srlkiller · 2 years
Have you ever thought that maybe ur more sick than u think and maybe it’s actually u that’s the issue… might be something to think about
OK SO i hav a million asks in my inbox but this 1 is so beyond ignorant & passive aggressive for quite literally no reason bc why are u so invested in my life for…? lmao.
have u ever thought that maybe u don’t actually know me or anything that’s going on in my real life.. whether it is the shit that i am currently going through (which is numerous forms of abuse by my parents) or all of the things that have happened in my past.. im talking about in REAL LIFE. bc this is the internet.. a literal blog site where i randomly type things whenever im either really heated or bored as shit. n that’s rare now. this year n probably last year too i posted rants like.. give or take, every like… 3-6 months (if that). so u either got this whole image, ideology & ‘persona’ of me from a blog site.. or the very very few sporadic Insta stories i post which are mainly songs i like, memes or funny vids reposted? lmao.. i don’t post on my own Insta anymore. i literally only use youtube or zeus network now & i actually hav a private tumblr that only i can see. this 1 doesn’t get used, u must hav missed wen i posted about that :(( anyone who knows me/has known me irl.. or has been following me for a while knows that im a very open person.. & ive been open for YEARS on this dumb ass blog (which clearly ur privy too… bc u read my posts n lurk my page lmao 🫠)the whole “have u ever thought that ur ‘more sick than u think” is such an ignorant fucking statement. like.. i know exactly what is ‘wrong’ w me & im actually perfectly fine as long as i do not get triggered by certain people in my environment (which is the issue at hand among others with that same individual & other family). as ive aged & gone through so much these past 5/6 years i have grown & evolved so much as a person that whatever ‘persona’ you seem to have of me being ‘sick’ doesn’t exist today… unless you’re referring to my physical health issues? then yes ive been sick these past 2 weeks & do get ‘physically sick’ quite often due to my chronic severe physical health conditions.
ive been more than transparent (probably too transparent tbh) on here as well as my Instagram for many many years about my mental health issues + physical health issues. all of my conditions/disorders are chronic conditions that i have to live & deal w for the rest of my life.. so things like 4eva tryna find the right treatments for EVERY condition, spending thousands on operations, doctors, specialists, hospitals, medications that don’t work or give you awful side effects, meds that do work but cost hundreds, meds that are addicting with no warning from the doctors ect ect but the biggest thing of all is simply just tryna function each day like a normal human being whilst being in a very toxic environment with zero support, love or care from those who are supposed to nurture & protect you. so yeah sometimes i do get fucking angry, frustrated n upset about that shit n just wanna rant on here about my feelings. there are certain things i share on here wen i hav no one else 2talk too.. im an only child & hav gone thru sm shit with past ‘friends’ & exs in such a short amount of time i could truly write a whole book or movie script on it all. but instead i write things on here. it made me go absolutely crazy then turn into a total paranoid recluse. it was a soul destroying experience but one of the most powerful life lessons to be able to learn. it made me who i am today n changed me completely.
BUT- n real life tho.. you really do not know my situation.. you do not know me.. & you do not know what i deal with on a daily fucking basis. id love to see u try n live even jus a day as me irl...u would 100% neck urself before the day was even over. im not stupid.. i research everything when it comes to my conditions & diagnosis’s. i also studied psychology & did a major in forensic psychology while doing a bachelor of law & justice. ive studied the DSM-5, done every kind of therapy & treatment plan you can imagine. ive been in treatment since i was like 11/12. i understand myself very well. the mental health conditions that i have are a direct result of childhood trauma & several kinds of abuse by my parents from childhood all the way up to now.. if u are that interested in me & my life then perhaps u should google all of those conditions & do some research on them to gain a better understanding of the hows, why’s & whats. that’s called knowledge baby, u should gain some🖤 & perhaps u should consider going straight to the actual source… whatever it is u wanna know, just ask me.
what’s super interesting is that i took my tumblr link off my Insta a long time ago so it’s like bro.. did you just memorise my tumblr name so u can keep coming back to the page to lurk then send me a sassy little message to jab at me every couple months …. orrrr do you follow me but ur really that pussy that you put ur shit on anonymous? tbh both options are pitiful & just scream.. U A BITCH. people like you are all bark.. n no bite. it’s giving stalkerish fan vibes… this has been going on for like over a year now.. maybe even longer, idek. why not come off ANONYMOUS tho? why not just dm me if u feel so strongly about the issue n are so invested in this shitshow? u seem to hav a lot to say to me n id LUV to hear it! u got some suggestions for me? u got the answers? suggestions for self help books? shiiiiid… we could even talk on the phone if u want? u got FaceTime on yo fone?
if u don’t hav my Insta I’d b happy to giv it to you.. jus send me some asks on anonymous u know how to do that. looking forward to hearing back from u & getting to know u better! hope i quenched ur thirst xxx
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lesbiandeerstory · 2 years
it’s wednesday my dudes
and it’s been a bit of an uneventful week so here take a look at one of my homestuck ocs
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anyway the development update!
last time on dragonball z i talked about FIGHT CHOREOGRAPHY and how the fights in your deer friend were sorta lacking in purpose, like they needed an underlying common thread aside from “fight scenes are cool” (tho they are very cool)
on that note, i think i’ve put together somthn that’s RLY GOOD. i have an idea for the theming, and i’ve created a system to support it, and put together a structure that will act as like a guideline for how i write the individual fights.
the structure is good but still mostly untested; i did a little bit of choreography with it and it turned out FINE but i was not doing my best work that day for reasons it was just one of those days.
i have a better idea of how i wanna do the ydf choreography going forward, but i haven’t actually written any of it yet. frankly i should probably do that next considering some of the stuff i’m about to say in this dev post lmao.
as for the system, i think it too is gonna be super fuckin sweet. it THANKFULLY does not at all replace the magic or class systems i already revealed, it actually fits into them like another layer AND!!! has some fun implications for deer culture, history, philosophy and lore. which i am very excited about.
i still need to work out some kinks with it and get it peer reviewed, but i think i have the bones of somthn rly good that i’m excited to share eventually.
THAT SAID, moving onto SCRIPT PROGRESS, this part of the post is not quite as positive!
i had built up a decent amount of momentum with writing scripts, but i had to stop writing scripts so i could do the epilogue chapter outlines and storyboards, and i am now paying dearly for that loss of momentum, tho other factors are also grinding my productivity to a halt.
first of which is just that my outline and storyboard that i had made is becoming less and less useful as i progress thru the story and make improvisational changes, which is a pain in my ass!!!! certain things i wrote in the storyboard maybe don’t make sense with how characters ended up being written, and sometimes u will look at somthn u had planned and realize u did that thing already and doing it again would be redundant.
such is the normal pitfalls of writing a narrative, but it is still a pain in my ass that’s making the script writing process more difficult. i ended up skipping chapter 7 entirely bcuz what i had planned for it was no longer viable, and i want to have a better sense of the payoffs that need to be set up in that chapter before i write the setup in that chapter.
so now i’m working on chapter 8 and it is slooooooow gooooooing. partly for the reasons described above, partly bcuz honestly i’ll be entirely real with u some of the aspects of this story are just kinda unpleasant to write about. i had to write a whole scene about centrist philosophy last night it was rough. and on top of all of that it’s just been a weird week in the ol’ personal life. it’s just been one of those weeks!
SO! what’s on tap for this upcoming week
well honestly, i think i should consider focusing on the fight choreography. having EVERYTHING done that i need to get done that isn’t scripts, so that i can focus on doing JUST scripts and not have to keep stopping and starting, is probably a good idea. but i have to actually write some fights to make sure the choreography is doing what i need it to, which means i guess i could write some choreography and then write the fights right after??? just like, out of order with the rest of the chapters??? ehhh maybe.
i should also consider editing my storyboards a bit now that i think about it. if the current storyboards aren’t helping me as much as they used to, it might be worth looking at my current boards and fixing them up a bit to fit with the way that i’m currently writing, and the story that i’m currently telling.
if i did all this reorganization, what with the storyboards and\or the choreography, and also took the time to write scripts a little bit slower to build back some momentum (instead of trying to go from 0 to 100 as i often do and is a tactic i DON’T RECOMMEND), i probably won’t be able to get the scripts finished by the end of october buuuut could probably manage to get them wrapped up by mid-november which is frankly just as good.
so this post is less “here’s what i’ve done, here’s what i’m doing” and more “here’s what i have and haven’t done, and here’s what i’m thinking i might do” but hey sometimes that’s how it is with game development!
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executare · 4 years
Same. The romance doesn’t seem that interesting. I was hoping Carvel and Eve would have a good romance, but that doesn’t sound like it will happen. I pretty much just like the characters and the plot.
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I love Vampire Library dearly for its innovative ideas on vampire species and introducing a new godly Dracula figure with Ayin while simultaneously not leaning on many of the usual conventions of vampire fiction (for example, the fact that humans are the primary antagonists getting in Carvel’s way) but my oh my, the romance is...boring. Very boring. More boring than I’d expect from a series as novel and interesting as this. I am fed up with the dead lover trope enough as it is, because I am fed up with male protagonists’ only motivations being a dead woman (I make exceptions for my boy Leon Belmont purely because Sara’s death served a massive purpose TO THE ENTIRETY of the Castlevania franchise in that she chose to die and become the Vampire Killer, the single most powerful weapon the Belmonts could hope to wield in their quest to conquer the night. Her sacrifice at least had huge consequences besides making the protagonist sad enough to propel the plot. Plus Leon’s motivations were based around Mathias as much as they were Sara; she was not the only contributing factor.)
I suppose you can argue that I can’t rag on VL to the extremes for having the Dead Female Love interest too hard when the reincarnation angle is present and his relationship with Mano is so hilariously entertaining and genuinely heartfelt, but my grievances exist no less because the underlying principle is the exact same. A woman dying to propel the main character’s man pain plot into the stratosphere. I just think Carvel could have been a complete and compelling entity without the shoehorned romance that serves basically 0 purpose at all when you consider that Carvel literally becomes possessed by his horrible alter ego and MASSACRES VILLAGES every few hundred years, y’know? I feel like his stakes were plenty high without Eve’s death being the signature driving force behind the whole story. It doesn’t even add anything to Mano’s character if you ask me. If you deducted all of that from the story, it’d still come to the same conclusion. Ayin comes back, he has to be destroyed, the library was built for the purpose of hunting him down, everything is the same just without the added melodrama that isn’t even really that interesting anyway. Mano is such a charming and likeable character all by himself and so dissonant from Eve that he might as well not have any connection to her at all. I suppose erasing the Eve subplot would also erase Carvel’s weird impulse to make him his contractor and to protect him, but that kind of doesn’t make sense to me even in the canon of the story since Mano can actively reject Carvel’s attempts to use their telepathic bond to locate Mano if he wants to, so...you tell me. Also Carvel did not even believe Mano was her reincarnation at the start of the story SO THATS ALREADY INVALIDATED.
I don’t even hate reincarnation stories. I usually tend to like them when done well! But I feel the romance element just detracts more than it adds in this context, I really do, especially when the romance is so boring and surface level, and not to mention completely obfuscated from the audience for drama purposes for about 80 chapters of the whole god damn story. We never get to care about Eve and Carvel’s relationship. It’s rendered completely trivial despite being the most pivotal driving force in Carvel’s story, as most shoe-horned in romances always are. Seriously, put your creativity hat on guys, we need better motivations for our male protagonists than Woman Dead, especially if your character has OTHER VERY PRESSING MOTIVATIONS BESIDES WOMAN DEAD ALREADY EXISTING IN THE STORY AHSDFJK
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yeolmae-s · 3 years
a chanbaek analysis from a veteran exo-l
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before anything else there are a few disclaimers i'd like to make:
i am writing this analysis right now because as a non exo stan i'm not into chanbaek that much anymore. of course i like them to some degree since i'm writing this and all but it's nothing in comparison to the way i felt about them two years ago. so i feel like it's easier to keep a less clouded (?) state of mind being where i'm at right now, mentally, in regards to them. i feel like i can look at things more objectively, which is why i decided to write this and share it with you all.
for all the smart asses out there, this is a ship analysis. yes, i’m reading too much into everything. that’s what an analysis is.
all translation credits goes to @/fyeah-chanyeol
i'm a chanyeol stan. this analysis will, most likely, have more information about him in comparison to baekhyun. this is simply because i consumed more content about him since he's my bias (such as magazine interviews, fancams).
i don't stan exo anymore, but it's not because of anything they did. i liked them for a long time and made a lot of different friends because of this fandom, therefore i experienced a lot of hurt, scandals, fights and didn't deal very well with many things, so i decided to leave. this didn't happen because of exo themselves and neither did it happen because of the fandom itself. it happened because of the relationships i had.
that being said, i haven't been following them closely for the past year and a half, but i still keep up with stuff a bit, although not chanbaek related stuff since i gotta dive in kinda deeper for that lmao. so this analysis is mostly in depth for 2012-2018. if anything that you perceive as significant happened after 2018 i'm more than willing to hear your opinions about it.
so, let's get started!!
I have always felt like Chanyeol and Baekhyun's relationship was strange. I started shipping them when they debuted and more specifically because of the 130128 ISAC. When I was younger I didn't see a lot to discuss in their ISAC interactions besides it being cute and shippy, but I've started to look at it differently now.
I think everyone knows how ISAC is known for being basically a stage for fanservice. The whole "dating ground for idols" issue aside, judging from the amount of attention they direct towards the fans who manage to attend the event, idols are clearly instructed to perform fanservice. EXO's first ISAC had to be full of it, obviously, and they did give fans a lot to be happy about, content we still get giddy about to this day, and I'm sure they were instructed to act like this to please us. I don't believe that fanservice equals "false interactions": if two individuals are talking, touching each other, they are interacting, even if it is a carefully planned setting made specifically for pleasing fans. They still get reactions out of one another through these interactions, it is still relevant to the way these people's relationship will develop; even though these acts are done with the intent of pleasing a crowd.
Don't get me wrong, though. I don't think the 2013 ISAC fanservice changed anything in Chanbaek's relationship. In fact, I just want to use it as a way to illustrate something I will explain later on.
To be remembered in an industry you must have an image. You won't be getting anywhere without a carefully constructed visual image. Marilyn Monroe is always used as an example of this: she's someone you can easily make a costume of and people will instantly recognize it as her. She's basically a concept by now: blonde hair, red lips and white hair. These aspects take our mind back to her instantly. Of course, most celebrities don't achieve this type of icon status, but it is still important to cling to a specific concept/image of what you want your celebrity self to be perceived as. Without this, you'll be forgotten as soon as your career ends.
When Chanyeol debuted, he clung to the first trait they gave him: being a happy person, a.k.a "happy virus". If you were not an EXO fan back in 2013 then it's likely you're not even aware of this nickname that was given to him, but it's basically just what it sounds like (lol). He was bright, energetic, had a "teeth rich" smile (another nickname that was given to him back then), was able to give 10/10 laughter reactions to MCs and to his members jokes, was always enthusiastic to interact and smile towards fans. He even introduced himself as "happy virus Chanyeol" in interviews (and later on that changed to "EXO's voice Chanyeol" or "EXO's rapper Chanyeol").
I feel like Chanyeol was very much aware of this "must have" that I mentioned, this need to have an image pasted into yourself and have that image be what people will remember you as. We're all complex and multifaceted individuals, but the general public needs something simple to grab on to, something easy to remember. That happy guy from EXO? I know who he is! I'm sure this is the path Chanyeol chose, back when he debuted: to pick a trait given to you by the public and make it a huge part of your image.
However, that image of him didn't last very long. It certainly became tiring to worry so much about how he was being perceived, to carefully construct something so his career would last, specially when his group had so many scandals and went through a sudden burst of popularity that changed their lives completely. By 2017, Chanyeol already had a change of mind in relation to his career, these changes being mostly due to how he felt about music and what he wanted to do with it.
He recognized himself as having always being impatient, which might be the reason why he clung to a specific image so fast right after debuting:
From Fall Magazine in 2017
"At the moment I just want to enjoy myself with the music as it comes, without feeling as though I have to do something. It isn’t a greed from impatience, I could call it more of a greed to do better."
"When I first debuted I thought I was very optimistic, but as time has passed I think a more reserved side of me is showing."
"I think I've grown in many ways. Maybe it’s because it’s as though I perform everyday, but the stage has become comfortable for me. Shall we say I’ve become more calm and composed? [...] I think I’ve become more mature."
He matured. He's still bright and energetic but he's also more reserved. He managed to keep up the fanservice that his fans adore in a way that is more fitting to his actual personality. It still is an image, but an image that's not as exhausting as his previous one, with its strict demands to act in a certain way all the time. I remember specific interview with MCs demanding him to smile (although jokingly, of course) saying things like "Aren't you EXO's happy virus?", so I'm sure he felt pressured.
This is interesting to think about when put side by side with his relationship with Baekhyun. Back when they debuted, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were close friends that clearly felt comfortable with each other, and it isn't surprising to think that Baekhyun would be Chanyeol's first pick when he thought about doing fanservice with someone. Of course, I can't exactly pinpoint their first fanservice moment since I'm not a walking EXO encyclopedia anymore, but I can say with certainty that both of them felt like it worked as soon as they first tried it with the fans, and that's the reason why they kept doing it. Conveniently, they were both good friends, so all was good.
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Until well, it wasn't.
At some point, Chanyeol's interactions with Baekhyun seemed too eager for Baekhyun himself. There are various moments where this is visible, such as this one:
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Why are you grabbing my wrist out of nowhere young man........
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That one pic where Jongdae, who was in front of them, looked so damn uncomfortable I can't even bring myself to google it
Of course, they had some over the top fanservice that did work out pretty well, such as this one, both of them imitating Jonghyun's and Taemin's Internet War stage, which seems a little scripted now that I look at it properly, with Baekhyun seemingly expecting Chanyeol to do whatever it is that he did on that day. (Can you imagine this: both of them backstage, watching Jonghyun's and Taemin's performance in silence, and one of them just blurts out "We should do that too!". What the fuck was going on)
By the way, if you have never seen the original Internet War performance, you can watch it here.
This is what they were imitating.
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Tumblr won’t let me upload the gifs for this moment for some reason, so here and here.
You can't tell me Baekhyun wasn't expecting it already, lol.
Now, know what this moment reminds me of? ISAC. On their Internet War imitation moment, Baekhyun seemed fine, playful, even, agreeing. During ISAC, however, doing basically the same thing again (this time on a lighter way even; since they weren't, you know. Imitating a strong performance such as Internet War.), he appears reluctant. It's a bit painful to watch.
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What changed? The ISAC event happened a few months after the SMTOWN concert where they did the Internet War thing, so what made things become so different?
If this has enough likes I’ll make a second part!
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gaffney · 3 years
I encourage you to spiral about charlie and his need for and to love and his abandonment issues. Like it is obvious in both D2 and D3 that he has sunk his whole identity and support structure into this team in a way that the others (maybe you could make the case for fulton) haven’t that any threat to it (Changing to Team USA, Orion and Eden Hall generally) is a threat on him because lord knows with the exception of his mom (and even then her remarriage might have been a fissure there) everyone else has left him but the Ducks are HIS people. I always get a little annoyed when people complain about his brattiness in the third film, like one) he’s a teenaged boy who’s whole life has just been upended and thrown into an environment that is high pressure and looks down on everything he comes from, you can’t expect him to always act in the most mature or considerate way. Like I just found him incredibly relatable and easy to identify with in that third film and he just loves everyone and wants them all to be together as long as possible!!!
I just have a lot of Charlie Conway feelings.
dude. duuuude. i don't even know where to start on this one. i have so many thoughts about and feelings for charlie conway. 
i've definitely seen people write charlie off as a 'brat' in d3, and i can understand where it's coming from to a certain extent (even if i disagree too lmao because there are! reasons! he's like this!). d3!charlie is much closer to d1!charlie than d2!charlie, but i feel like a lot of people think of d2!charlie when they think of the character. i don't know if that makes sense, but i've seen a lot of 'why is charlie suddenly such an ass in d3 when he was such a good kid in d2' but if you look at all three movies it's... kind of obvious.
he cares about the ducks, a lot, maybe too much, because as you mentioned, he's sunk his entire identity into them. not to mention he's emotional as hell. he's prone to anger and has an outburst the second something he cares about deeply is threatened (as we can see in d3, but also see d1, when karp made a comment about bombay liking his mother and charlie was ready to murder him, or him bursting into tears when thinking bombay's quitting on him/the ducks. not to mention he was one of the first to go after peter when he made a remark about guy's mom because he was mad, rather than thinking it was funny like terry and karp). it's obvious that he doesn't like change and that he wants to keep his nearest and dearest close to him, but in d3 it all falls apart (and in such a short amount of time) and there are so many instances where you can see that he's trying to hold on for dear life but can't. in comparison to d2, despite bombay losing his head for a minute, charlie had his ducks (and even a substitute coach) who he focused on.
i still think the novelization does a better job at explaining it in the movie because it explicitly tells us that he thinks his father figure has left him (again) & that he's worried about not being good enough at hockey (again, because as much as i treasure the moment, charlie did not just give up his spot in d2 so adam could play - he also gave it up because charlie thought he was the worst player there, which is actually kinda heartbreaking. and in d3 it's because the first thing orion does is question his leadership and then takes away his c. like damn, he'd been on the ice for ten seconds! lmao) & that he feels like the ducks are changing on him while he's stuck in the past. it's all very coming-to-age, which is evident towards the end where he accepts it (and is 'rewarded' by basically getting everything back lmao).
but honestly, there's so much stuff going on and packed into d3 that it feels like every storyline is half-finished and half-assed (i'll never get over adam rejoining the ducks because varsity said 'keep him' - in the original script they at least had him bring it up at the hearing by telling the board he wanted to play with the ducks. but i digress, this isn’t an adam banks spiral too). people who love the trilogy for what it is and don't rewatch it 10 times a month (yes, this is me calling myself out) and don’t invest too deep into the characters will come to the conclusion he changed overnight when charlie's always been flawed as heck because he struggles with self-esteem and abandonment issues (and i personally relate to that a lot). besides, he's fourteen. [charlie conway voice] give him a break.
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tysukis · 4 years
Hi, first(?) AU anon here. I will absolutely dive down this rabbit hole with you. I went a little overboard (sorry?). I absolutely agree with you on your Zuko take. I think we all kind of land there naturally. But I also think that Zuko would latch onto stability the moment he realized he had it. So this is kind of how I see it going down:
I think the band Sokka is part of would be solid. Just a local hit, right? But Sokka is the plans guy, and the aspirations guy, and they can do *so much better*. I 100% do not know how real life musicians work so add a pinch of salt here, but he would absolutely land them a gig as openers to a mediocre niche headliner just by sheer power of phone calls and charm. (He scripted it as much as possible, we all remember how that canon speech went when he winged it, but he knows how to put words together when he has time).
And yeah I love the idea of Zuko being an academic. I'm assuming Ozai is out of the picture for this, and the boy gets to pursue his passions instead of an expectation. Unfortunately, you mix in passion and the general anxiety of a kid who lived under intense scrutiny and you get an adult who gets tunnel vision during spring finals/prep for a conference/etc. So he doesn't quite rise to the occasion when his boyfriend drops this life changing news, he's proud but distracted, and he's already so bad at words in comparison to Sokka that it's just. Lackluster. And he probably meant to meet them at the bar/house party to celebrate after he got home but he's sleep deprived and his phone is dead because he's a disaster sometimes.
So now you've got Sokka stewing on immediate events, and being a little heartbroken because he went all out every time Zuko accomplished *anything*, even if it wasn't super impressive to Zuko himself. And maybe there's a bit of Zuko assuming Sokka doesn't need that reciprocated. He just doesn't vocalize his important needs, so Zuko assumes they're being met, you know? I like the drama of a blown up confrontation but also the idea that Sokka just confronts him sounding hurt and so damn tired of being the emotional one for that long.
But on the other side you have Zuko with his internalized plan that this is his forever person, and he does go to almost every performance even if they don't play his preferred music. And he assumes Sokka is satisfied with this. Maybe because Zuko can't imagine being happier than near his family - the good ones anyway - or because he genuinely thinks Sokka and the band are happy with being local celebrities and leaving it at that. So he plans for permanence. Because he is still a disaster, Zuko probably never vocalized this beyond doing window shopping for apartments or something. Vague jokes about a wedding that Sokka laughs at/agrees with and Zuko interprets as, "Yes I am also thinking about being here with you forever." He's not the wordsmith, he's the pragmatist and love means house shopping and snuggling over takeout and planning trips to visit their distant family together, right? Sokka's confrontation blindsided him, because he thought they were on the same page, and Sokka didn't have to leave to keep playing music, why is that even a thing??
They're both justified in being jaded because they're dumb as hell (affectionate). This isn't an AU for two grown ass men who have put in therapy time, they're both young and full of their own understanding with poor communication skills.
musician au anon!!! hello welcome back thank you so much for this incredible ask, let’s GO
(I’m gonna pop this one under a read more because otherwise this post will be eight miles long lmao)
Honestly I’m wracking my brain with what I can possibly add to this because you’ve got like. A fully fledged outline here my dude and it’s a good one. Do you write? Because you should, if you don’t. I still love the alternative take of Sokka being the one to leave and honestly this pretty much cements how much potential it has. I absolutely adore how you’ve thought about just how the communication would break down between them - and you’re completely bang on the money with it as well. Zuko is fully a hot disaster and would completely just assume Sokka’s needs are being met if he isn’t vocalising them, and we know Sokka, he’s a complainer but when it really comes down to those he loves - he’s known for being pretty selfless and for putting up brave faces. I can totally see Sokka perhaps almost feeling a bit self conscious about how hurt he is by Zuko’s lack of enthusiasm. Because Zuko loves him, right? And it’s just one show, right? So maybe he’s just overreacting, right? Or maybe he’s actually not even that good. Oh no, maybe Zuko hates his music and is just waiting for the right time to break it to him gently. Oh no, oh no, oh no. I think I might have already said it at some point tonight but Sokka would absolutely spiral until he convinces himself that him leaving would be nothing more than simply just leaving before he gets left. And like you said: Zuko  is out here planning a whole future assuming that they’re on the same page, meanwhile he has no idea.
I totally buy Sokka winging his way into a supporting act spot using his charm and charisma, and yeah his speech in canon didn’t go too well but this could likely be over the phone to only one person which would probably make it easier. I was thinking about how Sokka performing would work in conjuncture with his canon almost stage fright/fear of public speaking - and I’m leaning towards the hc that he embodies a sort of persona in front of large crowds and he’s able to let that take over and act casually and confidently no matter the audience.  (source: I am someone who studied acting and excelled in public speaking most of her life despite having a chronic anxiety disorder - playing parts and speaking on stage didn’t feel like ‘me’ because I was always channeling a character either fictional or an alternative version of myself. It works, folks.)
Are we thinking he broke away from the band and went on to succeed in a solo career? As in, he felt being local heroes was a limited pathway? Or did they all go together? Who else would be in it I wonder.
I LOVE your interpretation of Zuko and how the factors under which he was raised would shape him, especially in a modern setting. He would absolutely go into tunnel vision and that perfectionist mindset he was essentially forced into as a kid would probably be alive and well into adulthood. (And yeah, these aren’t men who have been to therapy - yet! - so we’re probably gonna assume that Zuko views this as a Perfectly Normal And Healthy Way To Live And Not At All A Trauma/Survival Response.)
I’m assuming this confrontation is what leads to their break up and then Sokka going off to pursue music further? I wonder, even all their other issues aside, what Zuko thinks about him travelling so far? As you said, we’re operating under the assumption that he doesn’t understand why Sokka couldn’t continue music and stay local. Even if things were perfect between the two, I imagine they still might not see eye to eye on that, which of course would just be another breaking point for them to tack onto the list.
As for their eventual reconciliation, Kaleigh @zukkau with her gigantic brain, said earlier that Sokka being the one to leave could also tie into a whole ‘I couldn’t ask you to uproot your whole life for me’ anxiety (especially if we’re painting zuko as a bit of a homebody here; hates change, likes routine) and that sets up perfectly for a “I would go anywhere for/with you” moment. All this to say that I think that would slot into this (^) narrative nicely.
If you have (or anyone has) anything more to add or touch on I would absolutely love to hear it, I am now fully in love with this AU and all messages and mentions of it are permanently welcome in my inbox and DMs <3 
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jjkpls · 5 years
muse (PG15) - jjk drabble
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> genre : fluff, implied smut, comedy
> pairing : jeon jungkook x reader
> words : 1.1k
> warning : implied smut, jjk as a cute sort of peeping tom, lowkey noona kink (because will i ever be able to write this boy w/o it?)
> n/a : I’m on my way back :) so here’s a little nothing- enjoy it if you can lmao
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He doesn’t mean to scare him shitless. He thought about it, during the past few minutes he’s been observing him, sneakily, from the door. He thought about sending the door to bang hard against the wall, growling a “What do you think you’re doing, kid?!”, all loud and threatening. However, the expression he could catch on the younger man’s face as he remained unsuspecting was too soft, too gentle and Namjoon deemed he wasn’t going to be a dick this time.
Therefore, he opted for the more casual and friendlier approach. The latter doesn’t justify the jumping so high, the knocking down of the (thankfully) empty soda can, the hitting his knee so hard under the surface of the desk and the almost falling on his ass, all this from stupor. It’s not Namjoon’s fault. He was careful enough. It’s Jungkook’s. And his conscience.
“What are you doing?” Namjoon decides to ask. Because if he’s going to act so obnoxiously guilty, Namjoon might as well follow along with the script.
“I’m just- I’m just going over some footage from- uh- trip to Jeju.” Jungkook is mumbling, half-heartedly. His hand, set on the mouse, is agitated. He means to close the window, possibly shut the whole computer down but he knows how it’ll look if he were to do so.
Namjoon simply nods, a grin he manages to hide behind a stern expression thanks to years of practising serious looks for his formal presentations. He nods but with an accusatory eyebrow raised and Jungkook doesn’t miss it. He would have drawn it himself if it weren’t there anyway. He hasn’t mentioned anything about the actual footage he’s been watching for the past twenty minutes -only three minutes that Namjoon knows of.
It’s you. Spread out the big screen, totally oblivious to the camera pointed to you, capturing every single one of your gesture, every flutter of your eyelids, every mindless nibble on your lip. You’re reading a book, completely engrossed in it, your attention not quitting the page even when you stop for a second to think something over, frowning slightly your eyebrows before you shake your head and start reading again. It’s what he’s been watching for the past half and hour. Replaying endlessly the twelve minutes and thirty night seconds of you he managed to shoot without you knowing, during the only rainy night you had during your Jeju retreat with Jungkook, Jimin and Seokjin.
This video he feels guilty about because he hasn’t mentioned the existence to anyone, not even you. First of all, because he could have pretended that it was just for one of his short film making that he needed the footage but why he spent so long capturing you, he wouldn’t know how to explain. Why he failed to mention it once he’s had it, this too he wouldn’t know to justify. He thought about doing it earlier this week, once he’s started sharing pictures and short videos he’s taken with you because you demanded he sent you the memories for you to own too. He wanted to because he meant to tell you how pretty you looked on it.
He got struck by it.
By your natural, effortless attractiveness and as something he doesn’t think he really noticed, and certainly never had said to you, he wanted you to hear it from him. But if he were to just say it, you would ask for the footage. He could edit the length of the shot, not let you know he stood for over ten minutes half-hidden behind the curtain to film you read, only to stop when his hyung came to pick him up to head together to the gym -you can hear Seokjin call him and see the camera shake in distraught when he got caught in the act. He couldn’t edit the images to make some details disappear. Like the incriminating nervous tremble of the camera. Or the piercings adorning your nipples flashing obnoxiously through the thin material of your pyjama teeshirt. (It’s not like he zoomed on it or anything. But it’s there. It’s obvious. He had no idea you had them. He doesn’t even remember ever thinking that people got those in real life.) It’s as mesmerizing as your lips moulding around quiet words and your fingers too softly caressing the pages. You’re the most beautiful he’s ever seen you. The sexiest too. He’s hard and enamoured just watching you and he doesn’t think he’d be able to tell you, never mind face you if he ever shows you this.
“What’s going on with your noona, Guk?” Namjoon brings him back to Earth, roughly. He hits the ground back with a thud, face flushed crimson, mouth dry as a desert and hands, folded securely on his lap, shaking even more. Again Namjoon didn’t mean to startle him. He even installed himself on the second desk chair, setting a warm hand on the boy’s shoulder, using his deep paternal voice. The reassuring one that usually unties and liberates Jungkook’s tongue immediately.
“I- not- anything. Nothing. It’s just- I- we were stuck at the hotel and I- I filmed this but-“
“Does she know?” He shakes his head, sad puppy eyes staring guiltily at the screen and the innocent, oblivious picture of you. “Why didn’t you say something? Wouldn’t it be nice to have her look up?” The thought occurred to him. Multiple times. During and after the moment. She does have pretty eyes. He knows she finds them boring but he’s always thought them to hold a little something special. They’re honest and blunt, intense, like a miniature of her soul. They’re soft and kind when she looks up at him, every time, because she’s sweet and gentle with him. That would have been cool to have it on tape. He was paralysed though. Incapable of saying anything, not wanting to break the magic and also, not knowing what to say, how to justify it. He’s never been good at asking people to pose for him, to let them shoot them. He rather them ask or to just let it happen.
“I don’t know. I didn’t want to- I didn’t know how to ask or- just, yeah.”
“Do you like her?” His red cheeks turn even darker, eyes bulging out like it’s the most ridiculous and outrageous thing he’s ever been accused of.
“I don’t! She’s noona- it’s-“
“So what? She’s a beautiful woman and she’s nice and all,” Jungkook listens attentively the words as his gaze grazes over your picture again. Everything he says is true but for some reason, it feels weird to hear. It’s true but it feels so foreign of a concept. Namjoon sighs out loud, piqued. “Did you just notice your noona had boobs or what?” Here, Jungkook’s last straw just breaks. Swiftly turning his back to his hyung, he shuts the video player, then slides his headset back up, evidently deciding the conversation is over.
It’s not necessarily the topic -your “boobs”- that Jungkook is trying to avoid. He’s just embarrassed because as he hears the words again, with that ridiculing tone Namjoon’s just used but louder and meaner in his own head, he realizes that yes, indeed, he just did notice.
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millennialzadr · 5 years
So this is a whole ass giant long post of me absolutely spewing my feelings of love for ZADR, it was the very first thing I wrote when I made this blog and I think it’s a nice, positive thing for my fellow shippers to inhale and enjoy 👌👌
it was originally a reply to mitarashiart’s post about why HE loves ZADR (link in replies) but I decided to delete that and make my own post since MY WHOLE ENTIRE TEXT WALL WAS SHOWN IN THE REPLIES and drowned out anyone else who was trying to talk (thanks tumblr mobile u fuckin idiot)
I had also posted a summary of an AU that I’m working on in the original post, but decided to remove it since it just about doubled the length (I’m thinking about posting it separately along with the wips I’ve been putting together, we’ll see 👀)
But ANYWAY, here is about a million reasons why I think ZADR is the fucking best, so if you like reading gushy gay ship feelings, please enjoy ❤️❤️❤️
SOOO, holy hell y’all my journey back into this fandom has been a wild and unique experience for me, i went from adding invader zim to my bookmarks on kisscartoon, rewatching the series, finding out theres a movie coming out, finding out there was a shitload of content i’d never seen before (commentaries, lost episode scripts and audios, panels, the COMIC, episodes i’d never seen because the dvd i used to watch was scratched!! and a FUCKLOAD of quality modern fan art like oh my GOD) and finally curiously googling ‘zadr’ (which i was way into when i was maybeee 13/14) to see if there was any interesting new art, and holy hell, mita (the artist above) singlehandedly THREW me down the hole into modern zadr hell, first with his absolutely stunning IZ art (all his art is dope tho check him out yo), then reading the above explanation put the final nail in the coffin like, 100%
so i wanted to add onto his post here on why this ship got me so fucked up, both for anyone who might be wondering why on earth i’m shipping two characters from a kid’s show (i’m very aware how weird that is at first glance trust me) and also so i can get some ideas down for possible future reference (will i ever draw them? maybe)
(first of all, a disclaimer, and this is not pleasant to write but it’s important to address for clarity’s sake: I have no interest in romantic or sexual relationships between minors, and do not ship zim and dib as they are presented canonically in the show (as children). what i’m interested in is the conceptualized relationship they may have as modern adults, and i view zadr more as taking the concepts of existing characters and experimenting with them with different interpretations, which i personally think is a constructive and fun creative outlet, especially if these characters hold personal significance for you (childhood faves of course). growing up together is an important facet of their relationship, and certainly they were important to each other even as children (see: mopiness of doom) but as an adult i’m personally curious about what kind of adults they might’ve become, and that’s the focus of my interest. i’ll still be reblogging regular IZ art because it’s dope but if you see shippy looking art of them as tiny lil beans its either friendship or chibis (and i personally headcanon zim as getting taller with dib but some people stick with his canonical height when drawing them as adults, which is super short. it still doesn’t mean he’s a kid). aaand i wish i didnt have to write this and it would just be obvious but we live in a sick sad world and it is sourced from a children’s cartoon so i feel its necessary. end of disclaimer)
- ok, first reason’s a bit obvious - the nostalgia. holy hell, the feeling of rediscovering a ship that was popular when i was a preteen during the mid 2000s and discovering a totally new perspective on it as an adult comes with an almost totally overwhelming sense of nostalgia and comfort, as well as inspiration!! the kind of art that seems so common for zadr, these sketch pages of scenes and expressions and visual gags where artists would just scribble every idea they had and LOVE doing it, this was exactly the kind of art that made me so passionate about drawing as a kid, and it still sparks such a powerful feeling of love and admiration for me to this day. fan content of iz and zadr is simultaneously achingly familiar and totally new and fascinating, and it just makes me SO damn happy to consume, it is most definitely my new comfort content. and just, GOD. THE ART!! SO GOOD. FUCK
- now for the characters themselves: for some reason i just really love the thought of a mid twenties, modern Dib?? lanky goth dork, disaster bi, depressed as shit, uses bad sweaters and memes to cope?? when i was a kid i didn’t even LIKE Dib, but now i totally sympathize with him! he’s just a hyper obsessive nerd wishing there was more to life than the situation he got stuck with, how wildly relatable. he was a pretty big asshole as a kid (even to people besides zim) but he was also totally isolated and constantly bullied, so there’s a lot of room for growth. i feel there’s a lot of juicy character development potential for that boy, and there’s always been a special place in my heart for characters who are totally sad and screwed and hopeless, but there’s one thing, or person, that means the world to them and could possibly save them…
- aliens. Zim. i love nonhuman characters, i love monsters, i love aliens, i love characters that don’t understand human shit (and thus have much less room for shame or fear bc theyre just totally oblivious the negatives of modern society) and need guidance (bonding!!) from their human. i also love morally grey characters and characters with skewed logic, they’re always really interesting, and Zim himself just has such a unique personality and set of mannerisms, he contradicts himself a lot and you can never quite expect how he’ll behave, and i love that in a character, it makes them super versatile and fun, especially since there’s so many different possibilities for their development. Also, Zim is a gremlin, a little shit, and a disaster. I also love those traits in a character. And don’t even get me started on his character design?? big sparkly eyes? expressive antennae? monster teeth? complimenting colors? he’s adorable.
- mutual obsession. for someone like Dib, who seems almost repulsed by how boring and slow the people around him are, Zim quite literally personifies Dib’s  escapist fantasies, both as an inhuman entity from beyond the stars, and as a person who’s knowledge, charisma and mystery far exceeds that of anyone Dib has met in his entire life. (so basically what i’m saying is that for a shunned, jaded misanthropist, an actual alien is terribly alluring, even if said alien is dangerous, stupid, and possibly insane). not to mention Zim vindicates Dib’s entire life passion, the supernatural! Even when their relationship is totally negative, there is not a single inch of room for Dib to get tired of Zim. as mita explained, they validate each other. for Zim, WHO AGAIN, IS TOTALLY SHUNNED, ISOLATED, AND HATED BY EVERYONE HE KNOWS, Dib is the only person in the universe who gives a single shit about him!! he gives Zim credit as a threat, a capable invader, which if you ask me is the sole thing Zim is after (he’s hellbent on his mission because it would win him the approval of the tallest, all he’s ever wanted is recognition from the people he thinks so highly of). He literally gets depressed when Dib isn’t around to pay attention to him, not even the tallest were enough to motivate him before Dib came back. these two have no one and nothing without each other, and while lifelong nemeses is fine and dandy, i personally prefer friendship, affection and love, cause i’m a softie like that. how could they possibly get there after years of actively trying to kill each other?? well, i think under just the right circumstances it could become a possibility after a long, long time.
- growth. i. love. me. some. good. character growth. especially for characters with trauma/mental illness, bc again, relatable. these boys have issues, and as mita mentioned, their canon stories are actually INCREDIBLY sad! but the happy thought is, they could recover! they could help each other recover, for little reason other than the two are the only source of happiness for each other. now of course this also opens the gate for angst lovers, but at the same time offers potential for comforting, uplifting content of the boys supporting and inspiring each other, maybe even to the point of becoming happy and healthy enough to create the lives they want for themselves (as in appreciating life and doing things that make them actually happy instead of the delusions of grandeur they both sought when they were younger). gimme that positive shit and let the poor beans be happy  щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
- LITTLE THINGS. LITTLE THINGS THAT ONLY COME WITH CHILDHOOD FRIENDS. WITH HUMAN/NONHUMAN. WITH THE SHOW’S WEIRD LOGIC. Zim being the person Dib knows best and vice versa. Zim having an involuntary respect/admiration for Dib because he’s tall. Learning each other’s needs, limits, and communication methods, both emotionally and biologically. Sensitive antennae. Affectionate bickering. Being less insecure bc your partner literally has no idea why you see your flaws as flaws. Laughing at the flaws they do notice because they make no sense. Zim only wanting to eat waffles and chow mein. Dib being forced to overcome his depression lethargy and stay hygienic/keep the apartment clean because Zim has a sharper sense of smell and is afraid of germs. Endless conversation about anything and everything because they’re from literally different worlds, and endless intrigue. TOUCHING. TALKING. DOING EVERYTHING LIKE ITS THE VERY FIRST TIME AND ALWAYS NEEDING THE OTHER TO GUIDE THEM. HOLY HELL THERE IS SO MUCH POSSIBILITY FOR TINY LITTLE MOMENTS THAT MEAN THE WORLD. FUCK. GOT ME FUCKED UP.
so that wraps up the why. fuck man. its just such a good ship. if you read this big ass text post, thank you for indulging me, i hope you enjoyed it! because i enjoy it very much 👀 so stick around if you’d like to for a shit load of IZ and zadr content on this blog, possibly (MAYBE) even from me!! come roll around in alien hell with me why dontcha ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ its a fun time! thanks for reading!!!
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mymindswriting · 5 years
Stubborn (Smosh)
Pairing: Shayne Topp x Reader
Words: 2185
Warnings: None!
Request: @al-ohomora : “hiya! i wanted to request a shayne imagine where olivia tried to set up shayne and the reader (like he did with her and sam). he’s a little unsure about being set up at first but after they bump into eachother they click! feel free to add anything else to the story!! thank you :) have a great day :)”
A/N: Lowkey don’t know anything about being a script writer for shit BUT I tried, at least. I’m still trying to get the hang of everyone’s personalities and how to write them, so please don’t hate me if this isn’t good. Also, I’m like 80% sure that the Smosh office is apart of the Mythical offices, right? I’m just rolling with it! SURE. I don’t know how the office is set up to I made it up lmao. BUT ANYWAY. Feedback is always greatly appreciated, my friends! Thank you for sending in your request :)
masterlist - request guidelines - taglist
*Gifs are not mine, all credit is due to the owners
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“Shayne come on! Let me do this for you please!” Olivia whined as she stood beside Shayne’s desk. He only rolled his eyes as he sat back in his chair, staring up at Olivia with questioning eyes.
“Why are you still going on about this?”
“Because she’s perfect for you and I know you’d love her!” Olivia exclaimed as she crossed her arms looking back at Shayne. “Why are you so hesitant?” She questioned. Shayne only shrugged.
“I feel I’m better at doing the setting up, not the other way around.” Shayne’s answer only irritated Olivia more as she groaned, rolling her eyes.
“What the heck’s happening here?” Damien said casually as he took in the scene. Shayne sent his friend a pleading look before looking back to an annoyed Olivia.
“Olivia seems to think that she can take over the title of master matchmaker, here,” Shayne told Damien, stretching his legs out while placing his hands behind his head.
“Shayne’s being stubborn.”
“Have you met Shayne? He’s always stubborn, especially when it comes to dating,” Damien responded, looking between the two of them. Olivia sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Who even is this girl? Do we know her?” Damien asked her, leaning against the wall.
“No, you don’t, but I do! And I know she’d be great for Shayne! At least let me tell you about her.” Shayne only deadpanned at Olivia as she asked her question, attempting to think of some sort of excuse. Frankly, he didn’t have one. Sure his love life could use a jumpstart, but the idea of being set up with someone he doesn’t even know didn’t rub well with him. Even though he’s done it a couple times himself for friends.
Maybe he dug this hole himself.
“What’s her name?” Shayne asked, switching his gaze from the floor to Olivia. Her eyes lit up as she uncrossed her arms.
“Her name is Y/N and you two would hit it off immediately, I know it. She’s a writer, just moved here from Y/H/T. She’s helping with some script writing with our own writers and if all goes well, she might join the team.”
“How did you two meet?” Damien asked her, listening intently.
“Long story, but I needed help with some of my script work so I reached out to her. She’s incredibly smart and a major nerd.”
“Calling me a nerd?”
“Shayne you’re like one of the biggest nerds I know. And so is she so please give her a chance!” Shayne shook his head and sighed.
“She’s done some acting as well, you guys are really similar,” Olivia added, looking hopefully down at the poor man. Shayne looked up at Damien, silently pleading him to say something that’ll help him get out of this situation. Damien only shrugged.
“I would say go for it. There’s no harm in seeing if there’s some potential there.”
“You’re not helping, Damien.”
“All I’m saying is what is the worst that could happen?” Damien asked him. “You’re the one always saying your love life is nonexistent.”
“He has a point,” Courtney yelled from her desk, leaning back and rolling her chair out to look at the group. “She sounds like your kinda girl.” Shayne tilted his head,  inaudibly agreeing with Courtney as every voice in his head argued with what he should say.
“I guess I could possibly meet her.” Olivia squealed as her face lit up, grabbing her phone from her pocket.
“You’ll be thanking me in a couple weeks, I know it!” She yelled at him as she quickly walked through the door, dialling the mystery girl’s number.
“So, the matcher becomes the matchee,” Damien smirked as he continued on his journey to his own desk. Shayne shot him a glare as he leaned back, letting out a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding as he returned to his email.
“Y/N! When are you getting here?”
“Uhh..” You looked at your watch briefly as you continued walking down the street, phone pressed between your shoulder and ear and an iced coffee in your other hand.
“Maybe like, five… ten minutes?”
“Well hurry the heck up! I’ve got someone I want you to meet before our meeting.”
“Is this the guy you’ve been trying to set me up with? Shayne?” You sighed as you adjusted your bag on your shoulder.
“Uh, duh! And you remembered his name! Must mean you wanna meet him too.” You rolled your eyes at the girl as you took a sip of your coffee.
“Olivia, you know I love you, but I’m really not the type to do blind dating-”
“Oh shut it, I’ve already argued with Shayne all morning about this! You guys would be perfect for each other, believe me,” You shook your head as you paused at the crosswalk, pressing your lips together.
“I mean, I don’t really have an excuse to say no, but I’m saying no anyway.” Olivia sighed audibly, causing you to chuckle. “Why are you so pushy about this anyway?”
“Because Shayne set me and Sam up and it was literally the best thing he’s ever done for me. I wanna do the same for him. Trust me, I wouldn’t set Shayne up with just any one of my friends.” Your heart skipped a beat as she spoke to you, a slight smile coming to your lips.
“You’re special. To me, and I know you’d be special to him as well.”
“Well jeez, Olivia, that was probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me,”
“You know I love you, Y/N. But I will kick your ass if you say no to this one more time.” You laughed thunderously at her comment as you smiled, your eyes crinkling cutely.
“I guess I could come say hi to him. Wouldn’t kill me.”
“Finally, my two most stubborn friends agree to something for once.”
“I’m only saying yes because I know you were just going to accidentally bump me into him at some point during my visit. At least this way I can sort of mentally prepare,” Olivia snorted on the other line.
“You got me.” You giggled with her as you peered ahead of you, seeing the office building in the distance.
“Hey, I’m almost there, I’ll text you when I’m on my way up.”
“Sounds good, see you soon!” You pressed the small red button as you placed your hair behind your ear, removing it from your face. Honestly, having Olivia help you with your dating situation couldn’t be that bad, right? You trusted her, she was one of your good friends. She wouldn’t set you up with just anyone, and they way she talked about Shayne to you, you WANTED to meet the guy. You had to admit, it really did sound like the two of you had more in common than you thought, both giving Olivia a hard time about the whole situation. That had to mean something, right?
You pushed open the doors to the office, looking around the lobby before sending a quick text to Olivia. You stood with your hands in your pockets, looking at all your surroundings as you waited for Olivia, or at least someone from Smosh, to greet you.
“Hey there, can I help you?” You looked towards the sound of the voice and were met with a good looking, dirty blonde man walking toward you with a cup of coffee in his hand.
“Oh yes, I’m uh, looking for the Smosh offices?” The man smiled and nodded at you, extending out his right hand.
“I’m Shayne, I’m apart of the Smosh cast, actually.” You narrowed your eyes, a small smile appearing on your plump lips as you took his hand, shaking it firmly.
“I’m Y/N, you’re Olivia’s friend, yeah?” You asked quietly, hoping to God that he was the correct Shayne. His eyes went wide as he let go of your hand, staring back at you.
“Oh, yeah, that’s me. I take it you’re her writer friend?” You snorted as you chuckled slightly, smiling at him.
“I mean, if that’s all she’s mentioned about me, I guess I am.”
“Well I mean, she’s mentioned some other stuff too,” You cocked your eyebrow.
“Good stuff, I hope?” Shayne smiled as he looked down to his feet, sticking his hand into his pocket.
“All good stuff.” You smiled back at him as you bit your lip nervously.
“So, shall we?” Shayne said as he pointed down the hall.
“Oh yes! Of course. Lead the way.” You smiled as you began to follow him through the doors and down the hallway.
“So I take it you're here to work with our writers?” Shayne asked you, sneaking a glance at your face. He would be lying if he said it wasn’t a face he wanted to look at all the time.
“Yeah, Olivia recommended me to help with some unique comedy sketches you guys are working on. I couldn’t refuse, you know? I love this stuff.” Shayne nodded and smiled.
“Yeah, I get it. It's definitely a fun place to work, I wouldn’t give it up. And by what Olivia’s told me, I think you’d fit in well here.” Your eyes became brighter as Shayne turned his head towards you.
“Well I mean, she kinda rambles about you sometimes, and as much as I hate being set up, we do have a lot in common,” Shayne blushed slightly as you giggled.
“She does the same thing to me. She seems to think we’re both nerds.”
“Nerdiest people she knows!” Shayne added causing you to chuckle and shake your head. Shayne watched as your face crinkled while you laughed, a small smile gracing his lips.
“You know, I’d never admit this to her, but I think she might have been onto something.” You bit your lip as you looked at him with twinkling eyes, your stomach doing flips at the words that left his mouth.
“Funny, because I would never admit that either. So let’s keep it our little secret, yeah?”
Shayne smirked slightly at you, sending you a quick wink as he pushed open the door, leading you into the main offices of Smosh. You couldn’t help but inwardly squeal at his gesture, feeling yourself falling already.
But, Olivia didn’t need to know that.
“Y/N! You’re already here,” Olivia shouted as she walked towards you.
“And you met Shayne.” Her eyes went wide and a toothy smile filled her face as she looked between the two of you. You blushed as you quickly glanced at Shayne and then back at her.
“Yeah, I did. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you were hoping that would have happened.”
“No! I mean, yes, but I didn’t set this one up.” Olivia said gesturing to the two of you, switching her gaze between you and Shayne.
“Well, you did send me downstairs to get coffee because I looked like I needed some more fuel in my body the exact same moment Y/N here walked in the door.” Olivia’s eyes went wide at him.
“That's a complete LIE! I left you alone for once.” Olivia exclaimed.
“That doesn’t sound like you,” You shook your head as you raised your eyebrows, stealing a quick glance from Shayne. Olivia rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Okay, you two have already met, ON ACCIDENT,  and have already clearly hit it off and just don’t want to admit it to me yet. Which is FINE,” Olivia glared at your suspicious face shaking her head.
“Ah, you caught us! Although we bonded talking about how much you annoy us.” Shayne added, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Whatever gets the job done, Shayne,” Olivia teased, scowling faintly at him. You couldn’t hold in your giggle as you looked at the two of them, licking your lips.
“As fun as this is, I do have some people I need to meet with.” You said, smiling at Shayne. Shayne sent you a smile back as he nodded.
“Hey, maybe after your meeting we could grab some lunch and talk some more about how much Olivia pesters us?” Shayne asked you, ignoring Olivia’s groan.
“Sounds like a plan, Shayne. I’ll come find you,” You said with a smile as he nodded, and slowly turned to head back to his desk. Your eyes followed him, your smile staying plastered on your face as you felt your whole body tingling.
“I have some people I need to meet with’, says the one staring at Shayne’s butt as he walks away.” Olivia mocked you, snapping you out of your daydream.
“Yeah yeah, just show me where I need to go,” You smirked at her, grabbing her hand and squeezing it briefly.
“Only if you admit to me I was right.” You cocked one eyebrow as you looked at her questionably.
“On second thought, I can find my own way around.”  
“Stubborn,” Olivia muttered to herself as she quickly walked down the hall with you close behind.
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tags: @caswinchester2000
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thespiralgrimoire · 4 years
*Cracks knuckles* Alright y’all it’s go time
I’m going to discuss all the works in my series Boys Will Be Embarrassing and also some WIPS
Lost in Roses
⭐️ This whole fic was an accident. I started writing it with a vague idea of what it was going to be about and I lost that idea along the way.
⭐️ It’s my least favorite in the series because it’s kind of boring, but I did like writing baby Solid
⭐️ It’s included in the series because it’s the origins of Nebra’s crush on Fuegoleon, which is important for later works
⭐️ I got to introduce this headcanon that Nebra is good at climbing here, and have not been able to use it since, which just breaks my heart
In the Lion’s Den
⭐️ This is the fic that properly started the friendly contest that led to the Boys Will Be Embarrassing series, but it is NOT the first fic. It’s the second. The first hasn’t been posted because it takes place post-canon (or canon-divergent, depending on how long Black Clover goes for), and it’s called And They Were Roommates.
⭐️ @loafingdragon​ waited WEEKS to post this fic because she couldn’t think of a proper meme for one of the lines near the beginning. In the end, I kicked her ass into posting it without a meme. No loss.
⭐️ This is the fic that started us keeping track of all of Nozel and Fuegoleon’s friends, because we had to decide which one hit on Meoroleona and got his nose broken. It was Ben Benfunk. This ended up working well because in the anime, Ben has a throwaway line about the Crimson Lions having to do well or Captain Meoroleona will make them regret it LOL
The Challenge
⭐️ This is my FAVORITE FIC IN THE SERIES it does NOT let you come up for air it’s SO FUNNY
⭐️ This fic’s working title was Boys Will Be Embarrassing. I made my sister change it because at this point I knew we were going to make more stories in his genre and I liked it as a series title.
⭐️ This one was a draft for a long time because in the original ending, Nozel opened up a trap door to see Meoroleona watching them play this game and it just ended with the two staring at each other like this
⭐️ In the original, they also only played one round of the Pocky Game before they played Cherry Chaser, which meant that we didn’t get Nozel doing... all that
⭐️ In the original, Fuego swallowed his cherry and Nozel lost his. When Nozel found Meoro, she popped a cherry in his mouth so that Nozel could win.
⭐️ When I read the second draft of this fic, where Nozel starts doing all those things during the Pocky Game, it killed me on sight
⭐️ The working title for this piece was “Hot Boys” LMAO
⭐️ I forced the idea out of my noggin because I wanted to explicitely write fluff. Might have missed the mark on this one but OH WELL
⭐️ Originally they were going to get caught in a cave, and when the temperature dropped a night, Fuegoleon got to be the one keeping them alive. I ditched this because everyone makes Fuegoleon the big strong one and I wanted Nozel to be the one in charge the whole time
⭐️ Did you know that mercury is such an efficient coolant that it’s not advisable to use as a coolant because (along with the fact it’s hard to get) it cools TOO well? Makes your devices frosty
⭐️ Silver Cradle WILL be making an appearance in other fics, actually in a similar fashion to how it appeared in Oasis. But with someone else
⭐️ If it weren’t for my sister @loafingdragon​ this fic would easily be half the length that it is. I kept writing a little more and she kept saying “It doesn’t feel finished yet!”
⭐️ There are WAY more subtle headcanons worked into this fic than it seems. So many of them are extremely subtle and inconsequential, I didn’t bother pointing them out.
⭐️ Mimosa isn’t playing with Leo and Noelle in this fic because I straight up forgot that she existed LOL. I regret this
⭐️ I didn’t get a single age right in the whole-ass fic but shhhh nobody’s called me on it
⭐️ This is my most popular fic and you know what. It should be. It’s the best so far
The Grimoire Thief
⭐️ The working title for this one was The Grimoire Walker, which was cooler, but didn’t fit, so we had to change it
⭐️ This is the newest fic in the series right now! It’s a beautiful mess and all over the place.
⭐️ This fic is what made me start loving Nebra
⭐️ It’s where she really explored Nebra’s love for games, which I take full advantage of later
⭐️ @loafingdragon​ is reading this almost entirely by herself so I can’t say a lot about it tbh
The Ring(s)
⭐️ It’s in the notes of the fic, but it was inspired by this post
⭐️ There is a fifth chapter, which follows that post almost like a script, and I like it a lot, but I didn’t post it because it’s entrenched in my preferred AU where instead of ascending, the elves just stuck around and shared bodies with their human hosts. It was too much to explain at the end of a story.
⭐️ I thought up the very important hc that Nozel can eat anything on the spot for this fic and it has colored every other thing I’ve written about him to date
⭐️ This ring comes up in other works because Nozel never stops being enamored by it
Now let’s talk about WIPS a little bit
Disaster Bisexual Fuegoleon Fic
⭐️ The working title right now is Ultimatum but I’m already tired of that
⭐️ We’re about.... 1/2 - 2/3 through this fic and it’s about 80,000 words LOL pray for us
⭐️ This is the first fic where @loafingdragon and I are seriously collaborating on it. Like, there are points in this fic where we’re both writing it, at the same time. It’s really fun and exciting, as I’ve never written anything this collaboratively, and I’m having soooooo much fun with it
⭐️ The reason we’re doing it that way is because there are two OCs in it that belong to my sister. They’re elves who belatedly possessed Fuegoleon and Nozel. This only increases the hilarity of the fic I promise
⭐️ The other reason we’re writing it collaboratively is because it’s a comedy and my sister @loafingdragon is way funnier than me
⭐️ The elf thing is one reason that we haven’t started posting it yet. The other is because it also takes place after/divergent from canon, like And They Were Roommates
⭐️ @loafingdragon did a whole story introducing the elves, which is really good but she hasn’t posted it yet BECAUSE we have to write something ELSE before that is properly situated in this universe. It’s a matryoshka doll of details to explain and I’m losing my resolve to explain them properly
⭐️ Despite us working on this extremely collaboratively, I don’t think my sister knows how I plan to end it??? Which is very sexy of me I think
Traning With Aunt Nebra
⭐️ This fic is completely done, and discusses Nebra training Fuegoleon’s toddler son, who has steam magic
⭐️ It was written real early in the history of this series by @loafingdragon, and has a really flippant feel to it, meaning it’s funnier than anything I’ve written in my life
⭐️ Nebra gets to motorboat Fuegoleon in it. That’s really all you need to know to be sure that it’s good\
⭐️ It’s going to be a while before it’s posted because we still have to explain where Fuegoleon’s son came from
There are actually more fics but they’re @loafingdragon‘s and I don’t have that many thoughts on their beauty
Thank you for enabling me shammie. Now I’ve got to go put on pants and get some breakfast.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Why did you last feel like crying? >> When I checked my bank account because I was trying to decide whether to get HBO Max or not, and I discovered that my stimulus check is coming on Wednesday. I’m just really relieved, lmao. Had just about resorted to convincing myself that I wasn’t going to get one at all. But now I can get some stuff I need but can’t normally afford!
How long ago and why did you last feel infuriated? >> I don’t remember. It probably had to do with people making noise.
Do emotions control you or do you control your emotions? >> Er. Well, here’s the thing -- on a good day, when I’m not having Symptoms Of Disorders, my emotions can be pretty manageable, or at least my management of them can feel pretty competent and compassionate. On the other days, my emotions can be a fucking game of Minesweeper where all the squares have mines in them. Except one. One square has 100 mines in it. The probability of stepping on that square is like 80%. So.
Do you keep your friends secrets/private information to yourself? >> Well, yes, if that sort of thing was shared with me.
What negative quality do your friends bring up the most? >> I... don’t think I’d like to be friends with people who have a habit of bringing up “negative” things about me.
What quality do you think you have that others don't think you do? >> I don’t know, I haven’t taken a poll or anything.
Do you often "jump" to conclusions? >> I mean, maybe. I don’t know how often I do it but it’s probably the average amount.
Do you find being alone with strangers scary, interesting or indifferent? >> That definitely depends on the context of the situation.
Do you think you know a lot about the world? >> No, because I don’t.
What about the world do you wish you never found out? >> ---
Do you know first aid? >> Not really, mostly because I’ve rarely had an opportunity to practice it.
Does the sight of blood make you feel sick? >> Not as a rule.
Does your first name have an L in it? >> No.
Middle name have a C in it? >> No.
Last name have a R in it? >> No.
Do your initials spell a legitimate word? If so, what? >> No, they don’t. But Sparrow’s spells “SAD” and that’s pretty funny.
The word above, does it have any connection to you at all? >> I mean, she is on antidepressants.
Do you prefer classic rock or nope alternative? >> Nope alternative???? I don’t know if that’s a typo or what but that’s hilarious to me for some reason. Anyway, I listen to both classic rock and alternative.
Do you like Kings of Leon? >> Sure. They’re, like... motel-grunge/motel-rock adjacent. (I can’t be the only person who’s made up that term, for certain kinds of bands. Like Queens of the Stone Age and shit. Sometimes Kings of Leon gives the same vibe, but... cleaner, I guess.)
How about The Script? >> Never heard of them.
Does crying make you feel better? >> Sometimes, but first I have to go through the hell of letting myself cry in the first place.
Do you know a girl called Becca? >> No.
How about a guy called Gregory? >> No. I almost said yes and then I realised I was thinking of Greg Hirsch from Succession. smh
Does someones background effect whether you'll be friends with them or not? >> Their... background? What kind of background are we talking about here?
How about their religious background? >> I mean, I don’t think I could be friends with a fundamentalist evangelical Christian. But most non-fundie versions of religions are okay with me.
If someone admitted cheating in a past relationship of theirs, would you trust them? >> ---
Do you drink tea and/or coffee every day? >> Nope. It’s almost warm weather time, so I won’t be drinking much tea at all until fall, unless it’s iced.
Did you ever want to be a cook as a kid? >> No.
How about a fashion designer? >> Yeah, I used to draw outfits and shit. I still think fashion is a fascinating industry but I want no part of it myself.
Do you wish that magic was real? >> I mean, no, not really. Also, like. I have Inworld. So.
What food would you love to wipe off the face of the earth? >> ---
Can you use a bottle opener? >> Sure.
Do you own a cheese grater? >> Yeah.
What time will it be in 38 minutes time? >> 11.06p EST.
What day/date will it be in 11 days time? >> The 20th of May.
Have you ever owned a pet fish? >> Nope.
Do you prefer fire or ice? >> I have no general preference. They’re both valuable.
Do you rap along with rap songs? >> If I know the lyrics, yeah...
When happy, do you become more talkative? >> Not necessarily. Sometimes I’m happiest in silence.
Bowling or sailing? Why? >> ---
What colour is your kettle? >> Black.
How about your microwave? >> White.
Do you prefer sitting in the front or back of a car? >> It doesn’t matter.
How about in a train? On the bus? >> I have a specific seat I like on the bus. Train, doesn’t matter. (On the subway, I liked sitting in the smallest seats so there’d be less chance of someone sitting next to me. Some of the newer trains have that one-seater that flips up, by the door? Love that seat.
Do you care about politics? >> Fuck no.
Obama or Bush? >> Well, that’s this survey dated.
Blair or Brown? >> ---
When did you last cook something from scratch? >> I don’t remember.
What things make you jealous? >> ---
Are you offended easily by non politically correct language? >> I’m not easily offended, period. Most things I recognise aren’t meant to be taken personally by me, specifically. But obviously I’m leery of the usage of incendiary language -- I’m not going to hang out with someone who throws around racial slurs or mocks people for having feelings about words meant to hurt them, like, duh.
Do you think the censors/fcc go a bit too far or are just right? >> I have no opinion about this, especially not a generalised one.
Do you feel hungry, thirsty, sleepy or none of the above? >> I’m getting tired because it’s around my bedtime.
What's your I.Q? >> ---
What's your Mum's Mum called? How about your Dad's Dad? >> ---
Do you prefer crepes, pancakes or waffles? >> Waffles.
Do you have ice-cream in your fridge right now? >> I think Sparrow still has some in there. Oh, and I still have a few mochi ice cream balls.
How about chicken nuggets? >> No, just fried chicken.
Do you eat fish often? >> Not as often as I’d like.
Have you ever taken a martial art? Which one{s}? >> No.
Do you know anyone who is scared of you? >> I don’t know if anyone’s afraid of me. If someone is, I bet they’re not going to go around telling me about it.
What person who has died would you bring back and why? >> ---
Do you like watermelon? >> Eh. I don’t get the hype.
Can you remember the month of your first kiss? >> ---
Do you make friends easily? >> No.
What makes you different from everyone else? >> Nothing, dude. I mean, I obviously have differences from people I know, or people I might encounter, but not from literally every human on earth.
I give you a piece of paper. What do you draw/write on it? >> ...
What pictures or photos are up in your lounge? >> My what.
Do you like purple and white patterned things? >> Not especially.
Do you know anyone called Pipa? >> No.
I say purple, you think... >> Sparrow, because I think she’d paint the whole world purple if given half a chance.
What do you think is the most interesting thing about you? >> Just, you know. My existence.
Do you like being complimented or does it make you uncomfortable? >> It can make me uncomfortable because of brain shit, but I also appreciate it and will try to express appreciation instead of discomfort.
Does the description of your starsign correspond with your personality? >> No, because the language of astrology as used to describe a person is more complex than just wherever the Sun was when you were born.
Do you have a photo album? >> No.
What artists paintings do you find the most beautiful? >> *shrug*
What about the most disturbing? >> *shrug*
Have you ever gone to a camp or summer school? >> No. I did summer theater once and I’ve gone to day camps.
What was your favourite cartoon as a child? >> Johnny Bravo is the only cartoon I remember watching, tbh. I didn’t get to see a lot of television unless it was the boring ass shit (to a child, anyway) my dad watched.
What was your biggest fear as a child? >> Thunderstorms. Until I hit thirteen and then suddenly I just... wasn’t afraid of them anymore. Don’t ask me how it happened, I really don’t know. (It might have been more gradual than that, of course. Memory is unreliable, especially from that far back.)
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? >> Breathe underwater. So, you know, I could actually not almost drown for once.
What about invisibility or mindreading? >> Invisibility. I want nothing to do with other people’s minds.
Do you like what you see in the mirror? >> No, which is why I don’t look in the mirror unless it’s necessary.
Which stereotype do you dislike the most? >> All of them??? Stereotypes in general?
Can you remember all your past teachers names? >> I can remember more than I’d expect to remember, but definitely not all of them.
Do you like talent shows? Which ones? >> No.
Have you ever failed an important exam? In what? >> Yeah, I failed the English midterm and final in 11th grade -- well, I say “failed” but it’s more like “I got a zero because I literally turned in a blank sheet of paper”. I... was definitely struggling.
Do you find people taller than you intimidating? >> No.
Do you think you are better than people of a different country/background? >> Fuck no???
What's your favourite thing about your country? >> Dude.
What's your least favourite thing about your country? >> Sigh.
Who is your favourite bzoinker? >> I don’t have a favourite, I just use bzoink to find surveys.
What websites do you have bookmarked? >> I have a lot of websites bookmarked.
Do you use bows and ribbons to decorate your gifts? >> No. Well, I’ll stick a bow on a Christmas gift because why not, but outside of Christmas I don’t even wrap gifts. I might put it in a bag but that’s it.
Do you listen to the same type of music as your parents? What type is that? >> I grew up listening to soul and R&B and gospel, so yes, that’s all still part of me.
What TV show scared you as a kid? >> None.
Family Guy, The Simpsons or South Park? Why? >> Hmm. Well, I don’t really know anything about The Simpsons, but I’d probably like it better than Family Guy, and South Park is so hit-or-miss (with a lot of misses) for me that I can’t really deal with it anymore.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Do you have any opinions on Jason’s current Dark Trinity Outlaws team? What do you think about people wanting to turn it into an “Antihero League” by adding characters like Godspeed, Rankorr, Ocean Master (Or Koryak) and Thomas Merlyn?
Not really - I don’t keep current with Jason’s comics, more just keep up with issue summaries because I just….I hate how Lobdell writes him so so so so so much. LMAO.
I’m gonna ramble about Jason and his writing now, so apologies if that’s not what you were looking for with this question, lol.
As much as I love him, Jason, more than most characters, is plagued by the problem of being extremely attractive to gritty edgelord writers with zero capacity for any kind of emotional or moral complexity, and I hate it lots and lots, lol. Like, I’ve said before that I agree with a lot of Jason’s stances more than I do say, Bruce’s, but there’s all kinds of layers to them that just NEVER get so much as glanced at, when people like Lobdell are the ones doing all the scripting.
Like, so many of Jason’s writers are so busy emphasizing that he’s RIGHT and his take on killing criminals and villains is GOOD, that nobody has ever stopped to ask….why does it have to be JASON, specifically, a traumatized twenty year old who’s already been through more than anyone should ever have to….that has to do the actual killing, in order to validate that particular position?
What I mean is….these characters are supposed to be more than just their basic premise, the ideologies they espouse or embody. They’re supposed to be CHARACTERS too, with lives, dreams, emotions…and everybody’s so busy pitting Jason against his father in a war of ideological attrition that nobody in the comics ever just stops and says to him….hey, you can be 100% right about all of this, and still not need to be the one who takes on the burden of proving it. You don’t exist just to be a criminal killing machine simply because you happen to have this viewpoint….there are other ways you can still make a difference and help people.
I’ve said before, I actually think Dick’s moral stance on killing isn’t as cut and dried as people make it. I think he freaks out when he’s pushed to that line himself because he’s got massive abandonment issues and is afraid of disappointing Bruce, but given how easily he’s able to make his peace with working with people with enormous body counts, without any real judgment, I think he honestly believes that killing should never be an ideal first choice, but sometimes its a necessary evil. The thing is though….believing that doesn’t mean that HE, personally….needs to be a killer….and he pushes back against that so heavily not because he so diehard believes that killing is never justified, but because being the master of his own destiny is so hugely important to him, and too many people over the years have spent too much time trying to mold him into a killer for him to ever see himself crossing that line as anything other than letting them win. Hell, if you read the actual issue in Last Laugh where he kills the Joker….his major issue and the source of his freakout isn’t so much that he killed the Joker or crossed that line specifically…its that in doing so, he let the Joker win. He gave the Joker what he wanted out of that whole mess. Like, that’s literally his dialogue.
And the thing I see missing from so many Jason stories is…..writers never give him the opportunity to stop and go, okay, I’ve established what I BELIEVE….but now, what do I WANT? None of the Batfamily ever set out as vigilantes with the belief that they would actually ‘fix’ the world in their lifetime. No matter how long they live, after they die, crime will still exist, there will still be bad guys, people will still murder other people. None of them have ever been under the illusion that there’s some finite endpoint to all of this, that if they reach it, the job is done, the world is better…..and so its not like killing even the worst of the worst, so they never have an opportunity to break out and commit more crimes like…that doesn’t actually whittle down the numbers and in doing so get Jason closer to the magic ‘endpoint’ in which like, they can all rest easy, Gotham is all better now.
My point being, there are lots of ways to make a difference, and the way each vigilante chooses as their way of making a difference is still valid, even if its not ‘the most efficient’ method, you know? They don’t exist, as characters, simply to be the most efficient ways of countering crime. Its more, they exist as characters, and as characters, these are the ways they choose to live their lives, what to do with their time, how to make the most of their existence as PEOPLE. Their purpose is helping people, protecting people….and killing the worst of the worst may be one way to do that, may even in some instances be the most efficient way of doing that….but that doesn’t inherently render all other ways of doing that meaningless.
Like, Batman or Nightwing or Red Robin might save someone from a murderer, and put that murderer in jail…and that murderer might then get released and escape and go on to murder someone else…..but that doesn’t mean that the life they saved initially doesn’t matter, just because the way they did it didn’t ultimately put a definitive stop to the murderer’s crimes. And no, it doesn’t mean that the later life or lives he takes don’t matter either, or that they couldn’t have been saved if Batman or the others had killed him at their earlier opportunity….but just because they’ve chosen to dedicate themselves to saving and protecting people, doesn’t by extension mean they OWE it to anyone to become killers in the process, if that’s not something they want for themselves. Its not a zero sum game. A life saved versus a life taken at a later point do not cancel each other out, because no lives are interchangeable, you can’t treat them as math where its a matter of balancing equations and making the numbers all line up. Innocent lives saved are still innocent lives saved….no matter what happens elsewhere or later….and the responsibility for a criminal’s later crimes will still always be more that criminal’s.
Now, like when Jason argues when its someone like the Joker, who they all know will always get free again and will never stop, and its an inevitability, all but a certainty? I agree with him, completely. I think the only way to truly stop the Joker is to kill him, and not doing so at least means an awareness that at some later point, he will end up taking more lives that could have been saved if someone had killed him sooner.
But I don’t personally view Bruce as a hypocrite because he refuses to kill the Joker personally. Like I said, I don’t view killing as a NECESSITY because you choose to be a hero and try and help people. If he’s afraid of what it would do to him, what it would turn him into….he’s allowed to be. No, I view Bruce’s hypocrisy there as being more about him trying to put that personal boundary on EVERYONE….to try and make everyone’s behavior and choices line up in accordance with the choice he was only justified in making for HIMSELF. I don’t think people the Joker killed are more on Bruce because he has refused to ever kill the Joker, personally….but I do think that say, once Bruce proactively stepped forward to resuscitate the Joker after Dick killed him, like….that’s where it definitively in my book gets to be like, yo dude, nobody asked you to do that, not even Dick, you BROUGHT HIM BACK so yeah, later acts of Jokerism are kinda on you too.
Meanwhile I don’t view Dick as a hypocrite for not killing people even if I think he believes some people deserve it….because all the things he does to save or help people aren’t rendered invalid or obsolete just because there’s feasibly a more ‘efficient’ way of helping or saving people that he refuses to do….because he understandably doesn’t want to pay the personal toll or price that’s required.
But you see what I mean? There’s SO much more to Jason’s philosophy than any of his writers really ever let there be….because it shouldn’t JUST be about his philosophy and his ideas, it should be equally about his wants, his desires, who he is as a character and how he wants to spend his life. It shouldn’t just be about making killing people, and all the issues that come along with it and cause strife between him and his family, like….just his default setting because its the most efficient way of fighting crime, according to his personal beliefs, and he only exists to be the most efficient crime fighter he can be.
If Jason has those scenes, if he thinks about all this stuff and we’re shown him deciding yes, even with all of that, this is what he WANTS to do, like….I don’t have a problem with that, because I get it. I agree with those choices. But I WANT THOSE SCENES, is the thing that none of these writers give me. I want his personhood to be just as acknowledged as his vigilante philosophy.
And that’s the kind of complexity and nuance and THOUGHT that his writers seem to have no interest in giving him and his stories, and that’s where I’m like…..ugh. Writers like Lobdell just want to write him because he’s the bad-ass black sheep of the Batfamily and he’s their excuse to be all ‘anything goes’ with their stories, rather than centering them around….who is Jason Todd, why is he that way, does he WANT to be that way, and if not, what’s he going to do about that?
LOL. So on a similar note, and back to your question….I don’t really have any interest in reading his Dark Trinity team expanded to be a full Antihero Justice League because I have no faith in any of these writers to introduce anymore complexity to their ‘antihero’ status just because they’ve introduced more characters into the lineup. Just likely to be more of the same, IMO.
DC, and media in general, tbh, have a big problem with prioritizing spectacle over substance. They go for the flashiest choice, the most visibly ‘iconic,’ such as pairing the ‘rogue Batman’ with the ‘anti Superman’ and the ‘rogue Amazon’ and being like well that’s all we need, that’s a winning recipe right there, like, cool if you can make a good story out of that combination but that’s just a bonus, like that’s not really a requirement. We can sell based just on having that formula. And to me, that’s all a full Antihero Justice League would be. Just another way for them to just use a splashy tagline and ad copy as a shortcut for like…writing actual stories that prioritize actual characterization and examining what brings all these characters together and how do they organically interact with each other and what do they have to say with all of that….rather than just ‘morally grey good guys shoot people, blow things up, much blood and cussing, the real heroes make scowly faces at them, middle fingers and yelling WE DO WHAT WE WANT, everyone goes home til next time.’
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plothooksinc · 5 years
Second time lucky I wrote a damn essay before I accidentally lost it (@Tumblr you could really benefit from an undo option)
Author Interview
tagged by @wrexie​
name: KJ on here, my pen name is Nekotsuki.
fandoms: Many and varied!  The ones I write for are Rurouni Kenshin, TMNT and FFVII and the ones I RP from are One Piece and Blade of the Immortal.  I’ve also dabbled in SPN and Tiger & Bunny but those fics aren’t likely to see the light of day.  I also love most things that have decently written women and uh.  Kdramas. I dabble.
where you post: ao3, tumblr and ff.net
most popular oneshot: From the review count I’m gonna guess it’s Left Unsaid, which is hilarious but yet unsurprising as it’s the one romance fic I’ve written in a field of gen.  Go figure.
most popular multi-chapter fic; favorite story you’ve written; fic you were nervous to post: Most popular and favourite is gonna be Underdark!  LMAO that one shot that wouldn’t die (working title literally that) that I thought would be about eight pages and ended up to be uh. 89.  It’s also very popular – last I checked it had the highest amount of faves on ff.net out of the whole ’03 TMNT fandom.  (Less so on AO3, but that’s where all the smut hangs out so am unsurprised tbh)
The one I was the most nervous about was my first because I’d never written to be published online before and I generally thought my writing sucked, and that’s Tanabata Jasmine.  It still…mostly holds up (though I cringe at all that fangirl Japanese, I thought everyone had to do that to be good /cry) and is fun to go back and read b/c I can see the evolution of my writing from ch1 through to ch28 as I gained more confidence.  (…and less fangirl Japanese as I went, lmao)
how you choose your titles: …it varies.  Hard to pin down.  Usually I go for one or two words that underpin the themes of the story. Misconduct was named for one particular quote in Crisis Core, Tanabata Jasmine was …named that because I had yet to realize Kaoru and her jasmine connection were entirely fanon creations and it was set at Tanabata.  The Zaibatsu Project was named on many levels  b/c it was both my weird and wacky cyberpunk project with different writing experiments and it was about a Zaibatsu that had a nefarious project going and it was originally published experimentally over at LJ (zaibatsu.livejournal.com and I gotta say I miss being able to do it like this).  Himura Kenshin’s Day Off was my crack file full of weird shit and fourth wall breakage and was an aside fro all the serious writing, title made sense ok. Black Danube was a waltz with a Man in Black. Etc etc.
 do you outline: sometimes.  Most of the time I usually go “okay here are X, Y, and Z events I want to happen and I’ll just write until I get to them” and thus write organically for the most part and end up doing a bunch of side stuff that is fun.  Stuff I’m really unsure on I’ll outline from the start.  Zaibatsu Project is outlined up to a point because I needed to figure out who all the characters were in the AU (we’re about three quarters of the way through that outline).  Legacy is outlined all the way from beginning to end, so are Desperation and Court of Miracles (both unpublished sob maybe I‘ll get to them who knows).  Tanabata Jasmine I literally just jumped in feet first and went HAH SUFFER REDHEAD and then just wrote so it made sense and Kenshin wasn’t a damsel.  Underdark had no outline.  Misconduct has no outline, but I have the original FFVII/Crisis Core canon in mind as I write which informs some events.  Etc etc.  I like writing off the cuff most times unless I am v. unsure of what I’m doing.   ...also if a chapter is mostly conversation, you can near guarantee that I sat down and wrote nothing but the script for it first so it flowed and then went back to fill out descriptors.  A different kind of outline.
 complete: Tanabata Jasmine, Underdark, and a bunch of one shots.  
 in progress: Eesh.  Misconduct, Legacy, Zaibatsu Project, Snowblind.  I need to pick up the pace goddammit, Zaibatsu is closing on 150 pages and the two main leads have yet to hold a decent conversation /sobs in cyberpunk
coming soon/not yet started: Oh sure, coming “soon”, as long as you’re an Ent.  Desperation and Court of Miracles are the only two I actively have a piece written and intend to get to at some point.  They’re both TMNT.  Desperation is a story where Leo and April team up to take on a high stakes murderous mad-scientist-run labyrinth to save their friends, and Court of Miracles is an ’07 story where the remnants of the child traffickers that Leo basically murdered his way through before the movie come to New York to take vengeance, only they don’t expect there to be more than one bizarre turtle and so they end up taking Mikey instead.  Whoops.
One day I might upload the little Nami introspective I wrote or the other two OP fics I have vaguely in mind, but as they’re vague and I already have a full load, that’s a while away.
do you accept prompts: I have in the past.  I probably will again!  If people want me to write shit, they can always fling prompts at me and if I’m sufficiently intrigued I will take it up, but given my current depressed™ white noise brain that might be quite unlikely.  Himura Kenshin’s Day Off is full of weird-ass prompts because people threw me things like “There needs to be a Toys R Us and a Battousai potato head” and “Kenshin is actually a pink and purple dragon with measles” I mean, challenge fucking accepted okok.  A lot of my oneshots are based off prompts also.
upcoming story you are most excited to write: Zaibatsu Project!  Misconduct is a close second though.
tagging (no pressure!): @eggxalted, @janedrewfinally, @columbinepurples, @winnyverse, @angeldormante, @bunnymaccool ... heck, any writers on my list, do this.  I wanna see your answers.
DO NOT DESTROY THIS ONE TUMBLR (hah I wised up and wrote this in Word first so nyah.)
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aight so I have a lot of (mostly non-positive) thoughts on the new episodes of Doctor Who so lemme rant for a bit because I’ve been wanting to do this for ages.
(if you enjoyed the new episodes and liked the storyline/execution/whatever or you just don’t want to get into The Discourse TM, I wouldn’t recommend reading this post, but do what you want):
This rant is mostly for myself to rant a bit, but also to see if anyone else feels the same way, which, is kind of the point of Tumblr anyway but akshjajsa 
this isn’t an attack on Jodie as the Doctor or a “Chibnall ruined Doctor Who!!!!1″ type of post, but a measured critique on the aspects of the premiere of Series 12 that I really didn’t like.
This is only discourse on Spyfall Part 1 and Part 2, as I haven’t watched Orphan 55 yet.
Here we go.
First things first, the things I actually did like:
I actually only watched a few episodes of Series 11, so I’d just like to note I love Team TARDIS with my whole ass heart ahsjahsja they are great companions and have a great dynamic
I liked the concept of the mission they had to deal with it, even if I didn’t like the execution
Sasha Dhawan was EXCELLENT in this. The way his demeanor changes completely when he stops pretending to be O, his portrayal of the Master, everything about him here was great
The plot twist scene was great. The Doctor’s reaction, the Master’s child-like attitude and excitement, Team Tardis being confused af, it was really good from start to finish and Jodie and Sasha’s acting truly made it click. 
Jodie was also really excellent here btw. The way she portrayed the Doctor’s feeling of being frozen during the reveal scene perfectly, her finally getting to show off the Doctor’s darkness, her dynamics with the Master, her seeing Gallifrey in shambles, etc. She killed it
Ada Lovelace and Noor Inayat Khan were GREAT additions and I kinda wish they were full-time companions lmao. Also I ship Thirteen and Ada a lot tbh
The whole scene with the back-and-forth between the Doctor’s message and Graham and Graham landing the plane was hilarious. Graham used to be my least favorite new companion but I think he’s one of my faves now
Part 2 was overall much more fun than Part 1, and the characters were more entertaining as well
I mentioned this before when talking about Jodie’s acting, but seeing Thirteen finally go dark is great. I’m excited to see where this is heading towards, and from what I’ve seen, it’s gonna cause Team TARDIS some conflict, which was kind of overdue. I just really hope Chibnall can lower his ego and allow other writers to execute these concepts in ways he can’t throughout the series
I was also left genuinely intrigued by the whole Timeless Child thing and am looking forward to that so. Yeah.
Now, what I didn’t like:
First of all, it’s written by Chibnall himself and he’s the only writer. ‘Nuff said
The episode seems to take a bit too long to introduce the characters once more and show their daily lives before we get to the point or even first see the Doctor. Maybe that’s just me but idk
Like I mentioned, I like the potential of this mission. A CSI-esque episode but make it sci-fi/Doctor Who. My problem lies with the execution. It wasn’t a fun storyline, and after the Master reveal, it just feels like it’s sidelined and simply there as “oh look Doctor, you looked away and the Master started using ANOTHER alien race to get your attention AGAIN”. It didn’t feel fun either, since there was just. So much info-dumping and not enough answers. The problem isn’t that it was unoriginal, it’s that it was uninspired and boring
Not to mention the Kasaavin ended up being sidelined so much that everyone was just ??? kind of confused about them. Also I’ve seen some people say they are literally just the Cybermen 2.0 and I kind of agree
I got the vibe that “O” and Yaz were flirting and just. Ew. I do not fuck with that
Part 1 in general just felt completely boring and the storyline was so generic you could replace the conflict with literally anything else and keep the twist and it wouldn’t change a thing lol
Also, as happy as I am that we have a POC incarnation of the Master, I’m...conflicted. I am going to miss Missy a whole lot, and the Master going back to being a man is...kind of boring, but that’s not my issue. I understand that, after what happened with her, Missy might’ve given up on redemption and decided to go back to her old Master-y ways, specially with the whole Timeless Child thing, that was so traumatizing the Master felt obligated to destroy Gallifrey, BUT it feels like it just inutilizes Missy’s entire character arc during Capaldi’s run and introduces a new plot element just to make the Master go back to their old villanous ways. It’s sorta cheap
Speaking of cheap plot elements just introduced to retconn things Moffat did, we’ll get back to Gallifrey later
The scene with the Master telling the Doctor to kneel made me uncomfortable. Having Thirteen be the first female Doctor (and arguably the gayest Doctor at that) and then have the Master, her antagonist, be a man...meh. But then have him tell her to kneel and to essentially humiliate her by telling her to call him “Master”, that had my stomach a bit uneasy. Like, yeah, Simm!Doctor did much worse to Tenth, but the implications are much, much, different in this context. Idk, I personally was left uncomfortable by that scene
The Doctor turning the Master over to the N*zi officers was so, so fcking shitty like. I’m not mad at the Doctor, I’m mad at Chibnall for putting that in the fcking script. WHY DID HE THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA?????
The Doctor wiping Ada and Noor’s memories just felt so...unnecesary. Like, the Doctor has interacted with historical figures in the past and kept their memories intact (Agatha Christie comes to mind as an exception, though that was accidental). And besides, what for? Ada and Noor having memory of what happened interfered with nothing (I might be wrong on this as I kind of erased anything the Doctor said in that scene from my mind involuntarily lmfao but even so, I can’t come up with any good excuses that could be used there anyways, but if I am missing something notify me in the notes) and they don’t seem like the type to tattle about it or smth
Ah, and now we get to Gallifrey, or what I like to call, both the best and the worst example of what a retconn is. Listen, it doesn’t matter whether you liked Moffat and/or his decision to bring back Gallifrey, but you have to agree this is ridiculous. Chibnall didn’t want to have to deal with what Moffat left him with (a restored Gallifrey and the implications of that) so he had The Master just destroy Gallifrey by himself and discarded it like a chess piece, like. Am I the only one legit dumbfounded by this???? First of all, it took the Daleks an entire war to attempt to destroy Gallifrey, and they actually failed in the end, and yet the Master destroys it by himself, no stress. I legit don’t get it. Listen, I have mixed thoughts on Moffat’s decision to do so and I hate Hell Bent as much as the next person, but this is Chibnall discarding yet ANOTHER arc. That’s two arcs in one premiere. Wow. It legit sealed the deal for me that this premiere was a hot mess.
That’s it (that’s it, she says, after writing a whole essay). Again, this is not an attack on Chibnall’s Doctor Who, Jodie as the Doctor or me telling you how to feel about this episode. My opinion seems like an unpopular one from what I’ve seen but I stand by it lol. 
As a closing statement, fingers crossed that Chibnall lets other people write too this series lmfao.
(This is my first indepth critique of anything here so, hum, if you disagree, please be kind akhjahsjahs I doubt this will get much notes anyways but)
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ohlukcs · 5 years
                                                          – task 001 : ooc survey
AGE — 22
TIMEZONE — aest babey
MBTI — um i have no freakin idea except definitely introvert, i would do the test but i woke up like ten minutes ago so i am no functional enough for that rn lmao
HP HOUSE — now listen i wanted to be a ravenclaw when i was 11 so i believe i have to stick to that, based on my values and who i think i am now i think it’d be more hufflepuff but 11 yr old me wanted to be the smartest bitch around so im a ravenclaw 
ARE YOU A STUDENT? WHAT DO YOU STUDY? — i used to be, i graduated last year i studied film and television
ARE YOU ENJOYING IT? — ya! it was a lot of fun and i got to make a lot of cool stuff ! made a film that won best student horror at toronto short film festival so that was really fucking exciting
LINKS TO OTHER ACCOUNTS & SOCIAL MEDIA — im @spookyrps and on weheartit and pinterest 
DISCORD USER — im scared of bots so not gonna put the whole thing but im skelesam in the chat 
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FICTION GENRE? — horror, thriller, anything crazy and ridiculous and fun. starting to like comedies a lot now too but it really depends on how its made
TOP FIVE FAVOURITE FILMS — oh boi um booksmart, the martian, whiplash, god help the girl, and the scooby doo movie. theres a million others i could put there but im just gonna go with the first five that came to mind or else i’ll be here all day (special shoutouts: bad times at the el royale, hereditary & midsommar, the new it movies, jennifer’s body, clue, the barkley marathons, harry potter series, se7en, and the saw franchise)
A BOOK YOU FEEL “CHANGED” YOU? — the night circus by erin morgenstern
WHAT IS YOUR SIGN? — aquarius babey
ARE YOU INTO ASTROLOGY? — i dont like follow it but i do like to read up on them and use the signs to help build my characters (eg. lukas is a scorpio and drea is an aquarius too)
WHAT PLATFORMS HAVE YOU ROLEPLAYED ON? — almost exclusively tumblr but i was in a forum rp back in like 2009 or something lmao
WHAT OTHER HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE? — i do a lot of stuff based around film making, like everything from script writing/reading, production design, filming, editing, thats what i love to do. and i wanna be a gamer but i have a shit computer and very limited hand eye coordination lmaoo
HAVE ANY PETS? IF SO, TALK ABOUT THEM! —  ya ! i have a black cat named zelda who is admittedly a lil .... thicc. i love her so much and she barely tolerates me. she grooms me and my roommate bc i think she thinks she’s our mom and like she is tbh
IS THERE A TV SHOW YOU RECOMMEND A LOT? — search party, its so fucking good and funny and crazy and i love it. if u like zany comedies with a lil mystery, its really fun. big broad city vibes
ANY SHOWS YOU LIKE SOME MIGHT BE SURPRISED TO HEAR THAT YOU DO? — um i dont think so, i think i’m very predictable in my media consumption lmao
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? WOULD YOU RECOMMEND IT? — bro its been so long since i finished a book, i think it was the miseducation of cameron post by emily m danforth. idk if i would recommend it, i think it depends what ur after from a book bc this was VERY DEPRESSING and threw my little bi ass through the ringer lol
CURRENTLY READING? — jonathon van ness’ autobiography over the top: a raw journey to self love (im rlly enjoying it so far)
LAST FILM? REC IT? — not technically a film but i watched unnatural selection on netflix last night and it fucked me up and i need everyone else to watch it so i can talk about it
THREE MOVIES YOU NEED TO WATCH — gattaca bc of the unnatural selection viewing lmao, the cat and the moon to support my boi alex wolff, and knives out bc it looks so fucking good i wanna see it so bad
WHAT MOVIE DO YOU THINK YOU’VE SEEN THE MOST TIMES? — harry potter and the philospher’s stone probably. i used to watch it multiple times a year and now i watch it at least once
WHAT ALWAYS PUTS YOU IN A GOOD MOOD? — watching my fave stand up comedies lol. go tos are john mulaney and bo burnham
WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE MUSICIAN / BAND? LIST IF THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE. — all time fave is the front bottoms but a more recent fave is rex orange county
ANY PHOBIAS? — not really
DO YOU LIKE BUGS? — fuck no but i dont really lose my shit over them
BIRDS? — they can chill, except for emus fuck them
ARE YOU A CAT OR DOG PERSON? BOTH? — more cat than dog but i want a dog rlly bad
BIGGEST PET PEEVE? — being talked over/ignored lol
FAVOURITE THING ABOUT THE RPC? — that i’ve met and become friends with so many cool people from all over the world ??? like what the fuck ???
TOP TEN FAVE FCS TO USE? — i mean obv at the moment its alisha boe and alex wolff, but also love liana liberato, benedetta gargari, joe keery, really love using all the skam nl fcs, lili reinhart, oliver jackson-cohen, zoe kravitz, and probs a million more i just cant think of
FIVE YOU LIKE WRITING AGAINST? — literally all of them bye lmao
FAVOURITE TYPE OF FOOD? — i luh me some pasta ok
WORST FOOD? — seafood lol i’ve never eaten it and i probs never will
DO YOU PLAY VIDEOGAMES? IF SO, WHAT ONES AND ON WHAT PLATFORM DO YOU PREFER? —  i play a lil and wanna play more! atm i have a ps4 and i like to play a lot of like “””decision making games””” (until dawn, detroit become human, etc) but mainly i play graveyard keeper. currently saving to get a pc so i can play more
ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH THE TAG? — i said something about the barkley marathons before and i would just like to say netflix took it down recently and i haven’t recovered i feel like pure shit i just want her (the barkley marathons) back x
LASTLY, HOW DID YOU FIND US? — i follow a couple of the admins from my ooc blog and saw it was back (after never having time to join any of the other iterations of lockwood) and was like fuck it yk
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okay, y’all, i’ve gotta back on my tl;dr bullshit soapbox about something:
so, the other day, i was just mindlessly scrolling through my corporate & capitalist hellscape facebook™️ (i.e. LinkedIn) and came across this totally trite mostly bullshit meme that was shared by some corporate executive search man (whose name i decided to crop out bc eh):
Tumblr media
so i obviously agree with the last three points on this list, bc god yes my life would’ve been a bit better if I didn’t get all my dialogue about mental health only from teen mags and horrible portrayals in teen tv shows (and also this hellsite). and hell yeah everyone, and I mean EVERYONE needs to learn that failure is okay many situations (like failing a class in uni or school) bc everyone fails at something sometimes. and dealing with failure is HARD. and time management is something that I’m pretty sure everyone lies to fuckin hell about on their resume, bc lots of people really suck at it, myself included. so yeah. that needs to be taught. and i also agree with the “how to manage your health” point. bc thats becoming ever more prevalent and important with career burn out etc.
but entrepreneurship? people management? conflict resolution? creativity? how to manage money? public speaking? like y’all. three of those ARE taught/learned in school, who the fuck wrote this meme? 
for anyone who actually paid attention in maths class, (which is probably very few people outside of the top performing classes), there WAS A WHOLE FUCKING UNIT that focuses on financial maths (in australia anyway). I ignored this unit as well as maths in general at school, bc I generally hated maths and was convinced that I was somehow never going to get a job. but i remember the gist of the overall topic and its subtopics. one subtopic teaches you how to calculate your wages in various contexts (overtime, double-time and a half, holiday payments, im pretty sure maternity leave pay was jammed in somewhere? idk if other countries would have double time & a 1/2 like australia though). another subtopic teaches you how to calculate interest on bank loans and credit rates on credit cards. a third subtopic teaches you how to calculate savings (obvs in terms of discounts in shops)....im sure there was a bit about budgeting in there somewhere? im pretty sure there were some questions were about tax payments somewhere as a subtopic enrichment exercise? but you get my gist. are these not money management skills? in some sense? like if i could find one of my old maths textbooks or old maths books i’d give an example of a question, to make my point stronger. but the problem, like i said before, is that a load of people (myself included) just zone out in maths in high school and stop trying with it. they forget what they’ve learnt, and just remember how much they hated algebra and how they’ll never use it again. maths was one hell of a fucking strong bitch, guys. but maybe i’m wrong.
creativity? excuse me? have people forgotten about art classes? drama classes? english classes? music classes? need i go on? okay don’t get me wrong, most of these classes did focus a lot on memorising quotes or facts about people (artists/writers/poets/composers/dramatists etc) or specific  periods/movements in art or theatre or literature for example.... but the amazing sculptures/paintings etc people created in art for their final projects in year 12, or even in year 10 were works of their imagination. the scripts people write in drama or maybe english (if you had a fun teacher who did a screenwriting unit, for example) are creative asf. especially in year 12 when they do their major projects, where they may produce a monologue or a short movie, and then there’s a group piece. drama students might even make their own costumes for these performances. LIKE AIN’T THAT A LOT OF CREATIVITY RIGHT THERE Y’ALL????? and english. lowly old english. THEY HAVE A WHOLE FUCKING TOPIC ON CREATIVE WRITING FOR FUCKS SAKE. the original music people might create for their final projects too in year 12? does that not count as creativity? like yes, i know a lot of these things do still have to meet bs assessment criteria (especially in catholic schools, where the main things are you don’t offend the catholic education office and jesus/god lmao) to be considered worthy of a mark for your year 12 exams. but FUCK. HOW THE FUCK AREN’T ANY OF THESE SUBJECTS COUNTED TOWARDS BEING CREATIVE???????? like fuck your corporate creative ideation or w/e bullshit, Callum. drama and english even lend themselves to improvisation in some instances, like public speaking, which is examined further, below.
next, we move on to public speaking. this shit is basically taught from the first goddamn day of “show & tell” in kindy/kindergarten, and this fucker has the gall to say that it’s not fucking taught in schools? someone call in miley cyrus/hannah montana to throw the fuck down in this motherfucking hoedown BC THIS STUPID-ASS MEME-FUCKER HAS NERVE. i hated public speaking. absolutely hated it. even though it was ironically one of the places i ended up excelling in in english classes. even when i fucked up in my english speeches with like “oh, fuck.... said nelson mandela,  i’ve seem to’ve lost my palm card. wait, shit! there it is... excuse me while i pull it out of my ass. whoops, sorry miss” *bats eyes and finger guns at my year 9 english teacher who has her head in her hands and is done with my shit, while the class laughs at my gaffe* i’d still end up with like 73% or like 26/30. it was baffling. but for people who weren’t the class clown/smart alec like i was from years 7-10 (and like i actually wasn’t once i moved schools).... public speaking is like the leading cause of anxiety, right? like by the time i got to doing speeches/presentations at uni i was having panic attacks... the thought of presenting to my classes made me fucking sick with fear and anxiety. nearly every subject i did at uni (even when i tried to avoid subs with public speaking assessments) and throughout school had some type of presentation/speech whatever you want to call it project/activity in it. even fucking SPORT/PDHPE at school and even philosophy at uni. and these fuckers are saying its not taught in schools. FUCK  OFF. like yeah, i get that they actually mean it in the professional sense.... where people can give the sappy bs motivational speeches or an insightful ted-talk worthy 20-minute presentation... or a great sales pitch. but like??? save that for mike “my dad phoned in to EY and i have a job waiting for me after uni” mcfuck in a business major or law degree? or for clubs like toastmasters? fuck. ok enough of the skills we learn in school. let’s move onto the businesslike-sounding ones of “people management”, “conflict management” and fucking “entrepreneurship”. like. what the fuck? okay in some sense people management and conflict management could potentially be used in managing friendships and relationships in your personal life. but like. i can feel the business underpinnings and i dont like it lmao. like why do you want fully functioning adults straight out of school, franklin? and there’s extra credit conflict management subjects at uni??? or at least my home uni had it... and i never did them bc they were intensive courses during summer break lol. but the one that pissed me off the most was entrepreneurship. LIKE ARE KIDS NOT FUCKING ALLOWED TO BE KIDS NOW????? well  apparently: “NO! YOU MUST ALWAYS THINK OF MONEY MAKING WAYS TO BE RICH! YOU MUST BE ENTREPRENEURIAL!!!!!! YOU MUST GENERATE BUSINESS IDEAS FROM THE TIME YOU CAN FUCKIN’ WALK!!!!! AND SPEAK!!! CHILDHOOD AND BEING A TEENAGER DON’T EXIST WORKER BEE!!!! CAPITALISM FOR ALL!!!! WORKER BEES!!! CAPITALISM IS YOUR FRIEND!!! OWN A BUSINESS BY THE TIME YOU’RE 8 YEARS OLD!” like it’s insidious asf. and it doesn’t acknowledge that most entrepreneurs are already privileged people anyway, who usually have some type of money to start off their venture (or that’s what it feels like anyway). and yeah throw all the “THIS BOY IS AN ENTREPRENEUR AT 18!!! 18!!!???? BY STARTING HIS OWN BUSINESS AT 12!!!! WHAT A CHAMP! 😁🙃” clickbait news stories at me, but i don’t fucking care. the concept and perceived over-importance and almost preaching mindset of entrepreneurship is slowly becoming insidious and toxic asf. call me paranoid. but that’s what it feels like.
but with those last three topics, i want to make a point that school curriculum’s (in australia at least, and probably worldwide) are so jam-packed already with sport (which is pointless and shitty), geography (ok how to read maps is important, but i never bothered to learned to do it properly), history, science, english etc etc etc..... that like.... where the actual fuck are the gonna jam the above bs (people management”, “conflict management” and entrepreneurship) into the curriculum???? and also teachers are already over-worked enough as it is, they don’t need another load of shitty subjects pushed onto them. and they sure asf don’t earn enough (especially in the states) to have this bs pushed into their subject schedules either. keep them at uni, where they should be. or just in the workplace/in the general public where they belong. and if people suggest that you could probably push these subjects into the year 11/12 business studies programs or elective commerce courses in years 9/10, save your goddamn breath. like i remember looking at business studies hsc papers in years 11/12 to see what they did.... and it was pretty chock-a-block anyway. and my experience of my year 9 commerce was horrible, to say the least. let kids be kids, for fucks sake. they shouldn’t have to be fully functioning adults in the workplace, by the end of high school, for fucks sake. AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS NOT AN ESSENTIAL SKILL????!!!! FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIT, WILHELM. anyway. that’s my rant over about how i hate how corporate people are trying to be #relatablewiththeyouth🙃 with their shitty versions of “10 things i wish we learned in school” memes.... and failing.... without realising that this is why millennials are suspicious and cynical about meme usage by corporate people/corporations.
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