#[[ thanks for the follow! ]]
eyes-blazing · 6 months
Welcome|| @divineandmundane
“It’s not really all that difficult to understand. Either you shut up or you get the fuck out.” Emrys wasn’t above using his height to tower over the annoying couple that had been hassling his favorite bartender for the better part of an hour. “Pick.”
The man decided to try and fight but then Emrys flashed his eyes to yellow and he backed down, paid and almost dragged his partner out the door.
“Jesus fucking Christ…”
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zamypachi · 1 year
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IS THIS A DREAM! I don’t deserve this follow.
Wait. Wait wait wait.
Does this mean. Oh no.
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(All jokes aside, thanks for the follow @semisolidmind. I love your artwork and I’ve recently that you also created the Your Boyfriend AU based Hades and Persephone, one of my favorite Au by the way. Now there these two obsessive simians.)
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diogxnxs · 10 months
Quack Quack!
Hey there new followers and all you people engaging with my work. Thanks for the support and I'm glad you all are enjoying what I'm making. So for this post I will share with you the very first Donald Duck I drew.
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This was in October 2023, and boy was I struggling with him. The visual language was new to me and he felt clunky. I didn't know what to do with him! I was more used to drawing fairly realistic figures of people and animals.
But, I am not one to just give up on a single piece so I started sketching on my sketchbook as many of him as I can alongside the other Caballeros. I used the existing character concept art of him on the internet as reference as well as other media he has been in like comics and animations. It's safe to say that my Donald Duck actually got better.
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There were a ton of messy sketches like these. Pages of them!
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This one is from a little testing on November 16. There's improvement and more visually consistent. I liked the inking here so I thought of making a finished piece with him.
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This one was actually sketched out and refined on the same day as the other one, November 16. I honestly just wanted to make something fun with Donald and Jose. But it took an obsessive series of sketching to get to the point where I am at least content. So that's my little struggle behind the scenes in drawing our favorite unlucky duck. Thanks for the follow, guys! - Diogenes
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teluminferus · 2 months
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"... auuutoooboooooot...."
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nerdynanny · 3 months
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"Hey Logan, you wanna be my bodyguard at Pride and punch anyone who talks shit?" Just a totally normal pair of bros going to pride- that's what they were. Morph had realized when Logan was around, they dealt with far less trouble in town.
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mushroommonarchypeach · 6 months
@nabbing-bad-habits has followed!
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"Hello! How are you?" She asked, waving at Nabbit. "It's been a while since I've seen you. Are you well?"
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liliallowed · 9 months
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[tfw someone famous/someone you admired for a long time follows you]
edit: I followed on my other account T-T I thought I was following them here too
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pipileo · 9 months
hello silly man. I like your art style, so I followed you. Not to your house, I promise.
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i dont 100% believe you
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blahpanblah · 17 days
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lead-to-code · 1 month
get mooted punk
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^ me getting mooted
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eyes-blazing · 7 months
Welcome|| @thewitchsvision
"I'm sorry if this is a sensitive topic but, why are you red?"
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diogxnxs · 9 months
Hello new followers!
I'm not sure of what you should expect from this blog anymore.
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Will I post art? Will I post memes? It's like playing Russian Roulette except the bullets are memes and 5 out of 6 in the cylinder are loaded. Either way, expect mostly Donald-centered and Donald-Loving content.
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lovelyextreme · 5 months
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"Oh is he here for a round?!" Willing to have one with Hibari.
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bxtonpxss · 3 months
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"Are you a clown? You look weird..." And that was saying a lot considering the company her master kept.
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ninevoltcolt · 1 year
@pleasemymel0dy @flashingmarkii
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"Fuck, it's busy today! Can I help ya?"
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aratakigang · 1 year
Alola was just as warm and beautiful as he imagined. The beaches of Melemele Island were white as snow, and the water blue as the prettiest sapphire. The cries of wingull could be heard among the crashing waves and chatter among the tourists who enjoyed this slice of paradise. Itto's Pokemon were out enjoying the waves and playing with the other Pokemon while their papa remained on the beach, taking a nap. However, his nap was rudely disrupted with a kick and also a bite of sand to the face.
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Promptly waking, the angered hisuian giant barked out up towards his attacker. "Hey! Watch where you're stepping, lady! One wrong step and your foot could've been skewered." One look down, and the stranger would see a very angry head sticking out of the sand. His body was completely submerged.
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