#[Character: Ketsuroshi]
@ofthemountainshrine | continued
“Sure.” He says, barely focused on the person, a bit distracted by the rope now back in their possession. He’d seen the item fall and commented without much immediate notice of what it was. But now that it was closer, his curiosity is piqued.
He brings a finger up to his chin and leans closer. “Is it something important?”
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Art by @its42kio
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Art by @pink-mheelu
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Art by @claiai
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Art by @the-handsome-cat
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Art by DaytimeDarling
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Art by Woohoorandom
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Art by Morning554
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@peachblossomsonoceanwaves | continued
His ears perk up at the threat and he hops backwards to avoid getting his head sliced off just yet.
“.........” After a long pause, he lets out a small yip and tilts his head to the side.
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i’m killing someone, hold please. [Ainelinn to Ketsuroshi]
critical role sentence starters !!!
“How can I hold when there’s so clearly a story in there somewhere?” He does nothing to break pace, keeping his steps just behind hers, hopefully not too close behind that he ends up as a ‘someone’ to whom she had previously been referring.
“You can’t say words like ‘someone’ or ‘something’ around me.” He offers the advice before continuing to pry. “I’d need details. So tell me, who is it you’ve got a grudge against, hmm? Or do I have to keep following to find out?”
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☾ for Ketsuroshi
Character Development Time 2.0
☾ - sleep headcanon
Ketsuroshi’s sleep schedule is essentially nonexistent. Foxes are naturally more nocturnal, but his close interactions with human society mean he needs to be up during the day. So he naps mostly anytime that is convenient, but he is partial towards sleeping in patches of sunlight in the early morning.
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Character Development Time
send ⛈️ for a sadness headcanon
Tanwen and Hovo are probably the most open with their feelings when they’re sad. Tanwen in particular will cry over just about anything (like she’s probably seen a dead bird on the road and cried about it), and really doesn’t care who sees. Meanwhile Hovo kind of always looks sad anyways, so there’s not much he’d be able to do to hide it.
Conversely, Elio is the best at disguising his sadness (and other emotions, for that matter). He is expected to maintain professionalism at all times, and that means his own emotions take a backseat to his work as the prince and heir to a kingdom.
Ketsuroshi is the type to compartmentalize. This means as long as he keeps himself super busy at all times, he can forget anything he’s upset about. So he’s not really hiding it or expressing it. He’s just not letting himself feel it.
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❝ I’d wondered why all the birds had suddenly stopped singing. ❞ (Andrew @ anyone)
“Don’t you know? It’s because the hunters are out tonight.” Ketsuroshi, who had been sitting quietly in his fox form, makes a point of fanning out his tails.
“I wonder if you’re one of them? Judging by the lack of embellishments you carry, probably not. But that begs the question: what are you doing out so late?”
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📂 📂 📂 📂 Hotaru, Ketsurochi, Hiroshi and Ishiro please
Useless Headcanon Hours!
Hotaru is more tolerant than most Japanese people to both lactose and alcohol. She doesn’t actually drink, but she would definitely like cheese if it ever found its way to her.
Ketsuroshi is allergic to bees and will look even poofier than usual if stung.
Hiroshi doesn’t follow typical eating patterns. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are basically a myth for him. He’ll eat whatever he feels like eating at anytime in the day. His main cook is exhausted.
Ishiro loves apples. Especially more sour ones. He would also eat a lemon whole.
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Oh look it's riki
Oh look, he’s gonna kill him.
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KEtsu's sister gay
Confused fox noises???
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