#[Consider this blog abandoned but im still alive and well]
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
{I'm alive and have moved blogs. FNaF fell out of my interest, and instead the new brain rot became like four things at once, so I made a new multi fandom multimuse blog on @medleyofthepast
@angeletteofmusic has been moved there as well. These guys will likely not. My current focus is on Mega Man atm, but maybe they'll come back there as well.}
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Creative Masterpost
i decided to recompile all my creative endeavors for ease of reference and as a quick presentation card to anyone who discovers me and might want to know more of the bullshit i get up to.
in here you’ll find DRAWINGS, VIDEOS, WRITING and even MUSIC!
*Unbeknownst to men.
you can visit the native art blog i have on this website with an unpronouncable name because back hen i was more concerned with cultivating an aesthetic than a brand and i still am! some interesting tags to look for specifically on this blog: Animation, comic, fanart,4chan,OC.
*Disregarding reality
within this very same website you can also go to my semi abandoned webcomic, a project that i somehow managed to keep alive for three years and where i’ll still very occassionally dump a new quick comic that the muses dropped on my head. i would reccomend to focus on the Story Arcs tab in that blog as the most effective way to navigate that comic since many of the links are broken ever since the titty ban of 2018. and if that fails as well there is always the archive
finally, if you want a slicker, more modern, more distilled and in line with modern social networks experience, i do have an instagram, purely for art and maybe the occassional ego boosting photo
a repository, made by some kind anon, collecting all my works that i made for the 4chan tan project where each board in 4chan gets an antropomorphic representation/character/avatar. i focused exclusively on /co/ the comics and cartoons board, also known as Conrad. WARNING: it is 4chan so, yeah, there is a lot of ugly stuff there and i think someone misgendered me there but it is the solely existing repository of those works i did (most of which i was convinced were lost) so you take the good with the bad.
id be remiss not to cap off this section with a link to my comission info if after seeing all this you decide you want some of this for your own, shaped to your particular needs and demands. im essentially always free to work on something, im am punctillious about my work and i deliver reasonably fast, depending on how much work i might have at a given time which is never too much.
my youtube channel filled with miscellaneous projects, demo reels, vlogs, stream VODs, animations and weird in-jokes.
more specifically in youtube, if you want to cut the fat you can go watch this small comedy mini series of animatics about a teenage transgirl dealing with the problems of being out and proud in her own unique shitty way
*Archive of Our Own
the main repository of any literary fiction i create. For the most part composed of original works. there is only one finished novel there, a bunch of incomplete ones, a bunch of short stories and three pieces of fan fiction regarding Steven universe, Ward and Pale
mainly my non-fic thoughts on the art of literary creation. it is rich of me to believe i have anything to contribute considering i never published anything and i barely managed to finish two novels and a couple of novellas, all of the shitty but hey, i like to consider myself an insightful person and one does not need to be a chef to talk about their favourite dishes.
a basic dump of the stumbling steps i made on the world of musical creation, mainly acapella works of original musical ideas i came up with or silly mashups that i thought were funny. there is a lot of extraneous garbage here, works from other artists that i liked, bad jokes and shitpost and i am still incredibly proud of all of it.
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Abandoned amusement part for spooky locale prompt
Oooh, thank you for sending this. I love this idea, by the way. One thing came to mind when I got this and that was that I wonder how this would play out in the Walking Dead universe . So, hope you don’t mind! I hope you like this. I also hope it���s actually worth a shit. The idea came to me like this so I went all in with it. And I really, really enjoyed doing it. FYI, I almost went with AHS:Freak Show, but yeah..
I enjoyed doing this, again. Thank you for sending it.
[ send a character name / spooky scenario and location and I’ll write a drabble about it ]
uhh.. An OC of mine, Evie Grimes has been revamped. And she may or may not be a little out there in some ways... Like.. Too much. Idk. Lots of swearing. Mentions of gunshots. Me, dicking around with my own alternate universes and what actually took place on the series.... Again, lol.
** off the top of my head, these are the only people I could think might even want a tag.. If you wanna be tagged in my writing on this blog pls see the tag doc link below. Or tell me.]
[ masterlist - about page - tag doc ]
My lungs burned but I didn’t dare stop. A chain link fence stood between me and my doom and without thinking, I scaled the fence right as a decayed hand raised and very nearly got hold of the heel of my biker boot. I kicked free and tumbled down onto the other side.
I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t turn back. Give the finger to the horde of zombies I’d been outrunning. Probably wasn’t the smartest idea I’ve ever had, but... I did it. After turning away from the horde and moving quickly past a tattered and worn red and white striped tent close to me, I crouched down and started to work on reloading my gun. Once I got that reloaded, I reached behind me and produced my bow, making sure I still had a few arrows left in my quiver. Satisfied that I had my gun loaded and I hadn’t used all my arrows yet, I took a second or two to catch my breath.
The smell of smoke hung heavily in the air and I noticed it then... The flickering light over by an older model pop up camper. “What the hell?” the words came in a quiet gasp because I still hadn’t gotten my breath back completely yet, but curious as to who else might have taken cover in this empty amusement park, I made my way over to the source of light.
This was probably my first -and biggest, mistake. Before I even got halfway across the amusement park, I felt the cold metal of a gun barrel against the back of my skull.
“Where th’ hell you think yer goin, huh? You the reason them damn Walkers are lingerin outside the gate right now?” - that voice.. There was something so familiar about it. Take away the coldness and the anger in the tone and I’d almost swear on my life I’d heard the man currently speaking before. On numerous occasions.
“First of all, lower your fucking weapon.” I tried to stay calm as I said it. The man standing behind me chuckled. “You’re dumb if ya think I’m gon just put down my weapon. How do I know you ain’t with Rick’s group... Or that other sumbitch, Negan?”
And then, it clicked. Shane Walsh. My former childhood crush. My brother’s best friend and former partner at King County PD. ,, it can’t be. he died. Rick told you exactly what happened that night before you got separated...”
“I said... Lower your goddamn gun.” I repeated myself. “If you’d just let me turn around, you fucking idiot, you’d know exactly why I’m not the enemy. Now you on the other hand... You’re supposed to fucking be dead.”
I could hear him shuffle his feet. Clearing his throat. I didn’t have to be looking at him to know that my assessment shocked him. And yeah, parts of me were wondering if he’d put two and two together on his end of it all yet. Given what I remember about Shane, it’s highly doubtful. Man was kind of a meathead like that.
So it shocked me when he muttered in a quiet and shocked tone, “Evie? ‘At you?”
“Lower your gun and let me turn around and you’ll find out, meathead.” I retorted, tapping a heavy sole against the pavement and shivering at the chill in the air. He lowered the gun as I asked and I turned around, coming face to face with him.
Given what my brother told me before I went my seperate way from his little group, I had a lot of understandable concerns. So the first thing I did was to pull out my Bowie knife and hold it at his throat. He swallowed hard, eyeing me in confusion. “What th’ fuck?”
“Well, you’re alive when Rick saw you die with his own two eyes. Carl told me he shot you to make sure you didn’t come back. So... Until I know you’re not going batshit feral on me and attempting to eat my brains, I’m gonna have to keep this right here. You understand, yeah?”
“Evie, put the goddamn knife down. Carl didn’t finish me off, first of all. He tried but he couldn’t. I told ‘im to tell everybody that. Left and went my own way. Been stayin here, “ he swept his arm towards a particularly creepy clown mouth shaped entrance to a nearby funhouse and met my gaze to continue, “Since. Thangs were goin swell. Til you bought the fuckin Walkers right to my gate.”
He rolled his eyes in irritation and I fumed at him angrily. As I considered the story he presented, I held the knife exactly where I’d put it. A smirk formed as he suggested with a smug tone, “What, you want me to strip down and show ya I ain’t one of ‘em? Because darlin, I wouldn’t mind that one bit.”
“Oh I bet you wouldn’t, you colossal ass... But we have bigger problems right now. I wasn’t just running from those undead shitbags outside... I may or may not have pissed off that Negan guy you mentioned. I may or may not have set fire to some shit... Stolen some things. And he may or may not have been chasin me.”
“Woman, what the everlovin fuck?”
“Look. I went there, determined to get my goddamn revenge, okay? He... He killed someone I... I really cared about them. Then all that shit with my brother and his people and Negan.”
Headlights cut through the darkened night and I grumbled. I could hear Negan’s boys whooping and hollering and I gulped, taking a deep breath. “I’m gonna lower the knife. But if I even think you’re one of those zombies, Walsh, I swear to God. I’ll kill you in your sleep and I won’t think twice.”
“Fair enough... Guessin this ain’t because you’re feelin generous.”
“No. We’re about to be up to our asses in hillbilly dumb fucks. I can’t take ‘em alone.” I hated admitting I needed his help for anything, it left a sour taste in my mouth.
And his smug smirk didn’t help at all, either.
“First ‘f all, let’s get to higher ground. There’s a control tower back around where you came crashin over the fence at. If we get higher, we can see ‘em. And all my guns and shit are up top.”
I nodded and I didn’t waste any time, crouching amongst the tents. I passed the battered bumper cars attraction and I froze in place when I heard the shuffle-groan-shuffle heading our way. My heart started to race and my stomach jumped clear into my throat. I couldn’t move, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself it was move or get my ass eaten alive. I could hear the trucks getting closer too and that didn’t help. Gunfire was starting to fill the night. This was not a good situation, not by any stretch.
Shane ran up, grabbing me up by my hips, hauling me over his shoulders just as Negan’s vehicle came crashing through the back gate.
“Woman, you brought more trouble than y’ might be worth, y’ know that?”
“Less bitching, Walsh.. More getting us to higher ground.” I muttered as Shane stood me on my own feet and I scrambled up the stairs leading to a control tower. Once we were inside, Shane threw a heavy machine in front of the door and knelt down, loading up his Mossberg.
And outside, the shuffling and groaning got closer. The sounds of revving engines and the sound of bullets echoed through the night.
All I know is I’m not getting a good feeling about tonight, not even slightly.....
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Race prompt? Easy. The dork convinces some of the gang to go to an abandoned hospital to go ghost hunting. He proceeds to annoy them all and taunt the ghosts and do everything Davey says *not* to do. (aka he acts like Shane from Buzzfeed Unsolved)
oh HELL yeah babey
no editing we die like men
also jack and race are brothers in this but that’s p obvious
“Let’s make bets on who’s gonna die first. C’mon, put ‘em up.”
Davey smacked Race’s outstretched hand. “We’re not gonna die,” he hissed. “And even if we do, it’d be your fault anyway. This was your idea.”
“But you still came, didn’t you?” Race said, grinning like the Chesire Cat. Jack, who had been talking in low voices with Sarah and Elmer, jogged to catch up with them and threw an arm around Race’s neck.
“Yeah, ‘cause none of us wanted to be the ones to tell Medda that your little punk self died exploring an abandoned hospital,” Jack said.
“Where’d you even find this place?” Davey said. He pulled out his phone for the fourth time in the last five minutes, holding it up in some hopeless attempt to connect with the outside world. “I don’t even have any service.”
“That’s what makes it haunted,” Race said, eyebrows wiggling. “If we die, no one’ll ever know. The ghosts are the kids that came here before us and never made it out alive.” They passed a shattered window, broken glass decorating the musty floor, and a breeze swept in from the cold air outside. Race stopped in his tracks and his grin got wider.
“You feel that?” he said. “That’s not air, Dave. Safe to say you just walked through a kid that died here ten years ago.”
An involuntary shudder crept up Davey’s spine. He wasn’t scared, per say, but he would admit to being slightly annoyed, slightly worried from the ghost stories Race had been telling as they walked down the hallway.
“Well, at least Elmer’s got that ghost-trackin’ app,” Jack said. “Good thing it doesn’t need service, or else we’d probably be dead by now.”
“Yeah,” Davey said dryly. “Lucky us.”
“Hey, Elmo,” Race called over his shoulder. “What’s your app say about that dead kid we just walked through?”
“It didn’t pick anything up,” Elmer said, and Davey couldn’t help his smug smile when Race scowled. “But there’s a cold spot up ahead, and… oh, shit.”
“What?” Davey said, turning around. “What is it?”“Um…” Elmer frowned and punched something into his phone. “I dunno, it says the thing’s getting closer.”“I don’t see anything,” Davey said, squinting down the corridor.
“Well, duh. It’s a ghost.”
“Oh, silly me,” Davey muttered to himself. “Race, I seriously think we should turn around. We’re not gonna find anything, and Medda’s gonna start worryin’ about you and…”
He trailed off when he turned around and met Race’s eyes when there should have been two pairs looking back at him.
“Where’d Jack go?”
“He’s right…”
Race looked over his shoulder.
“… not here.”
“Guys? Sarah’s gone too.”Sure enough, at Elmer’s words, Davey and Race turned around in unison and found Elmer standing alone in the hallway.
“Okay, this is weird.” Davey spun on Race and poked him in the chest. “Race, if you’re tryin’ to scare us, you should seriously just consider tellin’ more of those ghost stories inste-”“I’m not!” Race said vehemently, backing up a few feet and wincing as his foot hit a creaky floorboard. “Listen, if they die or somethin’, I’ll be the one to tell Katherine that her girlfriend’s dead and Medda about Jack. Promise.”“Yeah, well then we’ll have three dead bodies on our hands.”“Guys, my tracker is picking something up.” Elmer shuffled forward and ducked under Race’s arm, holding his phone up to Davey’s eyes. “Maybe it’s Sarah and Jack?”
“Why would your ghost tracker pick Sarah and Jack up?”“Maybe they’re already dead.”Davey found that suggestion very, very unnecessary, and he rounded on Race with a glare more fit for Medusa. But before he could open his mouth or smack Race upside the head, a door creaked open on their left and he, Race, and Elmer spun around.
Race pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight. “Hey, ghost!” he yelled, voice echoing off the high, crumbling ceiling. “Come and get a piece of me! Do it, no balls!”
Elmer stepped forward too, and Davey debated dragging them both backwards. Then, a touch as light as a feather brushed his arm, and he jumped forward to join them. “I felt something,” he said, gripping Race and Elmer’s shoulders. “We need to get somewhere safe and find Jack and Sarah.”
Race frowned, but he looked halfway towards agreeing with him. “How are we gonna -”Two pairs of icy cold hands gripped Davey’s bare arm and clenched the thin fabric of Race’s shirt, and they both screamed.
“What the hell!?” Race shouted, falling back into Davey’s arms. Davey caught him under the armpits. “Shit, Elmer, you were right, fuck, we gotta get the hell out of he-”That’s when Elmer and two other disembodied voices started to laugh. And as it turned out, those two disembodied voices were Sarah and Jack, trying and failing to contain themselves from falling over on the floor in laughter.
Race had a much easier time processing what happened, and he jumped out of Davey’s arms with a furious expression on his face. “Hey, what the hell was that for!?” he demanded. “I take you into my home, I appreciate you, I take you on my adventures, and this is the thanks I get?”
“Okay, first of all,” Jack said, bent over and gasping for breath. “You didn’t take us into your good Christian home, don’t play yourself. You brought us to an abandoned hospital.”
“And ‘that,’ was for bringing us to said hospital,” Sarah said, propping her elbow up on Jack’s shoulder. “You’re welcome!”“And you were in on it?” Race said, wheeling on Elmer.
“Yep!” Elmer said. He held up his phone. “I wasn’t checking my ghost-tracker, I was recording it! Don’t worry, I’ll send it to the group chat as soon as we get our service back.”“You’re on thin ice, kid,” Race said. “Thought you were on my side! We binged Buzzfeed Unsolved together, you traitor!”“Yeah, but it was funny.”
Race looked about two seconds away from jumping him, and Davey put a hand on his arm and tugged him away.
“Let’s go home,” Davey said. “On the bright side, we aren’t bringin’ any dead bodies home.”
“Says you,” Jack said, pulling Race into a headlock and ruffling his hair. “Wait ‘til Medda finds out we were here and it was all this kid’s idea.”
“Hey, I only said I’d do that if you and Sarah were dead.”
“Yeah, well, we’re not gonna be the dead ones by the end of this.”
@booksbroadwayandbagels @tis-my-cigar @harrynerd-blog @seizetheimagines @juliet-the-smol @got-the-east-side @i-got-personality @internalscreaming012 @voice-foundshoe-lost @capncrutch @thatfancyclam @jjjudeshitposts @orphan-with-a-stutter @disney-princess-sized @perpetualbedheadspier @bexlynne @we-dont-sell-papes @the-woild-is-my-what-now @you-thinks-wrong-romeo @pitiful-ambitions @purplelittlepup @imjusttheoutgoingsidekick @damn-too-many-fandoms @savory-n-sweet @thedolanspineapple @racescoronas@awwwwwwdang @bencookisagod @carryingthedaveyjacobs @disasterbisexualhere @maiawakening @racetrackcook @aw-jus-let-em-try @suddenly-im-respecsable @the-dance-boi @jessmuell25 @intoomanyfandomstopickaname @be-more-chill-evan-hansen @marcusisaprettygay @tomscaprisun @seasickdolphin @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @papesdontsellthemselves @narniasfinestavengingsociopath @findmeintheafterglow
#davey jacobs#racetrack higgins#jack kelly#sarah jacobs#elmer kasprzak#newsies#newsies fic#my writing#is this maybe probably ooc? yes#but i'm tired#and i'm trying my best#which i think should be taken into consideration
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~pretends to be on anon~ so, ive noticed that you have some werewolves/ animal shapshifters on your roster. Are they all part of a bigger story/do any of their stories cross paths etc? Are there any that shouldn't cross paths ( a la enemy packs, omegas, etc) any support groups for my werefolk and the like?
curious (not-so)-anons / accepting / @eye-demon
thanks for your question!!! and what a great question this is, in fact :// i do have a bulk of werefolk and animal shapeshifters and all around people with some kind of connection to animals or an animal, and it’s not a coincidence at all. i’ve been thinking about why this is a lot, lately, and it might be because it’s something i definitely enjoy exploring, not just for the straightfoward aspects of it (the cool powers, the nifty animal forms) but for the symbolism as well. i see these kinds of characters as an interesting way to explore duality and inner conflict and intense emotions. in the event that i happened to write a book featuring any of these characters, you could probably, just as easily, read this ability of theirs as an analogy (or maybe an extension) for much more “real” issues (such as anger, grief and abandonment problems) that they have going on in their lives. and it would be a perfectly valid interpretation. i’ll probably talk about this more coherently at some later point, but i just wanted to share this since it’s an interesting – and very recent – realization i’ve had. at this point, im sure it makes zero sense tbh.
to actually answer your question, a lot of these characters know each other one way or another, while some others are connected only incidentally. the reyes family is the one i talk about most frequently on this blog. they’re werepumas, a species whose lore is unique to me and to this blog, and that i made with the desire to make something that could be like the werewolf, but (in my eyes) better, since it’s more personal to the american (particularly, the south american) experience, the way the werewolf stems from european folklore. the puma is an animal unique to the americas, and so the werepuma is a species unique to this continent. the reyes in particular have a very interesting story that im still polishing the details on, but it has a lot to do with their special position in the supernatural landscape as one of the bloodlines for this very rare species that are still prominent and very much alive. the reyes are a big family, and so it includes characters that aren’t werepumas, such as saul, the adopted child of one of marcelo’s aunts and so a cousin. saul was raised amongst people that aren’t from his species and that shows in his mannerisms and the way he carries himself, and while his upbringing was great it also pushed him into trying to become part of a pack later down the line, just because, just to try to see what it’d be like. enter the predators pack, a group ive had for a long time too. saul belongs in the new york chapter, led by domingo. there’s a conflict there, for sure, even if the reyes and the predators keep a cordial relationship. pumas are very territorial and wolves don’t stay behind (the species don’t normally like each other) and so there’s bound to be some tensions over the perceived “theft”. nevertheless, the tensions will eventually resolve once the predators’ intentions are made clear. at the end of the day, the reyes are just protective of saul.
that’s just one of the most prominent examples that connects a lot of my characters in some level. there’s other connections, like the fact logan is dating one of jerome’s cousins, and so is in turn connected to marcelo in some level, but their relationship is vague if not non-existant. charles, being a mutant, tends to exist on a different verse than the rest of the supernatural characters, and has in fact a werewolf verse where he is part of the predators pack, as a beta (he is also related to jackson, and the beckett siblings, who lead the mother chapter of the predators, in kentucky). and then there’s the nueva religión verse, which is a gang verse involving primarily werefelines, and it includes joaquin, who is not so much a werejaguar as he is a god first conceived to have a jaguar shape, and who only later on developed a human form. he’s kind of similar to fenrir in that way, but i made joaquin before i considered writing fenrir. in the NR verse they could feasibly interact tho, since it’s kind of american gods-esque in the sense that all gods exist at once.
i don’t know if ludo would count as a shapeshifter. he is a minotaur which is a problem on its own right, but it does have an animal somethin’ so it should be also worth mentioning that he not only connects to red but to marcelo, except it’s only through marcelo’s maternal family (who are criminals ludo does regular business with) and his paternal family too (since ludo buys chichí from them to use in various weapons for supernatural creatures).
as for people that shouldn’t cross paths… they kind of have neutral to positive relationships when they’re connected, so it’s hard to say. i do have garrett, who is part of logan’s background and just an evil werewolf all around. needless to say if he tried to fuck with either the reyes or the predators’ business he and his mess of a pack would be Obliterated.
#meta.#answered ooc.#i link more than a clickbait article :/#sdkjhdkdj i have a lot to say.... i got a lot of werefolk#eye-demon
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I just wanted to thank you so much for contributing to the fandom even while the show is so many years old. I just recently discovered durarara this summer and it was incredible, one of the best animes I've watched so far. Thanks for keeping the show alive and stay awesome! ❤️❤️❤️
You’re making me blush here! We’re actually kind of on the same boat, though! It could besaid that I recently discovered the masterpiece that is DRRR!!, too.Originally, I stumbled across the show the very year it was released as ananime, 2010 if I’m not mistaken. And I just saw how it blew up. Everyone wastalking about Durarara!!, everyone was cosplaying Durarara!! and it seemed likesuch a big deal that I thought to myself ‘Alright, I could give it a go as well.’ SoI did. And I honestly couldn’t find what was it that made the show soattractive to all the people around me. The only part that stood out to me wasthat big revelation of Masaomi being the leader of Yellow Scarves and that wasit! It was a cool moment, hands down, yet I couldn’t understand people’s…almost worshiping-tendencies to DRRR!! (How ironic, considering my sold-soul tothe show atm). And I had no doubt that there has to be something to the show and I’m just not getting it, because how could it gain such a popularityotherwise. I desperately wanted to like the show but I couldn’t find it in me. T H E N, fast forward eight years to 2018. I’m spending oneof my high quality past-midnight evenings browsing through YouTube. To be specific- and make it even more quality - browsing through WatchMojo videos and there’sthis video titled something along the words ‘Top 10 Animes You Need toWatch’. I click on it and then, among all the other shows, there’s Durarara!!. Fully knowing that that’s the show I never quite managed to fall for, I vaguarely rellaced that I’ve seen some of my Facebook friends’ posts about new seasons it got, so I’mthinking to myself yet again ‘Alright, i could give it another chance. Maybe justrewatch the first season and see if I feel like watching the rest.’Cut to the part where it’s exactly three days after I madethis decision. I’m curled in my sheets, my laptop a weight in my lap, my own hand clasped over my mouth trying - and faiiling - to muffle the sobs and hiccups while the finalcredits of the last episode of Ketsu roll and I find myself absolutely in lovewith the show I just binge-watched. And I just know and understand what is it that creates this unbreakable bond between Durarara!! and the viewer. And since I’m the type to share whatever made an impact on mewith the rest of the world, I’m abandoning and turning my previoustumblr inactive, finding myself setting up tumblr entirely dedicated to the show that just has stolen my heart.I can hardly describe how happy I’m that there are stillpeople who deem the show as fascinating as I do! Of course, there are othershows I love, but with DRRR!! it’s just whole another level. Once I found outthere are novels and mangas I just poured various entire salaries in purchasing every one available and I don’t regret it one bit! I’m just (im)patiently waiting for therest of the novels and mangas to be released (if they ever release English translation of Standing Ovation and Sunset I might just die) so I can immediately buy them andread them the very first day I get my hands on them. I’m so glad you like my blog and I genuinely hope you’ll keepcoming back to this little DRRR!! place I created. Which wouldn’t bepossible with all the wonderful fanarts and posts all over tumblr. I’d say thatpeople who create art and pretty much anything DRRR-related are the ones whoreally deserve a huge thank for allowing me to keep this blog alive! I̶'̶d̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶r̶i̶b̶u̶t̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶̶f̶a̶n̶d̶o̶m̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶a̶i̶r̶l̶y̶ ̶v̶a̶l̶u̶a̶b̶l̶e̶̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶g̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶t̶i̶c̶k̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶̶o̶c̶c̶a̶s̶i̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶m̶e̶s̶,̶ ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶l̶y̶.̶ Thank you for such a lovely message! It’s gestures like thesethat make me even happier and more motivated to keep this blog going! We can’t possibly let this fandom die! For me it truly is that one in a milion. ♡
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The Sundown Crew’s rp plotting cheat-sheet
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Dee OOC Contact: Tumblr IM
Who the heck is/are my muse(s) anyway:
In the main crew, we have Sammy, a nerdy ghoul boi who is the embodiment of Samhain (of the Celtic calendar) and Guardian of the Veil; Nightshade, his soul-sister and cat-turned-human witchy familiar; and last but not least Axel, the sadistic, cannibal crow mythos who’s only interested in revenge and fucking people (up).
They’re all super old and supernatural and 2/3 are always happy to meet new people!
Points of interest:
Samhain & Nightshade: guarding the Veil, keeping the balance, protecting innocent humans and mythos alike, adventuring and exploring new places, meeting people and learning new things. Sammy enjoys reading, treasure-hunting and getting lost in his research. Nightshade enjoys cooking, eating, listening to music, and keeping up with the latest memes.
Axel: looking for the biggest, baddest, toughest rivals he can fight to the death with, enjoys challenges, exploring new places, witnessing genocides and mass-murders, causing genocides and mass-murders, fucking people (up) psychologically and physically.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Samhain & Nightshade: their work and responsibilities as Guardians of the Veil. Though the Veil is at its thinnest during Hallow’s Eve (31st Oct), they work 24/7 by hunting malicious spirits and whatever dangerous creatures threatening both humans and mythos that are already existing in the world. When not on the job, they’re either out sight-seeing and visiting friends or chilling at home. They also run a small business from home by making potions, charms and selling spells or rare ingredients. Merchants and traveling caravans often stop by their place so they always have a lot of stock to trade.
Axel: whatever the fuck he wants. Mostly spends his time hunting down prey in the human world, or spreading his wings and exploring new and faraway lands/dimensions. He’s still on his quest to journey to Hell and get his revenge on the demoness who killed his whole family. Always easier said than done, but he’s patient and he plays the long game better than anyone.
Where to find them:
The crew live on an abandoned, magickal island called Sundown. Geographically, it’s somewhere up in Northern Ireland but can’t be marked on any human map. It was magickal long before any of them settled there and because of its supernatural properties, it can hide itself from the naked eye. At the same time the island and its forests are connected to every labyrinth, maze and neck of the woods across worlds and dimensions.
Samhain is always saying that the island has a mind of its own and likes to spirit people away, regardless if their living or dead. People either end up in Sundown when they least expect it, or because it’s where they’re supposed to go.
While you can easily find Samhain and Nightshade at home, Axel can’t stay cooped up in once place too long and travels all over the place. When he’s not hunting, he escapes to the quiet of the wild or the bustling big cities.
Current plans:
The narrative starts with Samhain and Nightshade already experts in their fields and doing their jobs as Guardians of the Veil, and continues with them helping Axel achieve his goal of ultimate payback. The timeline for this blog is infinite after that because I haven’t quite figured out the endgame for anything just yet. Which is why any plot that involves Axel killing Ketele, getting his heart back, and even Nightshade’s life after Samhain’s death, is considered an AU.
In terms of plans for this blog, I’m still working on things so that they can fall into place and serve as proper material for a comic. Once I’ve gotten all my ideas sorted out, those AUs might probably not stay AUs and end up being one huge main timeline.
Desired interactions:
I’d love more threads that explore the darker side of Samhain, whether it’s in the Mainverse or in any of the AUs where he’s not his usual, warm, friendly self or where he’s morally grey. Which is why I love writing him in his criminal verses! Some of my faves are: - Pirate AU: He’s the first-mate and quartermaster who has the gift of ‘Sight’ but he’s as pirate as they come. - Green Eyed Devil: Human-Ghoul hybrid bandit whose crew would do almost anything for money. - Mobprince AU: Classy and more reserved, the quiet but bloodthirsty type. I’ve always been a fan of mobs/gangs/syndicates. - Dark!Samhain: Angsty, overpowered hermit. I rarely get opportunities to write him in this verse which is a shame because I’d like to develop it more.
Nightshade’s all fun and games but once in a while, it’d be refreshing for Nightshade to do a serious thread. Like maybe deal with heavier, more sensitive topics. I’ve emphasized how she’s seen the same amount of horror Samhain has seen but comes out more mentally resilient in comparison, so I’d really like to explore that more about her. I also feel like she hasn’t been able to really connect with anyone as a real friend?? Idk how to explain it but like, I feel like she just floats between different muses and she’s so friendly with everyone, it’s hard to pinpoint whether there is a real connection between them or if it’s just Nightshade being...Nightshade? It’s none of my partners’ faults BTW! I’m reminding me to fix that about myself and how I write her.
Speaking of darker topics, I don’t mind pushing the boundaries when it comes to Axel as long as it doesn’t make anyone uncomfortable. I used to write some disturbing shit with him back in the day (like he broke into a drug lord’s flat and killed everyone in it so he could use it as his personal nest, killed and ate two police officers who were investigating the break-in, mutilated, tortured and ate a rapist alive after catching him in the act etc.). But the partners I used to write with are long gone and I feel like Axel needs to get back into the game again.
Offered interactions:
All of the above as well as anything else from my list of AUs! As mentioned on the page, that list is not the TOTAL list of AUs I’ve got. Some are just really small and still in development, and not enough to justify getting a spot on that list. Honestly, I’m open to plotting and coming up with more AUs so if you’ve got an idea, just hmu! I’ve also got a tag for ‘au ideas’ so you can browse there too if you like and tell me if anything strikes your fancy~
Current open post/s:
I don’t make open posts or starters. I prefer writing starters once my partner and I have something in mind and we’ve plotted enough to go about it.
Anything else?:
Though the blog is advertised as a WEEKEND blog (cus I work 9-5 on weekdays), I am usually lurking online thanks to mobile and will answer IMs when free. I don’t like replying to threads on mobile so I’ll usually reply on the weekends. Unless I’m busy that weekend, then sometimes I change up the rules and reply on a Friday or whenever I’m able.
When I reply to threads, I like to release a bunch at a time and then I’ll tag my partners so that they can see how many threads I’ve replied to out of the total count, like so! The total count often changes because we could have dropped threads in between, or partners go on hiatus and they get moved from ‘ongoing’ to ‘cold’ threads. Because of this, I have a threads page which I try my best to update.
Tagged by Stolen from: @bengalisms
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So like I promised I’d say this as well and basically to get to the bottom of that we have to go back to my Fallout 3 muse. John Hudson, a Lone Wanderer blog I made cause damn I love Fallout.
Rest is under a readmore this is also long
Somewhere down the line I decided I’d try something, and basically ended up doing a crossover with a bunch of dbz blogs, some of you are still around C:
It was fun honestly playing as this normal human who yes is very strong and powerful, in his own world. But bring him into the DBZ side of things and even people like Yamcha can probably beat him up tbh. Unless he gets the drop and a laser rifle can actually kill someone in this universe. I guess it depends on if the laser rifle is as strong as like that beam gun that Frieza mook used. He had a name but I can’t remember.
More importantly though he’s also in a world that never suffered like his, his world has basically nothing green left and tbh? You could consider it a dead world. Meanwhile the Earth in DBZ is very alive, very very alive. It even has fucking dinosaurs so there’s that. Mass Effect was another neat crossover for the possibilities cause Earth is doomed in there too. But MOVING ON
I can’t remember when but somewhere down the line I totally read Dragonball Multiverse and also wanted to do a DBZ blog. My first idea was an oc from the DBM. I wanted to make an Earthling from that one Universe 9, cause I really loved the idea behind it. It was the one with the really strong Earthlings and like Videl had a Z-Sword and all that. I had nice little thing going that he was the youngest and so definitely not the strongest there, but had been training and all that. Basically he saw the Z-Warriors or whatever the hell they call themselves as like... idols? They were so strong and saved the world so many times he wanted to be just like them. He also had a crush on Videl cause damn she tough. ANYWAY somewhere down the line I decided, maybe I could do 3 blogs I don’t know. So yeah, Gohan happened. Well next I had to decide on a main verse and there was at that time a LOT of pre-teen Gohans and so I wanted to do something more rare cause it could be fun! So I chose Gohan from Super. Most of my first icons are all from like RoF since he pops up in it so much and DAMN is it nice looking. It was just a test and very quickly I found out I REALLY REALLY love rping as Gohan and the oc got abandoned. Sometime later I also added the high school verse cause I needed icons for that Danganronpa crossover.
I just remembered yeah I had two choices I was thinking of either doing an OC or Gohan and I wasn’t sure which cause I was VERY nervous about doing a good job with Gohan, like I’m not even kidding on how nervous I was since he is a canon character and I can’t help it I want to make sure I do justice. The Gohan thing I’m 90% certain started out as a test and uh let’s just say it turned into what you see now. But back onto this history lesson.
Somewhere down the line a certain Videl popped up, and heey our first thread and it ended up being in the high school/buu verse and is a training thread that’s still going now. Well now I started getting questions aimed at that verse and so I gathered more and more icons for it. I also of course got the asks for Super related stuff and so I kinda had a split between stuff for Super and stuff for Buu saga.
Oh and then comes the Great Saiyaman threads and I gathered tons of stuff for it, this is where that one moment with a Jaco pops up where they get into a posing competition and aaah such a good memory! Around this time was lots of dash silliness tbh.
But yeah I did a lot of Buu saga stuff with Gohan, especially pre-Buu.
OH and somewhere down this line I also did a thing with kid Gohan and when I say kid Gohan were talking like before he even fights Nappa and all that cause he was such a little cutie. I haven’t done it in forever, that verse, but it was fun.
Once again you can blame ferocitus, heartyrice aind winny for this. Those nerds are part of who definitely convinced me to go through with this B)
I’m also throwing love at chiaki-mun littlegxmergirl who i know disappeared or well the blog I mean, but yes cute af ship but also for opening my eyes to an awesome setting in DR. The crossover (although I’ve been lazy ;-;) has been amazing. <33
ALSO YOU vIDEL YOU KNOW HWO YOU ARE stxbbornwarrior I grabbed so many icons in part due to our threads I’m sure and it definitely jumpstarted my high school verse stuff <3
Adding to this also sweetgokuroll and genkixdama as well as chichisboobs and oxdriven like you guys were/are great okay. I loved the interactions when I first started out <33 :)
Literally have been droppin urls so i might as well continue hahaha but aah I’m drawin blanks im sleepy er... god i cant think of anyone else and this is already long af I hope this all covers it :)
#ooc#and now I'm at 620 something followers#and I've had this blog for almost half a year maybe#this has honestly been my most active blog as well as with the highest follower count#it's interesting to say the least#this whole journey has been outstanding
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long time no see huh? yeah it would be fair to at least to give u an excuse for abandoning this blog well it is my blog i fill it whenever i please and i abandon it whenever i wish to right? hehehe it is funny that i feel even my way of writing has changed since last time u see? i read mostly english books which upgrade only my english creativity in writing and shuts down everything else well it does not have to do all that however u better know me at this level or u perhaps don’t it does not strike me honestly i might feel moved but hmmmm i think I'm worth being impressed by hehehe idk maybe in my own world im my own hero well let’s get to the heart to it yes it been what 5 or 6 months since i wrote something fairly long yes i agree but let me inform u that this was not in my attention i like to write and share ideas ALL THE TIME and those who know me very well would say the same however there are multiple reasons why i didn’t typed anything the last days well as u might know I'm engineering student yes i do numbers and yeah i think my sight is weaken a little bit now I'm writing this w font that’s bigger than my heart and clearer than my future heheheheh just because I'm not wearing my glasses okay friend let’s talk about everything i didn’t share w u last months i read some books i wouldn’t say many how ever i read some that are useful and i halfway kept my word also I'm watching best documentaries series rn and i’d love to recommend them to u plus i have been listening to some VERY MEGA GOOD MUISC i’ll share this too i’ll tell u some stories in the end okay i think now we outlined this post let’s get to the bone heheheh okay first i’ll tell u about books bc you now what’s better than books to cuddle or to speak w or to be inspired by? i can’t imagine doing all these things w one person or from one thing first book is
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life BY Scott Adam
this book id written by cartoonist telling you how to learn for many failures in ur life and use them in your advantage also he tells many stories about his career life and how to maintain and habit successful people’s life style i really enjoyed this book very much and learned useful things there is very important thing i’d like to point out here about what he said i think it is very true he said that having unfixable schedule might kill your creativity and desire to create things or accomplish anything really i can see that for example when i have to study or work on project i literally hate when im entailed to do something i just don’t like to be told what i should do or not this is really bugs me and stresses me very much this lead me to avoid any work that would push me to follow orders or just to what I'm told to do this makes me offended actually and kills my ideas i hate to be limited by anything this maybe explain my grades at school hehehehe anyhow READ IT it is like hearing useful tips from someone who is older and much experienced i always think that old people are really treasure u can take shortcuts and finding meaning and wisdom just by listening to those who lived before u. now let’s head to next book which i have read a long time ago but re-read it idk why i just forgot what’s was about also i was fool and young i couldn’t just understand. second book is
Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom
it is a book about a dying teacher and student and meaning of life this book is v emotional and very easy and short to read i felt like Morrie is was my teacher too and i cried this let me recommend to you also another book about dying professor too and his massage to his children which isThe Last Lecture BY Randy Pausch I read it last year i believe it is very good book i apologize in advance for the tears u will be pouring after reading these two hehehehe let’s move on i read also first book of raven boys check it out now im in process of reading the second one. that all what i read. now let me tell you about some good documentaries i have watched first if u are a person like me who always searching about what does it mean to have a passion on making certain things like drawing or writing or programming or designing what is that thing that let people work like crazy w/o limitations or get tried of it u must watch
Chife’s Table
it is a series about chiefs from around the world talking about one this passion of cooking and art. i can’t tell you much u just have to watch rn. the other series is also about Art and artists it is also fun to watch and get some energy fromsome times before i go to school i watch one ep to energize me up i like watching or reading about people doing what they love
Abstarct: The art of Design
every episode is about a different designer and his or her way of thinking about things in order to make them alive i can’t tell you more u have to watch it and tell me what u think. the other movie which is documentary also is
The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
it is about Hayao Miyazaki if u don’t know how is Miyazaki im really ashamed of youjust kidding hehehehehe look it up friend.
now my favorite ending let’s talk about music i just realize how much i appreciate Art and music i can’t tell you how much of my life is around this area i don’t consider myself a writer pre say tbh honest although i like expressing thoughts no matter if they are cheerful or depressing i just like to see words is that what u like me to tell you?yeah i know my writing is sucks but i just like hitting this keyboard avoiding interactions w other humans i just like to praise my thoughts hehehehe idk honestly i just feel i have to see my thoughts in physical way to respect them more i can’t tell you about what im experiencing bc u will never understand me and this is not bc of u personally oh no friend it is bc of me im really odd person as u might noticed i built a relationship here w u just by calling u my dear reader a friend truth to be told i appreciate anyone reading my posts no matter what even if they don’t know me or me don’t know them it is enough for me to know that someone out there took time and effort to read this very bad post this bc of that i thought to myself that l have to treat those who are interested in my ideas in special way than others just let me clarify i only assume that u are interested in this im not positive u could be reading this for any reason but i like to think that u are my dear reader are intersected because that keep me happy heheheheh anyhow music yes music is the background of all u see here music is the soul of my day i listen to music everyday i learned many things from music currently im strongly into twenty one pilots aka a constant heart attack just pick any song by them and listen to it u will be cursed forever w fondness of them. end of post be productive be alert to opportunities and remember dark hours and essential for meaningful life!!!!!!
im sorry that i didn’t make any room for my personal stories if u like me to tel u just tell me and i i’ll make sure to make another post. For now bye.
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