#[ we're never letting Hank's tacky clothing choices go. <3
tenebriism · 11 months
@hyaciiintho ;; STARTER w/ Connor !
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How does one . . . express an opinion about something they, technically, have no knowledge of ? No expertise, no familiarity ? Not a single, MODICUM of a clue ? Hank is shuffling through racks and shelves, trying to find something that will work for an android fresh out of obedient captivity, but everything he pulls forth makes Connor feel . . . off. Is this how it feels to not LIKE something ? To be able to have an opinion without it being seen as OPPOSING one's superior ? It isn't as if he knows a SINGLE thing about fashion, but considering the articles he's read and the trends he has quietly studied, he firmly believes Hank doesn't, either.
" Hank. You have that very same shirt at home, " Connor points out, hoping to EASE his new roommate away from this particular rack and over to one less . . . ' aged. ' " If we are shopping for you, instead of myself, then let me know and I will step in to help. "
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