botheringlevi · 2 years
hello captain! i hope you've had an enjoyable birthday so far :3
as promised here are the results of the project erwin assigned to me *hands over a scroll*
we all hope you like it and we wish you a happy birthday as well as many more to come 💕
things we love about our captain levi:
he makes great tea - i always look forward to him bringing me a cup (erwin)
he reminds me to take care of myself - one time he even threatened to bathe me himself (hange)
captain levi makes good strategic decisions in battle (armin)
he’s a good fighter - there’s a lot i can learn from him in this regard (mikasa)
he always smells nice - it has a sense of consistency to it so i like it (miche)
the captain trusts my instincts and never doubts them (sasha)
he’s a great listener (erwin)
levi’s a great captain and we can always rely on him to have our backs (petra)
captain levi’s right about a lot of things - i should listen to him more often (eren)
he makes me laugh a lot (hange)
i can always rely on him fulfilling orders that are given to him (erwin)
he cares a lot more than you’d assume at first (jean)
one time he gave me a part of his rations - i’ll never forget that (sasha)
people often get blinded by his title as humanity’s strongest and overlook that he’s a person as well - a good one at that (armin)
he dedicates himself fully to the people he deems worthy (erwin)
he might be a bit harsh about it sometimes but he gives good advice (eld)
i look up to captain levi - i hope i can be as strong as him one day (oluo)
to be honest i’d probably follow his lead even if the situation seems hopeless - i know that he’ll be able to gain some kind of advantage over our opponent (connie)
captain levi was right about what he said to me back then and i don’t know if i would have been able to do it without his training - i still think a lot about the things he’s taught me (historia)
being a part of the levi squad is like being part of a family in a way (104th’s)
- 🥛
I did, thanks. Milk.
Many more, huh? *Frowns* …Nevermind.
What…? *Scrunches nose* What a waste of paper—hey, it’s on the damn floor. Give it here.
*Picks up scroll and reads*
*Silent for a long time*
I… I really don’t know what to say.*Avoids their eyes* You’re telling me, that every single one of these idiots contributed to this? They hid this from me flawlessly. *Rereads* Oluo being modest for once in his life. Tch… Interesting.
Bunch of fools. *Sniffs, & looks up* Which makes you the biggest fool of all.
*Steps closer & affectionately tousles their hair*
Thanks. Now get out. I want to read some more.
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