#[[ its ren and stars birthday once again]]
snowmaniaph · 2 years
Fighting Spirit! Snow Man
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A passionate heart silently burning behind their smiling faces...
With the annual play “Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2022” being on stage starting in April, we asked Snow Man about the fighting spirit they don’t usually get to show.
My fighting power: 2 stars
In the first place, I think I don’t have that much fighting spirit and thoughts of “I want to win”. There is no right way to perform in this kind of work, and there is no 1st or 2nd place. I think it would be nice if we could stay true to ourselves.
I would do my best in this part in “Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2022”!
At any rate, “Takizawa Kabuki” is a challenge of stamina. That’s why I want to win this mental and physical fight. One of my problems is that I become cold and blunt to other people once my mental state weakens and I lose my composure. Everyone is really working hard so I would be happy if you could warmly look after us and send us cheers of encouragement.
Meguro Ren
My fighting power: 5 stars
Not just 5 stars, but probably about 7 stars. I do think that it would be over for me if I lose my fighting spirit. I also aim to pause and think, and not get too heated up during things like discussions.
I would do my best in this part in “Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2022”!
I thought “this season has come again”. Takizawa Kabuki is an important place for us so we intend to face the challenge of presenting something new while firmly keeping the core of the work. Like how the senpais before us did, I want to make a performance that will make even the kouhais we’re sharing the stage with feel something while watching us.
Abe Ryohei
My fighting power: 5 stars
My individual fighting ability isn’t much, but I reach the maximum because SnowMan compensates for my lack of it. With these 9 members, it feels like we can show our fans a new landscape.
I would do my best in this part in “Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2022”!
Last year, I was very frustrated that some performances were canceled because of the corona pandemic. I’m praying that we can finish all the performances this time without incident. And also, with the chivalrous spirit that all performers who take on the challenge of Takizawa Kabuki possess, I will give my best to provide energy to everyone in the world.
Miyadate Ryota
My fighting power: 4.5 stars
I hate losing. Red, my member color, might be imbued with fighting spirit. But lately, I’ve started to think that it depends on what you perceive as winning or losing. I try to see the good side.
I would do my best in this part in “Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2022”!
I like the world of “Takizawa Kabuki”, and I spent a long time learning in that place. We treasure the fact that we are inheriting Takizawa Kabuki from Takizawa (Hideaki)-kun in its ZERO form, and I will do my best so that feeling is conveyed to the audience. I am also most excited because I would probably learn something new this time too!
Iwamoto Hikaru
My fighting power: 5 stars
My fighting spirit, the part that does a lot of things I want to do through willpower and stubbornness, is strong. I don’t want to use “I have no time” as an excuse so I finish what I want to do even if I have to cut down my time for sleep.
I would do my best in this part in “Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2022”!
Like last year, my birthday this year also falls on the day after the last performance for Takizawa Kabuki. That’s why I plan to work as hard as I can to enjoy my last stage as a 28-year old. It’s a totally different performance from the movie “Osomatsu-san”, so I want people to watch the movie in theaters and enjoy the gap between the two.
Sakuma Daisuke
My fighting power: 23 stars
It’s because I want to enjoy everything. My fighting spirit comes from my ability to have fun. I want to keep improving my ability to enjoy and, in turn, make others enjoy too. 23 is a number that came to my mind through inspiration.
I would do my best in this part in “Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2022”!
I think there are more people who think “Takizawa Kabuki? Is that SnowMan’s?”, and on the other hand, there are people who came to know SnowMan through Takizawa Kabuki and are anticipating the next stage play. I will give my best effort so that everyone from both groups can feel immersed in the worldview of the story.
Watanabe Shota
My fighting power: 1.5 stars
During today’s shoot, I realized that I don’t have much fighting spirit (laughs). I think I might have 3 or 4 stars before but I changed as the years passed. I am basically a pacifist, so I might not really like categorizing things into winning or losing.
I would do my best in this part in “Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2022”!
I want to show my growth and dignity as someone who has been doing Takizawa Kabuki since his Jr. days and has now inherited the show. It has been 3years since we debuted. I have to make them think “they look magnificent on stage”. And, even though we are in times like this, I want everyone who bought tickets to safely enjoy the show until the end.
Mukai Koji
My fighting power: 4 stars
It’s because I am never satisfied with the current state of things, and I’m always thinking of wanting to try something new. Even without putting my feelings into words, the fighting spirit I kept to myself is enough. I think I am greedy regarding work.
I would do my best in this part in “Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2022”!
I have my fighting spirit born from the fact that we are inheriting a traditional stage, and it has always been my intention to work my hardest. I like the henmen performance (t/n: face/ mask change, a performance from classical Chinese theater) so I’d like to do that again if possible. I can do whatever facial expression I want inside the mask. I really like that I can go on stage without my face being seen! (laughs).
Fukazawa Tatsuya
My fighting power: 5 stars
My fighting style isn’t the power type, but the type that has a good feel for when to retreat and when to attack. Like someone who hasn’t done anything but somehow wins. Actually, things just naturally go well.
I would do my best in this part in “Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2022”!
We’re being allowed to be the main again this year so I will put all my strength to do the performance. It’s just that doing fukkin taiko is already getting tough that’s why I’ve thought of doing things like trying to ask Takizawa-kun to not include me in that segment (laughs). Please look forward to the gap between SnowMan’s live stages and this performance!  
Source: Potato 04/2022
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detectivelen · 5 years
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glassesandswords · 3 years
My Levihan Fics Masterlist
I wanted to do a masterlist for my fics once I finished ten works, so here we are!😃
Some of the stories are collabs with artists, some have arts, and some are inspired by arts, so I will be linking them all with the fics too.  
1. Our True Paradise  (Afterlife AU, fluff and angst)  [one-shot]
Summary:  Levi and Hange reunite in the afterlife and they finally confront a lifetime's worth of unsaid (but very present) feelings between them.
(Jill’s art here and Giulia’s art here)
2. Ease Our Burden (fluff and humor, veterans-centric, drunken shenanigans)  [one-shot]
Summary:  Late at night, the Survey Corps veterans head to a bar after wrapping up their year-end paperwork. What happens after a few glasses of alcohol is just plain chaos.
(Giulia’s art here)
3. A Toast to the Wings of Freedom! (Actors’ AU, fluff and humor)  [one-shot]
Summary: The shooting of the events in Chapter 132 has just wrapped up, and everyone in the cast decides to collectively pour some love for Hange on her birthday. A sassy photoshoot and some surprising reveals ensures.
(Moon’s art here)
4. Of Wings and Wheelchairs (Post-war Levi, canon-compliant, light angst)  [one-shot]
Summary:  Levi and Onyankopon sit in a coffee shop, waiting for Gabi and Falco to return from their small detour during their vacation together. Levi reminisces about the old Survey Corps veterans and their times together as Onyankopon listens. Soon, the conversation makes its way to a person the two knew very well- Hange.
5. Through hell, we reached heaven (Canon-divergent, post-war Levihan, fluff and humor, light angst)  [3 chapters]
Summary: It has been three years since the Battle of Heaven and Earth. Levi and Hange, who now live together in New Liberio, decide to take a small trip through the city along with Onyankopon, Gabi and Falco. It's the little moments that make them realize how lucky they are to be alive together.
(Ren’s art here) (Giulia’s art here and here)
6. Horizon of Hope- Levi and Hange’s day in Marley (Vacation fluff, basically Levihan in chapter 123)  [3 chapters]
Summary: From the very first glimpse of Marley in the horizon, both the veterans had reverted to a stage of child-like wonder, until they were confronted with the reality of the world they lived in. But would that be enough to squash the hope lit within them?
(Aka, a rather optimistic Levi and Hange having fun in Marley the day before all the shit went down)
(Giulia’s art here)
7. The River in the Rain (Angst, hurt/comfort, canon-compliant- Hange taking care of Levi from chapter 115 to 126)  [3 chapters]
Summary: A deep-set shock had gripped her, had rattled her to her core as she recognized the face she knew like the back of her hand below all the blood, gashes and shrapnel. But his body was warm underneath her touch. And as she lay her hand discreetly on his chest, the heart below her palm thumped. Still steady. Still beating. 
And it was in that moment when Hange swore: No matter what- even if it cost her own life- she was going to make sure that Levi would stay alive.
8. A Trip Down The Memory Lane (Erurihan fluff, non-ship, wholesome)
Summary: During the winter holidays, Erwin and Levi are dragged along by Hange to pay a visit to the Industrial City in Wall Rose. As they explore the city together, Levi accidentally unearths the mysteries surrounding Hange’s elusive childhood.
And it turns out Erwin has known many of them all along.
9.  Stuck in the Haze (Angst, emotional hurt/comfort, the chapter 139 scene from Hange’s pov)  [one-shot]
Summary: Hange has to bid Levi a final goodbye, but she meets his mother in the afterlife. And it seems like Kuchel Ackerman has something to say.
10. Calm after Storm (Canon-compliant, Hange’s pov of chapter 127 post stew scene) [one-shot]
Summary:  After Yelena's words stirred up a fight between Jean and Reiner, it is up to Hange to be the mom of the Alliance and take care of everyone yet again.
(Giulia’s art here)
11. Will you stay among the stars with me? (canon-divergent, levihanween2021, fluff, supernatural) [2 chapters]
Summary: Beaten up, neglected and exhausted, Levi's idea of his future only extends till his next meal. But when he comes across a curious little girl sitting under the bright rays of the sun, he comes to realize just how big and beautiful the world is. Even so, for some reason... it just doesn't feel right.
(Angie’s art here and here)
12. Under Attack! (School AU, half-a-crackfic, humor) [2 chapters]
Summary: It was a normal, peaceful day in school until Eren had tried to impress him, and now Levi found himself hiding in a cramped dark closet with a girl he barely knew to escape the wrath of a thousand bees ready to unleash their vengeance on them. Dammit Eren.
12. It is lonely at the top (canon-compliant, angst, emotional hurt/comfort/no comfort) [1/2 chapters - ongoing]
Summary:  Hange dealing with Eren's betrayal, Sasha's death, and Levi's absence.
Bonus: A Truce (a short fluffy drabble written based on Gabey’s doodle) (Giulia’s art here)
If you are interested in knowing what my favourite Levihan fanfics are and want to check out my personal recommendations, click here! 
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elmidol · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Dear (NSFW)
[KoR and Kylo x female!reader (an anonymous friend)]
Happy birthday (you know who you are)
tw: bondage, dubcon, slight breeding kink (not entirely explicitly stated because of my own comfort levels), oral sex, degredation, dirty talk, piv, multiple orgasms, forced orgasm
word count: 2k
They had your hands bound in front of you, wrists pressing against one another. At one point you had been blindfolded and gagged. Their gruff whispers, threats that you be a good little whore, had been coupled with a combination of hash and gentle petting. Your whimpers had died down. The more you obeyed, the less harsh they were. Hands, clad in leather, had ventured between your legs and parted your outer lips. They toyed with you and made you slick, had made you cum, temporarily rendering you into a shuddering mess as you moaned for more. That blindfold was now off and you were able to take in the sight of the seven men you were with.
“Lay back if you want my fingers in your cunt again,” the nearest one said. You nodded whilst obeying. Trembling a little in anticipation of his touch, you laid down and stared up at the ceiling. “Spread your legs for me. Let me see how wet you are.” Now you ran your tongue along your lips. Your cheeks remained slightly sore from the gag that had previously stretched them. You obeyed his command, spreading your legs and feeling yourself clench with the knowledge that all seven of these men wanted you.
One of the men--though they were all armored, you knew they were men from their actions and words--walked around the others until he could climb onto the edge of the bed. His hand had worked open the front of his pants one way, his cock heavy in his hand as he stroked it. Another grumbled his name, which is how you learned that this was Trudgen. He grunted in response but otherwise ignored the others and shifted you so that your head rested on his thigh. He angled your face until your mouth was level with his cock, which he traced along your lips.
“You know why we brought you here.” These words came from their leader. You shuddered, thought for a moment, and then nodded your head as best you could with the cock pushing into your mouth. It teased along your tongue. The hand that had been toying with your folds spread them again. The mattress shifted underneath you. You instinctively tried to reach down to steady yourself, however Trudgen seized the leather that bound your hands together. He tugged harshly, yanking your limbs backwards. “You have no control.”
You swallowed thickly around Trudgen, felt him twitch in response, the vein pulsing on your tongue. At the same time, two more fingers entered you. They pumped in and out of your core before they started to scissor you open. “Fuck, she’s still so tight.” A third Knight, this one with a mask that had breathing tubes attached, stepped closer. “Shit, Ushar, not yet.” The Knight stopped in unison with grunting out a name. The man fingering you was called Cardo. “Your belly’s going to swell with our cum.” Cardo reached forward with his free hand and patted your abdomen, stroking it gently and giving an appreciative hum.
The mattress shifted again. Trudgen rocked forward then drew back so that only the head of his erection remained in your mouth. Drool trickled out of the corners, past your lips. It slicked up his cock as he fucked forward, seeking the heat of your throat. At that same time, Cardo had started to undo the front of his pants and began to stroke his cock, lining it up with your cunt. He slapped its length against your pussy, hitting your clit then tracing it up and down along your clit before pushing its thick head inside of you. You moaned and whimpered around Trudgen, feeling yourself opening more widely than when those three fingers had been inside of you. It was so much--too much? You whined, limbs trembling. The vibrations of your whimpering had Trudgen pulling away, out of your mouth, so that he did not spill his seed.
The Knight known as Ushar was only too happy to replace Trudgen. “Fuck, there’s a good whore. Take it.” He snapped his hips forward, burying himself to the hilt. You inhaled sharply, taking in his musky scent. Your cunt clenched around Cardo, who had pulled back only to thrust forward into you, sinking inch by inch until his cock hit your cervix. You yelped, arms jerking for a second time only to be tugged towards the side by Trudge; he had never released the binding.
Ap’lek closed the distance that had existed between the pair of you. He reached for your cunt, cupping you and toying with your clit. He had been the first one to make you cum, you remembered, familiar with his touch. This familiarity stoked a heat inside of your body that rippled throughout your entirety. You stared up into his mask, taking Ushar’s cock with another moan, laving it with your tongue in memory of how good these men could make you feel. How much they wanted you--needed you, you reminded yourself. Only you could fulfill their desire, and they would fill you until their attempts met with success. Ap’lek’s fingers pinched your clit, rolled it, rocked it back and forth. He quickened his pace in time with Cardo’s thrusts so that your orgasm ripped through you just as Cardo was cumming. He rode out his release, tipping up your hips to keep his seed from spilling out of you.
Trudgen was quick to move between your legs as Cardo drew away. He filled you, his thrusts quick, the opposite of the slowing movements of Ushar, who was also intent to cum in your cunt. That’s what they needed to do, you reminded yourself, to get what they wanted. It was the reason they had dragged you to this place--where this was.
Another whimper left you as Kuruk grabbed up the leather strap that Trudgen had relinquished hold of. He forced your arms above your head and tied you to the bedframe, keeping you stretched out. To accomplish this, Ushar had been forced to withdraw from your mouth. He swore at Kuruk yet allowed himself to be shoved to the side so that said Knight could bury his cock into the warmth of your mouth. Trudgen came inside of you. The leader of these men, Kylo Ren, chuckled as Ushar hurried to fill your cunt, to catch your hips so that the cum already present remained within you.
A tongue wormed against your clit, its owner straddling you, reaching down and positioning your head so that he could force his cock into your mouth. Kuruk swore, but not at him. “Fuck...she’s such a good little slut.” You were obediently bobbing your head, suddenly aware that whatever you did to him, he was paying in kind. His tongue fucked your outer lips as you were tracing the prominent vein on his cock. 
“You have a greedy cunt.” Kuruk’s teeth skimmed your clit. The threat that he might bite down had you tensing, albeit not unpleasantly.
“Make sure she stays spread open.” This command from Kylo Ren prompted two of the Knights that had already fucked you into action. They secured leather straps around your ankles, their leads running up. Ushar used your shins as gripping posts to steady himself. You felt so full as he came, felt how his balls tightened against you. Felt Kuruk stroking the bulge that protruded in your stomach as Ushar buried himself completely.
Kylo walked closer when Ushar was done. The other Knights moved away, giving you room to breathe and a chance to see just how large a man their leader was. His stature, the way his chest was wide, the size of his cock, which he trailed along your cunt without entering you. “You’ve been doing well so far.” He reached forward, pinching the sides of your face so that your mouth puckered. “Next time I’ll fuck your mouth.” Your pupils dilated when he said those words. Air was siphoned from your lungs. His movements were slow, the head of his cock stretching you open, his length going into you gradually so that you were forced to feel him in stages. Your mind screamed.
Two of the Knights were fondling your breasts, one of them pinching your nipple while the other was content to bounce the mound in his palm. The contrast of the actions had you gulping for air. Your gaze was locked onto the visor of Kylo Ren’s helmet. Behind each of these masks there was a man, and you wondered what they looked like. Which features would you see mirrored later on? Kylo rocked his hips in shallow thrusts, tilting his head and observing your reactions. His abdomen brushed against you. He reangled himself, each and every thrust causing him to brush you so that you saw sparks whenever your eyes fluttered closed. 
Kylo shoved two of his thick fingers into your mouth. The tang of leather on your tongue was so much different than anything you had tasted since arriving. You bit down on the tips. A part of you hoped that he would let you remove his glove; that part was disappointed. Kylo thrust his fingers further into your mouth, pressing down on your tongue, and jerked his hips forward. His cock hit into your cervix, making you whimper around the fingers. “Be good,” he ground out. It was clear that he was clenching his teeth behind that mask he wore. His other hand was on your shin, shoving down against it, making the restraints bite into your flesh. Another whimper. “Are you going to bite me again, you little whore?” You shook your head without hesitation, wanting to please him. Not only because of the pain--stars, heat was coursing through your body once more, your walls clenching around him, your next orgasm building if only he would again fuck you harder.
With a grunt, he relented on the pressure. The other Knights kneaded your flesh, eliminating some of your aches. They were not shy when it came to exploring your body. One found your clit, his hand pinned between your body and Kylo’s. He moved it opposite of Kylo’s thrusts. More sparks flew through your system, your chest tightening. The growing pressure was more intense than what you had thus far experienced, this orgasm ripping a scream from your throat. Tears flowed down your cheeks. The world around you blurred and swirled, as though swallowed by an entire ocean. The voices of the Knights, the wet noises of Kylo fucking into your cunt, warbled in and out of focus.
Kylo was holding onto your hips, his movements never once ceasing. “Fuck, yes, cum on my cock,” he growled as your walls repeatedly clenched around him. He came with a shudder just as you were coming down from the high of your orgasm. He threw back his head. Another swear escaped him, his body undulating against yours, each thrust in time with the spurts of his cum. He paused in his movements when he was done and did not withdraw from your body. Instead he dipped his chin to stare at you. You bit down on your bottom lip. Felt the strain of your muscles from the bindings that kept you in position. “Look at you. You can take more, can’t you?”
He did not wait for a response. None of them did. As Kylo pulled away, the next Knight moved between your legs and shoved his cock into you. Trudgen, recovered from his previous time, tilted your head. You were made to swallow him again. His hand was steady on the back of your head. Another Knight massaging your throat. A fourth--fifth?--Knight sealing their lips around your clit. The speed with which they took off their helmets and replaced them caught you off guard. You were sure that at some point you had caught a glimpse of a face, but whose had it been? It did not matter, you told yourself, not as your body was screaming at that overstimulation. Teeth grazed your nipple. The cock pounding in and out of your cunt shifted to one side, joined by a second. You screamed in surprise at the intrusion, though the sound was muffled by the dick in your mouth.
“Shit,” Trudgen growled at the vibrations. His cum coated your tongue. “Fuck.”
“Don’t worry,” Kylo said. “We have all the time we need to meet with success. No matter how many times it takes.”
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anotherknightofren · 4 years
[Kylo Ren] Paralyzed - Chapter One
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The sound of windows smashing, the glass shattering along the once clean floors echoed through the empty home as a body tumbled across the floor. Coughing, the middle aged man struggled to push himself to his feet as a figure climbed through the window, clearly in pursuit of him.
“I told you, I-“
A swift kick to the ribs, he spat out blood as his body collided with the wall with a rather loud thud. His grey eyes turned towards the figure as he sat himself against the wall, breathing heavily from the assault.
“You can say whatever you want, but your fate is sealed.”
A strained chuckle came from the man as he held his hand over a section of his torso, grey eyes meeting those of his attacker. “By who? You, a mere woman?” He shook his head in disbelief. “Listen, sweetheart. I don’t have the answers you’re looking for. Whatever they told you, they lied.”
“How do you know they were lies? You think I don’t have the slightest clue as to who you are?”
He chuckled again. “You think I even care about who you are? A mere woman, intent on murdering an innocent man-“ He was cut short as his hand found its way to his throat, all air cut off from him as if someone were strangling him. His eyes widened as he stared at the woman in front of him. Her hand was merely extended, twisting slightly before he felt himself being lifted from the ground and dragged up the wall.
“I’ve killed for less.”
The sound of bones snapping was the only sound before the man’s arm dropped to his side, his head dropping forward. Within a second, his body dropped to the floor all bent over. With a turn of your heel, you climbed back through the window and peered down the street. Someone would’ve heard the commotion by now, but you wondered if they’d care enough to investigate. Pulling the hood of your jacket over your head, you stuffed your hands into your pockets before vanishing into the darkness.
“Supreme Leader, you summoned me?”
Snoke looked across the room towards his apprentice, eyes focused on the masked man who knelt before him. “There is a presence in the Force. A dark presence, a young woman shrouded in darkness. I want you to bring her to me. She could prove to be a useful ally to the First Order.”
Kylo Ren looked up from where he knelt, his hidden gaze meeting that of his master’s holographic image before him. “As you wish, Supreme Leader. Where can I find this woman?”
“The Outer Rim, a planet known as Serenno.” He leaned back in his seat, watching the young man in front of him. “Go, seek her out. You know what to do, my young apprentice.”
Kylo stood before he turned on his heel and took his exit. “Prepare my ship.” He commanded to soldiers who were stationed outside. Serenno, of all places for this apparent Force User to be located. He huffed slightly before he continued walking. He would not fail Snoke.
As night fell once again, you leaned back against the smooth surface of the wall behind you as your eyes watched the people who kept walking around you. They were oblivious to who you were, what you were capable of, or what had transpired the night before. Oblivious to the fact that with mere effort you could control them, will them to do as you pleased, invade their thoughts and corrupt their minds. A smirk danced across your lips as you let your tongue run over them, your eyes dancing over the faces of your unsuspecting victims.
You had been born to a Force-Sensitive couple, both of which had favoured the Dark Side more than the Light. Their abilities had been passed down to you, training you at a young age before their disappearance shortly after your ninth birthday. You simply assumed that they had been killed somewhere, bodies left abandoned and rotting on some desert planet that you’d probably never heard of. Ever since, you had been on your own. Well, at least you’d done well for yourself the last decade.
“Nice night, huh?”
Your gaze shifted to a young man who stepped from the bar behind you, placing his hands on his hips as he looked towards the sky. “I suppose it is.” You spoke, folding your arms over your chest. “Then again, I suppose it could be better.”
“With clear skies and a perfect view of the stars like this? What could ever make it better than that?” He chuckled as his gaze moved to meet yours. He took you in for a moment before he smiled. “You don’t look old enough to be hanging around this place, you know.”
“Appearances can be deceiving.” You spoke smoothly, your gaze moving from his face to the sky above you. “You never know what lurks just beneath the surface.”
He raised a brow. “And what lurks beneath your surface?”
You let your gaze move to meet his once more. “An untameable monster.” You watched his expression shift before you heard the laughing.
“I’m sorry, please excuse my laughter.” He slowed down to a chuckle, wiping his eyes. “I just find it a bit challenging that a woman like yourself could possibly have a dark side.”
A chuckle escaped your lips. “Everyone has a dark side, friend.” You looked towards one of the darkened streets. “It lurks there, always hungry and eager to devour everything around me. It needs only ask once before I indulge and let it consume me, succumbing to a feeling that truly makes me feel more alive than anything in all the galaxy.” You licked your lips once more before you met his gaze, watching as he struggled to keep himself from laughing. “You think that I’m joking.”
“Only a bit, miss. You don’t look the type.” He smiled, shifting slightly. “But I won’t go as far as to call you a liar.”
You stepped towards him, placing a hand against his chest. “Would you like me to show you the dark side?” You almost whispered into his ear, staring into the darkness once again with a smirk. You could feel the familiar pull, the warmth it provided.
“Will I be disappointed?” He smirked, moving to place a hand against your hip and cup the side of your face with the other. “I’m not much for disappointment.”
You watched his face, how he searched your own, his eyes locked with yours before you smiled softly. “Not at all, but I cannot promise anything.” You moved towards his ear again, invading his mind with ease. “You will follow me and say nothing unless I tell you.”
“I will follow you and say nothing unless you tell me.” He spoke almost with no hint of humanity behind his voice before he followed you through the streets. When you had stopped, you turned to look at him.
“You will obey every command that I give you.” You watched him repeat the words before you smirked. “You see those people over there? You’re going to kill them all without hesitation and if anyone besides myself tries to stop you, you will kill them as well.”
The man turned from you and within moments you heard the screams fill the air, crying and shouting. The familiar sounds of slaughter filled your ears and you smirked, grabbing a fruit off of a cart next to you before biting into it. Chewing softly, you watched the carnage unfold before you caught a glimpse of something dark flying through the air. You hadn’t seen a ship like that out here before.
”I can sense the darkness, can you?”
Your eyes shot open as you quickly checked your surroundings. The voice had come from somewhere but you saw no one around. You turned your gaze back to the onslaught from your mind controlled friend down the street. Cautiously, you walked towards him and stopped when he turned to face you. “Kill as many people as you can, cause as much of a commotion as you can possibly muster. Do not stop until you are dead.” You issued the final command before you continued walking, the sound of the carnage behind you.
”I know that you are near. I can feel you, the darkness that envelops you. It pulls me towards you.”
Again you turned to glance over your surroundings before you tensed, stuffing your hands into your pocket shortly after pulling your hood over your face. You slipped into the darkness of a nearby alley and remained hidden as you watched the onslaught from a distance. “Whoever you are, I will kill you.”
”Once you hear what I have to say, I don’t think you will.”
You scoffed and slipped further back into the darkness when a figure dressed in black appeared with several stormtroopers. A black mask over his face, a hood pulled over his head, you could sense the Force within him as if it were pulling you in. It was intoxicating, the feeling of darkness that surrounded you in that moment.
”I see you wasted no time in using your powers for entertainment.”
You waited until they were close enough, your hand shooting out from the darkness only to send several of the stormtroopers flying before your hand disappeared into the shadows again. You crouched down, a hidden blade at your side as you slipped further into the blackness when the figure turned towards you.
“Clever girl, but I don’t need them.” He spoke out through the mask, his voice metallic and deep. “Why do you hide in the darkness knowing what you are, who you are?”
“I know the Light seeks to destroy the Dark. You think me a fool to reveal myself so willingly to another with the same powers?” You scoffed, watching him closely. “Why are you looking for me?”
“My Master wishes to speak with you, to offer you a chance to be more than what you are now. He can give you strength, guide you in the ways of the Dark Side.” He didn’t move as he stared into the black. “Come with me, I will take you to him. Should you refuse his proposition, I shall return you home to this.. planet.”
“Your Master? And just who would that be?”
“Supreme Leader Snoke.” He quipped back quickly. “The First Order.”
Your eyes widened slightly before you stood up straight, the blade hidden in your sleeve. “And Snoke sent you to retrieve me? All the way in the Outer Rim?” You chuckled. “How did he know where to find me? Can he truly sense me all the way out here?”
“You underestimate the Supreme Leader. Come with me. You can learn for yourself.”
Keeping the blade hidden, you stepped from the darkness and stared at him, unmoving as the stormtroopers rejoined him. “I could easily kill each and every single one of you. It’s simple.” You spoke nonchalantly. “Except you, princess. You’ll prove to be a challenge, but one I’m willing to test my luck with.”
“I would not advise it. I am a patient man until it’s worn thin. I will ask once more for you to come with me.” He held his hand out for you to take, watching you intensely. “You have so much more potential than you realize. Allow us to help you achieve unlocked powers within you.”
You raised a brow, an uninterested expression on your face. “I heard those words before and the ones who spoke them never returned to fulfill said promises. I trust no one anymore.” You shot forward, your movements quick as you dispatched two of the stormtroopers before you unsheathed the blade and swung around to attack the man.
“You will come with me.” He had caught your wrist and placed a hand against your face, watching as you fell into unconsciousness. Lifting you into his arms, he began his trek back to his ship and the longer trek to return to the First Order.
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caiminnent · 4 years
not designed for the cynical [kylux with side phasma/rey, rated T]
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PROMPTS: communication suddenly cut off (@badthingshappenbingo​, 8/25) & bed sharing - pet - delivery (@kyluxxoxo​)
Whenever Snoke calls upon only Ren’s service, Hux sends word to all his relevant contacts that he’s available. The job offer he accepts turns out to be far more than he's bargained for.
(This is a low-key Inception AU that requires little to no knowledge of the movie.)
FANDOM: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
TAGS: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Sharing a Bed, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Inception Fusion, except not really, Armitage Hux Has Feelings, Kylo Ren and Rey Are Related
NOTES: This was written mostly during commute and/or sleep-deprived within an inch of my life and edited under the same circumstances. As such, I don't have the faintest clue what this is, but I love it.
Hux isn’t prone to worry.
He is prone to stress, and he’s got the blood pressure to prove it—but that’s a necessity of the life they lead. It’s got its uses. Worry, however, is for when you don’t have an alphabetised, colour-coded list of plans for every situation that may arise. Worry is for the under-prepared.
Worry is a waste of time.
Knowing this doesn’t stop the fist around his heart from squeezing tight every time he hits redial and finds Ren’s phone still switched off, however.
Then again, there’s no real reason to worry about it. It’s a perfectly Ren move to go off the radar for weeks on end and turn up three countries away from where he was supposed to be, shrugging off all reprimand like he can’t understand why they’re so angry about it. It’s just what he does—he disappears, then he shows up at your doorstep when you least expect it.
He will this time, too. He promised—he will be back by Hux’s birthday.
Contrary to the popular (re: Ren’s) belief, life doesn’t stop just because Ren is off doing what Ren does somewhere else.
Even with all the safe houses and personas they maintain all across the world, the unreasonable amounts of money Snoke throws at them to be at his beck and call is more than enough to keep them afloat. Ren would be fine with not taking another independent job ever again; but Hux knows better than to rely on Snoke alone. He’s been burned enough times by fickle employers; he’s not ready to bet on the wrong horse and have to build his reputation up from scratch yet again.
That’s part of why, whenever Snoke calls upon only Ren’s service, Hux sends word to all his relevant contacts that he’s available. It keeps him in the game, on the occasion he gets an offer worth considering—and if he doesn’t, he calls it getting a feel for the market and moves on.
Monday morning finds him curled on the sofa, going through the responses on his phone. Most offers he received are below his notice like he expected, some downright insulting—and then there’s the e-mail from Enric Pryde himself.
He sits up so fast he almost knocks over his empty cup.
Among the dreamshare community, the First Order is as revered as it is despised. They reach out to very few and pay three times what they should; but the cost of failure is equally severe, growing proportionately to the project’s worth. Which seems to be a lot, in this case. While he can’t tell from the sparse details in the e-mail whether this Project Starkiller is meant to be a moving city or some sort of weapon—perhaps both, knowing the First Order—he already estimates at least two layers, more likely three, and a special blend of stabiliser for the dreamer and the architect both, who cannot be the same person for this design.
Because they want him on board as the main architect and his dreams never hold steady after the first layer, special blend or no.
Whatever he was looking for as a quick job, this is not it. It’s far more involved and challenging than he could have imagined—and, he’s finding, everything he needed. He could do this for himself. He could work a job he enjoys, instead of running point to Ren or Phasma’s picks all the time to keep them from working with incompetent point men.
Ren and Phasma, who might be working with incompetent point men halfway across the world this very moment.
No. No, he’s not thinking that. His birthday is only three days away. Everything is fine.
He e-mails back to say he’s honoured and asks for one week to get his team together. Pryde gives him five days and a thinly-veiled warning that there are others who would jump at this opportunity.
Stomach at his feet, Hux throws his phone on the coffee table and gets up to make more tea.
As expected, research gives him little of substance about the First Order’s operations and nothing at all about the Starkiller, although he finds a low-quality close-up of Pryde to glare at as he sketches out some ideas. They will get binned once he gets his hands on the self-destructing dossiers or whatever ridiculous security protocols the First Order may work with; but it keeps him busy. Better than watching the hours tick by.
When the clock turns from 11:59 to midnight on what is now Thursday, he considers texting Rey to ask if she’s heard from Phasma recently—changes his mind before he even picks up the phone. Ren wouldn’t like it. Hux has been accused of being a control freak more times than he can count as it is; he doesn’t want to add clingy to the list of his unattractive qualities.
At two in the morning, the doorbell rings.
He is going to murder Ren.
The door had never felt so close or so far as he rushes to it, heart hammering in his chest. He’s going to let Ren in, he’s going to check him for injuries and he’s going to disembowel that infuriating, thoughtless, selfish piece of shite if he’s had Hux fret all this time for no reason—
“Hi,” Rey chirps, looking up at him with damp eyes and a brittle smile. She raises a bottle of whiskey—Phasma’s favourite. “Happy birthday?”
He opens the door wider.
Admittedly—not out loud; he would never hear the end of it, from her or her cousin—Rey scores high on the short list of people whose company he enjoys. The booze helps, too. They drink in front of the television Hux hasn’t switched off in days and talk about everything but the aching holes in their chests.
She falls asleep on the sofa. He puts a blanket over her and goes to bed.
In the morning—practically afternoon, if he’s being honest—he tells her about the Starkiller. The plan was to pitch it to Ren first, to see what he thinks before bringing in the others. As it is, Ren isn’t here and none of Hux’s messages has gone through since their interrupted conversation and Hux is going to bloody explode if he doesn’t tell someone.
“I’m not sure, Armie,” she says around a spoonful of breakfast cereal he certainly didn’t buy. “He will never agree to work for the First Order.”
“Why the hell not? He works for Snoke.” Rather happily, in fact. Ren never prepares more carefully for a job than one of Snoke’s plentiful errands, no matter how simple. “Why wouldn’t he work for Snoke’s own company?”
She considers him for a long moment, chewing slowly. “He hasn’t told you the story.”
The implication—accusation—stings deep. “What story?” he demands, pushing his tea away to lean closer. The words held the intonation of capital letters, which means missing information that could potentially blindside them down the line. His respect for Ren’s private business isn’t greater than his responsibilities.
“Not mine to tell,” she says sternly, pinching her lips in disappointment like he should be ashamed to have asked to begin with. “Ask him.”
He snorts. Ren is hardly the sharing type, especially where Hux is concerned. Everything he’s ever learned about Ren has come through other means—and vice versa, he imagines.
She frowns, a question rising behind her eyes. He tenses on instinct. “Anyway,” she continues, shaking her head—and he can breathe more easily again. “My point is, if we’re doing this, we’ll need another forger.”
We. He doesn’t suppress his smile, relief coating his insides. “I suspect we won’t need a forger for this one. A chemist, on the other hand…”
She doesn’t leave and he doesn’t ask her to. They polish off the whiskey and pretend not to check their phones every ten minutes while binge-watching Star Wars, including the newest releases even their resident space nerd couldn’t finish.
He visualises Ren’s horrified expression when Hux reveals how he and Rey bonded over their shared love for big guns and hot villains in Ren’s absence. Laughter gets stuck in his throat, forming a painful lump instead.
He bids her good night and slinks away into his bedroom to stare at the ceiling.
Barely ten minutes pass before the television switches off in the next room, soft footsteps echoing lightly in the corridor. He turns his back to the door and feigns sleep as it opens and closes—which is a coward’s way, but he’s never claimed to be a particularly brave man. If he were, he would have asked Ren to stop working for Snoke instead of stewing in his misery right now.
Compared to her cousin, Rey’s weight barely shifts the mattress as she climbs in, sliding under the covers without fanfare. He shuts his eyes tighter and allows himself to imagine, just for a moment, that Ren is back.
“I haven’t heard from Phasma in over a month.”
Over a month? Hells, no wonder she sought him out. “Ren and I talked two weeks ago,” he says—realises with a sinking feeling that it sounded like he was rubbing it in. “Closer to three, actually.”
“What did he say?”
“Not much that I could understand. The reception was horrible.” Bits and pieces through constant breaking: Hux, shit, in case, person and, inexplicably, home. “I didn’t get the impression they were in danger—just inconvenienced.” As is often the case with these missions. Snoke’s got a small army of trained private security under his command and he still sends Ren to the most out-of-the-way places.
That Snoke’s hired Phasma as well for this one is a little more concerning, but not overly so. Reckless as they both can be, Ren and Phasma are forces to be reckoned with on the field—Hux would be more inclined to feel sorry for their adversaries.
Rey sighs. “Hope you’re right, Armie.”
If Mitaka is surprised to see Rey strut about in Hux’s shortest joggers she still needed to fold at the ankles and an old shirt, he politely doesn’t mention it. He and Rey exchange banal pleasantries over coffee and day-old cake while Hux finishes typing up his notes, then they get to work.
Mitaka listens to the briefing with unwavering attention, his fingers stapled in front of him like a front-row student. Like everyone else in their extended team, Mitaka is an experienced, accomplished dreamer—and yet, Hux can’t help looking at him and seeing the fresh-faced cadet Phasma had dragged in ages ago, barely into his twenties and all the more naive for it.
They’ve gotten old—Hux most so.
Once Hux finishes, “If you both are building this time,” Mitaka starts, looking between the two. “Who will be taking point? The Captain?”
Next to him, Rey inhales sharply, her face mostly hidden behind the curtain of her hair. Shame crosses through Mitaka’s face at the realised misstep.
“She’s otherwise occupied,” Hux responds before Mitaka can break into apologies. No need to make this more painful or awkward than it needs to be. “I will be running point as usual, and Rey is here to help with the heavy-lifting.”
Mitaka nods, glancing at Rey with concern before turning to Hux fully. “Where do I sign?”
They sign a heavily-encrypted stack of documents digitally, sending them through the First Order’s own communication system. The next day, they receive a link to a private cloud service with a convoluted unlock sequence that can be accessed by one device at a time, read-only.
Hux alone works on three different devices.
On the bright side, the project they receive is well-worth the inconvenience. Their objective is to design and build a superweapon out of an extensively described ice planet in the dreamspace, which must be capable of hitting five targets simultaneously and obliterating all affected life forms on them without causing a single non-predetermined casualty. Controlled chaos, if you will. The First Order wants a catastrophe they can tame and leash.
Hux can make it happen.
Whether he can make it happen in eight weeks is a different question entirely.
Without Ren to drag him away from work, he’s free to divide his waking hours between his screens and the sitting room, which they repurposed into a workshop-slash-dream den. While Hux is a decent architect in a pinch, he could never build the way Rey does—the way she bends the dreamspace to her will and creates cities that feel alive around them. Between the two of them, they have the groundwork laid out within days, quickly moving on to revising the base design according to the specifications in the main file and the numbers Hux runs.
Instead of using pre-mixed batches, Mitaka mixes their Somnacin from scratch on the kitchen table, reworking the formula per the reactions. None he comes up with works to keep Hux’s dreams steady, although a couple seem to ground his control over the dreamspace. Most just turn the dreams into nightmares for everyone involved.
Many of the nightmares are about Ren. Every time they manage to wake up from one of those, he looks at Rey to apologise. She never meets his eyes.
Unlike the two of them, Mitaka has family to return to and so he does when it gets late, leaving them to eat take-away and talk around the elephant in the room. On the rare occasion they do talk. Even though Hux gets the most shit for his workaholic tendencies, they all are guilty of it in different degrees; most nights are spent hunched over desks or tablets until they come close to shooting each other over the smallest noise or mistake, then they retire for the night.
The bedroom is where the worst fears come out.
“They might need our help,” she murmurs, lowly enough that the words could get lost among the howling wind outside. “They might be injured or—or lost, waiting for rescue. And we would be here arguing about heat transfer.”
“They aren’t.”
“But how do you know?”
He sighs loudly, turning to face Rey. Her eyes are big and eerily bright in the darkness, shining. “Look, Ren and I have been through this before. We’ve got contingencies in place for any kind of emergency—strategies to scarper and regroup as needed, fake identities with paper trail, codes to slip into lines of communication that will find their way to the other’s ear—all of which tied to systems that would alert us both if ever used. So far?” He gestures vaguely to his phones on the nightstand. “Complete radio silence.”
“Well it might be because he’s—”
His stomach lurching, “Don’t,” he bites out. He’s had enough nights contemplating that possibility himself, reasoning himself out of that line of thinking with more effort each time; he can’t handle someone else saying it.
Especially not Rey, whose unfailing optimism has seen them through many a dark spot.
“They will be back soon,” he says with conviction he forces himself to feel. They always do. This is just taking longer than expected.
Rey’s silence rings in the room.
At the end of the third week, Enric Pryde reaches out to him. His voice is as cold and serpent-like as he looks.
They talk for two and a half minutes—more accurately, Pryde relays his demands for two minutes and rebuffs Hux’s protests for the next half, then hangs up unceremoniously on him.
Fuming, Hux tries to glare a hole into his phone for about as long before going to wake Rey up.
“What do you mean, they are relocating us?”
Latching his fingers tight to keep from scraping at his already raw palms, “I mean exactly what I said,” Hux grinds out. “They want to move us into some safe house where they will provide us with everything we’ll need for the rest of the project. We don’t have the option to refuse their generosity.”
“They want to monitor us,” Mitaka says on the other end of the line, ever fond of pointing out the obvious. “Can they do that?”
“Would you like to be the one to tell them they can’t?” Hux shakes his head. They are not small fish; but the First Order is big enough to swallow them whole and not suffer for it. He knows to pick his fights. “If you’d like to drop off the face of the earth, now is the time.”
Rey snorts—as much of an answer as Mitaka’s bitter laughter.
“Well,” Rey says, scraping her chair back. “I should pack some clean underwear. When are they coming to get us?”
“As we speak.”
Before they leave, they make sure to sketch out First Order insignias on every available place. Just in case.
The safe house is, for all intents and purposes, a veritable villa in the middle of nowhere.
“A little excessive,” Mitaka comments as they tour the place, noting the bolted down furniture and darkened windows, locked conspicuously on the outside. The cupboards and the fridge are well-stocked enough to keep them fed for several months.
There is no mobile coverage.
In fact, there is no wireless connection of any sort. The multitude of devices strewn about in the house are all connected to the First Order’s own network and communications system, which provides access to every archive they might need for the project and nothing else.
The dread coiled in Hux’s guts grows heavier.
So much for his alert systems.
Progress is much faster with so much information at their fingertips.
Hux is envious of the berths of the First Order databases. Effective as his own methods of gathering intelligence are, his network couldn’t hope to have the same reach as a well-funded PMC—which he could have been a part of, had he not gone freelance instead of corporate after leaving the military.
The idea is tempting, still. He’s ruined for the civilian workforce—has been since childhood, with a father like General Brendol Hux was—but he seeks the structure and order that comes with being part of an organisation. Under different circumstances, he may have considered applying to the First Order after this project.
As their prisoner in everything but name, he wants little more than to be as far away from them as possible.
Everything they’ll need doesn’t involve a private chef or buffet, but it involves private delivery people who pick up whatever they want, no matter what they want, in a timely fashion. Because they are spiteful opportunists, they order the most extravagant and unreasonable meals they can think of. The food always arrives hot.
Hux marks the potential restaurants for each food item and how long it took to arrive on a small map every time. Just in case.
Sleeping in the same bed while Mitaka is in the next room feels too awkward, so they don’t. They don’t sleep much in general, either—not with the question of how to power a machine of the Starkiller’s scale without it overheating hanging heavy over their heads. Dreamshare mechanics are a lot more forgiving than their real-world counterparts; if they can’t pull it off down there, they sure as hell won’t make it work topside.
They have to make it work topside, they now know. The First Order wouldn’t have poured so much money and resources into what is merely Pryde’s pet design project.
“They probably have people looking into it,” Rey says, spinning her pen around her fingers with smugness dripping from her expression. He’s not petty enough to dare her to replicate it in the real world, but the thought is there. “Some super high-tech R&D division working on preventing a weapon of mass-destruction from exploding instead of, like, climate change.”
Watching her fingers like the secrets of the universe lie between them, “I don’t think so,” Mitaka responds. “It’s too much of a commitment. I bet they just wait for someone else to figure it out, then steal the designs from them.”
Something flares at the back of Hux’s mind like static, a connection he doesn’t want to make forcing itself into his awareness.
He shakes his head hard to clear it. Even with the dilation, he doesn’t have the time to dwell on things he’s got no control over.
“If you two are quite done gossiping,” he cuts in, smoothing over the blueprints in front of him for effect. “We’ve got work to do.”
We’re going to take something someone else worked very hard for, was all Ren had said the night before his departure—the only time Hux dared ask about his new job, once it became apparent Ren wasn’t going to say a word about it on his own. It’s such a non-answer that Hux couldn’t tell if Ren wanted to leave him space for plausible deniability or simply didn’t want to tell him.
He still can’t. As a matter of fact, he can’t say for sure Snoke’s job and this project are connected, either; all he’s got is a hunch.
A hunch he desperately wants to see proven wrong.
Mitaka’s newest blend is the most successful yet. They go down as far as the third level with only minor tremors under their feet—a huge leap of progress, after weeks of the ground swallowing them up whole.
Knowing better than to push their luck, they call it an early night and celebrate by ordering a feast they’ll have to take their time with. With the dinner table and every other horizontal space that could reasonably hold food covered in their work, they sprawl about the sofa set that hasn’t seen nearly enough use over their involuntary stay.
Once their food arrives and Rey realises what he ordered, a soft look crosses over her face. He ignores it. There’s only one place that serves Ren’s favourite food; it makes for a good reference point on his map. It’s not sentimental if it’s also practical.
He knew, from a logical standpoint, that having access to communication systems meant people could communicate with them and vice versa. On account of the fact that Pryde and the delivery people are the only ones to use it, he didn’t particularly care.
When the name Blysma pops up on the main screen, he realises what a gross oversight that was.
Heart at his throat, he accepts the request with shaking hands, grateful that no one is awake to see him like this. “Hux speaking.”
“Hello, Hux.”
Oh, the ever-loving—
“Don’t say my name,” Ren adds quickly, as if he sensed that Hux was about to curse his name six ways to Sunday. “Or any other names. They don’t actively monitor your communications, but we’re pretty sure some keywords are flagged. Best not to take any chances.”
“We,” he repeats dumbly. So many questions are buzzing in his head that he doesn’t know which should take priority. “You and—ah, our mutual terrifying friend?”
Phasma’s melodic laughter rings through the other end of the line. Hux’s heart soars.
“Yeah,” Ren says, a little breathy. “Yes, we’re both here. And fine. The job ran late. Where the fuck are you?”
About that… “I don’t actually know,” he admits, the truth of it settling dark and deep into his gut. Trying to map out their location left him with more questions than answers. “Near the ocean. Far north of the city, I think; but we shouldn’t have crossed any borders.”
“That doesn’t narrow it down,” Ren says.
Irritation rising in him, “We were hardly given a tour guide for the road,” he snaps. You should have been there to take notes, is on the tip of his tongue—he swallows the words. Ren is here now, in a way. They’ve found Hux and the others. The insignias must have pointed them in the right direction; but figuring out how to contact Hux through the First Order’s own systems? That’s all their doing.
Taking a long breath to calm himself down, “How did you contact us anyway?” he asks.
“By calling in more favours than your sorry life is worth,” Phasma says, amusement lingering in her tone. He has never been happier to hear her mocking drawl. “So you had better give us something concrete to work with before we decide to leave you to rot there.”
Racking his brain, he takes a deep breath to ground himself. He’s got to focus. However Ren and Phasma managed to get into the First Order’s systems, they are unlikely to remain unnoticed for long. He needs to make the most of it.
The answer is so simple, he wants to smack himself upside the head.
“At noon, we will place an order for three servings of Bivoli tempari from the Hosnian. Track whoever is delivering it. They should lead you to us.”
He doesn’t tell the others about it. For one, he’s not fully sure his stress-addled brain didn’t make up the whole interaction—for another, they have a check-in with Pryde scheduled at 3, during which they’re going to disappoint him again with their lack of progress regarding the overheating issue. They are on thin ice as it is; he can’t take a gamble on the quality of the others’ poker faces and risk attracting Pryde’s suspicion.
At exactly noon, he contacts the delivery people and relays the order. In his periphery, Mitaka and Rey share a look.
Once he takes his seat again, “I thought the Hosnian was eat-in only,” Rey says.
Hux shrugs. “They said everything you’ll need.”
He orders something different from the Hosnian at the same time for the next four days, just in case. Mitaka is too polite to protest, despite the cuisine clearly not agreeing with him.
Rey eyes him suspiciously every time but says nothing, waiting for him to come to her instead of forcing an explanation out of him. He appreciates it more than he can put into words. He can only hope she understands.
Dying in an explosion ten times in a row tends to throw a wrench in group morale.
Unwilling to kill themselves just to wake up in the safe house, they wordlessly agree to wait out the timer. The burnout has settled deep onto their bones; Pryde’s implicit threats after every check-in don’t help their mental state, either. If Ren and Phasma hadn’t made contact, Hux might have considered taking his chances with a desperate escape attempt instead of sticking around to see what punishment the First Order would dole out for their inevitable failure. It might prove the better end, at any rate.
“I am going back to my children after this,” Mitaka says with more conviction than Hux has been able to muster up about anything in months. “I don’t care what happens. I don’t care if they kill me for it—I won’t die without seeing my family again.”
“We are not dying,” Hux reassures him. With three real-world seconds to the scheduled kick, he explains everything—Ren and Phasma making contact, the bare-bones of the plan and Blysma’s carefully vague progress update texts, the precautions they’re taking to keep Mitaka’s family safe should something go wrong.
Mitaka cries silent, happy tears at the news. Rey gives Mitaka a warm smile and pulls him close.
“That’s it,” she tells Hux, rubbing at Mitaka’s arm in sympathy. “I’m not letting her take a job without me ever again.”
Raising a brow, “You would be announcing to everyone in the community that she’s the best leverage against you,” he points out, not unkindly. He understands the sentiment—truly, he does—but it’s woefully impractical. Not to mention the kind of commitment it would take.
Her eyes gleam, smile turning secretive in that way he’s learned not to trust. Reaching into her pocket with her free hand, “I was already going to do that,” she says airily, taking out a small, velvet box.
Ah. Fair enough, then.
Hux is above lying to his employers.
Rather, he likes to think he is. Dreamshare, sophisticated as it may be at its heart, is an underground science—as such, it attracts a certain crowd. In a community where lying through one’s teeth is a survival skill, Hux knows to look someone in the eye and spin a tale truer than the truth as well as the next crook; he just prefers to tell the truth as long as it will leave his head connected to his body.
As it happens, this is the last scheduled check-in before the deadline. Giving Pryde bad news now would be signing their death warrant.
When Hux reports their success, Pryde smiles. The sight haunts Hux’s nightmares for days.
Blysma’s communication request comes the night before the grand plan, unscheduled.
His mind racing with possibilities, he grabs the tablet sitting on his nightstand before the notification wakes the others, accepting the request with, “Hux speaking.” As far as he’s concerned, there’s nothing left to talk about. Phasma has already laid out all she could of the plan without tipping off the First Order; a recap now would do more harm than good.
If this is about a last-minute change—well. Adaptability is another survival skill in their line of work.
“I missed your birthday.”
Hux blinks at the screen in his hands. “I—yes.” By a couple of months, at this stage. Where did that come from? Surely Ren didn’t realise it only now? “If you contacted me to wish me a happy belated birthday…”
“Of course not. I—uh, I called to hear your voice.” Hux’s lungs tighten, all too aware of his heartbeat. “Since we never finished our conversation.”
Their conversation. The handful of words Hux has been turning over in his head for months, to no apparent meaning or answer.
He’s bloody desperate to ask and finally, finally find out; but they’ve waited this long. They can be patient a little longer. “This is neither the time nor the place,” Hux says, as gently as he’s able, biting down on the instinctive Ren at the end. Now would be the absolute worst time for a slip-up. “Whatever it was, you can tell me tomorrow. In person.”
“That’s just it,” Ren mutters. “The last time I tried to tell you, we kept getting cut-off until signal completely went away and I thought, it’s fine. I’ll be back in a few days, I’ll just tell him then. In person.” He laughs, a breathy, bitter sound. “But then…”
But then Ren couldn’t get back until a few weeks after—and when he did, Hux wasn’t there anymore.
He clears his throat to get out the lump lodged there. “Then you’ll just have to be there this time,” he says firmly—his point man voice. “Because I will be, and I won’t accept any excuses.”
After a long beat, “Yes, sir,” Ren says, a smile in his voice. “See you on the other side.”
“Sleep well.”
21 notes · View notes
mortalkombat4 · 4 years
tagged by @beetle and @catnpc thank you both i’m SORRY it’s so late omg
name: kenzie
gender: girl
star sign: taurus
height: 5'8″
time: 10:28am
birthday: may 10th
favourite bands: god do i even have any? i guess i’m vibing w paramore again. i also like iDKhow
favourite solo artist: once again do i have any. hm. not really
song stuck in my head: monster by dodie
last show: glee...i’m making ren watch some of it slkdjflskdjf it’s rlly entertaining
when did i create this blog: in....2014 i believe
what do i post: pink aesthetic, bright color stuff, and anything i find funny slkfdjskldjf
last thing i googled: cabaret emma stone (i needed a picture for something. she’s pretty. don’t judge me.)
other blogs: i have a klance sideblog @candyklances and an acnh one that i have not kept active @nooklinq
do i get asks: only on my klance blog. or if i get them on here its from people who follow my klance blog
following: 1272
followers: 504. yes this blog is 6 years old yes most of them are dead otay*ri accounts that i despise nowadays yes this is pathetic
average hours of sleep: 6-8 hours
lucky number: i’ve never had one but i was always an annoying person who said 13 whenever anyone asked. i don’t get lucky numbers
instruments: i used to play piano :( these days i play nothing. i suck at instruments
what am i wearing: black turtleneck, colorblock sweater, and jeans :)
dream job: either running a theatre or just . having a bakery/bookstore with a cat in it. dream life rlly
favourite food: ice cream...kettle cooked potato chips
nationality: white american
favourite song: don’t rlly have one...my favorite song to sing in the car is freeze your brain from heathers tho
top 3 fictional universes i'd like to live in: stardew valley, animal crossing, sailor moon
i’m not tagging anyone bc i’ve already failed this enough by taking so long shhh
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hazel-writes · 4 years
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Summary: You embark on your first mission off-board the Finalizer, but only to learn that trouble tends to follow you no matter where you are...
Word Count: 2,800
Notes: Things are starting to pick up!
Warnings: strong canon-typical violence, blood
I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no
I'm a rocket man
• Rocket Man - Elton John •
This was your first time in the hangar since Ms. Stoney had rudely ushered you to your quarters on your first day onboard the Finalizer.
As you entered, you were once again faced with the great speckled wall of never-ending space. The scariness of its infinite expanse reminded you of the first time you ever saw the ocean.
You were ten. You and your family had traveled to a remote part of Lothal for your father’s birthday. He had been wanting a change of scenery to spark some new inspiration for his paintings and your mother had surprised him with the impromptu vacation.
You didn’t remember much from that trip, but you did recall your older brother, Doran, attempting to teach you how to swim.
“Move your arms like this, and your legs like this,” he said, demonstrating the correct movements.
You crossed your arms defiantly. “I still don’t understand why you want me to learn how to swim. We don’t live anywhere near the ocean!”
Doran’s eyes lit up. “Maybe someday you will. Maybe someday there’ll be a huge rainstorm and the whole world will flood, and you, thanks to me, will be the only person on Lothal who knows how to swim. You’ll escape, start your own civilization, and be queen of the new world.”
You raised a sceptical eyebrow. “So you’re saying, if I learn how to swim, I’ll become queen of the world?”
He smirked. “Precisely.”
You looked to your mother, still not fully believing him. “Ma, is that true?”
She shrugged. “Crazier things have happened.”
"Okay, fine. I’ll learn how to swim. But I don’t want to be queen.” You look out to the vast ocean, trying to find its end. “It would be much too lonely to rule the world on my own.”
As if on cue, you were pulled from your memory when the First Order’s own ruler entered the hangar, accompanied by General Hux and a brigade of stormtroopers.
The Commander and General made their way onto a small private shuttle, while the troopers entered a larger one to their left. You, Akilah, Takoda, Rilea, and Soren followed behind the troopers.
The ride to Dantooine was cramped and bumpy, but much shorter than you imagined it to be.
When the shuttle lowered its ramp for the troopers to exit, the view you were met with left you breathless.
Your eyes were embraced by a kaleidoscope of colors. Green hills framed small valley villages like nature’s very own picture frames. Blue skies provided the perfect backdrop. Pink and purple flowers dotted the rolling ground and ancient trees towered over them, almost protectively.
Takoda laughed, nudging you forward, “What, you’ve never seen a tree before?”
“Not like this,” you replied, awestruck.
He sighed, looking around, his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I suppose this place is kinda special.”
You laughed. “You suppose? ”
Rilea appeared next to you. “Koda lived here for a while; he’s used to it’s ‘specialness’ by now.”
You turned back to Koda, surprised. “You lived here? On Dantooine?”
“Yep, a long time ago,” he sighed again.
This shocked you. “Even though there’s so many Resista-”
You are silenced midway through your question as General Hux began to speak to the group.
“All of you have your missions. This should be a quick, easy job. Myself and Commander Ren will be speaking with the leaders here. Troopers, only engage with citizens if absolutely necessary. If any resist violently, kill them. We will not waste our time on wannabe rebel scum.” He turned in your direction. “You five, distribute the posters and try not to get yourselves killed.” He pauses. “You are all dismissed.”
The crowd dispersed as you turned to face your team members.
“Well that was downright inspiring,” Soren quipped sarcastically.
Rilea scoffed, “ You’re one to talk, Mr. Melancholy.”
Soren rolled his eyes.
“So how does this work?” you asked, changing the subject.
“I think it’s best if we split up,” Rilea said, “We have a lot of ground to cover.”
“Sounds good!” Koda replied. “Meet back here in an hour?”
We all nod.
Akilah speaks up. “Just remember: keep your head down. Try to put up the posters when there aren’t too many people nearby. If you get into any trouble, run back here. Got it?”
We all nod again.
“Good. I’ll see you all in an hour,” she said before walking away.
You start in the opposite direction, towards a thick tree-line at the edge of the meadow that the shuttles landed in.
After walking for about twenty minutes, you came across some small buildings — a mix of houses, tiny shops, and public amenities.
You took out your stack of posters, pulled one off of the top, and taped it to the building closest to you.
You found another building with a white wall, pulled out a second poster, and had just started to put it up when you were approached by three men.
“What do you think you’re doing, First Order scum ?”
Why is it always me?
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.” You took a step back, smiling. “Just putting up some posters.”
The man nearest to you, who was sporting a floppy brown haircut, spoke next. “Posters… is that what you call ’em?” he laughed. “ We usually refer to them as First Order trash!”
He walked towards you, stumbling a little, and snatched the poster out of your hand before crumpling it into a ball.
The man smelled like alcohol and looking around, you noticed that the building you decided to tape your poster to was a cantina.
The man threw the crumpled-up poster in your direction and you stumbled backwards, dropping the rest of the posters on the dirt below.
“What a shame,” one of the other men said sarcastically. He wore a dark blue shirt that was ripped on one sleeve.
You attempt to stay calm. “Look, I don’t want any trouble — I’m just doing my job.”
“Ha!” the floppy-haired man scoffs, looking at his two comrades. “We’ve heard that one before, haven’t we boys?”
“Yeah!” the man with the ripped shirt shouted emphatically, “Were you ‘just doing your job’ when you murdered my brothers and sisters? When you destroyed our houses? When you stole our land and resources?”
You were lost for words. “I- I’m sorry. I truly am.”
“You really think I’m some bantha-brained idiot?” he replied, infuriated. “If you were ‘truly sorry’ you wouldn’t be putting up those posters.”
“I know, it’s just-”
The floppy-haired man spoke up again, a sinister smile on his lips. “You know what boys, I think we should give the Order a taste of their own medicine.”
You didn’t like where this was going. “Please, let me just-”
Before you could get another word out, the man had grabbed your arm roughly.
You tried to squirm out of his grasp, but he was too strong. You could try using your newfound powers, but you remembered what Commander Ren had told you: don’t reveal your Force abilities while on the mission.
Thinking quickly, you were able to bring your knee up to hit him where it hurt, and he stumbled back momentarily, cursing.
The other two men surged forward, slamming you into the wall behind you. Your head made contact with the hard surface and you saw stars.
Feeling dizzy and disoriented, your body slid to the ground, as the men began to search your pockets.
“What- what do you want?” you managed to choke out, still dazed from the impact on your head.
The man you had hit, having recovered from your blow, made his way back over to you.
“Shut up, you sithspit.”
His words spurred a surge of energy within you, and you did your best to grab and scratch at the hands that were searching your pockets, only to have the floppy-haired man backhand you, hard .
Your cheek stung, and so did your emotions. You felt angry. Hurt. Constricted. Frustrated. Trapped.
A familiar sixth sense began to build within you, begging to be released from your body.
No, no, no, you thought. Remember what the Commander said. Remember what he said. Don’t disappoint him. Not again.
You felt the sense within you retreat and you breathed a sigh of relief. Your head was pulsing to the painful rhythm of your panicked heart. You could feel blood seep from the spot on your cheek where the man had hit you.
The guy with the blue shirt, having found the credits you had brought along with you in case of emergency, shouted in victory.
“We’ll be having a big feast tonight, fellas!” he shouted, holding out your coins for them to see.
"Wait-” you started, knowing that without those credits, you’d be pretty much broke.
“What did I say, girl — shut your mouth!”
You felt a heavy boot make contact with your already nauseous stomach.
Your eyes glazed over, silent tears falling, as you curled into the smallest ball you could manage. It was what you did as a child whenever you heard the X-Wings and TIE fighters exchanging fire above your house.
Your ears suddenly picked up the sound of another pair of heavy footsteps approach from a nearby alley.
Through bleary eyes, you watched as each of your attackers were lifted off the ground and thrown into the wall opposite to you with sickening crunches.
You shuffled back as fast as you could, given your current state, not wanting to incur the wrath of whatever it was that approached you.
Your back hit a hard wall and you could do nothing more than shut your eyes and shield your head with your arms, preparing for the imminent attack.
A voice sounded from in front of you.
A familiar voice.
“Commander,” you whispered, hoarsely.
He knelt down, his mask scanning your slumped body.
“You need medical attention,” he said, in his typical ‘stating a question as an order’ tone.
“Yes, I think you may be right,” you responded, letting out a pained chuckle.
He continued to stare at you, intently, through his visor. You began to feel a prickling at the back of your head, much like the time in Hux’s office. Except now, it was gentler — comforting. And this time, you embraced it, letting it in completely.
After a moment, the prickling stopped.
The Commander looked down for a moment, as if uncomfortable with what he was going to say next.
“You- you didn’t defend yourself,” he said in a tone you had never heard from him before. He sounded confused, conflicted.
“I tried,” you said, rubbing your hands, which were still sore from clawing at your attacker’s limbs.
“I meant with the Force,” he continued. “You felt prompted to do so with Hux, and yet with this more... threatening encounter, you refused.”
You gazed up at him, surprised that he didn’t already know the answer to his own question.
“You told me not to,” you said simply, looking at him, the corner of your mouth twitching upwards.
“And you would rather risk death than defy my orders?”
Finally, you thought. A genuine question.
“I trusted that the reasons behind your orders were important,” you replied, confident in your explanation.
He seemed taken aback by that. Maybe he wasn’t used to people following his orders because they ‘trusted’ him. Instead, he was probably used to them following his orders out of fear .
You started to stand, but your stomach reeled at the attempted movement. You sucked in a sharp breath of air through clenched teeth and put a hand on the wall behind you for stability.
Your head was spinning — you had hit it harder than you thought. Lights danced before your eyes, making it hard to see.
The Commander’s cloaked shape rose next to you, and as your eyes followed his movement, you realized you had almost forgotten how tall he was.
He reached a gloved hand towards you, slowing slightly when he got close, almost as if he was expecting you to flinch.
You didn’t.
He took that as a sign to continue his maneuver. Placing one arm below your shoulders and the other at the backs of your knees, he wordlessly lifted you off of the ground and into his arms.
You were on the brink of consciousness, but managed to whisper a final “thank you” before drifting into an unrestful sleep.
When you woke, you weren’t in your bed like before. You looked down, only to realize you were still in the arms of your Commander.
Slightly embarrassed at your vulnerable state, you closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep, as to avoid any potential awkwardness.
“I know you’re awake.”
You opened a hesitant eye and looked up at the source of the deep, rumbling voice, but his mask was pointed straight ahead, on the trees in front of him.
“Where are we?” you asked, your voice coming out hoarser than you wished it to.
Still looking forward, he responded. “We’re almost back to the shuttle.”
“Oh,” you replied.
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you; no noise was present other than the breeze blowing the leaves of nearby trees and the sound of the Commander’s boots crunching twigs and branches at a steady pace beneath you.
His walking slowed as you neared the edge of the tree line. You looked past it to see the larger meadow where the First Order shuttles were situated.
The Commander came to a complete stop and looked down at you quickly, before bringing his eyes back to the clearing ahead.
There was that strange emotion again: confliction.
He probably doesn’t want to be seen carrying me, you thought. Too much visible empathy isn’t good for his menacing reputation…
You decided to speak up first — making the decision for him. “You can let me down now, I’m fine.”
He shifted his glance downwards as you moved in his grip. However, instead of letting you go, as per your instructions, he maintained his tight hold.
You wished you could read his mind like he had read yours back on the Finalizer.
What was he thinking?
Why does he seem so conflicted all of a sudden?
Why is he helping you, again?
Suddenly, as if in response to your questions, waves of intense feeling washed over you.
Anger. Frustration. Confliction. Curiosity. Reluctance.
It took you a second to realize that these weren’t your feelings, they were his.
Shocked by your sudden intrusion into his mind, he looked at you, tilting his head slightly to the side, before guiding you to stand on your feet. The Commander remained silent as you leaned on a nearby tree for support.
He glanced between you and the shuttles, shifting uncomfortably on his feet.
“Go,” you waved him in the direction of the meadow.
He didn’t move.
“Go,” you spoke again, softly, attempting a smile. “I understand.”
Seemingly content with your reply, he nodded his head slightly, and headed into the meadow, cape blowing in the breeze behind him.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you waited for five minutes, giving the Commander enough time to get to the shuttles before you followed.
The pain in your head, cheek, and abdomen increased, so you began to stumble into the meadow, hoping to make it to the shuttles before you passed out again.
Luckily, a familiar voice called your name.
“Guys, come on — I found her!” Akilah’s words sounded across the meadow.
Your exhaustion got the best of you, and you crumpled into the soft grass beneath you.
“Sor, come help me!”
You looked up to see Akilah’s worried face, followed by Soren’s confused one.
Koda and Rilea followed close behind, but Akilah soon directed them back towards the shuttle to warn the medical crew of your arrival.
She directed her attention back at you, smiling. “Here, hold on, we’ll get you back in no time. Sor, grab her other arm.”
You felt your body lift off the ground, Akilah holding up your left side and Soren holding up your right.
“Wait,” you spoke, barely a whisper. “I- I dropped the posters.”
Soren looked at Akilah. “Is she serious right now?”
“Umm… I’m really not sure,” she replied, frowning. “Could be a head injury.”
“We better get her back,” Soren replied, as the two of them helped you back to the shuttle.
They laid you on a makeshift bed and the on-board medic began attending to your injuries.
You used the last of your strength to lift your head slightly to search for Commander Ren, but he was nowhere to be found.
Dropping your head back onto the pillow, you closed your eyes, finally embracing the comforting darkness of sleep.
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winterune · 4 years
Do you wanna build a snowman?
A Persona 5 Fanfiction
@shuannweek​ Day 2 prompt: Rain / Snow
Rating: T | Word count: 2081
Also available on: AO3. 
“Oh, wow, look at all this snow!”
Ren glanced to his side, where Ann was standing with her arm linked to his, eyes sparkling in delight. It had snowed heavily last night, and by the time Ren went to her house to pick her up, a thin layer had coated every surface from the ground to the rooftops—lampposts, store awnings, parked vehicles. Ann had gone to the door to greet him, all ready with her black overcoat, red scarf, and earmuffs. Her beaming face had made his own frozen cheeks warm into a smile.
The snowfall had stopped some time before dawn and the sun had broken free from the heavy clouds, but still, the temperature had dropped significantly and snow thick enough to leave deep footprints remained on the ground. Such was the scene they witnessed as they entered Inokashira Park. A blanket of white as far as the eye could see, broken occasionally by patches of brown or black. There were fewer people than usual, mostly people his age or families with young children out and about to play in the snow.
“It’s rare to see so much collecting on the ground,” Ann went on, breath clouding over, as she led him to the pile of snow under a tall leafless tree, its bare branches reaching up to the sky. When Ann left his arm to crouch on the ground and pick up a handful of snow, the warmth he had come to appreciate on his side was immediately replaced by the cold that pierced his bone, even through his layers of clothing, making him shiver.
The day felt colder than usual. He didn’t particularly hate it. He was just not fond of it. He would rather stay indoors and have a hot chocolate with a book to read or a movie to watch. But Ann had wanted to see the snow, so here they were.
“Hey,” Ann called, looking up at him. “Do you wanna build a snowman?”
Ann nodded enthusiastically. “But not like the normal ones. I wanna make that creature. That…have you seen that movie? That old anime movie. With the big, round, fluffy creature thing.”
Ren cocked his head to the side. He wasn’t following.
“I forgot its name…” Ann went on. “You know, the one where a little girl goes into the forest and meets the thing?”
“I’m still not following.”
“Ah, right, the one by Ghibli! The—the one with the…cat…bus?” She paused, then looked to the ground, brows furrowed. “That sounded weird.”
Cat bus? Ghibli? An image started forming in his mind. He had seen it when he was a kid. The movie with the small family moving to the countryside where they met a huge spirit in the neighboring forest.
“Totoro?” Ren offered.
“Right!” Ann exclaimed, head whipping up with stars in her eyes. “Totoro! God, I forgot that name for a moment there.”
“Yeah, that was a cute movie,” he agreed. He had only seen it once, on one of those days when his father wasn’t home and he had been alone with his mother. She would play a movie on the TV at night, and he would sit with her with a glass of chocolate or some midnight snack his mother cooked up. My Neighbor Totoro had been one of those movies.
But the joy of discovering the name was only short-lived as Ann’s meaning finally dawned on him. “You want to make a Totoro snowman?”
He had probably expected her to shake her head or to shrug, saying something like, “Nah, I was just thinking it’d be cute.” But Ann was nodding aggressively, as though her life depended on this. She rose to her feet, with that bright smile on her face, and said, “Come on, it’ll be fun!”
There were no rooms for arguments. Not that he wanted to argue if it meant seeing her smile like that again.
“So,” Ann said, from her spot by the pile, patting it down into form, “how do you make a Totoro snowman exactly?”
Ren, who had been gathering more snow into his arms, looked up from his task and found her staring expectantly up at him. He laughed. “What’re you looking at me for? It was your idea.”
“Yeah, I know, but,”—Ann turned her attention back to her work—“I’ve never actually seen a Totoro snowman.”
“Then where did you get the idea?”
Ann shrugged. “Just wanted to try something different, I guess?”
“Well, why not look it up on the internet?”
Ann’s eyes widened as though the thought hadn’t crossed her mind. She quickly brushed her hands against her coat before fishing for her phone in her pocket. “Let’s see…Totoro…snowman…”
Through the corner of his eyes, Ren watched as Ann began typing furiously on her phone. He couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Looking at her having fun always put him in a good mood, and it made him want to tease her a bit. 
Having gathered enough snow, he rose to his feet and went over to their makeshift snowman.
“Here it is!” Ann said, still looking at her phone. “Oh, wow, look at all of these. They’re so good! How do they even make these? Look, Ren—”
She looked up just in time as Ren reached their pile and opened his arms wide, dumping all the snow right above her head.
Her scream was cut short. Ann immediately jumped to her feet, brushing the snow away from her face in surprised, angry swipes. “Ren!” she shouted, indignant.
“Sorry.” He tried and failed to stifle his laughter. It wasn’t until she glared at him that he immediately covered his bout of laughter with a cough and a clearing of his throat.
But Ann was still frowning, and she crouched down on the ground and gathered snow into her hands.
“Hey, wait a—”
“You asked for this, Ren,” she said, and before he could prepare himself, she had risen to her feet and thrown the makeshift snowball at his face.
He looked away just in time and felt little shards of ice stinging the side of his face. He groaned. Ann immediately exploded in a fit of laughter.
He blinked once, twice, wiping his face then finding his fingers covered in a thick layer of ice. He stared at her, lips set in a deep scowl. “Well, that does it.” He quickly reached down for more snow.
“Wait, are we seriously doing this?” Ann said, already backing away one step at a time.
“You started it.” Ren carefully padded his snowball between his hands.
“You started it!”
She ran just in time as the ball left Ren’s hand. It flew past her by several inches, landing with a thud back on the snow pile behind her. She squealed in delight and triumph at Ren’s missed attack.
As he watched her moving farther and farther away from him, he felt his feet moving on his own, and before he knew it, he was chasing after her. “Come back here!” he yelled.
But Ann’s feet quickly dashed through the white landscape when she realized he was hot on her trails. “No!” she screamed back. She was laughing and squealing every time she felt his snowballs zoomed past her or when his fingers were just inches away from her arm or her coat. When his attacks found their marks on her back or shoulder or leg, she would occasionally bend down to pick handfuls of snow to throw at him.
Snow sprayed everywhere. Neither of them cared anymore about creating balls and were just throwing whatever snow and ice they could get their hands on. It was then that he felt it—the laughter bubbling from inside him, bursting out uncontrollably as though a dam had broken free. 
When was the last time he felt like this? A carefree feeling with nothing weighting his shoulders and mind. No thoughts of his family, his school, or his life. Just him and himself, a seventeen-year-old boy, who was laughing his heart out with the girl he loved.
When he looked at her, Ann was smiling so wide, so bright, so free. Her laughter was like music to his ears. And when she met his gaze, time seemed to stand still and Ren forgot how to breathe.
It happened instinctively—his arm snaking around her waist, pulling her close. One hand brushed against her cheek to rest at the back of her head and in one smooth motion, he brought his lips down to hers.
She tasted of ice and salt with a hint of strawberry underneath. He felt her jerk in surprise, her body stiffening for a split second, before she relaxed into his arms. Her fingers splayed over his chest pulled at the lapels of his coat to deepen the kiss. 
A moment passed, then another, and another, before they finally broke the kiss with a gasp and a sigh and Ren rested his forehead on hers as they looked at each other and smiled.
“What was that?” she asked softly.
“A kiss,” he replied, nonchalant, interlacing his fingers behind her waist and drawing her close. “Don’t you know what a kiss is?”
Ann laughed under her breath. “Jerk.” She playfully hit his chest and he laughed.
Then something caught her eye, far above, in the sky. She looked up, and he noticed it—the wonder in her eyes and that beautiful smile that Ren had silently vowed to protect, no matter the cost.
“It’s snowing again.”
It was, indeed. Soft white flakes rained down from clouds he hadn’t realized had gathered again in the short time they had their snowball fight. They landed on her hair, and her coat, and she reached up to touch one but it melted on her skin. Still, she was grinning gleefully like a child on her birthday.
Ren had never liked winter. Not very much. The cold never agreed with him. A draft through the cracks in the windows or the ceiling would make him shiver to the bones. Yet whenever he was spending his time with Ann, it was as though all the cold had melted away, replaced by this sort of inherent warmth only she could give.
Ann noticed his stare and looked questioningly at him.
Ren smiled a small smile as he quietly said, “I love you.” The touch of pink on her cheeks made his eyes crinkle with happiness.
“I love you, too,” she replied.
Ren’s smile widened at that, and he drew her closer still and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. She wrapped her arms around his back and snuggled against his neck.
“Do you wanna continue building the snowman?” he asked, eyeing their half-done Totoro snowman a ways away.
Ann followed his line of sight, before snuggling deeper into him. “Let me stay like this for a while.”
He tightened his arms around her in reply, pressing his temple against the top of her head.
The tightness in his chest he hadn’t realized had been there was released, and it was as though he could finally breathe again. It had crossed his mind sometimes—the thought of how suffocating his life had been—but with all the things going on in his life this past year, he hadn’t let it dwell for too long. It had never helped. But then there were these days, when the cold settled in and he would remember the life in his parents’ house, living under his father’s strict rule, hearing them fight day in and day out. It would make the cold even more unbearable than usual.
“Hm?” Ann looked up at him, finding him staring far off into space. He met her gaze and saw the concern in her eyes. “What’s wrong?”
It had never occurred to him that he might be lonely. Even now, the word seemed foreign to him. He liked being alone, but that didn’t mean that he was lonely. At least, that was what he had been telling himself. And yet, when he met Ann and all those people who, for once, actually saw him for himself and accepted him for who he was, it was as though a wall he had never known existed broke apart, and all he had wanted to do was to cry.
“Nothing.” He tightened his hold on her. “I’m just glad that you’re here with me right now.”
~ END ~
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romana73 · 5 years
Post written by ME. The animated gifs present in this post AREN’T MINE and DON’T HAVE ANY WAY TO ME! Akatsuki no Yona ("Yona of the Dawn") is a 2009 historical/adventure/sentimental Manga, written and designed by Mizuho Kusanagi, of which Studio Pierrot produced Anime adaptation, formed by a total of 24 episodes and an OAV. In reality, story told in Yona and that told in Star Wars Episode VII and VIII, are totally different, however there are parallels between two stories make it possible to realize DIFFERENT stories from same narrative themes ... Orphaned of a mother, Yona is princess and heir to Kingdom of Kouka’s throne, daughter of King Il, head of Clan of Heaven and single ruler, recognized like King by other clans leaders: Wind, Earth, Water and Fire. In reality, King Il is considered weak and cowardly, because of his hatred of weapons and his policy of no violence. Unlike her father, Yona is lively, restless and adventurous. Since childhood she has shared her time with Son Hak, now head of the Wind clan and her faithful bodyguard, nicknamed "Lightning beast" for his superhuman strength and speed and devastating power of his blows, and his cousin Soo-won, cheerful, kind and carefree son of Ju-Hon, brother of King Il and undefeated general of army to protect Kouka’s kingdom. Everyone believed Ju-Hon should have become King, but when his father chose Il as sovereign, Ju-Hon left castle, promising to continue to defend the Kingdom and his brother from afar. Five days before her sixteenth birthday, Yona receives Soo-won’s visit to castle, returned to participate in her celebrations. Yona is determined to confess her love to Soo-won, unaware Hak has loved her in silence for years. Yona faces two painful obstacles: Soo-won claims to consider her like a younger sister and he said he can’t see her as a woman while, without explaining reason to her, King Il declares he will NEVER give Yona allowed to marry Soo-won. He will never have to become King, which would happen if he married Yona. Meanwhile, Hak notices climate has changed in castle, but his premonition is too vague and Hak fails to focus on it. One evening Yona is chased by someone who sneaks into castle, but she’s rescued by Soo-won and intruder seems to disappear. On birthday, Soo-won gives Yona a beautiful and precious hair clip. Unable to sleep that same night, Yona goes to her father's rooms to inform him that she will never forget Soo-won but as soon as she opens door she sees a chilling scene: Soo-won puts a sword in King Il's heart, killing him in front in her eyes. Noticing her presence, Soo-won is surprised and disappointed Yona was still awake and explains to girl that he had killed King Il for revenge. For some time, in fact, Soo-won had discovered his father hadn’t died from an accident like everyone else, including Yona, knew, but he had been killed with sword, by King Il immediately after he ascended the throne. Soo-won also claims that after killing King II, to honor his father's wishes, he would become King. Yona doesn’t believe a word, but she hasn’t time to assimilate news, ‘cause Kye - Sook, intruder who had threatened her night before and Soo-won's aide, seeing Yona was witness to King Il assassination, advised Soo-won to kill her. Yona runs away, but Soo-won's guards manage to capture her. Fortunately, Hak arrives to save Yona. Thanks to Min-Soo, faithful servant, Hak and Yona manage to escape from castle. Soo-won unleashes soldiers on their tracks, with order to capture them, while he is crowned new King of Kouka, declaring he will crush anyone who will oppose him. Yona and Hak hide in Capital Fuuga, Hak's hometown. Here Yona takes decision to fight for her life and prevent Hak from dying. Having heard of girl's decision, Son Mundok, adoptive father of Hak and former General of Wind’s clan, in King Il’s service, sent Hak and Yona in search of Ik-Soo, a monk capable of listening and reporting God’s voice, in past adviser to King, then chased from castle. Learning of Yona's will to fight, Ik-Soo advises her and Hak to look for four dragons from which kingdom and its tribes were born. Four boys who were infused with blood and powers of Dragons who reigned in sky, destined to protect the Red Dragon with every means, as soon as this was reincarnated ... YONA: Soo-won kills King Il, Yona's father, breaking Yona's heart, who loves him and wants to marry him. Until that moment, boy is considered sweet, cheerful, kind, educates by everyone
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In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens ", Kylo Ren kills his father Han Solo in front of Rey, who is afraid of him and would just like to escape him. From the beginning, Kylo Ren is considered evil, lost in Dark Side. In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi ”, Kylo Ren kills Snoke, his master, then takes his place on throne, as Supreme Leader
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Hak arrives just as Soo-won's soldiers are about to kill Yona. Shocked, she looks at him in amazement and fascination. Soon after, Yona and Hak are stopped by Soo-won himself who also reveals to Hak that he killed King II. Hak rages and attacks Soo-won. Duel is blocked by a Soo-won’s soldier who threatens Yona. Fortunately, an anonymous arrow distracts enemies, allowing Yona and Hak to escape
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REYLO: In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens ”, Kylo Ren unleashes his troops in search of BB-8, a droid in Rey’s company. Rey and Finn are forced to flee from First Order’s stormtroopers, until they reach Resistance. Meanwhile, touching Anakin's old lightsaber, Rey has a vision, in which Kylo Ren rescues her from an attacker and then follows her. Finally, while they are fleeing Star Killer Base, Rey and Finn are blocked by Kylo Ren, who throws Rey against a tree, causing her to faint. Finn fights with Kylo to protect Rey
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YONA: Disobeying her late father’s wishes, Yona tells Hak that she wants to learn how to use sword to defend herself and protect him. Hak proposes to Yona arrows and bow instead of sword and he explains she lacks a fundamental thing: killer instinct. Unlike Hak, Yona is unable to kill. Once, Hak challenges Yona to hit him and she fails. Only when Hak tells Yona to imagine he is Soo-won, Yona is assailed by fire and determination and manages to lightly hurt Hak
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In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi ”, after a moment of loss, Rey shoots Kylo Ren during their first Force connection. Later, Kylo Ren's words prompted Rey to throw herself into cave attracted her, but she feared
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During a clash with Fire Clan’s army, Hak and Yona fall off a cliff and are believed dead. In fact, they are saved by Ik-Soo, a powerful King’s ex-monk, driven out of castle, who lives isolated in depths of forest. Ik-Soo tells Yona when DARK falls on earth, Dragons blood will bring life and Red Dragon will return with the dawn. For everyone, Yona is LIGHT
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REYLO: In “Star Wars Episode VIII. The Last Jedi”, speaking with Rey and Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke says "DARKNESS grows and LIGHT with it". Rey symbolizes Light, Kylo Ren is Darkness
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YONA: At journey’s start, Yona and Hak seek out Ik-Soo, a powerful King ex-monk, and then they set off to find four boys in whose veins blood and power of four Dragons
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REYLO: In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens" movie, Rey and Finn travel to reach Resistance, to deliver BB-8 to it. Later, Rey sets off to join Luke on planet where he was hidden
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YONA: At night, Yona trains often alone to shoot a bow and then, with the sword. One night, Hak decides to train her, fighting with her, in forest
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REYLO: In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens”, Rey and Kylo Ren duel in the forest. In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi", Rey trains alone in morning with her lightsaber
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YONA: Hak's nickname is "Lightning Beast of Kouka" and he is often called beast. Hak is very hurt by Soo- won’s betrayal, so much so he closes on himself and doesn't utter a word when talking about him
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REYLO: Kylo Ren's nickname is Jedi’s Killer. Rey calls him "masked creature" and, when she’s furious, "monster". In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens", it is said it was Kylo Ren who betrayed Luke. In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi", Kylo reveals to Rey it was Luke who first betrayed him, trying to kill him in his sleep
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YONA: Towards the end, Soo-won and Yona meet again. Soo - won hides Yona under his cloak to protect her from his soldiers. Yona sees a sword at Soo's side - won and grabs the handle, feeling assaulted by desire to kill him, but Soo - won blocks her, explaining he understands her, but he can't die ‘cause he still has something to do. Struck by his words, Yona refrains from killing him. Later, Yona confesses to Ik-Soo she still has feelings for Soo-won
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REYLO: In "Star Wars. Episode VII. The Force Awakens ", hunted by Kylo Ren, Rey tries to defend herself by shooting at him. Tired of avoiding bullets, Kylo Ren blocks Rey’s arm with the Force. In "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi ”, after having fainted because of their clashing with Force, Rey awakens first and she doesn’t kill Kylo, fleeing and leaving him unconscious on the floor
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shadowynnn · 5 years
star-crossed | part one |
star wars
pairing: ben solo/kylo ren x reader x general armitage hux
soulmate au
a/n: Due to names having significance in the soulmate aspect of this fanfic, the reader will have a name designated to better coincide with the soulmarks I have planned for each person. :)
“When you turned me down and said you had big plans for your birthday, Sol, I expected something a little more...I don’t know...big?”
Upon hearing your partner’s familiar voice, you rolled out from beneath the X-Wing you had been tinkering with and peered up at his hovering figure.
“I decided to fix up your precious X-Wing out of the goodness of my heart and this is the thanks I get, Dameron?” With a roll of your eyes, you attempted to keep the smile his words brought at bay as you sat up and unwrapped the bandanna tied around your thigh to wipe away the sweat threatening to pour into your eyes from hours of work. “You’re welcome, by the way,” you added, a smile finally breaking its way through as you quirked an eyebrow at the man, silently savoring the way his mouth twitched at your previous use of his last name.
“I just can’t believe you’d rather spend your special day with my starfighter instead of me.” Poe shook his head, faking a pout as he outstretched his hand towards you. “I mean, I really thought we were getting somewhere after our last mission together-you got a little smudge there, by the way” 
You wiped at the grease spot Poe had mentioned before taking his extended hand and letting him pull you to your feet. Your face scrunched up as your partner’s words brought up memories of the Kowakian ape-lizard. It had seemed to take weeks before you had finally managed to erase its scent from your mind and his reminder brought the pungent scent rushing back.
“Don’t go acting all bruised on me now, Poe.” You gave your partner a pointed look, throwing the memories of that mission far behind as you plopped yourself down on a nearby tool bench and took a long swig out of your canteen. “You know I don’t like celebrating my birthday.”
You meant the words in a casual manner but felt your demeanor fall as thoughts you had tried to push away by tinkering on Poe’s starfighter came tumbling back. Images of that terrible night rushed through your mind in swift flashes of fire, smoke, and blood. Nearly five years had passed but you could still hear the screams of the dying and feel the heat of the flames as they ravaged the temple. But worst of all, you could still clearly picture the boy whose name was slowly etching itself across your chest as he had begged for you to join him. And while you never dared mention the thought out loud, you couldn’t help but think it was all because of you.
As if sensing where your thoughts had tumbled, you felt a hand lightly brush across your bare thigh. Following his line of sight, you watched as Poe’s fingers gently trailed across the sweeping black letters that had appeared over your past birthdays.
With a soft sigh, you brushed Poe’s hand away in order to wrap your bandanna back around your leg and hide the other source of resentment for your birthday.
“It might not be him, you know. There aren’t enough letters to be-”
“But it is.” You shook your head interrupting Poe before he could finish his thoughts, a sharp bitterness in your tone. You were quick to soften though when you noticed the downward tilt of his lips. You hadn’t meant to direct your resentment towards him. He was just trying to help, after all. You were just frustrated at the cards fate had played you and the yearly reminder it brought. You were supposed to be counted lucky that you had two soulmates, but you didn’t see how anyone would think you were blessed. Ouf of the billions of souls in the universe, you had been given two people you could never be with. “I don’t know if it’s a soulmark thing or the bloody Force that tells me so, but it’s him. I’m certain of it.”
“Well, my offer still stands if you ever...you know...get a little lonely.” Poe’s eyebrows waggled as he gave you a knowing smirk. He may have not known about the other name etching itself on your body, only General Organa-er Leia as she had repeatedly told you to call her-knew about that one, but he was one of a very few select people who knew about the one you kept hidden with your trusted bandana and often jokingly offered - at least you were pretty certain it was a joke because lately, you had been more unsure - for the two of you to get together until he found his own soulmate, whoever the poor soul might be.
“Oh, keep dreaming, Dameron.” You tried to throw Poe a cutting glare as you promptly kicked him in the side, but you could only keep your smile at bay for a few seconds before it snuck its way through. He might have driven you crazy at times, but he always knew the right thing to do or say when you started slipping back into one of your darker, reclusive moods. No matter how alone you felt at times, Poe was always there to remind you he was there for you.
“Is there a reason you're here, or did you just feel like pestering me again?” You then asked after kicking him once more for the snide comment he muttered about your smile. “Unlike you apparently, I have work to get done, you know?” 
“Your ‘work’ will have to wait,” Poe answered. “General Organa’s assigned us another mission and while she wished it could have waited until after your birthday - which reminds me that she says happy birthday, by the way - we can’t afford to push it back. We need to leave as soon as you’re ready to.” 
“What’s the job?” You ask, your curiosity piqued at the way Poe seemed to straighten back up as he remembered why he came to find you in the first place. It had been a few weeks since you had last been able to leave the Resistance base and you were just itching to get away. It would also serve as a very welcomed distraction.
“A piece of the map’s been located.”
“Are you serious?” Your whole body froze and your earlier excitement suddenly faltered at his words. So much for that distraction. “This isn’t a joke, right? Because if it is, I swear Poe-” 
Poe shook his head interrupting you before you got yourself too worked up. “The General received a message from an old acquaintance on Jakku. We’ve got to go pick it up before the First Order also catches wind of its location and beats us to it.” 
“So, it’s finally happening.” You muttered softly more to yourself than in response to Poe as the weight of what this mission meant began to sink in. “I mean, I always thought we’d be able to, but still...” You shook your head in disbelief. “To think that we might be able to find him after everything that happened.” 
“Are you going to be okay?” Poe asked when your words trailed off and laid a hand tentatively on your shoulder. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. The general would understand, especially with your history...”
“No, no, I’m good,” you replied as you jumped down from the table, suddenly restless and eager to move as a million thoughts started flowing through your brain. “Can’t have you going off on your own, anyways. God knows how much trouble you’d get in without me.” You attempted to throw Poe a smile but the way his brows softened made you realize that he could see right through it. “Trust me, Poe, I’ll be fine.” You cupped one of Poe’s cheeks briefly with your hand as you spoke, in an attempt to reassure him as much as yourself.
You gave him another smile, this one just a bit less pitiful than the first one, before patting his cheek gently and running off to your room to get dressed and ready for the mission before he could argue any further on the matter and before you could talk yourself out of it.
The surface of Jakku was quiet as you and Poe quietly made your way to your destination. The only sounds to be heard were the distant rumblings of the village’s animals and a stray windchime tinkling in the wind. 
Despite the peaceful setting, you couldn’t help but feel on edge as you strayed close behind Poe, your hand hovering over the blaster attached to your belt as your eyes scanned the scene around you. It couldn’t be this easy. After years of searching for Skywalker and the map to lead you to him, it couldn’t be as simple as flying into the village and walking out with the map as this.
But there wasn’t another ship in the night sky and all was at peace on the surface below. You couldn’t make out another soul outside beside you and Poe and even the animals were calm in the pens. 
Upon finding the house of the man you were here to meet, Poe knocked quietly, his dark eyes studying the desert around you as you waited. A few seconds later, a hand pushed aside the curtain and motioned you in. You followed the commands quickly, eager to get out of plain sight and slipped inside the lighted hut while BB-8, Poe’s loyal droid, stayed outside to keep watch.
“Lor San Tekka?” Poe asked as the braided curtains came to a close behind you and the two of you got your first good look at him.
While he was along in age, his face was also wizened in a way which showed he had seen and been through much in his long lifetime. His hair, a bright white, was a stark contrast to his tanned skin, but it was his eyes which caught your attention the most. You could see a sadness in them, a deep mourning for some loss and a startling reflection of your own.
San Tekka nodded his head, moving to sit in one of the empty chairs while motioning for you and Poe to do the same. Once you were all seated, he reached inside his robe and brought out a small, leather sack. 
“This will begin to make things right,” He spoke softly, placing the sack in Poe’s hand and closing it. “I’ve traveled too far, and seen too much, to ignore the despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force.”
His eyes turned to you as he spoke about the lost order, somber eyes staring deep into your own with an understanding that startled you.
He knew. 
Somehow he knew, but you didn’t understand how.
“I can’t.” You shook your head furiously, panic rising in your voice as your hands clenched and unclenched in your lap. “I’m sorry, I just can’t, not after what happened.”
A sad smile filled his features as he reached to take your hands in his and calm their restless movements. 
“Try as you might, young Rhodair, you cannot forgo your destiny. The Force will always be a part of who you are and who you will become.”
You opened your mouth to argue his statement. The Force may always be a part of you, but you would be damned if you ever continued your Jedi training. The order may have been good, but it had only brought you trouble and grief. You would never be a Jedi now, not after everything that had happened. 
But before you could explain any of this, BB-8 interrupted, frantically beeping about an unknown fleet of ships entering the atmosphere as he rolled into the hut.
“We’ve got company.” 
You exchanged a nervous look with Poe, your old thoughts fading away as the growing predicament took priority. Although none of you dared to speak, you all knew whose ships were on their way. It was only a matter of time before the First Order had caught wind of the same tip you had and made their way here. You were just lucky you had managed to be a few minutes earlier.
Your hands slip out of San Tekka’s grip as you swiftly follow Poe out of the hut, a new fear rising up deep within you. You were no stranger to fights with the First Order, but you had never experienced one when you were so disadvantaged. It didn’t matter that you had the best pilot in the Resistance fleet with you, the two of you could never stand alone against an entire fleet of First Order soldiers.
Several of the other villagers were beginning to become aware of the coming ships when you made your way back into the open air. Growing shouts of surprise and warning were heard throughout the village around you. The previously quiet animals grew restless and filled the air with anxious squawking and braying. 
Poe took out his quadnoculars and began scanning the horizon to your east, his dark brows furrowing at what he saw. You couldn’t see what was coming in the dim light, but knew it couldn’t have been good based on his reaction.
“You have to hide.” Poe turned to San Tekka, his face twisted in concern as he handed the quadnoculars to you.
You felt your heart speed up as you saw the number of ships coming your way. There were at least a dozen that you could see at the moment and you didn’t doubt each ship itself held a dozen or two of stormtroopers with them. There would be at least a hundred stormtroopers in the village in a matter of seconds and all you had were yourself, Poe, BB-8, and a few scraggly villages. It was going to be a massacre unless you could think of something fast.
“And you have to go!” San Tekka responded leaving your stomach twisting as you spun around to face him startled at his words. You couldn’t leave them at a time like this. It would be impossible for this small village to be able to hold its own against the trained soldiers of the First Order and would no doubt be slaughtered when they found what they were searching for was no longer here. “Go! You must return the balance!” San Tekka added, pushing you and Poe in the direction of your ships when neither of you made a move to do what he had said. “I’ve done all that I can do. Our hope rests in you now!”
You didn’t want to leave the man but saw little choice. While the thought tore you up inside, you couldn’t sacrifice your help for the map. If you stayed and the First Order got their hands on it, then what hope was left for the Resistance and those who still believed in it? As awful as the thought settled in your stomach, the village had to be sacrificed for the good of the universe.
Exchanging a knowing look with Poe, the two of you took off in the direction of your ships. 
The quiet village quickly erupted into the chaos of a battlefield around you as the stormtrooper transports landed. Sounds of blasters filled the air as the little village tried their best to fend off the elite soldiers of the First Order, but dying screams were quick to follow as the shots hit their mark. 
You did your best to ignore them as you tore after Poe towards your fighters. In the back of your mind, you knew the First Order would be here even if you weren’t but you couldn’t help but feel guilty about their presence nonetheless. This village was innocent, it’s only crime housing a piece of Luke Skywalker’s map and they were paying with their lives.
Shaking your thoughts away, you scrambled inside your fighter. You needed to stay focused on the mission, on the importance of the map Poe had in his jacket. That was all that mattered at this moment. It held the only hope the universe had at this point.
Your fingers flitted over the buttons and screens in front of you, hurridly trying to bring the ship around you to life. But just as you felt the familiar rumble of the engines starting beneath you, you were jarred forward as it was hit. Glancing behind you, you found a few wandering stormtroopers.
“Shit!” You mumbled as your fighter was hit once more causing the engines to sputter a few more times before coming to a stop. 
Casting another glance at the approaching enemy, you saw them fall when Poe quickly took care of them, but his own fighter was starting to catch fire. You grumbled a few more curses as you clambered back out of your ship to assess the state of your X-Wings. You had just fixed his ship and now it was probably going to be scrapped or lost completely.
Your cursing only grew as you took in the state of your own. It would take hours for you to at least be able to get it back in working order, precious time you didn’t have at the moment. As your frustration grew, you gave your shot X-Wing a swift kick. You didn’t think this day could get any worse.
“You take this. It’s safer with you than it is with me.” You spun around thinking Poe was talking to you, but his attention was towards BB-8 as he offered the small robot the map. “It’s safer with you than it is with either of us.” 
BB-8 was quick to disagree but upon Poe’s determination it still begrudgingly took the map and locked it away. 
“Go on, BB-8, we’ll be fine.” You encouraged the bot when it looked to you despite Poe’s urges for it to leave. 
You didn’t like the idea of parting ways with BB-8, or the map for that matter, but knew it was your best bet at this point. With both of your ships completely shot at the moment, you would have to stay hidden to not only stay alive but escape capture as well. But upon glancing back at the battlefield, you felt your luck already beginning to run out. Your ships weren’t hidden and it wouldn’t be hard for the First Order to realize Resistance members were still on Jakku with the map. With that knowledge, you knew they would sweep the planet and kill anyone in their way until they found you. What BB-8 now held was that important to them and to you. Just as the villagers’ sacrifice was important, so would be your own.
“Don’t worry buddy, we’ll find you when this blows over.” You gave the small robot a reassuring pat on the head, hoping it was unable to see the worried state you were in. Glancing between the two of you once more, BB-8 let out a series of nervous beeps before taking off into the desert.
With the fighting starting to quiet down, you swiftly made your way to a nearby patch of grass to hide and watch the scene unfolding before you. The remaining villagers had started to surrender upon realizing their ultimate defeat and were being rounded up by gunpoint towards the center of the village. You found San Tekka among the survivors and shuddered at the slaughter that would undoubtedly take place among the First Order realizing they were moments too late.
The stormtroopers seemed to be waiting for something as they finished up rounding the villagers, though you were unsure as to what it might have been. It didn’t take long for your curiosity to be sated when another ship landed amongst the others, but you shuddered upon looking at it. This one was different. With the imposing vertical wingspan, you knew it belonged to someone of importance.
Deep down you knew who was aboard that ship before you saw them walk out, knew that it was only a matter of time before you were forced to face him again, but the reaction upon seeing his dark figure striding out was still inevitable.
Your entire body froze, a soft gasp escaping your throat as your eyes locked onto him. Visions of that night flashed before you once more, aided by the heavy smell of smoke and fire around you. 
Everything you had tried so hard to bury away came rushing back with a sudden ferocity you nearly cried out, only barely able to stop yourself with a quick hand to your mouth. You could hear his voice as he had begged you to join him, feel his hands as they had caressed your face, and then see his face through your tears as you had broken both of your hearts with just a few words.
“Sol?” You could barely hear Poe’s soft cry over the roaring in your head. “Sol? What’s wrong?”
Poe’s gentle hand against your cheek startled you causing you to nearly cry out again, but caught yourself just in time as you recognized the man beside you as only your partner.
“...I’m fine,” you managed to mumble out, breath heavy as you struggled to relax. “Just give me a minute.”
“You’re crying.” 
It was a simple statement and you saw his face soften dramatically despite the situation around you. You reached up, shocked to see Poe was right as you felt the wetness on your cheeks. You had been crying.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled out again, desperately wiping at the tears and hating the weakened state it put you in.
It didn’t matter that he was here, that you had to face him again after so many years. All that mattered was BB-8 getting the map to safety and you not getting caught. You couldn’t freak out now, couldn’t lose control of your emotions now when yours and Poe’s lives depended on it. You needed to straighten yourself up, but one quick glance in his direction and you were back in the past again.
Poe opened his mouth to debate the matter. He may have not known what was going through your head and upsetting you so much, but he did know it must have been significant because you always had such a tight lock on your emotions. 
He never got to voice his concern. Upon seeing your startled reaction to the scene unfolding before you, he quickly pushed aside his concern and turned just in time to see the dark figure from before cut down Lor San Tekka. And before he or yourself could stop him, his hand was at his blaster as he tried to kill the dark figure who had just slaughtered San Tekka.
A hand immediately stifled your mouth as you watched Poe’s idiotic move in horror, able to do nothing about it without exposing yourself and making the situation worse. Poe’s blaster shot only made it halfway to its target before it and Poe were frozen. 
Poe struggled against the invisible bonds of the force, clearly shocked at the display of power. You tried not to be too angry at him, he was ignorant to the power of the force, but you still couldn’t believe he thought he could take down the dark figure with a surprise shot. 
Your thoughts began to scramble at Poe’s capture, the only coherent thought was about how much of an idiot he was. You knew you needed to do something, anything to start formulating a plan on rescuing Poe without your capture as well, but your eyes kept falling onto the dark figure before you and all ability to focus and think fell apart. You were completely helpless.
It wasn’t until you saw them dragging Poe away that the weight of the situation began to kick your brain into overdrive. If you didn’t do something now, you would lose Poe. But what? What could you manage to do against a troop of First Order soldiers and the man from your past?
But before you could worry too much, you noticed the stormtrooper approaching him from the side and then the sharp point in the direction of where your ships were at. Someone else had found them and now they knew Poe wasn’t the only Resistance fighter on the planet.
You slinked further into the shadows when both men suddenly turned in your direction. And then Poe, noticing this exchange and the men heading in your direction, started struggling against his captors causing you to curse the man once again. 
The troops picked up their pace when your location was verified by Poe’s actions and you swiftly took your blaster in your hands. You weren’t going down without a fight, you weren’t going to be forced to face him again without a fight.
But despite your determination, you only got off a few rounds before the blaster was knocked from your hands and you were forced to your knees. You struggled against your captors, cursing and kicking as you were dragged out of your hiding spot and into his view. 
You told yourself not to look, to not give him the satisfaction of seeing your face, of knowing it was you, but you couldn’t do it. You could feel his eyes on you, almost hear the soft intake of his breath at the shock of your presence after all these years.
You looked up at him from the distance and felt the sharp tug at your chest from the mark which laid there. His eyes caught yours quickly and despite the mask which kept his face from you, you could still see and feel the reaction your sudden presence pulled. 
Once again, you felt the sharp tug at your chest, a cruel reminder of just who this man before you was before you felt the biting sting of the butt of a gun against the back of your head and everything went black.
part two  |  part three
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irinapaleolog · 4 years
‘Last Jedi’ Didn’t Undo ‘Force Awakens,’ But ‘Rise Of Skywalker’ Retconned Disney’s ‘Star Wars’ Saga
There is a difference between offering unpopular answers to a previous film’s questions and replacing the answers of a previous installment with your own in the next sequel.
Four months after its domestic theatrical debut (not counting Thursday previews), Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ($515 million domestic and $1.174 billion worldwide) will be our last blockbuster movie at least until Tenet in July. I will use this “once a month” Rise of Skywalker post (which will continue until theater re-open or until morale improves) to complain about Force Awakens editors Mary Jo Markey and Maryann Brandon (specifically Markey) arguing in a Mission: Impossible podcast “Light the Fuse,” stating that The Last Jedi (slight paraphrasing) so consciously undid the storytelling of The Force Awakens. We’ve been having this conversation for 2.5 years. It’s one thing when critics, bloggers, pundits, random folks on social media and the like get into this debate. But when the folks actually working on the movies do, failing to understand what a retcon actually is, well...
Star Wars: The Force Awakens used the narrative backbone of the first Star Wars movie to reintroduce the franchise, including a handful of “original trilogy” characters (Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, etc.), along with new would-be heroes and villains in a crowdpleasing blockbuster adventure that earned $937 million domestic and $2.068 billion worldwide. I felt the film was too slavishly devoted to the structure and character beats of the original film to its emotional detriment, but my dad (who I was able to fly out for the premiere as a 70th birthday present) loved it, plenty of my fellow critics liked it and the new characters (Rey, Finn, Kylo Ren, etc.) became instant favorites with fans young and old. It also teased character-specific reveals about its new heroine and its new villains while ending on a big cliffhanger.
The Force Awakens ended with Han Solo having been slain by his own son and Finn in a coma with Rey having realized that she had “Force powers” and tracking down a self-exiled Luke Skywalker. We weren’t told if Rey’s lineage or Snoke’s origins had any bearing on the story, we weren’t told if Finn would survive his light saber battle with Kylo (although we all presumed he would) and we certainly didn’t know for sure why Luke, now looking like an elder hermit, had skipped out on the “First Order versus Resistance” battle and hidden away at the first Jedi temple. It is entirely fine that The Force Awakens left these threads dangling in the wind, and that the film (which was absolutely guaranteed to have a sequel) ended with a glorified “To be CONTINUED!”
Yes, I would argue that much of the speculation and debate over Snoke’s origins and Rey’s parentage was not from the movie but from bloggers and writers who spent the next two years offering what at best were educated guesses. With J.J. Abrams not returning to helm The Last Jedi and Colin Treverrow already signed to direct “Star Wars IX,” we really had no idea A) what Abrams’ answers to those questions might be or B) if those threads really mattered at all to the grand story. It was possible that Snoke was just a political operator, and that Rey’s obsession with her parents was purely part of her “the belonging you seek lies not behind you but in front of you” character arc (personified in Finn and Han risking capture and death to rescue Rey from Starkiller base).
Now it is 100% fair to not be happy with how things played out in Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi. The middle flick in Disney’s Star Wars trilogy revealed that A) Rey’s parents were nobodies who didn’t even love her and B) Snoke was merely a stepping stone to Kylo Ren seizing control of the First Order. Sure, maybe you wanted Rey to be a Skywalker or a Palpatine. Maybe you expected Snoke to have a backstory or a reveal as some long-ago Star Wars character (Mace Windu?) reborn as a genocidal dictator. But there is a big difference between “I didn’t like Last Jedi’s answers to the questions Force Awakens posed” and “Last Jedi knowing rewrote or retconned Force Awakens.” Just because the onscreen events didn’t match your head-cannon doesn’t make them incorrect.
The Force Awakens no more gave us answers to its questions than did Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes offer an explanation to its infamous “now the apes rule our Earth too” cliffhanger. If you listen to the DVD commentary to that 2001 “re-imagining” (which was still so disliked that it didn’t spawn a sequel despite earning $385 million on a $100 million budget), you’ll hear Burton specifically stating that he intentionally didn’t offer an explanation for why the Abraham Lincoln statue now resembled Tim Roth’s ape baddie specifically so whomever directed the follow-up could offer their own answers. You can debate whether that was the correct choice, but I would argue that Abrams, again this is not a criticism, did the exact same thing in The Force Awakens.
He left Luke on an island, put Finn into a coma, turned Poe from a “dies in the first act” cameo to a major supporting character and said “Okay, it’s your ball now, go play.” In a sense, that was generous of him, since it meant that The Last Jedi had more freedom to use that first film however it chose. The problem is that Treverrow essentially got sacked and Abrams came back to helm the third installment. The result was a retroactive retcon of The Last Jedi’s character beats and plot twists. I don’t think Treverrow’s (alleged) script for Star Wars IX is the best thing in the world, but it was at least a “yes, and...” sequel to The Last Jedi. Rise of Skywalker essentially ignored The Last Jedi, to its character-specific detriment.
Rise of Skywalker opened with Rey again being unsure of her Force abilities and lacking confidence in her own powers, Finn pining over Rey and caring more about her than about the “cause,” and Poe regressing to a conventional hot-shot fly boy sans earned maturity from his failed leadership in Last Jedi. Retroactively making Rey into a Palpatine and Snoke into a “cooked in a bottle” clone while bringing a cloned Palpatine back to life not only negated the storytelling of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi but (to a lesser extent) the original Star Wars trilogy. Bringing the Emperor back to “life” negated Anakin Skywalker’s final sacrifice in Return of the Jedi, while retroactively making Rey Sheev’s grand kid, which Luke and Lea apparently knew all along, turns their previous interactions into a mess of contradictions.
It matters whether the people working on the movies know that offering unpopular or controversial answers to a previous film’s mysteries is not the same thing as rewriting or negating that prior installment. The Last Jedi was (somewhat) controversial partially because it gave unexpected (unpopular?) answers to questions teased in The Force Awakens. The Rise of Skywalker was (somewhat) controversial partially because it walked back those reveals seemingly to retroactively retain the answers that Abrams had in his head while making Force Awakens, with “new” answers that A) weren’t terribly popular themselves and B) wasted valuable screen-time which could have been spent on a forward-moving sequel to both Force Awakens and Last Jedi. Last Jedi didn’t retcon or undue Force Awakens. But Rises of Skywalker managed to retcon not just its predecessors but the entire Star Wars saga.
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firenflowers · 5 years
the seasonal s/o's
i- oops i guess? significant others that are based off of seasons ; its like 10 pm and im procrastinating lol.
warning : cursing and light mentions of sex
august + september
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✰ smokes like a chimney (even though you keep telling him to knock it off).
✰ absolutely loves it when you wear his clothes.
✰ he comes from money so he spoils you dirty.
✰ believes in 'love in first sight' and insists he fell in love with you the second he laid eyes on you.
✰ a great cuddler, he's a human hotpack and super physically affectionate its almost disgusting.
✰ calls you the sweetest names ( honey, sugar, sweetheart, babygirl/boy ).
✰ he works a 9 to 9 job, and his favorite part of the day is coming home and curling up in bed with you.
✰ for your first date, he took you on a picnic in the middle of the night and the two of you laid on your backs starring at the stars for hours.
✰ has a pretty hillarious taste in music.
✰ the morning after two of you move in together, the nextdoor neighbor complained that the two of you should have been having sex at three in the morning, not loud music and improv musicals.
✰ he's pretty ripped, and his right arm is completely tatted. he really enjoys it when you trace his tattoos mindlessly as you're lost in thought.
october + november
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✰ tomoru ✰
✰ pretty rough around the edges, with a pretty nasty temper.
✰ he would never do anything to hurt you, and sometimes he treats you so kindly it upsets you.
✰ he doesn't take bullshit from anyone.
✰ he's involved with some seriously deep shit with a certian gang - as in, he runs the whole show.
✰ defiently ride or die type of love.
✰ even though hes harsh to other people, he'd die for you.
✰ he always has either an arm around your waist or around your shoulders.
✰ but he's such a softie when the two of you are alone.
✰ his hair gets unmanagable sometimes, and loves to have you do it for him from time to time.
✰ for your birthday ( and conviently, your anniversery), he takes you to the jeweler and tells you to pick out whatever you want.
✰ he has such a huge daddy kink it's almost hillarious.
✰ the morning after your first time with him, you woke up to him crying.
✰ he kept saying 'im sorry' over and over again, and you had no clue why.
✰ 'till you looked in the mirror
✰ your entire body had the beginnings of bruises, across your shoulders, down your chest, and even your legs were marked up.
✰ they didnt really hurt though, but he refused to try again in bed with you for a solid month or so, because he was so afraid of hurting you.
december + january
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✰ macchi ✰
✰ she really struggles with emotions.
✰ soft, cat gf
✰ her cats names are sugarplum, lemon, and pickles.
✰ super short (5") and regularly sleeps in your clothes.
✰ since the two of you started sleeping together (not like that) she cant seem to get a good night sleep without you.
✰ as much as she needs you to sleep, being in bed with her is a nightmare.
✰ if you're a snorer, she'll press her cold feet against your legs to wake you up so you stop snoring.
✰ she stays up super late and always slips into bed long after you've gone to bed, but she wakes you up with her freezing feet.
✰ seriously, get this girl a pair of socks.
✰ for your first date, you drove out to a creek with koi fish and had lunch, and she insisted on sharing some of her food with the fish.
✰ her smile didnt leave her face once as you drove her home.
✰ when you took her to meet your parents, your brother had pulled you aside and said to you that if this woman didnt become your wife he would get a divorce from his wife and marry her himself.
✰ macchi always is wearing something that belongs to you, regardless if its ten sizes too big for her.
february + march
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✰ ren ✰
✰ very, very intelligent.
✰ he, like macchi, struggles with emotions and expressing himself outright.
✰ his hands are so cold you start to suspect he sticks them in the freezer.
✰ he absolutely loves when you wear his clothes.
✰ doesn't really understand when affectionate is appropriate so he has a bad habit of pulling you in for a deep kiss when its the wrong time.
✰ always slipping his hand into yours.
✰ the first time you met, it was at a library, and his friend bruce had to ask you for your number because ren was too shy to himself.
✰ for your most recent date, ren had taken you to a stick n poke tattoo parlor, where the two of you got contradicting tattoos.
✰ ren had gotten the sun behind his left ear, and you had gotten a crecent moon behind your right ear.
✰ he's helpless when it comes to fashion, so you find yourself doing his hair or picking clothes out for him more often than not.
june + july
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✰ bruce ✰
✰ he'll never ever say it but he's so whipped for you.
✰ has absolutely no sense of time, will spend hours at a grocery store wandering around aimlessly.
✰ he's a workaholic.
✰ substance abuse, but never anything too dangerous.
✰ also is a little bit of a kleptomanic, you tease him about it and call him sticky fingers.
✰ loves playing with your hair.
✰ very publically affectionate, will slap your ass and laugh about it.
✰ he leans on everything (including you).
✰ sometimes, when he over works himself, he'll fall asleep on the couch.
✰ he'll pull you down with him though, and wrap his arms around you so you cant escape.
✰ but you both always wake up with kinks in your necks and sore shoulders.
✰ when you tell him he should shower or he smells bad, he never misses a chance to try to get you to shower with him.
✰ he has four younger sisters, so he can do your hair anytime you ask him to.
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chipper9906 · 4 years
The Best Laid Plans- Chapter 4: An Uncertain Reunion
Link To Chapter 1
Pairings: Kylo Ren/Rey, Ben Solo/Rey
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 7,940
Chapter Preview: 
Roughly ten minutes later, Rey finds herself settled down on her old cot with a scratchy thin blanket draped over her, peering into the darkness of her AT-AT in disbelief at the fact that Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader of the First Order, is currently laying on the floor, pressed up against the wall with an even older, more tattered blanket than her own, that of which barely covered him.
In the small sliver of moonlight that peeks in through the cracks of the AT-AT, Kylo catches sight of some glinting scuff marks reflecting back at him. Peering closer, he realizes that these marks are in fact tally marks, scratched into the wall roughly over time, spreading up and up the wall he is laid next to.
“Rey?” Kylo whispers into the silence of the night, not worrying about waking Rey, seeing as he could see her eyes reflecting at him in the darkness. “What are these marks for?”
“The tally?” Rey asks for confirmation, even though she knows it’s the only thing he can be referring to. “They count the number of days I was here.”
The room falls back into silence, this one much more unpleasant than the one before. After a few seconds more of this, Kylo dares to speak again.
“Rey… How long were you here for?”
“Roughly fourteen years, give or take,” Rey answers, her eyes scanning across the tally’s she meticulously added to every day.
“How…old are you, Rey?”
“Nineteen, I think. Probably closer to twenty now. I don’t know my actual birthday.”
“You were left here by yourself when you were only… what, five? Six?”
“Something like that, yeah.” Rey rolled over onto her back, staring up at the cracked, peeling metal of her ceiling. “Kinda weird how long we’ve known each other and never knew our ages.”
Kylo hummed in agreement, lifting a hand to softly run his fingers across the jagged tally marks in the wall.
“That was my attempt at asking you for your age, if you didn’t sense that.”
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Chapter 4: An Uncertain Reunion
It had been a tremendously, idiotically, irresponsible decision to make. Rey knew it now, and she had known it the second she had agreed to meet with him on Jakku. You would think that if she knew it even then, she wouldn’t have agreed. And yet, here she was, climbing aboard the Falcon with a few canteens of collected water and some homemade rations, ready to fly to a planet she once called home, to meet with the Supreme Leader of the First Order, a man she once thought redeemable.
‘This could so easily be a trap.’ Rey thinks to herself as she flings her bag down beside the seats in the cockpit, flopping down into the pilot’s seat with a huff. ‘It would be the perfect plan; Lure me to him with the promise of something I can’t refuse, take me to a place I know to lure me into a false sense of security, then kill me just when I’m finally starting to feel safe around him.’ She continues to think as she runs through the Falcons pre-flights checks, flipping various switches and pushing down many different buttons as the Falcons engines roar to life.
She wanted to trust him. She really, really did. It would make things so much easier. Then again, she would be lying if she said she mistrusted him completely. For a good long while now, there had been something that kept her drawn to him, growing steadily stronger every time the Force had connected them. It had been strong enough that she truly believed that just by going to him, she would be able to turn him. It had been wishful thinking, yes, and she had felt like she was so close to achieving that. Which is probably why it hurt as much as it did when he began spouting nonsense about leading a new First Order like it was words from a textbook; something he had been thinking of for a while, perhaps. Had that really been his goal? To one day murder his Master, and for them to rise as leaders of a new power within the Galaxy? And for how long? When she had come to him on the Supremacy? When they had touched hands over the Force? When he had first seen her?
Such thoughts were whirling through her mind as she increased the Falcons thrust, feeling the lurch from the ship as it lifted from the ground. A few startled Porgs hurriedly flew past the Falcon, their squawks of complaints barely heard over the Falcons powerful engines. Rey let her hand linger on the lever for the thrusters for a few moments as she contemplated whether it was too late to just switch everything off and back out of this deal, but before she knew it, she had pushed the lever forward and the Falcon was rising higher and higher into the sky.
Any more thoughts of Kylo Ren were pushed into the back of her mind as her pilot mode took over, pushing the nose of the ship up and fully activating the thrusters. Rey winced slightly when her head slammed into the headrest as the Falcon burst through Ahch-To’s atmosphere and into the deep, dark depths of space. She allowed herself a few seconds to take in the beauty of the countless stars that surrounded her, reveling in the sense of freedom she felt whenever she flew, something she yearned for every day she spent sweating and exerting herself on the very planet she was headed for right now. With a few more taps on the Falcons console (and a few groans of protest from the ship itself), Rey enters the coordinates of Jakku and puts the ship into Hyperspeed.
Now, with the Galaxies stars whirring past too fast for her to fully see, Rey finds the thought of Kylo Ren once again sneaking back to the forefront of her mind. It was frustrating, to say the least. She can’t remember the last time her mind had let her go even a day without reminding her of him. Sometimes the thoughts would come from nowhere, something so simple as a flash of an image of him: Of the time he was dressed fully in black, mask still in place as he circled her frozen form like a predator that already knows it’s won. Or of the time she awoke chained to what she could only describe as a standing table to see that horrid mask staring back at her. In that moment, when her jabs had finally got him to remove his helmet, she had thought she might actually prefer him with the mask. Because now, she had a face to match the name. Now, she could see he was human just as she was, a young man with eyes so dark and blank that she could tell he had seen too many countless horrors that no one ever should. Perhaps, nearly the worst is a more recent memory, of when he had held out his hand to her, offering her what he thought would be all that she wanted. She can see his pleading face just as clearly as if she was in that red encompassed room once again.
‘I wanted you to take my hand!’
He did. He genuinely did. It hadn’t struck her just how much he had wanted for her to join him until he had snapped at her atop that cliffside, letting his inner mask slip away for her to see the painful frown etched into his face at his own words, showing her just how much he truly meant them. She may not have wanted to rule the galaxy with Kylo Ren, but Kylo Ren certainly wanted to rule it with her.
It wasn’t the worst though.
No, the worst thing to pop into her head wasn’t a memory of him, nor even the times when he actually appears.
It’s of that damn vision.
The one thing that brings her back to him every time, the one piece of hope she desperately clings to, the only thing she has left to convince herself that somewhere hidden deep down within that monster is who the Force had shown to her; a man dressed in light-colored slacks and an airy shirt, adorned with a coarse black vest  (of course, there was no way she could convince him not to wear any black). A man with a huge, goofy grin on his face, wide enough to proudly display the gleaming toothy smile he had inherited from his father, his joyful smile directed at her with an arm slung around her shoulders, pulling her into his side with a burst of giddy laughter so contagious, she couldn’t help but join him.
He was happy. And, stood by his side, so she was she.
That vision, that promise of what was meant to be, had been the reason why she had felt her hand twitching by her side at the throne room, a part of her so eager to throw caution to the wind and just grab his hand. Because what if this was how it came to be? What if she was meant to take his hand, to go down this path and be by his side? Perhaps then, being as close to him as he had obviously hoped they would become, she would find a way to turn him. Hopefully, before he could do the same to her.
But she couldn’t. Because to go down that path, she would have had to stand back and watch as the Resistance finally met its end. She would have to do nothing but watch as the only friends she has in this galaxy are blown apart on the commands of the man she was meant to lead beside, and how could she possibly do that? Her friends had sent her on this task, to find one of the last known Jedi to help find a way to end this war, to bring down the Final Order and restore peace. How could she possibly live with herself if she betrayed their trust, betrayed what it meant to be a Jedi, and instead be not only a bystander but an active participant in their deaths?
Kriff, she wanted for that vision to come true. But if that’s what it took for it to happen? She would rather have the vision of who Kylo Ren could be haunting her than the deaths of so many innocents.
Except… Except what if that’s not true? Kylo Ren had already massacred millions of innocent people under the command of his master, but now? Now, as Supreme Leader, she feared her rejection may have turned him resentful towards her, may have burnt out the last remaining bit of Light he had within him and pushed him fully into the Dark. What if, by saving the lives of a few, she may have doomed the lives of millions more?
Rey groaned in frustration, ignoring the stab of pain she felt in her head as she slammed it down on the console of the Falcon, the ache only slightly soothed by its cool surface. With an exasperated grunt, Rey turned her head to the side, catching sight of the empty and somewhat dirty co-pilot’s seat beside her.
She wondered what Chewie would say if he was here right now. She imagined a lot of Wookiee curses at her stupidity for willingly flying to a planet already full of murderous people to meet with an even worse murderer. Back on the Resistance base, she had worked up enough courage one night to ask the Wookiee what Ben used to be like. He was one of the only person left alive she knew besides Leia who could tell her about him, and bringing him up to the General seemed like a very bad idea, especially when she was trying to keep her connection between her son and herself as much as a secret as possible. Chewie had been rather reluctant to talk about him, and the small bits of information she could pry from him obviously pained the Wookiee to speak about; she imagined any memory of Ben brought up even more memories about Han, and considering how much his death pains her with how little time she had to know him, she couldn’t even imagine the pain Chewie must feel at his death, by the hands of his own son.
He had told her some tidbits of information; like how the mess of black hair he had was similar to the one he had as a child, only slightly more tamed and managed. Through that mop of hair (that he apparently fought his mother tooth and nail not to have cut) stood out a pair of ears that his mother hoped he would grow into, and got him into a lot of trouble when he would overhear important conversations his mother had (and, on occasion, one too many fights between herself and Han). Chewie told her of the times Ben would be aboard the Falcon, of teaching him all the tips and tricks he knew on the Falcons old and kind of glitchy Holochess table, of watching the small young boy sat upon his fathers lap in the cockpit, giggling in delight at his father's half-assed reprimands as Ben happily pushed at all the colorful buttons that lit up the Falcons console. Or, of the times where the young toddler would cling to him instead, pulling and yanking at his fur in his fun, to which the only way the Wookiee  could get him to stop was by holding him close (and making a sound that Chewie would tell you was certainly NOT a form of purring.)
But, Chewie had also told her that perhaps the reason most of his memories had been of Ben as a happy child was, perhaps, because of how little he truly saw of him. Han had never been one to settle down for too long, and the life he led was not one he could easily give up cold turkey. He had tried, the Wookiee had insisted, as hard as could to settle down somewhat after receiving the news that he would be expecting his first child. But, instead of leading a life of a baby-sitter as Chewie had expected himself to be condemned to, he had been back in the co-pilot's seat before he knew it, Han besides him as he always was.
Han loved Ben. She knew that, but if she were to look at things from Ben's perspective, of living the life that he had… She hated to admit it, but she could start to see how Ben had ended up this way.
Rey groaned once more, letting her head fall into her hands and rubbing at her tired eyes until the bright spots of light behind her eyelids began to fade away. Perhaps the fact that she was beginning to sympathize with Kylo Ren was another sign that all of this was a bad idea…
* * *
The Falcon gave a small shake as the ship exited hyperspace, the stream of stars above her head returning to their usual dotted selves amongst the infinite spread of darkness. Right in front of her was the gigantic pale orb that was Jakku, taking up most of her view from the Falcons cockpit windshield.
“Home Sweet Home…” Rey murmured to herself as she steered the Falcon towards the direction of Niima Outpost.
The Falcon broke through the atmosphere easily, barely a shake as it pushed through Jakkus minimal layers of cloud. As soon as the outpost came into sight, she pulled the Falcon out of its descent, not wanting to get too close for anyone to spot the ship. She had no doubt Plutt was still enraged by the theft of the ship, and she didn’t want to know what he would do if he found out she was the one responsible. Not to mention the fact she was sure some would attempt to shoot it down for the chance to scavenge what survives the inevitable crash…
The fallen Star Destroyers were the first things she saw, a never moving landmark amongst the never-ending dunes of sand. Those ships had been there long before she had even been born, and she was sure they would exist for many more decades. In fact, they would probably lie in their graves for the rest of the systems life, simply too immense to ever be picked clean by even the most determined of scrap collectors.
The AT-AT she once used to take shelter in was nothing but a small silver dot amongst the endless stretch of sand in front of her, easily missed if she wasn’t as familiar with the area as she was. Even after all this time spent away, it was still ingrained in her mind. Perhaps a part of her refused to believe she would ever truly leave this place, that she would have to remember every single detail of how she survived these past years for when she inevitably returns to the life of a scavenger…
The Falcon lands smoothly as it always does thanks to her constant tinkering, setting the ship down on the flattest bit of land she could find (and she knew for certain wouldn’t be a sinking pit…Those were always a nasty surprise). The unrelenting, dry heat of the planet hits her as the Falcons landing door creaks open, the scorching wind blowing irritating grains of sand straight into her face.
“Maybe Kylo had the right idea with the mask.” She complains under her breath as she secures her bag to her waist and tightens her grip on her staff. Rey steps onto the familiar sinking sand, it’s almost unbearable warmth wrapping around her feet as they sink further down with each step.
It was surprising how quickly she had acclimatized to Ahch-To’s colder climate, considering she had spent most of her life in this burning heat. Right now, she would rather face the cold chills of Ahch-To’s wind than the scorching temperatures of Jakku’s sun as it beat down on her from above. Then again, there were many times on Ahch-To as she struggled to see, let alone walk through the freezing rain that pelted her, wishing for the warmth of Jakku.
Rey stopped monetarily when the AT-AT came into view, much bigger than a silver speck now she was walking down on the ground. She spins around, taking in as much as the horizon as she can, not seeing any sign of any visitors, both unwelcome and… Well, she supposed ‘welcome’, considering she technically invited him here.
(Except he was the one that suggested this damn planet…)
It wasn’t all that surprising that he wasn’t here yet. Considering she had no idea where exactly he was traveling from, it may take him longer to get here than it did for her. She was actually kind of thankful for it. If she was being honest, she wasn’t entirely ready to face him quite yet. Speaking together through the Force was one thing, but to stand face to face… It didn’t seem that different, but there’s something about it… That pull that’s always trying to bring her closer to him, it magnifies in ways she can’t even begin to explain. It’s a feeling she knows he experiences too, or at least thinks he does, considering the fact that he’s constantly entering her personal space. Knowing him, he probably isn’t even aware he’s doing it…
After a quick perimeter sweep of the area, Rey finds she can no longer bear to walk any longer on the burning sand, even if the temperature was starting to drop as night approached. The interior of the AT-AT brings with it a welcome shade, and she can’t help but let out a pleased sigh at escaping the sweltering heat that seemed intent on draining every bit of energy she had. Rey plops herself down on a chair of sorts, made of metal and other sturdy materials she was able to scavenge from various ships, only made bearable by the miraculously luxury fabric she had procured from what must have been once a very wealthy (but now obviously quite unlucky) individual.
The dry scratchiness in her throat became too much to ignore, hurriedly ripping open the top of her bag and searching through its contents before pulling out a canteen of water she had brought with her. It was far from cold, but right now, she couldn’t care less. Even lukewarm, it was one of the most satisfying drinks she had ever had in her life.
It’s just as she goes to take another sip gulp of water that she hears the screeching sound of a ship’s engine zipping past. The canteen remains frozen by her lips as she listens out for it, hearing the deafening sounds gradually become quieter and quieter, until she can no longer hear it. Whatever had flown by had flown low to the ground. No pilot flies that low when they have a set destination in mind; rather only when they’re looking for something.
Either someone was looking for her, or she was going to have to face Kylo earlier than she thought.
She wasn’t sure which one she preferred it to be.
With one last deep gulp of water, Rey tightens the cap of her canteen and stores it back in her bag, which she then promptly stored in a hidden corner of her makeshift shelter where it would hopefully stay somewhat cool. Quickening her pace, Rey makes her way out of the only shelter that was ever her own, wincing at the blinding light of the setting sun that threatened to burn her retinas. Rey lifts her hand to shield the worst of the sun's rays from her eyes, peering out in the direction she thought she heard the ship head towards.
Any moisture she had regained seemed to disappear from her throat the second she caught sight of his familiar silhouette against the backdrop of Jakku’s sunset, his flowing cloak floating behind him as it gets caught in the currents of the wind. In the distance, she could just about make out the intimidating shape of his shuttle, its shadowy pointed wings standing tall and proud like a beacon in the sky.  Even from here, she could tell he was wearing his mask, something that oddly disappointed her. Although this time he had decided to forgo the hood on top, something she found gave him a much less menacing appearance.
Rey didn’t know what she was supposed to do right now. Was she supposed to walk over to him? Meet him halfway? Or just stand here and wait for him to arrive? The latter she decides is the best course of action, and as she comes to this decision, Kylo comes to a standstill. There they stand, two Force users having a standoff in the middle of a desert, with miles and miles of nothingness surrounding them and no one else in sight. A bout of uneasiness flares up at his frozen form, bringing her staff in front of her in the hopes he gets the message that she’s armed and ready to defend herself if need be. Her eyes remain glued to his side, where she knows for a fact his saber rests, waiting for the inevitable moment his hand goes to grab it.
But it never comes.
Instead, after an agonizing few seconds that felt much longer than that, Kylo continues to walk towards her. It was sort of strange, when she thought about it, that watching someone standstill was more terrifying than someone advancing towards you. That was just what it was like with Kylo, though. When he was stood still like that, she knew he was calculating something in his head, and no matter what you could possibly anticipate him doing, you would never be able to fully counter him. When he’s advancing towards you, it’s because, in his mind, he’s already won the upcoming battle, and that’s one of his greatest weaknesses. She knows that the best opportunity she has to outthink him is when he displays the cockiness and overconfidence of his father.
And Kriff, does she fear the day he stops doing that.
It wasn’t exactly like he was charging at her, but then again, in their previous chases, Kylo always seemed to… Stalk towards her. Perhaps another sign of his cockiness, that belief that he’s going to catch her no matter what, so he doesn’t need to hurry in his pace. Although, she wouldn’t say he was stalking her right now. On top of that, she’s not exactly running away from him this time, so really its more like he’s strolling towards her, casually, as if to say ‘Hi’ to an old friend while you’re out on a walk, not like you’re meeting face to face with the person you were once ordered to kill.
It takes him only a few minutes to reach her, coming to a stop just a few steps away from her. From here she can just about hear his somewhat labored breath emitting from his mask, most likely caught off guard by the exertion of trudging through deep sand. The sounds of his breathing are oddly mechanical sounding, no doubt due to being manipulated from whatever voice modifier he has built into his helmet. Kylo spends a good couple of seconds simply looking at her before glancing off to his right, scanning the area for a moment before he speaks.
“I assume you’ve performed a perimeter check?”
“As I did every night I spent here in the past.” Rey answers him, her fingers twitching against the heated metal handle of her staff, an unusually tense feeling sweeping over her, more so than usual when she spoke to him in the past. “Didn’t see much either when flying over- which I imagine you’ve done as well. Not a soul in sight, from what I could see.”
“Good,” Kylo states, turning his head back to face her before reaching his hands up to unlatch his helmet, yanking his helmet off his head to reveal black locks that were matted to his head with sweat.
“This is just a security measure- Less people see my face, the better,” Kylo tells her, letting the helmet hang by his side as he raises his other leather-clad hand to wipe his drenched hair out of his eyes. “Kriff, I forgot how much I hate sand. Stuff gets everywhere…”
And as she watches this six-foot man covered head to toe in thick black clothing, in the middle of a desert, with what can only be described as a pout on his face as he makes a miserable attempt to shake the sand out from his comically oversized boots, she starts to feel just a little bit better about accepting his offer.  
* * *
“This… Was your home?” Kylo asks in disbelief as he ducks through the entrance of the AT-AT, glancing around at the space she’d made for herself. “There’s not much room.”
“I don’t need much room. I spent most of my time in cramped sections of ships looking for parts anyway, so this was more space than I’m used to,” Rey answers with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders, resting her staff against a make-shift table before sitting back down where she was before going outside. “This was just a place for me to eat and rest before heading out again. You don’t need much for that; just a roof and four walls to shelter you from the elements and other scavengers.”
“Just enough to survive,” Kylo notes sadly, gazing around at the dark and cramped room they were in. “Doesn’t matter, this should be the last time you have to see this place, nothing more than a meeting place.”
“Yeah… What’s one more night, right?”
“Wait, what?” Kylo asks, his head snapping to face her. “What do you mean ‘one more night?’ We’re leaving now, aren’t we?”
“Um, I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent the last fifteen hours flying to get here, on top of busting my ass for the past few days making sure I was even ready for this trip of ours, and I’m exhausted. I’m not risking the Falcon flying tired like that.”
“We’re not talking that ship,” Kylo told her with a tone of finality.
“What?! Why not? What is it with you and this damn grudge with this ship?”
“It’s not about a…grudge.” Kylo practically spat the last word, not helping his argument in the slightest. “That ship is a very well-known ship. Do you think it’s a good idea to show up at a First Order inhabited planet in a ship that’s associated with both a Hero Rebel and the Resistance? We’d be shot down before I could even identify myself. Not the best plan for ‘sneaking in’.”
“Alright,” Rey said miserably, unable to counter his points. “But I still need sleep, and unless you’re ready to admit you’re actually a droid, you need sleep too.”
“I’ll be fine.” Kylo waved her off, already heading toward the exit of the AT-AT. “If you’re so insistent on needing rest, I’m sure you’ll find my co-pilot's seats are comfortable enough to sleep in.”
“Sure, I’ll do that- If you answer two questions for me.”
“When did you last sleep, and was it more than two hours?”
The long stretch of silence she gets in response is all the answer she needs.
“If you want to risk your life piloting a complex space-faring ship with barely any sleep, you go ahead, but I’m not gonna fly with you in that state. Besides, you really think I’d feel comfortable sleeping while you were flying? You could fly me anywhere while I’m out and I’d have no idea until we were there.”
“Fine,” Kylo growled in defeat, reminded once again of her unbeatable stubbornness. Kylo stepped away from the exit with an agitated huff, glancing around dejectedly at the cramped room once more before his eyes settle at her feet.
“You…Wouldn’t happen to have a spare blanket, would you?” Kylo asks in the most defeated tone she’s ever heard from him, raising an eyebrow at the fact he was struggling to meet her gaze.
Roughly ten minutes later, Rey finds herself settled down on her old cot with a scratchy thin blanket draped over her, peering into the darkness of her AT-AT in disbelief at the fact that Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader of the First Order, is currently laying on the floor, pressed up against the wall with an even older, more tattered blanket than her own, that of which barely covered him.
In the small sliver of moonlight that peeks in through the cracks of the AT-AT, Kylo catches sight of some glinting scuff marks reflecting back at him. Peering closer, he realizes that these marks are in fact tally marks, scratched into the wall roughly over time, spreading up and up the wall he is laid next to.
“Rey?” Kylo whispers into the silence of the night, not worrying about waking Rey, seeing as he could see her eyes reflecting at him in the darkness. “What are these marks for?”
“The tally?” Rey asks for confirmation, even though she knows it’s the only thing he can be referring to. “They count the number of days I was here.”
The room falls back into silence, this one much more unpleasant than the one before. After a few seconds more of this, Kylo dares to speak again.
“Rey… How long were you here for?”
“Roughly fourteen years, give or take,” Rey answers, her eyes scanning across the tally’s she meticulously added to every day.
“How…old are you, Rey?”
“Nineteen, I think. Probably closer to twenty now. I don’t know my actual birthday.”
“You were left here by yourself when you were only… what, five? Six?”
“Something like that, yeah.” Rey rolled over onto her back, staring up at the cracked, peeling metal of her ceiling. “Kinda weird how long we’ve known each other and never knew our ages.”
Kylo hummed in agreement, lifting a hand to softly run his fingers across the jagged tally marks in the wall.
“That was my attempt at asking you for your age, if you didn’t sense that.”
“Oh.” Kylo blurts as the realization hits him. “About twenty-nine, closer to thirty.”
“Huh. Ten years older… You look younger than that.”
“I assume that’s a compliment?”
“Depends what look you’re going for, I suppose,” Rey responds, shrugging her shoulders even though Kylo couldn’t see. “I’m just saying if I had to guess your age, I wouldn’t have said thirty.”
“Never really put too much thought into what I look like, but thank you anyway.”
Enough time had passed without a word between them that Rey made the assumption that Kylo had finally fallen asleep. Craning her head to the side, her thoughts are all but confirmed when, with what little light the moon gives, she’s able to catch sight of him laid ram-rod straight on his back, eyes closed and breaths deep and steady. He looked very…Peaceful, even younger than he usually looks, the calm state bringing out the boyish features of his face. She was quite surprised that he asked to sleep here really, considering he had his own ship to sleep in. Well, saying that, she assumed it didn’t have a cot for him to sleep in, considering he didn’t mention one when he offered a place for her to sleep on board, but still, a seat would be better than the floor of an AT-AT in the middle of a desert, right?
“Are you going to stare at me all night, or are you going to sleep like you insisted you needed to?”
Rey felt her cheeks burn hot in the cold night's air, shamed to have been caught watching him sleep. How the Force could he tell with his eyes closed?
“Sorry, it's just… Weird, for me.” Rey apologizes as his eyes flutter back open, staring up at the ceiling while his vision adjusted before looking over to her. “I’m used to sleeping alone.”
“I can find somewhere else if you’re that uncomfortable.” Kylo offered.
“No, no it's fine.” Rey insisted quickly, shaking her head. “It’s… It’s kind of nice, actually. Weird, sure, but… It’s nice to have company.”
“Even when it’s me?” Kylo asked light-heartedly with just a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
“Even when it’s you.”
Evidently, this was not the answer Kylo was expecting. Any retort he had ready on his tongue for the snarky comment he was expecting died off, swallowing deeply as he let her words sink in.
“It’s not really something I’m used to, either,” Kylo admitted to her. “It’s been… A good long while since I’ve trusted someone else to sleep in the same room as myself.”
“When was the last time?” Rey pushed further, an unexpected warmth blooming in her chest at the implication that he trusted her, at least enough to sleep near her.
“When I was a young boy with my mother, most likely,” Kylo replied. “Leia…My mom, she wasn’t around that much, neither was Han. When he deemed I was old enough to be left on my own, he was back to his old ‘job’, if you can call it that. Mom was busy most of the time- we moved around a lot. It was during that time the nightmares started, and shortly after that, I started hearing voices. They terrified me. Mom, she’d… When she was there, she would race into my room as soon as she heard me start to stress. She’d try her best to comfort me, and it partly worked, I suppose, but… They never went away.”
Rey was listening intently, taken aback by how much he was speaking of his past to her, and how much he was opening up. Even though she could tell he was holding some parts of himself back as he spoke, it was more than she expected from him.
“I think they started to get to Leia-my mom-after a while too. One night, when Han decided he’d come back and visit us, I overheard them arguing. He said that I was getting too old for all of this and that she shouldn’t be ‘coddling’ me over it. Mom insisted it was more than just nightmares, but Han didn’t want to hear about it. Han didn’t want to accept the fact that I was Force Sensitive, and he seemed to think the best way to go about it was to ignore it, pretend like it isn’t happening. The argument they had when Mom suggested sending me to Luke… That one was impossible not to overhear. But, eventually, even Han had to accept who I was. The voices were getting stronger, I was getting… More agitated. Restless. They sent me away, and, well, you know the rest.”
“They were just trying to do what’s best for you.” Rey offered meekly. “Ignoring it probably wasn’t a great idea… But sending you to Master Skywalker was.”
“You know they never actually asked me if I wanted to go?” Kylo retorted dryly. “What I wanted was never part of the equation. I got too much for them, so they shipped me off to my Uncle, hoping he could fix the problem.”
“You needed to learn; About the Force, about how to control it- “
“How to restrict it. How to repress my emotions. Skywalker wanted to sway me from the Dark, but his biggest mistake was pushing me away from it. It only made me more curious, made me start listening to the voices in my head- that they might be right.”
“Your parents just wanted to keep you safe, Ben.”
“Thirteen years, Rey. Thirteen years I studied under my Uncle, and do you think I got to see them in that time? Of course not. A Jedi isn’t supposed to have connections, not supposed to have emotional attachments. They sent me away when I was ten, and they knew full well what they were doing. Maybe I had some good memories of them once, but that was washed away under all I had to learn. Any I have of my Uncle, well- Strangely enough, the memory of him holding his lightsaber over my head while I slept tends to override them.”
“He regrets that, you know.”
“He confessed to it?”
“Only after I confronted him about it. ‘A moment of weakness’, he called it. A fleeting moment where he feared the dark within you, but that was it all it took. You know, he- He sensed it in me too.”
This got Kylo’s attention, the sounds of his blanket rustling filling the room as he pushed himself up to a sitting position.
“He was very reluctant to teach me. I didn’t know why at first- Of course now I know he was afraid to teach after what happened to you. When he finally gave in, and I reached out for the first time, I…”
“You went to the dark.” Kylo finished for her.
“I didn’t realize I was doing it.” Rey is quick to defend herself. “I didn’t know what anything was, I just felt it calling to me and I went to it. I got pulled out from it and… Master Skywalker was terrified. Of me. He…He…”
“He what?” Kylo inquired. “He- He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“Wha- No! No, of course not.” Rey answered quickly, horrified that Kylo thought Luke would ever do such a thing. He seemed to sense the truth in her words, for Kylo’s anger promptly simmered away. “He ran away. He said that the power he felt from me was something he had only ever felt once before which was, well… You.”
“I assume he stopped teaching you after that?”
“No,” Rey replied with a shake of her head. “We had agreed to three lessons, but I only got one more after that.”
“What happened to the third?”
“He saw you and me in the hut- after you told me what he tried to do. I confronted him after that, and when he told me what he tried to, I left. I fled to find you.”
“And these…Lessons… Were they of any use?”
“They weren’t what I was expecting,” Rey confesses. “Master Skywalker, he… I think he lost hope after what happened.”
“Lost hope in what?”
“The Jedi Order. The first lesson was about how just because we have this connection to the light, it doesn’t make us Jedi - that the Force is simply too immense to belong to any religion.”
“It works both ways, you know,” Kylo tells her. “You can tap into the powers of the Dark too without being a Sith. Yes, my abilities in the Force may be focused towards the Dark, but that’s by my choice. I surround myself with the Dark, but I am no Sith. I was not taught in the way of the Sith Religion. You may surround yourself with the Light, or try anyway, but that doesn’t make you a Jedi.”
“Then…Then what are we?”
“Force Users. If you want to keep it simple, anyway. Never thought I’d see the day I agree with one of my Uncles lessons…” Kylo muttered the last part mostly to himself as he slid back down onto his back.
“In that case, I’m sure you would have loved his second lesson,” Rey told him with a huff. “Master Skywalker believed the Legacy of the Jedi is only of failure. That for every good thing the Jedi did, it was overshadowed by them allowing the Dark to overtake the Galaxy- That the Jedi has only done more harm that it had done to help the Galaxy and its people. Luke didn’t want to teach me the ways of the Jedi, because he didn’t want to have to pass that fate onto me. He thought it would be best to let the Jedi die with him.”
“Doesn’t sound like him in the slightest,” Kylo mumbled, furrowing his brow up at the dark ceiling above him as he thought. “He seemed to change his mind in the end. Seems you gave him his hope back, Rey. He believes the Jedi will live on with you.”
“And what about you?” Rey asked him. “Do you think that as well?”
“That’s not for me to say,” Kylo replied honestly. “Do I think it’s the right path for you to go down? No, not in the slightest, but I can’t tell you what to do. I can only guide you where I can. It’s up to you to decide what you do with your powers, Rey. You, and only you.”
“You say that like it should be an easy decision.”
“It’s not. Not in the slightest. Why do you think it took me until I was twenty-four to finally pick a side?”
Rey mulled over his words for a moment in the pause of conversation. There was something…Something about his words that sparked something within her, something she felt like she needed to talk to him about. Yet, telling him about it also seemed wrong. Like she was betraying someone, betraying herself if she even thought about it for too long, let alone say it out loud, and to him of all people. Except, in this moment of odd peace between the two of them, laying close to one another in the dark of the night, she finds the words slipping from her mouth without her permission.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Of course. It’s what I’m here for, after all.”
“I… I’m not really asking for guidance with this, I suppose. It’s… I don’t know. Something I need to tell you.”
Kylo sat back up from his makeshift bed on the floor, sensing the worry in her tone. It felt like his body had automatically responded the second he could feel her distress, a part of him he tried to keep buried down subconsciously trying to push him closer to her, filling him with this unusual, overwhelming instinct to help, to comfort in whatever way he can.
It was… an uncomfortable feeling to have returned to him.
“Well… If you feel like you need to say it, you can say it.”
“The truth is… I don’t know what’s right anymore. Before, it all seemed so simple; The Light was good, and the Dark was bad. But… Then I met you, I got to know you better and everything became so confusing. I…I can feel it within me, this pull to the Dark, and I know I shouldn’t be feeling it, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was there. And it… It feels like there’s something wrong with me. I know that people want me to focus only on the Light, to carry on the Jedi religion but… I’m scared. Scared that I’m not good enough, that this calling to the Dark, it’s- It's tainted me. It feels like-“
“Like it's tearing you apart,” Kylo finished her sentence before she could. “An equal pull to both sides. People are telling you that you belong to one side, but you can feel it's not as simple as that. We’re one the same, Rey. Same coin, just the other side. Sometimes it feels like you’re physically being pulled around, each side tugging you to the other. Some will say you belong to the Light, others will say you belong to the Dark. All my life, I tried so hard to do what others told me. I tried to push myself into being content with the Light, with my parents, with my Uncle. Then, when Snoke revealed himself to me, when he started telling me things others wouldn’t… I finally gave in, I turned to the Dark. I thought that would be the end of it, and then-“
Kylo cut himself off with a frustrated grunt, shaking his head as if he could physically push his thoughts out of his head.
“Then I could feel the Light calling me back. I did everything Snoke told me to, I was sure that as long as I followed him, obeyed his orders, he would fix me. I killed my own father in my search to settle myself, and it… It didn’t work. But… But then there was you,”
Rey’s body tensed up at the mention of herself, her mind already racing over what part she had to play in this.
“The scavenger girl from Jakku with a droid that held the map to Skywalker. I thought you wouldn’t be anything special. Just something between me and finally cutting the last tie to my past.  And now- here we are- Rey from Jakku; Back where your story started, me here with you, telling you all of this. Should I be? No. If the First Order heard of this, I would be killed for treason -even as the Supreme Leader,”
That was… Something Rey had never thought of. It was obvious really, of course, The First Order couldn’t know that he was helping her. As far as they’re aware, she is the last remaining hope of the Jedi Order, for the religion to continue. At this point, she could very well be their priority target, even over the Resistance. So, if Kylo, their leader, was caught helping her? Kylo may be powerful, she’s seen first-hand of that, but against the entire First Order? By himself? She couldn’t imagine the outcome would be good for him.
“I shouldn’t be here, but I am, and I’m telling you- You are not alone in this. I feel the call to the Light, just as you feel the call to the Dark. Both of us are trying our hardest to resist it, sticking to what we think is the side we should be. I’ve come to terms with who I am, Rey. I’m not letting others tell me who I should be anymore. You have people telling you who should you be too, but here’s the important question, Rey; Who do you think you should be? Where do you belong?”
“I… I don’t feel like I belong to either. I mean- Less than a year ago I didn’t think the Force even existed. I feel so out of place in all of this, and I… I don’t know. I don’t know, Ben.”
“You will,” Kylo assures her, his tone one of certainty. “Maybe not today, but one day- One day, you’ll know.”
Even though he wouldn’t admit it, Kylo could feel his body beginning to succumb to its exhaustion. He slid back down until he was lying down on his back, letting his eyelids flutter shut and sink into the comfortable darkness that enveloped him, despite the itchiness of the sand under his back from the few irritating grains that had been swept inside.
“Until that day comes, I’ll do what I can to help you.”
This time, Rey made sure enough time had passed since he last spoke, confident that this time he had finally given in to sleep before she spoke to him once more.
“That’s what scares me the most,” Her voice was barely a whisper, so quiet that she could scarcely hear herself. “Because every second I spend with you, I feel myself being pulled closer. To you, and to the Dark. And I’m terrified that one day, I won’t be able to stop myself from giving in.”
Link To Chapter 5
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kyluxtitleception · 5 years
Kylux Titleception 2019 Masterlist of Works
Fics (SFW):
Result of Suffering by Kylo_Rens_Slashed_Face (Tauntaun_Logistics)
Rating: M
Fools in Your Garden by thewightknight
Rating: G
Hux's garden was his prize and joy. The pokestop in it was the bane of his existence.
The Beast Behind You by thewightknight
Rating: G
Kylo's Valentine's day present to Hux is fluffy, adorable, and has sticky paws.
Summer Sadness by thewightknight
Rating: G
Ben should be excited. It was the last day of school, and all of summer stretched out before them. But at the end of it, Hux would be leaving
And the worms ate into his brain! by RainbowGirl410
Rating: Not Rated
Ben likes to tell stories, and Armitage listens, even though he doesn't care for them half the time.
Whiskey Fever by StrokeofStupidity
Rating: G
Hux is in his office when he hears the heartbreaking cry of his son. Meanwhile Kylo is sick with the flu. Will this family be able to find some peace?
Don't worry, this is fluff. The answer is yes.
Staring at the Sun by rudbeckia
Rating: T
It’s 1952. WW2 is over but not forgotten, rationing has not yet ended, and the world is still not at peace.
Kylo Ren, failed pilot, failed member of a religious order and son of a politician, has left the USA to avoid potentially embarrassing his mother with career-ending scandal. He aims to live quietly as the owner of a bookstore in a coastal village in Britain.
Armitage Hux, the last Lord Arkanis, is a man who has responded to accusations surrounding his fascist father’s death by retreating to the last habitable room in the once-great Arkanis Manor, its library, and is well on the way to becoming a recluse.
Over a shared love of literature and sunrise over the sea, despite misunderstandings and secrecy, they meet and tentatively find common ground.
Catacomb Visitors by dreamyafterdark
Rating: T
Kylo brings a badly injured Hux to Korriban to seek help in healing him...
Slayer of Light by FruHallbera
Rating: T
Kylo returns from his mission injured and in need of care and comfort.
fucking hell this dude's a beast by technorat
Rating: T
Hux hates his obnoxious neighbor, the one that breaks things, is noisy at unreasonable hours, and dares to look as good as he does.
Far Beyond the Ice and Snow by Kittens
Rating: T
Kylo Ren, a falcon shapeshifter, has lived alone in the far north for years, the remote location of his territory hindering any ability to have friends. Kylo doesn't care. Or at least, he doesn't until he has a chance meeting with another falcon shapeshifter who definitely doesn't belong out on the tundra.
Defender of a Cat by rudbeckia
Rating: T
How Kylo became Millicent’s saviour.
Stranger of My Imagination by shinysylver
Rating: M
“The New Republic High Court has outlawed capital punishment. You have been deemed guilty of the crime of genocide. There is no rehabilitation for you. By their order you have been sentenced to sleep for the rest of your natural life.”
Deemed too dangerous for prison, Kylo and Hux are stripped of their memories and sentenced to live out the rest of their lives in a specially constructed dream world. But can any prison truly hold them?
Skies burning with Thunder by DeviantDarkBelle
Rating: M
Kylo takes Hux on a much needed and deserved holiday off ship.
Hux may be afraid of a thing or two - Kylo protects him.
Very soft murder husbands, though they're not married - at least not yet.
Fools in Your Garden by itsallaboutflowermetaphors
Rating: G
Ben and Armitage are sitting on the porch of Ben’s tree house, their feet dangling off the edge, as far away from all the people as possible. Leia doesn’t allow Ben to disappear into the house during family garden parties. It’s not proper.
Summertime Sadness by stardustmillenium
Rating: T
Summertime. Sunshine, friendship, laughter, and good times. That's what expect, right? Wrong.
This summer is not what Ren expected. Heartbreak and loss have taken over.
Art (SFW):
Some Kylux Titleception Work by Movielover52
Beasts in the Castle, Don’t Ever Wanna Grow Up, and Off to the Hunt by  katherine1753
So Long and Goodnight moodboard by  nerdherderette
Up All Night moodboard by  mysticmilkshakesublime
Stranger of my Imagination moodboard by  huxandthehound (fic by  shinysylver)
The Season is Calling moodboard by  nerdherderette
Far Beyond the Ice and Snow by  threewinterssnow
NSFW work under the cut.
Fics (NSFW)
Titty Titty Bang Bang (Bang Bang Bang!) by  Kylo_Rens_Slashed_Face (Tauntaun_Logistics)
Rating: E
Kylo bangs Hux during their attack on Crait. A whole new context for "More! More! More!"
A Bootblack Mummy Wants Oral by Kylo_Rens_Slashed_Face (Tauntaun_Logistics)
Rating: E
Hux likes leather, really likes leather. He gets a bit - overzealous - while polishing Kylo's boots, so Kylo is forced to punish him in the "worst" way possible: by binding him up mummy-style and giving him head.
A Midsummer’s Night Cream by thewightknight
Rating: E
Kylo's text was unexpected but not unwelcome. Hux just hadn't gotten the memo that their relationship was progressing in such a fashion. Except wait .... 
Forced Perspective by Gamebird
Rating: E
Kylo Ren and Hux are stranded on a jungle world after negotiations go bad. Kylo is badly wounded, his life resting in Hux's treacherous hands. His take on the reasons for his survival are very different from Hux's. 
Cops and Robbers by BoStarsky
Rating: M
Ben likes his job, is proud of it, proud of carrying an FBI badge in his pocket and the cases he’s had a hand in solving. He’s good at his job. Or, he was until a string of robberies spanning the US landed in his lap, everything from elaborate jewelry heists to residential burglaries all tied back to one person. One person so elusive and infuriatingly untraceable that Ben might just be stuck on this case until one of them dies.
Kicking Eternity by cowboykylux
Rating: E
It was hot, Armitage Hux thought with a sigh as she sat in the front pew of her father’s church. Shifting in her seat, her leather boots scraped against the red dust of the earth that had been tracked in from the road just outside the church. It made a sound like sand in the bottom of a gold pan.
Armitage hated the sound. She did it again.
Footprints Among the Graves by LostSpaceCadetLeon
Rating: Not Rated
Hux is a serial killer who has taken Kylo under his wing. At one point Kyle had been one of Huxs targets but Hux decided to keep him after one fun night in a Graveyard that has now been dubbed their 'fun spot' to go. Much to Kylos surprise Hux gives up his reign of power just a bit to really enjoy his lover.
Take the Day by FruHallbera
Rating: E
As first meetings go, this is not the most romantic or the cutest of the bunch but it certainly is memorable.
Sprinkled or Glazed by LostSpaceCadetLeon
Rating: M
Astromorphology by DeviantDarkBelle
Rating: E
Armitage Hux and Ben Solo are paired together for a very important project in University.
Old money vs. new money, rich boys who run different circles.
Awakening in my Nightmares by Heresetrash
Rating: E
Hux and Kylo swap bodies and are forced to commit to a temporary truce in order to figure out a solution. What starts out as a nightmare might turn out a lot more pleasant in the end.
by the sea, by the sea by GremlinGirl
Rating: E
Hux's ship sinks, leaving him in the open water. When he does wash up on an island in the middle of nowhere, he finds the residents odd. Ben especially, he finds, acts peculiar and speaks of things that are impossible. However, he is caught in his sway, and Hux has to play along to escape the island and get back to his ordinary life.
The Season is Calling by PalenDrome (nerdherderette)
Rating: E
When Armitage Hux woke up this morning, he never imagined that his eighteenth birthday would be spent like this: running through the woods with his clothes torn, slick between his legs, gun long-forgotten.
Ruination with Wings by imperialhuxness
Rating: E
Hux didn't intend to survive the capture of the Finalizer. His newly dethroned ex has other plans. ... “So you brought me along to face capture, trial, and eventual execution rather than letting me die honorably of my wounds,” Hux finishes for him. He affects frigidity, but his breath hitches anyway. Hux is the Order--he shouldn’t have outlived it. It would be like cutting a man in half and expecting him to grow a new head and shoulders.
Billionaire Pterodactyl Wants Oral by darktensh17
Rating: E
If anyone had told Armitage Hux that he would be on his knees before a billionaire slowly undoing his pants to give the man, a Mr. Kylo Ren, the best blowjob of his life (Hux wasn’t modest about his skills), for a large sum of cash. . . well Hux would have been very proud of himself honestly.
Now, if anyone had told him that billionaire also happed to be a large green pterodactyl, then he may have given some pause
The devil and the deep blue sea by DeviantDarkBelle
Rating: E
When millionaire Ben Organa-Solo marries, he inherits a large plot of land that belonged to his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. Family and friends are overjoyed but others may not be impressed with his choice, Rey.
There is something about the house, something about the land, something about the riverfront property.
a beautiful behind by DeviantDarkBelle
Rating: E
Kylo comes back from a mission planet side and finds Hux in the shower.
Kylo can't resist Hux's ass...
Dragons and Kittens by dreamyafterdark
Rating: M
Hux is driven to another routine assignment by Ren. But events take a turn for the very strange and eye-opening...
stargazer by TheSpaceCoyote
Rating: E
Now that Armitage Hux is ruling as emperor over the entire galaxy, he has time to breathe, sit back, and look at the stars.
Not Now, Boner by dreamyafterdark
Rating: E
Alternative Throne Room scene. Kylo comes to, but finds certain problems standing in his way when he tries to confront Hux.
So Long And Goodnight by AshGunnywolf
Rating: E
When Hux agreed to play for the Killing Tour, he knew he would be sharing a tour bus with another band called the Knights of Ren. He had no idea that the lead singer, Kylo Ren, is one of the most aggravating people he'd ever meet. He also had no idea that he shares a very unusual sort of experience with Kylo or that he has more in common with Kylo than he'd like to admit.
Up All Night by MyNickname_is_mysticmilkshake
Rating: E
Hux agrees to share an apartment with two friends Kylo and Poe. He regrets it, then he suffers. His roommates are sloppy, noisy and one of them doesn’t wear a shirt and has a body of a Greek god. Everything becomes much worse when three college kids arrive at their apartment. More noise, snide comments, and all Hux wants is a quiet place to rest. And he will get it. A small cabin near a lake. Far from the noisy city and all his problems, except one — the cabin belongs to his hot roommate, and he is going there with him. It’s Hux’s personal hell.
So Long and Good Night by PalenDrome (nerdherderette)
Rating: E
AKA: The five times Hux said "no" and the one time he didn't.
Northern Fall by TechieHux
Rating: M
Ben has everything under control. Both of his secrets are safe, his grades are passable, and his mom isn't terrified of him anymore. It's a good life, but nothing quiets the ache in his bones.
Something is wrong. Something is missing.
And the key may just be his new neighbor.
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the-lady-of-stars · 6 years
Sides of the Force
Poe Dameron x Skywalker!Reader
Requested by @moose-on-the-l00se
Summary: A world in which Kylo Ren doesn't turn to the dark side, remaining as Ben solo. It is, however, the reader’s - Luke Skywalker’s daughter- brother who turns, upsetting the reader greatly. Y/N disappears in search of her brother in an attempt to bring him back to the light, forcing her cousin Ben, boyfriend Poe and father Luke to team up to find her. Unfortunately, they give the wrong idea to the reader’s brother before she can help him, making Y/N have to go to extremes in return for their safety. 
A/N: I named the reader’s brother Rasmus - Ras for short.  (I got this name from a series called “The Rain” I’ve been watching on Netflix. It’s totally worth a watch if you feel like it.)   3.3k Words
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 It had been ten years since your brother Rasmus had turned. You were both training at the Jedi temple when he felt his call to the dark side, leaving dead padawans in his path. During the ten years he had been gone, he’d risen in the First Order, gaining the title of Commander. Alongside that, he’d been personally recruited by Snoke, being trained in the dark side of the force. 
You, however, had stayed with your father Luke and cousin Ben, all moving to the island of Ahch-To and completing your Jedi training. Then one day your father told you both that you needed to go to Crait to help the Resistance fight against the First Order. This was where you first met Poe, best pilot in the Resistance and now your boyfriend.
- Back to the Present -
It was late in the night, and the stars shone brightly above. You sat on a rock outside the base on Crait. It was your home now, having been  redesigned and modernised by the Resistance. 
The cold winds whipped through your hair, blowing it back behind your face. You sighed, drawing shapes into the ground with your feet, leaving red trails in your wake. You didn't know what to do. You missed your brother, of course you did. The last time you saw him was during the battle of Crait, and even then it was only from a distance as he tried to kill your father.
 A tear slipped down your cheek, getting brushed away almost as soon as it had fallen by a hand that wasn’t yours. You jumped as you thought you were alone, turning only to see Poe.
“You scared me,” you sniffled. Poe wiped your cheek again, sitting down on the rock next to you. He pulled off his leather jacket and placed it over your shoulders to keep you warm.
“What’s wrong, darling?” he soothed.
“It’s just- I’m lost, Poe. I don't know what to do. I just want Ras back. We all miss him- me, Ben, Dad, Leia. We grew up together, Poe.” you began to sob. 
He shushed you, pulling you into his arms and allowing you to bury your face into his neck. He waited patiently until your sobs had died down, rubbing your back softly and keeping you tight against his chest. 
“C’mon, sweetheart. Let's get you to bed, shall we?” he cooed, standing up and pulling you with him. Poe took your hand and lead you all the way back to your shared room on the base. 
When you got there you both lay down under the covers, Poe keeping you safe and warm on his chest while he slept. You, however, just couldn’t seem to get to sleep, your eyes remaining wide open and focused on the wall. You couldn't think about anything other than Rasmus. You knew you needed him back, but you also knew that none of your family would let you go and get him, as they always said it would be too dangerous to try and bring him back. Considering your options, you came to the conclusion that it would be best to leave in the middle of the night so no one would know you were gone until morning. 
Beginning your plan, you delicately got off of Poe, tucking him back in so he wouldn't wake up once you were off. You pulled on your Jedi robes, placing your lightsaber in it’s sheath on your belt. You also shoved a few necessities into a small rucksack, strapping that over your shoulder. With one last glance in the mirror, you sighed, looking at your reflection all prepared to go out on a mission, then back at the reflection of Poe who was sound asleep, curled up in the duvet. 
You left your room and headed straight for the hangar where you knew you could take the Falcon. After Han’s death, the Falcon had been left to you and Ben, a memory of your childhood.  So you boarded the Falcon, securing your bag before setting yourself down in the pilots seat, and with a few levers, buttons and switches you were off, flying into the atmosphere. As you entered hyperspace, you decided it would be best to send a message to Poe through your datapad. You pulled it out of your rucksack, scrolling through your contacts until you saw Poe’s name. You stared blankly at the screen, not knowing what you could possibly say while watching the text cursor blink. After a good five minutes of contemplation, you began to type:
“My Dearest Poe,
I’m so sorry I’ve had to do this, my love.  I need to find my brother and there’s no other choice in the matter. I know neither you, Ben, Leia or Dad would even think about letting me do this for a moment, but you must know that I have to. I’m not in any danger, believe me when I tell you he'd never hurt me. I love you all so much. I will return to you- I promise. Hopefully with Rasmus by my side. There's still light in him. I can feel it. But as for now, I have to say goodbye. I don't know when I’ll be back or if I can be in contact until I return, but I will definitely come back at some point. 
Until then, my sincerest love,
Your finger hovered over the send button for a while before you finally pressed it, turning your datapad completely off and throwing it into your bag, not waiting for a response. With that, you set out towards the Finalizer, as it wasn't exactly hard to find at its size. 
- Back on Crait in the Morning -
Poe sprinted as fast as he could through the hallways, datapad in hand. When he finally reached General Organa’s room, he slammed his fist into the door, crying out repeated calls of “Leia!” until the door finally slid open. 
“Poe? What’s wrong?” she asked, rubbing her tired eyes then trying to smooth down her bed hair. 
“It’s Y/N, she’s gone. She must have left during the night. Her lightsabers gone too. She left a note.” Poe passed his datapad over to Leia, letting her read the message. Her eyes widened and she told him “Quick- tell Luke and Ben. I’ll meet you in Hangar 3.” 
Poe ran off in search of your cousin and father, showing each of them your message then telling them to come to Hangar 3. 
When Poe finally got to the hangar, he saw Leia standing next to a freighter. She beckoned him over and he ran, closely followed by Ben and Luke, both adorned in Jedi garb. 
“Take this ship and follow after her,” began Leia. “It’s dangerous for her to go all alone. Rasmus has changed since he was at the temple, he's a different person now. I’ve stocked the ship with enough necessities for months. Good luck.” She turned to Luke and patted his shoulder, feeling remorseful for her brother who had lost not only his son but now possibly his daughter. 
- Your Arrival at the Finalizer -
You slowed down the Falcon, seeing the Finalizer in front of you. Your brother was on this ship- you could feel his presence in the force. This also meant that he might sense yours too, possibly something you'd like to avoid at this stage. You waited until the coast was clear of any TIE-Fighters patrolling the base then landed in an empty bay on the side of the ship. It seemed to be abandoned from what you could tell, making the perfect landing zone for you. 
You walked down the ramp, feeling the chill of the metal walls of the ship seep through you. No wonder the First Order were always so miserable, you thought. 
You had devised a plan during your journey to the base. Enter the ship, locate a lone stormtrooper, knock them out, steal their datapad, locate your brother’s room. Not the worst plan, you supposed. 
After a short while of sneaking around, you saw a stormtrooper headed over to a supply closet. Seeing it as your chance, you leapt towards him, dragging him into the closet with you before rendering him unconscious with a swift knock to the head. You pried the datapad off his belt, pressing the map icon. There it was, a full map of the ship, right down to who stayed in each room. Moving over to the bigger looking rooms which you presumed would belong to higher ranked personnel, you saw your brother’s name. Commander Rasmus Y/L/N. 
Peeking out of the closet door, you saw no one there you catch you, so you headed out in the direction of Ras’ room. Room 1436, there it was. Your brother was definitely in there, you could feel his force signature stronger than ever. The only problem was the lock which needed the correct code for the door to open. After a few seconds of thought, you punched in “19BBY”, your father's birth year. The door opened instantly, making you laugh under your breath. Birthdays- how predictable. He never was the smartest. 
You cautiously stepped in, looking around for any signs of where your brother could be. The room was massive, clearly a result of his high ranking. A cabinet with framed photographs on top took your interest. You went over and looked, examining each one. The first one was a picture of a young you, Ben and Rasmus on the Falcon, Han standing behind you all. The next was a picture of you on Chewie’s shoulders, laughing while Leia chuckled at you from the background. Finally was a picture of you, Rasmus and Poe, aged what looked to be five, all huddled together around a pile of toys on the Falcon. Poe had a look of complete wonder on his face while you and Rasmus made toy X-Wings float above his head. You smiled at the picture, remembering it like it was yesterday. 
All of a sudden you felt your limbs freeze. Someone was holding you still with the force. Rasmus. 
You couldn’t see him, but you heard him say-
“well, well, well. Look who's finally come to visit. I presumed you wouldn't take too long to do it. Pathetic, you're so emotional. That's why you should have come with me after the temple. I’ve learned to suppress every emotion except anger, its the Sith way. I’m so much stronger than any Jedi has ever been. You could be this strong too, Y/N. I know your strength with the force, I can sense it just from being near you, but you need a teacher. I can teach you. Come with me now. Come, sister. Join me. We’ll rebuild the fearsome name of our lineage.”
“Stop it, Rasmus. Don't you hear yourself? I know Snoke’s twisted your mind but there’s still good in you. I can feel it. Come back, Ras. We all miss you! You're my brother, not this monster Snoke is trying to force you to be.” you cried out. Rasmus suddenly turned you around to face him, allowing you to see him properly for the first time in years. He had the same nose as you, but your father's lips and eyes. He looked so much older than before. So different. He had inherited Luke’s blonde hair too. 
“Don’t you see, Y/N! You see who we are yet you are blind! Imagine the power we could hold. Brother and sister ruling the galaxy. Together. Doesn't that sound like a dream?”
“Not like this, Rasmus. Not like this. I know we’re so much stronger together, but that’s why you should join us. Join me. Our power focused towards the good of the galaxy could be so strong. The dark side only leaves room for greed and ignorance. We need to build hope in the galaxy, Ras. Don't you have any?”
“Y/N, you know I can't- Snoke will-” Rasmus sighed, releasing his hold on you with the force. Slowly, you walked over to him, reaching your hand out and leaving it there for him to take. He just looked at it, an image of conflicting and pain showing in his eyes.
“Snoke is doing nothing but manipulating you, Ras. I know you can't completely see that but thats because he's doing it well. I’m your sister, you know I’d never hurt you. Come home, Rasmus. You’re loved there. Everyone wants you back.”
Rasmus looked into your eyes, shakily moving his hand out towards yours. Your fingertips touched and you felt the force bond all force-sensitive families shared. Just as he was about to take your hand, the door flew open and in came your father, Poe and Ben. Before you knew what was happening, your father threw Rasmus against the wall with a shout of “get away from her!”
Rasmus cried out in pain, tears of betrayal welling up in his eyes. You could feel the pain in his heart surging at how he had trusted you. 
“Stop it! Don’t hurt him, don't you dare!” you screamed, running over to Rasmus and cupping his chin to bring his eyes to meet yours. At first he looked scared but that quickly turned into pure anger. 
He gritted his teeth and yelled “traitor” at you, thinking you had told them to hurt him.
“No, no, Rasmus listen. They didn't know, they didn’t realise you weren't going to hurt me. Dad just got protective, you know how he is.” you tried to reassure him to no avail. 
“Liar! You planned to hurt me all along, didn't you? And to think I was such a fool as to believe you when you said you wanted me back. I never should have even let you live once you entered my chambers!”
Rasmus used the force to bring his lightsaber to him, igniting it and pushing you  back. The red saber crackled as he looked at the four of you wildly. Luke and Ben ignited their sabers too, getting into a stance ready to fight while Poe raised his blaster. 
“Stop it, all of you!” you shouted. “He only thought we wanted to kill him because you came bursting in without thinking, Dad!” 
Rasmus howled “Liar!” before lunging in the direction of Poe, Ben and your Dad. He angled his saber so as to slice all three of them in half in one movement. Just before he could reach them you acted out of instinct, using the force to push the three of them back. The saber tore through you, cutting half of your waist open in the form of a deep gash. You wailed, falling to the floor and clutching your stomach, tears burning in your eyes. 
You heard the cries of Poe and Ben shouting “No!”. They fell to their knees next to you, removing any outer clothing they could to press against your wound. Your father stood still, frozen in the fact that he had allowed his daughter to sacrifice herself for him. The most broken of all, however, was Rasmus. He turned of his saber with wildly quaking hands, dropping it to the floor and making it roll to the other side of the room. He didn't want to hurt you. Not ever. He trusted you. He’d felt your pure intentions through the force, how desperately you wanted to have your big brother home. He whimpered, legs giving out. 
“Y/N I- I- oh stars I didn't mean for this to happen. Y/N, please-” he gasped out.
“Hey, hey.” you called out weakly. “I know, Ras. You’d never hurt me intentionally. This isn't your fault, Rasmus. I love you.”
“I love you too.” he began to sob, taking your hand in his. 
Then you heard Poe whispering comfort to you, begging you. 
“Stay awake, baby. C’mon Princess. I kinda need you ya know.” Poe choked out, crying uncontrollably. 
Ben was also crying, trying his hardest to stop the blood loss. 
“Stay with us, Y/N. I need you too. Who else’s ass am I supposed to kick at sparring, huh?” Ben joked through the tears. 
You laughed lightly, which turned into a full on coughing fit with blood coming out of your mouth. Your father suddenly launched into action, seemingly having devised a plan for your survival. 
“Okay, listen up everyone. We’re gonna need a clear route back to the Falcon. Y/N landed in an abandoned bay on the west side. Rasmus, get us their without being stopped as quickly as possible. Ben, you carry her and Poe keep pressure on the wound. We need to get her to the med pack on the Falcon right now.” he directed. 
Everyone listened, Ben shushing your whimpers as he picked you up. Rasmus lead the way to the bay, clearing anyone watching away with one fiery glance. Finally you reached the Falcon, Luke opening up the door. Once you reached the beds, Ben gently placed you down, comforting you through the sharp twinges of pain you felt. He placed a kiss against your forehead then left to consult Luke. Poe stood leaning over you, preparing the medical kit he’d found.
“Ok, baby. This is gonna hurt but I need you to trust me, alright? I’m gonna have to stitch you up, sweetheart and we don't have enough time to give you any anaesthetics. Be brave, baby. I know you can be.” he leaned down and pecked your lips quickly before pulling on some latex gloves and getting to work. You groaned, turning your head to the side and biting down on the pillow. 
“Atta girl, you're doing so well. I’m almost there, sweetheart.” Poe didn't stop reassuring you throughout the whole process. After another ten minutes, the torture was finally over. Poe sighed in relief, grabbing a cool damp cloth to clean your skin with. 
“It’s all over Y/N. All done. You were so brave, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you.” he started tearing up again.
“Hey, Poe. What’s wrong? Don't cry over me.” you reached a hand up and stroked it over his cheek. 
“You tried to sacrifice yourself. For me.” he looked distraught and tired, eyes clearly pained.
“Of course I did, Poe. I love you. More than anything.”
“I don’t want you dying for me, love. I want you to live for me. Ya hear me? Promise me you won't ever do that for me again. Promise.”
“I’m sorry, Baby but you know I can’t promise that.” you smiled, meeting his eyes. 
“So stubborn,” he laughed softly, making you laugh too. You reached up, cupping the back of his head and pulling him down into a kiss. He held you tighter than he ever had before. That night he never left you. Even when Luke, Ben and Rasmus came in to check up on you he stayed and held you. You finally fell asleep content, having your brother, boyfriend, cousin and father with you all together. Your family was complete.
- One Week Later -
You were once again on that one particular rock outside the base, gazing up at the stars. Although this time you weren't alone. On your right was Poe, arm thrown over your shoulders and head against yours. On your left was Ben, hand on yours. Sitting at your feet was Rasmus, now a fully fledged member of the Resistance, leaning with his head on your legs. Watching from a distance were Luke and Leia, reminiscing in the fact that the whole family was together again. 
it may have been a tough ride to get to where you were now, but all of you knew that every second was worth it. You had everyone you needed and you were never letting go. Not ever.
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