#[Jaey -headcanons-]
soulsxng · 2 months
◯ for Jaey
@sansloii | Muse Character Sheets | Accepting!
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The height is for his bipedal form first, then his snake tail form! (Though honestly now that I'm looking at it again, he's probably more like 9'6" like that)
The only animal that Jaey is good with is Umber, his little whale-esque familiar. Any other animals, he's not super sure about most of the time.
Jaey's just not used to being around children, so if one starts crying, he kinda panics a little bit...which can make things worse.
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neonknightjaey · 3 months
On another episode of Jaeys Homestuck headcanon voices. Rolal herself.
And Roxys headcanon voice is Tiny Tina from Borderlands
I don’t make the rules, just the shitty opinions.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Just wrote a thing about it that's in the q now, but because I'm thinking about it I wanted to write a quick little thing about the hierarchy among the Irekoli-- Tarinx's species.
It's very much a meritocracy, first of all. Strength, and skill, and ability, and accomplishments are all things that are viewed very highly in most species that reside in the realm as a whole; not just the Irekoli. Still, most cities and kingdoms and such don't really have very strict governances...as long as nobody causes any big issues, then people are more or less allowed to do as they please.
The Irekoli are the same way, though they're generally viewed as having a more organized and/or involved system than the other species and the areas run by them. People are still mostly allowed to live how they like, but there's still a solid structure in place to implement major rules and such to keep day to day things running smoothly.
One way they do this, is by putting together a sort of delegation comprised of some of the realm's strongest, most capable, accomplished people (how is that determined? In the beginning it was probably different, but these days there's definitely a lot of rigging done by the powerful and influential to remain in their positions throughout their entire lifetime...or until someone else gets sick of their shit and takes them out.
At the top of the council is supposed to be a figure sort of like a ruler. This individual is supposed to be decided as the overall strongest Irekoli alive. The Irekoli are also, however, surprisingly very spiritual beings, as well. They worship the realm itself (or more-so, the body of the realm, considering the Pirodeti that was Irekol's heart died shortly after Arin was born) for various boons, as many other places and people worship the gods.
As such, a second individual is elected to rule alongside the first. This individual is recognized as the Irekoli that has been "chosen" by the realm, and has the closest bond to it.
Generally, the idea is that these two are supposed to marry and have kids, in hopes that a new, stronger generation can eventually come of their offspring. Something that...because Tarinx is ruling with his younger brother...ended up getting scrapped. Which has the delegation up a wall trying to get Jaey to get married to someone powerful and give birth to this so-called hopeful new generation. The same goes for Arin, but it's easier to raise someone to be strong, than it is to find someone that the realm favors. (joke's on them though because Arin actually has the next closest connection to the realm after Jaeyani)
Anyway, so it's all really just a cluster and Jaey and Arin both tend to spend a decent amount of time away from home, working on diplomatic stuff. Things run smoothly enough with them stopping back every week or two, so they're not too worried about the rest.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Top 5 believers of "I can fix him"
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5. Ezra
I was considering placing him in the 4th or 3rd spot, but when I take into account just how easy it would be for someone to corrupt Ezra? I decided against it. Because while he tends to be one of the most morally sound muses, if someone eased him into being more accepting of the darker things? Suddenly it's "...They are getting better. They're only going this far, instead of that far.", or making up excuses as to why it's okay if the person/people that he loves are doing fucked up shit.
Still though, he would never stop trying to "fix" the person, if only a little bit.
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4. Zeqyabin
Zebi isn't really the type to force people to change, but if he comes to love a person, and they're doing something that might land them in trouble, or get them hurt, he's going to at least try to stop it. Harmless pranks are all well and good, but once people are really getting hurt? There's unnecessary suffering? Yeah, he doesn't like the thought of that-- either the people he loves being on the receiving end of that, or innocent people.
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3. Jaeyani
...I was gonna put him higher too, but decided against it. If only because while he would only ever try to encourage the best behavior from a lover, he has (though admittedly sporadic) moments where Jaey himself can snap, and act even more cruelly than Tarinx...and that's saying something. That's something he never wants someone he loves to have to do that kind of thing for themselves, though. He wants to provide a life for those that he loves that ensures they can be happy and content without the need to ever do bad themselves.
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2. Orin
Don't get me wrong, Orin loves a the whole bad boy trope, but like...just in vibe, more-so than actions. They hate violence, and they don't like seeing people suffer. Though Io and those that work for him definitely aren't the most kosher, there's a sort of unspoken agreement that darker details of jobs and such aren't discussed around Orin. Not because they don't know, but because they hate the idea of people being in pain. They know evil exists in all things, but that doesn't mean they have to accept it. It doesn't mean that they can't try to change things for the better-- even if they feel it might only be in some miniscule way.
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1. Aile
Literally guys, I don't know what you want me to say here. Aile is literally the "I can fix him" trope, tied with a big, earthy bow. He spends most of his days helping people struggling with their mental health, and he absolutely loves it. Ai won't even hold any slips ups against the other person! He'll just hold out his hand and help them right back up the ladder again. Of course you can do it, he'll be right there by your side the whole time to support you!
Stolen from: @fatestouch, ily Nova Tagging: everyone! It's a fun one
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soulsxng · 1 year
Apparently I never posted this on here, because I've been looking all over and can't find it. Anyway, this is what Tarinx and Jaey's scale coloring looks like, respectively.
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One of the main differences is that between between Tarinx's scales, it's a dark, reddish orange. And for Jaey, he has the same iridescent sheen to his scales that Arin's have, just milder.
The scales are thick, and in some areas-- along the center of the back side or their tails, for example, is more roughly plated and ridged than scaled.
Along the underside of their tails is soft, much like an actual snakes is. It's durable enough for them to be able to slither over jagged materials and such without being injured, but if they were to slither across something toxic, for example, it'd soak in and make them sick, unlike if something toxic was spilled on their scales.
Their scales are also typically fairly hot to the touch, Maybe not enough to sting when they're just relaxing, but if they're worked up or fighting? Steam will rise off of them, and that's a point when they should probably not be touched, because it can leave burns.
Typically, if they're somewhere they need to blend in a little better, they'll have their legs, as opposed to their tails...even though their tails are what they're most comfortable with. Same thing if they're somewhere that having to slither around might be dangerous.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Archetypes quiz | Tarinx edition!
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41% Rebel: The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
25% Athlete: The Athlete's focus and drive are unparalleled. Staying healthy and being fit are paramount to them (as for winning, that doesn't hurt, either).
24% Explorer: The Explorer is drawn to the unknown, whether that’s a Himalayan peak or the road not taken, and have a thirst for adventure. They take journeys, not vacations.
#[Tarinx -headcanons-]#I feel like rebel is a little bit high#just because Arin is mischievous but he doesn't like...go out of his way to be rebellious#As for the other two those are just about right#for Athlete it's more...I guess a cultural thing? The Irekoli as a whole view strength and cunning above pretty much all else#Which is also why (maybe surprisingly) his alternative to Explorer would have been Intellectual#But also just he loves to compete and he loves doing all sorts of things that tend to have him moving around constantly#As for explorer he always loves traveling#it doesn't even necessarily have to be somewhere new he just likes going places#part of that is to get away from home where people are constantly bugging him (minus his lil' bro. Jaey can bug him whenever and it's fine)#Because like...yeah he's technically the ruler of Irekol#but he only did that because otherwise Jaey (above mentioned lil' bro for those of you that didn't know) would likely#have been forced to marry whoever else became the ruler#since Jaey is the Irekoli with the closest link to the realm#and usually the way it works in Irekol is that the strongest and the one with the closest bond to the realm are supposed to have kids#...until Arin and Jaey#so now the nobility/council/what-have-you have been scrambling to try to determine who Jaey and Arin /should/ marry and have kids with#while the two brothers continually throw all kinds of wrenches into their plots because they don't wanna deal with it#anyway though wow sorry for huge info dump in the tags jeez
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soulsxng · 7 months
A random headcanon for y'all on this chilly morning, about how the muses walk with their s/o!
Jaspern is the type of person to, while walking with his s/o, keep a hand in their back pocket, to keep them close to him. Very effortless and smooth, but also affectionate. Same with Io, I feel. Also JJ, because he grew up seeing Jas do that, tbh.
Pythius is similar, but he's more likely to hook his fingers in his s/o's belt loops to tug them over, before putting an arm around their waist or something. If he's walking behind them, he'll do it if he needs to "steer" them a little, or wants them to slow down. ("I want attention", essentially) Aro, Zikiriel, and Sarakael also do this one, on occasion.
Aro and Eleare will curl their tail (or a few of them) around their s/o, or drape one over their shoulders. Or will alternatively stand/lay on their s/o's shoulders in their little fox forms.
Cilatyve actually doesn't care too much for flat out holding hands-- he uses his to navigate too much to feel super comfortable with that, especially if he trips or something. Instead, he likes to coil his tail around their thigh, wrist, or arm. Arin and Jaey, if their tails are out, will also curl the end around their s/o's wrist or thigh when walking. Otherwise, it's more common for them to just coil around their s/o entirely once they've settled from going somewhere together.
Zikiriel will, instead of wrapping an arm around his s/o, keep a wing curled around them sometimes. Keeps them close, and gives them a bit of privacy on top of that (he's not a fan of people staring at his s/o, sue him)
Nirbhi, Ezra, and Sarakael like to keep their hand their s/o's back while they're walking, or occasionally rested on their shoulder. That way, they and their partner can walk at whatever pace they want! But if something happens, it's easy enough to tug their shirt or give them a little nudge or something to avoid or draw attention to whatever it is.
Enoch, Pereux, Bleddyn, and Shilo tend to shift positions when they're walking with their s/o a lot. Eno and Jinnie tend to walk slightly behind, Bleddyn slightly in front, and Shilo not really having a preference...but if someone unknown approaches their s/o, or they go to pass someone, etc, they'll automatically move to position themselves between the other person and their s/o. Actually, Kade also fits here. Huh. That's a lot more muses than I'd thought would be put here.
Baphomet...man, I don't know. He's clingy. As always. Please be careful not to trip. Niesal can surprisingly also get like this, when they actually fall for someone, so I guess it's hereditary.
Sivel and Alsina, when walking around with (or especially traveling with) their s/o, their wings will almost always be buzzing in a very specific pattern. It's sort of announcing that they're with their person. And that they're excited, because they're going somewhere. With their person! They don't even realize they're doing it, honestly.
Fele and Laisren tend to do the more refined offering an arm to their s/o. Keeping them at a slight distance, and separating to take their hand instead to help them down stairs, or over a curb or puddle, or whatever else.
Zahine (and Kade and JJ, during the times that they're not in their other categories) likes to do the closer linked arms thing. Where he has one arm linked with his s/o's, and he's leaned on them or encouraging them to lean on him a little while they walk. Makes it easy to sneak a cheek kiss or something in, if he wants to!
Ber, Eluvias, Ezzion, and Vanyllo tend not to touch their s/o much while they're walking. Luvi, because he's used to not being able to touch people much without them being hurt by his poison. The other three...mostly just because they don't want to, for one reason or another. All four of them do constant check-ins, though-- looking back at their partner frequently, or engaging in really brief touches, to make sure they're doing alright. Another thing they tend to do is that little "curls their just the tips of their fingers with their s/o's" thing whenever they stop or slow down. As a sort of "I'm still with you" thing.
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