#[ᴏᴏᴄ. ┃ ┄ ᴀ ?ᴇᴀ? ?ꜱ ꜱᴘᴇᴀᴋ???.]
kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
Sorry loves. I’m coming down with something and it’s making it hard for me to even sit up straight let alone be on my computer ;;
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
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D-did I say over 400? I meant... haha....
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
But whenever Mammon is strung up no one bothers to help him. Levi gets strung up and Mammon gets him down after a few minutes.
He also thought Levi didn’t get the Ruri-Chan tickets and felt bad and went as far to get him a gift to cheer him up thinking he would be devestated.
Mammon is such a good fucking brother
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
I think a lot about Lucifer and how, if Lilith hadn’t been injured or if Lucifer hadn’t let down his pride that day how he would probably taken over the devildom and made it his kingdom.
He’s an archangel so he literally has a lot of power. Power be probably holds back on a daily basis. I feel like even in the stories when he’s really mad it’s only half of what he can really do and show.
I also think about how Lucifer has lost his way. Belphie mentions it a lot how Lucifer isn’t who he used to be. And I think it’s something all his brothers have noticed and mentioned from time to time. Lucifer rebelled, he got a lot of followers. We know the obvious outcome but the point is I feel like Lucifer’s relationship with diavolo kind of clouds who he really is also?
He’s been serving diavolo since his fall, I doubt he would know what to do if he wasn’t serving diavolo. Like seriously, take away diavolo and what is he? I doubt he could give you an answer that was confident. Lucifer rebelled because he didn’t what was happening in heaven, he spoke out against it. Refused to bow to anyone. And yet he bows to diavolo.
I don’t think Lucifer really thinks for himself anymore. I mean when he confronted Diavolo it wasn’t with confidence, he spoke a bit sternly and then added the ‘please’ after. Like he didn’t storm in there like ‘give me my brother’ like I would expect from someone of Lucifer’s power. Like I get where Belphie is coming from. They followed Lucifer because he didn’t take things from other people, he spoke for himself and he had view points they all agreed with.
After they fell, it’s make very apparent how all the brothers see that change in Lucifer. Not to say that makes Diavolo bad, not at all. But I feel like, at least for my Lucifer, he’s struggling to find himself and his inner power of that makes sense.
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
Leona is actually quite sensitive to certain scents. There are kinds that will make him dizzy or just downright give him a headache.
Certain perfumes can also irritate his nose. I imagine him fanning Vil or something when he wears something Leona hates djsjsjsj
Vil has his own repel potion 😭😂
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
Tempted to make everyone slow dance with Leona
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
Leona is a menance and I’m sorry for those who come in contact with him 😭😂
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
Cowboys are sexy. Ya’ll are wEAK
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
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BEAMS. I just need Asmo and I’ll have a UR of every brother 💖💖💖
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
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Me when @queensconquest says not to encourage something
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
As much as I love the demon bro’s—- there is no more beautiful demon than Sesshoumaru 😭😭
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
Bleh... so because I haven’t been feeling well, I might be possible DKA. I need to check key tones here in a minute AKA pee on a stick
But because of my diabetes they want me tested for convid so I’ll be doing that today. Fun fun stuff 😩
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
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Someone posted this on Facebook AND IM CRYING
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kiingsroar-moved · 4 years
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My attempt at a Cleopatra design ~
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