moe-broey · 1 month
Got any body type/anatomy thoughts? FEH has very little in the way of body type variation and I personally like reading that as an open invitation to get silly with it.
OKAOKAYOKAY!!!!!!!! I MIGHT. Have gathered everything.... but I have SOOOOOOO MANY THOUGHTS ON THIS bc you're absolutely right!!!!! It's like a canvas to me...
I have a few directions I take with it! My main one, is to extrapolate features that may be present in the canon design. Taking them Further. I'm so sorry to do this but he is the epitome of this for me, GUSTAV JUMPSCARE 😨😨😨😨😰😰😰
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But this is what I mean! I see canon Gustav has a full beard, is big and muscular. Okay. In my mind's eye, that translates to Big Hefty Heavyset type of muscular builds that are more realistic than the 6 pack bulging muscles (that require a lot of prep/dehydration to Look Like That). Also, hairy. Which is why, to fully demonstrate this, he's.... I don't know what he's doing here. This was psychologically taxing on me, but then I reminded myself I Am An Artist and I Hate America. 🫡🧍
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Sometimes, if a character fits a certain archetype, I might put a few personal touches into them... mom/mom-like characters who REALLY embody the Doting Caretaker archetype often get the same body type as my own mother. A little honorary thing... though I do wanna be careful as to not restrict a specific body type (esp fat bodies) to specifically stereotypes (aka "mom bod"). Also, a comparison to Sharena! They do share similarities! Henriette's face looks familiar though... and not quite in the way Sharena's does.
Another focal reason I started off w Gustav though, is the second biggest thing I'm Always Thinking About when it comes to character's body types. Which is, Telling A Story.
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I've had.... SO many oddly specific hcs about Alfonse...... for So Long..... one of them that's always in the back of my mind is him being at different weights during specific periods of his life. That, for the majority of it/esp his youth, he was almost waifish. He only starts looking healthier when he's out from under his parents' (COUGH gustavCOUGH) thumb (but let's be real, Henriette can be EXTREMELY stressful too... opposite end of the spectrum about it).
Another example of Telling A Story though. Sometimes I trans characters just for funsies and it has no real bearing on anything. OTHER times... my trans headcanons are integral to specific lore beats in my elaborate inner world. ENTER. BRUNO
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These are actually from a bit ago I was gonna hold off on posting til I felt I had everything together, BUT. BUT. It's extremely relevant!
In the beginning, I often asked myself, "Why doesn't ANY of the Askr trio recognize Bruno as Zacharias?" MY ANSWER. Is that he looked quite different!!!! In tandem with my silly hcs for him, I feel that Bruno is someone who must care a lot about his appearance. About Looking masculine. I think he's been out as a man by the time he joins the Order, but is early on in his transition (by whatever means that manifests in w ✨ Magic ✨ and shit!!). I think he passes, but definitely Looked Different. Give him More Muscle and a haircut and an even more noticeable voice drop and top surgery he dramatically shows off at every opportunity and a mask that conceals his big beautiful brown eyes with fluttery soft eyelashes and like. Who Is That Mysterious Man...... in that Damnable Mask.........
Okay. Let's back up a minute. What do you mean Lif got mysteriously taller. What does that even mean. I can grant him gaining more weight/muscle, but, Taller???? At his grown up age....?? Well.
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Hel's memory of the mortals she claims isn't so good, apparently.... (Eir obviously can't tell anything by the nearly all rotted away bones, but the scraggly long hair is giving her pause...) (also is it the King Hel is thinking of in the first place....? Eir isn't going to ask.)
At this point, I definitely could feel myself getting distracted and decided to just art dump a handful of charas I have strong visions for.
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Here, you also see The Secret Third Option of body type design philosophy -- which is. If the design itself isn't giving me a lot to work with. I just do my own thang LMFAOOO 😅 I think Anna def fell into that category for me... where a lot of the story/lore I added for her was purely hc territory, and I went from there. She's broad, tall, muscular, top heavy, but still kinda thin and knobby. Aerodynamic, perhaps....
Sometimes, characters are a combination of these things though... like Mirabilis definitely being a combo of qualities, having personal touches, storytelling elements to her, and doing my own thing for funsies! More about the fairies overall -- I think they all ended up having their basic needs met and were even granted dreams/desires for themselves after becoming Alfar (like becoming exactly as you see yourself, or how you wish to be... which unfortunately only goes so far, can't fully undo the damage done to Mira, but. It's free transition for Triandra, is what I'm getting at LMFAOOO). Which is why each of them did fill out more to varying degrees (again, Mira suffering the most long-term effects from her mortal life, and Triandra, already having an idea/concept of herself at the age she drank the nectar, being able to transition). I have specific human design concepts for them too, that look A Bit different than their fairy designs.... but. I'm still working on that 🧍
Eir is def a storytelling one. When it comes to Alfonse's scrawniness, he was just stressed out so bad it took a physical toll. I don't think there was ever any food restriction (or, if there was, it was a rare occasion/used as a punishment). For Eir, I think something like that would make sense for her though.... lack of access, and frequent meticulously purposeful elaborate abuse from Hel. Eir still looks like you could break her in half, but she does look a lot healthier since her stay in Askr. Another note, though I ran out of space... maybe Ymir looks more like Eir than Hel does. I wonder why that could be....
AND. BACK TO THE START. Extrapolating on canon design elements! If you're going to present me a female chara with big honking bazongas, I'm going to make her fat. Or at very least, Carry Some Weight, like Plumeria does (in that full figured curvy way!). And ESP. ESPPPPPP FOR SEIDR AND GULLVEIG. Where Gullveig has Various Lines about "Oh... I don't know how well these old clothes fit me anymore..." (paraphrasing/off memory I feel like she says something like this Multiple Times). Like. Okay. Well I took that personally. I also just like the idea of her changing over time... always having a chubbier build, but it just keeps going as she keeps growing and changing.
In putting this into words, I'm finding a common thread seems to be weight gain as a sign that someone is being taken care of... for Gullveig, I think it's just a purely neutral change over the course of her life. In Lif's case....... some sort of mix up occurred. I can see Alfonse taking more after Gustav naturally, too, as he gets older though!
One final thought is just, is there a fun little detail I can include? Like giving Seidr and the Seidrs a snake-like face? Doubling as something so cutes and something Intimidating? IT WILL BE DONE. Also Need to get to coloring an illust of Gullveig one day..... the golden stretch marks are soooo cool in my mind's eye...... also just. One Million Piercings. Also as characterization/storytelling. A lack thereof is storytelling, as well.... to me..... ALSO!!!!! SHAPE LANGUAGE!!!!!! I'M SUCH A SHAPE LANGUAGE BITCH!!!!!!!!!
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thepiecesofcait · 2 years
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@themiserablesmonth day 4: fabric
Gav Lives AU where Valjean carries him off to safety on his noodle-free shoulder, Marius finds Enjolras's discarded-in-the-heat-of-revolution coat, brings it home and gives it to Gav, who repairs a few rips and tears before taking up the mantle for the 1834 April revolt and/or the chaos of 1848.
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gh0stn3lius · 5 months
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Kelly posting on this fine Friday night
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frolicinq · 1 year
Me thinking about how Braham loves Eir so much. He will never give up her memory, or her legacy. He is Braham Eirsson, and he will never let you forget it. Even after she gave him up to lead her own life, he loves her. He saw how selfless she was. He watched her die to save people.
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mumbledramblings · 8 months
if you were 19 and and you were just reconnecting with your estranged mother who chose to go off and be a hero over raising you only to fail and return home and not even think to try to contact you or check in in general and you hated her for it but she seems to genuinely want to try again and you let her because you want your mother back and then you watch her die and you spend the next few years trying to learn how to cope with grieving not only the person but the relationship you never got to have and everyone tells you that you're ungrateful for lashing out at the friend who who knew your own mother way better than you and who is already moving on with their life when you're still struggling to come to terms with the fact that you never got the chance to know either of your parents and then you're 22 and you're completely alienated from all but one of your friends until you're forced back together and you have to save one of your friends who's like a little sister to you and she almost dies and you're so angry because you're so scared because your family almost got even smaller than you knew it could and you lash out again but this time you and your friend who always seems to be at the center of the problems in the world reconcile because you think you're both gonna die and truthfully you miss them and they miss you but you both survive and then you relearn how to work together over the next few months until you run into the actual ghost of your mother who talks about the coming end of the world and you want to talk to her to try and get at least some closure but she doesn't spare you more than a few words that basically sum up to "get over it" would that fuck you up in the head or what
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artemistorm · 5 months
uhh- hiii-
still doing the vibe check thingy?? <3
Hmm... you were a bit of a difficult one.. there were so many pronoun options that could fit, but I think I settled on zie/zir/zirs/zirself.
Did you know that our friend Raven speaks French? How neat! I wonder if zie learned it in school or if zie grew up speaking French? Or maybe zie taught zierself. I should give zir a book written in French.
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Attempting another Bleeding effect narrative for Desmond. As challenged by @sulfies
Context: I have written a God of War Assassins Creed crossover and this in that same vain. This would be after my story Mother Valkyrie Link provided
Freya, Queen of the Valkyries, goddess of life and death swore that this time, this time she'd protect her child from harm, even if that meant not using her Vanir Magic to protect him. For years she had remained in her eagle form protecting her fledging Desmond Miles from a distance. She had been a mother to him. Now that she was able to regain her humanoid form, she worried over Desmond, and he actually didn't feel embarrassed or ashamed of it. He welcomed it. She had even set him up with a beautiful girl while she had been in her eagle form. Now it was the three of them. Freya, Desmond and Claudia. Things for once looked up for the Nature goddess. Until that day.
It had started as any other, Desmond went out to work and would be back by three in the evening. It was going now on six and mother and daughter in law were worried. Claudia spoke
"This isn't like Desmond to not return. I hope he hasn't been kidnapped again."
"Right. Gana, Eir, Sigrun!"
Three winged and armored Valkyries landed with a chorus of
"Yes my queen?"
A smile played at Freya's lips as she spoke
"We need help locating Desmond."
"He hasn't returned from work?"
Sigrun asked curious with her sisters echoing her curiosity. Freya nodded. Eir then spoke
"We will take to the skies immediately my queen, and bring him home."
"Thank you."
After the trio took off, it was merely an hour before a pair of familiar voices sounded with Sigrun's as she returned carrying Desmond. He wasn't himself, and then her eyes met that of Kratos.
"He was talking nonsense. Talking to no one present. Did not react as I approached nor Sigrun called his name. He only reacted to Mimir and it wasn't pleasant."
"Tis not Kratos. He bloody thinks I am Malik. Aye don't get it."
Freya looked worried. If it was any other time, she'd laugh at Mimir being cuddled like a beloved soft toy of a small child, but Desmond was no child. He was a trained and lethal killer, perhaps not as blood soaked as Kratos but still.
"This way. Bring him inside. I will work with him there."
Without another word they entered the cabin and Freya could only hope she could help Desmond. He was speaking Arabic and she did not understand a word. She looked at Mimir and asked
"Mimir please tell me you can speak Arabic?"
"It's a bit rusty. But I'll try."
They watched as Mimir, speaking Arabic calmed and centered Desmond. He returned to reality, and he took a gentle hold of Mimir and said
"Thank you for the help. I am so sorry I called you Malik."
"It's alright lad. Really. We all have our weak moments. I take it that is not a one time occurrence?"
"No it will happen again."
Freya paused before asking
"Is that what Rebecca called a bleed?"
"Yes mother."
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e-wills-afterhours · 1 year
Heeey. I have a request, Hiccup having phantom pains and Astrid taking care of him? Thanks!
A/N: Sure thing, Nonny. I think I wrote this very oneshot years ago, but I cannot find it, for the life of me. Might as well do an updated version!
And who doesn't love a little Hiccstrid tenderness, amirite?
Our beloved OTP is 17 here. I also seem to be writing a lot of Hiccstrid from the 5-year gap between HTTYD 1 and 2 lately minus RTTE...
Aaaaaand, I'm kind of okay with that right now. I hope you are too.
Rating: T (all of my work pretty much is unless I rate it otherwise)
Just One of Many Things
If Astrid was asked to list all of the things she appreciated about Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, it would be long. Perhaps, equal in length to all of the things that aggravated her about him. Some qualities even held spots in both categories. His stubbornness, for example, could be quite the asset when he was in the right; but just as much a headache when he got stuck on some new harebrained idea.
She loved him, regardless.
Growing up amid dragon raids, she did not understand the old adage "opposites attract." It seemed counterintuitive. What held two people together who could not see eye-to-eye on anything? In those days, there was no one more unsuited for each other's company than she and Hiccup.
But then the fog of war lifted, and she finally saw him for who he was. She came to realize that they had more in common than she dared to imagine. They wanted the same things, from the world and each other; albeit their approaches were drastically different. Therein lied their beautiful counterbalance. Everything she needed was within his capacity to give.
He was patient and kind, slow to anger, and remarkably intelligent--almost frighteningly so. Generous with his resources and abilities, she seldom had to ask him for anything he hadn't already thought to provide. He was the calm to her storm.
But true to form, some of his other admirable qualities irked her as much as they endeared him to her--and in that moment, his fierce independence was the bane of her existence. He had a pesky habit of refusing to ask for help, even if he needed it.
The more she pressed him for the truth, the more he denied the extent of the problem.
"Just because you can suffer in silence, doesn't mean you have to," she huffed, arms folded. "You're not winning any prizes."
"I'm fine," he insisted, through gritted teeth as he limped toward the hearth, all but dragging his prosthetic along.
His gait was always the slightest bit uneven, ever since the Red Death took his left leg. One needed a keen eye to notice it; he had adapted so quickly. It made his exaggerated lurches all the more pronounced and worrisome as he braced himself against the mantle.
"You're in pain," she said, frowning deeply.
"It's just a little burning," he replied with a feeble smile, the faintest edge in his voice.
Astrid could make out the beads of sweat glistening on his brow and upper lip from across the room. The crackling fire illuminated them clearly.
"Hiccup, there's nothing there to burn," she retorted, pointing to his metal appendage.
He let out a dry laugh. "Really? I hadn't noticed."
Astrid clicked her tongue. Unlike him, she was prone to impatience. She strode across the room and grabbed him by the shoulders. With a sweep of a well-placed boot to the ankle, she kicked his good and steady leg out from underneath him. Looping one arm beneath his, she guided his fall and avoided further injury as he crumpled to the floor.
"Frigg og Eir!" Astrid, he hissed when he landed. "You don't have to kick my leg out from underneath me! I only have just the one!"
She crouched down in front of him, her expression flat. "At least your sense of humor's still intact."
"Are you going to be kicking that out from me next?" he asked, indignant.
She sighed and sat back on her knees. Her face softened when she considered his labored breathing and clenched fists. His mouth was a tight, thin line as he tried to force the pain down where she wouldn't see. But the suffering was plain in his eyes.
"Please, let me help you," she murmured, placing a hand on his knee. "I want to do this. Just...tell me how."
He paused for a beat, then said, "You really don't have to--"
"Hiccup...," and his name was a soft plea on her lips; one he never could resist.
A drop of sweat trickled down from his temple. He stared at her. There was obvious tension in his neck and shoulders. His left leg jutted out stiffly in front of him while he leaned back. It was as if he thought distance from his metal leg my improve things.
He finally relented with a shuddering exhale.
"Okay." He sat up a little straighter and repeated with more conviction, "Okay."
Astrid gently unfastened his prosthetic and set it aside. Not too long ago, he would have never allowed such a thing--to spare her from his indignity, or some such nonsense. But she never cared, and he had come to accept that. A quarter or more of the adults on Berk had some sort of fake extremity: battle scares of a bygone era. Nothing about Hiccup could ever repulse her. After all, she had grown up alongside Snotlout and the twins; and nothing was sacred anymore.
"When was the last time this happened?" she asked as she rolled his pantleg up over his knee.
"Months ago," he replied, teeth clenched. He breathed through the pain, nostrils flaring. "I don't remember. It's been that long."
"What now?" she asked, holding what remained of his lower leg in her hands.
He betrayed himself with a small whimper, then gestured vaguely at the kitchen. "There's a cloth or a rag. Boiled water on the pot on the table. Should just be warm now."
Astrid filled in the blanks, which wasn't difficult. She got up at once to fetch the rag and took it over to the pot of water that had more than likely been boiled for tea, or some other herbal concoction. With caution, she tested the temperature of the water with the knuckle of her pinky finger. Deciding it was no longer scalding, as Hiccup had said, she dunked the rag in. The excess water, she wrung back into the pot.
"Do I lay it on, or do I wrap it?" she asked, returning to where her boyfriend sat on the floor.
"Wrap it," he replied. Then, with a weak grin, he added, "Please."
Astrid nodded and wrapped the warm rag around the stump of his leg with great care, covering as much of the residual calf muscle as possible. She gave his leg the tenderest squeeze.
He let out a groan, head falling back as he supported his weight on his hands.
"No good?" Astrid asked in alarm. "Is it too hot?"
"It hurts, but it's perfect."
She wrinkled her nose. "What?"
"Do...that again," he said, making a kneading motion in the air with his hands.
"Yes. But it sounds better when you say it."
She rolled her eyes playfully. "You're such a dork. I mean, truly-- the smartest dumbass I've ever known."
He flashed her a genuine smile then laid all the way back on the floor. She settled in a crossed-legged position and massaged the length of his lower leg, up to the knee, over the warm rag.
They stayed in comfortable silence apart from the occasional pop and hiss from the fire. Hiccup, lying down with his eyes closed, and Astrid, tending to the stump in her lap. It was peaceful and uniquely intimate. She'd keep at it all night to take his pain away, if he only asked, but she knew he never would. So, she did what she could for him in that late hour, running her thumbs to the bend of his knee with steady pressure. Followed by long, kneading strokes back down to the end of his limb, where thick ribbons of scar tissue and mangled remnants of flesh all came together, long stitched off. She wondered how much of her touch he could still feel. He had never told her.
She wondered vaguely if her parents were expecting her home. Time was of little consequence whenever they were alone together. The minutes either crawled or flew by; it didn't really matter either way. All Astrid cared about was easing some of the burden he carried. To help, to do something for him, was all she ever wanted.
Hiccup's breathing eventually evened out. His skin was no longer adorned with sweat, and all the tension had left his body. If she didn't know better, she'd think he was asleep.
"Hiccup?" she asked, cutting through silence, and it was almost jarring.
"Hm?" he replied, opening his eyes to meet her gaze.
"Does the pain always feel the same? Like your leg's on fire, I mean."
He thought for a moment, staring at the ceiling, then answered, "Yes. It happens far less often now than it did in the beginning. But the feeling is always the same. Maybe slightly less intense, but I can't recall."
Astrid shook her head. To imagine a sudden and unexpected sensation of one's own flesh burning was horrific.
"Well, that's awful," she muttered.
He shrugged. "Gobber told me this 'phantom pain' happens more often in the first few years. I might get to a point where it doesn't happen anymore. Or it could happen randomly and infrequently for the rest of my life. Who knows."
"I just...hate that it has to be you."
A silence fell over them again, much heavier than the last. He studied her all the while, his eyes appearing impossibly warmer in the firelight.
He sat up slowly. "I'm alright now. You can stop." When she shot him a skeptical look, he insisted, "Honestly, it's passed. These episodes don't last forever."
She sighed and handed him his metal leg, which he took after rolling his pantleg back down. The speed and finesse with which he reattached was always interesting--but what was more remarkable was that he never complained. Not once, that she had ever heard. Yet, he had brought peace to their island, and he saved the people that had chided him for years--but no one else lost limbs in that fight. Just one boy and his dragon, against an ancient monster, risking everything to stop the cycle of fire and death that plagued their people for centuries. The exchange seemed one-sided; that he should still experience echos of pain from that day, was a terrible injustice in her eyes.
"Do you ever regret it?" she asked.
He glanced up, brow furrowed, as if the question itself was confusing.
"The Red Death is gone. The dragons are free. Berk is safer for our people and our dragons. You're safer." He took her hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze. With the utmost assuredness, he answered, "No. I don't regret it. Not for a moment."
She closed her eyes and leaned forward until their foreheads touched.
"You're unbelievable, Hiccup Haddock," she said. "Completely unbelievable."
"I thought that's what you love about me."
"Just one of many things," she murmured against his lips, and he smiled.
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dumbsmoothie · 3 months
After having been gone for three weeks, Joshua finally stepped foot through the gates of Rosalith.
The sound of laughter and bickering that filled the air gave the ruined city a new sense of life. In the short time that he had been traveling, a number of buildings had already shaped up for the better. 'It is similar to the tale of the Founder, is it not?' he couldn't help but think with a smile as he strolled down the main road. His gaze then drifted toward the looming castle that he had once again been able to call home. The happiness on his face faltered. Although he wished to return posthaste, he knew that there was still more to do–more people to talk to.
A hand landed upon his shoulder; a tight squeeze soon followed. "Go on," Joshua's most trusted companion said with the warmest of smiles. "I can handle the rest from here."
Joshua could feel his expression instantaneously melt to one that mirrored his older brother's. "Thank you, Clive," he graciously accepted the offer. It had been said in jest that putting aside one's own wants for someone or something else had been a Rosfield trait. There had also been no doubt that Clive had always had a knack for knowing what his younger brother wished for without words needing to be said. His older brother responded with a soft chuckle before heading off. The sight of Clive's calcified hand swaying ever so slightly at his side caused a familiar tinge of guilt to prick Joshua's heart once again. I would have gladly given up more than the use of my hand to save you, Clive had reassured him with a lighthearted laugh when Joshua had voiced his initial remorse. Pushing those thoughts aside, Joshua pressed onward down the walkway.
Whenever returning from an outing, there had been a certain routine that he followed: seek out his wife, wash up, and then get something more filling to eat. Given the current time of day, the likelihood that she had just risen from a nap would be high. Joshua's pace must have been brisk as he entered the castle. Every welcome that had been uttered from the various familiar faces had been peppered with surprise. His own responses had been delivered with the combination of a smile and turned head.
"Ah!" a wonderfully familiar voice cried out in a mixture of delight and shock when he opened the door. True to his expectations, Eir had been seated upon their bed. Her auburn hair was messier than usual–a telltale sign that she had been lying down not too long ago. Within her lap sat the cause of her new sleeping routine: their son of around a year. Unsurprisingly, her beloved Moogle plush had once again been wrestled into a chokehold within the infant's arms.
Normally, he would grace her lips and then his forehead with a kiss. This time, he had only advanced a few steps further before she suddenly called out, "Wait!" Joshua immediately came to a halt. "Stay right there!" Needless to say, he had been a bit dumbfounded–though he obliged the request all the same.
An excited expression blossomed across Eir's features as she shifted to secure Ashton within her arms before sliding off of the bed. Once she had walked a bit closer, she lowered herself to the ground. For whatever reason, Joshua felt compelled to do the same. The satchel that had been slung over his shoulder slid down to the floor with a gentle thud. "Show your father what you can do," she playfully instructed while helping the infant stand on his feet in front of her. Their son babbled as he gathered his bearings while relying on the support of her hands beneath the pits of his arms.
Suddenly, a squeal accompanied the joyful expression that Ashton often wore when his father was near–and he must have realized that waiting would not have brought him any closer. In an instant, the Moogle plush had been dropped. The infant shakily escaped Eir's loose grip on two legs. Joshua's eyes widened as his son toddled toward him with outstretched arms. Without a shred of hesitation, Joshua extended his own as he choked out a laugh filled with unintended emotion. When he had left, their son had been able to do nothing more than crawl and pull himself up before wobbling and falling back down.
There had been many instances in which Joshua had been eternally grateful for Clive's stubborn and reckless nature–and the moment when those small fingers finally met his own had been yet another.
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femmepire-butchbiter · 4 months
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𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 ˙∘•˚✦
✰ Just call me June :] I decided I wanted a blog all to myself where I could grow comfortable in who I am as a lesbian and explore aspects of my romantic and sexual interests that I'd otherwise be rather shy about! I use ey/em/eirs pronouns only.
❥ 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬. 20 ˙ black ˙ transmasc androfemme ˙ disabled ˙ fat ˙ aroaspec.
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➻ This blog makes space for :
Black lesbians first.
Sapphic trans women/femmes.
Beloved studs, butches & transmasc lesbians.
Other femmes of course.
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➻ This blog doesn't make space for :
Racism, especially anti black racism.
General bigotry (zionism, sexism, etc).
Butch/stud hate.
Men. Men DNI with me.
Those who shame pillow princesses, stone bottoms/ tops, & touch-me-nots.
Those who perpetuate "gold star" lesbianism.
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➻ Things of note/boundaries :
This is a mostly sfw blog, so please keep interactions with me more or less appropriate. I prefer to engage sexuality on my own terms, and am not super into being flirted with ootb.
Blank pfps/bios and minors get blocked on site :] If you wanna view my blog (and you're of age) lock in and update your bio or I will assume you're weird ^^! Ageless blogs are removed.
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Links and the like;
Tags Directory
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b00m-b0mb · 29 days
Not feeling well. OC posting.
Thinking about my beloved little V.. ohg. Vene I wuv you. Have this really clear scene in my head where the Final Boss knocks em down into rubble.
But. You see the smoke rise into the sky, and as it zooms , you see the rising fire from atop eir head first, as they charge straight on back into the battlefiel. Chanting eir magical chant as ey start to skip, the dance only feeding the flame.
A few twirls, a jump off the cliff, into the sky, and a clear silhouette of em about to drive the spear into the beasts heart. Ready to charge into the final phase.
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so... since both my fandoms are already in there, imma add ChalkZone my beloved <3
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SNAPX!!! it's a goober <3
eir cracks makes it have little less energy than eir usual self but it tries!! <:) it lost some memories from eir's past from ChalkZone so it wouldn't manage to remember eir friends like Rudy :(
ey named itself SnapX because ey felt it sounded cool lmao
( the universe it's supposed to be in is @theamalgaverse that belongs to @vianthemindelectric !! <:) )
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ellalalala · 2 months
4, 8, and 18 for writing asks :3 (today really is an ask day huh?)
I haven't been able to write at all today and wanna share my thoughts somehow so yes, ask day :')
fic writer asks
4. A story idea you haven't written yet
That Dainsleif x Eir (daineir?) fic I kept talking about... I don't think it'll ever be written, I'm afraid. I'm not very happy with what I was initially going for and honestly I feel so tempted to rewrite everything and just... pair Eir with Dottore instead (big downgrade but sacrifices must be made). They would work better together and would make for better fanfic material, if that makes sense?
8. If you had to write a sequel to a fic, you'd write one for...
Hmm... maybe for Fade Away With You? Except it'd be more like a prequel; exploring how and why Dottore became so captivated by Reader and how their relationship developed would be a lot of fun!
18. If you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
I've saved some from Who We Are! This one is from the first chapter, shortly after Reader has died and Zandik is reminiscing That Day that I keep bringing up:
“There is nothing left for me here. The sages are determined to get me as far away as possible from the Akademiya. At the very least, if I manage to find a way to the Temir Mountains and meet the leader of the Skeptics…” How funny – Zandik could not recall what else he had said then. He could only remember your sadness. “What about me?” At the time, it made no sense to him; such a foolish question to ask when one was faced with the threat of banishment. What good could personal feelings do in this matter? If he had stayed, what would he have done? Given up his life’s purpose for domesticity? He had to push your voice out of his mind. Zandik needed to focus.
Zandik my beloved. He's so stupid it baffles me (I wrote him like this) <3
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twinkle-art · 1 year
i know this isn't the website where you posted it but your wol andromeda seems really cool. you mind saying a bit more about her
i would be THRILLED to tell you all about my beloved daughter. pics and exhaustive description below the cut
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andromeda elo (or andromeda viator caecus) is, as you could probably sus out, my mixed garlean/roegadyn girlprince wol💗
she's very into the whole "embodying a super idealized image of The Hero" thing. some would say to her detriment. her decision to run away from her upbringing in garlemald and throw herself headlong into life as an adventurer was, initially, a pretty childish and impulsive one. then some stuff happened and now she's eorzea's champion so. that's pretty irreversible at this point
she's quite cagey about her past- despite hardly being the only garlean defector among them, she has it in her head that the truth of her identity would get in the way of being a perfect, uncomplicated symbol. and for reasons she's not yet willing to self-reflect on, the thought of losing that (totally definitely attainable) status is unbearable to her.
that said, if you spend enough time with her, you'll probably notice that her various stories don't quite add up or that the way she talks can be a bit strange at times. she was raised to be a proper lady, and even though she's rejected that box her whole life, it's not something she's truly free of, even as Thee warrior of light
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she (by which i mean me, but i'm doing it for immersion) spent arr/hw as a paladin (it has the aesthetic she likes and isn't magic heavy- she grew up taking for granted that this was out of reach for her. but it's not.) then switched to red mage early on in sb after getting her shit rocked by zenos and having a full-on crisis of identity
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the deeper Lore to her backstory is that her mother, lucretia eir caecus, was once an idealistic adventurer in her own right- in her time outside of the empire, she had a passionate affair with a man that she no longer speaks of. despite this, she ultimately found herself becoming the second wife of the head of a particularly stifling military family.
already bearing the mark of being an illegitimate child (and one othered by being visibly not-garlean among what i imagine was a pretty damn hostile environment, at that), lucretia raised her daughter strictly, believing that her keeping her head down and playing a more demure role was the only route she had to a comfortable life in their environment. naturally this didn't go over well with teen andromeda, who was just old enough to remember a time before her mother was so embittered and resigned to their fate, and resents her for it.
as for her father, i still haven't figured that part out andromeda knows next to nothing about him. she's not even sure if he's alive or not. her only keepsake from him was signed e. loetwilfsyn which, due to her not knowing a word of roegadyn, became bastardized into elo, the name she adopted in eorzea.
uhh this has gotten really long so here's some lightning round notes on relationships
she's a lesbian but i'm not sure she's properly sorted that one out yet despite a very long string of intense female friendships because her weird sense of identity keeps getting in the way
in ARR, she had a little crush on minfilia that had absolutely nothing to do with her as a person and everything to do with liking feeling like a dutiful little knight who answered to a woman who was authoritative.. but still gave her ample opportunity to feel like the big hero saving the princess. she thought this was normal
in HW, she was utterly taken by ysayle for slightly adjacent reasons. this went just as poorly as the first one. maybe worse.
has a DEEPLY personal vendetta against zenos for. you know. being both an embodiment of her homeland and being a real prince. except her animosity crumbles into primal, bone-deep fear in his actual presence
(i haven't actually finished sb yet so i'm jumping the gun with this last one but i'm too obsessed with it not to share)
emet-selch reminds her of her mom. it's going to be exactly as psychologically harrowing as that sentence suggests. please look forward to that it's gonna get really weird over here in about a month
i'm.. definitely forgetting stuff because she's been in the slow cooker of my mind for about. three months of playing this now and i feel like i'm starting to lose it. all of this is subject to be fleshed out further in the coming months. you're welcome, or i'm sorry
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umbralsound-xiv · 3 months
A Little Respite.
We ventured to La Noscea for some much needed rest. The sun on our skin, and the sound of rushing water... I had a perfect spot in mind for a little peace. And for once, with the sun... She too, could appreciate it.
Hand lightly in her own, and a picnic basket hooked into the crook of his arm, Eir ascends the small hillside, a short walk from the beaten path. "It is not so much further. I used to come here, when i first arrived in Eorzea… When I needed a little peace. Or a quiet place for lunch, and a little sleep…" The dull roar of a waterfall drew closer with every step, the warmth of the sun against their skin.
Sayuri happily wanders beside him, eyes a little half-shut as she enjoyed the warmth of the sun, and her beloved company. "You do have a way to find yourself to anything similar to a waterfall, hm?" She smiled softly, leaning herself over to bump her head briefly against his shoulder.
Eir turns his head, ashy hair catching in the breeze as he offers her a smile. "They bring me some kind of comfort, I think. I have always enjoyed quiet, but never silence. The sound helps fill the void… And, it is quite the view." Reaching the summit of the small climb, at the very top of the water, the scenery below looked over the landscape of Costa Del Sol. "…Not half as lovely as the one I would share it with, mind."
"I understand what you mean, even.. if for different reasons." Sayuri's lips tug faintly, yet she swiftly presses on, holding no intention to sour the sun. "The quiet is nice. Moreso when spent with you." She beams him a loving smile, squeezing his hand. "Oh, I don't know… My view is pretty great." She utters, eyes locked upon him.
Eir flashes her the sunniest smile. "All the lovelier when I am smiling. Which is because of you." Glancing out to the general area, he looks back to her, then. "Do you think this a fair place to settle for a bell or two? Perhaps longer?"
"Mmh.. There's no accurate word for just how lovely you are with such a pretty smile." She snickers, briefly letting her gaze leave him to travel the area - landing back on him. "Knowing us, it's gonna be longer." She chuckles. "But yes. This is perfect."
That comment at least is enough to bloom a front blush at his cheeks, a little bashful. "…I do not mind for longer. For the night, if you like. I am happy so long as i am with you." He moves to a patch of grass on the overlook, settling the blanket close enough that they could both lean against a tree; no doubt why Eir had chosen this spot so long ago.
On one of my... Lonelier suns upon first arriving to Eorzea, i found this spot. It reminded me so much of the the overlook in Thavnair, that it became a place of comfort, for me. I am happy to share it with her, now.
"We'll see where the sun takes us, hm?" She smiles. ".. Maybe the answer is nowhere, and we stay here." She briefly releases his hand and steals the basket from him to let him lay out the blanket, soon enough setting the basket atop of it and lowering herself down by the tree - a hand reaching out towards him and offering a small grabby-hand motion in a mute request for him to join her.
Eir of course joins, descending into the blanket to inch upwards and rest his back to the tree, arm curling around her shoulders. Settled, he breathes a pleased, relaxed sigh. "…This is what I had hoped for, when we had initially made our plan to come here. To steal away with you, in a comfortable little spot." He presses a kiss to her temple, then. "…I would like to stay long enough to see the stars, perhaps…"
Sayuri sinks herself into his embrace, nuzzling up against him with a content exhale. "And we're getting it." She murmurs, ears wiggling at the kiss to her temple. "Mmh? Fine by me."
"Mmh…" Eir hums, eyes lazily lidded to close as he simply drank in the moment. A little longer passes, listening to the rush of the waterfall, before he speaks again. "…We have done so much together… For better or worse. Mostly better." One eye slowly opening, he gazes to her. "Is there anything you wanted to do? Someplace we have yet to go, that we have never been? -- Not right now, of course. I am quite happy, right here. I was just curious."
One of Sayuri's ears perks at the question, she lingers in a brief pause as she considers it, shoulders drawing into a small shrug. "Other than revisiting the East, both near and far.. I'm not certain." She leans her head back a bit, peering up at him. "..What about you?"
"I… Do not know." The answer hangs, almost a little awkwardly. "I have never… truly had any aspirations of my own. Save for leaving Golmore to find some happiness in this life, which I have well and truly achieved. But more than that? I… Do not know. Perhaps seeing some distant land new to us both, one sun…"
I have heard tale of ships going to the west. To the place they call the New World. I do wonder what it is like...? Perhaps, one sun?
Silence lingers a little longer, a small smile settling on Sayuri's lips. ".. Aside from various vendettas we need not bring up that I'd like to take care of, I.. have achieved my biggest goal. To find a place I felt like I belonged.." Another pause, as she nudges her head against him. ".. That I met and married you are certainly part of that."
"You need not worry for your happiness. I will ensure that, for the rest of your cycles. I promised to make you smile every sun, did I not?" Delivering another lingering kiss to her cheek, he gazes to her adoringly. "…My wife…" He muses quietly, with the fondest of smiles. "…My Moon. I am so glad to have you… I cannot describe how happy you make me. Even from all those suns ago…"
"You are my happiness, and I will always worry about you." She offers a small pout his way, smiling as his lips meet her cheek. "My husband." She murmurs back, leaning her head over to gently nudge against his.
Eir's gaze drifts to her pouting lips, meeting his own against them for a moment. "…Sayuri." He asks, in a quizzical yet upbeat sort of musing. "…Do you pout because it troubles you, or… Because you want me to kiss you, hm?"
...I kiss her always, regardless of the reason, when she gives me such a look. I can hardly help myself...
"Mmh~..? Well.." She murmurs, leaning closer. "..It depends on the situation. This time? Because I wanted you to kiss me." She admits, flashing a small grin.
"…You can just ask…" His lips close in on hers, sinking into a soft, warm kiss, only parting in a faint murmur as his gaze settles to her own anew. "I cannot help it when i see you make that face. It is just so…" His head tilts to one side, almost into a pout of his own. "…It makes me feel so…" He trails into quiet, not for wanting, but for the inability for the right word. He decides to peck her on the lips again as a substitute.
"It is me asking, and it's quite effective." She murmurs back, meeting his lips with her own. Her own head tilts after his, a smile settled on her lips. "..So, what?"
"It makes you look so sad." Eir completes with a frown. Not quite the word he'd wanted, but it was the one he said. "---And it is very effective. In fact, you never need ask me for kisses. You can have them whenever you want, you know…" He trails, brows slowly lofting in some faintly accusatory manner. "Though to know my wife has been manipulating me with her would-be distress…" The tone is clearly teasing, one side of his lips curling into a faint grin.
"-Manipulating-?" She almost sounds offended, lips drawing into a pout. "..How very dare you, Eir Fellfrost." She scolds quietly, only to crack a grin afterwards.
And just for that, he almost doesn't consider kissing her for the pout, pulling his own lips into a fierce mirror of that expression himself, before eventually sighing to grace her with another peck, chuckling beneath his breath. "Look, you…" He stares with the fiercest pout. "--I am… Quite aware people might confuse my doting for being wrapped around your icy fingers…"
She beams a victorious grin as their lips meet. She keeps herself close, head gently nudging against him. "..Mmh? Are you not..? Should I try harder?" She teases, smirking.
Eir draws in a breath of protest, then. "I--- Never said that! As much as i am fond of those icy little digits, being wrapped around them is…" A hint of red, and Eir's lips draw into a line. "---Never you mind." A huff, and hasty change of subject. "---Did you want to try some of the food we brought?"
Sayuri grins and raises a hand, lightly wiggling her fingers in his direction. "Oh, I mind." She chuckles. ".. Sure."
Those wriggling fingertips are pecked as he leans up, dragging the basket a little closer as he managed to reach it. "What would you like first? Something sweet, or savory…?"
"Well, I already have you for the sweet bit.." She hums, grinning slightly.
"Pfft. No eating dessert before your meal." Eir teases right back, grinning just as wide. "I did find something at the market you might like." Tugging open the ribbon that unfurled the contents, some leaf-wrapped parcel is pulled from inside. "Not quite Unadon, but…" Upon revealing it, small slices of eel sit between wedges of lemon.
"I will eat dessert exactly whenever I want, thank you very much." She huffs in defiance, head tilting as he unfurls the parcel. It doesn't take long for a hand of hers to snatch a piece of eel, which promptly disappears into her mouth.
"Will you, now?" Eir inclines his head, almost about to add more to the protest before his words are stolen away with the eel. "--Well, okay. I was right to bring this, then." He takes only one slice of the six, but offers the rest in her direction.
...I have never seen her eat anything so fast. Eel. She did mention it was her favourite... I can see that was no understatement.
Sayuri's ears wiggle happily as she monches the piece of eel, needing absolutely no coercion in order to eat it, for once. It seems Eir may have found his bargaining chip for Sayuri's poor eating habits. "… Yes." She finally responds, after swallowing the piece.
"…Well, since it is you…" Eir murmurs. "I suppose i would never deny you something sweet if you asked for it." As though feeding her some luxurious fruit, another slice of eel is plucked up between his fingers, offered to her; he'd intended to feed her, directly.
Sayuri leans herself against Eir, quite happily allowing him to feed her the eel. "Mmmmh…"
He doesn't relent in sending slice after slice, though does warn her. "…Last one." He murmurs, arm tucked around her for her comfort. If anything, he's more amazed at how fast they vanished, grinning in amusement and amazement, both.
Her ears droop a tiny bit as the warning comes, carefully closing her teeth around the piece and beginning to chew it. Slowly.
"…Note to self. Take more of this home with us." Eir muses, as she eats the last slice. He pauses, giving her time to swallow, considering. "…Still hungry? I did try not to overdo it, but there a few other little things, still."
She slumps against him, as the last piece of eel is finally swallowed - much to Sayuri's dismay. "..Gonna.. wait a little.." She mumbles.
"…Fair. I cannot begrudge you for that." Eir laughs, leaning back against the tree. "I would have brought more had i known exactly -how much- you liked it." His gaze trails to the bottom of the cliff, where the water pooled and slowly spilled out to sea, sun descending towards the horizon, though not yet dipping below. "…I have missed coming here, somewhat. I never thought i would."
Though it was peaceful, some of my loneliest moments were spent here. In tears, or melancholy. Looking down, on my worst suns. ...I am happier to have something brighter to remember, here.
".. I like eel.." She murmurs, leaning herself further back against him. ".. I see why you like it."
"…I slept up here plenty. I… Could not always afford a roof over my head, when i first came to Eorzea." He holds her a little closer, then. "The least of my worries, then. As much as i wanted to be around people, i forced myself into solitude. I was… Still, very afraid."
Sayuri rolls over to her side to allow her arms to wrap around him in return, head settling against him. ".. I.. can understand that."
"I know." Eir presses his lips to her forehead, then. "…Though i am glad you do, sometimes i wish you did not. But still. This sun is for happier memories. I can share this peace with you. This little slice of comfort…"
".. And I am very comfortable." She smiles up at him, snuggling herself into his side.
"Mh… Good." He gazes down to her, sighing peacefully. "We needed this, i think. There is the temptation to stay here for a few suns longer, though i do not think Bexy would forgive me for taking you away again for so long." He gazes up to the sun, and back. "…Still happy for the warmth, my Moon?"
"She knows we're not far.. But that also makes it more possible for her to personally come collect us." She snickers quietly, peering up at him. "..I am. It's nice.. Yours, especially."
Eir almost paranoidly glances over his shoulder to the grassy hillside for a long, quiet moment. Back to Sayuri, then. "…Good." A smile, then. "…I did pack a pillow and a blanket, if you feel so inclined…"
".. Mmh.. I will fall asleep on you. That's a threat." She murmurs, nuzzling her head against him.
"…By the look of it, you plan to do that, regardless." Eir quietly teases. "The sun has yet to set. But if you are tired, i do not mind, mm?"
She did eventually fall asleep. We both did. After bells curled up in the arms of the other, talking about everything and nothing and just being... Close. ...We needed this.
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ryebread-x · 4 months
Frigg’s Handmaidens pt 3/4
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 4
Second to last part wahoo! Anyways instead of the usually three, this part contains four of the handmaidens, specifically my interpretations of Gna, Hlin , Vor, and Var. These four were a little bit more harder to research so the general info that I have based on the myths may be a little inaccurate which is why some the info I found is in the headcanon section because I’m unsure if it’s 100% true. That disclaimer out of the way, there will be a third design in the last part, which will be my interpretation of Frigg,the queen herself.
Gna (Goddess of Fullness)
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General info: Gna is Frigg’s errand girl and travels to the other worlds to fulfills task for Frigg. In the Prose Edda, she is said to rid on a flying sea treading horse called Hofvarpnir. Gna was the trusted messenger of Frigg who carried out her authority across the nine realms. Like some of the other handmaidens, there only a little info about her.
-Gna is the youngest of the handmaidens and was born around the same time Hermod was
-Gna in my interpretation is the daughter of Eir the goddess of healing and medicine
-Gna was gifted Hofavarpnir by her mother and Frigg to help her get around the nine realms in order to do her errands
-Both Gna and Hermod went down to Helheim together to ask for Baldr and Nanna back
-I headcanon Gna as Polymerous since some say she had a lover in each realm(though I don’t know how much evidence there is backing this claim up or if it holds any truth in the actual myths) she also mainly attracted to men
-Gna also had a childhood crush on Hermod. However, they have stayed just friends
-Besides her horse, Gna has little wings on her boots to help her get around (inspired by Hermes shoes in Greek mythology)
Hlin(Goddess of Protection)
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General info: Hlin’s name means protector. She serves as more of a guard to Frigg, similar to Syn. She isn’t mentioned much except in the Prose Edda as being a part of a prophecy in Voluspa in regards to Odin’s death, and she is listed among the Aesir goddesses in Gylfaginning She also protects and provides refuge for those Frigg wants out of danger.
Headcanons :
-Hlin was trained by Syn since she was a teenager
-She’s a little older then Gna and sometimes travels with her to protect others in different realms
-I gave her a spear in my interpretation since some art I’ve seen of her she often pictured with one
-Hlin admires Syn a lot and sees her as a mother figure along with some of the other Valkyries
-Hlin is the daughter of Ran and an Aesir man (This is somewhat in truth since Ive seen multiple claims that she might be Ran’s daughter)
-Hlin was abandoned by her mother for not looking like “scary enough” (as you can tell sea goddesses abandoning their children is a running theme in my retelling 🥲).
-Hlin was adopted and raised by the Valkyries mainly Syn before becoming a handmaiden of Frigg
-Despite never being a valkyrie herself, she was gifted with a valkyrie feather on the day she became a guard/handmaiden for Frigg
-My interpretation of Hlin is kind of based on a flying fish, meaning she has somewhat smaller wings
-I headcanon Hlin as lesbian and having a slight crush on Var
Var (Goddess of Oaths) and Vor(Goddess of Wisdom and Oaths )
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General info : Var and Vor’s info varies either they are separate or the same goddess just with different names. Var is often regarded as being the goddess who upheld oaths and punish those who break them. She’s reference in Snorri as her name meaning pledge or beloved. She’s also referenced in Trymskvida regarding wedding ceremonies. Vor, on the other hand, is often referred to as the same goddess as Var but is also associated with wisdom.
-In my interpretation Vor and Var are twins instead of being the same goddess
-Var and Vor are the daughters of Loki and the unknown farmer in my retelling. They were born during the time Loki disguised herself as a milkmaid on Midgard
-However, their father died in a mysterious accident (*cough* *cough* Odin), and Loki was forced to take them back to Asgard to raise them. Keeping them hidden most of their childhood out of fear of having them taken by Odin like her last three children (Sleipnir had yet to be born)
-Var was born with Albinism and inherited Loki's antlers
-While Vor looked a lot like Loki till she dyed her hair and changed her eye color and sometimes covered up her markings to hide her parentage
-Vor and Var joined Frigg's court in hopes of finding safety so they wouldn't end up punished like the rest of their siblings just because of who their mother was
-Vor tends to accompany Snotra or Frigg on diplomatic trips to make sure oaths are being upheld while Var spends time Lofn and Sjofn to approve matreal oaths
-I headcanon Vor as bi and in a situationship with Sjofn. I also headcanon Var as omnisexual and currently single
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