#[Interpol Criminal Record - Margin Notes]
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colone1jgr · 3 months ago
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[I am nothing in my soul, if not Obsessive]
[ I want to remember when my nightmares were clearer ] [ I want to be there when your hot black rage rips wide open] [I want your touches to scar me so I'll know where you've been ] [I want to know just how much you hate me so l can predict what you'll do ] [I want you to watch when I go down in flames] [| want to watch you lose control]
[……………………and I want and I want and I want and I will always be hungry………………………]
[[....................A depiction of past lives still haunting you, obsession with your worst enemy ,and self made ends via the organized crime syndicate in Berlin ..........]]
[communications by M {29 jahre alt} low/sporatic activity, but you will be given attention //asks are best for interaction]
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Veterans Record (The Sun Shone Too Bright)
EON Entertainment (Casino Royale, FELIX):
Lead Arms: Andrew Schuck, Harrison Library.
Q: Nicholas Maynard, Hayes Rotary Association.
James Bond 007: "Damn-Yankee".
Felix: Franklin "Spencer" Cochrane.
Target Issue: Columbine Killings.
Hire: George W. Bush Jr.
Qualification: Cub Scout, Weblo; Karate White, Both Crescent Kicks; age 9; YMCA Olympic Swim, grade 2 (military, below grade 1, Olympic), graduated two years early (three strokes, two dives).
Carlin Sarkesian: Napster, RIAA.
Alan Laverdiere the First: NEC Comics, Opie and Anthony.
Sonya Savdie: Andover Mossad, Israeli Defense Forces.
John Washburne: Marvel Comics MI-6, Haganah; "Cusack".
Boris Yeltsin: National Rifle Association, Holocaust History Museum.
Confederate Southern Army (Northrup Grumman, Something Awful):
Lead Prospector: Anthony "Carnegie" Carrigan. Indentured Man-Sheriff: Brian "Carl" Monaghan. Lead Whip of Proctor: David "Madison" Charlebois. Surmise on Medical Wing: Christopher "Washington" Sweeney. Negro Pawnsman: Joshua "Adams" Moen.
UMass-Amherst Student Union (Colombian Rohinga, Coca-Cola Blackshirts):
2003: Mossad economics outed as video game logic. 2004: MI-6 files transferred to Cobra Commander (Barbara Bush). 2005: Casino dice revealed as cheating the police tax payer. 2006: EON scripted to make a mental patient, a Klansman (007). 2007: Slurp code confirmed (Einstein). 2008: Mackel More hits the radio (Bootsy Collins Trumpet).
John Warren Freemasonic Temple (Temple of the North, Boston Mafia):
Carlin Sarkesian (Possession of automatic weapons).
Philip Enfield (Possession of homicide liability information).
Keith Velasquez (Possession of manuals per gross domestic harm).
Andy Donson (Possession of narcotropic substances on contract relay).
Charles Winston (Possession of incriminating data glosses of pedophile pornography).
National Security Agency:
-2003: INTERPOL glitch on ROTC unit redirected, HUMINT deployed. -2004: Campus LAN out of MIT spotted, CIA scrambled. -2005: Private detective websites out of Chinese Triads, Boston and California noted; cause for harassment filed, per updates to PI sites on any criminal record without public site of government, state province only. -2008: PTA and comic book research firms noted as using transcripts on "plea", removed while plea system left as mandated. -2009: mySQL hacking glitch on MU noted, moved to CIA Hollywood control. -2010: Norton bug noted spying on cloud, Norton removed as standard civil computer mandate. -2012: Hard Candy catches police agents posing as psychiatrists, steroids injected to victims, retaining erections; medical myths removed, and chastised out of promoters of false residency degrees by suit from company. -2018: Hacker's access to online schools noted, relative individuals involved medicated. -2020: Twitter noted as Unitarian, purchased by FOX Langley substation, Providence. -2022: Comcast nationalized and taken out of FRG hands, modems blocked for bug access. -2023: TracFone updated to avoid National Guard and Russian service hack taps. -2024: State Police bugs and glitches from wireless removed from BIOS, any MS system.
UMass-Amherst HUMINT;  Gangland Narcotics, 
Whitey Bulger: German Psychiatric. Matthew Lennox: Hopkinton Rabbinical. Allison Haimes: Mossad North Korea. John Gotti: Israeli Margin Labor Auditors. Lacy Jae Slaunwhite: Calgary-Jewish. Scott Peterson: CIA INTERPOL. Fred Tibeau: Agromill Liturgy. Jack Winston: Goldman-Sachs Freemason. Charles Winston: Broadway Golden Oldies. Phil Enfield: Insane Clown Posse Detroit Mossad. Osama Bin Laden: Lafayette House Agnew. Dr. Pagan-Morales: MI-6 Imperial India. Nicholas Maynard: External Security Ba'ath. Jenna Williamson: Canadian Sheriffs Mossad. Daniel Cheeseman: Irish Socialist. Ivan Tomasic: Air Force Rabbinical. Amanda Lange: Rockstar Games Lutheran. Andrew Donson: German Gestapo Sex Trafficker. Anthony Parziale: Baghdadi Children's Fund. Mistress Lucinda: Lucas Arts "8MM". Empress M: INTERPOL Shangrila MUX. Gwenn Pratt: Nixon Hell's Angels New England. John Washburne: Marvel Comics Haganah. Anne McMurray: MI-6 World Bank. James Anthony: MI-6 Marvel Comics. Lloyd Ahlquist: Winchester New Transhuman. Jeffrey Lange: Students Revolution Winchester. Lady Kim: Boston Freemasons. Richard Coughlin: OPEC Jordan. Chris Dumais: Hopkinton Greater Schools Remedial. Julian Assange: Swedish Intelligence Nobel. Stan Lee: MI-6 Haganah NYPD. Barack Obama: India Nehru Non-Aligned. OJ Simpson: Jesuit Sports League. Jeremy Stevens: Royal Air Force.
2003: 3/5ths Compromise, asserted over Annapolis security clearance. 2004: Bulger, Gotti, Stan Lee, Osama Bin Laden, and Barack Obama, system cleared. 2005: INTERPOL field swept, through false ROTC document on MIT hackers.
International Monetary Fund Election Rigs (Ludlow Family):
Assigned: Jen McDade, UMass-Amherst, PhD in Russian Women's Studies.
Vladimir Putin: Gun Control.
Deval Patrick: Gentile History Control.
Abe Shinchiro: Japanese Imperial Prosperity.
Barack Obama: Swedish Intelligence.
Charlie Baker: Irish Chiefs.
Rodrigo Duterte: Russian Trade Unions.
Joseph Biden: His Majesty's Intelligence Six.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Federal Shriner's Psychic Mystic Hotline.
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visaexperts · 6 years ago
Healthcare and Character Requirements for Australia Immigration
While Australia is all about open doors for immigrants from around the world, but for the purpose of Australia Immigration, the country has maintained an excellent benchmark for meeting health and good character standards for every newcomer. Let’s dive further into the details to understand both the requirements to migrate to Australia.
Who is entitled to meet Australia’s health and character requirements?
People who are determined to move Down Under are already aware about meeting the health requirement courtesy of a having an immigration consultant or advice from the immigration forums, and most of these individuals are potential skilled applicants with a PR provision under Subclass 189, Subclass 190, Subclass 489 or certain temporary visa applicants. But however, the requirement for a character certificate applies to all visa aspiring candidates.
What are the Health requirements for Australia immigration?
With world-class healthcare facilities, candidates for Australia immigration enjoy some of the finest Medicare systems in the world. Being a healthy-wealthy nation, the government of Australia has all the reasons in the world to keep the land of kangaroos safe by setting standards for the intake of immigrants who aspire to migrate to Australia.
What the Australian government aims to curb:
Keep the communities of Australia free from public health and safety risks - such as Tuberculosis (TB).
Marginalize expenses on healthcare and community services, including social security benefits and pensions.
Protection against minimal     healthcare and community services for Australian citizens and permanent     residents.
For these reasons, candidates who aspire for Australia immigration are scrutinized to be free from a disease or condition that is:
Considered as a threat to general public health in the Australian community.
Likely to carry significant cost on the Australian government for healthcare and community service.
Involved in the requirement of healthcare and community services that is already in short supply and would limit the access of Australian citizens and permanent residents to those services.
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Meeting the health requirements
To know whether or not you meet the criteria for health standards, an applicant is required to undergo health check-up from a state designated panel doctor. Kindly note that each state has a specific requirement for health examination. You can vouch for a waiver, if you’re not meeting the health requirement for your Australia immigration application. And once you reach Australia you may be required to sign a health undertaking on the basis of further tests.
Health insurance
Certain short-term visas require evidence of health insurance till the time of your stay in Australia, which would be required after meeting the health requirements for streamlining the process to migrate To Australia.
Character requirements
To live peacefully in any country, you must be of good character and Australia is no exception. You must meet the following criteria to pass the character test for Australia Immigration:
A sentence with imprisonment for 12 months or more; or
Multiple sentences over the course of time which adds to 12 months or more in prison.
Human trafficking;
War crime;
Crime against humanity that involves torture or slavery, or a crime that is of international concerns;
Whether or not you have convicted of such an offence.
On the basis of your past and present criminal records you may or may not be seen fit for Australia immigration.
The Australian government would keep an eye on you as you might still be a potential risk while you are in Australia, as you would engage in a:
criminal conduct
harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person
defame the Australian community
stir up conflict in the Australian community or in a part of it
dangerous activities that might be of threat to the Australian community or a part of it.
Convicted or have been charged for one or more sexual offence involving a child.
You are subject to investigative interrogation by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation.
You’re a suspect to an Interpol notice, which is evident that you directly or indirectly pose threat to the Australian community.
How to prove your character
Almost all candidates who migrate to Australia and are above 16 years are required to provide a police clearance certificate to show that you are of good character and do not pose a threat to the citizens of Australia. One has to prove that they’re clear of any criminal charges in each country, where he/she resided for more than 12 months in the last 10 years prior to lodging their visa application.
Further summarizing the topic, we can say that for seamless Australia Immigration process the Australian government wants to make sure that its doors are open to immigrants who can contribute to a healthy economy of Australia and are of certain caliber to meet these requirements. Thus, a benchmark for health and character requirements is set in place for migrants to meet them.
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sinessinessines · 7 years ago
British Prime Ministers
John Major: "Our society is classless!"
Tony Blair: "The class war is over!"
Gordon Brown: "A class-free society is not a slogan but in Britain can become a reality!"
David Cameron: "I don't believe this is a class-ridden society... I think that is a load of rubbish."
David Cameron went to Eton and was a member of the Bullingdon Club at Oxford. They trash restaurants because their parents can afford to pay for their refurbishment. They also like setting fire to £50 notes in front of homeless people.
Taking the more obviously grotesque to one side, these acts all bear the typical marks of an initiatory rite. This is the type of shit you have to do to become a part of any criminal gang. The reasoning is pretty simple - every person who was formerly a member of the Bullingdon Club has enough shit on every other member to make sure nobody "goes rogue" and starts not burning £50 notes in front of homeless people, for example.
Former members include David Cameron, Gideon Osborne, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, and all of the other architects of austerity - that largely pointless exercise in class-based sadism that lasted for the best part of a decade and played a significant role in the suicide of my closest friend.
In spite of being classless, there has never been a working-class Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Of course, the question to ask, as a revolutionary, is whether these are concerted denials - denials built to interpolate the working class individual as somebody without collective history or collective power - or whether they are genuine stupidities built on the ossification of myths about socialism in Britain that have become, thanks to a generation of lax education, historical truths.
Of course, the problem with journalists and politicians is that they all work too hard, hang around with other too much, think the same way, attend the same schools, and generally lack any spirit of dissent whatsoever. Even their rebellion - via the Bullingdon Club, and so on - is undertaken to belong to something. This suggests a dearth of free thought, as well as a dearth of political courage.
Sally Munt (2000, 2) and countless others point out that class has been continually marginalised in the reconstruction of our recent history, while the overdeterminations of class - identities such as race, gender, sexuality and so on - have been prioritised when gathering statistical evidence to "prove" certain correlations.
Of course, the brighter buttons among the ruling classes know full well that, without a structural basis in class, all of these overdeterminations eventually collapse and turn into ineffectual lifestyle choices for the bourgeoisie. Obama, for example, in spite of record levels of Black American incarceration in the Supermax gulag archipelago of the United States, can be seen as a triumph for racial equality. Providing you squint enough and don't look into the hideous details. This is a triumph for liberals, who all too frequently see ends where socialists and anarchists see the merest beginning.
In particular, the division along the lines of 'occupation' suggests an attempt, largely a successful one, to cleave a difference between the wage slave and the dole slave:
"Using occupation as the basis for the categorization works as yet another method of marginalizing the unemployed as irresponsible, undeserving poor; they become, in such a system, classless - discounted and beyond measure."
Of course, the manufacture of hatred along these lines - the strategy of divide and rule - has always played a significant role in maintaining hegemony over huge numbers of people. Unfortunately, what Lenin says about capitalism can also be applied to the proletariat as a whole: the working classes also falter at their weakest link. And, although the rise of Corbyn and a Bennite leftist organisation within Labour shouldn't be entirely dismissed, the prospect of reversing 40 years of one-sided class warfare and civil rights backlash in an increasingly globalised, hypercapitalist, deunionised environment where every conversation is monitored for potential commercial value, remains extremely slim.
Generally speaking, the Corbyn surge is built upon interests as myopic as the UK electorate have always been. If the choice was between saving the NHS and stopping dodgy Saudi arms deals from murdering millions in Yemen in Britain's proxy war in the region, almost everybody in Britain would choose to save the NHS. Of course, that's a hypothetical, but you get my drift about the general lack of internationalism.
One of the stranger things that Corbyn has revealed is the institutional incompetence among the mainstream media. What started as a mere hypothesis - and not a very strong hypothesis either - that the Labour Party lost the elections in the 1980s because they were "too left wing", has clearly transformed into a strange sort of folk truth among the moneyed classes. For the overworked journalist or politician, it is easy to conflate cynicism with intelligence. It saves you reading the YouGov PDF files.
Given the spectacular rise of Corbyn, and the completely and utterly predictable outcome of the recent General Election, given the Brexit referendum, the Scottish independence referendum, the Bernie Sanders phenomenon, the collapse of the "voter ceiling" in regards to Donald Trump, and the broader collapse of the Blairite left across Europe in favour of a more radical socialism, it seemed extraordinary that not one single pundit was willing to back Corbyn or even suggest that the polling data wasn't as secure as it seemed.
Polling data is useful for controlling stock levels of, say, different flavours of crisps in a crisp factory. However, polling data is utterly useless for determining political movement. Marketing-based approaches to politics - treating New Labour as a "brand", for example - caused the "brand" to collapse into utter incoherence, to the extent that Gordon Brown's conferences were directly stealing slogans from the Nazi BNP, and Blair ended up, catastrophically, siding with one of the most right-wing Presidents in the history of the United States.
Thankfully, Corbyn's politics is more courageous than that. It doesn't go nearly far enough, but it never will when the base is so fragmented. The first thing a communist should learn to love is a slap in the face rather than a jackboot in the genitals.
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