#[[ i could just literally gET ANOTHER SHEET ]]
slvttyplum · 3 months
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you ever have dick so good that you’re literally running from it. tears in your eyes, lumps on lumps of sobs crowding in your throat and suguru holding your hands behind your back still slamming into you. 
“take it like you're supposed to, baby. do it for me.” slapping your ass and slamming into you again, a sob crawling up your throat and your body shaking uncontrollably with this overwhelming pleasure. 
he knew where your weak spots were, where you broke down easily, and where you itched to have more of. that's why he was going to give it to you—give it to you until you were physically numb. suguru wasn’t going to stop until he saw your body lying still on the mattress. 
suguru wanted to twist you around and put you in different positions so he could see his pretty baby cum on his dick but you weren’t take it well, your back arching and your muffled sobs into the mattress. 
he had to keep your wrists in his hands or you weren’t going to finish soon, his hand squeezing your wrist and his other one trailing over your back up to your chin, pulling you back into your chest. 
"come on, baby. what’s going on today? i thought you wanted to be my good girl.” his hips pushing into your ass harder and harder, his soft breath tickling your ear, and the tip of his dick pressing deeper inside of you. 
another sob coming up and tears running down your face—he couldn’t say he didn’t admire the sight. he loved when you cried from overstimulation, but all he was thinking about at that moment was making sure you took in what he was giving you. 
he could feel you squeeze around; the feeling of your soft insides clamming onto him made him feel good. he almost wanted to crawl inside of you, but you didn’t deserve it. 
you didn’t deserve his cum being leaked inside of you, so if he had to hold himself back for a couple more minutes or just not cum, then that’s what he would do. 
“suguru i can’t take it.” your sobs more vocal, your back is arching even more, and your eyes are squeezing shut with more warm tears rolling down your face
it felt like a fiery pit in the bottom of your stomach every time he made you take him. Even though you couldn’t, it’s not like you could run away or fake your way out of it. 
suguru knew you inside out, literally. he knew how good you were feeling, your nipples peeking up as your ass was pushing against him; it’s like your body was telling him to just do whatever he wanted to make you take it. 
“remember what i taught you.” whispering in your ear and slamming into you again, sweat dripping off his forehead and onto your back, he could feel you clamp around him, a moan sliding past your lips and little whines after. 
cooing in your ear then pulling your arms back some more while slamming into you again and again, feeling his cum leak into you little by little. 
that’s how he liked to cum, when you were squeezing the cum out of him. 
if you were running and crying, scratching the sheets, trying to get away, suguru was going to pull you, restrain you and make you take it; he didn’t play. 
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alittleemo · 4 months
if i cannot attend office hours on a wed bc i have a class in that time slot. why would the only other time you offer be monday at the same time slot. brother our classes are a m/w/f pairing if i cannot attend one i surely cannot attend the other.
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wtfforged · 1 month
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my campaign hiatus has gone on for too long so to cope ive combined my interests at their maximum potency and had some dnd-strawhats thoughts
thoughts in depth under read more... :)!
this is SO self indulgent. their designs literally did not change. but i am a firm believer that dnd doesnt have to be european high fantasy. and also one piece literally IS fantasy. no changes are necessary to fit into dnd. ive already imagined plenty of campaign/oneshot ideas inspired by one piece. so this was basically just an exercise of trying to replicate their canon abilities in dnd 5e as much as possible without totally homebrewing everything. well. aside from luffy. you just cant take away or change his stretching.
LUFFY: (human monk. drunken master subclass. outlander)
the only plain human of the crew to balance out with the fact that he still has rubber powers. obviously a monk. but drunken master subclass specifically because i think the flavor(not the fact that its about being a drunkard) and abilities both fit him really well. this line in the subclass' flavortext especially fits him: "A drunken master often enjoys playing the fool to bring gladness to the despondent or to demonstrate humility to the arrogant, but when battle is joined, the drunken master can be a maddening, masterful foe."
ZORO: (tiefling fighter. samurai subclass. bounty hunter)
a fighter with the samurai subclass is so very incredibly obvious... but i actually had a lot of fun geeking out while comparing the abilities to what he can do in canon; Fighting Spirit, Rapid Strike, and Strength Before Death especially! tiefling is also pretty on the nose for his demon pirate hunter shtick and asura form, but i thought he'd be really human-passing for a tiefling and theorized about his tail getting cut off at some point or another before joining the strawhats. initially wasnt gonna give him a feat, but i gave sanji a feat so i thought itd be unfair to not give him one as well, so sentinel fits the bill pretty well i think!
NAMI: (tabaxi rogue. arcane trickster subclass. criminal)
cat burglar -> full grown literal humanoid cat. this one is INCREDIBLY self indulgent... i love... cats... theres nothing deeper to this and no other reasoning. i took cat burglar and ran with it. can you tell that i love izutsumi dungeon meshi? rogue for the aforementioned burglar-ing as well, and the arcane trickster subclass for when she picks up climatact! the mage hand will be very useful for her pickpocketing. in the future as she levels up with timeskip, i can totally see her multiclassing into wizard as well! weather wizard!
USOPP: (lightfoot halfling artificer. artillerist subclass. urchin)
I HAD SO MUCH FUN THINKING ABOUT HIS CHARACTER SHEET. halfling's Naturally Stealthy ability lets him hide behind his crewmates since theyre (almost) all bigger than him, so its perfect for hiding behind zoro or sanji all the time. Lucky is also perfect for him, and I think Brave fits pretty well too when he puts on the sogeking mask. artillerist artificer is also very fun! tinkering and making magic items for his crew, and i think Eldritch Canon or Arcane Firearm could both be easily reflavored as kabuto or any of his inventions. for emphasizing his sniper-ness, the spell sniper feat was also necessary. i think hes my favorite of all the concepts. big ears and long nose combo is so cute to me.
SANJI: (half-elf monk. drunken master subclass. guild artisan (cook!))
race was mostly based on vibes i wont lie. squints. and that vinsmoke balogna or whatever too ig. but mostly vibes. along with the idea that i think a dwarf zeff raising him would be really funny and cute. monk is also obvious, and same subclass as luffy for mostly the same reasons. though the flavor fits him much less, i think the abilities still fit him perfectly, and this blurb specifically; "Your martial arts technique mixes combat training with the precision of a dancer." i really wanted to give him a different subclass from luffy, but i dislike all the other monk subclasses a lot and i found none of them fit him as well anyways, so to try and give them SOME differences, i gave him the crusher feat.
CHOPPER: (awakened deer(shifter statblock) cleric. life subclass. hermit)
this ones definitely a mouthful im sorry. awakened deer for obvious reasons, but due to magic instead of devil fruit stuff. when i was struggling with his race, i looked a lot at shifter because of his forms, but it occurred to me that itd be super cool if he could shift between all of the different shifter options instead of being stuck with just one to replicate his rumble balls. something like heavy point/guard point=beasthide, horn point/arm point(?maybe?)=longtooth, walk point/jumping point=swiftstride, and brain point=wildhunt. hed definitely need some kind of nerf though to balance out that homebrew... and cleric for class. duh.
ROBIN: (high elf wizard. order of scribes subclass. criminal)
robin is definitely the one i struggled the most with just because of her class. elf came pretty easily- shes very elegant and i think shed look cute with super long ears- and i landed on high elf instead of wood elf for the int-based abilities. i was really on the fence between sorcerer and wizard for her because i knew shed be a full spellcaster, but i didnt feel that any of the subclasses really fit her. i ended up going with wizard for order of the scribes since it focuses on texts and knowing everything. but also because robin with a flying talking sentient book would be crazy cool. it could also be similar to how she spawns mouths and eyes places to talk to or watch people. my "fuck it, why not. this would be rad. its my house" mindset kicked in with her i will admit. also the One with the Word ability made me cackle out loud when i read it. thats the funniest ability ever. anyways, i cant really think of a way to replicate her powers, but maybe we could just reflavor a bunch of spells to be her limbs or clutch; hold person, maximillian's earthen grasp, or evard's black tentacles. thatd probably work okay, and theres a handful of spells to replicate her ability to spawn eyes or mouths. unrelated, but i imagine nico olvia to be a drow. why? her hair is white. i am a simple man!
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garoujo · 9 months
✩ ˛˚ . GOJO SATORU — you’re not sure if it’s normal for a ‘relationship’ like you and gojo’s to be so constant.
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ஜ ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ contents! situationship!gojo, although it seems to be a little more than that, fluff! he’s a clingy baby ♡ ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ note! i literally had to pull over at the side of this road to write this in my notes <3 childe is coming tomoz guys i swear !
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“satoru, i have to leave eventually, i can’t stay here forever.” you sigh from where you’re wrapped in gojo’s, your… friend’s bed, his sheets, his shirt. you’re not sure how long you’ve been here, three? four days maybe, it’s like both of you are just ignoring that maybe this is a little more than what you’re trying to say it is.
“you leavin’ me cold? where’s your heart.” hes teasing you as he whines playfully, pouting from where he’s standing at the foot of his bed. he’s still shirtless from his shower— his snowy hair is wet, framing his features and you think it’s annoyingly unfair how low on his hips his sweatpants are resting. “bring back my sweet girl.”
he’s not sure how to tell you that he doesn’t remember the last time he had a full nights sleep before you’d started staying over.
“none of my stuff is here.” you try to reason but gojo’s so fast to send you a handsome sort of grin before he’s turning away from you momentarily. you watch him hum as he picks his slacks up from the floor, reaching into the side pocket to pull out his wallet before reaching so quickly for the sleek black card inside with a shrug.
“i’ll get you new stuff. see,” he tilts his head towards the card and you know he’s serious despite his smooth tone, the ridiculously luxury apartment you’re in right now and his usual expensive clothes was enough proof that he could, but that’s not what you meant.
“no, satoru, i’m serious. i need my clothes.” you sigh as you lean yourself back into the plush pillows beneath you, youre grumbling like you’re being held here against your will but you’ve still made no real effort to move from your place.
you feel the mattress at your feet dip as gojo pushes himself back onto the bed, his fingertips reaching to wrap gently around your calf as he crawls his way towards you. it’s incredibly intimate the way he looks up at you through his lashes, lifting your leg slightly until you feel his lips trace along the inside of ankle, leaving short—soft pecks in their wake.
his gaze remains on yours as he trails kisses up your skin, continuing until he’s high enough to let his chin rest on your stomach, long arms wrapping underneath your waist as he shoots you another smile. “oh? but you look so good already, sweet thing.”
you groan at that, “satoru! omg, i need an outfit. i cant just live in your stuff.” — as comfortable as it is.
“yeah yeah, i hear you. i can take you there, wait f’ you and bring you back.” gojo grumbles from where he’s hugging himself into you, bringing up one of his hands like he’s talking you through a plan as you watch his fingers wave around in the air with his words.
you sigh again, for what feels like the millionth time today, but you still let your fingers push their way through the damp roots of the man over you’s hair— a motion that earns you a quick kiss pressed through your shirt before he lets the silence linger comfortably.
you think this was probably a lot more than what you’re both trying to say it is.
“hm, so you wanna go on a date, ‘s that it?” gojo grumbles a few moments later, goading as he shoots you one of his cheekier smirks before he’s pushing himself up high enough to curl over you. but the playful jokes makes you feel suddenly warm as you look up at him— trying so hard to retain the frown on your features despite the way his crystalline gaze makes you want to melt into a puddle.
“you’re so annoying.” you try to push him away but he doesn’t budge as he chuckles, leaning down to press his face ticklishly into the crook of your neck as he pokes playfully at the sides of your waist— just enough to kick start a laughing fit. “‘toru! i swear—“
“oh? i see how it is. why’re you mad?” you can barely breathe as gojo presses you into the mattress beneath you— twitching and wriggling underneath his huge body as he continues to press into your ticklish spots.
“s-stop it! i’m not mad.”
“oh yeah? well i haven’t done anything afterall! you said you wanted an outfit, don’t go all shy on me now~” he’s deliberately accompanying each touch with an onslaught of kisses along the crook of your neck that make you shudder.
“satoru! oh my god, i’m gonna kill you.” you gasp as you kick your legs, giggling uncontrollably until you feel him cease suddenly and drop himself back on top of you with a huff.
“oh, scary! you said it, sweet girl. you fallin’ for me? i knew it! it can’t be helped, i’ll be happy to take you out if you ask nicely.”
gojo’s lips rest against your jawline as he speaks this time; smooth as honey while his hands push their way underneath the hem of your—his shirt. his fingers rest gently at your waist before he begins tracing something messily, probably something similar to a heart if you were to focus on it a little more.
you don’t answer him this time, like you’ve admitted defeat as your arms wrap around him— letting him melt into you a little longer before he’s pushing himself up to press a kiss against your cheek, then your lips when you turn around to face him.
“hm, that’s too bad. i kinda wanted to keep you locked away in here for a little while longer. oh well.” gojo smirks as he tries to feign disappointed, pinching between his brows before he’s shooting you a wink and leaning in for another kiss. his lips linger a little longer this time, tongue coming out to tease along your lower lip before he pulls away suddenly a few moments later— leaving you pouty and all of a sudden kiss starved.
you watch him fumble around for a little bit, sorting through the clothes that you both had peeled off in such a rush the night before. you give him a confused look when he bends over; rising back up as he shakes his car keys at you with another one of his signature grins.
“aw, don’t look at me like that. come on, we got somewhere to be, right? wear somethin’ nice f’ me.”
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© 2023 GAROUJO. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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jeongin-lvr · 5 months
ᙏ̤̫ ˘˘˘   txt reactions when another member likes you (nsfw)
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He’s such a smug bitch about it; obviously he’s jealous but the way he shows it is surreal. He’s clingier when Taehyun is around, grabbing your wrists and waist despite protests and plopping you in his lap, making eye contact with the boy just to see his reaction. Taehyun only watches albeit longingly. Yeonjun on the other hand practically laughs in the boys face, kissing your shoulder blade just to make you squirm and hiss at him. He finds it funny that anyone would even bother to like you because he makes it so obvious that you’re his and no one else could ever have you! That’s what he thinks, of course. Yeonjun makes it a point to brag about you on purpose to Taehyun and everyone else who would listen; talking about how pretty you look when he’s fucking you, the way your eyes tear up as you gag on his dick. Yeonjun knows it makes Taehyun tick. That’s why he does it.
It’s a particular night when all the boys are together, even Taehyun, the TV playing some nonsense show that you were already forgetting. You couldn’t focus on it as Yeonjun played with your puffy, wet folds beneath the warm confines of your blanket. Your back against his firm chest, trying to regulate your breathing and stifle your moans into his arm. The other boys were either half asleep or too engrossed in the show to care. But Yeonjun catches the eye of Taehyun just as he was slipping his first finger into you, making your face scrunch and mouth fall wide. Taehyun isn’t stupid; he knows what you two are doing under the sheets, and there’s really nothing he can do about it so he bites his lip. Yeonjun only smirks and flicks his hand toward the TV, signaling to Taehyun to mind his damn business.
“Baby… almost got us caught. Little thing all pent up and whiny… shhh, Tyunnie might hear you. We can’t have that, no, no. He’d want a piece of you and I wouldn’t let him. You’re fuckin’ mine, pretty.”
At first he’s calm. He barely even acknowledges the idea when Beomgyu first confessed to him about his crush on you. Soobin simply shrugs it off and tells the younger boy to not beat himself up about it, giving him a nonchalant smile and walking off. What actually makes him jealous is the sight of you and Beomgyu together; it would’ve been innocent had it not been for Beomgyu running a shy hand along your arm, then quickly wiping something from your cheek. And Soobin has no idea why he’s so angry at this. He doesn’t get jealous— it’s unlike him. But it’s you. How could he not be? The boy is quick to come between you and Beomgyu, literally squeezing his tall frame between the two of you with a phony smile towards the younger. He clicks his tongue and turns to you, as if to give a warning to Beomgyu, telling him to, respectfully, fuck off.
When Soobin tells you all of this you’re practically laughing at him. He pouts and folds his arms over his chest, sinking into the sofa. He couldn’t help it when it came to you; he just couldn’t let Beomgyu even be near you anymore. You slot yourself over his lap, tucking your cheek in his neck, still giggling at his jealousy. You’ve never seen him like this, pouty like a little kid and visibly jealous. So you decide to take the initiative and slot yourself onto his lap, holding his cheeks before kissing away the jealousy. It was fluffy and soft until the kisses got messier and he was openly panting into your open mouth, holding you down over his bulge as he whimpered nasty thinks against your lips.
“I gotta… ah, I gotta fuck you— please, baby, don’t make me beg. Ohhh, need it— no, I need you. Need to know you’re mine.
What a little monster. He makes sure everyone knows you’re his— even if that means marking your neck so hard it hurts too much to even cover in makeup, or taking you ok the bathroom corner at someone else’s house. Was it feral and maybe even a little nasty? Yes. But he was addicted to the idea of Yeonjun, his best friend who he always caught staring at you, hearing everything the two of you did. Beomgyu saw how Yeonjun stared at you, longing in his eyes and nervous breathes when you caught his gaze, giving a nonchalant smile. Beomgyu was by no means jealous, he was cocky. Which was worse for both Yeonjun and yourself.
When Beomgyu told you that you two would be spending the night at Yeonjun’s because of some video game related event, you could already sense what he was thinking. Teasing you all night, purposely showing you off, the bites and bruises upon your delicate skin. You weren’t even surprised when he spent the first 10 minutes before walking up to Yeonjun’s apartment kissing you until you were too flustered to speak coherently. When he pulled back and saw your lips red and puffy, a mess of spit on your chin, he was satisfied. But that wasn’t the end of it at all, giving you one last peck before smirking and hopping to your side to let you out. The rest of the night was spent with Beomgyu and Yeonjun on the couch, yelling at the TV screen as they lost or won. You had forgotten entirely about Beomgyu’s behavior. All up until it was time to sleep, finally. You and Beomgyu were warming up on the couch, your eyes growing heavy until you felt his hand slither down your torso and under the waistband of your panties. Yeonjun, who was just in the other room, unknowing. You protested half-heartedly, gripping his wrist as he found your cute clit, chuckling as he could practically feel the way you gushed for him. Before he sunk two fingers into your empty hole, he whispered nasty words into your ear, telling you to stay quiet or he’d stop.
“That’s it. Oh, you’re soaked, baby. No, no be quiet. Unless you want Yeonjun to hear… that’s what I thought. Imagine what he’d think if he saw you all wet and whiny for his best friend. Hah, you’re so bad at hiding how turned on you are, babe.”
When Taehyun finds out, via Yeonjun, that Kai had a massive crush on you he laughs. His younger friend has a pathetic crush on Taehyun’s oblivious girlfriend? It’s laughable. But he doesn’t make it a point to be extra touchy with you; he isn’t kissing you extra long or holding your waist a little tighter in the presence of Kai. He does, however, opt to observe the younger male. Taehyun sees how he bites his lip and puts a pillow over his crotch around you. And you were so fucking oblivious to Kai’s perverted behavior that it made Taehyun chuckle, kissing your cheek like it was a reward for being air-headed. Taehyun often finds himself getting turned on seeing someone pine over you so desperately, so shamelessly. It’s not jealousy at all; rather it’s cockiness.
It’s in the dorms when Taehyun hears the most interesting sound; what sounded to be a whiny Kai in his room— what shocks him is the fact that he’s moaning your name, the wet sound of his cock in hand making Taehyun’s eyes widen and heart race quicken. He immediately smirks, silently strutting down the hall to find you sitting unknowingly in his bed, innocently playing with your hair as he approaches with meaning in every step. You didn’t even protest when he quickly grabbed your jaw and forced your lips onto his, raking his hands up and down your waist. He’s mumbling into your mouth as he pulls you down, your bodies flat against the other as things instantly get messy. It’s like you’re floating when he doesn’t even wait a second to lift your leg over his shoulder and rub his bulge against your hot pussy. The sound of Kai in the other room isn’t as audible from where you two are; it’s just the fact that Taehyun knows what he’s doing behind those walls. Thinking about you while he gets you all to himself gives him some sort of weird power trip and all he can do is groan. You hear Kai whining behind the wall too now, and you would care if you weren’t being fucked brain dead by your possessive, perfect boyfriend.
“Babydoll, you’re all for me, yeah? Kai is in the other room thinking about you— meanwhile, I get the real fucking thing. I own this perfect pussy— it’s mine. He’s pathetic thinking about you like that, right, sweetheart?”
Hear me out… Kai is the most jealous of them all!! Kai hates it when other men even look at you, he hates it when they stare because he knows what goes on in their brains. But it’s the worst when he finds out Soobin has the biggest crush on you; it drives him mad. Kai is a sweetheart, but he’s a jealous sweetheart. He will find ways to cut between you and Soobin if he thinks you’re getting too close. Kai will press you to his chest and even grope your ass if he’s feeling extra bold. There’s been instances when the group would hang out and Kai would whisper to you that Soobin was staring at you— to which you reply with a pitiful smile —and soon enough he’d sitting you on his lap to cover his boner. He can’t help it! All he wants to do is show him you’re his! Kai is jealous and a big pervert in situations like these. He knows it and you know it and, honestly, neither of you are ashamed.
Kai pressed you down onto the cold marble of your kitchen, his belt loop cold against your hot skin. The two of you had barely gotten into the apartment when he was kissing your neck and pulling your clothes off. It was a long night out with the rest of the boys— all of you had gone to an Internet cafe, you opting to instead sit on Kai’s lap and watch everyone play. But Kai couldn’t focus when your ass was rubbing against his cock. He is too down bad for you to not get hard the moment he feels you like that; especially when right next to the two of you sat a silently longing Soobin. His big eyes on the two of you as you squirmed on his lap. Soobin saw the way you situated yourself lewdly on Kai’s pretty thigh, hiding you flushed face in his neck as Kai silently wished for an excuse to leave with you. The worst part is Kai knew the entire time of Soobin’s wandering eye and it made the entire situation hotter, at least to him. It wasn’t a surprise when the two of you quickly ran out of the cafe, exclaiming about an emergency before you were off. But Soobin knew, he saw the entire thing! Kai pressed you harder into the marble at the thought, gritting his teeth and pressing his stomach to your back, sweat clinging to the two of you. He was nasty with his words, entailing and describing every little detail about how he wanted Soobin to watch the two of you; how he wanted to invite him over to see how good you are for him and how you could only take Kai’s cock because you’re his little slut. His perverted fantasy seems to be mutual when you squeeze around him so tight he felt suffocated.
“Oh, yeah? You like that? Soobin coming over to w-watch you get fucked? Maybe I should call him, huh? You’re so nasty, baby, love it. F-fuck, he saw how you were grinding down on me earlier, baby… he liked watching y-you like that.”
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[ 𝗆.𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 ] 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾:𝗂 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗍 𝟦 𝖺𝗆 𝖻𝖼 𝗂 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽𝗇𝗍 𝗌𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗂𝗍𝗌 𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝗅𝗆𝖿𝖺𝗈𝗈 😭
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mariasont · 11 days
Hii! I saw this gif earlier today and I literally had a brain wave of an idea for fan fic!
Based off this gif below. S2!reid x reader. Reader has called off sick for a few days now and Spencer has been “looking after them” (ifyky) and one of bau members actually comes to help them with their “sickness” and sees Spencer leave like the gif below and he is like “hey.. wow” awkward! (Can be light smug or implied, up to you!!)
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Looking After You - S.R
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a/n: um i loved writing this one tehe, ur mind is amazing and i thank you for trusting me to make it come to life
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pairings: spencer reid x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ MDNI, smutsy, spencer giving head (i just know that man gives the best head i really can't think about it for long), reader is sick (kind of), morgan and garcia being nosy per usual
wc: 1k
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His mouth was on you, head between your thighs as you pulled at his hair, whining his name between moans. He was a genius, yes of course in the literal sense, but you meant in bed. He was perfect and he ate you out like he was a man starving and this was his first meal in weeks.
You had been down with a cold for the past couple of days, finally seeing the end of the tunnel after some help from Spencer. You had been surprised when he showed up at your door with a plethora of home remedies and even more surprised when one of those remendies included his mouth being glued to your cunt.
Each breath you took, you could feel yourself getting closer—an electric tingle spreading from your toes to your fingers, the tight coiling of desire in your belly. That elusive peak was tantilizingly close, deliciously aching, but just out of reach.
Fate apparently had a twisted sense of humor and decided it would stay out of reach.
The knock on the door was like a cold splash of water causing you to jolt up, but Spencer's large palms clasped around your thighs as if to say, I'm not done with you yet.
The sharp intake of breath was involuntary, a reflex as you sunk back into the mattress. Whoever was at the door would get the message eventually. Right now, you were writhing against the sheets with hands forming fists in the curls of Spencer's hair, and that was all that mattered.
"Oh—yes, Spence, please." You weren't certain you were making sense.
He hummed against your clit, sending full body shockwaves through you as you finally released, like a taut rubber band finally being snapped. You were panting, mumbling something incoherent as your hands sought out Spencer's.
Another knock, more aggressive this time. You struggled to sit up, your mind still hazy, but Spencer's gentle touch coaxed you back down.
"I'll get it," he said, fingers tracing constellations from freckle to freckle on your ankle. "Do what you do best, sit and look pretty."
You laughed weakly, pressing your lips against his before you watched him disappear from the room.
Spencer moved to answer the door, his hand barely grazing over the handle before turning it, but as it swung open, the color drained from his cheeks, eyes widening at the people in front of him.
Garcia and Morgan.
He was suddenly aware of how he looked—hair strewn in every direction, glasses resting lopsidedly on his nose, mouth no doubt still covered in you. That thought prompted him to bring his sleeve up to his face, wiping the remnants away as he simultaneously ran a hand through his hair.
But it was too little too late, they had damning evidence against him now. His first instinct was to slam the door shut, but he hesitated, certain it would worsen the situation. So he remained still, opening and closing his mouth wordlessly, his eyes flickering to the soup and tissues they presented.
"Are we at the wrong apartment?" Penelope whispered, not-so-discreetly, to Morgan.
"Nope, this is definitely the right apartment." Morgan said, smirking as he clasped Spencer on the shoulder. "You've been taking care of her, huh, Reid?"
"Time out!" Penelope squealed, her hands jumping up, almost dropping the soup in the process. "You and—, and you guys are? You're lying. Oh my stars, wait, what were you two doing? Why do you look like you've been... oh, don't tell me!"
Spencer could feel the pink suffusing his face, fingers pinching his brow as he started to shut the door. He should know better than to check the peep hole before opening the door.
Morgan's hand stuck out, preventing the door from shutting any further.
"Hold your horses, pretty boy," Morgan teased, nudging Spencer aside without waiting for an invitation. His eyes darted around your living room as if he would find you. "At least let us do what we came here to do."
Penelope started to set her stuff on the coffee table, her face displaying her thrilled emotions like an open book.
"I can't wait for JJ to know about this, she's going to freak," Garcia says, clasping on to Morgan's arm.
Morgan laughed, patting her hand as he shook his head. "No one is going to tell anyone. Your secret is safe with us, pretty boy. We're a vault, aren't we, baby girl?"
"Yeah, okay, fine," Penelope started, lips pursing as she peered into the kitchen. "But just so we're clear, this is going to be like swallowing a live grenade of gossip.
Now it was Spencer's turn to laugh, head shaking as he pushed his glasses to the top of his nose.
"Thanks, guys. I'm sure she's going to appreciate this."
He nodded towards the items, disregarding their comments as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, walking them both to the door and hoping to the gods you would stay put.
"Alright, we'll let you get back to... whatever this is," Morgan conceded, hands shooting up in defense as he stepped out the door. "But hey, you make her cry, and I'll be using those spaghetti limbs of yours to mop the floor."
"Morgan!" Penelope said, slapping him on the shoulder.
"Unnecessary, but understood," Spencer said, waving towards the exit. "Now, if you wouldn't mind..."
He could feel the migraine coming on.
"Oh my god."
They were both looking behind him, he followed their gaze, seeing you standing there just outside the bedroom door, wearing his boxers and one of his Star Trek shirts.
He slammed the door shut.
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taglist: @hotchhner @khxna @readergf @sarcasm-and-stiles @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath @freyy253 @broadwaytraaaaash @r-3dlips
join my taglist here
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wandasfifthwife · 3 months
so soaked
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korra x fem!reader
tw: 18+ MDNI, top!korra, bottom!reader, fingering (r receiving), water strap (r receiving), strap described to be her “dick” once, pure filth (im so sorry), established relationship, not proofread
a/n: this is for all of the korra fans who still love her even after like 11 years lmao :)
Korra’s most likely to come up with a stupid idea and be completely serious about putting it into action. Most times she’ll pull it off too. You know this about her, but seeing it come to life in a romantic lighting was new, different.
She had no shame showing her affection for you in public. She fully enjoyed your reactions, pulling more out of you any chance she could. Her friends could be surrounding you and she’d cheekily make comments about her attraction towards you, or about how you looked, or better yet she’d act on impulse.
That’s how she was now, in her mood to boost herself in front of others and to get a rise out of you. She came up with another one of her stupid claims, blurting every impulsive thought.
“I can do more than just fight with the elements.”
Her claim brought on one question, how. Mako and Bolin made claims, most of them were either about mundane tasks or criminal acts.
You sat near them, watching the interaction with a smile. You made eye contact with Korra when the light bulb went off in her mind. You brushed it off, moving on and taking it as a joke. That’s when it started.
A few days have passed since then and you found yourself between her body and a wall. She snuck you back to her room, shutting the door and wasting no time to pull you into a kiss. Her room was dark save for the small window in the corner allowing the moonlight, the room’s only source of light.
You struggled to see her but Korra on the other hand had no issue finding you. Her hands pulling you closer into her, a sound escaping you when she started trailing kisses down your neck.
“Feeling good already?”
You shut her up by pulling her close again, lips falling onto hers messily; Her smug grin apparent through the ones you shared. She moved back, bringing your body into hers as she falls onto the bed.
“Strip,” she leans back, eyeing your body. The hesitation written in your body language has her sitting up, cupping your face.
“You’re beautiful. I promise you,” she leans back again, “now strip.”
You make quick work of it, pulling at your clothes until nothing remained. A laugh sounded from you when she flipped you down on the bed, under her.
“Can I try something,” she asks, distracting you by pressing a kiss to your chest and spreading your legs further apart. You nodded, pressing your face into the sheets.
“Could I practice my bending on you?”
You took it as a joke, laughing softly until you met her gaze. Her pupils were blown, hair framing her face. She was serious.
“Korra, what?”
“Well I’m quite literally the avatar, it’s important—“
“What,” you push her hair back, running your fingers through it, “what were you thinking?”
Her grin grows, “I’ll make it worth your time.”
She fails to answer your question. Her body moves off the bed, grabbing you to drag you down the bed until your bottom half hung off. Her lips found yours, kissing you into the bed while her nails trailed up your thighs, drawing goosebumps.
“I mean it, you’re really pretty.”
She pushes her finger, eyes staying on your face to watch for any indication of pain. All she finds is your body curling into hers, soft sounds filling the space between you.
“Keep your eyes open, look at me.”
You try but it grows futile when you feel a second finger pressing beside her first.
She pushes her fingers in further, the tip pressing against the spot that has your hips jerking in her hold. You reach a hand down to hold her fingers there, enjoying the way your mind begins to grow fuzzy.
“Fuck—more, please!”
She pushes a third finger by her two, stretching you out further. Her fingers avoid touching your clit, rubbing under and beside but denying you the touch that would send you over the top.
It was sudden the way she pulls her fingers out, leaving you spacey and dissatisfied. You lay panting on the bed, facing the ceiling. Though you’re not watching her, you can hear her movements.
“Spread your legs wider,” she emphasizes her words with a light tap to your left leg. Certainly you don’t look now, feeling embarrassed about being so exposed as if her fingers weren’t inside you a second ago.
What was pressing into you was a bit cold, causing you to shiver. The next thing you notice was how it filled you completely, stretching you out.
“Oh shit—you feel so good wrapped around me.”
You whine into her neck, using your legs to push her further into you. The way she snapped her hips into you made you feel euphoric. You were too blissed out to notice the way water spilt into the ground, or how it mixed with your slick and covered the inside of your thighs.
“You like it that much, huh?”
You moan your response, wrapping your arms tighter around her neck. Korra had a hand wrapped around your waist; another hand sat by your head, laid upright to bend the water around her waist.
She splits you open, putting pressure against every inch of your walls. The way it angled to hit every sensitive corner. She was just as affected as you were, whines of her own turning you on even more. She curses under her breath, angling her wrist so she can adjust the way it’s moving inside you.
“Like how good I’m fucking you? My dick better than any one you’ve had before?”
“Yes, yes—ah!”
It doesn’t have a set form, changing with however and whatever your cunt demands. The second she motions for another string of water, bringing it to almost suck at your clit, you’re overwhelmed.
“Korra—Korra, ah!”
“Shh breathe,” she brushes your cheek with a shaky hand, “don’t hold back. I want to hear how good I’m making you feel.”
Everything was too much. Her low voice, the fluid stretch of your cunt, and how she was stimulating it all. The way she pressed into you, pushing against that muscle as the other pulls against your clit was too good.
You cry out her name, back arching as you come. She follows behind, whispering your name almost incoherently into your ear.
“You okay,” she asks, laying her panting self on yours. You giggle breathlessly, pushing at her until she’s forced to stand. The bed felt more comfortable the further you crawled back towards the center of the bed. It was then you realized what was just inside you as it returns to a fluid liquid state, being directed back into a nearby jar.
“What about it.”
“Korra, you fucked me with water?”
“Judging by your reaction I’d say I did well.”
@wandamaximoffsbadgirl @billiesofficialstrapsucker @cupc4keu
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chxrrydrxp · 3 months
Arkham Jason is a munchhh, he's all up in the pussy like omnomnom. Bro isn't letting you go until you SQUIRT
you're so right anon like-- mmmmm he's slave to the pussy he will never get enough
I whipped this thing up and lmao it wasn't supposed to be this long but I hope you like it!
word count: 1.1k
tw: occasional spanking, squirting
ℯ𝓎ℯ𝓈 ℴ𝓃 𝓂ℯ
(Jason x fem! reader)
You had been talking to him in the kitchen, discussing dinner plans, and next thing you know he had you pressed up against the counter, with his hands roaming your thighs and your hands under his shirt.
He buried himself in your neck, licking and sucking at the skin as you whined his name helplessly.
You gripped the sides of his arms softly, rubbing your thighs together. You felt him chuckle into your neck, noticing the way you leaned your hips into his. Your hands impatiently fumbled with his belt. You needed him now.
“Not just yet..”
he mumbled into your neck moving your hands away. You groaned at him, desperation flooding your eyes. “Jay- oh!” He quickly interrupted your complaint, gripping your ass firmly and pulling you close against his hardness. You almost melted, feeling him so hard against your abdomen. He lifted you from your thighs, lips still glued to yours as he carried you to your shared bedroom. Your hands tightly pulled at the collar of his shirt as he laid you on the bed, leaning over your body. He kneeled at the bed with his knee spreading your thighs apart.
“Y'look so good like this baby.”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you gazed up at his towering body. He really could do whatever he wanted to you. He was huge. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you, reveling in the heat that spurred between you.
“I need you..now,” you pleaded to him, bucking your hips to his obvious bulge. He seemed to have other plans. His lips attacked your neck once again, leaving dark hickeys down your collarbone. His hands reached under your shirt, flicking his thumb over your hardened nipples.
You squirmed at the teasing, impatiently pulling at his shirt. His kisses moved down your collarbone back to your tits and he teasingly nibbled on them. Your hand rested in his hair as he moved further down to your bare stomach. Your heart dropped with your mind weighed down by the implication of the position you were in. His now wet kisses made you feel so hot, quite literally, and your mind relaxed once more.
All this build-up was driving you nuts. His calloused thumbs rubbed over your thighs slowly, while he inched his head further down. He leaned his head closer to your heat, kissing dangerously close to your clothed pussy. A soft whine escaped your lips, as you clawed at the sheets. “Jason what are you-.” You were cut off by the velvet sensation of his hand dipping into your underwear.
“Fuck..God you're so wet…just for me.”
His middle finger rubbed at your soaked clit causing you to twitch, with heavy breaths slipping from you. He leaned back up to kiss you, all while still working on your clit. Your mind went foggy, as you barely managed to kiss him back. He slipped a thick finger while still rubbing your clit with his thumb, then slipped another in. Curling his fingers, he groaned into your ear. He suddenly pulled back from the kiss to gaze into your eyes.
“eyes on me.”
Your legs trembled, as you fought to maintain eye contact. He removed his fingers, bringing them up to show you. You looked away in embarrassment, but he turned your face back to look at them.
“What a mess.”
You so wanted to slap that cocky smile off his stupid face, but your violent thoughts were interrupted as you watched him slowly lick your arousal off his fingers. His strong hands suddenly grabbed you by the waist, flipping you onto your stomach.
“ass up, princess.” You got into the humiliating position as he slid your wet shorts and panties down to your knees. Your legs trembled at the sensation of his warm breath against your cunt. Jason licked a long, warm lick from your hole, then sucked at your clit lewdly. You whimpered into the mattress, clenching the smooth sheets covering your bed.
“Jay-..oh fuck..,”
He continued teasing his tongue around your clit, licking in tight circles that had your pussy clenching around nothing. He pulled away to catch his breath, smacking your ass. “Aw c'mon..don't do that,” he cooed, noticing the way you attempted to muffle your sounds. “But I-,” you attempted to argue.
“You heard me”
His deep voice elicited a foreign sense of danger as if it was a threat. The fear sent waves of restless anticipation throughout your body, which almost had you backing your pussy onto his face again. You shamefully lifted yourself onto your elbows, obliging to his embarrassing command. He grabbed your hips tightly, getting back to work with his tongue. He slurped at your clit, with a mixture of saliva and arousal dripping down his chin, and then onto the bed where faint dampness began to form.
“That's my girl..look at you... drippin' all over my chin like this. Dirty girl.”
Your broken cries filled his ears, giving him a twisted motivation to hear you get to your breaking point. He slipped two fingers back in with ease, thrusting them quicker than before. You could hear the way your pussy clenched around his fingers, nasty sounds filling the room. You thought your voice would've given out by now from the way you helplessly gasped his name. “Fuck, ” You felt a familiar coil in your abdomen, signaling your end, and causing your whole body to shudder.
“Jay m’gonna cum..!”
He groaned into your cunt, not letting up with his fingers and tongue. Your thighs instinctively began to shut, but Jason quickly spread them back open, continuing to torture you through your orgasm. Your body convulsed uncontrollably, with rough moans escaping your swollen lip.
“Jay! That's enough I can't- fuck..!”
He smacked your ass once again, pulling back to take a breath. “You can take it ma,” he whispered, rubbing the slit with his thumb.
“I know you can.”
He spread you open, watching the slick drip down your hole, then he caught it with his tongue, resuming his sucking and licking as you whined his name continuously. Your whole body felt like it was on the verge of collapsing from all the overstimulation. You groaned into the mattress once more, as a result of the overwhelming sensitivity of your now puffed-up pussy. Jason held you tightly in place as the coil in you began to release again.
A voiceless cry left you, as your legs gave out and you collapsed onto the bed, thighs trembling. You fought to catch your breath while riding out your second orgasm. Now flat on the bed, Jason still didn't let up. His hands gripped your ass tightly as he buried his face into your cunt, pulling the orgasm from you viciously. You felt an odd release, feeling better than usual. He moaned onto your cunt, then pulled away admiring his work.
“Well this is new,” he muttered with a look of pure satisfaction with your wetness dripping down the lower half of his face. This was gonna be a long night.
wow that was a lot. hope yall enjoyed 🫶🏾
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Miguel O'Hara x Pregnant! Reader
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WARNINGS: Little bit of angst, fluff, protective Miguel. Nudity appreciation, pregnancy, emotional distress over pregnancy, body change.
Summary: You don't feel enough for Miguel. He proves you wrong.
Requested here
Hope you like anon ✨
Being with someone like Miguel was far from easy. Coworkers in Alchemax, that slowly melted into friends, little jokes here and there, a little more trust and the friend line blurred more and more, until, oop! Attraction led the way until love went ahead of it.
And now, a couple of years later, here you were, padding your fingertips and massaging gently the top of your round and pregnant belly.
Miguel was like a happy madman when you told him that you were pregnant. But that also had been the start of a stage you had never seen him before. Overprotection.
If you wanted to get your slippers, he'd bend over and place them on your feet, to avoid you flexing too much. He'd always get behind you as you walked down the stairs, would literally do anything to make your pregnancy easier.
Even though his overprotection could be a bit vexing at times, it had more benefits than anything. Your feet were sore? He'd bring some soothing oils and massage them. You woke up craving something? He'd wake up and drive and didn't dare come back until he got you what you craved. Back pains? None of that as he would be your own personal heat provider.
The man loved you, that was much true.
As you walked through the streets hand in hand with him, it was unavoidable to not notice the hungry stares some women did his way, then they'd look at you and sneer in a subtle grimace.
Miguel was way into his thoughts to actually pay attention at your mood changing. Self consciousness in your appearance sinking deeper in your head.
"Can... Can we go home?" You halted and he seized you with a curious gaze.
"Thought you wanted to try the place?"
Shaking your head you just pulled him back. The scrutinizing eyes just turned sharper around you. Heart beating faster, some hidden laughs as they glanced your way. You needed to go, your head was spiraling into an unkind tornado of self doubt and deprecating thoughts. Hand squeezed him tightly.
His eyes squinted but he just nodded
"Wanna order food from home?"
You shook your head.
"I just feel a bit tired, that's all." of course he'd notice the little break in your voice.
You stared at the mirror, naked. Swollen feet, extra pounds that had settled in your hips, inner thighs and arms. A wider back. Stretch marks in every place you reached to see. Dark spots in certain areas, face puffed and breast that didn't precisely offer much perkiness.
Your mind groaned.
How could he look at you and not feel repulsed?
No. He loved you. Right?
He could get another woman once you've given him what he wants.
The mere thought brought tears to your eyes.
He wouldn't. No he would never do such thing
Why would he waste his precious time in someone like you?
Heart beat painfully fast in your constricted chest.
You're just embarrassing him.
Shaky hands took the first thing that they could grab. A sheet.
Hide away!
The sheets were wrapped around your body, tightly. Your legs made you curl in in the corner nearby the bed. Your own corner of shame.
What did he see in you? What had possessed him into putting a baby in you? Surely there were far better and prettier suitors. Suitors that would look the opposite of you in their pregnancy.
You had seen so many gorgeous women which pregnancies were a breeze. Unlike you, all over the place with clothes that barely fit you. Miguel had given you some of his t shirts and jerseys to be around.
Speaking of the devil...
His keys just tinkered as they were put in the usual spider shaped tray in the entrance. He called your name, but it only made you to recoil further in the sheets.
"Mi amor?" His hand pushed the door open and frowned upon watching you on the floor, sniffling and shielding yourself from whatever that had harmed you.
"Princesa?" He approached carefully upon hearing your muffled sobs. His heart gave panicked leaps. Were you hurt?, No. The doctor had said it was a perfectly healthy baby, and there was no visible sight of any emergency in plain sight. His heart wrenched as you covered more in the sheets the more he approached.
"Go away..."
He stopped, but slowly walked to you.
"Miguel, please just-"
He sat next to you.
"Wanna tell me why my wife is crying on the floor and wrapped in a sheet?"
Shaking your head, you wiped your tears.
"H-How can you be with someone like me?"
The question threw him off guard.
"What did... you just say?"
He wasn't angry, just genuinely curious as to why you'd ask such thing.
"From so many options you could've picked, why would you choose me?"
"I'm sorry but I am not understanding."
"C'mon, Miguel. From all the prettiest women you could've picked, you ended up with me. Why?"
His mind clicked at the sudden realization.
"Because I love you, that's why."
You weren't convinced much to his dismay.
"Come." He stood up and helped you up.
He guided you to the mirror in the middle of the room and stood behind you.
"Is this why you wanted to come home?"
"I see how women stare at you."
Bit by bit he removed the sheets off your body, despite your meek struggles to keep it on you.
"They're not you."
He placed his arms around your belly.
"Just look at what you're doing. You're carrying my child. My child, Mi vida. You think I would've picked someone else for this?"
His mouth went to your neck, to plant little kisses along your flesh.
"You think I don't appreciate your body going through such changes to keep my child inside?" He kissed your cheek.
"Mírate, chula." (Look at you, beautiful)
You refused. But patience went both ways in your relationship. His fingers took your chin and pulled it to make you see yourself in the mirror.
"There you go. Wanna know what I see?"
He wiped your eyes and sighed.
"I see my wife. Going through a natural process of change."
His hands roamed your hips.
"These hips are my favorite. You know why?"
Not the littlest idea.
You shook your head.
"Because none can take me like they do. And they will literally stretch away in a way I'm still trying to process, just to get our baby out."
"Anyone whose pregnant can do that"
"Not really. You know how many women go through a C section because they can't push the baby out?"
Fingers wiped the fresh tears from your face again.
"But you, just... How can I not feel marveled at you? Don't take that away from me, Mi amor. Besides, you think I wouldn't find you irresistible just because you're pregnant?"
Your mouth was set in a pout and he chuckled.
"You know how much I want you? God, You're gorgeous, mi reina."
You broke in tears and he held you close, hands caressing gently and dotingly your body, he then kneeled to kiss your belly and then kiss you.
"You gave me hope to have a family again. And that's... something no other woman, but you, have achieved. And I would choose you all over again to do so. Got it?"
You nodded through teary eyes and he laid you down.
"Are you hungry?
He squeezed you softly and kissed your forehead while chuckling
"Such a silly girl to think you're unworthy, really"
"I love you." You'd mumble as you curled into his chest, his hand caressing your hair.
"I love you too, bonita."
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slvttyplum · 2 months
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suguru didn't like when you didn't keep your back arched, he had a secret spot on your back that had you quivering and keeping your back arched whenever he pressed into it, a secret button if you will.
suguru wanted to make sure he was hitting every spot he could when he was inside of you, if you could cum on his dick in 10 seconds whether than 10 minutes then that is what he wanted, he didn't have time for you to hunch your back whenever he hit a spot, he wanted you to keep position.
if you asked him his pet peeve during sex then he would point right at you, don't get him wrong, he loved how sensitive you were to his touch, every touch of his making you jolt and whimper, it was cute, he loved it, but what he didn't love was instructing you on how to get back into position and to not move, so he found something that came in handy, his two thumbs.
whenever you were on all fours face down ass up, his hands would trail up your side and place both hands on your sides and slid his thumbs to your lower back where he would lightly press into you, your back arching more. once he found out that instead of hunching, you would arch your back more, he decided that's what he had to do to keep you in check.
suguru kept it very serious when it came to pleasing you, he didn't want the horrific words of “i didn't finish.” coming out of your mouth after he tried his hardest to. so if that meant pushing his thumbs into your lower back to keep you in position, then he would do that, but the results were amazing.
whining into the sheets as you finish all over his dick, your walls clenching around him and feeling his veins rub against them. he knew you didn't mind the way he did things, that's why he took advantage of it, even if he had to be rough with things.
sometimes he even got carried away when you were squeezing around him tightly, locking eyes on your back and seeing it lift, slowly pressing his thumbs into your back causing you to moan and arch your back-down again. he couldn't lose his nut, the way you were squeezing around him felt too good to give up, the more he got into it the more rough his thumbs got, pressing deeper into you.
another moan slipping past your lips as drool was creeping out the corner of your mouth, and your eyes rolled to the top of your eyelids, suguru pressing deeper inside of you. sex was always better with him when he got rough with things, his chest rising and falling as sweat slid down his forehead and little strands of hair stuck to his forehead.
the same routine of his thumbs pressing into your back as he reaches climax, his thumbs rising as he runs his hands over your ass and giving you a love tap. he meant well when he did these things because he knew you wanted to keep your back arched but the pleasure he was giving you was too much, but he had to keep you in position to make you cum.
he loved the way your ass popped out whenever your back was arched, it was so sexy he would literally drool at the mouth. your face hiding underneath your arm as he rubbed you down, he didn't just keep your back arched for the pleasure, but it was just aesthetically pleasing to look at you in that position.
remember… keep your back arched, keep your man happy.
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heetos · 4 months
plushies and headsets? ・゚゚・。
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pairing- best friend!heeseung x tiny!afab!reader
synopsis - no one expected that a mall trip with your best friend, where you spot your favorite plushy store, could end up in him making you cum all over his sheets.
tw - size kink (he's huge), tiny reader, plushy humping, masturbation, cursing, use of nicknames, best friends down bad, lmk if i missed something!!!
word count - 1.9k
a/n - stop i hate this aahhh!!! seems like u guys like huge hee n soft toys ;) i love making manly guys crazy for girly girls.. pls lmk your thoughts rahh :3
taglist - @whowantshota
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as the weekends roll around, you find yourself at heeseung's house, watching him furiously click away on his keyboard.
you know he's your best friend, but he looks ethereal like this. messy hair from his headset moving around, his bangs a little sweaty from the match, his shirt sitting perfect on top of him, his thighs spread out on his chair as he cusses at his screen.
"fuck" he hisses, missing another hit as his eyes remain glued to his screen.
you know he's your best friend, but why do you clench your thighs together whenever he cusses?
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
heeseung's a big guy, much much larger than you. his hands, twice the size of your small ones, his face, beyond your reach.
"hee!!" you pout and look up at him after reapplying your lip gloss, eyes twinkling, batting your pretty eyelashes up at him. "is it too much..?"
to say heeseung is in love is an understatement. he's in awe as he finds himself zoned out looking at your tiny figure under him. he just wants to put his arms around your tiny waist, pick you up and kiss the lip gloss off your lips.
"hee..?" you whisper, blinking up at him, you find him zoned out with his eyebrows raised in surprise.
"oh... y-yeah.. looks great.." he manages to say, turning his eyes away from you to look at the plushie store. "why do you even need that, just lick your lips, same effect"
"ay! stop i paid $45 for this!!" your small fists land a punch at his muscular arm. you look at where his eyes are fixated, making you gasp. "plushies! i need to buy a new one!" you grab his arm, dragging him to the store as you run towards it, your cute little skirt riding upwards at your excitement.
heeseung feels warmth rush to his cheeks as he sees your tiny fingers struggle to grip onto his arm. your giggly state slowly making him lose his character.
your eyes sparkle as you enter the store, looking around for various types of plushies. "why do you even need these??, you've got like 4 already!" he huffs biting down his smile that naturally spreads across his face looking at you. "they're just full of cotton if didn't you know"
"woahh! i didn't know, i've been buying ones full of rocks all this while" you grit your teeth at him and slap his arm as he winces in pain.
"ugh you've got way too much strength for your tiny ass" he rolls his eyes and goes back to his phone, moving his thumbs around his screen, distracting himself from getting smitten by you.
25 minutes later, and you're still picking out the perfect new plush. debating weather you should get the cute strawberry one or the panda one. "heeseungggggg!!!"
"what" his blunt tone makes you pout up at him. when he removes his eyes from his phone, he chuckles loudly as his eyes meet your figure, completely hidden by the two large plushies in your arms.
"whatt!!" your voice comes out muffled behind the toys.
"nothing you look stupid as hell, what's taking you so long?"
"help me pick!!! they're both too cute!!" you tiptoe your way out of the plushies to look up at him properly.
"i literally saw a panda with a strawberry plush on your desk the other day" he sighs "just wait outside, i'll pick one out for you yeah?"
"really?" your eyes widen as you give him the biggest smile. "you better not pick an ugly one or else i'll beat you into a plush right here"
"fine geez i'll pick something 'cute' " he says visibly cringing at himself. taking the plushies out of your arms, smiling at how they now appear normal sized in his hold, he notices you walking out and opening your phone to call someone.
"fuck she's so cute" he mutters under his breath as he scans the store. maybe he's doing this for himself, just trying to get home quicker, but deep down he knows he's fucked with the way you jump excitedly.
"cute? what's cute..." with his hands in his pockets, he looks at some of them, imagining your cunt grinding against it. lewd thoughts flood his head even when he's trying not to think about you like that. "ugh i'll just get this weird ass bear" he pays for it quickly, rushing back to you.
"here idiot, take it" he hands the normal sized bear over to you while looking away.
"oh my god!!! hee!!!" you gasp, jumping up and down smiling and hugging the bear which almost covers your face. "it's adorable! i didn't think of this!!"
oh he's gone, he's so gone, he's so in love and is so visibly blushing at you. blood rushes to his cock once you jump up and down with it, "told you you'd like it" he chuckles, holding you down. "let's get home now i'll miss my game"
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
you're now sitting on his bed, with your new bear in your hand as you watch heeseung from afar. you tilt your head like a puppy, looking at heeseung grunt and cuss at his screen, the movements of his fingers on the keyboard speeding up. "goddamn he's hot.." you mutter under your breath, trying to distract yourself from the heat thats beginning to build between your legs.
"ah fuck yes" he growls and runs his hands through his hair, putting his headphones back on as he makes a headshot.
the moment he curses, you find yourself slowly bringing your bear down in between your legs, trying to relieve some tension. "oh shit.." you whisper softly as you shudder from the sudden pleasure.
subconsciously, you wrap your legs around the soft plush and push your hips into it. you gasp as you let out a sudden soft moan at the feeling. you're so lost in the pleasure the soft bear is giving to your clit that you don't notice heeseung's mouth wide open staring at you.
"you have some nerve doing that in my bed" he scoffs, removing his headset as he adjusts himself in his chair, spreading his legs. he eyes full of lust as he fixates on your tiny body squirming in his bed.
heat rushes to your cheeks when you notice him getting comfortable to watch you. you feel yourself getting embarrassingly wet as his eyes land at where your cunt meets the bear. its exactly what he imagined, his lewd thoughts are finally coming to life. you're grinding against the bear he bought for you? in his room? looking at him?
"baby...go ahead and strip for me?"
its embarrassing how fast you comply, getting up and swiftly taking your shirt off, sliding down your shorts until you're left with a pink lace bra and baby pink underwear. "hee... what do you what me to do baby..?"
its crazy how fast the tension in the room shifted. two seconds ago you were squeezing your thighs together at him and now he's commanding you to get off. heeseung mutters out a soft moan when he sees your perfect tiny body, your pretty lips pouting at him, waiting for him to corrupt you. his hands slowly reach his pants, your eagerness going straight to his cock. "show me how you get off on it doll "
your cheeks flush red at his order. you bite your bottom lip as you tug your panties off. he groans when he sees a string of your arousal sticking to it. you slowly raise your hips as you keep the plush between your legs. the soft material coming in direct contact with your clit makes you roll your eyes back as you position yourself over it, lowering yourself slowly onto the fabric. "like this hee..?"
"oh fuck yeah' just like that baby" he throws his head back at the site, his cock twitching in anticipation. "you're so fuckin' cute baby" he whispers hoarsely. the precum stain forming a patch and deepening the color of his grey sweatpants.
you begin to grind your hips against the pillow, moaning softly as you watch his huge cock become visibly hard under his pants. "a-ah f-fuck..hee.. feels s-so good.." you whimper, eyes shut as you hump your plushy, putting on a show for him.
he watches every move of yours with hooded eyes, his tongue licking his lips as he draws his hand towards his cock, growing painfully hard by second. "oh you're so so sexy" he moans out as his hand comes in contact with his dick. "you-fuck-drive me fuckin' crazy princess" he growls as he throws his head back, squeezing his aching tip.
you lean forward, supporting yourself with one hand while using the other to grip the head of the plush. "n-gh一fuck-d-does it.. does it feel g-good for you too heeseung..?" you moan out his name opening your eyes and looking directly into his hooded eyes.
"fuck baby yeah' feels so good" his name has never sounded so fucking good coming from someone. something about your tiny fucking body humping his on huge fucking bed while moaning his fucking name sends him into a frenzy. he bites his lips as he looks directly into your eyes. "oh fuck sake" he mutters quickly as he removes his sweatpants and slides his boxers down. his dick rock solid as he trails his huge palm over it. "a-h baby.. you're s-so fuckin' hot" he barely lets out, his eyes focused on every single movement of your tiny body fucking yourself on a plush.
eyes widening, you gasp as you watch heeseung take his pants off, revealing his huge. fucking. cock. with a blood red tip aching to cum. you almost fall over with the image of his cock right in front of you. "fuck一 you're s-so huge.." you whine as you regain your balance and shut your eyes, riding the plush as if your life depends on it. you rock your hips back and forth rhythmically, the material soaked with your arousal, creating friction against your clit as you feel the knot in your stomach beginning to tighten. you move your tiny hands over to your tits as you speed up your movements.
"god fuckk" heeseung moans at the site, his hard cock covered in precum as he jerks himself up and down slowly, trying to match your rhythm. "shit一ah- cum for me doll" he groans loudly as he watches you rut against the plushy desperately. he has never wanted to be a piece of cotton so bad. he wants to be under you, he wants his face to be under you. he wants you to grind yourself down on his face, suffocate him, cum all over his face. "make a -fuck- make a mess baby" he groans out loud as he watches you edge closer and closer to your orgasm.
your body jerks forward as you grope your tit harshly. "f-fuckkkk.. h-heeseung!! -ah- 'm gnna cum!" drool spilling from your mouth, you look at him and let out a loud pornographic moan as you cum undone on the plushy.
your tiny body feeling weak from the intense orgasm, you fall on his bed but he catches you before you could hit the bed. "hee..." you whine breathlessly as your chest heaves up and down. he hovers over you, his huge body towering over your smaller one. he gently places a kiss on your forehead. "you're the prettiest and sexiest girl ever i swear to god" he smiles as his eyes turn over to the cum-covered abandoned plushy.
you flash him a soft smile, batting up your eyelashes at him, before feeling his rock hard dick grazing over your thigh.
"ready to get ruined by me now?"
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goldeunoias · 5 months
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A/N: Sunghoon stans literally always give me so much feedback and talk to me about my fics the most so I bring them another fic bc subby sunghoon stans literally are the best so they deserved to be spoiled mwah
(mentions of infidelity)
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"C'mon, a good girl may go to heaven once, but a bad girl goes to heaven every week. Don't you wanna feel what that's like? To experience what it's like to have heaven in between your legs," Sunghoon whispered in your ear, squeezing the flesh of your thighs.
You whimpered and you felt your face get hot, Sunghoon's holding your delicate cheeks in calloused hands as you tried to look away.
"No one knows you're here bunny, not even your closest friends right? Doesn't that mean you're a little curious to hear about what they talk about online when they say their boyfriends "fuck them silly?"," he continued, his tongue swiping across your bottom lip to tease you.
"That stupid church boyfriend of yours could never give you what I could and you know that; after all, would you be here if he did," Sunghoon snickered while shaking your head slightly to get a response out of you.
You swallowed thickly and nodded to agree with him, the hairs on your body standing up when he pulled the strap of your sundress against your skin, his canines nipping at his bottom lip.
"Stupid bastard took your virginity and your first kiss," he hissed with annoyance, pressing your form against his body as his hands went to raise your sundress. He placed the hem against your mouth, silently commanding you to hold it.
"Has the audacity to take what's mine,"Sunghoon remarked as he massaged the underside of your thighs, reveling in the tiny spiked breaths that left your throat. "But I guess that doesn't matter now does it?" he finished, moving so your back was against sheets fragrant of his scent.
"Are you a screamer bunny?" Sunghoon cooed at you, removing the hem of your dress so you could speak.
"A what?" you remarked with confusion, needing a bit more context to gauge what he was saying. He dropped his head down into your shoulder, a laugh that sent chills of your spine erupting from him.
"That was silly of me to ask since your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend probably doesn't even know how to kiss you properly," he snided, hiking up your sundress so your innocent cotton panties and bra were on display for him. He smiled and drug a digit down your midline and over the sticky wet patch on your underwear, pressing down on it slightly to tease you.
"Of course an angel like you would be wearing white," Sunghoon hummed, raising your bra so pert nipples were exposed to cool air.
Before you could cover yourself up in embarrassment Sunghoon grabbed both of your hands in his and pinned them above your head, squeezing them harshly as a warning to not move.
"Look at how your body is reacting to me bunny,"he observed as he let saliva drip from his tongue and onto you pert nipple, enveloping his mouth around the bud to spread it around.
The coarseness of his tongue against your skin made you shudder and you couldn't help but squirm helplessly against his grip, like a rabbit caught by a wolf.
"Sunghoon don't suck so harshly y-you'll leave marks-"
"Who said I wasn't trying to?" he interjected with a grin, sucking deep marks onto your chest and sternum until they began to bloom across your skin like flowers. "You think I care if bunny has to cover up some marks?" He questioned as he kissed over each mark he left, his free hand going between your bodies and underneath your underwear.
"Sorry love, but I don't. If this is what it takes for you to become mine and stay like that, so be it."
Before you could come up with a defense Sunghoon slid your underwear down to your ankles and pushed a digit in, scrunching your face in embarrassment at just how loud the squelching sounds were.
"Listen to that bunny, listen to how badly your pussy wants me," Sunghoon cooed against your neck, his canines dragging across the sensitive flesh.
"You look so pretty when you're underneath me, shit~," he groaned when you started letting out shy whimpers, every sound going straight to his cock.
Even with a single digit you felt something stir in your lower belly as his finger experimentally curled against your walls, your hips unable to stop themselves from rutting into the sensation.
"Were you guys each other's firsts?" Sunghoon asked sweetly in your ear, unable to contain his grin as he slid a second digit in. The ache you felt made your eyes flutter and you gasped out a "yes" squirming around under his grip as you felt your walls pulse around his fingers.
"Aw, how cute, a true romantic love story. If I had any remorse left in me I would maybe tear up. But I bet it didn't feel like this now did it." Before you could ask Sunghoon swiped his thumb over your slick-covered clit, the sensation making your heels dig into his mattress.
"S-sunghoon oh god," you croaked out as a strong knot started forming in your lower belly, Sunghoon sliding a third digit in as he tsked against your lips.
"Oh no sweetie, let's not bring god into this. He's probably doesn't want to see the way I'm going to absolutely defile you," Sunghoon groaned against your lips, speeding up the pace of his fingers.
His increased pace made you dig your nails into the hand that still had yours bound together, your breathing getting heavy as he kept rubbing against a spot you didn't know could feel so good.
"Aw is bunny getting close? Already?" he mocked through a smile, giving you fluttering kisses against your cheeks when you nodded through dazed out eyes.
"What makes you think you deserve it bunny? Shouldn't I punish you a bit more for hurting my feelings like that?" Sunghoon seethed, speeding up his fingers as your walls started tightening down on them.
"I'msorry, 'so sorry, please" you whimpered out, biting down your lip as you felt your belly continue to tighten, Sunghoon not helping in the slightest with his ministrations.
He couldn't resist you, especially when your eyes were glassy from tears threatening to spill. You heard him swore under his breath before pushing you to edge forcing the knot to snap, your body completely tensed up as waves of pleasure pulsed through you in a way you'd never experienced.
"Mmmm, there's a good bunny," Sunghoon praised, pulling his fingers from your sticky core and sucking the juices clean. The remainder of the sticky liquid he used to rub around the base and tip of his member as he pulled his sweats down your eyes unable to look away from droplets continuing leaking from the tip.
"What s'the matter bunny? Scared of its size?" Sunghoon couldn't help but mock, positioning himself so his member was flat against your tummy.
Your eyes widened at how far it was going to go into you, Sunghoon chuckling before grabbing your leg and hoisting it over your shoulder.
"Would ya look at that bunny, look how far it's gonna reach. Gonna hit special spots that other bastard couldn't even dream of yeah?"
"S-sunghoon I don't think it's gonna fit," you stuttered out, squirming as you felt trickles of precum mix with your syrupy wetness.
You watched as Sunghoon pouted before pressing his tip against your entrance, your eyes rolling into the back of your head you felt a stretch that made your core ache in need.
"Shit bunny you are tight," Sunghoon hissed through his canines, his cheeks blooming into ruby roses. You could only whimper as he pushed his way into you, your head raising to see he was only a third of the way there.
"Oh, what am I gonna do with ya? Bunny's pussy is so tiny, it's gonna be hard for me to control myself," Sunghoon groaned, his head falling into your shoulder as you clamped down on him like a vice.
"I d'don't think I can fit anymore," you remarked as saw how full your belly looked, every slight movement making his mushroom tip press against your walls.
Sunghoon hummed but continued to move, snickering when your legs shook helplessly around his waist.
"Well would you look at that? Told you it was gonna fit, worrying for nothing."
His tip was rubbing against your cervix and you could only mewl as he started moving in and out of you, sticky arousal spilling from the sides of his cock every time he bottomed out.
You were snapped out of your gaze when you heard your phone ringing from the side of the bed, a quick glance at the caller ID letting you know it was your best friend.
"S-sunghoon w-wait-"
"No." he breathily interjected, holding your hands in each of his as he made you stare at him, hazelnut eyes piercing into your own.
"I've been 'waiting' for too long," he rasped against your lips, eyes turning into anguish.
A pang hit your chest and you swallowed thickly, unable to hold his stare anymore out of embarrassment for your own actions.
"Keep looking at me, please," he choked out, resting his head against your forehead.
He moved his hips languidly and you jaw went slack as his tip pushed against your cervix, Sunghoon finally letting go of your hands so you could clasp his shoulders instead.
"Was having feelings for me really that scary?" Sunghoon couldn't help but murmur against your shoulder as he left timid kisses against your collarbones, breathy moans leaving his throat.
"You know I haven't kissed your mouth the entire time." He started, stilling his hips as he stared at you with heartache.
"That's something only couples do after all."
“And we’re not that now are we?” He whispered against your lips, his hips picking back up their pace. Your nails started digging into his pale skin as you felt something tighten in your lower belly.
“Hoonie, I’m sorry I…..” you trailed off as his lips connected to your neck, warm tongue flicking against your sensitive skin.
“Mmm, I know you are,” he panted against your lips, speeding up his pace until your eyes were going out of focus.
“That’s why I have to make you mine, both inside and out, so you won’t forget,” he warned, pressing down on your lower belly where his member was.
“Wait don’t press down that feels weird,” you rushed out, your back arching as he pressed down even more.
“Sorry bunny, I just want you to know where exactly I’m gonna mark you as mine.” He leaned in closer, the mischievous glint in his eyes back.
“Do you want me to mark your mouth as mine princess?”
You swallowed thickly and nodded as you felt your knot only get tighter, your toes curling as you sunk deeper into pleasure you knew only he could give you.
Sunghoon bent down and kissed your cheek, reaching for your hands again so he could squeeze them, three times.
“Are you sure?”
His tongue slid into your mouth and felt yourself melt against the feeling as he took control, setting the pace as something fervent as his hips got faster, whines and whimper causing his lips to vibrate.
“You're starting to tighten around me bunny, you wanted me to kiss you that badly," Sunghoon panted as he slid his tongue back into your mouth thus not giving you enough time to answer.
His hand slithered between your body and rubbed down on your swollen bud, your mouth going slack against his tongue as you felt your walls start to pulse and tighten.
"Mmm, s'close," you gasped out, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Sunghoon kissed your nose and your ears, a firm but gentle "look at me" filling your eyes as you felt yourself on the edge.
"Keeping looking at me bunny, I wanna see your face when I mark you as mine."
As if you're body was under his spell that knot snapped and you felt warm liquid coat your sticky walls as you uncontrollably shook in his grip, nails leaving red marks on his alabaster skin.
"There we go, that's my good little bunny, so obedient for me," he couldn't help but coo as he continued to move his hips, the overstimulation worth it if he meant he got to fill your tummy with his seed...
Sunghoon was jolted when he heard your phone buzzing on his nightstand, the sound only causing you to stir as he reached over to see who it was.
Tsking he carefully got out of his bed so he didn't wake your sleeping form, stepping outside onto the balcony where he couldn't be heard.
"Hello?" Sunghoon answered with a saccharine sweet tone, unable to hide his grin.
He heard your boyfriend go silent in confusion as to why his voice was the one that answered and not yours, a passive "hello" leaving him in respond.
"So why are you picking up the phone and not my girlfriend?"
Sunghoon laughed sarcastically as he stared out into a marigold sunset, running his hand through his hair.
"She's is your girlfriend, correct. Or rather, she used to be," Sunghoon informed him gleefully, ending the call before the other male could respond and walking back in.
He carefully set your phone on the nightstand and kissed your forehead, the light sensor causing you to stir and sleepily open your eyes.
"Don't worry bunny you can go back to bed. Everything is alll taken care of."
A/N: Darlings did you guys like this one? Don't be shy and tell me what you think please as usual you guys always give me the most anons and comments so I continue to spoil yall~ >_<
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highvern · 5 months
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x fem! reader
Genre: fluffy smut, 18+
Warnings: sleepy soft domestic sex, oral (m. receiving), praise, cum swallowing, face fucking, soft cheol, mentions of butt stuff (this is becoming too frequent), mentions of thigh riding, begging, dom-ish cheol, sub-reader
Length: 1.5k
Note: inspired by this soft thought. like i literally haven't stopped thinking about domestic cheol the past few days and just loving that man up so here is a short fic to get it out of my system. not proof read!!!! also @bbychocolat thank u for ruining my night with domestic cheol thots
read more here
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked!
The winter chill seeping through the window bites against your nose as your boyfriend traces the cool tip of his own against your cheek. Pinned under the weight of his body and the blankets, you float into bliss; his slightly chapped lips repaying all the kisses you loaned him minutes earlier.
Beyond your entangled bodies the bed feels infinite. There's nothing in the world beyond you and Seungcheol. The world is quietly holding its breath as you comb your fingers through his hair.
You urge him to stay on the next pass of his mouth against yours. A gentle suck of his lower lip is all it takes to convince him he's right where he needs to be. His hand caresses your face, thumb stroking the apple of your cheek. Your eyes open and meet his when he manages to pull away. Something more than words could ever convey passes between you.
A gentle prod against his shoulder rolls him into the sheets next to your body; the hood of his sweater falling back to reveal the mess of his hair. Longing aches in your heart from his soft face and pouting lips. You’d sit in his lap and kiss him for the rest of time if he asked. If he wanted the moon, you’d find a way to give it to him. Anything for him to keep looking at you the way he is now.
Dipping down, you reconnect your mouths. The wash of his tongue across your bottom lip is soothing as a stream.
His hand doesn’t stop stroking the back of your neck, thumb massinging against the knob of bone at the base of your skull. The juxtaposition of your boyfriend’s strength and how he always treats you as something fragile makes you dizzy.
It’s too cold to undress so you settle for pulling Seungcheol’s hoodie up his stomach. Each inch of skin revealed drives you further down into the pit of desperation blooming in your stomach. 
Your lips trace the bottom of his ribs, across the softness of his belly and the slightly raised jut of his hips. The urge to cover him in dark bruises and bite marks sings through your blood but you’ll save it for another time. Right now, you want to worship every piece of your man with the softness he usually bestows on you.
His ticklish laughter curls against your ears when you lick the raised vein below his belly button. The smile against his skin only makes him curl up further. 
“Cheollie,” you snicker, fingers soft against his sides.
“Don’t start.”
It’s a warning. He hates being tickled. The first time you found his weak spots, Seungcheol had to pin you against the bed and distract you with something else for you to stop.
And as tempting as that is; it’s still not what you want. 
You mouth against the bulge hiding under the fabric of his pants, hot breaths puffing through to his cock. Following the lean, you suck around the tip until his gray sweats are soaked in your spit on one side and his pre-cum on the other. Every twitch of your lips has him swelling until his hands rush to shimmy down his sweats and underwear. 
Seungcheol slowly feeds you each inch of his cock, eyes never leaving your own even as you drool into his lap the way he likes. The slick of his cum satisfies you the way nothing else can; the cure for a part of your brain always desperate for your boyfriend to use you.
“So good,” he croaks.
Each lap of your tongue against his length takes him higher, but your desperate whimpers whispering up to his ears are the best part of this. You lick gently at the head, sucking up your reward until Seungcheol’s brain melts out of his ears.
He knows how much you like his hands, his fingers, and never shies away from reminding you of that fact. Especially in a position like this were your eagerness to please possess every cell in your body.
One hand lands on the side of your face, thumb hooking in the split of your lips to stretch your mouth wider around his cock before he forces you to take it. The other finds the back of your head, a silent possessiveness sneaking into the hold.
You test the waters by lifting as far up as you can, almost to the point his cock slips from your mouth, only to find your boyfriend’s firm hand guiding you back down. The please hum budding in your throat makes both his hands squeeze gently in acknowledgment.
A tight fist helps him along, your thumb working along the thick vein webbed on the side of Seungcheol’s cock. Each smoky rasp of his voice lulls you further down. Every praise and sigh whispering across your spine, heating your core. 
He bucks when your hand disappears and you try to force the last inches across your tongue. Your face is a wet mess of spit, cum, and tears. Eyes round as you watch Seungcheol’s mouth twist in pleasure when you suck him deep, nose dusting against his pelvis. 
The blood in your brain thickens to syrup as he holds you there, throat tight while you choke. 
“You’re perfect,” Seungcheol groans through a lazy smile, eyes glazed. 
You come up for a quick breath before falling back down. The heat of his palms control your pace, gentle but firm. Not as deep as you can go but far enough you gag if you don’t focus. 
The next stroke leaves you scrambling when his cock pops out of your mouth to land on his stomach. A hand manages to catch him but Seungcheol’s own on your cheek keeps his cock just out of reach. 
"Stop," you keen, aching in your bones to get lost in the rhythm and taste again.
A thumb silences your protest, curling down on your tongue until you suck on it instead.
Seungcheol knows you’d do just about anything he asks right now. If he said he wanted to fuck your ass, you’d bend over and present yourself without reservation. If he told you to ride his thigh until you came you’d leave his pants soaked. If he wanted to paint your face with his spend... well, you'd probably beg him to before he gets the chance to say the words. It’s thrilling.
His hand not fucking your mouth moves to grabs his cock. Streaks of shine trail across your lips as he traces it around your mouth, his thumb still dug into your tongue to keep you from sucking him back in. Gurgled pleas fall apart as he slaps your cheek with his cock and leaves you covered in more traces of him.
“Gonna let me cum here?” Your boyfriend asks, prying your mouth open to give you another taste before pulling back again.
A tear washes down your cheek as you respond, hands wrapping around his wrists as if you can outmatch his strength and keep him in place.
He can’t say no with the way you present your tongue. Flat and waiting.
You meet him halfway as he thrusts back home. Sloppy claps echo across the room as he fucks your throat until the end rushes him like a riptide.
His hips lift off the bed and into your mouth as he cums, the taste pulling desperate moan after moan out of your lungs. There's so much. Every hot rope flooding your mouth, excess pushed out the corners of your lips for you to collect later.
You keep going, even though your boyfriend is spent and twitches from each lap against his softening length. A pathetic whimper vibrates against his tip when you rub it against your swollen lips, glossing them in his cum, before you swallow him back down.
He loves you like this. Mesmerized by his cock, so desperate for his cum you can’t help yourself. Seuncheol knows if he pushes you off there's a very real chance you’ll cry so he happily lets you continue despite the discomfort. The thickness of his cum spreading across his spent cock used to be uncomfortable as you held it in your mouth. But a late night with you bent over his lap made him privy to your perversions. How you came that much harder when he fucked you with his cum as lube before spilling another load inside you. If he can get hard again, he'll make good on it like he always does.
But he can tell by the way your eyes slip shut and your breathing slows that you’re far too tired to take him a second time. 
When you’re satisfied, content that you’ve taken all he’s got to give, Seungcheol hauls you back up to his chest. More adorning kisses tickle your face, each slow and pointed. You know how he feels just by the way he touches you, even if he hasn’t said it yet.
Taglist: @tomodachiii @cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @ddaengpotate @arycutie @gaebestie @primoppang @gyuguys @mine-gyu @doremifasire @missminhoe @toplinehyunjin @crvs4vldtn @prettygyuuu
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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yazmarina · 1 month
one slip (and falling back into the hedge maze)
alex albon x fem!reader
you and your best friend aren't sleeping together...right?
warnings/notes: smut, fwb setup, unprotected sex (wrap it up, friends), breeding, mild power play
a/n: there's this photo of alex making pancakes (see: fic header) and my friend and i went nuts talking about alex as your fuck buddy who takes care of you...
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"Serious question, and don't laugh, but are you and Alex sleeping together?"
Having been in the middle of drinking, you feel the water catch in your throat despite it being, well, literally water. You cough and splutter, striking your chest with your palm to clear the liquid from your windpipe. Meanwhile, Logan laughs, slamming his hand down on the table as he watches you struggle as if all of this was oh-so-hilarious.
"What the fuck, Logan?" you demand, eyeing Logan the same way you would if he spontaneously grew another head right at this moment.
"Hey, don't blame me! George was the one that put it in my head," Logan deflects, raising his hands up as if to surrender.
"George?!" comes your incredulous reply. "Why the fuck is George speculating about me and Alex?"
Logan gives you an equally exasperated look. "He's Alex's best friend, duh. We were in the media pen together and we got talking. He said that you and Alex were being weird around each other and, in his words, not in an avoidance kind of way but in a 'they-refuse-to-be-more-than-five-feet-away-from-each-other' kind of way. It's throwing George off-kilter, or so he says."
You pause, unable to provide enough words in order to deny the accusation. Not that it wasn't true. Not when you were in Alex's room last night, his hand over your mouth while he railed you against the bathroom sink.
Logan raises his eyebrows expectantly at you.
"So? Are you sleeping together or not?"
Your throat runs dry and you fight the urge to cough again, because that's totally not suspicious at all. You muster up all the nonchalance in your body, shrugging and shaking your head as if everything you've talked about in the past five minutes was all a big misunderstanding.
"I don't know where you got that idea, Loges," you brush off.
"The two of you sit in each other's lap," Logan supplies.
"We used to do that when we were younger" you reply.
"I caught him with his hand in your back pocket the other day."
"It's a joke we have."
"Even the kisses on the cheek? The ones that might as well be on your mouth?"
You narrow your eyes at Logan. You feel your heart thundering and you're not sure if you're showing any other signs of lying. You've always been a bad liar. Your face could be a deep shade of red or you could be sweating through your shirt right now. You definitely feel every hair on your body stand on end with how nervous you are.
"Just because you don't have a friendship like ours doesn't mean you get to judge it, Sargeant," you say with a roll of your eye.
Oh, you are so fucked.
"George asked me the weirdest thing today."
Your head snaps up as you hear Alex exit the bathroom, hair damp and a towel wrapped around his waist. It's just after qualifying and Alex had trudged up to his room, crestfallen as was the norm for him in the last couple of races, with him being stuck in perpetual Q2. He'd given you a keycard to his room at the beginning of the weekend, telling you to come and go as you please, and you very much were pleased to wait for him after today's disappointing session.
Nothing a little blowie and a hot shower couldn't fix.
"Did he ask about me and you?" You question, stretching slowly on the bed, burrowing further beneath the sheets. Alex meets your eyes, his forehead creased.
"How'd you know?"
You shrug. "Logan asked me the same thing today."
"And? What did you tell him?" Alex presses further, grabbing a pair of his underwear from the haphazardly packed suitcase on the floor.
"Nothing. I told him he was crazy for thinking that," you say, watching as Alex drops the towel, his ass in full view.
"Is he really, though?" Alex asks, turning back to you with a smirk.
Something about the way the warm hotel lights hit his face and the way his neck is still wet from the shower makes you want to crawl right up to him and ask if you could have a repeat of last night.
"Oh yeah," you respond sarcastically, throwing the covers off of you. Alex found you in your (his) oversized hoodie when he came back from the track earlier, but you've discarded it now to reveal the skimpy pajama set you had on underneath.
"We're totally not fucking on the low like a pair of rabbits," you add, grinning as you see Alex chuck his underwear back onto the pile. He crosses the room in two strides, climbing onto the bed and effortlessly positioning himself over you.
"I hate you," Alex says, but any actual reprimand is undetected as he smiles even wider down at you. "I just showered, babe."
"Guess you'll have to keep the mess in if you know what I mean," you reply coyly, sliding your hands down Alex's torso, down his chiseled abdomen, and further to where his cock stands half hard.
You take it into your hand and start stroking, Alex drawing in a breath as he feels you squeeze along the base.
"Fuck, you mean...?" Alex asks, his own fingers creeping up beneath your pajama top.
You nod. "Fill me up, Alex. Please?"
It's the 'please' that does it for him, a low grunt escaping Alex as he attacks your lips with such ferocity the wind is practically knocked out of you.
Alex wastes no time as he yanks your shorts down your thighs, underwear already sticky due to the anticipation. You shimmy and manage to get it down to your ankles, kicking your shorts and panties off unceremoniously.
"Get naked for me, baby," Alex whispers before kissing along the side of your neck, his rough hands hiking your top up over your bare breasts. You whimper, legs hooking around Alex's hips.
You manage to get the thin camisole off, throwing it in the relative area where you think your bottoms may be. Alex automatically latches onto one of your nipples, tongue circling the rapidly hardening nub. You gasp as you feel the faintest hint of teeth graze against it.
You have no time to process much of it, though, because you feel two fingers press against your cunt, searching but quickly locating your clit before rubbing tiny circles all over it.
"You're such a good friend..." Alex teases, chuckling when he sees your eyes roll back into your head, his finger having just slipped inside you.
"...getting wet for me like this and all."
Alex adds another digit in and drags them along on your inside walls, curling and uncurling in intervals, just how you like it. You cry out when he immediately picks up the pace, giving you no time to simmer in the sensation for too long.
"F-Fuck, Alex," you whine, hips rutting in time with the movements of his hand.
"We'll get there, sweetheart," Alex reassures with a laugh and you reach up to smack him in the arm.
"You're such an idiot," you manage in between gasps of pleasure. "Just fuck me already."
Alex withdraws his fingers and you spread your legs even wider, assuming that he would heed your demand, but Alex just slides further down the bed, leveling his face with your drenched cunt.
"I said we'll get there, _______," Alex repeats, much more serious now, his eyes peeking up as he presses his mouth against your folds.
You practically quiver at the use of your name, Alex holding your gaze as he wraps his lips around your clit. Your mouth flies open and you slap a hand over the lower half of your face, afraid that any sound that comes out now will surpass the thick hotel walls.
Alex draws slow circles over the sensitive nub with his tongue, sucking and licking here and there. It takes everything in you not to thrash around with how good Alex is eating you out. Your thighs practically lock around his head and he only groans, large hands gripping them even tighter in place.
You feel the familiar knot building up, your hips rocking against Alex's face. You're getting close despite Alex just getting into it. The way he plays your body like an instrument, wills it to bend to his commands– it brings you to the edge every time. As if no other person could know your body as well as he does.
And then it disappears, Alex frees himself from your grip, lips glistening with you, your arousal all over his chin.
"Not yet," Alex orders, hiking your thighs higher, pressing them closer to your body. Without breaking eye contact again, Alex aligns himself between your legs, angling himself closer.
The first slide in is always the best. Alex hisses as he sheaths himself inside you and you let a moan rip through you, hotel neighbors be damned.
You've been waiting for this the whole day.
Alex gives a few cursory thrusts, his sounds growing louder the more he feels from inside you. You lock your legs around his hips once more, pulling him even closer.
"You better make this orgasm worth it, Alex," you taunt, pressing your forehead against Alex's.
Alex merely wraps his arms around you, pressing himself fully onto you. His hips start to hammer down on yours and you yelp, your whole body rocking with the motions of Alex's thrusts.
He buries his head in the crook of your neck, biting at the taut skin before soothing it with his tongue afterward.
"You know better than to run your mouth, baby," Alex says with a soft chuckle, a contrast with how hard he's pounding into you now. All you can say in response is a garbled mix of his name and a few swear words.
A moment later, Alex pulls away, face contorted into concentration as he readjusts your legs so they lay over his shoulders, giving him an even deeper angle on you.
"Oh fuck–!"
You're cut off as Alex rams into you roughly, evidently chasing his own release now. He pushes your knees closer to your chest and you have to laugh, albeit weakly, seeing as your best friend, the one you swore you weren't sleeping with, has you in a fucking mating press.
"God, Alex, what are we doing?" You choke out, the delicious stretch between your legs building up the pressure in your abdomen.
"You tell me," Alex says before leaning down to kiss you, teeth clashing and tongues darting out frantically. You're bent into yourself in a way that you never knew possible, but here you are, spread for and debauched by none other than Alexander Albon.
Alex moans into the kiss, thrusts getting shallower by the second. Every hit of his pelvis against yours, every drag of his cock inside sends you closer to what you wanted most.
"Come on Alex, give it to me."
Finally, Alex stills, his hips snapping up one last time as he cums deep inside you. He fucks you through his orgasm and you know it's sensitive for him in the way he whines, but a few final strokes are all it takes for you to cum around Alex's cock, vision going white and your nails digging into Alex's back.
You're both panting, breath spent and bodies aching. Alex carefully extracts himself from your hold, pulling out cautiously. You groan at the sensation and he giggles, seemingly amused at your discomfort.
To his credit, Alex rushes to grab the discarded towel he was using earlier, quickly handing it to you as you feel the...remnants of him spill out of you.
"Damn, you came a lot," you comment, slipping the towel between your legs. You meet Alex's eyes and the two of you burst out laughing.
"I was saving that for you," Alex says, settling down beside you, leaning in to kiss you on the cheek. Your face scrunched up as he does so but you're smiling nonetheless.
"Gross," you deadpan.
"Don't say that when my children are literally inside of you," Alex warns.
You elbow him hard in the ribs.
You wake up, the smell of coffee the first thing registering in your mind. You roll over and are immediately hit with the wall that is Alex's shoulder.
Alex chuckles, raising his arm up so you can crawl into his side. You groggily pull yourself against his chest, head right against his heartbeat.
"Morning," Alex whispers. You groan in reply, still too sleepy to form coherent sentences.
"I ordered you breakfast. You can go back to sleep if you want to, but I have to go in a bit," he continues and you feel him press a kiss to the top of your head.
You feel a flutter in your chest and your eyes fly open. Great.
"Thanks, Alex," you murmur, cuddling up closer to him. He doesn't say anything, his hand rubbing soothingly up and down your back.
"Love you," you add.
And you do. Love him. As a friend or as something else, you'll just have to figure out.
Alex hums, tucking your head beneath his chin.
"Love you, too."
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raeathnos · 2 years
#I’m getting shit from some coworkers for going back to part time now and it’s just????#it’s all from ones who don’t work in the stockroom and have no fucking clue how hard it is#like I spend a good 3-4 hours of my shift unloading a truck and doing heavy lifting still#I have chronic fatigue and chronic pain issues and I am exhausted after that#when I was full time that was another 4-5 hours of work after that#and we’ve been chronically understaffed since covid when corporate figured out they could just overwork us further rather than hire new peep#I was and still am in a leadership position so like they amount of work I was expected to get done was and still is absolutely absurd#I literally get a sheet telling me how long each task needs + how many people were scheduled for that specific day#and it’s never enough people and then they’re like oh well it still needs to get done#I did it full time for almost three years and was ruining my health#my blood pressure shot up and near the end was so high I was having trouble walking and even just standing#I went from having migraines once or twice a month to have them four or five days a week#and they went from fairly painful to absolutely debilitating#I was having the type with the aura and the vision problems were worsening from them so I got labeled as a stroke risk at 31!#a medicine I was on that was the only medication that had ever treated a long term debilitating health issue had to be stopped#because it increased my risk of having a stroke with the new intensified migraines#thankfully the new medicine is working but like do you know how terrifying it is to have been sick for the majority of your life#finally finding a medication that works and only really doing well for like 5-ish years and then being told yeah you can’t take that anymore#I fuckjng broke down sobbing in the doctors office#so yeah the job was not fuckkng worth what it was doing to my body#and I mean I quit originally#I went alright this is enough and literally walked out of there on the spot- I came back because they offered me part time on my terms#so like I’m a little pissed off at the coworkers insinuating that I’m just being lazy now#this job was quite literally costing me my health#and I was very open about what it was doing to me because I was calling off with no sick time all the goddamn time#even tho I never had any sick time cause I’d just fucking use it immediately cause again health issues constantly from the stress#like I’m sorry idk why you think I’m being lazy all of a sudden?#I told them I didn’t want to work more than five hours a day in order to come back and they agreed not to schedule me past that#I’m still exhausted all the time but at least my stress is down significantly and all the health issues I was having stopped#but yeah go ahead and call me lazy 🙄
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rowdyslove · 9 months
𝐃𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐎 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃. | jack hughes
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꒰ genre: mature ;established!relationship!au | drabble
꒰ word count: 1k
꒰ warnings: 18+ themes !! MDNI ! literally 1k words of just raw sweet filth, pussy drunk!jack, unprotected sex (be safe people), soft sex, swearing, praising.
꒰ author’s note: surpriseeee !! my first ever time trying to write smut, i’d say it went well ? (i really hope it did..) butttt this is also what i chose to write for my 1k follower celly !! (this is part 1 of 3 different drabbles i am writing for this celebration) thank you all so much for getting me to this point, and i’m so excited to put out all of the works i have in my drafts coming soonnnn :DD i hope you all enjoy this !
next drabble >>
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it never ever mattered just how many times jack found himself sinking down into the heavenly feeling of your pussy, he knows for a fact that he'll never be able to get used to the intoxicating hug of your walls around his length.
he always felt like you were just silently begging for more of him, luring him in deeper with every needy stutter of yours hips whenever his palms squeezed at your waist as he bucked against you.
"come on, aghh—you gotta stop doing that, love." jack was already so out of it. he had just started, only a few thrusts in and he already felt like he could barely create a single breath when the deep kiss of his cock against your sensitive spot makes you purr his name and clench around him.
his hair is ruffled, a mess of light brown locks on his head and a few long strands hanging down, sticking to the light coat of sweat across his forehead. some other strands fall over his lidded gaze and framing his defined features, but thankfully he can still see you so so clearly; such a pretty sight seeing you underneath him like this, he thinks.
jack believes he’s never had a woman moan for him the way you do. he keeps chasing the intoxicating squeeze of your walls around him as he digs deeper and deeper for more of the sweet sounds that leave your lips—the sounds that are only for only him to hear. your back arches high off of the sheets as he lets his fingertips trace along the path of your skin, taking a slow and gentle handful of your hips with another tight squeeze before he whimpers low, pace slightly stuttering as he presses himself further into you.
he had a long day, dealing with the early morning practice and the tough game that was played just earlier that night—he really needed this; he needed you.
maybe that was why everything felt so good. because he had been imagining the feeling of your skin pressed up close to his all day. and now, through gritted teeth and restless hands just trying to touch every inch of your soft skin, he throbs long with his next withdrawal from you, right before he pushes straight back in.
"j-jack please!" you gasp at the feeling he sends through you, and his lips part to moan sinfully as he lets himself drop to rest on his forearms—just close enough for his lips to graze themselves along your prominent collarbones with tender open-mouthed kisses. he lets his eyes flutter closed, trying not to focus on how perfectly you're hugging around him, small hands grabbing ahold of his broad shoulders in a desperate attempt to pull him closer but also keep yourself steady as well.
"i know, baby, i know. s-shit, just be patient with me for a sec." jack feels so drunk on the feeling that is you. his mind and senses blurring all into one big blob as his name continues to fall from your lips between soft pants that make him feel like he's about to pass out right there from how sweet you sound. he starts mouthing his way at your neck, smearing messy and completely fucked out kisses along the expanse of your flesh as his movements slowly become even more desperate. "god, you just feel soo-so fucking—mmph—good baby.”
this feeling is dangerous. the heavy trembles of his hands where they squeeze at your skin, the painfully pleasing throb of his cock as desire begins to warm through all of his nerves, trickling down his spine as he grinds out another low drawled moan of your name.
his skin feels like it’s burning from every touch you give him, but he also thinks you're even hotter when you let him hear the sweet sound of praises and his name rolling off your tongue in rampant mumbles that has his abdomen tightening up.
"d-don’t do that, love. just gonna make me f-fucking cum." jack’s babbling every word, like sex-drunken mantras spurring out of him with every needy roll of his hips into yours. you can feel the blunt head of his cock grazing over ever sensitive and sinful spot inside of you that only have you squeezing him even tighter; just sucking him deeper and deeper down into you.
"jack-a-ahhhh.. doing so so good.” the whimpering praise falling from your lips is like honey as it drips in his ears, making him tilt his head to plunge his mouth right into yours before his body starts to shake, and his lungs continue flaring with every heavy pant of breath he exhales with his thrusts. his sudden orgasm catches him off guard when he feels your tongue tangling with his own, sliding across his top lip as he then cums, hot spurts of him filling you up to the brim.
a low grunt releases itself from jack through your kiss from deep within his throat as his pace starts to slow slightly, kissing at your lips slowly as his next wet withdrawal leaves you, right before he's pushing his load deep down into your cunt. every lewd squelch of your pussy makes him gasp against your lips as he kisses you, inturn making you even more wet for the man that’s fucking you absolutely senseless.
even though jack had already reached his high, he still doesn’t want to stop, not when you just look so pretty in your fucked out and inebriated state, and you’re doing so good for him.
"j-jacky. feeling any b-better? mmm" his body continues to clap against yours, speed slowing down ever so slightly before he pulls away from your lips to rest his head in the tight crook of your neck, panting as he grinds steady thrusts into your pussy, despite the way the sensitivity of his cock is hitting straight at his nerves. every thick throb and strained squeeze felt like it was knocking all of the air out of him, but every soft moan from your lips is just enough to remind him how to breathe and he knows for a fact that he's not stopping so soon as he sends you short lustful smirk before he's smearing a wet kiss upon your cheek.
"mmf.. all better, but i gotta take care of my little baby now."
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