#[[but i picked this one cuz it's the most iconic -w- ]]
sieglinde-freud · 5 months
Can I get you started on the derailment of Duncan and Courtney?
what is this, a total drama vent blog now? but yeah you can :) under cut
i think the derailment of courtney is like five thousand times more annoying than duncan but that might j be bc i dont really like duncan (hes fine in island, kinda boring in action (didnt deserve his win idgaf that shouldve been harold there. yes im still mad lindsay went home instead of him in rock n rule), and the entirety of that mid section of world tour just revolving around him and the stupid love triangle drama is SO annoying. and then he makes final five FOR WHAT??? FOR WHAT???? im sick of his ass. what was i talking about. right) but either way theyre both two very major characters so its just really sad to see them both fall victim to horrible characterization? cuz you start in island right and in general island is a lot more grounded than the other seasons and leans more into the fact that theyre all 2000’s teenage stereotypes so in island theyre just the good ol cliche good girl/bad boy couple its iconic, its cute, WAY more entertaining than gwent (but they get a pass cuz gwen was basically the main character of that season. u go girl. go get that bag AND that boring wet dog man) and its just nice. courtney shows signs of being controlling but for the most part duncan’s attitude gets courtney to loosen up a bit and have fun and courtney made duncan a better person.
and then action happens and then courtney is like. rightfully mad she got screwed out of the season after harold gets her kicked off and no one gaf but its like. you can see where this could go and it doesnt look great. not much happens for duncan except he gets more insufferable bc they didnt give him any friends this season? unlike when he geoff and dj to bounce off of now he just picks fights with harold and the other gaffers which IS funny but. basically action is where the red flags start being put up. their relationship is. fine. like i liked it at the time but knowing where it heads is upsetting. anyways
then u get to world tour and theyre close to their island dynamic again (with the exception of gwen being there…) but then duncan quits first episode which i think was actually a great choice bc of how courtney finally gets to stand on her own as a character without him (i actually really like duncney. but her character was always tied to him in some way yk?) and make her own friends and it was looking great! until i see london and everything goes to shit. dude comes back, cheats on courtney, and then everyone on that god forsaken plane gets involved. first of all, ISLAND DUNCAN WOULD NEVER??? no fucking way. not even action duncan. dude was HOOKED on her crazy ass. AND FOR GWEN?!?! who has never been the same since island but thats a different thing. but they had literally zero romantic chemistry. all they have in common is that theyre both alt kids. NOT EVEN THE SAME KIND OF ALTERNATIVE! just alt. ugh. and then courtney gets sent into a spiral which, is a valid reaction to getting cheated on i do not blame her. and w/ someone you thought was ur friend like i GET IT. and i am on her side. but then her character goes back to ONLY EVER BEING ABOUT DUNCAN except this time its how much she hates him and her character just. pauses! she doesnt go anywhere else from i see london until shes eliminated inn… what was it. chinese fakeout? like shes just a hater who makes zero meaningful relationships aside from getting played by alejandro and shes just. like its just. its not good. and to know that any of this only happened bc the producers forced a duncney break up. girl sit DOWNNN
and then all stars just tramples them even more. since when has duncan ever gave a shit what people think of him? jojo siwa acting ass with this “im a bad boy!1!!!!” act island duncan would never. and then courtney. ohh courtney. she got flushed down a toilet force feeding herself ice cream with bird shit on it. all i gotta say (but also. nerfed bc she literally has an iron stomach in chinese fake out. whatever)
i still love them though. well, i love courtney. duncans alright but still neither of them deserved any of that
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I prefer to use metacritic over RT for the reason anon listed below. Still, there were several critics that rated it 0/10 with some saying it was unwatchable and a waste, and almost all critics watched it through the lens of “famous blockbuster actor with a huge following tries something new” which is wrong if you’re familiar with his pre Spider-man work. I think some critics went into watching that show looking for reasons to dislike it.
… “The Beach” has a 21% RT score and 53 metacritic score, and I desperately need Tom to see that score because that movie is not perfect but deserved MUCH better. Leo was hugely typecast after Titanic (which I think is his real gripe w superhero/blockbuster movies). Titanic released in 1997 and Leo didn’t have a critical hit until 2002 Catch Me if You Can, and that was a Spielberg film.
At the end of the day, Leo’s most famous role will always be Jack Dawson. It’s the role most “normal” people will always associate him with, but now he’s done enough movies opposite of Jack’s character people take him seriously.
You're right, I'll have to check out Metacritic more often. I'm so used to always looking on RT or IMDB lol.
Anyway......Great points about Leo DiCaprio Anon. 👍🏾 I know he's referred back to that time and how crazy it was for him in many various interviews over the years. And YES, I think that's probably one of the main reasons why Leo advises young actors against doing superhero films. He probably saw himself how the largely popular and successful "Titanic" role really probably stifled him career-wise for years. 🥴
I just think it's hard period for younger actors who have done such an iconic role, to really break free from that, because ppl like to pigeon-hole actors (and just ppl in general) ALL the time. 😒🙄
It may take a few years, but I definitely foresee Tom breaking out of the superhero "bubble" that it seems some in Hollywood have put him in. And don't think that Tom is the only one who's going through this. Actor Chris Evans (Captain America) gets typecast and stereotyped all the time due to his previous Marvel role. Why do you think he was okay with hanging up the suit? 👀
Honestly? Leo doing CMIYC was probably the best thing he could have done for his career. I could see Tom doing a role like that honestly. He certainly has the charisma to pull it off! 😉
I actually think that Tom's career is perfectly fine tbh, and I love how diverse his filmography is! I'm sure he will be called one of our great leading actors in the future.... mark my words.
If I were to give Tom any type of advice career-wise to get over this "period" however (not that he needs my advice on anything.... cuz who am I but just a fan? Lol 🤭 😆), it would be to:
Take a little bit of a break from the mentally-taxing/mentally-troubled roles for a little while. You can still show people that you're a great actor, that you're naturally gifted, and MORE than just "Spider-man" without doing dark/edgy/mentally-taxing roles 😔 I think the Fred Astaire biopic is a perfect choice for example 😌👌🏾 Especially since he will be able to finally showcase a talent he's had since he was a kid onscreen!
Do some lighter roles that showcase more of his natural charisma (and maybe even humor) 😌👌🏾
Take on a few roles that showcase him using his regular English accent
Don't pick roles based on "gut feelings or emotions".... pick roles more strategically and analytically (I know he said he hates doing that lol 😄) based on a GOOD SCRIPT, a great cast, and/or an awesome director, with a storyline that interests him👍🏾
Do an ensemble film again (kind of like TDATT) where he's not the main focus of the film, but a very important part of the storyline along with other well-acclaimed actors. Ensemble films are GREAT. And the entire film (or its success) isn't ALL on your shoulders.
And finally (and I know this will make some fans angry lol 😆), but if I were him, I would actually not return to the Spidey role for another 4 years 👀 Can't Sony still keep their rights to the Spidey character if they just keep making another animated Miles Morales film for a little while? 👀
Anyway, that would be my personal advice! 🤷🏾‍♀️
But hey, I'm nobody but a casual observer, so my advice could be crap for all I know rofl 🤣 But from the outside looking in, this is the direction that I would go if I were in his position. 😊
I think the thing that frustrates me the most with Tom and critics trying to pigeonhole him, is the fact that if they ever watched Tom's EARLIER films prior to Spiderman, they would see that Tom was really more of an indie actor!
The problem is, people either never saw his earlier films, OR, they never really paid much attention to him, so when SM HOCO came out, THAT became the barometer that they used to judge him and his acting 🙄, when in reality, they should be taking his entire filmography as a whole into consideration imo.
Anyway, let me stop with this dissertation lol..
Great points Anon 👍🏾
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rivangel · 2 years
wait does the manga shed more light on levi's thoughts/feelings the moment kenny dies/the moments after he's dead? (i haven't read the manga and only watched the anime)
this is gonna be a much bigger response than kenny .i have been thinking/saying this for ages but i hate wit for cutting out so much characterization of multiple characters in s3p1, including levi's. historia's character arc was also more interesting in the manga. one thing the anime leaves out is the whole entire reason historia wants to punch levi. it isnt just cuz mikasa told her to lol. it's because he got angry when it was revealed after torturing sannes that she had to be queen and she refused. panels!!
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this is basically the whole scene. i think it is one of the most important scenes where we learn about levi and his point of view. i have no idea how the anime could go without it.
later, reeves is killed and before he dies, he tells historia to be more understanding of levi and calls him an "awkward yet kind man" or smth to that effect lmao. reason being, levi and reeves had a one on one talk where, basically in exchange for reeves' manpower and loyalty, the survey corps would protect his business. those were levi's conditions, the last one being access to his business's expense teas LMAO. tumblr only lets me post 10 images per post but i'll rb it if someone asks.
the 104th resent levi for the historia situation after a few days pass and theyre basically staking out stohess and talking abt what levi said about being willing to kill ppl in order to fight the titans. MIKASA and kinda Armin are the only ones who defend Levi. here's a funny panel:
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and another example of levi's dry humor that we missed:
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JHFIURHUR ok ok when kenny kills reeves, we missed THIS panel. kenny asks reeves about levi while reeves is secretly working with the survery corps:
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like!!!! CMON
and yes, EVEN during that iconic levi kenny battle, anime watchers missed out on stuff. missing scene when levi ends up in the bar:
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theyre so petty LMAO
after that, it's the same convo about how they'd both do anything as long as it benefited them.
overall kenny and levi's relationship isn't VASTLY left out of the anime. kenny's talk w grandpa ackerman (which fun fact, isayama just drew an older version of levi for that character) and a look at how he picked levi up is basically the same. however i think these small moments are very important, and it was criminal to leave out.
finally to answer ur question, around kenny's death, it's adapted perfectly i think, and leaves nothing out of their last conversation.
there are other things, like more details that make historia's arc in that season more interesting, as well as conversations that bring light to levi and erwin's relationship, but im out of pictures lol
tldr: i think even if u have no interest in the manga and have watched the whole anime, u NEED to read this arc of the manga (ch50-70ish) if u want the whole story.
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ambreiiigns · 2 years
hey ì know someone asked a rec list for non slasher horrors (which i can't find anymore help??) but i also wanted to ask for a rec list of slasher movies? mostly cuz i don't wanna scroll down your blog everytime i wanna watch a movie and want recs, i'd like a list that i can save somewhere and look at if you don't mind
hello you should be able to find the ask you're talking abt in my ask tag ?!?!? i just made sure i didn't forget to tag it or that it didn't disappear and it is there so. ye just check the ask tag it's in there :^)
i imagine that. if you're asking this. you're not bothered by like gore and shit but still u might wanna be careful w some of these ... just in case ..... always good to check up yk .... u can always shoot me another ask if you don't wanna google the movy lest you get spoilered but ye. just saying
also i'll be doing this 1. assuming that you have never seen a slasher movy ever so sorry if i rec some classics u might have seen and 2. the order is done Vaguely according to which slasher as a character i like more. so u might get something in the top 5 that has a cool character but is a shite movy. doubt it'll happen but i am warning you <3 also ideally i am putting EVERYTHING i have watched so far in this list so BUCKLE UP
texas chainsaw massacre my fucking beloved the mother of slasher movies everything to me bubba leatherface sawyer my fucking BABY coolest character ever if u think abt him for a second. i beg you to not take the movies Or the character at face value even tho it is fine and fun and valid to do that. you don't have to watch the whole franchise bc some of them. are absolute shit. but the first two are a MUST and the two-parts reboot from the 2000s is fine too
black christmas 1974 i do suggest you skip the other two but if you Really want more of it there's a real cool novelization on the internet that i ate up in one sitting. billy's the coolest character bc he's by nature unknowable but if you listen to him & pick up on the implications you actually know virtually anything there is to know abt him and he's interesting as hell. also maybe one of the two or three movies that kinda disturbed me bc some phonecalls just make my stomach turn <3
nightmare on elm street BOOOO FREDDY KRUEGER STINKIEST GUY IN THE WORLD I ADORE HIM SOOOOOO MUCH FUUUUCK REVOLUTIONARY ICONIC FRANCHISE. I LOVE A SUPERNATURAL ELEMENT IN A SLASHER. GOT MY SECOND FAVORITE FINAL GIRL. I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH WORDS ABT HOW GOOD THE MOVIES ARE BUT FREDDY'S ALSO SUCH AN ICONIC SHOW STEALING CHARACTER OBVIOUSLY like he is the worst he's the fuckin. my god. he's. what can you even SAY ABT HIM HE'S THE BEST!!!! you know what i mean he just is unparalleled. fuckin great concept fuckin funniest bitch on the block WHILE SCARY AS HELL like he has got everything and i love him
we're getting close to february so my heart is telling me to put my bloody valentine high on the list. the canadians always put something special in their slashers idk. it might feel slow and unassuming but i actually love it and i love how much it focuses on the characters. i beg you try to find the longer version that didn't cut out the kills bc it's got some of the most fun kills i've seen. there's a bit of a mystery.. a bit of a twist... that i love so much.... and harry warden is like the ONE bitch who has never done anything wrong i support him forever working class ICON HARRY WARDEN I LOVE YOU!!!!!
the firefly trilogy and by this i mean house of 1000 corpses and the devil's rejects you Can ignore three from hell. i know technically rejects is the superior movy but there is nothing to me that compares to the bullshit and fuckery of corpses. it feels like what i imagine an acid trip is like and it's the perfect effect. it was supposed to be a haunted house attraction on some amusement park and it RETAINS that energy of just walking in fucked up room after fucked up room. yea it's just. the best to me. and it's got the BALLS to treat the slashers as the main characters and i LOVE them so MUCH the firefly family is EVERYTHING TO ME you might be fooled into thinking otis is the main guy but i'm only kept alive by the infinite love i hold in my heart for baby firefly my beloved
carrie NOT QUITE A SLASHER I KNOW BUT SHE DID KILL LIKE. 70 PEOPLE OR SOMETHING SO I WOULD ARGUE SHE DESERVES A SPOT?? obviously ICONIC MOVIE ICONIC CHARACTER THERE IS NOTHING I NEED TO SAY ABT IT. we support her rights and her wrongs IF there were any wrongs. she's my beloved she's a great character and we've all been there innit. no one needs me to elaborate on why carrie's cool she just is. she's got magic powers. she's got mommy issues and religious trauma. period will unlock something otherworldly and evil inside of you. everyone loves a good sympathetic ""villain"" which i hesitate to call her. carrie's just the best thing
friday the 13th had to be up high innit. if the chainsaw is the mother the friday is the poster child i truly think nothing else embodies slasher as a genre more than ft13th. it sucks so bad. it was so cheap for so long even tho it was instantly iconic. it LOOKS cheap and iconic. i love pam i love jason i love violence motivated by love and revenge i have no notes it's just thee perfect slasher franchise not the best not my favorite but the quintessence of the genre
the boy 2016 it's BARELY a slasher i just include it as a treat and uhh. actually i can't say anything else bc i risk spoiling it but. brahms' cool. pls watch the movie without looking up anything. and if you've seen me post abt it already and i already spoiled it for you i am so sorry
behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon everyone should watch behind the mask it deserves the world it deserves a sequel i love it so much leslie is one of the most fun slashers ever if only bc w the nature of the movie you get to know him so well and he's so fun and likeable and charming but when he gets into it he's pretty convincing. it's insane. he's great and the movie's so fun and original i cannot recommend it enough
creep is insaaaane insane insane insane once again barely a slasher but it's one of the most. movies of all time. an Experience. especially the first one. in some ways the slasher here is kinda like billy in that he's unknowable but you love him anyway. it's creative and original and reminds me of behind the mask and it's just honestly Honestly one of my favorites and i love this fuckin guy too
candyman god god god god. in the same vein of nightmare i love a slasher w some supernatural fuckery goin on. also congrats on being one of the very few franchises that got a sequel late in the 2010s that was GREAT. the other sequels aren't bad either tbh they just get weird but they're all a good watch. and the character mr candyman himself he's the beeeest he's in the never did anything wrong category he hashtag saves the bees he's charming and romantic he's got magic powers he's the most stunning man in the history of horror movies easily everything abt candyman's great and he's a great character w a slapping origin story
uhhh scream. sure. you know how uhhh i don't know if it's a spoiler but. the nature of ghostface. makes it hard to care abt him as a character. ifyky. so. i can't put it any higher if i'm ranking based on character. but obviously syd's the focus and she's great and the movies are worth watching forever and always they're wonderful and i think they're holding up well even w the recent sequels
martin 1977 this movy. not Quite a slasher but close enough. the movie's been described as a long character study so you can imagine the main character's enjoyable and you spend a lot of time w him and you get to know him but at the same time you're not really sure you understand what's going on??? he's just a little guy. he's just a scared lonely little vampire guy. i love him and the movie's so underrated it makes me boil w rage
slumber party massacre. don't judge the franchise based on the first movy bc while that's just Fine on its own shit really picks up from the second one. you will never see something like spm2 in your life and you will never find a slasher guy more fun or more iconic or more cunty than the driller killer the love of my fuckin life he's got EASILY the coolest weapon out of ANY of these guys YES. BEATS FREDDY'S GLOVE TOO. and he SINGS AND PUTS HIS WHOLE PUSSY INTO THE PERFORMANCE I JUST CAN'T EVEN PUT INTO WORDS HOW INSANE THIS MOVIE IS
prom night. oh my god. Similarly to slumber party massacre. the first movie's fine if not a bit forgettable. but the second one is what really Matters. prom night 2 has been perfectly described as a mix of nightmare and carrie and it just slaps so so hard. mary lou is incredibly fun and i think she deserved to do everything she did i support her rights and most importantly her wrongs
sleepaway camp it's insane how much i love sleepaway camp but it's one of those movies that you might uh. wanna be careful with? the twist ending to the first movie is kinda infamous and idk some might be a bit. upset by it. feel free to ask for details but. ye i think all four movies are great even tho 2&3 kinda go off the trail and 4 has Nothing to do w them. i love. both versions of The Slasher who i won't name to avoid spoiling it but i love love love love this slasher so so much once again i support the rights And wrongs (which do not exist) of this slasher and it's got some of the most Fun kills you'll ever see w STELLAR bad special effects which are the love of my life
silent night deadly night SLAAAAY this movie's fucked up. it's so brave. look up some cws the inciting incident might be upsetting. it's the second christmas slasher w a killer named billy. this billy has (sing along if you know it) Done Nothing Wrong! he's my little baby have you seen him little face!! he's doing his best! he's my poor little meow meow! he does some super fun kills! i only watched the first two so far and the second's kinda shitty and the others seem to be Weird (derogatory) and i'm not sure abt the 2000s remake i'll update you when i get there but the first one's a fun time
house of wax 2005 boyfriend type of movie i love when the bad guy is a Family i wish we got another movy abt those guys or smth it's a. a fun movie. it's very 2000s. helena's in the end credits. sam supernatural is there. it's one of those movies you can't say too much abt without spoiling who the slashers are even tho it's not good enough to make it worth keeping the secretsbfjakfk JK but i Love them and how they operate <3 real creative artistic activity going on in there! slay!
freaky 2020. instant fave instant classic a very successful recent slasher that keeps the charm of vintage ones imo. i'm down bad for the butcher but i can't rank him higher om account of we don't actually see much Of him due to. the whole Thing abt the movie. the main plot point. he seems like he's a pretty standard slasher big quiet scary dude type so whatever. points for being middle aged and kinda hot
the collector. ummm. really interesting movies. more of a home invasion (first one at least) but it's gorey enough. i like it a lot. the slasher guy is the only one who Kinda scares me simply on account of his mask is absolutely fucked up i hate it i hate it gets under my skin but he's such a creecher i love him. his eyes shine for NO reason. he likes bugs. he's very creative and committed. my bestie
laid to rest Insane Fucking Movies What On Earth. What The Fuck. so bad. shitty ass movies. love them to death. would never watch them again. maybe i'm repetitive but i really mean it this time the kills in this movies???? easily my favorite thing abt them but also easily some of the best kills in this list tbh they're worth watching just for the kills. the slasher guy here is.. confusing... i don't understand him i don't know what's going on... but his mask is cool his name is cool he works on his brand and his Image and i can respect that. reblog to slap his bald head
halloween. yeah. fuck the halloween franchise all my homies don't care for it the movies AND most importantly the killer do next to nothing for me michael myers is thee embodiment of go girl give us nothing not even rob zombie could do anything for her i always love laurie and jamie more than any other thing that happens but like i guess you could watch it if u got nothing else to do lol. lmao. but whatever you do. skip the 6th one
i know what you did last summer OK LISTEN. I LOVE IT ACTUALLY. not the third one i don't know what that its but I LOVE THE FIRST TWO THEY ABSOLUTELY SLAY AND SERVE BUT NAME ONE. I SAY ONE (1) MORE IRRELEVANT AND FORGETTABLE SLASHER THAN THE FISHER GUY. they're a super fun watch that no one should miss out on but they really didn't do SHIT for the slasher guy
honorable mention for chucky the short king i'd place him like right next to freddy but unfort i haven't watched child's play yet on account of having seen so many of them growing up and remembering them well enough that i don't feel like i'm missing out by procrastinating. who does it like chucky. but even more importantly. who does it like tiffany the show stealer tiffany valentine
other honorable mention just bc she's so new to the gang but PEARL????? i THINK she should be added to everyone's slasher list. she's a queen an icon a legend i always need more slashers who are girls i love a good origin story she's got a fuckin pet gator she's so talented i love love love her so much SO MUCH
third honorable mention bc saw is not a slasher but it requires to be mentioned. cool franchise but i'd place it like right after halloween in a ranking based on main slasher bc IF we consider john jigsaw kramer A Slasher then he'd be low bc i fucking hate him so much. light yagami kinda bitch. who do you think you are. i don't hate him for The Crimes obviously i love the crimes! i respect the crimes! i HATE the. arrogance and entitlement of thinking You Know Better and you deserve to choose who deserves to live or die bc what? you had a bad time once? boohoo. suck my dick forever. amanda on the other hand? in this house we love amanda young more than anything else in the world
alright i'm done this is the end i think i have gathered together All the slashers i've ever watched or close. you're welcome i hope this is useful i hope it's like. at least fun to read since i went off the rails. it was fun to write ! so thank you for giving me the chance Lmao. lowkey blushing and kicking my feet thinking someone goes thru my blog just to pick a movie to watch twirls hair in fingers
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ask-hws-singapore · 3 years
hi singapore! ik that a big part of our culture is our education system, so could you tell us which school you went to?
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“For the record, I didn’t actually attend any schools because...I’m not human? In a sense, I’ve been to all of them, but I feel like they’d most preferred it if I went to Raffles Institute. It’s in the name I guess.”
Singapore has a collection of all the school shirts, every single one of them. Some of them he just wears casually because they’re just really comfortable. And there’re others he doesn’t wear anymore, for reasons. (we don’t talk about the National University of Singapore and Ngee Ann Polytechnic shirts) 
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tearsofgrace · 4 years
endings are hard... but they aren’t impossible
tldr; the good place fucking nailed the finale, supernatural completely and utterly bombed it.
tags: wc--4.5k, gif heavy, spn meta, the good place, supernatural finale, spn wank, all gifs are mine, if you read til the end there’s a pretty gif
so i recently finished the good place (i was watching w my family and we finally had time to sit down and watch the last season) and god fucking dammit that ending is FLAWLESS. literally flawless. 
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and because i’m, well, me… i spent most of the time during that hour long finale thinking about how supernatural could have had even a fraction of that and avoided so much heartbreak. 
anyways. i decided to compare them. to REALLY compare them. to get into the nitty gritty of why the fuck the good place ending left me feeling, as the finale is all about, sated and complete. and why the spn ending left me confused, lost, broken, betrayed, unable to even enjoy my comfort show at all until a dear friend finally just watched an episode (8.08) start to finish with me. 
so without further ado (always wanted to say that) here’s the good place/supernatural finale meta that no one asked for
we’ll start small. both these shows have excellent comedy. in extremely different ways… but still
in the good place finale, the comedy was perfect. whether it was jason reappearing in the forest, michael trying to get through The Door, tahani reversing the “hot bod” bit on eleanor, every comedic moment was actually pretty emotional and added something to the show. they deepened characters’ meanings, added to their relationships, and made the audience think as much as they made the audience laugh.
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in the spn finale… the comedy was the pie gag. the whole sam shoving pie into dean’s face. beyond this being… like meta as hell (the whole prank thing) it doesn’t have any depth to it.
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and to add salt to the wound, this “hilarious” thing happens RIGHT AFTER salmondean have a conversation about missing jack and cas that is equal parts flat and infuriating. the brothers, in particular sam about jack and dean about cas, should care more. this is their family. and family is everything to them. but, no, by all means pie dean in the face.
last lines
this one IRKS me. okay. 
the last line of the good place  "I'll say this to you, my friend, with all the love in my heart and all the wisdom of the universe: Take it sleazy.” “All right.”  is ICONIC. okay?
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it’s a reference to season 1 that doesn’t feel fan-servicey. it’s kinda honestly emotional cuz it’s like a message to us, the audience. it perfectly completes michael’s arc. it captures the light-hearted vibe of the show while also somehow managing to be poignant. you can see it coming like the second before it happens but it’s also not the obvious choice. it’s just. goddamn it’s good.
the last line of supernatural…. is… “and cut.” not even said by one of j2. i mean i know it’s a meta show but COME ON ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??????????
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now i hear you shouting wait but that’s just the end of the thank you message. okay fine whatever. in that case the last lines are “Hey, Sammy.” “Dean.” (i couldn’t bring myself to gif that moment)
i’m sorry but. that’s predictable. that’s obvious. that’s boring. that’s flat. sure, it celebrates the bond between the brothers. but like… that’s not what this show is about anymore. it’s not just about sam and dean winchester it’s about what they’ve created. it’s about the world they’ve saved, the family they’ve made, about how they always keep fighting but nope we get bland, boring, coulda seen ‘em coming from miles away lines for the very end. that’s fine.
the spn finale is like 50% montages that don’t make sense and are poorly done and not emotional
the good place has a montage of michael being human that brought me to tears
here’s another short section. the good place finale was 53 minutes long as opposed to the usual 20 minute long runtime of every episode. granted, the fandom of the good place is very different, but STILL there was no documentary telling the fans things they ALREADY knew (there was a short special after the ep, but the episode itself was still far longer than normal). it was 53 minutes of plot. of really fucking good not rushed plot. 
the supernatural finale was… what 36 minutes long?? as opposed to the normal 40 minute runtime?? granted, we did get an hour long documentary of things we’ve all heard in cons and interviews a billion times so hey. take what you can get i guess.
character arcs
this is most of the meat of this meta. one thing we’ve all been harping on a TON is how they RUINED character arcs. soooo let’s go through and juxtapose some character arcs shall we
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eleanor shellstrop starts the show completely self-obsessed. she died getting hit by shopping carts while picking up margarita mix and let’s be real she’s a total icon. love her to death. she grows a ton, becomes one of the most selfless characters on the show, and starts to actually (jack forbid) CARE about things. it’s one of the most satisfying and relatable character arcs i’ve ever seen. 
it’s not just her selfishness either, her character is super multi-faceted and complex, and i feel like even in the end we’re getting to know her better. she’s afraid of commitment, always worried about what others’ actions will do to her, loves the trivial side of life, is queer as fuck (as acknowledged by the show in a way that’s not harmful at all but also isn’t explicitly bi/pan/unlabeled/omni etc, allowing queer fans to see their own identity in her), and is all around a HUMAN BEING. her ending at the beginning of the show was her death. her stupid, trivial, meaningless death where she was, as she puts it, all alone. and her final ending ISNT that. yes, everyone goes before her. and i think that’s purposeful. to show that she’s grown enough that being alone in some sense is okay.
but she’s never TRULY alone. and in the end. the REAL end. janet is there. the whole time. because eleanor asked her to be!! she got over her crazy need for independence and simply asked for help. and eleanor dies an amazing person that has become selfless, has found joy in philosophy while still enjoying trashy content, has fixed her relationship with her mother, and has found a sense of completion. eleanor’s life ends on her terms, and it’s beautiful.
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alright. now just as you’re feeling all warm and fuzzy let’s look at dean winchester’s ending. you’ve heard it a million times, so i’ll be brief. dean was raised to be a hunter, a soldier, a killing machine with no feelings and no purpose. he was raised to die scared on a hunt, his life over because of some mistake he made because he will NEVER measure up. at least that’s what john and everyone else told him with the exceptions of some of his family (and family don’t end in blood). he started to accept that he didn’t have to have this. he started to realize that he could CHOOSE what his ending was. 
the beautiful thing is, we never truly got to see what that was. i personally like to think it’s similar to the roadhouse michael locked him in while he was trapped in his own mind. a safe place for hunters, somewhere he (and cas in my opinion, but that’s not important) could settle down and still be in the life. it would be an amazing tribute to jo and ellen, and just all around a great ending. he wouldn’t have to be scared, but he wouldn’t have to conform to some apple pie facade of normalcy. and ya know what?? say that he died so he could have peace i dare you. because dean doesn’t find peace until sam is there anyway so i beg of you WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT. 
dean winchester died scared. dean winchester died on a hunt. dean winchester died on one of john’s old hunts. dean winchester died not directly at the hands of a monster, but at the hands of a mistake. his mistake. dean winchester died without ever working through the trauma of his best friend in the entire world confessing his love in a final act of self-sacrifice. dean winchester died in a way that leaves a sour taste in my mouth and does not at all show the audience what he’s been through and how much he’s grown. dean winchester did not die on his terms, and he deserved better.
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okay back to happy. chidi anagonye. by far my personal favorite good place character (don’t tell anyone i always say jason cuz he and i are very similar). chidi in the last few episodes is SO DRASTICALLY different than the chidi we meet at the beginning. he’s decisive, confident, self-assured, and it’s amazing to see. he’s not afraid of life anymore. he’s not afraid to make the wrong decision and forever alter his reality, because he’s okay with failure. 
at the beginning, chidi was so petrified of life that… it killed him. and in the end, he’s completely at peace with every decision he makes, even the final one. yes, he considered staying for eleanor, but that just shows how his moral code and his compassion for others is still very much still intact. it shows the audience that you can be confident and decisive without being a selfish asshole. 
chidi leaves the good place knowing that it’s the right thing to do. knowing without a doubt that his time has come. the old chidi never would have been able to fathom being that sure about something. it’s beautiful. it’s a development that can give the audience peace, can show them that this drastic of change is possible, and that chidi became a better person for all of it. chidi went on his own terms, and it was beautiful.
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… this one might be controversial… but sam winchester. god i hated sam’s ending. at first i was kinda okay with it. like, okay fine he got his normal life. but, really, in the end that’s not what sam wanted. he started to realize that he didn’t need that apple pie, white picket fence life. he didn’t need the wife and the kids and the backyard and the barbecues because that is NOT sam’s personality and i will throw hands on that. 
that’s not to say he doesn’t want some sort of romance, maybe even kids, but not in that way. he lets himself see that he doesn’t need to be defined by his rebellion to john. doesn’t need to be defined by going to college or any of those “normal” smart kid things because it doesn’t fit him. and that’s okay! but how does sam’s story end? it ends with a wife (that isn’t even important enough to show her face). with kids. with a goddamn white picket fence. we think he’s still hunting to some extent… but it’s not the arc we were led to believe would happen. it’s not this amazing leader sam that we see in season 12-14, uniting hunters and organizing them. 
he had SO MUCH potential and they throw it away on a vanilla ending that shows only surface level pain at losing his brother. he doesn’t even invite the rest of their family to the wake for fuck’s sake. jared did an incredible job. pls don’t think i’m saying he didn’t. but that script…. sam winchester’s arc was cut short. he didn’t go on his terms, and he deserved better.
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jason mandoza. the only character that has ever embodied my complete dumbass energy to the insane extent that it exists. he went to hell for his impulsivity. he never thought before a decision. i aspire to be as reckless as jason while on earth. but he LEARNED. he got better, just like they all did. and by the end of the show, jason doesn’t need to be impulsive anymore. much like eleanor being left “alone,” the show does a masterful job with making him be the first one to go, capturing his old impulsiveness. but he chooses to leave. he takes his time in deliberation, waiting until a feeling of peace, of completion, of well, ‘true happiness’ (sorry cas stans, i’m right there with you) has settled over him. 
the ending of his story is one of growth, just like all these characters have been. and the best part? the show makes it comedic in the most poignant and beautiful way, because it’s jason, it had to be funny. we learn that jason has been in the woods for like, eons, just waiting to go through the door because he wants to give janet a necklace. he’s learned to simply wait. to be at peace with… nothing. his torture was being a monk, but in the end, jason embodies those ideals. his arc comes to fruition in an extremely satisfying way. jason goes on his own terms, and it’s beautiful.
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this one is gonna hurt like a bitch. castiel is my comfort character. he’s my role model. he’s me in a lot of ways. i love him. so fucking much. so excuse me if this is slightly incoherent. i’m actually okay with cas’ ending… in a way. because his actual ending as an on-screen character? perfect. self-sacrifice while coming out and professing his love to dean winchester. a little bit bury the gays, but let’s be real, it’s supernatural. and “happiness is in just saying it” has to be the most powerful way to think of coming out. it takes away the fear, it takes away so much of the pain that can follow. because the joy is in just saying the words.
it’s how this was treated on the show that makes cas’ character arc terrible (and we haven’t even gotten to 15.20). YOU CANNOT JUST IGNORE A LOVE CONFESSION. that is god awful writing and i will never change my mind on that. cas deserved his family to care about him. to at least address and be sad about the fact he was gone. jesus fucking christ after everything castiel deserved at least that. and then we go to 15.20. cas is in heaven. cas is serving god. cas is right back where he started. now, i’m coming off a little strong. 
if the show had decided to show us cas and jack in heaven makin’ the world a better place… i woulda come around to it. i woulda realized that that’s not REALLY erasing 12 years of character development and cas realizing that his whole identity isn’t just him serving heaven and isn’t just him being an angel and that he’s so much more than all of that and he could still be happy as a human… because really he’s with his son. but they didn’t show us that. they barely even mentioned him. and to me. that counts as a bad character arc. and i’m sorry if you disagree. castiel may have gone on his own terms, but they treated that beautiful sacrifice with disrespect and disdain, plus resolved his arc by putting him back where he started. he deserved better.
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*deep breaths guys this is a long post i’m sorry* anywayyyy tahani!!! we love tahani obviously. let’s talk about her arc, because it always kinda bothered me. throughout the show, we see all the other character’s growing and expanding their knowledge of right and wrong. and, don’t get me wrong. we see tahani grow a lot. but she makes a lot of the same types of comments and shit like that. but it’s how she treats the reactions to those comments. by the end of the show, she laughs at the caricature of herself that the others see. she isn’t looking for vindication in name-dropping, she just does it. she is far less self-absorbed, and is genuinely interested in those around her. she fixes her relationships with her sister and her parents in a way that doesn’t feel forced and actually feels like a beautiful, healthy family reunion. 
she has a list and she does everything on it. it’s worth noting, that the things on her list are not at all what they would have been at the beginning of the show. most of them are humble “labor” type tasks, and all of them are in self improvement. tahani’s end on the show is not the same as everyone else’s. she realizes that she doesn’t need to be done. that there doesn’t have to be an end to self-improvement. and she becomes an architect. the writers perfectly embody her transformation from a self-obsessed rich girl who has never done a thing for herself and laughs at the lower-class to a down-to-earth worker that simply doesn’t want the journey to end. 
it’s incredible how perfectly the writers were able to close off these character arc’s without it feeling forced, and without ignoring their character development. imagine that. tahani chooses her own way, and it’s beautiful.
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jack’s ending may be the only one that i’ve actually somewhat come to terms with. it’s not terrible. it’s not great. but it’s not nearly as bad. because ignoring that awful monologue about every drop of rain and shit, jack really does end up helping people. he ends up doing something that he loves and that makes the world a better place. and he doesn’t lose his personality in it. but. i dunno, that’s still his destiny, right? to create paradise. and this is a show about ripping up the rule book, about choosing free will above all else… so to have every single character just fulfill their destiny is cheap. 
still… i’ll try to be unbiased. because really at the beginning of jack’s time on the show, he’s unsure what he wants. and at least, in the end, he’s sure. he has a wisdom that he’s always had but he’s now using. and i’m good with that. but what’s NOT okay about jack’s ending is the lack of on-screen family. jack learns that family is important. sam, cas, dean those are the people he cares about. and you’re telling me he would just NEVER see them again? and be okay with that? i know he rebuilds heaven with cas, but we don’t even get a story about him rescuing cas from the empty. and he seems in 15.19 to not be that concerned about it (after the amazing emotional scene at the beginning). jack should have cared about his family. he did. but they ruined that for him. so jack kline deserved better.
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oh man where do i start. michael’s growth is the biggest on the show. i mean. he starts as a literal demon and ends a human. he gets better, he falls in love with humanity (*castiel fan in me sobbing again*) and he chooses over and over to be good instead of bad. his whole arc is a classic redemption arc, and every single beat just gets better. he chooses selfishly to side with humans but in the end it turns out to be the best decision he could have made. because he develops emotions, he develops compassion, he develops a moral compass. 
and his end reflects that. because to complete this arc of a demon becoming more human… he literally becomes human!!!! it fits so well. and he’s allowed to make mistakes and be happy and gain all that humanity has to offer. this just shows that human!endgame for cosmic beings that become more human WORKS SO WELL (and it shoulda happened for cas and jack that’s all i’m saying). michael went on his own terms, and it was beautiful.
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oh boy… this one stings. because they brought her back, used her up, and we never saw her again. eileen was one of the best side characters on the show, and they rarely addressed her arc. she comes onto the show as a hunter seeking revenge, and gets that revenge in the same episode. her s15 arc is focused on what’s real and what’s not, with her relationship to sam admittedly being a central part of her character because… it’s supernatural and women can’t exist without that. but still! eileen grows throughout the show and in the end… we don’t even know what happens to her. it’s as if her arc wasn’t important enough to even glance at. 
it’s as if the connections the boys make outside of each other mean nothing when in reality they mean everything. they prove that the co-dependency is behind them and that family doesn’t end with blood and that real connections can be formed between people that last a lifetime. eileen was a disabled hunter that was shown to still be one of the best in the business, and they didn’t even give her the courtesy of a goodbye. eileen didn’t go on her own terms, and she deserved better.
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this is gonna unbalance my list but goddammit janet’s ending was perfect. she was a not-robot, not-girl that should have been incapable of feelings. but throughout the series we get to watch as she learns first-hand about human emotions and processes them. she cares about the humans in her charge and fights for them on multiple counts. 
in the end, we see janet come to terms with both her cosmic being side, and her human side. she never stops being with the “cockroaches.” she sees them all leave, she’s there for them while they’re there, and she also continues to speak her mind and live autonomously. janet was a non-human character done right. she lived on her own terms, and it was beautiful.
some honorable mentions
spn ignored (in the finale) chuck, amara, stevie, charlie, jody, donna, garth, bess, the other angels, claire, kaia, patience, alex, and the list goes ON in favor of focusing on JUST sam and dean. did none of those characters at least deserve a quick goodbye??????
the good place wrapped up multiple arcs i had completely forgotten about in a totally natural and not forced way. mindy, doug forester, (the mushroom guy, i know, it took me a second), pillboy, donkey doug, kamilah, tahani’s parents, eleanor’s mother, eleanor’s friends, chidi’s best friend, vicki, shawn, glenn, simone and so many that i’m forgetting all got satisfying ends that they totally deserved. 
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they even fucking resolved FROG GUY’S arc and gave him a real frog. that’s right. frog guy (jeff) had a better character arc resolution than dean motherfucking winchester. 
heaven and hell
obviously in very different vehicles, both shows explore in depth the realities of the afterlife. and lemme tell ya, at the end of the day, one sits a whole lot better than the other. 
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the good place finale ends this quest for the perfect afterlife by saying that everyone can improve and that an eternal paradise shouldn’t keep you from eternal rest. they pretty much make me wish that this is what our afterlife looked like. they handle everything with care so it’s balanced precariously in a way that doesn’t give you anxiety looking at it but instead fills you with peace and faith in humanity. 
supernatural addresses this series long battle between heaven and hell by creating a heaven where you drive for forty years without seeing the people (cough cough cas and jack not his parents) that matter to you and drink beer that tastes like shit. a place you can’t be happy or find any sense of peace until your brother has died and he’s there too.
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and hell… well they barely even address it. there’s a new queen of hell i guess? but so what. it’s still very much heaven and hell in a way that’s the worst and hey plus to them… makes me wanna stay alive thank you very much. oh and purgatory is in shambles and not functioning properly cuz all that eve bullshit.
loose ends
whenever something is ending, you gotta tie up the loose ends. not in a “oh, we must wrap everything up and leave no stone unturned” kinda way but in a “wow, we should probably try to make this unambiguous because this is the last time we will ever see these characters” kinda way. 
the good place does that. so fucking masterfully. all these side plots with all these different characters were taken care of all while focusing on the main six characters. we get to see how their intervention has changed everyone else. for example, mindy’s arc is wrapped up perfectly, with eleanor going to save her.
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plus different running jokes like “take it sleazy” are wrapped up, we revisit really old callbacks like the original neighborhood, and all of it feels natural and in the moment. it feels like full circle in a way that doesn’t erase growth. 
supernatural, on the other hand, left a million loose ends open. what happened to the boys they saved? where the fuck are jody, donna, etc.? did eileen make it back? cuz sam was pretty upset about that. what happened to it “being loud” in the empty? hell, what happened to the empty? what happened to hell? what about chuck? it woulda been nice to see just for a second what became of him. did charlie and stevie make it (i’m very invested in that relationship)? if we’re taking the original ending… why the fuck is jimmy there? did kansas just all,,, die? 
i’m not saying they needed to address everything… but god a few wrapped up storylines besides the brothers wouldn’t have hurt
can i just… real quick… as a giffer lodge a complaint
the good place has beautiful vibrant coloring in the finale
spn has like bland washed out whatever the fuck that is coloring. it’s not even the dark early aesthetic cuz they dropped that it’s just… ew. so. do with that what you will. 
first… while writing this i realized just HOW MUCH it’s not about destiel… like believe me. i knew i wasn’t just pissed about destiel. but holy shit it’s not destiel at all like did i even mention destiel that much???? this was never about a ship. this was just a trash finale. 
in the end. the good place writers knew what they were doing. they knew their fans, they knew their characters, they knew their world, and they knew how to wrap it up in a way that was satisfying and sad and perfectly fit the tone of the whole show. it wasn’t out of character or rushed, basically every loose end was tied up without the audience even realizing that’s what they were doing, and i feel happy and complete having watched it. 
the supernatural ending was a betrayal. flat out. to the audience that has stuck by it in a way bigger way than the good place fandom. to the characters that have helped so many people. to the actors that have given so much of their lives. to the other members of the crew, to certain writers… all of it was just a slap in the face.
we deserved better guys. there are better endings possible. so i’m sorry. i really am. but i guess… that’s what fanfic is for, right?
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kingzephy · 2 years
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I have to drag this to a text post cuz my reply is getting way too long and I wanna put these together!!
@slothfuljeremiah @nowhere302
A8 - Favorite song(s)?
Ohhhhh strap in I have a lot of songs to talk about. Gonna break this down by game. I decided against doing any of the karaoke tracks cuz that would be its own big list by itself!
0 - ‘Pledge of Demon’ (Kuze’s theme from the sewer tunnel fight) is sooooo good I think most people would say thats probably the best track from 0
I also absolutely ADORE ‘For Buddy’ (Nishikiama’s ‘For Who’s Sake’ remix from the Nishiki Majima fight) it has a completely different vibe from ‘For Who’s Sake’ and the significance of it is so good. It somehow makes ‘For Who’s Sake’ even sadder.
Honorable mention to ‘Receive You the Subtype’ remix (Majima’s mad dog style battle theme)! And the Telephone Club minigame tracks also slap
1/k1 - Is it cheating if I say ‘Receive You the Prototype’? Although I have to say, the k1 remix of ‘For Who’s Sake’ (Nishikiama’s theme from the final battle) is SO GOOD. So good...
Also… how could you not love 'Funk Goes On'?? Get Fuuuunky
2/k2 - HUUUGE FAN of ‘A Scattered Moment’ (Ryuji’s theme that plays during the final battle of 2. Its absolutely amazing, not at all what I was expecting his theme to sound like but it *perfectly* encapsulates him and the desperation and pain and sadness of the final battle in 2. One of my favorite tracks just overall.
3 - ‘Fly’ (Mine’s theme) is. Really good! I think just about everyone would say this one, I can’t really think of anything else from 3 that I would note soundtrack wise
4 - ‘Receive and Bite You’!! Majima’s receive you remix in this game is really good. So much tension leading up to the Majima Saejima batting cage fight. It hypes me up Every Time and its just very Him
5 - I thiiink im gonna have to go with ‘So Much More’ (Haruka’s…. Theme? I guess) it was stuck in my head the whole time I was playing her stuff in 5. Her other songs are good too ofc but if I had to pick one it would be that one. I know, loophole. Whatever 5 is different
6 - I really really like ‘Theory of Beauty’ (Joongi’s theme). Idk it just gets me so pumped up every time. Songs to get naked and fight to the death in the underground bdsm fight ring underneath Stardust to. Iconic. 10/10
I also really love ‘Destiny’ (Someya’s theme) its similar to how I feel with ‘A Scattered Moment’. It encaptures him and his struggle so well.
7 - Big BIG fan of both Majima and Kiryu’s receive you remixes from 7, ‘Receive You the Hyperactive’/‘Receive and Turn You’, and ‘Rolling Eyes Fall Down the Dragon Wall’ of course. Both of them are just incredible.
I also really LOVE ‘Confrontation/Brutality’, (Sawashiro’s theme) it just perfectly captures what he’s about as a character so nicely, I love him a lot. Plus it slaps incredibly hard. I think overall 7 has my favorite tracks. All the battle themes are also very good
C9 - What was the most emotional scene in the series?
This is TOUGH. Theres sooo many gut wrenching emotional scenes and these games are really REALLY good at them sometimes. Im gonna have to say something from 0 probably, that game made me cry several times on my first playthrough. So many memorable emotional scenes, but I think im gonna go with the ending. Without spoiling too much I think anyone whos seen it knows exactly what im talking about. This or the scene in the empty lot after a certain characters death (you know the one)
Honorable mention to y3 and the thing w Rikiya. yeah
D1 - Who’s the most overrated character?
First off before I say this, I really dont think ANY of the characters in this game are overrated. I stewed on this for a while, I just cant think of anyone id call truly overrated. But. Listen. Okay I cant believe im gonna say this everyone knows I love him so dearly he is my everything- but it’s Majima? I guess? I really don’t wanna call him *overrated* per se thats not the right word because he deserves all the love he gets, but he is just. so. He's Inescapable. I almost feel bad for anyone who likes these games but doesnt like him because hes quite literally everywhere- and. hes not even in the games that much!!! I quite literally cant think of any other character I could possibly say here
And its not that hes overrated, hes a fantastic character and hes SO fun to think about and analyze I love him dearly more than anything but he just blows everyone else out of the water? No contest. Its amazing. Theres just no other character quite as beloved as him in this fandom. For better or worse.
E4 - Ramen or Takoyaki?
Literally go fuck yourself. Dont pit two bad bitches against each other like this. An impossible question. Id rather die than answer this for real
F3 - Who are you inviting to karaoke?
Majima! Duh!! No question, he’s just TOO much fun- no other character has even half as much of a blast as him at karaoke. Irl I would be WAY too shy to do something like that around anyone but I think doing karaoke w him would be SO much fun and it would make me laugh like. A Lot
A5 - Favorite final boss(es)?
Im gonna be boring and say Ryuji because I love him, and he deserved so much better and that fight is so devastating. But I also really enjoy the final battle in 7, not because its particularly tough or entertaining its just the story significance of it is really cool. I wont spoil anything about it but I enjoy it!
Also. Honorable mention to Nishiki of course. I have to say him as well Rook brings up a good point tho…. final battle w Majima in y5 also..
Feel free to ask some more!
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unalivejournal · 3 years
u mentioned only reading kripke era fic do you have a reclist 👀👀👀and if not could you link some of ur faves cuz the stuff that gets circulated the most right now is all like late late seasons fic and kripke era is my favorite too but im having trouble finding that many fics for it or even seasons 6-10 era which im fine with also. its just that like. the last five seasons were so bad that it makes fic generally worse too because people have to jump off of just Thee stupidest plot choices no matter how good their prose skills might be. but anyway yea if u have recs that would be awesome :)
hi anon i was thinking abt making a reclist and u just gave me the perfect excuse thank u
jess adamilligan’s kripke era fic recs
from making this ive learned that i never bookmark ANYTHING. sorry all of these r like….. 10k and under. i DO read longer fic but i don’t have any kripke era longfics bookmarked & tbh i prefer short oneshots
season one gen
disclaimer because it’s unfortunately needed: NONE of these are w*ncest! they’re all completely tagged as gen and i did not read them with the intent of consuming ship content.
Coaster Park by fogsrollingin, 10.4k, G, gen
Coaster Park had been experiencing an unusually high frequency of technical difficulties. Dean wouldn't have pulled a shift treating nauseated, heat-stroked, or dehydrated park-goers for that if he could've helped it, but when 'technical difficulties' were accompanied by rumors of things moving and stopping on their own in front of the operators' eyes, Dean had to throw down.
No historical tragedies or disasters in the area, ectoplasm, or EMF. Dean's only lead was a battered-looking kid that'd been coming to the park every day since it'd all started.
really interesting au fic! slightly ‘it’s a terrible life’. dean winchester is a hunter/EMT and sam wesson is a college kid destined to die on a roller coaster ride.
two basic motivating forces by sahwen, 7.8k, T, gen
He can’t cry, it’s not allowed; even as a child he was hushed into silence, whether his tears were from a long car ride or a late night or a raging fever. It’s never been an option, it’s never been an available outlet, and it’s not about to start being one just because he’s having an emotional breakdown on the bathroom floor.
Sam isn't only afraid of clowns.
BIG emetophobia tw (both for graphic depictions of nausea/vomiting and for the fact that this fic is about sam suffering from emetophobia) for this one but it’s my favorite sickfic. portrays anxiety over getting sick really well and is a fascinating examination of the different ways that sam’s fear of loss of control can manifest itself. also has lovely brothers content <3
Let’s Start at the Very Beginning (Remix of Just as Easy as 123) by nwspaprtaxis, 4k, T, gen
Dean’s functionally illiterate and Sam’s determined to remedy it...
PLEASE READ THIS ONE god it’s so sweet. dean never learned how to read properly due to his nomadic childhood and sam teaches him how.
Broadway Musical by Griftings, 9k, M, m/m
This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.
The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.
Or, the romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
somewhat of a fandom classic and the humor holds up wonderfully. a very silly fic completed with commentary from angel radio throughout the entire thing.
Sappiest Season by dollsome, 2.7k, G, m/m
In which Dean and Cas have to stop an evil Christmas tree (like you do), and it requires a little fake couple action.
hilarious little s5ish fic. one of the first i read when getting back into spn. i don’t want to spoil anything but this is my favorite pick me up and i still giggle randomly whenever i think about it
The (Mostly Accidental) Courtship of Dean Winchester by tuesday
Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this.
another fandom classic. ik this one is recced a lot but how could i NOT include it. dean and cas get married (mostly by accident) and they’re huge cunts about it
the one thing in the galaxy god didn't have his eyes on by prufrock, 2.4k, T, gen + m/m
“Wait,” Dean says. “Let me get this right. You can fly, right—you can teleport—but you can’t drive a car?”
or, after the events of S5E03 "Free to Be You and Me," Dean teaches Cas to drive. Cas finds it stressful
im always a sucker for a good ftbyam fic. also i can’t drive so. resonation
So Says The Sword by komodobits, 85k, E, m/m
The briefing was simple: ‘Stand guard over the Michael Sword until the battle is ready to commence. Await further instructions.’
Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
NO introduction neede. i think everyone on spntumblr has read this already but still. if you haven’t then i am demanding that you read it NOW. tbh i’m just adding this one so that i have at least one long fic here 😭
the weight by @myaimistrue, 3.5k, T, gen + m/m
“Do you…” Bobby sighs. “Listen, Dean, do you have something you wanna tell me?”
It’s the conversational equivalent of being punched in the stomach.
Or, Dean works through some things with Bobby's help.
WHEN I SAW THE USERNAME I GASPED I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS U. anyway i Love coming out fics idk why i just do. the world is ending and dean comes out to bobby
canticles by 2street2car, 10.3k, T, m/m
“But you know something? If I couldn’t get you laid, at least I gave you a good first date.”
feat: footsies at a Ruby Tuesday, stargazing, the recreation of an iconic "Dirty Dancing" scene (no, not that one—the other one), and practicing for When You're With A Girl.
another ftbyam fic that skepticalfrog (i believe?) recommended a while back. made me feel at least 28 new emotions
Epilogue by JayneL, 28k, E, m/m
Bobby is here, swearing somewhere above and behind him; and Dean is here, talking about 2014 like it's a foreign country; and Sam is here, and is not Lucifer. Which means-- Bobby is here, swearing somewhere above and behind him; and Dean is here, talking about 2014 like it's a foreign country; and Sam is here, and is not Lucifer. Which means--
Cas is no longer when he was. Lucifer sent him back.
Coda to 'The End'.
2014 cas gets sent back to 2009, feelings ensue etc. i don’t remember all the details of this one bc it’s been a while but it’s really good
currently reading
Fragile As We Lie by perilously, 11k, E, f/f
Dragging Bela Talbot out of perdition isn't so much a decision as it is a frantic choice based on gut instinct. Her soul is bright, if fractured, and Anna yearns to do good again after the perversion of free will that immediately preceded her death.
Bela's no ordinary human, though; she's prickly and damaged and beautiful, and Anna doesn't want to leave her side. So maybe they can figure out how to navigate post-resurrection, post-Apocalypse-that-wasn't Earth together.
86 notes · View notes
colorseeingchick · 3 years
Got tagged by a wonderful amazing goddess of a mutual so I decided to take a shot at this too hehe. 19 questions - feel free to read my answers if you'd like !
1. why did you choose your url?
so fun story, I'm a synesthete. I have a couple of forms of synesthesia (number form, auditory-tactile), but one allows to me to pick up on micro behaviors of people and perceive a color based off of it. Put simply- people have 'color' in my eyes. And I see them! Hence, colorseeingchick.
2. any side blogs?
no not yet. But I'm considering. I probably should.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
like a year? I'm honestly new here. This site surprises me regularly.
4. do you have a queue tag?
No - I use #colorseeingchick recommends / loves for my major reposts, but not explicitly queued posts.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I made a tumblr account to follow this one fic writer (who I won't mention bc idk if she'd want me to) and she inspired me. So I said f it! Let's write, too.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I wanted it to be me, so it is. Although there's not a moment I don't wanna make it one of my kins lol
7. why did you choose your header?
I wanted to drive the 'colorseeingchick' name home
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
a post I wrote in an hour HAHA. Special Cuddles w Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki. why it blew up? I still don't know.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I DON'T KNOW and it drives me insane. If you are my mutual please tELL ME I never know who wants to interact with me and I assume if you're my mutual you do so please lemme know.
The ones who I know are: @kirislut @katsushimaa @hoebirama7 @sasukelore @mnhorseowner @ruluxe @sugurus-princess @sugas-sweetheart @emperor-oikawa @doinmybesthere @jojowantstocry @justagirlwithblog @bozowrites @animatedarchives @joonzreina
I know for a FACT i have more. TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. PLEASE I BEG. And if you aren't my mutual already and we like similar stuff, let's be mutuals😘
10. how many followers do you have?
241 and i love them all 💕
11. how many people do you follow?
100! Which is low given I'm always looking for friends and content.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Nothing I've posted
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
... too much. Im usually on.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No and God forbid it happen. Irl is enough drama for me.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I don't mind ones where they say "reblog if this is a safe space for___"
I ADORE ones that are informative and relavent to modern issues.
I do not like "reblog OR ELSE you're homophobic/racist/etc" bc they feel... performative to me. And they have the same vibes as those email chains "send to 3 friends or this demon will get u." IE i don't like threats to get reblogs.
16. do you like tag games?
Love them. They make me feel loved by my mutuals hehe
17. do you like ask games?
Even more so. I wish ppl sent me asks when I tried to do them 🥲 one day !
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Many. To me, if you have over 1k, your a star ✨although all of my mutuals are worthy of more hype and love
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Platonic crush on @kirislut cuz she's so PRETTY and a GREAT PERSON ily meg
Too all my moots and anyone else, feel free to do this too! But only if you want :)
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
I hope your not feeling down on your writing skills because I haven't caught up and commented on your latest releases. It's not you it's that I pick too many fanfics to follow and they all update a lot and I've been so busy and I've fallen behind on so many fics from various authors and sometimes my depression just makes me want to lie in bed all day doing nothing and it doesn't help I have to spend my limited spoons helping family everyday. I know these aren't good excuses, but I do sympathize with the lack of energy feeling at least. But your work really does bring a lot of joy to my life. It's so fun keeping up with your various AUs, and your latest one that features Kaya as Spider King has me really hyped because I want to learn more about Kaya, she's so fun! And Ruclipse is such a good comfort ship that just hits all the things I like seeing in a ship. You're so amazing and creative and it's awful that anyone would try to make you feel otherwise! Like your newest OC, Justin Tyme seems like such a lovable dumbass bastard. I love his wild, curly hair and his dapper outfit. I can't wait to see what dumb shit he gets himself into! I know this is really long and rambly, but I hope you know you have fans who genuinely love your work. I don't know if you're still thinking about that one comment you mentioned that got you really down, but honestly, fuck that guy. I don't know what they said but it must have been pure BS to have you doubting your hard earned art skills. I wish I could do more to prove you're awesome and that your fans really admire you, I just hope you don't stop sharing what you love because some rando was nasty for no good reason. Because we love what you do!
It's not like anyone one person nonny so please don't blame yourself. This has been an ongoing thing for a few months actually...
it's just a general thing over all lately like. I mentioned this in dm's with a friend but overall past few months I've had lower engagement overall with my works and it really does a number on my confidence. More so because like your latter point.
yes, I am still very much thinking about that one negative comment. Because that person also has the need to comment on other things and I even had a thing asking why I took a few weeks to update (when reality I posted to another ongoing fic and my TLC chapters are long chapters) and just the fact they could tear into a character (yes it was a comment on a character specifically and not even a main character it's a side character who has an important role for Snatcher's growth as a person down the line) then go saying "why didn't you update" when I posted a double update that week---
Like it lives in my head rent free and I want to literally cry because like the character is a focal in an upcoming chapter and I can't deal with another "why are they back" type thing. because "everyone finds them annoying"
And I'll be honest. it was Kaya. Like I've been trying to have fun with my BCU stuff with her as Spiderking because it's engaging for me and me and @/doodleimprovement even came up with a b-plot involving Kaya and Hattie trying to hook Nell and Marcus together and it's one of the best things as well as Kaya and Nell having a really good relationship.
but because of that one comment it makes me hesitant to do anything with Kaya despite she's one of my oldest ocs, my most thought out ocs and I adore her beyond anything. Like yes she's over powered and such and in TLC rn she comes off as a know it all, but upcoming chapters will show she's just a spacey kid who's trying to fit into a role others decided for her and isn't really as all mighty as she seems. Snatcher even ends up thinking of her as a little sister more than anything. Like fuck I'm even hesitant to share anything on her actual story despite how much work is in it. Like she's my favorite Oc (that's why shes my discord icon, and I'm pretty sure she's my twitter icon as well)
And like the points in the comment just. IDK they didn't fit to her, if anything the points are more suited to be shot at Eclipse.
Which is another thing I just get iffy on. I love RuClipse and everything with it. I love writing and drawing the dorks. But I'm now so afraid if Kaya could be attacked for only showing in a handful of chapters that don't even touch on who she is, when is someone going to finally tell me off on my wolf? who's going to tear into a character I pour a lot of personal shit into to try and comfort myself?
I use Ruclipse to deal with my own romantic heart, they are what I wish I could have so I love to write them, I hurt them but i like to make them happy in the end. Someone who can deal with your highs and lows. No ones perfect but you can still figure it out and love even the negative parts (I am a heavy romantic OTL)
he is in fact a lovable bastard. i have fun plans and he gives me an excuse for why Cel is so tired and having to be the brain cell and how she even wound up working with the time kids when she's so much older than they are. Currently I'm trying to think of how to use him and honestly I think he's gonna wind up hella comic relief fun guy who's just making a mess and do his own side story while Hat and Bow are busy in subcon----
thank you, I don't mind the rambly it kinda gave me a chance to get this off my chest... like I've typed this kinda response up time and time again and I always delete. I feel like I'm whining because I get upset but it's just, I spend so much time making things, I use all my spoons on either working or creating, I just want to know if it means anything but then negativity lives in my head because what's a functioning meat cube??? I try to stay positive but it's hard. Like another thing is Moon Guardian; the reason I haven't updated? because I have had someone bothering me about it. weekly I get asked about how I'm doing on it but it's not from a place of "want to read it" it's because I told them they couldn't post a certain thing until the chapter is done so it feels pressuring to constantly get asked because I feel the only reason they want to post is to boost their thing and I'm just the machine to boost it with my characters and comic.... like it feels they've taken the comic from me and it sucks because I have so many fun things planned. Like I accidentally went off on Nina about a thing with Alpine skyline and Eclipse as well as a thing with a Time Rift and a Jelly ghost.
Sorry kinda went off, just I've sat on this thought train since like early april. I've done my best to ignore it and just keep going but it's gotten really hard with the fact my health hasn't been really great. I've spent a lot of time lately bed bound because I just hurt so badly. if I'm not resting, I'm at my day job which is incredibly stressful rn as I only really work mornings and I see things that are being missed so then i report it and it still gets missed and i can't get it fixed after a point cuz we're back to full service and need the people so I can't nitpick but just.... I'm bitter okay like if I left this shit when I worked I would have gotten yelled at but now we just let it slide??? and this stresses me out which then causes my body to freak out because I'm stressed which puts me in more pain. and then like at work have people acting shocked I have my cane or soemthing and just skfdslkfksdf
so my energy is so tanked. and then the negative comment in my head, no idea if people like things cuz I have no idea if I hear nothing, just has had me doubting why post. Like I should go back to just not posting my stories and sketches or w/e and slink back to my hole like I was before.
idk Its just. a bad night in the house of bun. I've had these thoughts festering and I guess today was the dam breaking. It's probs cuz I'm nervous posting Chimeras because it's a very dark au.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Tumblr refuses to let me reblog the post again, so this is the second part of me reading the second btg book! ☺️
Still Chapter 211
Son on son violence
Chapter 212
This dude pretty cute ngl
Shit, rip
It's almost like they are a regular father and son 😭🥺💔
Chapter 213
Look how thigh those shirts are hehehoho 🥴
Ooooh there goes my man Jyaku ready to kick some ASS
Baki really just forgot his mom eh, thought you were getting stronger for HER smh
Oh Jyaku vs Retsu? Nvm Jyaku i can only hope Retsu is nice w you
I like how most are like, confused over who to cheer for lmao
I know he won't make it but I'm cheering for Jyaku btw i like him more <33
Chapter 214
Love that title, can't believe Jyaku is gonna ask Retsu out 😍 /j
He really is just honest Igari
I love that he apologizes
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
That smile so cute...
Jyaku is a king
Love it when Retsu throws that pose, though y'all know why
HDGSSGSGF you are coming to Japan wether you like it or not 🔫
Chapter 217
Finally Jyaku got serious too
King is just obsessed i luv him
It does seem like Jyaku is trynna confess his love jfnshdshdf
Chapter 218
I remember i almost laugh cry with my dad when we saw this
His damn beard... 💔
He has a good point
They be calling my man Jyaku a masochist noooo yfjdhdgs
Chapter 219
Okay seems kinda into it <:/
Old man? He doesn't look that old Baki :/
That was so smart 🥺
Chapter 220
Retsu calm down please you are gonna break his back
Oh my god Retsu, oh my god.
He did apologize at least
Chapter 221
Damn dude be a little more gentle with him
Oh, get was picking him up, okay
Chapter 222
I love how everyone completed him (except Yujiro but not surprising), these warriors are such a good team
I want to eat an apple too now
That was fast
I got distracted watching a vsauce react video sorry
Okay I'm glad a comment actually mentioned Sik
Chapter 223
Had to take a uh idk 5 hour break bc lights went out :/
Feet be fuming lmao
Ohhh that's a cool analysis
Chapter 224
What a good punch
That "please",,,
Poor Li man, having to see his brother DIE /j
No, Viêt Long, i have not been hit by a truck before.
Chapter 225
It's so funny how Jyaku lost bc he fought a main charac and only those win
Sad day for the Chinese citizens
Mf got tits in his back
This is gonna be so goodddd
Chapter 226
Look at the size of his tits, the slut
These two are cool fighters
Chapter 227
Old man showing skin
His smile is so fucked up lmao
Chapter 228
Baki what the FUCK are you wearing?
I just remembered when Hana did a flip, that was so good
Retsu babey 🥺
I love how confused Yujiro looks
Chapter 229
Hey, i recognize that name...
Kaku just too op
Yujiro you are gonna pop your testicles if you do that with your leg
Chapter 230
God that's such a good threat
Love Retsu's confusion
Damn bitch you saying we gotta keep up w this whore cuz you were too slow? Ffs Kaku 😢
I love when you can tell someone is still hanging around just quietly by seeing their response in a comment
Chapter 231
God this just feels so good, to see Yujiro actually scared 😍
Chapter 232
I wanna finish this book and start the next one grrr
This fight is so satisfying
That last bit is so cringe but whatever that's okay
Fight so controversial comments were deactivated
Chapter 233
Itagaki hincha de boquita el más grande? 😳 /j
Okay yeah it IS just rude
Hohoooo shit getting nice
Chapter 234
This asshole lmao
Yuji-chan really went "how many times do i have to teach you this lesson, old man?!"
Mfs be doing Jojo references in the comments lol
Chapter 235
Ffs Kaku you are doomed 😢💔
Yujiro so strong my mouse disconnected
Chapter 236
Abs in his back...
Crying and shaking that is NOT true
I thought Yujiro was bleeding for a second there smh
Chapter 237
Yujiro surprised is good shit
Kaku has boyboss energy
Chapter 239
This cover almost gives me a stroke
I love how they all just shat their pants
These minor Chinese characters were so good tbh, sadly i don't think they will ever return
Don't worry Retsu, we the viewers have seen a man revive before
King i don't think any of us understands
It really is
Oh my god i though Yujiro was sitting on the air for a second i almost cry 😭
Coca cola must have paid Itagaki /j
Chapter 240
Oh so the Kaioh part takes the name, not the surname
...is Yujiro wearing a floral shirt? 😭
Jyaku has his eyes fixated on Retsu eh, proud of having him come to Japan lmao
Chapter 241
Jk though i do miss Yuri 🥺
Oh hey Jr
You gonna fuck his girl, bro?
Chapter 242
So straight forward lmao
I'm starting to appreciate Baki's feminist ass every day even more
This page didn't allow me to call two mfs virgins smh, 1984
Chapter 243
Grandpa they shrunk you
Chapter 244
Kings idc about this
Okay true but also he's 70 dude pls... Though idk if this guy will go thru worse than Jack lmao
Such a nice lad
Chapter 245
Baki being such a feminist icon is so meaningful considering how his parents were,,,
Doppo he's called Ali Jr how are you surprised?
These men love throwing their glasses eh
Chapter 246
If only Igari and Toba had done this lol
Me lo re devaluaron a mí pelado eh
Scenes that give me a boner
Such a good callback...
Chapter 247
My man got serious, sweet
Doppo has been trying out his luck a bit too much like he's been betting with his life an uncomfortable lot like king do you need to talk? Are you okay? First asking Gouki to kill him now this like, is everything alright Doppo?
I love that blocking technique
OSHWOWHIWWH "gay ass Orochi, out of option so he touching dick" SHUT UPPP 😭😭💀
I really wish he got kicked in the nuts again see if he's still using his technique
Chapter 248
Poor guys thought he was bout to get murdered
A kiss? 😏 /j
When i saw this in the anime i actually thought Orochi was going to die, i was gonna get sooo angry
Chapter 249
What a way to cockblock em
Feminist icon
Jack is that the only sweater you own?
Chapter 250
I have been thinking of that scene of him eating the whole steak a lot
Jr like 🥺
Imagine being stupid enough to tease Jack like, i get he defeated two masters but they are NOTHING compared to this monster
Imagine jack just smoked some weed right there lmao
Jack needs to bite people more
Chapter 251
My shitty ass son gave me parkinson's
Jack that's not how human anatomy works what the fuck did Kureha do to your body spine?
Chapter 252
Looked like Jack was going for a handful
Those techniques must fuck your neck up so bad
Okay Jack you are going a bit far now don't cha think?
Chapter 253
You are tempting your luck sunny boy
Look at that, you pissed him off!
You cannot just know out jack hanma bro
This was so stupid yet, unironically, iconic
Chapter 254
Bruh i thought it said Pog 😭, ain't manslaughter poggers Mr Hanma?
Such a simp he downed that coffee cup
Grandpa put here cockblocking
Chapter 255
"no he didn't >:/"
These two masters are a pair of fucking idiots like understand this i love my grandpa and i love my man but mfs have to take the L for this one time sksgwjgshgw
Gouki bro my senses gonna shut down if you put your sucks against the dirt again OUGH sensory hell 😭
Chapter 256
Hoho Gouki out here getting a panty shot 😳
Grandpa i love you but this was unnecessary
Chapter 257
Kozue should wear a Korn tshirt
Love how consistently round his hands are, king got no knuckles
King hasn't changed his clothes ever since i see
His shoes look so nice...
Doppo i love you but shut UPPP you lost get over it!! You are just going for the rematch bc you have the higher ground against a injured guy!!! Like Shibukawa didn't have time but you were already getting serious!! Hhhgrrrrrr doppo i love you but I'm going to bark
Hehe nvm he still hella fine... keep talking king 🥴
This was so mean of him sjsgwjwg
Chapter 258
Low-key starting to believe these two mfs plotted against Jr sjshsj
If i didn't know you would get your ass handed in a plate i would be a lil mad he's planning on being that savage
He has been thru worse, sunny boy
Tbh. I don't care anymore. Doppo is in the wrong, but GOD I'm a simp and i love seeing him fight 😍😍🥴
Yeah a comment mentioned it, we all were on Jr side until he threatened to kill Doppo Orochi like, even if not everyone here is as horny as me we all like an og fella
I also love how the prisoners really changed them all, the scars (both physical and mental) those 5 left will be remembered lol
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
the fall is more about timmy with wonka ( and I think he can do it and make itba success), austin I think proved some box office potential he basically carried elvis, I think austin needs to fill out his filmography and keep delivering performances and work with directors that can further utilize his potential which I think bike riders has that poetntial not necessary box office but could be a crtical darling , or under the radar film that picks up steam.
Yea, Timmy has two lead roles coming out this fall and winter, so we're really gonna see what the box office looks like with him in these lead roles. I feel like if you've already seen Dune 1, then you're gonna WANT to see part 2, cuz part 1 ended w/so many unanswered questions lol.
Wonka seems like it will draw the families and holiday crowd. Looks like a fun and happy movie. 😊 Most people like that.
Austin definitely carried "Elvis", but he also had the Elvis fandom flocking to the theaters as well. I'm just curious to see whether he can draw an audience for a film that's NOT a biopic for such a huge icon. 🤔 That's why I too said that I need more time to see. I definitely think he's talented though.
If I were him, I would continue sticking to ensemble films where he doesn't really have the whole entire film on his back (like Elvis) until he's really established himself. He seems to be doing that Bikeriders, Dune 2, and MOTA....which..goodness knows when in hades that project is ever gonna drop lol. 😅🤣
I think you're right...Bikeriders seems more like an indie film, so I'm really not expecting too many people to see that one. It seems like a niche film too, sooo unless you're into the bike riding scene, or just really love the actors in the film, I don't see too many people checking this one out. But you're right, the critics might enjoy it and it might get some accolades. I guess we'll see!
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mangodude420 · 3 years
thank ya @psychoticbreak for the tag! <3
1. why did u choose your url? tbh i just picked something dumb and one of my bsfs calls me mango but i kinda wanna change it soon
2. any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them. nope!
3. how long have you been on tumblr? i think about 6 years but i never rlly used it much ive been consistently using it for about a year
4. do you have a queue tag? nope ive used queue like once
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? probably to look at doctor who stuff and art years ago but started this one for slipknot stuff
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? cuz i luv eddie van halen <3
7. why did you choose your header? idk just felt like it looked nice
8. what’s your post with the most notes? i think some pics of L7?
9. how many mutuals do you have? not sure but luv u guys <33
10. how many followers do you have? dunno
11. how many people do you follow? uhhh maybe like 80? idk im rlly picky so sorry to the 5 people i rb everything from
12. have you ever made a shitpost? i dont think so? maybe like 1
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? enough to be embarrassed by my screentime
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? LMAO yes once. i was arguing w someone in a gc for fun and ended up getting kicked but im gonna tell myself that i won anyways >:)
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? poo
16. do you like tag games? hell yeah
17. do you like ask games? ofc
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? dunnnnno
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? duh who doesnt 🙄
20. tags @cliffburton @dogfish-rising-jpg @toxic-fucking-waste @xx-icky-xx @pointless-like-a-circle and anyone else who wants to
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mypimpademia · 4 years
osamu, kurooo, and kiyoomi with a s/o who's on wild n out (like your iconic shoto and bakugou one) I LOOOVE YOU SO MUCH 😌😌😌😌
Kuroo x black!reader, Kiyoomi x black!reader
TW: Swearing
Ngl it kinda was iconic. And I'm not saying it to be egotistical or big headed but bc it took out my other top posts for a hot second (and then I posted my other ones lmao but the Wild n Out hc is probably my favorite)
Also this one might not be as good like at all bc my first one was super off the top of my head which is when I work best and this time I had to go look at clips and actually do an elimination process on what sounded good (is the what rappers [that actually write their own shit] go through?? I did bout 5 min of this at first and wanted to throw my phone)
Also I'm slow asf so some of these lyrics probably wrong bc for the life of me my dumbass couldn't figure out what some of em were saying (either bc of bleeps or bc im slow) and I dont trust subtitles so bear w me🤡
And I cut out Osamu I couldn't find a good clip to use, and I literally couldn't come up w anything. Maybe if I can come up w something I'll do one for him😔
You were on the episode with DaBaby, and Kuroo was back at home watching we're gonna act like wild n out episodes be live on tv
Of course, he had Kenma with him and the rest of his old friends from playing volleyball
They were all laughing, and screaming everytime you roasted someone or put down a good bar
But, Kuroo was slightly irked
Because the whole time there was just someone spittin game at you
Talking about how they could make you leave kuroo, and how they were better and what not, especially Nick I didn't know who to pick
Of course, it was all jokes, thats just the humor you had with some of them
Kuroo had even hung out with some of the guys on the show and made jokes like that with that
But he couldn't help but get slightly pissed off
You were on the New School team, and it was your time for the Lullaby Remix
You waited for a good time to jump in, and found it after Simone and DaBaby
"He ain't got no choice and– DaBaby finally my boyfriend~"
"Hey bay, but I can be yo boo. Pretty nigga, fuck with me ima need like three of you."
You were already standing by the Old School team, so you decided to get back at Nick
"Nick you spittin game but my nigga back home better than like three of you~"
As soon as Kuroo heard you spit that out, he jumped up from his seat and yelled as everyone clapped him on the back
Sakusa is of course at home watching because he didn't want to come to the show
He fully supports you but its the fact that he'd have to deal with an enormous crowd of people
He held a mini view party, consisting of him, Motoya, Bokuto, and Kuroo (invited by Bokuto)
You were on the episode with Iggy Azalea, and it was the wild style portion of the show, you were on the Gold team
After Nick and Travis took shots at each other, you took the mic for your turn
You said Iggys name into the mic, making her come forward to face you
"Iggy, no money, no family, and a dead career, shit must be tough cuz you walked in smellin like beer."
Let's be honest, after her fancy era she fell off. Fancy still poppin tho ngl
The chime of a point being added rang through your ears, making your teammates give you pats on the back
Motoya, Bokuto, and Kuroo were all laughing their asses off back at home
Sakusa chuckled slightly, and better than usual reaction, since he just smirked most of the time
And being the proud guy he is, he suddenly loved you more than he did before
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buzzdixonwriter · 3 years
Trigger Warning: This will review a work that often addresses human sexuality, emotional / physical / sexual abuse, and adolescents’ views on same.  Be advised.
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When I was growing up in the 1950s and early 1960s, two old comic strips that remained popular were J. R. Williams’ Out Our Way and Gene Ahern’s Our Boarding House, both started in the 1920s and, from their daily panels and Sunday pages, never moving out of that decade.  My favorite cartoons on local kid shows were Fleischer Brothers Betty Boop and Popeye cartoons, many of which took place in urban / suburban settings heavily reflective of 1920s and 1930s America.
So when I first encountered Shary Flenniken’s Trots And Bonnie I instantly recognized the flavor and style of the strips.
The content, on the other hand, came straight out of her underground comix pedigree, with the refreshing point of view of the female gaze instead of the admittedly too often misogynistic male cartoonists of the milieu.
Flenniken is one of the best artists and writers to come from the underground era, displaying a confident early mastery of the form (don’t listen to her protestations she really wasn’t good at the start of her career; she clearly ranked among the finest of the underground comix artists).
But the sweet and innocent look of Trots And Bonnie belies the frank and frequently shocking honesty of Flenniken’s work.  
As cartoonist Emily Flake notes in her introduction, “that’s the terrible power of children, the monstrous innocence that makes them capable of anything, a state of being we fatuously describe as ‘pure.’”
Innocence is not synonymous with purity in the world of Trots And Bonnie because the cast lack the moral and cultural filters we acquire as adults.  They are reporting on reality as they see it, and as with all children (and the elderly, and drunks) there’s nothing to stop them from commenting on the foibles of hypocrisy of humanity, nor is there a single iota of shame to hold back their expression.
And when you add the impact of puberty to that mix, holy &#@%, you have no room left for pretense or propriety.
Hold on to your hats, folks, ‘cuz it’s gonna be one helluva ride.
One helluva ride…and a hilarious one, too.
If modern audiences can get past the admittedly often shocking visuals and situations, they’ll find some of the most brilliant coming-of-age comedy ever penned.
The truth is always an absolute defense, and Trots And Bonnie dishes it out lavishly.  Brava to Shary Flenniken for having the courage (or honesty, of lack of filter; take your pick) to pen it, to the original underground comix and National Lampoon to publish it, and to new York Review Comics to bring almost all of it back (Flenniken herself opted to withhold a few strips that she feels might be construed now as hurtful or insulting).
Flenniken is the daughter of a military family, growing up in a variety of climes and places before her father retired in the Seattle area.
She reached adolescence and young adulthood during the hippie era, and the earliest strips cast a fond eye back on that time.
An original member of the infamous Air Pirates crew, she and fellow underground comix artists gained immediate recognition skewering Disney icons.  Air Pirates Funnies and Paul Kassner’s The Realist generated no small amount of tsuris for the House of Mouse in the late 1960s / early 1970s but The Realist, true to its name, possessed to good sense to adhere to the unofficial so-called “one-time fair use parody” rule while the Air Pirates pressed their luck with Air Pirates Funnies #2, resulting in the Disney legal department descending on them like an anvil dropped from orbit.
Crawling away from the wreckage, Flenniken kept contributing to a number of underground venues, creating the first Trots and Bonnie strip for the 1971 underground comix Merton Of The Movement. 
Trots and Bonnie (soon joined by Pepsi, a beguilingly sweet looking elfin-like child with the heart of Germaine Greer, the reproductive organs of Karen Finley, and the mouth of an interstate trucker) popped up in several single page strips and short stories until NatLamp recruited Flenniken in 1972 to be a regular contributor and (briefly) an editor.
NatLamp proved to be the perfect venue for Flenniken and her characters because the magazine possessed the economic mojo and suicidal “Who gives a &#@%?” attitude to publish Trots And Bonnie while at the same time providing a perfect audience of proto-incels who desperately needed some consciousness raising, especially if said consciousness raising arrived in the form of a kick in the groin.
Trots And Bonnie’s tenure at NatLamp lasted slightly more than two decades, but a big hunk of that era saw the Reagan culture wars raging, not to mention much of the country becoming obsessed with a literal modern day witch hunt in the infamous Satanic panic (an apt subject for Flenniken’s characters, but one she wisely avoided, thus following the old military adage, “Never draw fire on your own position.”).
The already edgy material in both NatLamp in general and Trots And Bonnie in particular threatened to be perceived as too edgy by law enforcement, legislators, and judicial authorities who seemed either unwilling or incapable of distinguishing between photographs and video of actual sexual assaults and rapes committed against real children as opposed to crudely drawn Xerox copied mini-comics made by outsider artists with audiences that might possibly number in the dozens.
Flenniken’s willingness to honestly recall the turbulent emotions of early adolescence resulted in stories and strips where prepubescent kids engage in activities and discussions that would be acutely problematic if done today.  Again, the utter lack of self-consciousness in Flenniken’s characters swerves her work away from the low grade smut ground out by many of her male contemporaries and flung open a window on how adolescent females perceived the world around them.
The stories are wildly transgressive, and like all transgressive art can only be understood in the context of their time and mores.  Flenniken’s art carries a sweetness that leavens out the most horrendous situations (she gets astonishing comedic mileage off a story about a woman raped by a police officer, never once blaming or exploiting the victim but lambasting the culture and mindset that makes such a crime possible).
The fact these stories are told from a vibrant feminist / sex positive point of view makes them relevant to this day, and Flenniken’s ability to draw both truth and humor from dysfunctional families, emotional abuse, and drug use keeps them from being one-note exercises.
Most importantly, Flenniken comes across as strongly pro-child, even while honestly depicting her own characters’ failings and misconceptions.
She always brings a genuine emotional connection with her characters as adolescents, neither glorifying nor patronizing them.
One of the most notorious Trots And Bonnie strips finds Bonnie looking at herself in a mirror, fantasizing she’s famous actresses of the past.*  
At the hands and brush of Norman Rockwell, this theme tries for poignant but lands in schmaltz, looking down on an anxious child studying her reflection in a mirror; in far too many bad novels by sub-par male writers, it’s borderline (and often not-so-borderline) pornography.
At the touch of Flenniken’s deft pen, it’s honest and sweet and shockingly frank but it never depicts Bonnie as a figment of the male imagination but as a character and personality all her own.
Flenniken has not done any new Trots And Bonnie strips since the last ones published in NatLamp in 1993.
To be honest, I think that’s a good thing.
The characters are of their particular time and cultural gestalt, it may not be possible to recapture that lightning in a new bottle, and rather than diminish the old, perhaps it best remains a perfect artefact of its era.
Mark Twain tried repeatedly but could never transport Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn out of antebellum Hannibal, and to use an example more contemporary to Flenniken’s work, the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers resolutely thwart all efforts to move them out of San Francisco during the Summer of Love.
You can’t go home again, as Thomas Wolfe famously observed, but that only applies if you’ve successfully left home.  At a certain point, if you haven’t moved beyond your old confines, you never will.
Flenniken’s honest frankness could have turned into a big crosshair on her back during the cultural wars, but to paraphrase John Lennon, life happened while she was making comix.
She married twice, divorced once, widowed the second time.  While she never completely withdrew from professional illustration, she no longer sought out the high profile gigs.
Trots And Bonnie from New York Review Comics is the first extensive English language compilation of her strips and stories, a very handsomely produced volume designed by Norman Hathaway.
The strips are meticulously presented, making it possible to enjoy Flenniken’s fine line work and exquisite character depictions in greater detail than every before.  It’s a genuine delight, sure to thrill old time fans of the original strip and quite likely to win a new generation of admirers.
But brace yourselves, noobs, this ain’t your grandma’s Betty Boop…
© Buzz Dixon
 *  It should be noted that for all its apparent revolutionary newness, the counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s, the crucible that forged Flenniken’s point of view, also enthusiastically embraced the past.  W. C. Fields and the Marx Brothers became cultural icons to a new generation, Betty Boop regained her old popularity, old movies were rediscovered and reimagined, African-American spirituals and blues sprang from new voices, obscure books and novels from earlier decades and centuries became the new cultural touchstones.
I’ve posted elsewhere on how the boomer generation enjoyed a unique conflation of new technology and old media to produce a brand new synthesis; there has been nothing like it since even with astonishing advances in technology.  When old media is rediscovered and reinterpreted in this era, it too often tends to be in the form of irony, which mocks that which it cannot understand.
Give those old hippies their due -- they got the &#@%ing point!
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tartagliaxx · 4 years
lol i hope you dont mind me placing it utc bc my reply got really, really long... so long i can just hear people in bg telling me to stfu... love you tho babes <3
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OMG BBY AHAHAHAHAHA IM SO SORRY I FORGOT ABT THE RINGS— dw tho cuz i alr got them marriage papers so just sign right over here 🖋 also, you dk how big my smile is while reading through your ask im— my heart is so soft 4 u 🥺
all barbie movies were made on crack but istg princess charm school was made w ten times more crack than usual. harry potter boo’s dance break carried the whole movie, sorry i dont make the rules. and also, PORTIA. that’s the tweet. her entire existence is a mood and a blessing no wonder you kin her.
the only thing i liked abt nutcracker was the ending and the fact that im not even kidding—
mm yeah bbyg u know imma treat you like that— asjajkdakdakjdhka PLS im busting a lung. ngl tho fashion fairy tale ken is the only ken that i didn’t immediately want to punch out of reflex. that ken? *chefs kiss* majestic, monumental, a freaking miracle. give me a man like ken who would intrude on a fashion runway to express his undying love for me. can i also mention that this movie is my second pick so i would like to return the compliment and say u have SUPERB taste.
valid response. the first movie i watched w stacy in it made me walk out. dont remember which one tho. i dont think i watched rock n royals so maybe that came after the 12 princesses thing? i remember skipping that movie and all the others that followed it.
YESSS. RAQUELLE. girl crush omg and mhmm very good taste in music too btw!
childe to your stinky feet comment: “just to set the record straight, i do wash my clothes.” (its a line from that movie if u dont remember ajsdak). honestly the whole movie feels like a fever dream. it’s like... mean girls turned... something. but thats what makes it so memorable tho
imagine: you catch fatui bf childe singing the twins’ hits. your face morphs into confusion as you eat your mashed potato. your dog rolls its eyes in utter disgust. congrats. you unintentionally role played one of the most iconic scenes in the movie. 
awwwww bby thats so sweet of u to say!! im glad i was able to make you happy :))) i shall honorably take the position you kindly offer me and wear it w pride. speaking of which, i should probs rewatch too. and yes!! the bloopers made the movies sm better!! im actually surprised some people didnt know abt them or how barbie was actually an actress.
oooooooh!! genshin band au 😏 do send.
my day is going relatively well? i didnt do much today aside from doing my carrd and stuff. my proper main team is diluc, zhongli, mona, venti BUT! the one that i’ve been running is composed of xiao, mona, xiangling and diona bc im tryna get their namecards. im pulling for childe, yes but i only have 49? pulls i think (its making me so sad oml). i rlly like the windblume festival. it’s like checking up on old friends and stuff. i enjoyed the very chill atmosphere and yknow... seeing hot bby boy kaeya once again. i feel rejuvenated. also the cutscenes!! i love em. uhh i simp for everyone ngl. but at the top of that list are teyvat’s boygroup, teyvat’s big mommas, xiao and albedo. yknow,,, like any sane person. 
man,, anon, you and i share one braincell im cackling— i dont think i laughed this hard in a while,, did u see that childe au! preminger pic an anon sent me? pls i need a therapist.
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