#[Linear Time - Queue]
the-doom-of-mandos · 2 years
Fingon: There is no future. There is no past. Don’t you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that we insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every fact
Turgon: …All I asked was when you wanted to cut your birthday cake
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Scorched Petals
Tag List: @skellebonez
Riley's Notes: HI HI I'M ALIVE AND BACK FROM HIATUS also my brainrot isn't being useful right now posting will be weird
Nezha dragged himself through the doorway, the flames still licking at his body even though they weren't there anymore. The pain, the heat, the overwhelming sense of isolation and abandonment, it had been a very long time since he'd been punished so severely. He knew damn well it had been a bad idea to award the last Demons of Camel Ridge a begrudging salvation, and now that Li Jing had heard of his actions, he knew that his punishments would be far more cruel should he slip up on anything he was told to do. Disobedience, after all, was never tolerated well in a place like this.
The ancient Deity brushed past his beloved superior, the only man he would ever refer to as his father, and tripped over himself when the pain from the rings on his ankles overwhelmed his senses. As Erlang Shen reached down to help his student to his feet, the younger Deity smacked his hand away, hissing through his teeth in mind-melting discomfort.
"No. Don't... don't touch me. I'm still too warm." Nezha's words gave away what had happened scarcely an hour prior. The architectural Deity who had offered his hand pulled away, but did not leave his student's side. He had to be here to support him through such trying times, especially while Kui Mulang was busy drinking his cares away. Someone had to set a good standard.
It tore the old dog apart to see his son, his child, in such a state. How could anyone do this to their own blood? It completely escaped the ancient Deity how anyone would find such treatment permissible. Alas, there was little he could do in the state they were both in. Nezha desperately wanted to avoid being touched until the heat wore off, for fear of hurting someone with the way his powers were fluctuating.
"Just... give me something to do. Order me around if you want to, I just want to get these images out of my head." Nezha opened his eyes as he spoke, the vivid indigo now replaced with a vibrant, scorching shade of hot pink. It reminded Erlang Shen of the lotuses the Deity loved so dearly... but also of the fires that he harnessed and was burned by in equal measure.
"Nezha, my boy, would you do us all a favor? I'm certain I am not the only one who would appreciate a hot cup of tea right now." Those words seemed to relieve the tension from Nezha's body. Erlang Shen breathed a sigh as he relaxed, thankful that even such a small task could bring his son reprieve from the stress. It was a welcome distraction, a welcome return to the idea of 'normal' that he was so used to.
An idea that had been (literally) beaten into him.
Nezha filled the kettle, then turned the stove on and set it on the burner, waiting impatiently for the water to boil. As he scrolled through his phone, it dinged from a text message from one of his siblings. For whatever reason, Red Son wanted him in his lab. Nezha sighed. He figured the fire Demon wanted more samples of his ichor for experimentation. He couldn't blame him; the intense magics in it made it a fascinating lab reagent with a variety of applications before and after processing.
But that could come later. Now? It was time for him to rest and breathe off that memory.
That damned pagoda... and those heartless men... one day, he vowed, he'd make a statement so harsh, that Heaven would cast them out.
One day.
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mistydeyes · 11 months
the butterfly effect: you die because of their actions
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summary: The butterfly effect "the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system. The concept is imagined with a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a typhoon." Everyone never believed the saying, that was until you died at the hands of your love.
pairing: 141 x fem!Reader
warnings: SWEARING, character death (previously established relationship)
a/n: my first angst piece for the rest of the 141!
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Price's mind raced as he shoved the doors open to the post-operation recovery wing. If he had known you would end up on the end of a gun, he would have never put you in this position. He never would have introduced you to General Shepherd.
When you met John, still known as a Lieutenant at the time, you were a First Lieutenant in the US Marine Corps. You were an expert at planning travel and assault routes and the SAS used your skills to their advantage. You worked together in a joint-op in Canada, one that required you both to find refuge in a snowed-out cabin. No one was surprised when you both emerged as a couple. Now after 13 years of dating and a happy marriage, you lived a comfortable life together. You had two daughters, both away in college, and lived close to Price's home in England. You made sacrifices, dividing your time in the English countryside with an apartment in DC.
Price was away on a mission as you sat in your countryside home. Last you heard, he was in Amsterdam with Sergeant Garrick. He was unreachable but you knew there was a fair share of times when you had the same status. Laswell had informed you that something had gone on with his unit and after reassuring you John was safe, she encouraged you to stay low in your home. You informed your daughters and they would soon be escorted to your house. Laswell had arranged a security detail for you and you sat at your living room table with a concealed firearm for protection.
As you tried to drink some tea, a series of knocks were heard from the door. You recognized it and holstered your gun as you answered. You opened the door to reveal General Shepherd, an old friend that John had introduced you to at a military ball. "General Shepherd, what a pleasant surprise," you said as you ushered him in, "can I get you anything?" "Just some water if you don't mind, Captain," he said and followed you into the kitchen. As you turned your back to him, he made polite conversation. "Captain, you didn't tell John about the op in the Middle East, right?" he asked and you remembered providing input on a cargo route earlier last year. "Of course not, General," you answered as you finished pouring the glass." "Then no harsh feelings, Captain," was the last thing you heard before you fell against the counter, a bullet lodged in the back of your head.
Back to the present time, Price shoved past the queue and slammed his fists on the receptionist's table. Laswell informed him that he was needed at the hospital immediately as you were in critical condition. He had taken the first flight home from Chicago and was now helplessly begging to see you. "Where is my wife?" he roared as the nurse sheepishly asked him for the name of the patient. "Captain Y/N Price," he said and she quickly typed it in for him. "She's not here, sir," she said quietly as he shook with rage, "she's in the morgue."
Your funeral came with all the proper traditions for a Captain. As the decorated Marines played Taps and folded a US flag, Price held onto your daughters' hands tightly. As a soldier presented him with the flag and your dog tags, he broke down in tears as your daughters joined. The last Price saw of you was your casket being lowered into the Arlington dirt.
As Price prepared to finally kill General Shepherd, he clutched your dog tags and wedding ring close to his neck. He pulled out a picture of you and your wedding day and kissed it before heading to finally end the bastard.
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After months of waiting the day was finally here. You and Johnny were expecting your first child after trying for so long. As you rested in a recliner, he had decorated the nursery with all the preparations for a newborn. You decided on a space theme for their room and Johnny would call the baby "our little astronaut." For the last month before you were due, Price let Johnny head home to be with you as he had known this is when you needed him most. When your water broke that morning, Johnny quickly rushed you to the hospital. The baby was two weeks early and you could feel the painful contractions as you entered the delivery room. You were in agonizing pain as the doctors delivered an epidural. Johnny could only watch helplessly as you were in labor for 10 hours.
He held your hand tightly as you screamed. "I see a head!" the doctor exclaimed and the nurses encouraged you to continue pushing. Even with the epidural, you felt dizzy and your eyes watered from the torment of childbirth. The room smelled of iron and blood as it pooled around your body. The doctor's hands were coated in the red liquid as you continued to push. "Almost there, love," Johnny reassured you as his hands turned white from your grip. "She's coming out beautifully, Mrs. Mactavish," the doctor reassured. "You hear that, it's a girl," Johnny exclaimed, "she's going to have my charm and your looks." You gave him a weak smile as the doctor updated him on how far out the baby was.
Finally, as the child exited into the doctor's arms, you released Johnny's hand. You slumped back into the bed as a nurse tended to your sweating face with a washcloth. The doctor delicately wiped the baby and swaddled her in a fresh blanket. "You can cut the umbilical cord, Dad," another nurse said as your baby girl cried. "Hi little one" he whispered as he cut the umbilical cord. He held her small hands with his and went to give her to you. But as soon as he turned, he saw your face was ghostly white. The monitor loudly beeped as the nurses and doctor began to panic. "She's losing a lot of blood," the doctor said as the room was thrown into chaos. Your vitals were beginning to drop and a nurse screamed for a crash cart. The delivery unit's PA system informed other attending nurses of a Code Blue and a variety of new staff rushed into the room. "Sir, you need to leave," a nurse demanded as he saw someone perform chest compressions. "She's not breathing," someone else yelled and Johnny tried to fight his way to the front. Everything was happening in slow motion as he held the baby close and saw you convulse under the shocks of a defibrillator.
"What's happening to her?" he demanded before he was shoved into the hallway. The nurses quickly closed the curtains as Johnny pounded on the glass. His hand grew numb as he fell defeated with your daughter in his arms. After 5 minutes, the doctor emerged. "You better tell me right fucking now what's going on," Johnny screamed at her. "I'm sorry sir, she's gone," she said and he could barely hear her say that you flatlined after a tremendous loss of blood. When she finished, he broke down and let the entire hospital hear his cries and screams.
As he cradled your daughter's head, the baby wailed and Soap joined his heartbroken song. A new life in exchange for one lost.
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"Kyle, I don't know about this," you said as you boarded the plane. "C'mon love, teenage recruits do this," he encouraged as you both strapped in. Kyle had heard about a skydiving experience and convinced you to go. He used the fact that it was his birthday and you swallowed your doubts about flying. As the plane ascended, you gripped his hand tightly. You always had a fear of flying and even had a psychic tell you that flying would be involved with your death. Kyle comfortingly drew circles on your hands as you approached the descent level.
“Alright, flyers! It’s almost time!” you heard the pilot announce through the cabin. Kyle helped you unbuckle and guided you to the tandem diver. He introduced you both and the tandem diver promised a safe descent. “This is my 1000th flight, doll, you’ll be fine,” he reassured and helped to strap you in. You smiled nervously as Kyle similarly strapped into his flyer. He insisted you take a picture together as you shakily gave a thumbs up.
“Here we go!” Kyle’s tandem flyer shouted and they leapt out of the airplane. You tried not to look down as you swallowed your fear. You then felt your legs leave the plane as you and your flyer jumped into the sky. As you felt the rush of air on your face, you kept your eyes shut closed. “Look at me baby!” you heard Kyle shout and you peeked through your fluttering eyelids to see him smiling widely and holding his arms out. You tried to emulate his actions but as you looked up at your flyer, you could see him panic.
Something was wrong as Gaz also saw that your parachute had not yet deployed. He saw the tandem diver struggle to deploy the reserve but that too seemed to fail. He screamed at you as you both flew closer and closer to the ground. You looked up at him in fear and tried to reach out before gravity and the lack of a chute pulled you forcefully to the Earth's surface.
Gaz could only watch helplessly as you and your guide plummeted to the ground. He let out a flood of tears and screams but they too fell and followed along with your deadly descent.
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Ghost watched in horror as two people sat next to one another on a platform. From what he could see, one of the people was a clear head taller than the other and they squirmed in their bindings. Their heads were covered in burlap and they both were sporting matching jackets that hit their figure. "Make the choice, Simon," Makarov said as his voice crackled through the comms, "your wife or best friend." Ghost's eyes dilated in horror as he realized Makarov's implications. "Before you try to be the hero, just know that I'm watching you," he taunted and Ghost knew there was no way out.
His mind flooded with any possible solution but he could not find any. This was supposed to be an easy fucking recon mission that only he and Johnny had to handle. Now he was without allies, without options, and an alternative plan. He shakily put his hand on the sniper's trigger as he fluctuated between looking at you and Soap. Beads of sweat pooled at his neck as he tried to think of any way to get you both out of this alive.
"Time is ticking, Simon," Makarov spoke again, "If you don't choose, they'll both die." That moment, two fluorescent dots appeared on your heads and he knew that somewhere two snipers were ready to take you both out if he didn't decide. Ghost's mind was clouded, he wondered if there was any way to save both of you but came up empty. The deadline and the thrashing of the two figures under their restraints made him finally decide. He made the most difficult decision of his life, he would save you instead of Soap. He couldn't live without you.
He said a silent prayer for his friend as he lined his sights. "Just stay still, Johnny," he painfully whispered as you both fought against your bindings. He knew a bullet straight through the heart would result in a quick and painless death. He held his breath as the gun fired, making a direct target with the body. It fell back in with a sickening thump and Ghost dropped the gun before rushing towards you.
Makarov was always one step ahead of the team. Ghost ran to the scene to see that the chair's size had deceived his eyes. One of the people who Ghost had assumed was taller than the other, was sitting on an elevated crate. The other figure thrashed about but Ghost was more focused on the one in front of him. As he went to pull the bag over what he believed was Soap's body, he was horrified to discover it was you, a single gunshot through the heart. A bullet he had sent into you. You died choking on your blood because of his actions.
As Ghost clutched your body in agony, his tears and screams echoed in the empty lot. In his haste, he had killed you and was now alone again in the world.
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usergif · 7 months
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Hello! We hit 10k followers! I want to take this moment to thank all our wonderful followers and the talented members of usergif! We created this blog less than 2 years ago and are constantly blown away by your support and beautiful creations. As a thank-you, we're proud to announce our new and improved resource directory!!! Shout out to arithemes' custom page which allowed us to create a more streamlined and organized directory for everyone to use. Under the cut, you'll find a guide to help you find exactly the resource you're looking for on our blog. Happy gifmaking! :)
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All resources are in alphabetical order first by the creator's URL (at the time of entry), then by the resource's title. Each title is a clickable link that'll redirect you to the original post. Beneath that, you'll find the creator's URL and the resource's relevant filter tags:
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As always, whenever I add new entries to the directory, you'll see the last date listed on the right side of the blog here:
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If you don't see one of your recent tutorials listed there, please be patient. I update the directory on a monthly basis, but only add resources that have already exited our queue.
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Please note: the Source section has exclusive filters, meaning you can only select one at a time. In the Type and Effects sections, you can select as many filters as you want. However, if you select 2 filters in one section, like "animated" and "blending," it'll show results for any resource with either of those tags, not necessarily resources that include both of those tags.
Here's a breakdown of how we categorize our resources:
Source: ↳ all: posted by any creator ↳ usergif: posted by usergif
Type: ↳ all: click this to reset filter selections ↳ action: pre-recorded photoshop functions that can be replayed ↳ basics: non-effects-related resources to help new gifmakers get their feet off the ground (please remember usergif is not a resource for beginner-level gifs and focuses on intermediate to advanced gif effects. however, we thought it would be helpful to keep some basic resources available) ↳ brush: various brush shapes like ripped paper edges or intricate textures ↳ fonts: names and links to fonts or font packs ↳ template: pre-made, downloadable layouts and designs ↳ texture: overlays that add a different finish to a gif such as Ben Day dots (retro comic dots) or glitter ↳ tutorial: any post that provides an explanation for a gif effects process ↳ other
Effect: ↳ all: click this to reset filter selections ↳ animated: an effect that applies movement to an element such as rotating text or wiggling shapes ↳ blending: aka double exposure, this effect combines two or more gifs layered on top of each other ↳ color: specifically for color manipulation, an effect in which the original colors are completely different (e.g. a blue sky colored to look pink) ↳ glitch: an effect where color channels are toggled and layered over the original gif to give a flickering effect ↳ layout: multiple gifs on one canvas like a collage (e.g. hexagon layout) or poster-style templates ↳ overlay: an added element layered above a gif (excluding text) such as a shape, another gif confined to a shape, a texture, etc. ↳ transition: an effect that stylizes the passage from one scene/clip into another, such as a fade, glitch, linear wipe, or motion blur transition ↳ typography: any kind of stylized text added over a gif (does not include basic captions)
You can find examples of all these gif effects via their respective tags on our Nav!
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This search bar functions the same way as the search bar in the upper right corner of our main blog and the search function on Tumblr's mobile app.
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Tumblr search allows you to generate results using keywords found in the body of the post or the tags. So, if you're looking for a post but can only remember it having the word "rotoscoping," you can type that in either in the directory's search or blog's search and find any post on our blog that mentions the exact keyword "rotoscoping."
Tags function differently from search keywords as these relate to exact words and phrases found only in the tags, not the body of the post. Our members use tags to categorize original posts and reblogs. Some of our most frequently used tags are listed on our Navigation Page and saved in the mobile search function pictured below:
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But if you ever want to quickly navigate a tag, simply add /tagged/word to the end of our url to find that tag! For example, if you want to see all the posts we've tagged as a #tutorial, just go to usergif.tumblr.com/tagged/tutorial.
Whether it's due to a creator frequently changing their url, the absence of an automatic blog redirect, or my own mistakes when coding the directory — you may stumble upon a broken link. Here's what to do:
If a creator has changed their username but their blog doesn't automatically redirect you to the new blog, check if they listed their new user name in the title of their old blog like I did:
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In this case, simply replace the url you landed on with this new url. For example, https://sith-maul.tumblr.com/post/692130400398704640/how-to-make-an-animated-google-search-overlay-a → would become → https://cal-kestis.tumblr.com/post/692130400398704640/how-to-make-an-animated-google-search-overlay-a
However, if you can't figure out the creator's new url or in the case that I messed up the link due to human error, feel free to send us a message so I can help find the source or correct the mistake!
If you ever need to access this guide while using the directory, simply click the "i" button here:
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And that's it! We hope this revamped directory is a lot more efficient and helpful. Thank you again for all your support and for helping us reach this follower milestone!
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madameoni · 9 months
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Alright- I figured I might make a lovely long post detailing my commissions options to link to over here.
I want to start with pointing out that my main pride and joy is communication and feedback loops to archive just what you want. The commission process can be long due to the back and forth, but good communication makes great results!
If you're curious, this post shows some of my sketches in the feedback loop stage!
My usual time from start to finish (might depend on the time it takes you to answer) is around a month.
Lets break down the options and prices!
prices are in $usd
prices are for personal use only (ya' know, you can print it for yourself, a friend, but not sell it or use it for business promotion!)- commercial use can be discussed (:
contact me to [email protected]
These can be taken as guide, if you'd like something that doesn't fit here- feel free to contact me to discuss it.
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Full character design. Detailed wings, anthro, animal and highly complex designs can change the price.
BASE PRICE: $170 2 full bodies - front view 1 nude or underwear + 1 complete outfit.
Extras Extra outfit: $50 each Weapon: $50 each Extra body: $70 each (alternate version, extra pose, etc) Back view: +50% of the total
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For characters that already are designed. Detailed wings, anthro, animal and highly complex designs can change the price.
BASE PRICE: $120 2 full bodies - front view 1 nude or underwear + 1 complete outfit.
Extras Extra outfit: $50 each Weapon: $25 each Extra body: $70 each ( alternate version, extra pose, etc) Back view: +50% of the total
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For characters that already are designed. Detailed wings, anthro, animal and highly complex designs can change the price. Clean sketches of several outfits instead of detailed finished pieces.
BASE PRICE: $200 full bodies - front view 1 nude or underwear + 3 clean sketches of different outfits
Extras Extra 3 outfits: $70 Weapon: $25 each Extra body: $70 each ( alternate version, extra pose, etc) Back view: +50% of the total
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Fully rendered and detailed design of prop or weapon on its own.
BASE PRICE: $50 1 full view 1 close-up of detail
Extras Extra view: $30 each
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From only face to waist up (showing arms).
one character
double price for extra character
includes simple background, and decorative elements like flowers, jewels, etc.
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for one character
+100 each extra character
includes background, props and decorations.
extra charges might apply depending on the complexity of the scene- feel free to ask!
Lovely, right?
Now, some basic Terms of Service:
I won't accept any work related to NFTs and I don't allow my work to be used as NFTs.
Credit is very appreciated when reposting but not necessary as long as you don't claim the work is done by anyone besides myself.
The character designs & adoptables can be resold and gifted with proper credit (link and @), those are the owner's responsibility.
Since I'm a breathing human being, I have the right to reject a commission for whatever reason.
I take payment via PAYPAL. I'll make an invoice once the order is settled. I only work with full payment upfront.
For big pieces (+400usd) we can discuss signing a contract or doing payment plans for everybody's comfort.
I don't have a linear queue and I don't work with deadlines, but I will keep you updated regularly and have no problem with showing progress as anytime. Just ask!
Given that I show updates regularly and request feedback during the whole process, big changes once the work is past its sketching stage can require an extra fee.
I don't do refunds past the first sketch.
I guess this covers everything- feel free to contact me with any questions!
Please contact me via email for an easier and organized process: [email protected]
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lightandfellowship · 10 months
Do you have any thoughts about Player’s heart being in the dark corridor? That scene was so interesting to me… Xehanort didn’t react much, so I can only imagine it had happened to him before!
I feel like I'm talking to a mirror version of Starlight because of your icon being reversed lmao.
But anyway, I'm honestly not even sure what that apparition was supposed to be! Because we have two hints to go off of:
"These halls are not to be traversed by the living but by spirit and emotions."
(cont. of above) "They gather here, their hearts drawing in others."
So we have three options here: spirit, emotion, and heart. And there's overlap between all of these things (hearts and spirits are sometimes the same thing, hearts are made up of emotions and memories, etc.) which makes the true nature of the Player ghost even more ambigious.
I think it's worth noting though that the Player spirit is holding Xehanort as a baby. That'll affect my conclusion, I think.
But anyway. The way I see it, the possibilities are thus:
That's literally Player's heart, drawn to the dark corridors and roaming them endlessly. For some reason. Kind of a depressing thought to me? Especially since Player's death scene on Destiny Islands implies that Ephemer welcomed them into the afterlife (my old post about that is actually currently sitting in my queue, so I think I'll just post that right after this for clarification).
It's not literally Player's heart, just their emotions that took on their form and were drawn to the dark corridors. This might explain why Player is holding baby Xehanort, the emotion in question may be from the moment Player took Xehanort in their arms for the first time, or something like that. I think the idea is supposed to be though that all the darkness in the dark corridors originates from dark emotions only, which has some interesting implications for Player, there. What exactly were they feeling in that moment? Guilt? Pity for Xehanort's mother? Doubt? Anxiety?
It may be an illusion that the dark corridor is showing Xehanort as it reacts to his emotions/memories/thoughts. It shows up when Xehanort is thinking about his "mentor", after all.
I'm most partial to possibility #2, personally.
Something else: the first time Xehanort goes through a dark corridor (so, en route from Destiny Islands to Scala) he says something about the dark emotions around him being emotions directed towards him from people he'd meet in the future. I don't know how literal he was being there. Like, does he just mean "I'm feeling the emotion 'anger' right now, and one day someone will be angry at me" or does he really mean "This anger I'm feeling now belongs to someone in the future I haven't met yet and somehow found its way here". Because if its the latter, that implies that dark corridors are like. Outside of linear time? Or something like that. Just something else to consider.
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Why all the love for lights camera pants? Why not the other 3d spongebob Games like employee of the month or the movie game?
1. Already cataloged employee of the month and the other point and click spongebob games.
2. Lights camera pants each variety has a lot of content which means even more screenshots. Especially the pc version (not even done with cataloging it due to below reason haha). Including a lot more dialog and set pieces for spongebob to explore in. It's less linear pc point and click like the other ones :0!
3. Admittedly haven't had a lot of time to catalogue anything lately sides stuff already in my queue due to being busy with college. Hoping when I get the time to finish screenshotting for lights camera pants and moving to another game.
Hoping that helps!
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shads-shipposts · 22 days
So, my sailor fic Anachronism won't be released in full until at least 2029 due to other projects in my neverending queue, but! There's a profound lack of Karaboudjan crew content on this site and I feel like rectifying that. Plus I haven't cursed this hellsite with my nonsense in ages, and that's gotta be fixed.
So, here's a touch-up/completion of something I'm fairly certain I posted a while back. Ch 2 of Anachronism, called Run and Gun! It takes place the morning of the Tintin movie's beginning, but don't worry about not having chapter 1 to read yet. Honestly, things will probably make less sense if you read chapter one. Plus I haven't written it yet.
All you need to know is Anachronism involves a literal self-insert (I get sucked into the movie) but with the twist of its actually the same universe as one of my old Tintin fanfics that was never finished. Hence why Allan is after me, he's got bits of memory missing and ain't happy about it. Also, being a black belt ain't made up. I trained for 4 1/2 years and got it in 2019. This story takes place in 2020, specifically Jan 1.
Enough ramble, on with the show! Depending on the reception, I may post more book snippets as I go along. So be sure to leave a comment if you enjoyed! Or if you have thoughts on characterization, it's been a while since I've written with these guys.
CW: Langauge, minor peril, utter chaos
Word Count: 3700
“Catch that kid! I want her alive!”
Well ain’t this dandy? All I wanted to do was sketch the ship, now I’m in a run and gun chase scene! This is what I get for being curious!
At least this was just a dream, so I couldn’t really get hurt.
Usually my dream would have shifted into something unhinged by now. Things were too stable, too realistic. Too… what was the word? Linear.
Footsteps came quick behind me, and close. Blackbelt or not, running was not my forte. My fighting style was quick and brutal, so I never had to worry about stamina. Fights were only supposed to last a few seconds, otherwise they were brawls.
I was not trained for that.
I just really hoped it wasn’t Allan right behind me. He had questions, and to be fair I had a hell of a lot of my own, but I didn’t think he’d be keen on sitting down and having a calm chat about them.
I risked a glance behind me.
Not Allan, or any other sailor I recognized, but a young guy. No older than me, or taller, but probably faster.
“No hard feelin’, doll!” he called. “Boss wants you back, so I’m takin’ ya back!”
“Ain’t you precious!” I retorted, anger sparking through me at the nickname. “Call me that again and I’ll drop your ass!”
“That fire won’t do you any favors with the boss!”
“And your smooth talk won’t do you any favors with me!”
I had to lose this guy, he was getting close.
Spotting a brick wall maybe eight feet high, I changed course and headed straight for it. Hopefully this young fella couldn’t vault walls like I could.
Let’s see if all that self taught parkour pays off!
Jumping at the wall, right foot first, the treads of my boot caught the rough brick and I propelled myself over the obstacle. I landed in a puddle, but at least I was gone from the bad side of the wall.
“Oh what the hell?!”
Ha! Lost him!
“Nick! Where’d she go?”
“She vaulted the wall!”
Well, that was no good. That sounded like Neil, and he could probably toss Nick over the wall.
Time to make like my name and vanish!
Spying an open door, I darted inside a warehouse and climbed up behind some crates. I was careful to not put myself into a corner, however, because I knew my harsh breathing would give myself away. I could control it decently well, but even still.
My reprieve was horrifically short lived.
Voices, inside the warehouse.
“Those footprints led in here.”
Damn puddle.
“Be careful, fellas. She’s feisty!” came Nick’s laugh.
“Anyone would be annoyed to deal with you,” another sailor snorted. “Remember, boss wants her alive. Preferably unharmed, but use force to get her down if needed.”
Oh, it’s gonna be needed.
Noise came from my right, and I turned in anticipation as I waited for the sailor to show himself. He sure was making a lot of noise, and I thought I even heard a crate tumble down to the floor.
The reason for all the excess noise soon revealed itself.
“Gotcha!” Nick laughed, arms wrapping around my middle. He hauled me up and towards himself, but that gave me an idea.
Throwing all my weight back into him, he yelped and we both tumbled backwards, heels over head, down the tall stack of crates. Something that should have hurt like the dickens, but didn’t.
This was a dream after all.
Down we went, Nick having a much worse time than me. It was a long way to the cobblestone floor, the sailor who made all the noise rushing to beat us to the bottom where another sailor waited. I didn’t recognize them, so I didn’t feel too bad when I kicked off the pile of crates and launched us both into the legs into one sailor as he darted below us to grab me.
He went down, he and Nick ending up in tangled a pile of sore limbs, leaving me free to spring free and ready myself to square up with the remaining sailor.
Though I honestly wished he would have been the one Nick currently struggled to detangle himself from. I’d faced off some big guys in karate, but this fella was on another level.
Leverage. I’d have to use leverage.
In a way that did not anger this big guy.
“Little girl has skill,” he remarked in a thick Russian accent, giving me a smile that was surprisingly more good-natured than sinister. “But sadly will not make safe.”
“Get ‘er, Ollie!”
Diving into a shoulder roll, I sprang up and immediately changed direction and dove into another one just as his arms closed over the spot I just was. I darted out the door, immediately slamming into another sailor and taking us into the street.
I could not catch a break!
A car horn sounded, but before I could react, the sailor I ran into snatched the back of my jeans’ waistband and rolled us out of the way to the other side of the street. I kicked off with my legs, aiding him the best I could.
Neither of us were gonna be able to fight if we both got flattened by multiple tons of steel.
Angry yelling followed from the driver, but I didn’t really have the time to say sorry as I found myself locked in a grappling match with the sailor who saved both our skins.
Why couldn’t the other black belts have just ignored the awkwardness and taught me grappling?! I didn’t know dick about this!
But I did know one thing.
As an arm came down and tried to loop around my neck, I bared my teeth and sank them into his bare arm.
It tasted like sweat, dirt, sea-water, and engine grease.
Not that I knew what the last tasted like.
“Youch!” a semi-familiar voice yelled, quickly releasing his hold on me.
Diving away, I sprang up but stopped in horror as I found myself staring down a dead-end alley. Spinning around into a right fighting-stance, guard up and front leg ready to strike, I finally saw the sailor I’d nearly gotten run over.
Neil knelt on the ground, blocking my way out as he nursed his wounded arm. I hadn’t bitten too hard, more concerned with just getting free via surprise, so all he had to worry about was spit and a bruise. Inspecting the bite mark, he then looked up at me with an expression halfway between amusement and shock.
“You just bite me, Shortie?”
“Well pardon me for wantin’ to escape!”
He snorted in amusement, a partial smile on his face. “Apology accepted, but afraid I can’t grant that escape.”
As if on cue, more sailors joined him at the entrance to the alley. Hobbs, Tom, Ollie, Nick, the unnamed sailor Nick fell on, and…
“Shit,” I hissed, locking eyes with Allan.
“What’s the rush?” he asked. “It’s rude to not say goodbye, kid.”
That easy-going and nonthreatening smile don’t fool me, Al.  Tom’s the Golden Retriever, not you. You’re a German Shepherd with anger management issues or some shit.
Nick and the unnamed sailor stood on either side of the entrance, looking the opposite directions as they presumably kept a look out for any passersby. The others moved into the alley, pushing me further back.
Hobbs laughed, looking me up and down. “What’re we all standin’ around for? She’s not so tough, watch!”
He came forward, reaching for my arm. I waited until he got just close enough, subtly shifting my weight to my left leg, before letting it fly.
It caught him in the chest, knocking him off his feet and back towards the group.
“Nice strike,” Ollie said, arms crossed and stance relaxed as Neil erupted into laughter.
“Don’t encourage her!” Hobbs spat, slowly staggering to his feet.
“Looks like we got a martial artist on our hands, boys,” Allan remarked, looking me up and down. “No wonder they felt so safe takin’ a stroll down the docks.”
Not my brightest idea, but even in a dream I can gather ideas.
“Now I get why you said it was reflex after you smacked me in the face,” Neil said, still laughing at a wounded Hobbs.  
“Sad to say, kid, all that fancy dojo-learnin’ won’t do you much good here on the street. But we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Allan said, tone now conversational and even charismatic in a way. “Up to you.”
Of course he’d switch to charming and agreeable now, he had me cornered. Ol’ good cop bad cop, except Allan Thompson played both roles. Good trick, scare someone out of their wits then act all friendly so they would be more likely to cooperate and “make it easier for everyone”.
Unfortunately, I never in my life “made it easy” for anyone and I sure as hell wasn’t gonna start now.  
“All we need from you is some answers,” Allan continued, stance relaxed and arms loose by his sides.
“You and me both,” I muttered.
The way you shift from threatening to trustworthy is amazing, sir. Were you not out for blood, I’d study you like a prison psychologist.
“Quit fightin’,” Hobbs growled, coming up on the right. “You’re just gonna get yourself hurt.” He emphasized his words by pulling a blade out.
I ain’t the one that got Sparta-kicked just a minute ago.
“No need for violence,” Allan called over to him, but he said nothing about sheathing the blade. He looked back over at me. “I’d suggest playin’ nice, kid. No more of that warehouse nonsense, these fellas won’t be as easy to deal with as the new guy.”
“Drop the act, Allan,” I growled. “You and I both know that sweet talkin’ is empty and I ain’t so stupid as to be charmed by honeyed words like that.”
His expression changed, the easy-going smile shifting to something not quite sinister but definitely not friendly. “We’re gettin’ those answers, kid. One way or another.” His tone darkened. “You want to play rough, we can play rough.”
Hobbs flanked his right with a blade, Neil his left with nothing but his bare hands. Tom stood back, waiting and watching the scene unfold with sharp eyes and a hand on his hip close to what I knew to be a firearm.
“Four corners, huh?” I asked, shifting into a ready stance with my weight on my toes. “A gun, a knife, and fists. All I need is a kicker. You good at round-house kicks, Allan?”
He didn’t say anything, still bearing that dangerous smile that sent shivers down my spine yet also brought a similar smile to my own face.
“Think this is a game?” Hobbs demanded.
I flashed a toothy grin his way. “Play ball, bitch.”
Allan shrugged. “If you insist.”
Hobbs came first, blade aimed for my leg. A simple horse stance to horse stance paired with a wrist throw took care of him.
Neil was next, swinging wide with a haymaker that didn’t make much sense but he’d already proved enigmatic in his methods so I didn’t spend time questioning him. I just stepped in, blocked the punch on the inside of his arm, and wrapped my hand around the back of his neck. By a stroke of luck, I threw him into Hobbs and they both went down.
But now I found myself facing Tom, or rather, not facing him.
He locked me in a bear hug from behind, but unlucky for him this was one of the easiest attacks to break.
Drive my heel onto the top of his foot, punch out and step into a horse stance to break the hold, elbow to the gut to wind him, grab the arm, kneel, bend, and flip.
Tom fell hard onto the cobblestones in front of me, arm trapped in an armbar, but as I drew back a fist to strike his ribs, I found myself unable to commit.
Instead, I threw his arm away and dove into a shoulder roll to escape before he could spring up and grab me.
But what was waiting for me was worse, and I sprang to my feet to find Allan’s pistol pointed straight at my chest.
He was in arms reach, and I knew how to disarm him, but I risked the trigger getting pulled and the bullet hitting one of the others. If I could just get him to shift slightly, then I only risked the wall getting hit.
Unless it ricocheted…
“Hey, what gives?” Hobbs groaned, cradling his wrist. “Why does Tom get let off easy?”
“Maybe because he didn’t try stabbin’ the kid!” Neil smacked him over the head. “What were you thinkin’, dickhead?!”
“I was just aimin’ for ‘er leg! I wouldn’t hit anythin’ vital!”
My attention slipped, focused on the bickering pair.
Allan immediately took advantage of the mistake.
I stepped in, both hands grabbing the top of Allan’s and forcing the gun down. For some reason, it didn’t go off. Snatching it from his grasp, I slammed my foot into his gut and drove him back. The force sent him off his feet, just like Hobbs, but before he recovered I had the gun ready and aimed at him.
I’d never be able to pull the trigger, even with it just aimed at his foot, but I just hoped they wouldn’t know that.
Allan did notice, however, where I was aiming and where my finger was; resting along the barrel, far from the trigger. Still kneeling, his eyes traveled from the gun to me, slightly narrowed. Tom came up from the side, cautiously, but Allan stopped him with a hand.
“Why would you risk gettin’ shot to get the gun,” he asked, one hand over his stomach where I nailed him. He stood, eyes trained on mine. “Only to aim it somewhere that wouldn’t even stop your attacker?”
“Mind your business.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Considerin’ I have my gun aimed at my foot, think it is my business.”
“I ain’t lookin’ for a murder charge.”
Dream or no dream. Not that that is the whole reason.
“Did not stop you from trying to break neck in warehouse,” Ollie commented, still standing calm as could be near the front of the alley.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures and all that.”
He tilted his head. “You are not desperate. Dedicated to escape, but not desperately seeking.”
“Didn’t realize I was bein’ chased by a buncha shrinks.”
“He’s right, though,” Allan said. “You’ve not once been lethal. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
“Sure was painful,” Hobbs grumbled, shaking his wrist.
Allan stepped closer, and I raised my gun to his arm.
He shook his head. “Again, not lethal.”
“Good trigger discipline,” Ollie commented.
“Won’t help.” Allan stepped closer again, hands still at his sides.
I still couldn’t bring myself to aim at his face. You never aimed a gun at something you didn’t intend to shoot. Aiming it anywhere near him was already breaking that rule.
Instead, I warned, “Back! Don’t test me, mate, I’ll pull this trigger.”
Lies. All of it lies.
I knew that… and so did Allan. We were in the 2011 movie, but I was not dealing with movie!Allan. I was dealing with some variant of the one I originally wrote with all those years ago, which was closer to the comics; smarter, more cunning, and a lot sharper than anything the movie even hinted at. The charismatic side was new, but very unwelcome. I didn’t know how to even begin thwarting it, and he fucking knew that.
“Come on, then.” He opened his arms. “Pull the trigger, kid. Shoot me down.”
I looked into his eyes, reading the challenge there clear as day. The moment I pulled the trigger and hit any part of him, the others would pounce. They’d already tried attacking separately once before; they would not make the same mistake twice.
We were both within striking range, both able to absolutely ruin the other’s day. But still we remained, unmoving, staring the other down. Locked in a battle of wits, a battle which neither party was going to give up easily. There was too much at stake to walk away.
We both wanted answers. The only question was… who wanted them more?
Tom stepped into my field of view, slowly. “Shadow, just drop the gun, yeah?” he tried, a hand reaching out. “Ya can’t hurt us.”
“Don’t mistake my inaction for inability,” I growled, not taking my eyes off Allan. “I know my way around a gun.”
“It’s not that. You don’t want to pull that trigger, trust me.”
Neil and Hobbs were cautiously approaching now too, staying back at a gesture from Allan. The first mate didn’t take his eyes from me, however.
They were way too calm considering I had a loaded gun. Or…
My eyes widened.
Did I?
Grabbing the slide, I aimed away from Allan and looked inside to find an empty chamber. Ejecting the clip, I found it to also be empty.
They weren’t scared of the gun because there was no reason to be scared of it. It was useless, unless I threw it at one of them. That wouldn’t do any good.
“You gotta be shittin’ me!” I whined, dropping the gun.
Allan reached out with his foot and slid the gun behind him, where Ollie picked it up. “Tough luck, kid.”
“Shut up,” I grumbled.
“It’d be best if ya just came with us,” Tom said, stepping forward only to stop when I shifted into a fighting stance and brought my guard up.
“Er, not a good idea,” Neil said, shaking his head. “Can’t win a boxin’ match wit’ Tom, Shortie. You got lucky he grabbed you. He usually just punches.”
“A, I’m taller than him,” I grumbled, gesturing at Hobbs and earning a venomous glare. “B, I know I can’t beat him.” I looked between the men, heart pounding against my ribs. “But I sure as hell can make you wish you left me alone.”
Dismay crossed Tom’s face. “Doesn’t ‘ave to be like this.”
I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I prepared to go down fighting. “We both know it does. Unless you let me walk outta here.” I smiled humorlessly. “And that clearly ain’t happenin’.”
Dream or not, this was gonna hurt. Emotionally, and physically. Getting beat up by Tom was not something I ever wanted to go through. Something told me he would take it relatively easy on me, but even a light yet solid hit to the diaphragm from him would take me down. If I was bad at grappling, boxing was even worse.
And we already established I wouldn’t be able to hurt him.
“We won’t ask again, kid,” Allan warned as the men all took a step toward me. “This has gone on long enough.” There was no smile on his face and no amused tolerance in his voice with his next command. “Stand down.”
I shook my head. “No. Y’all square up.”
“Yoooo, Shadow!”
We all looked up, fight briefly paused, and rage filled me as I saw Trevor looking down at us from the roof.
“You miserable and worthless list of terms and conditions!” I hissed. “Get your ass down here so I can at least fuck up your face ‘fore I’m torn to bits!”
He laughed. “What, after I was gonna offer you an escape?”
“Oh yeah?” I gestured angrily at the sailors. “Little late!”
“Not really! Got a little magic trick!”
“Now ain’t the time for games!”
“Not a game! Watch!” He threw a small sphere at us. “Abracadabra!”
It bounced off a crate and landed at my feet, making the men jump back.
A hiss and explosion of smoke later thankfully disproved Neil’s initial theory, but left us all with sore throats and watery eyes.
Not that it stopped one sailor.
A shoulder slammed into my stomach, driving me back into the wall. I brought my elbow down, hitting the tender spot between the shoulder blade and neck, but the man grabbed me as he fell and we both went down. Arms tightened around my middle, whoever it was trying to pin me to the ground.
Allan, judging by the feel of rolled up sleeves.
He brought his full weight down, nearly knocking the breath from me and almost causing my arms to buckle. The man was heavy! A hand grabbed one elbow, yanking it back, and down I went. I rolled as I fell, teeth aimed for his shoulder. I missed the bulk of it, but managed to at least catch the cloth.
Tasted and smelled heavily like tobacco and what I assumed was some time of smokey yet slightly sweet alcohol. Bourbon, maybe?
Writer brain off, Fighter brain on!
“Damn it all, kid, quit bitin’!” came the raspy yell, but I couldn’t tell if it was anger or smoke that caused his tone.
“Nien!” I growled through a mouthful of shirt.
He rolled us both out of the alley onto the sidewalk, out of the smoke. I ended up on top as we came to a stop right by the curb, but before I could strike, a hand snatched my arm and dragged me away from Allan.
“Time to go, Shadow!”
“Trevor?! Get off-!”
“Let’s go, let’s go, no time for slow!” Trevor sang, yanking me to my feet before turning to Allan. The hair all along my body stood on end before Trevor hit him smack in the chest with a small blast of lightning.
It sent Allan back to the sidewalk, and damn near sent me into shock.
“Trevor, are you tryin’ to fuckin’ kill him?!” I screamed, frozen as Allan laid groaning on the ground.
“Relax, he’s fine!” Trevor yanked me down the road, away from the alley and the docks. “C’mon!”
Giving one last look at Allan, who was indeed slowly recovering and coming back up on one knee, I turned and followed Trevor away from the scene.
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heywriters · 9 months
For the ask meme: 7, 23, 36, 40?
you are crazy sweet for always responding to these, especially because I queue them and forget. in fact, I have an unanswered one of yours still sitting in my inbox because it came in while i was logged out for a while.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
no specific scene comes to mind, but showing the intent behind a place is fun, like portraying a society as ambitious or crumbling or overbearing purely by describing its architecture. decay is one of my favorite things to describe because it can show neglect, the passing of time, the effects of weather, and/or that something has been well-used and loved.
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another worldbuilding motif of mine is food. i love making up fantasy foods, or describing a real place by the type and quality of the food. people are also a very important part of worldbuilding to me because i'm a people-watcher irl, so i try to include the interesting types of people i see in daily life in my stories.
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
murder mystery thriller. i have a half-dozen plot ideas for this genre but i lose interest in them too quickly. one is about a wildfire, one involves police corruption, one starts with a party on a beach, and one is even set in space...but i cannot make myself complete the outlines let alone start writing. i think the idea of sustaining suspense for a whole story intimidates/bores my brain. maybe someday
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
oh, always. the only time my mind draws a blank is usually during dialogue. otherwise, it's like watching a movie in my head or experiencing VR. and while writing, if I can't visualize it I physically act it out or sketch/research an environment so I can better adjust my brain to the setting.
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I don't know if I should laugh or sigh because hell yeah I re-read. Too much. Too often. If I re-read I edit or I get excited for the ending I never wrote, and either way I end up wasting hours I meant to spend on something else (thanks, ADHD). I've started a new thing where I write quick, small pieces that make me happy and I re-read them until the dopamine is gone. Once that happens, they either move to The Big File where I intend to connect them all into a linear story, or I delete them because they're superfluous/redundant.
Thanks for being the best!
this was good for my brain, so i have to go write now <3
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vibinjack · 2 months
Exploring Java's Built-in Data Structures: A Beginner's Guide
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Java, a versatile and widely used programming language, offers a rich set of built-in data structures that form the backbone of many applications. Understanding these data structures is fundamental for any Java developer, as they provide efficient ways to organise and manipulate data. In this beginner's guide, we'll delve into some of Java's core data structures, exploring their features, usage, and best practices.
Arrays: The Foundation
Arrays are one of the simplest and most fundamental data structures in Java. They represent a fixed-size collection of elements of the same type. Declaring an array in Java is straightforward:
This line of code creates an array of integers with a length of 5. Arrays in Java are zero-indexed, meaning the first element is accessed at index 0, the second at index 1, and so on. You can access and modify elements using square brackets notation:
Arrays are efficient for random access but have a fixed size, which cannot be changed dynamically. Java provides other data structures like ArrayList and LinkedList to overcome this limitation. To kickstart your programming career, consider enrolling in Java Training In Chennai for comprehensive learning and skill development.
ArrayList: Dynamic Arrays
A component of Java's Collection Framework, ArrayList offers dynamic arrays that can enlarge or contract in size as needed. Unlike arrays, ArrayLists can hold elements of different types and automatically resize themselves.
ArrayLists offer efficient methods for adding, removing, and accessing elements. They also provide features like sorting and searching, making them versatile for various applications. However, ArrayLists may incur performance overhead due to resizing operations when they reach capacity.
LinkedList: Linked Data Structure
LinkedList is another data structure provided by Java's Collection Framework. In contrast to arrays, elements are stored in linked lists as nodes, each of which has a reference to the node after it in the sequence. Especially in the centre of the list, this structure makes insertion and deletion operations efficient.
LinkedLists excel in scenarios where frequent insertions and deletions are required, but they may have higher memory overhead than arrays due to the additional memory needed for storing references.
HashMap: Key-Value Pairs
HashMap is a data structure that stores key-value pairs and quickly retrieves values based on their keys. It uses a hashing technique to store and retrieve elements efficiently, making it ideal for scenarios where quick access to data is crucial.
HashMaps offer constant-time performance for basic operations like insertion, deletion, and lookup, assuming a good hash function and proper handling of collisions. However, they do not maintain the order of elements.
HashSet: Unordered Collection Of Unique Elements
HashSet implements the Set interface in Java, representing an unordered collection of unique elements. It uses a hashing technique similar to HashMap to achieve fast insertion, deletion, and lookup operations.
HashSet ensures that each element is unique by internally checking for duplicates before adding them. While HashSet does not maintain the insertion order, it provides constant-time performance for basic operations.
Stack And Queue: Linear Data Structures
Java also implements two essential linear data structures: Stack and Queue. 
- The latest In, First Out (LIFO) concept is adhered to by Stack, meaning that the latest piece added is also the first to be withdrawn.
- The First In, First Out (FIFO) principle is adhered to by queues, meaning that the first element added is also the first to be deleted. 
These data structures find applications in various scenarios, such as expression evaluation, reversing sequences, and managing tasks in computer algorithms.
Best Practices And Considerations
While Java's built-in data structures offer powerful capabilities, it's essential to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and best practices for efficient usage:
- Choose the right data structure based on your application's requirements. Consider factors like the frequency of insertion, deletion, retrieval operations, memory usage, and performance constraints.
- Understand the time complexity of operations for each data structure. For example, ArrayList provides faster random access but slower insertion and deletion than LinkedList.
- Be mindful of synchronisation if dealing with multi-threaded applications. Java provides synchronised versions of some data structures in the `java.util.concurrent` package.
- Utilise generics to ensure type safety and reduce the risk of runtime errors when working with collections.
-Consider using wrapper classes like `Collections.unmodifiableList()` or `Collections.synchronizedList()` for immutable or thread-safe collections, respectively. 
- If you're looking for the Best Software Training Institute in Chennai, look no further than our renowned institution, where expertise meets excellence.
Java's built-in data structures form the backbone of many applications, providing efficient ways to organise, manipulate, and access data. From simple arrays to sophisticated HashMaps and LinkedLists, Java offers a versatile toolkit for developers to tackle various programming challenges. By understanding these data structures' features, usage, and best practices, beginners can lay a solid foundation for building robust and scalable Java applications. So, dive into Java's world of data structures and unlock the full potential of your programming endeavours.
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handsomegentlebutch · 2 years
Decided it was finally time to make an pinned post!
Hi. I'm Cass. I'm a 28 year old butch lesbian that loves to garden, crochet, and play games of all kinds- video games and ttrpgs. So many ttrpgs. I've played D&D for 13 years now and have fallen in love with many other table top systems! I'm also learning to sew.
I'm single right now and don't mind being flirted with :3
I made this blog to raise my self esteem because I've had some pretty bad body image issues in the past. When I finally fully embraced my butchness a few years ago, my sense of self love really shot through the roof. It's a work in progress, but progress is what matters and it isn't always linear and that's okay!
Please lmk if there's something you need or want tagged and I'll do my best to remember. I also use the queue a lot on this blog and am really shit at tagging it.
Auto block:
Anyone with No age in their bio
Terfs n swerfs
Rancid vibes
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funnel-webbed-au · 11 months
Dark Matter
Red Son stopped as the time on his phone shifted from 11:59 to 12:00. A sigh escaped from the fire demon despite the familiar flow of unnatural Diyu magic that swirled around him, the herald of a friend's arrival.
"Have you found Nezha yet, Dai Xie?" The fire Demon asked the shadow Demon. He didn't have to look to know that the mayor was behind him.
The shadow Demon's tail nested itself in front of him, lying on the pavement almost dejectedly, the sharp edge unaffected by the asphalt. The former right-hand man of the Lady Bone Demon shook his head, then pinched the bridge of his forehead, sighing.
"No. I found something worse, sir. A husk of your dear friend... He saw me, and didn't recognize me as... one of the men who would take care of him when he needed it the most. I... sincerely apologize, my liege."
Red Son could hear the bow, and the forced smile on his face. The fire Demon clenched his teeth as a pit rose in his stomach, followed by almost palpable nausea. He wanted to know... but something told him he'd regret knowing.
"...alright. Mark the location on our digital map of the city and its surroundings, I'll investigate when I can." Red Son wiped sweat off of his face. He couldn't fathom what had happened to the Deity he'd come to appreciate so deeply. He didn't need to know yet. He knew that whatever Nezha was enduring, he'd make it through. He was a tough, stubborn bastard, after all... but his curiosity still got the better of him.
"...what... what happened to him?" Red Son's voice cracked, coming dangerously close to breaking as he turned around to finally look at his legal expert. The way his brow was furrowed, and the way he pinched his lip between his fangs, it gave away the desperation that had burrowed itself into his heart. It ate away at his guard, and at his rationale like maggots into an old carcass.
Dai Xie forced a smile for Red Son's sake as he raised his head to make eye contact. The words he was going to say next would be devastating... but Red Son couldn't say he hadn't warned him with how cryptic and vague he'd been before.
"Stella got him."
Red Son's vision swam as everything in his line of sight became hazy and clouded. The Demon fell to his hands and knees as the pit in his stomach turned into a bottomless void, and the nausea reached a fever pitch. The mere thought that Nezha now had eight limbs and four eyes made the fire Demon's insides churn as if possessed, as if they needed to be ejected from his body to avoid sepsis.
The mayor shook his head, then kneeled down, setting his hand on Red Son's shoulder before he entwined his tail around his boss's, gladly offering the comfort.
"Breathe, sir. Breathe." Dai Xie pulled the fire Demon into his arms, holding him in a firm, familiar grip. Red Son could almost hear Nezha's voice, telling him everything would be okay... that they'd be home soon, reassuring him with that gentle, loving smile that only a real friend could deliver.
Hai'Er hiccuped as liquid rolled down his cheeks, staining the mayor's upper sleeve with the transparent liquid. Dai Xie hardly moved in any form of protest from this.
Red Son only tightened his grip.
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nikomedes · 7 months
love the queue shuffle feature honestly. queue easily 105 posts about recent interest in a thick glob, then hit the blender button to look normal at least in terms of linear time. such a nice feature
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usergif · 11 months
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Hello! Just a friendly reminder that USERGIF is a blog for GIF EFFECTS only.
Animated elements (moving text, zoom-in, etc.)
Blending/double exposure
Color manipulation (rainbow sets, color palette sets, etc.)
Filters (neural filters)
Multi-gif layouts
Overlays (textures, shapes, etc.)
Transitions (glitch, fade, linear wipe, motion blur, etc.)
And more effects!
We've noticed lots of users tagging us in gifsets without gif effects and, while we appreciate you as creators, we encourage you to tag other source blogs since we won't reblog those posts. Keeping our tracked tag effects-exclusive makes the queuing process simpler and less time-consuming for our queue managers. We hope you understand. Thanks!
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dreamingdarklyblog · 10 months
So... Still sort of struggling with WHAT to post about. The blog is supposed to be about this "journey" or whatever. The ongoing process of playing with my head for fun and profit (I can dream can't I?). But how to do that? If I just post details of trances, I'm a pretty unreliable narrator. And frankly it's pretty embarrassing, and hard to explain. It's like explaining a dream. A dream doesn't have a narrative structure, they hop around, they aren't linear or attached to time or objective reality, so describing them using an objective reality is difficult... Anyway. I thought maybe I'd tell you about some of the things I like? I think I mentioned playing a lot of video games. Which I do. I used to read a lot of books, but that gets pretty expensive... I'm a fast reader and I like to actually have physical copies, so it takes up a lot of space and can cost $20 a day easily to keep me in new things to read.
So yeah these days I tend more towards video games and tv shows. Exercise and writing. I was playing a lot of Zelda, but it got kind of difficult. It needs too much attention and focus, and I get kind of distracted, and it's pretty impossible to play with one hand. This past month I've been playing a lot of modded minecraft actually. That works out well. I like the minecolonies mod because I can just queue up things, set up my little people building and expanding the colony while I rub, makes something that would be semi boring a lot of fun, you know?
Was also really easy to do while reading but again, I just can't afford that so much anymore. Watching tv while rubbing is easy of course, so that's always nice =). Been watching Justified the past week or so. I never tried it before, as it being all law enforcement focused made me think I wouldn't enjoy it. But it's been pretty good so far. Timothy Olyphant makes pretty much anything better I think.
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Free Friday readings opened.
Short one card readings only.
There will be more free readings phase, as there's dollar transaction issues where I live, and PayPal has turned useless to freelancers.
You can always though ask for PayPal to donate in my currency or swap free readings till this problem is resolved by banks.
Rules updated: (important)
I often cannot answer instantly due to my schedule and the queue of readings.
Bear my timezone in mind.
Whenever you leave the question/ request for a reading, I will only give it on Friday or generally around the weekend if anytime later.
I don't answer strange or peculiar requests, things like tapping into a specific fate or deceased people for superficial aim.
I don't delve deeper into energy scans currently. Depends on the person and request though.
One question at the time please. Any further ones are always welcome. But if the sought answer is long and detailed, I'll queue it to the next reading. Don't you worry, I keep this marked.
Please don't repeat the same question in indirect repeated pattern.
If your reading request isn't specific, the reading will be mostly non linear in time loops, fitting for all life phases, it will be just an encouragement message or advice about your current direction.
Stop what You're doing, don't think I don't know. Some use multiple accounts and ask the same thing.
If this doesn't describe you, and you know you haven't broken those rules, then don't drop an apology in my DM. No silly Nelly please!. :) you're free of guilt.
If you want to make a donation, ask for my PayPal.
One Euro can be enough, more is welcomed.
Make sure currency you send is not an American dollar, there's issues between my country and transaction in American currency now. My PayPal primary currency is euro currently. No refunds currently.
All my readings do not wish to mimic someone else online, even if similarity occurs in my messages.
My social media links are usually in my profile pictures on all platforms.
Remember to check my Instagram and tiktok for free short reiki. I plan to use those platforms for now more currently.
Divination, energy work, religion or even scriptures does not negate your own responsibility on your life, and also are not substitute for modern western medicine if you are prescribed to a medication program.
I never said I'm a Messiah. Nor a Christ. Nor that I will liberate humanity, nor grant people access to their own enlightenment.
You humans have a choice and free will.
You can take my tarot or psychic readings like a positive message/quote on the inside of a chocolate coloured wrapping paper for amusement at least if anything.
Last but not least, I appreciate all those I came across. Im grateful for your feedback or review to my readings. I appreciate the sincere wishes, thoughts and prayers accompanied by insightful swap readings.
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