM IN MY OFFICE!” Coco raised her voice to such a terrifying volume that it made both boys rear back and break out in a cold sweat. Despite the ominous threat, she waved goodbye with her fingers and said in a startling sweet voice, “Take care, have fun kids.”
“B-bye,” both boys said, neither one losing their fearful thousand yard stare as Vincent carefully drove away.
They arrived at Arrowana Mall without a problem and even managed to get their album preorders without a problem. The music store gave out numbered tickets and let in a set number of patrons at a time to prevent the store and staff from getting mobbed. Lucky for the boys they arrived early enough that they were some of the first admitted inside.
On the ride home Lee giddily clutched his collectible pennant while they listened to Squid Squad’s newest songs. Jamming out, Lee declared, “Woohoo, this is so awesome!” He smiled from ear to ear and was so excited that he shook in his seat.
“Yeah it is,” Vincent agreed, tapping his hand on the steering wheel as he concentrated on driving. “And it’s gonna be even more awesome,” he quietly muttered. The music was so loud that Lee couldn’t hear him.
They arrived back at the apartment complex’s parking zone and as Vincent departed the car he went around it as his mother did before to inspect for damage. With his body tight and his breath caught in his throat, Vincent looked at every square inch of the vehicle. Each new step filled him with relief, “I think our tentacles are safe, the car is perfectly fine. My mom is going to—HOLY SHRIMP WHAT’S THAT?!”
In that very moment everything else in the entire world shattered like broken glass and all Vincent could see—was a tiny hairline fracture right underneath the driver’s door handle.
The sight of that scratch scared Vincent so badly that he spontaneously splatted right then and there, much to Lee’s confusion and fear. “Vinny! Vinny! Wha-what’s happening?!” He quickly gripped the hovering squid spirit of his friend and stuffed him back into the pile of clothes he left on the floor.
The poor boy retook the shape of his Inkling form only to fall backward, collapsing onto the ground. “Ahhhhh, we’re doomed; we got a scratch on my mom’s car,” he whined, shakily pointing at it.
Wanting to see for himself, Lee leaned in close to inspect the supposed damage. He stroked his chin curiously, and then picked out his glasses from his cargo pocket to attempt to get a better look. Removing them, he remarked, “I think you’re overreacting, Vinny, I don’t see any scratch.”
Vincent stood up, he took a deep breath and repeated, “Okay, okay, okay, it’s probably not a scratch, I’m just gonna try and clean it off.” He let out breaths into his bandana then rubbed the soft cloth into the spot where he saw the scratch.
His mind must’ve been playing tricks on him; it looked like the scratch got bigger. Worried now, he vigorously polished the spot, hoping with all his might that it would go away. Much to his horror it had grown even bigger; now as long as one of his fingers.
“Ohh now I see it,” Lee indicated, only exacerbating Vincent’s distress.
Slapping his forehead, Vincent turned around to grab Lee’s arms, shouting, “WE SCRATCHED UP MY MOM’S CAR, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!”
In that moment they shared the same horrifying vision; Coco casually engaging in business in her office while both of their tentacles were displayed like trophies.
       “AHHHHHHHHH,” the two boys screamed in unison; now fully grasping the severity of the situation they found themselves in.
Vincent whined, “I need my tentacles, that’s where my hands are,” he demonstrated by spontaneously shifting just his Inkling arms into wiggly squid tentacles
Trying to keep the situation under control, Lee said, “Vinny, please, calm down, we can fix this!”
“HOW,” the distraught boy nearly screamed. A thought then came to him and he said, “Wait, your mom has a bunch of car fixing tools doesn’t she?”
Vincent gasped, “Well then she’s gotta have something to fix this! Go get them!”
Lee gulped and his eyes shifted from side to side, he seemed reluctant about the idea. “I- I don’t know,” he stuttered, “My mom doesn’t like me messing with her tools, if she finds out she’s gonna--.”
“PLEASE,” Vincent gasped, “It’s gotta be fixed by something!”
Lee couldn’t come up with an excuse. Begrudgingly, worriedly, he left to retrieve his mom’s tools
Despite all of the tools available to them in Janine’s sizable toolbox Vincent and Lee couldn’t figure out what to do. Some were in fact for auto repair but others, they had no idea; they still tried them though. They used water, chemicals, heat, wax, polish, and nothing worked.
Each time Vincent asked, “Did it work?”
And Lee would reply, “Nope.”
The two made a bewildering number of attempts to remove the scratch but nothing worked, forcing Vincent to yell, “NOTHING IS WORKING!”
As Vincent threw his hands down at the hopelessness of the situation, Lee tried to stay optimistic. “We can do this, I know we can,” he said, “We have the technology!” With that proclamation he unearthed his cell phone from his cargo pocket. He spoke into it, slowly, clearly instructing, “Fix scratch,” and then placed his phone against the car door.
It did nothing except fall from the door and clack against the ground. Lee whined, “Ahhh man, my screen cracked.” Vincent had no clue what his friend expected to happen, did he think his phone would magically fix it?
He decided to focus on the task again, searching through the multitude of tools, Vincent said, “There’s gotta be something in here.” One object managed to pique his curiosity so he brought it out. “What’s this,” he said, holding it in his hands.
Upon close inspection the device resembled a Killer Wail they used in Turf Wars only small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. Vincent would discover how astute of an observation that was when his finger grazed a button and a blast of deafening sound waves shot from it; striking his mother’s car. He quickly and clumsily fumbled to end it after Lee covered his ears and shouted, “AHH! SHUT IT OFF! SHUT-IT-OFF!!”
Everything went quiet for a brief second only for the boys to see the most horrifying sight. The door with the scratch suddenly and mysteriously just fell away from the car.
“WAAAAH,” they both screamed in terror again.
“Why does your mom even have that,” Vincent shrieked.
Lee’s answer was to cry, “I don’t knoh-oh-oh.”
With Lee starting to sob and wail, Vincent was left to think on his own, I can figure this out, I can get this fixed, I know I can, he thought. Before he could think of anything else his phone started to ring.
“He-hello—wait—what—no, NO—uhh—yes—yes—umm yeah, okay…” He lowered the phone from his ear and murmured, “My mom is coming down to check the car.”
Lee’s response was to cry even harder but he still scrambled along with Vincent to fix the problem as best as they could. Coco arrived on the scene and found the two standing side-by-side, facing her, with their hands behind their backs.
“Hi Mama,” Vincent greeted, a bead of sweat dripping down the curve of his cheek.
“Hi Mrs. Mist,” Lee’s lips quivered as he tried to smile.
Coco was a woman who could tell when something was awry. “You two are up to something,” she said, being someone who didn’t play games; especially with her son.
Lee chuckled nervously, “Heh-eh, no we’re not.”
“Yeah, everything’s fine with the car,” Vincent said through gritted teeth.
Placing her hands on their shoulders, Coco easily pushed them both apart. “Move aside,” she said, giving herself space to inspect her car.
Vincent pleaded, “No Mama, no, don’t look it’s a trick!” But it was too late; as if knowing exactly where to look, Coco bent down to inspect the driver side door.
“Did you two get a scratch on my door,” her voice was low but clearly audible to both nervous boys.
“We’re sorry Mama/Mrs. Mist,” they both replied in unison.
She gave it another look and turned around to ask, “And did you try to cover it up with a marker?”
Vincent turned to Lee to give him a look of incredulity as Lee shrugged with a marker that just barely matched the color of Coco’s car. “I don’t know, I thought it would work,” he grinned uncertainly.
“All right boys,” Coco stood up and turned to them with a frightening, menacing look in her eyes, “Do you know what I’m gonna do about this?”
The only thing the boys could think to do was hold onto each other for dear life—but instead Coco merely turned around and they heard some mysteriously peeling sound. She spun around and revealed she was holding a clear sticker in her hand. “There we go, no harm done. The boys babbled in confusion until Coco explained, “Yeah I put that sticker there, and its heat sensitive so when you touch it it gets bigger.” She demonstrated by vigorously rubbing the sticker between her palms and showed them how it grew in size.
Flabbergasted, Vincent voiced both of their dismay, “But why,” he wondered.
Coco answered with a laugh, “Hyu hyu, I wanted to mess with you to teach you a lesson about messing with me and my car. Now go listen to your CD or whatever it is you wanted to do.” Despite knowing what was actually going on, the two still scampered away. Coco chuckled to herself, “That’ll teach them,” and she gripped the car door’s handle.
Suddenly, the door came off the car in her hand and right before her eyes, she witnessed the other doors fall off. Right after the rest of the car split in half, leaving the interior and the frame of the car exposed.
This was unbelievable. For the briefest moment she was absolutely stunned; mouth agape, frozen from head to toe, a low, quiet noise eking out of her throat. In an instant, Coco snapped to and screamed to the heavens, “VINCENT, LEE,” but the two were long gone.
 Elsewhere in a park near Flounder Heights, Vincent and Lee were hiding in a metal lined room built inside of a fake hedge. Biting his nails nervously, Lee said, “Ohh, I heard your mom; she’s real mad about what we did to her car.”
Surprisingly relaxed, Vincent reclined in the cramped room and casually munched on bagged chips. “Don’t worry I built this shelter for when this kinda thing happens; we got enough food for a whole week.”
Ever the level headed one; Lee tried to reason, “I don’t know, maybe we should just face the music.”
Just as he said that, what sounded and felt like an explosion rocked the entire bunker, even shaking the single dangling light fixture. Outside of the metal chamber, they heard a voice shouting, “WHERE IS LEE?!”
“I think your mom found out we used her tools,” Vincent indicated before crunching down on another chip.
Lee sat down and queried, “So how much food did you say we have?”
Vincent answered, “About a week, maybe ten days.”
Sitting down, Lee opened up a canister of nuts and asked, “Do you want to listen to the album again?”
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